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Daily Teacher: RACHELLE P. CORPUZ Learning Area: SCIENCE

Lesson FEBRUARY 19, 2019

Log Teaching Dates 8:00-8:50 a.m
and Time: 6- HYACINTH Quarter: FOURTH

A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of characteristics of planets in the solar
B. Performance Standard Design an emergency and preparedness plan and kit
C. Learning Compare the planets of the solar system (S6ES-IVg-h -6)
Competencies/Objectives A. Identify the planets of the solar system
(write the LC Code) B. State that the sun is the center of the solar system.
C. Show concern about the living planet “Earth”
D. Make a model of the solar system



A. References
1. TG/CG pages p.115
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages Cyber Science, Worktext in Science and Technology,p. 320
Science Health and Environment 5, pp. 251-254
4. Materials downloaded from
B. Other Learning Materials Picture of the solar system , video, Activity sheets
Our Solar System worksheet, Planets Crossword Puzzle worksheet, Timer,
Modeling clay,powerpoint presentation, illustration board
A. Reviewing previous lesson *Giving of Classroom Rules ( tacked on the board)
and presenting new lesson * The 5 P’s:
1. Be Positive
2. Be Productive
3. Be Polite
4. Be Prepared
5. Be ResPectful
Review on the rotation and revolution of the earth.

B. Establishing a purpose for ENGAGE

the lesson Group Activity
Group 1- Jigsaw Puzzle
Group 2- Scrambled Words
Group 3- Scrambled letters
The pupils will be able to come up about the meaning of the solar system which
serves a springboard towards the topic.

C. Presenting EXPLORE
examples/instances of the Watching video clip
lesson (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYWmsPOvb4Q)
Solar Sytem

1. How many planets are there in the solar system? (Numeracy
2. If you were to choose among the 8 planets in the solar system, what
planet do you want to explore? Why?
3. What do you think the reason why Pluto has been removed from the
solar system?

D. Discussing new concepts and Setting Standard for Group Activity.

practicing new skills #1 House Rules/Standards/Guidelines:
(Follow the mnemonic/memory device.)
G- Give thoughtful feedback
R- Respect others & their thoughts
O- On task all the time
U- Use soft voices
P- Participate actively
S- Stay with your group

Group Activity ( Differentiated Instuction)

GROUP 1- Reading Across the Curriculum (Literacy Integration)

Read the topic about the different planets in the solar system
GROUP 2-Watch and Learn (ICT Integration)
Watch a video on Tablet about the solar system
GROUP 3 Make a planet
GROUP 4 Planets Crossword Puzzle
See activity sheet
Each member shares ideas about their activities.

E. Discussing new concepts and Do you think you will still alive if you live on planet Jupiter? Why?
practicing new skills #2 What do you think the reason why Earth is the only planet in the universe known
to possess life?

F. Developing mastery (lead to Group Activity ( Differentiated Instuction)

formative assessment 3) Group 1 Make a song about the solar system
Group 2 Illustrate the solar system
GROUP 3-Arrange me
GROUP 4 Naming of planets

G. Finding practical application ELABORATE

of concepts and skills in daily HOTS QUESTIONS
living What would happen if the movement of each planet in our solar system stopped?
Why is it important for us to learn about our solar system?
What should we do to protect the solar system?

H. Making generalization and HOTS QUESTIONS

abstractions about the lesson What are the different planets in the solar system?
What is the center of the solar system?
Why is it that Earth is the only planet to live in?
How can we protect our planet Earth?
I. Evaluating learning Performance Task
(Making a Planets of the Solar System Using Clay)ar System

Making a Planets of the Solar System Using Clay

Poor Good Excellent To tal points
1 pts 3 pts 5 pts

Planets are No labels are present, Labels are present, but Labels are clearly present
clearly labeled very difficult to find, or they may have been and are easy to read.
difficult to read. difficult to find or
handwriting could have
been improved.
Creativity Very little or no Some thought has been There is large amounts of
creativity. Minimal color put into the project. creativity being shown. All
is used. There is some color and planets have their correct
the planets are close to colors and imagination has
their correct color. been used when designing
the solar system model.

Planets are in Planets are not in the One or two planets are All planets are in the
the correct correct order or many out of order. correct order.
order are out of place.

Planets are Planets are not The proportions are All planets are correctly
proportioned correctly proportioned. close but there are a proportioned to each other.
correctly couple mistakes.
Example: Mars should
not be bigger than

All planets are Two or more planets One planet is missing. All planets are accounted
found. are missing. for.

Presentation Pupils were not able to Pupils were able to Pupils were able to discuss
discuss any details discuss details about details about his/her
about his/her project. his/her project. Student project. Student was able to
Student was unable to was only able to recall a recall a significant amount
recall any facts about few facts about a few of facts about all the
any planets or the solar planets and the solar planets and the solar
system. system. system.

Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. How many planets are there in the solar system?
A.8 B. 9 C. 10 D. 4
2.Name the planet found between Mars and Saturn.
A. Neptune B. Jupiter C. Uranus D. Earth
3. Which statement about the solar system is correct?
A. The planets orbit the sun.
B. The sun orbit the planets
C. Satellite orbit asteroids
D. The planet does not orbit all the time.
4. Which of these does not fit into either major category of a planets.
A. Mercury B. Jupiter C. Pluto D. Earth
5.Which planet is the nearest to the sun
A. Neptune B. Jupiter C. Uranus D. Mercury
6. Why Mercury has the shortest period of revolution around the sun?
A. Mercury is the nearest planet to the sun.
B. Mercury is the smallest planet to the sun.
C. Mercury move fast than the other planets.
D. None of the above
7. What planets seems to be the largest?
A. Neptune B. Jupiter C. Uranus D. Mercury
8. What is the center of the solar system
A. Asteriod B. Pluto C. Neptune D. Sun
9.What ikind of heavenly body is the sun?
A. Star B. Planet C. Moon D. Meteor
10. Why is the sun also considered a star?
A. The sun has the same structure as a star.
B. The sun emits heat and light just like a star.
C. The sun has similar color with that of a star
D. Both A and B.

i. Additional activities for application

or remediation


A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who acquired additional
activities for remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encountered which my
principal can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?

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