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Asdp Guidelines As On 110713 PDF

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Aajeevika Skill

Guidelines 2013
Ministry of Rural Development

Table of Contents
1.Rationale and Approach
1.1 What is ASDP? ............................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 What is skilling and placement? ................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Approach of ASDP ......................................................................................................................... 3
1.3.1. Shift in emphasis - from training to career progression ....................................................... 3
1.3.2. Enable poor and marginalised to access benefits from growth ........................................... 3
1.3.3 Ease the pain of migration when it is inevitable .................................................................... 4
1.3.4. Proactive approach to building partnerships........................................................................ 5
1.3.5. Monitoring both inputs & outputs........................................................................................ 5
1.3.6. From projects to batches ...................................................................................................... 5
1.3.7. State government as the main player- Single State Project (SSP) to Annual Action Plans
(AAP) ............................................................................................................................................... 6
1.3.9. No New Multi-State Projects ................................................................................................ 8
1.3.10. North East- a priority .......................................................................................................... 8
1.3.11. Enhancing the Capacity of PIAs ........................................................................................... 8
1.3.12. Consent and State share is mandatory ............................................................................... 9
1.4 Special components of ASDP ........................................................................................................ 9
1.4.1. Roshni a special scheme for tribal areas ............................................................................ 9
1.4.2. Himayat a special scheme for Jammu and Kashmir ........................................................ 10
1.4.3. Assistance to States to achieve AAP status......................................................................... 10
1.4.4. Resource States ................................................................................................................... 11
2. Eligibility, Components and Cost Norms12
2.1Eligibility ....................................................................................................................................... 12
2.1.1 Rural youth who are poor .................................................................................................... 12
2.1.2 Focus on SC/ST, minorities and women.............................................................................. 12
2.1.3 Special groups ...................................................................................................................... 13
2.2 Components and Cost Norms ..................................................................................................... 13
2.2.1 Activities by SRLM and their Cost Norms ............................................................................. 13
2.2.2 Activities by PIA and their cost norms ................................................................................. 23
3. Programme Administration37
3.1 AAP, SSP and MSP ........................................................................................................................... 37
3.1.1 AAP..37

3.1.2 Non-AAP39
3.1.3 MSP..40
3.2 Steps to be taken by the SRLM in the administration of ASDP ................................................... 40
3.3 Steps in MoRD ............................................................................................................................. 47
3.4 Support Structures at the National Level.................................................................................... 50
3.4.1 National Advisory Group ...................................................................................................... 50
3.4.2 Empowered Committee (EC) ............................................................................................... 50
3.4.3 Project Approval Committee (PAC)...................................................................................... 51
3.5 Steps a PIA should take to access and administer ASDP resources ............................................ 52
3.6 State Perspective Implementation Plan (SPIP) ........................................................................... 55
3.7. PIA Categories and Criteria .................................................................................................... 56
3.8 Date of Applicability of revised ASDP guidelines


3.9 Convergence ............................................................................................................................... 59

3.10 Project completion.................................................................................................................... 60
4. Financial Management ..61
4.1 Allocation to States ..................................................................................................................... 61
4.2 Allocation to North Eastern States.............................................................................................. 62
4.3 Allocation for Himayat ................................................................................................................ 62
4.4 Allocation for Roshini .................................................................................................................. 62
4.5 Cost norms and fund release criteria .......................................................................................... 62
4.6 Fund release - Centre to AAP States and to PIAs in AAP States.................................................. 62
4.7 Fund release - Centre to non AAP States and to PIAs in non AAP States ................................... 63
4.9 Payments to PIAs ........................................................................................................................ 63
4.10 Electronic processing of fund release ....................................................................................... 66
4.11 Service level assurance by MoRD, its TSA and SRLM ................................................................ 66
4.12 Procurement procedure ........................................................................................................... 67
4.13 Applicability of Guidelines.67
5.Monitroing and Evaluation..68
5.1 Monitoring .................................................................................................................................. 68
5.2 Periodic monitoring of AAP ......................................................................................................... 68
5.3 Role of TSA .................................................................................................................................. 69
5.4 Concurrent monitoring of PIA as basis for fund release under AAP and SSP ............................. 69
5.5 Concurrent monitoring outputs .................................................................................................. 69

6. MIS72
6.1 Internet-enabled workflow driven national and State platform (that talk to each other).............72

PIAs own platform that talks to State level platforms or PIAs can use State or national

platforms ...............................................................................................................................................73

Online submission of project proposals....................................................................................74

7. Questios answered in each chapter74


Annual Action Plan

Above Poverty Line
Aajeevika Skills Development Project
Below Poverty Lines
Controller and Auditor General
Council for Advancement of Peoples Action and Rural
Community Based Organizations
Chief Operating Officer
Community Resource Person
Central Plan Scheme Monitoring System
Community Social Organizations
Development of North Eastern Region
District Rural Development Authority
Decision Support System
Empowered Committee
Enterprise Resource Planning
Financial Management System
Government of India
Gram Panchayat
Integrated Action Plan
Indira Awas Yojana
Integrated Child Development Scheme
Information Community Technology
Integrated Rural Development Programme
Information Education Communication
Internal Finance Division
Information Technology
Industrial Training Institute
Left Wing Extremist
Modular Employable Skills
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
Management Information Systems
Ministry of Rural Development
Memorandum of Understanding
Multi State Project
Micro Small and Medium Enterprises


National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development

NABARD Consultancy Services
National Advisory Group
National Council of Vocational Training
National Institute of Rural Development
National Institute of Open Schooling
National Mission Management Unit
National Rural Health Mission
National Rural Livelihood Mission
National Skill Development Corporation
National Skill Development Mission
National Social Assistance Programme
Prime Ministers National Council on Skill Development
Project Approval Committee
Project Implementing Agencies
Participatory Identification of Poor
Panchayati Raj Institutions
Persons with Disability
Rural Development
Rural Livelihood
State Rural Livelihood Mission
Scheduled Castes /Scheduled Tribes
Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana
Self Help Group
State Perspective and Implementation Plan
Single State Project
Technical Support Agency
Utilization Certificate
Year Programme

The Aajeevika Skill Development Programme (ASDP) is the skill and placement
initiative of the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India (MoRD).
It evolved out of the need to diversify incomes of the rural poor and to cater to
the occupational aspirations of their youth. The programmes focus is on
skilling and placement in the organised sector for rural youth who are poor.
ASDP has its origins in the Special Projects component of the Swarnajayanti
Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY).
Besides helping to reduce poverty, it rides on the hopes and aspirations for a
better quality of life in large sections of the rural poor. This has greater
significance in the current context, where 430 million people in our country are
in the age group 15-34 and constitute 35% of the population (Census 2011).
This age group is projected to increase to 464 million by 2021. This can result in
a demographic dividend for India if the capabilities of the youth are also
Prime Minister of India had raised these concerns in 2008 when he said, We
enjoy a great advantage today of having the largest population of young
people in the world. If we invest adequately in their education and
employability, this youth power has the capacity to make India shape the
emerging world order with a possibility of claiming a fourth of the global
workforce. Turning the advantage of our young population to become the
largest pool of technically trained manpower in the world is one of the most
significant policy initiatives that need to be taken collectively by the Central
and the State Governments today .

However, considering the present status of the workforce in terms of

educational attainment and skill training, this is a big challenge. If the challenge
is overcome by investing adequately in their education and employability, this
youth power has the potential to transform the Indian economy. Turning this
potential into reality is a significant initiative that the Central and the State
governments have embarked upon. One estimate has it that India has the
capacity to create 500 million skilled and certified technicians by the year
2022. By 2020, India is also expected to have a surplus of 56 million youth
while the rest of the world faces a shortage of 47 million. Moreover, in a fast
changing industrial environment, it is recognised that skill building is not a
static process and that individuals skills needs to be upgraded continuously if
the workforce is to remain relevant and employable.
Government of India initiated steps for a coordinated action on skill
development in 2008 by putting in place a governance structure for
implementation of skill initiatives at highest level. It also worked on a policy for
providing an enabling environment and framework to address the challenges
of skill development. A three tier governance structure for skill development
was established. It consisted of:

The Prime Ministers Council on Skill Development (PMNCSD) as the

apex body for policy direction

ii. The National Skill Development Coordination Board (NSDCB) in Planning

Commission for coordinating and synergizing the efforts of the various

central ministries involved in the skill development
iii. National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) for catalysing private

sector efforts in the skill development.

A National Policy on Skill Development of 2009 was notified that focused on

policy coherence, inclusivity, improving quality with emphasis on employment
outcomes. Subsequently, in June, 2013, Government of India constituted an
autonomous body called the National Skill Development Agency (NSDA) by
subsuming the PMNCSD, NSDCB and the Office of the Adviser to the PM on
Skill Development.
The NSDA is located in the Ministry of Finance. It will coordinate and
harmonise the skill development efforts of the Government and the private
sector to:

Achieve the skilling targets of the 12th Plan and beyond;

ii. Anchor and operationalize the National Skills Qualifications Framework

iii. Be the nodal agency for Sector Skills Councils and endeavour to bridge

the social, regional, gender and economic divides in skilling.

The NSDA provides the much needed single point focus to ensure that skilling
quality and standards meet sector specific requirements benchmarked to
international standards.
The above initiatives will help in achieving the vision of creating 500 million
skilled people by 2022. This aspiration exceeds current resources and therefore
much of the effort must be directed towards resource augmentation and
capacity development. Sufficient attention has to be given to design the skill
development programme for inclusiveness and to deal with the divides in
society such as gender, rural/urban, organised/unorganised employment and
traditional/contemporary work place etc. The focus is on designing
interventions that ensure that the supply of trained manpower adjusts

dynamically to the changes in demand for employment. Finally, the system

must not discriminate between private and public delivery and should focus on
outcomes, consumer choice and competition.
The Strategy envisaged for operationalizing the skill development initiatives
has three features.

The process of skill acquisition must be bankable, including for the poor.
The approach should be demand-driven. This does not preclude State
support to the candidates from deprived sections. The effort should be
to complement public investment with institutional/bank finance.

ii. Skills must be substitutable, the rigid boundaries between categories of

Education, diplomas and degrees has created a rigid structure within

education. This must be transformed into a more open/flexible system
that permits competent individuals to accumulate their knowledge and
skills, and convert them through testing and certification into higher
diplomas and degrees.
iii. Partnerships should be between various stakeholders in the skill

development eco system.

The programmes of Ministry of Rural Developments (MoRD) for selfemployment and creation of assets started with Integrated Rural Development
Programme (IRDP) in the year 1980. During the 9th plan period, SelfEmployment Programmes were revamped by merging the Integrated Rural
Development Programme (IRDP), the Development of Women and Children in
Rural Areas (DWCRA), the Supply of Improved Tool-Kits to Rural Artisans
(SITRA), the Training of Rural Youth for Self Employment (TRYSEM), the Ganga
Kalyan Yojana (GKY) and the Million Wells Scheme (MWS) into a holistic selfemployment scheme called Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY). It

graduated in 2004 to Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)- Special

Projects. The SGSY special projects provided time-bound training and capacity
building for bringing a specific number of Below Poverty Line (BPL) families
above poverty through skilling and placement in jobs that provided regular
wage employment. Up until May 2013, around 8.60 lakh have been trained
and 6.80 lakh youth have been given employment. This programme was
revisited in the light of the new Skills framework and repositioned under
Aajeevika as the Aajeevika Skill Development Programme (ASDP).
During the 12th Plan, MoRD has been given the target to skill 50 lakh rural BPL
youth. Accordingly, the strategy has been revisited and a decision taken to
move from direct implementation by the Central government to further build
capacities of State Governments for implementation of ASDP and to help build
coordination mechanisms at Central levels to improve the skilling delivery
process. MoRD has over the last nine months undertaken a detailed exercise to
revise the operational guidelines for ASDP so that it is able to address the
challenge of imparting skills to 50 lakh people during the 12th Plan. It did this
in consultation with all stakeholders, particularly State Governments, ASDP
implementing partners, employers and poor rural youth. It also benefitted
from the lessons learnt in rolling out Himayat in collaboration with the State
Government of Jammu and Kashmir. It has also benefitted from the learnings
from implementing skilling programmes over the last three decades.

These guidelines are the product of these efforts.

1. Rationale and Approach

1.1 What is ASDP?
1.1.1 The Aajeevika Skill Development Programme (ASDP) aims to skill rural
youth who are poor and provide them with jobs in the organised sector. It is
one a cluster of initiatives of the Ministry of Rural Development, Government
of India (MoRD) that seeks to promote rural livelihoods. It is a part of the
National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) - the Mission for poverty reduction
called Aajeevika.
1.1.2 MoRD pursues its goal of rural poverty reduction by adopting a multipronged strategy. This includes programs for rural infrastructure (Pradhan
Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana PMGSY), rural housing (Indira Awas Yojana - IAY),
employment guarantee (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment
Guarantee Scheme - MGNREGS), livelihood promotion (National Rural
Livelihood Mission - Aajeevika) and social pensions (National Social Assistance
Programme - NSAP). ASDP derives its importance from its potential to reduce
poverty by diversifying incomes and reducing their uncertainty.
1.1.3 There is a continuum of skills that are required in an economy and there
are various ways in which to acquire them. In India, while higher-level skills
have received some attention, the same cannot be said for skills for which
formal education is not a prerequisite. This means that the poor are doubly hit
- first because of poverty and second because of poor access to formal
education. ASDP seeks to fill this gap by imparting specific set of knowledge,
skills and attitude needed by the poor to access full time jobs in the formal

1.2 What is skilling and placement?

1.2.1 Skilling and placement under ASDP involves eight distinct steps:

Awareness building within the community on the opportunities

ii. Identifying rural youth who are poor

iii. Mobilising rural youth who are interested

iv. Counselling of youth and parents
v. Selection based on aptitude
vi. Imparting knowledge, industry linked skills and attitude that enhance

vii. Providing jobs in the formal sector that can be verified through
methods that can stand up to independent scrutiny, and which pays
above minimum wages
viii. Supporting the person so employed for sustainability after placement
1.2.2 There are seven types of interventions that ASDP supports. All are
executed with the help of Project Implementing Agency (PIAs)2 and retention is
tracked3. These interventions are for:


Persons who are placed through ASDP job fairs without skill inputs
through ASDP
Persons who are placed after a three month training program on skill,
soft skills4, English and IT.
Persons who are placed after a six month training program on skill,
soft skills, English and IT.
Persons who are placed after a nine month training program on skill,
soft skills, English and IT.
Persons who are placed after a two part training program of nine +
three months. The nine month period is used to enable acquisition of
a National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) qualification (8th or
10th class). The three month period is the standard ASDP skill, soft
skills, English and IT intervention.
Persons who are placed in a foreign country after a customised
training program not more than 12 months in duration.

Where participatory identification of the poor has been completed by the Aajeevika team, the ranked list
they produce will be used. In other cases the latest version of the BPL/SECC list is to be used.
PIAs are required to place a minimum of 75% of those who are trained in the formal sector. This is a nonnegotiable. There are also separate targets for SC/ST/minorities and women. Shortfalls up to 5% of target will
be considered in individual categories but the amount payable to the PIA per trainee will be deducted to
extent of the shortfall in each category.
Retention tracking for all ASDP interventions is for 365 calendar days
Soft skills include reading, writing, speaking, team work, learning, work ethic, financial literacy, time
management etc.

vii. Persons who are placed after a three or six month training program

and On the Job Training (OJT) of not less than three months.

All the interventions will essentially contain components for developing soft
skills of trainees. It will include components on Communication Skills, Team
work, Communicative English, Interpersonal skills, Work readiness etc.

1.3 Approach of ASDP

ASDP has a number of features. These are described below. Some of these are
distinct from skilling efforts of other departments in Government of India.
1.3.1. Shift in emphasis - from training to career progression
In the skills sector the emphasis traditionally has been on skilling. With the
Special Projects for Skill development under Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar
Yojana (SGSY), MoRD broke new ground by insisting on placement. This was
further refined by defining placement as continuous work for three months
with salary slip as evidence. These guidelines extend/sharpen this as follows:
Certificate by the employer and trainee supported by bank
statements as alternate evidence of successful placement
ii. Introducing post placement tracking, counselling and facilitation for a
period of one year.
iii. Retention i.e. continuous work over a period of 365 days with a
maximum break of 60 calendar days during this period as a goal5.

Going forward we aspire to shift emphasis by providing resources for career

progression through further skill up gradation.

1.3.2. Enable poor and marginalised to access benefits from growth

ASDP is designed to equip unemployed youth from rural poor households with
employable skills that enable them to secure employment in the formal sector.

PIAs under ASDP are being encouraged to pursue retention and are being given additional resources to make
it viable.

ASDP projects are implemented in partnership with private sector, public

sector and Civil Society Organisations (CSO) (alternately called PIA). ASDP
pursues its mandate to assist the rural poor by:
Ensuring that all trainees are from poor rural households.
ii. Ensuring that trainees are able to access skilling and placement
services free of cost.
iii. Adopting a Gram Panchayat (GP) saturation approach to enrolment
to enable better mutual support.
iv. Providing financial assistance for transport/lodging and food during
v. Providing for post placement support for six months.
vi. Providing for post-placement counselling, facilitation and tracking for
one year.
vii. Providing training in a number of trades that do not require formal
viii. Working with G.P and Self Help Groups(SHGs) to authenticate

1.3.3 Ease the pain of migration when it is inevitable

Skills and placement in many cases involves migration of youth from their
place of residence to locations within or outside their districts and in townships
outside the State. Rural youth moving out of their homes face issues with
respect to accommodation, food, isolation, work culture and social norms and
sometimes fall prey to ill health, substance abuse, trafficking and exploitation.
They also take time in adjusting to the work regime in the formal sector. ASDP
helps to ease the pain in three ways.
By helping candidates make an informed choice about training
courses that match their aptitude.
ii. By preparing trainees to take up employment away from home.
iii. By providing counselling and support services for one year.

Migration Support Centre (MSC) is a permissible activity under ASDP. These are
run in areas where there large numbers of ASDP placements from a state.

Funding is provided to the State Rural Livelihood Mission (SRLM) which may
take up this activity on its own or with the help of a PIA. Besides the MSC each
PIA is also required to open a call centre to which their trainees and alumni can
turn to for help for up to one year after completion of training.
1.3.4. Proactive approach to building partnerships
SGSY special projects for skill development were implemented through Public
Private Partnerships (PPP). The experience of implementing the programme
has helped in developing and improving the capabilities of a number of PIAs. In
the context of MoRD having been given a target of 50 lakhs for skill
development and placement during the 12th five year plan, special efforts are
being made to streamline procedures and bring on board new partners. To this
end outreach events are being organised in different parts of the country and
training programs for staff of existing and potential PIAs are being organised.

1.3.5. Monitoring both inputs & outputs

Monitoring of inputs and outputs are critical for ensuring the success of ASDP.
So far the focus has been on ensuring placement i.e. outputs. Through these
guidelines there is a re-balancing of effort by giving due attention to matters
such as trainer and training quality, training centre infrastructure and design,
teaching learning materials, certification etc.
1.3.6. From projects to batches
Going forward, once the internet enabled workflow driven Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) platform for skills (of MoRD) is in place the plan is to shift from
the current system of sanctioning individual projects will give way to
empaneling of PIAs who are financed on a continuing basis. The quantum of
funding under this arrangement will depend on the number training centres
that on inspection are found to fit ASDP criteria, their batch size, nature of
trade, placement success rates, salary and retention rates.

1.3.7. State government as the main player- Single State Project (SSP) to
Annual Action Plans (AAP)
The learnings from implementing Multi-State Projects (MSP) and the
experiences of initiatives taken by certain State Governments have shown that
the involvement of State Governments in ASDP is critical to its success.

Many State Governments are currently unaware of their importance in

ensuring the success of ASDP projects. This has implications for mobilisation,
scalability, accountability of PIA partners, sensitiveness to demand for different
trades and their related mix of skills and supply dynamics. It is also seen that
when State Governments have their own skill development programme with a
dedicated machinery that does tracking and monitoring of training, it has led
to better quality outcomes training, placement, retention and career
progression. These States are in a better position to identify deserving poor
candidates, assess local skill gaps, propose suitable skilling programmes,
monitor training and placement and muster support for the trainees when
they are most vulnerable i.e. in the first six months.
MoRDs strategy for ASDP in the 12th five year plan is to move from direct
implementation to further build capacities of State Governments for
implementation of the programme and to focus at the Central level on
improving the quality of design and delivery of the skilling process. For this
purpose, States will be required to prepare Annual Action Plans (AAPs) for Skill
Development and Placement as a separate component of their overall NRLM
AAP. In due course, the AAPs would be prepared within the framework of a
State Perspective Implementation Plan (SPIP) for skills. Once the AAP has been
approved by the Empowered Committee (EC) of MoRD, specific project
implementation (through PIAs) and monitoring would be done by the States.
MoRD will actively partner with states to build their capacity and to devolve
power and responsibility according to each states capacity. At present, the
capacity to implement this programme is not uniform across states. Availability
of an implementation mechanism at state, district and sub district levels will
enable states to engage with this challenge in a structured and effective way.

States that have achieved AAP status for skills can immediately formulate their
AAPs in consonance with these guidelines. Others would need to meet the
following five readiness conditions before they can achieve AAP status.

Establish a separate cell in the SRLM for skills and placement

Position a full time Chief Operating Officer(COO)/Programme
Manager(Skills)for ASDP
Position full time dedicated staff at district and sub-district levels for
Operationalise an effective appraisal and monitoring system for ASDP
Publish a state policy on use of state owned premises and other
infrastructure by PIAs implementing ASDP projects.

Until the above happens, ASDP projects will be sanctioned in accordance with
sections in these guidelines relevant for Single State Projects (SSPs), to PIAs
proposing state-specific projects. However, in the case of North Eastern States
and Union Territories, Composite projects having identifiable and mutually
independent sub components in the participating States/UTs will be permitted
provided respective States/UTs give their consent to the project and agree to
provide the relevant state share mandated under NRLM (10% for NorthEastern States, Sikkim and Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand and 25% for all
others except J&K for which 100% central funding has been agreed to for
Himayat). In the case of UTs it is expected that the participating States would
be continuous states.

1.3.8. Role for Gram Panchayats

The GP have a key role in the successful implementation of ASDP, especially to
reach out to poorest households within their jurisdiction. As ASDP adopts a
village saturation approach for skilling, GPs have a role in generating
awareness about the programme, facilitating the mobilization efforts, creating
databases for skill demand and placement, assist in conducting the Job melas
and support the PIA in all stages of implementation. GPs will need to ensure
that the most vulnerable sections, including women participate in the
programme. They will have to conduct special counseling sessions with the

potential candidates as well as parents of the potential candidates and make

them aware of the possibilities of the programme. When the PIAs conduct the
skill training, the GPs can keep track of the implementation by accessing
various Management Information Systems (MIS) reports and direct interaction
with the candidates undergoing training. The GPs can bring issues concerning
implementation to the attention of concerned authorities at the district and
state missions. The GPs can track the placement provided to the candidates
after training, interact with candidates and their parents to monitor various
aspects in the jobs and act as part of the redressal mechanism.

1.3.9. No New Multi-State Projects

With a view to enabling states to take full ownership of ASDP projects it has
been decided not to consider any more Multi State Projects (MSP). However,
in the case of North Eastern States and Union Territories, composite projects
having sub components in various States will be permitted. Respective States
will have the responsibility of recommending their respective sub components
as well as monitoring implementation of projects once they have been
sanctioned. This has been allowed because of their small size and difficult
terrain. MSPs that are under various stages of implementation will continue till
they are completed.

1.3.10. North East- a priority

Besides allowing for composite projects, MoRD plans to launch a special
scheme under ASDP in collaboration with Ministry of Development of North
Eastern Region (DONER) for skilling projects specific to the needs,
requirements and the special characteristics of States in the north east. Till
such time, these guidelines will be operational, but the needs of the north
eastern states will be prioritised and maximum operational flexibility within
these guidelines allowed.
1.3.11. Enhancing the Capacity of PIAs
The skilling capacity of training partners has to be augmented on a priority
basis. Only then can ASDP reach out to all those who need it, irrespective of

geography and formal education. New training service providers need to be

nurtured, and their capability developed. To this end states need to facilitate
the creation of relevant pool of trainers, enable PIAs to access to government
infrastructure, get bank loans and handhold new and old training institutions.
Only those States that do this quickly and successfully will be able to utilise the
full potential of ASDP.

1.3.12. Consent and State share is mandatory

Up until now States had the option to ask PIAs to meet the gap in Central
funding. This option has now been withdrawn. State contribution to the full
extent of state share has been made mandatory. States can however
contribute up to a maximum of 10% of project cost in kind by allowing PIAs to
use government infrastructure such as Schools/ITIs etc. for skilling purposes. In
doing so the costing has to be done as per rates prevailing at the time the State
Government recommends/sanctions a project. Similarly hence forth no SSP
projects will be sanctioned by MoRD until it receives the recommendation of
the state department in charge of Rural Development.

1.4 Special components of ASDP

1.4.1. Roshni a special scheme for tribal areas
A special scheme called Roshni with separate guidelines has been launched
that takes into account the peculiar situation in extremist affected districts. In
particular it provides for training programs over different time periods.
Currently these are for three, six, nine and twelve months. In the twelve month
format besides the normal, skill, IT and soft skill training, trainees are also
provided National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) certification (8th or 10th)
depending on the level at which they dropped out of the formal school system.
These guidelines will be applicable to Roshni projects in both AAP and non AAP
states. Roshni will be extended to cover all tribal (Schedule V) areas and the
scheme will be oriented towards addressing the infrastructure, education and
health deficiencies in these areas, and leveraging the availability of natural
resources and traditional skills and knowledge.

1.4.2. Himayat a special scheme for Jammu and Kashmir

MoRD operates a special scheme under ASDP for Jammu and Kashmir which
unlike other ASDP flavours covers:
Urban as well as rural youth
ii. Below Poverty Line(BPL) as well as Above Poverty Line(APL) persons
iii. Wage employment in the formal sector as well as self-employment.

This is a 100% centrally funded scheme implemented with the help of the state
government by a dedicated Himayat Mission Management Unit located in both
Srinagar and Jammu. The norms in these guidelines will not be applicable to

1.4.3. Assistance to States to achieve AAP status

In view of the fact that the capacity to tackle the challenge of skilling and
placement for sustainable livelihoods is at present not available in most States,
MoRD through National Institute of Rural Development(NIRD) and other
identified institution, will support SRLMs in developing such capacity.
Workshops and training sessions will organised on request for SRLM staff as
soon as they are recruited. These workshops will cover, inter alia:
Implementation of ASDP and key non-negotiables
ii. Preparation of SPIP and AAP
iii. Enabling States to meet readiness conditions necessary to become an
AAP state i.e. gain full powers to sanction and monitor ASDP projects.
iv. Protocols for selection of PIA
v. Protocols for field appraisal and monitoring of projects
vi. Protocol for inspection and grading of ASDP training centres
vii. Building the ASDP brand standardising quality of trainers, training
and the look and feel of ASDP training centres
viii. Operation of the Programme MIS (http://nrlmskills.in)
ix. Protocols for monitoring
x. Guidance for bringing existing MSP to an orderly closure
xi. Audit and transparency norms


1.4.4. Resource States

States that have been successfully implementing skilling programmes have
been identified as Resource States. Andhra Pradesh and Tami Nadu have been
identified as Resource States. States are encouraged to seek and receive
technical and implementation support from these Resource States.


2. Eligibility, Components & Cost Norms

2.1 Eligibility
2.1.1 Rural youth who are poor
The target group for ASDP are poor rural youth in the age group 18-35. For
those with disabilities and for those who belong to Particularly Vulnerable
Tribal Groups (PTGs) the upper limit is 45 years. Special groups comprising of
Persons with Disabilities (PwD), victims of trafficking, manual scavengers,
transgender, rehabilitated bonded labour may be allowed to enrol if they are
above 16, provided they become 18 by the time they finish training including
on the job training if any.

The poor will be identified by a process called Participatory Identification of

Poor (PIP) which is an important component of the NRLM strategy. Till the time
poor are identified through the use of PIP, the existing list of Below Poverty
Line (BPL) households will be used for identifying the target groups for ASDP.

In addition to these, youth that have worked as labourers in MGNREGS work

sites for at least 35 days in each of the previous three years will also be eligible
even if they are not in the BPL list. It is expected that they will be identified
during the PIP.

2.1.2 Focus on SC/ST, minorities and women

At the national level, 50% of the funds would be earmarked for SCs and STs
with the proportion between SCs and STs being decided from time to time by
the MoRD. A further 15% of the funds would be set apart for beneficiaries
from among minority groups. States/PIAs should also ensure that at least 3% of
beneficiaries are from among persons with disabilities. One third of the
persons covered should be women. This earmarking is only the minimum.
However, targets from SC and ST can be interchanged if there are no eligible
beneficiaries from either of the category and it is certified as such by the

2.1.3 Special groups

Though there are no separate targets for special groups such as Persons with
Disabilities (PwD), victims of trafficking, manual scavengers, trans-gender,
rehabilitated bonded labour and other vulnerable groups, States have to
develop strategies that address issues of access of special groups who usually
get left out. The nature of affirmative action that is required to overcome their
challenges and barriers to participation needs to be incorporated into the skill
action plan proposed by the State. In the case of those with hearing and
speech impairment, locomotor and visual impairment it will also be necessary
to sensitise prospective employers to ensure they get job placements. A note
on note on placement linked training of PwD can be accessed from

2.2 Components and Cost Norms

ASDP activities can be broken up broadly into two parts:
Activities by the SRLM
ii. Activities by PIAs

2.2.1 Activities by SRLM and their Cost Norms

This section details the list of activities that an SRLM is expected to undertake
and the cost norms for it. These will also apply to State Nodal Agencies (SNA)
that has been designated as the state ASDP implementing agency. Skills Gap Assessment (SGA)

SGAs are aimed at identifying GP wise demand for skills and placement and at
matching candidate numbers in different skill categories with potential for
placement. While data from the decennial census and studies by National Skill
Development Corporation (NSDC) can be a starting point, SRLMs would need
to undertake detailed GP wise assessments directly or through professional
agencies. SRLMs may also build a state wide youth database with details of
those willing and able to benefit from ASDP in each GP. Proper study of labour
markets to assess skill requirement for jobs within the state and in regions

outside it are also need to be carried out from time to time. The best way to
build the state youth database is to update data captured by the Socio
Economic Caste Census (SECC). This can be done using tablet PCs and software
(suitably upgraded) made available to state rural development departments
for conducting the SECC. Aajeevika community resources persons can assist in
this survey.

Such an exercise is needed so that the SRLM can fix district, block and GP wise
targets for mobilisation, job fairs, IEC etc. and also to meaningfully assess
proposals submitted by PIAs. SRLMs will be provided funding by MoRD for this
from the ASDP budget at the rate of up to 1 % of total project cost paid to PIAs
in the state in a year. SRLMs will have to submit details (in the form of a
project) and secure EC approval to become eligible to receive this amount. This
is over and above the SGA that each PIA is expected to complete and submit
for the catchment area of its project. MoRD will separately bring out guidelines
for SGAs based on experience gathered in various states and situations. Job Mela

Job melas are to be organized by the SRLM (either directly or with the help of
PIAs) at the block and GP level to the extent possible. This should bring
potential employers and local youth face to face. These melas should be
organised with due care by adopting Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
developed for the purpose. These should inter alia involve registration and
counselling for youth, due diligence with respect to employers (only those with
a good track record should be allowed to participate) and tracking of
placement outcomes for one year. These fairs are primarily meant for those
who have employable skills acquired without participating in the training
programs funded under ASDP. However this should not prevent those already
trained from using these job melas to improve their job prospects. Funding for
this is available from the ASDP budget of MoRD up to Rs. 50,000/- per job fair
at GP level (provided 100 candidates are placed)and Rs. 1.00 lakh per fair at
block level (provided 200 candidates are placed). SRLMs will have to obtain EC
approval for a project that details how they propose to spend this money
before these funds can be disbursed.
14 Information Education and Communication (IEC)

Appropriate awareness and publicity campaigns are to be conducted using

local and national electronic/print media, road shows, nukkad nataks etc.
Particular attention needs to be given to SC, ST and minority pockets in the
rural areas of the state. This should be used for mobilising and selecting
beneficiaries and also to bring about awareness about the program amongst
both candidates and employers. The programme website and tracking system
has also to be kept operational. Funding for this activity is available from the
ASDP budget of MoRD at the rate of up to 1.5 % of the project training cost
paid to PIAs in the state in a year. SRLMs will have to obtain EC approval for a
project that details how they propose to spend this money before these funds
can be disbursed. Migration Support Centres (MSP)

In many cases ASDP training and placement involves training rural youth and
placing them in jobs away from their native districts or even states. SRLMs
should therefore consider opening MSPs in concentrations where a large
number of those trained in their state are working. This is different from the
finishing and work readiness centres that PIAs are required to operate. Here
activities such as alumni support, accommodation assistance, counselling
services, periodic get-togethers and networking events with employers, local
newsletters, coordination with local civil and police administration etc. are to
be undertaken. Funding for this is available from the ASDP budget of MoRD at
the rate of up to Rs. 10,00,000/- per centre per year. These centres may either
be for S.C/S.T/minorities migrating within the State or to support migration
outside the State. The opening of the centres would be part of the AAP/project
as cleared by EC of MoRD. Alumni support

Each SRLM should have a clear ASDP alumni development strategy. These
should include:



Post placement facilitation in the post tracking phase i.e. after one
year of training
Strategies for improving retention and facilitating career progression
Networking opportunities including with employers
News letters
Discussion board
Long term tracking
Annual events
Electronic job market
Facilitate further skilling through convergence
Linking to social security and other schemes

Funding for this is available from the ASDP budget of MoRD at the rate of up to
1.5 % of the project training cost paid to PIAs in the state in a year. SRLMs will
have to obtain project approval from the EC of MoRD to be able to access this
resource. Capacity building

Skill development and placement is a new and emerging area for most states.
It is therefore important that substantial investments are made to build
capacity at all levels. These include capacity building for SRLM staff, PIA staff
and trainers.

For State Rural Livelihood Mission

Sensitization workshops and preliminary training sessions should be organised

by States as soon as the state skills team has been recruited. These workshops
can be facilitated by NIRD and may inter alia include:

Preparation of SPIP and AAP

Readiness conditions for AAP
Protocols for monitoring projects, AAP, SSP and existing MSPs
Strategy for implementation and key non-negotiables
Protocols for selection of PIAs
Protocols for pre sanction field appraisal

vii. Audit practices and transparency norms

viii. Protocols for inspection and compliance monitoring of ASDP training

ix. Steps involved in expenditure verification of PIA accounts.
x. Use of MIS to undertake fortnightly monitoring of PIA performance
xi. Quality audit of class room transactions using CCTV footage
xii. Enhancing the ASDP brand by standardising the look and feel of ASDP
training centres and the quality of training therein
xiii. Operation of MoRDs workflow driven internet enabled ASDP ERP
For staff of PIAs

Capacity development of PIAs both current and prospective is an important

function of the SRLM. The purpose of this is to ensure that there is clarity on
how to apply, how to train, how to place and how to retain so as to be in
compliance with ASDP protocols. The ASDP strategy is supportive supervision
and not merely fault finding. SRLM should be in a position to identify likely
mistakes and take pre-emptive action so that common mistakes are avoided
and the larger objective of enabling poor and vulnerable youth from rural
areas to access opportunities from Indias formal sector is not compromised.
The capacity building exercise should include not only workshops for senior
management, but also for PIA staff who prepare project proposals and are in
charge of running training centres and ensuring quality of class room
transactions. Facilitation should also be provided for PIAs to access state
government infrastructure that have potential for more intensive use such as
evening sessions in schools, ITIs etc.
Certification of Master trainers

The quality of trainers is an important driver for the success of the ASDP
program. SRLMs should therefore invest considerable energy and resources to
ensure that trainers deployed by PIAs have the requisite knowledge, skills and
attitude to deliver quality training programs that result in quality placements,
high retention and sustainable career progression. This can be achieved by
PIAs recruiting and deploying master trainers as part of their Q teams. These

master trainers should be put in charge of a number of training centres and be

responsible for the quality of training as well as the record of placement,
retention and career progression of trainees coming out of centres assigned to
them. Master trainers can evaluate the quality of training at each training
centre by reviewing CCTV footage, visiting centres, looking at test results and
retention rates of trainees from each training centre. They should organise
periodic workshops for trainers who are found wanting in specific knowledge,
skills or attitude. This would also require the creation and maintenance of a
data base of trainers for each trade and tracking of different aspects of their
performance. Master trainers recruited by PIAs will be trained, certified and
monitored by NIRD.
Capacity enhancement of the PIAs universe

The capacity requirement to meet the skilling targets for the next 10 years is
immense. While a substantial part will come from growth and capacity
development of existing PIAs, the development of new PIAs by encouraging
institutions engaged in rural development, education and large employers to
take up skilling as a new or supplementary venture will need to be given a
specific thrust.
Capacity Building through Resource Institutions

Different states are in different stages of implementation of ASDP. It would

therefore be advisable to designate a few institutions of excellence as state
and national resource institutions for ASDP. These institutions can then be
used both as technical support centres and as training centres.
GOI would designate resource institutions whose assistance SRLMs can avail
of. Funding for capacity building activities is available to SRLMs from the ASDP
budget of MoRD at the rate of up to 3 % of the total annual budget of ASDP.
Funds will be released to SRLMs on the basis of project proposals approved by
the E.C.

18 Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation is a critical component of ASDP. This is particularly

so because the program is run as a partnership between MoRD, SRLMs and
both private and public agencies. There are two aspects to this. One is
monitoring. The second is impact assessment and evaluation.


Monitoring is a continuous measurement of progress (quantity and quality)

while the training is on-going. This involves checking and measuring progress,
analysing the situation and reacting to new events, opportunities, and issues.
Monitoring of an ASDP project needs to be done by the PIA, by the SRLM and
by MoRD. NIRD will develop effective monitoring framework and capacitate
SRLMs, PIAs and MoRD to build effective ASDP monitoring systems. This would
involve interventions to:



Establish distinct high level Quality teams (Q teams) within the PIA
and SRLM that will monitor all steps required to be taken. These
a. Beneficiary identification
b. Beneficiary mobilisation and selection
c. Trainer
d. Training
e. Certification
f. Placement
g. Retention
h. Career progression
i. Alumni support
Determine key performance indicators for each process(mobilisation,
training, placement, retention to career progression)
Specify who and what needs to be monitored (PIA performance,
program performance, quality of internal systems and processes,
performances of monitoring agencies)

Concurrent Evaluation in ASDP is done through:







Fortnightly review of the PIAs web site and issuing advisories on

shortfalls or deviations with respect to performance targets. This is to
be done by the SRLM or by the Technical Support Agency (TSA). PIAs
are required to ensure that the daily status of geo tagged time
stamped attendance of both trainers and trainees are available on
their web site as is the daily status of all equipment, teaching aids
and consumables. Trainee wise details of tests and quizzes
administered along with questions and answers and marks should
also be available for inspection on the web site.
Monthly inspection of each training centre by the Q team of the PIA.
During these inspections the Q team will use protocols developed by
NIRD for this purpose and post the results on their web site along
with weekly updates on compliance by centre managers and
individual trainers. It has to be ensured that the Q teams are of very
high quality and have the training to be quality inspectors. They
should not be involved in the implementation of the programme.
Each ASDP training centre will have CCTVs installed in the lab and
class room, footage from which is to be reviewed during these
inspections to ensure that the quality of the classroom interaction is
of a requisite level.
Bi-monthly inspection of each training centre by the SRLM or its TSA.
During these inspections the information provided on the web site of
the PIA will be verified including the inspection notes and compliance
of the PIAs Q team.
Once in three months the TSA will also inspect a number of randomly
chosen training centres chosen using lot quality assurance sampling
(LQAS)6 standards approved by NIRD. At these inspections the
veracity of the inspection notes uploaded by the SRLM or its TSA as
well as the Q team of the PIA will be checked. Findings and status of
compliance of these inspections will form the basis for decision to
release funds to the PIA.
PIAs using internet enabled accounting software to manage their
funds and using this to provide view only access to SRLM or its TSA.

See http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2912491/ for a description on why it is important to use



Voucher level data should also be available through this. PIA will use
a singly designated bank account to receive and make all payments of
ASDP funds. This account will be mapped on to Central Plan Scheme
Monitoring System (CPSMS) and view only rights will be given to the
SRLM and the Central coordinating agencies. Financial monitoring of
projects required for assessing fund release readiness conditions will
be done using bank account details on CPSMS and accounting details
on the online software. Once in three month visits to physically check
the veracity of the online accounts will also be undertaken by the
SRLM and the central coordinating agency.

Impact assessment and evaluation

The success of ASDP is dependent on the quality of support and supervision
that is provided to each PIA. While concurrent evaluation is expected to deal
with issues as they emerge it is also important to take a long range view of the
impact of the interventions that are being undertaken. This is best done
through independent studies. Impact assessment and evaluation has therefore
been identified as an integral part of ASDP. SRLMs are expected to commission
studies by reputed agencies/ institutions and to act on their findings.

Funding for monitoring and evaluation activities is available from the ASDP
budget of MoRD at the rate of up to 3.5 % of the project training cost paid to
PIAs in the state in a year. SRLMs should obtain approval of the empowered
meeting in MoRD to access these funds. Staff Block level and below

An important point of departure in Aajeevika (from other centrally sponsored

schemes) is the treatment of costs of professionals at the block level and
below as program costs and not admin costs. Highly motivated and competent
staff is critical for the success of ASDP. It is expected that there would be a
dedicated full time block program manager for skills as well as a number of
Community Resource Persons (CRP). Funding for professionals deployed at the
block level and below is available from the ASDP budget of MoRD at the rate of

up to Rs. 3.5 lakhs per year per block. The approval of the EC of MoRD will be
required to access these funds. Administration costs

Over and above the above mentioned line of activities and cost structure,
SRLMs will also be able to access MoRD ASDP funds to meet administrative
expenses including staff costs and office expenditure at the district and state
level. This will be at the rate of 5% of the total annual ASDP spending of the
SRLM. It is expected that the SRLM will use these funds to deploy a dedicated
full time team for ASDP in the state and district. Considering the fact that 25%
of all NRLM spending in a State has to be on ASDP, it is imperative that the
skills team in a State is led by a full time person in the State HQ with the rank
and powers of a Chief Operating Officer. The team assisting the COO will have
to perform the following tasks. The suggested division of work is as follows:
State Program Manager (Mobilisation, Counselling & Job Fairs)
ii. State Program Manager (PIA coordination &development)
iii. State Program Manager(IT &biometrics)
iv. State Program Manager(Finance &proposal examination)
v. State Program Manager(Pedagogy &learning management)
vi. State Program Manager(Alumni, Migration support, placement,
retention tracking & career progression tracking)
vii. State Program Manager (Inspection, Quality Assurance & Branding)
viii. State Program Manager(Coordination with State Skill Mission and
other State Skilling initiatives)

In addition to the above professionals, support staff will also be required at the
State and district levels.


2.2.2 Activities by PIA and their cost norms

The activities to be undertaken by the PIA are detailed below. Mobilisation, Counselling and Selection

Mobilisation, counselling and selection of candidates are activities to be

undertaken before training is undertaken. On the quality of work done at this
stage depends the post training placement and retention rates. Mobilisation

The quality of candidates mobilised has a significant impact on retention

during training as well as in the jobs they are placed in as well career
progression. The SRLMs have a crucial role in sensitising local communities and
CSOs so as to improve the effectiveness and quality of the mobilisation

The mobilisation process can be done from one of the following approaches:
The SRLM can identify the area where it wants to implement the
project and invites PIAs for formulating projects. The State will have
to sensitise the community, GPs and CSOs regarding the scheme. The
process for selection of PIAs has to be on the basis of clearly laid out
norms which have been conveyed to all the stakeholders. All the
steps should be transparent and there should be a feeling in the
community that the process was fair.
ii. The PIA can select an area and suggest to State for implementing the
programme. Based on the assessment of the State Government of
the need for the programme, various steps including awareness
generation, mobilisation from within the community and
identification of beneficiaries can be carried out.
iii. A hybrid approach combining the elements from both the above
approaches can also be adopted.


Actual mobilisation must be done by the PIA in areas identified by the district
administration. They should involve institutions of the poor established under
Aajeevika as well as GPs. Both GPs and Aajeevika institutions have an
important role in ensuring that the skills and placement needs of all eligible
persons in all habitations are addressed.

The willingness of the candidate identified after mobilisation to undergo the

training programme has to be ascertained. The selection process for
identifying the trainees has to be transparent and open to all stakeholders.
There is a fine balance to be had between aspiration, eligibility and aptitude.
While all residents have a right to be considered, it could well mean that not all
those who are considered for a particular trade are selected. This is acceptable,
provided records are maintained that show that aptitude tests did not indicate
a match between aspiration and potential or the aspirant was not eligible. The
fact that PIAs have to ensure that at least 75% of those trained are placed
should be motivation enough for them to ensure that inclusion errors are
minimised. GPs and Aajeevika institutions have to ensure that exclusion errors
are minimised. They also have to validate the income potential of placements
PIAs shall give priority in mobilizing and selecting candidates identified as
focus/special groups in these guidelines. They should also adopt a GP
saturation model while mobilising. This serves two purposes.
It ensures that none of the residents who are desirous of being skilled
and placed are left out from being considered.
ii. It allows both parents and candidates to support each other during
training and placement. This is especially important if training or
placement happens to be in a location distant from their place of
i. Counselling

Candidate counselling should provide information to prospective trainees on

the nature of work in the sector/trade, availability of jobs, deliverables by the
employer, entitlements, growth prospects and risks involved. This is aimed at

helping both candidates and parents make informed choices and to match
aptitude with aspirations. Counselling would be done mainly by PIAs, within
frameworks developed by SRLMs, which may include creation of on-job
counselling sources as well as Job Melas. Selection

Selection is the stage after counselling. A list of those selected on the basis of
aptitude tests (psychometric and others) and counselling (by trained
counsellors) is prepared and uploaded on the designated MIS. It will be the
case that not all candidates who are mobilised attend counselling and not all
who attend counselling are finally selected. While it should be ensured that all
those desirous of being skilled and placed are considered and put through
counselling and aptitude tests, it is possible that not all will be found to have
the aptitude required for the training program being organised by that
particular PIA. These cases should be separately identified and taken on a state
data base for follow up by the SRLM so that these persons get a chance to
enrol for another trade with the same or another PIA in the not too distant
future. Training

The quality of training is influenced by the quality of: infrastructure at the

training centres, trainers, content, training methods, finishing and work
readiness inputs, assessment and certification. There are a number of steps
that the PIA needs to take with respect to each of these. These are explained
below. Infrastructure

The following are the important aspects to be borne in mind with respect to
infrastructure in an ASDP training centre.
ASDP training centres should have the prescribed:

Furniture, layout, colour scheme and signage important for

establishing the ASDP brand
Lab, classroom and IT facilities

Training aids
iv. Geo tagged time stamped biometric attendance facility for both
trainers and trainees
Fire fighting equipment
vi. First aid, hygiene, drinking water, canteen and washroom facilities
vii. Internet and email access of prescribed speed on all IT equipment
using which all trainees can check their emails and browse the
viii. Access control facilities
ix. Power back up
Projection and copying equipment
xi. High speed access to the workflow driven, internet enabled ERP of
the PIA (and SRLM and MoRD when ready)
xii. CCTV recording facilities in classroom, labs and common areas.

Before the PIA is allowed to begin counselling; each training centre should be
checked and certified for compliance on each of the above by a designated
senior official from the Quality team (Q team) of the PIA. The results from this
inspection should be uploaded onto a designated web site or emailed to a
designated email of the SRLM or TSA. The SRLM or its appointed TSA should
verify the report and email its response within seven calendar days of receipt
of the PIAs report. If SRLM or TSA does not communicate its findings from the
verification within seven calendar days, the PIA shall intimate the fact to MoRD
with a copy to the SRLM and their TSA through a designated website or email
address and proceed with implementation of the project if they do not hear
back in another seven calendar days from the SRLM. More than one such lapse
by the SRLM within the same financial year could result in MoRD re-evaluating
the capacity of the SRLM to continue to have AAP status. In cases where a
project is directly managed by the ASDP division in MoRD this will be done by
MoRDs TSA. Currently NIRD and NABCONS are designated as TSAs to MoRD.
MoRD may designate additional/other TSAs through notification.

Other aspect to be borne in mind with respect to training centres are detailed






Each training centre should have separate space for each domain if
proposed to be conducted at the same centre and a dedicated lab.
Besides each centre should have a computer lab for IT skills. The
space requirement is calculated at a minimum rate of eight square
feet per trainee; lab space and common areas being calculated
Training infrastructure may be owned, hired or part of a franchise
agreement. State governments are encouraged to make available
government buildings that have spare capacity or which can be used
after normal working hours. Whatever the case it should be clearly
mentioned in the project proposal and carefully costed as part of the
approval documents.
Each training centre should remain in existence for at least three
months from the date of completion of training or until 75% of those
trained have been placed (whichever is later). During this period the
training centre should act as a information and facilitation centre for
trained beneficiaries and their families.
Mobile centres are not permitted
Non-residential training centres should be located near the homes of
trainees. Residential training centres as well as work readiness and
finishing centres should be located close to areas with high
employment potential.
Where residential training is proposed, own or rented
accommodation which is secure, and with prescribed facilities should
be available and should be certified as such by the SRLM or its TSA. Trainers

It is important to ensure that only those persons are deployed as trainers who
have the requisite exposure to the requirement of prospective employers.
They should also possess the knowledge, skills and attitude needed to be a
good trainer in his/her domain. In the first instance this has to be tested and
verified by the Q-team of the PIA and verified by the SRLM or its TSA.
Knowledge can be tested with the help of written tests and skills can be tested
by administering practical tests. However attitude can be tested only in the
real class room situation. This is why it has been mandated that all class room

and lab sessions should be recorded using CCTV cameras. Samples of the
footage drawn using statistically valid techniques should be examined by
domain experts in the Q team of the PIA and verified by the SRLM or its TSA
every month. Based on this each trainer in the ASDP ecosystem should be
graded separately for knowledge, skills and attitude. Following each such
exercise each trainer should be given a to-do list that has the potential to
enhance his/her performance as a trainer. The compliance of each to-do list by
the trainer should verified and taken on record. For this purpose a database of
all trainers in the ASDP ecosystem should be maintained and their
performance tracked using their ASDP registration id and by linking PIAs ERP
and MoRDs ASDP ERP when it is rolled out. This database should be open to all
ASDP stakeholders. Trainees should also be required to give marks for each
session of each trainer. The results from these should inform the choice of
video footage samples for quality testing. The placement, retention and career
progression of trainees trained by each trainer should also be mapped and
monitored by the Q team of the PIA and verified by the SRLM or its TSA.
Consistently underperforming trainers should be administered remedial
measures and if there is no improvement, their services should be terminated.
Similarly trainees should also be rated by trainers at the end of each session
and administered tests and quizzes from time to time. The results from these
and video footage should be monitored by the Q team of the PIA. Trainees
showing poor learning outcomes should be provided remedial sessions and
ways found to improve his/her competency. Class room performance, results
of tests and quizzes, placement success, retention, career progression, trainee
selection practices and trainer quality should be correlated and follow up
action taken to improve quality. Content

Course content should be in tune with the requirement of industry/trade. This

is to be certified by the employer if the training is for captive employment. In
all other cases it should be certified by NCVT or Sector Skills Council(SSC) or
any other agency notified for the purpose by MoRD. In special cases
certification by nationally acknowledged proprietary training brands will also
be considered provided it has been approved by MoRD. Other important
aspects are:



Training and course content should facilitate learning by rural poor

youth who may not have exposure to English.
There should be mandatory modules on soft skills, communication
and IT.
Mixed media modules, interactive pedagogy which includes games,
role plays should be used. Curriculum and daily session plan should
be uploaded on the PIAs website and transferred on to
Adequate practical and on the job training /internship must be
incorporated into the training module where necessary.
Course material and exercises should be available online so that
trainees who wish to use it to revise and improve themselves are able
to do so. Keeping in mind the proliferation of mobile based learning
opportunities, the development and deployment of mobile phone
based content is expected. Training Methods

PIAs have to ensure that training is delivered in an innovative and trainee

friendly manner with adequate audio visual tools and participatory methods
keeping in mind that ASDP targets people from poor and vulnerable sections of
society. Trainers should be sensitive to these factors. They should be deployed
in accordance to the batch size. Finishing and work readiness module

PIAs should mandatorily have a finishing and work readiness module as a part
of curriculum. It should preferably be done in PIA established finishing and
work readiness centres located in places with high concentration of job
opportunities. These centres should be staffed by specially trained high quality
trainers who are adept at providing inputs that ensure high success rates at
placement interviews and post placement retention. These centres should:

Run short residential courses typically seven to ten days long. During
this training alumni should meet and inspire the current batch. The



last few days should be used to bring prospective employers to the

centre for on campus recruitment.
Have a dedicated team that helps candidates find suitable
accommodation, get access to health care etc.
Provide support for finding alternate jobs in case the initial
placement is not successful
Provide counselling and advice on personal issues.

These interventions are expected to improve retention and help trainees make
a smooth transition from their homes to the new work place. Assessment & Certification


Continuous Assessment-Internal and continuous assessment should

be an integral part of the course curriculum. This should be in the
form of announced and unannounced quizzes, assignments and other
types of tests. The questions asked, answers given and marks
obtained by each trainee should available in the password protected
area of the PIAs web site. This will be used by the PIAs own
independent quality team when it makes monthly visits to each
training centre. During these visits each centre and each trainer will
be marked and ranked using a score card developed by NIRD. These
marks will be verified during bi-monthly inspections of each training
centre by the SRLM or its TSA as well as by NIRD/NABCONS. The
results of PIAs own quality inspections is to be made available on the
PIAs web site as is a list of action points from each visit and details of
compliance on each.


Third party certification-Independent certification and assessment by

third party agencies of both curriculum and the skill, knowledge and
attitude level of each trainee as acceptable to the industry or
employer is mandatory. This is to ensure that ASDP pass outs are of a
high standard and are eagerly sought after by employers. The names
and details of the certificates and the assessment agencies shall be

mentioned in the project proposal. These should include only those

agencies that have been empanelled by NCVT/SSC/notified by MoRD
in the case of skills and NIOS in the case of school bridge courses for
school drop outs.


Own certification in cases of established brands - Own certification in

cases of established brands can be used provided it has been
approved by MoRD in advance. Placement

While every effort is to be made to ensure that trainees get jobs that match
their aspirations and aptitude, a minimum placement of 75%7 of trained
candidates is a non-negotiable in ASDP. Going forward an assessment will be
made to determine whether different trades should have different minimum
rates of placements. Placement for this purpose is defined as continuous
employment for a minimum of three months. The period of continuous
employment need not be with the first employer. However the trainee should
have worked and received payment for three continuous months, proof of
which can either be in the form of a salary slip or a certificate indicating salary
paid signed by the employer and salary received by the person placed along
with a bank statement.

ASDP recognises the following type of placements


Captive placement- PIAs having their own requirement train and absorb
the trained persons in their own organisations. PIAs submitting projects
for captive placement should submit details of their own manpower
requirement based on a realistic estimate of current needs. Captive
placement for a second batch of trainees will not be allowed, if more
than 50 % of ASDP youth placed with the same organisation has left
within a span of six months. This is being insisted so as to minimize the
danger of an attrition based placement model.

Going forward an assessment will be made to determine whether different trades should have different
minimum rates of placements.


ii. Formal sector placement- Formal sector placement refers to jobs in the

formal sector with associated benefits like PF, ESI etc. and reasonable
iii. Placement in Small and Medium Enterprises(SME) (with proof of
employment)-Placement in small and micro enterprises is allowed if the
PIA can provide adequate proof of employment (as notified by MoRD
from time to time)
iv. Placement in government organisations/with government contractors
involved in public service delivery- Placement in public service delivery
programs such as NRHM, MGNREGS etc. and institutions such as PRI,
etc. are allowed provided it is continuous and full time and minimum
wages is provided and proof of employment is available.
v. Placement in jobs in foreign countries Placement in jobs which can
provide a minimum salary of Rs.25,000 are permitted. Trainings that
have the potential to provide salaries in the above range will only be
approved. Cost norms for PIA activities described above.

ASDP follows a fixed cost model and supports all PIAs that are willing to
undertake skilling and placement according to ASDP standards provided they
meet certain eligibility conditions. When the number of persons to be trained
is in excess of the available resources, project sanction is done on a first come
first served basis. It is therefore important that an audit trail is available for
verifying date and time of project submission by PIAs. MoRD is establishing an
internet based central project submission facility on which PIAs can submit
project proposals irrespective of the state in which it is to be implemented.
Submission through this will be possible only if certain basic conditions are met
by the project proponent.

The cost norms for support to PIAs are detailed below. This has been worked
out on the basis of a course of 624 hours duration in case of a three month
training only. The cost norms have been worked on the basis of a six day week
with a minimum duration of eight hrs/day. Therefore the duration of the 3

All ASDP placements have to have salary that is above minimum wages notified for the state in which the
work place in located.


month, 6 month, 9 month and 12 month courses will be 624 hours, 1248
hours, 1872 hours and 2496 hours respectively. ASDP does not support courses
of lesser duration. However considerable flexibility is provided in the
organisation of the training, which may be for:

A continuous period (six day week)

Weekends (for those with some employment including unskilled
Part time (for those who wish to undergo training outside of normal
working hours)

Table 1: Unit Training Cost for courses of different duration

Duration of Course(months)

3 months

6 months

9 months

12 months

transportation and Food expenses
@ Rs. 50 per day




Post Placement Support @ Rs.

1000/- per month for 6 months




Cost for day scholars





Cost for boarding facilities @ Rs.

116/- per day9




Cost when lodging facility is also





Minimum salaries for placements in

Minimum salaries for placements


25% above 50% above 25% above

minimum minimum minimum

Rs. 25000 for courses of all durations.

The above cost includes:


Residential costs will not the payable for part time or weekend courses




Training cost, mobilization of beneficiaries, curriculum, training of

trainers, utilities, infrastructure, equipment, teaching aids, raw
materials, etc.
Assessment & certification
Placement linkage
MIS & Tracking, monitoring, quality control
Institutional overheads of 10%

The monitoring cost of agencies approved for the purpose @ 1.5% of the total
project cost is over and above this. In addition to the above PIAs have to
undertake the following support activities for which they will be entitled to
additional support as indicated below. Cash Voucher Scheme

The discussions so far has been on providing skilling and placement services by
sanctioning projects to PIAs. The skill voucher scheme adopts a different
approach that distinguishes itself by privileging consumer choice. According to
this scheme established skill providers who are willing to provide training and
100% placement to ASDP beneficiaries are empanelled by the SRLM following a
process of due diligence. The list of trades for which they have been authorised
is made available to candidates who have expressed their interest and have
been shortlisted following a counselling process. Following this candidates
approach such empanelled agencies with a skill voucher issued to them and try
to secure admission. If they succeed the vouchers are handed over to the skill
provider who can cash them from the SRLM once placement (defined as three
months salary slip as evidence of successful placement) is completed. Enhanced Post Placement Support (PPS)

One of the key lessons from SGSY special projects was that trainees from BPL
rural households need support in the first few months of the post placement
phase. This was being provided at the rate of Rs. 1000/- per month for two
months. As this has been found to be insufficient the period for which post
placement support is available is being increased to six months. The rate

remaining same at Rs. 1000/- per month the total expenditure on account of
this per trainee will now be Rs. 6000/-. This is in addition to the Rs. 16,800
(18800 2000) payable to the PIA for other expenses. PPS has to be paid to the
trainee in full at the end of each month to the bank account of the working
youth on receipt of salary slip. Under no circumstances, should PPS be
distributed in cash or kind. PPS is a part of the new unit cost of Rs.22,800
(16,800 + 6000). PPS money will be released to the PIA as a part of the regular
instalment. Retention Support

It has been observed that those who remain in work for one year are
successful in making the transition and very rarely slip back into
unemployment. However the process of ensuring a high level of retention
requires additional investments that ensure:

High quality management

Innovation in course design
Constant updating of training content to keep up with market
Long term relationship with both alumni and employers.
Up to date knowledge of the job market.

Additional resources are being made available to the PIA for this at the rate of
Rs. 3000/- per person retained in employment for 365 days. Employers can be
multiple but total period out of work should not exceed 60 days during the 365
day period since the first placement. PIA will be required to show on their web
acknowledgement statements showing salary received signed by those they
have placed. They will have to submit a statement by the employer showing
details of salary paid to each person to be eligible for this payment. Support for Career Progression

A major challenge of ASDP is to assist those placed to progress in their careers.

This has been addressed in the form of an additional payment to PIAs at the
rate of Rs. 5000/- for every person trained by the PIA who crosses a salary of

Rs. 15,000/- per month and holds it for a minimum of 90 calendar days within
one year of completion of training. It is envisaged that this will be possible only
if the PIA invests in handholding and skill up grading activities after placement.
How the PIA proposes to do this should be clearly explained in the project
proposal. This intervention should be separately approved at the time of
project sanction for it to be payable when the PIA submits a claim on this
account. Enhanced Support for residential training/transport and food

Currently each trainee is paid Rs. 50 per day towards food and transport if they
are day scholars. This will continue. In cases where both boarding and lodging
are provided by the PIA i.e. for residential programs the amount payable to the
PIA is enhanced from Rs. 50/- per day to Rs. 166/- per day. Counselling for trainees placed in foreign countries

The trainees who are offered placement in foreign countries will be provided
counselling sessions. The objective of these sessions is to provide basic
information to ease their transition into countries of destination. The
information will cover labour rights of destination countries, work place safety,
accessing consular services, social norms in the destination countries etc.
Besides, assistance to complete medical formalities including health checks will
also be provided. An amount of Rs. 10,000/- per trainee will be payable to the
PIA for this.


3. Programme Administration
3.1 AAP, SSP & MSP
SGSY Special projects were sanctioned by MoRD directly in favour of PIAs.
Many of these projects concerned more than one State. In order to devolve
the skills programme to the States, it has been decided to stop funding Multi
State Projects (MSPs) forthwith10. The States are categorised into two AAP
States and Non AAP States. Both AAP and Non-AAP States will be
implementing MSP and SSP. The MSPs are on-going projects which will be
allowed to proceed to completion. Both AAP States and Non-AAP States will be
allowed to implement SSPs. However, the power to sanction projects will be
devolved only to AAP States. They will do so according to an annual action plan
approved by the EC in MoRD. The PAC of MORD will sanction SSP projects from
Non-AAP States. The Non-AAP States will be assisted to achieve the AAP status
by 2014-15.

3.1.1 AAP
States that fulfil the following five conditions are designated as AAP states.

Have a full time COO/Programme Manager in charge of skills and

Have a dedicated skills team at the state level to support COO skills.
Have a dedicated skills team at the district and sub district level to
support COO skills.
Have a policy that is aligned with the national guidelines on how to
appraise new and on-going projects.
Have a policy clarifying how ASDP PIAs can use spare capacity (men
and material) in government institutions and buildings.

The AAP of these states should contain the following:


Role and functions of the implementation machinery


North East and UTs are an exception


ii. State-specific strategies for skill development

iii. Institutional capacity building (existing and proposed)
iv. Detailed proposal for SGA (where required description of gap in

other case)
v. Thematic areas for skilling of poor youth proposed to be undertaken,
and rationale for the same (as per SGA)
vi. Corresponding employment opportunities and the means of
identifying them
vii. Districts or blocks chosen for implementation and rationale for
viii. Mobilisation strategies including:
a. Strategies for prioritising vulnerable areas and communities
b. Strategies to increase community involvement in mobilisation,
and increasing engagement of the State vis-a-vis the PIA
c. Strategies for counselling family members and candidates, besides
career guidance
ix. Number of youth proposed to be brought into the programme
x. System for selection of training/skilling partners including elaboration
of how the fixed cost model will be administered
xi. System for accreditation of courses content, duration, HR
requirement and placement opportunities
xii. System for accreditation/empanelment of individual trainers
xiii. Plan for capacity development of training partners
xiv. Post-placement facilitation and retention strategies including alumni
xv. Plan for adaptation/augmentation of MIS to cover the needs of
monitoring of the project
xvi. System for fund management
xvii. Strategies to ensure that PIAs do not experience negative cash
flow eg: by declaring service standards for processing of claims and
xviii. Provision for independent assessment and evaluation of ASD
xix. Convergence with the NSDM objectives and operational dovetailing
with the State Skills Missions

xx. Strategies to:

a. Increase responsiveness of programme to market demand and to

increase beneficiary choice (i.e., the potential skills recipient)
b. Increase range of partnerships with industry, CSOs and potential
skill providers
The format for submission of AAP can be accessed from http://nrlmskills.in.

AAP states approve individual projects without prior clearance from MoRD.
They do so using provisions in these guidelines within the boundaries of an
AAP approved by the EC in MoRD. MoRD will continue to undertake supportive
supervision of these projects with the help of NIRD and NABCONS or any other
designated TSA appointed for the purpose. The State and PIA will enter into an
MOU, the format for submission of AAP can be accessed from
http://nrlmskills.in. Both states and PIAs will be required to submit compliance
reports of advisories issued in the course of supervision from time to time. In
addition to these each PIA is required to have dedicated quality teams (Q
teams) who inspect training centres each month using protocols issued by
MoRD. Besides they are also required to independently test the placement and
retention record reported by the placement team of the PIA via their web site
and passed on to the ASDP database (when it is ready). The Q team will use
Lot Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS) standards approved by NIRD. Results
from these inspections will be checked by the SRLM using its own Q teams or
those of its designated technical support agency (TSA). NIRD and NABCONS will
also be reviewing the work of the Q teams of the PIA and the SRLM.

3.1.2 Non-AAP
States that do not fulfil AAP criteria are designated as Non-AAP states. Non
AAP states like their AAP counterparts need to get their Year Programme
approved by the EC in MoRD. Additionally they also need to get individual
projects approved by the Project Approval Committee (PAC) in MoRD. Power
to approve individual ASDP projects will devolve to states as soon as they fulfil
the five AAP conditions. All other steps and protocols for program


administration and quality control in the case of projects in Non-AAP states are
the same as in AAP states.
3.1.3 Multi-State Projects
Traditionally most ASDP projects and their SGSY-SP predecessors were
sanctioned by MoRD as MSPs. They were also monitored directly by MoRD
with the help of TSA with very little involvement of state governments. Going
forward, no new MSP will be sanctioned, but helping PIAs bring these projects
to an orderly closure is the joint responsibility of both the state and central
governments. In this they will be assisted by NIRD and NABCONS the two
designated TSAs for ASDP. Each state and union territory has been allocated to
one of these two agencies. The responsibility to develop protocols and train
state and PIA personnel are currently allocated to NIRD. Details of allocation of
states between NIRD and NABCONS can be accessed from http://nrlmskills.in.

The steps involved in the management of multi-state ASDP projects are the
same i.e.


Workflow driven ERP to be used by PIA for program management

including daily reporting from the training centres.
Allowing TSA to monitor progress via an interface with the ERP. TSAs
to issue fortnightly advisories to PIA on corrections required if any.
Inspection of training centres by Q teams of PIA
Fresh batches to start only after the training centre has been
inspected and certified.
Bi-monthly inspection of training centres by TSA and compliance
monitoring of action points by centre managers and individual
Use of score sheets and bound volumes to submit proposals for fund

3.2 Steps to be taken by the SRLM in the administration of ASDP

The SRLMs are required to undertake a number of activities as described in the
earlier chapter. This table lists out these steps and differentiates them with
respect to their applicability for SSP, MSP and AAP projects.

Table 2: Steps in the administration of ASDP projects for AAP States (SRLM)



Establish Team
Establish dedicated teams at the state,
district and sub-district level headed by
COO/Programme Manager skills.

Empanel TSA
Complete procurement process and onboarding formalities for a TSA to assist the
SRLM to evaluate proposals and inspect
training centres.

Build IT platform
Establish a skill and placement ERP
platform that is internet enabled and work
flow driven. Ensure that this is able to pull
and push information from the ASDP
national ERP platform (once it is rolled

Conduct Skill Gap Assessment

This will be an onCreate a state level youth data base using going exercise. The
SECC house hold id by conduct SGAs and AAP need not wait
for this to be
placement demand surveys.

Consult Stake holders

Prepare a seven year SPIP in consultation
with prospective employers and skill
providers in the private and government

Consult PIAs
Prepare AAP in consultation with PIAs
desirous of implementing ASDP projects in




the state.

SPIP & AAP approval

Get the SPIP &AAP approved by the EC of

Build PIA and SRLM capacity

Organise workshops for SRLM teams and
PIA project preparation and Q teams.

Receive Project Proposals

Arrange to download and process project
proposals submitted by PIAs round the
year 24x7 on MoRDs skills web site. Ensure
that there is a clear audit trail that
captures time stamp at all stages. The
formats for submission of proposals can be
accessed from http://nrlmskills.in.


All proposals will be

submitted by PIAs to
a web site notified
by MoRD. SRLMs
need to arrange to
login and download
it/process it online.

Desk and field appraisal to be done either
by SRLM or by TSA appointed for the
purpose. Formats notified by MoRD to be
used. The score card to be used for
appraising projects can be accessed from


Hold PAC meeting

Hold PAC meetings on the 1st Tuesday of
each month to consider all projects
received by the 2nd Tuesday of the
previous month.


Ensure Supportive Supervision

Review the PIAs regular MIS and online
accounting MIS each fortnight and issue
advisories in case of deviations or failure




to meet monthly targets.


Achieve targets
Review compliance by PIA of previous
advisories issued by SRLM and MoRDs TSA.


Review the PIAs monthly targets for

training candidates
Conduct a review of the monthly targets
for training candidates (category wise)
assigned to the PIAs. In case of shortfall,
PIAs should make plans to address the gap
and ensure that annual targets are


Ensure Quality
Conduct once in two month quality audit
of each training centre and previously
reported placements.


Ensure that PIA receives instalments

within 30 days of becoming eligible
This would be possible only if the decision
to release funds is taken solely on the
basis of well published scoring systems
that the PIA, TSA and the SRLMs internal
finance division buys into. SRLM will have
to use the MIS to predict the date by when
the PIA would be submitting their claim for
instalment and ensure that the concurrent
monitoring both physical and financial are
completed before that date. This is
possible if the PIA has a detailed real time
physical and financial MIS and exposes this
over the internet to the TSA and the SRLM.


Monitoring of Retention
ASDP has progressed from being a




program that provides skilling to one that

also ensures placement. Retention is the
new goal.

Organise Job Melas

Bring together both prospective employers
who have a good track record and rural
youth who have either employable skills or
can be trained by the employer at the cost
of the employer.


These melas are a

good opportunity to
test the findings of
the SGA and for the
SRLM and other
PIAs to network
with employers.

Establish Migration Support Centres

Many of the jobs in the formal sector are
unfortunately available in areas that are
distant from the areas where the rural
poor reside. Establish support centres
where ASDP alumni are assisted in:


Finding accommodation
Finding alternate/better paying jobs
Sorting out problems with the local
Dealing with personal issues by
providing access to a professional

Establish an ASDP alumni program

Organise programs that nurture and
encourage ASDP alumni. Newsletters,
annual get together, recognition for high
achievers, assistance in finding better
paying jobs, convergence with other
education are some of the activities that
can be taken through this.


Convergence with State Missions for skill





Explore convergence opportunities with

State Missions for skill development as
well as various departments. Some of the
programmes have similar objectives and
target group as ASDP and provides
opportunities to develop synergies.

Setting standards for training centres

using a ranking system
A ranking system for the training centres
will be operationalized to ensure quality
standards. The training centres need to
infrastructure and technical expertise as
detailed in guidelines. In order to bring
elements of competition between the
PIAs, a system for ranking training centres
based on a commonly agreed criteria will
also be put in place. e.g. The centres can
be ranked as one star, two star, three star
etc. This ranking will vary after each


Establish Career Guidance Centres

Setting up Career Guidance centres at
various levels, both at district and block.
These will channelize candidates into
training programs, apprenticeships and
jobs. The services will include counselling
to potential candidates, linking candidates
to service providers etc.


Providing information about ASDP in

public domain
All information related to ASDP has to be
placed in public domain, especially by
maintaining web site where information is
updated regularly. This will help the public




to take informed decisions as well as bring

in transparency.

Non AAP States

The Steps 2,4,5,18,19 from the table are not applicable for non AAP States. The
Steps 1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 12-17, 20-23 are similar to those applicable for AAP States
from the table above. For the remaining Steps, the following are applicable:
Step 7: Year Programme approval The Non-AAP states have their Year
Programme (YP) which has to be approved by the EC of MoRD.
Step 10: Appraisal: MoRD appointed TSA will conduct both desk and field
appraisal and forward the proposal with their findings to SRLM and the ASDP
division of MoRD. They will do this within 30 days of the proposal being
submitted by the PIA.
Step 11: Forward proposals to MoRD: Forward to MoRD by the 3rd Tuesday of
each month, those proposals for which:
The state government is willing to meet the relevant state share in full (25% or

There is a record of receipt by the 1st Tuesday of the month

The PIA has not been black listed by the state government
The TSA appointed by MoRD has found the proposal to be complete
in all respects.

MoRD will hold PAC meetings on the first Tuesday of each month. The PAC will
consider all cases received in MoRD by the 3rd Friday of the previous month.
This means that within one month of the proposal reaching at SRLM, it will be
taken up by MoRD. Given that TSA needs one month it is expected that a PIA
will know the result of its proposal within 90 days of submission.

MSP Projects
The Steps 1-11, 17-23 from the table for AAP States are not applicable for MSP
projects. The Steps 12-16 are similar to those applicable for AAP States.

3.3 Steps in MoRD

ASDP is a partnership between the Central and State governments and PIAs
who implement them on the ground. This section describes the activities and
time lines for processing cases in MoRD.

Table 3: Steps in the administration of ASDP projects-MoRD




Build SRLM Capacity

Once the state, district and sub-district skills teams
have been put in place MoRD will assist the SRLM to
run capacity building workshops for them.

Build PIA capacity

MoRD with the help of NIRD and other agencies will
organise periodic workshops for members of staff of
PIAs on different aspects of ASDP particularly
application, accounting and quality processes.

Build TSA capacity

TSAs have an important role in the administration of
ASDP. These relate to desk and field appraisal, training
centre quality audit and concurrent monitoring of
physical and financial parameters of each project.
MoRD with the help of other agencies will organise
periodic workshops for to help build the capacities of
TSAs engaged in supporting MoRD and the SRLMs.

Standardise protocols
With the help of TSAs finalise scoring sheets and
protocols for appraising proposals for new projects
and fund release in on-going ones. Also notify quality
assurance protocols particularly at the training centre
and work place.

Prepare SPIP and AAP





Help SRLMs in all AAP states to prepare seven year

SPIPs and AAPs for skills and placement by the 1st of
December each year.

Desk Appraisal
Complete desk appraisal of all SPIPs and AAPs by the
1st of January each year.

SPIP, AAP and AP approval

Approve all SPIPs, AAPs and YP (for non AAP states) by
convening EC meetings by the 15th of January each

Quality Assurance
Develop protocols and scoring sheets to be used by
PIA Q teams, SRLM and TSA for supportive supervision
of training centres and placement claims.

Ensure monitoring
All parameters that need to be met before release of
2nd, 3rd and 4th instalment should be monitored by the
TSA or SRLM on a fortnightly basis using the MIS of
PIAs and the Aajeevika web site. This is to improve
quality and reduce time lost between attainment of
readiness conditions and payout to PIAs. The score
cards for the release of 2nd,3rd instalments and closure
can be accessed from http://nrlmskills.in.


Improve quality of course material and class room

Work with PIAs and assessment agencies and SSC to
improve course material and class room transactions


Network with prospective employers

Work with prospective employers with a view to
building the ASDP brand and to ensure that ASDP
skilled persons receive a fair deal in their work place.





Network with prospective PIAs and bring more of

them into the ASDP ecosystem


Improve outreach to PIAs both existing and

prospective and ensure that there is a substantial
increase in project approvals

National database of trainers

MoRD will built and maintain a national database of
trainers and rank them on clearly defined criteria.

Non AAP States

The Step 1 from the table above is not applicable for non AAP States. The Steps
2-5, 8-13 are similar to those applicable for AAP States. For the remaining
steps, the following are applicable:
Step 6: Desk Appraisal: Complete desk appraisal of all PIA proposals forwarded
by TSA within 10 days. Use scoring sheets approved by IFD can be accessed
from http://nrlmskills.in.
Step 7: Project Approval: Convene meeting of the PAC on the 1st Tuesday of
each month to consider all proposals that:


Have been received from the TSA by the 3rd Tuesday of the previous
Have been forwarded by the State Government by the last Thursday
of the previous month with the assurance to co-fund to the extent of
state share of ASDP

MSP projects
The Step 1-8, 11 & 12 from the table above for AAP States is not applicable for
MSP projects. The Steps 10,13 are similar to those applicable for AAP states.
For the remaining steps, the following is applicable:
Step 9: Ensure Monitoring


All parameters that need to be met before release of 2nd, 3rd and 4th
instalment should be monitored by the TSA or SRLM on a fortnightly basis
using the MIS of PIAs and the Aajeevika web site. This is to improve quality and
reduce time lost between attainment of readiness conditions and payout to

3.4 Support Structures at the National Level

3.4.1 National Advisory Group
A National Advisory Group (NAG) will be constituted to support MoRD with
inputs, feedback and suggestions to improve the quality and scope of ASDP.
NAG will be drawn from among Policy Planners, other Central Ministries, State
Governments, Industry, Academia, Civil Society, industry organisations and
International Organisations. The activities for the NAG are the following:
Identify policy and implementation issues related to ASDP at
National, State and Local level covering process and procedure,
systems and institutions.
ii. Identify issues related to convergence with other skill development
initiatives of Central and State Governments.
iii. Identify and disseminate best practises related to ASDP across States.

3.4.2 Empowered Committee (EC)

The EC for ASDP will be constituted for the following activities
To approve the SPIP,AAP and Year Programme of the states.
ii. To decide on targets for various states and reallocation of funds
based on review of performance.
iii. To decide on state targets for S.C and S.T.
iv. To review the programme, suggest studies etc.

The E.C will consist of the following members:


Secretary, Rural Development, MoRD Chairperson


Additional Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development (Vice

iii. Additional Secretary & Financial Advisor, MoRD Member
iv. Principal Secretaries, RD from States Invitees


Poverty and Rural Development Experts/Bankers Invitees

vi. Joint Secretary(Skills), Member-Convener

3.4.3 Project Approval Committee (PAC)

The PAC will consider project proposals from non AAP states that have passed
desk and field scrutiny and have been forwarded by the respective state
government along with a commitment to meet the relevant state share. The
PAC will have the following composition:
i. Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development (Chairperson)
ii. Additional Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development


iii. FA, Ministry of Rural Development (Member)
iv. Adviser (RD), Planning Commission (Member)Representative of
National Skills Development Agency (Member)
v. DG CAPART (Member)
vi. One Special Invitee/Expert (Member)
vii. Joint Secretary (RL), MoRD and Mission Director Aajeevika
viii. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Small Medium Enterprises (Member)
ix. Joint Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Empowerment (Member)
x. Principal Secretary, Department of Rural Development, concerned
State Government (Member)
xi. Representative of NABARD (Member)
xii. Project Director NIRD (Member)
xiii. Joint Secretary ( Skills) -(Member-Convener)
A sub-committee chaired by J.S (Skills) with Deputy Secretary (Skills) as its
convener will consider and decide on extension of PIA projects in the event of
time over runs.


3.5 Steps a PIA should take to access and administer ASDP

PIAs who wish to become an ASDP PIA will have to participate in ASDP training
programs and submit proposals for financial support. This section describes the
steps involved depending on whether the project is to be implemented in an
AAP state or a non AAP state or whether it is for an on-going MSP.

Table 4: Steps in the administration of ASDP projects-PIA


Undertake Skill Gap Analysis(SGA)
Though there may be national level skill gap assessments and GP level
youth databases, the PIA should make its own assessment and take
responsibility for it because once a project is sanctioned subsequent
change of targets will not ordinarily be possible.

Identify Prospective Employers

Following the SGA or before it the PIA should tie up with prospective
employers the number of people they need for each trade and the
kind of knowledge, skill and attitude they require in their employees.

Attend PIA training programs

Both the SRLM and NIRD will be organising training programs for PIA
staff on project preparation and quality monitoring. PIA staff should
attend these programs to ensure that they are able to submit
proposals complete in all respects and conduct quality audit of training
centres and work placements.

Prepare and Submit Project Proposals

Project proposals should be prepared using ASDP formats and
submitted online to the SRLM. The formats for submitting proposals
can be assessed from http://nrlmskills.in

Respond to Queries
Quickly respond to queries that the SRLM may have. Online
submission is the preferred mode. Till such time that this facility is not


available emails may be used.

Text of the MOU

Once the EC of the SRLM approves the proposal, the PIA will have to
enter into an MOU with the SRLM. The text of this should be agreed
before the EC meeting so that the MOU is executed within 48 hours of
the EC minutes being issued.
A month wise plan indicating the number of people (category wise
including SC/ST/Minority/Women) to be trained over the entire
project duration has to be provided by the PIA as part of the project
proposal and will be part of the MOU.

Execute MOU
Within 48 hours of the PAC meeting minutes being issued the MOU
between SRLM and PIA should be signed. The format of MOU can be
accessed from http://nrlmskills.in.

Establish Training Centres and get it certified by SRLM or TSA

Establish training centres and labs for practical training. Ensure that
trainers have the required knowledge, skills and attitude to be ASDP
trainers. Before going to the next step the Q team of the PIA should
inspect and certify the training centre using protocols specified by

Use a GP saturation approach. Offer counselling services to all
residents between the ages 18 to 35 who have been identified as
being poor. In the case of PTGs the upper age limit is 45 years.
Special groups such as manual scavengers, victims of human trafficking
etc. may be allowed to enrol if they are above 16, provided they
become 18 by the time they finish training including on the job training
if any.


Counsel and select

ASDP beneficiaries come from poor families and often have very little
idea about the scope and nature of work in each sector. It is therefore
important that beneficiaries and their parents receive good quality




Ensuring Quality Training and Placement

Use geo-tagged, time stamped biometric attendance at start and
end of each training day.
ii. Online inventory check each morning when training centre opens
and closes
iii. Periodic quizzes and tests with safeguards to prevent
impersonation. Publish results in the PIA MIS and organise
remedial classes for those who score poorly.
iv. Install video audio recorders in each classroom and labs. Ensure
that the PIAs Q team reviews these recordings each month and
scores each trainer. Use these results to run remedial classes for
v. Ensure timely payment of allowance to trainees for daily food,
vi. Ensure adequate and timely payment of trainer remuneration
vii. Ensure that monthly and end of project targets for SC/ST,
minorities and women are met.
viii. Ensure that advisories issued by PIAs own Q teams, SRLM and
TSA of MoRD are complied with by individual trainers and
training centre managers
ix. Ensure that the placement data reported on the PIAs web site
and passed on to MoRD is credible.
x. Work with employers to ensure that employers who accept ASDP
alumni provide all legal benefits that are due to them.


Work Readiness and Employability training Centres

Establish residential centres that provide work readiness and
employability training in major centres of employment for residents
from the project state. Invite prospective employers for campus
placement interviews and tests. Support alumni with information on
accommodation and opportunities for alternate jobs. Also provide
laisoning services with the local administration.

All the above points are required for the SSPs. However, the points 1-7 & 12
are not applicable for MSP.

3.6 State Perspective Implementation Plan (SPIP)

The SPIP would need to project skilling needs in the medium term (seven
years) covering the number of youth to be trained and placed, the trades and
sectors within which the trainings need to be done, and the areas for
innovation and for special projects. Baseline information from SGA, market
scans and surveys, literature reviews etc. would need to be collated to
undertake a situation analysis of the scenario in the State for skilling the poor.
The situation analysis would be expected to capture the various categories of
poor youth and vulnerable communities to be brought into skilling
programmes. It should be able to identify growth areas, challenges faced by
the State in enhancing the employability of poor youth and vulnerable
communities. It should also be able to map potential capabilities, looking at
the poor as productive resource, and map their potential for gainful
employment. The SPIP should articulate the strategies to achieve the projected
outputs including for
Capability development and augmentation of service providers in the
area of skilling
ii. Interventions for local economic development through skilling
iii. Interventions for safe migration and support services
iv. Development of systems for sustained skill interventions
v. Enabling greater infrastructural access/availability and innovative
rent sharing
vi. Enhancing access of and outreach to the most vulnerable among the
vii. Areas of long term engagement of the CBOs of the poor and their
capacitation for the same
viii. Long term mobilisation, including participatory identification of the
ix. Convergence platforms and their continued engagement
x. Employer engagement and opportunities for skill augmentation and


xi. Projects that target formalization of informal sector employment

(payment terms, protection and benefits, credible tracking of

xii. Quality management including certification of courses, assessment
and monitoring
xiii. Long term strategies to track and ensure retention
xiv. Institutional arrangements for transparency including proactive
xv. Institutional arrangements/partnerships for technical assistance,
capacity building and alumni management
The template for SPIP preparation can be accessed from http://nrlmskills.in. It
is expected that the States would submit their SPIP in the year following their
designation as AAP.

3.7. PIA Categories and Criteria

The following entities can apply to become a PIA under ASDP provided they are
registered under any Indian Trust Acts or any State Society Registration Act or
any State Co-operative Societies or Multi-State Co-operative Acts or The
Companies Act of India 1956:
Educational Institutions with their own land and buildings
ii. Corporate entities (for captive placement)
iii. Entities that train and place for improved Public Service Delivery
iv. Commercial and not for profit training providers (providing
employment elsewhere)
v. Federation of SHGs and cooperative societies
vi. Market leaders running established fee-based skilling programmes
which the poor can access through vouchers/scholarships
provided under ASDP
vii. Government/semi
organizations at the State and National Level


Category of PIAs and corresponding project sizes and project periods for which
they will be eligible under the ASDP skill development programme is as follows:

Table 5: PIA categories


Category of

Eligibility criteria

Project size & period


Category A

Completion of three or
more projects under
ASDP(or SGSY-SP) in the
preceding five years by
fulfilling all the conditions
set in such projects.

Upto Rs. 50 crore per

project (total approved cost
Project period maximum of
five years

Category B

PIAs who have completed

at least one ASDP (or
SGSY-SP) project in the
preceding three years and
have fulfilled all the
conditions set in the
project, and

Upto Rs. 15 crore per

project (total approved cost
Project period maximum of
three years

Training institutions who

have not implemented
ASDP (or SGSY-SP) project
of the Ministry in last
three years, but are well
providers (defined as
being more than five
years old and having
annual turnover greater
than Rs.15 crore, in each
of the last three years)

Category C

All other PIAs who do not Upto Rs. 5 crore per project
have prior experience in (total
skilling but have under including

gone PIA orientation Project period maximum of

by two years.

Besides the above, the following eligibility conditions have to be met by all
three categories.
i. More than three years old at the time the application is received by
ii. Not have negative net worth in at least two out of the last three years.
iii. Have a turn over that is at least 25% of the size of the proposed project.
iv. In the case of NSDC partners i.e. entities in which NSDC has an equity
stake, the minimum existence for a period of three years criteria will not
be insisted on. In such cases the negative net worth requirement will be
for the year preceding the application.
v. Consortiums can also apply provided they meet the following conditions:
a. The lead consortium partner meets the conditions of eligibility set
forth in this guidelines.
b. The lead partner undertakes to develop the capabilities of the
other partners.
c. There is a clear division of responsibilities.
d. The oversight mechanism of the lead partner is explicit and
e. The lead partners bear the full responsibility on behalf of the
other partners also. The junior partners can thus claim credit for
the work done by them under the consortium as a category C
vi. In case the lead partner does not fulfill the conditions above, one of the
consortium partners who satisfy the eligibility conditions should give an
undertaking to pay all government dues in the event of the lead partner
being unable to do so.
vii. If the project proponent plans to operate centres through a franchisee
arrangement this should be clearly mentioned in the application and in
the project sanction order.


3.8 Date of Applicability of revised ASDP guidelines

The Central Government in the past has sanctioned placement linked skilling
Special Projects under SGSY (subsequently revised and renamed as placement
linked skilling projects under Aajeevika in the year 2012) to PIAs. AAP states
have also been sanctioning placement linked skilling projects to PIAs according
to the 2012 guidelines.

With the coming into force of these guidelines (2013), any remaining activities
related to on-going skilling and placement projects shall be covered under the
new guidelines. In the case of on-going projects, those PIAs who wish to be
governed by the 2012 guidelines (wholly or partly) should give so in writing
within 30 days of the notification of these guidelines (2013). In case no written
indication is received from the PIA within 30 days, MoRD will issue a revised
sanction order for the activities that remain and in the case of projects in
which PIAs have requested for part implementation of the 2013 guidelines,
revised sanction orders will be issued - terms and conditions will be mutually
agreed. Accordingly, in cases where it is necessary, TSA will execute a revised
MOU within 15 days of the issue of the revised sanction orders.

3.9 Convergence
Convergence is a continuous process and while the broad principles can be laid
down, it is the SRLMs that will have to take the lead in working out
convergence at the State and district level based on the existing skill
development programmes. The level of engagement and mechanism for
convergence will vary across the State and District.

State level: Number of States have setup State Missions for Skill development.
The Institutional mechanisms to implement the mandates have also been
setup. In case of existing mechanisms, they can be utilised for convergence
with other programmes. In other states, an Inter Departmental Coordination
Committee headed by the Chief Secretary and consisting of Principal
Secretaries of major departments involved in skilling programmes can be set

up for addressing convergence issues. Some of the probable activities for the
convergence mechanism at the State are:



Standardisation of courses - curriculum development

Assessment and certification NOS/NCVT/MES, industry certification
Developing an inventory of public infrastructure that could be made
available either on a part time or full time basis for skilling, either as
training centres or as hostel accommodation.
Involving academia and research agencies for improving the
implementation of ASDP
Harmonising the quantum of assistance, identification of institutes,
types of skilling provided etc. across various skilling programmes

District Level: A coordination committee headed by the District Collector and

head of departments of key line departments can be the institutional
mechanism at the district level for bringing convergence in implementation.
The Programme Manager of the District Project Management Unit can be the
convenor of the coordination committee. The activities will include:




Utilising the outreach of departments for IEC and mobilisation

Availability of databases of various departments including the
education, panchyati raj departments etc. for developing strategies.
Coordinating with district level industry associations for job
Inclusion of skilling as part of the district level planning processes

3.10 Project completion

The completion report of both AAP and SSP projects should be uploaded by
the TSA on the MoRD skills web site along with their comments for the release
of the 4th and final instalment.


4. Financial Management
4.1 Allocation to States
Annual allocations to states will be done using a mix of state poverty ratios and
states absorption capacity. Skills and placement is an evolving sector with
uneven capacity between states. Though all efforts will be made to build
capacity of states in this regard, it is expected to take time. Skill and placement
projects also have long gestation periods because of which it is important that
spending decisions are completed well before the start of the financial year.
With the hike in central allocation for skills went to 25% from 2013-14; it will
be the capacity of states to use available resources that is likely to determine
how much resources will flow to which state, at least for the period of the 12th

MoRD will therefore be announcing approximate state wise allocations in the

month of December each year. This is to enable states to reflect this in the
plan proposals they bring to the EC meetings in January. If a state is unable to
utilise the funds released to it in the preceding financial year, by the 30th April
of the financial year in which fresh fund releases are being considered, 50% of
the unused amount of allocation of the preceding year will be deducted from
the fresh release and distributed among states that have fully used their
allocation in the previous financial year. This exercise will be repeated on 31st
October of the financial year, using the fund utilisation data as on 30th
September and all the unused allocations will be moved to states that have
exhausted theirs. Allocations to states are made irrespective of whether they
are AAP or not, but the first priority will be for committed liabilities.

The ratio of Central and State Government share is 75:25 for all States other
than special category States including North-Eastern States, Sikkim and
Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand where the ratio is 90:10. In Jammu &
Kashmir Central share is 100%. State Governments may contribute up to 10%


of the project cost in kind (e.g. infrastructure facilities for skilling and OJT) as
their share in the total project cost.

4.2 Allocation to North Eastern States

Out of the total allocation for ASDP, 10% will be earmarked for North Eastern
States including Sikkim. The Central Government may notify a sub-scheme for
North-east states taking into account the special nature of assistance
necessary in the region. Till then projects shall be evaluated in terms of these

4.3 Allocation for Himayat

A separate ASDP vertical for Jammu and Kashmir is in operation since 2012-13.
This is a 100% centrally funded scheme. The target is to skill 1,00,000 youth
from Jammu and Kashmir and place at least 75,000 of them in the formal
sector and in self-employment in five years.

4.4 Allocation for Roshini

Another ASDP vertical was launched in 2013-14 for rural poor youth in 24 most
critical Left Wing Extremist (LWE) affected districts. Roshni will soon be
expanded to cover all tribal (schedule V) areas. The target and allocation for
this will be determined by the allocation under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP).

4.5 Cost norms and fund release criteria

The EC in MoRD will revise the cost norms and fund release criteria from time
to time. The most up to date versions of these can be accessed from

4.6 Fund release - Centre to AAP States and to PIAs in AAP States
On approval of the AAP in January, funds are earmarked for each state. Funds
meant for PIAs are released to the SRLM via CPSMS. State share is also to be

credited to the state ASDP bank account. All payments to PIAs in AAP states
will be made by the SRLM. 50% of the funds required to be spend by the SRLM
its district and sub-district units will be disbursed in advance. When 60% of the
total amount available is spent, as reflected in the MIS, the remaining 50% will
be disbursed via CPSMS. For this a separate core banking enabled account will
have to be registered by all users of ASDP resources including TSC and PIA
because all fund flows and accounting will be through CPSMS using electronic
fund transfers.

4.7 Fund release - Centre to non AAP States and to PIAs in non AAP States
On approval of the non AAP states YP in January, funds are earmarked for non
AAP states as well. 50% of the funds payable to PIAs during the year according
to the year programme approved by the EC for non AAP states and the 1.5 %
fee of the TSA are released through CPSMS to the TSA11.Once the TSA
disburses 60% of the funds routed to it, the remaining 50% for the financial
year will be released to the TSA. State share has to reach the PIA within 10
days of release of Central Share by the TSA.

4.8 Accounting Systems

The cabinet decision on the fund allocation for NRLM has mandated 25% of the
total budgetary allocation for the skills programme. Therefore, an exclusive
accounting system to track the funds for ASDP programme from the central
level to the sub-district level has to be established. The State Governments
have to incorporate the necessary instructions in their administrative and
financial management systems to capture the fund flow for the skills

4.9 Payments to PIAs

PIAs will receive payments from the SRLM for projects sanctioned through the
AAP route by AAP states. In the case of projects in non AAP states and on-going


As the states migrate from non AAP States to AAP States, fund release will be dome through SRLM..


multi-state projects in both AAP and non-AAP states, PIA will paid by MoRDs
TSA. All payments will be made according to the following release conditions:

Table 6: Release conditions for PIA





Release condition

of 25%
of 25%
of On sanction of project
project cost and signing of MOU.

of 50%
of 50%
of On:
project cost
a. Spending 60% of
funds disbursed
as 1st instalment
as visible in web
b. Achieving 40% of
inclusive of subtargets such as
minorities etc.
c. Submitting
P&L statement,
Balance sheet etc
with respect of
previous year for
cases after 30th
d. Submission
signed score card
e. Proof that up to
available in the
designated web


20 % of 20 % of 20 % of On:
project cost
a. Spending 90% of
funds disbursed
as 1st and 2nd
instalments as
visible in web
b. Achieving 90% of
physical target
inclusive of subtargets such as
minorities etc.
c. Submitting
statement like
P&L statement,
etc with respect
of previous year
for cases after
30th September.
d. Submission
e. Proof that up to
date data is
available in the
designated web


of 5%
of 5% of project On
submission of project
closure documents as
well as signed score
card and proof that up
to date data is
designated web site in
the prescribed format.

Eligibility conditions for release of funds at all four stages is evaluated using an
excel score sheet that can be downloaded from the skills section of the MoRD
web site. PIA will need to download the latest version of the score sheet each
time, complete it and submit it to prove that it has become eligible for the
payment. Only then will a payment claim be processed.
The interest amount accrued on Government releases, if any, shall be adjusted
against the Government share of the Project cost at the time of release of the
third and final instalment.

4.10 Electronic processing of fund release

PIAs, TSA and SRLM will be required to maintain a separate account linked to
CPSMS since all payments will be made to this account electronically when all
release conditions have been completed and authenticated. Digital signatures
will be acceptable in the case of documents that are transmitted electronically.

4.11 Service level assurance by MoRD, its TSA and SRLM

MoRD, its TSA and the SRLM is committed to ensuring that the PIA receives
sanction orders and payment of instalments in accordance with the time
frames mentioned in this document.


4.12 Procurement procedure

ASDP follows a fixed cost model for procuring skills and placement services
from PIAs. According to this PIAs who meet eligibility conditions are sanctioned
projects according to resources indicated in the AAP. In case adequate funds
are not available in the approved plan to finance all PIA projects, then a first
come first come served rationing protocol will be used. This procedure has
been adopted because skills and placement is a quality intensive exercise that
does not lend itself to least cost models of procurement. For all other
procurements in ASDP, NRLM approved procedures will be followed.

4.13 Applicability of Guidelines.

For all relationships between the PIA, TSA, State Governments and Central
Governments, no clause in the guideline will be applicable with retrospective
effect unless it is mutually agreed upon by all the parties involved.


5. Monitoring and Evaluation

5.1 Monitoring
Monitoring is a continuous measurement of progress while the project is ongoing. This involves checking and measuring progress, analysing the situation
and reacting to new events, opportunities and issues. The key objectives of
monitoring in ASDP are to:

Keep track of performance against ASDPs overall goals (achieve

quality and sustainable skill development at scale)
Use the knowledge gained to ensure informed decision-making
Identify any course corrections needed, at State, TSA, MoRD and PIA
level to improve outcomes
Inform MoRDs future strategy, policy and sector choices
Support PIAs and States in course correction, in a prioritised manner
(based on well-defined triggers)

The ASDP team in MoRD with the help of NIRD and other agencies act as a
knowledge platform for developing effective monitoring framework and
capacitating the state to build effective review systems for ASDP. This would
involve interventions to
Establish high level monitoring objectives across levels
ii. Determine the key performance indicators for each process
(mobilisation, training, placement and retention)
iii. Specify who and what needs to be monitored (PIA performance,
programme performance, quality of internal systems and processes,
performances of TSAs)

5.2 Periodic monitoring of AAP

Periodic monitoring of AAP States and projects sanctioned in those States need
to be done at the Central and State level. An Ecosystem approach will be used
so that PIAs and States are supported in the achievement of agreed goals.

5.3 Role of TSA

Central and State Governments can procure services of competent TSA to
monitor their ASDP project. If the work of concurrent monitoring is being
outsourced, specific MoU needs to be entered into. The MoU may also
incorporate the scope for engagement of the CBOs in social audit. The States
may provide for role of CBOs depending on the extent of their presence and
level of capability to undertake responsibilities entrusted with them.

5.4 Concurrent monitoring of PIA as basis for fund release under

Concurrent monitoring through an internet enabled ERP system will make it
possible for all stakeholders to monitor the performance of the PIA against
agreed performance indicators. Field inspections are to be undertaken to
check that the information on the MIS is accurate and provides a true picture
of the goings on. The first level of check is to be done by the Q-team of the PIA
each month and the results are to be posted on designated web sites. All other
inspections will aim to verify whether that the results published from the
inspection by the Q team of the PIA was an accurate mirror of the reality in the
training centre and in the workplace.

The SRLM should employ independent monitors to concurrently monitor the

outputs of the project. These reports would be relevant to determining the
quality and impact of specific projects as well as of the programme in general
and can feed into further planning and fund release decisions. The monitoring
reports should be made available to the MoRD.

5.5 Concurrent monitoring outputs

5.5.1 Fortnightly monitoring and guidance notes to PIAs using online MIS of
PIA: TSAs will monitor the online MIS on a regular basis and issue/upload
fortnightly guidance notes to identify and notify non-compliance and for
improving the use and functioning of online MIS.

5.5.2 Monitoring of compliance by PIAs on points raised in guidance notes:

PIAs will be required to comply with the points raised in the guidance notes
within a week of the upload of guidance notes.
5.5.3 Monthly inspection of training centres by Q team of PIA: Q team of PIA
will undertake monthly inspection of training centres. The proceedings of
these visits will be recorded through GPS-enabled video/audio clips and
uploaded along with action points for compliance by the training centre
manager and trainers in the workflow MIS and monitored for compliance.
5.5.4 Bi-monthly inspection of training centres by State TSA: SRLM officials/
State TSA will undertake bi-monthly inspection of training centres. The
proceedings of these visits will be recorded through GPS-enabled video/audio
clips and uploaded in the workflow MIS along with action points for
compliance by centre managers and trainers and monitored for compliance.
5.5.5 Tri-monthly inspection of training centres by MoRDs TSA: MoRDs TSA
will undertake tri-monthly inspection of training centres. The proceedings of
these visits will be recorded through GPS-enabled video/audio clips and
uploaded in the workflow MIS and monitored along with action points for
compliance by centre managers and trainers and monitored for compliance.
5.5.6 GPS enabled bio-metric attendance of trainer and trainees: Deployment
of geo-tagged, time stamped biometric devices for taking attendance of
trainers and trainees and pushing it in real time to a central server visible to
the Q team of the PIA and State/MoRD TSA will be one of the pre-requisites for
starting up a training centre.
5.5.7 Read-only access to project bank account: PIAs will have to open a
separate bank account for the ASDP project and register the account details on
CPSMS so that read-only access is available to the TSA/SRLM of the bank
account of the PIA. Using this the TSA/SRLM will monitor:
i. Timely salary payment to trainers
ii. Timely payment of monthly post-placement support to placed

iii. Timely payment of monthly transport and food support to non-

residential trainees
5.5.8 Online logging of training centres: Daily opening and closing of training
centres has to be logged online along with geo-tagged time stamped
photographs of the class room and lab.
5.5.9 No monitoring other than the above: No separate progress reports are to
be submitted by the PIAs. Instead the State and NRLM Skills IT platform should
be exchanging information on real time basis as they are internet-enabled and
workflow driven. This will ensure that all stakeholders will have up-to-date
information on all aspects of each project on a real time basis. Till such time
that the State and NRLM Skills platforms are rolled out, monthly reports may
be uploaded on the NRLM Skills website.
5.5.10 Evaluation : Evaluation of ASDP projects serves two key purposes. First
it improves systems and processes for programme delivery. Second it
encourages and supports learning among stakeholders including PIAs.
Evaluation by reputed external agencies brings in newer perspectives and
helps improve efficiency and effectiveness.

5.5.11 Independent evaluation studies : Robust, independent evaluation of

ASDP will provide information about what works, what does not and why. This
learning will contribute to improving programme effectiveness and will help to
hold all stakeholders accountable for results. ASDP provides separate funding
under AAP budget to States to conduct independent evaluation studies.

5.5.12Evaluation of AAPs : Evaluation of AAP can be undertaken by the SRLM

either in-house or through any reputed evaluation agency. The Ministry may
also conduct evaluation of AAPs of a single State or group of States. Such
evaluation reports will be examined by the EC.
5.5.13 Programme evaluation of ASDP : The evaluation ASDP will be conducted
as per the frequency and terms of reference approved by the EC.

6. MIS
The management of the quality of the programme requires information to be
constantly assessed and built upon. This can be ensured only through regular
tracking and follow up. Therefore incorporating a robust internet-enabled
workflow driven MIS is critical for the success of the programme.

An online reporting system and website www.nrlmskills.in has been

developed. This is being converted to an internet-enabled workflow driven ERP
platform so that all aspects of programme management including submission
of proposals, release of funds, training centre management etc. can be
handled through this. Currently this website contains details of ASDP projects
under implementation, latest status on progress made in each project across
all States and districts, details about PIAs , training centres etc.

States can use this platform for hosting and delivering variety of project
services like Financial Management System (FMS), Decision Support Systems
(DSS) for skills development activities (within the framework of the National
MIS). The NMMU will provide support in respect of the activities and outputs
related to the scope of work of ERP based MIS for state missions.

PIAs will have to maintain trainee specific information and meet all applicable
reporting requirements. The regularity and quality of entry of information will
be supervised by the SRLM and the TSA.

6.1 Internet-enabled workflow driven national and State platform

(that talk to each other)
Although a national skills ERP platform is being built, states are encouraged to
build their own platforms so as to meet their day to day analytical and
branding needs. Arrangements will be made for them to receive data they
need from the MoRD platform. This will mean that PIAs will have to enter data

only once. Till such time that that the MoRD website becomes a workflow
driven ERP system, PIAs will be required to designate an authority within the
PIA who will be responsible for updating the required data on the nrlmskills.in
web site.

Some states have already developed independent MIS. While some aspects of
the MIS are bound to be common across States, some States may have
nuances and innovations in their AAP that are relevant only to the State. It may
also have common MIS with similarly placed programmes that are specific to
the State. Synchronisation of State Portal with the NRLM Skills and Skill Mission
data bases will be essential elements of the AAP. Bridge software in order to
migrate between platforms without the state and PIAs having to once again
feed data points needs to be developed as part of AAP. This is to be done as a
joint exercise of the State and Central Skills and ICT teams.

6.2 PIAs own platform that talks to State level platforms or PIAs
can use State or national platforms
Currently the data on MoRDs online reporting system is being updated every
month in respect of MSPs and SSPs. Currently all PIAs are required to upload
the details of beneficiaries trained and placed by them on their own websites
as per standardised format. The website address of PIAs and guidance note for
http://nrlmskills.in/newsandeventsMoRD.aspx. MoRD provides all district level
anchor persons with a user id and password for uploading their monitoring
reports on www.nrlmskills.in.

Going forward, PIAs own IT platform should be able to link with the Central
and State IT platforms. In case where PIAs do not have such platforms they
should construct one.


6.3 Online submission of project proposals

The ASDP national ERP platform when it is ready will have a single and
integrated system of registration of PIAs and all stakeholders involved in the
skilling programme. All PIAs will be required to submit their proposals for new
projects and those for fund release through this platform. This central
application submission facility will be operational in the existing web site of
http://nrlmskills.in. PIAs can find out about the status and track the movement
of their proposals and can raise queries and receive replies through this


7. Questions answered in each Chapter

Chapter 1
i. What is ASDP?
ii. What is skilling and placement?
iii. How has ASDP evolved?
iv. Why is skilling important for India and the rural poor?
v. What is the national skills architecture in India?
vi. What is MoRDs approach to skilling and placement?
Chapter 2
i. Who is eligible to be trained and placed?
ii. What are the activities to be undertaken by the SRLM and the PIA?
iii. What are the cost norms for each activity?
Chapter 3
i. What is the meaning and difference between AAP, SSP and MultiState Projects?
ii. Why are states categorised as AAP or SSP states?
iii. What are the steps to be taken by the SRLM in an AAP state?
iv. What are the steps to be taken by the SRLM in a SSP state?
v. How should a PIA apply for ASDP projects in an AAP state?
vi. How should a PIA apply for ASDP projects in a SSP state?
vii. What will happen to on-going Multi-State Projects?
Chapter 4

How are targets and funds allocated to states?

What are the criteria based on which funds are disbursement to
What are the criteria based on which funds are disbursed to PIAs?
What is the role of CPSMS in disbursal of ASDP resources?


Chapter 5

What are the objectives of Monitoring framework of ASDP?

What is the role of TSA in the Monitoring of ASDP?
What are the outputs expected under the concurrent Monitoring?

Chapter 6

What are the different systems to be maintained by the PIAs,SRLMs

as part of ASDP MIS?
How will the different data sets maintained by partners be
Will the online submission of projects be allowed?


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