Cooperatives and The Sustainable Development Goals
Cooperatives and The Sustainable Development Goals
Cooperatives and The Sustainable Development Goals
Part One
COOPERATIVES AND THE POST-2015 DEBATE................................................................................1
Part Two
1) Poverty Reduction ................................................................................................................3
2) Gender Equality .....................................................................................................................4
3) Quality Education and Lifelong Learning .....................................................................5
4) Health ...................................................................................................................................... 5
5) Food Security and Good Nutrition .................................................................................6
6) Access to Water and Sanitation .......................................................................................7
7) Sustainable Energy ............................................................................................................. 7
8) Employment Creation, Livelihoods and Equitable Growth ...................................8
9) Sustainable Natural Resource Management ..............................................................9
10) Good Governance ............................................................................................................. 10
11) Promotion of Stable and Peaceful Societies ...............................................................11
12) Cooperatives and Global Enabling Environment and Long-term Finance ......12
Part Three
COOPERATIVES HAVE A KEY ROLE ...........................................................................................13
Endnotes ................................................................................................................................................15
Institutional Background .................................................................................................................. 16
Future Readings ....................................................................................................................................16
In order to bring cooperative voices into the discussion around the post-2015 development
agenda, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and ICA has launched an initiative
on the contribution of cooperatives to sustainable development. This brief summarizes
the main findings of a forthcoming report of the same title, by Frederick O. Wanyama
of Maseno University in Kenya, prepared as part of ILO’s contribution to this initiative.
The detailed content of the SDGs is already
What is a cooperative?
being discussed and debated by international
organizations, states and civil society organizations;
yet participation by cooperatives themselves has
A cooperative is defined as “an autonomous
only recently become active, and consequently association of people united voluntarily
voices of cooperatives and the cooperative to meet their common economic, social
movement as a whole are not being heard clearly and cultural needs and aspirations through
and their involvement in the process of developing jointly-owned and democratically-controlled
SDGs has not reached its full potential. This is enterprises.
in spite of the fact that the 2012 Rio+20 United
Source: ILO (2002), “Recommendation 193 Concerning the
Nations Conference on Sustainable development Promotion of Cooperatives,” Geneva: ILO (Available at: http://www.
recognized the potential role of cooperatives in the
realization of sustainable development.2
One possible reason for the invisibility of the While more than half the respondents in an ILO
cooperative option in the debate is a lack of survey of the cooperative movement indicated that
understanding of the actual and potential they participated in the post-2015 consultations,
contribution that cooperatives can make to the participation of cooperatives in the design
sustainable development, partly due to the of the post-2015 development agenda has been
disparate nature of literature on this subject. hampered for a variety of reasons.
This review is an attempt to begin to fill this gap.
The full report shows that though cooperatives •• One reason is that cooperatives tend to be
were not actively engaged in the design and more preoccupied with local issues than the
national, regional and international ones.
implementation of MDGs, they made significant Since their basic concern is to serve their
contributions to the realization of the objectives members’ individual and communal con-
of these goals. Since the post-2015 development cerns, their voice and presence tends to fade
agenda substantially builds on the gains of with any focus towards the national, regional
MDGs, the contribution of cooperatives to such and international scenes.
gains reaffirms their relevance in the on-going
debate on the post-2015 development agenda. •• Another important reason however, reported
This is not just in the interest of continuity, but in an online survey of the cooperative move-
ment by the ILO, was that the cooperative
also for the sake of sharing experiences learned
movement was not invited to or included in
in the process of working towards the realization the post-2015 development agenda consul-
of MDGs that may help avoid past mistakes in tations, or did not know about them.3 More
designing the future development agenda. recently, international cooperative and mu-
Cooperatives and the cooperative movement, tual movement leaders have been more ac-
therefore, have a wealth of experience to share tively engaging in the UN processes around
the post-2015 development framework.
that will help the design and implementation of
the Sustainable Development Goals.
With more active strategic involvement of the cooperative movement globally, there are
opportunities to make cooperative issues acknowledged, and voices heard in the post-2015
debate, and reflected in the SDGs.
Part Two
Cooperatives are highly relevant and important Povert y r eduction
in the realization of the proposed sustainable
development goals. There is a widely held consensus among many actors,
including the United Nations, the International
This brief highlights the actual contribution of co- Labour Organization, and the International Co-
operatives to the twelve SDGs proposed by the operative Alliance, that the cooperative enterprise
High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons in the Post- is the type of organization that is most suited to
2015 Development Agenda in their report of 2013. addressing all dimensions of reducing poverty and
Though the specific goals, targets and indicators exclusion. The way cooperatives help reduce poverty
will not be agreed upon until September 2015 as is important - they identify economic opportunities
part of the ongoing process, these twelve proposed for their members; empower the disadvantaged
goals reflect the range of themes that will likely be to defend their interests; provide security to the
covered by the SDGs. poor by allowing them to convert individual
risks into collective risks; and mediate member
The Illustrative Sustainable Development access to assets that they utilize to earn a living.
Goals, as proposed by the High-level
Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 For instance, while savings and credit cooperatives
Development Agenda (SACCOs) facilitate their members’ access to
financial capital, agricultural cooperatives help
1. End poverty farmers access the inputs required to grow crops
2. Empower girls and women and achieve gender and keep livestock, and help them process,
equality transport and market their produce. Similarly,
3. Provide quality education and lifelong learning consumer cooperatives make it possible for their
4. Ensure healthy lives members and the society at large to access good
5. Ensure food security and good nutrition quality household supplies like food, clothing, and
6. Achieve universal access to water and sanitation other products at affordable prices. Such services
7. Secure sustainable energy help pull members out of poverty.
8. Create jobs, sustainable livelihoods and
equitable growth Agricultural cooperatives are well recognized
9. Manage natural resource assets sustainably for their poverty reduction efforts: In Tanzania,
10. Ensure good governance and effective improved cooperative marketing of agricultural
institutions products like milk and coffee has meant that
11. Ensure stable and peaceful societies cooperative members can afford fees for education
12. Create a global enabling environment of their children; in Egypt, 4 million farmers derive
and catalyse long-term finance
income from selling agricultural produce through
Source: HLP (2013), “A New Global Partnership: Eradicate Poverty agricultural marketing cooperatives;4 and in
and Transform Economies through Sustainable Development,” Ethiopia, 900,000 people in the agricultural sector
New York: United Nations (Available at: http://www.post2015hlp.
org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/UN-Report.pdf, accessed on are estimated to generate most of their income
15th November, 2013).
through their cooperatives.5
SACCOs also contribute to poverty reduction: In Women’s presence on financial cooperative boards
Kenya, development loans have been used to buy in East Africa ranges from 24 per cent (Kenya) to 65
land, build houses, invest in businesses and farming, per cent (Tanzania).9 In the occupied Palestinian
and buy household furniture; in Ghana, members territory, despite a history of low women’s
frequently obtain loans from the University of participation, the Union of Cooperative Associations
Ghana Cooperative Credit Union to support for Savings and Credit now has majority women
informal businesses that supplement their wage members.
income; in Rwanda, members of a cooperative and
Women also form their own cooperatives, for
trade union for motorcycle taxi drivers used loans
example the agro-tourism women’s cooperative
to buy their own motorcycles, instead of paying
To Kastri in Greece, and the Benkadi women’s
extortionate daily rental fees; and in Tanzania
cooperative in Mali, formed in response to difficulties
and Sri Lanka, multi-purpose and SACCOs enable
in getting good prices on their produce and access
members to receive small loans to support their
to capital. In India, women’s cooperatives offer self-
own self-employment through retail shopkeeping,
employment opportunities that can contribute to
farming or keeping livestock, and provide working
women’s social inclusion and empowerment, and
capital and loans to grow small businesses.
in the Arab states, they expand women’s access to
Cooperatives also contribute to poverty reduction economic opportunities and public life. Women
by providing employment, livelihoods and wide have been empowered to take up leadership roles,
variety of services, as discussed below. set up their own management committees and
organize welfare activities through cooperatives in
Gender equalit y
both Tanzania and Sri Lanka.
Cooperatives are contributing towards gender Challenges do exist nonetheless: women tend to be
equality, by expanding women’s opportunities marginally represented in traditional cash/export
to participate in local economies and societies in crop-related cooperatives e.g. coffee, cocoa, cotton,
many parts of the world. In consumer cooperatives, tobacco, in which crop ownership is mostly male.
most members are women, e.g. in Japan, women Women are more numerous and rising in subsectors
constitute of 95 per cent of membership and have such as fruits, spices, cereals and dairy, where land
gained a place in the governance structure of their ownership is less critical and capital requirements
cooperatives.6 lower. In larger financial cooperatives women tend
Women are also showing a strong presence in to be in minority, while in smaller saving and credit
worker cooperatives. In the Spanish Confederation cooperatives with microfinance schemes, such
of Worker Cooperatives (COCETA), 49 per cent of as Bangladesh or Philippines, women are more
members are women, with 39 per cent having likely to be in majority.
directorial positions, compared with 6 per cent in Occupational gender division of labour naturally
non-worker owned enterprises.7 In Italy, 95 per reflects itself in cooperatives providing services
cent of members in the workers cooperatives in the to workers in these sectors. For instance women
fashion industry are women.8 are likely to be in majority in service cooperatives
In East Africa, women’s participation in cooperatives for teachers, while majority of the members of
is rising. In the financial cooperative sector, data cooperatives serving transport workers are men.
from Tanzania indicates that women’s membership Women’s cooperatives in general tend to be smaller
has more than quadrupled since 2005, bringing in capital, membership and volume of business and
women’s share to 43 per cent. In Uganda, women’s less well-connected to cooperative movements
participation in agricultural cooperatives is and support structures. Gender inequalities in
increasing faster than men’s. literacy levels, skills, land ownership, and access
to credit and information can also limit women’s
engagement in cooperatives.
Qualit y education a nd Health
lifelong lear ning
Cooperatives ensure healthy lives by creating the
Cooperatives support access to quality education infrastructure for delivering healthcare services;
and life-long learning opportunities by providing financing healthcare and providing home-based
the means for financing education; supporting healthcare services to people living with HIV/AIDS,
teachers and schools; establishing their own among others.
schools to provide quality education to both youth
Healthcare cooperatives include workers
and adults; and by serving as centres for lifelong
cooperatives that provide health services, patient
or community cooperatives that are user-owned,
Cooperatives play a significant role in facilitating and hybrid multi-stakeholder cooperatives.
access to education by increasing household They can provide anything from homecare to
incomes, which translates into the ability to meet full-scale hospitals. The International Health
educational costs. Cooperatives can also be a direct Cooperative Alliance estimates that there are
source of educational finance: In Kenya, for example, more than 100 million households worldwide
the main type of back office loan offered by most that are served by health cooperatives.10
SACCOs is for paying school fees, and this trend Across Canada there are more than 100 healthcare
has been documented similarly in other African cooperatives providing mainly home care to more
countries such as Ghana, Nigeria, Cape Verde, and than a million people spanning its eight provinces.
Uganda. SaludCoop in Colombia is a healthcare cooperative,
and the second largest national employer serving
Where local governments have been unable to
25 per cent of the population. In Japan, more than
provide school infrastructure, cooperatives have
125 medical cooperatives serve nearly 3 million
often filled the gap to build and support local
schools. In Ghana and Ethiopia, rebates from fair
trade have been used by multi-purpose cooperatives
to finance social projects, including construction of Pharmacy cooperatives give members
classrooms and improving infrastructure in primary access to genuine and affordable medicines
schools. Support in other cases has included
developing financial skills of youth and encouraging In Turkey at the end of the 1970s, drug suppliers
saving habits, scholarships to members’ children to depended on imports but wholesalers would only
attend school and higher education, organizing accept payments in foreign currency, leading to
educational competitions, funding equipment and many pharmacies going out of business, rising
stationery, and maintaining libraries. prices, and counterfeit medicines. The Association
Cooperatives are increasingly getting involved in of Pharmacists’ Cooperatives created in 1989 has
direct provision of quality education by setting enabled small pharmacies to benefit from the
up their own schools, enabling students to access collective purchasing power of cooperatives to
secondary education in remote areas of Tanzania, supply genuine and affordable medicines. This
for example. In the UK, the Manchester-based Co- network of 13,000 pharmacies all over Turkey
operative College has established democratically provides jobs to 40,000 people and is known for
driven cooperative trust schools, with a strong its high quality services.
commitment to social justice and moral purpose.
Source: ILO (2012), “Healing Pharmacies” (Available at: http://www.
Lifelong learning is provided to members through
skills training and knowledge development by -en/index.htm, accessed on 23rd) November, 2013).
In Sri Lanka, health cooperatives are often spin-offs Agricultural cooperatives help farmers overcome
to provide healthcare and hospitals to members these obstacles by offering their members a
of consumer and agricultural cooperatives.11 variety of services such as group purchasing and
In the United States, health care cooperatives marketing, input shops for collective purchases,
operate hospitals and clinics, such as the warehouse receipt systems for collective access to
Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound with credit and market outlet. Cooperatives build small
650,000 members, 30 medical facilities, and producers’ skills, provide them with knowledge and
9,500 employees including 1,000 physicians.12 information, and help them to innovate and adapt
In Nepal, cooperatives offer members primary to changing markets. Importantly, they facilitate
health care services at a low annual family fee. farmers’ participation in decision-making processes
Pharmacy cooperatives in Turkey give members and help small producers’ voice their concerns and
access to genuine and affordable medicines. interests, and increase their negotiating power to
influence policy making processes. For their part,
Financing healthcare is an important role of
consumer cooperatives facilitate access to safe
cooperatives: In the US, healthcare cooperatives
are among the most popular types of healthcare
insurance, owned by the policyholders. Cooperatives have helped preserve indigenous
Cooperatives that do business under the fair trade food crops, such as indigenous potatoes in
label in Africa, such as the Oromia Coffee Farmers Argentina, increasing food security. Diversification
Cooperative Union in Ethiopia, Kuapa Kokoo Ltd. in of household food supply, for example by dairy
Ghana, and Heiveld Cooperative Society in South cooperatives, has improved nutrition as well as
Africa, often use fair trade rebates to provide public incomes.
health and healthcare services in remote areas.
HIV/AIDS home-based care services are provided
Diversification of household food supply by dairy
by cooperatives in Kenya, South Africa, Tanzania, cooperatives can improve nutrition as well as
Lesotho and Swaziland, as well as parts of Asia. incomes
Food secur it y a nd good
Members of the Societe des Eleveur de Vache Laitier de
nutr ition
Foumbot (COOVALAIF) in western Cameroon increased
Cooperatives contribute to food security by helping family consumption of fresh milk, supplied hundreds of
small farmers, fisher folk, livestock keepers, forest litres of milk to the cooperative every day for marketing,
holders and other producers to solve numerous and used cow dung to increase maize, bean and potato
challenges that confront them in their endeavours yields. Annual household income increased from US$430
to produce food. Farming and agriculture is where
in 2008 to US$3,000 in 2012, with extra income used
the cooperative business model is most widely
to pay school fees for children, for family emergencies,
utilised. Cooperatives together have an estimated
and to diversify into poultry and goat farming. The share
32 per cent of the global market share in this sector.13
of households with year-round access to quality food
Challenges faced by small agricultural producers increased from 14 to 76 per cent over the same period.
often include remoteness and lack of access to
information about food prices on national and Source: Heifer International (2012), “Dairy Farmer Cooperative
Contributes to Food Security in Cameroon” (Available at:
international markets; access to high-quality inputs
and variable costs of buying seeds and fertilizer; farmers-cooperative-contributes-to-food-security-in-cameroon.html,
accessed on 27th September 2013).
access to loans to buy these inputs; and lack of
transport and other infrastructure in rural areas.
Access to water a nd sa nitation municipality and the union of housing construction
cooperatives has supplied housing for 200,000 low
Cooperatives are increasingly becoming major
and middle income people, and kept down selling
actors in facilitating access to clean water and
and rental prices in the Ankara housing market.18 In
sanitation services to make up for the failures of
Africa, too, the National Housing Cooperative Union
both the public and private sectors.
(NACHU) in Kenya has been at the core of the Slum
Cooperatives have provided alternative ways for Up-grading Programme, organizing slum dwellers
urban communities to get clean water and safe into cooperatives and helping them acquire decent
sewerage services. SAGUAPAC in the Bolivian city houses.19
of Santa Cruz, for example, is the largest urban
Sustainable energy
water cooperative in the world, with 183,000 water
connections serving 1.2 million people, three- Energy cooperatives are contributing to the
quarters of the city’s population, with one of the achievement of the sustainable energy goals of
purest water quality measures in Latin America.14 energy access, energy efficiency, and reduced
In the Philippines, water shortages due to El Niño, emissions. Cooperatives are visible in facilitating
managerial problems and financial losses due access to sustainable energy, where they are playing
to corruption and politicking led the Municipal a significant role in generating electricity and
Council of Binangonan city to allow cooperatives to distributing it to consumers. They are also leading
provide water services. Water cooperatives set up the way to the adoption of new and renewable
water delivery systems in their neighborhoods. energies like solar and wind power in many parts
of the world.
Water cooperatives also provide remote locations
that would otherwise have no service. In the Best known are the rural electrification cooperatives
panchayat of Olavanna in India, acute drinking that have provided electricity to rural populations
water shortages in the 1990s led to 70 drinking in many countries, both developing and developed.
water cooperative societies by 2012, providing In the US, these consumer-owned utilities purchase
water to more than 14,000 households in the electric power at wholesale prices and deliver it
region.15 In Africa, cooperatives in Ghana, Ethiopia directly to the consumer. There are 864 distribution
and South Africa have used fair trade rebates cooperatives delivering 10 per cent of the nation’s
to drill boreholes and establish local groups for total kilowatt-hours of electricity and serving
maintenance. In the US, cooperatives are the most 12 per cent of electricity consumers, 42 million
common organizational form of water provision people - mainly in rural areas where the return on
in small suburban and rural communities, formed expensive infrastructure investment was not high
to provide safe, reliable, and sustainable water enough to attract investor-owned utilities. For this
service at reasonable cost. There are about 3,300 reason, they own and maintain 42 per cent of the
water cooperatives in the US, providing water for nation’s electric distribution lines, covering 75 per
drinking, fire protection and landscaping irrigation, cent of the land mass. Sixty-six generation and
and often wastewater services.16 transmission cooperatives were also formed to
pool purchasing power for wholesale electricity.20
Sanitation has also been addressed by cooperatives, Bangladesh was later assisted by the US electricity
as part of providing shelter and upgrading slums. In cooperative movement, with today a Rural
India, the National Cooperative Housing Federation Electrification Board having set up more than 70
(NCHF) has mobilised the urban poor in more than rural electric cooperatives, and more than 219,000
92,000 housing cooperatives, with a membership of km of distribution lines installed connecting
over 6.5 million people, constructing and financing 47,650 villages to the grid, including 170,000 rural
2.5 million housing units, 75 per cent for low income irrigation pumping stations and 30 million people
families.17 In Ankara, Turkey, an alliance between the connected.21
Generation of renewable energies has also been Employment in Cooperatives Selected Countries
taken up by cooperatives. In the UK, a cooperative
is selling charcoal and briquettes made from Country Number of jobs
energy, and between 2006 and 2011, 430 new India 100,000 dairy cooperatives employ 12 million
energy cooperatives were formed.22 Cooperatives
Colombia Nearly 700,000 through direct employment
Europe has set up a working group on energy and and as worker-owners in workers’ cooperatives
environment to promote the role of cooperatives in
Source: Source: ICA (2014), “Co-operative Facts & Figures” (Available at: http://
renewable energy., accessed on 3rd April, 2013).
The study suggests some reasons for this success: agricultural sector demonstrates how agricultural
producers organized in cooperatives see better
•• In the short term, cooperatives are member-based so
rather than shedding labour, they think of new activi- incomes, more savings and reduced input costs,
ties (productivity, exports, restructuring). relative to those who are not.31
•• Members are aware of an imminent crisis and can
An important consideration is how the employment
prepare for it, due to democratic structures and in-
creation impact of cooperatives can be scaled up to
formation sharing in real time.
massively generate new employment opportunities
•• Since decision-making is participatory and income
gaps small among members, cooperatives are more in those areas where public and private sector
able to take hard decisions that are seen as legiti- initiatives are weak or absent.
mate. Sustainable natur al r esource
•• Safety and support funds guard against shocks, and m a nagement
common reserves that cannot be withdrawn guaran-
tee financial stability. Cooperatives contribute to the sustainable
•• In the long term, cooperatives build pension and ed- management of natural resources in a variety
ucation mechanisms for members and target com- of ways: They ensure that natural resources are
munity needs with a long-term vision. not depleted, where cooperatives have provided
•• Restructuring and entering new activities are stan- a forum for local people to find solutions to
dard practice for cooperatives. environmental change by defining their property
An increasing body of evidence suggests that and user rights, managing natural resources, and
employee-owned businesses also outperform diversifying their economic activities to embrace
economically in normal times compared with green economic ventures. In Indonesia, forestry
non-worker-owned enterprises, with higher cooperatives promote sustainable use of tropical
financial returns and greater productivity.29 hardwood and have received Forest Stewardship
Research in the US has found a consistent positive Council (FSC) certification for the international
relationship between employee-ownership and furniture market, overcoming monopoly of wood
labour productivity. Past research across a number buyers and earning a sustainable living.32
of countries within a range of different sectors
suggests that employee-owned businesses provide Many cooperatives encourage more responsible
higher financial returns, greater productivity levels, patterns of consumption and social and economic
and higher levels of employment stability.30 accountability values as normative practices in the
cooperative model of doing business.33 Sustainable
Other contributions to livelihoods and equitable agricultural cooperatives diversify their activities to
growth documented for cooperatives include include water management, tourism, production
income security, jobs for rural communities, of quality regional foods and organic farming.
strengthening farmers’ position in the value chain, They respond to the crisis of high-tech agriculture
employment in diverse sectors of the economy, and environmental regulation, for example in the
spillover effects on employment, provision of Netherlands. In Italy, “social cooperatives” provide
infrastructure and other services, and social maintenance of public green spaces, urban waste
inclusion. Evidence from around the world shows collection, urban sanitation, installation of solar
the contributions cooperatives have made in panels, and waste prevention and reuse.34
promoting decent work and providing income
security, especially among those previously In developing countries, thousands of waste-pickers
excluded. Research on the dairy industry in India work in poor conditions and contribute significantly
indicates that cooperative members enjoy higher to cleaning up the environment but lose profit
and more secure incomes than non-members to middlemen who sell recyclables to industry.
within the industry, particularly at the primary level Waster-pickers have established cooperatives in
of production. Similarly, recent research in Ethiopia’s Colombia, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Philippines,
India and Indonesia, among other countries, to characteristics such as transparency, responsibility,
increase incomes and dignify their activities.35 accountability, participation, responsiveness to the
people’s needs, and respect for the rule of law, are
Environmental agricultural cooperatives in also features of the cooperative identity. Deeply
the Netherlands rooted in the community they operate, cooperatives
can empower people by enabling even the poorest
The Netherlands has more than 125 environmental
segments of the population to participate in
agricultural cooperatives. They allow Dutch
economic progress. Furthermore, by creating a
conservation agencies to develop environmental
platform for local development initiatives they
management contracts with groups of land
bring together a range of community institutions
managers, so that landscapes can be worked whole
to foster opportunities for decent work and
instead of piecemeal. In the Fryslan Woodlands
social inclusion. 37 Cooperatives can be schools
in the early 1990s for example, farmers were
for practicing democracy first hand through
concerned that small-scale farming could not
participation and control.38
remain viable with pressure for dairy farming
with low production costs and reducing farm Second, cooperatives and cooperative members in
sizes, and faced increasing environmental rules their dual role as stakeholders and owners or con-
and regulations on soil pollution. Environmental trollers can provide an important voice in the glob-
cooperatives became a means for farmers to self- al debate on governance and transparency. Strong
regulate and develop locally effective means to and legitimate governance institutions including
realize environmental objectives in their farming. social enterprises like cooperatives are needed to
ensure that the benefits of development are equally
Source: Renting, H. and J. D. Van der Ploeg (2001), “Reconnecting shared and sustainable over time. In Britain, for ex-
nature, farming and Society: environmental cooperatives in the
Netherlands as institutional arrangements for creating coherence.” ample, the retail co-operative movement has been
Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 3: p. 85-101.
concerned with social as well as economic aims
since its origins. In more recent times, it has been
Good gover na nce an early supporter both of the Fair Trade movement
and of ethical banking. Among the first adopters of
Responsible and effective governance has been the new Fair Tax Mark, to be awarded to companies
identified in the post-2015 process as an enabler for that meet their corporate tax obligations fully and
socio-economic transformation and the eradication transparently, have been within the cooperative
of structural inequality, as well as an end in itself. and social enterprise family.39
The new development agenda provides the
opportunity for societies to shift to a more just
Collectively members own their co-operative,
world, where resources are shared more equitably
and people have a greater say in the decisions that and through democratic arrangements they
affect their lives.36 Cooperatives have an important participate in its governance. Individually
role to play in this process. they have a right to information, a voice, and
representation … There is good evidence to
First, one of the principles of cooperatives is suggest that providing consumers and workers
democratic member control. The equal voting with a voice inside organisations produces better,
rights of cooperative enterprises, on the basis of more intelligent and responsive forms of business.
one member, one vote, impart the necessary and
Source: ICA (2013), “Blue Print for a Co-operative Decade,”
legitimate representativeness to make them key (Available at
actors in the social dialogue process especially in rural ICA%20Blueprint%20-%20Final%20-%20Feb%2013%20EN.pdf/,
accessed on 22nd March, 2014).
and informal economy settings. Good governance
This does not mean that cooperatives automatically It is however in these times of crisis, when there is
have good governance. Implementing the an urgency to establish more solid economic and
democratic decision-making model has sometimes financial systems that cooperative enterprises tend
been a challenge for cooperatives, with issues such to re-emerge as relevant solutions that are durable,
as poorly defined property rights and membership and timely.
apathy. Governance challenges are being countered
They can have transformative potential in
by innovative responses, such as formulating codes
revitalizing struggling sectors, recovery of crisis-
of conduct for management boards in cooperatives.
stricken local economies, increasing returns to
Case studies by the ILO’s COOPAFRICA technical producers and service providers across value
cooperation program confirmed that the chains, formalizing informal employment, and
institutional set-up of the cooperative model generating employment for women and youth in
with its general assemblies, elected and rural and urban areas across times. There are also
co-opted boards of directors, management new forms of cooperatives that are being formed
committees and different controlling agencies is that are responding to different crises, for instance
well-suited to make collective decision-making social care cooperatives that are being formed in
conflict-low and to a certain extent predictable. The responding to the care needs of ageing populations,
fast-growing Rooibos cooperative in South Africa or care cooperatives formed to take care of orphans
shows this often implies a lot of member education, after earthquakes.43
deliberations and internal debate.40 The ILO’s
Women’s cooperatives have been especially active
Recommendation 193 provides an international
as brokers of peace and development:
standard that has helped with re-vamping new
cooperative laws and policies in ninety-seven •• Women’s cooperatives in Nepal, emerging
countries around the world.41 from a ten-year Maoist insurgency in
2006, helped women to survive, manage
Promotion of stable a nd their livelihood options and look after
peaceful societies their families through the provision of
credit, counselling and skills development.
In the aftermath of violent social conflict, In the post-conflict period, women’s
cooperatives have often emerged as sources of cooperatives raised consciousness and
positive social capital, fostering a strong sense political participation and emerged as
voices of justice and peace.44
of community, participation, empowerment
•• Communal violence in Gujarat, India has
and inclusion among members and restoring
resulted in massive loss of life, destruction
interpersonal relationships and peace. In post- of property, loss of livelihoods and
genocide Rwanda, in addition to dealing with particularly grievous perpetration of
structural causes of grievances, cooperatives sexual violence against women. During
provided emotional support for members seeking the 2002 communal riots, the Self-
justice.42 Employed Women’s Association (SEWA)
Federation ran relief camps for riot victims
Cooperatives have been known to emerge as a and provided women in the camps with
collective response to crisis, like the economic employment, access to basic health care,
hardship times around the 1840s in the UK, childcare and counselling.45
agricultural depression in 1860s in Germany, the •• Cooperatives have contributed to
great depression of 1929-1930 in the US or the rebuilding societies after conflict,
exemplified by a women’s cooperative in
unemployment crisis of Europe in the 1970s. This
Lebanon that revived local and traditional
does not mean, however, that cooperatives only products that faced extinction after heavy
succeed in times of crisis. shelling in 2006, and helped rebuild the
memory of the village.46
Cooper atives a nd global Cooperatives contribute to the stabilization of the
enabling en vironment a nd global financial system, which foundered in 2007 on
long-ter m fina nce the growing use of debt and leverage. Cooperatives
survived and fared relatively well in this instability
Finally, cooperatives are contributing to the creation largely because of their ability to control their
of a global enabling environment to chaperone debt. Cooperative members own and control the
sustainable development by bridging the trading capital of the cooperative. The customer-owned
divide between the developed and developing business model makes them resilient in a downturn.
world; by stabilizing financial systems during crises; Diverse studies show that cooperative principles
and by providing the base for financial deepening of democratic control and joint ownership have
around the world. enabled cooperatives to weather the crisis and
Cooperatives have played a role in creating a global grow.49
enabling environment by bridging the trade barriers Financial cooperatives are some of the best means
betw e e n d e v e l o p e d a n d d e v e loping countries for financial deepening, and provide the financial
through fair trade and other forms of alternative base for other kinds of development activities in
trade that alter the imbalanced trade relationship. many parts of the world. In many cases, they are
Linking cooperatives in the south to markets in the the only formal financial organizations available,
north also enables rebates for ethical production particularly in remote rural areas, where members
and marketing of products being used to support can save and borrow money to develop their own
social development projects in local communities in businesses. Cooperatives also provide micro-
the south. There is a wide and growing range of fair insurance in different forms. These roles contribute
trade products exported by cooperatives, including to financial stability.
coffee, tea, handicrafts, cocoa, sugar, bananas,
honey, wine and flowers.
Cooperatives are Major Exporters
Sources: Global Exchange (2011), “Fair Trade Coffee Cooperatives” (Available at:;
Kuapa Kokoo website (Available at:
Part Three
Cooperatives are already present in all the areas Cooperatives are contributing towards gender
that the proposed Sustainable Development Goals equality, not just by increasing female membership,
envisage the direction the world will take in its jour- but by expanding opportunities for women in
ney to make sustainable development the reality. local economies and societies in many parts of the
Cooperatives are central to the realization of sus- world. They support access to quality education
tainable development around the world, but with and life-long learning opportunities by providing
their focus on members and local needs, they have the means for financing education; supporting
not always been proactive in national and interna- schools; establishing their own schools to provide
tional debates. With little visibility at national and quality education to both the youth and adults;
international levels, the potential and importance and by serving as centres for lifelong learning.
of the contribution that cooperatives can make to Cooperatives ensure healthy lives by creating the
the design and realization of SDGs seems to have infrastructure for delivering healthcare services;
been missed by policy makers at respective levels. financing healthcare and providing home-based
This explains the relatively limited visibility and at- healthcare services to people living with HIV/AIDS,
tention that cooperatives are enjoying in the de- among others.
bate on the post-2015 development agenda.
Cooperatives contribute to food security by helping
This debate should not just build on cooperative small farmers, fisher folk, livestock keepers, forest
experiences, but should also accommodate the holders and other producers to solve numerous
voices of the cooperative movement. This is challenges that confront them in their endeavours
particularly important because, as was the case in to produce food. They are increasingly becoming
the implementation of the MDGs, the realization major actors in facilitating access to clean water
of the proposed SDGs will most likely require the and sanitation services to make up for the failures
active participation of cooperatives and such of both the public and private sectors. Energy
participation needs to be elicited right at the point cooperatives are contributing to the achievement
of formulating the goals. of the sustainable energy goals of energy access,
energy efficiency, and reduced emissions.
There is a widely held consensus among many actors,
including the United Nations, the International Cooperatives play a significant role in employment
Labour Organization, and the International Co- creation and income generation, with more than
operative Alliance, that the cooperative enterprise 100 million jobs worldwide. Recent evidence has
is the type of organization that best meets all found that cooperatives are more resilient and
dimensions of reducing poverty and exclusion. perform better during financial and economic
This is because the way cooperatives help to reduce crises.
poverty is important - they identify economic
Whereas environmental cooperatives are
opportunities for their members; empower the
spearheading the sustainable management
disadvantaged to defend their interests; provide
of natural resources for posterity, the cooperative
security to the poor by allowing them to convert
governance model can easily provide the framework
individual risks into collective risks; and mediate
for equitable participatory processes that guarantee
member access to assets that they utilize to earn a
transparency and accountability in cooperation with
communities, governments, businesses and other
stakeholders to realize sustainable development.
In the aftermath of violent conflict in many places ENDNOTES
around the world, cooperatives have often emerged 1 International Co-operative Alliance (2011), Global 300 Re-
as sources of ‘positive social capital’, fostering port2010: The world’s major co-operatives and mutual businesses
(Available at
a strong sense of community, participation, report2011.pdf).
empowerment and inclusion among its members
2 UNGA (2012), op. cit.
and restoring interpersonal relationships and
3 ILO (2014), Cooperatives and Sustainable Development: Analysis
peace. Women’s cooperatives have been especially of Cooperative Voices and Sustainable Development Survey
active as brokers of peace and development. Report
of sustainable development by including 11 Birchall, J. (2004), “Cooperative and the Millennium Development
Goals,” Geneva: ILO.
cooperatives in the indicators, targets and
12 Oemichen, W. L. (2011), “Healthcare Cooperatives and Consumer-
funding mechanisms for the Sustainable Governed Health Care,” A presentation made at the Consumer-Owned
Development Goals. Private Health Insurance Plans Conference, April 26. (Available at:
•• Cooperatives should be proactive by TIVEColoradoPresentationApril2011.pdf, accessed on 24th September
getting involved in discussions at all levels
13 Bibby, A. (2014). “Co-operatives are an inherently more sustainable
(local, national, regional and international) form of business” (Available at:
on the post-2015 development agenda in accessed on 3rd April, 2014).
order to secure the opportunity to share 14 ICA (2012), “Clean Water, Cooperative Principles” (Available
their experiences on the realization of at:
cooperative-principles,accessed on 27th September 2013).
sustainable development.
15 Sree, K. M. (2012), “Water Cooperatives Help Quench Olavanna’s
• • National, regional and international Thirst,” in The Times of India, May 6th (Available at: http://articles.time-
cooperative organizations sh o ul d tanks-water-scarcity-water-shortage, accessed 27th September 2013).
e nhan ce th e ir re p re s e nt ati o n an d
16 University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives (2013), “Research
advocacy roles to improve the presence on the Economic Impact of Cooperatives” (Available at: http://reic., accessed on 27th November, 2013).
and voice of cooperatives in the post-
17 Khurana, M.L. (2010), “Cooperatives for Improving Living Condi-
2015 development agenda and the wider tions in Slums” (Available at:
international policy debates. ar=2010&mon=Jan&foo=bar&page=2, accessed on 26th August 26,
18 MOST Clearing House (2013), “Batikent Project Turkey” (Avail- 33 Horwat, R. A. (2009), “Environmental Cooperatives and Sustain-
able at:, accessed on ability: Exploring theCooperative as a Community Tool to Support
30th November, 2013). Sustainability in Montreal, Canada.” Master of Science Thesis,
Central European University, Budapest.
19 NACHU (2012), “NACHU News,” April (Available at: http://na- 34 Osti, G. (2012), “Green Social Cooperatives in Italy: A Practical
Newsletter.pdf, accessed on 30th Novemeber, 2013). Way to cover the three Pillars of Sustainability?” Sustainability:
Science, Practice and Policy, Vol. 8, Issue 1, p. 82-93.
Mwende, J. (2012), “NACHU Unveils Plan to build 416 low-cost
Houses” (Available at: 35 Medina (2005), Tirado-Soto and Zamberlan, 2013.
nachu-unveils-plan-to-build-416-low-cost-houses/, accessed on
29th November, 2013). 36 The World We Want, (2013). “Final Report of the Global The-
matic Consultation on Governance and the Post-2015 Develop-
20 University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives (2013), op. cit. ment Framework.” (Available at: http://www.worldwewant2015.
21 ILO (2013c), “Providing Clean Energy and Energy Access
through Cooperatives,” Geneva: ILO. 37 ILO : Working Out Of Poverty, Report of the Director-General,
International Labour Conference , 91st session, Geneva, 2003, p.
22 Bilek, A. (2012), “Revitalizing Rural Communities through the 53.
Renewable Energy Cooperative,” Washington DC: Heinrich Boll
Stiftung. (Available at: 38 ICA (2013). op.cit.
ergyCooperatives.pdf, accessed on 28thSeptember 2013).
39 Bibby, A. (2014). op.cit.
23 Develtere, P., I. Pollet & F. Wanyama (eds.) (2008), “Cooperating
out of Poverty: The Renaissance of the African Cooperative Move- 40 Wanyama, F. O., P. Develtere and I. Pollet (2008),
ment,” Geneva: ILO. “Encountering the Evidence: Cooperatives and Poverty Reduction
in Africa,” Journal of Cooperative Studies, Vol. 41, No. 3, p. 16-27.
24 ICA. op. cit.; ILO (2012), op. cit.; UNDESA (2014), op. cit.
41 ILO (2002), “Recommendation 193 Concerning the Promotion
25 ILC (2007), “The Promotion of Sustainable Enterprises,” Report of Cooperatives,” Geneva: ILO (Available at:
VI. Geneva: ILO. (Available at: images/empent/static/coop/pdf/english.pdf).
wcms_093969.pdf). 42 Sentama, E. (2009), “Peacebuilding in Post-Genocide Rwanda:
the Role of Cooperatives in the Restoration of Interpersonal Re-
26 Birchall, J. (2013), Resilience in a Downturn: the Power of lationships,” PhD Thesis, Gothenburg University, School of Global
Financial Cooperatives,Geneva: International Labour Organization Studies.
(Available at:
emp/---emp_ent/---coop/documents/publication/wcms_207768. 43 Esim, S. (2013), “Witnessing the Cooperative Renaissance in
pdf, accessed on 4th October 2013). Times of Global Crises” presentation made at the Conference on
Health& Gender Equity in a Period of Global Crisis, Galway, Ireland.
Howarth, M. (2007), “Worker Cooperatives and the Phenomenon November29.
of empresas recuperadas in Argentina: An Analysis of their Poten-
tial for Replication,” Geneva: ILO (Available at: 44 Douglas, E. (2005), “Inside Nepal’s Revolution,” National Geo- graphic Magazine(Available at: http://ngm.nationalgeographic.
argentina1.pdf, accessed on 28th November, 2013). com/ngm/0511/feature3/index.html).
27 Brown, R. (2014) “The performance of employee-owned busi- 45 Ramnarain, S. (2011), “Women’s Cooperatives and Peace in
nesses in Scotland: some preliminary empirical evidence” in Fraser India and Nepal.” Canadian Cooperative Association (Available
of Allander Institute Economic Commentary: Volume 37, No. 3. at:
nomics/fairse/2014-03/The_Performance_of_Employee-owned_ PAL_2011_CCA.pdf).
pdf). 46 Esim, S. and M. Omeira (2009), “Rural Women Producers and
Cooperatives in Conflict Settings in Arab States”, Paper presented
28 Sociedad Cooperativa de Producción Pesquera Buzos y at the FAO-IFAD-ILO Workshop on gaps, trends and current
Pescadores in Mexico; Ceralep in France; the Desjardins Group research in gender dimensions of agricultural and rural employ-
in Canada; and the Mondragon Group in Spain. ment: differentiated pathways out of poverty, Rome, 31 March-2
April (Available at:
Bajo, C. S. and B. Roelants (2013). Capital and the Debt Trap: Learn- fao_ilo/pdf/Papers/25_March/Esim_Fin.pdf).
ing from Cooperatives in the Global Crisis. Hampshire: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2013. Print. 47 Global Exchange (2011), “Fair Trade Coffee Cooperatives”
(Available at:
29 Logue, J. and J. Yates (2005), “Productivity in Cooperatives and cooperatives).
Worker-owned Enterprises: Ownership and Participation Make a
Difference!” Geneva: ILO. (Available at: 48 Kuapa Kokoo website (Available at: http://www.kuapakokoo.
OEOCLibrary/Preprints/LogueYatesProductivityInCooperatives- com/).
49 Bajo, C. S. and B. Roelants (2013), op. cit.
30 Brown, R. (2014), op. cit.
50 ICA (2013), “Blue Print for a Co-operative Decade,” (Available
31 UNDESA (2014), op. cit. at
32 (2013b), “A Source for Sustainable Teak” (Available
at: 51 UNGA (2012), “The Future We Want.” Resolution of the United
Nations General Assembly adopted on 27th July 2012 (Available
The International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) is an independent, non-governmental organization established
in 1895 to unite, represent and serve cooperatives worldwide. It provides a global voice and forum for knowledge,
expertise and coordinated action for and about cooperatives. Alliance members are international and national
cooperative organizations from all sectors of the economy, including agriculture, industry, services, banking, retail,
fisheries, health, housing, and insurance. The Alliance has members from one hundred countries, representing one
billion individuals worldwide. For more information:
The International Labour Organisation (ILO), a specialised agency of the United Nations, aims to promote rights
at work, encourage decent employment opportunities enhance social protection and strengthen dialogue on work-
related issues. For more information:
The ILO views cooperatives as important in improving the living and working conditions of women and men globally as
well as making essential infrastructure and services available even in areas neglected by the state and investor-driven
enterprises. The Cooperatives Unit of the ILO serves ILO constituents and cooperative organizations and collaborates
with cooperative development agencies and training institutions in four priority areas:
• Raising public awareness on cooperatives through evidence based advocacy and sensitization
to cooperative values and principles;
• Promoting the inclusion of teaching of cooperative principles and practices at all levels of the
national education and training systems;
• Providing advice on cooperative policy and cooperative law, including participatory policy and
law making and the impact on coopera-tives of taxation policies, labour law, accounting standards,
and competition law among others.
The ILO and ICA work in partnership and are members of the Committee for the Promotion and Advancement of
Cooperatives (COPAC), an interagency committee which promotes sustainable cooperative development.
•• Birchall, J. (2013), Resilience in a Downturn: the Power of Financial Cooperatives, Geneva: International Labour Organization.
•• Develtere, P., I. Pollet & F. Wanyama (eds.) (2008), Cooperating out of Poverty: The Renaissance of the African Cooperative
Movement, Geneva: ILO. Also available in French.
•• High Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda (2013), A New Global Partnership: Eradicate
Poverty and Transform Economies through Sustainable Development, New York: United Nations.
•• IFAD (2012), Agricultural Cooperatives: Paving the Way for Food Security and Rural Development.
•• ILO (2002), Recommendation 193 Concerning the Promotion of Cooperatives, Geneva: ILO.
•• ILO (2013), Providing Clean Energy and Energy Access through Cooperatives, Geneva: ILO.
•• ICA (2013), Blue Print for a Co-operative Decade, Geneva:ICA.
•• ICA (2013), Co-operatives and Sustainability: An investigation into the relationship, Geneva: ICA.
•• Mogrovejo, R., A. Mora y P. Vanhuynegem, El cooperativismo en América Latina : A diversidad de contribuciones al desarrollo
sostenible, La Paz : Oficina Regional de la OIT para América Latina y el Caribe, La Paz, 2012.
•• UNDESA (2012), Promoting Productive Capacity for Sustainable Livelihoods: The Role of Cooperatives.