Microsoft Excel 2013 Tutorial
Microsoft Excel 2013 Tutorial
Microsoft Excel 2013 Tutorial
1. Getting Started
Pg. 3
Pg. 3
Pg. 4
4. Toolbars
Pg. 4
5. Formatting
Pg. 6
Pg. 6
Pg. 6
Pg. 6
Formatting Cells
Pg. 6
Pg. 7
Pg. 8
Pg. 8
Chart Design
Pg. 9
Chart Options
Pg. 10
Chart Style
Pg. 10
Pg. 10
Pg. 10
Creating Functions
Pg. 11
7. Printing
Pg. 12
Pg. 12
Microsoft Excel is one of the most popular spreadsheet applications that helps you manage data,
create visually persuasive charts, and thought-provoking graphs. Excel is supported by both Mac and
PC platforms. Microsoft Excel can also be used to balance a checkbook, create an expense report,
build formulas, and edit them.
Saving Later
4. After you have initially saved your blank document under a new name, you can begin your project.
However, you will still want to periodically save your work as insurance against a computer freeze or a
power outage. To save, just click on the floppy disk, or for a shortcut press CTRL + S.
In Microsoft Excel 2013 for a PC, the toolbars are automatically placed as tabs at the top of the screen.
Within these tabs you will find all of your options to change text, data, page layout, and more. To be able
access all of the certain toolbars you need to click on a certain tab that is located towards the top of
the screen.
The Insert Tab: This tab is mainly used for inserting visuals and graphics into your document. There are
various different things that can be inserted from this tab such as pictures, clip art, charts, links, headers
and footers, and word art. (Figure 5)
The Page Layout Tab: Here you are able to add margins, themes to your document, change the
orientation, page breaks, and titles. The scale fit of your document is also included as a feature within
this tab, if needed. (Figure 6)
5 . FO RM A T T I NG
Working With Cells
Cells are an important part of any project being used in Microsoft Excel. Cells hold all of the data that is
being used to create the spreadsheet or workbook. To enter data into a cell you simply click once inside
of the desired cell, a green border will appear around the cell. (Figure 7) This border indicates that it is a
selected cell.You may then begin typing in the data for that cell.
Highlight the data or text by selecting the cells that they are held within.
Go to the Home Tab > Copy (CTRL + C) or Home Tab > Cut (CTRL + X).
Click the location where the information should be placed.
Go to Home Tab > Paste (CTRL + V) to be able to paste your information.
Formatting Cells
There are various options that can be changed to format the spreadsheets cells. When changing the
format within cells you must select the cells that you wish to format.
1. Drag and select the cells you wish to change.
2. Click Home Tab > Format > Format Cells. A box will appear on the screen with six different tab
options. (Figure 8)
Explanations of the basic options in the format dialog box are explained in the following page.
Number: Allows you to change the measurement in which your data is used. (If your data is concerned
with money the number that you would use is currency)
Alignment: This allows you to change the horizontal and vertical alignment of your text within each cell.
You can also change the orientation of the text within the cells and the control of the text within the
cells as well.
Font: Gives the option to change the size, style, color, and effects.
Border: Gives the option to change the design of the border around or through the cells.
Adding Rows and Columns
Rows are cells that run horizontally across the document. You can insert an extra row of cells like this:
1. Drag select along the row of cells where you want your new row to appear.
2. Click Home Tab > Insert > Insert Sheet Rows. (Figure 10).The row will automatically be
placed on the spreadsheet and any data that was selected in the original row will be moved down below
the new row.
Columns are cells that run vertically down the document. You can insert an extra column of cells like
1. Drag select along the column of cells where you want your new column to appear.
2. Go to Home Tab > Insert > Insert Sheet Column.The column will automatically be place on the
spreadsheet and any data to the right of the new column will be moved more to the right. (Figure 11)
Charts are an important part to being able to create a visual for spreadsheet data.
1. In order to create a chart within Excel the data that is going to be used for it needs to be entered
already into the spreadsheet document. Once the data is entered, the cells that are going to be used for
the chart need to be highlighted so that the software knows what to include. Next, click on the Insert
Tab that is located at the top of the screen. (Figure 12)
2. You may choose the chart that is desired by clicking the category of the chart you will use.
Once the category is chosen the charts will appear as small graphics within a drop down menu.
To choose a particular chart just click on its icon and it will be placed within the spreadsheet you are
working on.
3. To move the chart to a page of its own, select the border of the chart and Right Click. This will bring
up a drop down menu, navigate to the option that says Move Chart. This will bring up a dialog box that
says Chart Location. From here you will need to select the circle next to As A New Sheet and name
the sheet that will hold your chart. The chart will pop up larger in a separate sheet but in the same
workbook as your entered data. (Figure 13)
Chart Design
There are features that you can change to make your chart more appealing. To be able to make these
changes you will need to have the chart selected or be viewing the chart page that is within your
workbook. Once you have done that the Design Tab will appear highlighted with various different
options to format your graphic. (Figure 14)
Chart Options
Titles: Within the new chart Design tab, click the Add Chart Element icon. Here, you will see the option
to title the chart as well as various components of the chart.
Change Chart Type: You can change your chart easily by selecting this icon and navigating to a more
desirable chart. This feature is very convenient for someone who chose the wrong chart and doesnt
wish to reselect all their data and go through the process a second time.
Format Chart Area: This allows for changes to be made to the chards border, style, fill, shadows, and
more. To get this option you will need to right click on the charts border and navigate to the Format
Chart Area option. Once this is clicked a dialog box will appear.
2. Once you have done this you will need to select the Formulas Tab located at the top of the screen.
3. A list of Most Recently Used, Financial, Logical, Text, Date and Time, Math and Trig formulas will
appear. To choose one of the formulas click the icon that holds the formula you are looking for.
4. Once you have clicked your formula this will display a dialog box on your screen. (Figure 18)
In this screen it lists the cells that are being calculated, the values within the cells, and the end result.
5. To accept that calculation you can press OK and the result will show up in the selected cell.
It is important to always save your document before you print!
To print your document, go to File Tab > Print, select your desired settings, and then click OK.You can
also do this by using the shortcut CTRL + P
To be able to change the orientation of your page for printing you can click on the Portrait Orientation
button under the option under Print then click the change the layout. (Figure 19)
Before you quit, its a good idea to save your document one final time.You will need to double click the
the Excel icon in the upper lefthand corner.This is better than just closing the window, as it insures your
document quits correctly.