Black Holes PDF
Black Holes PDF
Black Holes PDF
Schwarzschild Black-hole
Kerr Black-hole
Reissner-Nordstrom Black-hole
Kerr-Newman Black-hole
Based on size:
Supermassive Black-hole
Intermediate Black-hole
Stellar Black-hole
Primordial Black-hole
Ho e er, they are t ythi freaks, go li g up unsuspecting worlds. If a Black-hole, the same mass of
sun were to take place sun, Earth instead of falling, would continue to revolve around the orbit like
before. Bad news for Sci-Fi nerds, you need to go back to perform in academics. But they surely exhibit
some startling properties. It is said that following the Principle of Relativity, the closer, one is to a BlackHole, the slower the time passes for him relative to the one in free space. The cause is high gravitational
force, mending the Space-Time. Even, if you are on a body, falling towards it, you will grow your height
at the rate of 130 km per second as the force is high enough to stretch you and tear you apart. However
your ass o t e lost o e teri g E e t horizo , ut either ill add up Bla k-holes ass or ill get
converted to Energy (E= M 2 ). What happens after entering the Horizon is still a mystery. Though losing
consciousness and your identity will surely be a consequence.
Ho e er, these os i ele e ts do t just sta d still. They are a o posite fu tio of haos a d
enigma. And these are an exciting subject of matter because they make us go against our theories.
Remember the two principles I mentioned. Its going to blow your mind.
In recent years, some most stunning breakthroughs with respect to Black-holes were made. Stephen
Hawking referred it as an ideal black body, which is a hypothetical perfect absorber and radiator of
energy with no reflection. A Black-hole does engulfs all of light, but the question is, what does it emit?
He to answer this, provided a thesis that a Black-hole does emit electromagnetic radiation, created by
the Black-hole capturing particle-antiparticle pair formed spontaneously near to event horizon. Though
theoretically it looks right under peculiar features like Trans-Planckian Wavelength and under state of
Loop Quantum Gravity.
However the Relativity goes the other way, exclaiming that once a Black-hole is made, it will be bound
to last forever. What mass and energy is absorbed by it, adds its strength, by using it up to raise its size
and energy for bending the Space-Time curvature. They can even absorb other Black-holes and even
stars (in range) to grow massive.
We humans, i the field of os i o ser atio s, are too ju e ile a d ha e t oti ed a y of the t o
events occurring and nor have we proved any.
Black-holes just a t stop ei g fas i ati g. Prese e of Black-holes have led to many hypothetical
theories. Scientist thinks that a Black-hole can have different fates. Follo i g Ha ki gs theory, it may
shrink and shrink until it collapses and then explodes. Or maybe these Black-holes are just companions
of other hypothetical stuffs called white hole, which unlike Black-holes, expels bodies and can absorb
nothing and wormhole, a passage way between Black-hole and white hole. The hypothetical system
works as, a Black-hole gobbles up an object and passes it from wormhole, which gets ejected from white
hole, at a different point in space and even time, i.e., time travel. Or maybe these celestial beast conceal
a completely anomalous Quantum realm. Nobody knows!
Black-holes have led us to rethink about our ideas. It made us initiate a new class of physics called
Quantum-Gravity, which aims to combine our understanding of Quantum Mechanics and Relativity. It
revealed, upto what level can matter be condensed. And that the formation of stars after big bang went
hand in hand with formation of Black-holes. It even confirmed the presence of Gravitational Waves this
year, a cosmic interplay between two Black-holes, as predicted by Einstein, opening new doorways to
our belief about this fundamental force.
Although Black-holes are yet to be understood completely, scientist are never behind in making,
reshaping and testing new ideas. Even after so much pondering and experimenting about it, these
perplexing fragments of cosmos are yet to be discovered more, to depth of its core. They hold mysteries
of universe. Who knows, maybe the next theory is your creation, which could revolutionize our
understanding, challenging our knowledge about of Physics to a whole new level.
It o t e lo g, he our u dersta di g rea h to another degree, challenging us to look more in our
universe, to uncover deep mysteries of nature.