Fundamentals of Instructional Technology 0913
Fundamentals of Instructional Technology 0913
Fundamentals of Instructional Technology 0913
Question 3
Elaborate on the changing conception of education technology from the audiovisual archetype to the technology-based learning environment. (10 marks)
ET1 emphasises the use of machines, equipment and other aids in instruction. It is in
essence a hardware approach to education. The focus of the approach is directed
towards the teacher and his/her teaching. "Technology is seen as a means of
mechanising or automating the process of teaching with devices that transmit, amplify,
distribute, record and reproduce stimuli materials, and thus increase the teacher's impact
as well as widen the potential audience (Davies, 1978, p. 13). Davies called the
archetype associated with ET1 the 'audio-visual archetype' which was originally
developed in the media field in the 1930s and became more prominent after World War
II. It looks on audio-visual hardware as performing such functions as aiding classroom
presentations, improving demonstrations by giving access to reality or simulations of
reality which the teacher alone is not able to provide readily, or solving logistical
problems. For example, the use of CCTV as an answer to the problem of large student
numbers. The ET1 approach has frequently been applied in piecemeal and
uncoordinated fashion and consequently often did not match, in practice, the words
"systematic application" in the broad definition of educational technology given earlier.
ET4 proposed by Phillips (2001), which views technology as creating a learning
environment in which technology is not a tool or an aid but creates an environment in
which teaching and learning takes place. The unprecedented growth of technology
especially in internet interactivity, multimedia capabilities and shift in classroom
dynamics towards learner centred approaches provides for the emergence of ET4 or the
Technology- Based Learning Environment which adopts many of the elements of ET1,
ET2 and ET4. Stand alone computers that run short electronic lessons developed using
the systems approach may not be adequate. Access to the global network of multimedia
information and online learning communities present different conceptions and
explanations of learning. While ET4 is still in its infancy, initial research efforts indicate
that technology ismost useful when used for strategic purposes in particular contextual
settings and content areas. Additionally such uses of technology are successful when
teachers and students engage in teaching- learning relationships that focus on datadriven decision making. Vast amounts of information available on the internet create new
opportunities to learn in a world-wide context. Increased capacity and expanded
connectivity makes learning with this new medium not only possible but also powerful.
Computermediated communication brings content experts and community members into
the classroom. They provide real-world examples, model performances, and offer
otherwise unavailable enrichment opportunities for students.
Question 4
a) Technology Design
Reka Bentuk Teknologi merujuk kepada alat teknologi yang diguna pakai yang akan
memudahkan pembelajaran bermakna. Contoh alat ini ialah Sistem Pengurusan
Pembelajaran (LMS), alat media sosial , alat ujian dalam talian dan sebagainya. Sebagai
contoh, Moodle yang merupakan satu sistem pengurusan pembelajaran sumber terbuka
telah digunakan oleh banyak sekolah , kolej, universiti dan institusi latihan di Malaysia
dan di seluruh dunia. Bersama-sama dengan Moodle adalah pelbagai alat untuk
menyokong pembelajaran bermakna seperti alat-alat untuk menguruskan sumber
(dokumen, pelajaran, glossary) , alat untuk menyokong komunikasi (forum , chat, blog,
wiki) , alat-alat untuk membolehkan kerja-kerja kumpulan ( wiki, pangkalan data , forum,
glossary) , alat-alat untuk menyokong penilaian ( kuiz, tugasan, integrasi Turnitin, buku
gred ) dan alat-alat untuk menguruskan pentadbiran (kumpulan , kalendar, laporan
penggunaan , buku gred , soal selidik.
b) Content Design
Reka bentuk kandungan merujuk kepada pembangunan dan pengumpulan kandungan
yang akan menggalakkan hasil pembelajaran yang diinginkan . Ini termasuk profil
pelajar, penetapan matlamat, objektif & hasil pembelajaran kursus, prinsip pemilihan dan
susunan kandungan, garis panduan mengenai gaya penulisan , mesra pengguna dan
susun pembentangan.
c) Learning Design
Reka Bentuk Pembelajaran adalah pilihan yang dibuat tentang apa, bila, di mana dan
bagaimana untuk mengajar. Ia berfungsi untuk melibatkan pelajar berinteraksi dengan
kandungan dengan bantuan alat-alat dan teknologi yang sesuai. Ia boleh diringkaskan
seperti reka bentuk aktiviti yang akan merangsang :
Interaksi Pelajar -Kandungan
Interaksi Pelajar - Pelajar ; dan
Interaksi Pelajar dan Guru
Reka Bentuk Pembelajaran dipermudahcarakan melalui "Aktiviti Pembelajaran" yang
merupakan tugas dan latihan yang membantu pelajar memahami kandungan mata
pelajaran atau kursus. Aktiviti ini termasuk perbincangan kumpulan kecil, projek,
perbahasan, simulasi, permainan dan sebagainya. Aktiviti-aktiviti ini direka untuk
memastikan bahawa pelajar memahami pengetahuan dengan mudah , mengingati
pengetahuan dengan baik, dan mampu mengaplikasikan pengetahuan dalam keadaan
dunia sebenar.
d) Learning Outcomes
Tidak kira apa pun seseorang buat dalam kelas, soalan utama yang akan ditanya oleh
guru-guru ialah sama ada pembelajaran akan dipertingkatkan atau diperbaiki. Rangka
kerja ini meramalkan bahawa interface antara teknologi , kandungan dan reka bentuk
pembelajaran akan meningkatkan pembelajaran Guru tidak akan menggunakan
teknologi kecuali mereka yakin bahawa pelajar akan lebih memahami, dapat ingat,
dapat mengaplikasikan konsep, dapat menyelesaikan masalah, dapat mencipta dan
Question 5
What do you understand by technology integration? Explain reasons for using
technology in the classroom with specific examples.
Apa yang anda faham mengenai integrasi teknologi? Jelaskan sebab penggunaan
teknologi dalam kelas dengan contoh yang spesifik.
Students Graduating must be Globally Aware and able to Use Resources that
Exist Outside the School.
7 Technology Creates Opportunities for Students to do Meaningful Work.
8 All Students Need Access to High-Level and High-Interest Courses.
9 Students Must Feel Comfortable with the Tools of the Information Age.
10 Schools Must Increase their Productivity and Efficiency
Question 6
A Self-Instructional Module (SIM) includes learning outcomes which guides
content selection and sequence, learning activities and visual devices. Explain
how these design features facilitate learning.
Self- Instructional Module (SIM) termasuk hasil pembelajaran yang memberi petunjuk
kepada pemilihan kandungan dan urutan , aktiviti pembelajaran dan alat-alat visual.
Terangkan bagaimana ciri-ciri reka bentuk ini memudahkan pembelajaran.