Introduction To Decision Making Methods
Introduction To Decision Making Methods
Introduction To Decision Making Methods
Sources for alternatives include past experience; other persons whose opinions and
judgments are respected; the practice of successful managers; group opinions
through the use of task forces and committees; and the use of outside resources,
including managers in other organizations.
D. Analyzing the Alternatives
The purpose of this step is to decide the relative merits of each alternative.
Depending on the type of problem and the potential solutions developed, the
manager might need to make a more thorough analysis by applying specific
decision-making aids.
The system should provide feedback on how well the decision is being
implemented, what the results are, and what adjustments are necessary to get
results that were wanted when the solution was chosen.
3. Many decisions do not stand alone. One decision may create another.
F. Creativity
1. Imagination and innovation benefit decision making.
2. Frequently, organizational circumstances curtail creative thought and action. Bureaucratic,
traditional organizations discourage thought.