Upgrading The Protection
Upgrading The Protection
Upgrading The Protection
Unit load
Voltage ratio
so that fault coverage for 100% of the winding
is obtained. Generators that are twenty years
old or older typically have only 90-95% of the
stator winding protected for ground faults.
One of the 3rd harmonic methods uses a 3rd
harmonic undervoltage relay connected as
illustrated in Fig. 2. Third-harmonic voltages are
present at the neutral of most generators to
varying degrees - it varies due to differences in
stator winding pitch, machine load and power
factor. If present in a sufficient amount, this
voltage can be used to detect stator ground
faults near the generator neutral. For faults near
the neutral, the level of 3rd harmonic voltage
measured at the neutral decreases.
The two 3rd harmonic schemes described above for 100% stator ground
fault protection have limitations in their applications. The most common
limitation being that there may not be enough 3rd harmonic present to allow
fault detection. Since the 3rd harmonic varies with power factor and load,
a secure setting may not be possible. For these cases, 100% stator ground
fault protection is still possible using a subharmonic injection scheme that
is widely used in Europe but not used much in North America. The scheme
shown in Fig. 4 provides full coverage of the entire stator winding. It also
provides off-line detection of stator ground faults. The recent price reductions
in the cost of the injection equipment have made this an attractive choice
for many users.
Field ground fault detection (64F)
The field circuit of a generator is an ungrounded (typically) 600 - 800 V DC
system, as shown in Fig. 5.
A single field ground fault generally will not affect the operation of a
generator, nor will it produce any immediate damaging effects. However,
the probability of a second ground fault occurring is greater after the
first ground fault has established a ground reference. When a second
ground fault occurs, a portion of the field winding will be short-circuited,
thereby producing unbalanced air gap fluxes in the machine. These
unbalanced fluxes produce unbalanced magnetic forces, which result
in machine vibration. A field ground fault also produces rotor iron heating
from the unbalanced short circuit currents. The tripping practices within the
energize - May 2006 - Page 48
industry for field ground relaying are not well
established. Some users trip while others prefer
to alarm, thereby risking a second ground
fault and major damage before the first
ground is cleared.
The existing practice within the industry has
been to use voltage detection systems.
These voltage schemes have been prone
to false operation - especially during startup. Unit operators routinely reset the alarm
and continue with start-up procedures.
If a persistent alarm occurred, operators
attempted to locate the problem. If
the ground could not be found within a
reasonable time, the unit was supposed to
be tripped manually. However, the many
nuisance alarms and the very few legitimate
ones caused some unit operators to lose
confidence in the field ground voltage
scheme. Therefore, the alarm lost credibility.
Operators continued to keep the units online, hoping that a second ground would
not occur. Catastrophic rotor failures have
occurred due to a second ground in the field
developing very quickly after the first ground.
In these instances, the operators were not
able to isolate the cause of the first alarm,
nor were they able to bring the units off-line
in an orderly fashion before the second
ground occurred.
Clearly, a more secure field ground relay
is desirable if automatic tripping is being
considered. Such a relay is shown in Fig. 6
and uses an injection principle. This principle
has been widely used in Europe with great
success, but until recently, it was not available
in a multifunction relay. As illustrated in
Fig. 6, a 15 V square wave signal is injected
into the field through a coupling network.
The return signal waveform is modified due
to field winding capacitance. The injection
frequency setting is adjusted (0,1 to 1,0 Hz) to
compensate for field winding capacitance.
From the input and return voltage signals, the
relay calculates the field insulation resistance.
The relay setpoints are in ohms, typically with a
20 k and a 5 k critical alarm or trip.
The injection scheme provides a major
improvement over traditional voltage
schemes in terms of both sensitivity as well
as security. In addition, digital relays can
provide real-time monitoring of field insulation
resistance so deterioration with time can be
monitored. The scheme can also detect
grounds on an off-line generator, allowing the
operator to determine if the field circuitry is
free of a ground before start-up. An added
benefit of the injection scheme described
above is that it operates at a low voltage
(15 V) compared to the scheme it typically
replaces (120 V), thus improving operator
safety when changing brushes with the
unit on-line.
Enhancing generator
system backup
security (21-2)
A mho distance
relay characteristic is
commonly used to etect
system phase faults and
to trip the generator after
a set time delay. These
relays, however, have
frequently operated
improperly during major
system disturbances
- unnecessarily tripping
generators and thereby
exacerbating the
This was the case during
the 1996 West Coast
blackout. Investigation
revealed that these relays
were improperly set for
the system conditions
they encountered
and were expected
Fig. 6: Field ground protection using an injection voltage signal.
to ride through. They
operated due to stable
Transmission system protection: If the
power swings or load encroachment during
transmission lines exiting the power
low system voltage conditions.
plant have proper primary and backup
The IEEE Power System Relay Committee,
through the latest revision of C-37.102 [1],
provides guidance on setting this relay. The
relays impedance reach and delay settings
must be coordinated with transmission
backup protection and breaker failure to allow
selectivity. Typically, the phase distance relays
reach begins at the generator terminals and
ideally extends to the length of the longest
line out of the power plant transmission
substation. Some factors impacting the
settings are as follows:
The capability
cur ve for the
generator and
settings are
plotted on the
R-X diagram as
shown in Fig. 7.
The time delay
for the 21-2
relay should be
set longer than
the transmission
lines backup and
breaker failure
protection with
an appropriate
margin for proper
Fig. 8: Security enhancements for generator phase backup distance protection.
To enhance
security and safe
load margins
while still providing the necessar y 21-2
relay reach, it is possible to use both load
encroachment and out-of-step blocking
techniques. Out-of-step blocking uses a
21-3 impedance element that completely
surrounds the 21-2 trip element to provide
blocking logic.
The zone 3-distance element must be set
less than the capability of the generator
as illustrated in Fig. 8. For power system
swing conditions, the impedance locus
will first enter into zone 3 before entering
zone 2. For fault conditions, the impedance
will instantaneously enter the zone 2-trip
characteristic. Out-of-step logic is provided
such that if zone 3 operates prior to
zone 2, a power swing condition exists and
zone 2 is blocked from operating. To enhance
steady-state loadability, a notch blinder is
used as illustrated in Fig. 8. The part of the
zone 2-trip circle is blocked from operating
to increase loadability at the generators
rated power factor angle (RPFA). Both these
techniques are available in multifunction
digital generator relay packages.
New or additional protection areas
Inadvertent generator
energizing (27/50)
Inadvertent or
accidental energizing of
synchronous generators
(27/50) has been an
industr y problem in
recent years. A number
of machines have been
damaged, or in some
c a s e s, c o m p l e t e l y
destroyed when they
were accidentally