Flow Guided Interpolation - A GIS-based Method To Represent Contaminant Concentration Distributions in Groundwater
Flow Guided Interpolation - A GIS-based Method To Represent Contaminant Concentration Distributions in Groundwater
Flow Guided Interpolation - A GIS-based Method To Represent Contaminant Concentration Distributions in Groundwater
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper introduces a new interpolation method to estimate the spatial distribution of contaminant
Received 25 November 2009 concentrations in groundwater. The method is intended to identify areas of risks in early investigation
Received in revised form stages when groundwater sampling data is typically scarce and available interpolation methods fail to
11 May 2010
provide reasonable results. As a consequence, the method does not only incorporate available sampling
Accepted 24 May 2010
Available online 7 July 2010
data, but also makes use of information about the groundwater flow field, in order to “guide” the
interpolation with e.g. ordinary kriging or inverse distance method. The guidance includes the
augmentation of available data by auxiliary point data and the segmentation of the estimated plume area
into a series of sectors. The method is evaluated for several settings and different sampling data sets.
Groundwater contamination Each data set reflects a specific level of field investigations at the model site, an abandoned military base
Contaminant transport in Potsdam near Berlin, Germany. The results reveal that flow guidance improves the representation of
Chlorinated hydrocarbons contaminant distribution for all cases examined in this study compared to “unguided” interpolation.
TCE These findings are underpinned by the results of the method’s application to real sampling data. The
GIS method especially shows its strength when data of only a few sampling points are available.
Particle tracking Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ordinary kriging
Numerical groundwater flow modeling
1364-8152/$ e see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1770 M. Morio et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 25 (2010) 1769e1780
multigaussian kriging to be most robust and least biased compared information basis that is typically available in early stages of revi-
to ordinary kriging, intrinsic kriging and inverse distance weighted talization projects at contaminated sites. The method proposes to
methods. Journel and Rossi (1989) showed that universal kriging add extra sampling points in a standardized way through coupling
(also called “kriging with trend”) yields similar results to ordinary of flow data and existing samples plus information about possible
kriging on data sets with trend when the trend component is source zone extents to enable the application of kriging methods.
unknown and kriging is conducted in local neighborhoods for non- The purpose of the proposed method is to bridge the gap between
stationary data sets. elaborate, data intensive approaches and subjective and often non-
Cooper and Istok (1988) discusses the requisite of data prepa- reproducible methods, which are frequently applied in practice if
ration and analysis, including additivity, stationarity and amount of available data is scarce. The FGI method builds upon a groundwater
samples for the estimation using geostatistical interpolation flow model, assuming that basic information about the ground-
methods. Sufficient data is required, e.g. to make use of an empirical water flow regime can be made available at relatively low cost. This
semivariogram (e.g. Deutsch and Journel, 1997; Fuest et al., 1998; model is not supposed to provide a highly sophisticated repre-
Kitanidis and Shen, 1996; Reed et al., 2004; Kistemann et al., sentation of the flow situation but is supposed to show the major
2008). A practical rule for the minimum amount of samples is i.e. characteristic features. Guidance by groundwater flow is
given by Journel and Huijbregts (1978): intended to improve the interpolation especially if contaminant
concentration data is scarce. The idea is to incorporate upgradient
information in a sequential downgradient-moving interpolation
NðhÞ > 30 50 with : jhj < ðL=2Þ; (1)
procedure. The relevance of the quantity of available data is
where jhj denotes the magnitude of separation vector h for N addressed through analyzing the FGI method’s performance for
sample pairs and L stands for the longest dimension of the different knowledge states, i.e. different sample amounts.
contaminant plume in the direction of h. For a complete list of The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: the FGI
symbols used in this article, please refer to Table A.5 method is described in section 2 by use of pseudo-code algorithms
Interpolation may utilize concentration measurements either in to explain the sequential procedure execution; section 3 gives
terms of point observation data from distributed monitoring a description of the model site in which the FGI method was
networks (e.g. Sudicky et al., 1983; Warrick et al., 1998) or in terms applied; the evaluation of the FGI method for different parameter
of data from so-called control planes or monitoring fences (e.g. settings is discussed in section 4; results of the case study are
Schwarz et al., 1998; King and Barker, 1999; Bockelmann et al., presented in section 5; conclusions are made in section 6.
2001; Basu et al., 2006; Kübert and Finkel, 2006; Bayer-Raich
et al., 2009). 2. Methodology
Several suggestions were made to improve interpolation by
The FGI method is implemented into the geographic information system ArcGIS
including additional information in the estimation process, e.g.
(ArcMap, Version 9.1 or higher, (ESRI, 1992e2005) with VBA and ArcObjects (Razavi,
hydraulic gradient or head data from sampling campaigns (e.g. 2004; Burke and Arana, 2003). The method is comprised of a sequence of procedures
Burger and Schafmeister, 2000; Shlomi and Michalak, 2007). with major portions that are controlled by VBA modules.
Other approaches are based on coupling numerical transport In short, the following steps are performed: (1) delineation of the known or
models to interpolation methods (Michalak and Kitanidis, 2004a, expected source zone of contamination using particles, which are equidistantly
distributed along the source zone edges; (2) delineation of the plume fringe by
2004b). Neupauer and Wilson (2004) used a probabilistic tracing these particles advectively downgradient; (3) segregation of the plume into
numerical flow and transport model to relate concentration several sectors according to the plume’s tortuosity and curvature; (4) employment
measurements to possible upgradient source locations. Rautman of sector-wise flow guided interpolation, utilizing sampling data in the sector, as
and Istok (1996) and Istok and Rautman (1996) proposed well as auxiliary sampling point data along the plume fringe and along the boundary
to the previously processed sector; (5) merging of the results of all sectors into
stochastic geostatistical modeling of contaminant plumes as an
a single grid by mosaicking.
approach to derive probabilities of having a contamination at A series of three pseudo-code algorithms describe the process of (i) plume
a certain point with respect to a specific concentration threshold fringe delineation based on the previously defined source zone (Algorithm 1, see
and probability cutoff. also Fig. 1a), of (ii) segmentation of the derived plume shape dependent on
A common problem in practice is that available contaminant groundwater flow direction (Algorithm 2, see also Fig. 1b) and of (iii) sector-wise
interpolation to estimate the spatial concentration distribution within the plume
concentration measurement data is not sufficient to make sensible (Algorithm 3, see also Fig. 1ceg). The procedures are described in more detail
use of the abovementioned geostatistical interpolation methods. below. Please note that multiple source zones and corresponding plumes can be
Numerical transport modeling (e.g. Anderson and Cherry, 1979; Chu considered. For the sake of clarity we limit the description to one source zone and
et al., 1987), which further requires comprehensive information one plume. The delineation of the plume fringe requires polygon data of the source
zone, a numerical groundwater flow model, and a particle tracking module. The
about aquifer and transport properties, is also inappropriate for this
flow model is required to calculate the groundwater flow field, which in turn is
reason e.g. (Batu, 2006). Limited availability of contaminant data is required to calculate pathlines of groundwater flow by particle tracking. We used
characteristic of early project stages in tiered decision-making MODFLOW 96 (Harbough and McDonald, 1996) and MODPATH 3.0 (Pollock, 1994),
procedures, when information on subsurface contamination only respectively. Note that other models, e.g. a version of ESRI’s Groundwater Modeling
stems from historical data and some initial site investigation. This is application (ESRI, 2009), could be used as well after some adaption work (see also
the concluding discussion of this section further below). The identification of the
particularly true, e.g. when extent and complexity of a site require an source zone is based on desk work examining information on former use of the
early identification and prioritization of focal areas and origins of site, possible locations of contaminant spills, the geological and hydrological
risks in order to drive further decisions on detailed investigation situation, and subsurface sampling information. Source zone polygons are then
programmes and remediation measures (compare Triad approach, created manually as polygon shape files in GIS, based on the assembly of given
data. As shown in Algorithm 1, the source zone polygons are converted into a set of
e.g. in Crumbling et al., 2001; Mack et al., 2004; Critto et al., 2007;
equidistantly distributed points, which are then used as water particle starting
O’Reilly and Brink, 2006). Thus, especially for early site investiga- locations for particle tracking with MODPATH. The pathline data returned by
tion stages, there is a need for enhancement and appropriate pro- MODPATH is automatically converted to a polyline shape file consisting of polylines
cessing of sparse amounts of available data in order to produce the for each particle starting point and a corresponding point shape file bearing
premise for a reasonable application of interpolation methods such information on the pathline time steps. The pair of outermost polylines in the
shape file represents the plume fringe and is converted to a polygon shape file. The
as kriging.
resulting polygon has to be cut in order to account for the expected plume age.
In this paper we present a flow guided interpolation (FGI) Using travel time information from the point shape file, a polygon is created that
method that has been specifically adapted to the type, scale, and represents the plume extent corresponding to the given time after spill.
M. Morio et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 25 (2010) 1769e1780 1771
Fig. 1. Flow guided interpolation: (a) potential source zone with outermost groundwater flow pathlines, (b) segmentation according to curvature of plume’s center pathline (here: 6
sectors), (c) interpolation within sector downgradient of the source zone, (deg) consecutive sector-wise interpolation in downgradient direction. Blue colored circles denote
groundwater wells, orange circles stand for direct push samples.
Algorithm 1. FGI-work flow: plume delineation invoking an ArcGIS-MODPATH These steps are processed mostly automatically by the VBA code. The center pathline
interface is provided as a result of Algorithm 1 in terms of a polyline and its corresponding
Require: Source zone polygon data {GIS (multiple sources at a site possible)} point shape file. Sseg serves as a criterion for the maximum deflection of the center
Require: Numerical flow model {here: MODFLOW 96} pathline that causes the creation of a new sector. Sector boundary points are
Require: Advective transport i.e. particle tracking module {here: MODPATH 3.0} determined along the center pathline. The deflection of a center pathline point i is
Read model extent and discretization {ArcGIS-MODPATH interface, works auto- quantified as normal distance lcrit, i of this point to an ’elongation line’ representing
matically, if not noted otherwise.} the center pathline’s initial direction (cf. Fig. 2b). If lcrit, i > Sseg, a new boundary point
Convert source polygon to points (equidistantly distributed, here: point distance will be created midway between point i and the initial point from where the
Dl ¼ 10 m) elongation line starts (cf. purple arrow in Fig. 2b). This process of segmentation is
Create MODPATH particle starting locations repeated in downgradient direction to determine all sector boundaries until the tip
Run MODPATH, output: pathline file of the plume is reached. Lines perpendicularly oriented to the center pathline are
Import MODPATH pathlines in GIS, Convert to: created on the newly derived boundary points. These lines are then used to clip the
B ESRI raster grid representing cells passed by particles plume polygon into distinct sectors. The number of sectors resulting from plume
B Polyline shape file {pathlines} segmentation increases as the Sseg value is lowered and as the plume shape becomes
B Point shape file with attribute: cumulative travel times more winding (cf. Fig. 2b). The sector polygons are then converted into points which
for all source zone(s) do are subsequently used to create auxiliary sampling points (ASPs) at the upgradient
Select outermost pathlines and Convert {Manually}: sector boundary, and at the lateral boundaries along the plume fringe. The plume
segmentation provides additional geometrical variables, which serve as input for the
B Polyline to polygon shape file representing plume
subsequent interpolation procedure, namely the total plume length Ltot, and for each
B Polyline to point shape file with points on model cell edges
sector s the mean width Ws, and anisotropy angle as.
Select center pathline’s polyline and Convert {Manually}:
B Polyline to point shape file with points on model cell edges Algorithm 2. FGI-work flow: plume segmentation based on flow direction
With point shape files: Select points that equals spill age {Attribute: cumu- Require: Centerline point and polyline shape file {output from algorithm 1 with n
lative travel times} no. of points on center pathline}
Extract selected points and convert to polyline Read Gauss Krüger coordinates of vertex points
Split polygon by polyline {Result: Polygon with plume extent} Calculate descriptive variables to describe center pathline: lengths of line
end for elements li and angles bi of li, the directions of lines between adjacent nodes
ðxi ; yi Þðxiþ1 ; yiþ1 Þ against horizontal
Please note that this purely advective approach may underestimate the real s ¼ 1 {sector number}
plume extent. However, assuming that macroscale heterogeneity is sufficiently for i ¼ 1/n do
described in the flow model used, the neglected effect of hydrodynamic dispersion is nstep ¼ 0 {additional increment variable}
believed to be minor. while lcrit;iþnstep < Sseg ^i þ nstep < n do
The segmentation of the plume into distinct sectors is based solely on the lcrit;iþnstep ¼ jðyiþ1 yi Þ$ðxi xiþnstep Þ ðxiþ1 xi Þ$ðyi yiþnstep Þj=li {Calcu
curvature of the plume’s center pathline and one further input parameter, the so- late normal distance of plume center pathline node i þ nstep to elongation
called segmentation criterion, Sseg. The segmentation of the center pathline is line (cf. Fig. 2a)}
illustrated in Fig. 2a and is comprised of diverse steps as described by Algorithm 2. nstep ¼ nstep þ 1
1772 M. Morio et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 25 (2010) 1769e1780
Fig. 2. Illustration of the plume segmentation process dependent on the curvature of the plume’s center pathline.(a) Principles of segmentation process. Righthand-side triangle
shows an enlarged section of the pathline on the left-hand side of the figure. bi denotes the angle between two adjacent pathline elements. (b) Results of plume segmentation for
different values of Sseg (from left to right 50 m, 2.5 m, 0.5 m, and 0.05 m).
end while The sector-wise flow guided interpolation itself is described in Algorithm 3.
i ¼ i þ nstep Sectors are distinguished by index s. The interpolation starts in the sector located
if i < n directly downgradient of the source zone (s ¼ 1). The processing of the first sector
{Determine sector boundary coordinate on the middle between two existing is different compared to the subsequent ones because there is no upgradient
points.} neighboring sector except for the source zone. The source zone boundary is
xbd;s ¼ ðxiþ1Pnstep $0:5þ0:5R þ xiPnstep $0:5þ0:5R Þ=2 populated with ASPs, the location of which coincide with the particle starting
ybd;s ¼ ðyiþ1Pnstep $0:5þ0:5R þ yiPnstep $0:5þ0:5R Þ=2 locations. To each of these ASPs a concentration value needs to be assigned that
end if represents the source zone conditions. In this study we assign a unique value, the
s ¼ s þ 1 {Increment number of sector} mean of available concentration measurements in proximity of the source zone, to
end for all points. If detailed information is available, spatially varying concentration
Calculate azimuth of straigt line defined by adjacent sector boundary coordi- values may be used. Sample values at ASPs along the lateral boundary of the sector
nates ðxbd;s ybd;s ; xbd;sþ1 ; ybd;sþ1 Þ {Yields anisotropy angle as for each sector} (plume fringes) are set to some lower threshold concentration Ctc (e.g. the
Calculate cumulative length Ltot of point to point distances li detection limit of the contaminant of concern). All ASPs and the real samples
Create new boundary points table with xbd, s ybd, s as available in the sector in process are added to the sample list to be used for
Create polyline shape file with lines perpendicular to center pathline through interpolation. If no real sample is available, real samples (but not the ASPs) of the
each of its vertices {Done by VBA script} neighboring sector downgradient are added to the sample list. If the neighboring
Select a subset of lines that intersect sector boundary points on center pathline downgradient sector also does not contain real sample points, the next down-
by new sector boundary points from new boundary points table {Done by SQL gradient sector is considered, and real samples of this sector are added to the
type of GIS query function} sample list of the sector in process. Note that the additivity assumption of sample
Clip plume polygon with subset of lines to create sectors data is fulfilled since effective porosity and thickness of the aquifer are assumed to
Calculate mean Width Ws for each sector. be constant for this study (compare Cooper and Istok, 1988). Note further that
Create equidistantly distributed points along sector boundaries (here: point sample data outside the plume fringe are not considered for interpolation. If there
distance Dl ¼ 10 m). is evidence for a contamination outside the delineated plume fringe belonging to
M. Morio et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 25 (2010) 1769e1780 1773
Table 1
Available sampling data and sector-specific interpolation parameters in plume sectors for different cases of segmentation and investigation levels.
Sectorsa Sector no. No. of Samplesb Mean sector flow directionc Anisotropy ratio Total plume length Mean sector width in sector s
() s () Wells,DP1,DP2/Tree-core as ( , E ¼ 0 , CCW) RAs() Ltot(m) Ws(m)
2 1 4, þ3, þ1/13 41.0 4.4 400 90
2 0, þ0, þ0/9 25.0 3.4 115
the given source zone we suggest to consider a revision of the flow model or of the sector are noted in Table 1. Please note that a trend within the sample data, i.e.
source zone extent. a component or tendency of the data to change their values according to their spatial
Ordinary kriging is then conducted with a sector-specific values of anisotropy position, is not considered here. Due to the small amount of sample data available
ratio RAs (derived from the ratio Ltot/Ws) and angle as, which is provided by within the individual sectors, it does not seem practicable to estimate a reliable
Algorithm 2. The respective parameters for the interpolation procedure in each trend component and to model a corresponding variogram. The grid of estimated
Fig. 3. Field site with model boundaries, area of interest and zoomed-in study area. Colored circles illustrate magnitude of sampled TCE concentrations (orange) and semi-
quantitative tree-core sample values (purple).
1774 M. Morio et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 25 (2010) 1769e1780
concentration values has the same resolution as the flow model grid. The grid extent 3. Model site: investigation data and flow model
is clipped to the sector in process and sampled at the downstream boundary points
to generate the ASPs required for interpolation in the next sector. The interpolation
of the 2nd and any further sector follows the same procedure. The grids calculated
The model site is an abandoned military base covering 120 ha
for the single sectors are finally mosaicked, i.e. sector-specific results are merged to on the outskirts of Potsdam near Berlin, Germany. The site was
a single raster grid, to produce the grid of concentration values for the entire plume. turned into a brownfield in the early 1990s. It was used by German
Algorithm 3. FGI-work flow: estimating contaminant distribution and Russian armed forces until 1945 and 1991, respectively. Gas
Require Csource, Ctc {Source and plume fringe concentration}, xbd, s, ybd, s, as, Ws, Ltot, stations and a dry cleaning facility represent the major sources of
plume sector polygons and according boundary points {Result of algorithm 2} subsurface contamination. Since 1992, the site has been revisited
for s ¼ 1/stot do and investigated several times by various groups of consultants
Assign concentration values to auxiliary sampling points on upper sector
and researchers. Four major investigation campaigns have resul-
if s ¼ 1 then ted in an increasing net of monitoring wells, from a rather scarce
Cub, s ¼ Csource {Use source concentration values in 1st sector} net of observation points in 1996 to a quite dense net after
else a comprehensive direct push campaign and sampling of tree-cores
Cub, s ¼ Clb, se1 {Use results from previous sector}
in 2007.
end if
Extract Cub, s, add to XYZ-file of sector s {Using ArcGIS Toolbox
The presently known groundwater contamination is dominated
Sample_SpatialAnalyst} by volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHC, mainly trichloroethy-
Assign Ctc to lateral plume boundary as ASP in sector s (add to XYZ-file of sector s) lene (TCE) and cis-dichloroethylene, up to more than 170 mg/l).
if Samples in sector s d then Contaminants originate from diverse source zones, as shown in
Select samples within sector (add to XYZ-file of sector s)
Fig. 3. Contaminated groundwater flows from the site towards two
Select samples from next sector containing samples from (add to XYZ-file of lakes, nature reserves and other potential receptors (Fig. 3).
sector s) A two-dimensional finite difference flow model was used to
end if simulate groundwater flow in the unconfined aquifer consisting of
CalculateRAs ¼ Ltot/Ws {anisotropy ratio}
fine sand to silty deposits. The model domain is represented by
as anisotropy angle, calculated in algorithm 2
Perform Ordinary Kriging on XYZ-file of sector s using RAs and as
a cell-grid with an extent of 2500 4000 m using a discretization of
end for square cells of 10 10 m. A fixed head boundary condition is defined
Mosaic sectors’ concentration rasters to one seamless raster for entire plume. along gaining streams and lakes. No-flow boundary cells are set
To ease the application of the FGI method, it is recommended to process and where model boundaries coincide with groundwater flow lines (see
manage all available site data in the GIS. The FGI method can also be implemented Fig. 3). Hydraulic conductivity values of the calibrated model range
in GIS packages other than ArcGIS. Open source GI-Systems and packages include from K ¼ 6.23$108 m/s to K ¼ 1.32$103 m/s (geometric mean
e.g. GRASS-GIS, Quantum GIS, the geodata abstraction library GDAL (http://www. Kgeom ¼ 1.34$105 m/s), aquifer thickness from 3.6 to 20 m. The
gdal.org) or R with the rgdal-package (GRASS Development Team, 2009;
Quantum GIS Development Team, 2009; R Development Core Team, 2009). The
model calibration is based on hydraulic heads measured at 27
pseudo-code algorithms presented above may serve as a guideline for such an groundwater monitoring wells and 20 temporary direct push wells
implementation process. The FGI method presented in this paper may also be (Rein et al., Submitted for publication). The groundwater level varies
adapted for using other codes to simulate groundwater flow and advective trans- approx. between 2 and 6 m below ground surface.
port (particle tracking).
Fig. 4. Modeled TCE concentration distribution in groundwater in area of interest. C(sat) denotes saturation concentration.
M. Morio et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 25 (2010) 1769e1780 1775
Fig. 5. Results of the FGI method at different investigation levels in comparison to ordinary kriging (OK) and the reference distribution. Number of samples at different investigation
levels increases in the following order: “Wells”, “DP 1”, “DP 2”, and “Tree-core”.
1776 M. Morio et al. / Environmental Modelling & Software 25 (2010) 1769e1780
4. Method evaluation
NRMSE ¼ (3)
4.1. Purpose max cest min cest
with max cest and min cest being the maximum and minimum
In order to examine the appropriateness and performance of the values of estimated concentrations in all grid elements covering the
proposed FGI method, it was applied to a synthetic close-to-reality plume area.
test case. Through the creation of a data grid of reference values of
TCE concentration, we could evaluate the performance of the 4.4. FGI performance
method for different values of segmentation criterion Sseg and
different investigation stages, simply by comparing the estimated The FGI method was applied to the test case with different sets
concentration distribution with the assumed ‘true’ distribution, as of sampling data and different values of segmentation criterion Sseg.
given in the form of the reference data grid. The latter was varied between Sseg ¼ 50 and Sseg ¼ 0.5. The resulting
segmented plumes consist of 2, 5, and 8 sectors, accordingly
(compare Fig. 2b). The number of samples that are located in the propagation of estimates from upgradient sectors. Further analysis
individual sectors and the parameters used for sector wise inter- reveals that FGI particularly outperforms OK in the case of sparse
polation are listed in Table 1. When using a plume divided into only sampling data. Quantitative assessment also supports these find-
two sectors, for example, the second sector contains no real ings (see Fig. 6). While OK (standard interpolation) exhibits
samples for the investigation levels “Wells”, “DP1”, and “DP2”, a distinct dependency on available sampling information, the FGI
whereas the fourth investigation level, “Tree-core”, provides 9 method shows a rather consistent performance. Guiding the
sample points. Similar conditions apply to the cases with 5 and 8 interpolation by flow information obviously compensates for
sectors, respectively, where sectors located further downgradient missing data in downgradient plume regions. Fig. 6 also indicates
also do not contain sample information for the first three investi- a shift in the ranking of the results obtained with the three
gation levels. Note also that the density of available data may different degrees of segmentation. Although the NRMSE decreases
fluctuate from sector to sector depending on the distribution of with increasing number (density) of available sampling points for
given sample points (e.g. sequence of sectors 1e2e3e4 in the case all degrees of segmentation, more data (levels “DP2” and “Tree-
of 8 sectors). The interpolation was performed with the commercial core”) seems to favor a finer segmentation while a coarser
computer program Surfer 8 (Golden Software) using ordinary segmentation apparently performs better when little data is
(point) kriging without modeling a variogram nor incorporating available (levels “Wells” and “DP1”). For the purpose of compar-
slope or trend. The resulting estimation grids were converted to ison, interpolation was also done by the inverse distance weighted
ESRI ASCII grids with the free software GridConvert (www. method (IDW) using squared distances and the same anisotropy
geospatialdesigns.com) for further processing within GIS. The angle and ratio as was used for OK (see Table 1). Although IDW
comparison of the estimations to the reference distribution was does not perform as well as OK, again flow guidance clearly
calculated using MatlabÓ(R2009a, The MathWorks, Natick, improves the quality of the results as can be seen from the NRMSE
Massachusetts). values given in Fig. 6.
Fig. 5 shows the matrix of evaluation results obtained with the
FGI method depending on the number of sectors (matrix rows) at 5. Method application
different investigation levels (matrix columns). For the purpose of
comparison, the last row displays the results obtained with ‘un- Based on the results of the evaluation described in the previous
guided’ ordinary kriging (OK). A visual inspection of the results section, the FGI method was applied to the real sampling data sets
suggests that the FGI method provides reasonable concentration available for the area of interest. Segmentation settings that per-
distributions for all cases. Missing sampling points in the farther formed best in the evaluation were chosen for each of the four
downgradient sections result in slightly overestimated concen- investigation levels (comp. Fig. 6): 2, 5, and 8 sectors were
trations in these sectors. This might be explained by the respectively used for levels “Wells”, “DP1”, and both “DP2” and
as Anisotropy direction angle for sector s ( , E ¼ 0 , CCW)
bi Angle between adjacent plume center pathline elements ( , E ¼ 0 , CCW)
i Estimated concentration value on grid node j (m gl1)
i Reference concentration value on grid node j (m gl1)
Clb, s Concentration at downgradient boundary of sector s (m gl1)
Csource Source concentration (m gl1)
Ctc Threshold concentration at lateral plume fringe (m gl1)
Cub, s Concentration at upgradient boundary of sector s (m gl1)
h Separation vector of sample pair (m)
i Generic increment variable
j Number of grid node elements in estimated raster grids
L Longest dimension of contaminant plume in direction of separation vector h (m)
lcrit, i Normal distance of plume center pathline node to elongation line (m)
li Length of center pathline element between to nodes (m)
Ltot Total plume length in direction of groundwater flow (m)
nstep Generic increment variable
n Total number of points on plume’s center pathline
N Number of sample pairs
RAs Anisotropy ratio in sector s
s Sector number
Sseg Segmentation criterion (m)
Ws Mean width of sector s (m)
x Point xecordinate (m Gauss-Krüger)
y Point yecordinate (m Gauss-Krüger)
xbd, s Sector boundary point xecordinate (m Gauss-Krüger)
ybd, s Sector boundary point yecordinates (m Gauss-Krüger)
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