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9 th October 2016


Telephone Number 020 8642 0275
Email: j.mcgillicuddy123@btinternet.com Website: www.suttonsurreyrcparish.org.uk Twitter: @suttoncatholic
Parish Priest: Father Jim McGillicuddy
Newsletter: 1447
9th October, 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)(p.149)
16th October, 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Day of Prayer for Prisoners. Eucharistic Prayer: 3
8.30am Special Intention
8.30am Norman Brooks RIP (A)
10.30am Patrick Cunningham RIP (1st A)
10.30am For the Parish
5.30pm For the Parish
5.30pm Special Intention
Monday 10th October, 10.00am Dennis Keating RIP (A)
Tuesday 11th October, St. John XXIII, 8.00am Monica McGillicuddy RIP (LD)
Wednesday 12th October, St. Wilfred, 10.00am Mrs Murrays Intention
Thursday 13th October, St. Edward the Confessor, 10.00am William Adolph RIP
Friday 14th October, 10.00am Dennis Shea RIP (1st A)
Saturday 15th October, St. Teresa of Avila, 10.00am Michael Barber RIP


HEALING AND GRATITUDE: In both the first reading and psalm today people are cured of leprosy. St.
Francis Leprosy Guild supports the treatment, care and rehabilitation of leprosy-affected people in 80
centres hospitals and settlements in Africa, Asia and Brazil. Their website is: www.stfrancisleprosy.org
The gospel reminds us also of the importance of gratitude. That gratitude was shown by Namaan in the
first reading and by the Samaritan in the gospel, both outsiders to the faith. The rest simply forgot.
DAY OF PRAYER FOR PRISONERS: We pray today for prisoners and their families. I recommend for
your support Prison Advice and Care Trust (Pact), which can be contacted at 29 Peckham Road, London
SE5 8UA. Tel: 020 7735 9539. Email: info@prisonadvice.org.uk
FAMILY FAST DAY OFFERINGS should be handed in at the collection today using the special CAFOD
envelopes. Please do give generously in order to help victims of desperate poverty and suffering
throughout the world.
CONFIRMATION: The young people who are preparing to be confirmed here on 24 th November by Bishop
Paul will come forward at the 10.30am Mass and we will pray for them.
APF / MISSIO BOXES should be handed in to be emptied as soon as possible. New collectors are always
welcome. Please take an empty Missio box from the table in the church porch and write your name and
address on the label. We will empty it for you twice a year. This is an ideal way of supporting the
missionary work of the Church.
PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Please pray for those who are ill and especially for Cori Blanc-Philips, Lynn
Blake, Esther Bleeck, John Burge, John Burrows, Bridie Conlon, Maggie Lovekin, Sister Marie Christine,
Kitty Marshall, John Joe OMara, Thomas OSullivan, Ann Pettingell, Najla Rafo, Eileen Rendle, Naz Roys,
Michael Shann, Louise Sneath, Alleykutty Taliat, Alan Wiles, Carmen Woodhouse, and Mary Wright.
TWITTER: The parish is now on Twitter. I am grateful to Sean Phillips for setting up and running this
service. Many thanks also to Roger Morton for his continuing work on our parish website. Details of our
website, email, and twitter addresses are on the top of this newsletter.
NEW RADIO MICROPHONE: I hope you can hear me better with the new radio microphone.
FILM: THE ISLAND: We will show this Russian film - an exploration of sin, faith and redemption on
Wednesday 19th October at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre. More details next week.
ST. EDWARD THE CONFESSOR (1003-66) was educated at Ely and Normandy. He became king of
England in 1042. He was renowned for his holiness, for being available to his subjects and for his
generosity to the poor. He is reputed to have had the power to cure scrufola (the Kings Evil) by his touch.
He founded Westminster Abbey, to which he contributed one tenth of his income. When he died he was
buried there. He was canonised in 1161. His feast day is on Thursday.

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