Ancheta Vs Ancheta Case Digest
Ancheta Vs Ancheta Case Digest
Ancheta Vs Ancheta Case Digest
Case Doctrine:
Marriage is not a mere contract, but a social institution in which the
State is vitally interested. The State can find no stronger anchor than
on good, solid and happy families. The break-up of families weakens
our social and moral fabric; hence, their preservation is not the
concern of the family members alone.
through the
Marietta, alleged, among others, that the order of the trial court
nullifying her and the Rodolfos marriage was null and void for the
court a quos failure to order the public prosecutor to conduct an
investigation on whether there was collusion between the parties, and
to order the Solicitor General to appear for the State.
answer to the complaint, the trial court granted the motion of the
respondent herein to declare her in default. The public prosecutor
condoned the acts of the trial court when he interposed no objection to
the motion of the respondent. The trial court forthwith received the
evidence of the respondent ex-parte and rendered judgment against
the petitioner without a whimper of protest from the public prosecutor.
The actuations of the trial court and the public prosecutor are in
defiance of Article 48 of the Family Code, which reads:
Article 48. In all cases of annulment or declaration of absolute nullity
of marriage, the Court shall order the prosecuting attorney or fiscal
assigned to it to appear on behalf of the State to take steps to prevent
collusion between the parties and to take care that evidence is not
fabricated or suppressed.
In the cases referred to in the preceding paragraph, no judgment shall
be based upon a stipulation of facts or confession of judgment.
The trial court and the public prosecutor also ignored Rule 18, Section
6 of the 1985 Rules of Court (now Rule 9, Section 3[e] of the 1997
Rules of Civil Procedure) which provides:
Sec. 6. No defaults in actions for annulment of marriage or for legal
separation. If the defendant in an action for annulment of marriage
or for legal separation fails to answer, the court shall order the
prosecuting attorney to investigate whether or not a collusion between
the parties exits, and if there is no collusion, to intervene for the State
in order to see to it that the evidence submitted is not fabricated.
In the case of Republic v. Court of Appeals, this Court laid down the
guidelines in the interpretation and application of Art. 48 of the Family
Code, one of which concerns the role of the prosecuting attorney or
fiscal and the Solicitor General to appear as counsel for the State:
(8) The trial court must order the prosecuting attorney or fiscal and
the Solicitor General to appear as counsel for the state. No decision
obligations (Ancheta