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A hardware description language (HDL) is a computerbased language that describes the hardware of digital systems
in a textual form. It resembles an ordinary computer
programming language, such as C, but is specifically oriented to
describing hardware structures and behaviour of logic circuits.
HDLs are used in several major steps in the design flow of
an integrated circuit:
design entry,
functional simulation or verification,
logic synthesis,
timing verification,
fault simulation.
Companies that design integrated circuits use proprietary
and public HDLs. In the public domain, there are two standard
HDLs that are supported by the IEEE: VHDL and Verilog.
stands for VHSIC (very high speed integrated circuit) HDL
a Department of Defense mandated language
began as a proprietary of companies and universities
known as Open Verilog International (OVI) as a step leading
to its adoption as an IEEE standard.
It was initially approved as a standard HDL in 1995; revised
and enhanced versions of the language were approved in
2001 and 2005.
Throughout this course, the Verilog HDL descriptions will be
listed to introduce a design methodology based on the concept
of computer-aided modelling of digital systems.
Module Declaration

In particular, a Verilog model is composed of text using

keywords, of which there are about 100.
Keywords are
predefined lowercase identifiers that define the language
constructs. Any text following the two forward slashes is
interpreted as a comment and will have no effect on a simulation
using the model. Multiline comments begin with /* and terminate
with */. Blank spaces are ignored, but they may not appear
within the text of a keyword, an identifier, an operator, or the
representation of a number. Verilog is case-sensitive, which
means that the uppercase and lowercase letters are
A module is the fundamental descriptive unit in the Verilog
language. It is declared by the keyword module and must
always be terminated by the keyword endmodule.
module module_name (port list);
//Verilog statements
The port list of a module is the interface between the
module and its environment. This list is enclosed in parentheses,
and commas are used to separate elements of the list. The
statement is terminated with a semicolon (;). The keywords
input and output specify which of the ports are inputs and
which are outputs. Internal connections are declared as wires.
This connection is declared with the keyword wire.
input in1;
output out1, out2;
wire x, y, z;
Test Benches
In order to simulate a circuit with an HDL, it is necessary to
apply inputs to the circuit so that the simulator will generate an
output response. An HDL description that provides the stimulus
to a design is called a test bench. In its simplest form, a test
bench is a module containing a single generator and an

instantiation of the model that is to be verified. Note that it has

no input or output ports, because it does not interact with its
environment. Within the test bench, the inputs to the circuit are
declared with keyword reg and the outputs are declared with the
keyword wire. Note that using a test bench is similar to testing
actual hardware by attaching signal generators to the inputs of a
circuit and attaching probes (wires) to the outputs of the circuit).
reg a, b, c;
wire w1, w2;
The initial keyword is used with a set of statements that
begin executing when the simulation is initialized, and
terminates execution when the last statement has finished
executing. The set of statements to be executed is called a block
statement and consists of several statements enclosed by
keywords begin and end. The action specified by the
statements begins when the simulation is launched, and the
statements are executed in sequence.
The response to the stimulus generated by the initial and
always blocks will appear in text format as standard output and
as waveforms (timing diagrams) in simulators having graphical
output capability. Numerical outputs are displayed by using
Verilog system tasks. These are built-in system functions that
are recognized by keywords that begin with the symbol $. Some
of the system tasks that are useful for display are:
$display display a one-time value of variables or strings
with an end-of-line return,
$write same as $display, but without going to next line,
$monitor display variables whenever a value changes
during a simulation run,
$time display the simulation time,
$finish terminate the simulation.
The syntax is of the form:
Task_name(format specification, argument list);

The format specification uses the symbol % to specify radix

of numbers that are to be displayed and may have a string
enclosed in quotes. The base may be binary (%b), decimal (%d),
and hexadecimal (%h).
II. Drill Exercises
A. Module Declaration
The HDL description of the circuit of the Fig 1.1 is shown in the
example below. Open your Notepad and place the code inside.
Save the file as Drill1_1.v in the directory where your Icarus
Verilog compiler is currently residing (common location is at
Fig 1.1
//Verilog model of circuit of Fig 1.1
module circuit1_1(A, B, C, X);

A, B, C;
wire1, wire2, wire3;
NOT(wire2, A);
EOR2(wire1, B, C);
AND2(wire3, wire1, A);
NOR2(X, wire3, wire2);


B. Test Bench
Edit the saved file Drill1_1 by placing the following code below
the previous code.
//Test bench for the Verilog model of Fig 1.1

module testbench1_1;
A, B, C;
circuit1_1 tb1(A, B, C, Z);
A=1b0; B=1b0; C=1b0;
$display(Simulating output for circuit1_1);
#2 A=1b0; B=1b0; C=1b1;
#1 A=1b0; B=1b1; C=1b0;
#1 A=1b0; B=1b1; C=1b1;
#1 A=1b1; B=1b0; C=1b0;
#1 A=1b1; B=1b0; C=1b1;
#1 A=1b1; B=1b1; C=1b0;
#1 A=1b1; B=1b1; C=1b1;
#2 $finish;


C. Code the next example and save it under the filename

//behavioural Verilog code for a simple 1-bit full subtracter.
module full_subtract(diff, borrowOut, a, b, borrowIn);
a, b, borrowIn;
{borrowOut, diff} = a b borrowIn;
//result of subtraction is two bits; the MSB is borrowOut and
the LSB
//is diff.
module testingFS();

a, b,borrowIn;
diff, borrowOut;
fs(diff, borrowOut, a, b, borrowIn);
initial begin
a=1b1; b=1b1; borrowIn=1b0;
initial begin
#10 a=1b1;
#10 a=1b0; b=1b1;
#10 a=1b1; b=1b0;
#10 borrowIn=1b1;
initial begin
difference borrowOut
$monitor( %b
%b , a, b,
borrowIn, diff, borrowOut, $time);
#10 $finish;
III. Programming Exercise
1. Copy the code below, and then create a test bench for it to
determine what combinational circuit is being simulated.
Save as exercise1_1.vl file.
module exercise1_1(W, X, Y, Z);
[0:3] W;
X, Y;
X1, Y1, Z1;


not G1(X1, X), G2(Y1, Y),G3(Z1, Z);


nandG4(W[0], X1, Y1, Z1),G5(W[1], X1, Y, Z1),

G6(W[2], X, Y1, Z1),G7(W[3], X, Y, Z1);
2. Edit the test bench from Drill1_1 in such a way that the
same output will be obtained without using the $monitor
task. Terminate your simulation after 80 ns. Save the new
file as exercise1_2.vl.

IV. Review Questions

1. Based from Drill1_1, notice that wire1, wire2, and wire3 are
outputs of gates EOR2, NOT and AND2 respectively. Why
are they declared as wire instead of output?
2. How do you instantiate a module within a test bench?

3. Can we instantiate a test bench from another test bench?

Why or why not?

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