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Trialgebras and Leibniz 3-Algebras: Lie Lie Ann Lie

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Bol. Soc. Mat. Mexicana (3) Vol.

12, 2006



Abstract. We analyze the relationship between trialgebras (K-vector spaces

equipped with three binary associative operations) and Leibniz 3-algebras (K-
vector spaces equipped with a ternary bracket that verifies an identity which
is a generalization of the Leibniz identity for Leibniz algebras) in a similar
way as dialgebras are related to Leibniz algebras. The universal enveloping
algebra U3 L(L) of a Leibniz 3-algebras L is constructed and the equivalence
between the categories of right U3 L(L)-modules and L-representations is

1. Introduction
It is well-known that there exists a functor [−, −] from Ass (the category
of associative algebras) to Lie (the category of Lie algebras) which endows
an associative K-algebra A with a structure of Lie algebra by means of the
bracket [x, y] = x · y − y · x and that this functor is right adjoint to the universal
enveloping algebra functor U(−) : Lie → Ass. In order to fix the notation, K
denotes a fixed ground field throughout the paper.
A non skew-symmetric version of Lie algebras, called Leibniz algebras, was
introduced by Loday [8, 9] as K-vector spaces equipped with a bilinear bracket
which satisfies the Leibniz identity
[x, [y, z]] = [[x, y], z] − [[x, z], y]
If we factorize a Leibniz algebra g by the two-sided ideal spanned by the
elements [x, x], x ∈ g, then we obtain the Lie algebra denoted by gLie . The
kernel of the canonical map g → gLie is denoted by gann . Thus we have defined
a functor (−)Lie : Leib → Lie which is left adjoint to the inclusion functor from
Lie to Leib which considers a Lie algebra as a Leibniz algebra.
Moreover Loday [10] introduced a type of algebras, called dialgebras, which
are K-vector spaces endowed with two associative operations a and ` (left and
right) satisfying three axioms (see below). We denote by Dias the category
corresponding to these objects. This kind of algebras is closely related to
binary trees [10] and they play a similar role with respect to Leibniz algebras
as associative algebras with respect to Lie algebras, that is, a dialgebra D
can be functorially endowed with a structure of Leibniz algebra by means of
the bracket [x, y] = x a y − y ` x and this functor is right adjoint to the
universal enveloping dialgebra functor Ud(−) : Leib → Dias (see Proposition
1.9 in [10]).

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 17A30, 17A32, 17A40, 17A42, 18A40.

Keywords and phrases: Leibniz algebra, Leibniz 3-algebra, QuasiLie 3-algebra, Dialgebra,

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When Loday and Ronco were studying ternary planar trees [13], they found
a type of algebras, called trialgebras, which are K-vector spaces equipped
with three binary associative operations a, ⊥, and ` (left, middle, and right)
satisfying eight axioms (see below).
The goal of this paper (see section 2) is to endow trialgebras functorially with
a structure of Leibniz 3-algebra (Leibniz n-algebras [2] are K-vector spaces
endowed with an n-ary bracket satisfying the fundamental identity (2.4) below)
by means of the bracket
[x, y, z] = x a (y ⊥ z − z ⊥ y) − (y ⊥ z − z ⊥ y) ` x.
Moreover we construct the universal enveloping trialgebra functor UT (−) from
3 Leib (the category of Leibniz 3-algebras) to Trias (the category of trialgebras)
which is left adjoint to the functor described previously. These adjoint functors
are related with the adjoint functors Ud(−) a [−, −] : Leib → Dias by means
of the commutative diagram (2.12) below.
Section 3 is devoted to introducing the category 3 QLie of QuasiLie 3-
algebras as Leibniz 3-algebras for which the following identity holds:
[x, y, y] = 0
for all x, y. This kind of algebras plays a similar role with respect to Leibniz
3-algebras as Lie algebras with respect to Leibniz algebras. Concretely, we
functorially endow an associative algebra with a structure of QuasiLie 3-
algebras by mean of the bracket
[x, y, z] = x · y · z − x · z · y − y · z · x + z · y · x = x · (y · z − z · y) − (y · z − z · y) · x
We construct the universal Quasi-Lie 3-algebra functor U3 (−) as the left adjoint
to the functor [−, −, −] : Ass → 3 QLie and, finally, we relate this pair of adjoint
functors with the adjoint pair UT (−) a [−, −, −] : 3 Leib → Trias by means of
the commutative diagram (3.4) below.
Finally, in section 4, we construct the universal enveloping algebra of a
Leibniz 3-algebra and we prove that the category of representations of a Leibniz
3-algebra L is equivalent to the category of right-modules on the universal
enveloping algebra U3 L(L). Also we prove the typical properties of a universal
enveloping algebra for U3 L(L) (see Th. 1, p. 152 in [5]).

2. Trialgebras
Our goal in this section is to construct a pair of adjoint functors between
the categories of Leibniz 3-algebras and trialgebras similar to the adjoint pair
between the categories of Leibniz algebras and dialgebras. We start recalling
a kind of algebras with three associative operations, called trialgebras, which
were introduced by Loday and Ronco [13] when they studied ternary planar
Definition (2.1). An associative trialgebra is a K-vector space A equipped
with 3 binary associative operations: a, ⊥, `: A ⊗ A → A (called left, middle,
and right, respectively), satisfying the following relations:
1. (x a y) a z = x a (y ` z) = x a (y ⊥ z)
2. (x ` y) a z = x ` (y a z)

3. (x a y) ` z = x ` (y ` z) = (x ⊥ y) ` z
4. (x ⊥ y) a z = x ⊥ (y a z)
5. (x a y) ⊥ z = x ⊥ (y ` z)
6. (x ` y) ⊥ z = x ` (y ⊥ z)
A morphism between two associative trialgebras is a linear map which is
compatible with the three operations. We denote by Trias the category of
associative trialgebras.
Examples (2.2).
i) An associative K-algebra A endowed with the binary operations x a y =
x ⊥ y = x ` y = x.y, for all x, y ∈ A. This operation defines a functor from
Ass to Trias which has as left adjoint the functor (−)Ass : Trias → Ass which
maps a trialgebra T to the associative algebra TAss , which is the factorization
of T by the ideal (in sense of trialgebras) spanned by the elements of the form
x ` y − x ⊥ y; x a y − x ⊥ y; x, y ∈ T .
ii) Let A be an associative K-algebra. Take T = A ⊗ A ⊗ A and define the
following operations:
a ⊗ b ⊗ c a a0 ⊗ b0 ⊗ c0 := a ⊗ b ⊗ ca0 b0 c0
a ⊗ b ⊗ c ` a0 ⊗ b0 ⊗ c0 := abca0 ⊗ b0 ⊗ c0
a ⊗ b ⊗ c ⊥ a0 ⊗ b0 ⊗ c0 := a ⊗ bca0 b0 ⊗ c0
Extending these formulas by linearity on A ⊗ A ⊗ A one obtains product
applications a, `, ⊥ which satisfy the trialgebra axioms.
iii) Opposite Trialgebra: The opposite trialgebra of a trialgebra (T, a, `, ⊥)
is the trialgebra T op with the same underlying vector space and product given
x a0 y := y ` x; x `0 y := y a x; x ⊥0 y := y ⊥ x
iv) For other examples we refer to [13].
In order to show the role which trialgebras play with respect to Leibniz
3-algebras we start recalling few well-known material.
Leibniz algebras [8, 9] are a non-skew symmetric version to Lie algebras,
that is, they are K-vector spaces g equipped with a bilinear bracket [−, −] : g ⊗
g → g satisfying the Leibniz relation [x, [y, z]] = [[x, y], z] − [[x, z], y]. We
denote by Lie and Leib the categories of Lie algebras and Leibniz algebras,
A dialgebra [10] is a K-vector space equipped with two associative opera-
tions: a, ` (called left and right, respectively), satisfying the following rela-
1. (x a y) a z = x a (y ` z)
2. (x ` y) a z = x ` (y a z)
3. (x a y) ` z = x ` (y ` z)
A morphism between two associative dialgebras is a linear map which pre-
serves the two operations. We will denote by Dias the category of associative
168 J. M. CASAS

It is well-known that an associative algebra A can be endowed with a struc-

ture of dialgebra by means of the operations x a y = x · y = x ` y, for all
x, y ∈ A [10]. Conversely, for a dialgebra D, let DAss be the factorization of D
by the two sided ideal (in the sense of dialgebras) spanned by the elements
of the form x a y − x ` y, ∀x, y ∈ D. It is clear that a = ` in DAss and so
DAss is an associative algebra. The factorization map D → DAss is universal
among the applications from D to an associative algebra, that is, the associa-
tivization functor (−)Ass : Dias → Ass is left adjoint to the inclusion functor
inc : Ass → Dias. We summarize this information in the following diagram:

Lie ,→ Leib

(2.3) 6U(-)
[-,-] Ud(-) 6 [-,-]
? (−)Ass ?

Ass ,→ Dias
From the diagonal composition of adjoint functors in diagram (2.3) one derives
the isomorphism Ud(g)Ass ∼ = U(gLie ) (see Lemma 4.8 in [11]).
On the other hand, a dialgebra D can be functorially endowed with a struc-
ture of trialgebra by means of one of the inclusion functors:
1. Taking the dialgebra operations a, ` and defining x ⊥ y := x a y.
2. Taking the dialgebra operations a, ` and defining x ⊥ y := x ` y.
Conversely, for any trialgebra T , let T1Dias be the factorization of T by the
three-sided ideal I1 spanned by the elements of the form x ⊥ y − x a y, and
let T2Dias be the factorization of T by the three-sided ideal I2 spanned by the
elements of the form x ⊥ y − x ` y. It is clear that x ⊥ y = x a y in the first
case and x ⊥ y = x ` y in the second one. Therefore, TiDias , (i = 1, 2), is an
associative dialgebra. Moreover, the factorization application T → TiDias , (i =
1, 2) is universal for applications from T to any associative dialgebra, that
is, the dialgebrization functor (−)iDias : Trias → Dias is left adjoint to the
inclusion functor inci : Dias → Trias, (i = 1, 2).

Lie algebras and Leibniz algebras are a particular case (n = 2) of Lie

n-algebras and Leibniz n-algebras respectively [4, 14, 2]. We recall that a
Leibniz n-algebra is a K-vector space L equipped with an n-linear operation
[−, . . . , −] : L⊗n → L satisfying the following fundamental identity:
[[x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ], y2 , . . . , yn ] = [x1 , . . . , xi−1 , [xi , y2 , . . . , yn ], xi+1 , . . . , xn ]

If the bracket is skew-symmetric, that means

[x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ] = (−1)(σ) .[xσ(1) , xσ(2) , . . . , xσ(n) ]
for all σ ∈ Sn (Sn is the symmetric group of n elements and the number (σ)
is equal to 0 or 1 depending on the parity of the permutation σ), then we have
a Lie n-algebra. A morphism of Leibniz n-algebras (Lie n-algebras) is a linear
map which preserves the bracket. We denote by n Lie and n Leib the categories
of Lie n-algebras and Leibniz n-algebras, respectively.

In this paper we concentrate on the case n = 3 in order to establish an

adjunction between trialgebras and Leibniz 3-algebras similar to the adjunc-
tion between dialgebras and Leibniz algebras. To achieve this we need the
following results:
Proposition (2.5). Let A be a trialgebra. Then A is a Leibniz 3-algebra with
respect to the bracket
[x, y, z] = x a (y ⊥ z) − (y ⊥ z) ` x − x a (z ⊥ y) + (z ⊥ y) ` x =
= x a (y ⊥ z − z ⊥ y) − (y ⊥ z − z ⊥ y) ` x
for all x, y, z ∈ A.
Proof. The proof is straightforward and we leave it to the reader.

Also it is possible to establish other structures of Leibniz 3-algebras from

a trialgebra. To do this we introduce the notion of noncommutative Leibniz-
Poisson algebra. A cohomology theory of this kind of algebras was developed
in [3].
Definition (2.6). A non-commutative Leibniz-Poisson algebra (in brief NLP-
algebra) is a K-vector space P together with two bilinear operations
· : P × P → P, (x, y) 7→ x · y
[−, −] : P × P → P, (x, y) 7→ [x, y]
such that (P, [−, −]) is a Leibniz algebra, (P, ·) is an associative algebra and
the following identity holds:
[a · b, c] = a · [b, c] + [a, c] · b
for all a, b, c ∈ P .
Examples (2.7).
i) Poisson algebras.
ii) Any Leibniz algebra is a NLP-algebra with trivial associative product
(a · b = 0). On the other hand, any associative algebra is a NLP-algebra with
the usual bracket [a, b] = a · b − b · a.
iii) Any associative dialgebra is a NLP-algebra with respect to the operations
a · b = a ` b; [a, b] = a a b − b ` a.
iv) Any associative trialgebra is a NLP-algebra with respect to the operations
a · b = a ⊥ b; [a, b] = a a b − b ` a.
v) If P1 and P2 are NLP-algebras, then the K-module P1 ⊗ P2 endowed with
the operations
(a1 ⊗ a2 ) · (b1 ⊗ b2 ) = (a1 · b1 ) ⊗ (a2 · b2 )
[a1 ⊗ a2 , b1 ⊗ b2 ] = [a1 , [b1 , b2 ]] ⊗ a2 + a1 ⊗ [a2 , [b1 , b2 ]]
is a NLP-algebra.
vi) For examples coming from Physics the reader is referred to [6].
Lemma (2.8). If P is a non-commutative Leibniz-Poisson algebra, then
{x, y, z} := [x, y · z]
defines a Leibniz 3-algebra structure on P .
170 J. M. CASAS

{{x, y, z},a, b} − {{x, a, b}, y, z} − {x, {y, a, b}, z} − {x, y, {z, a, b}}
= [[x, y · z], a · b] − [[x, a · b], y · z] − [x, [y, a · b] · z] − [x, y · [z, a · b]]
= [[x, y · z], a · b] − [[x, a · b], y · z] − [x, [y, a · b] · z + y · [z, a · b]]
= [[x, y · z], a · b] − [[x, a · b], y · z] − [x, [y · z, a · b]]
The last term vanishes thanks to the Leibniz identity.
Lemma (2.9). If P is a non-commutative Leibniz-Poisson algebra , then P op
is also a non-commutative Leibniz-Poisson algebra. Here P op has the same
Leibniz algebra structure as P , but the associative algebra structure in P op is
x∗y =y·x
Lemma (2.10). If A is an associative trialgebra, then (A, ⊥, [−, −]) is a non-
commutative Leibniz-Poisson algebra, where
[a, b] = a a b − b ` a .
Corollary (2.11). Let A be a trialgebra, then A is a Leibniz 3-algebra in
two ways:
1. with respect to the bracket: [x, y, z]1 = x a (y ⊥ z) − (y ⊥ z) ` x;
2. with respect to the bracket: [x, y, z]2 = (z ⊥ y) ` x − x a (z ⊥ y) .
Proof. Apply Lemmas (2.8), (2.9) and (2.10).

Let us observe that [x, y, z] in Proposition (2.5) is equal to [x, y, z]1 +[x, y, z]2 .
We will use the structure in Proposition (2.5) since it is the structure which
guarantees the commutativity of square (2.12) below.
Proposition (2.5) gives us a functor [−, −, −] : Trias → 3 Leib which has
as left adjoint the universal enveloping trialgebra functor UT(−) : 3 Leib →
Trias. This functor assigns to a Leibniz 3-algebra L the trialgebra UT (L)
defined by
⊕n≥1 K[Pn ] ⊗ L⊗n
UT (L) =
where ⊕n≥1 K[Pn ] ⊗ L⊗n is the free associative trialgebra over the underlying
vector space L [13] and I = h{x a (y ⊥ z) − (y ⊥ z) ` x − x a (z ⊥ y) + (z ⊥ y) `
x − [x, y, z] | x, y, z ∈ L}i.

It is well-known that a Leibniz algebra g can be endowed with a Leibniz

3-algebra structure by means of the operation [x, y, z] = [x, [y, z]] [2], thus we
obtain the following diagram which extends the diagram (2.3)
Leib 3 Leib

(2.12) Ud(-) 6[-,-] UT(-) 6[-,-,-]

? ?
(−)i Dias
,→ Trias

It is easy to verify that a Leibniz 3-algebra coming from a dialgebra D via

Trias is same as that via Leib; that is, diagram (2.12) is commutative in the
[−,−] ω inci [−,−,−]
following way: Dias → Leib → 3 Leib ∼ = Dias ,→ Trias → 3 Leib.

3. QuasiLie 3-algebras
The goal of this section is to construct a diagram similar to diagram (2.3) in
the category 3 Leib. In order to achieve our goal we need to introduce a new
kind of ternary algebras.
Definition (3.1). A QuasiLie algebra of order 3 or QuasiLie 3-algebra is a
Leibniz 3-algebra L for which the following identity holds:
[x, y, y] = 0
for all x, y ∈ L.
Obviously, a homomorphism of QuasiLie 3-algebras is a linear map such
that preserves the bracket. We denote by 3 QLie the category of QuasiLie
Examples (3.2). i) Lie 3-algebras [4, 14].
ii) Lie triple systems [7] are K-vector spaces equipped with a trilinear
bracket which satisfies the identity (2.4) and, instead of skew-symmetry, sat-
isfies the conditions
[x, y, z] + [z, x, y] + [y, z, x] = 0
[x, y, y] = 0
This is an example of QuasiLie 3-algebras which are not Lie 3-algebras.
iii) Let A be a K-associative algebra equipped with a K-linear map D : A →
A satisfying
D(a · Db) = Da · Db = D(Da · b)
for all a, b ∈ A. If we define the bracket
[a, b, c] = a · b · Dc − a · Dc · b − b · Dc · a + Dc · b · a
then we have a Leibniz 3-algebra, when D is an endomorphism of algebras
such that D2 = D or D is a derivation such that D2 = 0, which is a QuasiLie
3-algebra, for instance, in particular case of D = Id.
iv) The particular case D = Id in example iii) shows a K-associative algebra
A endowed with a structure of Quasi-Lie 3-algebra by means of the bracket
[x, y, z] = x · y · z − x · z · y − y · z · x + z · y · x = x · (y · z − z · y) − (y · z − z · y) · x
x, y, z ∈A. This QuasiLie 3-algebra is not a Lie 3-algebra.
If we factorize a Leibniz 3-algebra L by the three-sided ideal spanned by all
brackets of the form [x, y, y], x, y ∈ L, then we obtain the QuasiLie 3-algebra
denoted by LQ Lie . The canonical morphism L → LQ Lie is universal for every
morphism from L to a QuasiLie 3-algebra, that is, the functor (−)Q Lie : 3 Leib →
3 QLie is left adjoint to the inclusion functor. We denote the kernel of the
canonical morphism L → LQ Lie by LQ ann .
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On the other hand, the functor [−, −, −] : Ass → 3 QLie described in Ex-
ample (3.2) iv) has as left adjoint the universal enveloping QuasiLie 3-algebra
functor. The universal enveloping QuasiLie 3-algebra functor assigns to a
QuasiLie 3-algebra L the factorization of the free QuasiLie 3-algebra QL(L)
by the ideal spanned by the elements of the form [x, y, z] − x · y · z + x · z · y +
y · z · x − z · y · x, for all x, y, z ∈ L.

Proposition (3.3). There exists the free QuasiLie 3-algebra over a set X.

Proof. Following the same way as [15], we define a 3-magma M as a set

together with a ternary operation ω : M × M × M → M, (x, y, z) 7→ ω(x, y, z).
For a set X define inductively the family of sets Xn (n ≥ 1) as follows:
i) X1 = X, X2 = X × X,
ii) Xn = p+q+r=n Xp × Xq × Xr (n ≥ 3) (= disjoint union).
Put MX = n=1 Xn and define MX × MX × MX → MX by means of Xp ×
Xq × Xr → Xp+q+r ⊂ M.
MX is the free 3-magma on X, since for every 3-magma N and every map
f : X → N there exists a unique homomorphism of 3-magma F : MX → N
which extends f .
Let AX be the free K-3-algebra (K-vector space equipped with a ternary op-
eration called product) associated to the free magma MX and let I be the
three-sided ideal of AX spanned by the elements of the form ω(a, b, b) and
FI(a, b, c, d, e) = ω(ω(a, b, c), d, e) − ω(ω(a, d, e), b, c) − ω(a, ω(b, d, e), c)
− ω(a, b, ω(c, d, e)),
then AX /I is the free QuasiLie 3-algebra on X, denoted by QL(X).

After Proposition (3.3), the universal enveloping QuasiLie 3-algebra of L is

U3 (L) =
h{[x, y, z] − x · y · z + x · z · y + y · z · x − z · y · x}i
since L ,→ QL(L)  U3 (L) and every homomorphism of QuasiLie 3-algebras
f : L → [Λ] can be extended to a homomorphism f : QL(L) → [Λ] by the
universal property of the free QuasiLie 3-algebra. Plainly f vanishes on the
ideal spanned by the elements [x, y, z] − x · y · z + x · z · y + y · z · x − z · y · x, so it
induces a homomorphism of associative algebras ϕ : U3 (L) → Λ which extends
f . Here [Λ] denotes an associative algebra endowed with a QuasiLie 3-algebra
structure given by Example (3.2) iv).

We can summarize this information in the following diagram of adjoint

functors: (−)Q Lie
3 QLie 
3 Leib
(3.4) U3 (−) 6 [-,-,-] UT(-) 6[-,-,-]
? (−)Ass ?
Ass Trias


Proposition (3.5). For a Leibniz 3-algebra L the following isomorphism

U3 (LQ Lie ) ∼
= UT(L)Ass .
Proof. The composition of adjunctions gives us an adjunction in the diagonal
and apply that adjoint functors are unique up to isomorphism.

4. Universal enveloping algebra

In the category Lie the universal enveloping algebra functor U : Lie → Ass
has the following property: the category of representations over a Lie algebra
g is equivalent to the category of U(g)-modules. Nevertheless, in Leib the
same property does not hold in the sense that the composition of the adjoint
functors from Leib to Ass in diagram (2.3) does not reproduce the analogous
property. To solve this problem, in [12] Loday and Pirashvili constructed the
functor UL : Leib → Ass, defined by
UL(g) := T (gl ⊕ gr )/I
where gl and gr are isomorphic copies of g and I is an appropriate two-sided
ideal. One verifies that a g-representation in Leib is equivalent to a UL(g)-
module. Moreover one verifies that UL(g) ∼ = U(gLie ) ⊕ (U(gLie ) ⊗ g) and the
subalgebra of UL(g) generated by the elements rx , x ∈ g, which are the iso-
morphic copies of x in gr , is isomorphic to U(gLie ).
The goal of this section is to analyze this problem in the category 3 Leib.
Definition (4.1). [1]. A representation of a Leibniz n-algebra L is a K-
vector space M endowed with n actions [−, . n. ., −] : L⊗i ⊗ M ⊗ L⊗n−i−1 → M,
0 ≤ i ≤ n − 1, satisfying the following 2n − 1 axioms:
1. For 2 ≤ k ≤ n
ρi (l1 , . . . , lˆi , . . . , ln ) · ρk (li , ln+1 , . . . , l2n−2 );
ρk ([l1 , . . . , ln ], ln+1 , . . . , l2n−2 ) =

2. For 1 ≤ k ≤ n
[ρ1 (ln , . . . , l2n−2 ), ρk (l1 , . . . , ln−1 )]
= ρk (l1 , . . . , li−1 , [li , ln , . . . , l2n−2 ], li+1 , . . . , ln−1 )

the multilinear applications ρi : L⊗n−1 → EndK (M) being defined by

ρi (l1 , . . . , ln−1 )(m) = [l1 , . . . , li−1 , m, li , . . . , ln−1 ], (1 ≤ i ≤ n)
and the bracket on EndK (M) being the usual one for associative algebras.
In the particular case n = 3, that is, L is a Leibniz 3-algebra, a representa-
tion M of L consists of three applications
[−, −, −] : L⊗L⊗M → M; [−, −, −] : L⊗M ⊗L → M; [−, −, −] : M ⊗L⊗L → M
satisfying the following axioms:
1. [[l1 , l2 , l3 ], l4 , m] = [[l1 , l4 , m], l2 , l3 ] + [l1 , [l2 , l4 , m], l3 ] + [l1 , l2 , [l3 , l4 , m]]
2. [[l1 , l2 , l3 ], m, l4 ] = [[l1 , m, l4 ], l2 , l3 ] + [l1 , [l2 , m, l4 ], l3 ] + [l1 , l2 , [l3 , m, l4 ]]
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3. [[m, l1 , l2 ], l3 , l4 ] = [[m, l3 , l4 ], l1 , l2 ] + [m, [l1 , l3 , l4 ], l2 ] + [m, l1 , [l2 , l3 , l4 ]]

4. [[l1 , m, l2 ], l3 , l4 ] = [[l1 , l3 , l4 ], m, l2 ] + [l1 , [m, l3 , l4 ], l2 ] + [l1 , m, [l2 , l3 , l4 ]]
5. [[l1 , l2 , m], l3 , l4 ] = [[l1 , l3 , l4 ], l2 , m] + [l1 , [l2 , l3 , l4 ], m] + [l1 , l2 , [m, l3 , l4 ]]
For a Leibniz 3-algebra L, we consider three copies (L⊗L)l , (L⊗L)m , (L⊗L)r
of the Leibniz algebra (L ⊗ L) whose bracket is given by
[x ⊗ y, a ⊗ b] = [x, a, b] ⊗ y + x ⊗ [y, a, b]
We denote by lx⊗y , mx⊗y , rx⊗y the elements of (L ⊗ L)l , (L ⊗ L)m , (L ⊗ L)r
corresponding to x ⊗ y ∈ L ⊗ L. We consider the tensorial algebra T ((L ⊗ L)l ⊕
(L ⊗ L)m ⊕ (L ⊗ L)r ) and the following relations
i) r([l1 ,l2 ,l3 ]⊗l4 ) − l(l2 ⊗l3 ) r(l1 ⊗l4 ) − m(l1 ⊗l3 ) r(l2 ⊗l4 ) − r(l1 ⊗l2 ) r(l3 ⊗l4 )
ii) m([l1 ,l2 ,l3 ]⊗l4 ) − l(l2 ⊗l3 ) m(l1 ⊗l4 ) − m(l1 ⊗l3 ) m(l2 ⊗l4 ) − r(l1 ⊗l2 ) m(l3 ⊗l4 )
iii) l(l3 ⊗l4 ) l(l1 ⊗l2 ) − l(l1 ⊗l2 ) l(l3 ⊗l4 ) − l([l1 ,l3 ,l4 ]⊗l2 ) − l(l1 ⊗[l2 ,l3 ,l4 ])
iv) l(l3 ⊗l4 ) m(l1 ⊗l2 ) − m([l1 ,l3 ,l4 ]⊗l2 ) − m(l1 ⊗l2 ) l(l3 ⊗l4 ) − m(l1 ⊗[l2 ,l3 ,l4 ])
v) l(l3 ⊗l4 ) r(l1 ⊗l2 ) − r([l1 ,l3 ,l4 ]⊗l2 ) − r(l1 ⊗[l2 ,l3 ,l4 ]) − r(l1 ⊗l2 ) l(l3 ⊗l4 )
Let us observe that from the relations ii) and iv) we can deduce the following:
i’) m(l1 ⊗l3 ) m(l2 ⊗l4 ) + m(l1 ⊗l4 ) l(l2 ⊗l3 ) + r(l1 ⊗l2 ) m(l3 ⊗l4 ) + m(l1 ⊗[l4 ,l2 ,l3 ]) = 0
and from the relations i) and v) we can deduce the following:
ii’) m(l1 ⊗l3 ) r(l2 ⊗l4 ) + r(l1 ⊗l4 ) l(l2 ⊗l3 ) + r(l1 ⊗l2 ) r(l3 ⊗l4 ) + r(l1 ⊗[l4 ,l2 ,l3 ]) = 0
Definition (4.2). The universal enveloping algebra of the Leibniz 3-algebra
L is the associative unitary algebra
U3 L(L) := T ((L ⊗ L)l ⊕ (L ⊗ L)m ⊕ (L ⊗ L)r )/I
where I is the two-sided ideal corresponding to the relations i’), ii’), iii), iv), v).
Theorem (4.3). The category of representations of the Leibniz 3-algebra L
is equivalent to the category of right modules on U3 L(L).
Proof. Let M be a representation of L. We define a right action from U3 L(L)
on the K-vector space M as follows. Firstly (L ⊗ L)l , (L ⊗ L)m , (L ⊗ L)r act on
M by
m · l(x⊗y) = [m, x, y]; m · m(x⊗y) = [x, m, y]; m · r(x⊗y) = [x, y, m];
then we extend this actions to an action of T ((L ⊗ L)l ⊕ (L ⊗ L)m ⊕ (L ⊗ L)r )
by composition and linearity.
The axioms 1-5 of representation imply that the relations i’), ii’), iii)-v) act
trivially. Thus M is endowed with a structure of U3 L(L)-module.
Conversely, we start with a U3 L(L)-module. The restriction of actions to
(L ⊗ L)l , (L ⊗ L)m , (L ⊗ L)r provides three actions of L ⊗ L which make M a
representation of L ⊗ L.

Thanks to relation iii) we have that the subalgebra spanned by the elements
lx⊗y , x ⊗ y ∈ L ⊗ L, is isomorphic to U((L ⊗ L)Lie ).
Let d : (L ⊗ L)l ⊕ (L ⊗ L)m ⊕ (L ⊗ L)r → U((L ⊗ L)Lie ) be the K-linear
application defined by d(lx⊗y ) = −x ⊗ y = −x ⊗ y + J , where J = h{[x ⊗ y, x ⊗
y] | x ⊗ y ∈ L ⊗ L}i, d(mx⊗y ) = 0, d(rx⊗y ) = 0. One extends d to an algebra
homomorphism from T ((L ⊗ L)l ⊕ (L ⊗ L)m ⊕ (L ⊗ L)r ) to U((L ⊗ L)Lie ) which

vanishes on the ideal spanned by the relations i)–v), hence d extends to an

algebra homomorphism d : U3 L(L) → U((L ⊗ L)Lie ).
On the other hand, s : L ⊗ L → U3 L(L), s(x ⊗ y) = −lx⊗y is a Leibniz algebra
homomorphism which vanishes on (L⊗L)ann and hence it induces a Lie algebra
homomorphism s : (L⊗L)Lie → U3 L(L) which extends to an algebra homomor-
phism s : U((L ⊗ L)Lie ) → U3 L(L), s(x ⊗ y) = −lx⊗y . Moreover s is a section of
d. Let H be the two-sided ideal of U3 L(L) spanned by mx⊗y , rx⊗y , x ⊗ y ∈ L⊗L.
It is clear that H = Ker d, so we have the following split exact sequence:
0 - H - U3 L(L)  - U((L ⊗ L)Lie ) - 0.

Definition (4.4). Let be L ∈ 3 Leib and A ∈ Ass. A trihomomorphism from

L to A consists of a triple of K-linear maps (ϕ, ψ, φ) : L ⊗ L → A satisfying the
following relations.
a) φ([l1 , l2 , l3 ]⊗l4 )) = ϕ(l2 ⊗l3 )·φ(l1 ⊗l4 )+ψ(l1 ⊗l3 )·φ(l2 ⊗l4 )+ φ(l1 ⊗l2 )·φ(l3 ⊗l4 )
b) ψ([l1 , l2 , l3 ]⊗l4 ) = ϕ(l2 ⊗l3 )·ψ(l1 ⊗l4 )+ψ(l1 ⊗l3 )·ψ(l2 ⊗l4 )+φ(l1 ⊗l2 )·ψ(l3 ⊗l4 )
c) ϕ[l1 ⊗ l2 , l3 ⊗ l4 ] = ϕ(l3 ⊗ l4 ) · ϕ(l1 ⊗ l2 ) − ϕ(l1 ⊗ l2 ) · ϕ(l3 ⊗ l4 )
d) ψ[l1 ⊗ l2 , l3 ⊗ l4 ] = ϕ(l3 ⊗ l4 ) · ψ(l1 ⊗ l2 ) − ψ(l1 ⊗ l2 ) · ϕ(l3 ⊗ l4 )
e) φ[l1 ⊗ l2 , l3 ⊗ l4 ] = ϕ(l3 ⊗ l4 ) · φ(l1 ⊗ l2 ) − φ(l1 ⊗ l2 ) · ϕ(l3 ⊗ l4 )
For a Leibniz 3-algebra L there exists a canonical trihomomorphism (l, m, r)
from L to U3 L(L) given by l(x ⊗ y) = l(x⊗y) , m(x ⊗ y) = m(x⊗y) , r(x ⊗ y) = r(x⊗y) ,
for all x ⊗ y ∈ L ⊗ L.
Proposition (4.5) (Universal Property). The canonical trihomomorphism
(l, m, r) : L ⊗ L → U3 L(L) is universal for the trihomomorphisms of L, that is,
Trihom (L, A) ∼ = Ass(U3 L(L), A).
Let (ϕ, ψ, φ) be a trihomomorphism from L to A. We define a K-linear
homomorphism (L⊗L)l ⊕(L⊗L)m ⊕(L⊗L)r → A by l(x⊗y) 7→ ϕ(x⊗y), m(x⊗y) 7→
ψ(x ⊗ y), r(x⊗y) 7→ φ(x ⊗ y) which extends to T ((L ⊗ L)l ⊕ (L ⊗ L)m ⊕ (L ⊗ L)r )
and which vanishes on I, so it induces a homomorphism of associative algebras
U3 L(L) → A.
Conversely, for a homomorphism of associative algebras f : U3 L(L) → A,
the triple (f · l, f · m, f · r) is a trihomomorphism of L. Moreover, both processes
are inverses.
Proposition (4.6). U3 L(L) is generated by the image (l, m, r)(L ⊗ L)
Proof. Let B the subalgebra spanned by l(x⊗y) , mx⊗y , rx⊗y , ∀x ⊗ y ∈ L ⊗ L.
(l, m, r) is a trihomomorphism from L to B, then Proposition (4.5) gives a
unique homomorphism i such that i · (l, m, r) = (l, m, r). We can consider i
as a homomorphism from U3 L(L) to U3 L(L), so Proposition (4.5) implies that
i = 1U3 L(L) . Hence 1U3 L(L) (U3 L(L)) ⊆ B, so B = U3 L(L).
Lemma (4.7). Let (ϕ, ψ, φ) be a trihomomorphism from a Leibniz 3-algebra
L2 to a K-algebra A and let α : L1 → L2 be a homomorphism of Leibniz
3-algebras. Then (ϕ, ψ, φ) · (α ⊗ α) is a trihomomorphism from L1 to A.
176 J. M. CASAS

Proof. α induces the homomorphism of Leibniz algebras α ⊗ α : L1 ⊗ L1 →

L2 ⊗ L2 , x ⊗ y 7→ α(x) ⊗ α(y); hence it is a straightforward task to verify the
properties of trihomomorphism for (ϕ, ψ, φ) · (α ⊗ α).
Proposition (4.8). Let α : L1 → L2 be a homomorphism of Leibniz 3-alge-
bras. There exists a unique homomorphism α0 : U3 L(L1 ) → U3 L(L2 ) such that
α0 · (l1 , m1 , r1 ) = (l2 , m2 , r2 ) · (α ⊗ α).
Proof. Apply Lemma (4.7) and Proposition (4.5).
Proposition (4.9). Let B be a three-sided ideal of a Leibniz 3-algebra L and
let R be the two-sided ideal of U3 L(L) spanned by the elements lx⊗y , mx⊗y , rx⊗y
∀x ⊗ y ∈ B ⊗ B ⊕ B ⊗ L ⊕ L ⊗ B. Then U3 L(L/B) ∼ = U3 L(L)/R.
Proof. We construct the well-defined trihomomorphism (ϕ, ψ, φ) from L/B
to U3 L(L)/R by ϕ((x + B) ⊗ (y + B)) = lx⊗y + R; ψ((x + B) ⊗ (y + B)) = mx⊗y + R;
φ((x + B) ⊗ (y + B)) = rx⊗y + R. The Proposition (4.5) provides a unique
homomorphism δ : U3 L(L/B) → U3 L(L)/R.
Conversely, ϕ0 (x ⊗ y) = l(x+B)⊗(y+B) ; ψ 0 (x ⊗ y) = m(x+B)⊗(y+B) ; φ0 (x ⊗ y) =
r(x+B)⊗(y+B) define a trihomomorphism from L to U3 L(L/B), then Proposition
(4.5) provides a unique homomorphism τ : U3 L(L) → U3 L(L/B) which van-
ishes on R, so induces a homomorphism τ from U3 L(L)/R to U3 L(L/B).
Finally, it is easy to check that δ and τ are inverses.
Proposition (4.10). U3 L(L) has a unique anti-homomorphism π such that
π · (l, r, m) = (−l, −r, −m). Moreover, π2 = 1.
Proof. (−l, −r, −m) is a trihomorphism; then Proposition (4.5) ends the
Proposition (4.11). There is a unique homomorphism δ : U3 L(L) → U3 L(L)
∧U3 L(L) such that δ·(l, m, r) = (ϕ, ψ, φ), where ϕ(x⊗y) = lx⊗y ∧1+1∧lx⊗y ; ψ(x⊗
y) = mx⊗y ∧ 1 + 1 ∧ mx⊗y ; φ(x ⊗ y) = rx⊗y ∧ 1 + 1 ∧ rx⊗y , ∀x ⊗ y ∈ L ⊗ L.
Proof. The map (ϕ, ψ, φ) is a trihomomorphism from L to the associative
algebra U3 L(L) ∧ U3 L(L). Proposition (4.5) ends the proof.
Proposition (4.12). Let d be a derivation of a Leibniz 3-algebra L. There
exists a unique derivation D0 of U3 L(L) such that D0 · (l, m, r) = (l, m, r) · D,
where D = d ⊗ 1 + 1 ⊗ d.
Proof. The derivation d induces a derivation of Leibniz algebras D = d ⊗
1 + 1 ⊗ d : L ⊗ L → L ⊗ L. We consider the algebra M2 of 2 × 2 matrices with
entries in U3 L(L) and we define the K-linear maps ϕ, ψ, φ from L ⊗ L to M2
given by  
lx⊗y ld(x)⊗y+x⊗d(y)
ϕ : (x ⊗ y) 7→
0 lx⊗y
mx⊗y md(x)⊗y+x⊗d(y)
ψ : (x ⊗ y) 7→
0 mx⊗y
rx⊗y rd(x)⊗y+x⊗d(y)
φ : (x ⊗ y) 7→
0 rx⊗y

With a tedious verification we can see that (ϕ, ψ, φ) is a trihomomorphism

from L to M2 , so Proposition (4.5) gives us a homomorphism
 θ : U3 L(L) → M2
lx⊗y ld(x)⊗y+x⊗d(y)
such that θ · (l, m, r) = (ϕ, ψ, φ). Since θ(lx⊗y ) = ,
0 lx⊗y
mx⊗y md(x)⊗y+x⊗d(y) rx⊗y rd(x)⊗y+x⊗d(y)
θ(mx⊗y ) = , θ(rx⊗y ) = and
0 mx⊗y 0 rx⊗y
(l, m, r)(L ⊗L) generates U3 L(L),  we have for any Xa⊗b ∈ U3 L(L) that
Xa⊗b Xd(a)⊗b+a⊗d(b)
θ(Xa⊗b ) = . We write D0 (Xa⊗b ) = Xd(a)⊗b+a⊗d(b) .
0 Xa⊗b
From the calculations of trihomomorphism conditions for (ϕ, ψ, φ) we can de-
duce that D0 is a derivation of U3 L(L) considered as associative algebra in the
usual way. Moreover D0 · (l, m, r) = (l, m, r) · D. The uniqueness of D0 follows
from the fact that (l, m, r)(L ⊗ L) generates U3 L(L).

The author was supported by MCYT, Grant BFM2003-04686-C02-02 (Eu-
ropean FEDER support included) and Xunta de Galicia, Grant
I would like to express my gratitude to Teimuraz Pirashvili who suggested
to me the definition and the application in this context of Noncommutative
Leibniz-Poisson algebras.

Received January 18, 2006

Final version received May 15, 2006
Departamento de Matemática Aplicada I
Universidad de Vigo
E. U. I. T. Forestal
Campus Universitario A. Xunqueira
36005 Pontevedra

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