Argumentative Essay
Argumentative Essay
Argumentative Essay
Running head: Supporting the idea that India should become a country free from religion
Running head: Supporting the idea that India should become a country free from religion
India is a secular country where all religions are treated in an equal way. India consists of
about eight different religions that are Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism,
Jainism, Zoroastrianism and Judaism. About 80% of people in India are Hindus whereas only
0.0005% of the population is Judaism. Every single religion has their own beliefs and different
ways to pray. It is known that everyone in India has a freedom to choose any religion and they
will be treated equally as other people. But these days I feel like people from one religion are
discriminating the other religions and government of India is not doing anything. Looking at all
these disputes, fights between different religions and corruption in government, I completely
support the idea that India should become a country free from religion. If this happens one day,
there will be fewer fights and people will live with love and happiness. Some of examples that
will make people think about transforming India into country free from religion are described
Indias history is full of religious wars and fights. Most of us probably know about the
fights between Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus. These conflicts are making Indias reputation bad
and it also has a serious impact on Indias economy as well. If we talk about past relations
between Sikhs and Muslims, they treat each other like enemies and have a lot of hate for each
other. Even Hindus these days hate people from other religions and are starting a war between
religions. Lets not go too far back in Indias history, just couple days ago, there was a disrespect
shown to Sikh religion. Sikhism holy book Guru Granth Sahib Ji was torn into pieces and was
thrown somewhere in middle of the village. This alleged sacrilege created madness in Sikhs
which lead them to protest. While they were protesting Punjab police came and started shooting
at them, hitting them with batons and guns which was not good at all. This news about disrespect
shown to Sikhism is all over the world and after all this what is Indias reputation in front of
Running head: Supporting the idea that India should become a country free from religion
other countries. Beside this, the wars between Muslims and Sikhs from fifteenth to nineteenth
century, the war between British and Sikhs, etc., have created so much violence in India.
In addition, the conflict between Hindus and Muslims is going on for years. In twentieth
century, the war between Hindus and Muslims lead to the partition of India into two countries:
Hindustan which is known as India today and western part known as Pakistan. These religious
wars did a lot of damage to India and have also created a lot of hate among people of different
religions. Imagine if India was free from religions there would be none of these wars or fights
and everyone would be living peacefully. Moreover, not only conflict between Hindus and
Muslims, but also war between Hindus and Sikhs has created turbulence in India. In 1980s, the
war between Hindus and Sikhs and Sikhs demand for new state known as Khalistan have
created a hate in Hindus mind which further lead to the violent action. Now what is the point of
all these fights and wars?
Not only this, couple years back the guy named as Ram Raheem dressed as Sikhs tenth guru
Guru Gobind Singh Ji pretended to be Sikhs guru which created a fight between his followers
and Sikhs. Houses were broken down, public transports were destroyed and people were injured
and killed. Now whats the point of that? If India is called a secular state and everyone is treated
equally, then why so much hate towards other? Why government is not doing anything? The
reason behind this is that government do not care about peoples beliefs, they only are about their
power and seat so that rule over India. India is being destroyed day by day. All these wars,
corruption in politics is ruining India. If all this is happening, then why to bother to say that there
is secularism in India. It is better if there will be no religion.
In todays world, religion is not the beliefs that were used to remember god but it became a
business in market. People are building so many holy places and using those places as their
Running head: Supporting the idea that India should become a country free from religion
source of income. They think people come to these places and donate their money and that
donation can be used as their income. I think 20% of that donation is used towards charity or for
other helpful stuff and rest of it goes in owners pocket. Even in the movie called OMG, it was
shown how religion is transforming into a business. People go and buy those statues and pray in
front of them which does not mean that you are praying to god. God is everywhere you just need
to pray from bottom of your heart. As god is one, all these religions can be one and which can
make India free from religions as well. People just need to change their thinkings.
In nutshell, we can say that India is declining day by day because of all these religious wars
and conflicts. Government is not taking any step to prevent this; instead they get involved in
these violent activities as well. Government is corrupted in India; it just runs with money. All the
evidences provided above shows how different religions in India have created violence. People
need to take an action against this and should make this country free from religions. Even Guru
Nanak Dev Ji mentioned that God is one, so why people are fighting with each other for
different religions. If god is one, why not everyone lives in peace. At least if India becomes a
country free from religion, there will be no wars. Indias reputation in world will be become
really high and people who live in India will say that they are proud to be Indians.
Running head: Supporting the idea that India should become a country free from religion
Sullivan Nate. Muslim and Hindu Conflict in India and the Partition of India and Pakistan. N.p., Web. 16 Oct.2015. <>.
Varshney, and Ashutosh. Ethnic and Religious Conflicts in India. Cultural Survival. N.p.,
11 Feb. 2010. Web. 16 Oct. 2015.
"Two Killed, Scores Injured during Protests by Sikhs in India's Faridkot." DAWN. N.p., 14
Oct. 2015. Web. 17 Oct. 2015. <>.