A Special Symposium on
Leadership and Elections
Rabbi Dr. Kenneth Brander
Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman
Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner
Rabbi Steven Weil
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
West Hartford, CT
Beachwood, OH
Beverly Hills, CA
Philadelphia, PA
Ahavas Achim
Highland Park, NJ
Shaarei Tefillah
New York, NY
Brooklyn, NY
Young Israel of
Cedarhurst, NY
Young Israel of
Century City
Los Angeles, CA
Young Israel of
New Hyde Park
Young Israel of
Toco Hills
Atlanta, GA
Young Israel of
West Hartford
West Hartford, CT
Newton Centre, MA
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
Table of Contents
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What Can we Learn from the Laws of Lashon Hara about Negative
Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
Many thanks to Avi Mori Mr. Etzion Brand, Rabbi Yisroel Greenblatt and Mrs. Andrea Polster for their help with this article.
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
Regarding words of encouragement
in order that a person doesnt become
discouraged from the multitude of
harmful and destructive acts brought
about by ones actions [Rebbi
Nachman] said: if you believe that you
can destroy, believe that you can repair.
Likutei Moharan Tinyana no. 112
We must believe in ourselves and have
confidence in our teshuva. Rav Kook
stresses this often in his major work,
Orot HaTeshuva.5
. Finally, there is one more profound
You give a hand to sinners. Your right
aspect of self-esteem in our teshuva.
hand is extended to receive repenters.
The last of the Rambams four steps of
teshuva is commitment not to repeat
The connection between teshuva
our mistakes in the future (Rambam,
and self-esteem also manifests itself
Hilchot Teshuva 2:2). Having high selfin an attitude of confidence: that we
esteem is crucial for this all-important
are able to do teshuva. Our tradition
ability to move forward. A person
emphasizes that the possibility and
who doesnt believe in their ability
ability of teshuva exists for everyone.
and significance may not have the
No matter how far one may have
strayed, every person must remember motivation to make the right choices.
that he has the ability to return. In this However, one who does believe in
light, we can appreciate the Rambans himself has a reason to live up to noble
expectations. Rav Shlomo Wolbe
view that the Torah is referring to
articulates this point with a powerful
teshuva when it speaks of a matter
statement (Alei Shur, vol. 1 p.168):
that is close to us:
This matter is close to you. It is in your
mouth and your heart to do it.
Devarim 30:14
The Torah wants to reinforce our
self-confidence; we should not be
overwhelmed by our past mistakes
and think that teshuva is beyond our
reach. It is not.
This confidence is reinforced by
a teaching of Rebbi Nachman of
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Every person must know that he has
importance. Not imaginary importance
where one values oneself through
ones own evaluation, a phrase used
by Mesillat Yesharim to describe
haughtiness. Rather, importance with
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
14 Taanis 29b.
Special thank you to my husband, Rabbi Aaron Glatt, and to my son, Chezkie Glatt, for their analysis and editing guidance;
additional appreciation to Reuben Zimilover for the Apple Inc. insight.
We find two very different approaches as to how eating (or looking at) the simanim of Rosh HaShanah can help bring
about a good year.
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. The concept that symbolism is significant and what we do
. on the evening of Rosh HaShanah can be explained based
There are many things that are permissible that are similar
on the comments of Nachmanides, that all heavenly decrees
to [the prohibition against] divination (using omens to
have a permanent effect when they are converted from a
predict the future) but are not actual divination, rather a
statement to an action. Therefore, in order to concretize
sign to inspire one to perform good deeds. This is why they
the good decrees that God bestowed upon us, [we eat these
said to place on ones table on the night of Rosh Hashanah
foods] so that they have a permanent effect. [Note: This
pumpkin, fenugreek, etc., for some of them grow quickly
approach represents a more mystical view of the simanim.
and some grow to large sizes. In order that one does not
The judgment of Rosh HaShanah is determined at the
violate the prohibition against divination, they instituted
beginning of the holiday at night, but is not finalized until
a recitation that inspires one to reflect on ones actions.
the morning. By eating these foods, one can solidify a good
It is known that this is only a point of reference, a catalyst,
decree through action and that might prevent its reversal
because it is not contingent on the recitation alone, rather on over the course of Rosh HaShanah.]
action, repentance, and good deeds.
R. Shmuel Bornstein, Shem MiShmuel, Rosh
R. Menachem Meiri, Beit HaBechira, Horayot 12a
HaShanah 5677
Torah To Go Editors
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
The Tur, OC 619, writes:
R. Yitzchak ben Eliezar said: Know that
the Mishkan was constructed, all of its
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
In the evening [of Yom Kippur], we enter
the Synagogue. In Germany, the custom
is that prior to praying, we authorize
the transgressors so that we may pray
with them, even if they dont request
authorization. [The reason for this is] that
R. Shimon Chasida said, any fast day
that doesnt include Israels transgressors is
not a [bona fide] fast. Behold, galbanum
has a bad odor and yet the Torah includes
it as one of the spices of the ketoret.
The recitation of Kol Nidrei
specifically our authorizing prayer
with the transgressors connects us
to the ketoret. Just like the ketoret
which is made with spices of beautiful
fragrance and also one spice whose
fragrance is bad so too, we include
the transgressors among us when we
pray on Yom Kippur.
Yet the recitation of Kol Nidrei itself
has not always been universally
accepted. Tur quotes R. Natronai Gaon
that in his time, many did not recite
Kol Nidrei. R. Amram Gaon also writes
that it is a mistake to recite Kol Nidrei.
Those who question the practice do
so out of concern that it is ineffective
in annulling past vows or preempting
future vows. While many Rishonim do
endorse the practice, let us ask a third
question: Why has Kol Nidrei become
universally accepted? Given the
controversy, why dont we simply rely
on the annulment of vows that takes
place before Rosh Hashanah?
You Have Said Enough!
When Moshe Rabbeinu beseeched
Hashem to enter the Land of Israel, he
was told by Hashem (Devarim 3:26)
rav lach, you have said enough. The
Daat Zekeinim Mibaalei Hatosafot
expand on this:
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
Another interpretation of vayechal
Moshe: What did he say? R. Berechiah
said in the name of R. Chelbo in the
name of R. Yitzchak: [Moshe] annulled
the vow of his creator. How so? When
the Jewish people made the [golden] calf,
Moshe tried to appease G-d to forgive
them. G-d said: Moshe, I already swore
that One who worships idols will be
destroyed, and I will not retract on an
oath that came out of My mouth. Moshe
said, Master of the Universe, did You
not teach me about the annulment of
vows, and You said If a man takes a
vow to Hashem or an oath to prohibit
something on himself, his word shall not
be desecrated?
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[The verse records that Moshe said] I
sat on the mountain. What does this
refer to? R. Huna b. Acha said, he sat to
annul the vow of his creator. And what
did he say to Him? Something difficult
to say. R. Yochanan said, [Moshe]
said something difficult to say to the
Almighty: perhaps You regret what
You said (that You are going to destroy
the Jewish people). [G-d] said, I regret
the evil that I said I would do to My
nation. At that time, Moshe said, it is
permissible for you, it is permissible for
you, it is permissible for you, there is no
vow or oath. This is what is meant by
vayechal Moshe he annulled the
vow of his creator, just as we find the
language lo yachel devaro. R. Shimon
b. Lakish said, therefore [Moshe] is
called The Man of G-d to teach that he
annulled the vow of G-d.
At Sinai you angered G-d and G-d was
enraged with you and wanted to destroy
you. When I ascended the mountain to
take the tablets of stone, the tablets of
the covenant that G-d sealed with
you. I sat on the mountain forty days
and forty nights. I did not eat bread and
I did not drink water.
Devarim 9:8-9
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
He gives us life, sustains us and brings
us to this time.
With your sweet aroma will I accept you,
when I bring you out from the peoples,
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
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A person should not sit before the barber,
prior to mincha, nor go to the bathhouse,
the tanner, to eat (a meal) or to court. If
they began, they are not required to stop.
The Gemara explains that the rabbis
were concerned that these activities
sometimes lasted for an extended
period of time and while one is
engaged in these activities, one may
forget to recite the mincha prayers.
Regarding the taking of the lulav, the
Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 652:2,
citing the Mishna, Sukkah 38a says:
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It is prohibited to eat before taking [the
We find no shortage of mitzvos in
lulav] and if one forgot and ate and
which the rabbis were concerned
remembered while eating, if it is the first
about eating prior to performing
day, where the obligation to take a lulav
is biblical, one must stop eating, even
if there is time to take it after the meal.
The Mishna in Shabbos 9b, states:
After the first day, if there is time to take
it after the meal, one is not required to
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
At first, they accepted the testimony
for the [new] month all day. One time,
the witnesses delayed coming and the
Leviim mistakenly sang the incorrect
song. Therefore, they instituted that they
should only accept [testimony] until [the
time of] mincha.
The Mishna tells us of the procedure
for Kiddush hachodesh. On the 30th
day of the month, the Beis Din
would wait to see if witnesses would
come and declare the new month.
In the morning, to accompany the
tamid shel shachar, the daily morning
sacrifice, the Leviim would sing the
weekday song (there was a song to
accompany this sacrifice for every
weekday and special ones for Shabbos
and holidays). This was because the
witnesses rarely came in the morning.
Therefore, the rabbis never instituted
the special song for Rosh Hashana
along with the tamid shel shachar;
only alongside the daily afternoon
sacrifice. Nevertheless, until the
day was declared as Rosh Hashana,
they treated it as a regular weekday.
The assumption was that eating was
permitted until the witnesses came.
If so, even though we now have a set
calendar and we know when Rosh
Hashana is, the allowance to eat is still
intact. This, Rabbi Sofer suggests, is
how the custom developed to allow
eating prior to tekias shofar.
Perhaps there is an important
practical difference between the two
approaches of Rabbi Sofer. According
to the first approach, it would seem
that the permission to eat before
tekias shofar is directly dependent
upon whether or not true fear of
judgment exists. If not, as may be the
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
Responding to the
Fear of Judgment
The fear of judgment is
portrayed poignantly in the
prayer Unetaneh Tokef, which
(based on the Mishna, Rosh
HaShanah 16a) compares us
to a flock of sheep walking
single file. The farmer
counts each one and then
every tenth is marked for a
sacrifice. R. Yitzchak Blazer,
Kochvei Or pg. 174, notes
that if the marked sheep
has any intelligence, he
would jump into the river
and wash off any marking
that the farmer put on him.
We too, enter the High
Holiday season with the
fear of judgment, the fear
that a marking was placed
on us. But we are intelligent
enough to realize that we
have the ability to wash off
that marking through the
process of teshuva.
Torah To Go Editors
tune of Ain Kitzvah. Our confidence in
the justice of our judgment is the very
reason to celebrate.
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
Mrs. CB Neugroschl
Head of School, YU High School for Girls
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
How can the call of our shofar even
approximate the same message of this
poignant image? Perhaps the blasts of
the shofar are hinting at this aspect of
our dependence on Hashem, His merciful
compassionate and caring shepherds eye On the seventh day of Pesach, 5727
to spare us a harsh judgment.
(1967), I awoke from a fitful sleep. A
thunderstorm was raging outside, and
The Joy and Reverence of the the wind and rain blew angrily through
the window of my room. Half awake,
I quickly jumped to my feet and closed
How does the power of the shofar
the window. I then thought to myself
help us to accomplish both the joy and that my wife was sleeping downstairs
the reverence of Rosh Hashanah?
in the sunroom next to the parlor, and
I remembered that the window was
In the education field, educators
search for how to reach their students left open there as well. She could catch
pneumonia, which in her weakened
and engage them fully so that they
condition would be devastating.
can reach their best potential. One
I ran downstairs, rushed into her room,
adage that represents a growing field
and slammed the window shut. I then
of experiential education claims:
turned around to see whether she had
Give pupils something to do, not
awoken from the storm or if she was still
something to learn; and if the doing
sleeping. I found the room empty, the
is of such a nature as to demand
couch where she slept neatly covered.
thinking; learning naturally will
In reality she had passed away the
result. ( John Dewey)
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
The officer said, my master, if I fan the
flames and remove the wool sponges
from your heart, will you bring me
to the World to Come. [R. Chanina]
responded, yes He immediately
fanned the flames and removed the wool
sponges from his heart and R. Chanina
died quickly. [The officer] too jumped
and fell into the fire. A heavenly voice
called out: R. Chanina ben Tradyon
and the officer are invited to the World
to Come. Rebbe cried and said, there are
those who can acquire their portion in
the World to Come in one moment and
there are those who acquire it over years.
Avodah Zarah 18a
Rav Soloveitchik explains that this
example shows how hirhur teshuva can
even serve as full redemptive teshuva.
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
massacres and persecutions, the
idea of organized self defense was
unthinkable until Jabotinsky.
Coming on the heels of Herzl,
Jabotinsky wrote extensively about the
misery and vulnerability of the Jews in
the exile. He spoke unabashedly about
Jewish Nationalism. The need for a
Jewish State in Palestine.
He represented the new Jew.
Fiercely proud of his ancient culture.
Free of the fears and inferiorities of
the ghetto. Fully capable of meeting
the non-Jew on equal terms.
During World War I he was a prime
mover in bringing about the Jewish
Legion (in the British Army), which
would help conquer Palestine. He
created the Haganah. He founded
Betar, the 80,000-member Zionist
youth organization that trained its
constituents in military discipline and
In the 1930s, Jabotinsky told the Jews
of Warsaw, liquidate the diaspora or
the diaspora will surely liquidate you.
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
all three readings by an overwhelming
majority of two-thirds, the Golan
Heights Law. Now you once again
declare that you are punishing Israel.
What kind of expression is this
punishing Israel? Are we a vassal state
of yours? Are we a banana republic? Are
we youths of fourteen who, if they dont
behave properly, are slapped across the
Let me tell you who this government is
composed of. It is composed of people
whose lives were spent in resistance, in
fighting and in suffering. You will not
frighten us with punishments. He
who threatens us will find us deaf to his
threats. We are only prepared to listen to
rational arguments.
As regards the future, please be kind
enough to inform the Secretary of State
that the Golan Heights Law will remain
valid. There is no force on earth that can
bring about its rescission.
Asking Ourselves the Tough
Why do I share with you the lives of
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
At Yeshiva University, there are no sacrifices. YU is the full college experience, with an exceptional education,
countless opportunities to engage outside the lecture hall and a caring community that meets individual needs.
Achieving their academic, recreational and spiritual goals is why YU students find outstanding success when
applying to graduate schools and entering their chosen careers, including 94% (44 students) accepted to
medical school, 96% (27 students) to dental school and 100% (60 students) to law school in the last year.
Scholarships and financial assistance make YU a reality for over 79% of students.
Long-Term Commitments
The tenacity and commitment
of Herzl, Jabotinsky and Begin
to their cause is a lesson we can
apply to our teshuva process. The
accomplishments of these leaders
didnt take place in a single day. They
worked day in and day out for their
cause. If we want our teshuva to be
successful, we too have to make it a
long-term commitment.
The Talmud tells us:
Rabbi Eliezer taught: Repent one
day before your death. His students
questioned him: Does one really know
when they will die? Rabbi Eliezer
answered: All the more reason to repent
today, lest one die tomorrow, and one
will spend ones entire life dedicated to
Shabbat 153a
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
Special Symposium Rosh Hashanah 5777
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Because you [Moshe and Aaron] did
not believe in Me, to sanctify Me in
[front of] the eyes of the children of
Israel, therefore you shall not bring this
community into the land which I have
given them.
Bamidbar 20:12
What is the connection between the
episode of Baal Peor, the events in
Parshat Pinchas, and the decree that
Moshe will not lead the Jewish people
into the Land of Israel? In fact, this
decree the doom against Moshe,
is repeated after each crisis event in
the second half of Sefer Bamidbar
and several times in Sefer Devarim.
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
please remove
me from Your book, which You have
written (Shemot 32:32). But here,
Moshe weeps at the sins of Israel with
the daughters of Moav at Baal Peor.
Moshe cannot believe his eyes. This is
the second generation, the generation
for whom he has labored to teach
Torah, the generation born into
freedom and advantage. Even when
God intervenes and instructs Moshe
on what to do, Moshe delegates
carrying out the Divine instructions
to the appointed Judges of Israel:
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And Hashem says to Moshe: Take all
the chiefs of the people who were engaged
in these activities, and hang them up
in front of Hashem in face of the sun,
that the fierce anger of Hashem may
turn away from the Jewish People. And
Moses says to the judges of Israel
Bamidbar 25:4,5
Similarly, when the tribes of Gad and
Reuven request not to enter Israel
proper but instead want to stay on the
other side of the Jordan, Moshe again
displays his frustration and anger:
And Moshe said to the children of Gad
and Reuven: Shall your brothers go to
the war, and you shall sit here? You
are the progeny of sinful men (spies),
and have increased the anger of Hashem
toward Israel.
Bamidbar 32: 6, 14
Moshe recognizes that he cannot
negotiate their needs, he cannot offer
any compromise. This is not the Moshe
of the past who was able to see the
silver lining in clouds much darker than
this. As new problems arise, Moshe is
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
Find more shiurim and articles from Rabbi Dr. Kenneth Brander at
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
Adapted from Rabbi Feldmans False Facts and True Rumors: Lashon HaRa in Contemporary Culture
(Maggid Books and RIETS Press, 2015).
Special Symposium Rosh Hashanah 5777
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Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
14 Arakhin 15b.
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Special Symposium Rosh Hashanah 5777
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Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
3 Bereishit 46:34.
18 http://torahbyemail.blogspot.ca/2008/11/
4 Eruvin 62a.
5 Bava Metzia 71a.
6 Commentary to Avot 1:10. Note, of
course, that many sages have adopted
a positive approach toward communal
involvement, and some of this will be visible
in the sources cited below regarding voting.
The point is not to depict the issue as onesided, but rather to show the weight of the
sources opposing engagement with nonJewish political leadership.
7 Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik,
Confrontation, Tradition 6:2 (1964). http://
8 A possible fourth model would be
establishment of a proper government meeting
halachic criteria as enforcers of Noachide
law or a fulfillment of the mitzvah of placing
judges and officers upon our communities,
but that is beyond the scope of this article.
It may be worth seeing Ramban to Vayikra
27:29, Derashot haRan 11, Chatam Sofer Orach
Chaim 208, Mishpat Kohen 144:15a, HaChukah
lYisrael al pi haTorah I, Amud haYemini 7 and
Tzitz Eliezer, Hilchot Medinah I 3:1.
12 Yoma 69a.
25 Yechezkel 38:23.
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
Shmuel said, What did you do? Shaul
responded, For I saw that the people
had scattered from me, and you didnt
come by the arranged time and the
Plishtim had gathered at Michmash.
Shmuel I 13:11
Special Symposium Rosh Hashanah 5777
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
There is no righteous person in the land
who does [only] good and does not sin.
Kohelet 7:20
What defines a persons character
is not that they sin, but how they
respond to that sin. Do they
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
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Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
Chag HaSemikhah
SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 2017
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary The Benjamin and Rose Berger CJF Torah To-Go Series Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 5777
Rabbi David Aaron, Rabbi Elie Abadie, Yehuda Leib Abberbock, Rafi Abraham, Professor Abraham S. Abraham, Jed H. Abraham, Aaron Abramson, Rabbi David Abuchatzeira, Nina J. Ackerman, Ms. Malka Adatto, Rabbi Elchanan Adler, Rabbi Yosef Adler, Rabbi Moshe Adler, Rabbi
Aharon Adler, Dana Adler, Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein, AlHaTorah.org, Judy Alkoby, Rabbi Jason Allen, Rabbi Nisson Lippa Alpert, Shiri Alpert, Rabbi William Altshul, Alon Amar, Rabbi Shlomo Amar, Professor Zohar Amar, Joshua Amaru, Claudia Esther Amzallag, Rabbi Hayyim Angel,
Ashley Ansel, Shira Apfel, Rabbi Howard Apfel, Dr. Stuart Apfel, Pamela Apfel, Dr. Maryln Applebaum, Rabbi Yaakov Ariel, Rabbi Yosef Leib Arnest, Various Artists, Dr. Adrienne Asch, Sam Ash, Rabbi Pinchas Ashen, Rabbi Dovid Asher, Dr. Shawn Zelig Aster, Shayna Aster, Abigail Atlas,
Dr. Gil Atzmon, Rabbi Kenneth Auman, Rabbi Avrohom Ausband, Professor Nathan Aviezer, Rabbi Shlomo Aviner, Chaim Axelrod, Dr. Harvey Babich, Rabbi Elisha Bacon, Dr. Joshua Bacon, Dean Karen Bacon, Rabbi Asher Balanson, Rabbi Hanan Balk, Rabbi Yehuda Balsam, Rabbi
Yisrael Balsim, Rabbi Moshe Bamberger, Rabbi Natan Bar-Haim, Yonah Bardos, Dalia Barenboim, Rabbi Noah Baron, Dr. Sara Barris, Rabbi Simon Basalely, Rabbi Tzvi Basch, Rabbi Shalom Baum, Dr. Steven Bayme, Rabbi Mordechai Becher, Rabbi Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer, Katie Becker,
Rabbi Assaf Bednarsh, Cantor Bernard Beer, Yitzchak Editor Beis, Rabbi Binyomin Beiser, Rabbi Eli Belizon, Mrs. Rebecca Belizon, Rabbi Shmuel Belkin, Gurion Prime Minister David Ben, Rabbi Eliyahu Ben-Chaim, Geulah Ben-David, Eitan Ben-David, Rabbi Hanan Benayahu, Rebecca
Benhaghnazar, Diana Benmergui, Rabbi Moshe Benovitz, Mr. Ronald Benun, Rabbi Simon Benzaquen, Dr. Michael Berger, Rabbi David Berger, Ari Berger, Rabbi Gedalia Berger, Dovi Bergman, Rabbi Moshe Bergman, Rabbi Ozer Bergman, Rabbi Ari Bergmann, Retter Aliza Berk, Netanel
Berko, Dr. Jay R. Berkovitz, Rachel Berley, Cantor Moshe Berlove, Rabbi Todd Berman, Rabbi Etan Moshe Berman, Rabbi Ari Berman, Rabbi Saul Berman, Reuven Berman, Rabbi Dr. Joshua Berman, Rabbi Julius Berman, Sara Bermish, Dr. Moshe Bernstein, Ayelet Bersson, Rabbi Yedidya
Berzon, Rabbi Azarya Berzon, Rabbi Chananya Berzon, Rabbi Abraham Besdin, Mrs. Rachel Besser, Rabbi Donny Besser, Rabbi Joseph Beyda, Rabbi Ezra Bick, Rabbi Jack Bieler, Rabbi Richard Bieler, Rabbi Jonathan Bienenfeld, Rabbi Marvin Bienenfeld, Amanda Bier, Rabbi Avi Billet,
Nun Rabbi Elchanan Bin, Nun Rabbi Yoel Bin, Mrs. Malke Bina, Rabbi Aaron Bina, Rabbi Gidon Binyamin, Pnina Birman, Kaganoff Mrs. Miriam Birnbaum, Rabbi Elichai Bitter, Rabbi Mendel Blachman, Rabbi Josh Blass, Rabbi Yitzchak Blau, Rabbi Binyamin Blau, Rabbi Yonason Blau,
Dr. Rivkah Blau, Rabbi Yosef Blau, Rabbi Benjamin Blech, Rabbi Dr. J. David Bleich, Dr. Judith Bleich, Rabbi Moshe Bleich, Rabbi Michael Bleicher, Professor Gerald J. Blidstein, Rachel Blinick, Rabbi Akiva Block, Mrs. Dena Block, Elli Bloom, Dr. Norman Blumenthal, Chaim Blumenthal,
Tova Bodoff, Faygie Bomzer, Rabbi Herbert Bomzer, Rabbi Yehuda Dovid Borenstein, Dr. Abba Borowich, Yitzchak Brand, Ms. Miryam Brand, Rabbi Reuven Brand, Rabbi Kenneth Brander, Rabbi Asher Brander, Tehilla Brander, Hilda Brandwein, Rabbi Baruch Dov Braun, Rabbi Shmuel
Brazil, Professor Marshall J. Breger, Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz, Rabbi Mendel Breitstein, Edward Breuer, Rabbi Alan Brill, Rabbi Dov Aaron Brisman, Rabbi Shlomo Brody, Dr. Baruch A. Brody, Rabbi David Brofsky, Mrs. Mali Brofsky, Rabbi Avrohom Bromberg, Rabbi Moshe Bromberg,
Rabbi Abba Bronspeigel, Rabbi Yosef Bronstein, Rabbi Chaim Brovender, Dr. Jeremy Brown, Rabbi Moshe Brown, Dr. Erica Brown, Rabbi Michael Broyde, Rabbi Eli Brudny, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald, Rabbi Reuven Buckler, Rabbi Ephraim A. Buckwold, Irving Bunim, Rabbi Ahron
Dovid Burack, Fay Burekhovich, Rabbi Steven Burg, Rabbi Mordechai Burg, Robin Burger, Dr. Edward Burns, Esther Burns, Rabbi Menachem Burshtien, Rabbi Yaakov Busel, Rabbi Asher Bush, Rabbi Dr. Nathan Lopes Cardozo, Rabbi Yosef Carmel, Rabbi Shalom Carmy, Rabbi Yigal
Chabshush, Rabbi Nachum Chaimowitz, Rabbi Yoni Chambre, Professor Jerome Chanes, Rabbi Zevulun Charlop, Rabbi Yaacov Moshe Charlop, Rabbi Alexander Charlop, Rabbi Yechiel Michel Charlop, Rabbi Leon Charney, Isaac Chavel, Magazine Journal: Chavrusa, Rabbi Yuval
Cherlow, Allan Chernikoff, Mrs. Sarah Cheses, Yehuda Chinskey, Nechama Citrin, Rabbi Nachman Cohen, Rabbi Dovid Cohen, Rabbi Shear-Yashuv Cohen, Rabbi Mordechai Cohen, Rabbi Aaron Cohen, Michal Cohen, Rabbi Zev Cohen, Rabbi Aryeh Cohen, Stuart A. Cohen, Rabbi
Yitzchok Cohen, Rabbi Yehoshua Cohen, Rabbi Chaim Cohen, Rabbi Tanchum Cohen, Rabbi Jonathan Cohen, Ariella Cohen, Rabbi Alfred Cohen, Mrs. Suzanne Cohen, Cohen, Mrs. Shulamith Cohn, Rabbi Menachem Copperman, Rabbi Eytan Coren, Mrs. Miriam Coren, Ronald
Cranford, Rabbi Ari Cutler, Dr. Gabriel Cwillich, Rabbi Shlomo Cynamon, Dr. Michael Dalezman, Yakov Danishefsky, Rabbi Yaacov Darmoni, Dr. Jonathan Dauber, Rabbi Avishai David, Rabbi Aharon David, Rabbi Chanoch Davidman, Rabbi Michael Davies, Rebbetzin Meira Davis, Dr.
Perry and Ms. Margy-Ruth Davis, Rabbi Edward Davis, Rabbi Dr Hillel Davis, Mrs. Yocheved Debow, Aryeh Deinstag, Jennifer Deluty, Professor Aaron Demsky, HaTevah Editor Derech, Naftali Derovan, Rabbi Eliyahu Deutsch, Segni Chief Rabbi Riccardo Di, Ariel Diamond, Prof. Jacob
Dienstag, Chanie Dinerman, Rabbi Herbert Dobrinsky, Rabbi Mark Dratch, Rabbi Yaacov Drillman, Rabbi Solomon Drillman, Rabbi Yisroel Meir Druck, Rabbi Chaim Druckman, Rabbi Joseph Dweck, Olga Dynina, Rabbi Dovid Ebner, Rabbi Usher Eckstein, Batya Edelman, Chronos
Editor, Shema Koleinu Editor, Ktones Yosef Editor, Rabbi Etan Ehrenfeld, Yaakov Ehrenkrantz, Rabbi Yisroel Ehrlich, Rabbi Ally Ehrman, Professor Barry Eichler, LTorah Editor Einayim, Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn, Rabbi Moshe Einstadter, Mrs Atara Eis, Rabbi Chaim Eisen, Mrs. Mindy
Eisenman, Rabbi Chaim Eisenstein, Rabbi Benny Eisner, Zev Eleff, Dr. G.E. Elinson, Rabbi Hagay Elitzur, Rav haRoshi Mordechai Eliyahu, Mrs. Adina Ellis, Rabbi Mickey Ellman, Rabbi Gil Elmaleh, Rabbi Yaakov Elman, Rabbi Yonatan Emmett, Rabbi Zvi Engel, Shayna English, Sarah
Epstein, Mrs. Cheryl Epstein, Tamar Epstein, Rabbi Ephraim Epstein, Rabbi Moshe Erlbaum, Rollhaus Sarah Medved, Esty, Bracha Etengoff, Rabbi Uri Etigson, Dr. Immanuel Etkes, Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom, Special Events, Deborah Farber, Natan Farber, Rabbi Seth Farber, Rabbi Moshe
Faskowitz, Rabbi Yehoshua Fass, Jennifer Fathy, Esti Feder, Ari Federgrun, Jessica Feig, Rabbi Aaron Feigenbaum, Mrs. Aviva Feiner, Rabbi Eytan Feiner, Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, Rabbi Reuven Feinstein, Dr. Carl Feit, Rabbi Yaacov Feit, Rabbi Meir Simcha Feldblum, Rabbi Yitzchak
Feldheim, Rabbi Shaul Feldman, Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman, Rabbi Jonathan Feldman, Rebecca Feldman, Dr. Louis Feldman, Dr. Adam Ferziger, Rabbi Chaim Feuerman, Rabbi Rafi Feurstein, Professor Steven Fine, Rabbi Daniel Fine, Rabbi Reuven Fink, Rabbi Mordechai Finkelman, Dr.
Yoel Finkelman, Rabbi Michael Finkelstein, Rabbi Jason Finkelstein, Rabbi Joel Finkelstein, Eitan Fiorino, Meira Fireman, Aliza Fireman, Bernard J. Firestone, Jesse Fischbein, Rabbi Dovi Fischer, Esther Fischer, Rabbi Chonoch Henoch Fishman, Professor Sylvia Barack Fishman, Secunda
Mrs. Daphna Fishman, Professor David Flatto, Rabbi Tzvi Flaum, Ms. Elana Flaumenhaft, Rabbi Neil Fleischman, Rabbi Yosef Fleischman, Yishai Fleisher, Rabbi Aaron Fleksher, Rabbi Josh Flug, Rabbi David Fohrman, Rabbi Yoni Fox, Daniel Fox, Dr. Steven D. Fraade, Rabbi Netanel
Frankenthal, Ilana Frankiel, Rabbi Ezra Frazer, Esther Frederick, Rabbi Avidan Freedman, Rabbi Lavey Freedman, Rabbi Binny Freedman, Rabbi Zev Freidman, Rabbi Barry Freundel, Daniel Fridman, Frida Fridman, Rabbi Pesachya Fried, Rabbi Yosef Friedenson, Michelle Friedman,
Allen Friedman, Rabbi Asher Friedman, Rabbi David Friedman, Rabbi Gavriel Friedman, Dr. Michelle Friedman, Rabbi Mordy Friedman, Dr. Richard Friedman, Sarah Friedman, Josh Friedman, Rabbi Moshe Aharon Friedman, Adam Friedmann, Dr. Michael Frogel, Michael Fruchter,
Rabbi Yossi Fuchs, Yechiel Fuchs, Rabbi Ari Fuld, Rabbi Dovid Fuld, Rabbi Meir Fulda, Rabbi Yaakov Furman, Rabbi Milton Furst, Rabbi Mallen Galinsky, Dr. Judah Galinsky, Rabbi Moshe Ganz, Rabbi Naftali Ganzvi, Rabbi Noah Gardenschwartz, Reuven Garret, Tova Gavrilova, Dr.
Dan Geisler, Rabbi Eli Gelernter, Mrs. Yael Gelernter, Rabbi Dani Gelertner, Rabbi Shaanan Gelman, Dr. Sheldon Gelman, Rabbi Barry Gelman, Moshe Genack, Rabbi Menachem Genack, Rabbi Yitzchak Genack, Yitzy Genack, Rabbi Shai Gerson, Rabbi Shmuel Gerstenfeld, Dr Wiiliam
Gewirtz, Rabbi Baruch Gigi, Rabbi Yehuda Gilad, Mr. Alan Gindi, Rabbi Yosef Ginsberg, Rabbi Ari Ginsberg, Rabbi Beinish Ginsburg, Ms. Leslie Ginsparg, Rabbi Daniel Glanz, Debra Glasberg, Shifra Glasner, David Glassberg, Mrs. Chana Glatt, Rabbi Dr Aaron Glatt, Rabbi Ephraim
Glatt, Rabbi Ozer Glickman, Arielle Glueck, Cantor Sherwood Goffin, Rabbi Zev Gold, Ronit Gold, Michal Gold, Rabbi Yoni Gold, Rabbi Zalman Nechemia Goldberg, Rabbi Efrem Goldberg, Mrs. Basheva Goldberg, Noah Goldberg, Rabbi Nosson Goldberg, Rabbi Dr. Judah Goldberg,
Rabbi Zev Goldberg, Rabbi Chaim Goldberg, Rebbetzin Yocheved Goldberg, Michelle Goldberg, Mrs. Shayna Goldberg, Rabbi Shraga Goldenhersh, Mrs. Yael Goldfischer, Stephanie Goldglantz, Rabbi Yechiel Goldhaber, Rabbi Shmuel Goldin, Joshua L. Golding, Yedida Goldman, Rabbi
Eric Goldman, Dr. Dan Goldschlag, Estee Goldschmidt, Rabbi Yehuda Goldschmidt, Judah Goldschmiedt, Ezra Goldschmiedt, Rabbi Yamin Goldsmith, Ariella Goldstein, Adeena Goldstein, Rabbi Noah Goldstein, Shira Goldstein, Noach Goldstein, Rabbi Shmuel Goldstein, Pearl Chana
Goldwasser, Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser, Rabbi Meir Goldwicht, Rabbi Avraham Gordimer, Rabbi Moshe Gordon, Ms. Sara Gordon, Sharon Gordon, Ms. Anne Gordon, Rabbi Noam Gordon, Rabbi Moshe Gorelick, Rabbi Yeruchim Gorelik, Rabbi Mark E. Gottlieb, Rabbi Dovid Gottlieb,
Rabbi Yisroel Gottlieb, Elisha Graff, Rabbi Josh Grajower, Dr. Richard V. Grazi, Rabbi Maury Grebenau, Rabbi Mordechai Greenberg, Rabbi Nota Greenblatt, Rabbi Ephraim Greene, Noah Greenfield, Rabbi Lavi Greenspan, Dr. Stuart Greenstein, Dr. Zehavit Gross, Rabbi Yonah Gross,
Yonit Gross, Rabbi Dr. Lawrence Grossman, Rabbi Yechiel Grossman, Judy Grossman, Rabbi Zvi Grumet, Yakov Grun, Rabbi Joseph Grunblatt, Dr. Naomi Grunhaus, Yael Grunseid, Rabbi Yehoshua Grunstein, Rabbi Yirmiyahu Gugenheimer, Dr. Jeffrey S. Gurock, Rabbi Yaakov Gurvitz,
Rabbi Yaacov Haber, Rabbi Alan Haber, Rabbi Moses Haber, Rabbi Yakov Haber, Dr. Aviad Hacohen, Michelle Haimowitz, Rabbi Shmuel Hain, Rabbi Kenneth Hain, Cantor Asher Hainovitz, Rabbi Lawrence Hajioff, Mrs. Ahuva Halberstam, Rabbi Benzion Halberstam, Professor Yonaton
Halevi, Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Halpern, Rabbi Yrachmael Hamberger, Rabbi Shalom Hammer, Rabbi Zvi Harari, Avi Harari, Mr. Charlie Harary, Rabbi Dr. Michael J. Harris, Rabbi Yehoshua Hartman, Rabbi Daniel Hartstein, Professor Warren Zev Harvey, Rabbi Dr. Pinchas Zuriel Hayman,
Ms. Shira Hecht-Koller, Rabbi Herzl Hefter, Dr. Michael Avi Helfand, Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot, Rabbi Ari Heller, Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller, Shira Heller, Marvin Heller, Rabbi Avi Heller, David Hellman, Rabbi Aryeh Hendler, Rabbanit Chana Henkin, Rabbi Yehuda Henkin, Rabbi
Chananel Herbsman, Rabbi Yisrael Herczeg, Marc Herman, Rabbi Zvi Herman, Dr. Ernest Herman, Rabbi William Herskovitz, Mrs. Leah Herzog, Rabbi Isaac Herzog, Rabbi Dr. Richard Hidary, Rabbi Moshe Hilman, Nathalie Hirsch, Rabbi David Hirsch, Rabbi Robert Hirt, Nechama
Hochbaum, Rabbi Peretz Hochbaum, Rabbi Shlomo Hochberg, Rabbi Mordechai Hochheimer, Rabbi Michael Hoenig, Malcom Hoenlein, Rabbi Josh Hoffman, Rabbi Yaakov Hoffman, Rabbi David Hollander, Sarah Ariella Hollander, Dr. Shalom Holtz, Rabbi Dr. Barry Holzer, Professor
Elie Holzer, Rabbi Yaakov D Homnick, Rabbi Jesse Horn, Rabbi Yaacov Horowitz, Rabbi David Horwitz, Rabbi Raphy Hulkower, Moshe Huss, Dr. Arthur Hyman, Ilana Ickow, Rabbi Eric Ifrah, Rabbi Chaim Ilson, Rabbi Shimon Isaacson, Mrs. Sharon Isaacson, Rabbi Alex Israel, Rabbi
David Israel, Drazin Rabbis Stanley M Wagner and Israel, Rabbi Chaim Jachter, Rabbi Ovi Jacob, Rabbi Menachem Jacobowitz, Rabbi Emmanuel Jacobowitz, Yosef Jacobs, Susan Jacobs, Rabbi Ari Jacobson, Rabbi Yaacov Jaffe, Julian Jakobovitz, David Jasphy, Rabbi Netanel Javasky, Daniel
Jerome, President Richard Joel, Rabbi Josh Joseph, Rabbi Howard Joseph, Doni Joszef, Revel Journal, Rabbi Dr. Leo Jung, Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis, Mrs. Chani Juravel, Menachem Kagan, Rabbi Yonatan Kaganoff, Mrs. Rivka Kahan, Rabbi Scott Kahn, Rabbi Yair Kahn, Rabbi Aharon
Kahn, Rabbi Moshe Kahn, Rabbi Ari Kahn, Rabbi Yosef Kalinsky, Dr. David Kallus, Rabbi Shrage Kallus, Miriam Kalmar, Rabbi Nathan Kamenetsky, Rabbi Shmuel Kamentsky, Rabbi Yisroel Kaminetsky, Rabbi Herschel Kaminsky, Rabbi Ephraim Kanarfogel, Mrs. Ora Lee Kanner, Dena
Kapetansky, Rabbi Moshe Kaplan, Mathew Kaplan, Prof. Lawrence Kaplan, Rabbi Nissan Kaplan, Feige Kaplan, Rabbi Mordechai Kaplan, Rabbi Phil Karesh, Dr. Josh Karlip, Dov Karoll, Elisa Karp, Rabbi Mordechai Karpensprung, Henna Kasnett, Mr. Zvi Kaspi, Rabbi Shlomo Katz,
Rabbi Michael Katz, Rabbi Yaacov Moshe Katz, Harav Yaakov Katz, Rabbi Ysoscher Katz, Dr. Jill Katz, Shaina Katz, Rebecca Katz, Dr. Jacob Katz, Anna Lisa Katz, Rabbi David Katz, Rachel Katz-Sidlow, Adina Katzman, Mrs. Leah Kaufman, Sharon Kaufman, Rabbi Lawrence Keleman,
Menachem Kellner, Bracha Kenigsberg, Dr. Barry Kinzbrunner, Dr. Aaron Kirschenbaum, Jennie Kirschner, Rabbi Shmuel Klammer, Rabbi Shlomo Klapholtz, Rabbi Aryeh Klapper, Rabbi Yitzchok Kleiman, Shelley Klein, Dr. Zanvel Klein, Rabbi Nechemia Klein, Yitzy Klein, Rabbi Effie
Kleinberg, Rabbi Heshy Kleinman, Mrs. Dena Knoll, Rabbi Nir Knoll, Sandra Knoll, Rabbi Jeffrey B. Kobrin, Rabbi Akiva Koenigsberg, Rabbi Eliakim Koenigsberg, Mrs. Chaya Sima Koenigsberg, Sara Kogan, Eliana Kohanchi, Rabbi Dr. Eli Kohn, Rabbi Yonatan Kohn, Rabbi Chaim
Kohn, Zvi Editor Kol, Rabbi Yonatan Kolatch, Rabbi Dr. William Kolbrener, Professor Aaron Koller, Professor Moshe Koppel, Rabbi Yitzchak Korn, Chana Kosofsky, Rabbi Ira Kosowsky, Rabbi Avrum Kowalsky, Yelena Kozirovsky, Rabbi Aaron Kraft, Mrs. Lynn Kraft, Rabbi Yissachar
Krakowski, Dr. Chaim Kranzler, Rabbi Simcha Krauss, Aimee Krausz, Jennifer Kraut, Haim Kreisel, Rabbi Elly Krimsky, Rabbi Paysach Krohn, Rabbi Beni Krohn, Rabbi Dr. John Krug, Rabbi Elyakim Krumbein, Malkie Krupka, Rabbi Moshe Krupka, Miriam Krupka, Batsheva Kuhr, Shuli
Kulak, Judah Kurtz, Rabbi Binyamin Kwalwasser, Rabbi Ezra Labaton, Rabbi Yaacov Lach, Chanie Ladaew, Rachaely Laker, Ari Lamm, Rabbi Norman Lamm, Rabbi Yehoshua Landau, Rabbi Doneal Lander, Professor Daniel Lasker, Rabbi Yitzchok Laskin, Rabbi Dr. Binyamin Lau, Rabbi
Israel Meir Lau, Mrs. Elana Lavenda, Rabbi Naphtali Lavenda, Jennifer Lazaros, Rabbi David Lebor, Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz, Rabbi Natanel Lebowitz, Rabbi Zev Leff, Rabbi Aryeh Leibowitz, Mrs. Yael Leibowitz, Rabbi Aaron Leibtag, Rabbi Menachem Leibtag, Dr. Shnayer Leiman, Jesse
Lempel, Rikah Lerer, Rebbetzin Abby Lerner, Rabbi Eliezer Lerner, Dov Lerner, Ms. Rachel Leshaw, Rabbi Moshe Hakohen Lessin, Rabbi Dovid Lessin, Rabbi Lev, Rabbi Yonah Levant, Herbert Leventer, Ms. Elisheva Levi, Rabbi Yoni Levin, Rabbi Aaron Levine, Rabbi Yosie Levine,
Rabbi Dr. Zalman Levine, Dr. Michelle J. Levine, Ms. Adina Levine, Channa Gila Ovits Levy, Russell Levy, Rabbi Zvi Lew, Jacob Lewin, Mr. Nathan Lewin, Jed Lewinsohn, Rabbi Ben Leybovich, Rabbi Aharon Lezer, Rabbi Mosheh Lichtenstein, Rabbi Dr. Aharon Lichtenstein, Rabbi
Mayer Lichtenstein, Rabbi Moshe Lichtman, Avi Lichtschein, Aviva Lieber, Rabbi Zevulun Lieberman, Katie E. Liebling, Emily J. Liebling, Diane Liebman, Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff, Dr. Harry Lieman, Michael Lifshitz, Rabbi Dovid Lifshitz, Ohr YULA Boys Likutei, Rabbi Menachem
Linzer, Rabbi Dov Linzer, Nikki Lipman, Rabbi Meir Lipschitz, Mrs. Elyse Litwack, Rabbi Josh Livingstone, Dr. Jerry Lob, Dr. Susan Lobel, Elisheva Lobell, Daniel Loewenstein, Professor Naftali Loewenthal, Adina Loewy, Janna Login, Dr. John D. Loike, Rabbi Chaim Loike, Eytan
London, Rabbi Joseph Lookstein, Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, Rabbi Aharon Lopiansky, Aliza Loshinsky, Dana Lotan, Daniel Lowenstein, Rabbi Amos Luban, Rabbi Avraham Lubarsky, Ms. Adina Luber, Rabbi Moshe Shimon Luria, Guest Speaker MJE, Maayanot, Rabbi Mordechai Machlis,
Adina Maik, Cantor Joseph Malovany, Yair Manas, David Mandel, Rabbi Seth Mandel, Miri Mandelbaum, Rafi Mandelstam, Dr. Vivian Mann, Rabbi Reuven Mann, Rabbi Anthony Manning, Rabbi Eli Mansour, Rabbi Mordechai Marcus, Rabbi Doni Marcus, Rabbi Chaim Marcus, Rabbi
Ari Marcus, Rabbi Shmuel Marcus, Sara Margolis, Rabbi Andrew Markowitz, Rebecca Marmor, Hannah Marmor, Rabbi Leonard Matanky, Mrs. Chani Maybruch, Rabbi Shmuel Maybruch, Mrs. Sally Mayer, Rabbi Eitan Mayer, Menashe Mazurek, Michael P. McQuillan, Rabbi Yaakov
Medan, Rabbi Menachem Meier, Golda Meir, Juliet Meir, Rabbi Alon Meir, Rabbi Moshe Meiselman, Rabbi Baruch Pesach Mendelson, Rita Mermelstein, Steven Mermelstein, Dr. Ari Mermelstein, Miriam Merzel, Rabbi Ami Merzel, Rabbi Eliezer Mescheloff, Journal Editor Mesora, Rabbi
Ephraim Meth, Editor, Mibayit, Moshe Miller, Mrs. Miriam Miller, Rabbi Eliezer Miller, Mr. Yoni Miller, Talia Miller, Rabbi Israel Miller, Rabbi Dovid Miller, Rabbi Michael Miller, Halev Dvarim Hayotzim Min, Rabbi Dovid Mintz, Rabbi Adam Mintz, Mrs. Norma Mintz, Marcy
Miodownik, Rabbi Judah Mischel, Rabbi Jonathan Mishkin, Orit Montrose, Rabbi Ari Mor, Rabbi Boaz Mori, Rabbi Shalom Morris, Nicole C. Moskowitz, Rabbi Philip Moskowitz, Eliza Moskowitz, David Moster, Rabbi Levi Mostofsky, Dr. Yael Muskat, Rabbi Michael Myers, Rabbi
Dovid Nachbar, Rabbi Yakov Nagen, Rabbi Francis Nataf, Mois Navon, HaRav Avigdor Nebenzahl, Mrs. Sima Neiger, Asher Nemes, Rabbi Sheftel Neuberger, Rabbi Yaakov B. Neuburger, Rebbetzin Peshi Neuburger, Motti Neuburger, Mrs. Gitta J. Neufeld, Mrs. C.B. Neugroschl, Dr.
Kalman Neuman, Mrs. Pnina Neuwirth, Rabbi Ronen Neuwirth, Mrs. Chani Newman, David Nimmer, Rabbi Menachem Nissel, Dr. Steve Nissenfeld, Helen Nissim, Ms. Marianne Novak, Dr. Rona Novick, Macy Nulman, Rabbi Yosef Nusbacher, Hamizrach Editor Ohr, Rabbi Michael
Olshin, Rabbi Yeruchem Olshin, Dr. Jess Olson, Rabbi Dr. Natan Ophir, Rabbi Maurice Oppenheimer, Rabbi Dovid Ordman, Rabbi Uri Orlian, Dr. Mitchell Orlian, Rabbi Meir Orlian, Rabbi Itiel Oron, Rabbi Asher Oser, Dr. Harry Ostrer, Rabbi Eli Ozarowski, Rabbi Joseph Ozarowski,
Zemirah Ozarowski, Rabbi Chaim Packer, Rabbi David Pahmer, Mrs. Lori Palatnik, Rabbi Yehoshua Paltiel, Rabbi Shraga Feivel Paretzky, Rabbi Michael Parnes, Rabbi Yehuda Parnes, Dahlia Pasik, Dr. Moses Pava, Dr. Betzalel Pearl, Marina Pekar, Dr. David Pelcovitz, Rabbi Marc Penner,
Dr. Ronnie Perelis, Rabbi Shlomo Perelstein, Gil S. Perl, Rabbi Yaacov Perlow, Leora Perlow, Rabbi Benny Pflanzer, Rabbi Eli Pielet, Rabbi Uri Pilichowski, Rabbi Tuli Polak, Rabbi Dale Polakoff, Rabbi Ephraim Polakoff, Dr. Nehemia Polen, Rabbi Moshe Ahron Poleyeff, Jennifer Polin,
Professor Michla Pomerance, Rabbi Zev Pomeratz, Rabbi Adir Posy, Rabbi Chaim Poupko, Rabbi Yossi Prager, Rabbi Sinai Prebor, Mrs. Chana Prero, Rabbi Tani Prero, Mrs. Zlata Press, Schwartz Dr. Rebecca Press, Leyna Pressman, Rabbi David Pri-Chen, Rabbi Baruch Price, Mrs.
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Reichel, Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman, Rabbi Zev Reichman, Rabbi Hershel Reichman, Rabbi Moshe N. Reichman, Rabbi Daniel Reifman, Rabbi Dr. Jacob Reiner, Rabbi Yehoshua Reinitz, Ilana Reinman, Rabbi Yosef Reinman, Alyssa Reisbaum, Rabbi Yisroel Reisman, Rabbi Yona Reiss,
Phillip Reiss, Rachel Renz, Daniel Retter, Lenore Ribalt, Rabbi Gershon Ribner, Rabbi Isaac Rice, Rabbi Nosson Rich, Effie Richmond, Mrs. Sharon Richter, Rabbi Jonathan Rietti, Rabbi Ephraim Rimel, Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon, Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, Rabbi Avraham Rivlin, Rabbi Shaul
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Rabbi Joey Rosenfeld, Josh Rosenfeld, Dr. Wayne Rosenkrans, Rabbi Michael Rosensweig, Rabbi Yonatan Rosensweig, Professor Smadar Rosensweig, Rabbi Dr. Berel Rosensweig, Rabbi Moshe Ariel Rosensweig, Itamar Rosensweig, Dr. Philip Rosenthal, Rabbi Pinny Rosenthal, Eliyahu
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Malka Schneider, Dr. Shmuel Schneider, Rabbi Avi Schneider, Rabbi Dovid Schoen, Cheryl Schonbrun, Rabbi Fabian Schonfeld, Mrs. Dina Schoonmaker, Rabbi Avrohom Schorr, Rabbi Zev Schostak, Mr. Stuart Schrader, Professor Peninnah Schram, Devorah Schreck, Aaron Schreiber,
Rabbi Dani Schreiber, Rabbi Avie Schreiber, Dr. Nicole Schreiber-Agus, Rabbi Dov Schreier, Dr. Adiel Schremer, Rabbi Max Schrier, Dr. Joshua Schuchatowitz, Dr. Alyssa Schuck, Rabbi Shlomo Feival Schustal, Ari Schwab, Dr. Victor Schwartz, Rabbi Gedalia Dov Schwartz, Dr. Dov
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Rabbi Moshe Shamah, Cantor Brian Shanblatt, Rabbi Moshe Shapira, Rabbi Ezra Shapiro, Professor Marc B. Shapiro, Rabbi Moshe Shapiro, Yosef Sharbat, Dr. David Shatz, Rabbi Avraham Aharon Shatzkes, Ora Sheinson, Dovid Sher, Rabbi Zvi Shiloni, Ora Shinnar, Rabbi Dr. Michael
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Rabbi Moshe Snow, Dr. Charles Snow, Mrs. Atara Snowbell, David Snyder, Rose Snyder, Proffesor Haim Sober, Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky, Dr. Efrat Sobolofsky, Rabbi Moshe Sokolow, Loriel J. Solodokin, Rabbi Jonny Solomon, Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik, Rabbi Yosef Soloveichik, Rabbi Aaron
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Verapo, Rabbi Jake Vidomlanski, Chava Vogel, Rabbi Shmuel Volk, Rabbi Dr. Asher Wade, Rabbi Shmuel Wagner, Rabbi Shlomo Wahrman, Dr. Stanley Waintraub, Rabbi Joseph Waldman, Rabbi Avraham Walfish, Rabbi David Walk, Rabbi Ira Wallach, Rabbi Gedalia Walls, Rabbi Moshe
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