M&M Pizza
M&M Pizza
M&M Pizza
Twenty-nine-year-old Moe Miller had recently been appointed managing director
M&M Pizza, a premium pizza producer in the small country
of Francostan. As a third-generation
director of M&M Pizza, Miller was anxious to make his mark
on the company with which he had
grown up. The business was operating well, with full penetration of the
Francostani market, but
Miller felt that the financial policies of the company were overly
conservative. Despite
generating strong and steady profitability of about FSJO_0nillion-peryear
over recent memory,
M&M Pizza's stock price had been flat for years, at about FS25 per share. I
His new office, Miller discovered, had an unobstructed view of the nearby marble
How wonderfully irrelevant, he thought to himself as he turned to the financial analysis his
desk. With borrowing costs running at only 4%, he felt confident that recapitalizingthe balance
sheet would create sustained value for M&M owners. His plan called for issuing FS500
in new company debt and using the proceeds to repurchase FS500million in company shares.
The plan would
profits, and operations of the business unchanged but allow M&M
to borrow at the relatively lovs prevailing
on debt and increase dividends per share.
Committed to raising the share price, Miller felt it was time to slice up the company's capital
structure a little differently.
The Mediterranean island nation of Francostan had a long tradition of political and
economic stability. The country had been under the benevolent rule of a single family for
generations. The national economy maintained few ties with neighboring countries, and trade
was almost nonexistent The population was stable, with approximately 12 million prosperous,
well-educated inhabitants. The country was known for its exceptional IT and regulation
infrastructure; citizens had unrivaled access to business and economic information. Economic
policies in the country supported stability. Price inflation for the national currency, the Franco
FS = Francodollars.
This case was prepared by Michael J. Schill, Associate Professor of Business Administration It was written as a
basis for class discussion rather than to illustrateeffective or ineffective handlingof an administrativesituation.
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