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NY3P (B) v1.2

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NY3PxxxB Series (OTP for NY3)

5 I/O Single-Chip Speech Synthesizer

Version 1.2
Jul. 1, 2015

NYQUEST TECHNOLOGY CO. reserves the right to change this document without prior notice. Information provided by NYQUEST is believed to be accurate and reliable.
However, NYQUEST makes no warranty for any errors which may appear in this document. Contact NYQUEST to obtain the latest version of device specifications before
placing your orders. No responsibility is assumed by NYQUEST for any infringement of patent or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. In addition,
NYQUEST products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices/systems or aviation devices/systems, where a malfunction or failure of the
product may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user, without the express written approval of NYQUEST.
NY3PxxxB Series

Revision History

Version Date Description Modified Page

1.0 2013/06/27 Formal release. -

1. Modify Isb current when LVR or POP is enabled. 13

1.1 2013/08/07
2. Add new P/N of NY3P115BS8 & NY3P115BS14. 27

1. Add new body of NY3P005B. 3, 7, 22, 27

1.2 2015/07/01
2. Modify NY3 MaskROM version. 3, 7

2 Ver 1.2 2015/07/01

NY3PxxxB Series
1. 概述
NY3PxxxB系列產品為單晶片CMOS語音合成 IC,是九齊科技為了支援 NY3A, NY3B, NY3C, NY3D 系列
MaskROM 產品所專門開發的崁入式EPROM架構的OTP IC (One Time Programmable),共有7個母體分別為
NY3P005B、NY3P010B、NY3P016B、NY3P035B、NY3P065B、NY3P087B 和 NY3P115B。最多有5個I/O腳
(NY3P005B & NY3P010B 只有3個I/O腳),利用精準的內阻震盪(+/- 1%),故不需外加震盪電阻,只有一組PWM
輸出,故無須再外加任何零件。語音合成方式與NY3A, NY3B, NY3C, NY3D 系列MaskROM產品相同,藉由OTP
燒錄過程中更換Code資料,可自行將不同的語音資料寫入EPROM中。用戶可使用簡便的 Q-Speech 和 Quick-IO

2. 功能
(1). 寬廣的工作電壓: 1.6V ~ 6.4V。

(2). 共有7個母體,對應不同NY3系列的容量(Hex-16進制)和秒數(@6kHz)如下:
NY3P005B NY3P010B NY3P016B NY3P035B NY3P065B NY3P087B NY3P115B
5F00H 11F00H - - - - -
4.05s 12.25s - - - - -
5F00H 11F00H 1DF00H - - - -
4.05s 12.25s 20.44s - - - -
5F00H 11F00H 1DF00H 3DF00H 7DF00H A1F00H DDF00H
4.05s 12.25s 20.44s 42.28s 85.97s 110.55s 151.51s
4C00H E599H 17F33H 318CCH 64C00H 818CCH B18CCH
3.24s 9.80s 16.35s 33.83s 68.78s 88.44s 121.21s

NY3A, NY3B, NY3C, NY3D 系列MaskROM產品的實際容量(Hex-16進制)和秒數(@6kHz)如下:

NY3A003E NY3A006E NY3A009E NY3A012E
4800H 9000H D800H 12000H
3.07s 6.14s 9.22s 12.29s

NY3B003C NY3B007C NY3B010C NY3B014C NY3B017C NY3B021C

5400H A800H FC00H 15000H 1A400H 1F800H
3.58s 7.17s 10.75s 14.34s 17.92s 21.50s

NY3C003B NY3C005B NY3C007B NY3C010B NY3C016B NY3C021C NY3C027B NY3C035C NY3C043B NY3C054C NY3C065B
5C00H 7C00H BB00H FC00H 17C00H 1FC00H 27C00H 37C00H 3FC00H 4FC00H 5FC00H
3.93s 5.29s 7.98s 10.75s 16.21s 21.67s 27.14s 38.06 43.52 54.44 65.37

NY3D005B NY3D010B NY3D016B NY3D021B NY3D032C NY3D043B NY3D054B NY3D065B NY3D076B NY3D087B NY3D100B NY3D115B

6C80H EC80H 16C80H 1EC80H 2EC80H 3EC80H 4EC80H 5EC80H 6EC80H 7EC80H 96C80H A6C80H
4.63s 10.09s 15.55s 21.01s 31.94s 42.89s 53.78s 64.70s 75.63s 86.55s 102.93s 113.86s

※ 注意: 使用NY3P(B) OTP模擬 MaskROM IC 時,可以在Q-Speech上將 Voice Sections 中的Factor參數調

整到一樣,這樣 Voice Data Size 相同,音質才會一樣。

(3). 有5個I/O腳: OKY1/O5、OKY2/O4、IO1、IO2 和 IO3 可分別選作輸入腳或是輸出腳 。

※ 注意: NY3P005B & NY3P010B 只有3個I/O腳 (OKY/O3, IO1, IO2)。

3 Ver 1.2 2015/07/01

NY3PxxxB Series
(4). 語音最多可被分割成768個語音段(Voice Section),每段長度可不同。每一個語音段的最大長度和最小長度都

(5). 最多有1536個語音格(Voice Step),可規劃成128個語音組(Voice Sentence),OKY1/O5、OKY2/O4、IO1、

IO2、IO3和POP能分別指定 64、60、1、1、1、1 個語音組(Sentence)。每一語音格(Step)可指定任一個語
音段(Section)和 IO1、IO2、IO3、OKY2/O4、OKY1/O5 的輸出搭配(當IOx設為輸出時)。

(6). 只有內建一組準確的頻率振盪器(+/- 1% 誤差), 並無提供外部震盪電阻選項 。可分別支援NY3A, NY3B,

NY3C, NY3D 系列不同的播放速度選項。

(a) NY3A 和 NY3B 的27種播放速度選項:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
20.0kHz 17.1kHz 15.0kHz 13.3kHz 12.0kHz 10.9kHz 10.0kHz 9.2kHz 8.6kHz 8.0kHz
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
7.5kHz 7.1kHz 6.7kHz 6.3kHz 6.0kHz 5.7kHz 5.5kHz 5.2kHz 5.0kHz 4.8kHz
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
4.6kHz 4.4kHz 4.3kHz 4.1kHz 4.0kHz 3.9kHz 3.8kHz

(b) NY3C 和 NY3D 的28種播放速度選項:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
24.0kHz 20.0kHz 17.1kHz 15.0kHz 13.3kHz 12.0kHz 10.9kHz 10.0kHz 9.2kHz 8.6kHz
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
8.0kHz 7.5kHz 7.1kHz 6.7kHz 6.3kHz 6.0kHz 5.7kHz 5.5kHz 5.2kHz 5.0kHz
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
4.8kHz 4.6kHz 4.4kHz 4.3kHz 4.1kHz 4.0kHz 3.9kHz 3.8kHz

(7). I/O 對應圖:

NY3A OKY - - - -
NY3B OKY - IO1 - -
NY3C OKY/O3 - IO1 IO2 -

(8). 輸入腳的輸入選項:
(a). 任一輸入腳可分別選擇 Edge/Level, Hold/Unhold, Retrigger/Irretrigger 不同的觸發方式組合。
(b). 任一輸入腳可分別選擇 CDS+1.5M、CDS、300K 的下拉電阻 或 Floating。(CDS+1.5M選項: 當按鍵按下
時,IC內部為 1.5M 的下拉電阻;而當按鍵放開時,IC內部為 300K+1.5M 並聯 的下拉電阻 約250K。
CDS: 當按鍵按下時,IC內部為 Floating;而當按鍵放開時,IC內部為 300K 的下拉電阻。)
(c). 任一輸入腳可分別選擇Debounce時間:Long - 提供一般按鍵使用;Short - 提供彈跳開關使用。
(d). OKY1/O5和OKY2/O4輸入腳最多各有64和60個Sentence的One-Key sequential 或 random 的選擇,在
One-Key sequential 時並可選擇Sentence的播放順序在其他按鍵被觸發後是否要Reset。
st nd
(e). 只有一個輸入腳可選擇是否有 Toggle On/Off 的功能 (1 觸發  播放,2 觸發  停止,……)。

※ 注意: 按鍵輸入的優先順序為 OKY1/O5 > OKY2/O4 > IO1 > IO2 > IO3。

4 Ver 1.2 2015/07/01

NY3PxxxB Series
(9). 所有的輸出腳都有以下 4 種輸出電流選項:
(a). Normal Sink Current Output (一般灌電流輸出) : 輸出腳接LED到VDD。(Iol=22mA/33mA @VDD=3V/4.5V)
(b). Large Sink Current Output (大灌電流輸出) : 輸出腳接LED到VDD。(Iol=58mA/83mA @VDD=3V/4.5V)
(c). Constant Sink Current Output (定灌電流輸出) : 輸出腳接LED到VDD,VDD=3V和4.5V的輸出電流為恆定
電流,不會因為VDD不同而影響到LED亮度。(Iol=20mA/21mA @VDD=3V/4.5V)
(d). Drive Current Output (拉電流輸出) : 輸出腳接LED到GND。(Ioh=7mA/11mA @VDD=3V/4.5V)

(10). 所有的輸出腳都分別有以下 9 種輸出選項:

(a). Stop_Low pulse : 停止播放時送出低位準脈衝。
(b). Stop_High pulse : 停止播放時送出高位準脈衝。 (注意: OKY1/O5 不支援此選項)
(c). Busy_High active : 播放時送出高位準訊號。(Drive輸出) (注意: OKY1/O5 不支援此選項)
(d). Busy_Low active : 播放時送出低位準訊號。(Sink輸出)
(e). LED 1.5Hz flash : 播放時 LED 1.5Hz Sink輸出閃爍。
(f). LED 3Hz flash : 播放時 LED 3Hz Sink輸出閃爍。
(g). LED 6Hz flash : 播放時 LED 6Hz Sink輸出閃爍。
(h). LED dynamic 1/2 : 播放時 LED根據1/2聲音位準做Sink輸出動態閃爍。
(i). QIO訊號 : 可隨聲音作任意的輸出變化,IO1、IO2、IO3各有兩組QIO訊號,每一個語音格(Step)可選擇
兩組QIO訊號的其中一組,但OKY2/O4只有一組QIO訊號可供選擇,而OKY1/O5 並沒有提供QIO選

※ 注意: LED 1.5Hz / 3Hz / 6Hz flash 是指以 6kHz 的播放速度 時LED閃爍的頻率;不同的播放速度,LED

(11). 特殊功能選項 ”模式切換” (Mode-Switch):有兩種功能模式,可使用IO1或IO3輸入來當作模式切換開關

(Mode-Switch),模式一(IO1GND) 與 模式二(IO1VDD) 的所有輸出型態(Output Type)只能相同,但是

(12). 特殊功能選項 ”上電播放” (Power-On-Play, POP): 電池一上電立即播放一次”上電播放語音組”(POP

Sentence) ,觸發模式固定為 Edge / Unhold / Retrigger。如果POP結合 Power-On-Loop (POL) 功能,則上
電會循環播放”上電播放語音組”(POP Sentence) 。如果POP結合 Power-On-Loop Interrupt (POP Interrupt)

(13). 特殊功能選項 ”特殊聲控” (Special SC): 當聲控輸入與按鍵輸入同時存在,可以讓聲控輸入不會產生誤觸


(14). 特殊功能選項 ”馬達復位” (Motor-Recover): 當使用復位馬達時可選擇此功能,使用者可以選擇OKY2/O4或


5 Ver 1.2 2015/07/01

NY3PxxxB Series
(15). 特殊功能選項 ” 按鍵優先順序” (2-Key Priority): 使用者可以決定先後按下兩鍵的優先播放順序,有2種順序
選項:First Key (前鍵優先) 和 Last Key (後鍵優先)。First Key為先按的按鍵優先,為一般正常的操作;
Last Key則為後按的按鍵優先,然而Last Key只支援OKY1/O5及OKY2/O4,使用者可以根據應用需求來使
用Last Key。

(16). 特殊功能選項 ”觸發反向” (TG-Invert): 當語音格選取Invert功能時,在播放該段聲音時,原本輸入觸發的


(17). 特殊功能選項 ”隨機列表播放” (Table Random): 當使用者需要可以平均的隨機播放好幾個語音組時可以選

擇此功能。第一次觸發OKY1,會隨機選擇 OKY1 Sentences Table 內的其中一個語音組來播放,之後的

(18). 特殊功能選項 ”暫停/恢復播放” (Pause-Resume):在播放OKY1的語音組時,當OKY1按鍵一被觸發,則語

音組會暫停播放,此時LED全滅,IC會進入睡眠狀態(Sleep Mode),靜態電流非常小(0.05uA),再次觸發

※ 注意: Pause-Resume 不能和 Toggle On/Off 功能同時存在。

(19). 特殊功能選項 ”內部觸發” (Internal-Feedback): 此功能有兩組。 當OKY1(OKY2) 的聲音播放中被重覆觸發

或聲音播放結束時,利用內部的Stop_High-Pulse信號來自動觸發 OKY2(OKY1) 所指定的語音組(Internal-
Feedback Path),播放該語音組一次。

※ 注意: 當啟動此功能時,OKY1 或 OKY2 只能當做輸入腳。

(20). 特殊功能選項 ”防干擾Debounce” (Anti-Noise Debounce): 設定輸入腳的訊號觸發需要先偵測到一段低電平


※ 注意: 當啟動此功能時,所有輸入口都會被設定為 Anti-Noise Debounce 功能。

(21). 序列觸發功能(Serial-Trigger): 在 Edge/Unhold/Retrigger 觸發模式下,使用OKY1或OKY2的 One-Key

Sequential 和 Reset 功能,並設定觸發Debounce時間為Short Debounce,這樣就可以利用外部序列訊號輸
入來控制OKYx 的特定Sentence播放,通常搭配外部MCU來控制。

(22). 一組 9-bit 或 10-bit 的PWM輸出可支援 NY3A/NY3B/NY3C 的 9-bit 或 NY3D 的 10-bit PWM 輸出,有兩種
PWM音量可供選擇 (正常音量&大音量),可直接驅動8Ω、16Ω、32Ω、64Ω的喇叭或蜂鳴片。

(23). 支援低壓復位(LVR=1.5V)功能。

(24). 提供特殊的快速燒錄模式,以加快OTP燒錄時間。

(25). 支援特殊的ICP (In Circuit Programming) 燒錄功能,以方便客戶先組裝PCBA模組再進行燒錄。

(26). 提供可程式的Code資料保護模式。(當Security-Bit 被燒斷後,資料將無法讀取。)

(27). 提供多種出貨型態,以滿足客戶不同的應用需求。

(要進一步了解上述功能,請參考NY3A, NY3B, NY3C 和 NY3D 的規格書。)

6 Ver 1.2 2015/07/01

NY3PxxxB Series
The NY3PxxxB series are single-chip voice synthesizing CMOS IC. They are embedded EPROM architecture,
and OTP (One Time Programmable) IC that are designed to support NY3A, NY3B, NY3C and NY3D MaskROM
products. There are 7 bodies: NY3P005B, NY3P010B, NY3P016B, NY3P035B, NY3P065B, NY3P087B and
NY3P115B. There are maximum five I/O pins except NY3P005B and NY3P010B with three I/O pins. Through
accurate internal oscillation of +/- 1% tolerance, an external Rosc is unnecessary. There is only one PWM
output for voice. Thus any external component is not required. Using the same speech algorithm as NY3A,
NY3B, NY3C and NY3D, customer’s speech data can be written into EPROM by different code data. Besides,
two interactive software developing tools of “Q-Speech” & “Quick-IO” are user-friendly and quick for
programming, then users can write BIN code into OTP very fast by “Q-Writer“ software cooperating with
“OTP_Writer“ hardware.

(1). Wide operating voltage: 1.6V ~ 6.4V.

(2). There are 7 bodies. Corresponding to different NY3 series, the supported ROM size in Hex and speech
duration at 6kHz are as following.
NY3P005B NY3P010B NY3P016B NY3P035B NY3P065B NY3P087B NY3P115B
5F00H 11F00H - - - - -
4.05s 12.25s - - - - -
5F00H 11F00H 1DF00H - - - -
4.05s 12.25s 20.44s - - - -
5F00H 11F00H 1DF00H 3DF00H 7DF00H A1F00H DDF00H
4.05s 12.25s 20.44s 42.28s 85.97s 110.55s 151.51s
4C00H E599H 17F33H 318CCH 64C00H 818CCH B18CCH
3.24s 9.80s 16.35s 33.83s 68.78s 88.44s 121.21s

For NY3A, NY3B, NY3C and NY3D MaskROM product series, the actual ROM size in Hex and speech
duration at 6kHz are as following.
NY3A003E NY3A006E NY3A009E NY3A012E
4800H 9000H D800H 12000H
3.07s 6.14s 9.22s 12.29s

NY3B003C NY3B007C NY3B010C NY3B014C NY3B017C NY3B021C

5400H A800H FC00H 15000H 1A400H 1F800H
3.58s 7.17s 10.75s 14.34s 17.92s 21.50s

NY3C003B NY3C005B NY3C007B NY3C010B NY3C016B NY3C021C NY3C027B NY3C035C NY3C043B NY3C054C NY3C065B
5C00H 7C00H BB00H FC00H 17C00H 1FC00H 27C00H 37C00H 3FC00H 4FC00H 5FC00H
3.93s 5.29s 7.98s 10.75s 16.21s 21.67s 27.14s 38.06 43.52 54.44 65.37

NY3D005B NY3D010B NY3D016B NY3D021B NY3D032C NY3D043B NY3D054B NY3D065B NY3D076B NY3D087B NY3D100B NY3D115B

6C80H EC80H 16C80H 1EC80H 2EC80H 3EC80H 4EC80H 5EC80H 6EC80H 7EC80H 96C80H A6C80H
4.63s 10.09s 15.55s 21.01s 31.94s 42.89s 53.78s 64.70s 75.63s 86.55s 102.93s 113.86s

7 Ver 1.2 2015/07/01

NY3PxxxB Series
※ Note: Using NY3P(B) OTP to simulate NY3 MaskROM IC, users may adjust the Factor parameter of
Voice Sections in Q-Speech to get same Voice Data Size for same sound quality.

(3). Five I/O pins: OKY1/O5, OKY2/O4, IO1, IO2 and IO3 can be either input or output pin.

※ Note: There are only three I/O pins for NY3P010B (OKY/O3, IO1, IO2).

(4). The total voice duration can be partitioned up to maximum 768 Voice Sections. Each Voice Section length
is flexible and each maximum or minimum Voice Section length is unlimited.

(5). Total maximum 1536 Voice Steps are available for 128 Voice Sentences. OKY1/O5, OKY2/O4, IO1, IO2,
IO3 and POP can assign 64, 60, 1, 1, 1 and 1 Sentences independently. Each Step can specify one Voice
Section and enable/disable IO1, IO2, IO3, OKY2/O4, OKY1/O5 output option if IOx is set as output.

(6). Only build in an accurate internal oscillator of +/- 1% tolerance, no external R oscillator. It can support
different play speed option of NY3A, NY3B, NY3C and NY3D individually.

(a) NY3A & NY3B: 27 kinds of play speed option.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
20.0kHz 17.1kHz 15.0kHz 13.3kHz 12.0kHz 10.9kHz 10.0kHz 9.2kHz 8.6kHz 8.0kHz
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
7.5kHz 7.1kHz 6.7kHz 6.3kHz 6.0kHz 5.7kHz 5.5kHz 5.2kHz 5.0kHz 4.8kHz
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
4.6kHz 4.4kHz 4.3kHz 4.1kHz 4.0kHz 3.9kHz 3.8kHz

(b) NY3C & NY3D: 28 kinds of play speed option.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
24.0kHz 20.0kHz 17.1kHz 15.0kHz 13.3kHz 12.0kHz 10.9kHz 10.0kHz 9.2kHz 8.6kHz
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
8.0kHz 7.5kHz 7.1kHz 6.7kHz 6.3kHz 6.0kHz 5.7kHz 5.5kHz 5.2kHz 5.0kHz
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
4.8kHz 4.6kHz 4.4kHz 4.3kHz 4.1kHz 4.0kHz 3.9kHz 3.8kHz

(7). I/O mapping table.

NY3A OKY - - - -
NY3B OKY - IO1 - -
NY3C OKY/O3 - IO1 IO2 -

(8). Input option for input pin:

(a). Each input can select Edge/Level, Hold/Unhold and Retrigger/Irretrigger trigger modes.
(b). Each input can select CDS+1.5M、CDS、1.5M pull-low resistor or Floating type.
(CDS+1.5M option: Only 1.5M pull-low resistance at key-pressed, and 300K+1.5M in parallel pull-low
resistance around 250K at key-released. CDS option: Floating at key-pressed, and 300K pull-low
resistance at key-released.)
(c). Each input can select Debounce time: Long debounce for push-button. Short debounce for fast switch.

8 Ver 1.2 2015/07/01

NY3PxxxB Series
(d). OKY1/O5 & OKY2/O4 input can select One-Key Sequential or Random for maximum 64 & 60
Sentences independently. At One-Key Sequential, the Reset function of playing Sentence sequence
can be selected or not when other keys are triggered..
st nd
(e). Only one input pin can select Toggle On/Off function (1 Trigger  play, 2 trigger  stop, ……).

※ Note: Input priority is OKY1/O5 > OKY2/O4 > IO1 > IO2 > IO3.

(9). There are 4 kinds of output current option for all output pins.
(a). Normal Sink Current output: Output is connected a LED with VDD. (Iol=22mA/33mA @VDD=3V/4.5V)
(b). Large Sink Current output: Output is connected a LED with VDD. (Iol=58mA/83mA @VDD=3V/4.5V)
(c). Constant Sink Current output: Output is connected a LED with VDD. Whenever VDD is 3V or 4.5V, the
output current is constant and LED brightness is uniform. (Iol=20mA/21mA @VDD=3V/4.5V)
(d). Drive Current output: Output is connected a LED with GND. (Ioh=7mA/11mA @VDD=3V/4.5V)

(10). There are 9 kinds of output option for all output pins:
(a). Stop_Low pulse: Low active stop-pulse output whenever device stops playing.
(b). Stop_High pulse: high active stop-pulse output whenever device stops playing.
(※ Note: This option is not available for OKY1/O5.)
(c). Busy_High active: high active signal output during playing. (Drive output)
(※ Note: This option is not available for OKY1/O5.)
(d). Busy_Low active: low active signal output during playing. (Sink output)
(e). LED 3Hz flash: 3Hz sink signal output to drive LED during playing.
(f). LED 6Hz flash: 6Hz sink signal output to drive LED during playing.
(g). LED 12Hz flash: 12Hz sink signal output to drive LED during playing.
(h). LED dynamic 1/2: according to 1/2 sound level, dynamic sink signal output to drive LED during playing.
(i). QIO signal: arbitrary output with voice. For IO1, IO2 and IO3, there are two sets of QIO signal. Each
Voice Step can select one set of QIO signal. But for OKY2/O4, there is only one set of QIO signal to
select. And for OKY1/O5, there is no QIO signal to select. User can edit the QIO signal by “Quick-IO”

※ Note: Where (e) ~ (g) is the LED flash rate at 6kHz sample rate. For different play speed, the LED flash
rate is different from original 1.4Hz, 3Hz or 6Hz.

(11). “Mode-Switch” special function: There is two kinds of functional modes that can be switched by IO1 or IO3
input (Mode-Switch). For Mode-1 (IO1  GND) and Mode-2 (IO1VDD), the output type of I/O setting is
the same, but I/O function and voice/melody can be different.

(12). “Power-On-Play” special function (POP): When power is on, play the POP Sentence one time. The trigger
mode is fixed as Edge / Unhold / Retrigger. To cooperate with Power-On-Loop function, the POP
Sentence will be played in loop until other key-trigger happened. When other key is triggered, it stops
playing the POP Sentence and immediately plays the assigned sentence of triggered key.

(13). “Special SC” special function: When sound-control input stands with push-button input together, sound-

9 Ver 1.2 2015/07/01

NY3PxxxB Series
control won’t mis-trigger IC. The sound-control input pin can only be connected to OKY2/O4 or IO3. While
playing voice by sound-control input, to press push-button input can stop voice paying. But while playing
voice by push-button input, sound-control input can’t trigger IC to stop voice paying. This special function
can be applied in one module with both sound-control input and push-button input, i.e. sound-control won’t
affect normal operation of push-button key trigger.

(14). “Motor-Recover” special function: User can select this function when using the recovering motor. In this
application, IO2 is set as output to control the recovering motor. And the motor recovering sensor must be
connected to OKY2/O4 or IO3 to detect the recovering signal.

(15). “2-Key Priority” special function: Users can decide the priority of 2 different keys when both keys are
pressed at the same time. There are two kinds of priority option: First Key and Last Key. For First Key, the
prior pressed key is first priority to play voice, and it’s normal operation. As for Last Key, the later pressed
key is first priority to play voice, and it only supports OKY1/O5 and OKY2/O4 input pins. Users can use
Last Key option according to application requirement.

(16). “TG-Invert” special function: When one Voice Step is optioned with Invert function, the trigger mode of
Retrigger/Irretrigger will be inverted during playing that Voice Section. Users can insert Invert function in
specific steps according to application requirement to change the trigger mode.

(17). “Table Random” special function: When users need to play several sentences randomly and averagely,
this function can be applied. At first trigger of OKY1, one random sentence will be played from OKY1
Sentences Table. After that, the played sentences for following OKY1 triggers will be sequential.

(18). “Pause-Resume” special function: At playing OKY1 sentence, when key is triggered, the sentence playing
will be paused, all LEDs are turned off and IC will enter sleep mode. At this moment, the standby current
is very small about 0.05uA. To trigger OKY1 again, the sentence will resume and play sentence from the
pause point.

※ Note: Pause -Resume function cannot co-exist with Toggle On/Off function.

(19). “Internal-Feedback” special function: There are 2 sets of this function. When the playing sentence of
OKY1(OKY2) is stopped or over, continue to play the assigned sentence of OKY2(OKY1) through internal
Stop_High-Pulse signal (Internal-Feedback Path).

※ Note: W hen enable this function, OKY1/O5 or OKY2/O4 is fixed as input pin.

(20). “Anti-Noise Debounce” special function: For a right trigger detection, the trigger signal needs a low-level
Debounce time in advance of normal Debounce detection for high-level signal. It is used to prevent noise
interference such like motor noise. With this function, the trigger signal won’t result in double-trigger which
usually occur when noise pull the high signal to low.

※ Note: W hen enable this function, all inputs are optioned as Anti-Noise Debounce function.

(21). Serial-Trigger function: In Edge/Unhold/Retrigger mode, by using the One-Key Sequential and Reset
functions of OKY1 or OKY2 and setting the Debounce time to be short, IC can access external serial clock
signal to playback the specific Sentence of OKYx. Usually it cooperates with an external MCU.

10 Ver 1.2 2015/07/01

NY3PxxxB Series
(22). One 9-bit or 10-bit PWM output for NY3A/NY3B/NY3C 9-bit or NY3D 10-bit PWM output. There are 2
kinds of PWM output, normal and large. It can directly drive 8, 16, 32, 64Ω speaker or piezo-buzzer.

(23). Low Voltage Reset (LVR=1.5V) is supported.

(24). A unique fast writing mode is provided to speed up OTP writing time.

(25). A special ICP (In Circuit Programming) writing function is supported for user to fabricate PCBA in advance.

(26). Programmable code protection is provided. (When the Security-Bit is burnt down, data can’t be read.)

(27). Various shipping type for different application requirement.

(For details of the above functions, please refer to NY3A, NY3B, NY3C and NY3D datasheet.)

11 Ver 1.2 2015/07/01

NY3PxxxB Series


1 2

Pad Name Pad No. ATTR. Description
OKY1/O5 /VPP 1 I Input pin, active high, or positive high power for programming.
OKY2/O4 2 I/O Output or input pin. To be input, active high. (N/A for 3*I/O bodies)
IO1 /SDA 3 I/O Output or input pin. To be input, active high.
IO2 /SCL 4 I/O Output or input pin. To be input, active high.
IO3 5 I/O Output or input pin. To be input, active high. (N/A for 3*I/O bodies)
VREG 6 Power Regulator input. Connect a 0.1uF cap to GND or keep floating.
GND 7 Power Negative power.
VDD 8 Power Positive power.
PWM1 9 O PWM output 1.
PWM2 /Mode 10 O PWM output 2, or select programming mode.


User can use “Q-Speech“ & “Quick-IO” software to develop the desired functions. After finishing the code
programming, user will get 2 files of “.bin” and “.htm”, the binary file and function check list. Through
“OTP_Writer” operation, user can download the “.bin” file into NY3P(B) chips to demonstrate the NY3 function.
Customer can make pilot production by NY3P(B) OTP directly, or can send the “.bin” file to Nyquest to release
MaskROM code for mass production. For more details, please refer to “Q-Speech” & “Quick-IO” user manual.


Symbol Rating Unit
VDD~GND -0.5 ~ +7.0 V
Vin GND-0.3 < Vin < VDD+0.3 V
Vout GND < Vout < VDD V
Top (operating) -0 ~ +70 ºC
Tst (storage) -55 ~ +150 ºC

12 Ver 1.2 2015/07/01

NY3PxxxB Series
Symbol Parameter VDD Min. Typ. Max. Unit Condition
VDD Operating voltage -- 1.6 3.0 6.4 V 1.54MHz
3.0 0.1 0.5
LVR and POP disabled
4.5 0.1 0.5
ISB Standby current uA
3.0 0.7
LVR or POP enabled
4.5 1.7
3.0 1.0
IOP Operating current mA No load.
4.5 1.1
Input current 3.0 2
(1.5M ohms pull-low) 4.5 5
Input current 3.0 30
(300K ohms pull-low) 4.5 85
3.0 -7 VOH=2.0V
IOH Output drive current mA
4.5 -11 VOH=3.5V
3.0 22
Output normal sink current mA
4.5 33
3.0 58
IOL Output large sink current mA VOL=1.0V
4.5 83
3.0 20
Output constant sink current mA
4.5 21
PWM output current 3.0 60
(Normal) 4.5 100
IPWM Load=8 ohms
PWM output current 3.0 70
(Large) 4.5 117
3.0 0.3
Frequency deviation Fosc(3v)
by voltage drop Fosc(4.5v)-Fosc(3.0v)
∆F/F 4.5 -0.1
Frequency lot deviation -- -1 1 %
Fosc Oscillation Frequency -- 1.31 1.54 1.60 MHz VDD=1.6~6.4V

Voltage vs Freq. Deviation (SR=6.0KHz@3V)

Freq. Deviation

-2% 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5

Voltage (V)

13 Ver 1.2 2015/07/01

NY3PxxxB Series
(1) Debounce Time

(a). Trigger while no playing voice


Voice Play


※ Debounce time is configured by 7.2 kHz S.R and the value is fixed. That is, Long debounce=17ms, Short debounce = 42us

(b). Trigger While playing voice


Voice Play .… Step_x-1, Step_x Step_y, Step_y+1, .…


※ Debounce Time is configured by the S.R. of Step_x. At S.R. = 6kHz, Long debounce = 20ms, Short debounce = 50us

For example, if Step_x S.R. = 8kHz, Long debounce = 20ms*(6k/8k) = 15ms, Short debounce = 50us*(6k/8k) = 37.5us

(2) Input Priority



Voice Play OKY1/O5 voice

※ Priority: OKY1/O5 > OKY2 > IO1 > IO2 > IO3

(3) Output Signal (IO1, IO2, IO3, O4)

Voice Play Voice Mute

Stop_High pulse 172ms at 6kHz

Stop_Low pulse 172ms at 6kHz

Busy_High active

Busy_Low active

LED 1.5/3/6Hz flash

3Hz, 6Hz or 12Hz for playing speed at 6kHz
QIO signal

* Arbitrary output with voice.

LED dynamic 1/2: When the voice amplitude is higher than 1/2 level, LED will be ON, i.e. output signal is low.

14 Ver 1.2 2015/07/01

NY3PxxxB Series
(4) Basic Operation
(a). Edge mode, Edge trigger


Voice Play

(b). Edge mode, Level trigger

Voice Play

(c). Level mode, Edge trigger


Voice Play

(d). Level mode, Level trigger


Voice Play

(e). Retrigger mode


Voice Play

(f). Irretrigger mode


Voice Play

(g). Retrigger mode, first key priority



Voice Play OKY1 voice IO1 voice OKY1 voice

15 Ver 1.2 2015/07/01

NY3PxxxB Series
(5) Advanced Operation
(a). Different Input Reload ( OKY1 is in Sequential mode )

(a-1) OKY1 (E/U/R) = S1 S2 S3 S4, IO1(E/U/R) = S5 (S1 means Sentence 1)


Voice Play
S1 S5 S2

(a-2) OKY1 (E/U/R) = S1 S2 S3 S4, IO1 (L/x/x) = S5


Not active *1
Voice Play S1 S2

*1: If you press IO1 during OKY1 voice playing, at the moment of S1 end, the trigger mode follows OKY1

(a-3) OKY1 (E/U/I) = S1 S2 S3 S4, IO1 (E/x/x) = S5


Not active
Voice Play S1 S2

OKY1 Not active*2

IO1 Not active

Voice Play S1

*2: Because IO1 signal is still high in the same time IC can’t accept the OKY1 Edge signal.

(a-4) OKY1 (E/U/I) = S1 S2 S3 S4, IO1 (L/x/x) = S5


Not active
Voice Play S1 S2

(a-5) OKY1 (L/U/x) = S1 S2 S3 S4, IO1 (E/x/x) = S5


IO1 IO1 active

Voice Play S1 S1 S5 S2

※ In the time of Sentence end: When S1 end, the trigger mode follows OKY1 (L/U/x). When S5 end, it follows IO1 (E/x/x).
※ Once S5 is played (just leave S1 ending), the trigger mode follows IO1 (E/x/x) immediately.

16 Ver 1.2 2015/07/01

NY3PxxxB Series
(a-6) OKY1 (L/U/x) = S1 S2 S3 S4, IO1 (L/U/I) =S5

No debounce happen (not S2) *3
IO1 Load OKY1
IO1 active
Voice Play S1 S1 S1 S5 S1

※ Reload key priority: OKY1 > IO1

*3: In OKY1 mode, Sequential number is counted only if there is debounce happened.

(a-7) OKY1 (L/U/x) = S1 S2 S3 S4, IO1 (L/U/x) =S5


No debounce happen *4 Sequential start (not S2) *4
Voice Play S5 S1 S1 S2

*4: In OKY mode, 1st trigger without debounce and Sequential number is still “1”. 2nd trigger with debounce, after trigger the
Sequential number become “2”.

(b). Random Function

(b-1) OKY1 (L/U/I) =S1 S2 S3 S4, IO1 (L/U/I) =S5

Random (or Sequential) number is counted during “debounce time” or “key released time”. But the first-time

trigger only relies on “debounce time” due to no “key release time”.

Debounce time Key released time Key released time Key released time



Voice Play Sx Sx S5 Sy

x=1, 2, 3 or 4; y=1, 2, 3 or 4 (x and y are random number)

(b-2) OKY1 (L/U/R) =S1 S2 S3 S4, IO1 (L/U/R) =S16



Voice Play Sx Sx S5 S5 Sy Sy

17 Ver 1.2 2015/07/01

NY3PxxxB Series
(c). Toggle On/Off Function

(c-1) OKY1 (E/U/R) =S1 S2 S3 S4, IO1 (E/U/R) =S5 (OKY1 is Sequential mode without Reset)



Voice Play S1 S5 S2 S3

(c-2) OKY1 (E/U/R) =S1 S2 S3 S4, IO1 (E/U/R) =S16 (OKY1 is Sequential mode with Reset)

Restart the Sequential sequence.

Voice Play S1 S5 S1 S2

※ When OKY1 Sequential counter is going, to trigger other inputs will reset OKY1 Sequential sequence.

(d). External Feedback Function ( IO1 is output and connected to OKY1 input )

(d-1) OKY1 (L/U/I) =S1 S2 S3 S4, IO1=Stop_high pulse (When voice ends, IO1 shows a high pulse.)

External OKY

IO1 output
Stop_high pulse (duration = debounce time)
Combined OKY1 Input

Voice Play S1 S1 S2 S3 S4

※ Originally the duration of Stop_high pulse is 172ms at 6kHz, but the high signal will trigger voice and turn low after debounce.

(d-2) OKY1 (E/U/I) = S1 S2 S3 S4, IO1= Busy_low (When not playing voice, IO1 is high.)


= Debounce time
IO1 output

Combined OKY1 Input

Voice Play S1



IO1 output

Combined OKY1 Input

Voice Play S1 S2 S3 S4 S1

※ When power on, IO1 will generate a high pulse at Busy_low status and the duration is equal to debounce time.

18 Ver 1.2 2015/07/01

NY3PxxxB Series
(e). Internal-Feedback Function ( OKY1/O5 is fixed as input )

Each sentence can assign an Internal-Feedback Path to play a fixed sentence after IO’s sentence stop.

(e-1) OKY1 (L/U/I) = S1 S2 S3 S4, OKY2 = S5, Internal-Feedback Path = OKY1/O5  OKY2

If S1 is optioned with Internal-Feedback Path,

Stop to play IO1 sentence


Voice Play S1 S1 S5

(e-2) OKY1 (L/H/I) = S1 S2 S3 S4, OKY2 (x/x/R) = S5, IO2 (E/U/I) = S6, Internal-Feedback Path = OKY1/O5  OKY2

If both S1 and S5 are optioned with Internal-Feedback Path,

Stop to play IO1 sentence in loop



Voice Play S1 S5 S5 S5 S6

(f). Table-Random Function

When power in on, a random number is counted automatically. The first-time trigger will play the sentence of random

number (Sx), and the next trigger will be sequential.

(f-1) OKY1 (E/U/R) = S3 S2 S5 S4 S1 S3 S2 ……. Sx S5 S3 S2 S4 S1 S3 S2 S5 S1 S4 S5 S3 S1 S2


Voice Play Sx S5 S3 S2 S4 S1

(g). Pause-Resume Function

(g-1) OKY1 (L/U/R) = S1 S2


LED Play S1 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2 S2

19 Ver 1.2 2015/07/01

NY3PxxxB Series
(h). Motor-Recover Function

(h-1) OKY1 (E/U/R) = S1 S2 S3 S4, IO2= Busy_low (OKY1 is Toggle On/Off and OKY2 is connected to sensor.)

Trigger is not active while motor moving.
Toggle Off
Toggle On
OKY2 signal
(or IO3)
Not touch recovering sensor *5
IO2 output

Motor come back to initial position *5.

Voice Play S1 S2

*5: If motor doesn’t stop at initial position when voice stop playing, IO2 will output one kind of signal (DC, 15Hz or 30Hz option)

to keep motor moving to initial position.

(h-2) OKY1 (E/U/R) = S1 S2 S3 S4, IO2= Busy_low (OKY1 is Toggle On/Off and OKY2 is connected to sensor.)



OKY2 signal
(or IO3)
Not touch recovering sensor
IO2 output

Motor-Recover check *6
Voice Play S1 S1

*6: If motor doesn’t stay at initial position when power-on, IO2 will output one kind of signal (DC, 15Hz or 30Hz option)

to keep motor moving to initial position.

(i). Serial-Trigger Function (All inputs must be set as short debounce)

OKY1 (E/U/R) =S1 S2 S3 S4, IO1 (E/U/R) =S5 (OKY1 Reset is enabled, and S5 is a short mute Sentence)

OKY1 Serial signal

3 pulses 1 pulse 4 pulses

IO1 Reset signal


Voice Play S3 S1 S4

※ The pulse width must be longer than 50us (i.e. short debounce time), and users can set the typical pulse width as 100us.

※ The above is the simplest 2-wire control by external MCU. If necessary, user can use 3-wrie control with Busy_High outptut

signal to do feedback.

20 Ver 1.2 2015/07/01

NY3PxxxB Series

(1) 1 trigger with 4 LEDs (Sink) (2) 3 triggers with 2 LEDs (Sink)


GND 0.1uF

(3) 2 triggers with 2 LEDs (Sink) and (4) 2 triggers with 2 LEDs (Sink) and
1 motor (Drive) 1 motor (Sink)




IO3 8050 OKY2/O4 8550


0.1uF 0.1uF

Note: At high voltage of 4.5V or higher voltage, VREG may be connected to GND with a 0.1uF cap for
less power noise. At 3V, VREG doesn’t need to connect any capacitor and can be kept this pad
floating to save a capacitor.

21 Ver 1.2 2015/07/01

NY3PxxxB Series
NY3P005B & NY3P010B (3*I/O)

NY3P016B, NY3P035B, NY3P065B, NY3P087B, NY3P115B (5*I/O)

* The IC substrate must be connected to GND or Floating.

22 Ver 1.2 2015/07/01

NY3PxxxB Series


Note: C1 is VDD power cap.

C2 is VREG cap.


8-pin DIP, SOP 14-pin DIP, SOP


PWM2/Mode 2 7 OKY1/VPP VDD 2 13 OKY2/O4

PWM1 3 6 IO1/SDA PWM2/Mode 3 12 OKY1/VPP

VDD 4 5 GND PWM1 4 11 N/C

VREG 5 10 N/C

IO3 6 9 N/C

IO1/SDA 7 8 N/C

23 Ver 1.2 2015/07/01

NY3PxxxB Series
8-Pin Plastic DIP (300 mil)

Note: For 8-pin Plastic package, 50 units per tube.

8-Pin Plastic SOP (150 mil)

8 5


Note: For 8-pin S.O.I.C., 100 units per tube.

24 Ver 1.2 2015/07/01

NY3PxxxB Series

14-Pin Plastic DIP (300 mil)

Note: For 14-pin Plastic package, 25 units per tube.

14-Pin Plastic SOP (150 mil)

14 8


Note: For 14-pin S.O.I.C., 50 units per tube.

25 Ver 1.2 2015/07/01

NY3PxxxB Series
P/N Shipping Type Remarks
NY3P005B Die Empty ROM data
NY3P005B-xxxx Die Programmed ROM data
NY3P005BW-xxxx Wafer Programmed ROM data
NY3P005BB COB 20 mm x 17 mm (20mm x 23 mm w/ V-Cut)
NY3P005BC COB 19 mm x 21 mm, for Squeeze Box (擠壓盒)
NY3P005BP8 DIP-8 Width 300 mil
NY3P005BS8 SOP-8 Width 150 mil
NY3P010B Die Empty ROM data
NY3P010B-xxxx Die Programmed ROM data
NY3P010BW-xxxx Wafer Programmed ROM data
NY3P010BB COB 20 mm x 17 mm (20mm x 23 mm w/ V-Cut)
NY3P010BC COB 19 mm x 21 mm, for Squeeze Box (擠壓盒)
NY3P010BP8 DIP-8 Width 300 mil
NY3P010BS8 SOP-8 Width 150 mil
NY3P016B Die Empty ROM data
NY3P016B-xxxx Die Programmed ROM data
NY3P016BW-xxxx Wafer Programmed ROM data
NY3P016BB COB 20 mm x 17 mm (20mm x 23 mm w/ V-Cut)
NY3P016BC COB 19 mm x 21 mm, for Squeeze Box (擠壓盒)
NY3P016BP8 DIP-8 Width 300 mil
NY3P016BS8 SOP-8 Width 150 mil
NY3P016BP14 DIP-14 Width 300 mil
NY3P016BS14 SOP-14 Width 150 mil
NY3P035B Die Empty ROM data
NY3P035B-xxxx Die Programmed ROM data
NY3P035BW-xxxx Wafer Programmed ROM data
NY3P035BB COB 20 mm x 17 mm (20mm x 23 mm w/ V-Cut)
NY3P035BC COB 19 mm x 21 mm, for Squeeze Box (擠壓盒)
NY3P035BP8 DIP-8 Width 300 mil
NY3P035BS8 SOP-8 Width 150 mil
NY3P035BP14 DIP-14 Width 300 mil
NY3P035BS14 SOP-14 Width 150 mil
NY3P065B Die Empty ROM data
NY3P065B-xxxx Die Programmed ROM data
NY3P065BW-xxxx Wafer Programmed ROM data
NY3P065BB COB 20 mm x 17 mm (20mm x 23 mm w/ V-Cut)
NY3P065BC COB 19 mm x 21 mm, for Squeeze Box (擠壓盒)

26 Ver 1.2 2015/07/01

NY3PxxxB Series
P/N Shipping Type Remarks
NY3P065BP8 DIP-8 Width 300 mil
NY3P065BS8 SOP-8 Width 150 mil
NY3P065BP14 DIP-14 Width 300 mil
NY3P065BS14 SOP-14 Width 150 mil
NY3P087B Die Empty ROM data
NY3P087B-xxxx Die Programmed ROM data
NY3P087BW-xxxx Wafer Programmed ROM data
NY3P087BB COB 20 mm x 17 mm (20mm x 23 mm w/ V-Cut)
NY3P087BC COB 19 mm x 21 mm, for Squeeze Box (擠壓盒)
NY3P087BP8 DIP-8 Width 300 mil
NY3P087BS8 SOP-8 Width 150 mil
NY3P087BP14 DIP-14 Width 300 mil
NY3P087BS14 SOP-14 Width 150 mil
NY3P115B Die Empty ROM data
NY3P115B-xxxx Die Programmed ROM data
NY3P115BW-xxxx Wafer Programmed ROM data
NY3P115BB COB 20 mm x 17 mm (20mm x 23 mm w/ V-Cut)
NY3P115BC COB 19 mm x 21 mm, for Squeeze Box (擠壓盒)
NY3P115BP8 DIP-8 Width 300 mil
NY3P115BS8 SOP-8 Width 150 mil
NY3P115BP14 DIP-14 Width 300 mil
NY3P115BS14 SOP-14 Width 150 mil
*1 “xxxx”: Code number.

27 Ver 1.2 2015/07/01

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