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Indicial 2

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Introduction to indicial notation

Theo Hopman October 2002

Vectors and their relationships are the same regardless of the coordinate system in which they are written. For example, the vector (4, 4) in Cartesian coordinates is the same vector as 8 4 written in plane polar coordinates. Similarly, in Cartesian coordinates, if a relationship is true for a vector, it is true for each of its components. This fact is the basis of indicial notation. Indicial notation allows one to avoid geometrical proofs, which are often intuitively satisfying but inelegant. One no longer has to memorize numerous vector relationships when doing a symbolic proof. Otherwise complex and unwieldy results are reduced to simple algebra.

through the math for each component, we can work with a generic component indexed with a free index. If we were working on v, for example, we could work with vi , where i is a free index which can take on values 1, 2 or 3, or perhaps x, y or z. We dont specify which value i takes. The name of a free index must remain the same throughout a calculation; it shouldnt be changed midway through. vi , for example, must remain vi throughout a calculation if i is a free index. We cant suddenly say that vi = vj , since j is another free index which can also take on any of the three coordinate labels. In general, vx = vy .


The Einstein summation convention

The Einstein summation convention is this: repeated Roman indices are summed over. Consider the dot product:


ai bi


The basics
Free index

The key concept in indicial notation is that of an index. Consider a vector v = (vx , vy , vz ). The components of the vector are indexed in this case by the coordinate labels x, y and z. We could also write v = (v1 , v2 , v3 ) where in this case v is indexed by the numbers 1, 2 and 3. When doing arithmetic or algebra on vectors, we have to do the same thing to each component. Rather than going explicitly

Notice that in the right hand side, a and b are indexed by i. Its clear here what values of i are allowed (1 . . . 3), and what were supposed to do with them. In the Einstein summation convention, we get rid of the (redundant) summation symbol so that a b = ai bi (1)

The repeated Roman index i is summed over. That is, we take all possible values of i, substitute them into ai bi , then sum the resulting terms.

Department of Physics, University of Guelph


Dummy indices

An index which does not appear in an equation after a summation is carried out is called a dummy index. Because a dummy index does not appear in the nal result, we can change its name to whatever is convenient. Just as 3 ai bi = 3 aj bj , so also i=1 j=1 ai bi = aj bj .

Necessary functions

There are two functions which are extremely useful in indicial notation: the Kronecker function and the Levi-Civita function.


The Kronecker

By even permutation I mean that ijk is one of 123, 231 or 312. We see that these three combinations require an even number of swaps of indices to return them to 123, and that they are cyclic permutations of each other. For example, if we swap the rst two indices in 312, we get 132. If we then swap the last two, we get 123, a total of two swaps, meaning that 312 is an even permutation of 123. Just as there are three cases where ijk is +1, there are three cases where it is 1. In these cases, ijk is one of 132, 321 or 213. You should be able to convince yourself that each of these combinations can be returned to 123 with and odd number of permutations. For example, 321 231 213 123. These three combinations are cyclic permutations of each other as well. A property of ijk is that

The Kronecker (delta) function is dened very simply: ij = 0 if i = j, 1 if i = j. (2)



Notice that both i and j are free indices here, and may each take on any value. Only for the three possible cases where i = j is ij non-zero. Note that ij = ji . Consider: why does ii = 3, not 1?

since one side of the equation is an even permutation and the other is an odd permutation. (We cant say specically that the left hand side is an odd permutation because ijk are free indices and may each take any value.)


Relating and

A very useful identity is

ijk ilm


The Levi-Civita

= jl km jm kl


The Levi-Civita (epsilon) function is rather more complicated, since it is a function of three free indices, meaning there are 27 possible combinations. However, it can be summarized as 0 if any of i, j or k are the same, = +1 if ijk is an even permutation of 123, 1 if ijk is an odd permuation of 123.



This identity can be proved exhaustively, but we wont do that here since there are 34 = 81 possible combinations of the free indices j, k, l and m, each of which has three terms in the implied sum over i. Instead, lets observe some features of the identity. First of all, there is a dummy index i on the left hand side; this index is repeated, so its summed over and doesnt appear on the right hand side. Any time you see two symbols with the same index, you can use this identity. It may be a little easier to use if you 2

rst put the symbols in the form above using cyclic permutation and (4). Second, as a mnemonic device, notice that the indices on the deltas in rst term on the right hand side are parallel, while those on the deltas in the second term are crossed. The diagram below may be helpful in seeing this.

ply the Einstein summation convention, we end up with (as we saw above) a b = ai bi



jl km jm kl j l k m j l k m

The magnitude of a vector is closely related to the dot product. We can write 1/2 1/2 |v| = v = v v (6) = vi vi


The cross product

The rst delta uses the rst free index from each epsilon; the second uses the second free index from each epsilon. The third delta uses the rst free index from the rst epsilon and the second from the second, while the fourth uses the converse. Of course, within each term, the delta may be written in either order, and within each delta, the indices may be written in any order.

Not surprisingly, the cross product is also represented easily with indicial notation; it is associated with the epsilon symbol. The following identity (a b)i = ijk aj bk (7) gives us the ith component of the cross product a b. Lets illustrate this by choosing a specic value for i, say 2, corresponding to the y component of the cross product. With i = 2, well carefully and slowly evaluate the right hand side of (7). First we explicitly write the (implied) sums, and evaluate one of them.
3 2jk aj bk = j=1 k=1 3 3 2jk aj bk


Vector operations
The dot product

We saw above in 1.2 that the dot product can be represented easily using indicial notation. We can associate the dot product with the Kronecker delta as follows:
3 3


2j1 aj b1

2j2 aj b2

2j3 aj b3 }


ai bi ij
i=1 j=1

But the 2j2 term is zero since two of its indices are identical. We can sum each term separately.
3 3 2j1 aj b1 j=1

By applying the properties of the Kronecker delta (zero unless i = j), we can replace all the js we see with is. When we ap3


2j3 aj b3

Clearly in the rst sum, the only possible value of j which gives a non-zero 2j1 is j = 3. Similarly, only j = 1 in the second sum gives a non-zero term. =
231 a3 b1 + 213 a1 b3

These terms all look very similar, except for the indices 1, 2 and 3. In fact, we can write this as a sum.


= +a3 b1 a1 b3 Therefore the y component of a b is given by (a b)y = az bx ax bz . as we expect. If you wish, you can work through the similar algebra for the x (i = 1) and z (i = 3) components.


ijk bj ck

= ai

ijk bj ck .

This is just the scalar triple product, which is readily seen: a (b c) = ai b c


= ai

ijk bj ck .


Determinants and the scalar triple product




Determinants and the scalar triple product are identical, and can be written in indicial notation. Suppose we wanted to nd the determinant of the 3 3 matrix composed of the vectors a, b and c. The determinant is a1 a2 a3 b1 b2 b3 = a1 (b2 c3 b3 c2 ) + a2 (b3 c1 b1 c3 ) + a3 (b1 c2 b2 c1 ) c1 c2 c3 You will notice that the parenthesized factor in the second term on the right hand side is identical (save for the change of variables a b and b c) to the results for the y component of the cross product. Similarly, the factors in parentheses in the rst and third terms can be identied with the x and z components of the cross product. (This shouldnt be surprising, since one way of nding a cross product is via a construction similar to a determinant.) We can therefore substitute these cross product components in. = a1
1jk bj ck

Indicial notation can also be used with the operator. Since is an operator, not just a number, special care must be taken to keep the order of operations. That is, everything to the right of the operator must stay to the right of the operator. The notation i is short for take the partial derivative of what follows with respect to the ith component of r. That is, ri

where i is a free index which selects dierentiation with respect to x, y or z. The familiar gradient, divergence and curl are written as f= v = v =
i f, i vi ijk

(8) and (9) (10)

+ a2

2jk bj ck

+ a3

3jk bj ck

j vk .

Lets look a little more closely at, for example, the divergence. v = =
i=1 i vi 3 i vi

Since we havent said what component i is, this equation must be true for all components. Therefore, ab c= ac b bc a 2. Show that a b c d = acd b bcd a where abc a b c. Recall that a b c ai ijk bj ck . We can therefore write the right-hand side in indicial notation: RHS = bi aj
jkl ck dl


= v1 + v2 + v3 r1 r2 r3 But r1 , r2 and r3 are just x, y and z respectively. v1 + v2 + v3 . x y z So we see that indicial notation gives us back the familiar form for the divergence. =

= bi aj ai bj

ai bj

jkl ck dl

jkl ck dl

Some worked examples

1. Show the vector triple product identity a b c = a c b b c a. We need only look at one component, which we do not specify, but identify with the free index i. ab c

We cant go much further here, so lets work with the lefthand side. LHS = =
ijk ijk



jlm al bm

knp cn dp

= = =

= il km im kl al bm = bi ak ai bk = ai bk bi ak
knp cn dp knp cn dp

jik jlm al bm knp cn dp knp cn dp


a b j ck by cyclic rearrangement by identity (5)

ijk jlm al bm ck jki jlm al bm ck

= kl im km il al bm ck

We can multiply this out and then apply the Kronecker deltas. Recall that the delta has the eect of forcing indices to be the same (otherwise the term is zero). = ak bi ck ai bk ck ac b bc a

We are in fact now done, even though this doesnt look exactly like the right-hand side. The dierences, however, are merely dummy variables, whose names we are free to change. If we make the change of dummy variables k j, n k and p l, we get = bi aj ai bj = RHS and the proof is complete. 5
jkl ck dl

3. Show that if a + b + c = 0, a b = b c = c a.

4. Show that

We need to show two equalities for a complete proof, but since they are done in almost exactly the same way, well do only one here. ab=
ijk aj bk ijk aj

A =


A .

This is trivial in indicial notation. Note that A = = = in indicial notation

i Ai

= ( )i .

= =

ijk aj ck

ck ak


ijk aj ak

Ai +

by the product rule

The second term in zero, since it corresponds to a a.

ikj ck aj



5. Evaluate r


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