Dell Wyse Device Manager 5.7 Administrator's Guide
Dell Wyse Device Manager 5.7 Administrator's Guide
Dell Wyse Device Manager 5.7 Administrator's Guide
2016 Dell Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright and intellectual
property laws. Dell and the Dell logo are trademarks of Dell Inc. in the United States and/or other jurisdictions. All other
marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
2016- 05
Rev. A00
1 Introduction........................................................................................................... 9
Key Features...........................................................................................................................................9
Key Features of WDM Enterprise Edition............................................................................................ 12
New Features....................................................................................................................................... 13
Support Information............................................................................................................................ 13
Dell Wyse Technical Support.............................................................................................................. 17
Related Documentation and Services...........................................................................................17
Dell Wyse Online Community....................................................................................................... 17
3 Device Manager.................................................................................................. 30
Adding Devices.................................................................................................................................... 31
Discovering Devices...................................................................................................................... 32
Manually Adding Devices to the Database................................................................................... 32
Creating Device Filters........................................................................................................................ 33
Device Locator- Find a Device in a View........................................................................................... 35
Deleting Devices from the Database..................................................................................................35
Updating Device Properties................................................................................................................ 36
Updating Basic Device Information .............................................................................................36
Updating Network Properties....................................................................................................... 37
Viewing Device Properties..................................................................................................................38
4 Package Manager............................................................................................... 76
PCoIP Package Creation.....................................................................................................................78
Using the Package Wizard ................................................................................................................. 83
Registering a Package from a Script File (.RSP)............................................................................84
Registering an Image from a Device (Requires PXE)................................................................... 84
Building and Registering a CE Image Plus Add-ons (CE Bundled Image) ................................. 85
Register a Package to install a File. (exe, msi, msu, or bat files only)..........................................86
Deploying an Image Using Merlin...................................................................................................... 87
Deploying a Package Using PAD........................................................................................................88
Viewing the Properties of a Registered Package............................................................................... 89
Viewing and Editing the Package Script of a Registered Package....................................................89
Exporting the Package Script of a registered Package......................................................................90
Deleting Packages from the WDM Database..................................................................................... 91
Using the WDM Scripting Language................................................................................................... 91
5 Update Manager................................................................................................. 92
Peer Assisted Deployment.................................................................................................................. 93
Pre-requisites for PAD...................................................................................................................95
Configuring PAD............................................................................................................................97
Viewing PAD Details....................................................................................................................100
Editing and Deleting PAD Schedules.......................................................................................... 101
Updating Devices.............................................................................................................................. 102
Distributing Device Updates through the Package Distribution Wizard.........................................104
Distributing Device Updates using Recurring Scheduler.................................................................107
Editing Recurring Updates................................................................................................................ 109
Editing Scheduled Device Updates................................................................................................... 111
Deleting Scheduled Device Updates................................................................................................ 112
8 Advanced Administration................................................................................195
About the WDM Scripting Language................................................................................................ 195
WDM Package Structure............................................................................................................. 195
Optional Arguments and HKEY_CURRENT_USER.....................................................................196
Version......................................................................................................................................... 196
Script............................................................................................................................................ 198
Understanding the Script File Structure........................................................................................... 227
Image Category Special Tags..................................................................................................... 228
Recommended Scripting Template........................................................................................... 228
Understanding WDM Agent Error Codes.........................................................................................230
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Error Codes................................................................................... 230
Windows Sockets Error Codes................................................................................................... 233
Dell Wyse Device Manager (WDM) software is the premier enterprise solution for managing Dell Wyse thin
and zero clients simply, remotely, and securely. It enables IT professionals to easily organize, upgrade,
control, and support thousands of Windows Embedded, Linux, Wyse ThinOS, Wyse ThinOs Lite, and PClass devices across any LAN, WAN, or wireless network.
The software uses industry standard communication protocols and a component-based architecture to
efficiently manage your network devices. Its intuitive, simple and powerful user interface is built to
operate as a standard snap-in to the Microsoft Management Console (MMC). Dell Wyse Device Manager
(WDM) includes an easy-to-use console that enables you to easily perform all the device management
functions that are required to run and maintain your WDM Environment. Dell Wyse Device Manager also
provides Web UI access. Where user can access WDM console using supported browser from anywhere
and also we can perform all the operation from web UI. The Web UI is user friendly and enables you to
perform all the device management functions easily.
Key Features
The key features of WDM are:
Device Discovery - You can easily configure WDM to discover devices on the network by setting up
different subnets or IP ranges. After you configure WDM, you can easily find and automatically add the
devices to the system. Once they are added to the system, the devices are available for easy future
Device Management - WDM allows you to view the status of your devices at any point time. WDM
can be configured as to provide the information automatically about the status update of all your
Asset Information Collection - WDM monitors and stores all asset information about each of the
devices that includes hardware asset information and software information that is installed on each
device. Software information includes the operating system, and information on all applications and
add-ons that have been applied to the device.
Remote Control of Devices and Device Shadowing - You can shutdown, restart, or wake-up devices
in the same subnet and wake-up devices across subnets from the remote console. You do not need
to visit the end-user desktop. WDM also provides your help desk with a shadowing capability to
diagnose issues within end-user environments from a remote location.
Device Organization - WDM is a robust management tool that allows you to organize your devices
according to groups that makes the most sense to your organization, regardless of the physical or
network location of devices.
Profile Manager- WDM enables you to deploy a predefined configuration on a specified group of
devices though profile manager. These configurations are those that you create using the Dell Wyse
Configuration Manager (WCM) and store them in a specified repository. Profile manager is available
under the Configuration Manager node on the WDM console.
Software Deployment and Updates - WDM allows you to easily deploy and update software and
images on devices.
Capture and Deployment of Device Software - With WDM, you can create a reference device which
includes the required softwares for installation and to capture that device image. This allows you to
clone the device configuration and the software installed on the device across an entire installation.
Device Update Scheduling - WDM configurations allow you to schedule software deployment and
updates to devices (preventing down-time). You can schedule device updates immediately, at a predetermined time, or when a device next boots.
Recurring scheduler - Allows packages to be scheduled repeatedly: daily (or specific weekdays),
weekly, and monthly, upto a specific date or for a fixed number of times.
Device Configuration Deployment - You can create different configurations that can be deployed to
a device independent of an image.
Non-PXE Default Device Configuration - You can create different configurations that can be
deployed to a device using the Non-PXE option. This is basically non-PXE based DDC with image. It
involves imaging.
Repository Creation and Administration - WDM allows you to easily build and administer a repository
of software, images, and configuration updates for distribution.
Device Views - With Device Views you can easily view and modify device information, allowing you to
generate useful logs and device reports.
WDM Scripting Language - WDM provides an advanced scripted language to give complete control
on creating and deploying your own software and image packages.
Administrator Console - The WDM Administrator Console has several easy-to-use features including:
Multiple Panes - Allows you to quickly view a list of your devices (on the top pane)as well as the
details of your devices (on the bottom pane).
Pagination - Allows you to view sets of your devices, rather than a long list, for faster navigation
(especially important when viewing large scale deployments).
Search Utility - Allows you to search for devices in the current view using a search string or any
one of 20 prior searches.
Performance Improvements - Several enhancements have been included to increase
performance (for example, a faster refresh rate of device details shown on the WDM Console).
Display Improvements - The About Wyse Device Manager window now displays the WDM
version and build number, as well as the numbers of all installed Hot Fixes. The Administrator
Console General Info tab now displays the Write Filter status for XPe devices. The network tab
displays all communication information between different components of WDM. In the
Administrator Console, Disk Details tab displays detailed information about all the disks in the
device. The Device Manager display shows the supported communication protocols for each
device and its associated repositories.
Device Filter - Allows you to view a subset of all the devices in a view that match their desired
filtering criteria.
Find Device in View - Allows you to find out in which View a particular device is located.
Distributed Administration - Provides you with granular control of administrator rights based on user
groups or individual users. For example, you can provide Administrator A with rights to view and
provide updates to Groups 1, 2, and 3, but not 4; while providing Administrator B with rights to view
and provide updates to Group 4 only.
Administrator Specified Bandwidth Control - Allows you to control the bandwidth to be used for
server communications (for example, you can configure a server to use a lower bandwidth based on
the availability; or configure dial-up connections to be at a lower speed than broadband speed by
using a simple profile setup).
Restart Failed Updates Option - Configure and use this option to easily restart failed updates. You
can decide the number of times WDM should retry updates (either a package or an image) before it is
changed to an error (the number of retries and errors can be viewed in the WDM Console).
Improved Default Device Configuration (DDC) Support - WDM allows you to easily create and
manage DDCs. You can apply multiple packages to a device from a single DDC.
Manually Add WDM Users - If you do not have domain users or use Active Directory, you can use this
feature to easily create a WDM user (especially useful for creating administrators without depending
on an external infrastructure).
Scheduling Preferences - Customize the scheduling options to meet your requirements. You can
enable or disable the Time Bound Rollout in Scheduling Preferences.
Time Bound Rollout - This check box enables and disables the garbage collector feature for
scheduled updates. When this field is checked, the settings of the Global Schedule Time-out and the
Client Response Time-out will determine whether the scheduled updates enter an error state, or
remain in the scheduled state indefinitely.
Logging Improvements - You can receive warnings when log entries exceed a configured threshold,
and configure the service log to start or stop during WDM start up.
Autogenic Imaging - WDM provides the support for the Autogenic Imaging. The purpose of
Autogenic Imaging (image backup mechanism scheme) is to image a device with the image residing
on the flash or hard drive of the device.
IPv6 dual-stack support - It supports the setup of WDM components in IPv4, dual-stack and IPv6
mode, that is, all components of WDM (server, database, GUI and remote repositories) can run/
connect over the selected option. At present none of the WDM platform management agents (hagent)
support management over IPv6. Support for running WDM in IPv6 is experimental, and not fully
supported. Restart is required to make this change in effect.
Secure Communication between a WDM Server, Repository, and a Device - Provides secure
communications between client and web server by encrypting traffic to and from the client and server
and by issuing certificates. Certificates must be signed by an authority which certifies that the
certificate holder is the entity it claims to be. Organizations may choose to be their own certificate
authority for internal web server access.
Merlin, the New Imaging System - Provides HTTP, HTTPS and CIFS based imaging, as well as provides
better performance when deploying large images.
Added Scalability with Remote Repositories - Scale your solution by adding remote repositories to
your infrastructure. This functionality allows to use the remote server locations for storing terminal
firmware and software. This reduces the amount of network traffic over a wide-area network (WAN)
because the bulk of the update traffic (the actual image itself) is transferred only once over the WAN
to the Remote Repository. Devices can retrieve the update software from the remote server rather
than centralized server. This also increase the speed of the overall update process. WDM still allows
you, however, to perform all device management from a central server (for example, from your data
Distributed Architecture - This feature allows you to place the WDM components on one or more
computers located on your network.
Default Device Configuration - This feature allows you to configure default software and device
configurations for a group of devices. This functionality ensures that the device conforms to your
configurations from a software and device configuration perspective. If there is any deviation from
default configurations, WDM will revert the device back to your specified configurations. This feature
automates the recovery of failed devices, the re-purposing of existing devices, and the addition of
new devices within an existing infrastructure.
Expanded Hierarchical Views - Expand the visual device management capabilities of your WDM
server by using this feature to create up to a total of 30 different organizational views of your devices.
Automated Grouping - This feature is used to automatically place any new device that has been
added to the system into the pre-defined groups that you want.
Support for Multiple Databases - Multiple database support when installing WDM for either an SQL
2008 or 2012 environment, allows you to use your existing back-end infrastructure.
Active Directory Integration - Allows you to easily import WDM user groups or individual users from
your existing Active Directory setup.
Autogenic Imaging - Allows you to image the device with the image residing on flash or hard drive of
the device.
Peer Assisted Deployment - Peer Assisted Deployment (PAD) is a mechanism that provides updates
such as base images and add-ons to thin client devices that are managed through the WDM server.
This mechanism works best in an environment where the devices are spread across multiple subnets.
The PAD feature is applicable to the following platforms:
Windows Embedded Standard
Windows 10 IoT Enterprise
SUSE Linux
Windows Embedded Standard 7 (WES7)
Windows Embedded 8 Standard (WE8S)
Chargeback Accounting - This feature is supported on Wyse Thin OS (ThinOS) devices. It collects and
stores remote session information from thin clients.
New Features
This section describes the new features that are introduced in WDM version 5.7.
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Support Information
This section lists out the supported operating systems, the supported databases, and the supported thin
client devices for WDM version 5.7.
Supported Databases
Wyse ThinOS:
Thin Linux
Wyse ThinOS:
Windows XPE:
For Dell service tagged products, find knowledge base articles and drivers on the Dell Wyse product
For Non-Dell Service Tagged Products, find all the support needed by accessing the Wyse support
This section provides information on the core components of Wyse Device Manager software.
Wyse Device Manager software consists of the following components:
WDM Console
WDM Database
WDM Repositories
WDM Services
WDM Agents
WDM Console
The WDM Console also referred to as the Administrator Console is the first screen that is displayed when
you launch the WDM application. You can view important information on this console and also perform
all the device management functions to run and maintain the WDM environment.
NOTE: You can install the WDM Console on a separate system if you are installing the WDM
Enterprise Edition. For more information, see the Dell Wyse Device Manager Installation Guide .
The WDM Console tree pane contains several functional managers (nodes). Each of these managers
performs a specific set of functions that allows you to organize devices, access specific device
information, distribute updates to devices, track device update activities, and other configuration
The WDM Console tree pane consists of the following nodes:
Device Manager
Package Manager
Update Manager
Report Manager
Configuration Manager
The top pane of the WDM Console contains various task command icons and features, as well as a listing
of the items contained in the selected node or folder of the WDM Console tree pane. For example, you
can open a folder named Finance in which you have placed a Device View you have created, to display all
of the devices in your finance department.
The bottom pane of the WDM Console contains details and task options for the items listed in the top
pane of the WDM Console. For example, if you select a device listed in your finance department, the
bottom pane provides tabs that contain information on the various details of the device. To view the
information you want about the device, click on the appropriate tab. The WDM Console contains the
following tabs:
Tab Name
General Info
Hardware Info
Network Info
Application Info
Deployed Package
Log History
Custom Info
Disk Details
Remote Sessions
NOTE: The panes also allow you to drag-and-drop items for easy task performance.
WDM Database
The WDM Database stores all of the information required to manage your devices. This includes
information about the devices, packages, distribution schedules, user privileges, and so on.
NOTE: WDM Enterprise Edition lets you install the WDM Database separately from the other WDM
Importing Data
With WDM you can import data from comma-delimited and tab-delimited files into the Database. You
can use the Import Utility or the Device Import Utility to import data.
Expand the Configuration Manager node in the tree view of the WDM Console and select Utilities
Import to launch the Import Utility. You can use this utility to import:
To import device settings from files, expand the Configuration Manager node and select Utilities
Import Device Settings. For more information, see Importing Device Settings from Files.
WDM Repositories
The WDM Repository is a server which supports the FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, and CIFS protocols for
communication and contains WDM packages. When you register a package using the Package Manager,
WDM copies the related folders and files of the package to the WDM Repository. There are two types of
WDM repositories, Master and Remote. By default, each WDM installation has one Master Repository. The
Master Repository is the central storage place for all package files.
When you distribute an update, devices connect to the Master Repository through FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, or
CIFS (depending on the configuration settings) and download the files that the script file (.rsp file) of the
package dictates. WDM and the WDM Agents (formerly known as Rapport Agents) use FTP, HTTP, HTTPS,
or CIFS to send and retrieve the appropriate packages from the Master Repository.
In addition, WDM Enterprise Edition allows you to install Remote Repositories on multiple computers on
different subnets throughout your network. This scalability reduces network traffic when you need to
send updates across subnets. By using their local Remote Repository, devices on a specific subnet do not
need to access the Master Repository across a wide-area network (WAN) to retrieve files.
NOTE: WDM synchronizes the Master and Remote repositories prior to a package distribution.
If your WDM installation contains Remote Repositories, WDM must establish the relationship between a
given set of devices and the Remote Repository that services those devices (thereby ensuring lower
network loads). After establishing this relationship, WDM is able to select the appropriate repository when
distributing packages to devices. Devices are associated to a Remote Repository by the subnet to which
they belong. After you assign a subnet to a repository, all devices on that subnet will use the assigned
Repository Synchronization
Packages in remote software repositories can be synchronized in two ways:
Automatic Synchronization - occurs when a client device receives an update for a package that is
not included in the repository assigned to the client's subnet.
WDM Services
There are two types of WDM services that are used by the WDM server to manage devices, Web and
The WDM Web Service is both an HTTP and HTTPS command processor and requester. This service relies
on push and pull technologies to initiate or respond to requests from devices. Pull technology requires
devices that contain the WDM Agent.
A device equipped with the WDM Agent is able to check-in with the Web Service. During check-in, the
Web Service can update its database with any new device information and can also distribute updates to
the device, if any updates are scheduled.
The ability for devices to initiate communications is especially important for devices that WDM cannot
reach through more conventional TCP and UDP mechanisms. Such devices include those that are
isolated behind firewalls, proxy servers, or are semi-connected (dial-up and mobile).
NOTE: To communicate and manage devices with older versions of WDM Agents ( and
earlier), Web Service routes its requests through the WDM Standard Service component.
The WDM Standard Service allows WDM to provide the following functions:
PXE Management - Executes pre-boot management functions on devices that support the Preboot
EXecution Environment (PXE). WDM uses PXE to read and write device images.
WDM Agent Upgrades - Upgrades older versions of WDM Agents to newer versions of the WDM
WDM Agents
The WDM Agent is a small Web agent that runs within the operating system of the device being managed.
It has a very small footprint and is optimized for the thin client environment. The WDM Agent works with
the WDM Services on the WDM Server to perform the actions that are needed by you, the administrator.
The WDM Agent interprets the commands sent by the WDM Server and makes the necessary changes to
the device being managed. In addition, the WDM Agent also provides status updates about the device to
the WDM Server.
Web UI an Overview
In this release of WDM, a Web UI application is made functional which helps you to modify, and manage
all the actions performed in the WDM Microsoft Management Console (MMC). You can also view the
history of the performed actions in the WDM application.
Accessing the web UI - To access the WDM web UI, open any of the supported browser, enter the
appropriate URL address in the URL bar, and then click enter. You can perform the following actions in
the web UI application.
View User Profile - You can click this option to view the profile of the user who is checked in.
License - You can click this option to view the WDM license details.
Help - If you click this option, it leads to the WDM online help topics.
Contact Support - If you click this option, it leads to the Dell support site, which gives you the proper
contact information.
About - You can click this option to view the WDM version build, hotfix, description and installation
Sign out - You can click this option to log out from the WDM web UI application.
NOTE: Supported browsers for accessing the WDM web UI :
NOTE: In the current version of WDM the Web UI can perform all the actions.
Web UI login guidelines:
By default, you can use the User Name that is existing in the WDM GUI with the same credentials.
If you need to log in as a new user to the WEB UI, then you need to be added in the WDM GUI
(Configuration Manager-> User Permission) before you log in to the Web UI.
These are the list of features that you can view and understand using the WDM web UI application:
Allows you to quickly view important summary of the information for each functional area of the system.
This helps you to view the details of server status, device health, jobs list, alerts, events and the
information about the checked in server.
Table 1.
Server Status
Device Health
List of Servers
In Devices you can perform tasks such as adding devices, and exporting devices similar to Device
Manager in the WDM application.The summary of the details of the devices are displayed under All
Table 2.
IP address
Operating system
MAC address
Last check in
NOTE: The health status of each of the devices is displayed next to its name. If you pause the
pointer over the health status icon, the health status of that particular device is displayed.
To configure an device, do the following:
Click Refresh Device button to refresh the selected device on the page.
Click Remote Shadow button to create a shadow of the selected device in the remote server.
Click Send Message button to create message of the selected device depending on the message
type such as,
Click More button for more option to perform on the selected device such as,
Rename Device
Update Device Information
Execute Commands
Wake on LAN
Relay Wake on LAN
Get Image
View Logs
Exclude from PAD Repository
Click Add Device button to add more devices to WDM by manually or by auto discover.
Click Export button to export the device in .csv or .txt (tab delimited) format.
Click View Details button to view complete overview, Status, Network, Hardware and Logs of the
selected device
Overview gives you complete overview of the System, Location, Capabilities, Network, and
Drives of the selected device.
Status gives you the details of the APPS, Updates, and TASKS of the selected device.
Network gives you the NIC card details and the Network Details of the selected device.
Hardware gives you the details of Disks, Drives and Systems of the selected device.
Logs gives you the details of the Audit Trails and Deployed Packages of the selected device.
After you perform the actions listed under Package Manager in the WDM application, you can view,
update, and configure the packets under the Applications in the web UI. The following updates are
Agent UpdateThe Agent update page is used to view the list of available agent packages. The
description for individual Agent package is displayed along with the details of operating system on
which these packages are registered.
Operating System
Created At
Device Configuration The Device Configuration page is used to create, and configure the packages.
Images The Images page is used to view the list of the AgentUpgarde packages. The description for
individual AgentUpgrade package is displayed along with the details of operating system on which
these packages are registered also the image type, and size of the packages are displayed.
Operating System
Image Type
Compressed Size
Other Packages The other packages page is used to view the list of the AgentUpgrade packages
and other packages. The description for individual AgentUpgrade package and other packages is
displayed along with the operating system on which these packages are registered.
Operating System
Created At
PCoIP Device Configuration The PCoIP device configuration page is used to view the list of the
PCoIP Devices packages. The description for individual PCoIP device package is displayed along with
the operating system on which these packages are registered.
Operating System
Created At
This displays the summary of the details of the updates. After you perform the actions listed under
Update Manager in the WDM application, you can view the updates under the Updates tab in the web UI.
The following updates are displayed:
Recurring Updates
Repository Sync
In the Web UI you can generate the log reports on the daily basis, Weekly basis, or monthly basis. The
report generated can be viewed, edited, and saved.
After you perform the actions listed under Configuration Manager in the WDM application, you can view
the updates under the System tab in the web UI. The following updates are displayed:
Table 3.
Device Discovery
Web Services
DHCP Proxy
Wyse thin OS
Configure PAD
Access Credentials for repositories
Device Manager
Device Manager is the first node in the tree view on the WDM Console. When you click the Device
Manager node in the tree view, the devices that are discovered or added are displayed on the right-hand
pane of the WDM console. When you select a device on the console, the details are displayed in the
bottom pane. For more information, see WDM Console.
You can create various device views under the device manager.
You can perform various operations on the Devices from the Device Manager. The operations include:
Discovering Devices on the network in the same subnet or across subnets. See, Discovering Devices.
Locating a device within a view. See Device Locator - Finding a Device in a View.
You can organize the devices into functional groups and hierarchies. The groups are call the Device
Views. If you have created the views, the Device Manager node displays the views when you expand it.
When you click on a view you can see the heirarchy for the device. When you select the last node in the
hierarchy, the device is displayed on the right-hand pane of the WDM console.
When you select a device on the right-hand pane of the WDM Console, you can perform the following
Get logs and view the logs for the device. See Get Logs and View Log.
Exclude the device from the PAD Repository List. If the device is listed as a Master device in the PAD
repository list, clicking this option removes it from the list.
Include the device in PAD Repository List. If you have excluded the device from the PAD repository
list, clicking this option adds it back to the list.
Use the package distribution wizard to distribute software packages on the device. See Package
Distribution Wizard.
Adding Devices
Adding devices is the process by which WDM becomes aware of the devices in your network, and stores
information about them in the WDM Database. After device information is stored in the database, you can
use WDM to manage the device.
Devices that have the WDM Agent installed need to be linked to the Web Service so that the devices can
check-in regularly. At check-in time, the WDM Agent provides the Web Service with device information
such as device name, hardware information (such as platform, flash size, memory, CPU, asset number,
serial number), Network Information (such as WINS, DNS, IP address, Domain Name, subnet), Image
Number, and so on. There are four ways in which devices can be linked to the server that contains the
Web Service:
Set Up a DHCP Server - (Recommended) Linking is accomplished through DHCP Option Tags 186
and 190 or 192 (for legacy HAgents it is 187) which allow the DHCP server to supply the WDM Agent
with the proper WDM Web Server IP address and port.
Enable DHCP Options for HTTP Discovery - WDM services includes a DHCP Proxy that will respond
to DHCP Inform requests from WDM Agents with the Web Server IP address and port.
Manual Discovery - Initiate discovery from the server to find devices by either Subnet Broadcast or IP
Range. WDM Agents will respond to the server discovery by storing the discovering Web Server IP
address and port and begin regular check-ins.
Manual Device Setup - Manually enter the Web Server IP address and port on each device. You can
do this through the WDM Control Panel applet on the device (if supported by the device).
You can add devices to WDM either by having WDM discover the devices using Dynamic Discovery, or by
manually adding devices, or by importing devices from files.
Using Dynamic Discovery, the WDM Agent checks-in periodically with the WDM Web Service, This form
of check-in is based on pull communications because the WDM Agent initiates communications.
For more information on using WDM to discover devices, refer to Discovering Devices
When adding devices manually, you instruct WDM to discover devices on command. This method uses
push communications because the WDM Server initiates the operation. When you select this method of
adding devices, you can specify whether to add devices through a UDP broadcast or through a TCP
connection to every device within a subnet or an IP Range setting.
For more information on manually adding devices to WDM, refer to Manually Adding Devices to the
When you import device settings from files, you can populate the WDM database with thin clients that
have not yet checked in and then instruct WDM to discover devices on command. This method also uses
push communications initiated by the WDM Server. For more information on importing devices, see
Importing Device Settings from Files.
Discovering Devices
WDM supports Dynamic Discovery, where the devices periodically check-in after you establish the link
between the WDM Agent and the WDM Web Service.
To discover devices with the Device Manager:
Choose whether to discover all devices in your network or only the new devices.
From the Network List pane, select either individual IP ranges (use SHIFT or CTRL to select
multiple subnets) or all IP ranges by clicking Select All.
NOTE: The maximum number of ranges that can be selected at any given time for
discovery is 100.
If you enabled the Show Subnet Hierarchy preference (see Subnet Preferences) and you want to
select a subnet hierarchy level to find devices, select a subnet hierarchy level from the Network
Hierarchy pane. The corresponding broadcast addresses for the subnets in the hierarchy will be
displayed on the Network List pane. If you did not enable the Show Subnet Hierarchy preference,
continue with the next step.
From the Network List pane, select either individual broadcast addresses (use SHIFT or CTRL to
select multiple subnets) or all broadcast addresses by clicking Select All.
NOTE: The maximum number of subnets that can be selected at any given time for
discovery is 100.
Click OK.
WDM will begin discovering the devices according to your selections. The results pane will display
both the newly discovered devices along with devices that have been discovered previously.
In the WDM Console tree pane, right-click on the the Device node, and select New Device to
open and use the Add a Device dialog box. You can also click on the Manually add a device icon on
the WDM Console.
The Add a Device window is displayed.
Name - Machine name of the device that you want to be displayed in the Device Manager.
MAC Address - Media Access Control (MAC) address of the device, which uniquely identifies the
device on the network. Make sure to enter the MAC address accurately to enable communication
between the device and WDM.
IP Address - Internet Protocol address of the device. This identifies the device on a TCP/IP
network. Network messages are routed to the device based on the IP address.
Media Size - The flash memory size of the device in megabytes. For example, 32, 48, 96, and so
Imaging Via PXE - Select this if the device supports the Preboot Execute Environment (PXE) and
can be imaged by WDM.
The device is displayed on the right-hand pane of the WDM Console. If you have created a Device View
corresponding to any of the device group type characteristics, the device is automatically added into the
appropriate Device View.
In the WDM Console, select Device Manager, select a device on the right hand pane, and right click.
Select Create Device Filter to launch the Filter Devices window. You can also launch this window by
clicking Filter icon on the tool-bar
Select the column Name from the available Column Name List.
To remove the filter from the Filter List, select the filter and click Undo button.
All the devices that match the criteria defined in the filter are displayed in the WDM Console
against Device Manager.
If the Device Manager View is already being filtered, you can edit or remove the filter.
To Edit the Device Filter:
In the WDM Console, select Device Manager, select a device on the right hand pane, and right
Select Edit Device Filter from the available options or click on the Edit icon on the tool-bar.
All the devices that match the criteria defined in the filter are displayed in the Device Manager.
In the WDM Console, select Device Manager, select a device on the right hand pane, and right
Select Remove Device Filter from the available options or click on the Delete icon to delete the
Device Filter.
When the Remove Device Filter is selected, the device manager view immediately refreshes to
display the unfiltered view.
NOTE: Switching to a new view in the device manager removes the existing filter.
In the WDM Console tree pane, switch the Device Manager view from All Devices to user created
In the Device Manager view, right click and select Find Device in View or click on the main toolbar
Find Device in View Button.
The Find Device in View window will open with all the devices in the view listed and the view path
listed next to each device.
The list of devices may filtered by entering text into the Search filter textbox.
The list of devices may be filtered by any of the device properties listed in the Search Property drop
In the WDM Console tree pane, expand the tree, right-click Device Manager, and select Switch
Select the Device View that allows you to view the device you want to delete.
Click Yes to confirm and delete the device. If the device is not checking-in any more to WDM server,
click on Force Delete.
NOTE: You can select multiple devices to delete by using CTRL+click or SHIFT+click, right-clicking
the selected devices, and selecting Delete Device. If you select multiple devices, you can delete all
of them by click Yes to All or Force Delete All.
Switch to the Device View for the device or devices whose information you wish to update.
Select the device or devices whose information you want to update, right-click the selection, and
then select Change Device Information to open the Change Client Information dialog box.
Computer Name - Enter a descriptive name for the computer (or range of computers, if you
selected multiple devices).
Range Starting Value - If you selected multiple devices, an incremental number will be
appended to the name of each device. Enter the starting number for the range of devices.
Location - Enter a descriptive location where the device or devices reside. For example, San Jose
headquarters, 2nd floor.
Contact - Enter the name of the person who can serve as a contact for the device or devices in
the range.
Custom1, Custom2, Custom3 - Enter any additional information that you want to maintain along
with the device or group of devices (asset tracking data, a service date, a date of acquisition, or
any other information that is useful to you).
Depending on whether or not you want to reboot the device or devices automatically after updating
the information (devices are updated only after a reboot) select or clear Reboot Device Immediately
(be aware that if you select to reboot immediately, users will not be notified that the device will be
NOTE: Write Filter devices ignore this option and will reboot immediately.
Click OK to open the results pane displaying the newly updated device information after the devices
have rebooted and checked-in.
Switch to the Device View for the device whose network information you wish to update. You can
update the network properties for only one device at a time.
Select the device or devices whose information you want to update, right-click the selection, and
then select Change Network Information to open the Change Device Network Settings dialog box.
Depending on whether or not you want to assign a static IP Address for the selected devices,
complete one of the following:
If no, select Obtain an IP Address automatically and continue with the next step.
If yes, select Use the following IP Address and complete the boxes in the IP Address section.
NOTE: For IP Address section - If you selected multiple devices in step 2, the IP Address
you enter will be the starting address for the range of addresses that will include all of the
devices you selected. All ranges must fall within a Class C subnet. If a group of devices are
assigned a range of IP Addresses that would cross a Class C, WDM issues an error message
blocking the operation.
Depending on whether or not you want to assign a static DNS Server Address for the selected
devices, complete one of the following:
If no, select Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically and continue with the next step.
If yes, select Use the following DNS Server Addresses and complete the boxes in the DNS Server
Address section.
NOTE: CE devices cannot have static DNS Server Addresses if their IP Address is assigned by
If you want to add a Domain Name as a suffix to the device names for the selected devices, enter the
Domain Name in the Domain box. For example, if you were to add as a suffix the Domain Name to a device named Device1, the result would be: .
Depending on whether or not you want to assign a static WINS Server Address for the selected
devices, complete one of the following:
If no, select Obtain WINS Server Address Automatically and continue with the next step.
If yes, select Use the following WINS Server Addresses and complete the boxes in the WINS
Server Address section.
NOTE: CE devices cannot have static WINS Server Addresses if their IP Address is assigned
by DHCP.
Depending on whether or not you want to reboot the device or devices automatically after updating
the information (devices are updated only after a reboot) select or clear Reboot Device Immediately
(be aware that if you select to reboot immediately, users will not be notified that the device will be
NOTE: Write Filter devices ignore Reboot Device Immediately and will reboot.
Click OK.
The results pane will display the newly updated network information after the devices have rebooted
and checked-in.
General information
Hardware information
Network information
Application information
Deployed software
Log history
Custom information
Disc details
Remote sessions
Select the Device Manager node in the tree view of the WDM Console.
On the right-hand pane, select the device for which you want to view properties, right-click and
select Properties to open the Device Properties window.
Click the desired tab for the device properties you want to view.
Switch to the Device View that contains the device that you want to shadow.
At the Device Manager results pane, right-click the device you want to shadow and select Remote
Enter the password you set up earlier for VNC authentication and click OK.
NOTE: Some manufacturers hard-code passwords into their devices, requiring you to contact
the manufacturer to get the device password.
The results pane displays the device screen and allows you to run applications and control the
device from the WDM Console.
Right-click on the selected device and select Get Device Image to open the Package Wizard.
Enter a Name (required) and Description (optional) for the new image package and click Next (the
wizard informs you that it is ready to create and register the new package containing the image from
the selected device).
NOTE: The new package will remain inactive until WDM successfully retrieves the image from
the selected device.
Merlin Image Pulling Options: This option is available only in case of Merlin Imaging.
All: This option provides the flexibility to pull BIOS, CMOS, OS and Data Partition (if exists).
CMOS and BIOS: This option provides the flexibility to pull BIOS and CMOS only.
OS (includes Non PXE Partition if present): This option provides the flexibility to pull OS and
Non-PXE Partition (if exists) only.
Compress Image: This option when checked, enables the image compression for the pulled
image. The whole operation will take much time to compress the image as compare to
normal pull operation but the pulled image size will be less than the size of uncompressed
pulled image.
Imaging Option: This option is available only in case of WES devices. For rest of the OS this
option is not available.
PXE: If PXE is selected then the Non-PXE Partition of the device will not be made active
Non-PXE: If Non-PXE is selected then the Non-PXE Partition of the device will be made as
active partition.
After the package has been created and registered, click Finish. The package is copied to the Master
Repository and is displayed under the appropriate category.
NOTE: Once this package has been registered WDM starts the image pull operation from the
device. The device will go through a PXE boot and the imaging method (either Merlin or
WISard, depending on the preferences settings) will create the image and make it available in
the Master Repository.
Imaging Devices
Wyse Device Manager can perform work on devices before the operating system loads on the device. To
do this, the device is booted into an environment where it can communicate with the WDM Server to
perform imaging tasks. In order to perform image capture and deployment, scripted installs, registry
backups, or execute certain scripts, you must implement a way to boot devices into this environment.
There are two ways to image devices:
PXE-Based Imaging
Non-PXE-Based Imaging
Autogenic (Melin_ Non-PXE-Based) Imaging
PXE-Based Imaging
Pre-boot Execution Environment (PXE) is an industry standard developed to boot Devices using the
network. PXE can boot devices regardless of the disk configuration or operating system installed, and
does not require any files or configuration settings on a device. After PXE boot is turned on in the BIOS, a
device can communicate with your network PXE Server to receive imaging jobs. PXE provides a number
of advantages, and enables you to remotely deploy an image to a device.
NOTE: Wyse thin clients come with PXE enabled by default. Nothing must be done on the device
for it to perform a network boot.
Register the image package within WDM. The image package can be either a custom image that is
provided by Wyse Technology, or an image which has been registered from an existing Reference
Device . See Package Manager.
Ensure that the device to be imaged is part of the WDM system (the device must either be previously
discovered or manually added using the WDM Console as described in Adding Devices).
In the WDM Console tree pane, expand the tree, expand the Package Manager until you find the
image you need to deploy, and select the image.
Drag and drop the image to the group in the Default Device View of the Device Manager on the
WDM Console for which this image needs to be deployed (for example, you can open a folder in
the Device Manager named Finance in which you have placed the Default Device View you have
created, to display all of the devices in your finance department). Note that the list of devices will
automatically be filtered to include only the devices which have the same operating system as
that of the image being deployed.
The Package Distribution Wizard will appear. Select the devices to which image package needs
to be scheduled. If data partition needs to be preserverd then check the Preserver Data
Partition(s) check box.
In the WDM Console tree pane, right-click Update Manager and select New | Update to open
the Software Package Wizard.
Select the folder that contains the image you want to distribute and click Next.
Select the image you want to be deployed and click Next. Note that the list of devices will
automatically be filtered to include only the devices which have the same operating system as
that of the image being deployed.
The device will then re-boot and go through a network boot process.
The WDM Agent will be downloaded to the device and will then contact the WDM Server and get the
appropriate image that has been specified from the WDM Repository.
The WDM Agent will then apply the image to the flash file system of the device.
Expand the Configuration Manager node in the tree view of the WDM Console.
Click the HTTP tab for the master repository and specify the details. For more information, see
Registering Remote Repositories.
In the Repository Preferences area, select only the HTTP check box. For more information, see
Service Preferences.
In the Imaging Option area at the bottom of the window, select Merlin.
10. In the Imaging Option area at the bottom of the window, select Network Card Speed as per the
network speed of the subnet in which the device exists. For more information, see Scheduling
12. In the TFTP Server Preferences area, click the Start TFTP check box. For more information, see
DHCP/TFTP Preferences
13. In the WDM Console window, navigate to the Package Manager, right click and select New
The Package Wizard window appears.
14. Select Register a Package from a script file (RSP) and click Next.
15. Browse to the location of the image .rsp file (for example, push_9V92_S550_512.rsp) and select
16. In the next windows that appear, click Next and Finish.
The package is now registered and the image is ready to push to the device.
Add a new Device (as described in Adding Devices) or select an existing device, and then assign the
image you prepared to the device using the Package Manager as described in Using the Software
Package Wizard to Create and Register Software Packages.
Schedule the package deployment for the Next Time Device Boots (this requires PXE).
Expand Update Manager in the WDM Console tree to find the scheduled device.
Non-PXE-Based Imaging
Non-PXE based imaging relies on a Boot Agent that resides in the client device flash memory. The Boot
Agent currently supports downloading of Merlin boot floppy only. The Boot Agent communicates with
the WDM server to determine whether the target device needs imaging. Since the Boot Agent does not
boot via the PXE protocol, it does not receive the WDM server IP address and port number from the WDM
proxy DHCP service. In this release, the Boot Agent can discover the WDM server IP address and port
number from any one of the following sources (listed in priority order):
DHCP option tag values received from the standard DHCP server
DHCP option tag values received from standard or WDM proxy DHCP service for vendor class
Option tag 186 - IP address of your WDM server (for example, The value should be in 4
bytes IP address format.
Option tag 190 - Secure port number to which WDM server listens (for example, port 443). This value
should be in word (value = 0x01bb) or 2-bytes array format (value = 0x01 0xbb).
Option tag 192 - Non-secure port number to which WDM server listens (for example, 80). This value
should be in byte (value = 0x50), or word (value = 0x0050), or 2-bytes array format (value = 0x00
Option tag 194 FQDM name of your WDM server (for example, WDM
NOTE: Some old agents have used option tag 187 for WDM non-secure port number. The value of
this option tag, when embedded within vendor class specific information (option 43), was
interpreted the same way as option tag 192. i.e. value of 0x0050 was interpreted as 0x0050. New
Boot Agent still accepts this option tag value if option tag 192 is not supplied. Option tag 187 is
maintained for legacy reason only. It is recommended that DHCP server should use option tag 192
instead of 187.
NOTE: The WDM server and the DHCP server should not be running on the same machine.
NOTE: Please consult your DHCP server manual for DHCP option value configuration details.
Follow these steps to configure the WDM server IP address and port option values on a Windows DHCP
Open the DHCP management wizard, select the DHCP server to be configured, right click he server
name, and select Set Predefined Options.
On the Predefined Options and Values screen, click the Add button. The Option Type window
Code = 186
Click OK.
Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for the WDM Server port, with these changes:
Code = 190
Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for the WDM Server port, with these changes:
Code = 194
Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for the WDM Server port, with these changes:
Code = 192
Click OK.
10. From the DHCP management wizard, select Scope Options , right click, and select Configure
In the list of Available Options, check option number 186, and enter the IP address of the WDM
12. In the list of Available Options, check option number 190, and enter the port number at which your
WDM server listens for secure communication.
13. In the list of Available Options, check option number 194, and enter the FQDM name of your WDM
14. In the list of Available Options, check option number 192, and enter the port number at which your
WDM server listens.
16. Confirm that options 186, 190, 192, and 194 are listed with proper values under the target DHCP
server and scope.
Select the domain to which the WDM server belongs, right click that domain name, and select Other
New Records from the context menu.
From the Select a resource record type list, select Service Location (SRV) and click the Create
Record button.
In the New Resource Record window, enter the information in the following fields:
Service = _WDMServer
Protocol = _tcp
Port Number = 80(if HTTPS is used, enter the secure port number, for example, 443)
If desired, you can enter priority and weight values for this WDM server entry. For the priority value, a
lower number represents higher priority. To rank entries within the same priority class, you can
specify a weight value. For the weight value, a higher number indicates higher priority.
Confirm that the WDM server SRV is displayed with proper values under the appropriate domain on
the DNS management screen.
Select the domain to which the WDM server belongs, right click that domain, and select New Host.
Name = WDMServer
Confirm that the WDMServer host name is displayed with the proper IP address under the
appropriate domain on the DNS management screen.
Select the domain to which the WDM server belongs, right click that domain, and select New Alias
In the WDM Console window, expand Device Manager to display the list of devices. Drag and drop
the Merlin image (for example, push_9V92_S550_512) onto the desired device.
To verify the Merlin imaging process, check to see that the Boot Agent boots first on the device and
then boots the guest OS after contacting the WDM server.
NOTE: If the Boot Agent is not pre-programmed on the device, then the first imaging process
will be through PXE using Merlin. After the imaging process is completed on the device, you
can pull the image (which has both the Boot Agent and the XPe image) from that device and
push it to another device that is pre-programmed with the Boot Agent. To do this, make sure
the boot order in the BIOS of the target device is Hard disk.
Pull or push the image of the devices which you have already programmed with the Boot Agent
image, using Merlin.
The device contacts the WDM and downloads Merlin through HTTP.
Merlin contacts the WDM server and starts the imaging process.
Autogenic Imaging
The purpose of Autogenic imaging is to image the device with the image residing on flash or hard drive of
the device. This process/scheme requires performing few steps, prior to the actual imaging as mentioned
Prepare an image to create an Autogenic Capable image. See Preparing an Image to make an
Autogenic Capable Image.
Register the prepared image in WDM. See Register an Image Using Merlin.
Make the image Autogenic Capable. See Making an Autogenic Capable Image.
Schedule an Autogenic Capable Image to an Autogenic Capable Device. See Using Advanced View
Configuration Options for Delegated Administration.
Determine if the image can be converted. Images that are not Merlin or do not support Non-PXE
imaging will need to be converted.
Start the Merlin Image Converter Utility by clicking on the executable file ConverterUtility.exe. This
file is found in Install Drive\Program Files\Wyse\WDM\Utilities. Make sure the files vmlinuz and
initrd.pxe are also present in this directory.
Type in, or, using the Browse button, navigate to the full path and name of the ".rsp" file for the
image and enter it into the "Input .rsp Path" textbox
NOTE: Note: Only non-PXE Merlin image can be made as Autogenic Capable image. So before
registering an image in WDM to perform Autogenic Imaging, make sure that you have
registered a non-PXE Merlin image (the package should not contain i2d file).
When the converted image is registered in the WDM, the status of the image displays Yes in the
Autogenic column on the WDM console.
In the Images Folder of the Package Manager, select the image you wish to make autogenic, and
right click to display the context menu.
From all the available options, select Autogenic Capable if that menu option is visible.
NOTE: Note:The Autogenic Capable menu item will only be displayed if the selected image is a
Merlin image, running the XPe , or Windows Embedded Standard, or Windows 7 operating
systems and is not already an autogenic image. The WDM edition must also be Enterprise.
The image will be Made Autogenic Capable. To confirm this click the Refresh Button on the toolbar
or press F5.
To confirm that the image is Autogenic, make sure that the value of Autogenic column is Yes
corresponding to the specific image.
Select one or more devices in the right pane of the Device Manager and right click to display the
context menu.
From all the available options, select Autogenic Capable option if that menu option is visible.
NOTE: The Autogenic Capable menu item will only be displayed when all selected devices are
Windows XP or WES, NON-PXE Capable, and have the same flash size.
The Autogenic Device Creation Form will display containing all autogenic images appropriate for
the selected device(s).
The Search Criteria textbox and Field(s) listbox can be used to create a filter that may be used to
narrow down the selection of available images. Only images that have a name and/or description
that contains the text entered into the criteria box will be displayed. If no text is entered in the
Search Criteria textbox, then all appropriate images will appear in the list.
The four Disk Layout values are prepopulated with the following values whenever an image is
Total Flash Size- This is simply the total size in MB of the Flash on the selected devices(s).
Non - PXE Size- This is always 16 MB.
OS Partition Size- This is dependant on the Backup Partition Size. This is set to be ("total flash
size" - "Non -PXE size" - "Backup Partition Size") for devices with flash size of 4096 or less,
and to ("4096" - "Non - PXE size" - "Backup Partition Size") for devices with flash greater than
4096 MB.
Backup Partition Size - Initially this is set to be 100 MB plus that of the selected image. If the
total flash size for the device(s) is greater than 4096 MB, this value can not be changed.
However, if the total flash size is not greater than 4096 MB, it may be increased by the user
up to any value that still provides room for the OS partition.
After choosing the Backup Partition size (if possible or desired), click the Next button. This will bring
up additional package distribution wizard forms that are used for scheduling options.
Drag and drop the Autogenic Image to the Device Manager. It will list out all the devices that are
fulfilling the criteria for the scheduled autogenic image.
Select the device from the list of devices to which autogenic image needs to be scheduled.
Case 1:
Check the check box "Download image to backup partition" to download the image to the
backup partition of the Autogenic Device and then click "Next" button.
The "Package Distribution Wizard" window will appear. Click on "Next" button with default
Select "PXE" or "Non-PXE" option based on the device configuration and then select "Next".
Click on "Finish" button to schedule the image package to the device.
The image download in the backup partition will be scheduled to the device.
After finishing the imaging task, the backup image will reside on the backup partition of the
NOTE: The image download will happen in back ground at the device end. The device will
only receive the QU to schedule the imaging task and then rest of the process will be in
After finishing the imaging task, the backup image will reside on the backup partition of the
After that update the HAgent to version on the device to support autogenic imaging.
After updating the HAgent, on the Device Manager View-> Network Info tab, the details of
backup partition will appear.
After downloading the image to backup partition of the device, schedule an imaging task (with
autogenic image) to the device having image in backup partition.
Check the check box "Image device from backup partition" to image the device from the
backup partition of the autogenic device and then click "Next" button.
The "Package Distribution Wizard" window will appear. Click on "Next" button with default
Select "Non-PXE" option based on the device configuration and then select "Next".
NOTE: Before scheduling the image task, change the device boot order settings to boot
from disk first instead of boot from network.
The Merlin Imaging Agent will come up to start imaging from the backup partition.
After imaging is done, again update the HAgent to version on the device to verify the
image version on the device and the backup partition details.
Case 2:
Check both the check boxes "Download image to backup partition" and "Image device from
backup partition" to download the image to the backup partition of the autogenic device and
then to image the device from the backup partition. Click the "Next" button.
The "Package Distribution Wizard" window will appear. Click on "Next" button with default
Select "PXE" or "Non-PXE" option based on the device configuration and then select "Next".
The image will be downloaded to the backup partition of the device and then the device will get
imaged from the backup image residing on the backup partition.
After imaging is done, again update the HAgent to version on the device to verify the
image version on the device and the backup partition details.
Add filters on the Device View to allow each administrator access to their authorized devices only.
Switch to the Device View that contains the device where you want to issue commands.
At the Device Manager results pane, right-click the desired device to open the menu.
Select the command you want to issue (the type of device, manufacturer, and OS determines what
commands are available; Copy, Delete, and Refresh are part of the MMC and are not a part of WDM
Quick Device Commands).
Change Device Information - Lets you change basic device information (name, location,
contact, and three custom boxes) for a given device or group of devices (see Updating Basic
Device Information).
Change Network Information - Lets you change basic network information (IP Address, subnet,
and so on) for a given device or group of devices (see Updating Network Properties).
Device Configuration - This command is applicable only to CE and Linux devices. It allows you
to pull the reference configuration from a device so that it can be cloned across the installation.
This command will launch the creation process of a configuration package (see Register a
Configuration from a Device).
Refresh Device Information - Causes the WDM Agent on a device, or group of devices, to
check-in with WDM Web Service to report on its basic information.
Remote Shadow - Lets you remotely view and control a device using VNC (see Remotely
Shadowing Devices).
Get Device Image - Reads an entire image. For more information on Get Device Image, refer to
Using the Software Package Wizard to Create and Register Software Packages.
Execute Command - Invokes a command line where you can type executable commands for a
given device (if the executable is not in the path of the device, you must provide a fully qualified
Create Device Filter - Creates a device filter to filter out the devices in Device Manager View
based on the criteria specified (see Creating Device Filter).
Find Device in View - Allows you to find out in which View a particular device is located(see
Device Locator - Finding a Device in a View).
Autogenic Capable - Makes a device to get imaged from image on backup patition residing in
the device (see Create Autogenic Device).
Get and View Device Logs - Allows you to create a device logs (e.g. OS, Agent and VNC logs)
and view them according to the selection criteria((see Get Logs and View Log).
Send Message- Allows you to send messages to a device. See Sending Messages to Devices.
Wake On LAN - Enables you to wake a device, or group of devices within the same subnet.
Relay Wake on LAN Enables you to send a Wake on LAN message to devices across subnets.
Delete - Lets you delete the selected device, or group of selected devices (see Deleting Devices
from the Database).
Package Distribution - Lets you to schedule a package to a device, or group of selected devices
(an easy way to invoke the pacakge distribution wizard).
Remote Task Manager - Launches the task manager of the selected device (see Remote Task
To track real time commands, go to Update Manager-> Real Time Commands. On the right pane all
the scheduled real time commands will be displayed.
Select the Device Manager node in the tree view of the WDM Console.
The devices are displayed on the right-hand pane.
Select one or more devices, right-click and select the Send Message.
The Send Message window is displayed.
Select the message type from the drop-down. Choose from one of the following options:
Click OK.
The message is broadcast to the device or devices and is displayed on the device screen.
In the WDM Console tree pane, select any device in the Device Manager.
Right click to bring up the context menu and select Get Logs.
In Create Log File window provide the name of the log file or pick the default file name.
Depending on the selection, it will generate the log file containing the aprropriated logs from the
selected device.
To view the logs, right click to bring up the context menu and selectView Log.
In View Logs window, select the log type to see the specific log for OS, HAgent or VNC.
Now click on View Log button to view the logs in the botton of the window.
To delete any specific log file, select the log file and then click on Delete Log button.
Select one or more devices in the right pane of the Device Manager and right click to display the
context menu.
From all the available options, select "Package Distribution Wizard..." if that menu option is visible.
NOTE: The package Distribution Wizard menu item is only displayed when all the selected
devices share the same operating system.
In the WDM Console tree pane, select any single device in theDevice Manager.
Right click to bring up the context menu and select Remote Task Manager menu. The following
window is displayed:
The window displays the Applications tab by default and displays the list of applications on the
selected device..
The name of the device is displayed in the title bar of the Remote Task Manger.
The MAC Address and IP Address are displayed in the window's Status Bar.
Selecting the Processes Tab displays the running processes for the selected device.
Selecting the Performance Tab displays displays memory, page file, virtual memory, and CPU
usage information for the selected device.
NOTE: To refresh data on any tab, click the Refresh menu item under the Options menu.
At the Device Manager results pane, right-click and navigate to View then select Add/Remove
It will display the list of Available Columns on the left and list of Displayed columns on the right.
You can move the fields from Available columns to Displayed columns depending on the
Verify the changes you have made in right pane of the Device Manager View.
Switch to the Device View for the device or devices whose information you wish to update.
Select the PCoIP device or devices whose information you want to update, right-click the selection,
and then select PCoIP Device Configuration to open the PCoIP Device Configuration dialog box.
USB Permissions
You can choose to apply a single configuration set or apply the entire configuration at a time by
clicking Apply All Settings.
You can also apply these configuration settings to multiple devices at a time.
Package Manager
Package Manager is the second node in the tree view of the WDM Console.
The Package Manager allows you to:
Register packages to the WDM Master Repository. The packages can come from:
Package files
Images and/or configurations that you create (get) from devices in your network (to distribute it to
other devices)
Pre-registered WDM Agent upgrades that are installed
By default WDM provides few standard packages that can be deployed to the devices. These packages
are divided into five categories:
Agent Update
SUSELXHAgentUpgrade - This package can be scheduled only to the devices running SUSE Linux
UbuntuHAgent Upgrade- This package can be scheduled only to the devices running the Wyse
Enhanced Ubuntu Linux OS.
WE8SHAgentUpgrade- This package can be scheduled only to the devices running the Windows
Embedded 8 Standard 64 bit OS.
WE8SxHAgentUpgrade- This package can be scheduled only to the devices running the Windows
Embedded 8 Standard 32 bit OS
WES7HAgentUpgrade - This package can be scheduled only to the devices running WES7 OS.
WES7PHAgentUpgrade - This package can be scheduled only to the devices running WES7P OS.
WESHAgentUpgrade - This package can be scheduled only to the devices running WES OS.
XPHAgentW - This package can be scheduled only to the devices running XPe OS.
WIE10HAgentUpgrade - This package can be scheduled only to the devices running WIE10 OS.
When these updates are scheduled to a device, they upgrade the HAgent of the device.
Device Configuration You can create packages using the Dell Wyse Configuration Manager (WCM).
To launch WCM, right click Device Configuration and select New Configuration.
Create the device configurations using the WCM Application GUI and save them.
The configuration packages are saved in the WDM repository and are listed on the right-hand
pane of the WDM console when you select the Device Configuration node.
You can then deploy these packages to the devices using theProfile Manager, the Package
Distribution Wizard, or just by dragging and dropping the package on the device listed under Device
For more information, see Distributing Device Updates, and Profile Manager.
BootAgentUpgradeWES - This package can be scheduled only to the devices that are having Boot
Agent embed with the image and the Boot Agent Version is less than the Boot Agent Version
available in WDM . When scheduled to a device, it upgrades the Boot Agent of the device.
BootAgentUpgradeXPe - This package can be scheduled only to the devices that are having Boot
Agent embed with the image and the Boot Agent Version is less than the Boot Agent Version
available in WDM . When scheduled to a device, it upgrades the Boot Agent of the device.
Other Packages
BootAgentUpgradeLinux- To upgrade the boot agent for a device running the SUSE Linux
Enterprise OS.
BootAgentUpgradeWE8S- To upgrade the boot agent for a device running Windows Embedded 8
Standard 64 bit OS.
BootAgentUpgradeWE8Sx- To upgrade the boot agent for a device running Windows Embedded
8 Standard 32 bit OS.
BootAgentUpgradeThinLinux- To upgrade the boot agent for a device running the ThinLinux
Enterprise OS.
BootAgentUpgradeWES7- To upgrade the boot agent for a device running Windows Embedded
Standard 7 OS.
BootAgentUpgradeWES7P- To upgrade the boot agent for a device running Windows Embedded
Standard 7P OS.
Reboot - When scheduled to a device, the device gets rebooted.
ResetOSSettings- To reset the OS configuration of the device to factory default.
Shutdown - When scheduled to a device, the device shuts down.
WakeOnLAN - When scheduled to a device, it sends the WOL command to the device.
BootAgentUpgradeWIE10- To upgrade the boot agent for a device running Windows 10 loT
Enterpise OS.
Video - Sample package to change the video configuration for ThreadX devices.
VMWareView - Sample package to change the VMWare view configuration for ThreadX devices.
NOTE: You can also edit the script part of the .rsp file corresponding to a custom package. With this
option you can change the rsp file of a registered package without deleting and re-registering the
package in Package Manager.
Figure 2.
After clicking New PCoIP Configuration the PCoIP Device configuration screen is displayed.
The screen displays the following Menu options:
USB Permissions
Company Logo
User Name
Certificate Check Mode
PCOIP Broker Servers
On the WDM Console , select the Package Manager node, right-click on it and select New
The Package Wizard is displayed.
Click Next and complete the wizard using the procedures from one of the following options (that
you selected):
Register a Package to install a File. ( exe, msi, msu, or bat files only)
In the File Path box, enter (or browse to select) the path to the WDM script file (.rsp) file for the
package you want to register and click Next to open the Software Package Information dialog box.
Enter a Name and Description for the Read Image package, which will read the image from a desired
device, and click Next (when you create the Read Image package, ensure that the .rsp file contains
values for the imagesize parameter and for the image number of the device upon which the image is
based; proper .rsp files will have a well-formed header).
The wizard prompts you to select the group from which to read the image. Select the group where
the source device is found and click Next.
The wizard prompts you to select the desired device (be sure to select a device that supports the
Pre-boot EXecute Environment (PXE)). Select the device whose image you want to read with the Get
package and click Next.
The wizard prompts you for the Name and Description of the Write Image package, which you will
use to distribute the image you obtain with the Read Image package. Enter a Name and Description
for the Write Image package which will write the image to the desired devices, and click Next.
The wizard informs you that it is ready to create and register the Get/Set packages.
After the package has been created and registered, click Finish . The package is copied to the Master
Repository and is displayed under the appropriate category.
Enter a Name and Description for the CE bundled image and click Next.
Notice that the Category box is read-only and it contains Images as the category in which to store
the CE bundled image. The OS box is read-only and it will show CE as the operating system.
Depending on whether or not you want to have the package distributed, select or clear Active.
Click Next.
The wizard prompts you for the CE version number and base image for the CE bundled image. Enter
the CE version number and base image for the CE bundled image
Browse and select the location of the Base CE Image and, optionally, for the location of the Registry
Image in the CE Base box, and click Next.
NOTE: The CE Base image (or Primer) is generally a binary or executable file, most often the CE
operating system.
The CE bundled image creation process requires a params.ini file. This file should reside in the same
directory from which you obtain the CE base image. The wizard gets the build version information
from the params.ini file. If the file is not available, the CE bundled image creation process will stop.
The wizard prompts you to select Add-ons for the CE bundled image. Click Select File to navigate
and select the location where known Add-ons reside and select the Add-on (or Add-ons) you want.
NOTE: The Add-on is generally a binary, executable, or registry file.
The CE bundled image creation process requires a params.ini file for each Add-on that you select.
This file should reside in the same directory from which you obtain the Add-on. The wizard gets the
Add-on's build version information from the params.ini file. If the file is not available, the CE bundled
image creation process will stop.
The Add-on and Build boxes display the name and build, respectively, for each Add-on (or Add-ons)
you want.
The Add-On selection dialog will display your chosen Add-ons and allow you to continue making
additional Add-on selections.
When you have finished selecting the Add-ons you want, click Next.
NOTE: To delete Add-ons, simply select them (use SHIFT or CTRL for multiple selections) and
click Remove (click Remove All to delete all Add-ons).
A window displays the steps related to bundling the Add-ons to the CE image. The wizard informs
you that it is ready to create the package for your CE Bundled image.
After the package has been created and registered, click Finish. The package is copied to the Master
Repository and is displayed under the appropriate category.
Register a Package to install a File. (exe, msi, msu, or bat files only)
It registers a package to install a File.
In the File Path box, enter (or browse to select) the path to the WDM file (exe, msi, msu, or bat files
only) for the package you want to register.
The following dilog box is displayed.
Click Next and select the device operating system from the drop down list.
WDM is ready to register the package. click Next to start the package registration process.
In the WDM Console window, expand Device Manager to display the list of devices. Drag and drop
the Merlin image (for example, push_9V92_S550_512) onto the desired device.
To verify the Merlin imaging process, check to see that the Boot Agent boots first on the device and
then boots the guest OS after contacting the WDM server.
NOTE: If the Boot Agent is not pre-programmed on the device, then the first imaging process
will be through PXE using Merlin. After the imaging process is completed on the device, you
can pull the image (which has both the Boot Agent and the XPe image) from that device and
push it to another device that is pre-programmed with the Boot Agent. To do this, make sure
the boot order in the BIOS of the target device is Hard disk.
Pull or push the image of the devices which you have already programmed with the Boot Agent
image, using Merlin.
The device contacts the WDM and downloads Merlin through HTTP.
Merlin contacts the WDM server and starts the imaging process.
Select the deployment date range and time range within which you want to execute the schedule.
If you want to override the settings for the number of devices that support PAD, then select one of
the options under Override Preferences.
Click OK to save the settings and begin deployment at the scheduled time.
Expand the Package Manager and select the folder that contains the software package for which
you want to view the properties.
Active - The package will be Active and you can deploy this to a device if checked otherwise it
will be inactive and user can not deploy the package to a device.
Operationg System - The name of the Operating System for which this package is compatible.
Expand the Package Manager and select the folder that contains the software package you want to
view the property.
In Package Script window check the box "Edit and Save Script to Database ONLY". The following
screen is displayed
You can modify the script part of the rsp file and press OK to save it.
NOTE: You cannot modify the script for default packages. This is valid only for custom packages.
Expand the Package Manager node and select the folder that contains the software package you
want to export.
Browse through the path where you want to save the script and click on OK button to save.
The confirmation window is displayed. Click OK to save the script at specified location.
Expand the Package Manager and select the folder that contains the software package you want to
Right-click the software package you want to delete and select Delete.
Update Manager
Update Manager is the third node in the tree view of the WDM console. It appears as follows:
Perform recurring updates to devices. See, Distributing Device Updates using Recurring Scheduler.
In the WDM Console tree pane, click Update Manager and then click Software Repository
The results pane displays any scheduled, error and in-progress repository job synchronization
If you want to delete a any repository job, select the row for the scheduled job you want to delete or
edit (use SHIFT+CTRL to select multiple rows) and click the Delete icon from the menu bar to delete
the selected job
To edit the selected job(s), right-click the selection and choose Properties. The Edit Update window
is displayed.
In the WDM Console tree pane, click Update Manager and then click on Scheduled Packages.
The results pane displays any scheduled, error and in-progress packages or updates scheduled to
the devices.
Select the row for the scheduled package you want to delete or edit (use SHIFT+CTRL to select
multiple rows) and click the Delete icon from the menu bar to delete the selected job.
To edit or delete the selected update(s), right-click the selection and choose Properties. The Edit
Update window is displayed.
SUSE Linux
The following diagram and workflows best describe the working of the PAD functionality.
The device that first checks in to the WDM server, has the lowest flash size, and can accommodate
the selected pad image becomes the repository device(s) for that subnet. The device should have
the values for Peer Capable and Repository Capable properties set to True. For more information,
see Prerequisites for PAD.
The repository device reboots and images itself from the WDM repository.
The repository device completes the imaging, boots up, and downloads the BIOS and becomes
Repository Capable. The device then sends back the package completion (V02) status to the WDM
After the schedule range elapses, the WDM server sends an instruction to switch off the repository
when the repository device checks in. It then switches off the application responsible for enabling
repository capabilities on the device.
WDM schedules the imaging job to peer devices with the repository device location and image
download access credentials.
The peer devices download the images from the repository device.
After imaging is complete, the peer devices boot up with the new image.
Configuring PAD
Make sure that the device has the latest released version of Windows Embedded Standard 7 image
(version 9.05.0858 or above) or Windows Embedded 8 Standard- 64 bit (version 10.010907.15 or
For WES7, make sure you have Z, D, ZQ, DQ, or 3290-C90D7 class devices with a minimum flash
drive capacity of 8 GB and a 2 GB RAM.
For WE8S 64bit, make sure you have Z, D, ZQ, or DQ class devices with a minimum flash drive
capacity of 16 GB and a 4 GB RAM.
Deploy the latest available version of WES7 HAgent on the WES7 devices, and the latest available
version of WE8SHAgent for WE8S devices.
Deploy the latest available version of BootAgentUpgradeWES7 on the WES7 devices, and the latest
available version of BootAgentUpgradeWE8S on the WE8S devices.
Select Device Manager on the tree pane of the WDM Console, and from the right-hand pane select
any device.
Click the Hardware Info tab on the bottom pane to view the details of the selected device.
If the device is not PAD capable the PAD Capable flag is set to False as shown below:
After you configure the device to be PAD capable, the PAD Capable flag is set to True as shown
Select Device Manager on the tree pane of the WDM Console, and from the right-hand pane select
any device.
Click the Hardware Info tab on the bottom pane to view the details of the selected device.
If the device is not PAD capable, the Repository PAD flag is set to False as displayed below:
After you configure the device to be Repository Capable, the Repository Capable flag is set to True
as displayed below:
Set the device check-in interval to at least one hour in the WDM GUI Preferences.
Log in to the device as an Administrator, disable the Write Filter, log out , and log in again as
Delete the HagentSettings.ini file from C:\Program Files\WDM and run the following command in
the command prompt for WES7 devices:
Hagent.exe -Install
For WE8S devices, you must log in as Administrator, navigate to C:\Windows\System32, right click
the Cmd.exe file, and select the Run as Administrator option before running the above command.
For WES7 devices, prepare the device to pull the image by navigating to the C:\windows\setup
folder in the command prompt and running the following command:
WES7_CustomSysprep4man.bat -r
For WE8S devices, prepare the device to pull the image by navigating to the C:\windows\setup
folder in the command prompt and running the following commands:
Powershell.exe C:\windows\setup\WE8S_CustomSysprep4man.ps1 -r
NOTE: For WE8S devices, you must run the command prompt as an Administrator. See Step 3.
Do not allow the device to boot to the OS, instead give the Pull Image command using the PXE
mode for WES7 devices, and the Non PXE mode for the WE8S devices where the sysprep is running.
Log in to the system where the WDM console is running, and right click on a schedule from Update
Manager Schedule Packages.
For WES7 devices, press the P key, and boot the device through the PXE LAN mode. For WE8S
devices, press the P key, and boot the device through Merlin Non-PXE mode.
After the image is pulled, deploy the pulled image using the Deploy via Peers in Subnet option.
Configuring PAD
For the PAD feature to function, you need to configure the Subnet preferences. You can specify the
number of devices that you want to serve as repositories and also specify the connection details to the
master device.
Specify the minimum number of required peer capable repositories as One or Two.
Change the maximum number of simultaneous connections to the master device if required. The
default is 7.
Click Update Changes to save the configuration and Close to close the window.
On the WDM console, expand the Peer Assisted Deployment node under Update Manager.
The node displays the Repositories, Schedules, and Summary.
To view the list of clients that serve as Master repositories, select Repositories under Peer Assisted
The list of clients are displayed on the right-hand pane.
To view the PAD schedules, select Schedules under Peer Assisted Deployment.
The list of package deployment schedules are displayed on the right-hand pane.
To view the PAD Image update process, select Summary under Peer Assisted Deployment.
The progress is displayed on the right-hand pane.
c. Change the date and time ranges as required and click Update Times.
The schedule displays the new date and time.
Updating Devices
The device update process includes distributing single or multiple software packages to one device or to
a group of devices on your network. The type of software packages you send to your devices depends on
the needs of your organization.
NOTE: Before you can distribute any package, you must first register it. For more information, see
Using the Package Wizard.
Application updates - A package that either sends or retrieves an application to or from a device.
Image updates - A package that either sends or retrieves a base image (an OS, system settings,
and any other packages) to or from a device.
Settings updates - A package that either sends or retrieves Independent Computer Architecture
(ICA) settings, Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) settings, or registry entries to or from a device.
In addition to the packages offered by your device vendor, the WDM Script Language allows you to
create your own software packages. For example, you could create custom packages for devicemanagement tasks such as:
WDM distributes software packages either manually (by using either the Software Distribution Wizard
or the drag-and-drop method) or automatically (by assigning a Default Device Configuration).
NOTE: You can obtain packages from your device vendor or create your own package with
WDM Script Language (information to create a package can be obtained by reading the image
or configuration of the device).
Registering the package into the WDM Database - By using the Package Manager (the package
must exist in your network).
Switching to the Device View where you want to distribute the package - By using the Device
Manager (you must first create this Device View for the package distribution).
Dragging and dropping the package you want onto the group you want in the Device View By using the Package Manager (this process can be automated by using the Software Distribution
Selecting the devices that will receive the package in your current device group - This process
can be automated by using the Software Distribution Wizard.
Scheduling the package distribution - By using the Scheduling Preferences (this process can be
automated by using the Software Distribution Wizard).
Determine the target devices - Identify the devices to which you want to assign a DDC, and
create a suitable Device View to isolate the target devices (a DDC can only be applied to a group
of devices that have the same OS and media size).
Determine the make-up of the DDC - Identify the images and/or packages that you want to
include in the DDC. Make sure you have created the images and that all packages are registered
in the WDM Database.
Assign the DDC - Use the procedures in Creating Default Device Configurations to isolate the
target devices by OS within any branch or entire Device View and media size; also be sure to
assemble the DDC by selecting its own OS and the packages you want to deploy with the DDC
(you can also determine the sequence in which the packages are executed on the devices).
Settings that include registry modifications, .ini file modifications, addition or deletion of individual
New applications.
Complete images.
NOTE: Updates are custom scripts and can serve other functions such as collecting certain
inventory files from a device or a group of devices.
On the WDM Console, right-click on the Update Manager node and select New Update.
The Package Distribution Wizard is displayed.
NOTE: You can also launch the wizard by selecting the device in the right-hand pane of Device
Manager, right-clicking on it and selecting Package Distribution Wizard from the menu..
Select the folder that contains the software package you want to distribute and click Next.
The packages to be distributed are displayed.
Figure 3.
Select the package that you want to distribute and click Next.
The device views that you created under Device Manager are displayed.
Select the devices one by one or click Select All on the right-hand pane and click the > button to
add the device under the Selected Devices pane.
Check the Recurring Update check box to schedule a recurring update. For more information, see
Distributing Device Updates using Recurring Schedulerand Edit/Modify Recurring Updates.
Select the devices under the Selected Devices pane and click Next.
Select the date and time when you want the distribution to start under Distribution Will Occur
section. Select Retry Failed Updates if you want WDM to retry pushing update packages if they have
If your devices are serviced by a remote repository and you have set the preference to synchronize
the remote repositories, then you will be prompted to enter the synchronization information.
10. After the wizard notifies you that updates are created, click Finish.
Use the procedures in this section to distribute the following types of updates to devices:
Settings, including:
Registry modifications
.ini file alterations
Addition or deletion of individual files
New applications
NOTE: This feature is not available for device imaging. Since they are custom scripts, updates
can serve other functions beyond distributing settings, and applications(for example, you could
write a script file to collect certain inventory files from a device or group of devices).
Recurring update scheduling is made available through the Package Distribution Wizard.This wizard
may be launched using one of the following methods:
Run Wizard...
New Update
Right-click on Update Manager and select New Update to launch the Package Distribution
NOTE: The package distribution can also be performed by selecting the package the
needs to be scheduled from Package Manager and then Drag and Drop it to the Device
Manager View.
Select the folder that contains the software you want to distribute and click Next.
Select the software package to distribute and click Next (the device groups you see in the
Update Manager view depend on the Device View you selected in step 1).
Select the group of devices to receive the update (to select all of the groups in the hierarchy,
select Device Manager at the top of the hierarchy) and click Next.
Enter a description for the recurring update, select the time of day that the recurring update will
be sent to the device(s) and the recurrence pattern - either daily or weekly.
NOTE: If Weekly, select the recurrence interval and the day(s) of the week. If Daily
scheduling, select every day, every weekday, or the day of the week.
Select the start and end dates and click Next and Finish to create the recurring update.
On the left panel tree view, navigate to Update Manager->Recurring Schedules. Launch the
Wizard with either:.
Right click in either main panel and select New -> Update.
Now follow the above mentioned steps (Run Wizard method) to create a recurring update.
Expand the Update Manager node in the tree view of the WDM Console..
Select the update to be edited. Right click and select Properties from the context menu.
The Edit Recurring Updates window is displayed with the update details.
Change any of the update settings and click OK to save the update settings.
To view a list of the devices scheduled for the selected update, check the View Clients checkbox.
The list of the devices are displayed on the right side of the window.
In the Update Manager, select the Recurring Updates node. Right click the recurring update in
the right panel list view and select Delete.
Select the update, click Properties to open the Edit Recurrence window, and click the Remove
Recurrence button.
In the tree view of the WDM Console, expand Update Manager and click Scheduled Packages. The
right-hand pane displays the scheduled and in-progress device updates.
Select the scheduled update you want to edit, right click and select Properties. The Edit Update
window is displayed.
NOTE: If the device updates are linked to a Remote Repository, you may see two update
records. The first record is for an update to synchronize the Remote Repository with the Master
Repository. The second record is for the actual update to the devices that are serviced by the
Remote Repository. You can edit either or both of these updates. However, you cannot
reschedule the synchronization update to occur after the update for the corresponding
After making the desired changes, click OK. The changes are displayed on the WDM console.
If the schedules display an Error status, select the schedule, right-click and select Error Details from
the menu.
The details are displayed in the Error Details window.
In the WDM Console tree pane, click Update Manager (the results pane displays any scheduled and
in-progress device updates).
Select the row for the scheduled update you want to delete (use SHIFT+CTRL to select multiple
Expand the Update Manager node in the tree view of the WDM Console.
Select Software Repository Synchronization, right-click and select New Remote SW Repository
The Remote Software Repository Synchronization Wizard is displayed.
Select the folder that contain the updates to be synchronized and click Next.
The packages to be synchronized are displayed.
Select a package and click Next. The remote repositories are displayed.
Select Retry Failed Updates if you want the synchronization to be retried if it fails.
Click Next, and in the window that is displayed , click Finish to complete the repository
The synchronization record is displayed on the WDM Console against Update Manager Software
Repository Synchronization.
NOTE: When you are synchronizing the repositories, make sure that there is at least one common
protocol is configured between the Master and the Remote repositories. For example, if you have
configured the Master repository for HTTPS protocol, you must configure the Remote repository
also for the HTTPS protocol.
Report Manager
Report Manager is the fourth node in the tree view of the WDM Console.
Reports provide important information about the devices in your WDM environment. After you create a
report, WDM automatically saves the report in the Report Manager node, so you can view it as required.
You do not need to create the same report once you have created it. Every time you view the report, it
displays latest information from your devices according to the criteria you set up in the report.
To create, view, and save a report:
Expand Report Manager, right-click the type of report you want, and select New Report to open
the Report Wizard.
Select any group of devices and any available sub-selections that you want to include in the report,
and then add them to the report. You can also use the AND and OR options to qualify your
selections further.
In case of Log Report select the Start date and End date for the data you want to generate in report.
After selecting the devices and sub-selections you want, you can generate the report and view the
To save a report as a .txt file (which you can print), click the Save Report icon in the tool bar and
assign the report a name.
To use the report in the future, simply select the report from the Report Manager and view the latest
device information that fits the criteria of the report.
You can use the report manager to create, save, and print the following:
Client Down Time Reports. See Creating a Client Down Time Report.
Expand Report Manager, right-click Device Listings and select New | Report.
The Report Wizard dialog box is displayed.
Enter a Name and Description for your report (be sure to name and describe the report in a way that
will allow you to easily recognize it later) and click Next.
Make the desired device selections by OS, Image, Subnet, Platform, or Vendor ID... and click OK to
generate the report.
The lower panes let you select a group and individual choices within a group. For instance, to include
devices with the OSes Linux, CE, and WES, first you select OS. Then you use the Ctrl key to select the
desired OSes from the Choose Group Selection panel. For example:
Finally, you select Add/OR to move your choices to the selection panes. For example:
Individual items within a group always use the OR condition. In the example above, the device listing
would include any devices whose OS is either WES, CE, or Linux.
Across groups, you can use either selection condition, AND and OR, but not both. For instance, you
can add Subnet to your selection criteria and use the AND radio button to ensure that your device
listing includes only the devices that meet your OS selection in addition to residing in a specific
subnet. Conversely, if you used the OR radio button, then the device listing would include devices
from your selected OSes or devices from a given subnet regardless of OS.
The conditions AND and OR are global. After you have selected either AND or OR between the first
and second selection groups, all other selections across groups will also be ANDed or ORred with the
result of your previous selections
To remove a selection criterion, select the criterion (for instance, OS Windows XP) from the selection
pane and click Remove.
To remove all selection criteria, click Clear All.
NOTE: Reports are not static. If information changes (for example, new devices are discovered or
new logged information is generated) a report will display the new information (assuming it fits in
the criteria of the report).
Use the following guidelines to create, view, and save a log report:
Expand Report Manager, right-click Log Reports and select New | Report.
The Report Wizard dialog box is displayed.
Enter a Name and Description for your report (be sure to name and describe the report in a way that
will allow you to easily recognize it later) and click Next.
The wizard prompts you for the start and end ranges for your log report:
Use the drop-down list to choose a single Rapport user or Select ALL to include all Rapport users in
the log report and click Finish.
When your log report is compiled, it appears under the name and description you gave it in the
results pane.
NOTE: To save a report as a .txt file (which you can print), click the Save Report icon in the
toolbar and assign the report a name (you can compare reports that you save as .txt files). To
use the report in the future, simply select the report from the Report Manager and view the
latest device information that fits the criteria of the report.
Expand Report Manager, right-click Package Distribution Reports and select New | Report.
Enter a Name and Description for your report (be sure to name and describe the report in a way that
will allow you to easily recognize it later).
Make the desired Group selections by Agent Update, Device Configuration, Images, or Other
Packages and click OK to generate the report.
Expand Report Manager, right-click Client Package Reports and select New | Report.
The Report Wizard dialog box is displayed.
Enter a Name and Description for your report (be sure to name and describe the report in a way that
will allow you to easily recognize it later).
Make the desired View, Subgroup as well as client(s) selections by different available Views, different
subgroups and the client(s) and click OK to generate the report.
Expand Report Manager, right-click Installed Software Reports and select New | Report....
The Installed Software Report dialog box is displayed.
In the Select Wizard, select the node for Report Manager | Report Wizard.
The Report Wizard dialog box will be displayed.
In the Report Wizard, select the radio button for Installed Software Report Manager and then press
Enter a Name and optional Description for your report. Make sure to name and describe the report
in a way that will allow you to easily recognize it later.
Select the installed software from a list of all installed software on all registered devices.
Select the version of the selected software (or the list item ALL VERSIONS) from the Select Version
list box.
Select whether the report shows devices that have the selected software installed or those that do
not have the selected software installed (using the Software Installed radio buttons).
Select all devices from the Select a Group list box - or create a device filter using existing specified
grouping values and the search criteria control buttons. (A Platform and OS filter has been created as
an example and is displayed in the Selected Items list view in the above figure)
NOTE: To save a report as a .txt file (which you can print), click the Export List icon in the toolbar
and assign the report a name (you can compare reports that you save as .txt files). To use the report
in the future, simply select the report from the Report Manager.
Expand Report Manager, select Client Down Time Reports and click on the Create a new Report
icon in the Tool Bar Menu.
The wizard prompts you for the view, subgroup as well as client selection criteria:
Make the desired View, Subgroup as well as client(s) selections by different available Views, different
subgroups and the client(s) and click Generate.
For example, a package synchronized with 5 remote repositories displays 5 rows each time that package
is synchronized.
To view and export package synchronization history, on the WDM console expand Report Manager
Package Synchronization Report and select Package Synchronization History.
The right-hand pane displays the detailed report. The following details are displayed:
Repository - Name of the remote repository for which the package was synchronized with the master
Synchronization Time - Time the package was synchronized with the remote repository. Packages
scheduled for synchronization but not yet synchronized are not displayed here.
Version - This is only valid for the most recent synchronization of that package with the remote
Master Version - This is the current version of the package in the master repository.
Status - This represents the comparison of the version of the package in the master repository and
the version in the remote repository at the current time. If the versions are the same in the in the most
recent record - then the package is synchronized with that remote repository. It the versions are not
the same, then the status is not synchronized. If the package in the master repository has been
deleted, it will show up as deleted status. If packages remain in the remote repositories, these will
show up in the Orphaned Package report.
Repository - Name of the remote repository for which the package is not synchronized with the
master repository.
Last Synchronized - The time of the most recent synchronization record displayed in the Package
Synchronization History Report.
Version - This is the current version of the package in the remote repository.
Master Version - This is the current version of the package in the master repository.
Repository - Name of the remote repository that contains a package which is not in the master
Last Synchronized - The time of the most recent synchronization record displayed in the Package
Synchronization History Report.
Version - This is the current version of the package in the remote repository.
The results pane displays the detailed information about the different installed components of WDM:
Installed On - The date and time on which the specific component has been installed.
Latest Hot Fix ID - Latest hot fix ID of WDM installed on the server.
The results pane displays the detailed information about different running components of WDM:
Check In - The date and time at which the specific component has checked in.
Check Out - The date and time at which the specific component has checked out.
Expand Report Manager in the tree view of the WDM Console and select Remote Sessions History
Search Criteria - Provide Device Name, Connection Type, Connection Name etc., based on the
Case Sensitive Filter - Check the box if the Search Criteria value is case sensitive.
Report Duration - Select the duration for the report. By default it is past 45 days from the current
date (this is defined in the preferences). User can also give the date range for the report
Click Add to add your selection criteria in the Final Selection for Report pane.
After defining the required report creation criteria, click OK to display the report on the right pane of
the console.
Expand Report Manager in the tree view of the WDM Console and select Remote Sessions
Summary Report.
Report Duration - Select the duration for the report. By default it is past 45 days from the current
date. You can change this in the Device Manager Preferences screen. For more information, see
Device Manager Preferences. You can also give the date range for the report.
Unlicensed Devices
Unlicensed Devices displays the list of all those discovered devices that do not have licenses and hence
are not displayed under Device Manager. You can move these unlicensed devices to the licensed devices
by selecting the device and use right-click button, and then click the Add to Licensed Devices option.
To move unlicensed devices to licensed devices you must have enough number of licenses
provided by the WDM administrator.
If you do not have enough licenses and attempt to move an unlicensed device to licensed
devices, the following message is displayed:You have no license for the vendor. If you
must still move an unlicensed device, then delete a few devices from the licensed devices list
and then proceed.
Configuration Manager
Configuration Manager is the last node in the tree view of the WDM Console. As the name suggests, you
can perform various operations pertaining to configuration and management of WDM.
Create new and edit existing Device Views. See Device Views.
Create configuration packages using the Profile Manager. See Profile Manager
Define Remote Repositories and assign them to subnets WDM Enterprise Edition only . See
Registering Remote Repositories.
Create and edit subnets and IP ranges. SeeSetting Subnets Manually and Setting IP Ranges Manually.
Set up WDM users and maintain their permissions. See, User Management.
Import IP ranges, subnets, and software repositories. See Importing Data into the Database.
Group Types
Groups can be defined as a Group Type (predefined or custom), a Group Instance (within a Group Type),
or any combination of these items. WDM allows you to use predefined Group Types that includes:
Operating System
Image/Firmware Image Number
You can also create any number of custom group types and group instances to facilitate the organization
of your devices into functional hierarchies. You can then use these groups to create custom device views
for your devices. For more information, see Creating Custom Group Types.
In the WDM Console tree pane, expand the Configuration Manager, right-click the Group Types
node, and select New | Group to open the Create New Group Type dialog box.
In the space provided, enter the names of the device groups that you want to manage under this
group type.
Click OK to add the Group Type to the list of available WDM Group Types that you can use when
assigning devices to groups (see Assigning Devices to Groups).
In the WDM Console tree pane, expand the Configuration Manager, select the Group Types node.
The Edit Group Type dialog box is displayed.
If you want to change the name or the description of the group type, enter the new name or
description or both in the Name and Description fields.
If you want to add a group name, click Add and in the Group Name dialog box, enter the name of
the group you want to add. Click OK.
If you want to delete a group, click Delete. The application prompts you to confirm the deletion.
Click OK if you want to proceed with the deletion.
If you want to change the name of a group, click Change. In the Group Name dialog box, enter the
new name of the group. Click OK.
Click OK in the Edit Group Type dialog box to save the changes.
Device Views
Device Views offer a way to visually organize your devices functionally so that you can better manage
them. WDM uses an organizational system based on group types and groups so that you can assign a
hierarchical structure to your devices.
Since WDM lets you create your own user-defined group types and groups, you can organize your
devices in any way that best suits your organization's needs. WDM also provides predefined group types
for your convenience.
Views are built on Group Types arranged in a user-assigned hierarchy. You can build views based on the
ten built-in group types (predefined group types), or on user-created Custom Group Types (user-defined
Custom Group types), or on any combination of built-in and user-created Groups.
The process to create Device Views can be broken down into three stages:
Stage I: Determine Logical Groups and a Hierarchy for your Device View
Analyze your organizational structure along functional lines and ask yourself, How can I logically
group my devices to better manage them? Then conceive the necessary categories (or group types)
that you can use to organize your devices. WDM allows you to use these group types to build
hierarchies of device groups (or Device Views) with any level of granularity. When your devices are
grouped into hierarchies of Device Views, it is much easier to manage and control them.
To come up with group types, consider the ways in which your organization distributes software
or updates, provides technical support, is functionally organized (along the lines of departments,
office branches, region), and distinguishes its applications (point-of-sale, back-office).
Determine ways of organizing the group types you conceived into functional hierarchies of devices
(Device Views) for your organization. For example, if your group types include Building and
Department, you could have one Device View that groups devices by building within each
department. Conversely you could use the same group types and create a Device View that groups
devices by department within each building.
WDM provides six predefined group types that you can use immediately. By considering your
organization's functional environment, you can add any number of user-defined group types.
The more group types you come up with, the more granular and varied your Device Views can
Just as WDM lets you have unlimited group types, WDM also allows you to have any number of
Device Views. You can create as many Device Views as is necessary to organize your devices.
Use the WDM Configuration Manager to create the necessary group types to accommodate the
organizational hierarchy you developed in the previous step.
To create a group type, use the Group Type node under Configuration Manager.
Stage II: Create a Device Manager View and Select Its View Levels
A Device View name can be any text you want. However, it makes sense to assign device names that
correspond to the levels in your view so that you can identify your views immediately.
By using arrows (=>) between each level, you can clearly establish the hierarchy of your view
with the Device View name.
You create a Device View Name by using the Views node under the Configuration Manager.
Every Device View requires you to select at least one view level. The number of view levels dictates
the granularity of your device hierarchy. View levels equate to group types that you might have
created earlier, in Stage I.
In our example, we assume that you have created group types for Building and Departments.
Because our example Device View uses a two-level hierarchy of Building => Departments, you
would select the group type Building as the first view level. Similarly, you would select
Departments as the view level-2.
This hierarchical arrangement would allow you to group your devices by building, and within
each building, by the department to which the devices belong.
Stage III: Create Group Instances and Assign Devices to Each Group Instance
Create group instances (or simply groups) for each group type created in Stage I, and which you
assigned to a level view in Stage II.
In our example, we created the Exodus I Building and Exodus II Building as group instances
(groups) for the group type Building. Similarly, we created the groups Engineering Dept., Sales
Dept., and Marketing Dept. as groups of the group type Departments.
You create groups from the Device Manager node at each view level.
Drag and drop devices from the Unassigned folder into the appropriate folder for your Device View.
The Unassigned folder serves as a container to hold devices until they are assigned to a group.
After you have assigned devices among your groups to create your Device View, you can move
devices from one custom group to another. If this becomes necessary, be sure to review the
Rules for Moving Devices in a Device View.
NOTE: To create your own Device Views, see Creating Device Views from the Configuration
In the WDM Console tree pane, expand the Configuration Manager, right-click the View node, and
select New | View to open the Create New View dialog box.
Enter the View Name and select the Group Type from the list of "Available Group Types".
To select the Group Type from the list of "Available Group Types" Select the Group Type from the list of "Available Group Types" and double click on it.
or, Select the Group Type from the list of "Available Group Types" and click on "Add" button.
To delete the Group Type from the list of "Group Type Hierarchy" Select the Group Type from the list of "Group Type Hierarchy" and double click on it.
or, Select the Group Type from the list of "Available Group Types" and click on "Remove"
NOTE: You can add up to 30 View Levels (Group Types).
Private View - By selecting the current view as private, the grouping structure is only available to
you, the current user. By clearing the check box (the default) this view will be available to all
administrators who are authorized to use WDM.
Use as Current Device Manager View - By selecting this check box the current view is
automatically displayed by default when you click on Device Manager in the Administrator
Console tree. Any previous selections for the Device Manager view will be replaced by this
current view. You can switch views at any time (for details on switching views, refer to Switching
Device Views).
Use as Current Update Manager View - By selecting this check box the current view is
automatically selected during the update creation process. This is also the view which is created
by default while viewing the scheduled packages.
For details on Deleting Views, refer to Deleting Device Views.
For details on Editing Views, Create New Group Type and Advanced Configuration refer to
Editing Device Views.
After you have finished configuring all View Levels in the View Hierarchy, click OK to add the Device
View to the available Device Views that you can use.
Editing a View
To Edit a View:
In the WDM Console tree pane, expand the Configuration Manager, click the View node, and right
click on an existing view.
Select Properties, to launch the Edit View window. The Group Type Hierarchy is shown on the left
side of the window with each level of hierarchy designated by an increasingly indented "->" symbol
To add an additional Group Type to the hierarchy of the Group Type Hierarchy of the selected
select a Group Type in the Available Group Types list and double click on it.
or, select a Group Type in the Available Group Types list and click Add button.
or, select a Group Type in the Available Group Types list and drag and drop it to the appropriate
position in the Group Type Hierarchy.
The new Group Type will appear directly below the selected Group Type in the Group Type
Hierarchy display.
To delete a Group Type to the hierarchy of the Group Type Hierarchy of the selected view
select a Group Type in the Group Type Hierarchy and double click on it.
or, select a Group Type in the Group Type Hierarchy and click Remove button.
The selected group type will returned to the Available Group Types and the Group Type
Hierarchy display will be updated.
To move a Group Type from one position to another in the Group Type Hierarchy
select a Group Type in the Group Type Hierarchy and use "Move up" and "Move Down" buttons.
Use as Current Device Manager View - By selecting this check box the current view is automatically
displayed by default when you click on Device Manager in the Administrator Console tree. Any
previous selections for the Device Manager view will be replaced by this current view. You can
switch views at any time (for details on switching views, refer to Switching Device Views).
Use as Current Update Manager View - By selecting this check box the current view is automatically
selected during the update creation process. This is also the view which is created by default while
viewing the scheduled packages.
Click on "Create New Group Type" button or "Create New Group Type" tab.
10. By selecting the Set Current Device Manager View, the current view will be set as the selected view.
By selecting the Advanced Filter, the following window Advanced View Configuration is displayed.
12. To give permissions to access the selected view to different users, use "Advanced View
Select a user from the Available list and click ">" button.
or, Select a user from the Available list and double click on it.
or, Click "All" button to assign permission to all the users to access the selected view.
All the selected users will appear directly below the Selected list.
13. To remove permissions to access the selected view to different users, use "Advanced View
Select a user from the Selected list and click < button.
or, Select a user from the Selected list and double click on it.
All the removed users will appear directly below the Available list.
14. To assign the filter criteria for each or any of the Groups Types in the view's Group Type Hierarchy
The added Group Name will appear directly below the Filter Criteria with Type and Name.
15. To clear the filter criteria for each or any of the Groups Types in the view's Group Type Hierarchy
16. By clicking the Delete option, it will delete the selected view.
NOTE: For details on deleting views, refer to Deleting Device Views.
Expand Configuration Manager and select Views to display your existing Device Views.
Right-click the Device View you want to delete and select Delete.
Right-click Device Manager and select Switch View to open the Select Current Manager View dialog
Use the lists to select the Device View that you want to use with the Device Manager and the Update
Click OK.
The results pane will display the view to which you switched.
In the WDM Console tree pane, expand Configuration Manager, right-click Default Device
Configuration, and select New | Default Device Configuration to open the Default Device
Configuration Wizard.
Select A View For Adding A DDC - Select the Device View that includes the groups of the devices
to which you intend to assign the DDC. After you select a view, the View Hierarchy pane shows
the various groups and levels of that view (you can use Expand All Items to view all levels in your
view). In the View Hierarchy pane, select the group folder that contains the devices to which you
want to assign the Default Device Configuration.
Operating System - Select the operating system of the devices to which you intend to assign the
Media Size - Enter the media size (in MBs) of the devices to which you intend to assign the DDC.
The WDM script package file for any packages to be used in a DDC must specify the media size
value of the intended target devices in the imagesize parameter under the [Version] section of
script (for example, Imagesize=32). For more information on scripts, refer to Understanding the
Script File Structure.
Qualifying OS Image - Select the image associated with the OS you want to form the basis for
the DDC that you intend to assign. The image package must be named to correspond with the
image number displayed by the Device Manager.
NOTE: You can assign different images and packages to different view folders.
NOTE: After selecting Operating System and Media Size, No Image option will be available
in the Qualifying OS Image drop down list. By selecting this option the DDC packages can
be deployed without any image in it.
Enforce Sequence - Depending on whether or not you want the packages that are a part of the
DDC to be the only packages allowed for the devices (that is no other packages can be sent to
the devices), select or clear Enforce Sequence.
NOTE: Selecting Enforce Sequence may interfere with any packages that are sent or
scheduled to a device outside the DDC process.
After configuring your settings, click Next to open the Software Packages tab.
Select the packages in the Available For Selection list that you want to include in the DDC and click
Add to move the packages to the Selected list.
NOTE: You can use Add and Remove to move as many packages as you want to (and from) the
Selected list. You can use Select/De-Select All to select or clear all package check boxes in the
Available For Selection list or the Selected list. You can use Move UP and Move Down to
change the order of the packages in the Selected list.
After configuring your settings, click Next to open the Execution Time tab.
Select either the Whenever a device checks in option or the Each day at the time specified option
for DDC reconciliation (if you select the Each day at the time specified option, be sure to enter or
select the time you want).
Select Preserve Data Partition option and Non-PXE option if imaging using Non-PXE and data
partition needs to be preserved for DDC.
After configuring your settings, click Next to open the Summary tab.
View the Summary tab to ensure that you have configured the DDC the way you want (if not, use
Back and make your changes), and then click Finish to open the results pane displaying the newly
assigned DDC.
NOTE: The DDC is identified by its Operating System and Media Size. The next time a device
from the Device View you specified checks-in or is discovered, and meets the Operating
System and Media Size criteria, it will automatically be assigned the DDC.
In the WDM Console tree pane, expand Configuration Manager and select Default Device
Configuration, to display your existing DDCs.
Right-click the DDC for which you want to see the summary and select Manage DDC.
DDC Image
When a particular group is selected from the View Hierarchy Path list it displays the image
which is assigned to that particular group. This image can be changed to any other image
displayed in the 'DDC Image' drop down.
Software Packages
When a particular group value is selected from the View Hierarchy Path list it displays the
corresponding software packages which are assigned to that group. The packages can be
added, removed and the order can be shuffled.
To Add/Remove the packages the user has to click on 'Edit Packages' button. Once the
changes are done the 'Save Packages' button needs to be clicked for the changes to be
In the WDM Console tree pane, expand Configuration Manager and right-click Default Device
Configuration, to display your existing DDCs (if you moved the DDC you want to delete to a
different folder, go to the folder that contains the DDC).
Profile Manager
Profile Manager (PM) is a new feature that is added to Dell Wyse Device Manager (WDM) version 5.0. PM
enables you to deploy a predefined configuration on a specified group of devices. These configurations
are those that you create using the Dell Wyse Configuration Manager (WCM) and save them in a specified
repository. A repository is a system where you save the configurations that you create. Thin client devices
connect to these repositories through HTTP , FTP, or CIFS and download the configurations.For more
information, see the Dell Wyse Configuration Manager Administrators Guide available on theDell Wyse
Support Site. Profile manager configurations are unique for an Operating System and you can apply only
one configuration on a single group of devices at any given time.
PM is available under the Configuration Manager node on the WDM console.
For more information on the WDM console, see the Dell Wyse Device Manager Online Help or the Dell
Wyse Device Manager Administrators Guide.
For more information on the PM functionality, see:
Enabling PM in Preferences
Figure 4.
XML for WES ConfigurationXML based WCM configuration is created, and these package
can be applied to the device having HAgent.
XML for Existing Files XML based configuration package is exported using this option.
Create the WCM Configuration file by selecting and updating the required configurations. For more
information on creating WCM Configurations, see the Dell Wyse Configuration Manager
Administrators Guide available on the Dell Wyse Support Site.
Right-click the Device Configuration icon, and then click New Configuration (JSON Format)
Figure 5.
On the Dell Wyse Configuration Manager(WDM Mode) window, click New SUSE Linux
Figure 6.
NOTE: If you want to create a configuration for Wyse cloud clients running Wyse Thin OS, click
the New Wyse Thin OS Configuration option.
On the New SUSE Configuration window, select and update the required configurations. You must
enter the proper values in the respective fields and provide the name for the configuration file.
For more information on creating WCM Configurations, see the Dell Wyse Configuration Manager
Administrators Guide available on the .
NOTE: You can open the new SUSE Linux configuration window, by clicking the WTOS or Linux
Configuration icon in the toolbar.
Enabling PM in Preferences
To deploy WCM configuration packages using PM on the client devices, you need to enable PM in
Preferences. If you do not enable this option, then you can only create configuration packages using
WCM and same package cannot be deployed to the client devices using PM. However, you can deploy
the packages using the package distribution wizard. For more information on the package distribution
wizard, see the Dell Wyse Device Manager online help or the Dell Wyse Device Manager Administrators
To enable PM in preferences:
Select a view from the Select a View for Adding a Profile Manager drop-down.
The drop-down displays all the views that you have created in WDM.
Click Apply.
The PM Summary pane displays the complete path of the selected node and the selected
configurations for the device.
NOTE: You can apply only one configuration to one group. However, you can select multiple
configurations and assign them to multiple groups, that is one configuration per group.
Click OK.
The WCM Application GUI is launched in Merge mode and displays the progress of the merging of
the WCM packages.
You will be prompted to proceed with the delete operation or cancel it.
NOTE: You can only create one PM configuration package for a particular operating system at any
given point. If you want to create another configuration package for the same operating system,
you must delete the existing package and create a fresh one.
In the WDM Console tree pane, expand the Configuration Manager and select Licensing to open
the results pane showing your Non-activated Sales Key(s).
Right-click a Non-activated Sales Key from the list and select Activate to open the Licensing Wizard.
NOTE: Make a note of your Sales Key and Non-activated Key numbers to use on the online
WDM licensing form. You can copy-and-paste the Sales Key and Non-activated Key from the
Key Information area into the online WDM licensing form.
Company address
After completing the form, click Submit to display the Activation Code (you will also receive an email with your Activation Code).
Enter or copy-and-paste the Activation Code into the Activation Code box of the Licensing Wizard
and click Next to open the results pane showing your Sales Key as Activated.
In the WDM Console tree pane, expand the Configuration Manager, right-click the Licensing node,
and select New | License to open the License Wizard.
Enter (or copy and paste) the Sale Key for the license you want to add and click Next. to open the
success page.
Click Finish to open the results pane showing your added Non-activated Sales Key.
Activate this added Sales Key by completing the procedures in Activating WDM Sales Keys.
In the WDM Console tree pane, expand the Configuration Manager, right-click the Licensing node,
and select New | License to open the License Wizard.
Enter (or copy and paste) the new Enterprise Sale Key you obtained from Wyse and click Next.
Click Yes to confirm and start the license upgrade. After the upgrade is complete, the results pane
displays your new Non-activated Enterprise Edition Sales Key information.
Activate this Enterprise Edition Sales Key by completing the procedures in Activating WDM Sales
In the WDM Console tree pane, expand the Configuration Manager and select Licensing to open the
results pane showing your Sales Keys.
Right-click the row for the Sales Key you want to delete and select Delete.
Click Yes to confirm the deletion. After the deletion is completed, the results pane no longer displays
the Sales Key.
NOTE: Since you must have at least one WDM Sales Key to operate WDM, you can delete all but the
last WDM Sales Key.
Configuring Preferences
To configure WDM preferences:
In the WDM Console tree pane, expand Configuration Manager and click Preferences to display the
list of preferences available.
Logging Preferences
Service Preferences
DHCP/TFTP Preferences
Scheduling Preferences
Subnet Preferences
WTOS Preferences
Full Check-In After Update - Select to cause a device to check-in with the Web Service after the
device receives and executes the files in a package.
Show Empty Custom Group Folders - Select this option if you want to view empty folders in the
Device Manager when you create user-defined groups for your Device Views. For more
information, see Understanding the Show Empty Custom Group Folders Option.
Collect Data for Remote Sessions- This option is applicable to Windows, Linux, and Thin OS
(WTOS) devices, where you have configured remote sessions . If you select this option, then the
details of the remote sessions for that device are listed in the Remote Sessions tab of the WDM
Console. For more information, see WDM Console. This data is useful in charging the end users
for the remote sessions.
For Windows and Linux devices, click Server Credentials to launch the Remote Session Servers
utility to configure the Citrix and VMware remote server details. For more information, see
Configuring Remote Sessions Server Details.
You can also specify the number of days to delete older data. The default is 45 days.
GUI Discovery Preferences area:
Maximum number of ranges to discover - Enter the number you want to discover.
Socket Family Preferences area:
Select from IPv4, Dual Stack, and IPv6 - Supports setup of WDM components in IPv4, dualstack and IPv6 mode, i.e. all components of WDM (server, database, GUI and remote
repositories) can run/connect over the selected option.
At present none of the WDM platform management agents (hagent) support management
over IPv6. Support for running WDM in IPv6 is experimental, and not fully supported. You
need to reboot the device to make this change take effect..
Click DDC (Default Device Configuration) in the Device Manager tree to launch the Default Device
Configuration window:.
Enable Default Device Configuration - (WDM Enterprise Edition only.) Select this option if you
want to allow devices to use DDCs for automatic upgrades (see Creating Default Device
Click Discovery in the Device Manager tree to launch Post Discovery Settings for agents window.
Enable automatic discovery methods - Select if you want to allow devices to use all discovery
options mentioned in the list. You can select one or more options from the list.
DNS Hostname - Select if you want to allow devices to use DNS Hostname lookup method to
discover WDM Server.
DNS SRV record lookup - Select if you want to allow devices to use DNS SRV record lookup
method to discover WDM Server.
DHCP optipon tags - Select if you want to allow devices to use DHCP option tags to discover
WDM Server.
Manual discovery from Device Manager (using Find Devices) - Select if you want to discover
devices from WDM Server Find Devices.
Enable autodiscovery after missed check-ins - Select the number of missed check-ins to enable
autodiscovery options.
Logging Preferences
Select Logging Preferences in the preference list and double-click to launch the Preferences window.
Logging Services area - Select the logging level for each of the communication protocols.
Options include:
Errors - Consisting of simple error messages.
Warning - Consisting of warnings in addition to error messages (this is the default option).
Informational - Consisting of error and warning messages in addition to other information
Debug - Consisting of all information in Errors, Warning, Informational, and additional
debugging data that might be useful to WDM developers, sales engineers, and administrators.
Write Preferences changes to system log - This check box needs to be checked if you want to
keep logging level changes in the system log table.
Auto Archiving Log Services area - Configure the size of the system log table and warning
message frequency:
Maximum Line Count - Set the number of records allowed before archiving occurs; valid
values are from 500000 to 10000000, the default value is 10000000).
Number of Log Entries to Truncate - Define the number of records to be archived; valid
values depend upon the maximum line count configured; if the maximum line count value is
5000, valid values for log entries to truncate are from 500 to 4999. If the maximum line count
is set to 10000000, the valid values for log entries to truncate are from 500 - 999999).
NOTE: Auto Archiving is the process by which the System Log Table in the WDM Database
is automatically archived to prevent performance degradation due to an extremely large
number of records. Auto Archive checks the database in two minute intervals, using the
criteria provided in Logging Preferences, to determine whether or not an archive is needed.
Archives are stored as syslogtable-DD-MM-YYYY.txt in the root directory of WDM. It is your
responsibility to manage these files. It is recommended that you delete or move the
syslogtable-DD-MM-YYYY.txt files to preserve drive space.
NOTE: The value for the Number of Log Entries to Truncate is always less than the value for
the Maximum Line Count in SystemLog Table.
Log Archive Warning message on every - Edit the time interval for displaying the circular logging
warning message. The default interval is every 5 hours. When the value you set for the Maximum
Line Count in SystemLog Table is exceeded, the "Archive Logs" warning message appears. The
first time the line count exceeds the configured limit, a warning message appears immediately. If
you select OK, the Archive Record window appears. If you select Cancel, you will see the warning
again at the next configured warning message interval. (See Figures 86 and 88.)
Use the radio buttons and drop-down menus to select the logs to be archived and the output file
format and destination.
Click Logging Details in the Logging Levels tree to launch the Logging Details Preferences window.
Service Preferences
Select Service Preferences in the preference list and double-click to launch the Service Preferences
window where you can select global preferences for repository communication. The service preference
settings determine the protocol that is used to communicate with a repository during Package
Registration, Package Deletion, Remote Repository Synchronization, and Package Updates for client
Time Out Preferences area - Set the Connect (Millisecs) (number of milliseconds in which WDM
attempts to connect to a device, whether through the Web Service or the Standard Service,
before timing out) and the Discovery (Secs) (maximum time allotment for WDM to discover all of
the devices in your network).
Wake On LAN Preferences area - Set the Wake On LAN Tries the number of times that the
service attempts to perform a WOL command before stopping and the Delay between WOL
Retries (Secs) the length of time WDM pauses before it attempts another WOL command to
the same device).
For CE devices, the default WOL port is 2344 and for rest of the devices it is 16962. You can
change it to some custom port, but make sure to put an exception on firewall port, if Firewall is
Repository Preferences- You can select any or FTP, HTTP, and CIFS transfer type in repository
preferences depending on your requirement.
Select Enable ThreadX Service Polling to poll the Thread X services if you are managing PCoIP
Select Enable WDM Service Logs to log and view the WDM Service details.
Click Serv/Port Settings in the Service tree to open the Service Preferences dialog box.
Port Preferences
GUI Listening Port - The port through which the Web Service listens for incoming WDM
Agent requests.
Alternate GUI Listening Port Range When there are multiple instances of the WDM GUI,
this port range is used.
Standard Service Listening Port - The port through which the Standard Services listens for
device check-in activity.
Web Service HTTP Port - The port WDM uses to issue real-time commands (such as Quick
Device Commands or device updates at a specific time). Normally this is port 80. Note that
you can change this port only through your Web Server.
Web Service HTTPS Port - The port WDM (Enterprise Edition only) uses to issue real-time
commands (such as Quick Device Commands or device updates at a specific time). Normally
this is port 443. Note that you can change this port only through your Web Server.
ThreadX Service Port- The communication port used by ThreadX devices.
Use Alias Name: When checked, the WDM Management Agent uses the Host Name to connect to
the server.
Alias Server Host Name - Server Host name will have a default value of the Host machine. You
can change this value to a different host name. In case of load balancing where you configure a
Proxy Server to route the requests from managed devices to multiple Management Servers, you
can enter the host name of the Proxy Server. For more information, see the Dell Wyse Device
Manager Installation Guide
DHCP/TFTP Preferences
Select DHCP/TFTP Preferences in the preference list to launch the DHCP/TFTP Preferences dialog box.
Scheduling Preferences
SelectScheduling Preferences in the preference list to launch the Scheduling Preferences window.
DB Update Server The time zone defined by the physical location of the WDM Database.
Console The time zone defined by the physical location of the WDM Console.
Device The time zone defined by the physical location of the device that will undergo the
actual update.
Update notice to end-users This is the setting to bring up the User Notification Query Window
on the client device whenever an update package is scheduled for the client.
Default Query User Time Out (Secs.) - The length of time that the user options will be displayed
before the script proceeds without user input.
PM, then the update starts at the following local times at each location: 1:00 PM at the Console,
2:00 PM at the Database, and 3:00 PM at the device.
Time bound rollout - This is the check box to enable and disable the garbage collector feature for
scheduled updates. If this field is checked then depending on the below two fields settings the
scheduled updates will go into error, otherwise they will remain in scheduled state and will never
go into error state.
Global Schedule Time-out (Minutes) - The time period after which all the outstanding
scheduled updates will be moved to error state.
Client Response Time-out (Minutes) - The time period for which WDM server will wait for the
client to check in after WDM has successfully sent the notification to the client.
Auto-sync Remote Repositories - Select to enable WDM (Enterprise Edition only) to determine if
Remote Repositories should be synchronized before performing an update to devices served by a
Remote Repository.
Enable Next Boot - Select to allow WDM to update devices after their next reboot.
Subnet Preferences
Select Subnet Preferences in the preference list and double-click to launch the Subnet Preferences
Show Subnet Hierarchy - (WDM Enterprise Edition only)Select to allow any subnet views to include
the hierarchical view of the subnet.
Show Subnet Description in Hierarchy - (WDM Enterprise Edition only) Select to display hierarchical
subnet views by the descriptions of the subnets rather than by their address. Note that the default
description is always the subnet IP.
Subnet Hierarchy Start Level - Specify the starting level for displaying subnet hierarchies. A level
refers to one of the four octets in the subnet address.
Subnet Hierarchy End Level - Specify the ending level for displaying subnet hierarchies. A level refers
to one of the four octets in the subnet address.
Required minimum number of devices that can support peer capable repository - Select either One
or Two to indicate the number of peer capable repositories.
Maximum number of simultaneous connections: (1-7) - This indicates the total number of devices
that can be updated using peer repository or maximum number of simultaneous connections to
master device. The default value for simultaneous connection is seven.
Configure Repository Details: - Click the button next to Configure Repository Details.
The Configure Peer Assisted Deployment screen is displayed .
WTOS Preferences
Select WTOS Preferences in the preference list to launch the WTOS Preferences window.
WTOS INI path upon checkin (FTP/HTTP/HTTPS/CIFS) - Select to allow WDM to use FTP, HTTP,
HTTPS, or CIFS when updating devices.
Server IP address.
If the HAgent cannot retrieve the HTTPS Port number from the DHCP option tags, it follows the
sequence below:
The HAgent tries to communicate via HTTPS using ports 443 and 8443.
If the HAgent cannot communicate via HTTPS, it tries to connect via HTTP using ports 80 and 280.
If the HAgent successfully initiates communication with the HServer, it caches the communication
mechanism, IP address, and port number used and uses that information for any subsequent requests.
If HTTPS communication fails during startup, the HAgent will not try the HTTPS protocol again.
NOTE: For devices using WDM releases earlier than WDM 4.7, the HAgents can initiate
communications with the HServer via HTTP, if that protocol is enabled on IIS. If you disable HTTP
communications via the IIS settings to enhance security, the HAgents cannot communicate with the
Determining the Port Number - To allow the GUI to determine the port number for communication,
follow these steps:
Configure the IIS that hosts the HServer with the desired port number.
Stop the IIS and WWW service.
Start the HServerInit service.
When the WDM GUI starts up, it queries the database to retrieve the port number and IP address to
use for communication with the HServer.
Determining the Protocol - To allow the GUI to determine the protocol for communication, follow
these steps:
Bind the IIS that hosts the HServer with a TCP, SSL, or TCP and SSL port.
NOTE: For an SSL port, you must install a certificate.
Stop the IIS and WWW service.
Start the HServerInit service.
The port number and IP address are stored in the WDM Database. If the request came via SSL, the
entire WDM configuration is set to secure.
No configuration is required in the WDM GUI, but the Secure Communications check box is displayed
in the Port Settings preferences dialog box for information purposes.
If an SSL port is configured on IIS, the Secure Communications check box will be checked, otherwise
it will be unchecked.
Before starting secure communication, make sure all the settings are configured for secured
NOTE: The secure communications flag applies to both remote and master repositories.
Switch to an Update Manager view that identifies the device or devices whose WDM Agents you
want to upgrade to the new WDM Agent.
NOTE: You can distribute the WDM Agent package to multiple devices simultaneously by
isolating the devices into one group. To isolate a group of devices, you can discover devices
using a specific subnet or an IP range (see Discovering Devices). You can also create a Device
View of devices by subnet, OS, or any other functional group (see Creating Device Views).
Expand Package Manager, and select the Agent Updates folder to view the results pane showing all
the packages contained in the Agent Updates folder.
NOTE: The Agent Updates folder and other standard packages are included with every new
installation of WDM to allow you to upgrade older WDM Agents.
Drag the WDM Agent package and drop it onto the Device Manager icon in the WDM Console tree
pane (or onto a device group in the Device Manager) to open the Software Distribution Wizard.
Select the devices with the WDM Agents you want to upgrade and click Next.
NOTE: Selected devices must match the OS of the WDMAgent software update package. Scroll
to the right to determine the device OS (under the OS column) and use SHIFT or CTRL to
select multiple devices. If you dropped the software package onto a device group, only the
devices in that group are displayed.
Select and configure the distribution option you want for the WDM Agent upgrade and click Next.
After the wizard informs you that it is ready to create the update, click Create.
NOTE: Device security can only be enabled only with an WDM Enterprise Edition Sales Key.
When Enabling Device Security - If you decide to enable device security, be sure to write down
your certificate number and keep it in a safe place. If your WDM installation becomes corrupt for
any reason, and you must reinstall WDM, you will get a new certificate number. Without the original
certificate number, however, you will not be able to manage your devices. WDM gives you the
option of either changing a security certificate to a new one, or restoring an older certificate.
When Disabling Device Security - If you decide to disable device security, existing devices will not
release their security certificate until their next check-in. They cannot be refreshed or rediscovered
because the server no longer presents a certificate. They must check-in on their interval (that is, pull
not push).
To enable device security:
In the WDM Console tree pane, expand the Configuration Manager and select Preferences to view
the results pane showing the categories for the WDM Preferences.
Double-click Device Manager Preferences to open the Device Manager Preferences dialog box.
WDM always names the first Repository Master. Any additional Remote Repositories that you install
can be named anything other than Master. The user IDs and passwords for all repositories can be the
If you do not install multiple Remote Repositories, then WDM uses the Master Repository for all
If you deployed WDM components separately, then it is recommended that you install the Master
Repository on a machine on the same subnet as where you installed the other WDM components.
Before you register, make sure that you have successfully installed:
In the WDM Console tree pane, expand Configuration Manager, right-click Repositories and select
New Repository.
FTP area:
User/Group Name - User or group name for FTP repository access.
Password - Password for FTP repository access.
Verification - Confirm the password for FTP repository access.
Bandwidth - How much bandwidth in Kbps to utilize for data transfer to and from the
Software Repository.
Session Timeout - Time in seconds that the connection for each session should remain
Port Number - Displays the port number for FTP communication. The default port number
for FTP is 21
Click the HTTP tab and fill the following details:
HTTP area:
User/Group Name - Not required for HTTP-based communication.
Context - Displays the virtual directory path for HTTP communication. This field is disabled if
the selected transfer type is FTP only.
Password - Not required for HTTP-based communication.
Timeout - Time in seconds that the connection for each session should remain open.
Port Number - Displays the port number for HTTP communication. The default port number
for HTTP is 80, and for HTTPS is 443.
Verification - Not required for HTTP-based communication.
Secure (HTTPS) - If checked, the HTTP communication for the repository is secure.
Validate Certificate with CA - If checked, the Certificate validation for HTTPS communication
is enabled.
Read Only - If checked, the the repository will be read only.
Click the CIFS tab and fill the following details:
CIFS area:
Domain/Host Name - Give the domain or host name of the repository server.
User Name - Give the user name that has access to the shared folder.
Share Name - Give the name of the shared folder from where package needs to be deployed.
Password - Password for CIFS user that has access to the shared folder.
Verification - Confirm the password for CIFS user that has access to the shared folder.
Click OK.
NOTE: WDM tests the connection to the Remote Repository that you added to ensure that it is
properly set up . You can test the connection to a Remote Repository at any time by right-clicking
the Remote Repository name and selecting Test Connection.
The new Remote Repository is now successfully set up and registered in the WDM Database. You can
now assign the Remote Repository to a subnet.
NOTE: WDM stores every package that you register in its Master Repository. You can synchronize
Remote Repositories whenever you perform an update for a device on a subnet that has access to a
local repository.
Display the list of repositories. In the left pane of the WDM Administrator Console, navigate to
Configuration Manager Software Repositories.
Double click any repository in the list, software repository window is displayed. In the Software
Repository Window you can make any desired changes.
Double click a subnet in the list to modify an existing subnet. To create a new subnet, click New in the
context menu. The Subnet window is displayed.
Select a repository from the drop-down menu, and the Subnet window displays the protocols
supported by that repository. The drop-down is enabled only when you have registered remote
Double-click Service Preferences in the preference list to open the Service Preferences dialog box
where you can select global preferences for repository communication. The service preference
settings will determine the protocol that is used to communicate with a repository during Package
Registration, Package Deletion, Remote Repository Synchronization and Package Updates for Client
Devices. For more information, see Service Preferences
Network Configuration
You can configure network settings in the Configuration Manager to enable you to manage devices
across subnets and across IP ranges.
WDM uses the subnet information to discover and communicate with the devices on the subnet. You can
add and configure subnets manually, or you can import subnet data from comma-delimited and tabdelimited files into the Database. For more information, see Setting Subnets Manually and Importing
Subnet Data from Files.
IP Ranges allow WDM to discover devices with all supported versions of WDM agents through a
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection to each device in an IP range rather than through a User
Datagram Protocol (UDP) broadcast to an entire subnet level. You can add and configure IP ranges
manually or you can import IP range data from comma-delimited and tab-delimited files into the
Database. For more information, see Setting IP Ranges Manually and Importing IP Range Data from Files.
In the WDM Console tree pane, expand Configuration Manager and Networks.
If you want to provide a broadcast address for the subnet manually, select Manually create and
enter the Broadcast Address.
If you do not want to provide a broadcast address for the subnet manually, enter the IP Address
(Type a valid IP address from the subnet), Subnet Mask (Type the subnet mask for the subnet),
and # of Contiguous Bits (if your network uses Classless Inter-Domain Routing or supernetting,
type the number of contiguous bits to configure your subnet mask).
If your WDM configuration includes multiple Remote Repositories and you want to associate the
subnet with one of them, select the Subnet Repository.
NOTE: When distributing packages to a group of devices, WDM uses the subnet/repository
association to determine the appropriate Remote Repository for the devices.
(Optional) If you want to associate newly discovered devices on this subnet with a user-defined
Group Type and Group (WDM always assigns devices to the predefined group types according to the
values found on the devices), select the row for the Group Type you want from the Default Groups
pane, select the Default Value in the Default Group Value dialog box and click OK to return to the
Subnet dialog box. Be aware that to associate devices in a subnet with a group type and group, you
must have previously created the desired group types and groups.
If you do not want to override the global preferences for this subnet, click OK.
(WDM Enterprise Edition only) If you want to override the global preferences for this subnet,
select Override Global Preferences, complete the subnet preferences using the following
guidelines and click OK:
Maximum Simultaneous Updates - The maximum number of device updates you can
perform at the same time in the subnet.
Wake On LAN Time Out (Secs.) - The length of time WDMattempts to wake a device on the
subnet before stopping.
Wake On LAN Retries - The number of times WDM attempts to wake a device in the subnet
before stopping.
TFTP Time Out (Secs.) - The length of time WDM attempts to use the Trivial File Transfer
Protocol to communicate with devices during PXE operations.
TFTP Retries - The number of times WDM attempts to use TFTP before stopping.
Network Card Speed - This field is valid only in case of Merlin. It defines the network card
speed. The possible values are Auto, 100M-F, 100M-H.
The information about the subnet and its preferences are now stored in the WDM Database and WDM
can discover the devices on the subnet.
In the WDM Console tree pane, expand Configuration Manager and Networks.
Click Add to store information about the IP Range in the WDM Database. WDM can now selectively
discover devices in a subnet through a TCP connection to each device.
User Management
As an administrator you can add, edit and delete WDM users. WDM allows you to manage users from
local computer accounts or from Active Directory. You can also use advanced Device View Configuration
options (User Security and Filter Criteria) for distributed user and device administration.
Expand the Configuration Manager node in the tree view of the WDM Console. Select User Permissions
to view the list of users created.
You can perform the following operations under user management:
Add users from Local Computer Accounts. See Adding Users from Local Computer Accounts.
Add users and groups from Active Directory. SeeAdding Users and Groups from Active Directory.
In the WDM Console tree pane, expand Configuration Manager, right-click User Permissions, and
select New | User to open the Pick a user dialog box.
Select the name of the user you want to add as a WDM user and click Add.
In the WDM Console tree pane, expand Configuration Manager, click User Permissions, and then
click the Active Directory Search tab.
Select the Global Catalog option if you want to add a user from the global address book. Select the
Domain Controller option if you want to select the users from the domain.
Enter an IP Address/name or select a Domain Controller from the list. The server on which you
installed WDM must be a part of the Domain.
Click Search to view the users and groups that match your criteria.
In the WDM Console tree pane, expand Configuration Manager, and click User Permissions to view
the list of WDM users.
Double-click the user you want from the list of users to open the User Permissions dialog box.
Select the user permissions you want for the user and click OK.
NOTE: If you select the Administrator check box, all permissions are selected.
Deleting Users
As an administrator you can delete WDM users.
NOTE: You cannot delete yourself as a user.
To delete a user:
In the WDM Console tree pane, expand Configuration Manager and click User Permissions to view
the list of WDM users.
Right-click the user you want from the list of users, and select Delete.
WDM provides many utilities that enable to you to perform many additional functions such as importing
data, importing device settings, viewing and modifying database credentials, creating a management
console self extractor, and perform a bulk deployment of WDM Images.
You can access some of the utilities from WDM Console Configuration Manager Utilities or
from Start All Programs Wyse Device Manager Utilities.
For more information, see:
Importing Data
With WDM you can import data from comma-delimited and tab-delimited files into the Database. You
can use the Import Utility or the Device Import Utility to import data.
Expand the Configuration Manager node in the tree view of the WDM Console and select Utilities
Import to launch the Import Utility. You can use this utility to import:
To import device settings from files, expand the Configuration Manager node and select Utilities
Import Device Settings. For more information, see Importing Device Settings from Files.
The following example shows the required format for IP range flat files:
StartIP, EndIP, ExclusionStartIP, ExclusionEndIP, Description
This IP Range definition will be added to the database to allow for IP Range walking discover on and
discover all devices between the ranges of to and to This IP range definition will show up in the WDM GUI as My IP Range.
In the WDM Console tree pane, expand Configuration Manager and Utilities.
Select the IP Ranges option, and enter (or browse for) the location of the data file in the Import
Path and Filename box.
Click OK to import the IP Range data into the WDM Database (you can select the IP Range node
under the Configuration Manager node to view the newly imported IP Ranges).
The following example shows the required format for subnet flat files:
This will add to the database a subnet definition that will discover and manage devices on a class C
subnet with IP address assignments from to The column header either
doesn't exist or exists in the above proper order.
In the WDM Console tree pane, expand Configuration Manager and Utilities.
Right-click Imports and select New Import.
Select the Subnets option, and enter (or browse for) the location of the data file in the Import
Path and Filename box.
Click OK to import the subnet data into the WDM Database (you can select the Subnets node
under the Configuration Manager node to view the newly imported subnets).
Transfer Type = Type of transfer protocol that is in use. It can be FTP or HTTP or Both.
Relative Path = Path to the Software Repository relative to the root directory. The default value for
this is /rapport.
Context = This is valid for HTTP communication and is the name of Virtual Directory. By default HTTP
context is MyWDM.
FTP Port Number = Port number for FTP communication. By default it is 21.
HTTP Port Number = Port number for HTTP/HTTPS communication. By default it is 80 for HTTP and
443 for HTTPS communication.
FTP User Name = User name for the FTP account as set up by IIS FTP or the FTP service that you use
to connect the repository.
FTP Password = Password for the FTP account as set up by IIS FTP or the FTP service that you use to
connect the repository.
HTTP User Name = User name for the HTTP account as set up by IIS HTTP or the HTTP service that
you use to connect the repository.
HTTP Password = Password for the HTTP account as set up by IIS HTTP or the HTTP service that you
use to connect the repository.
Example where Transfer Type is HTTP and FTP: RemoteHTTPFTP,,HTTP and FTP,/
rapport,MyWDM,21,80,FTPUserName,FTPPassword, HTTPUserName,HTTPPassword ,0,0
Example where Transfer Type is HTTP: RemoteHTTP,,HTTP,/rapport,MyWDM,,
Example where Transfer Type is HTTP with Secure flag Checked: RemoteHTTP,,HTTP,/
or RemoteHTTP,,HTTP,/rapport,MyWDM,,443,,,HTTPUserName,,-1,-1
Example where Transfer Type is FTP: RemoteFTP,,FTP,/rapport,,
Example where Transfer Type is CIFS: RemoteCIFS,,SMB,/rapport,MyWDM,,,,,,,
Example where Transfer Type is FTP, HTTP, and CIFS: FTPHTTPandCIFS,,HTTP and FTP and
Example where Transfer Type is FTP, HTTPS, and CIFS: FTPHTTPSandCIFS,,HTTP and FTP
and SMB,/Rapport,MYWDM,
This Software Repository definition will be added to the database to define a repository on a server at where the FTP service's root directory is the default path of /rapport. This repository will be
accessed using a username of user. It will use FTP as the transfer protocol and show up in the WDM GUI
as Remote.
The column header either doesn't exist or exists in the above proper order.
To import Software Repository data:
In the WDM MMC Snap-in Tree panel, expand Configuration Manager and Utilities.
Select the Software Repository option, and enter (or browse for) the location of the data file in the
Import Path and Filename box.
Click OK to import the Software Repository data into the WDM Database (you can select the
Software Repository node under the Configuration Manager to view the newly imported remote
software repositories).
NOTE: When you register a new Software Repository, WDM establishes a connection to ensure that
it can communicate with the remote repository. When you import repository data, WDM tests the
connection to the repository automatically. Therefore, after you import one or more remote
repositories, you do not need to test connection.
Existing XML configuration is exported from the WDM MMC UI (Right click on the XML configuration
and select Export Configuration. The XML script as well as resources folder is exported. The original
name is appended with _json in the exported version. This is to avoid duplicate configuration
package name during registering the json package to WDM MMC UI.
Open XML to JSON conversion utility(Start->All Programs->Wyse Device Manager -> Utilities ->
XmlToJson.exe) and browse the exported XML file as the input file. Perform JSON conversion using
the utility. This will create corresponding JSON file at the same location where XML is located.
Register the JSON package using configurationManger2 utility (Open C:\Program Files\Wyse\WDM
\Utilities\WCM\ConfigurationManager2.exe and, select the converted JSON file from menu Open> Open From File. The JSON file will open in the Configuration Manager. Select Save from the menu.
Package will be registered on WDM.
OS = Operating System of the device. This field is applicable only to devices with the new Dell naming
scheme. The list of OS codes are as follows:
The following example shows the required format for Device Settings Flat Files:
ClientName;MACAddress;Platform;Custom1;Custom2;Custom3;Contact;Location;Operating System
ministrator;San Jose Office
To import Device Settings:
1. In the select Configuration Manager in the tree pane of the WDM Console, and under Utilities
select Import Device Settings.
Enter (or browse for) the location of the data file in the Import Path and Filename box.
Expand the Configuration Manager node in the tree panel of the WDM Console and select Utilities
Database Credential Manager. You can also access this from Start All Programs Wyse
Device Manager Utilities DatabaseCredentialManager.exe.
The utility displays the following information:
Server: Port The IP address of the WDM database server and the database server port number.
User The user name to access the WDM database. This is the user name you have specified
while installing WDM.
Enter the new User Name under New credentials for WDM database.
If you want to use your domain user name and password, select Connect as domain user.
Click Save and Close if you have entered new credentials, or click Cancel to close the window if you
have not entered any new credentials.
Launch the Management Console Extractor from Start All Programs Wyse Device Manager
Utilities MgmtConsoleExtract.exe
Enter the Install path on destination or click the button to browse to the folder location. This is the
path where the WDM Console components are installed when you run the extractor on a system.
Enter the path where you want to save the extractor in the Save extractor to: field.
Click Create. The extractor MgmtConsoleZip is created in the location you specified.
Copy the MgmtConsoleZip file to the system where you want to install the WDM Console and
double click the file to extract the WDM Console components.
Launch the WDM Imaging Tool from Start All Programs Wyse Device Manager Utilities
WDM Imaging .
The tool displays the image packages that you have registered. If there are no packages, then you
can register Image packages.
Browse to the location of the .rsp file, select it and click Next.
The Image Registration screen is displayed.
Enter the name, description, and category of the package and click Register.
Click OK when registration is complete. The image is displayed on the WDM Imaging Tool.
Click Add Schedule to create a deployment schedule for all the devices to which you want to deploy
the image package.
The schedule is displayed on the WDM Console under Update Manager.
Launch the High Availability Configuration Utility from Start All Programs Wyse Device
Manager Utilities.
The connection details are displayed on the bottom pane of the utility.
Software Repository Information = Describes the status of the software repository component of
Standard Service Information = Describes the status of the Standard Service Component of WDM.
Basic System Information = Describes the status of the currently running processes in the system.
Database Information = Describes the values of the preference settings in the WDM.
In the WDM MMC Snap-in Tree panel, expand Configuration Manager then Click Diagnostic Report
To view the certificates that are currently being tracked from WDM:
Expand the Configuration Manager in the tree view of the WDM Console , and select Certificate
Expiration Tracker
The right-hand pane displays all the certificates that are currently being tracked.
Expand the Configuration Manager in the tree view of the WDM Console , and select Certificate
Expiration Tracker, right-click and select New Certificate Authority
Expiration Date - Select the Expiration date for Certificate Expiration Tracker.
Logging Threshold(Days) - This is time period you need to specify to receive the warning
message on the expiration of Certificate. Suppose you certificate is going to expire on x date
then suppose if you have specified the value for "Logging Threshold(Days)" as 30 days, then
you will receive the warning message on Event viewer starting from x-30 date, one message
per day. It will appear in Event Viewer as an error message displayed below:
The Default trial license period of WDM 5.7 is for 30 days. You can extend the WDM trial license Period
from 30 days to 60 days.
When the trial period for 30 days is going to expire in another 1 day, click the option Extend Evaluation
available in the WDM splash screen to extend the license Period for another 30 days.
Advanced Administration
This section contains information on Wyse Device Manager security and using the WDM scripting
language to create WDM Packages.
The Package folder that contains the required application or image files (ImgXL24).
In order for a Package to function properly, these two components must adhere to the following
structural rules:
The Package script file must have an .rsp extension. You can create and edit an .rsp file using
The Package folder must have the same name as the Package script file.
The Number is the parameter in the (version) section of the Package script file should match the value
reported by the device to the Client Manager. This becomes highly important when using the Default
Device Configuration feature.
All the files referenced by the Package script file must be within the Package folder or a sub-folder
All command arguments should be enclosed in double-quotes and are separated by spaces only.
All registry paths are delimited with backslashes (\) and are within quotes.
Do not use abbreviations for the root registry keys. For example, use HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, do not
use HKLM.
All filenames are delimited with backslashes (\) and are within quotes.
Neither path names nor registry branches should ever end with a backslash.
The <REGROOT>, for example <regroot>\sourcefile.txt points to the root directory of the registered
package. For example, c:\inetpub\ftproot\rapport\<packagename>.
NOTE: <regroot> is a pointer that tells the WDM Service to look in a specific location on the
WDM server (not the device) for Package application files. <regroot> finds the WDM Master
Repository and identifies the folder contained within that is holding the needed Package files.
The Version section contains information required for package registration and distribution purposes.
Specifies the boot floppy WDM uses during the imaging process - Rapportitf.0 (WDM Imaging agent).
Defines the category for the Package. If you type a different category name in Category=, and then
register the Package using WDM, a folder is created under the Package Manager with that name.
NOTE: A package can be moved from one category to another by changing Category= and reregistering the package.
The image operation to be performed.
Example: Command=%ImageWrite%
Possible Values:
Allows the script developer to add a short description about the Package. The description is a comment
line and is not parsed by WDM when the script is executed.
This defines the file name to be used when reading or writing an image for PXE operation.
Image=filename - The default is the first file found in <regroot> excluding CRC.txt.
Identifies for WDM the size of image being sent to a client.
Values: 8, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64, 72, 80, 96, 128, 144, 192, 256, (512)
Identifies for WDM the name of the Package. The name of the Package script (.rsp) file must match the
Number= parameter. For example, if the Package script name is ImgXL24.rsp, you must have
Number=ImgXL24 in the [Version] section of ImgXL24.rsp.
Number=[Number reported by device in Device Manager under Image]
Description=Image to Write to Device
Defines the Operating System the device is running.
LX Tuxia Linux
WDM utilizes Intel Wired for Management standard Preboot eXecution Environment (PXE) to load images
to devices. The default is Yes if Category=Images and No for all other Categories (Categories<>Images) if
not specified or specified incorrectly.
If Boot from LAN is enabled in the BIOS, then Use_PXE=.
If you want the Package to be recognized by WDM as a non-imaging package, or you are working with
systems that are not PXE enabled, then type No as the value.
Values: Yes and No
This defines whether the package (script verbs and PXE) should use a Remote Repository assigned to its
subnet or if it should always use the Master.
Use_Remote=Yes or No - Default is Yes, if not specified or specified incorrectly.
The Script section contains the WDM commands that are carried out when the script is distributed. Each
command is executed in order as they appear within the [Script] section.
Append File
Adds the specified text as a new line at the end of specified device filename.
XPe Usage
AF "c:\temp\example.txt" "new line text" (This will add the line "new line text" to the end of
example.txt located at c:\temp\)
Linux Usage
AF "/wfs/Append.txt" "new line text" (This will add the line "new line text" to the end of Append.txt
located at /wfs)
General Rules:
This command will append a new line of text to the end of a text file. If the file does not already exist it
will be created. This can be very useful in adding additional commands to batch and script files.
NOTE: The destination directory must exist for this command to work.
CE 3.0
XPe Usage
Kilobytes free
Examples: CF "C" "2048" (Confirms there is at least 2MB of free space on the C:\ drive)
CE Usage
Must be blank
Kilobytes free
Examples: CF "" "2048" (Confirms there is at least 2MB of free space on the storage device)
Linux Usage
Must be blank
Kilobytes free
Examples: CF "" "512" (Confirms there is at least 2MB of free space on the storage device)
General Rules:
Confirms the device filename against the operand and value specified.
CE 3.0
XPe Usage
Value (decimal #)
CV "c:\Program Files\Rapport\Hagent.exe" ">=" "" (Verifies hagent.exe is version or higher)
CV "c:\windows\system32\mfc42.dll" "!=" "6.0.9586.0" (Verifies mfc42.dll is not version
CE Usage
Value (decimal #)
CV "ICA" ">=" "0019" (Verifies ICA addon is version 019 or higher)
CV "ICA" "=" "0023" (Verifies ICA addon is version 0023)
CV "ICA" "<" "0031" (Verifies ICA addon is less than version 0031)
General Rules:
For a CE Add-on name, use the Add-on name as reported in the WDM GUI.
Confirm Image
Confirms the device operating image. This command uses the first characters (same number of
characters specified in parameter) of the image number in image.ver on the device.
CE 3.0
XPe Usage
CI "1.2" (Verifies device Image Number begins with 1.2. Thus 1.21, 1.256, 1.295.45 will all report
CI "2.00297.192" (Verifies device Image Number begins with 2.00297.192)
CE Usage
CI "441" (Verifies device Image Number begins with 441. Thus 441.6, 441.22 and 441.39.7 will
all report success)
CI "486.7.1" (Verifies device Image Number begins with 486.7.1)
Linux Usage
CI "" (Verifies the device Image Number)
CI "3.6.3." (Verifies the device Image Number)
CI "3." (Verifies the device Image Number)
General Rules:
The Image version substring behaves as if a wildcard were present at the end of the image number.
For example, if command was CI = "441", image numbers 441.22 and 441.23 would pass. Images 440
and 442 would fail.
Confirms the device has at least the specified amount of memory.
CE 3.0
XPe Usage
CR "16000" (Verifies that device has a minimum of 16MB of RAM)
CE Usage
CR "16000" (Verifies that device has a minimum of 16MB of RAM)
Linux Usage
CR "32000" (Verifies that device has a minimum of 32000MB of RAM)
General Rules:
This command should be included on all scripts where software is being deployed that requires a
certain amount of memory.
Confirms the device operating system. This command uses a character string representation for OS type
(that is, CO "XPe").
CE 3.0
XPe Usage
CO "XP" (Verifies that Operating System is XP)
CO "CEN" "4.1" (Verifies that Operating System is CE.Net version 4.1; Returns true if Operating
is CE.Net 4.1; Returns false if Operating System is CE.Net version 4.0)
CE Usage
CO "CE" (Verifies OS is CE 2.12)
CO "CEN" (Verifies OS is CE.Net. Returns true if OS is CE.Net version 4.0 or 4.10)
CO "CEN" "4.10" (Verifies OS is CE.Net version 4.10; Returns true if OS is CE.Net 4.10; Returns
false if OS is CE.Net version 4.0)
Linux Usage
XP = Windows XP
LX = Tuxia Linux
CE = CE 2.12
CEN = CE.Net
TPC = CE 3.0
CO "CE" "2.12"
CO "CEN" "4.0"
CO "CEN" "4.1"
CO "LX" (Verifies that Operating System is LX)
General Rules:
Confirm User
Confirms that the specified user is logged into the device.
XPe Usage
1. Username
CU "Administrator" (Verifies 'Administrator' is currently logged on)
General Rules:
This command should be included on all scripts that have user-specific registry commands.
Delete File
CE 3.0
XPe Usage
CE Usage
Linux Usage
General Rules:
Deletes the specified registry branch.
XPe Usage
DB "HKEY_LOCAL_USER\Printers" "user" (Deletes specified registry branch from user profile)
General Rules:
CAUTION: Use care with this command. Once executed, it cannot be undone.
The WDM Agent runs in the system security context. Because of this, HKEY_CURRENT_USER for
WDM is the system user, not the currently logged in user. To overcome this, a special username
argument must exist that tells the agent to apply the changes to the specified user rather than the
system user. The specified user must be logged into the box for this command to succeed. Note that
the user profile name is used to resolve the hive location. The profile name and username can be
Deletes the specified device registry key. The option username is used to change user specific registry
values. The REDEDIT file must use HKEY_CURRENT_USER. WDM will change this to
XPe Usage
DR "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\CONTROL PANEL\COLORS\background" "user" (Deletes specified
registry key from 'user's' profile)
General Rules:
CAUTION: Use care with this command. Once executed, it cannot be undone.
The WDM Agent runs in the system security context. Because of this, HKEY_CURRENT_USER for
WDM is the system user, not the currently logged in user. To overcome this, a special username
argument must exist that tells the agent to apply the changes to the specified user rather than the
system user. The specified user must be logged into the box for this command to succeed. Note that
the user's profile name is used to resolve the hive location. The profile name and username can be
DR must be followed by the Reboot command (RB) for the changes to take effect.
Delete Tree
Deletes the specified device directory and its contents (analogous to DELTREE or rm -R).
XPe Usage
Device directory
DT "C:\Test" (Deletes the 'Test' folder and all files within it)
Linux Usage
Device directory
DT "/wfs/Test" (Deletes the 'Test' folder and all files within it)
General Rules:
CAUTION: Use care with this command. Once executed, it cannot be undone.
End Lockout
Removes the splash screen displayed by the LU command on the client device.
XPe Usage
CE Usage
General Rules:
This command should always be used in conjunction with a LU. It is recommended that all non-image
scripts use this command.
Execute on Device
Executes the specified client filename (assumes the specified file is executable).
XPe Usage
EX "c:\test.exe" (Launches c:\test.exe on the device and continues to next command in script)
EX "c:\test.exe" "+" (Launches c:\test.exe on the device and pauses until the executable is
finished before continuing with next command in script)
EX "c:\test.exe" "+30" (Launches c:\test.exe on the device and pauses until the executable is
finished or 30 seconds have elapsed, whichever occurs first, before continuing with the next
command in script)
General Rules:
The command may be issued exactly as it would be from a command prompt on the device.
In Windows, the path may be omitted if the executable is a registered Windows application
The optional synchronous argument stops script processing until the executable is finished. This
option can be expressed as "+" with no timeout or "+n" where n indicates the maximum time in
seconds to wait before continuing script processing.
NOTE: Because of differences between process and system speeds, it is HIGHLY recommended that
this option be used.
Get File
Copies the specified device filename to the specified master repository filename (analogous to COPY or
CE 3.0
XPe Usage
GF "c:\temp\temp.txt" "<regroot>\temp.txt" (Pulls temp.txt from the device to the Master
CE Usage
GF "\Windows\temp.txt" "<regroot>\temp.txt" (Pulls temp.txt from the device to the Master
Wyse devices have limited GF support:
GF "CEConfig" "<regroot>\Settings.reg" (Exports device registry to Settings.reg on the Master
Linux Usage
General Rules:
Get Registry
Exports the specified device registry branch. The resulting local filename will be in REGEDIT4 format.
XPe Usage
GR "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Rappport" "<regroot>\Rapport.reg" (Exports WDM
registry settings to Rapport.reg in the script folder)
General Rules:
The destination should include the complete path, defined with <regroot>.
Gets a single registry value to a file. The following types are supported:
CE 3.0
XPe Usage
The full path of the registry key, including the registry entry name
CE Usage
The full path of the registry key, including the registry entry name
General Rules:
Local Pause
Pauses the server for a number of seconds. This allows the server to pause after commands that may take
a while.
CE 3.0
XPe Usage
LP "30" (Pauses script processing for 30 seconds)
CE Usage
LP "30" (Pauses script processing for 30 seconds)
General Rules:
Lockout User
Display a splash screen on the device explaining an update is occurring.
CE 3.0
XPe Usage
Yes or No (Optional)
LU (Displays splash screen on device, splash is not removed if package fails or ends)
LU "Yes" (Displays splash screen on device, splash automatically removed if package fails or
LU "No" (Displays splash screen on device, splash is not removed if package fails or ends)
CE Usage
Yes or No (Optional)
LU (Displays splash screen on device, splash is not removed if package fails or ends)
LU "Yes" (Displays splash screen on device, splash automatically removed if package fails or
LU "No" (Displays splash screen on device, splash is not removed if package fails or ends)
General Rules:
This command should always be used in conjunction with an EL. It is recommended that all nonimage scripts use this command.
Merge Registry
Merges the specified device filename. The device filename must be in REGEDIT format (analogous to
regedit -s). The option username is used to change user specific registry values. The REDEDIT4 file must
XPe Usage
Local filename
MR "<regroot>\control_panel.reg" "user" (Merges control_panel.reg into 'user's' profile)
General Rules:
The filename should include the complete path, defined with <regroot>.
MR must be followed by the Reboot command (RB) for the changes to take effect.
The optional username argument is used to change user specific registry values.
The REDEDIT file must specify HKEY_CURRENT_USER. WDM will change this to
The WDM Agent runs in the system security context. Because of this, HKEY_CURRENT_USER for
WDM is the system user, not the currently logged in user. To overcome this, a special username
argument must exist that tells the agent to apply the changes to the specified user rather than the
system user. The specified user must be logged into the box for this command to succeed. Note
that the user profile name is used to resolve the hive location. The profile name and username can
be different.
Query User
Query the user regarding the pending update. Allows the user to accept the update now, postpone the
update 5 minutes or until next Logon to NT Server (NT/XP only).
CE 3.0
XPe Usage
Buttons (Optional)
1 = Now only
2 = Delay 5 Minutes only
3 = Now and Delay 5 Minutes
4 = Update on Log in only
5 = Now and Update on Log in
6 = Delay 5 minutes and Update on Log in
7 = Now, Delay 5 minutes and Update on Log in
8 = Custom message with configurable notification and postpone reminder
QU (Displays query user dialog with buttons and timeout as set by preferences on the WDM
QU "2" "5" (Displays query user dialog with 'Delay 5 Minutes' button for 5 seconds)
QU "3" "120" (Displays query user dialog with 'Update Now' and 'Delay 5 Minutes' buttons for
120 seconds)
CE Usage
Buttons (Optional)
1 = Now only
2 = Delay 5 Minutes only
3 = Now and Delay 5 Minutes
4 = Update on Log in only
5 = Now and Update on Log in
6 = Delay 5 minutes and Update on Log in
7 = Now, Delay 5 minutes and Update on Log in
8 = Custom message with configurable notification and postpone reminder
QU (Displays query user dialog with buttons and timeout as set by preferences on the WDM
QU "2" "5" (Displays query user dialog with 'Delay 5 Minutes' button for 5 seconds)
QU "3" "120" (Displays query user dialog with 'Update Now' and 'Delay 5 Minutes' buttons for
120 seconds)
Linux Usage
Buttons (Optional)
1 = Now only
2 = Delay 5 Minutes only
3 = Now and Delay 5 Minutes
4 = Update on Log in only
5 = Now and Update on Log in
6 = Delay 5 minutes and Update on Log in
7 = Now, Delay 5 minutes and Update on Log in
8 = Custom message with configurable notification and postpone reminder
QU "1" "5" (Displays query user dialog with 'Update Now' and '5 Minute Delay' buttons for 5
General Rules:
Check your company's policies concerning updating a computer without user confirmation.
If no arguments are defined, global values from WDM Preferences are used.
If the user does not make a selection within the allotted timeout, the update automatically occurs.
Reboots the device.
CE 3.0
XPe Usage
RB (Reboots device)
CE Usage
RB (Reboots device)
Linux Usage
RB (Reboots device)
General Rules:
Send File
Copies the specified local filename to the specified device filename (analogous to the COPY or CP DOS
CE 3.0
XPe Usage
SF "<regroot>\logos.bmp" "c:\winnt\logos.bmp" (Copies logos.bmp from the repository to c:
\winnt\logos.bmp on the device)
CE Usage
SF "<regroot>\sol.exe" "\Windows\sol.exe" (Copies sol.exe from the repository to \Windows
\sol.exe on the device)
Wyse devices have limited SF support:
SF "CEFirmware" "<regroot>\image.bin" (Loads image.bin (either an Add-on or entire CE
image) to the device)
SF "CEConfig" "<regroot>\setting.reg" (Applies settings.reg to the device; Note that the .reg
file will be filtered before it is applied)
Linux Usage
SF "<regroot>\SendTest\zero.txt" "/wfs/SendTest/zero1.txt" (Copies zero.txt from the repository
to /wfs/SendTest/zero1.txt on the device)
General Rules:
Both source and destination should include the full path, and the source path should be defined with
The destination filename does not have to be the same as the source filename.
This command allows easy configuration of the device information.
CE 3.0
XPe Usage
CN=Computer Name
SC "CN=DeviceName" "LO=location" "CO=contact" "C1=custom1" "C2=custom2" "C3=custom3"
(Renames device and sets all custom information)
CE Usage
CN=Computer Name
SC "CN=DeviceName" "LO=location" "CO=contact" "C1=custom1" "C2=custom2"
"C3=custom3" (Renames device and sets all custom information)
SC "LO=Here" "CO=Admin" (Sets Location and Contact without altering computer name or
Custom 1-3)
Linux Usage
CN=Computer Name
General Rules:
Each argument is optional; as many or as few as desired can be set (however, you must set at least
Do not set multiple devices with the same computer name (CN=).
CE 3.0
XPe Usage
IP=IP Address
ED=DHCP on/off
SM=Subnet Mask
GW=Gateway Address
DM=Domain suffix
CE Usage
IP=IP Address
ED=DHCP on/off
SM=Subnet Mask
GW=Gateway Address
DM=Domain suffix
Linux Usage
IP=IP Address
ED=DHCP on/off
SM=Subnet Mask
GW=Gateway Address
DM=Domain suffix
General Rules:
Set Profile
This command is used to update ini files. The device filename specifies the name of the ini file to update.
The section, key, and value determine what to update in the ini file.
CE 3.0
XPe Usage
CE Usage
SP "\Windows\SetProfile.txt" "SetProfile" "Test" "Worked" (Edits SetProfile.txt to:
Linux Usage
SP "/wfs/SetProfile.txt" "SetProfile" "Test" "Worked" (Edits SetProfile.txt to:
General Rules:
Most INI files are organized by Section and Key. A section will be defined by a line that contains
bracketed text ([Example]). A Key will be followed by an equal sign and a value (Key=value).
Sets a single registry value.
NOTE: Certain registry keys may be locked by the OS and interfere with SV operations. Please verify
with the device manufacture that the registry value is not locked.Registry value changes will not be
persistent unless the device is rebooted using one of the following:
RB (reboot) command
Right-click reboot
Manual operation
XPe Usage
The full path of the registry key, including the registry entry name
The registry type to use for argument #2. Currently only REG_SZ (string) and REG_DWORD
(number) are supported. [Optional] <![endif]>
SV "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Rapport\hAgent\TestValue1" "5551234" Possible
TestValue1 already exists as a REG_DWORD and will be set to the number 5551234
TestValue1 already exists as another type and the agent will return an error
SV "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Rapport\hAgent\TestValue2" "StringValue"
Possible scenarios:
TestValue2 already exists as another type and the agent will return an error
Possible scenarios:
TestDWORD already exists as a REG_DWORD and will be set to the number 2833
TestDWORD already exists as another type and the agent will return an error
TestString already exists as another type and the agent will return an error
CE Usage
The full path of the registry key, including the registry entry name
The registry type to use for argument #2. Currently only REG_SZ (string) and REG_DWORD
(number) are supported. [Optional] <![endif]>
SV "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Rapport\hAgent\TestValue1" "5551234" Possible
TestValue1 already exists as a REG_DWORD and will be set to the number 5551234
TestValue1 already exists as another type and the agent will return an error
SV "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Rapport\hAgent\TestValue2" "StringValue"
Possible scenarios:
TestValue2 already exists as another type and the agent will return an error
Possible scenarios:
TestDWORD already exists as a REG_DWORD and will be set to the number 2833
TestDWORD already exists as another type and the agent will return an error
TestString already exists as another type and the agent will return an error
General Rules:
If three arguments are supplied then the agent will either create non-existing keys of the supplied
type, or error out if the type does not match an existing key's type.
If only two arguments are supplied and the key does not already exist then the type REG_SZ (string) is
If only two arguments are supplied and the key does exist and it is of type REG_DWORD then the
agent will confirm the value is a number and set it as a DWORD.
Shuts down the device and sets the power state.
CE 3.0
XPe Usage
SD (Shut down device)
CE Usage
SD (Shut down device)
Linux Usage
SD (Shut down device)
General Rules:
Synch Time
Changes the device time to match the update server time.
CE 3.0
XPe Usage
CE Usage
ST (Synchronizes the device time to the WDM server time)
Linux Usage
ST (Synchronizes the device time to the WDM server time)
General Rules:
There may be a slight time difference between server and device due to network latency.
Time Zone offset is taken into account, please ensure that the proper time zone is set on the device.
Wake On LAN
Boots a device that is shutdown (the device must have Wake On LAN enabled in its BIOS).
Hardware dependent, not agent dependent
X Copy
Copies the specified device directory and its contents to the specified local directory (analogous to
XCOPY or cp -R).
CE 3.0
XPe Usage
XC "<regroot>\Files\winnt\system32\*" "C:\winnt\system32" (Copies all files in the system32
folder of the package to the device's system32 folder)
CE Usage
XC "<regroot>\system\*" "\system" (Copies all files in the system folder of the package to the
device's system folder)
Linux Usage
XC "<regroot>\XCTest\*" "/wfs/" (Copies all files in the XCTest folder of the package to the
device's wfs folder)
General Rules:
The source path should end in \* (* is a wildcard to indicate all files and directories).
The Package folder that contains the required application or image files (ImgXL24)
The Package script (.rsp) file must conform to a specific structure and should contain three sections:
The Version section contains information required for package registration and distribution purposes. The
following describes each of the elements of the Version section:
USE_REMOTE - YES/NO, specifies whether or not a Remote Repository (if it exists) should be used.
Default is YES. (OPTIONAL)
Category - The WDM Package Manager category in the GUI where the Package resides.
NOTE: If the category does not exist it will be created.
Use_PXE - YES/NO default value is YES for all scripts with Category=IMAGES
IMAGE - name of image file to be used; by default WDM uses the first file in file found in the package
folder (excluding CRC.text)
The Script section contains the commands that are carried out when the script is distributed. Each
command is executed in order as they appear within the (Script) section.
; .....................................................................................
; .....................................................................................
; >Check Free Space
; >Check Minimum Memory, if necessary
; >Check User, if necessary
; .....................................................................................
CF "X" "XXX"
; .....................................................................................
; > Query User then lock Workstation
; .....................................................................................
; .....................................................................................
; >Add Commands Here
; .....................................................................................
;SF "<regroot>\files\" "c:\yyyy\zzzz"
;EX "c:\yyyy\zzzz"
;DF "c:\yyyy\zzzz"
;MR "<regroot>\xxxx.reg"
;SP "c:\windows\system.ini" "DISPLAY" "screen-size" "640"
; .....................................................................................
; >End Lockout
; .....................................................................................
; .....................................................................................
; >Reboot, if necessary
; .....................................................................................
File Transfer Protocol Error Codes - The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a protocol that is able to
transfer files between machines with different operating systems. The FTP utility issues an error, or
reply, code to every user command. FTP errors are discussed in File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Error
Windows Sockets Error Codes - When using any TCP/IP application, it is possible for errors to occur
in both configuration and networking. Many applications do not report these errors, but simply tell
you that you have a network error. A list of possible errors (as reported by Microsoft) is shown in
Windows Sockets Error Codes.
1yz Positive Preliminary reply - The requested action is being initiated; expect another reply before
proceeding with a new command (the user-process sending another command before the
completion reply would be in violation of protocol; but server-FTP processes should queue any
commands that arrive while a preceding command is in progress). This type of reply can be used to
indicate that the command was accepted and the user-process can now pay attention to the data
connections, for implementations where simultaneous monitoring is difficult. The server-FTP process
can send at most, one 1yz reply per command.
2yz Positive Completion reply - The requested action has been successfully completed. A new
request can be initiated.
3yz Positive Intermediate reply - The command has been accepted, but the requested action is being
held in abeyance, pending receipt of further information. The user should send another command
specifying this information. This reply is used in command sequence groups.
4yz Transient Negative Completion reply - The command was not accepted and the requested
action did not take place, but the error condition is temporary and the action may be requested again.
The user should return to the beginning of the command sequence, if any. It is difficult to assign a
meaning to transient, particularly when two distinct sites (Server- and User-processes) have to agree
on the interpretation.
Each reply in the 4yz category might have a slightly different time value, but the intent is that the userprocess is encouraged to try again. A rule of thumb in determining if a reply fits into the 4yz or the 5yz
(Permanent Negative) category is that replies are 4yz if the commands can be repeated without any
change in command form or in properties of the User or Server (for example, the command is spelled
the same with the same arguments used; the user does not change his file access or user name; the
server does not put up a new implementation).
5yz Permanent Negative Completion reply - The command was not accepted and the requested
action did not take place. The User-process is discouraged from repeating the exact request (in the
same sequence). Even some permanent error conditions can be corrected, so the human user may
want to direct his User-process to re-initiate the command sequence by direct action at some point
in the future (for example, after the spelling has been changed, or the user has altered his directory
x0z Syntax - These replies refer to syntax errors, syntactically correct commands that do not fit any
functional category, non-implemented or superfluous commands.
x1z Information - These are replies to requests for information, such as status or help.
x3z Authentication and accounting - Replies for the login process and accounting procedures.
x5z File system - These replies indicate the status of the Server file system through the requested
transfer or other file system action.
Third Digit
The third digit gives a finer gradation of meaning in each of the function categories specified by the
second digit, as shown in the following list:
NOTE: The text associated with each reply is recommended, rather than mandatory, and may even
change according to the command with which it is associated. The reply codes, on the other hand,
must strictly follow the specifications in the last section; that is, Server implementations should not
invent new codes for situations that are only slightly different from the ones described here, but
rather should adapt codes already defined.
110 Restart marker reply.
120 Service ready in minutes.
125 Data connection already open; transfer starting.
150 File status okay; about to open data connection.
200 Command okay.
331 User name okay, need password.
332 Need account for login.
350 Requested file action pending further information.
421 Service not available, closing control connection. This may be a reply to any command if the
service knows it must shut down.
425 Can't open data connection.
426 Connection closed; transfer aborted.
450 Requested file action not taken. File unavailable (for example, file busy).
451 Requested action aborted: local error in processing.
452 Requested action not taken. Insufficient storage space in system.
500 Syntax error, command unrecognized. This may include errors such as command line too
501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments
502 Command not implemented.
503 Bad sequence of commands.
504 Command not implemented for that parameter.
530 Not logged in.
532 Need account for storing files.
550 Requested action not taken. File unavailable (for example, file not found, or no access).
551 Requested action aborted: page type unknown.
552 Requested file action aborted. Exceeded storage allocation (for current directory or data set).
553 Requested action not taken. File name not allowed.
WSAEINTR 10004 - Interrupted function call. A blocking operation was interrupted by a call.
WSAEACCES 10013 - Permission denied. An attempt was made to access a socket in a forbidden way.
WSAEFAULT 10014 - Bad address. The system detected an invalid pointer address.
WSAEMFILE 10024 - Too many open files. Too many open sockets.
WSAEWOULDBLOCK 10035 - Resource temporarily unavailable. Socket operation not available at this
WSAEALREADY 10037 - Operation already in progress. An operation was attempted on a nonblocking socket with an operation already in progress.
WSAEDESTADDRREQ 10039 - Destination address required. A required address was omitted from an
WSAEMSGSIZE 10040 - Message too long. A message sent on a datagram socket was larger than the
internal message buffer.
WSAEPROTOTYPE 10041 - Protocol wrong type for socket. A protocol was specified in the socket
function call that is not supported.
WSAENOPROTOOPT 10042 - Bad protocol option. An unknown, invalid or unsupported call was
WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT 10043 - Protocol not supported. The requested protocol has not been
configured into the system.
WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT 10044 - Socket type not supported. The support for the specified socket
type does not exist.
WSAEOPNOTSUPP 10045 - Operation not supported. The attempted operation is not supported.
WSAEPFNOSUPPORT 10046 - Protocol family not supported. The protocol family has not been
configured into the system or no implementation for it exists.
WSAEAFNOSUPPORT 10047 - Address family not supported. An address incompatible with the
requested protocol was used.
WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL 10049 - Cannot assign requested address. The requested address is not valid.
WSAENETRESET 10052 - Network dropped connection. The connection has been broken due to
keep-alive activity detecting a failure while the operation was in progress.
WSAECONNABORTED 10053 - Software caused connection abort. A connection was aborted by the
software in your machine, possibly due to a TCP/IP configuration error, data transmission time-out or
protocol error.
WSAECONNRESET 10054 - Connection reset by peer. An existing connection was forcibly closed by
the remote host.
WSAENOBUFS 10055 - No buffer space available. An operation on a socket could not be performed
because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full.
WSAEISCONN 10056 - Socket is already connected. A connect request was made on an alreadyconnected socket.
WSAENOTCONN 10057 - Socket is not connected. A request to send or receive data was disallowed
because the socket is not connected.
WSAESHUTDOWN 10058 - Cannot send after socket shutdown. A request to send or receive data
was disallowed because the socket had already been shut down.
WSAETIMEDOUT 10060 - Connection timed out. A connection did not properly respond after a
period of time.
WSAEHOSTDOWN 10064 - Host is down. A socket operation failed because the destination host is
WSAEPROCLIM 10067 - Too many processes. A Windows Sockets implementation may have a limit
on the number of applications that can use it simultaneously.
WSASYSNOTREADY 10091 - Network subsystem is unavailable. This error is returned if the sockets
implementation cannot function because the system is currently unavailable.
WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED 10092 - Winsock.dll version out of range. The current Windows Sockets
implementation does not support the Windows Sockets specification version requested.
WSAEDISCON 10101 - Graceful shutdown in progress. Returned to indicate that the remote party has
initiated a graceful shutdown.
WSATYPE_NOT_FOUND 10109 - Class type not found. The specified class was not found.
WSATRY_AGAIN 11002 - Non-authoritative host not found. A temporary error during host name
resolution and means that the local server did not receive a response from an authoritative server.
WSANO_DATA 11004 - Valid name, no data record of requested type. The requested name is valid
and was found in the database, but does not have the correct associated data being resolved for it.
Create folder with the name CAValidation in the place where CAValidation.rsp is created
Place the root_cert.pem in the folder created (in the rsp the certificate name is considered as
10. Domain certificate should be bind in the WDM server IIS as well
Path between the device service and the server service is running correctly (use ping)
Subnet and IP ranges are defined correctly (when you are attempting to discover devices by subnet
or IP range)
You can also run the DNS_DHCP_Lookup Utility to verify if the WDM server is reachable or not. For
more information on this utility, see DNS-DHCP Lookup Utility.
the PXE devices have re-booted at least one time after being discovered by WDM (before WDM
recognizes them as PXE devices, the PXE devices must be re-booted at least one time after being
Package Errors
Problem: You are receiving package errors.
Solution: Try the following:
Edit the script (*.rsp) and re-mark out LU command (have target device available)
Ensure that the package structure is correct (Folder = *.rsp name = scripts'NUMBER'value)
Web Services Log - Details the activity of the WDM Web Services for device management.
TFTP Log - Details the Trivial File Transfer Protocol activity for distributing software packages to
Standard Services Log - Details the activity of the WDM Standard Services.
DHCP Log - Details the activity of the WDM Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol as it assigns IP
addresses to devices.
NOTE: For information on setting the level of logging activity for the WDM service logs, see Logging
Double-click the Service Logs icon In the WDM system tray to open the WDM Service Logs window.
Enable the Service Logs from the main menu of the Device Manager Service Logs View menu.
The logs are color-coded. The Warning logs are highlighted in yellow and the Error logs are
highlighted in red.
Click the Service Logs tab to view the Web Service logs.
If you have configured Load Balancing in your environment, the Service Logs may at times display a test
connection failure. This happens when there is a routing issue from the Proxy server when it tries to
contact the WDM Management Server. You can resolve this issue by checking the Alias name you have
specified in the Service Preferences Server Port Settings. If the information is correct and there is still
a connection failure, you can change the Alias Server Name by providing the IP address of the Proxy
Server and click OK. You can then open the window again and change the IP address back to the host
name of the Proxy Server and click OK. This would resolve your problem.
NOTE: To expand a window for any of the logs, click its maximize button.
To enable the WDM service logs:
Log in as Administrator user on the system where you have installed WDM.
Search for the MSSTSFMT.DLL on the system. In this case this file was found under C:\Windows
Launch the command prompt and navigate to the C:\Windows\Sys\WOW64 directory and type the
following commands :
run regsvr32/u msstdfmt.dll
run regsvr32 msstdfmt.dll
Launch the command prompt on the system where you have installed WDM.
< Username>
<Password > Po
<Port number>
where u is the user name for basic authentication, p is the password for basic authentication,
and po is the port number on which the HTTP Application is running.
Peer Device is unable to download an Image file
If the peer device is not able to download the bios.img or the cmos.img files, then you must check if the
files are available on the PAD master device under the following folder path: C:\Program Files\WDM.
Determining whether the WDM Agent and WDM Server Communication is related to the PAD Schedule
All communication between the WDM Agent and the WDM Server that is related to the PAD Schedule
would have the PAD tag set to 1 as part of the request or response.
Check if Profile Manager is enabled in preferences. For more information, see Device Manager
Check if Profile Manager deployment is supported by the client system. For this:
Select the Device Manager node on the tree pane of the WDM Console.
On the right-hand pane, select the device to which you want to deploy the package.
The WCM Support field should be set to True. If it is set to False, then it indicates that the client
does not support Profile Manager package deployment and you need to update the WDM
Agent on the Client. For more information on updating the WDM Agent, see Package Manager.
Check if there are some scheduled packages that are yet to be deployed. Wait till the packages are
deployed successfully.
Check if there are some scheduled packages in Error state. If there are such packages, then delete
Check if the client is already updated with the profile manager package prior to the deployment. To
verify the same, configure Profile Manager to deploy another package with a different configuration.
Make sure the user id and password for the repository is correct.
FTP site has Read and Write permission for all users with Basic and Anonymous authentication.
Make sure the virtual directory exist. If not follow the below mentioned steps to create it:
On the taskbar, click Start->Administrative Tools->Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager to
open the IIS Manager Window.
In the tree pane, right click on Sites->Default Web Site and then select Add Application to begin
creating a Virtual Directory.
Enter the Alias (the name of virtual directory e.g. MyWDM), select the Physical path as FTP root
directory (e.g. c:\inetpub\ftproot) and then click OK.
Select Sites->Default Web Site->MyWDM and then double click on Authentication, select Basic
Authentication and enable it from the Actions Panel.
To verify the virtual directory is configured or not, in the tree pane, select Sites->Default Web Site>MyWDM and then on right pane click on Browse*:80(http). It will open the ftp directory in the
browser (IE).
Look for the following setting in IIS to verify the following Role Services are installed:
WebDAV Publishing
Basic Authentication
Windows Authentication
Make sure the in IIS following Role Services are not installed:
Request Filtering
Static Content Compression
Dynamic Content Compression
In Advanced Settings of DefaultAppPool in the Application pool list, make sure the following:
In the General section, ensure that Enable 32-Bit Applications is set to True
In the Process Model section, ensure that Idle Time-out (minutes) is set to 0 (zero)
The Rapport folder has Read and Write permission for Everyone or specific users.
Enter the hostname/domain name, user name and password to access the shared folder, and try to
Click OK to continue.
For WTOS devices, the following message is displayed:
Save and close the file. The image is displayed in the DDC window when you launch it in the WDM
Navigate to the ASP.NET v4.0 App pool and select the advanced settings. If you are performing this
troubleshooting for the first time, you must note down the Identity value (for example, see
Apply the settings and start the Application pool to run the WDM Web UI to see if the application
Now follow the steps 1 to 2 and change the Identity of the ASP.NET v4.0 App pool to the original
setting, there is a prompt to enter the password and confirm it. After entering the password, apply
the settings and start the app pool. Once this is done, start using the Web UI.
Problem: Web UI login error occurs, if you prefix machine name to user credentials name.
Solution: Enter the user name and log in credentials.
Double-click Modules on right pane, select RequestFilteringModule, and delete the Module to
Restart the Devices ,or the Agent would check-in to WDM Server.
10. Select Rapport HTTP Server, double-click Modules, and select Revert to parent from right menu.
12. Go back to IIS Root, select Modules, right-click RequestFilteringmodule, and then select Lock.
13. Restart the Rapport HTTP Server.
After finishing all the steps import the rules back to the module
Go to Program files path where EDM file is installed \Wyse\WDM\Teradici\EMSDK, open the file in notepad and assign the available port number in the field
emserver.serverPort=49155 (replace old port number with new).
Set the new port number in the file C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ThreadXApi\Web.config, by opening the
same file in the text editor and replace the port number under the following tag:
This tool allows you to capture the Wireless profiles, and to edit the passwords. Captured profiles can be
saved to a selected XML file. The tool is valid only for below authentication method.
NOTE: This tool can be used only when Wyse Device Agent (WDA) is installed on the Windows Thin
Figure 8.
Run the .exe file from the provided tool location. It starts the UI as provided above.
Click the Browse button, the browse button displays the save dialog box. Select the xml file or
provide a file name to create new xml profile.
Click the Export WIFI Profiles tab, if any profiles are configured in the device, and the Profiles are
exported to the selected XML file. The number of exported profiles are displayed below the password
text box. Profiles combo box is listed automatically with the exported profile names.
Select Profiles combo box option, it lists the profiles exported. Select any combo box item. On
selecting the item it displays the authentication type adjacent to the combo box and Password text
box is populated with the current password text (if Password is valid for the selected profile
authentication type).
Edit the password and click the Change Password. Changed password is encrypted and saved to the
xml profile.
After WDM 5.7 is installed on the target machine with Windows 2012 server, with the ThreadX 5.0 check
box on the installer selected, do the following steps to discover the devices manually on the WDM
ThreadX 5.0 is supported on the operating system Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server
2012 R2 and above.
ThreadX 5.0 is a beta feature and is not recommended for the production environment.
Prerequisite: The ThreadX devices firmware version should be 5.2.0-rc4 before performing the following
This step is required if the EMSDK service is not started after installation due to port number conflict.
To verify the initiation of the service, do the following:
Open the log file and verify if the service has started.
If the service is not started due to port conflict, follow the below instructions:
EMSDK component uses port number 41955 by default for its communication. If the startup of
EMSDK fails due to non-availability of the mentioned port, then you should manually stop the
EMSDK server which is running in the console of the machine where software is installed, and
provide one of the available port number in the following files:
Go to Program files path where EDM installed Wyse\WDM\Teradici\EMSDK and open the file in notepad, and assign the available port number as value for the field
emserver.serverPort=49155 (replace old port number with new).
Start the TheadXApi service by entering www.localhost/ThreadXApi/Ping on the web browser from
the machine where ThreadX 5.0 is installed.
If you are starting the service from different network machine browser, replace localhost in the url
with the name of machine where ThreadXApi is installed. If the ThreadXApi service is started
successfully you can see current time displayed on the browser, or a json file name ping.json getting
downloaded depending on the browser used. If you are using google chrome browser, the browser
displays the time as shown:
To configure the device, open the web browser and enter the device IP Address. For example,
http://<IP , and log in by providing the user credentials.
On the management console of ThreadX device, select Upload Menu Certificate, and browse for
the certificate cert.pem installed at <Wyse install folder>\WDM\TeraDici\cert.pem where WDM is
installed. After selecting the file, click Upload button.
NOTE: Uploading the cert.pem certificate is important for the client to establish the
connectivity with the EMSDK server, as the EMSDK server validates the certificate data from the
client when it attempts to connect to the server. Any mismatch in the certificate data, the
server rejects the connection request from the device.
In Configuration menu of the ThreadX devices management console, select Management sub menu
Security Level High Security Environment Bootstrap phase disabled option.
In the Internal EM URI field, provide the uri of the EMSDK server as wss://<IP Address of ThreadX 5.0
installed machine and click Apply button.
NOTE: Devices are not discovered in the WDM, if clients are connected before the ThreadXApi
service is started. So if you can not view devices getting discovered after the clients are in
connected state to the EMSDK. you have to see the ThreadXApi service is running byviewing
into its log file located at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ThreadXApiwith filename ThreadXApi.txt
After completing the process of checking into WDM server successfully, you can view the
discovered devices in the WDM UI. You should execute the Reboot, and Shutdown real-time
commands after it is visible in the Web UI.