Introduction To Suffix Notation: Adam Thorn February 17, 2009
Introduction To Suffix Notation: Adam Thorn February 17, 2009
Introduction To Suffix Notation: Adam Thorn February 17, 2009
Adam Thorn
February 17, 2009
When you see such an equation, remember that it is a shorthand notation
for writing three equations at once, for i = 1, 2, 3 (in 3D). Next, consider the
product of two matrices, P Q. One way of thinking of a matrix is as a series of
vectors, so let us write the matrix P as the three vectors (q1 , q2 , q3 ). We form
the matrix/vector products P q1 , P q2 , P q3 to give three new vectors. We could
then put together to form a new matrix, which will just be the product P Q.
We can instead use suffix notation to see why matrix multiplication must
work as it does. Consider first forming the product of two matrices, AB, which
is itself a matrix. Then form the product ABx. Matrix multiplication is asso-
ciative, so we can consider this as either (AB)x or A(Bx). In suffix notation,
using Eqn. 8 for the product of the matrix B with vector x, or for the product
of matrix A with vector Bx:
(AB)ij xj = Aik (Bx)k = Aik Bkj xj (9)
j k j,k
The vector x is arbitary, so we can therefore deduce the rule for finding the
product of two matrices:
(AB)ij = Aik Bkj (10)
When writing down equations involving suffices, you must make sure that
P term has the correct number of indices. It is incorrect to write Ax =
j aij xj : the left hand side is a vector, whereas the right
P hand side is a compo-
nent of that vector. You should instead write (Ax)i = j aij xj . This equation
illustrates the two types of suffices we have. If a suffix appears once on each
term in an equation, it is a free index, and must appear exactly once on every
term. If a suffix appears twice, it is a dummy index and will be summed over
(When dealing with complicated expressions one often uses the summation con-
vention, which is that any index appearing twice is automatically summed over
and you don’t write the Σ. For example, Eqn. 8 would be just aij xj = bi ). If
you have an expression with an index appearing more than twice, it is wrong.
P You are free P to relabel a dummy index to anything you choose, for example
j aij xj = k aik xR
k . (This is analogous to renaming variables that are being
integrated, such as x dx = y dy.) Consequently, when you write down an
expression involving the product of many matrices, make sure that you choose
a different dummy index to sum over for each of the products. For example, the
product of four matrices ABCD is
(ABCD)ij = ail blm cmn dnj (11)
l m n
Also notice that although matrix multiplication does not commute (AB 6= BA
except in special cases), the objects in the right hand of the sum (11) are just
ordinary numbers being multiplied together, so we could write them in any order
we choose, such as
(ABCD)ij = cmn blm ail dnj = ail dnj cmn blm (12)
l m n l m n
It is not, however, immediately obvious what the right hand side of Eqn. 12
represents, so it is generally best to ensure that any repeated indices are kept
next to each other, as in Eqn. 11.
We finish by mentioning two special objects you have encountered, the Kro-
necker delta (δij ) and the Levi-Civita symbol (ijk ). The Kronecker delta is
defined as
1 i=j
δij =
0 i 6= j
and can be used toPselect elements from a vector. To see this, note that from the
above definition j δij xj = xi . It can also be used to concisely express that a
set of basis vectors is orthonormal: xi · xj = δij . Note that this definition of the
Kronecker hold regardless of what dimension we are working in: i and j range
from 1 to N for whatever value of N is appropriate. The Levi-Civita symbol,
however, is defined as acting on three dimensional vectors and matrices (though
a similar object can be defined in more than three dimensions). Its definition is
+1 i, j, k are a cyclic permutation of 1,2,3
ijk = −1 i, j, k are an anticyclic permutation of 1,2,3
0 if any of the indices are equal
Of the 27 possible index combinations, there are therefore only 6 that are non-
zero: 123 = 231 = 312 = +1 and 132 = 213 = 321 = −1. This allows us to
simply write an expression for the cross product of two vectors:
(a × b)i = ijk aj bk (13)
Taking the 1 component as an example, the right hand side is then non-zero for
j = 2, k = 3 and j = 3, k = 2 which means the Levi-Civita symbol takes values
+1 and -1 respectively. Thus, (a × b)1 = a2 b3 − a3 b2 , as expected. In a similar
fashion, we can write an expression for the determinant of a 3 × 3 matrix using
ijk : X
|A|lmn = ali amj ank ijk (14)
If you write this expression out explicitly you will see it is identical to performing
a Laplace expansion along the first row of a matrix. Eqn.14 illustrates a num-
ber of properties of determinants, such as the fact that swapping two rows or
columns changes the sign of the determinant (because ijk must change between
being a cyclic and an anti-cyclic permutation).
then the vi are said to be the components of a rank one tensor. (Although Lij
will be the components of a matrix, for current purposes it is perhaps best for
now to think of it as just being a set of 9 numbers such that the above equation
is true.) Similarly, the components of a rank two tensor satisfy
and for higher order tensors, we just keep adding more of the Lij rotation
matrices. What you have previously called scalars, vectors and matrices are in
fact rank zero, rank one and rank two tensors respectively.
Rotations are described by orthogonal matrices: LLT = I. Thus, |L| =
±1. The rotations you have met so far will generally have had |L| = +1;
these are called proper rotations. If |L| = −1 the rotation is called improper:
geometrically, as well as rotation the matrix also reflects the co-ordinate system
through the origin. Thus, if a set of numbers vi satisfies the transformation
law vi0 = Lij vj for all L (both proper and improper) then the vi form a tensor.
However, if this only holds for proper rotations and instead vi0 = −Lij vj for
improper rotations the vi are said to be the components of a pseudotensor. You
are already familiar with an example of a pseudovector: any vector c such that
c = a × b is a pseudovector, because under inversion of the co-ordinate system
(a → −a, b → −b) the vector c is unchanged. An alternative way of thinking of
this is to note that (a × b)i = ijk aj bk is only true in a right-handed co-ordinate
system. If we chose to use a left-handed co-ordinate system we would have to
introduce an extra minus sign somewhere to get the same physical vector as in
the right-handed co-ordinates.
Also, the Levi-Civita symbol is in fact a pseudotensor: from the earlier
discussion of using this symbol to find determinants,
where we have used the fact that |L| = ±1. Thus, under an improper rotation
the sign of ijk changes and so it is a pseudotensor, as claimed.