Survey of LMS, RLS and SMI Algorithm For Smart Antenna System
Survey of LMS, RLS and SMI Algorithm For Smart Antenna System
Survey of LMS, RLS and SMI Algorithm For Smart Antenna System
Smart antenna is the combination of antenna array and
signal processing in both space and time. The concept of using
antenna arrays and adaptive signal processing combined is not
new to radar and aerospace technology. Until previous decade,
higher cost of system has prevented their use in commercial
systems. The inclusion of very fast and low-cost digital signal
processors has made smart antennas practical available for
cellular land or satellite mobile communication systems.
Adaptive Beam Forming is also referred as spatial filtering is a
technique in which an array of antennas exploited to achieve
maximum reception in desired direction and rejecting signals
of same frequency in the other direction. This can be
accomplished by adjusting weights of each of the antennas
used in the array. Recently, the application of smart antenna
arrays has been suggested for mobile communication systems,
to overcome the problem of limited channel bandwidth,
satisfying a growing demand for a large number of mobiles on
communications channel. A smart antenna is a phased or
adaptive array that adjusts to the environment. That is, for the
adaptive array, the beam pattern changes as the desired user
and the interference move, and for the phased array, the beam
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