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Introduction and Meaning: Municipalities Cities Towns Counties Districts

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Introduction and Meaning

Amalgamation is the combination of one or more companies into a new entity. An

amalgamation is distinct from a merger because neither of the combining companies
survives as a legal entity. Rather, a completely new entity is formed to house the
combined assets and liabilities of both companies
A merger, consolidation or amalgamation, in a political or administrative sense, is the
combination of two or more political or administrative entities, such as municipalities (in
other words cities, towns, etc.), counties, districts, etc., into a single entity. This term is
used when the process occurs within a sovereign entity.
Unbalanced growth or outward expansion of one neighbor may necessitate an
administrative decision to merge. In some cases, common perception of continuity may
be a factor in prompting such a process. Some cities that have gone though amalgamation
or a similar process had several administrative sub-divisions or jurisdictions, each with a
separate person in charge.
Annexation is similar to amalgamation, but differs in being applied mainly to two cases:
1. The units joined are sovereign entities before the process, as opposed to being
units of a single political entity.
2. A city's boundaries are expanded by adding territories not already incorporated as
cities or villages


Mergers and acquisitions are the most popular means of corporate restructuring or
business combinations in comparison to amalgamation, takeovers, spin-offs, leverage
buy-outs, buy-back of shares, capital re-organisation, sale of business units and assets etc.
Corporate restructuring refers to the changes in ownership, business mix, assets mix and
alliances with a motive to increase the value of shareholders. To achieve the objective of
wealth maximisation, a company should

continuously evaluate its portfolio of business, capital mix, ownership and assets
arrangements to find out opportunities for increasing the wealth of shareholders. There is
a great deal of confusion and disagreement regarding the precise meaning of terms
relating to the business combinations, i.e. mergers, acquisition, take-over, amalgamation
and consolidation. Although the economic considerations in terms of motives and effect
of business combinations are similar but the legal procedures involved are different. The
mergers/amalgamations of corporates constitute a subject-matter of the Companies Act
and the acquisition/takeover fall under the purview of the Security and Exchange Board
of India (SEBI) and the stock exchange listing agreements.
A merger/amalgamation refers to a combination of two or more companies into
one company. One or more companies may merge with an existing company or they may
merge to form a new company. Laws in India use the term amalgamation for merger for
example, Section 2 (IA) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 defines amalgamation as the merger
of one or more companies (called amalgamating company or companies) with another
company (called amalgamated company) or the merger of two or more companies to form
a new company in such a way that all assets and liabilities of the amalgamating company
or companies become assets and liabilities of the amalgamated company and shareholders
holding not less than nine-tenths in value of the shares in the amalgamating company or
companies become shareholders of the amalgamated company. After this, the term merger
and acquisition will be used interchangeably. Merger or amalgamation may take two
forms: merger through absorption, merger through consolidation. Absorption is a
combination of two or more companies into an existing company. All companies except
one lose their identity in a merger through absorption. For example, absorption of Tata
Fertilisers Ltd. (TFL) by Tata Chemical Limited (TCL). Consolidation is a combination of
two or more companies into a new company. In this form of merger, all companies are

Dissolved and new company is created for example Hindustan Computers Ltd.,
Hindustan Instruments Limited, Indian Software Company Limited and Indian
Reprographics Ltd. Lost their existence and create a new entity HCL Limited.
1.2.1 Types of Mergers

Mergers may be classified into the following three types- (i) horizontal, (ii)
vertical and (iii) conglomerate.
Horizontal Merger

Horizontal merger takes place when two or more corporate firms dealing in
similar lines of activities combine together. For example, merger of two publishers or two
luggage manufacturing companies. Elimination or reduction in competition, putting an
end to price cutting, economies of scale in production, research and development,
marketing and management are the often cited motives underlying such mergers.
Vertical Merger

Vertical merger is a combination of two or more firms involved in different stages

of production or distribution. For example, joining of a spinning company and weaving
company. Vertical merger may be forward or backward merger. When a company
combines with the supplier of material, it is called backward merger and when it
combines with the customer, it is known as forward merger. The main advantages of such
mergers are lower buying cost of materials, lower distribution costs, assured supplies and
market, increasing or creating barriers to entry for competitors etc.

Conglomerate merger

Conglomerate merger is a combination in which a firm in one industry combines

with a firm from an unrelated industry. A typical example is merging of different
businesses like manufacturing of cement products, fertilisers products, electronic
products, insurance investment and advertising agencies. Voltas Ltd. is an example of a
conglomerate company. Diversification of risk constitutes the rationale for such mergers.
1.2.2 Advantages of merger and acquisition

The major advantages of merger/acquisitions are mentioned below:

Economies of Scale: The operating cost advantage in terms of economies of scale
is considered to be the primary objective of mergers. These economies arise because of
more intensive utilization of production capacities, distribution networks, engineering
services, research and development facilities, data processing system etc. Economies of
scale are the most prominent in the case of horizontal mergers. In vertical merger, the
principal sources of benefits are improved coordination of activities, lower inventory
Synergy: It results from complementary activities. For examples, one firm may
have financial resources while the other has profitable investment opportunities. In the
same manner, one firm may have a strong research and development facilities. The
merged concern in all these cases will be more effective than the individual firms
combined value of merged firms is likely to be greater than the sum of the individual
Strategic benefits: If a company has decided to enter or expand in a particular
industry through acquisition of a firm engaged in that

industry, rather than dependence on internal expansion, may offer several strategic
advantages: (i) it can prevent a competitor from establishing a similar position in that
industry; (ii) it offers a special timing advantages, (iii) it may entail less risk and even less
Tax benefits: Under certain conditions, tax benefits may turn out to be the
underlying motive for a merger. Suppose when a firm with accumulated losses and
unabsorbed depreciation mergers with a profit-making firm, tax benefits are utilised
better. Because its accumulated losses/unabsorbed depreciation can be set off against the
profits of the profit-making firm.
Utilisation of surplus funds: A firm in a mature industry may generate a lot of
cash but may not have opportunities for profitable investment. In such a situation, a
merger with another firm involving cash compensation often represent a more effective
utilisation of surplus funds.
Diversification: Diversification is yet another major advantage especially in
conglomerate merger. The merger between two unrelated firms would tend to reduce
business risk, which, in turn reduces the cost of capital (K0) of the firms earnings which
enhances the market value of the firm.

The following is the summary of legal procedures for merger or acquisition as per
Companies Act, 1956:

Permission for merger: Two or more companies can amalgamate only

when amalgamation is permitted under their memorandum of association.
Also, the acquiring company should have the permission in its object
clause to carry on the business of the acquired company.

Information to the stock exchange: The acquiring and the acquired

companies should inform the stock exchanges where they are listed about the

Approval of board of directors: The boards of the directors of the

individual companies should approve the draft proposal for amalgamation and
authorize the managements of companies to further pursue the proposal.

Application in the High Court: An application for approving the draft

amalgamation proposal duly approved by the boards of directors of the individual
companies should be made to the High Court. The High Court would convene a
meeting of the shareholders and creditors to approve the amalgamation proposal.
The notice of meeting should be sent to them at least 21 days in advance.

Shareholders and creditors meetings: the individual companies should

hold separate meetings of their shareholders and creditors for approving the
amalgamation scheme. At least, 75 per cent of shareholders and creditors in
separate meeting, voting in person or by proxy, must accord their approval to the

Sanction by the High Court: After the approval of shareholders and

creditors, on the petitions of the companies, the High Court will pass order
sanctioning the amalgamation scheme after it is satisfied that the scheme is fair
and reasonable. If it deems so, it can modify the scheme. The date of the courts
hearing will be published in two newspapers, and also, the Regional Director of
the Company Law Board will be intimated.

Filing of the Court order: After the Court order, its certified true copies
will be filed with the Registrar of Companies.

Transfer of assets and liabilities: The assets and liabilities of the acquired
company will be transferred to the acquiring company in accordance with the approved
scheme, with effect from the specified date.

Payment by cash or securities: As per the proposal, the acquiring company

will exchange shares and debentures and/or pay cash for the shares and debentures of the
acquired company. These securities will be listed on the stock exchange.



A merger proposal be evaluated and investigated from the point of view of
number of perspectives. The engineering analysis will help in estimating the extent of
operating economies of scale, while the marketing analysis may be undertaken to estimate
the desirability of the resulting distribution network. However, the most important of all is
the financial analysis or financial evaluation of a target candidate. An acquiring firm
should pursue a merger only if it creates some real economic values which may arise from
any source such as better and ensured supply of raw materials, better access to capital
market, better and intensive distribution network, greater market share, tax benefits, etc.
The shareholders of the target firm will ordinarily demand a price for their shares
that reflects the firms value. For prospective buyer, this price may be high enough to
negate the advantage of merger. This is particularly true if several acquiring firms are
seeking merger partner, and thus, bidding up the prices of available target candidates. The
point here is that the acquiring firm must pay for what it gets. The financial evaluation of
a target candidate, therefore, includes the determination of

the total consideration as well as the form of payment, i.e., in cash or securities of the
acquiring firm. An important dimension of financial evaluation is the determination of
Purchase Price.
Determining the purchase price: The process of financial evaluation begins with
determining the value of the target firm, which the acquiring firm should pay. The total
purchase price or the price per share of the target firm may be calculated by taking into
account a host of factors. Such as assets, earnings, etc.
The market price of a share of the target can be a good approximation to find out
the value of the firm. Theoretically speaking, the market price of share reflects not only
the current earnings of the firm, but also the investors expectations about future growth
of the firm. However, the market price of the share cannot be relied in many cases or may
not be available at all. For example, the target firm may be an unlisted firm or not being
traded at the stock exchange at all and as a result the market price of the share of the
target firm is not available. Even in case of listed and oftenly traded company, a complete
reliance on the market price of a share is not desirable because (i) the market price of the
share may be affected by insiders trading, and (ii) sometimes, the market price does not
fully reflect the firms financial and profitability position, as complete and correct
information about the firm is into available to the investors.
Therefore, the value of the firm should be assessed on the basis of the facts and
figures collected from various sources including the published financial statements of the
target firm. The following approaches may be undertaken to assess the value of the target
1 Valuation based on assets: In a merger situation, the acquiring firm purchases
the target firm and, therefore, it should be ready to pay the worth of the latter. The worth
of the target firm, no doubt, depends

upon the tangible and intangible assets of the firm. The value of a firm may be defined as:
Value = Value of all assets External liabilities
In order to find out the asset value per share, the preference share capital, if any, is
deducted from the net assets and the balance is divided by the number of equity shares. It
may be noted that the values of all tangible and intangible assets are incorporated here.
The value of goodwill may be calculated if not given in the balance sheet, and included.
However, the fictious assets are not included in the above valuation. The assets of a firm
may be valued on the basis of book values or realisable values as follows:
2. Valuation based on earnings: The target firm may be valued on the basis of its
earnings capacity. With reference to the capital funds invested in the target firm, the firms
value will have a positive correlations with the profits of the firm. Here, the profits of the
firm can either be past profits or future expected profits. However, the future expected
profits may be preferred for obvious reasons. The acquiring firm shows interest in taking
over the target firm for the synergistic efforts or the growth of the new firm. The estimate
of future profits (based on past experience) carry synergistic element in it. Thus, the
future expected earnings of the target firm give a better valuation. These expected profit
figures are, however, accounting figures and suffer from various limitations and,
therefore, should be converted into future cash flows by adjusting non-cash items.
In the earnings based valuation, the PAT (Profit After Taxes) is multiplied by the
Price-Earnings Ratio to find out the value.
Market price per share = EPS PE ratio


The earnings based valuation can also be made in terms of earnings yield as
Earnings yield = MPSEPS 100

The earnings yield gives an idea of earnings as a percentage of market value of a

share. It may be noted that for this valuation, the historical earnings or expected future
earnings may be considered.
Earnings valuation may also be found by capitalising the total earnings of the firm
as follows:

Value =

Capitalisation rate


3. Dividend-based valuation: In the cost of capital calculation, the cost of equity

capital, ke, is defined (under constant growth model) as:

D0 (1 + g)
ke =



D0 = Dividend in current year D1 =
Dividend in the first year g =
Growth rate of dividend P0 = Initial
This can be used to find out the P0 as follows:

D0 (1 + g)
P =





For example, if a company has just paid a dividend of Rs. 15 per share and the
growth rate in dividend is 7%. At equity capitalisation of 20%, the market price of the
share is:


15 (1 + 0.7)
= 16.05 = Rs. 123.46

P =
.20 .07


The dividend yield, like earnings yield can be calculated as:

Dividend yield = Div. Per Share 100
Market Price
4. Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)-based share valuation: The CAPM is
used to find out the expected rate of return, Rs, as follows:
Rs = IRF + (RM - IRF)
Rs = Expected rate of return, IRF = Risk free rate of return, RM = Rate of Return
on market portfolio, = Sensitivity of a share to market.
For example, RM is 12%, IRF is 8% and is 1.3, the Rs is: Rs =
IRF + (RM - IRF)
= 0.08 + (0.12 - 0.08) 1.3 = 13.2
If the dividend paid by the company is Rs. 20, the market price of the share is:


Div =

= Rs. 151.51.

5. Valuation based on cash flows: Valuation of a target firm can also be made on
the basis of firms cash flows. In this case, the value of the target firm may be arrived at
by discounting the cash flows, as in the case of NPV method of capital budgeting as

i) Estimate the future cash inflows (i.e., Profit after tax + Non-cash


ii) Find out the total present value of these cash flows by discounting at an
appropriate rate with reference to the risk class and other factors.
iii) If the acquiring firm is agreeing to takeover the liabilities of the target
firm, then these liabilities are treated as cash outflows at time zero and
hence deducted form the present value of future cash inflows [as calculated
in step (ii) above].
iv) The balancing figure is the NPV of the firm and may be considered as the
maximum purchase price, which the acquiring firm should be ready to pay. The
procedure for finding out the valuation based on cash flows may be summarized
as follows:

MPP = n

i L

1 (1 + k)
where MPP = Maximum purchase price, Ci = Cash inflows over different years, L
= Current value of liabilities, and k = Appropriate discount rate.
6. Other methods of valuation: There are two other methods of valuation of
business. Investors provide funds to a company and expect a minimum return which is
measured as the opportunity cost of the investors, or, what the investors could have
earned elsewhere. If the company is earning less than this opportunity cost of the
investors, the company is belying the expectations of the investors. Conversely, if it is
earning more, then it is creating additional value. New concepts such as Economic Value
Added (EVA) and Market Value Added (MVA) can be used along with traditional
measures of Return on Net Worth (RONW) to measure the creation of shareholders value
over a period.
(a) Economic Value Added: EVA is based upon the concept of economic return
which refers to excess of after tax return on capital


employed over the cost of capital employed. The concept of EVA, as developed by Stern
Steward and Co. of the U.S., compares the return on capital employed with the cost of
capital of the firm. It takes into account the minimum expectations of the shareholders.
EVA is defined in terms of returns earned by the company in excess of the minimum
expected return of the shareholders. EVA is calculated as the net operating profit
(Earnings before Interest but after taxes) minus the capital charges (capital employed
cost of capital). This can be presented as follows:
EVA = EBIT - Taxes - Cost of funds employed
= Net Operating Profit after Taxes - Cost of Capital Employed
where, Net Operating Profit after Taxes represents the total pool of profit available
to provide a return to the lenders and the shareholders, and Cost of Capital Employed is
Weighted Average Cost of Capital Average Capital employed.
So, EVA is the post-tax return on capital employed adjusted for tax shield of debt)
less the cost of capital employed. It measures the profitability of a company after having
taken cost of debt (Interest) is deducted in the income statement. In the calculation of
EVA, the cost of equity is also deducted. The resultant figure shows as to how much has
been added in value of the firm, after meeting all costs. It should be pointed out that there
is more to calculation of cost of equity than simple deduction of the dividends paid. So,
EVA represents the value added in excess of the cost of capital employed. EVA increases
i) Operating profits grow without employing additional capital, i.e., through
greater efficiency.
ii) Additional capital is invested in the projects that give higher returns than
the cost of procuring new capital, and


iii) Unproductive capital is liquidated, i.e., curtailing the unproductive uses of

EVA can be used as a tool in decision-making within an enterprise. It can help
integration of customer satisfaction, operating efficiencies and, management and financial
policies in a single measure. However, EVA is based on the performance of one year and
does not allow for increase in economic value that may result from investing in new
assets that have not yet had time to show the results.
In India, EVA has emerged as a popular measure to understand and evaluate
financial performance of a company. Several companies have started showing the EVA
during a year as a part of the Annual Report. Hero Honda Ltd., BPL Ltd., Hindustan
Lever Ltd., Infosys Technologies Ltd. And Balrampur Chini Mills Ltd. Are a few of them.
(b) Market Value Added (MVA) is another concept used to measure the
performance and as a measure of value of a firm. MVA is determined by measuring the
total amount of funds that have been invested in the company (based on cash flows) and
comparing with the current market value of the securities of the company. The funds
invested include borrowings and shareholders funds. If the market value of securities
exceeds the funds invested, the value has been created.

After the value of a firm has been determined on the basis of the preceding
analysis, the next step is the choice of the method of payment to the acquired firm. The
choice of financial instruments and techniques in acquiring a firm usually has an effect on
the purchasing agreement. The payment may take the form of either cash or securities,
i.e., ordinary shares, convertible securities, deferred payment plans and tender offers.


Ordinary shares financing: When a company is considering to use ordinary

shares to finance a merger, the Relative Price-Earnings (P/E) ratios of two firms are an
important consideration. For instance, for a firm having a high P/E ratio, ordinary shares
represent an ideal method for financing mergers and acquisitions. Similarly, the ordinary
shares are more advantageous for both companies when the firm to be acquired has low
P/E ratio. This is illustrated below:

(a) Pre-merger situation:

Firm A

Firm B

Earnings after taxes (EAT)



Number of shares outstanding (N)




Price-earnings (P/E) ratio

10 times

4 times

Market price per share, MPS (EPS





2.5 : 1


EATc of combined firm



Number of shares outstanding after






P/Ec ratio






Total market value



P/E ratio)
Total market value of the firm
[(N MPS) Or (EAT P/E ratio)]
(b) Post merger situation: assuming
exchange ratio of shares as

additional shares issued


From a perusal of Table 1.1, certain facts stand out. The exchange ratio of 2.5 : 1
is based on the exchange of shares between the acquiring and acquired firm on their
relative current market prices. This ratio implies that Firm A will issue 1 share for every
2.5 shares of Firm B.


The EPS has increased from Rs. 5.0 (pre-merger) to Rs. 6.25 (post-merger). The postmerger market price of the share would be higher at Rs. 6.25 10 (P/E ratio) = Rs. 62.50.
When the exchange ratio is 1 : 1, it implies that the shareholders of the Firm B
demand a heavy premium per share (Rs. 30 in this case). The EPS and the market price
per share remain constant. Therefore the tolerable exchange ratio for merger of Firm A
and B is 1 : 1. Thus, it may be generalised that the maximum and minimum exchange
ratio in merger situations should lie between the ratio of market price of shares of two
firms and 1 : 1 ratio. The exchange ratio eventually negotiate/agreed upon would
determine the extent of merger gains to be shared between the shareholders of two firms.
This ratio would depend on the relative bargaining position of the two firms and the
market reaction to the merger move is given below:


Total market value of the merged firm

Less market value of the pre-merged firms:
Firm A

Rs. 50,00,000

Firm B

Rs. 10,00,000

Total merger gains

Rs. 75,00,000


(AI) (1) Apportionment of gains (assuming exchange ratio of

2.5 : 1

Firm A: Post-merger market value


(1,00,000 shares Rs. 62.50)

Less pre-merger market value


Gains for shareholders of Firm A


Firm B: Post-merger market value

(20,000 shares Rs. 62.50)


Less pre-merger market value


Gain for shareholders of Firm B



(2) Assuming exchange ratio of 1 : 1

Firm A: Post-merger market value


(1,00,000 Rs. 50.00)

Less pre-merger market value


Gain for shareholders of Firm A


Firm B: Post-merger market value


(50,000 Rs. 50.00)

Less pre-merger market value


Gains for shareholders of Firm B


Debt and Preference Shares Financing: From the foregoing it is clear that
financing of mergers and acquisitions with equity shares is advantageous both to the
acquiring firm and the acquired firm when the P/E ratio is high. Since, however, some
firms may have a relatively lower P/E ratio as also the requirement of some investors
might be different, the other types of securities, in conjunction with/in lieu of equity
shares, may be used for the purpose.
In an attempt to tailor a security to the requirement of investors who seek
dividend/interest income in contrast to capital appreciation/growth, convertible debentures
and preference shares might be used to finance merger. The use of such sources of
financing has several advantages, namely, (i) potential earning dilution may be partially
minimized by issuing a convertible security. For example, suppose the current market
price of the shares of an acquiring company is Rs. 50 and the value of the acquired firm is
Rs. 50,00,000. If the merger proposal is to be financed with equity, 1,00,000 additional
shares will be required to be issued. Alternatively, convertible debentures of the face value
of Rs. 100 with conversion ratio of 1.8, which would imply conversion value of Rs. 90
(Rs. 50 1.8) may be issued. To raise the required Rs. 50,00,000, 50,000 debentures
convertible into 90,000 equity shares would be issued. Thus, the number of shares to be
issued would be reduced by


10,000, thereby reducing the dilution in EPS that could ultimately result, if convertible
security in place of equity shares was not resorted to; (ii) A convertible issue might serve
the income objective of the shareholders of target firm without changing the dividend
policy of the acquiring firm; (iii) convertible security represents a possible way of
lowering the voting power of the target company; (iv) convertible security may appear
more attractive to the acquired firm as it combines the protection of fixed security with
the growth potential of ordinary shares.
In brief, fixed income securities are compatible with the needs and purpose of
mergers and acquisitions. The need for changing the financing leverage and for a variety
of securities is partly resolved by the use of senior securities.
Deferred Payment Plan: Under this method, the acquiring firm, besides making
initial payment, also undertakes to make additional payment in future years to the target
firm in the event of the former being able to increase earnings consequent also known as
earn-out plan. There are several advantages of adopting such a plan to the acquiring firm:
(i) It emerges to be an appropriate outlet for adjusting the difference between the amount
of shares the acquiring firm is willing to issue and the amount the target firm is agreeable
to accept for the business; (ii) in view of the fact that fewer number of shares will be
issued at the time of acquisition, the acquiring firm will be able to report higher EPS
immediately; (iii) there is built-in cushion/protection to the acquiring firm as the total
payment is not made at the time of acquisition; it is contingent to the realisation of the
potential/projected earnings after merger.
There are various types of deferred payment plan in vogue. The arrangement
eventually agreed upon depends on the imagination of the management of the two firms
involved. One of the often-used plans for


the purpose is base-period earn-out. Under this plan the shareholders of the target firm are
to receive additional shares for a specified number of future years, if the firm is able to
improve its earnings vis--vis the earnings of the base period (the earnings in the previous
year before the acquisition). The amount becoming due for payment in shares in future
years will primarily be a function of excess earnings, price-earnings ratio and the market
price of the share of the acquiring firm. The basis for determining the required number of
shares to be issued is
Excess earnings P/E ratio
Share price (acqiring firm)

To conclude, the deferred-plan technique provides a useful means by which the

acquiring firm can eliminate part of the guess-work involved in purchasing a firm. In
essence, it allows the merging management the privilege of hindsight.
Tender Offer: An alternative approach to acquire another firm is the tender offer. A
tender offer, as a method of acquiring firms, involves a bid by the acquiring firm for
controlling interest in the acquired firm. The essence of this approach is that the purchaser
approaches the shareholders of the firm rather than the management to encourage them to
sell their shares generally at a premium over the current market price.
Since the tender offer is a direct appeal to the shareholders, prior approval of the
management of the target firm is not required. In case, the management of the target firm
does not agree with the merger move, a number of defensive tactics can be used to
counter tender offers. These defensive tactics include WHITE KNIGHTS and PACMANS. A white knight is a company that comes to the rescue of a firm that is being
targeted for a takeover. Such a company makes its own tender offer at a higher price.
Under Pac-mans form of tender offer, the firm under attack becomes the attacker.


As a form of acquiring firms, the tender offer has certain advantages and
disadvantages. The disadvantages are: (i) If the target firms management attempts to
block it, the cost of executing offer may increase substantially; (ii) the purchasing
company may fail to acquire a sufficient number of shares to meet the objective of
controlling the firm. The major advantages of acquisition through tender offer include: (i)
if the offer is not blocked, it may be less expensive than the normal route of acquiring a
company. This is so because it permits control by purchasing a smaller proportion of the
firms shares; (ii) the fairness of the purchase price is not questionable as each shareholder
individually agrees to part with his shares at the negotiated price.
Merger as a Capital Budgeting Decision: Like a capital budgeting decision,
merger decision requires comparison between the expected benefits (measured in terms of
the present value of expected benefits/cash inflows (CFAT) from the merger) with the cost
of the acquisition of the target firm. The acquisition costs include the payment made to
the target firms shareholders, payment to discharge the external liabilities of the acquired
firm less cash proceeds expected to the realised by the acquiring firm from the sale of
certain asset (s) of the target firm. The decision criterion is to go for the merger if Net
Present Value (NPV) is positive; the decision would be against the merger in the event
of the NPV being negative.

Financial problems after merger and acquisition

After merger and consolidation the companies face a number of financial

problems. The liquidity of the companies has to be established afresh. The merging and
consolidating companies pursue their own financial policies when they are working
independently. A number of adjustments are required to be made in financial planning and
policies so that consolidated efforts may enable to improve short-term and long-term


finances of the companies. Some of the financial problems of merging and consolidating
companies are discussed as follows:
Cash Management: The liquidity problem is the usual problem faced by
acquiring companies. Before merger and consolidation, the companies had their own
methods of payments, cash behaviour patterns and arrangements with financial
institutions. The cash pattern will have to be adjusted according to the present needs of
the business.
Credit Policy: The credit policies of the companies are unified so that same terms
and conditions may be applied to the customers. If the market areas of the companies are
different, then same old policies may be followed. The problem will arise only when
operating areas of the companies are the same and same credit policy will have to be
Financial Planning: The companies may be following different financial plans
before merger and consolidation. The methods of budgeting and financial controls may
also be different. After merger and consolidation, a unified financial planning is followed.
The divergent financial controls will be unified to suit the needs of the acquiring
Dividend Policy: The companies may be following different policies for paying
dividend. The stockholders will be expecting higher rates of dividend after merger and
consolidation on the belief that financial position and earning capacity has increased after
combining the resources of the companies. This is a ticklish problem and management
will have to devise an acceptable pay-out policy. In the earlier stages of merger and
consolidation it may be difficult to maintain even the old rates of dividend.
Depreciation Policy: The companies follow different depreciation policies. The
methods of depreciation, the rates of depreciation, and the


amounts to be taken to revenue accounts will be different. After merger and consolidation
the first thing to be decided will be about the depreciable and non-depreciable assets. The
second will be about the rates of depreciation. Different assets will be in different stages
of use and appropriate amounts of depreciation should be decided.
1.5.2 Capital structure after merger and consolidation

The acquiring company in case of merger and the new company in case of
consolidation takes over assets and liabilities of the merging companies and new shares
are issued in lieu of the old. The capital structure is bound to be affected by new changes.
The capital structure should be properly balanced so as to avoid complications at a later
A significant shift may be in the debt-equity balance. The acquiring company will
be requiring cash for making the payments. If it does not have sufficient cash then it will
have to give new securities for purposes of an exchange. In all cases the balance of debt
and equity will change. The possibility is that equity may be increased more than the debt.
The mergers and consolidations result into the combining of profits of concerned
companies. The increase in profitability will reduce risks and uncertainties. It will affect
the earnings per share. The investors will be favorably inclined towards the securities of
the company. The expectancy of dividend declarations in the future will also have a
positive effect. If merging companies had different pay-out policies, then shareholders of
one company will experience a change in dividend rate. The overall effect on earnings
will be favourable because the increased size of business will experience a number of
economies in costs and marketing which will increase profits of the company.


The capital structure should be adjusted according to the present needs and requirements.
The concern might sell its unrelated business, and consolidate its remaining businesses as a
balanced portfolio.


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