A Comparative Study of Active Contour Snakes: Nikolas Petteri Tiilikainen
A Comparative Study of Active Contour Snakes: Nikolas Petteri Tiilikainen
A Comparative Study of Active Contour Snakes: Nikolas Petteri Tiilikainen
Contour Snakes
1 Introduction
1.1 Problem Description and Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.2 The Enclosed CD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3 Organization of the Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Literature Review
2.1 The Original Snake by Kass, Witkin &
2.2 An Active Contour Balloon Model . .
2.3 The Greedy Snake Algorithm . . . . .
2.4 The Gradient Vector Flow Snake . . .
Terzopoulos .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
5 Experimental Results
5.1 Test number 1; Boundary concavity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
5.2 Test number 2; Noisy image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
5.3 Test number 3; Image of a leaf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
6 Conclusion
6.1 Future extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
6.2 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
A Source code
A.1 main.m . . . . .
A.2 KassSnake.m . .
A.3 GreedySnake.m .
A.4 snakeResample.m
A.5 getImgEnrg.m . .
A.6 getAvgDist.m . .
A.7 getModulo.m . .
The two terms active contour and snake will be used interchangeably hereafter.
The main goal of this project is to compare two different methods within
the active contour framework. In order to successfully achieve this goal the
following questions will be answered.
1. What is an active contour and how does it work?
2. What separates the different active contour methods from each other?
3. How would an active contour algorithm be implemented in MATLAB?
4. Under which conditions does an active contour perform satisfactory?
5. Under which conditions does an active contour perform unsatisfactory?
6. What in general are the strengths and weaknesses of the active contour
In order to answer question 1 and 2 a brief review of the main research papers
dealing with active contours will be given, followed up by a detailed analysis
of the theory behind the Kass et al. snake [Kass-88] and the greedy snake algorithm by Williams and Shah [Williams-92]. The reason for choosing these
two algorithms for a closer comparisons is that the Kass et al. paper was
the first paper to suggest energy minimizing snakes for image segmentation.
The greedy snake algorithm on the other hand is interesting to examine
since it deals with discrete values when minimizing the snakes energy. Most
of the remaining snake algorithms are also more or less variations of these
two algorithms.
To answer question number 3 both the Kass et al. snake and the greedy
snake will be implemented in MATLAB.
By running a number of experiments, with the two implemented snakes,
both on synthetic and real images questions 4 and 5 will be sought answered.
Finally the strengths and weaknesses of each of the two snake algorithms
will be discussed, and if possible suggestions for improvements will be given.
In the process of writing this report and implementing the algorithms I
also hope to acquire a deeper understanding of active contours, since this is
an area of much interest to me.
It should also be noted that to limit the scope of this project we will
only deal with parametric active contours and not Geodesic active contours
as in [Caselles-97].
The Enclosed CD
At the back of this report a CD-rom has been attached. The CD contains
all the relevant images and MATLAB source code required to duplicate the
Literature Review
This chapter will start with a general introduction of what an active contour
is used for and how it works. Hereafter a brief literature review will be
presented which highlights the main differences for some of the most widely
known active contour methods.
Active contours are used in the domain of image processing to locate
the contour of an object. Trying to locate an object contour purely by
running a low level image processing task such as Canny edge detection is
not particularly successful. Often the edge is not continuos, i.e. there might
be holes along the edge, and spurious edges can be present because of noise.
Active contours tries to improve on this by imposing desirable properties
such as continuity and smoothness to the contour of the object. This means
that the active contour approach adds a certain degree of prior knowledge
for dealing with the problem of finding the object contour.
An active contour is modeled as parametric curve, this curve aims to
minimize its internal energy by moving into a local minimum. The position
of the snake is given by the parametric curve v(s) = [x(s), y(s)]T with
s [0, 1]1 , in practice the curve is often closed which means that v(0) = v(1).
Furthermore the curve is assumed to be parameterized by arc length.
A closed parametric snake curve is illustrated in figure 2.1. Each point
along the curve is under the influence of both internal end external forces,
and the snake continuously tries to position itself so that the combined
energy of these forces is minimized.
Figure 2.1: Illustration of a parametric snake curve v(s). The blue dot marks the starting
point and end point of the snake curve. Ideally the snake will have minimized its energy
when it has positioned itself on the contour of the object.
The concept of active contours was introduced by Kass, Witkin and Terzopoulos in the seminal paper Snakes: Active Contour Models [Kass-88].
The paper was very influential and sparked much research.
As we have already seen a snake is a parametric curve which tries to
move into a position where its energy is minimized. Kass et al. introduced
the following energy functional for calculating the snake energy
Z 1
Esnake (v(s))ds
Z 1
Eint (v(s)) + Eext (v(s))ds
The snake energy consist of three terms. The first term Eint represents the
internal energy of the snake while the second term Eimg denotes the image
forces, the last term Econ gives rise to external constraint forces. The sum of
the image forces Eimg and the external constraint forces Econ is also simply
known as the external snake forces, denoted by Eext . The internal energy of
the snake is written as
Eint =
(s)kvs (s)k2 + (s)kvss (s)k2
where the first-order term kvs (s)k2 gives a measure of the elasticity, while
the second-order term kvss (s)k2 gives a measure of the curvature. This
means that in parts of the snake where the curve is stretched, the elasticity
term will have a high value, while in parts of the snake where the curve is
kinked, the curvature term will have a high value. The influence that these
terms have on the overall snake energy is controlled by the coefficients (s)
and (s), lovering these two parameters makes the snake more elastic and
less rigid, i.e. more deformable.
The image forces Eimg attracts the snake to the desired features in the
image. If the snake should settle on edges in the image, then the image
energy can be defined as Eimg = kI(x, y)k2 , with I being the image
function. Thus the snake will position itself in parts of the image with high
gradient values.
The external constraint forces Econ are attributed to some form of high
level image understanding, most likely defined by human interaction. In
[Kass-88] the external constraint forces are manipulated by letting the user
insert a volcano icon which pushes the snake away. This is useful for pushing
the snake out of a undesired local minimum.
In the appendix of [Kass-88], Kass, Witkin and Terzopoulos goes on
to show that the energy functionals are minimized by the solution of two
independent Euler equations. If the Euler equations are approximated by
finite differences the solution can be found by solving the following two
matrix equations
Ax + fx (x, y) = 0
Ay + fy (x, y) = 0.
fy (x, y) =
A more detailed analysis of the Kass et al. snake and its solution is given in
chapter 3.
The active contour model that Kass et al. introduced was further developed
by Laurent D. Cohen in the paper On Active Contour Models and Balloons
[Cohen-91]. The snake model that Cohen presents in the paper works on the
same principles as the Kass et al. snake, but where the Kass et al. snake
would shrink when not under the influence of image forces the Cohen snake
expands. The expansion of the snake bears some resemblance to a balloon
being inflated in 2D, which is why this snake model is usually called the
balloon snake. The expansive behavior is achieved by altering the values of
fx (x, y) and fy (x, y) in equation 2.5 so that they instead are defined as
fx (x, y) = k1 n(s) k
kPx k
fy (x, y) = k1 n(s) k
kPy k
where n(s) is the unit principal normal vector to the curve at point v(s)
and k1 is the amplitude of this force. The unit principal normal vector is
perpendicular to the tangent at the current point, which means that the
sign of k1 can be set so that all of the k1 n(s) vectors are pointing outwards
resulting in the snake curve being expanded. We have Px = Eext /x
and Py = Eext /y while the magnitude of k determines the influence of
the normalized external forces. Thus the equations in 2.6 also show another
of the improvements that the balloon snake implements, and that is the
normalization of the external snake forces.
The changes to the original Kass et al. snake that the balloon snake
introduces makes it possible to find the contours of an object by placing the
initial snake inside the object instead of outside, while also providing more
stable results [Cohen-91].
The greedy snake algorithm was introduced by Williams and Shah [Williams-92],
their approach differs from the original Kass et al. snake and the balloon
snake by computing the movement of the snake points in a fully discrete
manner. This entails computing the movement of each snake point individually on the discrete indices of the image, as opposed to computing the
iteration of the whole snake at once as with the Kass et al. algorithm. The
movement of each snake point is computed by looking at the neighborhood
of pixels around the snake point and then moving the snake point to the position in the neighborhood which minimizes the the energy term. The name
of the greedy algorithm is derived from the way the snake points choose
their new positions.
Furthermore Williams and Shah [Williams-92] also investigate efficient
ways to approximate the curvature term kvss (s)k2 when dealing with discrete curves. This leads to a new way of computing the curvature term,
which is particularly appropriate for the greedy snake algorithm.
One of the more recent snake models that have been developed is the gradient vector flow snake by Xu and Prince [Xu-98]. The gradient vector flow
snake was developed in order to increase the capture range and improve the
snakes ability to move into boundary concavities. The capture range of the
original snake is generally limited to the vicinity of the desired contour. Furthermore the original snake has problems with moving into concave regions
e.g. moving into the concave region of an U-shaped object.
The gradient vector flow snake handles these problems by introducing a new external force. This new external force is a dense vector field
derived from the image by minimizing an energy functional in a variational framework. Xu and Prince denominate these fields as gradient vector flow fields. The gradient vector flow field is defined as the vector field
v(x, y) = (u(x, y), v(x, y)) that minimizes the following energy functional
(u2x + u2y + vx2 + vy2 ) + kf k2 kv f k2 dxdy.
Where f is gray level or binary edge map which can be obtained by means
of Canny edge detection. The parameter regularizes the effect of the
first term in the integrand, which is a smoothing term derived from the
formulation of optical flow [Xu-98]. If the original image contains large
amounts of noise should be increased in order to compensate. When
kf k is small the energy of is dominated by the first term in the integrand
which yields a slowly varying field. While if kf k is large, the second term
dominates the energy functional and will be minimized by setting v = f .
This leads to the vector field v being slowly varying in homogeneous regions,
and at the same time being nearly equal to the gradient of the edge map in
regions where the gradient of the edge map is large.
The parametric curve only has one independent parameter s which is varied
over a certain interval, usually [0, 1]. By using the parametric representation
we avoid the problems that both the explicit and implicit forms have. For
instance we can have multiple y-values for a single x-value, this is easy to
see in the parametric form of a unit circle with centre at origin
cos s
v(s) =
with s [0, 2].
sin s
Finally using the parametric representation also enables the curve to be
independent of the particular coordinate system used. A more in depth
study of parametric curves can be found in [Salomon-06]
The Kass et al. snake model will first be examined in the continuous domain, thereafter it will be shown how the continuous snake model can be
transformed into a discrete model for implementation.
In chapter 2 some of the key concepts of the snake model were briefly
introduced and we also presented the energy functional of the snake
Z 1
The external energy Eext (v(s)) consists of both the image energy Eimg (v(s))
and the external constraint forces Econ (v(s)), however in order to simplify
the analysis we will disregard the external constraint forces for now, so we
In the subsequent sections we will show how the total energy of the snake
depends on both the nature of the image energy, the shape of the snake
curve and its parameterization.
Let us take closer look at the image energy Eimg (v(s)). A crucial step in the
snake model is finding a suitable term for the image energy, this is because
the snake will try to position itself in areas of low energy. Often the snake
should be attracted to edges in the image and when this is the case a suitable
energy term is Eimg = kI(x, y)k2 , where I is the image function. In order
to remove noise from the image and increase the capture range of the snake
the image can be convolved with a Gaussian kernel before computing the
gradients. This gives the the following image energy term
Eimg = k[G (x, y) I(x, y)]k2
Figure 3.1: Illustration of the image energy. (a) The original image I(x, y), showing a
black square on a white background. (b) The image energy derived from the function
k[G (x, y) I(x, y)]k2 , with = 9, shown as a 3D surface. (c) The same image energy
as seen in (b) shown as an image, dark shades represent negative values while white is
Figure 3.1 also exemplifies how the capture range is increased when first
applying Gaussian convolution to the image, since the image energy would
be focused only in the direct vicinity of the black square in 3.1(a) if the
energy term kI(x, y)k2 had been used.
When the snake is placed near the black square in 3.1(a) it will try
to minimize its energy by slithering down the slope of the 3D surface in
3.1(b). Once the snake reaches the bottom of the valley it will settle as the
energy will have reached a minimum, usually this is a local minimum but
in this particular case it is actually a global minimum. The position which
the snake settles in will correspond to the contour of the black square, since
that is the location of the maximum gradient magnitude.
In addition to the two image energy terms introduced here, many others
have been suggested. Kass et al. also suggests using the intensity of the
image [Kass-88], while as we have seen in section 2.4 the gradient vector
flow snake utilizes its own novel image energy term [Xu-98].
In addition to the forces given by the image energy the snake is also under
the influence of its own internal energy. The internal energy of the snake is
defined as
Eint =
(s)kvs (s)k2 + (s)kvss (s)k2 .
As stated previously in section 2.1 the first order term kvs (s)k2 measures the
elasticity of the snake, while the second order term kvss (s)k2 measures the
curvature energy. The influence of each term is controlled by the coefficients
(s) and (s). The more the snake is stretched at a point v(s) the greater
the magnitude of the first order term, whereas the magnitude of the second
order term will be greater in places where the curvature of the curve is high.
It should be noted that if the snake is not under the influence of any image
energy, and only moves to minimize its own internal energy. Then, for a
closed curve, it will take the form of a circle that keeps shrinking and for
a open curve the snake will position itself to form a straight line thats also
shrinks. The internal forces of the snake are however necessary in order to
preserve desirable properties such as continuity and smoothness of the curve.
Figure 3.2: Illustration of a parametric curve v and some of the intrinsic vectors associated
with the curve at the point v(s). The green vector is the tangent vector, the red vector is
the unit principal normal vector and the blue vector shows the curvature multiplied with
the unit principal normal vector.
The first term in the internal energy of the snake is defined as the magnitude of the first derivative of the parametric curve. The first derivative of
a parametric curve is give by
xs (s)
vs (s) =
ys (s)
This derivative is the tangent vector to the curve at any point, and the
direction of the tangent vector is the direction that the curve has at the
point, see figure 3.2. The magnitude/lenght of the tangent vector states the
speed of the curve at the point. The speed of a parametric curve indicates
the distance covered on the curve when s is incremented in equal steps
[Salomon-06]. Therefore when the internal energy of the snake is being
minimized, the speed of the curve will be diminished in places where the
speed is high. This means that the elasticity force helps keep the curve from
deforming excessively. The elasticity force also has the effect of making the
curve shrink, even when it is not deformed. Thus the shrinking effect allows
us to place the snake around the the object we wish to find the contour of,
and then be fairly certain that it will come in contact with the image energy
of the object. However it might be necessary to adjust the parameter
in order to prevent the elasticity force from overcoming the image energy
completely, as this would result in the snake disregarding the image energy
and shrinking into a single point.
The magnitude of the second derivative of the parametric curve kvss (s)k
is used to measure how much the snake curves at a point. Usually the
curvature k of a parametric curve is given by the second derivative of the
curve with regards to the arc length l
vll (s) = kN
where N is the unit principal normal vector [Salomon-06]. The unit principal
normal vector is illustrated in figure 3.2. The magnitude of the curvature
kvll (s)k = kkNk = |k|kNk = |k|1 = |k|.
From equation 3.10 we see that Kass et al. assumes that the snake curve is
parameterized by arc length, so vll (s) = vss (s) otherwise the term kvss (s)k
does not measure curvature. A curve v from [a, b] is said to be parameterized
by arc length s if kvs (s)k = 1 for all s [a, b], i.e. when the curve parameter
s is incremented by 1 the curve length also increases by 1. Clearly this
assumption does not always hold for all snake curves. Although in practice
the snake does seem to perform reasonably well when using kvss (s)k for
measuring the curvature, as we will see later in the experimental results
chapter. As with the elasticity force we also have to adjust the parameter
that controls the influence of the curvature energy. The snake should be able
to bend somewhat in places with high image energy while keeping straight
in places with low image energy.
So far we have examined the energies involved in the functional of the snake
and how these forces influence the snake. Now we will take a closer look at
how to find the minimum of the snake functional
Z 1
Esnake =
(s)kvs (s)k2 + (s)kvss (s)k2 + Eimg (v(s))ds. (3.12)
0 2
Until now we have used the word functional without giving a formal
definition. A functional can be defined as a function of functions [Sagan-69],
where a normal function is defined on a subset of real numbers a functional
The perturbed snake solution is substituted into the snake functional 3.12
which gives
Esnake (
v(s) + v(s))
Z 1(
d (
+ (s)
+ Eimg (
v(s) + v(s)) ds.
By substituting with 3.14 and expanding the squared magnitude terms we
Esnake (
v(s) + v(s))
Z 1(
x(s) 2
x(s) dx (s)
dx (s) 2
+ 2
dy (s)
y (s)
y (s) dy (s)
+ 2
d x
d x
(s) d x (s)
d x (s) 2
+ (s)
+ 2
d2 y (s) 2
d y(s)
d2 y(s) d2 y (s)
+ 2
+ Eimg (
v(s) + v(s)) ds.
y x,y
The perturbed solution is at a minimum therefore the two integration terms
in 3.18 must be equal to zero
Z 1
x(s) dx (s)
d2 x
(s) d2 x (s)
ds = 0, (3.19)
+ (s)
+ x (s)
x x,y
y (s) dy (s)
d2 y(s) d2 y (s)
ds = 0. (3.20)
+ (s)
+ y (s)
y x,y
x (s)
ds 0
Z 1 2
Z 1
d2 x
x (s)ds = 0.
x x,y
0 ds
The first, third and fourth term all equal zero since we are dealing with a
closed contour where x (1) x (0) = 0 and y (1) y (0) = 0, so equation
3.21 reduces to
Z 1(
d2 x
+ 2 (s)
x (s)ds = 0.
x x,y
Since equation 3.22 must hold for an arbitrary choice of x (s) it follows that
the functional derivative must vanish. This is also known as the fundamental
lemma of the calculus of variations [Sagan-69]. Thus we end up with the
following differential equation known as the Euler-Lagrange equation
d2 x
+ 2 (s)
= 0.
x x,y
By similar development of equation 3.20 we get
y (s)
d2 y(s)
+ 2 (s)
= 0.
y x,y
The minimum of the snake energy functional can now be found by solving these two independent Euler-Lagrange equations. However to solve the
two equations numerically we have to provide a discrete formulation of the
equations, the next section will be devoted to this.
Discrete approximation
The closed snake curve v(s) where s is continuous in the interval [0, 1] will
be discretised into a curve consisting of a set of control points v(si ) with
i = {1, 2, ..., N }, and v(s1 ) = v(sN ) . If it is assumed that each control
point along the curve is equally spaced by a small distance denoted h, then
the derivatives in the Euler-Lagrange equation can be approximated by the
following finite differences
d2 x(si )
x(si+1 ) 2x(si ) + x(si1 )
Where the term to the left of the comma in equation 3.25 is the backward
difference formula and the term to the right of the comma is the central difference formula. Finite elements can also be used instead of finite differences
[Cohen-93], but finite differences have been chosen here as they are simpler
to implement.
By substituting the derivatives in the Euler-Lagrange equation 3.23 with
the finite difference approximations we obtain the subsequent solution for
the x coordinate at the snake point si
(x(si+1 ) x(si ))
(x(si ) x(si1 ))
(si+1 )
(si )
(x(si+2 ) 2x(si+1 ) + x(si ))
(x(si+1 ) 2x(si ) + x(si1 ))
+ 2 (si+1 )
2(si )
(x(si ) 2x(si1 ) + x(si2 ))
= 0.
+ (si1 )
x x(si ),y(si )
dx(si )
x(si ) x(si1 )
The above equation can be reformulated so each snake point is coupled with
its own coefficient
(si1 )
2((si ) + (si1 )) (si )
x(si2 ) +
x(si1 )
(si+1 ) + 4(si ) + (si1 ) (si+1 ) + (si )
x(si )
2((si+1 ) + (si )) (si+1 )
(si+1 )
x(si+1 ) +
x(si+2 ) =
x x(si ),y(si )
The snake forms a closed contour which means that we have the following
cyclic boundary conditions for the snake control points, x(s12 ) = x(sN 2 ),
x(s11 ) = x(sN 1 ), x(s1 ) = x(sN ), x(s1+1 ) = x(sN +1 ), x(s1+2 ) = x(sN +2 ),
(s1+1 ) = (sN +1 ), (s1 ) = (sN ), (s1+1 ) = (sN +1 ), (s11 ) = (sN 1 )
and (s1 ) = (sN ). From these boundary conditions we see that equation
3.27 holds for all si values, this enables us to write 3.27 in a more convenient
matrix form. Let us denote the coefficients with
(si1 )
2((si ) + (si1 )) (si )
a(si ) =
, b(si ) =
(si+1 ) + 4(si ) + (si1 ) (si+1 ) + (si )
c(si ) =
2((si+1 ) + (si )) (si+1 )
(si+1 )
d(si ) =
, e(si ) =
f x(i)(x, y) =
x x(si ),y(si )
The complete solution to equation 3.27 is then given by the matrix system
e(s )
N 1
c(s1 )
b(s2 )
a(s3 )
d(s1 )
c(s2 )
b(s3 )
e(s1 )
d(s2 )
c(s3 )
e(sN )
e(s2 )
d(s3 )
e(s3 )
a(s1 )
b(s1 )
a(s2 )
x(s1 )
x(s2 )
a(sN )
b(sN )
c(sN )
x(sN )
x(s )
a(sN 1 ) b(sN 1 ) c(sN 1 ) d(sN 1 )
N 1
f x(N 1)(x, y)
If the coefficient matrix is denoted with A the two linear matrix systems for
solving the two independent Euler-Lagrange equations can also be written
Ax = fx (x, y)
Ay = fy (x, y).
These two matrix equations cannot be solved directly as they are presented
here. In order to solve the two matrix systems and get the snake to evolve,
f x(1)(x, y)
f x(2)(x, y)
f x(N )(x, y)
+ 2 (s)
. (3.32)
x x,y
When the snake finds a stable minimum the term x(s,t)
vanishes and we
achieve a solution of the original Euler-Lagrange equation. Thus finding
a solution to the Euler-Lagrange equations can be viewed as solving an
initial value differential equation that evolves towards a steady state, where
the initial values are the coordinates for the snake control points. In the
discrete domain we can solve the matrix equations 3.30 and 3.31 iteratively
by combining both the explicit and implicit Euler method [Heat-02]. By
assuming that fx and fy are constant during a time step we can take explicit
Euler steps with respect to the external forces while for the internal snake
forces we will take implicit time steps since these forces are specified in the
coefficient matrix A. This leads to the iterative solution
(xt+1 xt )
= Axt+1 fx (xt , yt )
where the superscripts denote the time index and t is the step size. The
step size t controls the speed of the snake evolution, large values makes
the snake move faster. In order to maintain numerical stability it is however
necessary to keep the step size small since we are partly using the explicit
method in each iteration. Another disadvantage in using large time steps
is that the snake might step over important image features in a single step.
Rearranging equation 3.33 to isolate the vector xt+1 results in the final pair
of matrix equations which can be solved iteratively for the snake to evolve
1 t
xt+1 = A +
x + fx (xt , yt )
1 t
= A+
y + fy (x , y ) ,
where I is the identity matrix. Solving the two matrix equations is accomplished by matrix inversion, which gives the new coordinates for the snake
control points, which then again is feed into the equation and so forth.
In seeking to improve and correct some of the problems associated with the
Kass et al. snake model D. J. Williams and M. Shah developed a snake
algorithm dubbed the greedy snake [Williams-92]. One of the problems that
D. J. Williams and M. Shah are referring too is that the snake control points
in the Kass et al. snake model are not always evenly spaced. Sometimes
the snake control points bunch up in areas of the contour where the image energy has high negative values. This behavior causes problems with
calculating the curvature since the assumption that the snake parameter is
arc length will not hold if the snake points are not equally spaced. The
greedy snake algorithm also addresses the problem of numerical instability
that might occur if the temporal step size t of the Kass et al. snake is too
large. Furthermore, problems arising from the finite difference approximations for the elasticity and curvature terms, are evaluated and new discrete
approximations are suggested.
Let us begin our analysis of the greedy snake by taking a look at how
the image energy is evaluated.
The image energy is evaluated in a slightly different manner for the greedy
snake algorithm than in the Kass et al. snake model, this difference is
primarily due to the discrete nature of the greedy snake. The image energy
of the greedy snake is calculated as
Eimg = k[G (x, y) I(x, y)]k2
which is almost the same energy term as in the Kass et al. snake except
that there is missing a minus in front of the term. The greedy snake algorithm works by examining the neighborhood around each snake point and
then moving to the position with the lowest energy. Therefore the image
energy in the neighborhood of the snake control point v(si ) has to be normalized in a manner which assigns large negative values to pixels with high
gradient values, while assigning lower negative values to pixels with a lower
gradient value. The gradient magnitudes are all in the interval [0, 255]. The
normalization of the neighborhood is calculated as
location(x, y) =
where min is the minimum gradient value in the neighborhood, max the
maximum and mag(x, y) the gradient magnitude of the current point. This
normalization sets the highest gradient magnitude in the neighborhood to
-1 and the lowest to 0. One problem with this method is that if the neighborhood is nearly uniform in gradient magnitude we get large difference in
the normalized values. For instance if all the gradient magnitude values are
in the interval [46, 49] then the normalized values would be 0, -0.33, -0.66
and -1, which would suggest a strong edge even when there is none. In order
to compensate for this problem the minimum value min is set to max 5
if max min < 5. An example of a neighborhood with similar gradient
magnitude values and the corresponding image energy values, is given in
figure 3.3.
Figure 3.3: Illustration of a 3 3 neighborhood around the point v(si ) together with the
image energy. The red numbers represent the gradient magnitude while the blue numbers
are the normalized image energy values.
Figure 3.3 also shows how setting min to max 5 if max min < 5
results in a more accurate reflection of the similarity in the gradient values.
As we mentioned when describing the Kass et al. snake the elasticity1 term
kvs (s)k2 has the effect of causing the curve to shrink upon itself. The
greedy snake utilizes a different way of calculating the elasticity term. Thus
reducing the shrinking effect and also making sure that the snake control
points does not bunch up in places with high image energy. The elasticity
term in the greedy snake is calculated in the neighborhood of each snake
control point as
d kv(si ) v(si1 )k = d (x(si ) x(si1 ))2 + (y(si ) y(si1 ))2 (3.38)
The elasticity term is called the continuity term by D. J. Williams and M. Shah, but
we will adhere to the name elasticity term for consistency.
where d is the average distance between all the points in the snake. Once
the above term has been calculated for each pixel in the neighborhood of
a snake control point all the values are divided by the largest value in the
neighborhood. Which means that the neighborhood is normalized so it only
contains elasticity term values between [0, 1]. The minimum energy will be
achieved when
d kv(si ) v(si1 )k = 0
which will be true for points where the average distance equals the distance
between the current and previous point on the snake. This new elasticity
term will therefore encourage the snake control points to be evenly spaced
along the curve keeping the curve parameterized by arc length.
As with the Kass et al. snake energy functional, the influence of the
elasticity term is controlled by the parameter (si ). Finding a suitable
value for this parameter is equally important in the greedy snake as in the
Kass et al. snake. If the parameter is set too high the snake will not really
be able to evolve to fit the contour of an object because the snake curve will
not change its length at all.
is used for computing the curvature for each of the points in the neighborhood of the snake point. In essence this is the same expression as we
would get if the term kvss (si )k was approximated using the central finite
difference formula seen in 3.25 with h = 1. As mentioned in section 3.1.2
this term does not measure the curvature accurately if the snake is not
parameterized by arc length. We can realize this by looking at a discrete
example. In figure 3.4(a) we have magnified a part of the curve where
the term kv(si+1 ) 2v(si ) + v(si1 )k2 would be greater than zero. Since
the curve actually does bend in figure 3.4(a) we achive the desired results. In figure 3.4(b) the points in the curve are not equally spaced and
even though the curve does not bend in this part we notice that the term
kv(si+1 ) 2v(si ) + v(si1 )k2 would be greater than zero. However the control points in the greedy snake a more likely to be evenly spaced than for the
Kass et al. snake since the elasticity term encourages even spacing of the
control points. The influence of the curvature is controlled by the parameter
as in the Kass et al. snake.
Figure 3.4: Illustration showing two different parts of the snake curve. (a) In this part
the curve is bending and the points are equally spaced since the two vectors ui and ui+1
have equal length. (b) In this part of the curve the true curvature is zero while the two
vectors ui and ui+1 have different lengths.
Once the curvature has been calculated for each point in the neighborhood of the current snake control point the values are normalized by dividing
with the largest value. So we ends up with all the curvature values being in
the range [0, 1] as with the image energy and the elasticity energy.
The algorithm
In the previous sections we have explained how each of the energy terms are
calculated for the greedy snake algorithm. In this section we will describe
the actual algorithm for how the points are moved.
For each point/pixel in the neighborhood of a snake control point v(si )
the three energy terms are calculated. Then the algorithm sums the energy
terms to get the combined energy
Ecomb (x, y) = (si )Eela (x, y) + (si )Ecurv (x, y) + (si )Eimg (x, y). (3.41)
Where Eela (x, y) is the elasticity energy, Ecurv (x, y) is the curvature energy,
Eimg (x, y) is the image energy and (x, y) are the indices to the points in
the neighborhood. Furthermore we see that the greedy snake algorithm also
uses a parameter to control the influence of the image energy. Once the
combined energy has been calculated for each of the points in the neighborhood, the algorithm makes a greedy choice and moves the snake control
point to the position that has the minimum combined energy. So the name
of the algorithm is derived from its behavior. This behavior is illustrated in
figure 3.5.
Figure 3.5: Illustrating the movement of a snake control point. The values in the squares
represent the combined energy. Also pictured is the snake control point v(si ) and the
point before and after it. The red arrow shows to which point in the neighborhood the
snake control point will move.
Once all the control points along the snake have been moved to a new
position the curvature is calculated a second time. This time however the
curvature is only calculated once for each control point along the snake and
not for all the points in the neighborhood. The reason for calculating the
curvature again is to locate places where the curvature is high and then
relaxing the parameter (si ) for this control point i.e. setting (si ) = 0.
Hereby a corner is allowed to form at this point of the snake. The second
time we compute the curvature we use
kui k kui+1 k
where ui = [x(si )x(si1 ), y(si )y(si1 )]T and ui+1 = [x(si+1 )x(si ), y(si+1 )
y(si )]T . This gives a more accurate estimation of the curvature since we normalize by the magnitude of the vectors. We thus avoid the problem of the
points having to be equally spaced to get a reliable curvature measure. See
figure 3.4 for an example of the two vectors ui and ui+1 . The equation 3.42
is not used initially to calculate the curvature for all the points in the neighborhood of each snake control points since it is computationally expensive.
See also figure 3.6 for the pseudo.code of the greedy algorithm. Once the
new and exact curvature has been calculated for all the snake control points
the parameter is relaxed for control points in the snake where the following conditions hold true. First the curvature of the control point v(si ) has
to be larger than the curvature for its two neighbors v(si1 ) and v(si+1 ).
Second the curvature has to be larger than a preset threshold value, in the
pseudo-code of figure 3.6 this threshold is named threshold1. Finally the
magnitude of the gradient at the control point also has to be above a certain
threshold, threshold2 in figure 3.6. If all these conditions are true then
the value for the control point will be relaxed. When the value has
been relaxed the curvature at the corresponding snake control point does no
longer have any influence on the combined energy of the snake and therefore
a sharp corner will be able to develop.
The final step in the iteration of the the greedy snake algorithm consists
of checking wether the number of points moved in the iteration is below the
threshold threshold3, see figure 3.6. This is used as a stopping criterion as
the snake is presumed to have reached minimum energy when most of the
control points have stopped moving.
One of the problems that might prevent the snake from correctly finding
the contours of an object, is the presence of noise in the image. If the
image contains noise the initial snake curve has to be placed closer to the
object contour than otherwise. As noise in the image might results in the
snake stopping short before coming in contact with the image energy of the
desired contour in the image. To prevent the snake from getting stuck in an
undesired local minima created by noise, a technique know as scale space
continuation can be applied. This technique was presented in the original
paper by Kass et al. [Kass-88] as a way to improve the snakes ability to find
the desired object contour even under the influence of noise.
The technique is rather straight forward. The idea is to use a large value
for when first computing the image energy
Eimg = k[G (x, y) I(x, y)]k2 .
Then let the snake iterate while slowly reducing the value of . When first
using larger values for the noise is mostly smoothed and the snake can
more easily pass over noise areas. Secondly the large amount of blurring
also increases the capture range of the snake by making the influence of
strong gradients stretch further away from the area in which they reside.
However the large amount of blurring used in the beginning results in the
snake doing a poor job of localizing the edge. Therefore is decreased and
the snake then slowly adapts to the finer details of the contour. In order
to use scale space continuation effectively the image energy is submitted to
Min-Max normalization
norm(Eimg ) =
(Eimg min(Eimg ))
(0 (1)) + (1).
(max(Eimg ) min(Eimg ))
Where norm(Eimg ) is the normalized image energy, min(Eimg ) the minimum value of the image energy and max(Eimg ) the maximum value of the
image energy. After the Min-Max normalization the maximum values for
the normalized image energy takes on the value 0 while the minimum is
-1. The normalization makes sure that the range for the image energy stays
constant even when varying . If this normalization of the image energy was
omitted the image energy would generally be lower when using large values
of .
The implemented snakes have both been extended with the option of
turning scale space continuation on. In the experimental results chapter we
will see how turning scale space continuation on helps localizing the edge in
noisy images.
iterations run, can of course also be used for the Kass et al. snake. However
we cannot use the number of point moved as a stopping criterion for the
Kass et al. snake. This is because most of the points in the snake keep
moving even when the snake has reached its minimum, the movement at the
minimum is however very small. Knowing that the movement of the snake
points at the minimum will be quite small, we suggest to stop the snake
algorithm when the following term drops below a given threshold
kv(s)t v(s)t1 k
Where the vector v(s)t contains the indices to the snake points at time step
t and v(s)t1 contains the snake points at time step t 1. We divide by n
which is the total number of control points in the snake. Usually a greater
number of control points will lead to the term kv(s)t v(s)t1 k taking on
larger values, which is why we divide by n.
This improvement of the Kass et al. snake has been incorporated into
our implementation.
As mentioned in section 3.1.2 the curvature term kvss (s)k only measures
the curvature correctly if the snake control points are equally spaced. An
example of this was also given in section 3.2.3 where we examined the discrete
case. In this section we therefore present an improvement to the original
Kass et al. snake algorithm which makes sure that the distances between
all the snake control points remain more or less equal.
Once the snake has started evolving there is no guarantee that the snake
control points are equally spaced, however the snake curve can be dynamically resampled while it evolves. The resampling step that we have added to
the original Kass et al. snake first computes the average distance between
all the snake control points. Then we iterates through all the snake control
points while removing points in parts of the snake where the points are close
together compared to the average distance. At the same time the resampling step also inserts new points in parts of the snake where points are far
apart compared to the average distance. When a new point is inserted, it
is inserted in the middle of the line connecting the two points that are far
apart. The resampling is not performed after each iteration of the snake, in
the actual implementation we have, in order to reduce computation, set the
resampling to be performed every time the snake has iterated 15 times.
Let us take a look at an example and see how adding the resampling
changes the result. In figure 3.7 the initial snake is show, it consist of
100 snake control points laid out in a circle around the object we wish to
segment. Running the Kass et al. snake, with snake resampling turned
on, results in the snake converging after 2163 iterations to the state that
is seen in figure 3.8. We notice that when the snake has converged it has
increased the number of control points to 195. This is to be expected, since
the resampling function is more inclined to add points to the snake rather
than remove them. This inclination can however be changed by adjusting
a threshold value in the resample function. Adding additional point to the
snake actually gives a better fit to the contour, since more points mean that
finer details along the contour can be modeled by the curve. Another thing
to notice is that the snake in the right half of figure 3.8 is not able to move
into the concave part of the object. This is a trait that both the greedy
snake and the Kass et al. snake exhibits, and we will discuss it in more
detail in the experimental results chapter.
Figure 3.7: The initial state of the snake; 100 snake points all equally spaced, organised
in a circle.
Figure 3.8: The final state of the snake when using resampling. The final state occurred
after 2163 iterations. At this point the snake consisted of 195 snake points, most of them
more or less equally spaced.
Figure 3.9: The final state of the snake without resampling. The final state occurred after
2346 iterations.
The last improvement that has been implemented is concerned with the
greedy snake algorithm. It was noted during initial test runs, when implementing the greedy snake algorithm, that the snake sometimes would have a
tendency to rotate. The rotation is particularly noticeable when the image
energy is more or less constant throughout the snake. This rotation is due to
the fact that the for -loop, which runs through all the snake points computing their new position, does so consecutively. So if one of the control points
in the snake is moved closer to another control point, and the image energy
and curvature energy is more or less constant thought the snake, it will tend
to push the next control point. This is because the elasticity energy for the
greedy snake always tries to keep the points evenly spaced. Once one of
the control points has pushed another it can set in motion a chain reaction
resulting in the whole snake rotating.
To avoid this behavior we have made a small change to the greedy snake
algorithm. Instead of using a for-loop to consecutively go through each
snake control point, we choose the snake control points by random. This
approach significantly reduces the tendency for the curve to rotate, as it will
be harder for the force of one point pushing the next point to propagate
along the curve. It should be noted that the results obtained, when running
the same initial snake on the same image, can vary slightly because of the
randomization factor.
1 0 1
0 I(x, y). (4.1)
Gx = 2 0 2 I(x, y) , Gy = 0
1 0 1
1 2 1
The gradient magnitude used in the image energy terms is then computed
kI(x, y)k =
G2x + G2y .
In the Kass et al. snake implementation the value h used in the finite
differences is set to h = 1. This speeds up the computation and in practice
the snake still evolves satisfactory.
Below in figure 4.1 a data-flow diagram is show. This diagram gives an
overview of all the MATLAB files and how the functions invoke each other.
Figure 4.1: Illustration of the data-flow between the various functions in the implementation.
Experimental Results
Both the greedy snake and the Kass et al. snake, that were analyzed and
described in chapter 3, have been implemented in MATLAB. In this chapter
we will test these two snakes on different types of images. Some of the
images will be synthetic while others will be real images captured by a
digital camera. All the synthetic images have been made using Photoshop
Figure 5.1: Illustrating an object with a boundary concavity. The initial snake forms a
circle around the object and consists of 50 snake points
The image we will use in the first test is a synthetic image designed to
show one of the weaknesses that the Kass et al. snake, greedy snake and
many other snakes have. The problem appears when trying to locate the
contour of an object which has a boundary concavity. In figure 5.1 we see
the initial snake and the object of which we wish to find the contour. The
object has a large concavity and as we will see the neither the Kass et al.
snake or the greedy snake is able to move completely into this concavity.
The initial snake in figure 5.1 has 50 control points and both the two snakes
will start evolving from this position.
In figure 5.2 we see the result for the Kass et al. snake. The snake
parameters were = 0.035, = 0.0005, = 3 and scale space continuation
was off while resampling was on. The snake ran 8000 iterations which is
the maximum number of iterations. The reason that the snake did not
stop sooner is that new points keep being inserted in the horizontal stretch
above the cavity. These new points slowly move out to the sides as they are
inserted and the snake never converges according to our stopping criterion,
see section 3.3.2. From figure 5.1 we clearly see that the snake is not able
to move into the cavity. This behavior is caused by a combination of the
snakes internal energies and the image energy. The elasticity energy tries
to keep the snake from stretching and if the snake is to move down into
the cavity the elasticity energy would have to be increased. However if the
image energy was somehow pulling the snake downwards into the cavity the
elasticity energy could be overcome, but that is not the case. The image
energy of 5.1 is only pulling the snake out to the sides of the cavity and not
downwards in any way.
In figure 5.3 the final state of the greedy snake is shown. For the greedy
snake the final state was reached after 55 iterations. The parameters were
= 1, = 1, = 1.2, = 3, neighborhood size was 3 31 and scale space
continuation was off. The red snake control points indicate points for which
the value has been relaxed by the algorithm, so a corner could develop.
Figure 5.3 clearly shows that also the greedy snake also has problems with
moving into the cavity. Actually it does slightly worse than the Kass et
al. snake, since the Kass et al. snake protrudes somewhat deeper into the
If we wish to correctly segment an object with boundary concavities
using a snake we must make sure that the initial snake is placed inside the
concavity. This way the snake will be caught by the image energy and stick
to the contour.
The gradient vector flow snake [Xu-98] which was briefly described in
the literature review section should, by itself, be able to move into boundary
concavities, but this snake has not been implemented and will therefore not
be tested.
Figure 5.3: Final state of the greedy snake. Iterations 55, = 1, = 1, = 1.2, = 3,
neighborhood size 3 3 and scale space continuation off
This test is designed to examine the performance of the two snakes on noisy
images, both with and without using scale space continuation. The image
seen in figure 5.4 shows a black square on a white background. A high degree of Gaussian noise has been added to the image. The noise was added in
MATLAB with the command noisyImg = imnoise(img,gaussian,0.5,2);,
where 0.5 is the mean and 2 is the variance of the Gaussian. As in the last
test the initial snake curve consists of 50 control points placed in a circle
around the object we with to find the contour of.
Figure 5.4: Image of a black square on a white background with a high degree of noise.
Initial snake consists of 50 snake control points.
In the first two test runs we will run the snakes with scale space continuation turned off. When scale space continuation is turned off we only
blur the image once with a Gaussian of = 3 and then let the snake run its
course on the blurred image. Figure 5.5 shows the final state of the Kass et
al. snake. We used the parameters = 0.05, = 0.0005, = 3 and had
resampling on. Unfortunately the snake was not able to converge according
to our stopping criterion and ran all 8000 iterations. Even though the snake
runs 8000 iterations it actually moves very little, since it quickly gets stuck
on the artifacts that the noise creates in the image energy.
Figure 5.5: Final state of the Kass et al. snake. Iterations 8000, = 0.05, = 0.0005,
= 3, scale space continuation off and resampling on.
Figure 5.6 shows the final state of the greedy snake on the same image.
For the greedy snake the parameters were set at = 1, = 1, = 1.2,
= 3 and a neighborhood of size 5 5. Again we observe that the snake
quickly gets stuck because of the noise. Actually the greedy snake stops
after only 5 iterations in this example.
From these results it is clear that the amount of noise added presents a
significant challenge to both of the snake algorithms.
For the next two test runs we will turn scale space continuation on. This
should help in making the snakes more robust in the presence of noise. The
implemented scale space continuation uses 4 different scales. Starting at a
rough scale with = 15 and then reducing by 4 until we reach a scale of
= 3. At each individual scale the snake is allowed to run until it converges
or until 1/4 of the total iterations has run.
In figure 5.7 the final results of the Kass et al. snake, with scale space
continuation on, is shown. It took 4300 iterations for the snake to converge
to this result, and the parameters were = 0.05, = 0.0005, scale space
continuation on and resampling on. It is quite evident from looking at
figure 5.7 that scale space continuation helps make the Kass et al. snake
more robust. We can now actually see that the snake has found the contour
of the square.
The corresponding result for the greedy snake is shown in figure 5.8. The
parameters were = 1, = 1, = 1.2, = 3, neighborhood size 5 5 and
the number of iterations was 76. Again we see that scale space continuation
helps significantly, which was to be expected also for the greedy snake.
The two snakes both find the contour quite well considering the amount
of noise in the image. However it seems the Kass et al. snake performs
slightly better than the greedy snake. The greedy snake does not find the
lower left corner of the square in figure 5.8.
Figure 5.7: Final state of the Kass et al. snake with scale space continuation on. Iterations
4300, = 0.05, = 0.0005 and resampling on.
Figure 5.8: Final state of the greedy snake with scale space continuation on. Iterations
76, = 1, = 1, = 1.2 and neighborhood size 5 5.
Now that we have tested the snakes on two synthetic images we will try to
apply them to a real image. The image is cut out of a larger image showing
a number of leafs lying on a table. This image has previously been used in
the image processing course at DIKU and can be found on DIKUs server
at /usr/local/del1/datV-billed/matlab/data/.
The initial snake has been initialized manually for this test. This was
done to illustrate how a manually initialized snake should be placed, but
also because placing the snake in a circle around the leaf gave bad results.
In figure 5.9 the manually placed initial snake can be seen. There is 78 snake
control points in the initial snake.
In figure 5.10 we see the final result for the Kass et al. snake. The
parameters were = 0.035, = 0.0005, resampling on and scale space
continuation on. The snake converged after 6161 iterations. We see that the
snake has found the general shape of the leaf contour quite well. There is
however some problems with the upper right corner and lower left corner of
the leaf. This can be attributed to the fact the the image is quite blurry in
this part so the exact transition between the table and the leaf is hard to
make out.
Figure 5.9: Image showing a leaf laying on a table. Initial snake consists of 78 snake
control points.
Figure 5.10: Final state of the Kass et al. snake. Iterations 6161, = 0.035, = 0.0005,
resampling on and scale space continuation on.
Figure 5.11: Final state of the greedy snake. Iterations 128, = 1, = 1, = 1.2,
neighborhood size 5 5 and scale space continuation on.
The final position of the greedy snake is shown in figure 5.11. The
parameters were = 1, = 1, = 1.2, neighborhood size 5 5 and scale
space continuation on. While the number of iterations run were 128.
The greedy snake also seems to capture the general contour of the leaf.
However there is a few more errors made, compared to the Kass et al. snake.
As with the Kass et al. snake the greedy snake also has problems with the
upper right corner and the lower left corner of the leaf. Furthermore the
greedy snake also has some problems with the upper left corner and the tip
of the leaf.
In this test we will use the two snakes to find the contour of a shark tooth. In
figure 5.12 we see the shark tooth lying on some uneven pink fabric. Around
the tooth is the initial snake with 50 snake control points.
Figure 5.12: Image of a shark tooth. The initial snake, that is placed in a circle around
the tooth, consists of 50 snake control points.
The shark tooth image is one out of a small data sample of shark tooth
images. It was hoped that it might be possible to find a way of classifying the
shark species automatically, based on an image of one of the sharks teeth.
In order to achieve this, a good segmentation of the tooth has to be obtained
first. Once the tooth has been segmented it might be possible to classify
the species of the shark based on the shape of the tooth. The classification
Figure 5.13: Final state of the Kass et al. snake. Iterations 8000, = 0.05, = 0.0005,
resampling on and scale space continuation on.
Figure 5.13 shows the final position of the Kass et al. snake. The parameters were = 0.05, = 0.0005, resampling on and scale space continuation
on. We see that the snake curve does a good job of finding the contour of
the tooth. Only very small errors are made.
Likewise for the greedy snake algorithm, for which the result is shown
in figure 5.14. The greater number of points in the resampled Kass et al.
snake, does however lead to a slightly better result for the Kass et al. snake.
The red snake control points in figure 5.14 shows where the values have
been relaxed because of a high degree of curvature.
Even though we did not use manual initialization of the snake control
points, but just placed them in a circle around the tooth, we were able to get
a good segmentation. This might not have been expected considering the
somewhat bumpy fabric the tooth is placed on. These result indicate that
using a snake to segment the shark teeth might be a good starting point for
a full system designed to classify shark species.
Figure 5.14: Final state of the greedy snake. Iterations 136, = 1.2, = 1, = 1.2,
neighborhood size 5 5 and scale space continuation on.
Now that we have seen how well both of the two snakes find different object
contours we will briefly examine the computational speed. In the table the
time it takes each snake to run 100 iterations is shown.
Table 5.1: Comparing the running time of the Kass et al. snake to the running time of
the greedy snake.
The test were run on a MacBook Pro 1.86 GHz. with 1 GB ram. The
shark tooth image was used with the following parameters. Kass et al.: =
0.05, = 0.0005, resampling on and scale space continuation on. Greedy:
= 1.2, = 1, = 1.2, neighborhood size 55 and scale space continuation
The Kass et al. snake is seen to be significantly faster than the greedy
snake when it comes to running a hundred iterations. In practice however
the Kass et al. snake also has to complete a far greater number of iterations
to converge. Thus in reality the greedy snake actually converges faster than
the Kass et al. snake.
Discussion of results
Our experimental results show that snakes can be used to segment a variety
of different shapes. It was also established that scale space continuation
greatly reduced the influence of noise in the images.
Comparing the results from both the Kass et al. snake and the greedy
snake leads us to the conclusion that the Kass et al. snake gives slightly
better results overall. One of the reasons for the better results is of course
that our resampling method increases the number of control points which
enables the snake to find the contour of finer details. However if we try to
increase the number of points in the greedy snake, the snake point neighborhoods can start to overlap. This leads to undesired effects such as the snake
curve overlapping in some places, or even that the distance between snake
points begins to increase. Therefore we recommend to use around 50 snake
control points in the greedy snake, this number can of course be increased
if high resolution images are used.
We also recommend that if the object to be segmented contains boundary concavities and noise that the initial snake is manually initialized. The
closer the initial snake is to the desired contour the greater the probability
is of the snake also converging to the desired contour. Having to initialize
the snake close to the desired contour can of course present some problems
if a completely automatic system for contour detection is sought after. The
problem of needing to find a good initial position to increase the chance of
finding the desired contour is actually one of the inherent problems with
snakes. This problem has lead to much research into how to best initialize
the snake curve.
Another problem with snakes is the fact that the parameters of the snake
often has to be adjusted for each new kind of image in order to give the best
results. Finding suitable values for the parameters relies on manual tuning
based on trial and error. This process can often be time consuming. In the
above test runs the parameters were adjusts for each snake in each image to
give the best possible result.
The main goal of this project was to compare two different methods within
the active contour framework. The active contour methods that were chosen
for comparison was the Kass et al. snake and the greedy snake. The goal of
comparing these two methods has been reached.
Future extensions
We have throughout the project only been considering snakes that form
closed curves. One possible extension could be to extend the implemented
program to also deal with open curve snakes. With an open curve snake it
would be possible to find contours in the image that does not form closed
curves. For instance finding the contour of a line running across the image.
Extending the Kass et al. snake into handling open curve contours is done by
removing the cyclic boundary conditions. This results in a slightly different
form of the coefficient matrix A. More details for developing an open curve
snake is found in [Waite-90]. The greedy snake could also be extended to
work with open curves by removing the use of modulo arithmetic when
looping through all the snake control points.
Another possible extension could be to connect the snake control points
using B-splines. So far the snake control points have only been connected
using straight line segments. Using the snake control points as basis for
fitting B-splines gives a more smooth snake curve which usually fits the true
contour better. Applying B-splines as basis for active contours is the subject
of interest in [Blake-00].
One last extension that might be be interesting to pursue would be to
try and find a way to automatically estimate the optimal values for the
snake parameters and . The final state of converge of a snake is very
dependent on the value of these parameters, which is why the parameters
are manually adjusted to give the desired result. If this step was automated,
the somewhat time consuming task of adjusting these parameters could be
A literature review of four different snake models were given, Two of these,
the Kass et al. snake and the greedy snake, were analyzed in detail and
implemented in MATLAB. A number of improvements to both the Kass et
al. and the greedy snake were suggested. Of these the active resampling of
the Kass et al. snake gave the most significant increase in the precision of
the snake. The two snake models were then tested on a number of different
images to highlight the conditions required in order to have the snakes perform satisfactory. The experimental results also made it possible to closely
compare the performance of each snake model.
All in all the main goal of the project, to compare two different active
contour models, has been fulfilled. Along the way the questions asked in the
problem description has been answered. It was explained what an active
contour is and how it works. The literature review gave an overview of
what separates the different active contour methods. The source code in
appendix A shows how to implement an active contour in MATLAB. In the
experimental results section it was established that under most conditions
an active contour can perform satisfactory, but in images with boundary
concavities problems can occur.
It was also established that the strength of active contours is that they
are versatile and can fit a great number of different shapes. Of weaknesses
can be mentioned the fact that the initial snake curve has to be placed close
to the contour, and that the parameters of the snake has to be adjusted
Source code
% main
% Arguments:
% Output:
% Author:
% Plot the snake as a circle around the object in the image
% Circle radius
r = 70;
% Cicle center [x y]
c = [150 110];
% Number of points in the snake
N = 50;
% Calculate snake points in a circle
points(1, :) = c(1)+floor(r*cos((1:N)*2*pi/N)+0.5);
points(2, :) = c(2)+floor(r*sin((1:N)*2*pi/N)+0.5);
C = {points};
% Show initial snake
showSnake(C, originalImg);
% Run the snake algorithm
if strcmpi(type, Kass)
% alpha: controls elasticity
% beta: controls curvature
% delta: controls step size
% sigma: controls amount of Gaussian blurring
% maxIt: Defines the maximum number of snake iterations
% rs:
Controls whether to have resmapling on or off
alpha = 0.05; beta = 0.0005; delta = 1; sigma = 3; maxIt = 8000; rs = on;
%alpha = 0.035;
% Use scale space continuation if ssc = on
if strcmpi(ssc, on)
sigma = 15;
iteration = ceil(maxIt/4);
C = cell(0);
for i = 1:4
Ctmp = KassSnake(points, img, alpha, beta, delta, sigma, iteration, rs);
points = Ctmp{end};
sigma = sigma - 4;
C = [C; Ctmp];
C = KassSnake(points, img, alpha, beta, delta, sigma, maxIt, rs);
fprintf(Running %s snake with following parameters: \n, type);
fprintf(Alpha: %d \n, alpha);
fprintf(Beta: %d \n, beta);
%% showSnake
% Arguments:
% Output:
MarkerFaceColor, b, ...
MarkerEdgeColor, b);
elseif points(4,j) ~= betaStart
plot(points(1,j), points(2,j), ...
o, ...
MarkerSize, 7, ...
MarkerFaceColor, r, ...
MarkerEdgeColor, r);
plot(points(1,j), points(2,j), ...
o, ...
MarkerSize, 7, ...
MarkerFaceColor, b, ...
MarkerEdgeColor, b);
% Delay between each iteration
% KassSnake
% Arguments:
% Output:
% Author:
function [cellArray] = KassSnake(points, img, alpha, beta, delta, sigma, maxIt, rs)
x = points(1,:);
y = points(2,:);
% Thresholds used in terminating the algorithm
stopThresh = 0.0008;
stop = 0;
scale = 1;
% Get number of points in the snake
n = size(points, 2);
% Preallocations for increased code efficiency
cellArray = cell(maxIt, 1);
% Get the image energy
enrgImg = -getImgEnrg(img, sigma);
% Normalize image energy by Min-Max normalization
% A = (A - minA)/(maxA - minA) * (new_maxA - new_minA) + new_minA
maxEnrgImg = max(max(enrgImg));
minEnrgImg = min(min(enrgImg));
enrgImg = (enrgImg - minEnrgImg)/(maxEnrgImg - minEnrgImg) * (0 - (-1)) + (-1);
% Show the image energy (FOR TESTING PURPOSE)
%figure, imshow(enrgImg,[]), title(Image energy)
% Find the derivatives of the image energy function
fy = fspecial(sobel);
fx = fy;
gradY = imfilter(enrgImg, fy, replicate);
gradX = imfilter(enrgImg, fx, replicate);
% Initialize the alpha and beta values for each snake point
points(3,:) = alpha;
points(4,:) = beta;
h = 1;
% Construct the A matrix
A = constructA(points, n, h);
invAI = inv(A + (1/delta)*eye(n));
% Evolve the snake
for i = 1:maxIt
if strcmpi(rs, on)
%% constructA
% Arguments:
% Output:
% GreedySnake
% Arguments:
% Output:
% Author:
points(4, modI) = 0;
disp([Relaxed beta for point nr. , num2str(i)]);
counter = counter + 1;
cellArray(counter) = {points};
% SnakeResample
This function resamples the snake curve. The resampling is
done by inserting points in parts of the snake where the
snake control points are far apart compared to the average
distance. At the same time removing points in parts of the
snake where they are close together.
% Arguments:
points - A matrix of vectors, where the first row of each
column contains the x coordinate of the point and the
second row of each column contains the y coordinate of the
% Output:
newPoints - A matrix of vectors containing the new snake
points. The first row of each column contains the x
coordinate of the point and the second row of each column
contains the y coordinate of the point.
% Author:
Nikolas Petteri Tiilikainen
Department of Computer Science
University of Copenhagen (DIKU)
function [newPoints] = snakeResample(points)
% Get number of points in the snake
n = size(points, 2);
% Get number of rows in the points matrix
rows = size(points, 1);
% Get the average distance between snake points
avgDist = getAvgDist(points, n);
% Calculate distance between each pair of points
dist = zeros(n,1);
for i = 1:n
dist(i) = norm(points(1:2, i) - points(1:2, mod(i,n)+1));
% Find places in the snake where additional control points
% needs to be inserted
insertAt = find(dist >= 1.3*avgDist);
% Number of new points that should be added
add = length(insertAt);
% Remove points
if any(removeAt == i)
newPoints(:, i+1+m) = points(:, modI);
m = m - 1;
i = i + 1;
% getImgEnrg
% Arguments:
% Output:
% Author:
% Arguments:
% Output:
% Author:
for i = 1:n
sum = sum + norm(points(1:2, i) - points(1:2, mod(i,n)+1));
avgDist = sum/n;
% Arguments:
% Output:
% Author:
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