GroupTheory SERC2015 PDF
GroupTheory SERC2015 PDF
GroupTheory SERC2015 PDF
1 Why Should We Study Group Theory? 3
2 What is a Group? 3
4 Representation of a Group 9
4.1 Reducible and Irreducible Representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.2 Schurs Lemma and the Great Orthogonality Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
6 SU(2) 19
6.1 Product Representation of SU(2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
6.2 Weight and Root: A Pictorial Way of Composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
6.3 SU(2) and SO(3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
6.4 Guiding Principle to Write the Lagrangian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
7 SU(3) 27
7.1 Example: Quark Model and the Eightfold Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
7.2 The Method of Young Tableaux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
7.3 Three-dimensional Harmonic Oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
7.4 SU(N) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
7.5 More on Young Tableaux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
7.6 More on roots, weights, Cartan matrices, and Dynkin diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
8 Lorentz Group 37
8.1 More about Lorentz Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
8.2 The Inhomogeneous Lorentz Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
8.3 Euclidean Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
8.4 Symmetry Breaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
This is an expanded version of the course on Group Thoery in Particle Physics, given in the SERC
Preparatory School held in IISER Bhopal during June-July 2015. Subsections 3.3 and 4.2 were not
touched upon in the course and can be safely dropped at the first reading. The problems form an
integrated part of the course; hints are provided for the comparatively tougher ones.
We do not discuss discrete groups in detail here. There are many beautiful textbooks on discrete
groups, and their applications to physics. Consult them.
The various Grand Unified Theories (GUT) are based on higher groups that break down to the
Standard Model by some symmetry breaking mechanism. This is perhaps one of the most important
applications of Group Theory in Particle Physics that we did not have time to touch. If you are
interested, look at any standard textbook for GUT groups, coset spaces, and symmetry breaking
There can be typos. The responsibility is entirely ours. We will be thankful if you let us know
about them. Send an e-mail to
1 Why Should We Study Group Theory?
Group theory can be developed, and was developed, as an abstract mathematical topic. However,
we are not mathematicians. We plan to use group theory only as much as is needed for physics
purpose. For this, we focus more on physics aspects than on mathematical rigour. All complicated
proofs have been carefully avoided, but you should consult the reference books if you are interested.
Almost every time, we have to use some symmetry property of the system under study to
get more information (like the equations of motion, or the energy eigenfunctions) about it. For
example, if the potential in the Schrodinger equation is symmetric under the exchange x x
(this is known as a parity transformation), even without solving, we can say that the wavefunctions
are bound to have a definite parity. Group theory is nothing but a mathematical way to study such
symmetries. The symmetry can be discrete (e.g., reflection about some axis) or continuous (e.g.,
rotation). Thus, we need to study both discrete and continuous groups. The former is used more
in solid state physics, particularly in crystallographic studies, while the latter is used exhaustively
in quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, and nuclear and particle physics.
2 What is a Group?
A group G is a set of discrete elements a, b, x alongwith a group operator 1 , which we will denote
by , with the following properties:
Closure: For any two elements a, b in G, a b must also be in G. We will try to avoid the
mathematical symbols as far as practicable, but let me tell you that in some texts this is
written as a, b G, a b G. The symbol is a shorthand for for all. Another commonly
used symbol is : a G means there exists an a in G such that.
a (b c) = (a b) c, (1)
i.e., the order of the operation is not important. Note that the positions of a, b, and c are the
same, a (b c) need not be the same as, say, b (a c).
These are essential properties of a group. Furthermore, if a b = b a for all a, b G, the group
G is said to be abelian. If not, the group is non-abelian. Note that no two elements of a group are
identical. If the number of group elements (this is also called the order of the group) is finite, it is
a finite group; otherwise it is an infinite group. Elements of a finite group are necessarily discrete
(finite number of elements between any two elements). An infinite group may have discrete or
continuous elements.
Now some examples:
The additive group of all integers. It is an abelian infinite group. The group operation is
addition, the identity is 0, and the inverse of a is a. Note that the set of all positive integers
is not a group; there is no identity or inverse.
The multiplicative group of all real numbers excluding zero (why not including zero?).
Zn , the multiplicative group of n-th roots of unity (this is also called the cyclic group of order
n). For example, Z2 = {1, 1}, Z3 = {1, , 2 } where = 11/3 ; Z4 = {1, i, 1, i}. The
operation is multiplication and the identity is 1 (what is the inverse?). If the n-th root of
unity is denoted by x, the elements of Zn can be written as {x, x2 , x3 , xn1 , xn (= 1)}. Such
groups are called cyclic.
The n-object permutation group Sn . Consider a 3-element permutation group S3 = {a, b, c}.
There are six elements: P0 , which is the identity and does not change the position of the
elements; P12 , which interchanges positions 1 and 2, i.e., P12 (b, a, c). Similarly, there are
P13 and P23 . Finally, there are P123 and P132 , with
P123 (a, b, c) (c, a, b) , P132 (a, b, c) (b, c, a), (2)
i.e., P123 takes element of position 1 to position 2, that of position 2 to position 3 and that of
position 3 to position 1. Obviously, P123 = P231 = P312 , and similarly for P132 . There are texts
that use some other definitions of the permutation operators, but that is just like renaming
the elements.
C4v , the symmetry group of a square. Consider a square in the x-y plane with corners at
(a, a), (a, a), (a, a), and (a, a). The symmetry operations are rotations about the z
axis by angles /2, and 3/2 (generally, they are taken to be anticlockwise, but one can
take clockwise rotations too), reflections about x and y axes, and about the diagonals.
U (N ), the group of all N N unitary matrices. Thus, the elements of U (1) are pure phases
like exp(i). It is the group of phase transformations. Apart from U (1), all U (N )s are non-
abelian. When we say that an individual phase in the wave function does not have any physical
significance, we mean that the Lagrangian is so constructed that it is invariant under a U (1)
transformation ei .
SU (N ), the group of all N N unitary matrices with determinant unity (also called unitary
unimodular matrices). This is the most important group in particle physics. All SU groups
are non-abelian, of which thesimplest is SU(2). The simplest member of SU (2) is the two-
cos sin
dimensional rotation matrix , characterised by different values of .
sin cos
O(N ), the group of all N N orthogonal matrices. It is non-abelian for N 2.
SO(N ), the group of all N N orthogonal matrices with determinant unity. Thus, SO(2)
and SO(3) are the familiar rotation groups in two and three dimensions respectively. The S
in SU (N ) and SO(N ) stands for special, viz., the unimodularity property.
The first group is infinite but discrete, i.e., there are only a finite number of group elements
between any two elements of the group. The second group is infinite and continuous, since there
are infinite number of reals between any two real numbers, however close they might be. Zn and
Sn are obviously discrete, since they are finite. The last four groups are infinite and continuous,
which means that there are an infinite number of group elements between two given elements of the
group. We will be interested in only those continuous groups whose elements can be parametrised
by a finite number of parameters. Later, we will see that this number is equal to the number of
generators 3 of the group.
Q. Show that the number of independent elements of an N N unitary matrix is N 2 , and that of an
N N unimodular matrix is N 2 1. [Hint: U U = 1, so det U det U = 1, or |det U |2 = 1, so that the
determinant must have modulus unity and a form like exp(i).]
Q. How many independent elements are there in an N N orthogonal matrix, and an N N hermitian
thedeterminant of a 2 2 orthogonal matrix must be either +1 or 1. [Hint: Write the
Q. Show that
a b
matrix as and construct the constraint equations. Show that this leads to (ad bc)2 = 1.]
c d
Q. Check whether the following are groups: (i) All integers except zero for multiplication; (ii) All 2 2
orthogonal matrices with determinant 1; (iii) All purely imaginary numbers (excluding zero) for multi-
plication, and the same (including
i zero) for iaddition.
e cos e sin
Q. Check that the matrix is a member of SU (2). Note that , , and are all
ei sin ei cos
real and independent. Later you will see that an SU (2) member has at most 3 independent elements, and
an SU (N ) member has N 2 1.
1 i 1 i
1 1 i 1 i
i i 1 i 1
1 1 i 1 i
i i 1 i 1
our assumption of all elements being distinct. However, number of elements in each row or column
is equal to the order of the group, so all elements must occur once and only once.
Second, (1, 1) or Z2 is a subgroup (a subset of a group that itself behaves like a group under
the same operation) of Z4 , and (P0 , P123 , P132 ) is a subgroup of S3 . We of course exclude two trivial
subgroups that every group has, the identity element and the entire group itself.
Q. There are three more subgroups of S3 apart from (P0 , P123 , P132 ). Find them.
Q. Show that the identity of the bigger group must be the identity of the subgroup too.
Q. Given a member A of the cyclic permutation group,
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
A= 0 0 0 1 ,
1 0 0 0
find A2 , A3 , A4 and show that they form a cyclic group. Let I4 be the 4 4 identity. Find A2 , A3 , A4 and
show that they form a cyclic group. [Hint: Construct A2 , A3 and A4 explicitly. Check that A4 is the 4 4
identity matrix. Then construct the multiplication table that looks like
A2 A3 A4 A
A3 A4 A A 2
A4 A A 2 A3
A A 2 A3 A4
This Table is symmetric and the cyclic nature is reflected in the table.]
3.2 Isomorphism and Homomorphism
Consider the symmetry group C3 of an equilateral triangle, with six elements (identity, three re-
flections about the medians, and rotations by 2/3 and 4/3). The multiplication table is identical
with S3 . Only this (not just the number of elements) shows that the groups behave in an identical
way. This is known as isomorphism: we say that these two groups are isomorphic to one another.
Thus, isomorphism means a one-to-one correspondence between the elements of two groups so that
if a, b, c G and p, q, r H, and a, b, c are isomorphic to p, q, r respectively, then a b = c implies
p q = r, for all a, b, c and p, q, r. The operations in G and H may be completely different. Try to
convince yourself that the identity of one group must be mapped on to the identity of the second
group 4 .
Thus, S3 is isomorphic to C3 . If we consider only rotational symmetries, then the three-member
subgroup of C3 is isomorphic to Z3 (and also to the (P0 , P123 , P132 ) subgroup of S3 , which, because
of isomorphism, we will call Z3 from now on if there is no chance for any confusion). In fact, this
is a general property: the rotational symmetry group of any symmetric n-sided polygon, having
2/n rotation as a symmetry operation, is isomorphic to Zn . Check this for Z4 . This cannot be a
coincidence; what is the physical reason behind this?
If the mapping is not one-to-one but many-to-one, the groups are said to be homomorphic
to one another. Obviously, in a many-to-one mapping, some information is lost. All groups are
homomorphic to the group containing the identity; but that is a very bad mapping, since no
information about the group structure is retained. A better homomorphism occurs between Z2 and
Z4 , where (1, 1) of Z4 is mapped to 1 of Z2 , and (i, i) of Z4 is mapped to 1 of Z2 . Isomorphism
is only a special case of homomorphism, but in general, the two groups which are homomorphic to
one another should be of different order, and the ratio of their orders n/m should be an integer k.
In this case, set of k elements of G is mapped to one element of H. The set containing identity in G
must be mapped to the identity of H: prove this. Also prove that this set itself must form a group.
Q. Which of the following sets form a group under conventional multiplication? Construct a group mul-
tiplication table for those sets which form a group: (a) A = {1, 1}; (b) B = {1, 1, i, i, j, j, k, k}
where i2 = j 2 = k 2 = 1, ij = ji = k, jk = kj = i, ki = ik = j. [Hint: Multiplication table for B
is (fill up the empty places)
1 1 i i j j k k
1 1 i i j j k k
1 1 k k j j
1 k k j j
1 1 i i
1 i i
1 1
Show that if eG 7 p 6= eH , this leads to a contradiction.
Q. Show that the eight matrices
1 0 0 1 0 i 1 0
, i , i , i .
0 1 1 0 i 0 0 1
form a group under matrix multiplication. Show that this group is isomorphic to group (b) of the previous
problem. [Hint: Let us define the matrices as:
1 0 0 1 0 i 1 0
A = , B = i , C = i , D = i .
0 1 1 0 i 0 0 1
1 1 i i
1 i i
1 1
Let us take C4v , the symmetry group of a square. The symmetry operations are 1 (identity),
r/2 , r , r3/2 (rotations, may be clockwise or anticlockwise), Rx , Ry (reflections about x and y axes,
passing through the centre of the square), and RN E and RSE , the reflections about the N E and
the SE diagonal. [In some texts you will see different notations, but these are equally good, if not
more transparent.]
These eight elements form a group; that can be checked from the multiplication table. The
group is non-abelian. However, the first four members form an abelian group isomorphic to Z4 .
The eight elements can be divided into five classes: (1), (r ), (r/2 , r3/2 ), (Rx , Ry ), (RN E , RSE ). It
is left as an exercise to check the class structure.
What is the physical significance of classes? In other words, can we guess which elements should
be in a particular class? The answer is yes: note that the conjugacy operation is nothing but a
similarity transformation performed with the group elements. This will be more obvious in the next
section when we show how to represent the abstract group elements with matrices, in particular
unitary matrices.
Identity must be a class by itself. r/2 and r3/2 belong to the same class because there is an
element of the group which relates rotation by /2 with rotation by 3/2: just the reflection about
the x or y axis, which makes a clockwise rotation anticlockwise and vice versa. Similarly, Rx and Ry
belong to the same class since there is an operation that relates them: rotation by /2. However,
Rx and RN E cannot belong to the same class, since there is no symmetry operation of r/4 .
4 Representation of a Group
The permutation group discussed above is an example of a transformation group on a physical
system. In quantum mechanics, a transformation of the system is associated with a unitary operator
in the Hilbert space (time reversal is the only example of antiunitary transformation that is relevant
to us). Thus, a transformation group of a quantum mechanical system is associated with a mapping
of the group to a set of unitary operators 5 . Thus, for each a in G there is a unitary operator D(a),
with identity 1 being the operator corresponding to the identity element of the group: D(e) = 1.
This mapping must also preserve the group operation, i.e.,
D(a)D(b) = D(a b) (3)
for all a and b in G. A mapping which satisfies eq. (3) is called a representation of the group G. In
fact, a representation can involve nonunitary operators so long as they satisfy eq. (3).
For example, the mapping
D(n) = exp(in) (4)
is a representation of the additive group of integers, since
exp(im) exp(in) = exp(i(n + m)). (5)
D(e) = 1 , D(a) = e2i/3 , D(b) = e4i/3 (6)
If this mapping is one-to-one, the representation is called faithful. We will deal with faithful representations only.
is a 1 1 representation of Z3 .
Check that the following mapping is a representation of the 3-element permutation group S3 :
1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
D(1) = 0 1 0 ; D(12) = 1 0 0 ; D(13) = 0 1 0 ;
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
D(23) = 0 0 1 ; D(123) = 1 0 0 ; D(321) = 0 0 1 . (7)
0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
so that X X
D(a)|ji = |iihi|D(a)|ji = [D(a)]ij |ji . (9)
i i
From now on, we will freely translate from one language (representations as abstract linear oper-
ators) to the other (representations as matrices). Anyway, it is clear that the dimension of the
representation matrices is the same as that of the Hilbert space.
Thus, the elements of a group can be represented by matrices. The dimension of the matrices
has nothing to do with the order of the group. But the matrices should be all different, and there
should be a one-to-one mapping between the group elements and the matrices; thats what we
call a faithful representation. Obviously, the representative matrices are square, because matrix
multiplication is defined both for D(a)D(b) and D(b)D(a). The representation of identity must be
the unit matrix, and if T (a) is the representation of a, then T 1 (a) = T (a1 ) is the representation
of a1 . The matrices must be non-singular; the inverse exists.
However, the matrices need not be unitary. But in quantum mechanics we will be concerned with
unitary operators, and so it is better to show now that any representation of a group is equivalent
to a representation by unitary matrices. Two representations D1 and D2 are equivalent if they are
related by a similarity transformation
This matrix, being hermitian, can be diagonalised by a unitary transformation. Let U HU = Hd .
Hd is a real diagonal matrix whose elements are the eigenvalues of H. Using the form of H,
Hd = U T (a)T (a)U = U T (a)U U T (a)U = T (a)T (a)
aG aG aG
where T (a) is also a representation (remember U = U 1 ). Take the k-th diagonal element of Hd :
[Hd ]kk dk = Tkj (a)Tjk (a) = |Tkj (a)|2 . (13)
aG j aG j
Thus dk 0. The case dk = 0 can be ruled out since in that case a particular row in all the
representative matrices is zero and the determinants are zero, so all matrices are singular.
So dk is
positive for all k, and we can define a diagonal matrix Hd whose k-th element is dk . Construct
the matrix V = U Hd and the representation (a) = V 1 T (a)V . We now show that all matrices
are unitary, completing the proof.
1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2
We have (a) = V 1 T (a)V = Hd U 1 T (a)U Hd
= Hd T (a)Hd , and
h ih i
1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2
(a) (a) = Hd T (a)Hd Hd T (a)Hd
1/2 1/2
= Hd T (a)Hd T (a)Hd
1/2 1/2
= Hd T (a) T (b)T (b)T (a)Hd
1/2 1/2
= Hd T (ab)T (ab)Hd
1/2 1/2
= Hd Hd Hd = 1. (14)
Here we have used the rearrangement theorem: as long as we sum over all the elements of the group,
how we denote them is immaterial.
This theorem depends on the convergence of a number of sums. For an infinite group, this is
not so straightforward. However, for Lie groups (to be discussed in the next section) this theorem
The vector space on which D0 acts breaks up into two orthogonal subspaces, each of which is mapped
into itself by all the operators D0 (x). The representation D0 is said to be the direct sum of D10 and
D20 :
D0 = D10 D20 . (16)
A representation is irreducible if it cannot be put into block-diagonal form by a similarity trans-
formation. We will use the shorthand IR for irreducible representations.
One can add up several IRs to construct a bigger reducible representation. There is another way
to construct a bigger representation out of several IRs. Condider two IRs D1 and D2 , where D1 is
m-dimensional, acting on a vector space |ii where i = 1, m and D2 is n-dimensional, acting on
another vector space |pi where p = 1, n. We can make a mn dimensional space by taking basis
vectors labeled by |ii and |pi in an ordered pair |i, pi, which can have mn possible values. The
representation D1 D2 is called a tensor product representation, which can be obtained by direct
multiplication of two smaller representations:
hi, p|D1 (g) D2 (g)|j, qi hi|D1 (g)|jihp|D2 (g)|qi . (17)
Q. Show that the 3-dimensional representation of Z3 , given by D(1), D(123) and D(321) of (7), is com-
pletely reducible with a similarity transformation by
1 1 1
S = 1 2 (18)
1 2
where = exp(2i/3).
Proof. The dimension of M is li lj . If li = lj , M is a square matrix. If its determinant is not
zero, T i and T j are obviously equivalent representations.
First, we show, with the help of the first lemma, that M M is a multiple of the unit matrix.
Take the hermitian conjugate of both sides of the defining equation:
M T i (a) = T j (a)M M T i (a1 ) = T j (a1 )M ,
M T i (a1 )M = T j (a1 )M M M M T j (a1 ) = T j (a1 )M M. (19)
This is true for all the elements of G, so M M = c1. If M is a square matrix and c 6= 0, then the
representations are equivalent. If c = 0, then
(M M )ii = |Mki |2 = 0. (20)
This is true only if Mki = 0 for all k. But i is arbitrary and can run from 1 to n. So M = 0.
Now suppose li 6= lj . Let li < lj . Add lj li rows of zero to M to get a square matrix M, whose
determinant is obviously zero. But M M = M M , and since the first one is zero, so is the second
one. Again take the (i, i)-th element of M M to get M = 0.
The Great Orthogonality Theorem says that if T i and T j are two inequivalent irreducible
representations of a group G, then
X g
Tkm j
(a)Tns (a1 ) = ij ks mn , (21)
where li and lj are the dimensions of the representations T i and T j respectively, and g is the order
of the group.
Proof. Consider a matrix M constructed as
M= T i (a)XT j (a1 ) (22)
where X is an arbitrary matrix, independent of the group elements. Note that if the representations
are unitary then T j (a1 ) = T j (a). Let T i and T j be two inequivalent irreducible representations
of dimensions li and lj respectively. Multiplying both sides of eq. (22) by T i (b), where b G, we
T i (b)M = T i (ba)XT j (a1 ) = T i (c)XT j (c1 b)
aG cG
= T (c)XT (c )T (b) = M T j (b),
i j j
and so, by the second lemma, M = 0. But this is true for any X; let Xpq = pm qn , i.e., only the
mn-th element is 1 and rest 0. Take the ks-th element of M :
Mks = i
Tkp j
(a)Xpq Tqs (a1 ) = 0. (24)
aG p,q
But this reduces to X
Tkm j
(a)Tns (a1 ) = 0. (25)
Next, construct a matrix N = aG T i (a)XT i (a1 ). By an argument similar to eq. (23), we get
N T i (a) = T i (a)N for all a G, so N is a multiple of the unit matrix: N = c1. Taking the ks-th
element of N , and the same form of X, we find
= Tkmi i
(a)Tns (a1 ) = cks . (26)
so that c = g T r(X)/li . But T r(X) = 0 if m 6= n, or T r(X) = mn . Combining this with eq. (25),
we get X g
Tkm j
(a)Tns (a1 ) = ij ks mn . (28)
of the group generators, and not to be confused with the Hilbert space on which the generators
act, which may have a completely different dimension. Thus, a group may have different unitary
representations, but the number of generators must be the same.
Consider a rotation in two dimensions. An infinitesimal rotation by takes (x, y) to (x + y,
x + y), so that the only generator of this group is
0 i
X= , (30)
i 0
i.e., the Pauli matrix 2 . Applying this infinitesimal transformation a number of times, we can
generate any rotation, i.e., any element of the 2-dimensional rotation group. We say that all such
elements are continuously connected to identity, and can be expressed as exp(i2 ).
The generators, as we have already said, form a vector space; thus, any linear combination of
them is a generator. They also satisfy simple commutation relations which determine almost the
full structure of the group, apart from some numerical normalisation. Consider the product
Because of the group property, the product of a number of group elements is another group element;
it can be written as exp(ic Xc ). As 0 we must have
2 [Xa , Xb ] = ic Xc (32)
It is obvious for a representation if we just write out the linear operators explicitly; it is also true
for the abstract group generators. In terms of the structure constants, eq. (34) becomes
then eq. (35) can be written as (note that the structure constants are antisymmetric in at least its
first two indices; actually, as it will be shown later, it is completely antisymmetric in all its indices)
In other words, the structure constants themselves generate a representation of the group; this is
called the adjoint representation. If the number of generators be N , the dimension of the adjoint
representation matrices must be N N .
The generators and the commutation relations define the Lie algebra associated with the Lie
group. Every representation of the group defines a representation of the algebra. The generators
in the representation, when exponentiated, give the operators of the group representation. The
definitions of equivalence, reducibility and irreducibility are the same for the algebra as for the
The structure constants depend on what basis we choose for the generators. To choose an ap-
propriate basis, we use the adjoint representation defined by eq. (36). Consider the trace T r(Ta Tb ).
This is a real symmetric matrix, so we can diagonalise it by choosing appropriate real linear com-
binations of the Xa s and therefore of the Ta s. Suppose we do that, and get
We still have the freedom to rescale the generators, so we could choose all the nonzero ka s to have
the absolute value 1. However, we cannot change the sign of ka s.
In our future discussions, we will be concerned with algebras for which all ka s are positive. Thus
we write, with suitable normalisation to all generators,
T r(Ta Tb ) = ab (39)
for any convenient positive . We multiply both sides of eq. (37) by 1 Tc and take trace to find
so that fabc is completely antisymmetric because of the cyclic property of the trace. Here Ta s are
hermitian; in fact, for compact Lie groups any representation is equivalent to a representation by
hermitian operators and all irreducible representations are finite hermitian matrices. Thus, fabc is
always antisymmetric no matter what representation we choose.
An invariant subalgebra is some set of generators of a group G which goes either into itself or
zero under commutation with any element of the whole algebra. Thus, if X is any generator of
the invariant subalgebra and Y is any generator of the whole algebra, [X, Y ] is a generator of the
invariant subalgebra (or it is zero). An algebra without any nontrivial invariant subalgebra (the
whole and the null set are trivial) is called simple. A simple algebra generates a simple group.
One must take note of the abelian invariant subalgebras. The generators of an abelian group
commute with everything; each of these generators is associated with what we call a U (1) factor of
the group. At any rate, U (1) factors do not show up in the structure constants, because the structure
constants of an abelian group are all zero. Algebras without any abelian invariant subalgebras are
called semisimple.
It is the semisimple Lie groups which play a crucial role in particle physics. It can be trivially
shown that any U (N ) (N 6= 1) group has one U (1) factor:
U (N ) SU (N ) U (1). (41)
SU (N ) groups are semisimple. The reason why we deal with SU (N )s rather than U (N )s is that
an arbitrary phase in a wavefunction does not play any role in quantum mechanics (unless we are
interested in interference phenomena, but that is a different story).
The generators, like the linear operators of the representations they generate, can be thought of
as either linear operators or matrices:
In the Hilbert space, the group element exp(ia Xa ) transforms a ket |ii to exp(ia Xa )|ii; thus, the
corresponding bra will transform like hi| hi| exp(ia Xa ). Any operator O transforms as
From the commutation relation of the generators (eq. (33)), it is clear that if Xa s (a = 1 to
N ) are the generators of a particular group, so also are Xa s (take the complex conjugate of both
sides). If one can find some similarity transformation for which
SXa S 1 = Xa (44)
for all a, (i.e., if they are equivalent) Xa s are said to construct a real representation of the group;
if not, they construct a complex representation. All irreducible representations of SU (2) are real
(reducible representations are just direct sum of irreducible representations). This is not true for
other SU (N ) groups; however, the adjoint representations are always real.
Given two representations D1 (dim m) and D2 (dim n) of a group G, we can form another
representation in two ways. One is to have a direct sum of dimension m+n. This is a block-diagonal
matrix, which reduces to two irreducible dim-m and dim-n representations. The generators of the
representation D1 D2 are D
D1 D2 Xa 1 0
Xa = . (45)
0 XaD2
This operation is just the reverse of the process of reducing a representation.
As discussed before, we can also form a m n dimensional tensor product representation. If
|ii (i = 1 to m) is an orthonormal basis in the space on which D1 acts and |pi (p = 1 to n) is
an orthonormal basis for D2 , we can identify the orthonormal product basis |ii|pi in an m n
dimensional space. On this space, the tensor product representation D1 D2 is
(D1 D2 )(a){|ii|pi} = D1 (a)|iiD2 (a)|pi. (46)
In the matrix language
[(D1 D2 )(a)]ip,jq = [D1 (a)]ij [D2 (a)]pq . (47)
The generators of the direct product representation are the sums
[XaD1 D2 ]ip,jq = [XaD1 ]ij pq + ij [XaD2 ]pq . (48)
Clearly we can form the direct product of an arbitrary number of representations.
Q. Prove eq. (35).
Q. You know how the ket and the bra transform under the group element exp(ia Xa ). Differentiate with
respect to and divide by i to show that the action of Xa on the ket |ii corresponds to the action of Xa
on the bra hi|, and the commutator [Xa , O] for the operator O.
Q. Given the normalisation of the generators, how do you find out the structure constants for a Lie algebra?
[Hint: The generic Lie algebra can be written as [Xi , Xj ] = ifijk Xk . Now multiply this by any generator
Xm , and take trace on both sides:
T r([Xi , Xj ] Xm ) = ifijk T r(Xk Xm ) .
We can write T r(Xk Xm ) = km using the orthogonality of the generators, where is the normalisation
constant, depending upon the dimensionality of the representation. Thus, fijk = i T r([Xi , Xj ] Xk ) .]
Q. Using the above result, prove that the structure constants are fully antisymmetric in all its indices.
[Hint: Easy for the first two indices. Else, fikj = i T r([Xi , Xk ] Xj ) = i T r([Xi , Xj ] Xk ) = fijk , using
the cyclic property of trace.]
Q. Show, for
~ = n, that
e 2 ~~ = 1 cos
i~ n sin ,
2 2
where n is a unit vector in three dimensions and i s are the Pauli matrices. [Hint: Take rotation along
any direction, say z and use i2 = I. Expand the exponential and collect real and imaginary parts.]
Q. Using Pauli spin matrices matrices, calculate 123 and 223 .
Q. If [A, B] = B, calculate f () exp(iA)B exp(iA). This can be done in several ways.
6 SU(2)
SU (2) is the simplest special unitary group; it is the group of all unitary unimodular 2 2 matrices.
In fact, any N N unitary unimodular matrix U (i.e., U U = U U = 1, detU = 1) can be written
in terms of a hermitian matrix H:
U = exp(iH). (49)
From the identity det(eA ) = exp(T r A) 7 , it follows that H must be traceless. One can write only
N 2 1 linearly independent traceless hermitian matrices (can you prove that?), so SU (N ) will have
N 2 1 generators. Among them, only N 1 can at most be diagonal. This number (of maximum
possible diagonal generators) is called the rank of the group; thus SU (2) is a rank-1 group, SU (3)
is rank-2.
Any element of SU (N ) can be written as
( N 2 1 )
U = exp i a Xa (50)
where a s are group parameters and Xa s are the generators of the group.
For SU (2), there are only three a s and three hermitian generators. They are conveniently
taken to be the three Pauli matrices divided by 2:
1 0 1 1 0 i 1 1 0
X1 = , X2 = , X3 = . (51)
2 1 0 2 i 0 2 0 1
The factor of 2 is just to make the whole thing consistent with eq. (33) with the structure constants
identified with the Levi-Civita symbols note that it is completely antisymmetric. Another reason
is to make the whole thing work for spin-1/2 particles; the diagonal generator X3 has 1/2 and 1/2
as its diagonal elements.
Here one must carefully note a point. In the case discussed above, the generators themselves
are N N matrices, though they are not unimodular, and hence not members of SU (N ). However,
this may not always be the case. For example, the generators in the adjoint representation are
(N 2 1) (N 2 1) matrices. The representation where the generators are themselves of the same
dimensionality as the members of the group they generate is called the fundamental representation.
This is the lowest dimensional nontrivial representation of the group. We generally denote it by n
for an SU (N ) group. For fundamental representation, the generator normalisation is always set at
, i.e., T r(Xa Xb ) = 21 ab .
We have seen that if Xa s generate a group, so also do Xa s. the latter representation is denoted
by n and is called the conjugate representation of n, but it is equally fundamental. For SU (2) only,
2 and 2 are equivalent; thus it is a real representation. This can be verified from the relationships
2 1 21 = 1 , 2 2 21 = 2 , 2 3 21 = 3 . For SU (3) (and higher SU (N )s), the fundamental
representation is complex, and is not equivalent to its conjugate.
This identity is true for hermitian matrices which can be diagonalized by unitary transformations. Suppose A
is hermitian, then U AU can be diagonal if U is suitably chosen. Expanding eA , we can say that U eA U Q
= eA d
A a1 a2
wherePAd is diagonal. So det A = det(U e U ) = det[exp(U AU )] = det[exp(Ad )] = det[e , e , ] = eai =
exp( ai ) = exp(T r A). We have used the fact that det(ABC) = det(A) det(B) det(C) and det(U ) det(U ) = 1.
Let us now construct the representations of SU (2). This is so much analogous to the angular
momentum algebra that we present it in a rather sketchy way. Indeed, the angular momentum
algebra is nothing but the SU (2) algebra; the spin-1/2 representation is, as we will see shortly, the
fundamental representation, and there are higher dimensional representations for higher angular
momentum systems. To make the symbols familiar to you, let us call our generators Ja instead of
Xa .
We first define an operator
J 2 = Ji Ji . (52)
For the fundamental representation, J 2 = 34 1 = 12 ( 12 + 1)1. Such operators which commute with all
generators of a given group is called a Casimir operator. Ji Ji , the sum of all generators squared,
is the only quadratic (i.e., second power of the generators) Casimir for any SU (N ) group. For
SU (3), we will encounter cubic Casimirs. The number of independent Casimir operators (J 4 is not
an independent one) is equal to the rank of the SU (N ) group. Anyway, we have
[J 2 , Ji ] = 0 (53)
J = J1 iJ2 (54)
so that
J 2 = 12 (J+ J + J J+ ) + J32 (55)
[J+ , J ] = 2J3 , [J , J3 ] = J . (56)
Consider an eigenstate |mi of J 2 and J3 :
It is trivial to show that the states J |mi are eigenstates of J 2 with eigenvalue and of J3 with
eigenvalues m 1, so that we must have
where the C (, m) are constants to be determined later. Since J 2 J32 0, values of m for a given
are bounded:
m2 0. (59)
Let j be the largest value of m, so that J+ |ji = 0. Then
or = j(j+1). Similarly, if j 0 is the smallest value of m, = j 0 (j 0 1). This gives j(j+1) = j 0 (j 0 1),
whose only valid solution is j = j 0 (the other solution, j 0 = j + 1, violates the assumption that
This is a general result for any SU (N ) group: [X 2 , Xj ] = 0 for all j. To see this, write X 2 as Xi Xi and use the
rule for the commutator [AB, C]. Remember that the structure constants are completely antisymmetric. Complete
the proof.
|ji is the highest ket). Since J lowers the value of m by one unit, j j 0 = 2j must be an integer,
or, in other words, j must be an integer or a half-integer.
It is left to you as an exercise to show that
C+ |mi = [(j m)(j + m + 1)]1/2 ,
C |mi = [(j + m)(j m + 1)]1/2 . (61)
This is the adjoint representation of SU (2) the dimension is 3 3 9 .
Q. Check that the generators in the adjoint representation satisfy the SU (2) algebra. Find the similarity
transformation matrix with which you could show that the adjoint representation is real.
Q. Consider an operator Oi (i = 1, 2), which transforms according to the spin 1/2 representation of SU (2)
as follows: X 1
[Jp , Oi ] = Oj (p )ji ,
where Jp (p = 1, 2, 3) are generators of SU (2) and p are the Pauli matrices. Given,
hj = 3/2, m = 3/2, s|O2 |j = 1, m = 1, ti.
Here s, t are some quantum numbers other than angular momenta.
Q. Consider the Hamiltonian for a two dimensional simple HO,
X 1
H = ~ ai ai +
Show that N and Tb commute with H. Compute [N, Tb ] and [Ta , Tb ]. What algebra do these four operator
generate? Compute the commutators [N, ai ] and [T, ai ]. Use this information to classify the energy
eigenstate as irreducible representations of the algebra. Explain the degeneracy number of each energy
where U (~) = exp(ia Ja ), Ja = a /2. Possible values of i, j, m, n depend on the representations
the states are in. The product representation will transform as
to find that
J2 |r1 s1 i = 2|r1 s1 i, (75)
so that the total angular momentum of this state is 1. We thus identify it with |1, 1i. Apply
lowering operators sucessively to find out
|1, 0i = |r1 s2 + r2 s1 i, |1, 1i = |r2 s2 i. (76)
The remaining state |0, 0i must be orthogonal to |1, 0i:
|0, 0i = |r1 s2 r2 s1 i. (77)
This is antisymmetric under 1 2, while the earlier three states are symmetric. Thus we say, in
group theoretic language,
22=31 (78)
which means that two spin-1/2 particles, which are in 2 of SU (2), combine to give a triplet of
SU (2) (spin-1) and a singlet of SU (2) (spin-0). The total number of states must remain the same.
It also tells us that the representation matrices D of the combined representation is reducible into
two blocks, one of dimension 3 3 and the other of dimension 1 1.
The fundamental representation of SU (2) is a doublet or 2, but it can have any n dimensional
representation where n 2. To ascertain this, just think of a system with angular momentum
(n 1)/2; the representation must be n-dimensional. This is, however, not true for higher SU (N )
6.2 Weight and Root: A Pictorial Way of Composition
Any state of SU (2) can be specified by only one quantum number, the entries in the diagonal
generator X3 , provided we know the eigenvalue of X 2 . The entries of X3 , i.e., the eigenvalues, are
called the weights. Thus, the fundamental representation has only two weights: +1/2 and 1/2. It
is customary to arrange the members of a multiplet by starting from the highest weight state and
going downwards. For higher SU (N ) groups, there are more than one diagonal generators, and so
each state is to be specified by N 1 weights 10 . Again, arrangement of the members of the multiplet
follows the same rule; if two states happen to have the same weight for the first diagonal generator,
then we take help of the second diagonal generator to remove the degeneracy. An example will be
provided when we discuss the SU (3) group.
Any representation of SU (2) can be shown pictorially by a line, the X3 axis, with the states at
their respective weights. Thus, for the adjoint representation, there will be three states at +1, 0
and 1 respectively. The vectors that take one weight to the other are called roots 11 . For SU (2),
they are identical with the raising and the lowering operators. They will all have magnitude 1, but
can point either in the raising or in the lowering direction.
Take an isospin doublet N = . Under an infinitesimal transformation in the isospin space,
they are transformed as 0
p p p
= [1 + i2 ] . (79)
n n0 n
What about the electric charges of p0 and n0 ? Well, that is an irrelevant question, since we are
talking about an isospin group whose members have different electric charge and hence one must
entertain the possibility of transformations that change the charge. If p and n are states of definite
electric charge, p0 and n0 are not, but what matters is the expectation value of any operator with
respect to these states. However, the main point lies elsewhere. What happens if we take the charge
conjugated states? Apply the charge conjugation operator C on both sides of eq. (79) to get
p p p
0 = [1 + i2 ] . (80)
n n n
But isospin projection is an additive quantum number, and hence it is 1/2 and +1/2 for p and
n respectively. Thus, the charge conjugated states are not arranged in descending order of their
weight. But we can interchange the two states; only the transformation matrix will be [1 i2 ].
So, are 2 and 2 different? Again, this is only illusory, as we can put an extra minus sign in front of
any member of the charge conjugated doublet:
n n
= [1 + i2 ] . (81)
p p0 p
Thus, 2 and 2 transform in the same way (that is what we mean by a real representation), provided
we define the antiparticle doublet as shown above. The treatment is identical for the (u, d) quark
If there are at most p diagonal generators, every state is characterised by p good quantum numbers like
(a1 , a2 , ap ). This is called a weight vector with p components.
Given the roots, one can construct the representation and extract a lot of properties of the group. However, we
will not enter into that.
doublet, and this gives us the composition of the mesons, a triplet under SU (2) of isospin:
0 1 uu dd ; du.
+ ud;
There is a normalisation factor for 0 , but the relative minus sign is important.
Getting a composite representation is easy. The steps are as follows:
Suppose you want to combine two representations of dimensionality n1 and n2 , i.e., of multi-
plicity 2n1 + 1 and 2n2 + 1 respectively. Draw the weight diagram (the straight line indicating
the position of the weights) of the first representation and indicate the position of the weights.
Find the centre of mass of the second weight diagram. Put it exactly on top of the weights of
the first representation. If the second representation has 2n2 + 1 states and you put it once
on all 2n1 + 1 states of the first representation, the total number of states thus generated is
(2n1 + 1)(2n2 + 1). What you have done is nothing but the generation of a direct product
Hilbert space. This is the number of states in the combined representation. The combined
representation is reducible and our task is to get the irreducible representations.
Start from the highest weight state of the combined representation. This must be unique.
Its value will be n1 + n2 ; tick off all the weights of this representation, ending at the lowest
weight n1 n2 . Remember that the actual state of a given weight in a multiplet should
be a linear combination of all states of that particular weight that you got by direct product
(unless this state is unique). Pictorially, of course, you do not perform the operation of linear
Repeat this step till you are left with nothing. Remember that a solitary weight at X3 = 0
represents a singlet. If you like, check that the sum of the number of states in all the irreducible
representations is (2n1 + 1)(2n2 + 1).
This seems to be like cracking a nut with a sledgehammer, but we will see soon what happens
for SU (3).
Q. Verify the following decompositions:
32 = 42
42 = 53
33 = 531
222 = 422
223 = 5 3 3 1. (83)
Can you find out a shortcut way to check these decompositions from angular momentum addition
Q. Suppose you want to combine two states with angular momentum j1 and j2 . The dimensionality
of the reducible Hilbert space is obviously (2j1 + 1)(2j2 + 1). Show that the dimensionalities of all
the irreducible representations that you get add up to this.
6.3 SU(2) and SO(3)
The group SU (2) is the group of angular momentum, i.e., it has a close link with rotation. Why
SU (2) and not our more familiar rotation group SO(3)? The answer is that SU (2) can take into
account half-integer spins and hence fermions, whereas SO(3) is good only for integer spin states.
Let us clarify this statement.
Any element of SU (2) can be written as exp(ia Xa ). If we are in the fundamental representation,
Xa = 12 a . Thus, e.g., the element with 1 = 3 = 0 can be written as
cos 22 sin 22
2 2 2
exp i 2 = cos + i2 sin = (84)
2 2 2 sin 22 cos 22
(prove this!), which is nothing but the ordinary rotation matrix, but with half-angles. For 2 = 2,
the group element is 1 and not 1! Thus, a rotation of 2 acting on the spin-1/2 wavefunctions will
bring an extra minus sign: . This is something we do not expect for ordinary rotations:
a rotation of 2 should bring the system back to the original configuration. Here, for SU (2), you
need a rotation of 4 to get back the same wavefunction.
The wavefunctions which pick up an extra minus sign under 2 rotation are called spinors. They
are multicomponent objects, since the multiplicity under spin has to be incorporated (this will be
elaborated when we discuss Lorentz groups). It is also intuitively clear that for every two rotations
of SO(3), there is only one rotation of SU (2) (e.g., rotations by 2 and 4 of SO(3) correspond to
a rotation by 4 of SU (2); in general, (, 2 + )SO(3) 2SU (2) .). This is why SU (2) is called the
covering group of SO(3): there is a homomorphism of 2-to-1 between these groups.
To prove homomorphism between Lie groups, we must show that they follow the same algebra
(for the discrete groups, we checked the multiplication tables). We will take the generators of SO(3)
to be those responsible for rotations about x, y, and z-axes. This is not the Eulerian choice, but so
long as we take independent rotations, all are equally good.
For an infinitesimal rotation by about the z-axis, we have
x0 = x + y, y 0 = x + y, z 0 = z, (85)
so that a vector r = (x, y, z) transforms to another vector r0 = (x0 , y 0 , z 0 ) according to
0 i 0
r0 = (1 + iJ3 )r, J3 = i 0 0 . (86)
0 0 0
Similarly we can construct J1 and J2 . It is left for you to show that [Ji , Jj ] = iijk Jk , so that they
satisfy the same Lie algebra as SU (2). You should also show that in the fundamental representation,
J 2 = Ji Ji = 2, so this describes systems with angular momentum one (as j(j + 1) = 2).
The Lagrangian may contain fields which transform non-trivially under a given group,
but the whole Lagrangian must be a singlet (i.e, transform as 1) under the group.
This is true if the fields transform non-trivially under a number of different groups. Also note
that for groups with additive quantum numbers like electric charge or hypercharge, the singlet is
generally denoted by 0 and not 1.
What does this mean? If you transform some field in a non-trivial way, some other field will
transform in such a way as to cancel that effect, and the whole Lagrangian is a scalar in the group
space. This is analogous to why the Lagrangian, or the Hamiltonian for that matter, must be
a scalar in ordinary 3-dimensional space, and why it must be a Lorentz scalar in 4-dimensional
space-time. After all, a 3-dimensional rotation is the group SO(3); a 4-dimensional boost is a part
of what is known as a Lorentz group.
Electromagnetism is a U (1) theory; U (1) is the group of Maxwellian gauge transformation,
which is nothing but a phase transformation. Any field which is a singlet under U (1) has a U (1)
quantum number zero; this quantum number may be identified with the ordinary charge of U (1)em .
Consider the Maxwell Lagrangian
L = e A (87)
where is the electron spinor. It has a charge 1, but , which refers to a positron, has charge
+1, and A , the photon field, has charge zero; so the total U (1) quantum number is zero and
L is a singlet under U (1)em in other words, electric charge is conserved under electromagnetic
Q. Show that the Dirac Lagrangian L = (i m) is invariant under a global U (1) transformation
exp(i). Show that it is not invariant if the phase transformation is local: exp(i(x)). Show
that the extra term can be cancelled by replacing with + iQeA (x), where Qe is some constant,
and demanding a similar transformation for A . Such local phase transformations are also called gauge
transformations and hence electromagnetism is called a U (1) gauge theory. There is only one generator
for U (1), so there is only one force carrier, the photon, as the force carriers, also called gauge bosons, live
in the adjoint representation of the group. The gauge groups of weak and strong interactions are SU (2)
and SU (3) respectively, so there are 3 weak gauge bosons and 8 strong gauge bosons.
7 SU(3)
The next higher SU group is SU (3). As far as I know, the application of this group is limited only
to particle physics, but there it has at least two very important applications. This is not a place to
discuss them; suffice it to say that this is the group for strong interaction, as well as the group for
the quark model of Gell-Mann that led to the famous eightfold way.
SU (3) has eight generators, and two of them can be simultaneously diagonalised at most; this
is a rank-2 group. The generator matrices are conventionally written as Xa = 21 a , a running from
1 to 8. The Gell-Mann matrices a are as follows:
0 1 0 0 i 0 1 0 0
1 = 1 0 0 , 2 = i 0 0 , 3 = 0 1 0 ,
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 i 0 0 0
4 = 0 0 0 , 5 = 0 0 0 , 6 = 0 0 1 ,
1 0 0 i 0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 0 0
7 = 0
0 i , 8 =
0 1 0 . (88)
0 i 0 3 0 0 2
Note that all matrices are traceless and hermitian, and just like the fundamental representation of
SU (2), the generators are diagonalised according to T r(Xi Xj ) = 12 ij .
The fundamental representation 3 is complex, i.e., inequivalent to 3. The states are labelled by
the weights, the eigenvalues corresponding to X3 and X8 . Note that 1 , 2 , and 3 constitute an
SU (2) in the 1-2 block. The three Gell-Mann matrices 2 , 5 and 7 form the adjoint representation
of SU (2).
SU (3) has a maximal subgroup SU (2)U (1). Thus 3 of SU (3) can be decomposed into following
irreducible representations of SU(2): 3 = 2(1) 1(2), where the U (1) charges are given in the
The weight diagram is shown in fig. 1. For the antiquarks, which live in 3, the assignments are
just opposite. What happens when we combine 3 and 3? From a physics point of view, that is a
combination of a quark and an antiquark, and should give some mesons. The question is: how do
these mesons transform under SU (3)?
We follow the same principle of composition: take the antiquark triangle and place its centre
of mass on the three vertices of the quark triangle. The resulting regular hexagon is shown in fig.
2. There are six states at the corners of the hexagon, and three in the middle. The names of the
mesons are the standard ones used by particle physicists. There are a few points to note.
S S _
x 0,1 s
1/2,0 u d
!1/2,0 T3 T3
x x x x
d u
!1/2,0 1/2,0
s x 0,!1
Figure 1: 3 and 3 of SU (3). Note that due to a scaling of X8 to S, the centre of mass of the two
triangles are not the same. This would have been the case if we drew the triangles in X3 -X8 plane.
K0 K+
1 " 0 1 T3
! " !0 !+
K K 0
If we worked with only u and d quarks, that would have been an SU (2) doublet of isospin,
and so among the composites, I should have a triplet. Experimentally, the middle member
of the triplet happens to be 0 , see eq. (82) for the explicit wavefunctions. An SU (2) isospin
transformation can be performed by the interchange of u and d, i.e., a shift along the horizontal
line (that is obvious, S cannot change, since both quarks have zero strangeness). A look at
fig. 2 immediately tells you that there are two more SU (2) doublets: K 0 and K + , and their
antiparticles, K 0 and K .
The roots of SU (3) take one weight to the other. So they should act along the sides of the
hexagon, and all members at the sides must belong to the same multiplet. By the isospin
argument, 0 should also belong to the same multiplet. So what are the irreducible represen-
tations: 7 2, or 7 1 1, or what? The answer is that for any SU (n), n n = n2 1 1.
(How do we know this, at least for SU (3)? We will see soon how to have an algorithm for
getting the irreducible representations.) So the decomposition is 8 1. The singlet is one
which does not transform under SU (3), and hence must be symmetric in the three quarks
and antiquarks. This state is labeled as 0 = 13 uu + dd + ss . From the T3 and S quantum
numbers, it is one of the states at the middle of the hexagon. The third state must be an
orthogonal one to this and 0 , and can be obtained by the standard Gram-Schmidt method
1 uu + dd 2ss .
: = 6
These nine lowest mass meson states can be divided into an octet and a singlet. There are
three different sets of raising and lowering operators for the octet (they have no effect on the
singlet state). One of them is the set of isospin raising or lowering operators, obtained from
a combination of X1 and X2 . The other two sets are called U-spin and V-spin respectively.
V-spin operators are those obtained from X4 and X5 , and can change an up quark to a strange
quark and vice-versa. U-spin operators, obtained from X6 and X7 , take a d quark to an s
quark and back. Note that only U-spin does not change the charge of the quarks and hence
of the mesons.
Each representation of SU (3) (well, there is nothing special about SU (3), it can be generalised
for any SU group) is pictured as a set of boxes.
Some simplest representations of SU (3) are like:
3: , 3 : , 8: ,1 : , 6: , 10 :
This does not mean that a box corresponds to a wave function. Rather, the whole set, and its
symmetry and antisymmetry properties, are depicted by the box pattern. The boxes must be
arranged in such a way that the number of boxes does not increase as one goes down the
columns (it may decrease or remain constant);
arranged in not more than three rows (this number depends on what SU group you
choose; e.g., it will be five for SU (5)).
With such a pattern, let the difference between the number of boxes in the first and the second
rows be p, and the difference between the second and the third rows be q. The dimensionality
of the representation, denoted also as (p, q), is given by
d= [(p + 1)(q + 1)(p + q + 2)] . (92)
Thus, a single box corresponds to (p, q) = (1, 0), and hence it has dimensionality 3; this
is the fundamental representation of SU (3). The arrangement of two boxes in a column is
I have cheated you a bit. The actual singlet and octet states are not the physical states 0 and ; rather, the
latter are a combination of the former states. However, the mixing angle is small, so for the group theory purpose,
if not for particle physics purpose, the assignment that I use will do.
(p, q) = (0, 1) and hence this is 3. The representations with p = q are the real representa-
tions; setting aside p = q = 0, which is the singlet of dimensionality 1, the lowest possible
arrangement is (p, q) = (1, 1) 8, the adjoint representation. (What is the dimensionality of
the representation ?)
Fortunately, the most important applications of SU (3) Young tableaux are the most simple
ones. As an example, let us try to emulate Murray Gell-Mann in his search for the eightfold way.
Fig. 3 shows the final result, but we have to go through the intermediate steps.
Unless this is a very simple composition (like joining two 3s), always label all the boxes of
the second (i.e., the one on the right hand side) tableau 13 . Label all boxes of a row in an
identical way, but different from boxes in another row. For example, label all boxes of the
first row by a, and all in the second row by b (the third row never counts; a full column can
always be eliminated).
Take one box from the first row and join it in as many possible ways with the first tableau
as possible. Of course, you have to join it only on the right hand side or below. Remember
that the number of boxes in each row of this combined representation (even if this is an
intermediate step) should never increase as you go down the columns. The operation gives
nothing but 3 3 = 6 3.
b a a b a c
a = a b c = b a b c
c b c b
c | {z }
Not allowed
Tableau is the singular form, whose plural is tableaux.
Repeat this step until you finish of all the boxes in the first row. Then start the game with the
boxes in the second row. Here you must be a little careful. Naively, you would have obtained
all the four combinations shown above, but two of them are not allowed: boxes b and c are
in a column, i.e., in an antisymmetric combination, and cannot be symmetrised, i.e., put in
a row. Also, in no tableau one should have c sitting above b (they can be in the same row,
if initially they belong to different columns and hence without any antisymmetry property).
This is nothing but avoiding double counting. Thus, two of the boxes are ruled out, and we
get the required decomposition.
as I can always take 3 as my second box. Then only two tableaux appear and there is no
question of any double counting!
3 3 3 = (6 3) 3 = 10 8 8 1. (94)
where R is the dimension of the representation (3 for fundamental) and Xa = a /2. It can be shown
1 2
p + pq + q 2 + 3p + 3q ,
C2 (p, q) =
C3 (p, q) = (p q)(2p + q + 3)(2q + p + 3). (98)
This gives, e.g., C2 (3) = 4/3, C2 (8) = 3.
Now, some important relations. From eq. (96), we have
(a )ij (a )jl = + 2 3 il = 4C2 (3)il . (99)
Q. Convince yourself that (p, 0) (1, 0) = (p + 1, 0) (p 1, 1). From the expression of the dimensionality
d, check that the dimensionalities match on both sides.
Q. Perform the topnotch exercise: 8 8 = 27 10 10 8 8 1. Be careful to avoid double counting.
Also preserve the symmetry and the antisymmetry properties.
Q. Find and .
Q. Show that fabc b c = iC2 (8)a . (Hint: write b c = 12 [b , c ] since fabc is completely antisymmetric,
and then use eq. (100).)
Q. Justify the steps:
b a b = (b [a , b ] [a , b ]b + b b a + a b b )
= 4C2 (3)a + ifabc [b , c ] = 4 C2 (3) C2 (8) a . (101)
If U is some unitary matrix so that Ukl Ukm = lm , the Hamiltonian is invariant under a transfor-
ak a0k = Ukl al , ak a0 k = Ukl al . (105)
This, we may infer that the system has a U (3) symmetry. But note that we are interested in
the degeneracies of states belonging to a particular eigenvalue of H (or of ak ak ). The unitary
transformation exp(iak ak ), where the sum over k is implied, just gives a common overall phase
which is irrelevant. This means that we have to factor out the U (1) part of U (3) and what is left
is SU (3), which is the underlying symmetry of the system.
The generators can be constructed out of a and a: Xij = ai aj . But only eight out of nine such
combinations are independent, as ak ak = n1 + n2 + n3 is fixed for a given level. The vacuum is
unique, and any state with total energy E = (N + 23 ) can be constructed by N number of creation
operators acting on the vacuum
a a a |0i . (106)
All the a s commute with each other, so this must be a symmetric representation of SU (3), with
p = N and q = 0. Thus, the number of degeneracies for any given N is just the dimensionality of
(N, 0) of SU (3), which is 21 (N + 1)(N + 2).
Q. Show that the antisymmetrized bilinears iijk ai aj constitute an SU (2) subalgebra. To show this,
write a and a in terms of x and p and show that these bilinears are nothing but the angular momentum
operators. You have already seen, for the quark model, that SU (2) is a subgroup of SU (3).
7.4 SU(N)
An SU (N ) group has N 2 1 generators, out of which at most N 1 can be simultaneously di-
agonalised, so the rank is N 1. Thus, any representation is specified by N 1 non-negative
integers (p, q, r, x). The singlet representation is (0, 0, 0, 0), and the fundamental representa-
tion is (1, 0, 0, 0), which is denoted by n 15 . The complex conjugate representation n is given by
(0, 0, 0, 0, 1). In short, the complex conjugate representation of (, , , ) is (, , , ),
just an interchange of all the indices 16 .
Thus, n of SU (N ) is a single box; n is a column of N 1 boxes. It is easy to show that n n
is a set of N boxes in a column, which is a singlet, plus (1, 0, 0, 0, 1). As we will see now, the
dimension of the latter is N 2 1.
For SU (4), we need three integers, and the dimensionality is
(p + 1) (q + 1) (r + 1) (p + q + 2) (q + r + 2) (p + q + r + 3)
N (p, q, r) = . (107)
1 1 1 2 2 3
Note that there is no term with p + r + 2, only a consecutive sequence of label integers appear. As
a further example, take SU (5):
(p + 1) (q + 1) (r + 1) (s + 1) (p + q + 2) (q + r + 2) (r + s + 2)
N (p, q, r, s) =
1 1 1 1 2 2 2
We call this n and not N just to avoid confusion; there are some texts where the fundamental representation is
also denoted by N.
Only one index is needed for SU (2), so all representations are real.
(p + q + r + 3) (q + r + s + 3) (p + q + r + s + 4)
. (108)
3 3 4
Can you show that N (p, q, r) for SU (4) and N (p, q, r, s) for SU (5) must be integers?
Not more than N rows are permitted for SU (N ) and the column with N boxes stacked
vertically is a singlet.
Thus, for SU (2), the 2 is a , and the singlet is . As only two rows are permitted, all non-singlet
representations of SU (2) are necessarily symmetric.
There is a very powerful method to find the dimensionality of any tableau of any SU (N ) group,
which is called the Hook method. The algorithm is as follows.
For any tableau of SU (N ), label the left corner box of the top row as N . Increase the number
by one as you move right. The first box of the second row is to be labeled N 1, again with
the numbers incraesing by one as you go to the right end. Thus, for SU (4), a typical tableaux
may look like
4 5 6 7 8 9
3 4 5 6 .
These numbers will be called Pbox .
We define the hook length for a box as 1+nB +nR , where nB and nR are boxes below and right
of the particular box respectively. The hook lengths for the boxes in the above representation
8 6 5 4 2 1
5 3 2 1 ,
and these numbers will be called hbox . Note that hbox = 1 for boxes at the right edge of a row.
7.6 More on roots, weights, Cartan matrices, and Dynkin diagrams
The Cartan subalgebra of a Lie algebra is the largest subset of elements of the algebra that can
be diagonalised simultaneously. In other words, this is generated by the maximum number of
simultaneously diagonalisable generators. The dimension of the Cartan subalgebra is N 1 for an
SU (N ) group.
The weights, or weight vectors, of a representation are vectors which contain the eigenvalues of
the elements of the Cartan subalgebra. Thus, if there are n diagonal generators at the most, each
state is characterised by an n-component weight vector, (a1 , a2 , an ). The rank of the group is
obviously n. The number of weights associated with a representation is equal to the dimension of
this representation, although some weights may appear more than once in certain representations.
The roots, or root vectors, are the weight vectors of the adjoint representation. Roots define the
algebra and can be used to build up the representations. Dynkin diagrams are a pictorial way of
encoding the properties of the roots.
The number of roots is equal to the dimension of the algebra, which is the same as the dimension
of the adjoint representation. Thus, one can associate a root to every element of the algebra. All
elements of the Cartan subalgebra are associated with the zero root.
Define the positive roots out of all the above mentioned roots following the convention that a
root is positive if the first nonzero element of a root vector is positive.
Suppose we have eight roots: (a1 b1 ), (a1 b2 ), (a3 b3 ), (a4 b4 ), where a1 , a2 , b3 , b4
0 and a3 , a4 , b1 , b2 < 0. Then the positive roots, according to our convention, are
(a1 b1 ), (a2 b2 ), (a3 b3 ), (a4 b4 ). Note that a3 , a4 are non-negative numbers.
Next, sort out the simple roots out of these positive roots. Simple roots are those which
cannot be written as sum of two positive roots with positive coefficient. Once you know the
simple roots, you can build up the entire algebra. That is why we use the Dynkin diagrams;
they just encode all the informations about simple roots. See Georgi for more information on
simple roots and how to construct the algebra from them.
Suppose among above four positive roots we find following relations: (a3 b3 ) = (a2 b2 ) +
(a4 b4 ), (a2 b2 ) = (a1 b1 ) + (a3 b3 ). Then the simple roots are only 1 = (a1 b1 )
and 2 = (a4 b4 ).
Once we find the simple roots 1,2 , we construct the Cartan matrix using following formula:
2hi , j i
Aij = . (110)
hj , j i
Obviously, the diagonal elements of this matrix are always 2.
Next step is to construct the Dynkin diagram looking at the Cartan matrix.
1. Draw circles in a line, and the number of circles equals the number of diagonal entries of
the Cartan matrix (i.e., number of 2 in the diagonal entries). These circles, also called
nodes, are equal in number to the rank of the group.
2. All the circles need not to be connected with each other. The i-th and j-th circles are
connected if Aij is nonzero.
3. How many lines will join the i-th and j-th circles? Look at the Cartan matrix and find
which one is larger, |Aij | or |Aji | 17 . Number of lines joining the i-th and j-th circles
will be |Aij | if |Aij | > |Aji | and |Aji | if |Aij | < |Aji |. We put an arrow on the joining
lines with the convetion that the arrow goes to the right if |Aij | > |Aji | and vice versa.
If Aij = Aji , no arrow is needed.
4. Remember that the construction of the Cartan matrix from Dynkin diagram is not
unique. Groups which are homomorphic to each other lead to same Dynkin diagrams.
SU (3):
Q. The roots of a Lie algebra are given as (2, 2), (2, 2), (2, 0), (0, 2).
(a) Find the simple roots.
(b) Find the fundamental weights.
(c) What is the rank of this algebra?
(d) Construct the Cartan Matrix.
(e) Draw the Dynkin diagrams for this algebra.
Q. Draw the Dynkin diagram for the following Cartan Matrices:
2 1 0 0
2 1 0
2 1 1 2 1 0
A= , B = 1 2 2 , C=
1 2 0 2 2 1
0 1 2
0 0 1 2
8 Lorentz Group
Let us recall that the ordinary rotation groups SO(2) and SO(3) have one and three generators re-
spectively. They are the groups for two-dimensional and three-dimensional rotations. The generator
of SO(2) is just 2 , while SO(3) has three generators J1 , J2 , and J3 satisfying [Ji , Jj ] = iijk Jk .
Now let us consider the Lorentz transformations (LT). We take the metric to be Minkowski,
with g = diag(+1, 1, 1, 1), and set c = 1. The three generators for rotation will be still
The Cartan matrix is not a symmetric matrix.
there, but they are enlarged, e.g.,
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
J1 = , (111)
0 0 0 i
0 0 i 0
and permutations generate J2 and J3 . The extra row and column of zeroes remind us that the
space-time is four-dimensional, (x0 , x1 , x2 , x3 ), and rotations do not affect the time dimension. The
Ji s satisfy the same SO(3) algebra as before. However, the group has three more generators, boosts
along the three spatial axes, denoted by Ki . Consider a boost in the x x1 direction, which can
be written as
t0 = t cosh x sinh , x0 = x cosh t sinh , (112)
where tanh = v. For small , this becomes t0 = t x, x0 = x t, so that the generator K1 has
the form
0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0
K1 =
. (113)
0 0 0
0 0 0 0
(What should be the forms of K2 and K3 ?)
Note that a finite transformation is given by exp(a Ka ); there is no i, and the s are real, so
the group is a noncompact one. Thus, it need not be represented by unitary matrices. However, to
work out the group algebra, we should express the group operations in an identical way:
(a , a ) = exp(ia Ja + ia Ka ) , (114)
where Ka = iKa , and thus, for example,
0 i 0 0
i 0 0 0
K1 =
0 0 0 0.
0 0 0 0
The algebra falls apart in two SU (2)s. To be very precise, SO(3, 1) is isomorphic to SU (2) SU (2).
Therefore, any representation of the Lorentz group can be written as (j1 , j2 ), a pair of SU (2)
representations, with a dimensionality of (2j1 + 1)(2j2 + 1). With increasing dimensionality, the
representations are (0, 0), (1/2, 0) and (0, 1/2), (1, 0) and (0, 1), (1/2, 1/2), and so on. The Lorentz
scalar is (0, 0), and the fundamental representation is the 4-dimensional Lorentz vector (1/2, 1/2).
Why, then, we use a four-component Dirac spinor, instead of a two-component Weyl spinor?
The reason is parity: under parity operation, Ji does not change sign (angular momentum is an
axial vector) but Ki does, and so Ji Ji . In other words, (1/2, 0) (0, 1/2). These are known
as the left-chiral and the right-chiral representations respectively. But electrodynamics is invariant
under parity, so we must have some wavefunction that is a combination of two SU (2) doublets. If
we have some theory that violates parity, we can do with two-component spinors, and indeed under
weak interaction, the two Weyl doublets behave differently.
so that 00 1 or 00 1. The first set is known as orthochronous LT, the second is non-
orthochronous. Orthochronous LTs transform a positive time-like vector into another positive
time-like vector, and the set of all orthochronous LTs form a group: the orthochronous Lorentz
group. (Why the non-orthochronous set is not a group?)
Again, for both the choices of 00 , det can be +1 or 1. The subset with 00 1 and
det = +1 is the group of restricted homogeneous LTs (this is the group we were discussing in the
last subsection). All elements are continuously connected to identity.
The other three subsets are obtained by adjoining the following transformations to the restricted
homogeneous LT group:
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
Space inversion (x0 x0 , x x) : (is ) =
0 0 1 0 ,
0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
Time inversion (x0 x0 , x x) : (it ) =
0 0 1 0,
0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
Space time inversion (x0 x0 , x x) : (ist ) = . (123)
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
These subsets are disjoint and are not continuously connected to identity.
Q. Convince yourself of the validity of eq. (120).
Q. Which of the three improper LTs is orthochronous?
Q. Show that T = 1 . Show the generators of the Lorentz group are antisymmetric. Generalize the
3-dimensional angular momentum operators to derive the relativistic form of the Lorentz generators. De-
rive the boost and angular momentum operators in matrix form. Explicitly calculate the commutation
relationship using the matrix form. [Hint: Use the fact that = and the inverse transformation to
show that it is orthogonal. Lorentz transformation can be viewed as rotations in 4-dimensional space-time,
generated by the 4-dimensional angular momentum operators given by L = i(x x ) where L0i /Li0
are the boosts and Lij are the rotations. To construct the matrix, operate them on the space-time vector
x = {x0 , xi } and use L.x = M.x, where M represents the matrix form. The commutation relations can
by found by direct multiplication of the matrices M .]
[p , p ] = 0, [M , p ] = i(g p g p ), (125)
8.3 Euclidean Group
If we neglect the t coordinate, the Poincare group reduces to the combined group of 3-dimensional
rotations and translations. This 6-parameter group, relevant for rigid body dynamics, is known
as the Euclidean group. The Euclidean group E(N ) is the symmetry of N -dimensional Euclidean
space. Its elements are the isometries (possible transformations in the group space) associated
with the Euclidean metric. The direct isometries are those that can be reached from identity, like
translation and rotation. The indirect isometries cannot be reached from the identity, like reflection
about the origin in 3-dimensional space. Reflection in a 2-dimensional space (x, y) (x, y)
is a direct isometry as it is nothing but a rotation by about the origin. In other words, the
determinant of the transformation matrix is 1 and the final configuration is connected to identity
by continuous transformations.
The number of independent parameters for E(N ) is 12 N (N + 1), among which N are related
with translation and 12 N (N 1) with rotation. In a 3-dimensional space, this gives the usual 6
degrees of freedom.
The subgroup of E(N ) involving only direct isometries (translation and rotation) is called E + (N )
or SE(N ), S for special. So, SE(3) is the group for rigid body motion. Any such rigid body motion
can be parametrized as a 6-parameter curve in the group space. Euclidean groups are Lie groups,
so all concepts about Lie algebras are valid for these groups. The translation part is not compact,
you can go up to infinity; the rotation part is of course compact and can be described by the usual
SO(N ). Not all isometries commute, like two rotations about different axes, or a translation and a
rotation about an axis other than the direction of translation, so this is a non-abelian group.
If the translation group is denoted by T , then obviously
E(N ) = T O(N ) , (126)
where denotes a direct product of groups. If we only take those orthogonal matrices with deter-
minant +1, we have
SE(N ) = T SO(N ) . (127)
If the isometry keeps one point of the body fixed, the translation must be the identity element of
T , so SE(N ) becomes SO(N ), the rotation group.
Any member of the SE(3) can be built by the six generators, three linear momentum for
translation and three angular momentum for rotation; this proves Eulers theorem. This also
shows that any arbitrary combination of translations and rotations can be combined into a single
translation followed by a single rotation. If this were a point particle, we could have left out the
rotation part. If even a single point of the body is fixed (or if we consider an inertial frame which
translates with the body rotation is not inertial) we can forget the translation part and consider
only the rotation operators.
The moment of inertia of a uniform sphere about any of its diameters is the same because of
the 3-dimensional rotational symmetry SO(3). If you flatten it to an ellipsoid, there will only
be a 2-dimensional symmetry SO(2), only two principal moments of inertia will be equal, not
all three. If you give it an irregular shape, every symmetry is lost.
Consider the one-dimensional Schrodinger equation with a potential V (x) = ax2 + bx4 . The
Hamiltonian commutes with parity: [H, P ] = 0, so the eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian are
the eigenfunctions of parity too 19 . If you explicitly add a term cx3 to V (x), the parity is
broken, and the stationary states are no longer eigenfunctions of parity.
The four-component Dirac spinor can be written as the direct sum of two two-component
Weyl spinors = L + R . If the fermion is massless, the Lagrangian is
L = i(L L + R R ) , (128)
Think of the SU (3) octet of mesons. The symmetry is exact if mu = md = ms , but is broken
in reality because the strange quark is heavier than u or d. If mu = md , there are still three
exact SU (2) representations: two doublets of (K + , K 0 ) and (K 0 , K ), and the pion triplet.
There are two points that you should note here. First, the remaining symmetry, the smaller
group, must already be contained in the bigger group, so it has to be a subgroup. For example, S3
can break down to Z3 , or the Poincare group can break down to the Euclidean group, which in turn
can break down to SO(3), and so on.
Second, the breaking where you add an extra term in the Lagrangian is called an explicit
breaking. You are breaking the symmetry by hand and the final Hamiltonian no longer commutes
with the symmetry operator. There can be another type of breaking too, where the Lagrangian
still possesses a symmetry but the vacuum state does not. Consider, for example, a single scalar
field with a potential
V () = a2 + b4 (129)
with a, b > 0. The theory has a Z2 symmetry . But = 0 is a local maximum (check
this with the first and second derivatives of the potential). So we cannot develop any perturbative
field theory about = 0. There are two equally deep local minima, for nonzero values of , and
the system must be in any one of them. Whatever be the chosen state, the system is in one of the
minima, not the other, so this breaks Z2 , not in the Lagrangian but by the choice of the vacuum
state. This is known as a spontaneous breaking.
The lost or broken symmetries play an important role in field theory and particle physics. For
example, if a continuous global symmetry is spontaneously broken, fully or partially, there will be
This is true only if all the eigenfunctions are nondegenerate. For a free particle, there are two degenerate
eigenfunctions for each energy, exp(ikx), and parity takes one to the other.
massless bosonic degrees of freedom in the broken theory. The number of such massless objects,
called Goldstone bosons, is equal to the number of lost symmetries, or broken generators. For
example, if SU (3) SU (3) breaks down to SU (3), there will be 8 Goldstones; if SU (4) breaks down
to SU (3), there will be seven Goldstones. Remember that this is true for spontaneous breaking
The Standard Model of particle physics involves three gauge groups. There is an SU (3) for
strong interaction 20 which is unbroken. There are 8 generators, so there are 8 gauge bosons, called
the gluons. They are massless because the symmetry is unbroken, and you cannot write a mass
term in the Lagrangian, just like photon. Every quark is a triplet under this SU (3), often called
SU (3)C (C stands for colour), living in the fundamental representation. Every antiquark is a 3. All
observable hadrons must be a singlet under SU (3)C ; that is why we see q q or qqq composites but
not, say, qq, because you can never get a singlet out of 3 3. All leptons, weak gauge bosons, and
the Higgs boson are singlets under SU (3)C ; they do not feel the strong interaction. In other words,
the wavefunctions do not transform under an SU (3)C transformation.
The weak and electromagnetic interactions, combined, are based on a gauge group SU (2)U (1).
This is a direct product of two groups; this does not mean a U (2). Every state will have two quantum
numbers, one corresponding to the diagonal generator of SU (2), which is called the weak isospin,
and another corresponding to the U (1). The latter one is just like the electric charge, it is called
a weak hypercharge, to differentiate it from the strong hypercharge y that we have encountered in
our study of the quark model.
There are altogether 4 generators, so there are 4 gauge bosons. A spontaneous symmetry
breaking mechanism breaks this combined group to another U (1), which remains an exact symmetry.
This is identified with electromagnetism and the corresponding massless gauge boson with the
photon. Three broken generators give rise to three Goldstone bosons in the spectrum. However,
for a local or gauge symmetry, these Goldstones are absorbed by the three initially massless gauge
bosons to make them massive. They are the three massie gauge bosons W and Z of the weak
The left-chiral fermions live in the fundamental representation 2 of the SU (2), and the right-
chiral fermions are singlets. That is why weak interaction is not symmetric under parity. For
electromagnetism, both left- and right-chiral fermions transform identically. To honour the left-
chiral nature of weak interaction, the gauge group is often called SU (2)L , and the breaking scheme
SU (2)L U (1)Y U (1)em . (130)
Q. Show that the number of Goldstone bosons will be N 2 M 2 if SU (N ) spontaneously breaks down to
SU (M ). What will be the number of such Goldstones if the breaking is (i) SO(N ) SO(M ), and (ii)
SU (N ) SU (M ) SU (P ) U (1)?
Q. Why a single nonzero spin particle cannot develop a VEV? [Hint: Try to convince yourself that this
breaks Lorentz invariance, which is known to be a good symmetry. Thus, fermions and gauge bosons must
not develop a nonzero VEV.]
Q. Convince yourself that a charged scalar cannot have a nonzero VEV. [Hint: Show that this breaks U (1)
of electromagnetism, which is an exact symmetry. The consequence is violation of current conservation.
Similarly, a field that is nonsinglet under SU (3) of colour cannot have a VEV.]
Not to be confused with the SU (3) of flavour.