Pile Performance in Weathered Meta-Sedimentary Formation and KL Limestone
Pile Performance in Weathered Meta-Sedimentary Formation and KL Limestone
Pile Performance in Weathered Meta-Sedimentary Formation and KL Limestone
KL Limestone
S.S. Liew
G&P Geotechnics Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
C.M. Khoo
G&P Geotechnics Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
S.T. Tan
G&P Geotechnics Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Y.E. Loh
G&P Geotechnics Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
ABSTRACT: This paper presents the performance of three preliminary instrumented bored cast-in-situ test
piles socketted in weathered meta-sedimentary formation and limestone formation in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
The test piles were instrumented with Global Strain Extensometer technology and were load tested under
quick maintained load test with two piles under compressive axial loading and one under tensile loading. For
the compression bored pile embedded in soil by wet hole construction, about 8.7% of the test loads was
transferred down to the pile base, whereas the short rock socketted pile constructed with soft toe in wet hole
condition has about 38% of the test loads transferred to rock socket. Unconfined compressive strength tests
and point load tests on both the collected rock cores during boreholes exploration and the rock fragments
recovered during pile construction were correlated with mobilised rock socket resistances. However, the
correlations are scattered and do not have a clear trend.
Three test piles presented in this paper are all mobilisation and load distribution for the similar
bored cast-in-situ piles of 1500mm and 1800mm geological materials with similar pile construction
diameter for compression piles and 1200mm practice and use of bentonite as stabilising medium
diameter for tension pile. For the two compression for the test piles construction.
load tests, a total of 2494 nos. concrete blocks have
been stacked-up for maximum test load of 4560
Tons with the height of approximately 20m above
ground level. Two rows of 32 temporary steel pipe
piles were driven to support the dead weight of the
kentledge system and provide stable platform for
pile testing (Fig. 1).
The required reaction load for tension test pile
was provided by four reaction piles of 750mm
diameter installed to 21m below testing platform. Fig. 1 4560 Tons Maintained Static Pile Load Test &
The reaction piles were installed at a distance of 1120 Tons Tension Pile Load Test
approximately 3.5 times test pile diameter away
from the centre of the test pile. The maximum test
load of 1120 Tons was applied to the tension pile 2. GEOLOGICAL FORMATION
using four 1000 Tons capacity hydraulic jacks.
This paper is aimed to present the test results of The subsurface investigation revealed that the site
these three preliminary instrumented bored piles is located at the geological contact of two
installed in the weathered meta-sedimentary formations, namely weathered meta-sedimentary
formation underlain by Kuala Lumpur Limestone. formation, locally known as Kenny Hill formation,
The results from these test piles provide some overlying Kuala Lumpur Limestone formation.
understanding of the pile behaviour in terms of The thickness of Kenny Hill formation at this site
shaft friction mobilisation, end bearing ranges from 15m to more than 60m. It consists of
mostly highly decomposed Grade IV Table 1 Summary of Pile Installation Records
metamorphosed sandstone/shale and completely Test Pile Ref. A B C
weathered Grade V residual soils. The overburden Pile Diameter 1500mm 1200mm 1800mm
alluvial materials generally consist of silty or Drilling System BG22/31 CMV BG45
gravelly SAND. Stabilising Fluid Bentonite Bentonite Bentonite
Temporary Casing 7m 7m 14m
3. PILE INSTALLATION AND Drilling Speed (m/hr) in Respective to Geological
Kenny Hill 3.7m/hr 6.7m/hr 9.3m/hr
Figs. 2 to 4 show the nearest borelogs together Formation
with the details of three instrumented Test Piles A, Limestone N.A. N.A. 0.5m/hr
B and C. Test Pile A has a diameter of 1500mm Formation
and was tested with excessive pile top settlement. Duration of 1 day 1 day 1.5 days
Test Pile B is 1200mm diameter tension pile Drilling
having a penetration depth of 24m from piling Concrete Casting Tremie 2 Tremie 2 Tremie 2
platform level. The test piles were embedded Method
within the upper top layer of alluvium material of
sandy soils and the lower weathered meta-
sedimentary materials consisting of very stiff
sandy silt with SPT-N more than 50. Test Pile C
of 1800mm diameter has a penetration depth of
31m from piling platform level with 4m rock
socket length into limestone of Rock Quality
Designation (RQD) from 20% to 85%. A
“polystyrene foam soft toe” was installed at the
pile base for transferring load to rock socket with
minimum load interference from pile base.
All test piles were formed by auger drilling
through the overburden soils with bentonite slurry
for hole stability and concrete casting using tremie
method. The load tests were performed after the
piles had achieved minimum 28 days of designed Fig. 2 Test Pile A (φ1500mm)
concrete strength. Temporary steel casing were
driven to prevent borehole collapse for top 7m to
14m of loose alluvial soils. Drilling speeds in the
installation of test piles are summarised in Table 1.
The test piles were instrumented with
proprietary Global Strain Extensometer technology
(Glostrext method) using the access to the pile
shaft from the sonic logging tubes as presented by
Hanifah & Lee (2006). This system uses advanced
retrievable pneumatically-anchored extensometers
coupled with high-precision spring-loaded
vibrating-wire sensor with a simple analytical
technique to monitor loads transferred down the
shaft and the toe of test piles. It is a post-
installation instrument which can accurately Fig. 3 Test Pile B (φ1200mm)
measure the relative deformations of anchored
segments across the entire pile length.
Fig. 7 Double Zinc Fig. 8 Mobilised Unit End
Sheets wrapped Bearing for Test Pile A
around Test Pile A
4.4. Summary
A summary of mobilised pile shaft frictions and
critical movements at pile-to-soil interface for
every soil strata is tabulated in Table 2. From the
test results, a similar trend of skin friction is
observed for all the test piles. The ratio of
mobilised unit skin friction, fs,mob to average SPT-
Fig. 11 Load Displacement N reduces exponentially with the increasing depth
for Test Pile C as well as with increasing SPT-N values as shown
in Fig. 13. All the instrumentation results clearly
show higher fs,mob/N ratio for alluvium soil with
lower average SPT-N values as compared to
Kenny Hill formation with higher SPT-N values.
unit shaft This may probably due to the installation of
friction not
fully mobilised temporary steel casing to prevent collapse of loose
sandy material at upper alluvial soil layer, in which
the actions of vibro-installation may provide
Fig. 13 fs,mob/N ratio Fig. 12 Mobilised Unit
sufficient compaction effort in densifying the
vs. SPT-N Shaft Frictions for Test upper loose alluvial soils. In weathered Kenny Hill
Pile C formation of stiff to very hard soil consistency, the
fs,mob/N ratio for shaft friction under compressive
load is fairly consistent, in which the ratio ranges
The maximum pile top settlement at the first between 1.5 and 2.2.
cycle test load of 22400kN was 8.17mm. In second
cycle, the movement of 20.39mm was observed at
the maximum test load of 45630kN. The ‘soft toe’
was seen to be performing well as noted from the
low strain readings implying minimum load
Table 2 Summary of Mobilised Unit Shaft Frictions and especially for anisotropic rocks. Hence, errors up
Critical Movements at Pile-to-Soil Interface to 100% are not uncommon if an arbitrary ratio
Critical Remarks value within the typical range is chosen to predict
f s,mob f b,mob
N Movemen UCS value from point load tests.
Test Soil N N t, Zc (mm) As such, 13 out of 51 rock core samples were
Pile Stratum (%)* sent for point load tests (PLT) to establish the
correlated ratio between the UCS and Is(50) for the
7 11.4 - 4 (0.3%) # limestone found at this site. The UCS tests and
Alluvium PLT results for the collected rock cores during the
15 7.3 - 6 (0.4%)
A 130 2.2 - 12 borehole exploration are shown in Table 3, in
(c) Kenny (0.8%) which the range of calibrated conversion factor is
Hill 150 1.8 5.3 6.5 13.3 ± 7.7 with considerable scatter of data. For
(0.4%) design purpose, a linear relationship of 13.3 was
Alluvium 7 10.7 - 3.5 # adopted for the correlation of UCS with Is(50) for
(0.3%) limestone bedrock as per Eq. (1).
48 3.3 - 6 (0.5%) #
60 3.0 - 9.5 UCS = 13.3 Is(50) (1)
(t) Kenny
84 1.4 - 3.5 where UCS = unconfined compressive strength
(0.3%) for rock; Is(50) = point load index for 50mm
Alluvium 7 14 - 9 (0.5 %) Pile-soil diameter core.
72 1.6 - >10 interface &
(0.6%) socket not Table 3 Summary of Unconfined Compressive Strength
C fully
Kenny Tests and Point Load Tests Results
(c) mobilised.
Is(50) Conversion
BH (N/m Factor,
17 3.7 - 5 (0.3%) zone # (%) (N/mm2)
m2) K = UCS/Is(50)
Notes: (c) represent compression pile; (t) represent
tension pile; * represent percentage of critical P3/BH4 85 1.94 39.6 20.4
movement as compared to pile diameter; # strain P5/BH1 30 4.24 46.4 10.9
softening observed. P5/BH1 85 3.97 61.0 15.4
P5/BH2 14 5.41 51.9 9.6
However, for tension pile, the fs,mob/N ratio in P5/BH3 37 8.40 53.5 6.4
Kenny Hill formation ranges from 1.4 to 3.3. The P5/BH3 63 5.20 81.9 15.8
critical movement at pile-to-soil interface is P5/BH4 24 4.93 45.6 9.2
recorded at displacement of 0.3% to 0.8% of pile P5/BH6 45 2.00 56.7 28.4
diameter, which is relatively small. P5/BH6 8 4.93 30.2 6.1
For non-rock socketted bored pile, the critical P5/BH7 44 7.70 43.3 5.6
movement at pile-to-soil interface in between 0.4% P5/BH8 12 1.72 42.1 24.5
and 0.8% of the pile diameter is recorded in Kenny P5/BH9 40 3.50 59.0 16.9
Hill formation. For rock socketted pile with brittle P5/BH11 51 9.55 35.8 3.7
socket movement restricting the mobilisation of Sample Mean (MPa) x= 13.3
pile-soil interface resistance, hence there appears Standard Deviation (MPa) = 7.7
no sign of obvious yielding observed in the Coefficient of Variation
resistance mobilisation except for the slump zone, (COV) = 60%
in which the yielding occurs at 4 to 5mm Standard Deviation Range Max = 21.0
movement as shown in Fig. 12. for Conversion Factor, K Min = 5.6
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