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2 IOInterfacing

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Interfacing I/O devices with 8085



System Bus



Techniques for I/O Interfacing

Memory-mapped I/O
Peripheral-mapped I/O

Memory-mapped I/O
8085 uses its 16-bit address bus to identify a

memory location
Memory address space: 0000H to FFFFH
8085 needs to identify I/O devices also
I/O devices can be interfaced using
addresses from memory space
8085 treats such an I/O device as a memory
This is called Memory-mapped I/O

Peripheral-mapped I/O
8085 has a separate 8-bit addressing scheme

for I/O devices

I/O address space: 00H to FFH
This is called Peripheral-mapped I/O or
I/O-mapped I/O

8085 Communication with I/O devices

Involves the following three steps
1. Identify

the I/O device (with address)

2. Generate Timing & Control signals
3. Data transfer takes place
8085 communicates with a I/O device only if

there is a Program Instruction to do so

1.Identify the I/O device (with address)

1. Memory-mapped I/O (16-bit address)
2. Peripheral-mapped I/O (8-bit address)

2.Generate Timing & Control Signals

Memory-mapped I/O

Reading Input: IO/M = 0, RD = 0

Write to Output: IO/M = 0, WR = 0

Peripheral-mapped I/O

Reading Input: IO/M = 1, RD = 0

Write to Output: IO/M = 1, WR = 0

3. Data transfer takes place

Peripheral I/O Instructions

IN Instruction

Inputs data from input device into the

It is a 2-byte instruction
Format: IN 8-bit port address
Example: IN 01H

OUT Instruction

Outputs the contents of accumulator to an

output device
It is a 2-byte instruction
Format: OUT 8-bit port address
Example: OUT 02H

----------Example Program--------- WAP to read a number from input port (port

address 01H) and display it on ASCII display

connected to output port (port address 02H)
IN 01H
;reads data value 03H (example)into
;accumulator, A = 03H
MVI B, 30H;loads register B with 30H
;A = 33H, ASCII code for 3
OUT 02H ;display 3 on ASCII display

Memory-mapped I/O Instructions

I/O devices are identified by 16-bit addresses
8085 communicates with an I/O device as if it

were one of the memory locations

Memory related instructions are used
For e.g. LDA, STA
LDA 8000H

Loads A with data read from input device with

16-bit address 8000H

STA 8001H
Stores (Outputs) contents of A to output
device with 16-bit address 8001H

----------Example Program--------- WAP to read a number from input port (port

address 8000H) and display it on ASCII

display connected to output port (port
address 8001H)
LDA 8000H;reads data value 03H (example)into
;accumulator, A = 03H
MVI B, 30H;loads register B with 30H
;A = 33H, ASCII code for 3
STA 8001H;display 3 on ASCII display

Memory mapped I/O

Peripheral Mapped I/O

Design a seven segment LED output port with

the device address f5H, using a 74LS138 3to-8 decoder, a 74LS20 4-input NAND gate, a
74LS02 NOR gate, and a common-anode
seven segment LED.
Given WR and IO/M signals from the 8085,
generate the IOW control signal.
Explain the binary codes required to display 0
to F hex digits at seven segment LED.
Write instructions to display digit 7 at the port.

Data Lines D7











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