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Background and Threshold: Critical Comparison of Methods of Determination

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Science of the Total Environment 346 (2005) 1 16


Background and threshold: critical comparison of

methods of determination
Clemens Reimanna,*, Peter Filzmoserb, Robert G. Garrettc

Geological Survey of Norway, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway
Institute of Statistics and Probability Theory, Vienna University of Technology, Wiedner Hauptstr. 8-10, A-1040 Wien, Austria
Geological Survey of Canada, Natural Resources Canada, 601 Booth Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 0E8

Received 7 June 2004; received in revised form 1 November 2004; accepted 12 November 2004
Available online 4 February 2005

Different procedures to identify data outliers in geochemical data are reviewed and tested. The calculation of
[meanF2 standard deviation (sdev)] to estimate threshold values dividing background data from anomalies, still used
almost 50 years after its introduction, delivers arbitrary estimates. The boxplot, [medianF2 median absolute deviation
(MAD)] and empirical cumulative distribution functions are better suited for assisting in the estimation of threshold
values and the range of background data. However, all of these can lead to different estimates of threshold.
Graphical inspection of the empirical data distribution using a variety of different tools from exploratory data
analysis is thus essential prior to estimating threshold values or defining background. There is no good reason to
continue to use the [meanF2 sdev] rule, originally proposed as a dfilterT to identify approximately 2O% of the data
at each extreme for further inspection at a time when computers to do the drudgery of numerical operations were
not widely available and no other practical methods existed. Graphical inspection using statistical and geographical
displays to isolate sets of background data is far better suited for estimating the range of background variation and
thresholds, action levels (e.g., maximum admissible concentrationsMAC values) or clean-up goals in environmental
D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Background; Threshold; Mean; Median; Boxplot; Normal distribution; Cumulative probability plot; Outliers

1. Introduction
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +47 73 904 307; fax: +47 73 921
E-mail addresses: Clemens.Reimann@ngu.no (C. Reimann)8
P.Filzmoser@tuwien.ac.at (P. Filzmoser)8 garrett@gsc.NRCan.gc.ca
(R.G. Garrett).
0048-9697/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

The detection of data outliers and unusual data

behaviour is one of the main tasks in the statistical
analysis of geochemical data. As early as 1962, several
procedures had been recommended for selecting

C. Reimann et al. / Science of the Total Environment 346 (2005) 116

threshold levels in order to identify outliers (Hawkes

and Webb, 1962):
(1) Carry out an orientation survey to define a local
threshold against which anomalies can be
(2) Order the data and select the top 2O% of the
data for further inspection if no orientation
survey results are available; and
(3) For large data sets, which cannot easily be
ordered (at that time1962; with todays PCs
this is no longer a problem), use [meanF2 sdev]
(sdev: standard deviation) to identify about
2O% of upper (or lower) extreme values for
further inspection.
Recommendation (1) requires additional fieldwork and resources, and consequently such work is
rarely carried out post-surveyby definition orientation surveys should be undertaken prior to any
major survey as a necessary part of survey design
and protocol development. In the second procedure
the 2O% could be questioned: why should there be
2O% outliers and not 5% or 10%, or no outliers at
all? However, 2O% is a reasonable number of
samples for dfurther inspectionT and is, as such, a
dpracticalT approach, and leads to a similar percentage of the data as the third procedure identifies.
This third procedure appears the most rigorous and
delivers estimates based on a mathematical calculation and an underlying assumption that the data
are drawn from a normal distribution. Statisticians
use this approach to identify the extreme values in a
normal distribution. The calculation will result in
about 4.6% of the data belonging to a normal
distribution being identified as extreme values, 2.3%
at the lower and 2.3% at the upper ends of the
distribution. However, are these extreme values
defined by a statistical rule really the doutliersT
sought by geochemists and environmental scientists?
Will this rule provide reliable enough limits for the
background population to be of use in environmental legislation?
Extreme values are of interest in investigations
where data are gathered under controlled conditions.
A typical question would be bwhat are the extreme tall
and small persons in a group of girls age 12Q or bwhat
is the dnormalT range of weight and size in newbornsQ?

In this case extreme values are defined as: values in

the tails of a statistical distribution.
In contrast, geochemists are typically interested in
outliers as indicators of rare geochemical processes. In
such cases, these outliers are not part of one and the
same distribution. For example, in exploration geochemistry samples indicating mineralisation are the
outliers sought. In environmental geochemistry the
recognition of contamination is of interest. Outliers
are statistically defined as (Hampel et al., 1986;
Barnett and Lewis, 1994): values belonging to a
different population because they originate from
another process or source, i.e. they are derived from
(a) contaminating distribution(s). In such a case, the
[meanF2 sdev] rule cannot deliver a relevant threshold estimate.
In exploration geochemistry values within the
range [meanF2 sdev] were often defined as the
dgeochemical backgroundT, recognizing that background is a range and not a single value (Hawkes
and Webb, 1962). The exact value of mean+2 sdev is
still used by some workers as the dthresholdT, differentiating background from anomalies (exploration
geochemistry), or for defining daction levelsT or
dclean-up goalsT (environmental geochemistry). Due
to imprecise use of language, the threshold is often
also named the background value. Such a threshold is
in fact an estimate of the upper limit of background
variation. In geochemistry, traditionally, low values,
or lower outliers, have not been seen as important as
high values; this is incorrect, low values can be
important. In exploration geochemistry they may
indicate alteration zones (depletion of certain elements) related to nearby mineral accumulations
(occurrences). In environmental geochemistry, food
micronutrient deficiency related health problems may,
on a worldwide scale, be even more important than
Interestingly, for many continuous distributions,
the [meanF2 sdev] rule results in about 5% of
extreme values being identified, even for a t or chisquared distribution (Barnett and Lewis, 1994).
However, a problem with the application of this rule
is that it is only valid for the true population
parameters. In practice, the empirical (calculated)
sample mean and standard deviation are used to
estimate the population mean and standard deviation.
But the empirical estimates are strongly influenced by

C. Reimann et al. / Science of the Total Environment 346 (2005) 116


far outliers


mg/kg K



Thus starting geochemical data analysis with

statistical tests based on assumptions of normality,
independence, and identical distribution may not be
warranted; do better-suited tools for the treatment of
geochemcial data exist? Methods that do not strongly
build on statistical assumptions should be first choice.
For example, the arithmetic mean could be replaced
by the median and the standard deviation by the
median absolute deviation (MAD or medmed),
defined as the median of the absolute deviations from
the median of all data (Tukey, 1977). These estimators



The data are spatially dependent (the closer two

sample sites, the higher the probability that the
samples show comparable analytical results
however, all classical statistical tests assume
independent samples).
At each sample site a multitude of different
processes will have an influence on the measured
analytical value (e.g., for soils these include: parent
material, topography, vegetation, climate, Fe/Mnoxyhydroxides, content of organic material, grain
size distribution, pH, mineralogy, presence of
mineralization or contamination). For most statistical tests, it is necessary that the samples come
from the same distributionthis is not possible if
different processes influence different samples.
Geochemical data, like much natural science data,
are imprecise, they contain uncertainty unavoidably introduced at the time of sampling, sample
preparation and analyses.

are robust against extreme values. Another solution

would be to use the boxplot (Fig. 1) for the
identification of extreme values (Tukey, 1977). The
boxplot divides the ordered values of the data into
four dequalT parts, firstly by finding the median
(displayed as a line in the boxFig. 1), and then by
doing the same for each of the halves. These upper
and lower quartiles, often referred to as upper and
lower dhingesT, define the central box, which thus
contains approximately 50% of the data. The dinner
fenceT is defined as the box extended by 1.5 times the
length of the box towards the maximum and the
minimum. The upper and lower dwhiskersT are then
drawn from each end of the box to the farthest

extreme values, whether derived from the data

distribution or from a second (contaminating) distribution. The implication is that the [meanF2 sdev] rule
is not (and never was) valid. To avoid this problem
extreme, i.e. dobviousT outliers, are often removed
from the data prior to the calculation, which introduces subjectivity. Another method is to first logtransform the data to minimize the influence of the
outliers and then do the calculation. However, the
problem that thresholds are frequently estimated based
on data derived from more than one population
remains. Other methods to identify data outliers or
to define a threshold are thus needed.
To select better methods to deal with geochemical
data, the basic properties of geochemical data sets
need to be identified and understood. These include:

upper inner fence

upper whisker
upper hinge
lower hinge
lower whisker
lower inner fence

Fig. 1. Tukey boxplot for potassium (K%) concentrations in the Ohorizon of podzols from the Kola area (Reimann et al., 1998). For
definitions of the different boundaries displayed see text.

C. Reimann et al. / Science of the Total Environment 346 (2005) 116

observation inside the inner fence. This is defined

algebraically, using the upper whisker as an example,
Upper inner fence UIF
upper hinge x 1:5THW x
Upper whisker max x xbUIF


where HW (hinge width) is the difference between the

hinges (upper hingelower hinge), approximately
equal to the interquartile range (depending on the
sample size), i.e. Q3Q1 (75th25th percentile); the
square brackets [. . .] indicate that subset of values that
meet the specified criterion. In the instance of
lognormal simulations, the fences are calculated using
the log values in Eq. (1), and then anti-logged for use
in Eq. (2). Any values beyond these whiskers are
defined as data outliers and marked by an special
symbol (Fig. 1). At a value of the upper hinge plus 3
times the hinge width (lower hinge minus 3 times the
hinge width), the symbols used to represent outliers
change (e.g., from small squares to large crosses
Fig. 1) to mark dfar outliersT, i.e. values that are very
unusual for the data set as a whole. Because the
construction of the box is based on quartiles, it is
resistant to up to 25% of data outliers at either end of
the distribution. In addition, it is not seriously
influenced by widely different data distributions
(Hoaglin et al., 2000).
This paper investigates how several different
threshold estimation methods perform with true
normal and lognormal data distributions. Outliers
derived from a second distribution are then superimposed upon these distributions and the tests
repeated. Graphical methods to gain better insight
into data distribution and the existence and number of
outliers in real data sets are presented. Based on the
results of these studies, guides for the detection of
outliers in geochemical data are proposed.
It should be noted that in the literature on robust
statistics, many other approaches for outlier detection
have been proposed (e.g., Huber, 1981; Hampel et al.,
1986; Rousseeuw and Leroy, 1987; Barnett and
Lewis, 1994; Dutter et al., 2003). In this paper we
focus on the performance of the methods that are, or
have been, routinely used in geochemistry: [meanF2

sdev] rule and the boxplot inner fence. We have added

the [medianF2 MAD] procedure because, in addition
to the boxplot, this is the most easily understood
robust approach, is a direct analogy to [meanF2
sdev], and the estimators are usually offered in widely
available statistical software packages.

2. Performance of different outlier detection

When analysing real data and estimating the limits
of background variation using different procedures,
the [medianF2 MAD] method will usually deliver the
lowest threshold and thus identify the highest number
of outliers, followed by the boxplot. The boxplotdefined threshold, the inner fence, is in most cases
close to, but lower than, the threshold obtained from
log-transformed data (Table 1) using the [meanF2
sdev] rule. The examples in Table 1 demonstrate the
wide range of thresholds that can be estimated
depending on the method and transformation chosen.
The question is bwhich (if any) of these estimates is
the most credible?Q This question cannot be answered
at this point, because the true statistical and spatial
distribution of the dreal worldT data is unknown.
However, the question is significant because such
statistically derived, and maybe questionable, estimates are used, for example, to guide mineral
exploration expenditures and establish criteria for
environmental regulation.
To gain insight into the behaviour of the different
threshold estimation procedures simulated data from a
known distribution were used. For simulated normal
distributions (here we considered standard normal
distributions with mean 0 and standard deviation 1)
with sample sizes 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000 and
10 000, the percentage of detected outliers for each of
the three suggested methods ([meanF2 sdev],
[medianF2 MAD] and boxplot inner fence) were
computed. This was replicated for each sample size
1000 times. (For the simulation, the statistics software
package R was used, which is freely available at
http://cran.r-project.org/). Fig. 2A shows that the
classical method, [meanF2 sdev], detects 4.6%
extreme values for large Nas expected from theory.
However, for smaller N (Nb50), the percentage
declines towards less than 3%. The [medianF2








[Mean+2 sdev]

[Median+2 MAD]

Upper whisker








8 (11)
38 (51)



2.1 (9)
13 (1000)
10 (500)
44 (70)



90 (160)
(40) 80
(42) 90
90 (350)
145 (175)










































Walchen B-horizon
As 46
Cu 32
Pb 39
Zn 74




Outer limit

C. Reimann et al. / Science of the Total Environment 346 (2005) 116

Table 1
Mean, standard deviation (sdev), median, median absolute deviation (MAD), (log-transformed data) and results of the definition of an upper threshold via: [meanF2 sdev],
[medianF2 MAD], the boxplot (Tukey, 1977) and cumulative probability plots (see Fig. 7) for selected variables for three example data sets: BSS data, agricultural soils from
Northern Europe, ploughed (TOP) 020 cm layer, b2 mm fraction, N=750, 1,800,000 km2 (Reimann et al., 2003); Kola, O-horizon of podzol profiles, b2 mm fraction, N=617,
180,000 km2 (14); and Walchen, B-horizon of forest soils, b0.18 mm fraction, 100 km2 (Reimann, 1989)

C. Reimann et al. / Science of the Total Environment 346 (2005) 116


mean +/ 2 s
median +/ 2 MAD

% detected outliers


(B) Lognormal distribution

mean +/ 2 s
median +/ 2 MAD

% detected outliers

(A) Normal distribution


50 100



Sample size


50 100



Sample size

Fig. 2. Average percentage of outliers detected by the rules [meanF2 sdev], [medianF2 MAD], and the boxplot method. For several different
sample sizes (N=10 to 10 000), the percentages were computed based on 1000 replications of simulated normally distributed data (A) and of
simulated lognormally distributed data (B).

MAD] procedure shows the same behaviour for large

N (NN500). For smaller N, the percentage is higher
and increases dramatically for Nb50. The boxplot
inner fence detects about 3% extreme values for small
sample sizes (Nb50), and at larger sample sizes less
than 1% of the extremes (Fig. 2A).
Geochemical data rarely follow a normal distribution (Reimann and Filzmoser, 2000) and many
authors claim that they are close to a lognormal
distribution (see discussion and references in Reimann
and Filzmoser, 2000). Thus the whole exercise was
repeated for a lognormal distribution, i.e. the logarithm of the generated values is normally distributed
(we considered standard normal distribution). Fig. 2B
shows that the classical rule identifies about the same
percentage of extreme values as for a normal
distribution. The reason for this is that both the mean
and standard deviation are inflated due to the presence
of high values in the lognormal data, thus resulting in
inflated fence values. However, the classical rule
identifies a higher number of extreme values for small
N (Nb50). The [medianF2 MAD] procedure delivers
a completely different outcome. Here about 15.5% of
extremes were identified for all sample sizes. The
boxplot finds around 7% extreme values, with a slight
decline for small sample sizes (Nb50). The reason for
the large proportion of extreme values identified is
that the robust estimates of location (median) and

scale (MAD or hinge width) are relatively uninfluenced by the extreme values of the lognormal data
distribution. Both location and scale are low relative
to the mean and standard deviation, resulting in lower
fence values and higher percentages of identified
extreme values.
Results from these two simulation exercises
explain the empirical observations in Table 1. The
[medianF2 MAD] procedure always results in the
lowest threshold value, the boxplot in the second
lowest, and the classical rule in the highest threshold.
Because geochemical data are in general right-skewed
and often closely resemble a lognormal distribution,
the second simulation provides the explanation for the
observed behaviour.
Based on the results of the two simulation
exercises, one can conclude that the data should
approach a symmetrical distribution before any
threshold estimation methods are applied. A graphical
inspection of geochemical data is thus necessary as an
initial step in data analysis. In the case of lognormally
distributed data, log-transformation results in a symmetric normal distribution (see discussion above). The
percentages of detected extreme values using
[meanF2 sdev] or [medianF2 MAD] are unrealistically high without a symmetrical distribution. Only
percentiles (recommendation (2) of Hawkes and
Webb, 1962) will always deliver the same number

C. Reimann et al. / Science of the Total Environment 346 (2005) 116

of outliers. In the above simulations data were

sampled from just one (normal or lognormal) distribution. True outliers, rather than extreme values, will
be derived from a different process and not from the
normal distributions comprising the majority of the
data in these simulations. In the case of a sampled
normal distribution, the percentage of outliers should
thus approach zero and is independent of the number
of extreme values. In this respect, the boxplot
performs best as the fences are based on the properties
of the middle 50% of the data.
How do the outlier identification procedures
perform when a second, outlier, distribution is superimposed on an underlying normal (or lognormal)
distribution? To test this more realistic case a fixed
sample size of N=500 was used, of which different
percentages (040%) were outliers drawn from a
different population (Fig. 3). Note that the cases with
high percentages of outliers (N510% outliers) are
typical for a situation where an orientation survey was
suggested as the only realistic solution (Hawkes and
Webb, 1962). For the first simulation, both the
background data and outlier (contaminating) distributions were normal, with means of 0 and 10 and
standard deviation 1. Thus the outliers were clearly
divided from the simulated background normal distribution. Such a clear separation is an over-simplifi-

cation for the purpose of demonstration. For each

percentage of superimposed outliers, the simulation
was replicated 1000 times, and the average percentage
of detected outliers for the three methods was
In Fig. 3A, the average percentage of detected
outliers should follow the 1:1 line through the plot,
indicating equality to the percentage of superimposed
outliers. The [meanF2 sdev] rule overestimates the
number of outliers for very small (b2%) percentages
of superimposed outliers, detects the expected number
of outliers to about 10%, and then seriously underestimates the number of outliers. The [medianF2
MAD] procedure overestimates the number of outliers
to almost 20% and finds the expected number of
outliers above this valuetheoretically up to 50%
superimposed outliers. The boxplot performs best up
to 25% contamination, and then breaks down.
Fig. 3B shows the results if lognormal distributions
are simulated with means of 0 and 10 and standard
deviation 1. Here the [meanF2 sdev] rule performs
extremely poorly. The [medianF2 MAD] procedure
strongly overestimates the number of outliers and
approaches correct estimates of contamination only at
a very high percentage of outliers (above 35%). The
boxplot inner fence increasingly overestimates the
number of outliers at low contamination, approaches


(B) Lognormal distribution


% detected outliers





mean +/ 2 s
median +/ 2 MAD


mean +/ 2 s
median +/ 2 MAD



(A) Normal distribution

% detected outliers




% simulated outliers






% simulated outliers

Fig. 3. Average percentage of outliers detected by the rules [meanF2 sdev], [medianF2 MAD], and the boxplot method. Simulated standard
normally distributed data (A) and simulated standard lognormally distributed data (B) were both contaminated with (log)normally distributed
outliers with mean 10 and variance 1, where the percentage of outliers was varied from 0 to 40% for a constant sample size of 500. The
computed percentages are based on 1000 replications of the simulation.

C. Reimann et al. / Science of the Total Environment 346 (2005) 116

the expected number at around 20% and breaks down

at 25%.
In a further experiment, both the background data
and outlier (contaminating) distributions were normal,
with means of 0 and 5, respectively, and standard
deviations of 1. Hence, there is no longer a clear
separation between background and outliers. The
percentage of outliers relative to the 500 background
data values was again varied from 0 to 40%, and each
simulation was replicated 1000 times. Fig. 4 demonstrates that in this case the results of the [meanF2
sdev] rule are no longer useful. Not surprisingly, only
at around 5% of outliers does it give reliable results.
The boxplot can be used up to at most 15% outliers.
The [medianF2 MAD] procedure increasingly overestimates the number of outliers for small percentages
and approaches the correct number at 15%, but breaks
down at 25%.
Results of the simulations suggest that the boxplot
performs best if the percentage of outliers is in the
range of 010 (max. 15)%; above this value the
[medianF2 MAD] procedure can be applied. The
classical [meanF2 sdev] rule only yields reliable
results if no outliers exist and the task really lies in the
definition of extreme values (i.e. almost never for


median +/ 2*MAD




% detected outliers

mean +/ 2*s





% simulated outliers
Fig. 4. Average percentage of outliers detected by the rules
[meanF2 sdev], [medianF2 MAD], and the boxplot method.
Simulated standard normally distributed data with mean zero and
variance 1 were contaminated with normally distributed outliers
with mean 5 and variance 1, where the percentage of outliers was
varied from 0 to 40% for a constant sample size of 500. The
computed percentages are based on 1000 replications of the

geochemical data). It is thus necessary to study the

empirical distribution of the data to gain a better
understanding of the possible existence and number of
outliers before any particular procedure is applied. An
important difference between the boxplot and the
other two procedures is the fact that the outlier limits
(fences) of the boxplot are not necessarily symmetric
around the centre (median). They are only symmetric
if the median is exactly midway between the hinges,
the upper and lower quartiles. This difference is more
realistic for geochemical data than the assumption of

3. Data distribution
There has been a long discussion in geochemistry
whether or not data from exploration and environmental geochemistry follow a normal or lognormal
distribution (see Reimann and Filzmoser, 2000). The
discussion was fuelled by the fact that the [meanF2
sdev] rule was extensively used to define the range of
background concentrations and differentiate background from anomalies. Recently, it was again
demonstrated that the majority of such data follow
neither a normal nor a lognormal distribution (Reimann and Filzmoser, 2000).
In the majority of cases, geochemical distributions
for minor and trace elements are closer to lognormal
(strong right-skewness) than to normal. When plotting
histograms of log-transformed data, they often
approach the bell shape of a Gaussian distribution,
which is then taken as a sufficient proof of lognormality. Statistical tests, however, indicate that in most
cases the data do not pass as drawn from a lognormal
distribution (Reimann and Filzmoser, 2000).
As demonstrated, the boxplot (Tukey, 1977) is
another possibility for graphically displaying the data
distribution (Fig. 1). It provides a graphical data
summary relying solely on the inherent data structure
and not on any assumptions about the distribution of
the data. Besides outliers it shows the centre, scale,
skewness and kurtosis of a given data set. It is thus
ideally suited to graphically compare different data
Fig. 5 shows that a combination of histogram,
density trace, one-dimensional scattergram and boxplot give a much improved insight to the data

C. Reimann et al. / Science of the Total Environment 346 (2005) 116

Al, XRF, B-horizon, wt.-%

Pb, aqua regia, C-horizon, mg/kg

Mg, conc.HNO3, O-horizon, mg/kg

Sc, INAA, C-horizon, mg/kg

Fig. 5. Combination of histogram, density trace, one-dimensional scattergram and boxplot for the study of the empirical data distribution (data
from Reimann et al., 1998).

structure than the histogram alone. The one-dimensional scattergram is a very simple tool where the
measured data are displayed as a small horizontal line
at an arbitrarily chosen y-scale position at the
appropriate position along the x-scale. In contrast to
histograms, a combination of density traces, scattergrams and boxplots will at once show any peculiarities in the data, e.g., breaks in the data structure (Fig.
5, Pb) or data discretisation due to severe rounding of
analytical results in the laboratory (Fig. 5, Sc).
One of the best graphical displays of geochemical
distributions is a cumulative probability plot (CDF
diagram), originally introduced to geochemists by
Tennant and White (1959), Sinclair (1974, 1976) and
others. Fig. 6 shows four forms of such displays. The
best choice for the y-axis is often the normal
probability scale because it spreads the data out at
the extremes, which is where interest usually lies.
Also, it permits the direct detection of deviations from
normality or lognormality, as normal or lognormally
(logarithmic x-scale) distributed data plot as straight

lines. The use of a normal probability model can be

criticized, particularly after our criticism of the use of
normal models to estimate thresholds, i.e. [meanF2
sdev]. However, in general, geochemical data distributions are symmetrical, or can be brought into
symmetry by the use of a logarithmic transform, and
the normal model provides a useful, widely known,
framework for data display. Alternatively, if interest is
in the central part of the data, the linear empirical
cumulative distribution function is often more informative as it does not compress the central part of the
data range as does a normal probability plot in order
to provide greater detail at the extremes (tails). One of
the main advantages of CDF diagrams is that each
single data value remains visible. The range covered
by the data is clearly visible, and extreme outliers are
detectable as single values. It is possible to directly
count the number of extreme outliers and observe
their distance from the core (main mass) of the data.
Some data quality issues can be detected, for example,
the presence of discontinuous data values at the lower


C. Reimann et al. / Science of the Total Environment 346 (2005) 116

Fig. 6. Four different variations for plotting CDF diagrams. Upper row, empirical cumulative distribution plots; lower row, cumulative
probability plots. Left half, data without transformation; lower right, data plotted on a logarithmic scale equivalent to a logarithmic
transformation. Example data: Cu (mg/kg) in podzol O-horizons from the Kola area (Reimann et al., 1998).

end of the distribution. Such discontinuous data are

often an indication of the method detection limit or
too severe rounding, discretisation, of the measured
values reported by the laboratory. Thus, values below
the detection limit set to some fixed value are visible
as a vertical line at the lower end of the plot and the
percentage of values below the detection limit can be
visually estimated. It should be noted that although
reporting of values below detection limit as one value
has been officially discouraged in favour or reporting
all measurements with their individual uncertainty
value (AMC, 2001; see also: http://www.rsc.org/lap/
rsccom/amc/amc_techbriefs.htm), most laboratories
are still unwilling to deliver values for those results
that they consider as bbelow detectionQ to their
customers. The presence of multiple populations
results in slope changes and breaks in the plot.
Identifying the threshold in the cumulative probability plot is, however, still not a trivial task. Fig. 7
displays these plots for selected elements from Table

1, the arrows indicating inflection or break points that

most likely reflect the presence of multiple populations and outliers. It is obvious that extreme outliers, if
present, can be detected without any problem. In Fig.
6, for example, it can be clearly seen in all the
versions of the diagram that the boundary dividing
these extreme outliers from the rest of the population
is 1000 mg/kg. Searching for breaks and inflection
points is largely a graphical task undertaken by the
investigator, and, as such, it is subjective and
experience plays a major role. However, algorithms
are available to partition linear (univariate) data, e.g.,
Garrett (1974) and Miesch (1981) who used linear
clustering and gap test procedures, respectively. In
cartography, a procedure known as dnatural breaksT
that identifies gaps in ordered data to aid isopleth
(contour interval) selection is available in some
Geographical Information Systems (Slocum, 1999).
However, often the features that need to be
investigated are subtle, and in the spirit of Explor-

C. Reimann et al. / Science of the Total Environment 346 (2005) 116


Fig. 7. Four selected cumulative probability plots for the example data from Table 1. Arrows mark some different possible thresholds (compare
with Table 1). Example data are taken from (Reimann et al., 1998, 2003; Reimann, 1989). The vertical lines in the lower left corner of the plots
for the Baltic Soil Survey (Reimann et al., 2003) data are caused by data below the detection limit (set to half the detection limit for

atory Data Analysis (EDA) the trained eye is often

the best tool. On closer inspection of Fig. 6, it is
evident that a subtle inflection exists at 13 mg/kg
Cu, the 66th percentile, best seen in the empirical
cumulative distribution function (upper right). About
34% of all samples are identified as doutliersT if we
accept this value as the threshold. This may appear
unreasonable at first glance. However, when the data
are plotted as a geochemical map (Fig. 8 presents a
Tukey boxplot based map for the data in Fig. 6), it
becomes clear that values above 18 mg/kg Cu, the
3rd quartile, originate from a second process (contamination from the Kola smelters). The challenge of
objectively extracting an outlier boundary or threshold from these plots is probably the reason that they
are not more widely used. However, as can be seen
in the above example, when they are coupled with
maps they become a powerful tool for helping to
understand the data.

Results in Table 1 demonstrate that in practice the

[meanF2 sdev] rule often delivers surprisingly
comparable estimates to the graphical inspection of
cumulative probability plots. The reasons for this are
discussed later. In most cases, however, all methods
still deliver quite different estimatesan unacceptable situation upon which to base environmental
The uppermost 2%, 2O% or 5% of the data (the
uppermost extreme values) are, adapting recommendation (2) of Hawkes and Webb (1962), sometimes
arbitrarily defined as doutliersT for further inspection.
This will result in the same percentage of outliers for
all variables. This approach is not necessarily valid,
because the real percentage of outliers could be very
different. In a data distribution derived from natural
processes there may be no outliers at all, or, in the
case of multiple natural background processes, there
may appear to be outliers in the context of the main


C. Reimann et al. / Science of the Total Environment 346 (2005) 116

Cu, mg/kg

25 50 km

Barents Sea








Fig. 8. Regional distribution of Cu (mg/kg) in podzol O-horizons from the Kola area (Reimann et al., 1998). The high values in Russia (large
and small crosses) mark the location of the Cu-refinery in Monchegorsk, the Cu-smelter in Nikel and the CuNi ore roasting plant in Zapoljarnij
(close to Nikel). The map suggests that practically all sample sites in Russia, and some in Norway and Finland, are contaminated.

mass of the data. However, in practice the percentile

approach delivers a number of samples for further
inspection that can easily be handled. In some cases,
environmental legislators have used the 98th percentile of background data as a more sensible inspection
level (threshold) than values calculated by the
[meanF2 sdev] rule (e.g., Ontario Ministry of
Environment and Energy, 1993).
The cumulative probability, and equivalent QQ or
QNormal plots (quantiles of the data distribution are
plotted against the quantiles of a hypothetical distribution like the normal distribution) present in many
statistical data analysis packages, delivers a clear and
detailed visualisation of the quality and distribution of
the data. Deviations from normal or lognormal
distributions, and the likely presence of multiple
populations, can be easily observed, together with the
presence of obvious data outliers. In such instances,
which are not rare, these simple diagrams demonstrate

that the [meanF2 sdev] rule is inappropriate for

estimating the limits of background (thresholds).
Exploration geochemists have always been interested in the regional spatial distribution of data
outliers. One of the main reasons for trying to define
a threshold is to be able to map the regional
distribution of such outliers because they may indicate
the presence of ore deposits. Environmental geochemists may wish to define an inspection or action
level, or clean-up goal, in a similar way to geochemical threshold. However, in other instances,
regulatory levels for environmental purposes are set
externally from geochemical data on the basis of
ecotoxicological studies and their extrapolation from
the laboratory to the field environment (Janssen et al.,
2000). In some instances, this has resulted in regulated
levels being set down into the natural background
range. This has posed problems when mandatory
clean-up is required, and arises from the fact that most

C. Reimann et al. / Science of the Total Environment 346 (2005) 116

ecotoxicological studies are carried out with soluble

salts, whereas geochemical data are often the result
near-total strong acid extractions that remove far more
of an element from a sample material than is actually
bioavailable (see, for example, Chapman and Wang,
2000; Allen, 2002). In addition to the problems cited
above, a further problem with defining dbackgroundT
or dthresholdT values is that, independent of the
method used, different estimates will result when
different regions are mapped or when the size of the
area investigated is changed. Thus the main task
should always be to first understand the process(es)
causing high (or low) values. For this purpose,
displaying the spatial data structure on a suitable
map is essential.
When mapping the distribution of data outliers
they are often displayed as one of the classes on a
symbol map. However, the problems of selecting and
graphically identifying background levels, thresholds
and outliers have led many geochemists to avoid
using classes in geochemical mapping. Rather, a
continuously variable symbol size, e.g., a dot (black
and white mapping), or a continuous colour scale may
be used (e.g., Bjorklund and Gustavsson, 1987).
To display the data structure successfully in a
regional map, it is very important to define symbolic
or colour classes via a suitable procedure that transfers
the data structure into a spatial context. Percentiles, or
the boxplotas proposed almost 20 years ago (Kurzl,
1988)fulfil this requirement, not, however, arbitrarily
chosen classes or a continuously growing symbol. The
map displayed in Fig. 8 is based on boxplot classes.
An alternate procedure to identify spatial structure
and scale in geochemical maps and to help identify
thresholds has been described by Cheng et al. (1994,
1996) and Cheng (1999). In this procedure, the scale
of spatial structures is investigated using fractal and
multi-fractal models. The procedure is not discussed
further here as tools for its application are not
generally available; however, those with an interest
in this approach are referred to the above citations.
When plotting such maps for large areas (see
Reimann et al., 1998, 2003), it becomes obvious that
the concepts of dbackgroundT and dthresholdT are
illusive. A number of quite different processes can
cause high (or low) data values, not only mineralisation (exploration geochemistry) or contamination
(environmental geochemistry). It is thus important to


prepare and inspect these regional distribution maps

rather than just defining dlevelsT via statistical
exercises, possibly based on assumptions not suited
for geochemical data.
In terms of environmental geochemistry, it would
be most interesting to compare such geochemical
distributions directly with indicator maps of ecosystem or human health, or uptake into the human system
(e.g., the same element measured in blood, hair or
urineTristan et al., 2000).
Only the combination of statistical graphics with
appropriate maps will show where action may be
neededindependent of the concentration. The variation in regional distribution is probably the most
important message geochemical survey data sets
contain, more important than the ability to define
dbackgroundT, dthresholdT or dinspection levelsT. Such
properties will be automatically visible in wellconstructed maps.

4. Conclusions
Of the three investigated procedures, the boxplot
function is most informative if the true number of
outliers is below 10%. In practice, the use of the
boxplot for preliminary class selection to display
spatial data structure in a map has proven to be a
powerful tool for identifying the key geochemical
processes behind a data distribution. If the proportion
of outliers is above 15%, only the [medianF2 MAD]
procedure will perform adequately, and then up to the
point where the outlier population starts to dominate
the data set (50%). The continued use of the [meanF2
sdev] rule is based on a misunderstanding. Geochemists want to identify data outliers and not the
extreme values of normal (or lognormal) distributions
that statisticians are often interested in. Geochemical
outliers are not these extreme values for background
populations but values that originate from different,
often superimposed, distributions associated with
processes that are rare in the environment. They can,
and often will, be the dextreme valuesT for the whole
data set. This is the reason that the [meanF2 sdev] rule
appears to function adequately in some real instances,
but breaks down when the proportion of outliers in the
data set is large relative to the background population
size. The derived values, however, have no statistical


C. Reimann et al. / Science of the Total Environment 346 (2005) 116

validity. As a consequence, the boxplot inner fences

and [medianF2 MAD] are all better suited for assisting
in the estimation of the background range than
[meanF2 sdev]. Where percentiles are employed, the
use of the 98th has become widespread as a 2%, 1 in 50,
rate is deemed acceptable, and it distances the method
from the 97.5 percentile, 2O%, 1 in 40 rate associated
with the [meanF2 sdev] rule. However, all these
procedures usually lead to different estimates of background range. The use of the [meanF2 sdev] rule
should be finally discontinuedit was originally
suggested to provide a dfilterT that would identify
approximately 2O% of the data for further inspection at
a time when computers to do the drudgery of numerical
operations were not widely available and no other
practical methods existed. It is definitely not suited to
calculate any action levels or clean-up goals in
environmental legislation.
The graphical inspection of the empirical data
distribution in a cumulative probability (or QQ) plot
prior to defining the range of background levels or
thresholds is an absolute necessity. The extraction of
thresholds from such plots, however, involves an
element of subjectivity and is based on a priori
geochemical knowledge and practical experience.
Having extracted these potential population limits
and thresholds their regional/spatial data structure must
be investigated and their relationship to known natural
and anthropogenic processes determined. Only cumulative probability (or QQ) plots in combination with
spatial representation will provide a clearer answer to
the background and threshold question. Given todays
powerful PCs, the construction of these diagrams and
maps poses no problems, whatever the size of the data
set, and their use should be encouraged.

Appendix A
The following is one heuristic for data inspection
and selection of the limits of background variation that
has proved to be informative in past studies. The
following assumes that the data are in a computer
processable form and have been checked for any
obvious errors, e.g., in the analytical and locational
data; and that the investigator has access to data
analysis software. Maps suitable for data inspection
can be displayed with data analysis software; however,

availability of a Geographic Information System (GIS)

permits the use of such procedures as dnaturalT breaks,
and the preparation of more elaborate displays.
1. Display Empirical Cumulative Distribution Functions (ECDFs) on linear and normal probability
scales, and Tukey boxplots. Inspect these for
evidence of multiple populations (polymodality),
and extreme or outlying values. If there are a few
extremely high or low values widely separated
from the main mass of the data prepare a subset
with these values omitted. Seek an explanation for
the presence of these anomalous individuals;
2. Compute the mean and standard deviation (sdev)
of the data (sub)set, and then the coefficient of
variation (CV%), i.e. 100*sdev/mean%. The CV is
a useful guide to non-normality (Koch and Link,
1971). Alternately, the data skewness can be
3. If the CVN100% plots on a logarithmic scale
should be prepared. If the CV is between 70% and
100%, the inspection of logarithmically scaled
plots will likely be informative. Another useful
guide to deciding on the advisability of inspecting
logarithmically scale plots is the ratio of maximum
to minimum value, i.e. max/min. If the ratio
exceeds 2 orders of magnitude, logarithmic plots
will be informative, if the ratio is between 1.5 and
2 orders of magnitude, logarithmically scaled plots
will likely be informative;
4. Calculate trial upper dfencesT, [median+2 MAD]
and Tukey inner fence, see Eqs. (1) and (2). If Step
3 indicates that logarithimic displays would be
informative, log-transform the data, repeat the
calculations, and anti-log the results to return them
to natural numbers;
5. Prepare maps using these fence values, and such
dnaturalT properties of the data such as the medians
and quartiles (50th, 25th and 75th percentiles), and
if the data are polymodal, boundaries (symbol
changes or isopleths) may be set at these natural
breaks. Inspect the maps in the light of known
natural and anthropogenic processes, e.g., different
geological and soil units, and the presence of
industrial sites. See if concentration ranges can be
linked to different processes;
6. It may be informative to experiment with tentative
fence values on the basis of the ECDF plots from

C. Reimann et al. / Science of the Total Environment 346 (2005) 116

Step 1. Eventually, software will become more

widely available to prepare concentrationarea
plots (Cheng, 1999; Cheng et al., 1994, 1996).
These can be informative and assist is selecting
data based fences;
7. On the basis of the investigation, propose an upper
limit of background variation; and
8. If Step 1 indicates the data are polymodal, a
considerable amount of expert judgment and
knowledge may be necessary in arriving at a useful
upper limit of background variation and understanding what processes are giving rise to the
observed data distribution. If the survey area is
large or naturally geochemically complex, there
may be multiple discrete background populations,
in such instances the presentation of the data as
maps, i.e. in a spatial context, is essential.
The above heuristic is applicable where the majority
of the data reflect natural processes. In some environmental studies, the sampling may focus on a contaminated site, and as a result there is little data representing
natural processes. In such cases, the sample sites
representing natural background will be at the lower
end of the data distribution, and focus of attention and
interpretation will be there. In the context of these kinds
of investigation, this stresses the importance of
extending a survey or study sufficiently far away from
the contaminating site to be able to establish the range
of natural background. In this respect, the area into
which the background survey is extended must be
biogeochemically similar to the contaminated site (preindustrialization) for the background data to be valid.
Thus such factors as similarity of soil parent material
(geology), soil forming processes, climate and vegetation cover are critical criteria.

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