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Optimoor PT 9, STS

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Part 9


Optimoors Ship-to-Ship (S2S) option allows a Guest vessel to be moored alongside a
primary or Host vessel. Mooring lines can be run

from Host to Guest

from Guest to Host

from either vessel to shore or to the seafloor.

The files and windows used in the S2S option are generally identical to those used in the normal
Static or Dynamic modes. But the S2S analysis requires two *.vsl files, one to describe the Host
vessel and the other to describe the Guest vessel. If these vessels are identical, the same file can
be used for each.
The S2S option displays two Vessel Lines Windows, two General Environment Windows and two
Mooring Forces Windows. One each of these windows represents the Host and the other represents
the Guest. The name, Host or Guest, is displayed in a box in either the upper left or upper right
corner of the window.
When the word Host is displayed, the respective window represents data relating to the Host and
its mooring arrangement to the pier or seafloor. When the word Guest is displayed, the
respective window represents data relating to the Guest and its mooring arrangement to the Host
and possibly to the pier or seafloor.
Describing the Host and Guest Vessels
The Host and Guest vessels must both be described in appropriate *.vsl files before the S2S
option can be used. Here we will call these the Host.vsl and the Guest.vsl files, but any names can
be used.
Figures 9-1 and 9-2 show example Host and Guest Vessel Lines Windows.
Vessel files prepared previously for normal mooring analysis can be used. But it may be
necessary to define addition mooring lines or mooring points. The same vessel file can be used
as both the Host and the Guest if they are identical.
If the Host is to be moored alongside a pier, then it must have fairleads and lines defined on both
its pier side and its opposite side. If necessary, edit the Host.vsl file to add fairleads and lines on
the opposite side. If the fairlead and line arrangements are symmetrical about the longitudinal
centerline, then you can copy the data from the existing lines to create new lines, preserving the
x distances but changing all of the y distances to negative. Attention must be paid to the Dist
to Winch, as this might be different between port and starboard sides of the vessel.





If mooring lines are to be run only from the Guest to the Host, then on the Host it is only
necessary to describe the mooring points on the side to which the Guest will moor. In this case
enter the fairlead position and also the distance between that fairlead and the appropriate bitts, as
Dist to Winch.
If mooring lines are to be run from the Host to the Guest, then these lines must be fully described
in the Host.vsl file. Care must be taken to assure that the same winch mounted lines are not used
at the same time on both sides of the host vessel.
The mooring lines on the Guest must also be adequately defined. If mooring lines will only run
from the Host to the Guest, it is only necessary to describe the fairlead positions and distances to
bitts, as discussed above. If mooring lines are to be run from the Guest to the Host, these lines
must be fully described.
After a mooring line is deployed, using either the Mooring Window or the Arrangement Window, the
S2S Arrangement Window shows the fairlead on the ship providing a mooring line in red and the
fairlead on the ship receiving that mooring line in grey.
When two lines are to be passed through the same fairlead, then that fairlead must be defined
Describing Intervessel Fenders
The fenders between the Host and the Guest vessels are regarded as Host vessel data. These
fenders are defined after activating the Ship-to-Ship mode, by clicking on the data cell after Fwd
Fender Limit. This displays an illustration for the profile of the flat side of the Host. This also
displays a table to input data for the fenders between the two vessels.
Figure 9-3 shows the Host Lines Window with this illustration and fender data table. The
intervessel fender positions are indicated in green.
As a minimum, at least two fenders, one forward and one aft of midship, must be defined. The
Fender X Position is measured from the Host vessel midship. Also enter the Level Below Deck,
using the deck level upon which the mooring lines are based.
If floating fenders are employed, their elevation relative to the sea surface changes when the
Host vessel draft changes. If it is important that the fenders remain on the sea surface in these
simulations, the data must be changed here.
Enter the Fender Width. If this width is not defined, the program assumes that there is no space
between the vessels.
Enter or confirm at least one compression characteristic for each fender. This is done in the
same way as for berth fenders, as described in more detail in Section 4.4.6.
These fenders between the two vessels are designated by single lower case letters, e.g. a, b. The
horizontal and vertical fender positions are shown on the flat side illustration in the Lines Window.
Note that the positions of pier fenders are also shown in this illustration, designated by double
lower case letters, e.g. aa, bb. The positions of these intervessel fenders are also shown in the
Arrangement Window.





Other Input Files and Windows

There are separate General Environment Windows for the Host and Guest in the S2S mode. The
draft, trim and other vessel related data are entered in its General Environment Window are distinct
for that particular vessel. But the wind, current and other environment data are the same in both
Figures 9-4 and 9-5 show example Host and Guest General Environment Windows.
The same Berth Window is used for both vessels. If an existing Berth Window already describes
enough bollards, then there is no need to change it. However, if lines will also be run from the
Guest to shore, additional bollards may need to be defined. If the Guest will use buoys, these
must be described in the Berth Window. And if the Guest will drop its anchors, the anchor points
must be described. Section 6 describes how to input mooring buoy and anchor point data.
Figure 9-6 shows an example Berth Window in which offshore anchor points are defined.
Describing the STS Mooring Arrangement
In preparation for an S2S analysis, first load the Host.vsl file through the Lines Window. Also, load
the appropriate *.bth file through the Berth Window. Then describe the Host mooring arrangement
to the pier or seafloor, either in the Mooring Window or in the Arrangement Window.
The S2S mooring arrangement mode is initiated on the General Window. On the Options
dropdown menu, click add Guest ship side by side and select the Guest.vsl file. A box in the upper
left corner of the General Window now reads either Host or Guest. You can toggle between Host
and Guest in any window simply by clicking on that box.
When the box in the Lines Window reads Host, it displays data for the Host.vsl. When that box
reads Guest, it displays the Guest.vsl data.
When the box in the Mooring Window displays Host, it displays data for the arrangement of
mooring lines between the Host and the pier or seafloor. When that window displays Guest, it
displays data for the arrangement of mooring lines between the two vessels as well as for any
lines run between the Guest and the pier or seafloor.
You can view the relative positions of the two vessels as well as the mooring lines in the
Arrangement Window.
Describing Mooring Line Arrangements
The mooring arrangement between the Host and the pier is described in the same manner as for a
conventional analysis, as discussed earlier in this document.
The intervessel mooring arrangement can be defined either in the Host or Guest Mooring Window
or in the Arrangement Window.
During an S2S analysis displays plan views of both vessels. Figure 9-7 shows an Arrangement
Window with the Host moored to a pier. Figure 9-8 shows an Arrangement Window with the Host
in a spread mooring.





The intervessel mooring line arrangement can be described In the Arrangement Window by placing
the cursor on the dot representing a mooring line, on either the Host or Guest, pressing the left
mouse button, and dragging the chosen line to a fairlead on the other vessel.
In the Mooring Window, when Optimoor is in S2S mode, a box in the upper right corner designates
either Host or Guest. Figure 9-9 shows a Host Mooring Window. Figure 9-10 shows a Guest
Mooring Window.
If Host is shown, the mooring arrangement between the Host and the pier or seafloor is displayed
in the same manner as in normal mode. If Guest is shown, the top table row in the Lines Window
displays the mooring points on the Host instead of those on the pier or seafloor. The number for
a mooring point on the Guest which each lines should be connected is then be entered in the
second row.
The line properties for each defined intervessel line connection correspond to the vessel from
which the line runs. On the receiving vessel, only the position and distance to winch
descriptions of the fairlead are used. The receiving fairlead is then blocked from receiving any
other connections. And a line cannot be then run from that receiving vessel to the other vessel.
Resulting Mooring Line Tensions, etc.
In the S2S mode, the resulting mooring line tensions, fender loads, and vessel motions are
displayed in the Mooring Window, much in the same manner as in normal mode.
When Host is indicated, the upper portion of the window displays tension data for mooring lines
running from the Host to the pier or seafloor. If mooring lines were also run from the Host to the
Guest vessel, tension data for those lines are also displayed here. The fender load data in the
middle of the window is that for the fenders on the pier. The bollard data in the bottom of the
window is also for the pier.
When Guest is indicated, the upper portion of the window displays tension data for those lines
running from the Guest to the Host and also any lines which run from the Guest directly to the
pier or to the seafloor. The fender load data is that for the fenders between the Host and Guest.
If lines are run from the Guest to the pier, the bollard data for these lines will be displayed at the
bottom of this window.
In printed reports, the first entry in the Line to Bollard column represents the source of the line, H
for a line from the Host and G for a line from the Guest. The second entry represents the point
where the line is attached, again either H for Host or G for Guest. For example, 1H-3H
indicates a line running from fairlead 1 on the Host to fairlead 3 on the Guest.
Wind and Current Forces and Moments on Shielded Vessel
The presence of one vessel immediately adjacent to another obviously has a shielding effect
against wind and current. Optimoor now calculates this shielding effect by assuming that
portion of the shielded vessel which is behind the shielding vessel is not exposed to any wind
or current load.





Optimoor calculates the wind load on the above-water exposed hull and superstructure of the
shielded vessel and uses this to determine the longitudinal and transverse wind forces and the
wind moment on that shielded vessel. Figure 9-11 is an example of this principal, in which tThe
Guest shields 85% of the Host from the wind. In this case, Optimoor depreciates the
longitudinal and transverse wind force by 85%.
In like manner, Optimoor calculates the current shielding on the below-water exposed hull and
uses this to determine the longitudinal and transverse current forces and current moment.
Unfortunately, there is very little other data now available on two-vessel wind and current

OptiGuid_pt9:August, 2011

Figure 9-1

Ship-to-Ship Option, Vessel Lines Window for Host

Figure 9-2

Ship-to-Ship Option, Vessel Lines Window for Guest

Figure 9-3

Ship-to-Ship Option, Host Vessel Lines Window With Fender Limits Display

Figure 9-4

Ship-to-Ship Option, General Arrangement Window for Host

Figure 9-5

Ship-to-Ship Option, General Arrangement Window for Guest

Figure 9-6

Ship-to-Ship Option, Berth Window

Figure 9-7

Ship-to-Ship Option, Arrangement Window Showing Host and Guest with Host
alongside a Pier

Figure 9-8

Ship-to-Ship Option, Arrangement Window Showing Host and Guest with Host at
Spread Mooring

Figure 9-9

Ship-to-Ship Option, Mooring Response Window for Host

Figure 9-10

Ship-to-Ship Option, Mooring Response Window for Guest

Figure 9-11

Ship-to-Ship Option, Shielding Effect

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