New Curriculum Maths Workshop For Primary
New Curriculum Maths Workshop For Primary
New Curriculum Maths Workshop For Primary
Primary Maths
Active Learning
Learning is not a spectator sport.
The more actively engaged the learner is, the
more learning takes place.
Different instructional methodologies have
greater rates of retention.
Problem-solving skills
What is a problem?
A problem is something you do not immediately know how
to solve
Theres a culture of doing worksheet in Singapore
Grade 2 enrichment(NRICH):
Part and Whole
The learning objectives is to use a Bowl of 4
types of fruits to let learners know there are
smaller components called parts out of a
whole thing.
To use creative ways (tapping their knowledge
of small money value) to introduce the skills
needed to complete the Games
Grade 2 enrichment(NRICH):
Part and Whole
The learning objectives is to use a Bowl of 4
types of fruits to let learners know there are
smaller components called parts out of a
whole thing.
To use creative ways (tapping their knowledge
of small money value) to introduce the skills
needed to complete the Games
Cambridge Assessments
Diagnostic Assessments (no passing mark)
Cambridge Primary Checkpoint
Cambridge Checkpoint (for Secondary)
Summative Assessments
Cambridge IGCSE/O Level
Cambridge AS & A Level
Diagnostic vs Summative
Diagnostic Assessments
focus on one area or domain of knowledge
Summative Assessments
to check their mastery of a subject
Types of questions
Closed questions are a lower order, require only a
single word response.
What is 3 45?
Is 7 a prime number?
What is the time?
Fraction Match
What are you aiming to do?
Every member of the team has to end up with a set of four
cards in front of them that are related to each other in a
similar way.
The task is only successfully completed when everyone on
the team has completed their set.
As a team:
Responding to the needs of others
Helping others to do things for themselves.
Fraction Match
Getting started
You will need to work in a team of four. One observer
as the fifth person (not part of the team).
Distribute the 16 cards randomly amongst the team
(four cards each).
How to play
Players pass cards to other team members in order to
help one another complete their set.
Fraction Match
No one can talk or give non-verbal signals to other members of
the team.
Each member of the team starts with four cards in front of them.
The cards in front of each person should be visible to everyone.
Team members can only give cards; they cannot take cards from
someone else.
Each team member must have at least two cards in front of them
at all times.
Use an observer to check that the team obeys the rules and to
keep a record of when members of the team help someone else
(rather than, for example, when they just pass a piece on without
looking at what the other person or team actually needs).
Increase the
for maths
Teachers Role
Teacher can explain the rule by using less
numbers, for e.g. just using 1,2,3,4,5,6 to group
into 3 piles
Different students will try various approaches to
solve the problem
Teacher should guide by observing the progress
done by some pairs of students first, then share
their approach in front of the class, and give
them some clue to move forward if they are
Evaluate the lesson.
The dialogue between the students with the
teacher is important.
All the discussion, explanation, pair work and
FUN help
Students need to employ certain strategy
leading to final decision making
Help those who are still struggling.
Inductive method
Deductive method
Steps: clear recognition of the problem, search for a
tentative hypothesis, formulating a tentative hypothesis,
Examples: a (b +c) = ?
Suitable for cramming (revision), higher level
Project Method
step 1.
step 2.
step 3.
step 4.
step 5.
step 6.
Project Method
A few projects suitable for school mathematics:
Posting a birthday gift
Bake/cake sale
Laying out a school garden.
a Baking Project with a recipe (for fraction).