Grassmannian As A Metric Space
Grassmannian As A Metric Space
Grassmannian As A Metric Space
Subhajit Mishra
Department of Physics, IISER Kolkata
Under the supervision of
Dr. Somnath Basu
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, IISER Kolkata
1 Introduction
Definition 1.1. (Metric Space) Let X be a set. A function d : X × X → R is called metric if the
following holds:
The set X equipped with a metric is called metric space, denoted by (X, d).
where d(x, L0 ) = inf y∈L0 dE (x, y), with dE (x, y) as the usual euclidean metric in Rn .
We will show that (Gk (Rn ), d) is a metric space and the induced topology has properties -
compactness and path-connectedness.
Claim. d is a metric
Proof. (i) We begin by showing that the first property of metric holds.
First we prove a result, which will be used later.
Result 2.1. Let V and W be two k dimensional subspaces of a vector space and V ⊆ W .
Then V = W .
Proof. Let dim V = dim W = k and Bv = v1 , v2 , ..., vk be a basis of V . As V ⊆ W , Bv is a
list in W . Moreover, it is a linearly independent list in W (since, it is a basis of V ).
Now, we can make Bv a basis of W by adding some vectors of W in Bv . But as dim W = k,
any basis of W must haveP length k. So, we can conclude Bv is also a basis of W . This
implies, ∀w ∈ W , w = ki=1 ai vi ∈ V (as Bv is basis of V ). So, W ⊆ V . Hence, V = W .
dE (x, y) ≥ 0; (as it is the usual metric in Rn )
=⇒ inf 0 dE (x, y) ≥ 0
By interchanging x0 and xn we will get d(xn , L0 ) − d(x0 , L0 ) < 2, ∀n ≥ N and ∀ > 0. So,
|d(xn , L0 ) − d(x0 , L0 )| < 2. Hence d(x, L0 ) is continuous at x0 . Since it is continuous for any
x0 in Rn , it is continuous in Rn .
Proof. Since g is continuous and X is compact, g(X) ⊆ R is compact. So, g(X) is closed in
bounded (Heine-Borel Theorem). As g(X) is bounded, sup g exists, and as g(X) is closed,
sup g ∈ g(X).
Now, L ∩ S n−1 = S k−1 is compact. We restrict the function d(x, L0 ) to L ∩ S n−1 . So, d(x, L0 )
is continuous in L ∩ S n−1 (subset of Rn ). By Proposition 2.3, supremum is achieved. So,
d(L, L0 ) = supx∈L∩S n−1 d(x, L0 ) = d(x0 , L0 ), for some x0 ∈ L ∩ S n−1 .
Now, d(x0 , L0 ) = inf y∈L0 dE (x0 , y).
Claim 2.4. inf y∈L0 d(x0 , y) = dE (x0 , y0 ), for some y0 ∈ L0 , and y0 is unique.
hx − y0 , vj i = 0
* n k
=⇒ bi vi − ai vi , vj = 0
i=1 i=1
* +
=⇒ (bi − ai )vi , vj = 0, (hvi , vj i = 0, for i 6= j)
=⇒ bj = aj (for j = 1, 2, ..., k)
So, y0 = i=1 bi vi .
Let y00 ∈ L0 and y00 6= y0 . So, y00 = i=1 ci vi , ci ∈ R. Now,
u k n
uX X
dE (x0 , y0 ) = t 2
(bi − ci ) + b2i
i=1 i=k+1
=⇒ (dE (x0 , y00 ))2 = (bi − ci )2 + (dE (x0 , y0 ))2
=⇒ dE (x0 , y00 ) > dE (x0 , y0 )
Since y00 is arbitrary, we can say that inf y∈L0 d(x0 , y) = dE (x0 , y0 ).
To show that y0 is unique, let us assume ∃ỹ ∈ L0 such that hx0 − ỹ, ỹi = 0. Now, x0 =
y0 + y0⊥ = ỹ + ỹ ⊥ . This gives, y0 − ỹ = ỹ ⊥ − y0⊥ . Since y0 − ỹ ∈ L0 and ỹ ⊥ − y0⊥ ∈ L0 ⊥ and
both are equal, y0 − ỹ = 0 =⇒ y0 = ỹ. Hence, y0 is unique.
So, d(L, L0 ) = d(x0 , L0 ) = dE (x0 , yx0 ), where yx0 is the orthogonal projection of x0 into L0 .
d(L, L0 ) = dE (x0 , yx0 )
= dE (yx0 , x0 ), (symmetry)
= dE (ŷ0 , xŷ0 ) (using properties of congruent triangles)
= d(ŷ0 , L), (since, infimum is achieved)
≤ sup d(y, L) = d(L0 , L).
y∈L0 ∩S n−1
where ŷ0 is the unit vector in the direction of yx0 and xŷ0 is the orthogonal projection of ŷ0
on L.
Now, interchanging L0 and L we get d(L0 , L) ≤ d(L, L0 ). So, d(L, L0 ) = d(L0 , L); (symmetric).
(iii) Triangle inequality:
Let L, L0 , L00 ∈ Gk (Rn ). We need to show that d(L, L00 ) ≤ d(L, L0 ) + d(L0 , L00 ).
Take x ∈ L ∩ S n−1 such that d(L, L00 ) = dE (x, yx00 ), where yx00 = PL00 (x) is the orthogonal
projection of x on L00 (see Figure 1, as supremum and infimum are achieved). Using the
Pythagoras Theorem we get,
kxk2 = kyx k2 + kx − yx k2
=⇒ kyx k2 + kx − yx k2 = 1 (since x is a unit vector)
=⇒ kyx k ≤ 1; (as kx − yx k2 ≥ 0)
Now, ŷx = λyx , where λ = kyx k ≥ 1 (kyx k =
6 0). So,
kŷx − PL0 (ŷx )k = |λ|kyx − PL0 (yx )k (as projection map P is linear)
≥ kyx − PL0 (yx )k
The distance between ŷx and ŷx0 = PL0 (ŷx ) is always greater than the distance between yx
and yx0 . Now, translate the vector ŷx − PL0 to yx so that the line starting from yx intersects
L00 at yx0 .
Since dE (x, yx00 ) is the shortest distance between L and L00 , we have
dE (x, yx00 ) ≤ dE (x, yx0 )
≤ dE (x, yx ) + dE (yx , yx0 ); (triangle inequality)
≤ dE (x, yx ) + dE (ŷx , ŷx0 ); (as dE (yx , yx0 ) ≤ dE (ŷx , ŷx0 ))
Since we have started with the x for which the supremum is achieved, from the above relation
we have d(L, L00 ) ≤ d(L, L0 ) + d(L0 , L00 ).
For the case, where kyx k = 0 i.e., two of the planes are orthogonal to each other (say L
and L0 , see Figure 2); we have d(L, L00 ) ≤ 1 = d(L, L0 ) (since, x is a unit vector). So,
Figure 2:
We have shown that the function d satisfies all the properties of metric. Hence, d is a metric
and (Gk (Rn ), d) is a metric space.
The metric, d is uniformly bounded by 1. Since, the distance between any two k-planes is given by
the distance between a unit vector and the orthogonal projection of the unit vector. The distance
is 1 when there are two k-planes perpendicular to each other.
Proof. Let f : O(n) → Gk (Rn ) be a function defined as f (A) = span(A1 , A2 , ..., Ak ), where Ai is
a coloumn vector of A. If we can show that f is onto and continuous, then we are done.
Claim 3.2. (f is onto) ∀L ∈ Gk (Rn ), ∃A ∈ O(n) such that f (A) = L.
Proof. Let BL = {vi }ki=1 be an orthonormal basis of L. Since BL is a linearly independent list, we
extend it to {v1 , v2 , ..., vk , uk+1 , ..., un }, a basis of Rn . Using Gram-Schimdt orthogonalization we
get an orthonormal basis {vi }ni=1 of Rn .
So taking A = [v1 v2 ... vn ], we have f (A) = span(v1 , v2 , .., vk ) = L. As vi ’s are orthonormal,
A ∈ O(n). Since L is arbitrary, f is onto.
Claim 3.3. (f : O(n) → Gk (Rn ) is continuous) ∀ > 0, ∃δ > 0 such that ∀A ∈ O(n), ∀B ∈ O(n)
if dE (A, B) < δ then d(f (A), f (B) < .
(Note). We have taken the metric in O(n) to be euclidean because we can identify an element of
O(n) as a vector of Rn .
Proof. Let A = [aij ] and B = [bij ] be elements of O(n). Now,
(dE (A, B))2 = (aij − bij )2 < δ 2
X n n
=⇒ (ai1 − bi1 ) + ... + (ain − bin )2 < δ 2
i=1 i=1
=⇒ (aij − bij )2 < δ 2 ; since (aij − bij )2 ≥ 0, for each j = 1, 2, ..., n
=⇒ dE (Aj , Bj ) < δ, (for each j = 1, 2, ..., n)
Since supremum and infimum both are achieved, we have d(f (A), f (B)) = supx∈f (A)∩S n−1 d(x, f (B))
= d(x, f (B)) = dE (x, Pf (B) (x)), for some x ∈ f (A) ∩ S n−1 , where P is the orthogonal projection
operator. Now, x = ki=1 λi Ai , with ni=1 λ2i = 1. So,
As, f : O(n) → Gk (Rn ) is onto and continuous, and O(n) is compact, we have Gk (Rn ) is compact.
Now, det(A0 ) = 1. So, A0 ∈ SO(n). Hence, f is onto.