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(1928) Cork Insulation

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Cork Insulation




Engineering Graduate, 1909, The Pennsylvania State College
Identified with the Cork and Insulati.jn Industries since 1912

Ntckekson & Collins Co.

Copyright, 1928, by the

All rights reserved


the Memory of

In submitting this first complete treatise on the sources,
harvesting, manufacture, distribution and uses of cork and
cork insulation products, the author believes that he has
succeeded in adding to scientific literature a work for which
there is at this period a real necessity and a genuine demand.
The which tlie matter herein pub-
collection of data on
lished based has necessitated many years of careful re-

search in a field widely scattered and rcc^uiring thought and

discriminating care in the separation of the grain from the
chafif in published matter sometimes of a more or less dissolute

nature and frequently of an unreliable character. Such matter as

is here presented can be considered authentic and authoritative

and relied upon unreservedly.

When consideration is given to the fact that in the half
century just passed the cork industry has developed and
progressed from a mere matter of production of bottle
stoppers to a diversified line of products covering hundreds of
separate items and involving cork imports valued at millions
of dollars perannum, some conception of the magnitude and
importance of the cork industry of the world can be formed.
For the equipment
architect, engineer, consulting expert,
designer, car and steamship builder, plant owner, industrial
manager, and for every one interested in any way in refriger-
ation, ice making, cold storage, the operation of markets,
dairies, creameries, ice cream plants, the manufacture of house-
hold and commercial refrigerators, insulating against both
heat and cold, sound-proofing, moisture-proofing, humidity
and temperature control, this book will be found indis-
Therapid strides of the development of the cork industry
in country have astonished even those who have been
and are now directly associated with the cork business, and
it is appreciated that as yet the possibilities of future applica-
tion of cork to other and more remote industrial purposes
have scarcely been touched.
While the main idea sought to be brought out em-
phatically in this work is that of insulation, it is thought pos-
sible that the subjects covered herein may lead to further im-
portant developments and progress in the industry.
In addition to the direct credit given in the body of the text,
and in foot-notes, grateful acknowledgement is also made to the
following individuals and concerns whose courtesy and coopera-
tion made possible many of the very valuable illustrations con-
tained in this work, as follows: Armstrong Cork & Insulation
Co., United Cork Companies, Cork Import Corporation, Spanish
Cork Insulation Co., John R. Livezey, Edward J. Ward, Rhine-
lander Refrigerator Co., Leonard Refrigerator Co., Gifford-
Wood Co., and the American Society of Refrigerating Engineers.
Chicago, July, 1928.

Part I.— The Cork Industry.


The Origin of Cork.

1. Early Uses of Cork — 2. Beginning or' the Cork Indus-
try — 3. Source of Supply — 4. Home of the Industry — 5.

Characteristics of the Cork Oak.


Cork Stripping 10

6. Removing the Outer Bark 7. — Virgin Cork — 8. Sec-

ondary Bark 9. Boiling and Baling.


Uses of Corkwood and Utilization of Cork Waste. ... 16

10. Hand Cut Corks— 11. Other Uses— 12. Importance

of Sorting — 13. Cork Stoppers — 14. Cork Discs — 15. Arti-
ficial Cork —16. Cork Insulation.


Early Forms of Cork Insulation 25

17. Natural Cork and Composition Cork — 18. Impreg-

nated Corkboard.


Discovery of Smith's Consolidated Cork, and the First

Pure Cork Insulation 29
19. Smith's —
Discovery 20. Cork Covering for Steam
Pipes —21. Cork Covering for Cold Pipes 22. Pure Cork- —

23. Is Source of Supply Adequate
?-24. Cork Stopper
Industry— 25. Cork a National Necessity—26. Effects
U. Tarifif Act of 1913—27.
S. Effect of the World War—
Recovery of the Industry— 29. Changing Demands—
Tables of U. S. Imports (1892-1924).

Part II.— The Study of Heat.


Heat, Temperature and Thermal Expansion

31. Molecular Theory of Heat— 32. Temperature— 33.
of Energy-34. Heat-35.
Effects Ther-
mometers— 36. Air Thermometer—37. Expansion and Con-
traction— 38. Force of Expansion and Contraction— 39.
Coefficient of
plications of Exiiansion and Contraction— 40.
Expansion— 41. Determination of the Expansion of Sub-


Measurement of He.\t, Change of State and Humidity

42. First Law of Thermodynamics— 43. Methods of Heat

Measurement— 44. Units of Heat— 45. Thermal Capacity of
a Substance— 46. Specific Heat— 47. Heat of Combustion—
48. Change of State with Rise of Temperature— 49. The
Boiling Point—
Melting Point— SO. Heat of Fusion— 51. The
52. Vaporization— S3. Heat of Vaporization— 54. Super-
Critical Temper-
heating and Undercooling of Liquids— 55.
Saturated Vapor—57. Effect of Pressure on
atures— 56.
Melting Point— 58. Effect of Pressure
on Boiling Point—
Boiling and Melting Points of Mixtures— 60.
Cold by
Evaporation— 61. Condensation and Distillation—62. The
Dew Point— 63. Humidity.


Transfer of Heat
64. Heat Transference- 65. Conduction—66.
Total Heat Tran,^
67 Radiation-68. Flow of Heat-69.
ei— 70. Air Spaces-71. Heat Transfer by Conduction Only-
11. Heat Loss Through


Determination of tpie Heat Conductivity of Various

Materials 115

7Z. Methods Emi.I.)ycd^74. The Ice-Box Method— 75.

The Oil-Box Method— 76. The Hot-Air-Box Method— 77.
The Cold-Air-Box Method— 78. The Hot-Plate Method— 79.
Tests hy Various Authorities on Many Materials.

Part III. — The Insulation of Ice and Cold Storage Plants and
Cold Rooms in General.


Requirements of a Satisf.xctok^' Insulation for Cold

Storage Temperatures 167

80. Essential Requirements —

81. .\ Good Nonconductor of

Heat 82. Inherently Nona]>sorbent of Moisture 83. Sanitary —

and Odorless 84. Compact and Structural!}- Strong 85. Con- —

venient in Form and Fas\ to Install 86. A Fire Retardant
S7. Easily Ohiaincd and Reasonable in Cost 88. Permanent —
Insulating Effijienc\'.


Pi^oi'ER Thickness of Corkcoakd to Use a.md Structural


89. Economic Value of InsulatingTen- —

Materials 90.
dency Toward More and Better 91. Insulation —

Thickness of Corkboard to Use 92. Importance of Proper

Insulation Design 93. Types and Design of Cold Storage

Rooms 94. Types of Bunkers and Details of Construction
95. Circulation, Ventilation and Humidification 96. Prepa- —
ration of Building Surfaces to Receive Insulation — 97. In-
sulation of Floors, Columns, Ceilings and Beams — 98. Doors
and Windows — 99. Interior Finishes for Cold Storage
Rooms 100. Asphalt Cement and Asphalt Primer — 101.
Emulsified Asphalt.

Complete Specifications for the Erection of Cork-

board 240
102. Scope and Purpose of Specifications — 103. Walls
Stone, Concrete
or Brick— 104. Walls: Wood— 105.
Ceilings: Concrete— 106. Ceilings: Wood— 107. Ceilings:
Self-Supported— 108. Roofs Concrete or Wood— 109. Floors
: :

— —
Wood 110. Floors: Concrete 111. Partitions: Stone, Con-
crete or Brick— 112. Partitions: Wood— 113. Partitions: Solid
Cork— 114. Tanks: Freezing— 115. Finish: Walls and Ceil-
ing— Finish: Floors — 117. Miscellaneous Specifications.


Complete Directions for the Proper Applicaton of

Corkboard Insulation 279
118. General Instructions and Equipment — 119. First Layer
Corkboard, against Masonry Walls, in Portland Cement
Mortar — 120. First Layer Corkboard, against Masonry Walls,
in —
Asphalt Cement 121. First Layer Corkboard, against
Wood —
Walls, in Asphalt Cement 122. Second Layer Cork-
board, against First Layer on Walls, in Portland Cement
Mortar— 123. Second Layer Corkboard, against First Layer
on Walls, in —
Asphalt Cement 124. First Layer Corkboard, to
Concrete Ceiling, in Portland Cement Mortar 125. First —
Layer Corkboard, in Concrete Ceiling Forms 126. First —
Layer Corkboard, to Wood Ceiling, in Asphalt Cement
127. Second Layer Corkboard, to First Layer on Ceiling,
in —
Portland Cement Mortar 128. Second Layer Corkboard,
to First Layer on Ceiling, in Asphalt Cement 129. Double —
Layer Corkboard, Self-Supporting T-Iron Ceiling, Portland

Cement Mortar Core 130. First Layer Corkboard, over Con-
crete or Wood Floor or Roof, in Asphalt Cement 131. —
Second Layer Corkl)oard, over First Layer on Floor or
Roof, in Asphalt Cement^l32. Single Layer Corkboard, be-
tween Partition Studs with Joints Sealed in Asphalt Ce-

ment 133. First Layer Corkboard, Self-Supporting Partition,

Joints Sealed in Asphalt Cement 134. Second Layer Cork-
board, against First Layer of Self-Supporting Partition, in

Portland Cement Mortar 135. Second Layer Corkboard,
against First Layer of Self-Supporting Partition, in Asphalt

Cement 136. Double Layer Corkboard, Freezing Tank Bot-

tom, in Asphalt Cement 137. Regranulated Cork Fill, Freez-
ing Tank Sides and Ends, with Retaining Walls 138. Single —
Layer Corkboard and Regranulated Cork Fill, Freezing Tank
CHAPTER XIV— Continued.
Sides —
and Ends- 139. Double Layer Corkboard, Freezing

Tank Sides and Ends 140. Portland Cement Plaster 141. —
Factory Ironed-On Mastic Finish— 142. Emulsified Asphalt
Plastic —
143. —
Concrete Wearing Floors 144. Wood Floors

Secured to Sleepers Imbedded in Insulation 145. Galvanized
Metal over Corkboard.

Part IV. — The Insulation of Household Refrigerators, Ice

Cream Cabinets and Soda Fountains.


History of Refrigeratox Employed to Preserve Food-

stuffs 317
Early Uses of Refrigeration 147.
146. —
The Formation,

Harvesting and Storing of Natural Ice 148. The Develop-

ment of the Ice Machine 149. Early Methods of Utilizing
Ice as a Refrigerant ISO.—Early 'Methods of Insulating Cold


Development of the Corkboard Insulated Household

Refrigerator 332

Early Forms of Household Coolers 152. The House-

hold Ice-Box 153. The Era of Multiple Insulation in House-

hold Refrigerators 154. The Advent of the Household Re-
frigerating Machine and Early Trials with Pure Corkboard
in Household Refrigerators 155. The Modern Corkboard
Insulated —
Household Refrigerator 156. Typical Details of

Household Refrigerator Construction 157. Notes on the
Testing of Household Refrigerators.


Development of the Corkboard Insulated Ice Cream

Cabinet 386
158. Growth of the Ice —
Cream Industry 159. Ice and Salt

Cabinets 160. Mechnical Ice Cream Cabinets 161. Typical—
Details of Ice Cream Cabinet Construction 162. —
Notes on
How to Test Ice Cream Cabinets.

The Refrigerated Soda Fountain 403

163. Automatic Operation of an Intricate Unit Made Pos-
sible —
with Corkboard Insulation 164. Extracts from Manu-
facturers' Specifications for Modern Mechanically Refriger-
ated Soda Fountains with Typical Details of Construction.

Appendix 425
Refrigeration in Transit — The Ability of Refrigerator Cars
to Carry Perishable Prockicts Tlie —
Utvelopment of the

Standard Refrigerator Car Specifications for Refrigerator
— —
Car Insulation Cork Paint Pulverized Cork Subirine— —

Cork as a Building Material Some Uses of Corkboard In-
sulation — —
Relative Humidity Table Heat Transmission A :

National Research Council Project Air Infiltration Cork —

Dipping Pan Protection of Insulation Against Moisture

How Insulation Saved a Refinery Economy of Gasoline

Storage Tank Insulation Interior Finish of Cold Storage
— —
Rooms in Hotels Concrete Example of Purchaser's Insula-
— Freight Classifications, Class Rates, Etc.
tion Specifications
Pure Corkboard and Sundries — Freight Classifications, Class
Rates, Etc. — Cork Pipe Covering, Cork Lags, Cork Discs and
Sundries —^Cork Pipe Covering Specifications — Instructions
for Proper Application of Cork Pipe Covering — A Good
Drink of Water — Fundamental Contract Law— Engineering

Topical Index 523

Part I —The Cork Industry.



1. — Early Uses of Cork. — The story of cork is so little

known and shrouded with so much mystery that the world

has never had a complete and comprehensive account of iU
The utility and general uses of the "cork of commerce," as
well as its native land, are no longer a part of the mysticism
but its character, composition and chemical construction are
still the subject of research and experimentation.
'The uses of the outer bark of the cork oak tree have been
traced far back into a dim past, but for our purpose it will be

cnousjh to go back no further than the first century of the

Christian era. The elder Pliny wrote al:)()ut the cork oak tree
then, in his work on natural histor}-. and recognized twenty
centuries ago at least four of the principal functions that cork
fills in the world today, which involved a recognition of the
two principal properties of cork bark that make its use of so
much value commercial insulating material its marked
as a —
ability to retard the flow of heat and its freedom from capil-
larity. These two properties, in combination, were provided
•by Nature to make this interesting and remarkable material
the foundation, when put through proper manufacturing
processes, for the best cold storage and refrigerator insulation
yet known to mankincL
As is often the case with many important discoveries, the
first use of cork probably came through accident for its em- ;

Iployment "attached as a buoy to the ropes of ships' anchors

and the drag-nets of hshermen" suggests that a piece of cork
bark found its way to the sea where its unusual buoyancy was
first noted and utilized bv fishermen and sea-faring men as
floats for nets, buoys for anchors, cork jackets for life pre-
servers, and later as plugs for vintage casks sealed in with
pitch and as winter sandals for women. ^
Since Pliny was writing history, some two thousand years
ago, it is safe to assume that the very first use ever made of
cork must date well before his time, perhaps 500 B. C, or

1000 B. C. there is now no means of knowing.


2. —Beginning of the Cork Industry. — During many cen-

turies of the Christian era the great cork forests, bordering
the Mediterranean sea, were ravaged by wars and fires and the
demand for timber and charcoal. But at least some of these
sturdy cork oak trees managed
and later, under
to escape
kindlier treatment, sprpad out over the mountain slopes and
gave to Spain, Portugal and Algeria one of their chief pres-

ent sources of revenue the growing of "corkwood."
'^ It was not until the sixteenth or seventeenth century, how-
ever, that the real beginnings of the great cork industry, as
it is known today, may be said to have begun, with the gen-
eral introduction of the glass bottle. Then cork bottle stop-
pers quickly came into general use, being elastic, com-
pressible, odorless, and impervious to water, and
gave the cork industry such impetus as to establish it upon
a sound footing for all time.'*'

3. — Source of Supply. — While southern France and Italy,

including the isles of Corsica, Sardinia and Sicily, are factors
in the harvesting and supplying of the crude material, yet
Spain, Portugal, Algeria and Tunis continue to supply the
world with the bulk of the raw cork that is consumed.
Morocco, in north and northwest Africa, provides an
enormous and for the greater part an undeveloped area of
cork forests* but this field is now being opened up under
careful supervision, and should grow rapidly in importance
as a source of suppl\-.

FIG. 2.— CORK 1!( !.E STOrPERS.

The total area covered by cork forests in all countries is

estimated at from four to five million acres,''^ and the annual
yield of corkwood in 1913 at about two hundred thousand
tons.fl The shaded areas on the accompanying map repre-
sent the principal places in the world where the cork oak
grows. "Mt flourishes best in an altitude of 1,600 to 3,000 feet,
in an average mean temperature of 55° F., and the Mediter-
ranean basin is therefore particularly suitable for the growing
of the cork oak and the harvesting of its outer bark of qual-
ity. <

Armstrong Cork Company, 1909.

<•tU. S. Tariff Commission's 1924 Dictionary of Tariff Information.

vfany attem])ts lia\c l_)een made to transplant tliis interest-
ing tree, Imt the result of e\ery sueh effort has been futile.

Just before t'n.e Ci\il war, in 1859', the United States Govern-
ment provided funds to brin;;- I'ortuijLse cork acorns to se\'-
cral of the Southern States for planting; but after a dozen
years c^r so it was concluded, in spite of the neglect of the
seedlings occasioned by the War of tlie Rebellion, that the
experiment was not a commercial success. Some of these
cork oak trees are still standing in Mississippi and Georgia,
but the outer bark never matured satisfactorilw^ "^^


*In 1872 another eft'ort was made to grow the cork oak in
southern California. Init the outcome pro\ed no better there
than it did at an earlier date in the luist.*Four of these trees
are now standing in the Methodist churchyard at Fourth and
Arizona Streets. Santa Monica. California, and a half dozen
more have recently been located by H. H. Wetzel in Santa
Monica canyon; ])ut while the trees themselves have flour-
ished, the quality of their salient ])roduct is inferior and of no
commercial value. ^


•^ 4. — Home of the Industry, —The ancient Spanish province
of Catalonia, in the northeast or Barcelona area, has longbeen
recognized as the greatest cork manufacturing district in the
world, the towns of Palamos, Palafrugell, San Feliu de
Guixols, Bisbal, Figueras and others being devoted almost
exclusively to cork and cork products. Domestic cork fac-
tories are scattered throughout the cork areas of Spain and
Portugal, to the extent of i)erhaps a thousand different estab-



lishments, while the remainder of the yield, in the form of

baled corkwood, cork waste, shavings and cork refuse of all

kinds, exported to Sweden, Denmark, Russia, Austria, Ger-


many, France, Great Britain and the United States, the last
four named ordinarily absorbing perhaps eighty-five per cent
of the total product of the producing countries, to be worked
into hundreds of different cork articles of trade. ^
\JBecause most people think of Spain as an easy-going
country of medieval ways, with no great wealth or material


development, it can not be amiss to say a word about Bar-

celona, the capital, so to speak, of the cork industry, and
which jnust be ranked today amoAg the great cities of the
world. ^*The Barce^kma distnpt-'(5r Spain would be an amazing
surprise to any one mip^ilTg to it with no better idea of what
to expect. Barc^krfia is tddaj,:,jm enormous city of nearly a
million pomil^tion, extending from the sea toTHe^fDDthills of
the_Byr€mies, filling the plain in between and stretching out
into the valleys and well along the coast.

From a point on Tibidabo some 1,500 feet above the

Mediterranean sea, can be seen an immense metropolis spread
out with the exact regularity of any of our modern cities of
the Middle West. Ofif to one side a splotch by the harbor

faintly marks the old Barcelona of crooked, narrow streets,

but even this is fast giving way to make room for new, wide
thoroughfares that link modern highway and transportation

Modern office and public buildings, hotels and shops, flats

and apartments, broad avenues and boulevards lined with
trees and completely equipped with excellent electric tram
and omnibus service, athletic stadiums and open air theatres,
palatial villas and residences, electric trains every few minutes
from the heart of the city out into the country, a subway under
construction, at night the central squares lit up with flashing
Broadway sky signs — there is little indeed to suggest the
Spain of our fancy.
Barcelona began to grow after the International Exposi-
tion of 1888, when new capital gave an immense impetus to
its many industries; and while it is the chief seaport of Spain,

it is as a manufacturing center that it has risen to the position

of one of the great cities of the world.

^5. Characteristics of the Cork Oak. —The botanical name

for the cork oak Quercus suher. "It grows and develops in

ground of little depth, and often quite stony, being seldom

found in calcareous soil, preferring a sandy soil of felspar."*
It ordinarily attains a height of from twenty-five to fifty feet,
but occasionally grows to a height of more than one hundrec

'Consul Schenck's Report, 1890.

and fifty feet and to a diameter of as mueh as four feet.f

Its branches usuall}- are full-spread and are co\ ered with small
evergreen leaves ha\ing" a veUety feel and a glossy appear-
ance. Its roots spread considerably and attain much
strength, often being xisible abo\e ground.
During- April and Ala} the }ellowish blossoms appear,
which are followed by the acorns that ripen and at once fall to
the ground during the last four months of the year. These
acorns are bitter to the taste, but gi\e a ])eculiarly piquant
flavor to SiJanish mountain hams when ted to swine. The

cork oak offers but little shade, which permits the soil to be-
come very dry and of producing value unless the
young trees are growii they are about
close together until
twenty-hve xcars olds/ Jf the soil is [xjor, the outer bark is
thin but of fine texture; if the soil is rich, the bark is thick,
spongy and inclined to be coarse. These characteristics are
carefully studied from an agricultural standpoint, in the
\-arious cork growing districts, and are dealt with as reason
of the cork oak consists of thin-walled cells
The outer bark
with air, is destitute of intercellular spaces, and is im-

permeable to air and water. These cells are so small that

tHcnry Vincke, 1925.


they can be ^isllalize(l only with a high powered microscope,

there being about four hundred milHon per cubic inch, but
each cell contains a microscopic bit of air and is sealed against
all other cells so that the entrapped air can not move about
within the material. It is this peculiar structure of cork bark
that makes it an excellent nonconductor of heat and, at the
same time, impervious to air and water, which latter property
is absolutely essential in an insulating material that is to be

employed in cold storage and refrigerator construction w^here

moisture is always present. *'A


6. —
Removing the Outer Bark. The cork of commerce, or
corkwood, is the outer bark of the cork tree, which belongs to
the oak family and which has been described. This outer
bark can readily be removed during the summer months, gen-
erally during July and August, without harm to the tree,
although considerable skill is required if injury to the inner
or sap-carrying bark is to be avoided. French strippers some-
times use crescent-shaped saws, but Spanish strippers in-
variably use a long-handled hatchet, the handle tapered at
the butt in the shape of a wedge.
When cork oak trees attain a diameter of about five inches,
or measure forty centimeters in circumference according to
the Spanish practice, which fixes the age of the tree at about
twenty years, the virgin outer bark is removed. It is cus-

tomary to cut the l)ark clear through around the base of the
tree and again around the trunk just below the main branches,
the two incisions then being connected by probably two ver-
tical cuts. By using the long handle of the hatchet as a wedge
and lever, the tree's outer bark is easily pried off. The lower
portions of the limbs are stripped in like manner, frequently
yielding a liner grade of corkwood than that of the trunk.
The thickness of this virgin outer bark varies from about one-
half to two and one-half inches, while the yield per tree also
varies from a half hundred to several hundred pounds, de-
pending on both its size and age when the virgin stripping is

7. —Virgin —
Cork. This virgin cork bark, called "borniza"
in Spain, is rough, coarse and dense in texture. It is there-
fore of limited commercial value, except as used by florists


and others for decorative purposes, and, when ground, as

packing for grapes, although it has of recent years come into


use also in the manufacture of linoleum and, when treated,

in themanufacture of cork insulation.
So long as the inner bark or skin is not injured, the re-
moval of the outer bark is beneficial rather than harmful to
the cork oak tree; for this unscarred inner bark, with its Hfe-
giving sap, immediately undertakes the formation of a new
covering of better quality. Each year this inner bark, the
tree's real skin, forms a la\er of cells within, increasing the


diameter of the trunk, and a layer of cells without, adding

thickness to the covering of outer bark. If the inner bark

is injured, the growth of the outer bark is permanently

stopped at that point, the injured area appearing as scarred


and uncovered for the remainder of the life of the tree. Also,
stripping never done during a "sirocco," a hot southernly
is —
wind blowing from the African coast to Italy, Sicily and

Spain, which would dry the inner bark too rapidly and ex-
clude all further formation of outer bark.

8. — Secondary Bark. —After eight or ten years the outer

bark is again removed, known as "pelas" or secondary bark.

and, while of nnich better quality than the virgin bark, it is

not as fine in texture as future stripping?, which follow every
eight or ten years from the time the tree is about forty years
of age until it is a hundred or more years old. When the
cork oak has been stripped about live times, or when about
ninetv rears old, subsequent strippings yield a bark that is
more grain\- and of less \alue for tajjer corks and cork jiaper.
The second and all subsec|uent strippings of the outer bark of



the cork oak tree is known a> tlie cork of commerce, wliile
the term "cork waste" is employed to describe the residue
from the cutting of natural cork articles, and also the forest
waste or refuse remaining after the selection of the commer-
cial bark.

9.— —
Boiling and Baling. As the outer bark of the cork oak
is remoNcd, under the regulations and j)recautions that are
prescribed by the different cork growing countries, it is piled
for a few days to dry out, after which it is weighed, removed
to the boiling station and there stacked for a few weeks of
seasoning preliminary to being boiled. The outer surface of
cork bark is rough and woody and contains considerable grit,
due to its long exposure to the elements. After boiling, this
"hard-back," as it is called, is readily scraped ofT; but since the
weight is thereby reduced about twenty per cent, and cork-
wood is sold by weight, it is the tendency to want to slight
this operation. The same boiling process removes the tannic
acid, increases the volume and the elasticity of the bark,
renders it soft and pliable and flattens- it out for baling after

pPHRT^^P^ ',"

much abused friend, the faithful burro, be employed to trans-

port corkwood to domestic factories, or to the railway for
freighting to the seaport warehouses in Spain and Portugal,
the city of Seville, Spain, being probably the largest deposi-
tory of corkwood in the world.
Before exporting, the bales are opened, the edges of each
piece of bark are trimmed and the corkwood is again sorted
into many grades and quality. This final sorting,
of thickness
before re-baling for shipment, is done by experts who "know

cork," because the successful and economical manufacture of

cork products hinges on it. The large, flat pieces, known as
planks or tables, are first laid in the baling box to form the
bottom and sides of the bale, smaller pieces being filled in the
center and larger pieces used again to cover the top. Pressure
is then applied to make a compact mass, which steel hoops

bind securely.


10. — Hand Cut Corks. — Soon after the general introduc-
tion of tlie glass bottle, in the se\enteenth century, the manu-
facture of cork stoppers consumed the bulk of the corkwood

FIG. 12.~.si'A.M.\RI)S ('L-'rTT.\G CORK BY HAND.

that was harxested. and continued to do so for several cen-

turies. The manufacture was orginally done
of these "corks"
by hand in the producing countries. The slabs or pieces of
cork bark were sliced to a width equal to the length of the
stopper desired, and these strips w^ere then cut into squares,
or "quarters," from wdiich the corks were rounded by hand.
The greatest skill was acquired by the Cktalons, who today
rank as the most adept cork workmen in the world.
The manufacture of bottle corks by hand was ne\er carried

on to any great extent in the United States, although prior to

the Civil War there were a few sucfi establishments in Boston,
New York and Philadelphia. In Spain and Portugal, how-
ever, there are to this day many small hand cork manufac-
tories, although machinery is used by the large and more
modern plants. While Portugal attained rank with Spain as
a cork manufacturing country, it has since come to export a
much- larger proportion of its corkwood in unmanufactured
form than does Spain. Probably three-fourths of the cork-
wood grown in Spain is consumed in Spain; that is, is manu-
factured into some cork product, and in addition, Spain im-
ports large c^uantities from Portugal and Algeria. Spain, in a
word, is the cork clearing house of the world, and cork is one
of the principal industries, if not ihe principal industry, of the
Spanish people.

11. — Other Uses. — In addition to "straight'' and "tai)er"

corks, al)out whiJi more will l)c said ])resently. a great \ariety

of disks, washers, floats, ]:)UO}S. life rings, balls, mats, handle
grips, gaskets, bobl^ers, life preservers, as well as shoe insoles,
polishing disks, cork paper, tropical helmets, rafts, bungs,
French lieels for shoes, bedding, sound isolation, heat and cold
insulation, tioor tiles, roof tiles, sweat IkukIs, lining for hats,
the basis for and dress trimmings, pulley and
ladies' hat
clutch inserts, Spanish black fori)aint. cigarette tips, wadding

for gun cartridges, ])acking for glass and fruits, bulletin

boards, the basis of linoleum manufacture, an important in-
gredient in good stucco i)laster, and probably a hundred or
so additional items of imj^ortance are manufactured from
corkwood and cork waste.
12. — Importance of Sorting. —"In taking up the processes
of manipulation we naturally start from the beginning, but
the beginning in this case has a peculiar significance as relat-
ing to the whole, for apparent to utilize corkwood to the
it is

fullest extent its qualities must be studied and the best used
first, so that the beginning of the corkwood industry is pecu-

liar in this fact, that it takes the best part and leaves but
scrap, which must be studied carefully to realize the value lost
in the first process; therefore, in the manufacture of one


article of corkwood it is necessary to make provision for the

scrap (waste) created, and this is a characteristic of all such
(cork) establishments."*
The bulkiness of corkwood is probably its outstanding
characteristic when considered in relation to its value, ard
since the harvest occurs but once each year and the corkwood
comes to market soon after the crop is taken, a large stock
must necessarily be kept on hand by cork factories. The raw
material frequently purchased, or contracted for, a year in

advance of its fabrication. Thus great piles appear in the

•Gilbert E. Steelier, 1914, "Cork— Its Origin and Industrial Uses,'

Nostrand Co., New York, N. Y.


yards and sheds of cork plants, covering much area and in-
volving considerable capital, for a shortage in raw material
would not only throw men out of work and put the plant into
disuse but would cause the loss of much business through in-
ability to supply the trade with first-grade cork materials, the
other grades always being compelled to await a favorable
For whatever purposeit is to be used, all corkwood upon

reaching the factory again sorted by highly skilled men


and the original twenty or twenty-five grades are re-classed

into perhaps one hundred and twenty-five or one hundred and
fifty grades, according to quality and thickness. Success in
the "cork business" hinges on the care and skill displayed in
the various sorting operations that are meticulously followed
at every step from the stripping of the bark to the packing
of the finished product for delivery to consumers. So slight
isthe difference between many of the grades that the inexperi-
enced eye would detect none whatever, yet the speed with
which this sorting work is skillfully done is often astounding.
The importance of the initial sorting operations is increas-
ing as the uses of cork increase; because various grades can
now be used for so many different things, without longer being
thought of as a by-product. In order that the full value be
obtained from all corkwood, the sorter must have a thorough
understanding of the uses to which the many grades of the
material may be put, and for that reason he is now thought
of as an expert and a valuable member of the manufacturing

13, —Cork Stoppers. — No account of the uses of corkwood

and the utilization of cork waste can be given without at least
a short description of the modern processes followed in manu-
facturing cork stoppers, for the waste from the production of
these stoppers has long been an appreciable percentage of the
total cork waste annually made available for utilization,
although this percentage is now decreasing.
The sorted slabs of corkwood are first placed in a steam
box, which process increases its flexibility greatly, its bulk
slightly, and otherwise prepares it for the mechanical opera-
tions that rapidly follow. First, the steamed corkwood is
usually scraped, often ])y hand and sometimes by knives
mounted on a \'ertical shaft revolving at about 1,500 r.p.m., to
remove the hard-lDack, or "raspa," provided this operation was
not satisfactorily performed at the time of boiling. The cork
slabs are next cut into strips of width equal to the length of
the stopper to be cut, because the cutting is done across and
not with the grain of the bark. A circular knife does this
slicing, following which the strips go to the "blocking" ma-
chine. a tubular punch, with sharpened edges and of
given diameter, is rotated at about 2,000 r.p.m. to punch or
cut out thousands of cork stoppers per day, although the
operator must use caution in avoiding defective spots and at


the same time must keep the punchings as close as possible to

minimize the waste. Next, smaller stoppers are punched from
the waste from the first punchings, if quality and remaining

area permit, for every economy of raw stock must be followed.

These stoppers have straight sides, but if tapered corks are
desired, larger in diameter at the top than at the bottom, the
cylindrical pieces must be handled on another machine where
a circular, razor-edged knife, revolving at top speed and set
at the proper taper angle to the cork to be shaped, takes off
the necessary cutting in the form of a very thin cork shaving.

14. — Cork Disks. —The wide use of the patented "Crown"

bottle with which the reader is undoubtedly familiar,
requiring a thin cork disk, created an outlet for very thin
bark for which there was virtually no previous demand. A
revolving blade slices the cork bark, on a plane parallel to
its "back" and "belly", to the required thickness, ranging

from one-eighth to one-quarter inch, and from these sheets

the natural cork disks are punched. A great deal of cork
waste results from this manufacturing process, and its utiliza-
tion is important enought to form virtually a separate branch
of the corkwood industry.
The manufactured stoppers and disks must, in their turn,
be sorted as to grade and quality. They are then washed
and bleached by soaking in water and a chemical, and are


then dried by spinning in a perforated centrifugal cylinder

mounted within a metal jacket connected to a drain. Some
stoppers, usually "straights", and all disks, are given a bath
and paraffin, which improves their
of hot paraffin, or glycerine
resistanceand retards discoloration, the operation usually
being done in a steam jacketed kettle and then "tumbled" to
remove the excess water and paraffin.

15.— Artificial Cork.—The working up of the waste from

corkwood, and virgin cork, which is classed as waste, into
many products of utility and value is probably the most im-
portant phase of the cork business today, just as the success-
ful utilization of by-products in any modern industry is usu-
ally necessary for successful operation.
It was noted that in the handling of corkwood the best
was utilized first; and similarly, in the working up of cork
waste, the best is granulated in an iron rotary cutter mill, of

size that will pass a >^-inch mesh, screened and mixed with
an unusually tenacious glue, dried by steam, hydraulically
pressed into sheets, dried again, and then punched out into
"composition" disks for Crown caps, gaskets, insoles and a
variety of products, frequently termed "artificial" cork


Granulated cork for many purposes is made by grinding

the waste in a metal roller, cage or bur mill, and screening
into various degrees of fineness. If cork-flour is recjuired, a
tube mill is used.
The manufacture of "Spanish black" for use as a base for
oil paints of the same color, is produced from cork waste by

burning inferior grades in a retort, and grinding the carbon-

ized material in a ball mill until the required fineness is ob-

16. — —
Cork Insulation. Probably the most important use
to which cork waste is now being put, and which rivals the
cork stopper industry, is in the manufacture of cork insulation
for the retarding of heat and sound.
Steam pipes are insulated to prevent heat from escaping;
cold rooms and cold pipes are insulated to prevent heat from
entering. Cork is employed as a thermal insulation to prevent
the entrance of heat, or to preserve cold temperatures and ;

its success, either in board or slab form for application to


walls and ceilings of cold rooms, or in special molded

forms for ready application to cold pipes and fittings, is due



ii(_»t alone to its remarkable heat retarding properties and its

ready adaptability but i^iore particularly to its entire freedom

from capillarity. This property, the force that causes a blotter
to suck up ink, is entirely lacking in cork, as evidenced by
its long and successful use as stoppers in vessels containing

Machines are insulated perhaps more properly spoken of
today as isolated— to permanently reduce the transmission of
vibration and sound to an irreducable minimum. Cork iso-

hm r^

- ". *- .
-"- '. "^ :^ ",

!-.- r



lation is already widely used in the industries; but, since it

takes so little to accomplish so much, the total quantity of

cork consumed in its manufacture is a small factor in the cork

Cork insulation takes on several forms of corkboard, or
sheet cork, and molded cork pipe covering; and it is the
detailed treatment of the uses of these remarkable cork prod-
ucts that shall comprise the greater part of this text.


17. — Natural Cork and Composition Cork. — The firstmen-
tion of the use of cork as insulation appears to be by the
elder Pliny in the first century of the Christian era when he
called attention to its use by women as winter foot gear.
Undoubtedly it was utilized as sandals because of its insulat-
ing qualities and its freedom from capillarity. Pliny spoke
of cork bark being used as a covering for roofs. John Evelyn,
the English writer and diarist (1620-1706), mentions that
cork was much used by old people for linings to the soles of
their shoes. The poor of Spain laid planks of cork on the
floor like tiles, to obviate the need for a floor covering that
would be warm to the touch. They also lined the inside of
their stone houses with cork bark, to make their homes easier
to heat and to correct the precipitation of moisture on the
walls. Ground cork and India rubber formed the basic in-
gredients of the quiet, resilient floors of the reading rooms
of the British Museum. Bee hives have long been construcced
of pieces of cork bark, because of its warmth to the touch.
Shelves of cork have been used for centuries to preserve ob-
jects from dampness. The primitive races of northern Africa
used cork mixed with clay for the walls of their crude dwell-
ings, and cork slabs as roof tiles. Cork was, and still is,
the basis in Europe for certain cenents and plastics for pre-
venting the escape of heat, which are formed to steam pipes,
and hot surfaces in general. Powdered cork and starch were
molded into cylinders to fit pipes of different sizes, and were
then split and made ready for application to pipes requiring
insulation, after which the cork composition was spirally
wrapped with cloth and coated with tar or pitch. Narrow
cork pieces were laid around steam pipes, as lagging, wired
in place and spirally wrapped and coated. Cork was early
used by the medical profession because of its sound isolation
qualities, as lining for doors of consulting rooms and as floors
in hospitals. In tropical countries, cork lined hats and cork
helmets have long served to prevent sunstroke. Brick paste,
as it was called, was made by mixing the coarsest cork
poAvder with milk of lime, compressed into bricks and slabs,
dried and used for the covering of damp walls and pitched


roofs. In gunpowder plants and powder storage magazines,

such composition slabs prevented the caking of the powder
through dampness and used under wood flooring, they de-

stroyed the sound vibrations.

Thus, it will be noted that the thermal insulating, as well
as the sound isolating, qualities of cork bark were known
and utilized, although probably not very clearly understood,
as early as the year One. Many of these uses have persisted
through the ages* for cork insoles are today an important

•See appendi.x for "Pulverized Cork — Subirine" and "Cork as a Building Material."

item in the construction of high grade shoes, cork tile floors

are essential to edifices and libraries, cork linoleum is so

common in public buildings and in certain types of homes as
to be classed as essential, and corkboard effectively and effi-
ciently prevents condensation on and the flow of heat through
the walls and roofs of buildings. All that was needed to
establish cork as the standard insulation of the world was
the discovery of a practical method of utilizing cork waste



in the form of molded slabs or boards of convenient size,

ample strength and high permanent insulating value under
actual service conditions.

18. —
Impregnated Corkboard. About the year 1890 the
German firm of Griinzweig & Hartmann acquired patents in
Germany and in the United States for a type of insulation
known as "Impregnated Corkboard", and soon became the
leaders in their own country in the manufacture of these
"impregnated" cork slabs for insulating purposes, particularly
for cold storage work. The United States patent rights for
this new type were subsequently acquired by
of insulation
the Armstrong Cork Company of Pittsburgh, about the year
1900, following which a plant for its manufacture was estab-
lished at Beaver Falls, Pa., such location being selected
principally because the necessary clay for the preparation of
the foreign binder to stick the granules of cork together was
available there in generous quantity and at a point not far
distant from Pittsburgh.
The business grew rapidly, especially among the brewers,
for the insulation of their cellars ; but it was soon discovered
that this impregnated corkboard was inferior in insulating
quality, and brand of
in structural strength in service, to a
"pure" corkboard being made under the patents of one John
T. Smith, an American, and subsequently the manufacture
and use of the impregnated, or "composition," corkboard gave
way entirely to the pure corkboard insulation.


19. — Smith's Discovery. —The manufacture of pure cork
insulation was begun in 1893, in the United States, under the
original John T. Smith patents, by Messrs. Stone and Duryee.
Cork covering was produced first, and then the manufacture
of pure corkboard followed within a very few years.
It is interesting to know that the discovery of the process
of baking cork particles under pressure to bind them to-
gether, which later made pure cork insulation possible, was
purely an accident and that the process was not thought of

in connection with cork covering and corkboard until Messrs.

Stone and Duryee later applied it to that purpose.
In the "Boat Works" of John T. Smith on lower South
Street, on the East River, in New York, was a large cast-iron
kettle with a fire box under it, the kettle being used to steam
oak framing for row boats that Smith manufactured there for
many years. He also produced boat fenders, life preservers
and ring buoys, in the manner common in those days, by pack-
ing granulated cork in canvas jackets. Girls packed the cork
in these jackets, using tin forms or cylinders to keep the can-
vas distended until filled. One of these cylinders became
clogged in the hands of one of Smith's employees and was
laid aside for the moment, but it inadvertently rolled into
the dying embers of the fire box during clean-up late that

Early the next morning. Smith, owner and fireman, cleaned

out the fire box and found his misplaced utensil. But the
hot ashes had not consumed the cork particles that had
clogged it. The heat had been sufficient merely to bind the
very substantial chocolate-
brown cork cylinder.
Smith noted this peculiar fact with much interest, if not
with actual astonishment, and put the tin form and cork
cylinder aside for future secret study and investigation. He
repeated the original and wholly unintentional experiment
enough times to satisfy himself that for some good reason a
certain degree of heat applied for a given time served to glue
cork particles together without the addition of a foreign



substance or binder of any kind or character, to produce what

he later termed "Smith's Consolidated Cork". He thereupon
applied for and was granted basic patents in the United
States, Germany, France and England covering the broad
principles involved.

20. —
Cork Covering for Steam Pipes. In 1893 Messrs.
Stone and Duryee purchased the Smith patent rights for the
United States, France and England and began the manufac-
ture, at No. 184-6 North Eighth street, Brooklyn, New York,
of asbestos-lined cork covering for steam pipes, the sugges-
tion probably having come to Junius H. Stone, who had
previously been engaged in the steam pipe covering business,
from the original Smith cork cylinder, which, incidentally,
Smith had failed to utilize to any good purpose whatever.


But not long thereafter the patent rights on "85 per cent
Magnesia" steam pipe covering expired, and the resultant
competition so reduced prices as to seriously interfere with
the further sale of the cork product.

21. — —
Cork Covering for Cold Pipes. Then the Engineering
department of the United States Navy became interested in
molded cork covering for cold pipes, to replace hair felt and
such other fibrous materials as possessed a marked affinity for
moisture, and it was subsequently tried out as insulation for
brine lines on one of the large battleships then building.
The adaptability and suitability of this very early form
of pure cork covering for cold lines was quickly apparent
to the Navy's engineers, and the material rapidly found favor
in other Governmental departments. Thus the real field of

usefulness for Smith's Consolidated Cork as an insulating

material for cold surfaces was discovered and soon there-

after, with the encouragement of the Navy department again,

the firm of Stone & Duryee began the manufacture of the
very first pure corkboard that was ever produced, sold or
It cannot be out of place to remark here that the various
U. S. Governmental departments are constantly on the look-
out for new and better materials for use in the construction
of governmental equipment of every conceivable sort. To our
Government's engineers may be credited the discovery, early
development or initial successful use of many materials and
products that have influenced the course of human progress.
Merely as an instance, this is taken from the August 23d,
1926, issue of the Chicago Daily Tribune, under the caption of
"Science Marches On"
Army experts in aerial photography, improving a
process invented by the Eastman Kodak Company,
are able to take photographs not only at great dis-
tances but through mist and smoke screens.

22, —Pure Corkboard. — Mr. Harvey H. Duryee, of the firm

of Stone & Duryee, was of French Hugenot descent, and it
pleased him to designate the products of his firm "Nonpareil",
from the French words "non pared", meaning no parallel,
or no equal.The firm of Stone & Duryee subsequently be-
came The Nonpareil Cork Works, and with the construction
of a factory at Camden, N, J., it became the Nonpareil Cork
Manufacturing Company.
In June, 1904, the Armstrong Cork Company purchased
the patents, plant and business of the Nonpareil Cork Manu-
facturing Company; and, by the time the patents expired.



both pure corkboard insulation* and cork pipe covering^ were

the standard of the world wherever the use of refrigeration
had been scientifically introduced.

*See Appendix for "Some Uses of Corkboard Insulation".

tSee Appendix for "Cork Pipe Covering Specifications" and 'Instructions for the
Proper Application of Cork Pipe Covering."


23. —Is Source of Supply Adequate? —
The question that is
most frequently asked today is this: "Can the production of
corkwood be increased sufficiently by the cork producing
countries to keep pace with the world's constantly increasing
demand for cork products of every kind?"
In attempting an answer to such a question, if indeed an
answer should be attempted, it must be remembered that
corkwood is an agricultural product, and that in agriculture
price controls production, with certain important limitations,
rather than production establishing price as does in many it

of the industries not associated with agriculture. In other

words, if an agricultural product grown in volume will bring
a price that will make such growing of the product profitable,
it will continue to be produced in volume otherwise, not. If

that volume demand should grow beyond the ultimate capac-

ity of the producing soil and climate, then other soil will be
prepared and utilized in a suitable climate, if that is possible
and not too costly. Now a look back into the history of the
cork industry should furnish much information and possibly
serve as a guide in reaching conclusions about the ultimate
extent of the cork industry, with particular emphasis upon
cork insulation.

24. — —
Cork Stopper Industry. The cork stopper industry,
which was for many years the most important branch of the
cork industry, had its permanent origin in the town of
Llacostera, Province of Gerona, Spain, late in the year 1750,*
and was incident to the real beginnings of the use of the

•Gilbert E. Stecher, 1914, "Cork— Its Origin and Industrial Uses," D.

trand Co., New York, N. Y.

glass bottle, although corkwood was used centuries before
as stoppers for casks and other kinds of liquid-containing
vessels. The cork trade was later disrupted by the many
wars that followed one another in rapid succession, which
drove the industry to the mountains to struggle for years until
some semblance of peace was restored. The principal dan-
gers having passed, the cork stopper industry slowly but
surely grew until it virtually became a necessity in the life
of Spain.


It was customar}- in those days to hold all manufacturing

processes as valuable secrets, but the cork stopper industry
of Spain soon attracted so much attention that other and
neighboring countries sought to learn the secrets of its pro-
cesses. French agents Province of Catalonia obtained
in the
sufficient information, it is said, to return to France and
establish their own plants, which greatly disturbed the Span-
ish manufacturers because they had never had any competi-
tion up to that time. But by about 1850 the trade in cork
and cork products had grown so that there was plenty of

business for and the industry expanded until it surpassed


the expectations of the most optimistic. In fact, a shortage

of corkwood came about in Spain and. in an effort to fill

the demands, the cork bark was stripped from the trees more
frequently than was usual or desirable, and as a consequence
the grade deteriorated until the situation became alarming.

25. — —
Cork a National Necessity. The Spanish Government
then passed the necessary laws to ])rotect its cork forests as



a national necessity, these laws governing the stripping of

the corkwood from the trees. But the demand for corkwood
kept right on growing in other countries, and the raw stock
came to be so heavily exported from Spain and Portugal that
it finally interfered so seriously with the local production of
finished cork products as to bring about a convention of the
principal representatives of the cork industry in Madrid, in
December, 1911. Resolutions were passed calling upon the
Spanish Government to impose an export duty on corkwood,
ranging from about 90 cents to $90.00 per ton.
New export duties were then decided upon by the Govern-

merit and an effort was made to put the new laws in force
in 1912, but all these efforts were without much success. In
Portugal, one of the restrictive laws that were passed made
it impossible to export from the country pieces of corkwood
larger than about 4x8 inches. That law, while almost never
enforced, still remains to harry the inexperienced buyer who
has failed to provide in advance for its temporary nonexist-

ence, so to speak.

26.— Effect of U. S. Tariff A.ct of 1913.— For one reason or

another, the governments of Portugal and Spain both failed
in their efforts to restrict the exportations of raw cork, al-
though the cork manufacturing industry remains very strong
in both of these countries, particularly in Spain. Consider-
able impetus was given the manufacture of cork insulation
in Spain when the United States Tariff Act of 1913, which
reduced the United States import on finished cork insulation
to a specific duty of Y^c per pound, became effective. The Act
of 1922 restored the former rate of duty of the Act of 1909,
or 30 per centum ad valorem*, but meanwhile several large
insulation factories were constructed in Spain and one in
Portugal and the size of these investments coupled with the
constantly mounting labor rate in the United States keeps
these foreign plants of domestic concerns operating at
The United States Tariff Commission's Comparison of
Tariff Acts— 1922, 1913 and 1909— subdivides "Cork" into
eighteen groups, as follows


Paragraph under act of
Description 1922 1913 1909
Cork: No. No. No.
Artificial and manufactures of 1412 340 429
Bark, squares, etc 1412 340 429
Bark, unmanufactured 1559 464 547
Carpet 1020 276 347
Composition or compressed 1412 340 429
Disks 1412 340 429
Granulated or ground 1412 340 429
Insulation 1412 340 429
Manufacturers of. n. s. p. f 1412 340 429
Paper 1412 340 429

*Duties imposed by a government on commodities imported into its territory from

foreign countries are designated as specific and ad valorem —
the former when fixed
at a specified amount, the latter when requiring payment of a sum to be ascertained
by a determined percentage on the value of the goods imported.


Paragraph under act of
Description 1922 1913 1909
Cork: No. No. No.
Refuse and shavings 15S9 464 547
Stoppers 1412 340 429
Substitutes 1412 340 429
Tile 1412 340 429
Wafers 1412 340 429
Washers 1412 340 429
Waste 1559 464 547
Wood or cork bark, unmanufactured 1559 464 547

Act of 1922

Paragraph 1020. Linoleum, including corticine and cork carpet,
35 per centum ad valorem; floor oilcloth, 20 per centum ad valorem;
mats or rugs made of linoleum or floor oilcloth shall be subject to the
same rates of duty as herein provided for linoleum or floor oilcloth.

Paragraph 1412. Cork bark, cut into squares, cubes, or quarters,
8 cents per pound; stoppers over three-fourths of an inch in diameter,
measured at the larger end, and discs, wafers, and washers over
three-sixteenths of one inch in thickness, made from
natural cork
bark, 20 cents per pound; made from or composition cork,
10 cents per pound; stoppers, three-fourths of one inch or less in
diaineter, measured at the larger end, and discs, wafers, and washers,
three-sixteenths of one inch or less in thickness, made from natural
cork bark, 25 cents per pound; made from artificial or composition
cork, 121/2 cents per pound; cork, artificial, commonly known as com-

position or compressed cork, manufactured from cork waste or gran-

ulated cork, in the rough and not further advanced than in the form
of slabs, blocks, or planks, suitable for cutting into stoppers, discs,
liners, floats, or similar articles, 6 cents per pound; in "rods or sticks
suitable for the manufacture of discs, wafers, or washers, 10 cents
per pound; granulated or ground cork, 25 per centum ad valorem;
cork insulation, wholly or in chief value of cork waste, granulated or
ground cork, in slabs, boards, planks, or molded forms; cork tile;
cork paper, and manufactures, wholly or in chief value of cork bark
or artificial cork and not specially provided for, 30 per centum ad

Paragraph 1559. Cork wood, or cork bark, unmanufactured, and
cork waste, shavings, and cork refuse of all kinds (Free).

Act of 1913
Paragraph 276. — Linoleum, plain, stamped, painted, or printed, in-
cluding and cork carpet, figured or plain, also linoleum
known as granite and oak plank, 30 per centum ad valorem; inlaid
linoleum, 35 per centum ad valorem; oilcloth for floors, plain, stamped,
painted, or printed, 20 per centum ad valorem; mats or rugs made
of oilcloth, linoleum, corticine, or cork carpet shall be subject to the
same rate of duty as herein provided for oilcloth, linoleum, corticine,
or cork carpet.

Paragraph 340. Cork bark, cut into squares, cubes, or quarters,
4 cents per pound; manufactured cork stoppers, over three-fourths
of an inch in diameter, measured at the larger end, and manufactured
cork discs, wafers, or washers, over three-sixteenths of an inch in
thickness, 12 cents per pound; manufactured cork stoppers, three-
fourths of an inch or less in diameter, measured at the larger end,
and manufactured cork discs, wafers, or washers, three-sixteenths of
an inch or less in thickness, 15 cents per pound; cork, artificial, or
cork substitutes manufactured form cork waste, or granulated cork,
and not otherwise provided for in this section, 3 cents per pound;
cork insulation, wholly or in chief value of granulated cork, in slabs,
boards, planks, or molded forms, ^ cent per pound; cork paper, 35
per centum ad valorem; manufactures wholly or in chief value of
cork or of cork bark, or of artificial cork or cork substitutes, granu-
lated or ground cork, not specially provided for in this section, 30
per centum ad valorem.

Paragraph 464. Cork wood, or cork bark, unmanufactured, and
cork waste, shavings, and cork refuse of all kinds (Free).

Act of 1909
Paragraph 347. — Linoleum, and all other fabrics or cov-
erings for floors, made or similar product, plain, stamped,
in part of oil
painted or printed only, not specially provided for herein, if nine
feet or under in width, 8 cents per square yard and 15 per centum
ad valorem; over nine feet in width, 12 cents per square yard and
IS per centum ad valorem; and any of the foregoing of whatever
width, the composition of which forms designs or patterns, whether
inlaid or otherwise, by whatever name known, and cork carpets, 20
cents per square yard and 20 per centum ad valorem; mats for floors
made of oilcloth, linoleum, or corticene, shall be subject to the same
rate of duty herein provided for oilcloth, linoleum, or corticene;
oilcloth for floors, if nine feet or less in width, 6 cents per square
yard and 15 per centum ad valorem; over nine feet in width, 10 cents
per square yard and 15 per centum ad valorem; ....

Paragraph 429. Cork bark cut into squares, cubes, or quarters, 8
cents per pound; manufactured corks over three-fourths of an inch
in diameter, measured at larger end, 15 cents per pound; three-fourths
of an inch and less in diameter, measured at larger end, 25 cents per
pound; cork, artificial, or cork substitutes, manufactured from cork
waste or granulated cork, and not otherwise provided for in this
section, 6 cents per pound; manufactures, wholly or in chief value
of cork, or of cork bark, or of artificial cork or cork substitutes, gran-
ulated or ground cork, not specially provided for in this section, 30
per centum ad valorem.

Paragraph 547. — Cork wood, or cork bark, unmanufactured. (Free).


27. — —
Effect of the World War. While there was an ap-
parent shortage of corkwood for a brief time just prior to the
beginning of the World War, yet the demand for corkwood
by France, Germany. Austria and other belligerent countries
quickly dropped off to almost nothing, which left the United
States as virtually the only country requiring any appreciable
exports of corkwood or cork waste. The situation in the cork
producing countries became rapidly worse as the war con-
tinued until the time soon came when it did not pay, in many
cases, to bring in the cork harvest.


.In Catalonia, for example, the situation become so acute

at one time that valuable cork oak trees were cut down and
burned as fuel and the cork workers threatened to burn all
cork manufacturing plants if enough employment was not

*given them body and soul together. The situation

to keep
was quickly recognized as acute, and large owners moved
rapidly to provide enough relief to tide over the difficulties
occasioned by the World War. Sufficient capital was "in-
vested in stocks to provide the cork workers with just enough
wages to buy necessary food and drink, although it was not
known then by those owners and operators how long they
would have to continue the very unusual procedure before
the war would end and thus give them an opportunity of
turning those stocks back into capital, regardless of whether
a profit could be realized or a heavy loss would be suffered.
Conservation of valuable cork forests and cork manufac-
tories and the prevention of civil war and incident loss of
life was the first and only consideration of those large opera-

tors; but they met the situation with such remarkable fore-
sight attended by such complete success that the King of
Spain is said to have personally thanked the men who so ably
and generously gave of their time and money.

28.— Recovery of the Industry. If a crop— of wheat is

wanted next year, the planting usually is done in the fall of

this year. With cork, however, it is from eight to nine years
after the stripping of the virgin bark before the secondary
bark can be stripped and another equal period before the first

real crop of corkwood is available. When there is not a

favorable price offered for corkwood, the trees are not stripped,
that is, the older ones that have previously been brought
into bearing and are ready for stripping are allowed to go
over another year, or two, or three, as desired and those
ready for their initial stripping, of the virgin bark, are not
touched. Thus it can be seen what happened to much of the
cork forests during the World War and when the demand for

corkwood suddenly returned to normal again, with the re-

covery of Europe, and with an unusually brisk demand in
the United States due to an active cold storage building
program, to the adoption of corkboard as standard for house-
hold refrigerators, and to the demand for corkboard as insula-
tion for roofs and residences, a temporary shortage of raw
cork waste was felt early in 1926, its price trebled, and the
price of many finished cork products rose by July first to
double what they were early in 1925, all because the raw
product supply could not, by the nature of the industry, ex-
pand suddenly to take care of wide and sudden fluctuations in
The resultant (August, 1926) price of cork waste aided
in bringing in a full harvest in the cork producing countries
for the first time since 1914, many young trees were put in
line for productivity by receiving their initial stripping, and
with the complete cessation of the Riffian wars in Northern

Africa much is being done by France and Spain to open up

that enormous area of virgin cork forests as a very appreciable
future source of supply,

29. — Changing Demands, —The growth of "prohibition"

throughout world and the increasing substitution of
"Crown" caps and screw closures for cork stoppers has ef-
fected a material decrease in the total quantity of corkwood
required for use in connection with bottles containing liquids.
The use of granulated cork for the packing of glass and
fruit is decreasing in favor of certain very soft woods. The
world's demand for corkwood for miscellaneous purposes,
such as life preservers, floats, buoys, etc., probably has not
changed a great deal in many years and probably will not
change much in the years to come. The demand for cork
waste, however, for cork insulation has increased irregularly
but slowly and certainl}^ ever since pure corkboard insulation
was first made some thirty-four years ago, the industry get-
ting its first important impetus when the basic pure cork
insulation patents expired, and its second important impetus
in 1925 when corkboard began to be used in large quantities
as a recognized essential insulation for electric household
refrigerators and standard insulation for industrial roof slabs.
At one time the breweries about two-thirds of all
cork insulation that was produced. Then
ice, ice cream and

cold storage plants replaced the breweries as the large con-

sumers of cork insulation. The mechanically-cooled cork-
insulated ice cream cabinet is replacing the ice plant as an
adjunct to the ice cream factory, the cork-insulated mechan-
ically-cooled commercial and household refrigerators are mak-
ing inroads on the use of ice, and thus it will be observed
that as new applications are made others are slightly reduced,
so that the world's urgent need for cork insulation, that is,

for usewith cold storage temperatures where cork insulation

is now essential, has a habit of slowly increasing with the

growth of population and with the increasing per capita use

of refrigeration in the preservation of food. A great propor-
tion of all foodstuffs is today preserved by cooling, one place
or another, by ice or mechanical refrigeration, and cork in-
sulation is an essential item of all cold storage equipment.


Thus the by
basic essential requirements for cork insulation
the industries of the world must be somewhat comparable to
shfting sands constantly — moving about but added to but
slowly. On the other hand, there is a growing demand for
cork insulation for use wherever moisture is encountered, such
as for the insulation of industrial roofs, which field is enorm-
ous in scope, and if the demand for corkboard for roofs con-
tinues at the pace it has already set for itself, then no one
dare predict the ultimate requirements for cork insulation,
andvin turn, for cork waste and corkwood.
Of course, if the ultimate cost were low enough, cork,
because it combines within so many unusual and useful

qualities, would be utilized in many more ways and to a much

greater extent than it is at present employed. Cost, how-
ever, is usually the final determining factor in the industries
of the world ; and, should the demand exceed the supply,
additional cork will be made available or the price of cork will
advance to a point sufficient to discourage further increase in
its use and consumption. In such event, possibly substitutes
will be found for enough of the miscellaneous uses to which
cork is put to release sufficient material for all the essential

cork products, such as cork insulation, that wr)uld be required.

30.— Tables of U. S. Imports (1892-1924).— In order that

the reader may form a comprehensive idea of the cork indus-
try, past and present, a number of tables of cork imports into
the United States from various countries are given here.


Fiscal Year
FISCAL YEAR OF 1906— JUNE 30, 1905, TO JUNE 30. 1906



FISCAL YEAR OF 1908— JUNE 30. 1907, TO JUNE 30. 1908

FISCAL YEAR OF 1910— JUNE 30, 1909, TO JUNE 30. 1910



FISCAL YEAR OF 1912— JUNE 30, 1911, TO JUNE 30, 1912


FISCAL YEAR OF 1914— JUNE 30, 1913, TO JUNE 30, 1914



FISCAL YEAR OF 1916— JUNE 30, 1915, TO JUNE 30, 1916

FISCAL YEAR OF 1918— JUNE 30, 1317, TO JUNE 30, 1918



< i




Corkwood, or cork bark, and manufactures of cork


1906 $ 3,313,306.00
1892 $ 1,689,724.00 1907 4,063.982.00
1893 1,993,025.40 1908 4,249,006.00
1894 1,280,982.00 1909 3,042,190.00
1910 4,771,391.00
1895 1,400,830.00 1911 6,609,813.00
1896 1,619,337.00 1912 5,588,734.00
1897 1,751,652.00 1913 5,502,754.00
1914 6,499.632.00
1898 1,447,188.00 1915 4,786,954.00
1899 1,542,367.00 1916 4,076,127.00
1900 1,909,483.00 1917 5,028,836.00
1918 5,028,973.00
1901 2,270,995.00 1918** 1,840,409.00
1902 2,464,934.00 1919* 5,740,910.00
2,567,580.00 1920* 8,343,998.00
1921* 3,418,256.00
1904 2,295,138.00 1922* 5,202,537.00
1905 2,738,319.00 1923* 5,067,902.00
1924* 4,328,496.00
14 Years $26,971,554.40
19H Years $96,604,206.00
Yearly Average $ 1,926,539.60 Yearly Average $ 4,954,061.88
Calendar Year.
**July 1 to Dec. .31, 1918.






































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Part II— The Study of Heat



31. — —
Molecular Theory of Heat. The sensation of heat is
normally recorded by the sense of touch if heat is transferred
from a gas, liquid or solid to the human body and the sensa-

tion of cold results from from the human

a transfer of heat
body to a gas, liquid or solid. For the purpose of our study
of heat, it will be best to think principally in terms of heat,
rather than in terms of cold.
For many centuries it was generally believed that heat
was an invisible, elastic and weightless fluid, termed caloric,
which was responsible for all thermal phenomena by entering
gases, liquids and solids in some mysterious or hypothetical
manner, possibly even combining temporarily with them. It
was not until about the beginning of the nineteenth century
that the materialistic conception of heat was rather definitely
disproven by certain experiments conducted by Count Rum-
ford (Benjamin Thompson) (1753-1814), an American phi-
losopher who made important contributions to physics and
agriculture and later become adviser to the King of Bavaria,
and by Sir Humphry Davy (1778-1829), an English chemist.
But it remained for James Prescott Joule (1818-1889), an
English physicist, to prove, about the middle of the nineteenth
century, that a definite amount of mechanical work is equiv-
alent to a definite amount of heat, when it soon became evi-
dent that heat is a form of energy.
The kinetic theory of heat holds, briefly, that the molecules
of abody have a certain amount of independent, though irreg-
ular,motion, and any increase in the energy of that motion
manifests itself in the body becoming warmer, and any de-

crease by its becoming cooler, heat, in a word, being con-
sidered as kinetic energy of molecular motion.
The molecular theory of heat goes one step farther and holds
that heat is energy of molecular motion,
in part the kinetic
as just elaborated, and
remaining part the potential energy
of molecular arrangement. The molecular theory ef heat per-
mits a readier grasp of the facts concerning heat than seems
otherwise possible, and for that reason is today generally

32. Temperature. — It is a mere matter of observation that

if .several spoonfuls of ice water are added to a cup of hot
cofifee, the entire contents of the cup quickly become cooler,
the heat flowing from the hot cofTee to the cold water until a
quiescent state, in which there is no tendency to further
change of any kind, known as thermal equilihrmm, is established
between them. If the same cup is then allowed to stand in a
closed room, without outside interference or disturbance of
any kind, the heat will flow from the coffee to the cup to the
table to the air of the until all substances in the room
settle to a state ofthermal equilibrium and when a number ;

of bodies have settled to such a common state of thermal

equilibrium they are said to have the same temperature.
The transfer of heat is alv/ays from the body of higher
temperature to the one of lower temperature until those tem-
peratures are exactly the same, or until thermal equilibrium
is established between them. Temperature may be thought of
as the thermal condition of a body, or the measure of the degree
of hotness; but it must not be confused with quantity of heat.
A cup of coffee may be at exactly the same temperature as the
water in a l,0(X)-gallon hot water tank, yet the tank contains a
vastly greater quantity of heat than the cup, owing to the vastly
greater quantity of liquid held by the tank.
When a substance ishot its temperature is said to be
high, and when cold its temperature is said to be low.

33. Dissipation of Energy. — Every actual case of motion

isattended by friction and/or collision on the part of the mov-
ing body, and that part of its energy not employed in doing
work is thus dissipated. This dissipation of energy is always
accompanied by the generation of heat, or, stated another way,

such dissipation of energy is the conversion of mechanical

energy into heat. A familiar example of the generation of
heat by the dissipation of energy is the stamping of one's feet
in cold weather to make them warm. Another example of
the dissipation of energy is furnished by the change in po-
tential energy resulting from the drop in temperature of
superheated steam caused by the radiation or loss of heat
from uninsulated boiler surfaces or steam pipe lines.

34. —Effects —
The heating of a substance, by the
of Heat.
by contact with a hot body, or by any
dissipation of energy,
other means, may produce these effects:
(a) Rise in temperature.
(b) Meltage or vaporization.
(c) Contraction or expansion.
(d) Dissociation, if a chemical compound.
(e) Exhibition of electrical phenomena.

35. — —
Thermometers. The most convenient instrument to
measure temperature, rise and fall, is a mercury thermometer,
the tube and mercury cool, the contracting mercury moves
clown the glass stem, leaving a vacuum at the top of the
Since the temperature of melting ice and that of steam,
under a constant pressure, have been found by very careful
experiment to be invariable, their respective temperatures at
a pressure of 76 centimeters (29 922 inches) of mercury have
been selected as the fixed points on a thermometer. The in-
strument is placed in an ice bath and the freezing point is marked
on the tube; it is then enveloped in steam and the boiling point
is similarly recorded, proper corrections being made to com-
pensate for any pressure different from 76 cm.
The number of spaces, or degrees, into which the distance
between the fixed points is divided has been subject to much
discretion, but the three scales most used are the Fahrenheit, the
Centigrade and the Reaumur. Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit (1686-
1736), a German physicist, introduced the Fahrenheit scale
about 1714, and it is today in common use in all English-
speaking countries in spite of the unreasonableness of desig-
nating the freezing point as 32°, the boiling point as 212°
and dividing the scale between into 180 equal parts. Rene
Antoine Ferchault de Reaumur (1638-1757), a French physic-
ist, devised the Reaumur scale in 1731, which is today in

common use in the households of Europe, the zero point

corresponding to the temperature of melting ice and 80° to
the temperature of boiling water. Some erroneously credit
Anders Celsius (1701-1744), a Swedish astronomer, with the
Centigrade scale, which fixes zero as the temperature of
melting ice and 100 as the temperature of boiling water, but
the Celsius scale (now in disuse entirely) reversed these
fixed points and designated 100 as the temperature of melting
ice and zero as the temperature of boiling water. The Centi-
grade scale was evidently designed as part and parcel of the
metric system, which originated in France and was there
definitely adopted in 1799. The Centigrade scale is in general
use among scientific men throughout the world.

36. —Air Thermometer. — Galileo Galilei, commonly called

Galileo (1564-1642), an Italian astronomer and physicist, in-
vented the air thermometer about 1593 for the use of physi-

cians. It consisted of a sizable blown glass bulb on the end of

a tube of small bore, a scale being attached to the tube. The
Centigrade to Fahrenheit to Reaumur.

cooled, the air contracted, and atmospheric pressure caused
the liquid to rise in the tube. Fixed points were then estab-
lished on the scale, and any rise in temperature caused the
colored liquid to drop and any drop in temperature caused
the liquid to rise. The instrument was remarkable for its


sensitiveness, but its readings changed for every change in

barometric pressure.
The modern "air thermometer" is an apparatus for meas-
uring the ratio of two temperatures by observation of the pres-
sures of a confined portion of hydrogen gas at the respec-
tive temperatures, based on the necessary modification of the
Law of Charles, laid down in 1787, which claimed to estab-

lish that "the volume of a given mass of any gas under con-
stant pressure increases by a constant fraction of its volume
at zero for each rise of temperature of 1°C." The ratio of
standard steam temperature (the minimum temperature of
pure steam at 16 cm. pressure) to ice temperature (the tem-
perature of pure melting ice at 76 cm. pressure) has been
found by the air thermometer to be 1.367, or

Steam temp. S
=— = 1 .367
Ice temp. I

On the Centigrade scale S — I = 100, and from these

two simple equations we find that S = ZTh° and = I 273°,
approximately, Centigrade. Any other temperature
be may
determined by measuring its ratio to I or to S by means of
the air thermometer. Temperatures measured in this way
are called absolute temperatures, and thus it will be noted that
the absolute zero on the Absolute scale is 273 degrees below
the freezing point on the Centigrade scale. It has been
established, since Jacques Alexandre Cesar Charles (1746-
1822), a French physicist and aeronaut, gave us his Law of
Charles, that the volumes of the same mass of gas under
constant pressure are proportional to the temperature on
this Absolute scale, or

V t+213 T

vi U+213 T,

if t + 273 is expressed by T, and t^ -f 273 by Tj.

37. — Expansion and Contraction. — If equal volumes of

various gases are heated, under constant pressure, they were
thought by Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac (1778-1850), a French
chemist and physicist, to expand equivalent amounts for the
same rise in temperature, but very careful measurements have
since demonstrated quite perceptible differences of expansion
of various gases, ammonia, for example, being distinctly dif-
ferent in its expansion from hydrogen. Gases that are near
their points of liquefaction depart widely from Gay-Lussac's
law ammonia, sulphur dioxide and methyl chloride gases are

easily liquefied and are commonly referred to as vapors.

Hydrogen, on the other hand, is not easily liquefied under

ordinary pressures, and hence follows Gay-Lussac's law quite

closely. The point of importance here is that all gases ex-
pand when heated and contract when cooled.
Liquids, with notable exceptions, expand when heated and
contract when cooled, the amount in any case depending
entirelyupon the volume of the substance. An exception is
water, which contracts when heated from 0° C. (32° F.) to
4° C. (39.2° F.).
Solids, with a few exceptions, expand in all directions when
heated and contract when cooled. An exception is iodide of
silver, which, within a certain temperature range,

when heated and expands when cooled.

38. —Force of Expansion and Contraction. —The force of


iron is 0.0000122. Since 0.0001 -^ 0.0000122 8+, then a =

change of temperature of approximately 8° C. will produce
the same change in the length of the bar as a force of one ton.

39. —Application of Expansion and Contraction. — Many of

the phenomena that are commonly encountered are traceable
directly to the expansion and contraction that results from
the rise and fall of temperature. One of the commonest of
these the explanation for a pendulum clock losing time in

hot weather and gaining time in cold weather, due to the

expansion and contraction, respectively, of its pendulum with
the seasons. The wagon-maker heats his iron tires, thus
expanding them, and after being put in place they contract
and bind the wooden wheel solidly and securely. Very hot
water if poured into a cold glass will often crack the glass
due to unequal expansion of the inner and outer surfaces.
The steel framework of modern buildings is put together with
red-hot rivets hammered down as tight as possible with pneu-
matic hammers. When the rivets cool they contract and
draw the steel members together with an enormous force.
Virtually all pipe lines must be so arranged or equipped as
to allow for expansion and contraction, to avoid serious dam-
age and trouble from leaks. Paved streets, cement sidewalks,
viaducts, bridges and all such items of general utility must
be provided with a certain freedom of motion of their stand-
ardized parts to prevent buckling and cracking from expan-
sion and contraction. The terrific force exerted by the ex-
pansion of freezing water splits off the solid rock from the
side of the granite hills with the ease of a mythological giant.
J*avements come up, trees are lifted out of the ground, build-
ing foundations are damaged, water pipes burst, mountain
ranges slowly crumble away, all because the terrific force
exerted by the expansion of freezing water is irresistible.
Other phenomena are traceable to expansion and con-
traction due to humidity rather than to temperature.

40. —
Coefficient of Expansion. —
It has been noted that,
with very few exceptions, substances expand in every direc-
tion when heated. Expansion in length is quite naturally
termed linear expansion, expansion in area is known as super-
ficial expansion and expansion in volume is called cubical expan-
sion. If a substance is heated from 0° C. to 1° C, the fraction i
of its length that the body expands is its cofficient of linear expan-
sion, the fraction of its area that the body expands is its coeffi-
lient of superficial expansion and the fraction of its volume that
the body expands is its' coefficient of cubical expansion.

The expansion of most substances has been found to be nearly

constant for each degree of temperature, and it is therefore the
practice to determine the mean coefficient for a change of several
degrees. If 1^ is the length of an iron bar at temperature t^

and I2 the length at temperature tg, then the expansion in

length for 1° C. is expressed by

l^li 1,-1,

ts— t, t

if tj — expressed by t. Now the fraction of its length that

ti is
a body expands when heated from 0° C. to 1° C. is taken as its
coefficient of linear expansion, which shall be designated as a.
Therefore, the original length, l^, times the coefficient of linear
expansion of the material, a, or 1^ a, must equal the expansion
in length for 1° C, or

I2— li U—U
lia= , or a= , or h^hCl+at);
t li t

and, similarly, if k is the coefficient of cubical expansion, Vj

and V2 the volumes at temperatures t^ and tg, respectively, then

V2 — Vi Va — Vi
k= = , or V2=Vi (1+kt).
Vi (t:— ti) Vi t

Superficial and cubical expansion for solids are computed

from the linear expansion, the coefficient of superficial expansion
being twice and the coefficient of cubical expansion being three
times the coefficient of linear expansion.

41. — Determination of the Expansion of Substances. The —

linear or cubic expansion of a solid may be determined by the
actual measurement of its dimensions at different tempera-
tures, or its cubic expansion may be determined indirectly by
measuring the volume of the solid at various temperatures by
the gravimetric method, in common use by chemists.
The determination of the expansion of water and all other


volatile liquidsis attended by difficulties due to the formation

of vapor when heated. The most accurate results are obtained

by first determining the volume of a glass vessel at each of
various temperatures by weighing the vessel full of mercury
at those temperatures and then using the vessel to determine
the density of the given liquid at the various temperatures.
The accompanying table gives the results obtained in this way
for water by Edward L. Nichols and William S. Franklin
(The Elements of Physics; The MacMillan Co., New York


Temperature Density Volume
0.99815 1.00186
0.99869 1.00131
0.99912 1.00088
0.99945 1.00055
— 2°

0.99970 1.00031
0.999874 1.000127
1° 0.999930 1.000070
2" 0.999970 1.000030
3° 0.999993 1.000007
4° 1.000000 1.000000
S" 0.999992 1.000008
6° 0.999970 1.000030
0.999932 1.000068
0.999881 1.000119
9' 0.999815 1.000185
lO" 0.999736 1.000265
15° 0.999143 1.000858
0.998252 1.001751
0.997098 1.002911
0.995705 1.004314
35' 0.994098 1.005936
40- 0.99233 1.00773
45* 0.99035 1.00974
50° 0.98813 1.01201
55° 0.98579 1.01442
60° 0.98331 1.01697
6S» 0.98067 1.01971
70° 0.97790 1.02260
75° 0.97495 1.02569
80° 0.97191 1.02890
85° 0.96876 1.03224
90° 0.96550 1.03574
95° 0.96212 1.03938
100° 0.95863 1.04315

The may be obtained by

cubic expansion of various gases
mearis of measurements employing especially con-
structed laboratory apparatus. There are perceptible differ-
ences of expansion of various gases at equal pressures for a
given rise in temperature; carbon dioxide, ammonia and water
vapor, for example, being distinctly different from hydrogen,
nitrogen and oxygen, disproving the accuracy of Gay-Lussac's


42. — First Law of Thermodynamics. —When a given sub-
stance is heated by the dissipation of energy there is a definite
relation between the amount of work done and the thermal
effect produced, and consequently heat may be measured in
units of mechanical work.

43. — Methods of Heat Measurement. —An amount of heat

required to produce a given thermal effect can be measured
by the direct determination of the amount of work required
to produce a like eft'ect, but this direct method of heat meas-
urement is not easy of accomplishment due in part to the
difficulty of applying mechanical work wholly to the heating
of a given substance. The work spent in a given portion of
an electric circuit, however, can be measured with great accu-
racy and such work can be readily employed to produce any
given thermal effect.
Another method measuring heat employs the relation
between the amount work dissipated in heating water and
the rise of temperature thus produced. This method is prac-
tical, even though the energy-values are given indirectly,

because the procedure may be carried out with accuracy. The

melting of ice, and the vaporization of water, are also fre-
quently employed in the measurement of heat, since the heat
(work) necessary to melt a given quantity of ice or to con-
vert a given quantity of water into steam are known quantities
by determination.

44. —Units of Heat. —The work required to heat a given

quantity of water has been shown to be approximately pro-
portional to the rise of temperature, and for most purposes
this proportion is sufficiently exact. Consequently, the amount


of heat required to raise the temperature of one gram of water

one degree Centigrade has been adopted by physicists as a
practical unit and is known as the calorie.
of heat (The
standard caloric amount of heat required to raise one
is the
gram of water from 14.5° C. to 15.5° C. hydrogen thermometer,
and is ecjuivalent to 4.189 joules*. Engineers have fixed upon
the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one
pound of zvatcr one degree Fahrenheit as a practical unit of
heat, called the British thermal unit (B.t.u.), and which is
equivalent to approximately 778 foot-pounds.)
45. —
Thermal Capacity of a Substance. The number of —
thermal units (units of work) or the quantity of heat required
to raise the temperature of a body through one degree is the
thermal capacity of that body at that temperature; thermal
capacity varies slightly with temperature, but for many pur-
poses assumed to be constant. The thermal capacities of

equal masses of different substances differ widely, being the

product of specific heat and mass.
46. — Specific —
Substances in general have each a
definite specific heat, which may be defined as the increase in
heat content of a unit mass of the substance per degree in-
crease in temperature; or, the number of thermal units (units
of work) necessary to raise the temperature of a unit mass
of a substance through one degree, at any temperature, is
its specific heat at that temperature. Since the Standard ther-
mal unit (calorie) is the amount of heat required to raise the
temperature of one gram of water from 14.5° C. to 15.5° C,
then specific heat may be expressed as the ratio of the amount
of heat required to raise a given weight of the substance from
•14.5° C. to 15.5° C, to that required to raise an equal weight
of water through the same temperature range. By ignoring
•the variation in the specific heat of a substance at different
temperatures and by taking one gram as the unit of weight
and 1° C. as the rise of temperature, the definition becomes:
Heat units required to raise one gram of substance 1° C.
Specific Heat =
Heat units required to raise one gram of water 1° C.

Taking the calorie as the heat unit, the denominator becomes

•Edward L. Nichols and Wm. S. Franklin, 1904, "The Elements of Physics,"The
MacMillan Co., New York, N. Y.
equal to unity, by definition. Hence the specific heat of a
substance is equal to the number of calories required to raise
the temperature of one gram 1° C, and it will be observed that
the same figure is given by the number of B.t.u. required to
raise one pound of the substance 1° F., since by definition one
B.t.u. will raise one pound of water 1° F.
The mean specificheat of a substance, between any two
temperatures, isdetermined by dividing the heat given oflf per
unitmass in cooling from the one temperature to the other,
by the difiference in the temperatures. The accompanying
table gives the specific heats of various substances for the
mean temperatures shown, and in terms of water at 15° C.
(5° F.).


cation of heat, it is said to melt, or fuse, or liquefy, and the

temperature at which fusion or liquefaction occurs is the
melting point. The temperature of the substance then remains
constant until the complete change to the liquid state has been
accomplished, when, under continued application of heat, the
temperature rises again until the liquid begins to boil or
vaporize, and the temperature at which vaporisation occurs
is the boiling point. The temperature again remains constant
until the liquid is entirely changed to vapor, when the tem-
perature once more begins to rise.

49. The Melting —

Point. The temperature at which the
solid and forms of a substance are capable of existing
together in equilibrium, is the melting point of that substance,
and such temperature is invariable for every crystalline sub-
stance if the pressure is constant. Some substances, like wax,
resin, glass and wrought iron, have no sharply defined melting
points. They first soften and then pass more or less slowly
into the condition of a viscous liquid, which property per-
mits of the bending and forming of glass and the welding
and forging of iron.
Most substances expand on melting, or occupy a larger
volume in the liquid state than in the solid. A notable and
important exception is water, which upon freezing, or solidi-
fying, increases its volume nine per cent. Tf this expansion
is resisted, water in freezing is capable of exerting an enor-
mous force.
The accompanying table gives the melting points of some
solids at atmospheric pressure.


Substance Temperature, F.
Nickel 2732°
Gold 1947 :
Aluminum 1Z14
Zinc 786°
Lead 620°
Tin 449°
Mercury — ^^
50.— Heat of Fusion.— When a solid begins to melt, or fuse,
by the application of heat, the heat-energy imparted to the
substance is fully employed in producing change of state, its
temperature remaining constant until fusion is completed.
The heat of fusion of a substance is the number of thermal
units required to change a unit mass of a solid at its melting
point into liquid at the same temperature. The accompany-
ing table gives the heat of fusion of various substances.


Substance B.t.u. per Pound
Bismuth 22.7
Lead 9.7
Mercury 5.04
Nickel 8.3
Platinum 49.0
Silver 38.0
Tin 25.7
Zinc 50.6
Ice 144.0
Hydrogen 28.8

51. —The Boiling Point. —

The temperature at which the
liquid and its pure vapor can exist together in equilibrium, is
the boiling point of that liquid, and such temperature is invari-
able if the pressure is constant.
The vapor of a substance under given pressure will con-
dense to a liquid if it is cooled below the temperature that is
its boiling point at that pressure; and the vapor of a substance

at given temperature will condense to a liquid if its pressure

is increased beyond a certain maximum value for that sub

stance, although all vapors have a critical temperature above

which they can not be liquified regardless of the amount of
pressure to which they are subjected.
The accompanying table gives the boiling points of various
liquids at atmospheric pressure.


Substance Boiling Point, F.
Ether 95°
Chloroform 142°
Alcohol 172.2°
Benzine 176.7°
Water 212°
Glycerine 554°
Mercury 675
Sulphur dioxide 14°
Ammonia — 29°
— 108.5°
Carbon dio.xide
Oxygen — 296°
Hydrogen — 422°

52. —Vaporization. — The conversion of a substance into

the gaseous form is called vaporizatioin. If the change to a gas
takes place slowly and from the surface of a liquid, at a tem-

•Chas. R. Darling, 1908.


perature below the normal boiling point, it is called evapora-

tion; but if rapid internal evaporation visibly agitates a liquid,
and the bubbles that rise through the liquid are pure vapor,
the process is called boiling. If a small quantity of liquid is

placed on hot metal, assumes a globular form and vaporizes


at a rate somev^^here between ordinary evaporation and boiling.

The vapor acts as a cushion and prevents actual contact be-
tween the liquid and the metal, while the globular form is
due to surface tension. This variety of vaporization is called
the spheroidal state, and the phenomenon is sometimes also
referred to as the caloric paradox.
When a substance passes directly from the solid to the
gaseous state, without passing through the intermediate state
of a liquid, it is said to sublime. Some substances, such as
iodine and camphor, sublime at atmospheric pressure but
melt if the pressure be sufficiently increased. If ice is held at
a temperature below freezing, it sublimes (evaporates)
slowly, which fact is of some importance in the storing of ice.

53. — Heat of Vaporization. —When a liquid begins to boil,

or vaporize, by the application of heat, the heat-energy im-
parted to the substance is fully employed in producing change
of state, its temperature remaining constant until vaporization
is complete. The heat of vaporization of a liquid is the num-
ber of thermal units required to change a unit mass of the
liquid at its boiling point into vapor at the same temperature.
The accompanying table gives the heat of vaporization of
various substances at atmospheric pressure.


Substance B.t.u. per Pound
Water 967
Ether 164
Mercury 112
Turpentine 133
Air 99
Carbon dioxide °o
Ammonia 531
Oxygen 101
Hydrogen 360

54.Superheating and Undercooling of Liquids. When —

pure water that is free from air is heated in a clean vessel, its
temperature usually rises as much as from eight to twelve
degrees above its normal boiling point before it begins to

"Chas. R. Darling, 1908.


vaporize, and when vaporization begins it occurs violently
and is attended by an immediate fall of temperature to the
normal boiling point. If pure water is cooled, its temperature
usually falls a number of degrees below its normal freezing
point before freezing actually begins, but a large amount of
ice is then suddenly formed and the temperature quickly rises
to the normal freezing point. These phenomena are common
to most liquids, but the converse is not true that is, water ;

vapor will not condense until it reaches its normal condensing

point, and ice begins to melt immediately upon reaching its
normal melting point.

55. — Critical Temperatures. — When a liquid and its vapor

are confined in a vessel and heated, a portion of the liquid
vaporizes, the pressure increases, the density of the vapor
increases and possibly the density of the liquid decreases.
When that temperature is reached where the density of the
liquid and of the vapor become identical, the liquid and the
vapor are physically identical and this temperature is called
the critical temperature of the liquid. Thus the heat of va-
porization of a liquid is zero at its critical temperature. In
the following table the critical temperatures of various sub-
stances are given


Substance Chemical Symbol Degrees F.
Sulphur dioxide SO2 311.0
Ammonia NH3 271.4
Methyl chloride CH3CI 289.0
Carbon dioxide CO2 88.2
Ethyl chloride C0H5CI 360.5
Butane C4H10 311.0
Nitrous oxide N2O 95.7
Propane CsHg 216.0
Ethane C-Ue 90.0
Methane CH^ '
Ether CiHioO

56. — Saturated Vapor. —A vapor is said to be saturated

when it is at its maximum pressure for a given temperature,
or when it is at its minimum temperature for a given pressure.

57. — Effect of Pressure on Melting Point.— Change of pres-

sure varies but slightly the melting points of substances, but
the lowering of the melting point of ice by increase of pressure

'Compiled from data by H. D. Edwards and U. S. Bureau of Standards.


is responsible for several common phenomena. The melting

of ice at a point where it is subjected to pressure and the
immediate freezing of the resulting water when it flows out
of the region of pressure is known as rcgelation. The excep-
tional ease with which a skater glides over the ice when the
temperature of the atmosphere is not too low is due largely to
the formation of a thin layer of water in the region of extra
pressure under the skate runners, which water freezes almost
instantly when the skate has passed and the pressure is relieved.
Similarly, the ready packing of snow into balls is made pos-
sible by the melting of the snow crystals at their points of
contact under the extra pressure of the hands and the imme-
diate freezing of the resulting water as it flows out of the
small regions of pressure, although snow must be near the



melting point in order that regelation may be caused by the

slight pressure produced by the hands. John Tyndall (1820-
1893), a British physicist, regarded the apparent plasticity of
glacier-ice as due to continued minute fracture and regelation.
The phenomenon of regelation is of practical importance to
the manufacturer of ice because of the meltage of the lower
layers of ice cakes due to the pressure of the layers stored

58. —Effect of Pressure on Boiling Point.— Change of pres-

sure varies greatly the boiling point of a liquid. At a pressure
of 9.198 cm. of mercury the boiling point of water is but 50°

C, at a pressure of 76 cm. its boiling point is 100° C, and at

a pressure of 358.1 cm. its boiling point is 150° C. At a
pressure of 86.64 cm. the boiling point of liquid ammonia is

—30° C, and at a pressure of 1,945.6 cm. its boiling point is

60° C.The variation of boiling point with change of pressure

is of utmost importance in connection with mechanical refrig-
eration, as is shown in any text pertaining to the ammonia
refrigerating machine.

59. —
Boiling and Melting Points of Mixtures. When pure —
water has a foreign substance dissolved in it, such as finely
divided ammonium nitrate, for example, a thermometer will
show a sensible fall of temperature, known as heat lost in solu-
tion, while its freezing point is lowered and its boiling point
is Similarly, ice in a strong solution of
raised. common salt
(NaCl) has a very low melting point, about 5° F. ( — 15" C), and
remains at that temperature until all the ice is melted by heat
absorbed from surrounding objects thus a vessel of water, or

a can of ice cream mix, surrounded by cracked ice and salt,

gives up its heat to the low temperature mixture until the
water or cream is frozen.
It is commonly supposed that salt sprinkled on icy side-
walks melts the ice but the fact is that the salt lowers the

melting point of the ice below surrounding temperatures (if

they are not below about 5° F.) and these surrounding sub-
stances then give up heat to the ice, which melts it.

The use of ice and salt as a freezing mixture is so common

as to require no further treatment here. However, it is be-
lieved that it offers such possibilities in the industries as to
justify serious study and application.

60, — Cold by Evaporation. — If a few dro]is of ether are

placed on the bulb of a thermometer, the mercury column will
drop due to the fact that some of the heat of the mercury will
be used to do work on the ether in evaporating it. Sprink-
ling the lawn, shrubbery and trees cools the surrounding air,
because of the heat expended in evaporating the water. A
liquid is cooled in a porous vessel by the evaporation from
the outside surface of that part of the liquid that seeps through
the vessel. Liquid carbon dioxide (CO,) evaporates so rap-

idly as to readily freeze itself*. The rapid evaporation of

liquid ammonia is one of the properties that makes this chemi-
cal of so much value as a refrigerating medium.

61. — —
Condensation and Distillation. All the heat that dis-
appears during the vaporization of a liquid is generated again
when the vapor is condensed back to its original liquid form,
which principle is employed to advantage in steam heating.
Some gases will assume a liquid form through their affinity
for a liquid, as exemplified by the affinity of ammonia gas for
-water, the gas being rapidly absorbed by the water with a
marked rise of temperature.
Pure water, from foreign substances such as vegetable
and mineral matter, is obtained by distillation, which involves
both vaporization and condensation. Alcohol may be sep-
arated from fermented liquors, for example, through distilla-
tion, because if two or more liquids are mixed together the
more volatile will be vaporized by heat first and can be
condensed and collected by itself.
62. —The Dew Point. —The dew point of the atmosphere
at given pressure is the temperature at which the water vapor
of that atmosphere becomes saturated and begins to condense.
For examplef, air at 64° F. temperature, 30 inches barometric
pressure and containing 6.24 grains of moisture per cubic foot,
when cooled to 62° F. will have reached its dew point, while
air at the same temperature and pressure but containing 5.19
grains of moisture per cubic foot must be cooled to 57° F.
before its dew point is reached.

The amount of moisture that a given volume of air can

retain at given pressuredepends on the temperature of the air.
For example, a cubic foot of air at 64° F. temperature and 30
inches barometric pressure can contain 6.55 grains of moisture
before precipitation takes place, while a cubic foot of air at 60°
F. temperature and 30 inches barometric pressure requires but
5.75 grains of moisture to saturate it.

63. — Humidity. —The amount of water in the air at any

given temperature and pressure is called the absolute humidity

*See "Solid Carbon Dioxide —

A New Commercial Refrigerant," by the Dry Ice
Corporation of America. 50 East 4_'d St., New York City.
tCarrier Air Conditioning Co., Newark, N. J.
of such air at that temperature and pressure. However, such
absolute humidity cannot exceed a certain fixed value, known
as absolute humidity at saturation, for any given temperature
and pressure and cannot, of course, be less than zero. For
example*, air at 64° F. temperature and 30 inches barometric
pressure cannot have an absolute humidity of more than 6.56
grains of moisture per cubic foot, nor less than zero, which is
perfectly dry air containing no moisture.
The amount of moisture in the air expressed in hundredths
of what that air would contain were it saturated at the given
temperature and pressure, is called relative humidity. For
example*, air at 64° F. temperature, 30 inches barometric
pressure and having an absolute humidity of 6.24 grains of
moisture per cubic foot, has a relative humidity of 95 (95/lOOth


of 6.56 grains, the maximum amount of moisture such air
would contain if completely saturated). When the relative
humidity is low, the air is said to be dry; and when the
relative humidity is high, the air is said to be moist.
The relative humidity and the dew point of air are usually
determined by the use of an instrument called a psychrometer.
The sling psychrometer consists of a wet bulb and a dry bulb
thermometer suitably mounted and attached to a handle so
that they may be rotated. A wet bulb thermometer is one
having a piece of soft cloth or wick, which is kept moist with
water, covering its bulb while a dry bulb thermometer has its

bulb exposed to the air. When the sling psychrometer is

rotated or whirled at from 150 to 200 revolutions per minute
(r.p.m.), evaporation takes place on the wet bulb thermome-
ter and a depressed temperature readmg is secured, and by _
re reading
means of the temperature readilings on the wet and dry bulb
termine the relative humidity;t «
thermometers it is possible to determine
*Carrier Air Conditioning Co., Newark, N. J.
tSee Appendix for "Relative Humidity Table, Percent."

the dew point and the amount of water vapor in the air
(absolute humidity) from psychrometric tables published by
the United States Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau
Bulletin No. 235*.
Air that is saturated has a dew point and dry bulb and
wet bulb temperatures that are identical and if such air is ;

cooled, the volume will be contracted and some of the moist-

ure will be condensed. If air is but partly saturated, and the
temperature is reduced, by removal of heat from such air, the
dry bulb temperature falls and the wet bulb temperature falls
until they finally reach the dew point temperature, at which
point the air is completely saturated,
(U. S. Weather Reports.)

Average Annual Humidities for Various Cities of United States.

City 8 a. m. 8 p. m.

Albany, N. Y. 78 72
Asheville, N. C. 85 71
Atlanta, Ga. 79 65
Atlantic City, N. J. 80 79
Augusta, Ga. 82 66
Baltimore, Md. n 66
Boston, Mass. 70
Hartford. Conn. 74 68
Jacksonville, Fla. 83 n
Key West, Fla. 78 77
Macon, Ga. 83
New Haven, Conn. 75 72
New York, N. Y. 75 62
Norfolk, Va. 80 75
Philadelphia, Pa. 74 66
Portland, Me. 75 7i
Providence, R. I. 74 71
Savannah, Ga. 81 75
Washington, D. C. 76 68
Wilmington, N. C. 81 77
Birmingham, Ala. 79 65
Galveston, Texas 84 78
Mobile, Ala. 84 74
Montgomery, Ala. 82 64
New Orleans, La. 83 72
Pensacola, Fla. 80 75
San Antonio, Texas 81 53
Tampa, Fla 84 76
Buffalo, N. Y. n 73
Chattanooga, Tenn. 80 63
Chicago, 111. 78 71

•Address, "Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing OfKce, Washmg-

ton, D. C." Price. 10 cents.
(U. S. Weather Reports.)
Average Annual Humidities for Various Cities of United States.
City 8 a. m.
8 p. m.

Cincinnati, Ohio




64. — Heat Transference. — Heat
is transmitted from a region

of higher temperature to a region of lower temperature by its

natural and continual tendency toward temperature equilib-
rium. When such temperature equilibrium does not exist,
that is, when there is a temperature difference, the natural
direction of the flow of heat is toward the lower temperature

There are three quite distinct processes by means of which

heat is transferred from one place to another, viz

1. Conduction, in which heat is conveyed by matter without any

visible motion of the matter itself. This method of transfer is assumed
to be accomphshed by invisible molecular motion or communication.

2. in which heat is transferred by the visible motion

of heated matter, as by a current of warm air or the flow of hot
water through a pipe circuit. This method of transfer is generally
accomplished through the fact of the unequal weights of any given
matter at different temperatures.

3. is disseminated by a wave motion

Radiation, in which heat
propogated, without the aid of matter. It is
in the ether, as light is
by this method that heat and light reach the earth from the sun.

The rate of heat transfer from one region to another obvi-

ously depends, therefore, upon the area of the transmitting
surface, the difference in temperature levels,and a unit heat
combines the heat that may be trans-
transfer coefficient that
mitted by conduction, convection and radiation. The actual
magnitude of this composite heat transfer coefficient is deter-
mined in practice by calculation based on theoretical analysis
and experimentation. The actual amount of heat transmitted
in any case, —
being the product of this coefficient, the area,

; ;

and the temperature difference, — may be expressed in symbols,
H=K A (ti— t.)

in which H is the total heat transfer in B.t.u. per hour, K is

the total heat transfer coefficient in B.t.u. per hour per degree
temperature difference F., A
is the area of the heat trans-

mitting surface in square feet, and (t^—U) is the temperature

difference in degrees Fahrenheit between the regions of high-
est and lowest levels.
It is evident, therefore, that if the heat transmitting area
and the temperature levels are held constant, the heat transfer
depends entirely upon conduction, convection and radiation.


65. — Conduction. — Heat transfer by conduction

is accom-

plished in a body by the vibration or impact of

of material
the molecules or particles of matter that compose the body
itself, such molecular disturbance being produced by an unbal-

anced thermal condition within the mass. Thus heat may be

interchanged between different parts of the same body, or
between two separate bodies in actual contact, by conduction
but due to friction and adhesion between the molecules of a
body, the vibration or impact of the particles of matter will
become slower as the heat energy passes from one molecule to
the other, and consequently the amount of heat that will be
transmitted through the body will be something less than
that applied toit. The amount of heat that will be trans-
mitted through a given material, due to a given temperature
difference, depends on the characteristic internal thermal con-



ductivity of the material, each material having its own charac-

teristic rate of conduction. The metals are the best conduc-
tors of heac. Wood, paper, cloth and organic substances as
a class are poor conductors, as are pulverized or powdered
materials, partly because of lack of continuity in the material.
The rate of heat transfer through a homogeneous material
having parallel sides, depends on the temperature difference,
the kind and condition of the material, the thickness of the
material, and its absolute temperature. The heat transmitted
by conduction may, in general, be expressed in symbols, thus
Hi=— A (U—U)
in which Hj is the total heat transmitted by conduction in
B.t.u. per hour, C is the coefficient of specific internal con-
ductivity in B.t.u. per hour per degree difference in tempera-
ture Fahrenheit per inch of thickness of the material, X is^the
thickness of the material in inches, A is the area Oi the trans-
mitting surface in square feet, and (tj— tg) is the difference
beween the high and the lov/ surface temperatures.
Only homogeneous materials' can have a specific internal
conductivity; and while such conductivity is known to in-
crease slowly with rise of temperature, it usually may be
considered as constant for such temperatures as are encoun-
tered in cold storage work. Resistance to heat flow is the
reciprocal of conduction; and for a given section of a com-
pound wall the resistances, not the conductions, are additive, j
Radial conduction in cylindrical layers of materials is
not as easily handled as conduction through layers of materials
having parallel sides. Using the insulated steam pipe as an
example, the flow of heat will be relatively more rapid through
the material near the pipe than farther out, since the area for
the heat to pass through is increasing toward the outside.
Thus resistances are not directly additive when considering
radial conduction in cylinders, but the problem is capable of
mathematical solution.
The rate at which the temperature of a material rises
should never be taken as an indication of its internal conduc-
tivity; because if equal bars of iron and lead, for example,
are placed so that one end of each is heated alike, the tern-

perature of the other end of the lead bar will risd first to the
point of igniting a match, even though iron is a better con-
ductor of heat, which is accounted for by the fact that iron
has approximately four times the specific heat of leavH and
thus requires about four times as much heat to produce .<-he
same change of temperature. This leads to the consideratio^n
of conduction with changing temperature. So long as the tem,-
perature of parts of the conducting or insulating material is
changing, such as when a heating or cooling process is begiri-
ning and a steady state has not been reached, the amounts .of
heat entering and leaving the material are not the same. The
thermal capacity, or specific heat, of the material determines
the time required to reach a steady state.
The thermometric conductivity of a material is th^ change
in temperature that is produced in a unit vclurne of \|:he mate-
rial by the heat condueted through a unit area in a unit of
time with a unit temperature gradient. This value, which is
entirely different from thermal conductivity, is of importance
where protection against the effects of fire is the consideration.
The internal thermal conductivities of various materials,
as determined under laboratory test conditions, from experi-
ments by the United States Bureau of Standards and others,
are shown in the accompanying table. ( Additional'i tables

containing full data will be found in the Article on "Tests by

Various Authorities on Many Materials.")
To determine the heat transmitted by conduction through
a 4-inch sheet of corkboard, having surface temperatures of
80° and 20° F., where t^ is 80, t^ is 20, X is 4 and C (from
the accompanying table) is 0.308, apply such values to the
formula, thus
Hi= (80— 20) =4.62 B.t.u. per hour.

All liquids, except molten metals, are relatively poor con-

ductors of heat, while the conductivity of gases is very small.
However, on account of convection primarily and radiation
secondarily, it is very difficult to determine the conductivity
of liquids and gases.
66. — Convection, — Convection is the transfer of heat by
displacement of movable media, that is, the carrying of heat


3.t.u. per B.t.u. per Lb. per

Description 24 hours hour cu. ft.

Air Cell. K inch.
MATERIALS {C)—Co7itmiied.

haps the most important of these pertains to the conditions

that exist between the conducting solid material and the gas
or liquid in contact in which convection occurs. The resist-
ance to heat transfer at the surface of a solid when in contact
with a gas or liquid is known to be important, but its nature
and extent is not generally understood.
(^ Fluids, in general, conduct heat less rapidly than is com-
monly supposed, the difficulty of considering their heat con-
chiction separate from their heat convection probably account-



ling for this misconception. The fact is important, however,

in the consideration of the surface or contact thermal resist-
ance between solids and fluids because the finite layer of

fluid in actual is always at rest, and a

contact with a soHd
finite thickness next adjacent is moving very slowly. The
resistance of this stagnant layer of fluid, through relatively low
conduction, is responsible for the surface resistance to heat
transfer;and such surface resistance in any example must
be dependent upon the actual conditions of the case.
The transfer of heat by evaporation and condensation is


usually classed as convection, although in several respects it

differs widely from convection as just discussed. In ordinary

convection, it has been noted that the surface layer of fluid
plays an important part; but in the steam boiler the finite
layer of water next the hot boiler wall is heated and vaporized,
thus absorbing a very large amount of heat. Such steam is
instantly replacedby other water and the process is continued,
a procedure distinctly different from the usual convective
heating process and one in which the rate of heat transfer is
much higher. By drainage, on the condenser end of the
system, the film of condensed water is quickly removed,
which from the usual transfer by convection.
The transfer of heat by evaporation and condensation has
a definite bearing on the effect of moisture in insulating
materials and in air-space construction.
Thus, in general, the rate of heat transfer by convection
is dependent on the kind of fluid in contact, the temperature

differences, the velocity of the convecting fluid, the character

of surfaces (such as shape and roughness), and the area of
the surface.

Radiation.— Radiation is the mode of transfer of heat,

for example, from the sun to the earth, which is accomplished
even though the intervening space is entirely devoid of ordi-
nary matter. The transfer of heat by radiation is effected by
wave motion exactly similar in general character to the wave
motion that constitutes light, these waves being transmitted
by a medium, known as ether, that fills all space, although,
contrary to popular belief, considerable obstruction is offered
to the passage of these waves.
The molecular disturbancein a hot body produces a com-
motion immediate adjacent ether, which spreads out in
in the
all directions as an ether wave disturbance, and when these

waves impinge on a cool body they produce a molecular dis-

turbance in it. In a word, the heat energy of a hot body is
constantly passing into space as radiant energy in the luminif-
erous ether, and becomes heat energy again only when and as
it is absorbed by bodies upon which it falls and energy trans-

mitted in this way is referred to as radiant heat, although it is

transmitted as radiant energy and is transferred again into


heat only by absorption. Radiant heat and light are phys-

ically identical,but are perceived through different avenues of
sensation; radiations that produce sight when received through
the eye, give a sensation of warmth through the nerves of
touch. The sensation of warmth felt in bright sunlight on a
cool day is a good illustration of this phenomenon.



The rate of heat transfer by radiation depends on the

characters of both the hot radiating and the cold receiving
surfaces (the reflecting power of the hot surface and the
absorbing power of the cold surface), the temperature differ-
ences, the relative absolute temperatures, and the distance
between surfaces.
The blacker an object the more heat it will, in general,


lose by radiation ; non-metals radiate heat at a much more
rapid rate than metals of similar surface and rough surfaces ;

radiate heat at a more rapid rate than smooth, polished sur-

faces. Thus stoves and radiators* intended to give out heat
should present a non-metal surface, the color and relative
degree of smoothness being of lesser importance. Metal cook-
ing utensils should be tinned or nickeled in order to radiate as
little heat as possible. A brightly tinned hot air furnace pipe
may lose less heat by radiation than when covered with thin
asbestos paper, because the surface of the non-metallic asbes-
tos paper radiates heat more rapidly than the bright tin.

The heat radiated to a body may be partly rejected, ab-

sorbed, or transmitted through the body. The capacity of a
surface to absorb radiant energy depends both on the lack of
polish of the surface and the nature of the material. Lamp-
black is the best absorber of radiant energy and polished brass
is the poorest. In cold climates dark clothes are worn because
they absorb and transmit the greatest proportion of radiant
energy, while in hot climates white clothes are preferred
because they reject radiant energy to the maximum extent.
) Tt has been noted that if no heat is supplied or taken away,
aTT surfaces in an enclosure come to the same temperature
the rate, however, at which this equalization takes place de-
pends on the radiating and the reflecting powers of such
surfaces. Thus the temperature of a surface may be higher
than the air adjacent to it. A wall in direct sunlight is often
a good many degrees warmer than the atmosphere, which
fact is important in the consideration of insulation for build-
ings since the temperature of the outside wall surface not —
that of the air — helps
determine the heat leakage.
The Stefan-Baltzmann radiation law for calculating heat
losses is as follows:
H2=R A h (T^y—iT^y
where Hj the total heat radiated in a given time in B.t.u.,

R is a constant (see accompanying table for values for various

radiating materials), A is the area of the radiating surface
in square feet, h is the time in hours, Tj is the higher tem-
*It must be remembered that heat is transferred by conduction, convection and
radiation, —not by radiation alone, and
here, which is of secondary importance
— that heat transfer by radiation is spoken of
to the total heat transfer.


perature absolute in degrees F. and T2 is the lower tempera-

ture absolute degrees F. in (Absolute temperature is 460

degrees below zero F., or 273 degrees below zero C.) If large
temperature differences are not involved, then use the for-
mula :

H^=R A h (T)*

where T is the absolute temperature in degrees F.


Material Constant (R)
Lampblack 0.900
Smooth glass 0. 1 54
Dull brass 0.0362
Dull steel plate 0.338
Slightly polished copper 0.0278
Dull oxidized wrought iron 0. 1 54
Clean, bright wrought iron 0.0562
Highly polished wrought iron 0.0467
Polished aluminum plate 0.053
Water 0.112
Ice 0.106

^68. Flow of Heat. — Generally the transfer of heat takes

place by all three processes — condviction, convection and radi-
ation —
simultaneously. Thus heat is distributed throughout
a room from a hot stove or furnace partly by radiation, prin-
cipally by convection currents of air and to a slight extent
by conduction. Such a body is said to emit* heat, and the
rate at which a body emits heat depends upon its excess of
temperature above its surroundings, upon the extent and char-
acter of the body and its surface, upon the nature of the
surrounding gas or liquid, upon the freedom of motion of the
surrounding fluid, and upon the nature of surrounding bodies.
Thus it is evident that many variables enter into the
determination of heat transfer by radiation and by convection.
Reliable experimental information is lacking, because it is

very difficult to However,

ascertain the exact effect of each.
the engineer is concerned primarily with the combined trans-
ference of heat by conduction, convection and radiation. The
heat transferred by convection and radiation may be deter-
mined by experimentation. The combined coefficient, or rate,
of this heat transfer by convection and radiation is the heat
given off or absorbed per square foot of surface, per hour, per
degree of temperature difference F. In the case of cold stor-

is variously used to indicate the emission of heat by a body by

*This term radia-
tion only, by radiation and convection, and by all three methods combined.
age wall insulation, this temperature difference would be the
difference between the temperature of the surface of the wall
and the average temperature of the surrounding air while ;

the velocity of the air across the surface of such wall must
affect the coefficient, or rate, of heat transfer by convection
and radiation.
The values for the coefficient of convection and radiation
for various materials undeY still air conditions are given in the
accompanying table, and are based upon experiments made at
the Engineering Experiment Station of the University of

This coefficient is generally denoted by the symbol K^,

and is called the coefficient of radiation and convection for
inside surfaces. In an actual plant, the outside walls are
exposed to the more rapid movement of the air, so that the
coefficient of radiation and convection is larger for the outside
surfaces. The symbol for this coefficient is Kg, and it is, in
general, 2.5 to 3 times the inside wall coefficient K^, due to
the greater velocity of the outside air. Thus, as a general
rule, the value of the outside coefficient, Kj, may be con-
sidered to be three times the inside coefficient, K^.


Material Coefficient Ki
Brick wall 1.40
Concrete 1.30
Wood 1.40
Corkboard 1.25
Magnesia board 1.45
Glass 2.00
Tile plastered on both sides 1.10
Asbestos board 1.60
Sheet asbestos 1.40
Roofing 1.25

69. —Total Heat Transfer. — In its simplest form, total heat

transfer is the heat passing into, through and out of a single
wall of given If the surface temperatures and the
temperatures surrounding air are taken, the total heat
in the
transmission may be separated into internal and external con-
ductivity, the external conductivity being sometimes called
"surface effects." In the case of a good insulator, as used for
cald storage rooms, internal conduction is the essential factor;
while in the case of a poor insulator, as the metal in a boiler
tube, good conduction is necessary and surface transmission


is all-important. Between these extreme conditions, the rela-

tive importance of conduction and surface transmission (con-
vection and radiation) varies with each case considered. In
determining the total transmission of three-inch corkboard
insulation in still air, an error of about ten per cent is intro-
duced if the surface effects on both sides are disregarded
while in the case of a single thickness of brick, the resistance


> ±,

It will be seen that the heat passes by convection and radia-
tion from the surface of a warm body degrees F. to the
at to

outside surface of the wall, where absorbed by that

it is

surface, conducted through the wall and then given off by the
inside surface of the wall by means of convection and radia-
tion to the surface of the cold body at t degrees F.

The heat is conducted through the wall, due to the tem-

perature difference between the outside and the inside sur-
faces of the wall, the temperature at the outside surface being
noted as and the temperature at the inside surface as tg.

The amount of heat conducted through this wall, as previously

mentioned, would depend on the internal thermal conduc-
tivity (C) and the thickness of the wall (X). Since heat is
conducted through the wall because of temperature differ-
ences at the surfaces of the wall, it is proper to say that this

temperature difference exists within very thin layers of air

at such surfaces. On the outside of the wall in the figure,
this is represented by the difference between the tempera-
ture of the outside air, to, and the temperature at the outside
surface, t^, and on the inside this is represented by the differ-
ence between the temperature of the inside surface, tj, and
the temperature of the inside air, t.

The total amount of heat passing from the warm body

on the outside to the cold body on the inside depends on the
combined conduction, convection and radiation effects. The
quantity of heat transferred from the outside air to the wall
depends on the coefficient of the combined radiation and
convection, K^, sometimes called the surface coefficient, and
the temperature of the outside air, to, and the temperature at
the outside surface, t^. The heat given off by the inside sur-
face of the wall to the inside air will depend on the coefficient
of the combined radiation and convection for such inside
surface, K^, and the temperature of the inside surface, t^,
and the temperature of the inside air, t.
Thus, the total heat transmission from the surface of the
outside hot body to the surface of the inside cold body will
depend on the combined heat transfer coefficient, K, and the
temperature of the outside air, to, and the temperature of the


inside air, t. From this analysis, the value of the unit total
heat transfer coefficient, K, may be expressed as follows:

1 X 1

K, C K^

From til is formula, it will be noted that the unit total heat
transfer coefficient, K, in B.t.u. per hour, per degree tempera-
ture difference F., for a given wall, depends on the combined
convection and radiation coefficient for the inside and outside
surfaces,K^ and K,, respectively, the thickness of the waW,
X, and the internal conductivity of the material, C. The
values of the conductivity, C, for various materials and the
values of the coefficients of the combined inside convection
and radiation, K^, are given in the accompanying tables.
The values of K2, in general, may be taken as three times K^.
In the case of a solid wall made up of layers of different
materials, in intimate contact, having different conductivities,
Ci, Co, C3, etc., of various thicknesses, X^, Xo, X3, etc., re-
spectively, the foregoing formula becomes :


Suppose it is desired to determine how much heat per

hour is transmitted through an outside heavy brick wall 18
inches thick, 20 feet high, and 25 feet long, when the outside
temperature is 80° F. and the inside temperature is 20° F. From
the tables, C equals 5, K^ equals 1.4, and K2 equals three times
1.4, or 4.2. Thus the heat transmission coefficient is found as
: : :


H=K A (.U—U)
=:6588 B.t.u. per hour.

Suppose it is desired to determine the heat transmission of

a similar brick wall of equal thickness insulated with 4 inches
of corkboard applied directly to the wall in ^-inch Portland
cement mortar and finished with Portland cement plaster
J^-inch thick. From the table, K^ (for plastered surface)
equals 1.1, C^ equals 5, X^ equals 18, Co equals 0.308, X2 equals
4, C3 (for 1-inch thick Portland cement) equals 6.25, X3 equals

1, and Ko equals 4.2. Thus the heat transmission coefficient

for this composite wall is found as follows

K= 1=0.05588
1 f 18 4 ill
1.10 L 5 .308 6.25 J 4.2

The total heat transfer is therefore

H=K A (ti— ti)

= 1676.4 B.t.u. per hour.
Suppose it is desired to determine the heat transmission
of a similar brick wall of equal thickness insulated with four
2-inch air spaces formed by four double layers of 1-inch white
pine. From the tables, K^ (for inside brick) equals 1.4, K^' (for
each of 8 inside surfaces of wood) equals 1.4, C^ (for brick)
equals 5, X^ (for brick) equals 18, Cg (for white pine) equals
0.791, X2 (8 layers wood) equals 8, K, (for outside brick)
equals 4.2. The value of K is then as follows

K= =0.04906

1.4 L 1.4 J L 5 0.791 J 4.2

The total heat transfer is therefore

H=K A (ti— t.)

=0.04906X500X (80^-20°)
= 1471.8 B.t.u. per hour.
be noticed at once that an 18-inch brick wall in-
It will
formed by four double layers
sulated with four 2-inch air spaces
of 1-inch white pine shows, by this method of computation, a



lower total heat transfer than a similar brick wall insulated

with 4 inches of corkboard. Experience teaches that the fig-
ures just shown are not accurate and the same problem is
solved by a different method in the next Article.

70. Air Spaces. —

should be especially noted here that

a high vacuum is necessary to appreciably lower the normal

rate of heat transfer by convection across air spaces, and that
such rate increases very appreciably as the temperature dif-
ferences increase. Also, that the amount of heat passing
across an air space by radiation is very much enlarged when
there is a large temperature difference between radiating and
receiving surfaces, for it will be remembered that the rate of
heat transfer by radiation is proportional to the difference
between the fourth powers of the absolute temperatures of
the surfaces involved, subject only to correction for losses due
to imperfections in radiating and absorbing surfaces.
The United States Bureau of Standards, in the accompany-
ing table, gives some interesting and valuable data on the
heat conduction of air spaces, in which X is the width of the
air spaces in inches and C is the heat conductivity in B.t.u.
per square foot, per degree difference F., per inch thickness,
per hour, from which table it should be especially noted that
the thermal conductivity of air spaces is not proportional to
the thickness of the spaces.


Thickness (X) Conductivity (C)
^-inch .
j4-inch 0.3375
H-inch 0.4083
^-inch 0.4833
f^-inch 0.5667
^-inch 0.6833
^-inch 0.8333
l-inch 0.91 67
2-inch 1-7917
3-inch 2.5833

The determination of the heat transmission of an 18-inch

brick wall insulated with four 2-inch air spaces formed by four
double layers of 1-inch white pine, based on the thermal conduc-
tivities of air spaces as determined by the Bureau of Stand-
ards, becomes a different problem from that presented in the
preceding Article. From the tables, K^ (for inside wood)
equals 1.4, C^ (for brick) equals 5, C^ (for 2-inch air space)
: : : :


equals 17917, C3 (for white pine) equals 0.791, X^ equals 18,
X2 equals 4, X3 equals 8 and Kg equals 4.2. The value of
K is then as follows
K= =0.05915
1 18 4 8 1 1
TJ 1 5 1.7917 0.791 J 4.2

The total heat transfer is therefore

H=K A iU—U)
= 1774.5 B.t.ii. per hour.

71. — Heat Transfer by Conduction Only.-^It will be noted

that the heat that passes through an insulated wall depends
mostly upon the internal thermal conductivity of the mate-
rials that compose the wall, and that the resistance to the
flow of heat at the surface (convection and radiation) but
slightly reduces the total heat transfer. This may be seen
by calculation from the example of the 18-inch brick wall
insulated with 4 inches of corkboard, as follows
K= =0.0597 I

18 4 1

5 .308 6.25

The heat transfer (by conduction only) is therefore:

_ ; 1?'.H=K A (ti— tz)


= 1791 B.t.u. per hour.

Thus It is seen that the increase in heat flow in this

example due to neglecting the surface effects is but 6.8%,
under the normal conditions assumed and for practical pur- ;

poses, in connection with the computation of refrigeration

losses due to heat leakage, the following formula is followed

A (t.-t=)
Xi X2 X3

Ci C: C3

The heat conductivities available for the deter-

mination of heat losses by calculation were, for the most
part, secured under favorable conditions, in testing labora-

tories; and much practical experience with cold storage in-

sulation and refrigeration teaches that the results obtained
by computation are about 25% lower than is safe to expect
in actual service under plant working conditions.

72. — Heat Loss Through Insulation. —The internal con-

ductivity of various insulating materials depends, in general,
upon the structure and density of the material ; and since
the conductivity of very low, probably because of
still air is

the very loose arrangement of the molecules, then a material

containing a large percentage of "dead air" will transfer a



minimum amount of heat. But to keep air still, to keep it

from circulating, even when it is confined, is difficult, espe-

cially when it is recalled that heat applied to the surface of
one side of a compartment containing air will warm up that
surface, the heat will be transmitted in more or less degree
through the wall to the air on the inside, it will be taken up
by the particles of air in contact therewith, and warm air
being at once lighter than cold air it will rise and be replaced
by cold air. Thus the heat is quickly and effectively car-
ried across the air space to the wall on the other side, by
convection, and by conduction passes through the opposite
wall to the space beyond.
An automobile can attain a greater speed on a two mile
track than it can attain on a quarter mile track. Similarly,
air can attain a greater velocity in a large space than it
can in a small one. Thus this principle is one of the two
main guides in the selection of an efficient insulating material.
First, the material must contain air in the very smallest pos-
sible units, such as atoms, so that convection is reduced to
a minimum and since these atoms of air must each be con-

fined, a material must be selected that is very light and of

little density so that conduction is also reduced to a mini-

mum. Secondly, such material must at the same time be

impervious to moisture, so that its initial ability to retard
heat will prevail in service. Such a material will be as effi-
cient from the standpoint of heat transfer as it is possible
to obtain ; that is, a very light material containing myriads
of microscopic air cells, each cell sealed unto itself. A mate-
rial of such character is cork, the outer bark of the cork oak tree,

native of the Mediterranean basin.

— :



73. —Methods Employed. —
It is a complicated as well as

an expensive procedure determine with any degree of

accuracy the heat conductivity of given materials. f In spite
of this fact, a great many experiments and tests have been
made over a period of many years but in the absence of ;

any standard in apparatus or uniformity of procedure, the

results have varied so much as often to be of no real value
Most common of the test methods employed are
(a) Ice-box Method.
(b) Oil-box Method.
(c) Hot-air-box Method.
(d) Cold-air-box Method.
(e) Flat-plate (or Hot-plate) Method.

74. The Ice-box Method. —The most common of all

methods comparing the heat insulating value of two mate-

rials has been by the use of two identical cubical metal boxes
covered with the materials to be tested, each filled with ice,
and observing the rate at which the ice melts. Since it is
difficult to keep the entire box at 32° F., even though con-

taining ice, this method may lead to inaccurate results even

as a comparatk'c test of two materials. As a method of test-
ing any one material, it is far too unreliable to be of any
practical value whatever.

75. —The Oil-box Method. —The oil-box method of com-

parative testing consists in covering two identical cubical

*For a comprehensive treatment of heat transmission, consult "Heat Transmis-

sion of Insulating Materials," in eleven parts, published by The American Society
of Refrigerating Engineers, 37 W. 39th St., New York City. Price, $2.50.
fFor a comprehensive treatment of methods to be employed in testing insulating
materials, consult "An Investigation of Certain Methods for Testing Heat Insulators,"
by E. F. Grundhofer, The Pennsylvania State College Engineering Experiment Station
Bulletin No. 33. Price, 25 cents. Address: State College, Pa.



metal boxes with the materials to be tested, each filled with
mineral oil and the oil surrounding an electrical heater and
an agitator. By varying the heat supplied, any desired dif-
ference in temperature may be maintained between the con-
tents of the boxes and the surrounding air of the room. By
measuring the electrical input by ammeters and voltmeters,
the amount of heat lost through the respective materials under
test can be determined by calculation. Inaccuracies occur
due to uncertainty of the temperature at the top of the box
and loss of heat through agitator rod, box supports, evap-
oration of oil and conduction through overflow pipe. For


the comparative testing of two materials of equal thickness,

the results are reasonably accurate; but as a method of test-
ing any one material the results will usually be too high, and

76. The Hot-air-box Method. —The hot-air-box method

of testing consists of a cubical box constructed wholly of the ;

material to be tested, with only such light wooden reinforcing

as may be required for strength or rigidity. Inside the box
is placed an electrical heater and an electrical fan, which per-
mits of a uniform box temperature maintained at any desired
temperature difference between the air in the box and the
surrounding outside air. By measuring the electrical input,
the amount of heat lost through the material under test can
be determined b}' calculation, as in the case of the oil-box



method, but the inaccuracies are reduced, by comparison, to

the loss of heat through the box supports, and are corre-
spondingl}^ more reliable. This method of testing has con-


siderable merit, and can be used with fairly good results as

a method of testing any one material alone.

77. The Cold-air-box Method. —The cold-air-box method

t T

1\. rzj .„

of testing consists in the substituting for the heater and the

fan in the hot-air-box method, a container of cracked ice sus-
pended inside the cubical test box near the top. The air in
the test box will be maintained at a lower temperature than
the outside room, and since the amount of heat required to
melt one pound of ice is definitely known, the amount of
heat lost through the walls of the test box may be determined
by weighing the water resulting from the melting of ice and
carried outside of the box through a small rubber tube.
The results are reasonably reliable since the suspended
container of cracked ice sets up a natural circulation of air
within the test box and keeps it at a very nearly uniform



78.— The Hot-plate Method.—The hot-plate method has!

probably been most widely used by investigators, including!
the United States Bureau of Standards, to determine the|
relative conductivity of insulating materials. The inaccura-
cies in this method, for absolute conductivity determination,
lie in the determination of the heat loss from the edges, which
is ordinarily considerable, and the uncertainty of the contact
between the material and the plates.
The method consists of an electrically heated plate placed
between two sheets and outside
of the material to be tested,
of these sheets are placed two hollow plates cooled by circu-
lating water. By measuring the electrical input, the amount
of heat lost through the insulating materials can be deter-
mined by calculation. The temperature difference between


the hot and the water-cooled plates is measured by thermal

junctions. Knowing these factors, also the area and the
thickness, the relative conductivity of the materials under test
may be computed with precision.
An instrument of this general character, which shows re-
finements over previous apparatus, has lately been designed
and constructed. The hot plate consists of two 5^-inch cop-
per plates 12 inches square, between which are the heating



coils consisting of nichrome resistance ribbon wound with

even spacing on a slate core and insulated from the copper
plates by two sheets of mica bond, /n order to minimize the
loss of heat from the edges of the hot plate, each copper plate
is divided into an inner test area 8x8 inches and an outer
guard ring. A compensating winding for furnishing auxiliary
current is wound around the outer edges of the plate, to
prevent the lateral flow of heat from the inner test area to
the outer guard ring, a 1/16-inch air space being left between
the areas and the areas being held in place by four pieces
of Advance wire soldered to the copper plates.
By the use of a galvanometer, the inner area and the
outer guard ring are kept at the same temperature, this con-
dition being indicated by a zero reading, and under which
condition it is assumed that no heat flows from the 8x8 inch




/ / / ^ o^/


inner portion of the test area to the outer portion of the
test area or guard ring.
Direct current from a generating set is supplied to the
main heating grid and also to the auxiliary guard ring cir-
cuit; and to prevent any variation in current due to voltage
fluctuation, a ballast tube, similar to that used with radio sets,
is placed in the main line and automatically keeps the current

constant to the main heating grid.



(A) Copper plates. (B) Micanite insulation. —
(C) Fibre board main heater. (D)
Fibre board — edge heater. (E) Constantan ribbon 1-16-in. No. 36. (F) Brazed
joints. (G) Steel pins for suspension. (H) Copper leads to main heater. (J)
Brass screws. (K) Copper leads to edge heater.

Gua^<(R."J Heirr^jCo'l

Haii Htar,„j Ctil


79. —
Tests by Various Authorities on Many Materials. —
Probably the most comprehensive and the most widely ac-
cepted data* on the rate of heat flow through most of the
materials with which an engineer has to deal is given in
"Results of Tests to Determine Heat Conductivity of Various
Insulating Materials," by Charles H. Herter,t being the ninth
section of the "Report of Insulation Committee" of the Amer-
ican Society of Refrigerating Engineers, published in the Jan-
uary, 1924, number of "Refrigerating Engineering." The com-
plete "Report of Insulation Committee," in eleven sections,
is now available in data pamphlet form from the American
Society of Refrigerating Engineers, New York City (Price,
In his report, Mr. Herter says, in part:

The originalprogram merely called for a "Summary of Test

Results," with a tabulation giving but one recommended average
value for materials such as cork, wood, asbestos, brick, stone, etc.
When, however, in the course of compiling it was found that each
material occurs in many varieties with correspondingly differing heat
resistances, it was thought best to tabulate all values conveniently
available and to let the reader select the value applying to his mate-
rial. As explained in detail further on, a close approximation to the
correct value can be obtained from the attached tables if care is
exercised to ascertain the important properties of one's material, such
as density, moisture content, mean temperature exposed to, and
perhaps the relative size of grains. If these characteristics are alike
in diflferent articles, their resistance to heat also will lie practically
In most of the older textbooks but one value appears for each
material, and since no specificationis given, and fabricated materials

are continually being changed in composition, old and indefinite

values are liable to be misleading. All vague results are intended to
be excluded from these tables, and the opinion is held that such
values properly qualified as to density and temperature are more
trustworthy than those identified merely by name

Reasons for Method of Classification.

To facilitate the finding of the heat conductivity value for any

material it wassuggested to arrange the tables in alphabetical

order. Since, however, many materials have several designations,

and in many cases a suitable insulator is sought and not a specific
product, it was concluded to arrange all values in four groups and

*See Appendix for "Heat Transmission : A National Research Council Project.'

tRefrigerating Engineer, New York City.

to enumerate the items approximately in the order of their insulat-

ing value, the material with lowest rate of conduction coming first.
Thus, a glance at a table discloses at once the relative heat resist-
ance of any material listed, and over how large a range it extends
due to natural variations in physical condition such as density and
moisture content. The influence of temperature level is also evi-
dent from the tables.
Another important advantage gained by the group method is
that a comparison can readily be made of similar materials tested in
various parts of the world. The fact that the results thus obtained
with similar materials by widely separated experimenters are usually
in good accord, tends to prove that the values found are correct
and have been verified. This knowledge forms a good basis for
estimating the heat insulating quality of some new material which
may not be listed in these tables
Results of Tests.

All the values given are derived from tests. In every instance
the authority for the result given is indicated in column 10 of the
In the past many
materials were tested in such a way that the
resistance at the surfaces, that is the temperature drop caused by the

inability of the surrounding air to take up heat rapidly enough, was

included in the insulating power per inch thickness of the material.
As explained in another section of this report, the proper basis for
comparing the heat insulating value of materials employed in thick-
nesses exceeding those of gla*s and paper is their internal conduc-
tivity. Accordingly, these are the values included in the attached
tables, this explains why the results of some widely advertised
tests could not be included

Explanation of Tables.
For simplicity andto prevent error in using these tables, they
have been given identical arrangement. Each table has 10 columns,
I Column 1 contains name and particulars of material in question.
Columns 2 and 3 give the density in two ways, by specific gravity
or ratio of weight of material to the weight of an equal volume of
water. In other words, the specific gravity of water is established at
1, and weight is figured at 62.35 lb. per cu. ft., while in column

3 the apparent weight of the insulator as derived from its bulk, is

given in lb. per cu. ft.

One of the first things to be done
in trying to place insulation
engineering on a scientific basis is to emphasize the importance of
density. Frequently it is not advantageous for a manufacturer to
discuss density; first, because it is difficult for him to keep within
a narrow limit, nature's products not always being uniform; second,
because moisture absorption from the atmosphere may change it

against his will, and third, a rival may

claim to make an equivalent
material of a lower density, which, as is well illustrated in Table
II, (Mineral Matter) would be likely to yield a better insulating effect.

Thus, in Table II the heat conductivity of the heaviest American

corkboard listed (15.6 per cu. ft.) is 0.3513 B.t.u. per hour against
0.2693 B.t.u. for the 6.9 lb. variety. Incidentally, it should be borne
in mind that the structural strength of porous material diminishes as
its density is lowered.
A corkboard may be a good insulator, and less
light variety of
expensive to make because it contains less cork and more air, but
the delicate product requires great care in shipping and handling, it
is weaker and, unless specially treated, it will offer less resistance to
air and moisture penetration. In view of these facts, it is customary
to employ for moulded cork pipe covering a quality of pure com-
pressed cork varying in density from 20.5 lb. per cu. ft. ("ice water
thickness," 1-in. pipe) to 15.5 lb. per cu. ft. ("special thick brine cov-
ering" for 6-in. pipe) while the weight of American commercial pure
corkboard now (1923) varies from 10 lb. per cu. ft. in one-inch
thick boards to 8 lb. per cu. ft. in 6 in. thick slabs.
Frequently thin boards are obtained by sawing up thick slabs, and
so only way to determine the true density is to weigh the
boards used
These variations in density involve of course variations in con-

A good example of the value of comparison will be found in

the case of snow and ice, where the values of c found by nine dif-
ferent experimenters are quite consistent when lined up in the order
of density.
Mean Test Temperature.
Columns 4 and 5 tables are intended to state the mean
of the
temperature of sample while being tested for heat conductivity.
The Centigrade thermometer scale is preferred in testing labora-
tories, but the Fahrenheit scale continues to be used by most Eng-
lish speaking engineers, hence both are given.

In the past many investigators were not aware that the mean
absolute temperature has any influence upon the heat conduction of
a material. When, in 1908, Nusselt extended his tests over a wide
range of temperature, this fact became evident. For example, by
increasing the temperature of an infusorial earth block from 32° to
842° F. he found the conductivity to increase from 0.51 to 1.02 B.t.u.
or to just double the initial value. The effect of absolute tempera-
ture is noticeable in all materials, but the rate of change differs and

is only very roughly proportional to the absolute mean temperature

of the sample.

It has aiso been proved that the effectiveness of insulators

depends upon their containing the greatest possible number of minute
air cells. The solid portions or thin walls of these air cells conduct
heat readily, but across the cells heat is conducted chiefly by radia-
tion. As explained in another section of this report, radiation in-
creases with the fourth power of the absolute temperature of the
heat exchanging surfaces, and this explains why in careful testing
we find that the insulating effect changes as the mean working tem-
perature is changed. The amount of change varies with each

Units of Heat Conductivity.

Columns 6, 7 and 8 express the heat conductivity in various units

as defined. The physicist who prefers to work with the Centigrade-
Gram-Second system expresses his in gram-calories of heat
passing in one second through a plate one centimeter square, one
centimeter thick, per one degree C. difference in temperature of the
two faces of plate.
Using this extremely small unit the conductivity even of silver
is equal to but 1 gram-calorie. For 6.9 lb. corkboard it is 0.00009275
gram-calorie. In order to eliminate from the tables at least three
of the decimals, the true numbers in column 6 are given as they
appear after multiplication by 1000. (It would be wrong to write
kilogram calories instead.)
The results of most European tests are expressed in technical,
metric system units, as shown in column 7. In this case the heat
flow is measured in kilogram-calories per hour passing through a
plate of one square meter area one meter thick, which may be writ-
ten as equivalent to 1 m' (1 meter cube) per degree C. difference in
temperature between hot and cold faces.
Finally in column 8 appear the values for heat conductivity in
technical English units, the figures as given representing the num-
ber of British thermal units (B.t.u.) passing per hour through a
plate of the material one
square foot in area, one inch thick, and
per degree Fahrenheit in temperature of the two faces.
These last four words must be added, otherwise those who care-
lessly omit them invariably think it is understood that the differ-
ence between warm and cold air each side of board is meant. This
mistake is cleared up in another section of this report.
Since in refrigerating plants heat must usually be removed
throughout 24 hours, it has long been the custom to use 24 hours
as the time unit for expressing the insulating effect of walls, etc.
Outside of the laboratory temperature conditions due to atmos-
pheric changes (sun, wind, rain) are never constant throughout 24
hours, and so the committee has decided to adopt the hourly basis
for measuring heat flow. This also conforms with the practice of
other than refrigerating engineers.
In addition to the three units appearing in columns 6, 7 and 8,

a fourth one is being advocated by physicists. Theirviewpoint

is it is illogical when using the foot (12 in.)
that as the unit of length
for determining areas to use some other unit, the inch, for the
thickness. Accordingly, in modern textbooks such as "Mechanical
Engineers' Handbook" by L. S. Marks, 1916, page 304, and in "Heat
Transmission by Radiation, Conduction and Convection," by R. Royds,
1921, heat conduction per hour is based on a piece one square foot
in area, and one foot thick.
Anyone preferring to calculate with this new unit need only
divide the values per inch thickness (col. 8) by 12.

In the metric system the same unit, either the meter or the
centimeter, is used for both area and thickness.

Conversion Factors Used.

For the convenience of those accustomed to the use of the units
employed in either columns 6, 7 or 8, the value appearing at the
original source was translated into the other units by means of
the following conversion factors, using a 20-inch slide rule:

Value in col. 6 X 0.36 = value in col. 7

Value in col. 6 X 2.90291 = value in col. 8
Value in col. 7 -f- 0.36 = value in col. 6
Value in col. 7 X 8.06364 = value in col. 8
Value in col. 8 X 0.344482 = value in col. 6
Value in col. 8 X 0.124013 = value in col. 7

Column 9 simply gives the reciprocals of the values in column 8,

for convenience in calculations as brought out in another section.

Thus the values in column 9 represent the heat resistivity of the
various materials enumerated, that property really being the reason
for their use by refrigerating engineers and others.
Column 10 gives the source of the information found in the
preceding columns. This is quite useful, because it affords an op-
portunity to look up the references given and to satisfy oneself
whether or not the testing method used was likely to give trust-
worthy results. Every investigator publishing his work is convinced
that his results are of a high order of accuracy, and it is only the
additional experience acquired from subsequent investigations that
enables us to critically evaluate past accomplishments.

Results of Conduction Tests.

present survey of the field of heat conductors (there are
"poor conductors of heat" but no "non-conductors of heat") furnishes
the desired numerical proof for the existence of a number of pecul
arities in insulators.
In these tables an attemptis made to list the various materials

approximately inorder of their power to resist heat flow, the

best resistor coming first. This plan could not be strictly adhered
to, because it was considered desirable for comparison to list together

material of the same name but of various densities, and to keep

together materials of the same family, for example, the corkboards.
be noted with surprise that some of the loose insulating
It will
materials show
as low a heat conduction as does air alone. This
is due to the fact that in a filled space the diminished convection and

radiation ofifset the conduction proceeding through the fibers of the

insulator. The packing of an air space with insulating material is,
therefore, of particular advantage.
In the absence of a series of tests of each material at various
densities, it is hardly possible to state just which density or rate
of packing will result in least heat conduction. Randolph, Table
III (Animal Matter), obtained lower heat conduction with eiderdown
at 6.8 lb. per cu. ft. than he did with 4.92 lb., because in the latter
case there was a better chance for convection. His tests on absorb-
ent cotton, Table I (Vegetable Matter), lead to the same conclusion.
The heat conduction of dry granulated cork seems to depend more
upon the state of division and absence of foreign substances than on
the density, some grades at 3 lb. per cu. ft. showing just as favorable
as grades three times as dense.
Comparisonsof this kind should be made at like temperature
levels. In Nusselt's series of tests on 10-lb. granulated cork it will
be observed that the heat conductivity increased from 0.25 B.t.u. at
?i2° F. to 0.44 at 392° F. The temperature coefficient, or the increase
in c per degree change from standard mean test temperature, such
as 68° F., appreciable in all materials, but more so in some than in

others. All so-called insulators are more effective per degree differ-
ence at low than at high temperatures, that property being due to
radiation in the minute air cells, and due to included moisture, but in
metals there is no uniform behavior in this respect, the conductivity
increasing in one metal and decreasing in another

Test Reports to Be Specific.

should be evident from the foreging that the heat conductivity
of any material is not a fixed figure. Honest investigators will not
fail to carefully describe the sample they tested and to at least give

its dimensions, density and range of surface temperatures used, other-

wise their results may not fit in with correctly made tests and will
be of no service to discriminating engineers.

Temperature Level Important.

Heretofore there was no universally recognized mean temperature
of samples under test. To obtain results within a convenient time a
fairly large temperature difference is often resorted to. Thus the
sample is dried out much beyond its normal commercial state of dry-
ness. Investigators rarely report the state of dryness after tests are
concluded. They aim to give us a favorable looking value of a bone-
dry sample, kiln-dried for weeks in some cases, when, in commercial
applications we are interested in the heat conductivity of samples.
as received on the job. The low mean temperature should be used in
the first test, and some higher mean temperature in subsequent tests.
These averaged up into a single value.
results should not be
Thesuccessive drying out of a sample is revealed by a (tempo-
rary) lowering of the heat conductivity as higher temperatures are
reached; for illustration see Randolph's diatomaceous earth and
asbestos compositions, 20.6 lb. per cu. ft. At 50° and 752° F. face tem-
peratures a value of c was obtained of 0.462 B.t.u. against 0.718 (55%
more) with 50° and 212° face temperatures, when in reality, with con-
stant moisture content, the order of these values should be reversed,
in conformity with the results of other investigations.

To avoid drying out the sample unduly, the cold side of the plate
is cooled by refrigerated brine, at the British National Physical
Laboratory (Table I, Vegetable Matter), and in some European
laboratories by liquid air or other cold fluid.
Materials used in refrigeration, and in the construction of build-
ings, should have their normal rated heat conductivity referred to 68°
F. (20° C.) arithmetical mean test temperature.

While in the tables columns 4 and 5 are supposed to give the true
mean test temperature, or else the range used, this rule could not be
adhered to in cases where the original investigator neglected to spe-
cifically state that the temperature given (if any) actually represents
the mean test temperature. It is possible that some (as Norton)
meant it to be the temperature of the hot Others, like Taylor
and Griffiths, gave both face temperatures,a method which has much
in its favor. In general, the data given contain all that is available.
The results of older determinations were not obtained from the origi-
nal sources stated, but were taken simply from standard reference
books, such as the Smithsonian Physical Tables or Landolt-Boern-
stein's Chemical-Physical Tables, 1912.

Moisture Content.
As already pointed moisture has not received
out, the subject of
its full share of attention in the past. From a few isolated tests and
observations in practice, and knowing that water conducts heat at
about 14 times the rate at which heat flows across dry air cells, there
remains no doubt as to the harmful influence of moisture. Quantita-
tive measurements, however, are as yet incomplete.
In Table 1 (Vegetable Matter), Biquard gives for French im-
pregnated corkboard weighing dry 17.17 lb. per cu. ft., c 0.4195 =
B.t.u per hr. After the weight was increased by water absorption to
19.34 lb., c became 0.613 B.t.u. Here 12.7% increase in weight caused
the conductivity to increase by 49.7%, equivalent to 4% for each 1%
gain in weight.
In Table I, near the end, Nusselt gives for Austrian "cement
wood," dry, 44.6 lb. per cu.ft., c =
0.968 B.t.u. After moisture had

increased the weight to 51.4lb., c was 1.21 B.t.u. Here 15.2% increase
in weight caused the conductivity to increase by 25%, equivalent to
only 1.65% loss of heat for each 1% gain in weight.
In Table II (Mineral Matter), Randolph gives for diatomaceous
earth and asbestos at 20.6 per cu. ft. a value of c
lb. 0.57777 B.t.u =
for a plain air-dry sample, against c =
0.499 when first dried for three
days at 572° F. The ratio is 1.158 to 1. Actually such a sample will
soon go back to air-dry condition, if not worse, and then the won-
derfully high insulating effect will not longer obtain.
A similar experiment is Nusselt's who, as shown in Table II,
decreased, by roasting, the weight of fine river sand from 102.4 to
94.8 lbs. (excess 8%) thereby lowering c from 7.825 down to 2.26
B.t.u. The ratio of c is as 346% to 100% or 43% heat loss for each
1% moisture.
Under the item masonry. Table II, tests are given of a porous
brick, showing the following results:

At 46.1 lb. (100 %) c = 1.17 B.t.u. (100 %)

At 49.7 lb. (107.7%) c = 1.695 B.t.u. (144.8%)
At 58.8 lb. (127.5%) c = 2.743 B.t.u. (234.2%)

It will be noted that for each 1% increase in weight, c increased

5.82'/ in the second test and 4.88%, on the average, in the third test.
In the case of the machine made brick weighing 101.1 lb. per
cu. ft.the addition of moisture increased c from 3.34 up to 6.64 B.t.u.
per hour.
Further tests are necessary before the influence of moisture can
be expressed by a correct formula, but for the time being it may be

assumed that each 1% gain in weight by moisture absorption causes

the heat conductivity of previously dry slabs and bricks to increase
by about 5%. Thus 20% addition in weight is likely to double the
original conductivity. Cork and other pipe coverings long in use
afford a good chance for checking this estimate.
If we figure that the British slag wool. Table II (Mineral Mat-
ter), originally had a value of c = 0.29, as is probable, then its value
of c = 0.35, after 14 years use, represents a loss of 0.006 B.t.u.. or
20.7%. This change caused by moisture. I^osses
in insulating effect is
up to this magnitude must be expected whenever corkboard is incor-
porated in forms exposed to wet concrete. Hence this practice is
to be discouraged.

Observations of this kind from actual practice are of greater

value to refrigerating engineers than are tests of kiln dried samples.
Tables I to Matter, Mineral Matter, Animal Mat-
IV (Vegetable
ter and Metals) contain no results on air spaces and surface
resistance. Reliable data on these items have appeared but recently,
but it is intended to compile this information and to include it in a
future report.

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Section XI of *'Heat Transmission of Insulating Ma-
published by the American Society of Refrigerating
Engineers, New York City, is a Bibliography of "References
to articles and publications treating of heat insulation and
heat transfer," compiled by Chas. H. Herter, with the cooper-
ation of A. J. Wood and E. F, Grundhofer of the Pennsylvania
State College. The source and year of publication, name of
author and title are given in practically all listings.

Space does not permit the appending of this Bibliography,

although its value in connection with the foregoing tables of
thermal conductivity of various insulating materials will war-
rant its possession.

Part III The Insulation of Ice and Cold Storage
Plants and Cold Rooms In General.

80. — Essential Requirements. —The widening knowledge of
the use of refrigeration created a very definite demand for
a suitable insulation for cold which
storage temperatures,
resulted in the introduction in 1893 of pure, compressed, baked
corkboard, the superior qualities of which were apparent
almost from the beginning; and its application became so
general during the first quarter century of its use as to prac-
tically displace all competing materials, and strictly on its

merits alone has become the accepted standard insulation for

cold storage temperatures wherever refrigeration is employed.
It by no mere chance, of course, that cork bark is the

foundation for the one satisfactory insulating material for

cold storage temperatures and the reason for its universal

acceptance and extensive use is easily, though not generally,

Pure corkboard, as an ideal insulating material for cold
storage temperatures, excels in every single particular; but
itpossesses one inherent quality without which it could not
have been used for cold storage work at all it — is inherently
nonabsorbent of moisture, thatis, does not possess capillarity, the

property that causes a blotter to suck up ink for cold storage ;

temperatures very definitely involve moisture conditions,

through the medium of the condensation of water against cold
surfaces, and any material that is to retain its initial insulat-
ing efficiency in the almost continuous presence of moisture,
must be impervious to moisture, must be inherently free from
capillarity, else it will become saturated with water and lose
its insulating worth entirely.
A satisfactory insulation for any purpose whatever must
be able to retard the flow of heat to an unusual degree. Many
materials will do but a satisfactory insulation for cold

storage temperatures such insulating

must combine with
property the ability to retain its insulating efificiency for an
indefinite period under the adverse conditions of the constant
presence of moisture. Pure corkboard meets this very exact-
ing combination of thesetwo major requirements to a degree
never yet approximated under actual operating conditions by
any other insulation.
Then, too, the delicacy of many foodstuffs makes them
peculiarly susceptible to and the insulation must
keep free from rot, mold and offensive odors, and be germ-
and vermin-proof; economical building construction requires
an insulation that possesses ample structural strength and in
such form that it can be installed easily in all types of build-
ings conservation of valuable space requires an insulation

that is compact and occupies minimum space; the reduction

of fire hazard calls for an insulation that is '^low-burning and
fire-retarding; and in the interests of economy, the insulating
material must be easily obtained and reasonable in cost. Pure
corkboard also meets these secondary but nevertheless impor-
tant requirements better than any other insulating material
that has ever been offered commercially.

81. — A Good Nonconductor of Heat. —

It has been seen that

heat transference accomplished by conduction, convection


and radiation and that when the problem of insulating a cold


room, for example, is under consideration, the heat transfer

by conduction is the most important, consisting of ninety per
cent or more of the total heat leakage into the room when a
suitable insulating material is employed.
It will be recalled that the heat conductivity of dense sub-
stances, such as metal, is high that of lighter materials, such

as wood, is less ; while that of gases is very low. Thus air,

the most available gas, is the poorest conductor of heat, if a

vacuum is excepted, but air is a good convector of heat, unless



it is broken up into great numbers of minute particles, so small

in size that the effect of convection currents is reduced to a
negligible quantit}'.
Consequently, in an efficient insulating material, air must
be present in the very smallest possible units, such as atoms,
so that convection is reduced to a minimum and since these ;

atoms of air must each be confined, the use of a very light

encompassing material having little density and thus very Iom^
conduction, is essential. Such an insulator will be as efficient
from the standpoint of heat transfer as it is possible to obtain



that is, a very light material containing myriads of micro-
scopic air cells, each one sealed unto itself.

The outer bark oak was evidently provided by

of the cork
nature to prevent the sun's rays and the hot winds from
drying up the life-sustaining sap that courses through the
inner bark of this peculiar and remarkable tree and an exam- ;

ination under the microscope reveals the reason why cork is

such an excellent nonconductor of heat. It is found to be
composed of countless air cells, so tiny and infinitesimal that
it takes many millions of them to fill a cubic inch of space.
Flow of heat bv convection is therefore reduced to the lowest
conceivable minimum, because the velocity that can be ob-
tained by air in so small a space is virtually nil. Again, these
cells areseparated from each other by thin v^^alls of tissue of
very low density. Thus the flow of heat by conduction is as
low as is reasonable to expect in any material extant.


It would therefore l)e but natural to find this outer bark

an excellent nonconductor of heat, and the experience of
many years with pure corkboard has amply confirmed this

82. — Inherently
Nonabsorbent of Moisture. —
A satisfac-
tory insulation, however, for any purpose, must retain its
insulating efficiency indefinitely. That is, it must not pack

down and lose its original "dead-air" content and ; it must

notbecome saturated with moisture, since water is a rela-
tively good conveyor of heat. Suitable materials for the insu-
lation of warm or hot surfaces may possess the property of
absorbing water, for under normal conditions of service they
are rarely subjected to severe moisture conditions and are
almost constantly undergoing a drying out process; but cold
storage temperatures, on the other hand, involve moisture
conditions, through the precipitation of moisture from air in
contact with cold surfaces, and any material that is to retain
its original insulating efficiency in the almost continuous pres-
ence of moisture and in the absence of appreciable heat, must
be impervious to moisture. In a word, a satisfactory insula-
tion for cold storage temperatures must be inherently free
from capillarity, as otherwise it will, in the presence of moist-
ure, become saturated and of no further value as an insulating
At least as early as the reign of Augustus Caesar, cork was
used as stoppers for wine vessels, and has been used during
the intervening 2,000 years, practically unchallenged, as stop-
pers for liquid containers, thus amply demonstrating its inher-
ent imperviousness to moisture. And
important property
of cork —
its entire freedom from capillarity is in no way —
impaired by the manufacturing process follow'ed in the pro-
duction of pure corkboard. On the contrary, the inherent or
natural ciualities of cork that makes it the basis for the best
cold storage discovered or developed on a
insulation yet
commercial scale, are enhanced by the baking of the granules
of pure cork bark in metal molds under pressure at moderate
temperature for such manufacturing process brings out the

natural resin of the cork, which cements the particles firmly

together and makes the use of an artificial binder unnecessary,
and by coating the entire surface of each separate granule
with a thin film of the natural waterproof gum affords an
additional barrier against the possible entrance of moisture.
The "Navy Test" was designed by the United States Navy
Department some years ago to concentrate in a short period
of time those destructive forces to which all cold storage
insulation is subject during its term of actual service. The


test consists of boiling a piece of insulation completely sub-
merged hours at atmospheric pressure without its
for three
disintegrating and without its expanding more than two per

cent in any direction. Pure corkboard of standard quality

easily meets the requirements of this test, merely demonstrat-
ing in a simple laboratory way that corkboard insulation is
proof against deterioration in service from the destructive
action of moisture that is ever present at cold storage tem-

83. — Sanitary and Odorless. — Any insulating material em-

ployed at cold storage temperatures usually encounters
foodstuffs,and should therefore be perfectly sanitary and
free from mold, rot, appreciable odor or vermin. For these
reasons any insulation in which binders are used, especially
pitch, is dangerous, since the delicacy of many foodstuffs
makes them peculiarly susceptible to tainting and contamina-

Pure corkboard contains no foreign binder of any charac-

ter and the cork bark of which it is composed is inherently
moisture-proof. Therefore it will not rot, mold or give off
offensive odors and if corkboard is properly erected, it is

vermin-proof. Cold storage rooms insulated with pure cork-

board, and finished with Portland cement troweled smooth, as
recommended by the United States Department of Meat In-
spection, are easily and indefinitely kept in sanitary and hy-
gienic condition by ordinary washing and cleansing methods.
The sanitary and odorless qualities of an insulation for cold
storage temperatures are of very real importance, and pure
corkboard is easily the standard by which all cold storage
insulating materials are judged.

84. Compact and Structurally Strong. — It has been noted

that a particle of cork bark is made up of a myriad of tiny
sealed air cells, separated from each other by thin walls of
tissue of very low density, each cell containing a microscopic
bit of air. In the manufacture of pure corkboard. of standard
specifications, the particles of cork bark are sufficiently com-
pressed in the molds to eliminate the voids between the

particles, which produces a finished material of maximum

compactness in relation to weight and insulating value.
This compactness is an essential quality of pure corkboard,
a quality not possessed in proportionate degree by other insu-
lating materials. In fibrous materials, or materials not of
cellular structure, the insulating value is dependent on air
spaces, which are not independent of each other. The air
content is merely entrapped between closely matted or inter-

laced fibres, such interstices or voids being connected one

with another ; and when moisture contacts with such materials



I it is readily communicated, not alone by capillarity but also

iby gravity, from one air space to another.
The inherent ruggedness and toughness of cork bark is

one of outstanding and well-known qualities; and after it


has been properly processed into sheets of pure corkboard, the

resultant product is sufficiently strong to permit of its being
transported, handled and used as readily as lumber, its
strength in compression being sufficient to take care of loads
many times greater than ordinarily encountered. The remark-
able strength of such an excellent nonconducting material is
simply another of the very important reasons for its universal
use for all cold storage purposes.
85. — Convenient in Form and Easy to Install. — The stand-
ard sheet of pure corkboard, 12 inches wide and 36 inches
long", which all American and most foreign manufacturers

follow as a standard, is the most convenient in form for every

purpose. It may
be handled, sawed, and applied as readily
as lumber, or put up in Portland cement or hot asphalt cement
with the same ease as any common building material. Its
characteristics are such that there need be little, if any, waste
from sawing and fitting-, because the fractional sheets may be
neatly and tightly assembled to give as efificient an installation
as could be had with the full size standard sheets.


86. — A. Fire Retardant. — In the manufacture of pure cork-

board, partial carbonization of the raw cork bark is accom-
plished without destruction of tissue, that is, the baking proc-
ess, at moderate temperatures, dissolves the resins (inherent
in cork bark) sufficiently to everlastingly bind the particles
into a good, strong sheet of insulation, while at the same time
producing a protection of carbon that a flame penetrates with
much difficulty.
simple experiment to show the slow-burning and fire-
retarding properties of pure corkboard as compared with other
materials can be made by anyone by means of an iron rack
and a gas burner. Place the sample of insulation on the rack
and record the time it takes to burn a hole clear through and



carefully note the condition of each sample at the conclusion

of each test. A piece of pure corkboard two inches thick will
not burn through under about four hours if subjected in this
way to a 1500° F. gas flame; and when this is compared with
the condition of other kinds of cold storage insulating mate-
rials at the end of similar tests, it will be clear why the under-
writers have given their approval to pure corkboard and to no
other form of cold storage insulation.



Many examples of the remarkable value of pure corkboard

as a fire retardant could be selected from the fire records of
the past thirty years or so, if it were any longer necessary
in the minds of insulation users to offer proof of this well-
known fact but possibly it will serve a double purpose to

make specific mention here of a fire that lasted nine hours in

the grocery of A. Weber of Kansas City, Missouri, on Decem-
ber 3, 1914, and which consumed e\'erything of value in the
basement except the corkboard insulated cold storage room.
Fifty hours after the fire started the frost still remained on
the pipes in this room, which was then found to be only 38° F.,
a rise in temperature of but 10° from the time the fire started.
Thus not only the fire retarding property of pure corkboard

was spectacularly demonstrated, the Portland cement finish
having been destroyed but the corkboard having escaped

almost unharmed, but the remarkable insulating value of
pure corkboard was most effectivel}- demonstrated as well.



Other demonstrationsf of what pure corkboard will do in

actual fires have been so numerous as to attract considerable
attention. In cold storage plants in particular, total destruc-
tion of buildings and equipment has often been prevented
solely by the corkboard walls of the cold storage rooms.
87. —
Easily Obtained and Reasonable in Cost. Pure cork- —
board can today be classed as merchandise, and is carried in
stock in every city of any importance in the United States. In
addition, large supplies are always on hand in storage ware-
houses at New York and New Orleans, and at the four facto-
tSee Appendix for "How Insulation Saved a Refinery.'

ries that manufacture corklDoard in the United States.

sequently, pure corkboard insulation almost as easily ob-

tained in this country as is any approved building material

in common use and considering its permanent insulating

worth and general utility, is fairlypriced and often to be had

at a- cost that makes its purchase an unusually attractive

88. —
Permanent Insulating Efficiency.—Thus it will be
noted that the requirements of a satisfactory insulation for
cold storage temperatures cover a wide range indeed, and
may be summed up briefly in the statement that such insula-
tion must be of such permanent thermal resistivity, obtainable
in such form, structurally suitable in such degree, readily
available in such quantity and at such price, as to make tliat

insulating material one of permanent insulating worth and

There are, perhaps, a numl^er of insulating materials of
various kinds and in various forms, that show, under labora-
tory tests, when such materials are new and dry and unused,
an insulating value, as high as, or higher
a heat resistivity, or
than, pure corkboard insulation but for many years it has

been the actual experience of countless insulation users that

pure corkboard of proper thickness applied in the proper
manner is the only cold storage insulation for which, from
every consideration, permanent efficiency can be claimed.


89. — Economic Value of Insulating Materials. — During the
past fifteen years or so there has been considerable time and
attention given to the study of insulating materials, both
theoreticaland practical but the results have taken the form

of the determination and comparison of the thermal efficiency

of many materials, and the best methods of erecting and
caring for them in service, rather than having dealt with the
determination of the range of profitable expenditure which is
the real aim and end of industrial research. In the absence
of any concrete information of generally recognized worth on
the subject of how much money it is advantageous to expend
for cold storage insulation, the users of such materials have
divided into two main classes those who came to
: First,
believe that was not profitable to employ as much insula-

tion as generally recommended by responsible manufacturers,

or who came to believe that cheaper materials in the same
thicknesses would suffice and, secondly, those whose experi-

ence and judgment taught them that increased thicknesses of

only the best insulating materials were profitable to install.
Those in the first class are much in the minority, yet
their numbers justify careful consideration of their policy.
It might be expected that a third class exists, consisting of
those who have not changed their insulation ideas and prac-
tices during the period of time mentioned ; but it is believed
that these are now so few in actual numbers as to be of no
real importance with respect to a discussion of this subject.
The true economic value of an insulating material must, of
course, follow rather closely a consideration of the monetary

: :


return on the initial insulation investment for the period of

the useful expectancy of such insulation. The factors to
which it is possible to assign definite values are

(a) Value of heat loss through insulation in terms of total cost to

remove it.

(b) Interest on the insulation investment.

(c) Insurance on the insulation investment.
(d) Cost of insulation repairs and depreciation.
(e) Value of building space occupied by insulation.

In addition, there are certain factors for or against more and/or

better insulation, the value of which it is often difficult to
determine or predict, as follows:

(f) Term of useful expectancy for insulation, or probable obso-

lescence period.
(g) Improvement in product from better temperature conditions
due to insulation.
(h) Advertising value of better cold storage equipment,
(i) Saving in cost of bringing product and/or room to tempera-
(j) Saving resulting from ability to anticipate with reasonable
accuracy the drop in thermal efficiency of the insulation in
(k) Type and character of structure to which insulation is to be
(1) Ability to obtain proper application of insulation,
(m) Effect of type, temperature and continuity of refrigeration
(n) Effect of outside atmospheric conditions,
(o) Effect of air humidity maintained in insulated rooms,
(p) Effect of the arrangement of product stored and its influence
on air circulation over insulation.
(q) Effect of anticipated abuse of insulation and failure to make
(r) Funds available.

Mr. P. Nicholls*, Pittsburgh, Pa., working along these

lines and taking the general case of a flat surface with insula-
tion applied to it, developed the formula

0.327P lUO
A(T:,— t) F + R' + (T.n-t)
= 1.74>/. -^ xc
+ 8.3S

in which
X = economic thickness of insulation in inches, that is, the tbick-

*P. Nicholls, Supervising Engineer, Fuel Section, Bureau of Mines Experiment

Station, U. S. Dept. of Commerce, Pittsburgh, Pa.
ness that will reduce to a minimum the sum of the expenses
due to the heat leakage through the insulation plus the ex-
penses of preventing the additional heat leakage.
C = average thermal conductivity coefficient of insulation during
its life, in B.t.u. per square foot, per inch thickness, per hour,
per degree temperature difference F.
B = cost of insulation installed, in dollars per square foot, per
inch thickness, or in dollars per board foot. (Note:
B = ( h B') where H = the fixed square foot cost to
cover wall finish, plaster, starting the insulation job, etc.,
and B' cost of insulation per square foot that is propor-
tional to the thickness.)
I = per cent interest allowed on insulation investment, plus per
cent insurance cost.
Y = years of life allowed insulation.
R = yearly repair cost, as per cent of investment in insulation.
F = fraction of year room in operation.is
Tm = maximum temperature during the period of yearly opera-
tion of the outside air adjacent to cold storage room wall,
in degrees F.
t = cold room temperature, in degrees F.
tp := mean temperature of cooling coil piping.
K =: surface transmission coefficient of pipe surface in B.t.u., per
square foot, per hour, per degree F.
A= average cost over period of yearly operation, in dollars, of
one ton of refrigeration (cost per B.t.u. X
288,000) delivered
to the room under consideration, exclusive of cooling piping.
P= cost in dollars of the pipe per square foot of its surface,
including installation and accessories.
G= investment in refrigerating equipment, of whatever nature,
in dollars per ton of refrigeration per day. This excludes
machinery, the cost burden of which is included in A.
288,000 P I
(Note: G= ) 1
(tp— t)
24 K
P =: per cent interest allowed on refrigerating equipment invest-
ment covered by G.
Y' = years of life allowed refrigerating equipment covered by G.
R' = yearly repair cost, as per cent of investment in refrigerat-
ing equipment covered by G.
S = yearly value of one cubic foot of space occupied by insula-
U = the over-all thermal coefficient of heat transmission from air
to air for the given thickness of the entire wall, other than
insulation, and including the surface transmission coefficients
of the outside wall surface and the inside insulated wall
By substituting:
C= 0.35 B.t.u.
B=^ 1-0.16 (^dollars

I r= 6 per cent.
Y= 15 years.
R 3 per cent.
F 1 year.

T»= 50° F. average temperature outside wall.

Tm=r90° F.
= cold room temperature, degrees F., as assigned,
(t— tp)= 10° F.
K = 2.0 surface transmission coefficient.
A = $1.00 per ton.
P z= $4.35 per square foot.
I' = 6 per cent.
Y' = 8 years.
R' = 3 per cent.
S = 0.
U = 0.303.
the economical thickness, X, of insulation was readily obtained
for a range of cold room temperatures, t, and curve B of Fig.
53 was platted.

\ eo -lo


With the same and a cold room tempera-

set of conditions
ture of 20° F., the true yearly cost, per square foot, based
various thicknesses of insulation, were computed and curve B
of Fig. 54 was platted.
According to the definition, the economic thickness of
insulation occurs when the yearly cost is a minimum, which
thickness is (3.99 — 1.06) 2.93 inches on the curve in Fig. 54;
and the shape of the curve shows that the refrigeration cost
per square foot increases at a more rapid rate with a given de-
crease below the economic thickness than it does for a similar
increase. It will also be noted that such curve is compara-

tively flat on each side of the economic thickness, indicating

that a small change in insulation thickness, either above or be-
lozv the true point of maximum economy, zvill not materially
affect the cost of refrigeration per square foot.
The real value of the work of Mr. Nicholls is summarized
in the two deductions just set forth in italics, rather than in
the numerical results obtained for economic thicknesses of
insulation as shown by the curves, because values for factors
(f) to (r) could not be assigned and made a part of the

Each case that arises must be considered on its own merits. Gen-
erally speaking, however, may
be said that under average condi-

tions, the thicknesses of corkboard that can be economically

. . .

installed for the several temperatures noted, are as follows:


Temperatures Thickness
— to — S° F 8 inches
S° to +5° F 6 inches
S° to 20° F 5 inches
20° to 35° F 4 inches
35° to 45° F 3 inches
45° and above 2 inches

For the bottom of freezincj tanks, five inches or preferably six

inches of corkboard should be employed; around the sides the
. . .

same thickness of corkboard, or twelve inches of granulated cork

securely tamped in place.

The method of arri\ing at these recommendations mig-ht

not now conform with the data and information available, but
the experience of man_v years has taught that these recom-
mendations for pure corkboard were then sound to a remark-
al)le degree.
Reference has previously been made to a class of insulation
i:s:rs who came to believe that it Avas not profitable to employ
as much insidation as rec(^mmended by responsible manufac-
turers, or wlio came to believe that cheaper materials in about
tlie same thicknesses would suffice. It was pointed out that
the}- were much in the minority, yet their numbers justified

consideration of their policy.

The factors that influence this class of buyers are:

(h) Uncertainty as to the success of the undertaking.

(b) Building on leased property, or building on owned property
the value and/or utility of which is subject to quick change.
(c) Excess refrigerating machine capacity available.
(d) Insufficient initial funds available for best equipment.
(e) Expansion as part of plan to prepare business for sale, con-
solidation or refinancing.
(f) Work in charge of an architect, engineer or contractor who
follows the practice of specifying materials and labor of but
average quality for the sake of wide competition and the
lowest price.
(g) Influence of the practices of the business being conducted,
such as one offering average or indififerent quality product at
average or low prices, upon the purchase of products, sup-
plies and equipment.
(h) Lack of true knowledge of the importance of adequate refrig-
eration and insulation equipment.


91.— —
Proper Thickness of Corkboard to Use. The original
recommendations for pure corkboard insulation need be
changed only slightly to bring them up to date, as follows
-20° to 10° 1?

92. — Importance of Proper Insulation Design. — It is now

customary, when planning an ice or a cold storage plant, to
treat the entire project as a whole, so that location, building,
cold rooms, mechanical equipment, and complete cost are all
properly balanced and correlated, to the end that the purpose
and intent of the undertaking can be fully and satisfactorily
carried out. Such a project should be entrusted only to reli-



and engineers competent to handle cold storage
able architects
work; and if so entrusted, the design of the insulation should
have that major attention that its importance and cost entitles
it to receive.
Each new and each new cold storage plant will
ice plant
present its own and equipment;
peculiar problems in design
but the field of insulation experience is now so very broad and
has yielded up so many lessons, especially lessons in what not
to do, that no architect and engineer who is really experienced
in the design and operation of such plants need longer be in
doubt as to the proper insulating material to use and the
proper insulation specifications to employ. It must never be
forgotten, however, that insulation is a branch of engineering
and construction that is highly specialized, and an architect's
license alone is in no sense a sufficient recommendation for

the handling of an ice or cold storage project. Here, as in

most cases of specialized building construction, it will pay
to engage the architect and engineer who has had considerable
experience in cold storage work.
But in addition to the insulation that is built into ice and
cold storage plants as part and parcel of their original design,
there are innumerable small insulated cold storage rooms
and groups of rooms designed and built for use in connection
with commercial refrigerating machines, which units are in-
stalled as adjuncts to businesses usually handling food prod-
ucts in one form or another. Such installations are made to
serve the local needs of the individual business, such as —
creameries, dairies, fruit storages, produce houses, poultry
and ^gg plants, meat markets, groceries, hotels, clubs, hos-
pitals, oil refineries, candy factories, ice cream factories, and
so forth, — and in connection with the installation of which
no architect or engineer is usually employed. Among such
rooms there is a great variety of shape and size, design and
arrangement, method of cooling, and so forth because a ;

variety of purposes must be served by rooms built into every

sort of structure, under many different conditions and such ;

rooms can here be discussed first as a class and then special

features treated separately as they may apply in certain cases.
For many years the order for planning such a cold storage
room, after deciding on its location and size, was to consider
first its refrigeration and then how it was to be designed and

insulated. The order is now reversed, in most cases, with

excellent results because it is today better understood that

the efficiency of the insulation determines in great degree the

amount of refrigeration that is required and how it should
be applied. It has been seen how the kind of insulation that
goes into a cold storage room has a direct bearing not only
on the amount of the initial investment, but also on the every-
day cost of operation, yearly repairs, etc. The design of the
room, however, is equally important; because the very best
insulation will be inefifective and short lived unless it is prop-
erly installed, following correct design. Thus in planning
cold storage rooms, provision must first be made for their

adequate insulation, for on this feature more than any other

will depend their permanence and the economy and efficiency
of their operation.

93. — Types and Design of Cold Storage Rooms. — It is well

known that cold storage rooms and groups of rooms are
making and ice storage, creameries and dairies,
required for ice
fruitand produce houses, poultry and egg plants, fish and
meat markets, groceries and ])rovisioneries, candy and ice


cream and clubs, hospitals and sanitariums,
factories, hotels
precooling and canning plants, oil and gasoline refineries,
waxed paper and paraffin coating establishments, fur and gar-
ment storages, brewing and bottling plants, battery and igni-
tion testing rooms, serum and vaccine rooms, sharp freezers
and hardening rooms, and so forth. These rooms may readily
be divided into two main classes ; that is, those operating
above freezing temperature, and those operating below


In new structures, cold storage rooms to operate at any
desired temperature can be made the exact shape and size
desired, and in every way suited to their purpose but the ;

majority of cold storage rooms operating above freezing

usually serving the purpose of the storage or handling of food

products are erected in existing buildings, and must be con-
formed to structural limitations. The design of cold storage
rooms employing pure corkboard insulation is so very adapt-
able, however, in experienced hands, that there are virtually
no restrictions on the construction of such rooms. Space,
shape, height, location, kind of building, single room or a
group of rooms ; it is all "grist for the mill" when the basic,
underlying principles of insulation design are understood.
The two chief points to be kept in mind in the design of
cold storage rooms are First, the principle of no voids or

air spaces in or back of the insulation and, secondly, the ;

principle of ample air circulation within the cold room. The

principle of no air spaces in or back of the insulation is of
primary importance when rooms are to operate below freezing,
and the principle of ample air circulation is of primary impor-
tance when rooms are to operate above 32° F., although both
principles are of major importance in either case.

The first no voids or air spaces in or

principle, that of
back of the insulation, important where cold
is especially
storage rooms are to operate below freezing, because of the
greater likelihood of colder temperatures back of the insula-
tion and the consequent greater likelihood of condensed water.
If there are no voids in the insulation itself, no voids in the
finish applied to the surface of the insulation, no voids in
the material used to bond the insulation to the surfaces to
which it is applied, no voids or open cracks between the sheets
of corkboard, no voids or air pockets in the construction of
the building walls themselves, no voids anywhere, the result
will be a perfect insulation job, assuming such perfect condi-
tions obtainable for all such voids and air spaces are likely

to fill up with water, through condensation of moisture from

the air against chilled surfaces, and deterioration and lowered
insulation efficiency will be the certain result.
In practice, the aim is for that which is as near perfection

as is consistent with a variety of conditions, costs, and so

forth. and ceilings should be of solid
If possible, walls, floors
construction, that without voids or air spaces, as solid brick

or concrete in preference to hollow tile or sheathed studs and

joists. The air in such spaces contains moisture in suspension,
which is likely to be condensed on the cool surfaces next to
the cold temperature room*; and as the water contained in
the air in such spaces condenses, it occupies as a liquid less



space than it did as a vapor, an uneven pressure is set up or

partial vacuum created, more air containing moisture of pro-
portion indicated by its humidity is drawn in, more precipita-
tion takes place, and if there is then no opportunity for such
water deposits to quickly evaporate away again, all such
spaces will be the source of "moisture trouble." Such moist-
*Dirty lath streaks on ceilings of offices, residences, etc., furnish a g9od example
of the precipitation of moisture from the air against cool surfaces. In winter the air
above the wood lath and plaster is often cooler than the air of the room; and, as a
result, moisture is condensed on the cool strips of plaster between the lath, and
minute particles of dust are caught in this moisture.
ure, in closed-in spaces, may be the cause of all sorts of
building construction troubles, such as rotting, and bulging
and cracking from uneven expansion but our thought will

be primarily for the damage to the insulation itself. In the

case of ceilings especially, the water slowly finds its way into
the insulation underneath, and failure of that ceiling insula-
tion will be the certain result. Where such construction can-
not be avoided, all such spaces should be left as open as


possible SO that air may circulate freely through them and
thus carry by evaporation any condensed moisture.

The second principle, that of ample air circulation, is even

more important in cold storage rooms operating above freez-
ing than it is in rooms maintaining lower temperatures be- ;

cause refrigeration in its simplest terms is the extraction and

removal of heat from the goods stored, which is done not by
immediate contact between the goods and the refrigerant but
through the medium of the air, and in rooms operating above

freezing the moderately cooled air does not drop to the floor
of the room as swiftly as if it were chilled to a lower tem-
perature. That is, in rooms operating above freezing, the air
circulation is naturally sluggish, although the process of heat
interchange, by means of the positive circulation of the air,
is essential. Room design must therefore promote air circu-
lation as much as possible, to keep it positive and active,
especially in rooms used for products containing
moist- much
ure, such as butter, poultr}- and meats, particularly if such
products are put in warm for quick chilling; because such
moisture must be taken up by the circulating air and carried
quickly to the coils and there deposited as frost. Otherwise,
with poor circulation, moisture will condense on the finish of
the insulated surfaces, on the goods stored, or remain in the
air of the room to make it damp and mouldy.

94. —
Types of Bunkers and Details of Construction. The —
one positi\e way to guarantee a definite circulation of air
throughout a cold storage room is to construct a separate
cooling room, or coil bunker room, install air conveying ducts
from the coil room to and into the cold storage room, and by
means of blower equipment circulate or pass the air of the
cold storage room through the system and over the cooliiig
coils at a predetermined rate. This method of positive circu-
lation, or cold air distribution, is frequently employed in fur
rooms, candy dipping rooms, freezing rooms, or wherever the
demand justifies the initial expense for such extra equipment
and the cost of its subsequent operation.
By far the most effective natural means of insuring active
circulation is the overhead bunker. Air, cooled over such
bunker by contact with the cooling coils or ice, falls over the
low side of the bunker and to the floor, due to the fact that
cold air is heavier than the warmer air it displaces and as this ;

cold air absorbs the heat of the goods stored as well as the
heat that leaks into the room through the insulation, doors,
etc., such air rises over the high side of the bunker, circulates

through the coils or over the ice, gives up its excess of heat
to the refrigerant, and begins the cycle over again. Thus the
circulation follows its natural course, and as the bunker ex-
tends the length of the room, the air circulation reaches every
corner of the room and maintains a fairly uniform temperature
in practically all parts.
Single overhead bunkers are the most common type, but
should not be used for rooms over 16 feet in width. For
rooms wider than 16 feet, double bunkers should be installed.
The bunker construction serves to guide the circulating air,
and this function is greatly assisted by proper bunker design.
First, the warm air up-take and the cold air down-flow must


FIG. 60,— cox
be adequate; a "rule-o'-thumb" method that has given excel-
lent results inrooms operating above freezing is to make the
total width of these duct openings equivalent to one-third of
the total width of the room, and then divide that one-third
equally between the warm and the cold air ducts. Care should
then be exercised not to "choke" the circulation at any point
in the bunker construction between the warm air entrance
and the cold air exit, either by restricting the passage by
decreased dimensions, or by obstructing it by a crowded
arrangement of coils or ice, or by counter air currents set

up by failure to use sufficient insulation on the bottom* and

baffle of the bunker.
The overhead bunker, single or multiple type, requires
considerable head room, a 10-foot height before the insulation
is erected on floor and ceiling being necessary for a maximum

head room of 6 feet under bunker and a coil loft maximum

height of 2^ feet, A minimum height of 12 feet before insu-
lation is applied is much better, especially if ice, which re-


quires more head room than coils, is to be used. If the room

is to contain overhead tracking, additional height will be
necessary. The natural arrangement of double bunkers is

to place each warm

up-take next a side wall and the cold
air down-flow in the center of the room because the warmest ;

air in the cold storage room is likely, on account of the heat

leakage, to be a layer adjacent to the walls. In certain cases,
however, such as chill rooms for fresh killed poultry or pre-
coolers for fresh beef, this warm and cold air duct order

•Sufficient insulation on the bottom of bunker will also prevent sweating.

should be reversed because the greater temperature will then

come from the fresh goods stored in the room,away from

the walls, and the natural circulation will be through a warm
air up-take in the center of the room and down at either side.
In the case of a single bunker, the warm air up-take should
be on the entrance door side of the cold storage room, so that
the in-flow of warm air occasioned by the opening of the cold
storage door will be carried up and over the bunker before
coming in contact with the goods stored in the room.
Where the available ceiling height does not permit of over-
head bunkers, the side or wall bunker may be used, though
it is much less effective, except in narrow rooms, a width of

12 feet probably being the ultimate limit for a single wall

OOOOOOOOO ' •' '' r -,

O O O O O O O C- O O O C; OO


bunker. ^Vider rooms of limited ceiling height should have

wall bunkers along both sides, but not along one side and one
Low rooms employing mechanical refrigeration, frequently
use ceiling or wall coils, or both, instead of the side bunker,
provided the cold storage room does not contain too much
moisture requiring an active and positive circulation to dispose
of as frost on the cooling coils.
it Drip pans under ceiling
coilsand open drain spouting under wall coils should be pro-
vided to care for the water of meltage. Very wide rooms
and rooms used for long storage, more often use ceiling coils
than bunkers, regardless of the height available; such ceiling

coils are grouped and the groups spaced at proper distances,

each group equipped with an insulated drip pan, a modified
form of overhead bunker. The arrangement, when both ceil-
ing and wall coils are used, should never include an installa-
tion of piping on ceiling, one side wall and one end wall but ;

should be limited to ceiling and one or both side walls, so as

to avoid cross or counter currents and consequent poor air cir-
culation and "pockets." Where wall coils only are used, the
coils should be located on opposite side walls, or equally dis-


tributed on all four walls, the shape of the room as it may or

may not depart from a square being the governing factor.

95. — Circulation, Ventilation and Humidification. —A good

deal has previously been said about the necessity for air cir-
culation in cold storage rooms, but the subject shall now be
briefly considered in conjunction with the ventilation and
humidification of rooms used for the handling and storage of
certain products.
The question of the hygrometric condition of the air in
cold storage rooms, especially in refrigerated warehouses, is

of much importance for satisfactory results in the preservation

of various kinds of foods, such as fruits, meats, eggs, etc.
Humidity is now believed by many to be almost as important
as temperature itself; and this conviction coupled with the
further recognition of the desirability, if not the necessity, for
the ventilation of rooms containing certain products, makes
circulation, ventilation and humidification of cold rooms an
important, and it may be said an involved, subject.
It is a well-known fact that meat cannot stand a higher
temperature than the freezing point, without it undergoes a
continuous evaporation through its surface, unless the humid-
ity of the cold room is kept sufficiently low. For eggs, the



should be of general interest at this point, on the subject of

"Temperature, Humidity, Air Circulation and Ventilation,"
by M. R. Carpenter, Architect and Refrigerating Engineer,
72 W. Washington St., Chicago, Illinois

During the past ten years, or thereabout, the subject of air con-
ditions in cold storage has been receiving considerable attention from
those who are in a position to recognize the shortcomings of the aver-
age cold storage plant as a means of holding and preserving edible
products, during the time of storage.



Many things are involved in the successful preservation of such

commodities and it is for the purpose of calling attention to these

various items that this paper is written.

As a storage plants represent the expenditure of large
rule, cold
sums of money and are owned and operated by conservative business
men, who have to be shown before they will adopt any new system,
or attempt to maintain any condition in their cold storage rooms
which has not been proved to them to be desirable in practical use.
This is good business policy, as failure would mean the loss of enor-
mous sums in spoiled goods, which they would have to assume, due
to such experiments.
In the early days of cold storage, the first consideration was tem-
perature, and the designers of such plants gave little thought to other
features. This is still true, for that matter, with a large majority, as
may be noted by examination of many
storages, and by the fact that
by manufacturers of refrigerating
practically all contract forms issued
machinery guarantee temperatures and nothing further, inside of the
rooms; but practice soon proved that other things were important,
especially as some storages were damp and musty, which was disas-
trous to the goods, due to the growth of fungi or mould; therefore, it
was found desirable to adopt measures to avoid this condition, and
the next step was in the direction of obtaining cold, dry rooms; this
was accomplished either by properly loratine the refrigerating coils



or by some method of drying the air, by means of lime or calcium

chloride; the various methods for accomplishing this are familiar to
all, especially the older heads.
Experience showed that the design of the refrigerating coils and
the location of them in the rooms to be cooled had a material bearing,
both on the efiiciency of the cooling effect and on the humidity of the
air; this was to have been expected as it follows out a simple law of
nature which, when adhered to consistently, results in an extremely
dry atmosphere.
This dry condition naturally leads to shrinkage, or evaporation of
the moisture from the goods, which, if it was allowed to proceed
beyond a certain point, caused trouble of another type; therefore, it
was found desirable to maintain a certain amount of humidity; and


many practical experiments were, and still are, being made, to deter-
mine to just what extent relative humidity can be carried before it
becomes objectionable and dangerous in other respects; this led to
many differences of opinion, as each example of practical results was
modified by specific conditions pertaining particularly to the individual
room; these conditions were not fully understood or taken into con-
sideration in the conclusions; therefore, a certain relative humidity,
which proved correct or beneficial in one room, or house, proved
incorrect in another; then, too, the method and manner employed for



determining humidity was often open to question, as was also the

correctness of the determination.
Humidity determinations taken in a room are often of no value in
fixing the relative humidity immediately surrounding the goods, due
to sluggish air movement or definite pocketing of the surrounding air,
such as, for instance, goods contained in tight barrels or other tight
or semi-tight packages, goods wrapped in paper, or goods piled tight,
without channels between them.
As a rule, there is very little trouble encountered in securing
humidity; the difficulty lies in controlling it and maintaining it con-
stant; therefore, the tendency is to proceed very carefully and not
overdo it.
Until comparatively recent years, there has been no reliable data
on which to proceed in a practical way. It is true that experiments
have been made for years; some along the line of best temperatures
for particular goods, some for humidity in relation to shrinkage,
humidity in relation to mould, etc., and these experiments have been
made by individuals fully qualified and capable of carrying on such
work. Especially is this true of the experiments made by the United
States Department of Agriculture; however, in most cases there has
been a lack of some certain conditions, or combination of conditions,
either through lack of knowledge of new factors entering into the
experiment, or through a lack of eflficient apparatus to fully cover all
requirements. No criticism of these experiments is implied, for every
one, when made with care, has brought us nearer to a solution, and
a step-by-step advancement in this art is a surer way than to try
everything at once.
It probably is universally conceded that all vegetable products
have a definite life limit, during which time they function as living
organisms, absorbing or breathing in certain gases and exhaling, or
giving off certain other gases or esters, during which period they
continue to develop and change until their physical development is
complete and their life span is ended, after which, especially in the
case of fruits, they are spoken of as being dead ripe.
Assuming the foregoing facts to be true, one may readily appre-
ciate how necessary it is to have definite air circulation to supply
fresh air to absorb the heat, as well as to remove the gases given off,
or ejected, by the goods.
No vegetable products, in the natural state, are of the same food
value after becoming dead ripe, as they are at some stage prior to
reaching that state, after which no temperature or other cold storage
condition will prevent them from deteriorating at a rapid rate.
Animal products, on the other hand, are dead and any change is

either chemical or due to plant or animal organisms.

Granting that the foregoing statements are correct, let us con-
sider what means will best serve to prolong the life of fruits, vegetables
and animal products. In answering this, there need be no hesitancy
in stating that there are just two factors —
correct temperature, and
pure, conditioned air. By conditioned air, is meant air containing
the correct amount of moisture for the particular goods under con-
sideration. This sounds rather simple; yet, to secure these two con-
ditions requires a knowledge of and a scientific appreciation of nature's
laws. To even approach a state of perfection in a practical way,
involves about all that is known at the present time regarding correct
design, equipment, and operation of cold storage warehouses; so it is
not as simple as it seems.
It may be well to consider, at this time, briefly, the subject of
temperature. What is its function? And pure, conditioned air; what
part does it play?

Temperature aflFects the growth of living organisms, both vege-

tableand animal, and, when below the temperature level best suited
to this growth, or development, has the effect of slowing them up,
rendering them dormant or destroying them entirely; depending upon
the decreasing temperature to which they are subjected; therefore, in
the case of vegetables or fruit products, their life span is increased,
and, in respect to attack from the outside, they are again protected
by the dormant condition of their enemies.
Animal products, which are dead substances, can only be pre-
served by the prevention of changes due to attack by living organisms,
either contained in but not a part of them, or by attack from the
outside; again, as in the case of the vegetable kingdom, these enemies
are rendered less active as the temperature decreases.
Our problem may then be divided into two parts. The first is to
determine the correct temperature and relative humidity of the air,
for each particular product; and this division may best be left in the
hands of scientists, who have the proper knowledge and apparatus for
making scientific tests and determinations for solution. The second
involves the application of the conditions found, and naturally

leads to the designing engineer, with the co-operation of the scientist,

in providing such construction, apparatus and operation as will secure

the correct temperature and air conditions.

Having been instructed regarding the proper temperatures and
relative humidity, how shall we proceed to secure them?

We shall first consider temperature. It is self-evident that if a
product is to be held at a certain specified temperature, it is the tem-
perature of the product and not necessarily the temperature of the
room which is important.
This being the case, how are we to insure the temperature of
the product? In answer to this, it is necessary to consider the trans-
fer of heat. Heat must be taken from the goods and delivered into
the refrigerant, which is circulating through the refrigerating coils,
and this heat can only be transferred in two ways by conduction, or —
by convection.
Heat transfer by conduction through air is a slow process, and
altogether out of consideration for practical results; therefore, trans-
fer by convection is the only practical method, and this involves a
definite air movement, and the rapidity with which the heat is trans-
ferred is in direct proportion to the rapidity of the air movement
through the goods, to and over the refrigerating coils and back to the
There are two methods of circulating air, one way being to take
advantage of what is called natural circulation, that is, air movement
in a vertical direction, due to the difference temperature, or specific
gravity, which method is slow, uncertain, and with little power to
overcome obstacles, to reach out into pockets and crevices, or to
move through piled goods in any direction.
The other method is by means of mechanically moved or forced
air circulation, which is and active in entering into all
crevices, pockets, etc., and which moves through goods in any direc-
tion, thereby taking up the heat from the interior of packages, as well
as from the outside, and is therefore efficient in securing quick transfer
of heat.
From the foregoing noted that the only practical method
it will be
of insuring the proper temperature of goods in storage appears to
be to subject them to a forced air circulation, due consideration to be
given to proper piling, ventilated crates, etc., and with means of con-
trolling the intensity of the air movement.
Air and air movement are considered in the foregoing only as a
medium for holding, and a method of conveying the heat units from
the goods to the refrigerating coils; later we shall utilize this same air
and air movement for another purpose.

Pure Conditioned Air.

The second condition essential for the preservation of goods is to

surround them with air which is from
foreign gases, dust,
free all

germs, spores, bacteria, etc., but with sufficient moisture content to

prevent the absorption of the natural moisture content of the goods,
as otherwise they would be caused to shrink, which is not only objec-
tionable in itself, but, in the case of vegetable products, also causes
them to become more susceptible to attack from other sources, and
hastens the breaking down of the whole organic structure.
Pure air not only insures against contamination from the exterior,
but has a decided purifying effect in itself.
To surround goods with pure air and correct moisture content, .

it is not sufficient to merely maintain this condition in the open parts

of the room; because, as in the consideration of temperature, it is the

products themselves which must be considered, and the air in the room
is only an approximate indication, depending largely upon the circula-

tion of the air.

As in the example under temperature, natural circulation is very
slow and without the power to penetrate deeply; therefore, air be-
comes pocketed, in which condition it absorbs moisture from the
goods until it becomes fully saturated; it also absorbs gases or esters
and, as a result, becomes foul, the natural effect of which is to pro-
vide a condition suitable for the growth of moulds, fungi, or other
destructive agents, which, also due to the lack of proper temperature,
as shown before by sluggish or stagnant air, are not materially re-
tarded in their growth.

The other method that of forced air circulation is positive, —
penetrating, and scrubbing in its action. It prevents any accumula-
tion of dead air, and therefore maintains an ideal condition imnie-

diatcly in contact with the goods, assuming, of course, that the method
of packing and storing the goods is in keeping with the idea of
thorough and efificient air circulation.
It will have been noted that use of the term ventilation has not

been made in any of the foregoing, the term being considered as a

description covering another process.
In the foregoing subject of pure, conditioned air, it is assumed
that the air being circulated is pure and of the correct relative
humidity; in practice, this is, of course, impossible, unless there is
provided some means of keeping it pure and of the right moisture
content. The air is continuously taking up gases and odors from
the goods, as well as changing in moisture content, due to absorption



of moisture from the goods or depositing it on the refrigerating coils,

-thereby becoming impure and with the wrong moisture content, which
will, in the course of time, cause the air to become foul and dangerous

and, in the case of forced air circulation, increasingly so, due to the
ability to distribute dangerous organisms, spores of disease germs,
quickly and effectively, unless some provision is made for keeping it
pure; this is where use is made of ventilation.
Starting out with the storage space clean and free from mould or
objectionable odors, and with the goods in a clean and altogether
suitable condition, the preservation is dependent more upon preventive
measures than upon corrective ones, and it is a very simple matter to
offset or rectify the slight contamination of the circulated air, due to
eliminations from the goods, by some system of ventilation, that is, by
introducing pure, fresh air, in sufficient quantities, while discharging
an equal amount of stale air, thereby keeping the percentage of im-
purities down to a low point. Naturally the amount of fresh air
introduced will depend entirely upon the amount required to rectify
the foul condition of the old air.

Where forced air circulation is employed, providing the equip-

ment is properly designed, the introduction of fresh air is a simple
Normal Humidity.
control of moisture content of the circulating air is difficult
unless proper provision is made for adding or subtracting moisture,
as occasion demands.
At this point, the privilege is taken of using one word to indicate
the proper moisture content of the air for a specific commodity, and
it normnl; normal may mean any relative humidity, but when used

in connection with a specific commodity it is a definite percentage; if

it is above this percentage, it is normal-plus, if below, it is normal-

Therefore, what may be normal humidity for one class of goods
may be normal-plus or normal-minus for another.
To determine what is normal in each instance is the work of the
scientist, or it may be determined by practical experience, extending
over a period of years, but in this case it may only apply to a par-
ticular room or warehouse, as the amount of moisture which may be
maintained in the air of any room is absolutely dependent on the
efficiency of the air circulating system and its ability to penetrate to
all parts of the goods, thereby maintaining the proper temperature

and air condition.

As before
explained, the air, in circulating through the various
channels, ever subjected to conditions which have a tendency to

vary the moisture content. The most severe conditions are: First,
the goods in storage; and, second, the refrigerating coils; the first in
adding to the moisture content and the second in reducing the moist-
ure content, and, where ventilation is utilized to purify the air, another
condition is encountered, which may either increase or decrease the
It has been proved by scientific research, as well as by practical
experience, that a certain amount of moisture in the air is not only
beneficial, but is absolutely necessary to the preservation of goods;
also, that under certain conditions, especially with forced air circula-
tion, it is absolutely necessary to maintain a high moisture content
in the air.
Assuming, therefore, that we carry a relatively high humidity,
which will prevent the air from taking up moisture from the goods,
we have eliminated, to a large extent, interference from that source;
we have then left the drying effect of the refrigerating coils and,
with forced air circulation, this is sufficient, practically all of the time

and under almost all conditions, to produce normal-minus humidity;

therefore, in order to keep the air up to normal, it is usually neces-
sary to introduce moisture, either with the fresh, ventilating air, oi
with the recirculated air. In either case, a fully saturated air may be
introduced when necessary, without danger of depositing moisture on
the goods, due to the fact that it will be mixed with a much greater
volume of normal-minus air before coming into contact with the
At certain seasons of the year, namely, during periods of low
temperature, when the refrigerating coils are not being used, except
to a very limited extent, if at all (and therefore their drying effect is
greatly reduced or stopped entirely), nature still provides ample means



of controlling the humidity, by furnishing cold air which, when raised

to the temperature requirements of the room, will be comparatively
dry and may be introduced in sufificient volume to offset other con-
ditions, and thus maintain the circulating air in normal condition.
Theoretically, the system which would maintain ideal air condi-
tions would be one which circulated fresh, pure, conditioned air, at
the proper temperature, through the goods in ample volume, and
discharged it after one passage through the goods, but this is imprac-
ticable, due to the great expense of purifying, conditioning and cooling
such a volume, and the enormous loss occasioned by discarding the
air at such a temperature, and unnecessarily, as practically the con-
ditions may be secured in another manner, that is, by introducing a
small amount, comparatively, of pure air, which will rectify the air
consumed or contaminated by the goods.
Pure air is difficult to secure, especially in or adjacent to thickly
populated communities or manufacturing districts; however, various
means may be employed to assist in this respect; to enter into dis-
cussion of this subject would be beside the point at this time, yet it
may be well to call attention to one agent, which has been utilized to
some extent and found beneficial under some conditions, but due to
poor design or mechanical faults, and to apparatus not adapted to use
in air with even a low relative humidity, the benefits have not been
secured in full measure; this agent is "ozone" or "ionized air." Equip-
ment for the production of ozone is now perfected and being installed
under a guai'antee, which safeguards the purchaser.
This agent and the equipment for producing the same is men-
tioned here, as it is particularly well adapted for use with forced air
circulation, and gives just the teeth with which we wish to endow
our air in order to make it function as a purifier.
Inconsideration of all that has been brought out heretofore,
there is but one conclusion possible. In order to secure proper con-
ditions for the preservation of food products there must be correct
temperature and air conditions, in and around the products, which can
be assured in one way only, that is, by mechanically circulated air.
Air conditions can only be secured by proper humidity control
and efficient means of ventilating or rectifying, or both.

96.—Preparation of Building Surfaces to Receive Insu'a-

tion. — Perhaps the greatest change in insulation practice dur-
ing the past ten years has occurred in connection with tlie

method of applying the initial course of insulation to Av.all

surfaces, especially to concrete, hrick, tile or stone.

To erect corkboard in any manner against plaster over
wood or over metal lath, has never been approved such ; lath
and plaster must be removed and replaced by J^-inch T. & G.
sheathing boards, solidly secured and whether the insulation

of a cold storage room should be erected against studs closed

in by sheathing, wull depend entirely upon the conditions sur-
rounding each case. The dangers from confined air spaces
back of insulation ha.ve already been pointed out; but the
purpose, utility, cost, allowable investment, etc., should be
the final determining factor for each project.
In the case of stone, concrete, brick and tile surfaces in

existing buildings, it is necessary to take such surfaces as

they come along, carefully inspect them, and then properly
prepare them to receive insulation. Usually such surfaces
have been whitewashed, painted, or otherwise coated ; and if

so, they must be carefully and thoroughly cleaned before it is

possible to apply corkboard insulation to them successfully.

Such cleaning must usually take the form of hacking, which
is a difficult job in most instances, and considerable care must

be exercised if the finished work is to be satisfactory.

After the complete area of such walls has been hacked, or

otherwise prepared as required, it will often be found that
their surfaces are sufficiently irregular to require pointing
up, unless the first kn^er of insulation is to be erected in a
bedding of Portland cement mortar, and sometimes even then.
On the other hand, if the purpose of the insulated room or
structure makes it imperative that the first layer of insulation
be erected in hot asphalt to walls that have first been primed
with suitaljlc asphaltic material, then the pointing up work
must take the form of a complete leveling and smoothing up
of the areas to be insulated because the thickness of the hot

asphalt that clings to the sheets of corkboard when they are

dipped, is quite insufficient to be relied upon for anything
except a bond, and a uniformly full bond is not possible except
against reasonably smooth, flat surfaces. Furthermore, if the
primed surface to which the sheets of corkboard are applied
is unexcn. the surface of the finished cork work will be just

as much, or possibly more, uneven, and may seriously inter-

fere with the making of tight insulation joints and with the
proper interior room finish over insulation, not to mention
the air pockets behind the corkboards. Consequently, the
cost of proper preparation for insulation to be applied in
existing structures and following the most approved specifi-
cations, is sometimes prohibitive, and an insulation specifica-
•tion less expensive must be selected or the project altered or
The preparation of surfaces in new structures to receive
insulation frequently does not have the forethought and atten-
tion that its importance justifies. Preparation should begin
with the drafting of the plans and specifications for the build-
ing itself; but smooth, even, brick walls on the architect's
drawings are not necessarily smooth, even, brick walls when
actually erected, unless thought is given to the functioning
of those walls other than their load-carrying and encompass-
ing capacity. It costs more to make both sides of a building
wall equally straight and smooth ; but if the latest, approved
insulation specifications are to be carried out, this point must
be given necessary advance attention.
The insulation specification usually followed for many
years was to apply the first layer of corkboard to the new,
clean building wall in a bedding of Portland cement, then
apply the second layer to the first in a bedding of Portland

cement, or in hot, odorless asphalt, and then finish the insula-

tion off with Portland cement plaster, applied in two coats.
Thus surfaces to receive insulation had to be only reasonably
smooth ; but failures of insulation applied in this way, espe-
cially in ice storage houses, became sufficiently numerous, as
the years passed, to finally justify active investigation of the
subject by manufacturers and important users; and the fail-

ures of insulation, aside from those due to poor materials and

workmanship at the time of installation, were traceable to
moisture in the insulation, which collected after the corkboard
had been in service for some time and which in time caused
disintegration of the corkboard through the decomposition
of the resin binder in contact with water or which caused
more rapid disintegration from alternate freezing and thawing
of moisture in the insulation. These investigations conclu-
sively demonstrated that this moisture found its way into
the cork insulation through two distinct and different sources.
When water is precipitated on the plastered surface of
an insulated cold storage room, by the condensation of moist-
ure out of the air against a cool surface, a part of such water
is absorbed by the plaster by capillarity, which tends slowly

to disintegrate the plaster while placing a portion of this

moisture on the surface of the insulation directly behind the
plaster. The cork, unlike other materials, will not take up
this water by capillarity, as previously explained, but such
water may find its way into the corkboards by gravity, travel-
ing through small interstices or voids between the particles
of cork bark used in the manufacture of the corkboard. While
manufacturers now understand and appreciate that the modern
corkboard product of maximum worth must be compact and
free from voids to the greatest possible extent, yet it would

appear that in the manufacturing process all voids, especially

surface voids, cannot be eliminated. Thus water in contact,
as just explained, has been knov^-n to penetrate corkboard
insulation to a depth of an inch or so toward the outside
building M'alls.
Water may also find its way into corkboard insulation
through an entirely different source, that is, from the outside
of the building. When the temperature of a cold storage
room is lowered by refrigeration, the air in that room contracts
with cooling, because cold air occupies less space than the
same original volume of warm air. Thus the cooling of the
air in a cold storage room creates in that room a temporary
partial vacuum, or an unequal pressure between the inside
and the outside of the room. If the room is tightly closed,
air will be sucked through the building walls and the insula-

tion, to balance the unequal pressures, and this air, carrying

with it water in suspension, the quantity measurable by the
humidity of the air, wuU precipitate its moisture in the insu-
lated wall where the dew point is reached.
The discovery of these two distinct ways in which moist-
ure is placed in corkboard insulation has been of great value
in revising insulation specifications. The air-proofing of the
surfaces to which the insulation of cold storage rooms is

applied, to be carried out as best as possible under each set

of conditions, is now done wherever possible or feasible, so
that instead of air being drawn through the building walls
and the insulation to compensate a partial vacuum, such air
will be supplied through some other channel or in some other
way. For example, it is now frequently the practice in large
ice storage houses to install a small air compensating vent
door or opening in or near the ceiling.
It will be noted that surfaces to receive insulation are
recommended to be air-proofed, not water-proofed ; and the
necessity for air-proofing is believed to increase with decrease
of cold storage room operating temperature, and in a general
way with the size of the room, that is, the greater the cubical
content of the room the greater will be the vacuum effect
produced by the refrigeration. Again, the choice of the kind
of materials used in the building construction, for instance,
will decrease or increase the resistance of the passage of air.
A hard, repressed brick
is to be preferred. If monolithic
concrete, should contain a so-called water-proofing material

to close up the pores as much as possible and provide just

that much more resistance to the infiltration of air.
Reasonably smooth and level inside building surfaces must
be left to receive insulation, if it is to be erected in hot asphalt
instead of the usual half-inch bedding of Portland cement mor-
tar ; because there is no appreciable thickness to hot asphalt



to compensate uneven wall surfaces, as previously noted. To]

air-proof building walls, two good coats of a suitable "asphalt
— —
primer" not ordinary asphalt paint should be applied, by
brush or spray gun, as reason dictates. A suitable priming ma-
terial is a good grade of unfluxed petroleum asphalt cut to the
proper consistency with a solvent. The corkboards should
then be erected in hot, odorless asphalt against the primed
surface of the building walls, and the second course of insu-
lation erected to the first in the same material and addition-'
ally secured with hickory skewers. If the building surfaces
provided in the first place are not reasonably smooth, the
second layer of insulation may have to be erected to the first
layer in a bedding of mortar, instead of in hot asphalt, to


effect a general leveling up of the last course of insulation

in preperation for the finish over insulation. But hot asphalt
between the layers of corkboard is preferable, because it gives
just that much additional air-proofing. Detailed information
relative to asphalts will be found in a later Article in this
Chapter; and detailed specifications and directions for apply-
ing asphalts will be found in their proper order in Chapters
XIII and XIV, respectively.
It must not be inferred that the greater proportion of
moisture in corkboard insulation comes in from the outside
through the building construction. It is but one of two ways,
and it way in which moisture
will be recalled that the other
finds entrance is through the Portland cement plaster finish
that it has been for so many yea^s the universal custom to
apply ; but the proper preparation of building surfaces to
receive insulation is one of the most important single con-
tributing items to the high efficiency and long life of cold
storage room insulation.

97. —Insulation of Floors, Columns, Ceilings and Beams.

Probably because a cold storage room is colder at the floor
than at the ceiling, even though the floor insulation may be
wholly inadequate, some have been tempted to specify either
very light floor insulation, or none at all. The importance of
adequately insulating the bottoms of ice-making tanks and
! the floors of all ice storage houses and cold storage rooms,
. especially when such floors are located on the ground, is prob-
ably not as fully appreciated as is the necessity for proper
insulation of other surfaces.
The fact that a cold storage room is colder at the floor
:-than at other vertical points,even though it has no insulation
on the floor, is due to the weight of cold air as compared with
warm air, rather than to the possibility of the heat leakage
being less through such uninsulated floor than it is through
the insulated walls and ceiling. This fact, of course, is very
elemental but it evidently persists in the minds of some, and

should be disposed of before proceeding to the consideration

of the proper insulation of all floors that rest on the ground.

The average temperature of the earth varies for different

years and localities between about 50° and 60° F. If a cold
storage room is operated throughout the year, the loss of
refrigeration per unit area through an uninsulated floor resting
on the ground is surprising; and if such room is operated
during the warm and hot seasons only, when the average tem-
perature of the earth for such period is somewhat higher than
the average for the year, then the loss of refrigeration through
such uninsulated floor in contact with the ground is even a
more serious item. Where temperatures below freezing are
maintained, failure to adequately insulate ground floors is
quite likely to entail serious losses other than those of unnec-
essary heat leakage, as the freezing of the earth has been
known to disturb entire building structures with consequent
heavy loss to property and business.
The same careful con-
insulation of floors should have the
sideration as would be given to the insulation of any other
building surface. Sharp freezer rooms in cold storage plants
should always be located on the top floor, or floors, not in
the basement, and not between floors that are to operate at
higher cold storage temperatures. If sharp freezers are lo-
cated in the basement, thereis unnecessary risk of the freez-

ing of the ground underneath, even though the floor is heavily

insulated, with consequent heavy losses; and if they are
located between floors that are to operate at higher tempera-
tures, goods stored on the floor directly above, even though
the building slab between is well insulated, are likely to
The complete arrangement of cold storage rooms —their
size, height, location, purpose, and general utility — should be
most carefully thought out in advance, with the idea of ade-
quate safeguard and maximum economy in construction and
operation; and the degree of success obtainable with cold
storage rooms is directly dependent on the degree of intelli-
gence and care that is put into such planning.
Columns and pilasters, of concrete or steel, especially those
in cold storage rooms situated in basements and lower floors,
must be adequately insulated, primarily as a safeguard against
disastrous results to the stability of the entire building struc-
ture caused by the freezing of the earth at their base. The
proper insulation of columns and pilasters for the prevention

the ceiling construction, as floor insulation, and the insulation

of the walls can be made continuous, without breaks at floor
(ceiling) levels, by providing an interior building structure of
concrete and steel to carry the load of the cold storage section
of the building and its contents, and casing it in with self-
sustaining curtain walls, of brick or concrete, entirely inde-
pendent of the interior structure except for a few small metal
tic'^. The insulation of outside building walls is then applied
against the inner surface of the curtain walls in a continuous
sheet, without breaks at floor lines and connecting with the



proper floor (ceiling) insulation Mdiereverit may occur; but

where insulated interior dividing walls are required, such as

those walls that may divide the cold storage section of the
building from the dry storage section, provision frequently
need be made only for self-sustaining cork walls unsupported
•by interior building walls of any kind. In this way the cold
storage section of the building is literally enveloped wdth insu-
lation, loss of refrigeration is reduced to a minimum, and all

ceiling insulation disappears in favor of floor or roof insulation

next abo\'e.
In old buildings of mill construction, it is frequently pos-

sible, and if highly desirable, to remove the ceiling and

floor coverings at all wall lines where insulation will occur,
and make such insulation continuous through and between the


joists of such ceiling and join it with floor (ceiling) insulation
above. In old buildings containing concrete ceiling slabs so
supported as to make cutting through for continuous insula-
is some-
tion impossible or not feasible, the wall insulation
times carried out on the underside of ceiling a distance of 3
feet and then the entire floor area above is insulated.

The effect of this is to obtain an insulating value at the

uninsulated perimeter of the concrete slab of something in
excess of 36 inches of concrete, which will suffice for normal
temperatures, and places much the greater part of the ceiling
insulation on the floor above.
In old buildings of such design that continuous insulation
is not possible or feasible, then the insulation must be applied
to the underside of wood sheathed joists, or to the under-
side of concrete slab and around all beams and girders. Great
care should then be taken to properly prepare the surfaces
for such insulation, to properly apply it, and then finally to

finish such insulation accordance with the most approved

off in
modern practice. Especial care should be taken to carry the
insulation around all beams and girders, it never being per-
missible to construct any kind of false ceiling at the bottom
line of beams or girders and apply insulation to such false
work, leaving closed air spaces above, because such spaces
will fill with water and the insulation will fail. If the height
between floors of the building is greater than required for the
cold storage rooms, then false ceilings hung from above are
permissable if they leave enough space between for good
ventilation. For rooms of moderate width, under the sarr>e
conditions, where there will never be extra weight applied on
top of the cold storage room ceiling construction, T-irons are
frequently supported on the side wall insulation, 12 inches
apart, to support two layers of corkboard, one above and one
below, to form a self-supporting cork ceiling of satisfactory

98. — Doors and Windows.—The three principal heat losses

that occur in the average cold storage room, after it has been
brought to temperature, are
(a) Heat leakage through the insulated floor, walls and ceiling.


(b) Heat entrance permitted by the opening of doors, allowing

warm air to pass in and cold air to pass out.
(c) Heat brought into the room in goods placed in storage,
through the medium of the thermal capacity of such goods.

The relation of these, or the importance of any one with

respect to another, in the case of any given cold storage room,
is dependent on too many variables to permit of comparisons;
but it is now generally recognized that the modern cold stor-
age door plays an important part in reducing "door losses"



to a very low point. The fact is that the use of special door
Equipment, consisting of door and frame and hardware assem-
bled complete, and built by reliable manufacturers, for cold
stores, is now so universal in the United States as to be
standard, the time-honored, ill-fitting, home-made cold storage
: door having been completely discarded in favor of the modern
cold storage door that is well braced and heavily constructed
of seasoned lumber to withstand years of hard special service,
corkboard-insulated for highest permanent thermal efficiency,
and delicately fitted to heavy frame on special and reliable
hardware for quick and easy opening and air-tight closing.
Cold storage windows, except for retail display purposes, were
also discarded, following the advent of modern electric light-
ing equipment. Where windows must be used, they should
be specially manufactured, with multiple panes and sealed
air spaces and equipped with modern improved hardware.
With the use of modern cold storage door equipment, the
entrance of heat permitted by the opening of doors cannot be
further reduced except through the employment of such de-



vices as anterooms, vestibule or "flapper" doors, automatic

door closers, etc., which will reduce the amount of warm air
that would otherwise enter the cold room.
Cold storage doors may swing either "right-hand" or "left-
hand"; and since there is often confusion as to the exact
meaning of these terms, an explanation shall be given. When
standing so as to squarely face the front of a cold storage
door, a right-hand door will have the hinges on the right hand
side, and when opened with the right hand will swing past the
right hand side of the body; and a left-hand door will have the
hinges on the left side and when opened with the left hand
will swing past the left hand side of the body. Cold storage
doors may have any one of three kinds of sills; namely, (1)
beveled or threshold or beveled threshold, (2) high or over-

lapping, and (3) no-sill or angle-iron or concrete. Specifica-

tions for cold stora.ce doors to be equipped with automatic


trap door to accommodate overhead track, must include the
height of the fop edge of track above the finished floor of the


com just inside doonvay, and the depth of rail. (Allowance

Js provided by manufacturers for any bevel of sill and any
slight variation in the height of track rail.) The width and
height of cold storage doors are always specified as "the
dimensions inside of frame" or "door in the clear." In the
case of the no-sill type, the height of the "door in the clear"
is understood to be the dimension measured from the lowest
point of frame at top of door to the concrete floor level in
doorway. (Consult manufacturers for detailed cold storage
door specifications.)

99. —
Interior Finishes for Cold Storage Rooms. It has —
been noted that when water is precipitated on the plastered
surface of an insulated cold storage room, by the condensa-
tion of moisture from the air upon a cool surface, a part of
such water is absorbed by the plaster by capillarity, which
slowly disintegrates the plaster while placing a portion of
such moisture on the surface of the insulation directly behind
the plaster. Cork, unlike other materials, will not take up
this water by capillarity, but such water may by gravity find
its way into the corkboards through possible small interstices
or voids between the particles of cork bark that comprise tlie

sheet of insulation.
has also been noted that the modern
It corkboard product
of maximum worth must be compact and freefrom voids to
the greatest possible extent, although the nature of the raw
material, and the manufacturing process that must be fol-
lowed, do not permit of the elimination of all voids, especially
surface voids. Water in contact with corkboard on the walls
of buildings can be expected to penetrate the insulation to
some extent at least, such penetration having been known in
extreme cases to reach a depth of as much as an inch or so.
Thus it should be evident that the finish over the cOi'--
board insulation on cold storage room walls should have more
than passing attention, but the subject has long been neg-
lected and not until comparatively recently has it had serious
Portland cement plaster troweled smooth and hard for the
finish coat over the last layer of insulation is much better
than plaster floated because the troweled plaster is less porous

and possesses less capillarity. This fact does not seem to be

appreciated by many, however, for plaster floated has long

been the universal practice, although for many years the

United States Government has not permited floated plaster in
government-inspected meat rooms because of its porosity and
consequent tendency to take up water and become foul.
Materials not possessing capillarity, for the finish coat
over cold storage room insulation, are coming into much favor.
Factory ironed-on mastic finish coated corkboards for the sec-



ond course, with all joints effectively sealed at point of erec-

tion with the point of a hot tool, are much better where mois-
ture is encountered in cold storage rooms than is any kind of
plaster; while a finish having an emulsified asphalt base, which
may be troweled on at the job, in two coats, in much the same
way as plaster, is gaining in use, although it has probably not
yet been tried over a sufficient period of time, and its formula
has not yet been sufficiently standardized, to permit of an
unqualified general approval.
If good troweled plaster on walls is finished off first with a


filler and then with a good elastic enamel, such surface will
present an efficient barrier to the entrance of moisture. An
elastic enamel is required, to withstand the contraction and
expansion of the room surfaces due to changes in temperature.
The Portland cement plaster, however, is of such nature as
to expand and contract a considerable amount, under cold
storage room conditions, so much so that it has long been
the practice to score the surface of such plaster finish in four
foot squares to confine the checking and cracking to such
score marks, or, if you wish, to provide expansion joints,
similar to the expansion joints in concrete sidewalks. The
weak points in enameled troweled plaster are these score
marks, or expansion joints, and especial care must be taken
to keep all such cracks so well closed with filler and enamel
that little, if any, moisture will contact with the insulation
through that source. To do this is not as difficult as it may
sound, or as some would have us believe; for it is, in many
cold storage rooms, entirely feasible and practical to use
enameled troweled plaster on walls with entire success, and
if to the plaster mix a small portion of some good and suitable
integral waterproofing compound is added, the value of the
plaster as a protective coating will be enhanced.
The service in cold storage rooms of cold storage buildings
isnot usually as severe, from the standpoint of moisture, as is
the service in daily ice storages, milk rooms, poultry chill
rooms, and a host of small cold storage rooms in small plants
because in cold storage buildings the rooms are not, as a
rule, entered nearly as often as are the cold storage rooms in
small plants, and when the rooms in a cold storage building
are entered it is invariably through anterooms that keep
the warm, outside air from rushing directly into the cold
storage room and precipitating its moisture upon cool sur-
faces of every kind. Consec^uently, the need for the most
efficient protective finish for the interior of cold storage rooms
will be in rooms operating at moderate temperatures, such as
from 28° to 35° or 40° F., in which rooms the moisture pre-
cipitated upon cold surfaces is not converted into frost
crystals, or not so quickly converted but that there is an op-
portunity for some of it to be absorbed.

If insulation is applied to the underside of ceilings in rooms

where the height islimited and cooling coils are either hung
near the ceiling or placed close to the ceiling in bunkers, as is
usual in the small cold storage rooms to be found outside of
cold storage buildings, the finish over the corkboards should
always be something more vulnerable than plaster. Either
factory ironed-on mastic finish, with all joints carefully sealed
upon application, or the very best emulsified asphalt prepara-


tion, troweled on in two coats, should be used on all such

insulated ceiling areas and where coil bunkers are used, such

special asphaltic waterproof finish should also be used on all

walls down at least to the lower line of bunker construction,
and often preferably on the entire wall areas of the room.
(Plaster should never be applied in rooms to be used for the
storage or handling of ice.)
Wall finishes containing asphalt will discolor most paints
of lighter color unless a continuous coating of orange shellac
is first applied to the asphaltic surface, but aluminum paint

can be applied directly over asphalt without fear of discolora-

tion. Aluminum painted surfaces have the advantage of radi-


ating less heat than non-metallic surfaces, although since not
over 10 per cent of all heat normally entering an insulated
cold storageroom through its surfaces is traceable to radiation
and convection combined, the insulating effect of the alumi-
num paint is of negligible importance, and the finish should
be valued alone for its utility as a coating and preserving
On customary and very satisfactory to use con-
floors, it is
crete over insulation, such concrete troweled hard and smooth
and sloped to drain. In ice storage houses the concrete should
be of increased thickness, or contain reinforcing mesh, or
both, on account of the weight to be supported. In fur stor-
ages, the desire is often for a wood floor of maple, which is
satisfactory in dry rooms if properly laid. In milk rooms,
and generally wherever metal containers must be moved over
floors, metal grids should be imbedded flush in the concrete
in fact the use of such metal grids is increasing rapidly in
cold storage rooms of every kind.
Lumber in cold storage rooms, as exposed ceiling con-
struction where insulation is applied above, or as bunker con-
struction, or as spacing strips on the floors and walls of ice
storage houses, or as bumper plates around the walls to
protect the finish from boxes and barrels, should not be creo-
soted before installation, because of the danger from odors,
but should be properly painted immediately afterwards and
before the cold storage room is put in service.

100. — Asphalt Cement and Asphalt Primer. —Authentic

evidence exists that asphalt was known for its useful and
valuable properties almost as far back as our knowledge of
civilization extends. The earliest recorded use of asphalt
was by the Sumarians, inhabitants of the Euphrates Valley
before the ascendency of the Babylonians. Unearthed relics
demonstrate that as early as 3000 B. C, asphalt was used by
these people as a cement for attaching ornaments to sculp-
tures, carvings and pottery. An asphalt mastic cast exca-
vated at Lagash, near the mouth of the Euphrates, dates back
to 2850 B. C, and as early as 2500 B. C. the Egyptians utilized
melted asphalt as a preservative coating for the cloth wrap-
pings of their mummies.

The famous towers of Babylon were protected for some

twelve stories with a coating consisting of crushed brick
mixed with bitumen, to effectually retard the encroachments
of both damp creeping up from the earth and of the flood
waters of the Euphrates. Arthur Danby says that there
is no doubt but that the sole reason why the remaining tower

of Babylon (Birs Nimrod) has stood for such a great length

of time, is that the buildersused bitumen as an admixture in
its construction.Nebuchadnezzar's father, as king of Baby-
lon, about 500 B. C, is believed to have first used asphalt as
a mortar for brick pavements, and Nebuchadnezzar continued
the practice, as recorded by an inscription on a brick taken
from one of the streets.
Thus asphalt, instead of being a product of modern use,
as may be commonly supposed, has a useful record behind it
of thousands of years, handed down from the oldest civiliza-
tion; but prior to about 1900 A. D. the term asphalt was
restricted almost exclusively to certain semi-solid or solid
bitumens found in natural deposits, often mixed with silt or
clay and thus known as asphaltic-sand or rock-asphalt. Trini-
dad natural asphalt since about 1880, and Bermudez Lake
natural asphalt since about 1890, have been imported into the
United States and used for paving purposes. Deposits of
asphaltic sands and rock asphalt have been found in the
United States, but they appear to be somewhat unsuited for
present industrial purposes. Small deposits of hard and nearly
pure asphalts, commonly known as Gilsanite, Grahamite, and
so forth, have also been discovered in the United States and
are well suited for the manufacture of certain asphalt special-

Practically all natural or native asphalt is too hard for

!. direct use in the manufacture of asphalt products;
and after
a simple refining process, which consists in heating the crude
material until water, gas and other volatile material is driven
off, must be softened to suitable consistency by
native asphalt
combining with the proper amount of a residual petroleum

known as flux oil. Petroleum probably always served as an

important integral part of all asphalt used for industrial pur-
poses; in fact, it is now generally believed that all natural
asphalt originated in petroleum.
The first petroleum known and used in the United States
was of the paraffin type and* occurred in Pennsylvania, Ohio
and Indiana. Distillation of this petroleum, to remove the
more volatile matter, yielded a thick, greasy oil residue which
proved quite satisfactory as a flux for natural asphalt, but
which upon further distillation produced coke; whereas, later,
with the discovery and refining of California petroleum, fur-



ther distillation of California residual oil produced, before

coke was formed, a semi-solid, sticky or tacky asphaltic
material resembling native asphalts. Refinements in distilla-

tion processes improved the California petroleum asphalt until

it was demonstrated that if recovered by suitable means it

was essentially the same as certain native asphalts.

Appreciable quantities of petroleum asphalt were being
used in the United States for paving, by about 1900. How-


ever, it was received on trial for over ten years until experi-
ence with it in service demonstrated that it was equally as
good paving purposes as the natural or lake asphalts. By
about 1911, the asphalt produced from domestic petroleum
exceeded the Trinidad and Bermudez asphalt importations;
and since then the production of petroleum asphalt has con-
tinued to grow rapidly, stimulated by large available quanti-
ties ofMexican petroleum highly asphaltic in character.
Statistics of the United States Geological Survey for 1919*
show the following
Asphalt from domestic petroleum 614,692 tons 41.4%
Asphalt from Mexican petroleum 674,876 tons 45.5%
Domestic native asphalt (bituminous rock) 53,589 tons 3.6%
Other domestic native bituminous substances 34,692 tons 2.3%
Asphalt imported from Trinidad and Tobago 51,062 tons 3.5%
Asphalt imported from Venezuela 47,309 tons 3.2%
Other imported asphalts including bituminous rock 7,277 tons 0.5%
TOTAL ASPHALT 1,483,497 tons 100.0%
.\sphalt exported from U. S.t 40,208 tons 2.7%
Approximate consumption of asphalt in U. S 1,443,289 tons 97.3%

These figures indicate that approximately 87 per cent of

all asphalt produced by or imported into the United States

that year was obtained from the distillation of petroleum, and

since then this ratio has continued to increase in favor of the
petroleum asphalts.
; Asphalt would appear to be the oldest waterproof adhesive
to man
known and since the manufacture of asphalt from

petroleum has made it readily available in almost unlimited


'quantities, it has been adapted to a great many industrial

purposes, of which the paving industry leads and the roofing
industry is second, consuming together some 85 or 90 per
cent of the entire asphalt output. The remainder of the out-
iput is used for waterproofing, flooring, insulating, and some
I'ksphalt finds its w^ay into the manufacture of rubber goods,
paints, varnishes, bituminous putty, emulsions, sealing com-

pounds, floor coverings, etc.

As the general term "asphalt" is commonly applied to a

great variety of asphalts and asphaltic products, the asphalt

•Asphalts and Related Bitumens in 1919, by R. W. Cottrell.

Note See also "Asphalt," by Prevost Hubbard, in "The Mineral Industry during
•1925," Volume 34, McGraw-Hill Book Co.
tThis does not include manufactures of asphalt valued at approximately one-half
' the value of the tonnage of asphalt exported.
: :


to be used in applying cold storage insulation shall be
"Asphalt cement" and should be carefully selected for certain
properties and characteristics that are highly desirable where
foodstuffs are stored and where the success of the installation
depends to a marked degree on the permanent air-proofing
and cementing qualities of the Asphalt cement selected. These
properties are substantially as follows
(a) Purity.
(b) Durability.
(c) Flexibility.
(d) Adhesiveness.
Tests to determine the presence of these properties are
reflected in the specifications of the American Concrete Insti-
tute, the American Society for Testing Materials and the
United 'States Bureau of Standards, which specifications are
much the same; and by the aid of these specifications, sup-
ported by the practical knowledge of the requirements of a
suitable asphalt for use in applying cold storage insulation to
building or other surfaces, a specification has been prepared,
as follows

Specification for Asphalt Cement for Cold Storage Insulation.

Impurities. — The Asphalt cement shall contain no water, decom-

position products, granular particles, or other impurities, and it shall
be homogeneous. (Ash passing the 200-mesh screen shall not be cc»n-
sidered an impurity; but if greater than 1 per cent., corrections in
gross weights shall be made to allow for the proper percentage of
Specific Gravity. —The specific gravity of the Asphalt cement shall
not be less than 1.000 at 77° F. (25° C).

Fixed Carbon. The fixed carbon in the Asphalt cement shall not
be greater than 18 per cent.
Sulphur. —The sulphur and sulphur compounds in the Asphalt ce-
ment shall not be greater than 1^ per cent., by the ash free basis of
Solubility in Carbon Bisulphide. —
The Asphalt cement shall be sol-
uble to the extent of at least 98 per cent, in chemically pure carbon
bisulphide (CS2).
Melting Point. —The melting point of the Asphalt cement shall be
greater than 165° F. and less than 190° F., by the Ring and Ball

Flash Point. The flash point of the Asphalt cement shall be not
less than 425° F. (218.3° C), by the Cleveland Open Cup test.

Penetration. —The
Asphalt cement shall be of such consistency as
to show a penetration of more than 15 when tested at 32° F. (0° C.)
and less than 70 when tested at 115° F. (46.1° C). (0.2 millimeter
shall be added for each 1.0 per cent, of ash, to give the true pene-
Volatilisation. — The
loss by volatilization on heating of the As-
phalt cement exceed 1 per cent., the penetration after heating
shall not
shall be not less than 80 per cent, of the original penetration, and the
ductility after heating shall have been reduced not more than 20 per
Ductility. — When pulled vertically by a motor at a uniform rate
of 5 cm. per minute in a bath of water, a cylinder of Asphalt cement
1 cm. in diameter at a temperature of 77° F. (25° C.) shall be elon-
gated not less than 15 cm. before breaking, and at a temperature of
40° F. (4.5° C.) shall be elongated not less than 3 cm. before breaking.

Outline of the Purpose of Specifications for Asphalt Cement

for Cold Storage Insulation.
Impurities are a measure of the care with which the Asphalt cement
has been refined and handled. Usually the presence of impurities in
'arge quantities indicates a poor grade of asphalt. Water as an impur-
ity would act as a diluent and would cause foaming in the kettle. Ash,
3r mineral matter, is not considered an impurity if it is a natural con-
stituent of the Asphalt cement, but the cementing value must be fig-
ured on the bitumen alone.
Specific Grcznty of the Asphalt cement should be over 1.000 be-
cause Asphalt cements of a pentration satisfactory for cold storage
insulation work always have a specific gravity greater than 1.000,
whereas paraffin base and air-blown products frequently have a spe-
:ific gravity less than 1.000.

Fixed Carbon is to some extent a measure of the chemical con-
i;titution of an Asphalt cement, and largely used to determine the

;ource and uniformity of an asphalt. Fixed carbon is not free carbon,

A^hich latter is practically absent in Asphalt cement, but fixed carbon
ncludes free carbon.
Sulphur and sulphur compounds are ordinarily the cause of the
odor in oils and asphalts, particularly upon heating. An Asphalt
i^ement that is low in sulphur compounds is necessary for cold storage
nsulation work.
Solubility in Carbon Bisulphide is a measure of the purity of an
A.sphalt cement; and the cementing value, other things being equal, is
proportional to the CS2 solubility. Any carbonaceous material, such
IS coal tar or pitch, is detected by this test.

Melting Point is a measure of the temperature at which the As-

)halt cement will flow readily. The melting point desired is deter-
nined by the workability of the Asphalt cement on corkboards when
lipped, and should have a melting point somewhat higher than the
lighest temperature to which it will be subjected in place with


Flash Point is a measure of the amount of volatile hydrocarbons
that are present in the Asphalt cement, and of the readiness of the
asphalt to decompose by heat.
Penetration is a measure of the consistency of the Asphalt cement.
It is merely a quick, convenient test for checking up numerous sam-
ples. The penetration is expressed in degrees, and 1/10 m.m. equals
one degree. The penetration to be desired will depend upon the
climate, the ductility and adhesiveness of the Asphalt cement.
Loss by Volatilization is a measure of the amount of light hydro-
carbons that are present in Asphalt cement, v^rhich indicates its ten-
dency to oxidize and to lose its ductility and penetration.
Ductility is a measure of the ability of an Asphalt cement to ex-
pand and contract without breaking or cracking. The same asphalt
at a higher penetration should have a higher ductility, so all ductility
tests should be based on a certain definite penetration regardless of
temperature, or should be based on a temperature of 32° F. (0° C).
Ductility is also a measure of the cementing strength.
Viscosity is a measure of the ability of the Asphalt cement to im-
part plasticity and malleability.

The methods of testing to be followed in connection with

Specification for Asphalt Cement for Cold Storage Insulation, are
those of the American Society for Testing Materials, as
(a) Determination of Bitumen in Asphalt Pioducts (Deducted
from 100 per cent, equals Purity) A. S. T. M., D4-23T.
(b) Softening Point of Bituminous Materials (Ring and Ball
Method) A. S. T. M., D36-24.
(c) Flash and Fire Points of Bituminous Materials (by the Cleve-
land Open Cup Method) A. S. T. M., D92-24.
(d) Penetration of Bituminous Materials, A. S. T. M., D5-25
(e) Loss on Heating of Oil and Asphaltic Compounds, A. S. T. M.,
(f) Ductility of Bituminous Materials, A. S. T. M., D113-22T.
(g) Sulphur in Bituminous Materials (Ash Free Basis) A. S. T. M.,
The Kansas City Testing Laboratory, in its Bulletin No.
15, publishes values for the composition of natural and petro-
leum asphalts, as follows



Mexi- Mid-Continent Calif- Stano-
can Air Blown ornia lind*
Bitumen 99.5% 99.2% 99.5% 99.8%
Mineral Matter 0.3% 0.7% 0.3% 0.3%
Specific Gravity 1.040 0.990 1.045 1060
Fixed Carl on 17.5%. 12.0% 15.0% 17.5%
Melting Point °F 140 180 140 135
Penetration (77° F.) 55 40 60 SO
Free Carbon 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Sulphur (ash frte basis) 4.50% 0.60% 1.657o 0.35%
Petroleum Ether Soluble 70.0%) 72.0% 67.0%, 70.0%
Cementing Properties good poor good gooa
Ductility (squarp mold) 45 cm 2 cm 70 cm 100 +
Loss at 32° F. 5 hrs 0.2%, 0.1% 0.2%, 0.1%
Heat test adherent smooth adherent scaly

These values were obtained by methods of testing as pub-

lished by the K. C. T. L., Bulletin No. 15, which are in many
particulars slightly different from the methods adopted by
the American Society for Testing Materials, and consequently
the values of the K. C. T. L. are given here for general infor-
mation only and are no way to be confused with the values
called for in a Specification for Asphalt Cement for Cold Storage
Insulation, or with an Asphalt Primer for Use with Asphalt
The "Heat Test" mentioned in the K. C. T. L, Table No. 2,
should be of interest, as follows

Resistance of Asphalt Cement to Oxidation, K, C, T. L., 1919

A strip sheet iron 2 inches wide and 6 inches long is

of thin
covered on its lower 4 inches with the melted asphaltic cement. This
strip is placed in an oven at 275° F. for 15 minutes and allowed to
thoroughly drain.
It is removed from the oven and allowed to cool, then placed in
an electrically heated oven at a temperature of 450° F. for one hour.
At the end of the hour, the door of the oven is opened and the heat
is turned off, the specimen being allowed to remain in the oven.

The oven shall be one having outside dimensions of 12x12x12

inches with an opening in the top 1 cm.
diameter, the heating ele-

ments being in the The

resistance shall be so
bottom of the oven.
distributed that the heat is uniform throughout the oven. The lower
end of the strip shall be suspended so that it is at least 3 cm. from
the bottom of the oven.
The resistance is preferably so arranged that three different heats
can be maintained with a snap switch such that the lowest heat is
325° F., themedium heat is 400° F. and the highest heat is 450° F.
After being subjected to these tests, the film of asphalt should be
brilliant and lustrous, should not be scaly and fragile, should adhere
fi firmly to the metal and should not be dull and cheesy in texture.
'(Cracked-pressure tar residue. ")
suitable Asphalt Primer for initial application to con- I

Crete and masonry surfaces as preparation for the erection of

cold storage insulation in Asphalt cement, is as follows: i

Asphalt Primer for Use With Asphalt Cement j

asphalt used in preparing the primer shall be homogeneous i

and free from water, and shall conform to the following requirements:
(a) Melting point (R & B) 140 to 225° F. (60° to 107.2° C.) I

(b) Penetration at 77° F. (25° C.) 100 grams pressure for 5

seconds 20 to 50
(c) Flash point (Open Cup).... Not less than 347° F. (175° C.)
(d) Loss on heating 50 grams at 325° F. (163° C.) for 5
hours Not more than 1%
(e) Penetration at 77° F. (25° C.) 100 grams pressure for 5
seconds, of the residue after heating SO grams at 325' F.
(163° C.) for 5 hours as compared with penetration of
asphalt before heating Not less than 60%
(f) Ductility at 77° F. (25° C.) Not less than 15 cm.
(g) Insolubles in Carbon disulphide Not more than 2%
The solvent used in cutting the asphalt (in preparing the primer)
shall be a hydrocarbon distillate having an end point on distillation
of not above 500° F. (250° C), of which not more than 20 per cent
shall distill under 248° F. (120° C).
The finished Asphalt Primer shall be free from water* and shall
conform to the following requirements:
(a) Sediment* Not more than 1%
(b) Asphaltic base by weight 25 to 35%

101. — Emulsified Asphalt. — Emulsified asphalt and emulsi-

fied asphalt plastic, for the interior finish of cold storage
rooms, and sometimes for the priming of surfaces in prepara-
tion for insulation to be applied in hot Asphalt cement, has

had enough publicity favorable and unfavorable to justify —
a very careful look into the general subject of asphalt emul-
"Colloid chemistry is the chemistry of grains, drops, bub-
bles, filaments, and films," according to Bancroft; but colloid
chemistry actually deals with grains, drops, and bubbles only
when they are sufficiently small, of diameters ranging from
ICX) millimicrons to 1 milllmicronf, and when such particles

are surrounded by, or dispersed in, some other substance, as

dust in air (smoke), water in butter, oil in water (milk), air

*To test for Water and Sediment, use A.S.T.M. Method D9S-23T.
tA millimicron, 1 /jl/i. is one niillicnth of a millimeter, 100 fi/t just barely being
visilale with the aid ot the best microscope, and the largest molecules approach a
diameter of l nf/i,,

in water (foam), etc, "The colloidal realm ranges from the

lower limit of microscopic visibility to the upper limit of mo-
lecular dimensions," says Holmes, and adds that most colloidal
particles are aggregates of hundreds or even thousands of
Water, wood, paper, clothing, glass, cement, paints, inks,
asphalt, cheese, oils,and countless other materials in common



use are colloidal, that is, may be dispersed in or surrounded by
some other substance.
A small quantity of oil may, for example, be dispersed in
'Water, by vigorous shaking or stirring; but to maintain the
dispersion, or keep the emulsion, is the problem. Aside from
tl the unequal specific gravities of the two substances, the fact
of the unequal surface tensions of water and oil assists in
causing the microscopic drops of form together, separat-
oil to
ing from the water, the surface tension of any given liquid

being that tension by virtue of which it acts as an elastic

enveloping membrane tending always to contract the surface
of the liquid to the minimum exposed area.* When a sub-
stance is colloidally dispersed, the efifect of gravity is con-
siderably counteracted, while surface tension, electric (ionic)
charge, and other forms of energy increase greatly.
Thus by lowering the surface tension of water, by the
introduction of an alkali, an oil-in-water emulsion should keep
longer. But water molecules are always in constant motion
when above absolute zero temperature, and bombard the sus-
pended colloids of oil from all sides, tending to move them
about, and thus to coagulate or unite upon touching due to
the surface tension of oil. Then, too, particles in the col-
loidal state bearing unlike electric charges, tend to attract
each and thus coagulate; while particles similarly
charged, tend to repel, and thus move about, and coagulate
upon touching.
It will be seen that lowering the surface tension often
exerts considerable influence in emulsification, but the con-
centration of a film of some non-adhesive gelatin substance
around the suspended colloids, so that they have difficulty in
touching, is more importance.
usually of
There are several methods of subdividing common sub-
stances so that they may be colloidally suspended, some meth-
ods being purely mechanical and others chemical ; but in con-
nection with proposed chemical methods, it must be remem-
bered that colloidal suspensions are not true solutions, colloid
aggregates often being thousands of times as large as a mole-
cule while molecules only are found in true solutions.
Colloid particles have an ability to adsorb other substances,
that is, hold other substances to their surfaces, and it is this
property that makes it possible to coat or cover such colloids
with a non-adhesive substance, such as starch or geletin or
clay, so that the colloids will not coalesce or unite when they
touch each other. On the other hand, if the particles in sus-
pension were originally of too great size to fall within the
range of the colloidal realm, and thus are beyond the help of
*A cube 1 cm. on edge has a surface of 6 sq. cm. If subdivided in much smaller
cubes 100 //// on edge, the total surface is 600,000 sq. cm If further subdivided into
the colloidal realm of cubes 10 /i/i on edge, the total surface is 6,000,000 sq. cm. Sur-
face tension tends to reduce the colloidal particles to the cube 1 cm. on edge, or,
more properly, to a sphere.

the bombardment of the water molecules (Brownian move-

ment) to keep them suspended, such aggregates will settle.
Emulsoids are dehydrated and coagulated by excessive
amounts of salts, by nitric acid, sometimes by heat and by
shaking. Thus if it is necessary to shake an emulsion a great
deal, inhandling, or shipping, or stirring to counteract settling,
the particles (having lost their full protective coats by dis-
turbance) may coagulate an amount sufficient to destroy the
It is the non-adhesive substance used to coat the dispersed
colloidal particles that is known as the emulsifying agent,
and such agent must be capable of being colloidally dispersed
also. The emulsifying agent selected, however, must be such
that the adsorptive power of its colloids is less than that of the
colloidall}^ dispersed basic substance being emulsified, else the
dispersed protective colloids of the emulsifying agent will not
be held to the surface of the colloidal particles of the basic
material, but the reverse will occur, and the colloidal particles
of the emulsifying agent will become coated by the dispersed
colloids of the basic material. The adsorptive power of an
adhesive type of colloidal particle, for colloidal particles of a
non-adhesive and protective character, is apparently increased
by the simple addition of a flocculating agent that will tend
to coagulate or unite the protective colloids in larger aggre-
gates about the basic colloids and thus give the basic colloids
a certain measure of greater protection or isolation one from
If even a faint conception of colloid chemistry, and par-
ticularly the preparation and holding of emulsions, is possible
from the foregoing paragraphs, then a consideration of the
preparation,handling, shipping and application of asphalt
emulsions can follow.
Asphalt, as has been noted, is a colloidal substance; it is

one that may be colloidally dispersed in water by admixture

of the molten material with a hot aqueous alkaline solution ;

it is capable of being mechanically dispersed

a material that is

in a colloidal state in water that has had its high surface

tension relieved. But to emulsify asphalt, that is, hold it in

colloidal suspension, requires the addition of a suitable emulsi-



fying agent, one that is non-adhesive, capable of colloidal dis-
persion and of inferior adsorptive power in the presence of the
basic asphalt colloids. In a word, the colloids of the emulsi-
fying agent must be such as to be held to the surface of the
dispersed asphalt colloids in sufficient quantity and with suf-
ficient bond to prevent the colloidal particles of asphalt from
sticking together as they touch each other during propulsion
about through the aqueous alkaline solution by the forces
that make colloidal suspension possible.
U. S. Letters Patent No. 1,582,467, for example, sets forth
as one of its claims the follow^ing:
process for producing an aqueous bituminous emulsion
which consists in melting solid bitumen of the type arti-
ficially prepared from petroleum, adding thereto with agita-
tion a proportion less than 10% of an emulsifying agent
comprising a substance of the starch-dextrin type, and then
separately adding a dilute aqueous solution of alkali, and
maintaining the heating and agitation of the mixture until
emulsification has been efifected.

U. S. Letters Patent No. 1,567,061 sets forth certain claims

relating to the admixture of a flocculating agent* to an asphalt
emulsion to increase the degree of protection to the suspended
asphalt colloids by causing the colloids of the emulsifying
agent to more tenaciously cling to the suspended colloidal
asphalt, as follows

A process of forming a non-adhesive emulsion, consisting

in emulsifying an adhesive bituminous substance with col-
loidal clay in an aqueous vehicle, adding aluminum sulphate
to the emulsion to cause the emulsifying particles to more
tenaciously gather about the bituminous substance.

The colloidal dispersion of asphalt in water is usually

accomplished by heating the asphalt to about 225° F. and
adding it to a hot aqueous alkaline solution under vigorous
and intimate agitation and there have been a number of

patents issued covering mechanical equipment for many ways

of accomplishing such dispersion. It would therefore appear
that the equipment used and the care exercised in the manu-
facturing process may have considerable to do with the worth
of the finished product. For instance, if the asphalt were not
actually broken up into microscopic particles sufficiently small
to place them in the colloidal realm, then the tendency of that

*Aromoni3 salts arp frequently used in emulsions as flocculating agents.



"emulsion" would be to settle in the container, the particles

of asphalt simply being held apart by their coatings of non-
adhesive material and the disturbances of handling, shipping,

and stirring to counteract settling may sufficiently dislodge

the protective coatings from the asphalt particles to cause
enough coagulation to make the emulsion unfit for practical
use. The use of an unsuitable emulsifying agent, or incor-
rect proportions of ingredients, or insufficient heat, or other
errors of omission or commission, may conceivably be respon-
sible for an unsatisfactory emulsified asphalt product.
Back of it all, important fact
too, is this If a good grade

of a suitable asphalt is used as the basic material to be emulsi-

fied, then vv^hen dehydrated on the w^alls of a building, or on

cork insulation, there will remain the same good grade of a

suitable asphalt as a protective coat; otherwise, not; if a poor
asphalt is emulsified, it remains a poor asphalt, always.
Emulsified asphalt is, of course, subject to freezing, which
is a serious objection to the shipping and handling of the
material in cold weather.
The exact determination of the constituents of an asphalt
emulsion is usually attended with considerable difficulty and
no predetermined scheme can be made applicable to all mate-
rials of this character. The following methods, how='ever, are
used by the United States Office of Public Roads and Rural
Engineering, according to Prevost Hubbard, and have yielded
reasonably satisfactory and fairly accurate results

Special Tests for Emulsions.

Fatty and Resin Acids. — In order to break up the emulsion, a 20-

gram sample is digested on a steam bath with 100 cubic centimeters
of N/2 alcoholic potash. The digestion is carried out in a flask with
a reflux condenser for about 45 minutes. The solution is filtered
and the precipitate washed with 95 per cent alcohol. The filtrate is
evaporated to dryness, after which the residue is taken up with hot
water and any insoluble matter is filtered ofif. The aqueous solution,
which contains the potassium soaps of the fatty acids, is acidified
with dilute sulphuric acid and then shaken in a separatory funnel
with petroleum ether. The aqueous portion is drawn off and the
ethereal layer shaken up with cold water and washed twice, after
which it is evaporated in a weighed platinum or porcelain dish to
constant weight, first over a steam bath and then in a drying oven
at 105° C. The residue consists of the fatty and resin acids present
in the emulsion.
Water. — The percentage of water in the emulsion is determined
by distilling a 100-gram sample in the retort used for dehydration.
The distillation is carried out in exactly the same manner as de-
scribed under this test until the volume of water in the receiver shows
no further increase. Any oils that come over are thoroughly mixed
with the material remaining in the retort.
Aiiniionia. —
Many emulsions contain ammonia, and when this is
present a second distillation of the material is necessary. This is
carried out on a 100-gram sample in exactly the same manner as
described for the determination of water, except for the fact that 40
cubic centimeters of a 10 per cent, solution of caustic potash is added
to the contents of the retort before beginning the distillation. The
distillate is collected in a measured volume of N/2 sulphuric acid.
When the distillation is completed the excess acid is titrated with
N/2 caustic potash, and the ammonia thus determined.
Ash. —A one-gram sample of the dehydrated material is ignited in
a weighed platinum or porcelain crucible. The ash will contain any
inorganic matter from the bitumen as well as the fixed alkali present
in the soap. The results are, of course, all calculated on the basis
of the original material.

Total Bitumen. A two-gram sample of dehydrated material is
extracted with carbon disulphide as described in the method for the
determination of total bitumen, flask method, and in this manner
the organic matter insoluble in carbon disulphide can be determined.
Having determined all constituents as above noted, it is assumed
that the difiference between their sum and 100 per cent, is bitumen,
which amount is reported accordingly.

It will be seen that with emulsified asphalt, as with many

"prepared" products, the average purchaser must rely on the
manufacturer for the quality and fitness of the emulsion for the
work in hand.
The advantage offered by a suitable emulsified asi)halt as
a priming material for masonry surfaces, as compared with
an Asphalt primer, is that emulsified asphalt is non-inflam-
mable and the advantage of the Asphalt primer over the

emulsion is that the asphalt that is cut with a solvent can be

handled with an air-gun at much higher pressures, and thus
with greater penetration, than the emulsion can be handled.
If too great pressure is used with the emulsion, the air-gun is

liable to foul in the nozzle and clog; because the excessive

pressure tends to force too much water out of the emulsion
and coagulate the asphalt in the nozzle.

Emulsified asphalt plastic is simply emulsified asphalt mixed

by mechanical means in suitable proportion with asbestos fibre
and fine sand or other more suitable mineral aggregates, to
form a plastic material resembling Portland cement mortar in
consistency and suitability for application with trowel over
corkboard surfaces. The advantage offered by a suitable
emulsified asphalt plastic as a protective coating for corkboard
insulation, ascompared with factory ironed-on mastic finish
corkboard, found in the versatility of the plastic emulsion.

Except for the contingency of freezing weather, emulsified

asphalt plastic may be applied on the job much like plaster,
to any areas desired, at any time; and, furthermore, a suitable
emulsified asphalt plastic may be applied so as to present a
continuous surface that is sufficiently elastic to withstand
without cracking the contraction and expansion incident to
cold storage rooms, while it may be difficult to have the joints
between factory ironed-on mastic finish corkboards effectually
sealed against the same forces. However, the factory ironed-
on mastic joints can be properly sealed, under adequate super-
vision and with reasonable care.
The choice between the factory finish and the plastic
emulsion should rest entirely upon all the facts surrounding
each case.



102. — Scope and Purpose of Specifications. — These specifi-
cations and illustrations are intended to show corkboard insu-
lation adapted to practically every type of construction to be
found in old buildings or to be employed in new structures,
which specifications long experience has demonstrated to be
practical. In many instances, however, more than one specifi-
cation is given for the erection of corkboard to a given sur-
face, and no recommendation is made as to preference be- ;

cause the use of each and every one of these specifications is

a matter of selection based on experience and a knowledge of
all the conditions of the case, as previously elaborated.
The thickness of corkboard to use must be suited to the
temperatures to be maintained, and to a less degree to several
other factors that will vary in each case, all as noted in
Chapter XII.
These specifications comprise the following:

103. —Walls.— Stone, concrete or brick:

(1) Single layer, in Portland cement.
(2) Single layer, in Asphalt cement.
(3) Double layer, first in Portland cement, second in
Asphalt cement.
(4) Double layer, both in Portland cement.
(5) Double layer, both in Asphalt cement

(6) Single layer, in Asphalt cement.
(7) Double layer, both in Asphalt cement.

105. — Ceilings.— Concrete

(8) Single layer, in Portland cement.
(9) Double layer, both in Portland cement.
(10) Double layer, first in Portland cement, second in
Asphalt cement.
: : :


(11) Single layer, in forms before concrete is poured.

(12) Double layer, first in forms before concrete is
poured, second in Portland cement.
(13) Double layer, first in forms before concrete is
poured, second in Asphalt cement.
106. — Ceilings.— Self-supported:
(14) Double layer, T-irons and Portland cement core.

107.— Ceilings.— Wo o d
(15) Single layer, in Asphalt cement.
(16) Double layer, both in Asphalt cement.

108. —Roofs.— Concrete or wood:

(17) Single layer, in Asphalt cement.
(18) Double layer, both in Asphalt cement.

109.— Floors.—Wood
(19) Single layer, in Asphalt cement, concrete finish.
(20) Single layer, in Asphalt cement, wood finish.
(21) Double layer, both in Asphalt cement, concrete
(22) Double layer, both in Asphalt cement, wood finish.

110. —Floors.— Concrete:

(23) Single layer, in Asphalt cement, concrete finish.
(24) Single layer, in Asphalt cement, wood finish.
(25) Double layer, both in Asphalt cement, concrete
(26) Double layer, both in Asphalt cement, wood finish.

111. — Partitions. — Stone, concrete or brick:

(See —Walls. — Stone,
103. concrete or brick.)

1 12.— Partitions.— Wood

(27) Single layer, between studs, joints sealed in Asphalt
(28) Double layer, first between studs with joints sealed
in Asphalt cement, second in Asphalt cement.
113. —Partitions.— Solid cork:
(29) Single layer, joints sealed in Asphalt cement.
(30) Double layer, first with joints sealed in Asphalt ce-
ment, second in Portland cement.
(31) Double layer, first with joints sealed in Asphalt
cement, second in Asphalt cement.
114.— Tanks.— Freezing:
(32) Double layer on bottom, both in Asphalt cement,
granulated cork fill on sides and ends.
(23) Double layer on bottom, both in Asphalt cement;
double layer on sides and ends, both in Asphalt
(34) Double layer on bottom, both in Asphalt cement;
single layer on sides and ends against studs, with
granulated cork fill.

115. —Finish.—Walls and ceilings:

(35) Portland cement plaster, in two coats.
(36) Factory ironed-on mastic finish, joints sealed.
(37) Glazed tile or brick, in Portland cement.
(38) Emulsified asphalt plastic, in two coats.


116. — Finish. — Floors
(39) Concrete.
(40) Wood.
(41) Galvanized metal.
117. — Miscellaneous Specifications:
(42) Ends of beams or girders extending into walls.
(43) Rat proofing.
(44) Portland cement mortar.
(45) Asphalt cement.
(46) Asphalt primer.


broken and all joints butted tight and sealed in the same com-
pound. To the surface of the insulation shall then be applied
a finish as selected.
a second layer of . . .-inch pure corkboard shall be erected in !

hot Asphalt cement, additionally secured to the first with |

wood skewers, with all joints in the second course broken ,

with respect to all joints in the first course and all joints \

butted tight and sealed in the same compound. To the sur- ;

face of the insulation shall then be applied a finish as selected. |

103. —Walls.— Stone, concrete or brick (continued). |

(4) Double layer, both in Portland cement.

Tothe reasonably smooth and clean walls to be insu-. . .

lated, one layer of .-inch pure corkboard shall be erected in

. .

a i/4-inch bedding of Portland cement mortar, with all vertical i


tionally secured to the first with wood skewers, with all

joints in the second course broken with respect to all joints
in the first course and all joints butted tight and sealed in the

one layer of ...-inch pure corkboard shall be erected in hot
Asphalt cement, additionally secured with galvanized wire
nails, with all vertical joints broken and all joints butted tight
and sealed in the same compound. To the surface of the insu-
lation shall then be applied a finish as selected.

104.— Walls. —Wood (continued).

(7) Double layer, both in Asphalt cement.
To the reasonably smooth and clean walls to be insulated
(consisting of ^-s-inch T. & G. sheathing over wall studding),
one layer of . ..-inch pure corkboard shall be erected in hot

105. — Ceilings. — Concrete.

(8) Single layer, in Portland cement.
To the reasonably smooth and clean concrete ceiling sur-
face to be insulated, one layer of . . .-inch pure corkboard shall
be erected in a ^-inch bedding of Portland cement mortar,
with all transverse joints broken and all joints butted tight,

C E. I l_l NG




CE:^ [E.NT

105. — Ceilings. — Concrete (continued).

(10) Double Portland cement, second in
layer, first in
Asphalt cement.
To the reasonably smooth and clean concrete ceiling sur-
face to be insulated, one layer of .-inch pure corkboard shall
. .

be erected in a 5^-inch bedding of Portland cement mortar,

with all transverse joints broken and all joints butted tight,
and the corkboards propped in position until the cement sets.
To the first course, a second layer of .-inch pure corkboard
. .

shall be erected in hot Asphalt cement, additionally secured

to the first with wood skewers, with all joints in the second
course broken with respect to all joints in the first course and
all joints butted tight and sealed in the same compound. To
the surface of the insulation shall then be applied a finish as

105. — Ceilings.—Concrete (continued).

WOOD form;

into which corkboard long galvanized wire nails shall be driven
obliquely. Into these forms and over this insulation the con-
crete contractor shall pour the concrete. To the under surface
of the insulation, after the concrete contractor has removed
the forms, shall then be applied a finish as selected.

105. — Ceilings. — Concrete (continued).

(12) Double layer, first in forms before concr'ite is

poured, second in Portland cement.

In the concrete ceiling forms, construed by another con-
tractor . . . inches deeper than would otherwise be necessary,

I, 'V^ i^^m
^ <
" ^,'A





one layer of . . .-inch pure corkboard shall be laid down, with

all transverse joints broken and all joints butted tight, and
into which corkboard long galvanized wire nails shall be
driven obliquely. Into these forms and over this insulation
the concrete contractor shall pour the concrete. After the
forms have been removed by the concrete contractor, a sec-
ond layer of ...-inch pure corkboard shall be erected to the
underside of the first course in a ^-inch bedding of Port-
land cement mortar, additionally secured with galvanized
wire nails, with all joints in the second course broken with

respect to all joints in the first course and all joints butted
tight. To the surface of the insulation shall then be applied
a finish as selected.

105. — Ceilings.— Concrete (continued).

(13) Double layer, first in forms before concrete is

poured, second in Asphalt cement.

In the concrete ceiling forms, constructed by another con-
tractor . . . inches deeper than would otherwise be necessary,
one layer of . . .-inch pure corkboard shall be laid down, with




EVPOSE.D Surface,.


106. — Ceilings— Self-supported.
(14) Double layer, T-irons and Portland cement core.
Upon the top edges of the side wall insulation shall be
placed, running the short way of the room,* 2x2xy^-\nch,

2"-Z«^" TE.£ IRON


or 2x2x5/16-inch T-irons, spaced at a distance of 12 inches

between the vertical sections of the T-irons (not from center
to center). Upon the flanges, or horizontal sections, of the T-
irons, one layer of .-inch pure corkboard shall be carefully
. .

put in place, with all joints butted tight. To the top surface
of the insulation shall then be applied a 1-inch thick Portland
cement finish, mixed in the proportion of one part Portland
cement to two parts clean, sharp sand.
To the under side of the first course, a second layer of
. . .-inch pure corkboard shall be erected in a ^-inch bedding
of Portland cement mortar, additionally secured to the first
with galvanized wire nails, all joints in the second course
broken with respect to all joints in the first course and all

joints butted tight. To the surface of the insulation under-

neath shall then be applied a finish as selected.

1 07 . Ceilings. —Wood.
(15) Single layer, in Asphalt cement.
To the reasonably smooth and clean ceiling surface to be
insulated (consisting of J^-inch T. & G. sheathing to joists),
one layer of . . .-inch pure corkboard shall be erected in hot

*About 10 feet is the maximum width that may be spanned safely by T-irons car-
rying double layer of corkboard, and following this specification. It is not perrnis-
sable to double the span and center-support the T-irons by rods fastened to ceiling
of buildino; above because water will be condensed on the cool surfaces of these rods

and will follow through into ceilini? insulation below, tending to destroy it or other-
wise make it unfit for service within a year.

Asphalt cement, additionally secured with galvanized wire

nails,with all transverse joints broken and all joints butted


insulated, one layer of .-inch pure corkboard shall be laid
. .

down in hot Asphalt cement, with all transverse joints broken


^ 1 ;






compounds.* The roofing contractor shall then apply, to
the surface of the insulation, a roofing as required.

109.— Floors.— Wood.

(19)Single layer, in Asphalt cement, concrete finish.
the reasonably smooth and clean wood floor to be in-
sulated (consisting of 1^-inch T. & G. flooring over joints),

iy a

2-inch X ...-inch sleepers shall be put in place on edge on

38-inch centers. Between these sleepers, one layer of .-inch
. .

pure corkboard shall be laid down in hot Asphalt cement,

with all joints butted tight, and the top surface then flooded

and all joints butted tight,
to all joints in the first course
and the top surface then flooded with the same compound

V ^i-

with the same compound. Over the surface of the insulation

shallthen be applied a T. & G. flooring as selected, securely
fastened to the sleepers.



...-inch pure corkboard shall be laid down in hot Asphalt

cement, with all transverse joints broken and all joints butted
tight, and the top surface then flooded with the same com-
pound. Over the surface of the insulation shall then be
applied a T. & G. flooring as selected, securely fastened to
the sleepers.

110. — Floors. — Concrete (continued).



110. — Floors. — Concrete (continued).
(26) Double layer, both in Asphalt cement, wood finish.

To the reasonably smooth and clean concrete base floor to

be insulated, one layer of .-inch pure corkboard shall be laid
. .

down in hot Asphalt cement, with all vertical joints broken

Z>2. 5l_EE.PC.R5


and all joints butted tight. Over this insulation, 2-inch x . .

-inch sleepers shall then be put in place on 38-inch centers.

Between these sleepers, the second layer of .-inch pure cork- . .

board shall be laid down in hot Asphalt cement, with all joints
in the second course broken with respect to all joints in the
first course and all joints butted tight, and the top surface

then flooded with the same compound. Over the insulation

shall then be applied a T. & G. flooring as selected, securely
fastened to the sleepers.

111. —Partitions. — Stone, concrete or brick.

(See 103. — Walls: Stone, concrete or brick; specifications
(1), (2), (3), (4) and (5).
Note : It is not always necessary to divide the total thick-
ness of insulation and put half of it on either side of partition

walls; instead, it is sometimes sufficient to apply the total

thickness of insulation to one side or the other, finish it off
as desired, and then apply the same finish to the uninsulated
side of the wall.

the size of the cold storage door frame; and after the parti-
tion has been constructed, the permanent studs and lintel
shall be covered on both sides with ...-inch pure corkboard
secured with gahanized wire nails. To the surface of the


sealed in the same compound. Over the exposed area of the

studding shall be put in place 12-inch wide strips of galvanized
wire square-mesh screen, No. 18 gauge, 3 mesh (1/3-inch),
securely stapled to the studs and nailed to the insulation on
both sides of studs. Where cold storage doors are to be set.
Asphalt cement. Each corkboard shall be additionally se-
cured to the abutting corkboards and, where possible, to the
wall, floor and ceiling insulation, with long wood skewers.
Where cold storage doors are to be set, 4-inch x . .-inch per-

manent studs, with a lintel between them, shall be securely

anchored to the floor and ceiling in the line of the partition
so as to form an opening the size of the cold storage door
frame and after the partition is constructed, the permanent


mortar, additionally secured to the firstwith wood skewers,

with all joints in the second course broken with respect to
all joints in the first course and all joints butted tight. Where
cold storage doors are to be set, 4-inch x . . permanent
studs, with a lintelbetween them, shall be securely anchored
to the floor and ceiling in the line of the partition so as to
form an opening the size of the cold storage door frame; and
after the partition is constructed, the permanent studs and

shall then be erected in hot Asphalt cement, additionally se-
cured to the first course with wood skewers, with all joints
in the second course broken with respect to all joints in the
first course and all joints butted tight and sealed in the same

compound. Where cold storage doors are to be set, 4-inch x

. . .-inch permanent studs, with a lintel between them, shall be
securely anchored to the floor and ceiling in the line of the
partition so as to form an opening the size of the cold storage



door frame and after the partition is constructed, the per-


manent studs and lintel shall be co\ered on both sides with

,..-inch pure corkboard secured with galvanized wire nails.
To the surface of the insulation shall then be applied a
finish as selected.

1 14. —Tanks.— Freezing.

(32) Double layer on bottom, both in Asphalt cement,
granulated cork fill on sides and ends.
To the reasonably smooth and clean concrete base, of
dimensions 2 feet wider and 2 feet longer than the size of
the freezing tank, one layer of .-inch pure corkboard shall
. .

be laid down
Asphalt cement, with all transverse joints
in hot
broken and all joints butted tight. To the first course, a
second layer of .-inch pure corkboard shall be laid down
. .


in hot Asphalt cement, with all joints in the second course

broken with respect to all joints in the first course and all
joints butted tight, and the top surface then flooded with the
same compound and left ready for the tank to be set down
directly on top.
After the tank has been properly set by others, retaining
walls of lumber shall be constructed so as to leave a space
1 foot all around the four* sides of the tank, by erecting

g' T.S.





2-inch X 12-inch studding on suitable centers at right

angles against the sides of the tank and then sheathing the
studs with double layer J^-inch T. & G. boards having two
layers of waterproof paper between. The studs shall be care-
fullyanchored by dropping them into depressions in the con-
crete base and then wedging them under and securing them
with metal clips to the flange at top of tank. The space be-
tween the retaining walls and the tank shall be filled with
regranulated cork well temped in place, and a curbing
consisting of double layer %-inch T. & G. boards with two
layers of waterproof paper between shall then be installed
so as to rest on the flange of the tank and cover the space
filled with regranulated cork.
114. —TanKs. — Freezing (continued).
(33)Double layer on bottom, both in Asphalt cement;
double layer on sides and ends, both in Asphalt cement.
*If the tank is to be set in a corner so that masonry walls of the building act as
two retaining walls, they should be damp-proofed in a suitable and thorough manner.
To the reasonably smooth and clean concrete base, o^
dimensions enough wider and longer than the size of the freez-
ing tank sufficient to overlap the thickness of insulation on
ends and sides, one layer of .. .-inch pure corkboard shall be
laid down in hot Asphalt cement, with all transverse joints
broken and all joints butted tight. To the first course, a sec-
ond layer of . .-inch pure corkboard shall be laid down in

hot Asphalt cement, with all joints in the second course broken



sealed with hot Asphalt cement, and each corkboard secured

to the studs and additionally to the adjacent corkboards with
galvanized wire nails. To the first course, a second layer of
. . corkboard shall be erected in hot Asphalt cement
.-inch pure
with all joints in the second course broken with respect to
all joints in the first course and all joints butted tight and

sealed in the same compound. To the surface of the insula-

tion shall then be applied a finish as selected.

114. —Tanks. — Freezing (continued).

(34) Double layer on bottom, both in Asphalt cement
single layer on sides and ends against studs, with granulated
cork fill.'
butted tight, and the top surface then flooded with the same
compound and left ready for the tank to be set down directly
on top.
After the tank has been properly set by others, 4-inch x
4-inch studding shall be set on 18-inch centers at right angles
against the sides and ends of the tank, and shall be carefully
anchored by dropping them into depressions in the concrete
base and then wedging them under and securing them with
metal clips to the flange at the top of tank. Against the studs,
one layer of . . .-inch pure corkboard shall be secured with gal-
vanized wire with all joints butted and sealed with hot
Asphalt cement. The space between the studs, the sides and
ends of the tank, and the corkboard, shall then be filled with
regranulated cork well tamped in place. To the surface of
the insulation shall then be applied a finish as selected.

115. —Finish.— Walls and ceilings.

~^" EACH.

firstcoat, after it has thoroughly set, a second coat, mixed in

the same proportion, shall be applied approximately ^-inch
in thickness, and troweled to a hard, smooth finish. The sur-
face shall then be scored in ...-foot squares to confine any
checking and cracking of the plaster to such score marks.

115. —Finish.-— Walls and ceilings (continued).





(36) Factory ironed-on mastic finish, joints sealed.

The exposed surface of the corkboards, used on the second
or exposed course of insulation, shall be coated to a thickness
ofapproximately ^-inch with an asphalt mastic* finish ironed
on at the factory, the mastic coating having beveled (V)
edges; and after the corkboard is erected, all joints shall be
sealed with suitable plastic asphalt mastic put carefully in
place and gone over with the point of a hot tool, hot enough
to melt the mastic and the plastic and seal the joints and
render them tight.

115. —
Walls and ceilings (continued).
(37) Glazed tile or brick, in Portland cement.
To the exposed surface of the corkboard insulation, a Port-
land cement plaster finish approximately ^-inch in thickness,

*Each manufacturer presumably follows its own formula for the particular brand
of ironed-on mastic finish offered, and its probable worth in service must be judged
mixed one part Portland cement to two parts clean, sharp
sand, shall be applied in one coat, floated to a reasonably true


II I .

i'i' i.i. M


surface and left rough scratched. A glazed tile or glass brick

finish, as specified hall then be installed by another con-

Walls and ceilings (continued).

MA^T/C riniSH
TRor/etrD to



pnwTi Hf^n CCMrMT nnBTAR.


(38) Emulsified asphalt plastic, in 2 coats.

The surface of the corkboards to receive the asphalt plastic
finish shall be made reasonably even and true by trimming
ofif any slight projections.
To the corkboard surface thus prepared, shall be applied
two coatsof approved Emulsified Asphalt Plastic. The first
coat,approximately 3/32-inch in thickness, shall be applied
under a wet trowel, care being taken to press the material
firmly into the surface irregularities of the corkboard. When
this coat has set, a second coat shall be applied under a wet
trowel, making the total thickness for the two coats not
less than ^/^-inch. The second coat shall be troweled smooth
after it has begun to set but before it has hardened. Its sur-
face shall not be scored.

116. — Finish. — Floors.

consisting of ... inches of rough concrete, mixed one part
Portland cement to two and a half parts clean, sharp sand and
gravel or crushed stone, well tamped in place
five parts clean
until thewater comes to the surface, and then followed by a
1-inch troweled smooth top finish composed of one part Port-
land cement and one part clean, sharp sand. The concrete
wearing floor shall be sloped to drain as desired.

116. — Finish, — Floors (continued).

(40) Wood.
The finished wood floor shall be of thoroughly dry and

\^^ 1/

116. —Finish. — Floors (continued).

(41) Galvanized metal.
Over the asphalt flooded surface of the corkboard on the
fioorsand baffles of bunkers, there shall be installed a floor

or cover of gauge galvanized iron. The metal shall extend
. . ,

over all edges of the bunker at least two inches and be se-
curely anchored, and all joints and nail heads in the finished
work shall then be carefully soldered.

117. — Miscellaneous Specifications.


(42) Ends of beams or girders extending into walls.

All beams and girders extending into the building walls
shall be insulated on the ends, tops and sides with one layer
of . . .-inch pure corkboard cut accurately and joints sealed
tightly with hot Asphalt cement, the corkboard extending be-
yond the inside face of the wall so as to join and seal with
the wall insulation. The insulation contractor shall furnish
the material required for this purpose, but the installation
shall be made by the general contractor.

117. — Miscellaneous Specifications (continued).

(43) Rat proofing.

As a barrier against rats and mice entering this cold stor-
age room, there shall be installed over all areas of the room
and securely stapled in place, with all joints carefully butted
or lapped, galvanized wire square-mesh screen, No. 18 gauge, 3
mesh (1/3-inch). The screen shall be located as near as pos-
sible to the point of expected attack, that is, the screen shall
be laid across ceiling joists and wall studding before the
sheathing is applied, fastened to the surface of soft brick or
laid down over w^ood floor before the first layer of insulation
is applied, and similarly used elsewhere as required.

117. —Miscellaneous Specifications (continued).

(44) Portland cement mortar. !

The Portland cement mortar (not the Portland cement !

plaster) used in connection with the corkboard insulation on

walls and partitions shall be mixed in the proportion of one ;

part Portland cement to two parts clean, sharp sand.

The Portland cement mortar used in connection with the


corkboard insulation on ceilings shall be mixed in the propor- |


tion of one part Portland cement to one part clean, sharp

sand. j

(45) Asphalt cement.

Note: See specification given in Article 100, under head i

ing entitled, ''Specification for Asphalt cement for cold stor- :

age insulation." i

(46) Asphalt primer.

Note: See specification given in Article 100, under head-
ing entitled, "Asphalt primer for use with Asphalt cement."


118. — General Instructions and Equipment. For many —
years it was considered necessary, or at least highly desirable,
that all corkboard surfaces to be erected in Portland cement
mortar and all corkboard surfaces to be finished with Port-
land cement plaster, should be scored on the side against
which the mortar or plaster was specified to be applied. This
scoring had to be done at the factory and consisted of several
parallel saw grooves running the length of the corkboards,
and which were put there as a key or bond for the cement.
Experience has demonstrated, however, that the plain surface
of corkboard is of such character as to permit an intimate and
satisfactory bond with Portland cement, as with Asphalt ce-
ment, and score marks are no longer considered essential.
The plain corkboard may be scored on the job, if scoring is
preferred, before being erected in Portland cement mortar,
by roughening the surface slightly with any pronged tool,
such as a few wire nails driven through a piece of wood. If
it is desired to roughen the surface to receive Portland cement
plaster, then the work is done after the corkboard has been
put in place and just before the first coat of plaster is applied.
The Portland cement mortar, in which corkboard is fre-
quently erected to masonry walls, and the like, should be pre-
pared by mixing* one part (by volume) of any standard grade
of Portland cement with two parts of clean, sharp sand. Be
sure the sand is clean, and be sure that it is sharp. It will

require 5.0 barrels of Portland cement* and 2.1 cubic yards of

*The Portland Cement Association, 33 West Grand Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, with
branches in many cities, gladly furnish complete data relating to the proper mixing of
Portland cement for any purpose. Also see Appendix of this text.

sand* for each thousand square feet of surface. Do not mix
too much mortar at a time, make it fairly stifif, and do not
add any lime.
Portland cement mortar, or "backing," should be uniformly
one-half inch in thickness over the whole surface of the cork-
boards and none should be allowed on the sides and ends.
This cement backing is never applied directly to the area to



be insulated, as some might suppose, but to the surfaces of the

individual corkboards before they are set in place. To facili-

tate the application of the cement backing to the corkboards,

a mortar board about 4 feet square equipped with a simple

runway and hopper attachment entirely practical and

that is

very satisfactory. Across the top of the mortar board nail

two strips parallel to each other and exactly 12 inches apart,
*1 barrel cement = 4 sacks= 4 cubic feet = 400 pounds; 1 cubic yard sand =

approximately 2,400 pounds based on tables in "Concrete, Plain and Re'nforced," by
Taylor and Thompson.

so that one standard sheet of corkboard (12 inches wide x

36 inches long) may be laid down between them. Make the
more than the thickness
height of these strips one-half inch
of thecorkboards to be coated. Construct a simple wooden
hopper about two feet high, having an opening at the top
about 2 feet x 2 feet and one at the bottom exactly 12 inches
by 12 inches. Mount the hopper on the two strips so that a



corkboard can be pushed through the runway (formed by the

two strips) and under the hopper. Then fill the hopper with
Portland cement mortar; and by pushing one board through
ahead of another, butted end to end, the individual boards are
uniformly coated to a thickness of one-half inch and without
the liklihood of the mortar getting on the sides and ends of
the corkboards.
To prepare Asphalt cement for use with corkboard to walls
and ceilings requires a large kettle, several small kettles and
an equal number of gasoline torches, and several buckets.
Set up the large kettle outside the building and melt down
sufficient Asphalt cement, or odorless asphalt, computed at
three-quarters of a pound for each square foot of corkboard
surface to be coated, using wood as fuel under the kettle, and
the fire protected from possible wind by a sheet-iron shield.
Do not overheat the asphalt. Transfer the molten asphalt in
buckets to the small kettles, or pans, located close to where
the corkboard is being erected. The pans should be about 18
inches wide, 42 inches long and 8 inches deep, should be
rigidly constructed, and should be kept hot by the gasoline
torches.* To the molten asphalt in these pans, add approx-
imately 8 per cent, (by weight) of cork dust, or cork flour,
and stir in thoroughly. The admixture of the cork dust
stiffens up the molten asphalt just enough so that the proper
quantity clings to the corkboards when dipped.
To prepare Asphalt cement for use with corkboard on
floors and bottoms of freezing tanks, proceed as outlined in
the foregoing paragraph, except no pans are ordinarily needed
and no cork dust is mixed with the molten asphalt.
Ordinary wire nails should never be used in erecting cork-
board insulation, because they will soon rust away, although
they are sometimes employed by careless and disinterested
erectors. Galvanised wire nails having large heads and of
proper length should always be used where specified, but do
not use galvanized wire nails where wood skezvers are speci-
fied and can be employed instead. Wood, even hard hickory,
is a far better thermal insulator than metal, and consequently

galvanized wire nails should never be used where wood

skewers will serve the purpose, for there is always danger of
frost following in along nails or forming on wall finishes over
nail heads underneath. Hickory skewers should be used in i

preference to softer woods, to diminish the chances for damage

to the hands of workmen from splintering and breaking of the
skewers when being driven into the insulation.
*CAUTION — Gasoline torches have been known to explode if not properly con-
structed, not kept in proper condition, or not properly operated. Charcoal pots are
less applicable, but safer. See Appendix for description of Oil-Burning Cork Dipping

If masonry surfaces are to be primed with Asphalt primer

before the corkboard applied in Asphalt cement, the work

should be done with an air-gun, if possible. The complete

equipment for such application consists of a suitable air-gun
of approved make and the necessary supply of compressed

Extension cords, electric light guards, sand screens, metal

mortar boxes, hods, hoes, shovels, trowels, rope and tackle,
hand saws, hatchets, hammers, salamanders, metal w^heelbar-
rows, water buckets, rubber hose, big asphalt kettle on wheels
with firebox and stack, these and possibly other utensils con-
stitute some of the additional equipment that may be required
to properly handle a corkboard insulation job.
Where cold storage doors are to be installed, it is neces-
sary that the outside dimensions of the door frames be known
in advance, so that if necessary or desirable the door bucks
and lintels may be properly placed in the line of insulated
walls or partitions in advance of the actual arrival, or of
the uncrating, of the door equipment.
Unnecessary and sometimes very expensive delays in the
prosecution and completion of a given job of cork insulation
may be brought about through failure of the job superintend-
ent to check first of all the actual size of rooms and tanks to
be insulated against the measurements as originally planned,
and then, as the materials, supplies and equipment are deliv-
ered, to check them carefully against the requirements of
the work. The superintendent must, in a word, anticipate his
needs well and sufficiently in advance.

119. —
First Layer Corkboard, Against Masonry Walls, in

Portland Cement Mortar. See that the walls present a rea-
• sonably smooth and level surface, remove all dirt, plaster,
loose mortar, whitewash, paint, or other foreign material, and
if the walls are very smooth concrete, roughen them by hack-

ing the surface with a hatchet or hacking hammer, or arrange

to have these several items taken care of by those responsible
for such preliminary work, before making preparations to
erect corkboard to masonry walls in Portland cement mortar.
Now see that the floor at the base of the wall is free from
obstruction, and is level; because the first row of corkboards
must be applied to the wall at the floor, on a level line, so
that the corkboards on the entire wall area are kept in perfect
alignment and all and transverse joints in the upper
rows are made to fit and tight.
Prepare suitable Portland cement mortar in reasonable
quantity, sprinkle the wall to be insulated with clean water,
coat one side of each corkboard with a half-inch of Portland
cement mortar. 1\\ the l:()])per method. ]-nt each in prnner posi-



and hold for a

tion against the wall, slightly press into place
few moments until the mortar begins to set. Keep cement
backing oflf edges of corkboards. Do not "vacuum cup" the
backing before setting the corkboards, by hollowing out the
mortar with the point of a trowel, because it is impossible
to spread out the mortar again in setting the corkboards, and
air pockets behind insulation, with disastrous results, will be
Cut a corkboard half-length and with it start setting the
second row on top of the first, thus breaking vertical joints.
As each corkboard is set, butt it tightly at all points of con-
tact against the adjoining boards, but do not loosen boards
already in position. Join the wall insulation tightly with the
ceiling, cutting pieces of corkboard neatly to fit and never
using Portland cement mortar to fill in openings between
corkboards or pieces of corkboard.
Give the cement backing ample time to set, say 48 hours.

betore erecting another layer of corkboard against the first,

or before applying a finish over the insulation.

120. — First Layer Corkboard, Against Masonry Walls, in

Asphalt Cement. — See that the walls present a reasonably
smooth and level surface, remove all dirt, plaster, loose mortar,
whitewash, paint, or other foreign material, or arrange to have
these several items taken care of by those responsible for such
preliminary work, before making preparations to erect cork-
board to masonry walls in Asphalt cement.


With suitable Asphalt primer and proper air-gun equip-
ment, apply evenly under a minimum air pressure of 50 pounds,
to the entire masonry wall surfaces to be insulated, two uni-
form, continuous coats of the priming liquid, using approx-
imately 1 gallon per 75 square feet for brick or per 100 square
feet for concrete surfaces for the first coat, and 1 gallon per

125 square feet for brick or concrete for the second coat. If

the Asphalt primer thickens because of exposure to the air,

or during very cold weather, it may be thinned with suitable
solvent to permit an even flow through the air-gun nozzle.
The first coat is to become hand-dry before the second is ap-
plied, and the second is to become hand-dry before cork-
board is applied.

See that the floor at the base of the wall is free from ob-
struction,and is level because the first row of corkboards

must be applied to the wall at the floor, on a level line, so that

the corkboards on the entire wall area are kept in perfect align-
ment and all vertical and transverse joints in the upper rows
are made to fit close and are sealed tit^ht.



Prepare suitable Asphalt cement in reasonable quantity,

distribute it to heated pans, add the proper proportion of

cork dust and mix, dip one flat side, one end and one edge of
each corkboard in the molten material, put the boards in
proper position against the wall, slightly press into place and
hold for a few moments until the Asphalt cement begins to

Cut a corkboard half-length and with it start setting the

second row on top of the first, thus breaking vertical joints.
As each corkboard is set, butt and seal it tightly at all points
of contact against the adjoining boards. Join and seal the
wall insulation tightly with the ceiling, cutting pieces of cork-
board neatly to fit.

Give the Asphalt cement ample time to cool and set, say 12
hours, before erecting another layer of corkboard against the
first, or before applying a finish over the insulation.

121. —First Layer Corkboard, Against Wood Walls, in

Asphalt Cement. — See that the walls present a smooth, con-
tinuous, solid from open cracks and loose or
surface, free
warped boards, remove loose mortar, paper or
all dirt, plaster,

other foreign material, or arrange to have these several items

taken care of by those responsible for such preliminary work,
before making preparations to erect corkboard to wood walls
in Asphalt cement.

See that the floor at the base of the wall is free from ob-
struction, and is level because the first row of corkboards

must be applied to the wall at the floor, on a level line, so

that the corkboards on the entire wall area are kept in per-
fect alignment and all vertical and transverse joints in the
upper rows are made to fit close and are sealed tight.
Prepare suitable Asphalt cement in reasonable quantity,
distribute it to heated pans, add the proper proportion of
cork dust and mix, dip one flat side, one end and one edge
of each corkboard in the molten material, put the boards in
proper position against the wall, slightly press into place and
securely nail in position to sheathing with galvanized wire
nails driven obliquely,two nails per square foot.
'^ Cut a corkboard half-length and with it start setting the
second row on top of the first, thus breaking vertical joints.
As each corkboard is set, butt and seal it tightly at all points
of contact against the adjoining boards. Join and seal the
wall insulation tightly with the ceiling, cutting pieces of
corkboard neatly to fit.
Give the Asphalt cement ample time to cool and set, say
12 hours, before erecting another layer of corkboard against
the first, or before applying a finish over the insulation.
122. —
Second Layer Corkboard, Against First Layer on

Walls, in Portland Cement Mortar. See that the first layer of
corkboard on the walls is solidly attached, and presents a rea-
sonably smooth and level surface,* then remove all dust,
dirt or loose mortar, before making preparations to erect a
second layer of corkboard in Portland cement mortar.
Now see that the floor at the base of the wall is free from
obstruction, and is level ; because the first row of corkboards
in the second layer must be applied to the first layer at the
floor,on a level line, so that the corkboards on the entire
second layer are kept in perfect alignment and all vertical and
transverse joints in the upper rows are made to fit close and

Prepare suitable Portland cement mortar in reasonable

quantity, saw sufficient corkboards lengthwise down the center
so as to have enough half-width pieces to make one row around
the room, coat the half-width corkboards on one side with
a half-inch of Portland cement mortar, cut a piece 6 inches
wide and 27 inches long and with it start putting the half-
width pieces of corkboard in proper position against the first
layer of insulation, slightly press into place and additionally
secure with wood skewers driven obliquely, two skewers
per square foot.
Then start with a full-width and 9-inch long piece of
corkboard and set the second row of full-size corkboards on

top of the first row, thus breaking vertical joints in the sec-
ond layer, and all joints in the second layer with respect to
all joints in the first layer. As each corkboard is set, butt it

tightly at all points of contact against the adjacent boards

and additionally secure to the first layer with wood skewers
driven obliquely, two skewers per square foot. Join the wall
insulation tightly with the ceiling, cutting pieces of cork-
board neatly to fit and never use Portland cement mortar
to fill in openings between corkboards or pieces of corkboard.

Give the cement backing ample time to set, say 48 hours,

before applying a finish over the insulation.

*If necessary, cut off any protruding corners or edges of corkboard with a suitable

123. — Second Layer Corkboard, Against First Layer on

Walls, in Asphalt Cement. —
See that the first layer of cork-
board on the walls is solidly attached, and presents a rea-
sonably smooth and level surface,* and then remove all dust,
dirt or loose mortar, before making preparations to erect a
second layer of corkboard in Asphalt cement.
Now see that the floor at the base of the wall
is free from

obstruction, and because the first row of corkboards

is level ;

in the second layer must be applied to the first layer at the

floor, on a level line, so that the corkboards on the entire

second layer are kept in perfect alignment and all vertical

and transverse joints in the upper rows are made to fit close
and are sealed tight.
Prepare suitable Asphalt cement in reasonable quantity,
distribute it to heated pans, add the proper proportion of cork

dust and mix. Saw sufficient corkboards lengthwise down

the center so as to have enough half-width pieces to make
one row around the room, cut a piece 6 inches wide and 27
inches long and with it start putting the half-width pieces
of corkboard in proper position against the first layer of in-
sulation, first dipping one flat side, one end and one edge
of each piece in the molten material, slightly pressing into
place and additionally securing with galvanized wire nails or
wood skewers, as specified, driven obliquely, two per square

Then start wuth a full-width and 9-inch long piece of cork-

board and set the second row of full-size corkboards on top
of the first row, thus breaking vertical joints in the second
layer, and all joints in the second layer with respect to all
joints in the first layer. As each corkboard is set, butt it

tightly at points of contact against the adjacent boards


and additionally secure to the first layer with galvanized

wire nails or wood skewers, as specified, driven obliquely,
two per square foot. Join and seal the wall insulation tightly
with the ceiling, cutting pieces of corkboard neatly to fit.
Give the asphalt cement ample time to cool and set, say
12 hours, before applying a finish over the insulation.
*If necessary, cut off anv protruding corners or edge of corkboard with a suitable
124. — First Layer Corkboard, to Concrete Ceilings, in Port-
land Cement Mortar. — See that the ceiling presents a reason-
ably smooth and level surface, remove all dirt, plaster, loose
mortar, whitewash, paint, or other foreign material, and if

the ceiling very smooth concrete, roughen it by hacking the


surface with a hatchet or hacking hammer, or arrange to have

these several items taken care of by those responsible for such
preliminary work, before making preparations to erect cork-
hoard to ceiling in Portland cement mortar.




Prepare suitable Portland cement mortar in reasonable i

quantity, sprinkle the ceiling to be insulated with clean water,

coat one side of each corkboard with a half-inch of Portland |

cement mortar, by the hopper method, put each in proper i

position against the ceiling, press firmly into place and prop I

until the cement Keep cement backing ofif edges of cork-

boards. Do not "vacuum cup" the backing before setting the
corkboards, by hollowing out the mortar with the point of }


a trowel, because it is impossible to spread out the mortar

again in setting the corkboards, and air pockets behind in- \

sulation, with disastrous results, will be inevitable.

Apply the first row of corkboards against the ceiling along
one side of the room, in a straight line. Keep the sheets in
perfect alignment, so that the joints in the rows to follow
may fit close and tight.

Cut a corkboard to half-length and with it start setting

and propping a second row of full-size corkboards adjacent


to the first row, thus breaking transverse joints. As each

corkboard is set, butt it tightly at all points of contact against

the adjacent boards, but do not loosen boards already in

position. Join the ceiling insulation tightly with the wall,
cutting pieces of corkboard neatly to fit and never using Port-
land cement mortar to fill in openings between corkboards
or pieces of corkboard.
Give the cement backing ample time to set, at least 48
hours, before erecting another layer of corkboard against
the first, or before applying a finish over the insulation.

125. — First Layer Corkboard, in Concrete Ceiling Forms. —

See that the wooden forms for the concrete ceiling slab have




been lowered the proper distance to allow for the thickness of

the layer* of corkboard specified to be placed in forms, and see

'Never put two layers of corkboard in ceiling forms.

that the forms are reasonably even. Lay down the first row '.

of corkboards on the forms, along one side of the ceiling area, ;

in a straight line. Keep the corkboards in perfect alignment, i

so that the joints in the rows to follow may fit close and tight. I

If the surface of the forms should be slightly uneven, se- j

cure the corkboards to the forms with a few headless finishing I

nails, which will easily pull out of the corkboard when the

forms are removed. Break all joints between the different :

rows, by starting alternate rows with half-length boards, and i

see that all joints are butted close and made tight, so that

none of the concrete can run down between the corkboards I

and pieces of corkboard when the concrete is poured. When !

the opposite end and the opposite side of the ceiling area is
reached, cut pieces of corkboard neatly to fit the outline of
the forms. !

Drive three galvanized wire nails per square foot obliquely j

into the corkboard and leave the heads protruding about V/2 ]

inches to afiford an additional key for the concrete, and leave ,

the insulation in readiness for the concrete contractor to pour 1

the ceiling slab. !

After forms have been removed, permit this layer of cork-

board on underside of concrete ceiling to dry out thoroughly, j

not less than an additional 48 hours, before erecting another '

layer of corkboard against the first, or before applying a finish ;

over the insulation.

126. —First Layer Corkboard, to Wood Ceiling, in Asphalt

Cement. — See that the ceiling presents a smooth, continuous,
solid surface, from open cracks and loose or warped
boards, remove paper, or other foreign mate-
all dirt, plaster,

rial, or arrange to have these several items taken care of by

those responsible for such preliminary work, before making

preparations to erect corkboard to wood ceiling in Asphalt
Prepare suitable Asphalt cement in reasonable quantity,
distribute it add the proper proportion of
to heated pans,
cork dust and mix, dip one flat side, one end and one edge of
each corkboard in the molten material, lay up the first row
of corkboards to the ceiling surface and against the edge of

the wall, in a straight line, slightly press the corkboards into

place and securely nail in position to sheathing with gal-
vanized wire nails driven obliquely, three nails per square
foot. Keep the corkboards in perfect alignment, so that the
joints in the rows to follow may fit close and seal tight.
Break all joints between the different rows, by starting
alternate rows with half-length boards, and see that all joints
are butted close and sealed tight. When the opposite end
and the opposite side of the ceiling area is reached, cut pieces
of corkboard neatly to fit and seal with the wall lines of the
Give the Asphalt cement ample time to cool and set, say
12 hours, before erecting another layer of corkboard against
the first, or before applying a finish over the insulation.

127. —
Second Layer Corkboard, to First Layer on Ceiling,
in —
Portland Cement Mortar. See that the first layer of cork-
board on the ceiling is solidly attached, and presents a reason-
ably smooth and level surface,*and then remove all dust, dirt,
or other foreign material, before making preparations to erect
a second layer of corkboard in Portland cement mortar.
Sawsufficient corkboards lengthwise down the center so
as to have enough half-width pieces to make one row along
one side of the ceiling. Cut a piece 6 inches wide and 27 inches
long with which to start setting the half-width pieces in proper
position to the ceiling area, in a straight line, against the
edge of the wall.
Prepare suitable Portland cement mortar in reasonable
quantity, coat one side of each piece of corkboard with a
half-inch of Portland cement mortar, put each in proper
position against the ceiling, press firmly into place and addi-
tionally secure with galvanized wire nails or wood skewers,
as specified, driven obliquely, three per square foot. Keep
the pieces of corkboard in perfect alignment, so that the joints
in the rows may fit close and seal tight.
to follow
Then with a full-width and 9-inch long piece of cork-
board and set the second row of full-size corkboards adjacent
to the first row, thus breaking all joints in the second layer,

*If necessary, cut off any protruding corners or edges of corkboard with a suitable
and all joints in the second layer with respect to all joints
in the first layer. As each corkboard is laid up, butt it tightly
at all points of contact against the adjacent boards, and addi-
tionally secure to the first layer with galvanized wire nails or
wood skewers, as specified, driven obliquely, three per
square foot. Join the second layer of ceiling insulation tightly
with the opposite wall, cutting pieces of corkboard neatly to
and never using Portland cement mortar to fill
fit in openings
between corkboards or pieces of corkboard.
Give the cement backing ample time to set, at least 48
hours, before applying a finish over the insulation.

128. —
Second Layer Corkboard, to First Layer on Ceiling,
in —
Asphalt Cement. See that the first layer of corkboard on
the ceiling is sc^idly attached, and presents a reasonably
smooth and level surface*, and then remove all dust, dirt, or
other foreign material, before making preparations to erect a
second layer of corkboard in Asphalt cement.
Saw sufficient corkboards lengthwise down the center so
as to have enough half-width pieces to make one row along
one side of the ceiling. Cut a piece 6 inches wide and 27
inches long with which to start setting the half-width pieces
in proper position to the ceiling area, in a straight line, and
against the edge of the wall.
Prepare suitable Asphalt cement in reasonable quantity,
distribute it to heated pans, add the proper proportion of
cork dust and mix; dip one flat side, one end and one edge
of the special corkboard pieces in the molten material, lay up
the first row to the surface of the first layer of insulation,
slightly press into place and additionally secure with galvan-
ized wire nails or wood skewers, as specified, driven ob-
liquely, three per square foot. Keep the pieces of corkboard
in perfect alignment, so that the joints in the rows to follow
may fit close and seal tight.
Then with a full-width and 9-inch long piece of cork-
board and set the second row of full-size corkboards adjacent
to the first row, thus breaking all joints in the second layer,
and all joints in the second layer with respect to all joints
*If necessary, cnt off any protrudiug corners or edges of corkboard with a suit«ble

in the first layer. As each corkboard is laid up, butt and seal
it tightly at all points of contact against the adjacent boards,
and additionally secure to the first layer with galvanized wire

nails or wood skewers, as specified, driven obliquely, three

per square foot. When the opposite end and the opposite side
of the ceiling area is reached, cut pieces of corkboard neatly
to and seal with the wall lines of the room.

Give the Asphalt cement ample time to cool and set, say
12 hours, before applying a finish over the insulation.

129. — Double Layer Corkboard, Self-supporting T-iron

Ceiling, Portland Cement Mortar Core. — Before starting the
construction of this self-supporting, or "false," ceiling, see that
the wall insulation rises above the line of the under side of
the finished ceiling to be constructed, a distance equal to the
thickness of the under layer of corkboard. Cut the T-irons
to a length equal to thewidth of the room plus the total thick-
ness of the two walls, set and space the T-irons on the top
edges of the side wall insulation, spanning the room, parallel
to each other and 12 inches between vertical sections (not 12
inches from center to center), and then anchor the T-irons
with large head galvanized wire nails driven obliquely into
the top edges of the wall insulation.
Place one layer of full-size corkboards between the ver-
tical sections of the T-irons and resting on the flanges or
horizontal sections of the T-irons, butting the ends of adjacent
boards tight. Apply a 1-inch thick Portland cement finish
over the corkboard and the T-irons, mixed one part Portland
cement to two parts clean, sharp sand, and give the cement
time to set, at least 48 hours, before applying the second layer
of ceiling insulation.
Prepare a suitable Portland cement mortar in reasonable
quantity, coat one side of each corkboard with a half-inch of
Portland cement mortar, by the hopper method, lay up a row
to the under side of the first layer, in a straight line, against
the long wall of the room, pressing the boards firmly into place
and additionally securing with galvanized wire nails, driven
obliquely, three per square foot. Keep the corkboards in per-
fect alignment, so that the joints in the rows to follow may fit

close and seal tight.

Break all joints between the different rows, by
alternate rows w4th half-length boards, and break all joints in
the second layer with respect to all joints in the first layer.






As each corkboard is laid up, butt it tightly at all points of

contact against the adjacent boards, and additionally secure

to the first layer with galvanized wire nails, driven obliquely,

three per square foot. Join the second layer of ceiling insula-
tion tightly with the opposite wall, cutting pieces of corkboard
neatly to fit and never using Portland cement mortar to fill
in openings between corkboards or pieces of corkboard.

Give the cement backing ample time to set, at least 48

hours, before applying a finish to the under surface of the

130. — First Layer Corkboard, over Concrete or Wood

Floor or Roof, in Asphalt Cement. — See that the concrete or
wood surface to be insulated presents a smooth, continuous
solid surface, free from pits or open cracks and loose or warped
boards, remove all dirt, plaster, paper, loose mortar, or other
foreign material, or arrange to have these several items taken
care of by those responsible for such preliminary work, before
making preparations to apply corkboard over a flat surface in
Asphalt cement.
Prepare suitable Asphalt cement in reasonable quantity,
transfer it to the point of erection in buckets, flood the surface
to be insulated with the molten material, uniformly over a
small area or strip at a time, lay* down quickly in the hot
Asphalt cement, first a row of corkboards against the edge of
the wall, in a straight line, and closely follow with a second
and a third row of corkboards, each row lagging behind the
preceding one, in the laying, by the length of one-half board.
Keep the corkboards in each row in perfect alignment, so
that the joints in the rows to follow may fit close and seal tight.
Break all joints between the different rows, by starting
alternate rows with half-length boards, and see that all joints
are butted tight. When the opposite end and the opposite
side of the floor or roof area is reached, cut pieces of cork-
board neatly to fit and seal with the wall lines.

When completed, if the corkboard was laid as an only

layer of floor insulation, flood the top surface with the molten
material to an even thickness of approximately ^/^-inch, and
wearing floor if the cork-
leave in readiness for the concrete* ;

board was laid as roof insulation, or as the first layer of a

double layer floor insulation, leave the surface of the cork-

*I{ wood floor is desired over single layer of insulation, instead of concrete, then
sleepers must be embedded in the single layer of corkboard, as outlmed in Article 144.
board uncoated and in readiness for the roofing contractor
to lay the roof, or in readiness for the insulation contractor
to lay down the second layer of corkboard.

131. — Second Layer Corkboard, over First Layer on Floor

or Roof, in Asphalt Cement.— See that the first layer of cork-
board is solidly laid, and presents a reasonably smooth and
level surface*, and then remove all dirt, loose mortar, or other



foreign material, before making preparations to lay a second

layer of corkboard in Asphalt cement.
Saw sufficient corkboards lengthwise down the center so
as to have enough half-width pieces to make one row along
one wall of the area to be insulated. Cut a piece 6 inches
wide and 27 inches long with which to start laying the half-

If necessary, cut off any protruding corners gr edges of corkboard with a -suitable

width pieces in proper position to the floor or roof area, in a

straight line, in the first row against the edge of the wall.
Prepare suitable Asphalt cement reasonable quantity,
transfer it to the point of erection in buckets, flood the sur-
face to be insulated with the molten material, uniformly over
a small area or strip at a time, layf down quickly in the hot
Asphalt cement first the row of half-width corkboards against
the edge of the wall, follow with a second row of full-size
corkboards starting with a full-width and 9-inch long piece,
and then wuth a third row of full-size corkboards starting off
with a half-length board, each row lagging behind the pre-
ceding one, in the laying, by the length of one-half board.
In this way, all joints in the second layer of insulation will
be broken with respect to all joints in the first layer. Keep
the corkboards in each row in perfect alignment, so that the
joints in the rows to follow may fit close and seal tight. When
the opposite end and the opposite side of the floor or roof
area is reached, cut pieces of corkboard neatly to fit and seal
with the wall lines.
When completed, if the corkboard was laid as floor insu-
lation, flood the top surface with the molten material to an
even thickness of approximately ^-inch, and leave in readi-
ness for the concrete* w^earing floor; if the corkboard w^as
laid as roof insulation, leave the surface of the corkboard
uncoated in readiness for the roofing contractor to lay the roof.

132. — Single Layer Corkboard, Between Partition Studs

with Joints Sealed in Asphalt Cement. — Erect 2-inch x 4-inch
permanent studs, 36 inches apart, in the
in a vertical position,
line of the partition, so that the 2-inch dimension runs with
the wall thickness. Place permanent studs, with a lintel be-
tween them, where cold storage doors are to be set, so as to
form an opening the size of the cold storage door frame.
Use door bucks and lintels 2 inches in thickness, and anchor
securely to the floor and ceiling in such manner that they may
take up and withstand any shock from the operation of the
cold storage door.
Prepare suitable Asphalt cement in reasonable quantity, on
the basis of one-quarter pound per square foot of partition

*If wood floor is desired over double layer of insulation, instead of concrete, then
sleepers must be embedded in the second layer of corkboard, as outlined in Article 144.
area (one face only), distribute it to heated pans, add the
proper proportion of cork dust and mix, dip both ends and
one edge of the 2-inch thick corkboards in the molten mate-
rial, erect the first row on the floor between the permanent
studs, on a level line, so that the corkboards in the entire par-
tition wall are kept in perfect alignment, and all vertical joints



between corkboards and studs, and all transverse joints be-

tween corkboards in all rows, are made to fit close and are
sealed tight. Toe-nail the first or bottom row of corkboards
securely to the floor, if the floor be of wood, using galvanized
wire nails, and drive galvanized wire nails through the corners
of each corkboard into the adjoining studs.
Join and seal the partition insulation tightly with the ceil-
ing, cutting pieces of corkboard neatly to fit, additionally toe-

nailing if the ceiling be of wood.

Cover the permanent door
bucks and lintels with corkboard, as specified, nailed in place.
Cover the exposed edges of the permanent 'partition studs
with 12-inch wide strips of galvanized wire square-mesh
screen, No. 18 gauge, 3 mesh (J/^-inch), securely stapled to
the studs and nailed to the insulation on both sides of the

fk;. i,kK( rixo mrst i.a^kr corkboard of self-supportii\g




Give the Asphalt cement ample time to cool and set, say
12 hours, before applying a finish over the insulation.

133. — First
Layer Corkboard, Self-supporting Partition,
Joints Sealed in Asphalt Cement. —
Erect temporary studding
on 18-inch centers on a line with one side of the proposed
partition. The studs must he erected in a vertical position
and in perfect alignment. Erect permanent studs, with a
lintel between them, in the line of the partition, where cold

storage doors are to be set, so as to form an opening the size \

of the cold storage door frame. Use studs and lintels of the i

same thickness as the thickness of corkboard to be

total '

erected, and anchor the permanent studs securely to the floor '

and ceiling in such manner that they may take up and with- i

stand any shock from the operation of the cold storage door.
Prepare suitable Asphalt cement in reasonable quantity, '

on the basis of one-quarter pound per square foot of partition ;

area (one face only), distribute it to heated pans, add the

proper proportion of cork dust and mix, dip but one end and i

one edge of the corkboards in the molten material, erect the i

first row against the temporary studs, end to end on the floor, I

on a level line, so that the corkboards in the entire partition ,

wall are kept in perfect alignment and all vertical and trans- ;

verse joints in the upper rows are made to fit close and are -

sealed tight. Toe-nail the first or bottom row of corkboard


securely to the floor, if the floor be of wood, using galvanized

wire nails; and drive long galvanized wire nails obliquely

through the corners of each corkboard into the abutting cork- 1


Cut a corkboard half-length and with it start setting the i

second row on top of the first, thus l)reaking vertical joints, i

As each corkboard is set, butt and seal it tightly against the ',

adjacent boards and drive long galvanized wire nails obliquely

through the corners of each corkboard into the abutting cork-
boards, and at the lower corner of the exposed end of each
board drive one of these galvanized wire nails obliquely into
the corkboard of the row below.
To insure the corkboards being kept in perfect alignment,
as the rows are erected edge on edge, drive small headless
nails obliquely through the upper edge of each row of cork-
boards into the temporary studs at occasional points. These
nails will readily pull through the corkboards when the tem-
porary studs are later removed.
Join and seal the partition insulation tightly with the
ceiling, cutting pieces of corkboard neatly to fit, and addi-
tionally toe-nailing if the ceiling be of wood. Cover the per-
manent studs and lintels, on the side away from the tempo- m
rary studding, with corkboard, as specified, nailed in place. m
Before removing the temporary studs, and after the Asphalt


cement has had ample time to cool and set on all corkboard
joints, apply the finish to the free side of the corkboard par-
tition, as specified. After such finish has had ample time to
set, take down the temporary studs and apply the finish to

the other side of the corkboard partition, or leave it in readi-

ness to receive a second layer of corkboard insulation.

134. — Second Layer Corkboard, Against First Layer of

Self-supporting Partition, in Portland Cement Mortar. See —



that the first layer of corkboard of the self-supporting partition

is solidly erected, and presents a reasonably smooth and level
surface*, and then remove all dust, dirt, or loose mortar, before
making preparations to erect a second layer of corkboard in
Portland cement mortar.
Now see that the floor at the base of the wall is free from
obstruction, and is level ; because the first row of corkboards
in the second layer must be applied to the first layer at the
floor, on a level line, so that the corkboards on the entire
second layer are kept in perfect alignment and all vertical
and transverse joints in the upper rows are made to fit close
and are sealed tight.
Prepare suitable Portland cement mortar in reasonable
quantity, saw sufficient corkboards lengthwise down the center
so as to have enough half-width pieces to make one row along
the partition, coat the half-width corkboards on one side with
a half-inch of Portland cement mortar, cut a piece 6 inches
wide and 27 inches long and with it start putting the half-
width pieces of corkboard in proper position against the first
layer of insulation, slightly press into place and additionally
secure with wood skewers driven obliquely, two skewers per
square foot.
Then start "with a full-width and 9-inch long piece of cork-
board and set the second row of full-size corkboards on top
of the first row, thus breaking vertical joints in the second
layer, and all joints in the second layer with respect to all
joints in the first layer. As each corkboard is set, butt it
tightly at all points of contact against the adjacent boards
and additionally secure to the first layer with wood skewers
driven obliquely, two skewers per square foot. Join the wall
insulation tightly with the ceiling, cutting pieces of corkboard
neatly to fit and never use Portland cement mortar to fill in
openings between corkboards or pieces of corkboard.
Give the cement backing ample time to set, say 48 hours,
before applying a finish over the insulation.

135. — Second Layer Corkboard, Against First Layer of

Self-supporting Partition, in Asphalt Cement. — See that the
first layer of corkboard of the self-supporting partition is sol-

idly erected, and presents a reasonably smooth and level sur-

*If necessary, cut oflE any protruding corners or edges of corkboard with a suitable

and then remove all dust, dirt, or loose mortar, before

making preparations to erect a second layer of corkboard in
Asphalt cement.
Now see that the floor at the base of the wall is free from


obstruction, and is level ; because the first row of corkboards
in the second layer must be applied to the first layer at the
floor, on a level line, so that the corkboards on the entire

second layer are kept in perfect alignment and all vertical and
transverse joints in the upper rows are made to fit close and
are sealed tight.
Prepare suitable Asphalt cement in reasonable quantity,
distributeit to heated pans, add the proper proportion of cork

dust and mix. Saw^ sufficient corkboards lengthwise down the

center so as to have enough half-width pieces to make one
row along the partition, cut a piece 6 inches wide and 27



inches long and with it start putting the half-width pieces of

corkboard in proper position against the first layer of insula-
tion, first dipping one flat side, one end and one edge of each
piece in the molten material, slightly pressing into place and
additionally securing with wood skewers driven obliquely,
two skewers per square foot.

Then start with a full-width and 9-inch long piece of cork-

board and set the second row of full-size corkboards on top
of the first row, thus breaking vertical joints in the second
layer, and all joints in the second layer with respect to ail
joints in the first layer. As each corkboard is set, butt it

tightly at all points of contact against the adjacent boards

additionally secure to the first layer with wood skewers
driven obliquely, two per square foot. Join and seal the wall
insulation tightly wMth the ceiling, cutting pieces of corkboard
neatly to fit.

Give the asphalt cement ample time to cool and set, say
12 hours, before applying a finish over the insulation.

136. — Double Layer Corkboard, Freezing Tank Bottom, in

Asphalt Cement. — See that the concrete base is well adapted
to the ]nirpose and presents a reasonably smooth and level
surface, remove all dirt, loose mortar, or other foreign mate-
rial, or arrange to have these several items taken care of by
those responsible for such preliminary work, before making
preparations to apply corkboard over the surface of the freez-
ing tank foundation.
Prepare suitable Asphalt cement in reasonable quantity,
transfer it to the point of erection in buckets, flood the surface
to be insulated* with the molten material, uniformly over a
small area or strip at a time, lay down cjuickly in the hot
Asphalt cement, first a row of corkboards in a straight line
against the outer edge of the area of the tank bottom insula-
tion, closely follow with a second and a third row of cork-
boards, each row lagging behind the preceding one, in the
laying, by the length of one-half board. Keep the cork-
boards in each row in perfect alignment, so that the joints in
the rows to follow may fit close and seal tight.
Break all joints between the different rows, by starting
alternate rows with half-length boards, and see that all joints
are butted tight. Carry the insulation on both ends and both
sides to the outer limits of the end and side insulation of the
tank, cutting pieces of corkboard as required to finish out such
*The dimen-ions of the tank bottom area to be insulated shall be enough wider and
longer than the size of the freezing tank, so as to overlap the insulation to be in-
stalled on the vertical ends and sides of the tank.
See that the first layer of corkboard is solidly laid, and
presents a reasonably smooth and level surface. Saw suffi-

cient corkboards lengthwise down the center so as to make

one row along the one side of the insulated area, laying the
half-width pieces in the first row of the second layer, in a
straight line, starting oflf with a piece 6 inches wide and 27
inches long, then lay a second row of full-size corkboards,
starting off with a full-width and 9-inch long piece, and then
lay a third row of full-size corkboards, starting off with a



half-length board, following the same method of laying as

described for the first layer of insulation. In this way, all

joints in the second layer will be broken and made tight, and
all joints in the second layer will be broken with respect to
all joints in the first layer. When completed, flood the top
surface with the molten material to an even thickness of
approximately ^-inch, and leave in readiness for the tank
to be set.

137. —
Regranulated Cork Fill, Freezing Tank Sides and
Ends, With Retaining Walls.— See that the tank has been
properly set, having its bottom edges the proper distance in
from the edges of the insulation underneath. Erect 2-inch x
12-inch studs on suitable centers (from 24 to 36 inches) at
right angles against the sides and ends of the tank*, anchoring
carefully by cutting slots through tank bottom insulation,

*If the tank is to be set in a corner, so that masonry walls of the building act as
two retaining walls, such walls must be damp-proofed before the tank is set and the
loose fill insulation is placed.

chiseling slight depressions in the concrete base, dropping the

studs into these slots and depressions and wedging their tops
under and securing them with suitable metal clips to the flange
at the top of the tank. Sheath the studs with double layer 7,i-
inch T. & G. boards, having two layers of waterproof paper
between, and securely nail to the studs.
Fill the space between the retaining walls and the sides
and ends of the tank with regranulated cork (by-product
from the manufacture of pure corkboard), and tamp well until
there is sufficient in place to avoid future settling. Then
install a curbing, as and if specified, over the regranulated
cork fill.

138. —
Single Layer Corkboard and Regranulated Cork Fill,

Freezing Tank Sides and Ends. See that the tank has been
properly set, having its bottom edges the proper distance in
from the edges of the insulation underneath. Erect 4-inch x
4-inch studs on 18-inch centers at right angles against the
sides and ends of the tank*, anchoring carefully by cutting
slots through tank bottom insulation, chiseling slight depres-
sions in the concrete base, dropping the studs into these slots
and depressions and wedging their tops under and securing
them with suitable metal clips to the flange at the top of the
Prepare suitable Asphalt cement in reasonable quantity,
on the basis of one-quarter pound per square foot of cork-
board area (one face only), distribute it to heated pans, add
the proper proportion of cork dust and mix, dip both ends
and one edge of the corkboards in the molten material, erect
the first row against the studs, end to end, on a level line, so
that the corkboards are kept in perfect alignment, and all
• verticaland transverse joints in the upper rows are made to
fit close and are sealed tight. Break all joints between the
different rows, by starting alternate rows with half-length
boards, and as the rows are erected edge on edge, securely
fasten the corkboards to the studs by nailing with galvanized
wire nails, two per square foot. Carry the insulation to the

*If the tank is to be set in a corner, so that masonry walls of the building act
as two retaining walls for regranulated cork fill on one side and one end of the tank,
such walls must be damp-proofed before the tank is set and the loose fill insulation is


line of the flange at the top of the tank, cutting pieces of
corkboard neatly to fit.
Fill the space between the insulation and the sides and
ends of the tank with regranulated cork (by-product from
the manufacture of pure corkboard), and tamp well until there
is sufficient in place to avoid future settling. Then install a
curbing, as and if specified, over the side and end insulation.

:.g -4"~t"3TUD5 3&"C.TOC:

ruooR LINE -y

2 LAvVEC:5 5"


FIG. 140.— PLAN

^ ^^

139. —
Double Layer Corkboard, Freezing Tank Sides and

Ends. See that the tank has been properly set, having its bot-
tom edges the proper distance in from the edges of the insula-
tion underneath. Erect studs (2-inch by a dimension equival-
ent to the thickness of thefirst layer of corkboard specified to

be applied to tank sides and ends) at right angles against the

sides and ends of the tank*, and 36 inches apart, anchoring
carefully by cutting slots through tank bottom insulation,
chiseling slight depressions in the concrete base, dropping
the studs into these slots and depressions and wedging their

*If the tank is to be set in a corner, so that masonry walls of the building act
as two retaining walls for regranulated cork fill on one side and one end of the tank,
such walls must be damp-proofed before the tank is set and the loose fill insulation is

tops under and securing them with suitable metal clips to the
flange at the top of the tank.
Prepare suitable Asphalt cement in reasonable quantity, on
the basis of one pound per square foot of corkboard area (one
face only), distribute it to heated pans,, add the proper pro-
portion of cork dust and mix, dip one flat side, both ends and
one edge of the corkboards in the molten material, erect the
first row between the studs and against the tank, on a level
line, so that the corkboards are kept in perfect alignment, and
allvertical joints between corkboards and studs, and all trans-
verse joints between corkboards in the upper rows to follow,
are made to fit close and are sealed tight. Drive galvanized
wire nails through the corners of each corkboard and into the
adjacent studs. Carry the insulation to the line of the flange
at the top of the tank, cutting pieces of corkboard neatly to fit.

Saw sufficient corkboards lengthwise dowm the center so

as to have enough half-width pieces to make one row in a
second layer around the tank, cut a piece 6 inches wide and 18
inches long and with it start putting the half-width pieces of
corkboard in proper position against the first layer of insu-
lation, first dipping one one end and one edge of each
flat side,

piece in the molten material, slightly pressing into place and

additionally securing with wood skewers driven obliquely,
two skewers per square foot.
Then start with a full-width and 9-inch long piece of cork-
board and set the second row of full-size corkboards on top
of the first row, thus breaking vertical joints in the second
layer, and all joints in the second layer with respect to all
joints in the first layer. As each corkboard is set, butt it
tightly at all points of contact against the adjacent boards
and additionally secure to the first layer with wood skewers
driven obliquely, two skewers per square foot. Carry the in-
sulation to the line of the flange at the top of the tank, cutting
pieces of corkboard neatly to fit. Then install a curbing, as
and if specified, over the side and end insulation.
140. — Portland Cement Plaster. — See that the exposed sur-
face of the corkboard to receive the Portland cement plaster
presents a reasonably smooth and le\cl sr.rfacc* and that all

*If necessary, cut off any protruding corners or edges of corkboard with a suitable
corkboards are butted tight, score the surface of the cork-
board (if preferred) by roughening slightly with a pronged
tool, such as a few wire nails driven through a piece of wood,
so as possibly to increase the bond for the cement plaster, and
then remove all dust, dirt, or other foreign material, or arrange
to have these several items taken care of by those responsible
for such preliminary work, before making preparations to apply
a Portland cement plaster finish to the exposed surface of
corkboard insulation.
Prepare suitable Portland cement mortar in reasonable


quantity, mixed one part Portland cement to two parts clean,
sharp sand, with no lime added. Be sure the sand is clean
and free from loam, and that it is sharp.
Apply the first coat of plaster approximately ^-inch in
thickness, rough scratch, and leave until thoroughly dried out.
Then apply the second coat to the first, also approximately
^^-inch in thickness, and trowel to a hard, smooth finish.

Score the surface of the finished plaster in squares, as specified,


using suitable scoring tool only, so as to confine any checking

or crackingf of the plaster to such score marks.

141. —
Factory Ironed-on Mastic Finish. See that the ex- —
posed surface of the factory ironed-on mastic finish is reason-
ably level, and that all joints between the coated corkboards
are butted tight.
Prepare suitable mastic filler for the V jomts of the coated
corkboards, by following the directions furnished by the
manufacturer, which directions frequently, but not always,
consist in heating the mastic filler until plastic by immersing
in hot water and working up a small quantity at a time in the

hand like putty*.

Fill the joints between the mastic coated corkboards with
the prepared mastic material in such practical manner as will
eliminate all voids. Then follow with an electric iron, or
heated pointing trowel, applying sufficient heat to melt the
edges of the coating on the corkboards so that it will flow
into and amalgamate with the mastic filler in the joints, mak-
ing a continuous and permanent seal.

142, — Emulsified Asphalt Plastic. — See that the exposed

surface of the corkboard to receive the emulsified asphalt
plastic presents a reasonably smooth and level surface§, and
then remove all dust, dirt, or other foreign material, or arrange
to have these several items taken care of by those responsible
for such preliminary work, before making preparations to
apply emulsified asphalt plastic finish to the exposed surface
of corkboard insulation.
Shake or roll the barrel or cylinder in which the emulsified
asphalt plastic is supplied, before opening; and if water is

found standing on the surface, work it into the mass before

using. After a container is opened, it should be kept covered,
to prevent the drying out of the material and coalescence of
the asphalt particles. The emulsified asphalt plastic, if a ready

tCracks fre(|uently develoii in plaster at the lop corners of door franies. which
can usuallv be prevented bv setting and stapling pieces of galvanized wire square-
mesh screen (No. 18 gauge,' 3 mesh) to the corkboard over such comers and at an
angle of 45 degrees before the plaster is applied. , , ,. r
*It is essential that the material furnished bv the manufacturer for the sealing of
the joints be prepared and used as directed by the manufacturer.
§If necessary, cut off any protruding corners or edges of corkboard with a suitable
mixed product*, should be applied exactly as received, without
adding sand or any other material whatever. If, by reason of
evaporation, the product is too heavy to work easily under a
trowel, add as little as possible of clean water, working it well
through the mass.
Apply the first coat of emulsified asphalt plastic approxi-
mately 3/32-inch in thickness, keeping the trowel wet, and
working the material well into the surface voids of the cork-
board. Then apply the second coat to the first, after the first
coat has set up, approximately 1/32-inch in thickness, and
trowel as smooth as the material will permit. After the sec-
ond coat has taken its initial set, sprinkle with water and
trowel again, to obtain a smooth, hard surface.
Do not score the surface of the emulsified asphalt plastic
finish, unless specified.

143. — Concrete Wearing Floors. — See that the exposed sur-

face of the corkboard has been flooded to a thickness of
approximately ^-inch with hot odorless asphalt, so that the
entire surface of the insulation is thoroughly protected.

E" COU-K, bOA.t2,D —

rLOOC auNroccLD



Prepare suitable concrete in reasonable quantity, mixed

one part Portland cement to two and one-half parts clean,
sharp sand, and five parts clean gravel or crushed stone.
Cover the corkboard to a depth of 3 inches with the concrete,
tamp until the water comes to the surface, and let stand until
*If the emulsified asphalt plastic material is not a ready mixed product, then pre-
pare the material for use only as directed by the manufacturer.

thoroughly dry, about 48 hours, before applying the finish

Prepare suitable Portland cement mortar in reasonable
quantity, mixed one part Portland cement to one part clean,
sharp sand, and then apply a top coat, of minimum depth of
1 inch, over the rough concrete base, slope to drain as specified,
and trowel to a smooth, hard surface.

144. —Wood Floors Secured to Sleepers Embedded in In-

sulation. — Embed wood sleepers, 2 inches wide and of suitable
thickness, in the single or the second layer of corkboard, as
the case may be, by putting the sleepers in place, parallel to

S\a:- NA.1UIMO i)TRJP.'



each other, on 38-inch centers, and lay down a layer of cork-

board in suitable hot Asphalt cement between the sleepers
with all joints carefully butted and sealed tight. The top sur-
face of the corkboardsand the sleepers shall then be flooded
with the same compound to a uniform thickness of approxi-
mately ^-inch.
Lay a finished wood floor of thoroughly dry and seasoned
J^-inch lumber, as specified, with approximately 1/32-inch
between the boards, to eliminate as much as possible the
tendency of the floor to expand and warp, secret nail securely
to the sleepers embedded in the corkboard underneath, and
leave the surface of the floor perfectly smooth and even.

145. — Galvanized
Metal Over Corkboard. Embed wood —
sleepers, 2 incheswide and of suitable thickness, in the single
or the second layer of corkboard, as the case may be, on the
floorsand baffles of bunkers, on such centers as to permit
lapping the galvanized metal joints 1 inch, over such sleepers,
and anchoring thereto by securely nailing.
Apply the metal of specified gauge and suitable width,
extending it over all edges of the bunker at least 2 inches
and lapping all joints 1 inch over sleepers, and then anchor
at all points by securely nailing.
Carefully and permanently solder all joints and nail heads

in the finished work, and leave the surface of the metal per-
fectly smooth and even.
Part IV —The Insulation of Household Refriger-
ators, Ice Cream Cabinets and Soda Fountains.



146. —Early Uses of Refrigeration. — Preservation of food
through the use of snow and ice undoubtedly was practised
several centuries before the Christian era in those climates
and regions where the preservation of the snow and ice in
turn during the short summer season was accomplished by
Nature through natural storage in caves. During the long
winters, large quantities of snow and ice accumulated in shel-
tered spots and never entirely melted away during the warmer
season of the year that followed. Such crevices and caves
afforded natural cold storages, for fish and meat, and there is
every reason to believe that they were so employed. Later,
perhaps as early as 1000 B. C, snow was artificially stored
in caves, and used for cooling and preserving. At any rate,
Simonides, the early Greek poet, who lived about 500 B. C,
when made angry by observing other guests at the board
treated to snow poured into their liquor, while he sipped
warm wine, enscribed the ode that concludes "for no one will
commend the man who gives hot water to a friend." It is

also known that Alexander the Great, King of Macedon (336-

323 B. C.) had trenches dug and filled with snow to cool
hundreds of kegs of wine to be given to his soldiers on the
eve of battle, and Nero, Roman Emperor (37-68 A. D.), had
his wines cooled by snow brought down from the mountains
by slaves. It may assumed that by the first
therefore be
century the luxury of drinking cooled liquors was enjoyed
rather generally by kings and emperors and their friends.
History also shows that the ancient Egyptians, on the
other hand, knew the secret of cooling liquids by evaporation,
which method of cooling is practised today by the natives of
India, as well as by the desert traveller, and quite probably
by many others. The ancient Egyptians placed shallow trays,
made of porous material and filled with water, on beds of
straw, and left them exposed to the night winds. Through
the resultant evaporation, the water became chilled sometimes



to the extent of a thin film of ice on the surface. Today, in

the upper provinces of India, water is made to freeze during

cold, clear nights by leaving it overnight in porous vessels, or
chilled in containers that are wrapped in moistened cloth. In
the first instance, the water freezes by virtue of the cold
produced by its own evaporation and in the second instance,

the water is rapidly cooled by the drying of the moistened

wrapper. In Bengal the natives resort to a still more elabo-
rate plan. Pits are dug about two feet deep and filled three-
quarters full with dry straw, on which are set flat, porous
pans containing water. Exposed overnight to a cool, dry,
gentle wind from the northwest, the water evaporates at the
expense of its own heat with sufificient rapidity to overbalance

the slow influx of heat from above through the cooled dense
air, or from below through the badly conducting straw, and
the water freezes. The desert traveller carries water in a
porous canvas water bag so as to have, through slow evapo-
ration, a supply of drinking water sufficiently palatable to
dampen his parched lips and cool his throat.

The use mixed with snow for cooling and

of saltpetre
freezing liquids was known and employed at a remote period
in India. In 1607 Tancrelus mentioned the use of this mix-
ture to freeze water, and in 1626 Santono mentioned the use
of common salt and snow to freeze wine. At about that same
time, in Italy, iced fruits put in an appearance at table, and
during the 17th century a method of congealing cream was
Lord Francis Bacon, English scientist, philosopher and
statesman (1561-1626), appreciated what a useful thing it

would be if man could have the same command of cold as of

heat, and undertook experiments into its possibilities that
terminated in his death. Among his notes there is this:

Heat and cold are Nature's two hands whereby she chiefly
worketh, and heat we have in readiness in respect of the fire,
but for cold we must stay till it cometh or seek it in deep
caves or high mountains, and when all is done we cannot
obtain it in any great degree, for furnaces of fire are far
hotter than a summer's sun, but vaults and hills are not much
colder than a winter's frost.

History is with interesting references to the early


use of snow and natural

ice, especially by the French, Span-

iards and Italians, devotees of better living. In England, the

sale of natural ice from the wagons of fishmongers was an
early practice that continues to this day. In the United States
•a cargo of natural ice was sent from New York to New
Orleans in 1799, the first delivery of natural ice toan American
home was made in 1802, and Frederick Tudor exported natural
ice from the United States to the West Indies in 1805 to help
stay the ravages of yellow fever.

147. —The
Formation, Harvesting and Storing of Natural
Ice. — The ice is a very common phenomenon of
formation of
Nature, but the exact process followed in converting water
into natural ice is not generally understood by those who make
use of the resultant product.
That water freezes at 32° F. at a pressure of one atmos-
phere is generally understood. When the air above a body
of water is chilled to a temperature below that of the water,
heat is transferred from the water to the air, the top layer of
water is chilled, it becomes denser than the water underneath,
drops to the bottom, and is replaced by other water rising to

be similarly chilled. But this chilling process continues only
until the entire body of the water is cooled to 39.1° F., which
is the point of the greatest density of water, the temperature
at which water is heaviest, but a temperature not yet low
enough to cause the water to freeze. Further cooling of the
water on the pond, lake or stream will no longer cause the
top layer of water to drop, by convection, and the chilling
efifect is thereafter concentrated on the surface of the water
instead of being applied generally to the entire body of the
water. When the temperature of the top layer of water
reaches 32° F., ice forms, and increases in thickness as the
water in contact underneath is chilled, by conduction, to the
freezing point.

Each particle of water, in freezing, sets free the air that

was contained in that water, and the tiny bubbles of air cling
to the newly frozen ice crystals, unless dislodged. If these
bubbles are not dislodged, by agitation, then other ice cr3^stals
forming adjacent to the first ones entrap the clinging air bub-
bles to form opaque, or "milky," ice. Opaque ice is usually
found on ponds where the water is not in motion, or on slug-
gish streams while clear, hard ice is frozen on bodies of water

that are in motion sufficiently to free the newly formed ice

crystals of all clinging air particles.


The development of the scientific harvesting of natural ice

is an interesting chapter in itself, and second in importance
only to the development of the use of natural ice as a refrig-
erant for the preservation of foodstufifs. It must be sufficient
to mention here that during the latter half of the 19th cen-
tury enormous quantities of natural ice came to be harvested
and stored in huge ice houses, ice houses of moderate size
and little ice houses, located almost in every community in
the United States where the temperature dropped low enough
at some time during the winter to freeze ice on the ponds, lakes
and streams. The very large ice houses were scientifically
•constructed and equipped, and were insulated between wood
walls with shavings and sawdust well tamped. The smaller
ice houses, especially those in the rural communities, were
often crudely built, simply of wood slabs nailed to one side
of the timber framing. In the well-built and insulated ice
houses, straw was frequently used between layers or tiers
of ice blocks, and sometimes sawdust was thus employed,
to insulate the several layers from each other and to keep
them from freezing together; but the insulation between the
double walls of the structure was relied upon for the reason-
able preservation of the ice during the warmer months, while
the house was being emptied of its valual3le contents. The
ice was stored in the smaller uninsulated structures in such
fashion that a space of approximately two feet was left all
around the house between the walls and the pile of ice blocks.
This space was filled with sawdust as the tiers of ice were


laid,and sawdust was sometimes placed between layers to a

thickness of several inches. Over the top layer, sawdust was
piled to a depth of several feet; and louvre-windows at dif-
ferent levels in either end of the house served to ventilate
the space over the ice and directly under the uninsulated roof,
to prevent superheating of the air in that space on summer
days with consequent excessive meltage of the ice in the top
The business and dispensing large
of harvesting, storing
quantities of natural ice was on the constantly growing
demand for the use of such ice by brewers, packers and large
dealers in food products, the trade gradually extending to the


smaller establishments, then to the retail stores, and finally
to countless homes, especially in the congested, large city
areas. This trade had extended gradually each year and had
grown to enormous proportions, but its real size and scope
was not fully appreciated, and the necessity for ice was not
generally understood, until the summer of 189D, when the
greatest shortage in the crop of natural ice that has ever
occurred in the United States resulted from the exceptionally
mild preceding winter season. This unusual shortage gave
mechanical refrigeration an impetus such as it never had be-
fore, and marks the real beginnings of the use of ice as a
necessity of life.

148. —The Development of the Ice Machine. —The earliest

machine to produce ice by purely mechanical means was of
the "vacuum" type, built by Dr. William Cullen in 1755. In
this class of "liquid" machine, since the refrigerating liquid
is itself rejected, the only agent cheap enough to be employed
is water. The boiling point of water varies with pressure;
and at a pressure one atmosphere (14.7 pounds per square
inch) the boiling pointis 212° F., whereas at a pressure of

0.085-pound per square inch it is 32° F., and at lower pres-

sures there is still further fall in temperature. Water at ordi-
nary temperature is placed in an air-tight, insulated vessel,
and when the pressure is reduced by means of a vacuum
pump it begins to boil, the heat necessary for evaporation be-
ing taken from the water itself. The pressure being still
further reduced, the temperature is gradually lowered until
the freezing point is reached and ice formed, when about one-
sixth of the original volume has been evaporated. Dr. Cullen
is said to have produced the vacuum by means of a pump

In 1810, Sir John Leslie combined with the air pump a

vessel containing strong sulphuric acid for absorbing the vapor

from the air, and is said to have produced several pounds of
ice in a single operation. Val lance of France, in 1824, pro-
duced another machine for the same purpose.
Several suggestions had been made with regard to the
production of ice by the evaporation of a more volatile liquid
than water, but the first machine actually constructed and

operated on that princii^le was built in 1834 from the designs

of Jacob Perkins, an American living abroad, who that year
took out patents in England on an ether machine. This ma-
chine, though never actually used commercially, is the parent
of allmodern compression machines. James Harrison, of Gee-
long, Victoria, laterworked out the Perkins principle in a
more complete and practical manner and in 1861 had his ma-
chine adopted successfully in England for the cooling of oil
to extract paraffin.


Meanwhile, Michael Faraday, English chemist and physi-

cist (1791-1867), succeeded in condensing ammonia gas to a
liquid by applying pressure and then cooling it. When the
pressure was removed, the liquid boiled off rapidly as a gas,
absorbing heat, as any liquid will do when it turns into a gas.
Faraday's discovery, made in about 1826, proved of the great-
est importance, both practically and theoretically.
Professor A. C. Twining, of New Haven, Connecticut, and
Dr. John Gorrie, of Appalachicola, Florida, also contributed
|o the successful development of the ice machine. Dr. Gorrie
taking out the first American patent in 1850 for a practical
process of manufacturing ice.

In 1858, E. C. Carre adopted the same principle as Sir

John Leslie, but used a solution of ammonia and water in
his vacuum machine to make ice. The first one of these
Carre machines to reach the United States ran the blockade
of New Orleans in 1863. Dr. A. Kirk invented an air ma-
chine, in 1862, which was fully described by him in a paper
on the "Mechanical Production of Cold," being simply a re-
versed Sterling air engine, the air working in a closed cycle
instead of being actually discharged into the room to be cooled,
as is the usual practice with compression machines. It is
said that Kirk's machine was used commercially with success
on a fairly large scale, chiefly for ice making, producing about
4 pounds of ice per pound of coal.
In 1870, the subject of refrigeration was investigated by
Professor Carl Linde, of Munich, Germany, who was the first
to consider the question from a thermodynamic point of view.
He dealt with the coefficient of performance as a common basis
of comparison for all machines, and showed that the compres-
sion vapor machine more closely reached the theoretical maxi-
mum than any other. Linde also examined the physical prop-
erties of various liquids, and, after making trials with methylic
ether in 1872, built his first ammonia compression machine in
1873. In the next two years, these machines were introduced
into the United States by Professor Linde, and David Boyle
of the United States. From then until the ice shortage of
the summer of 1890, many new forms of apparatus were pro-
duced and certain important improvements were made, follow-
ing which the rapid development and practical utilization of
the art of ice making and refrigeration grew by leaps and
bounds, until today ice and refrigeration may be had at any
time and anywhere that power can be obtained.

149. — Early
Methods of Utilizing Ice as a Refrigerant. —
Just as snow was used in ancient times to cool the cup that
cheered, so harvested natural ice was probably first employed
in later times to cool wines and preserve beer. Deep cellars
were dug, walled with heavy masonry, and divided longitud-
inally by arched stone ceilings into top cellars and sub-
cellars. The goods to be preserved were placed in the lower
or sub-cellars and the ice was filled into the top cellars just
above, an ingenious and effective arrangement that permitted
the storing of sufficient quantities of natural ice, as harvested,
to carry the sub-cellars through the warm summer months at
temperatures cool enough for many purposes. Such cellars
were probably the first man-made cold storage houses or

refrigerating plants, the suggestion having no doubt come

down from the early days of the utilization of snow and ice
found in the summer months in deep rocky crevices and
natural caves of the mountains.
These underground masonry caverns were not insulated,
except naturally by the earth, but their heavy masonry walls,
once cooled, acted as enormous reservoirs of cold. Many of
these storage cellars were constructed in Europe, especially


in Germany, and many more of them were built later in the

1 United States, particularly in connection with breweries, in
*the early days when a simpler and cheaper method of guaran-
1 teeing summer refrigeration was unknown. However, as
time passed, ice storages and cooling rooms were arranged in
single tier cellars,by locating the cold room within the ice
storage, so to speak, and having less height, so that the ice
could be piled, as harvested, around and over the cold room.

Another type of cold storage and ice storage combined was

constructed by digging a cellar into the side hill and building
the four walls of thick masonry, as the food storage compart-
ment, with a double layer plank ceiling laid over heavy joists,
and then building a double-thick plank-walled ice house over
such structure. Then boards and air spaces' took the place
of the double layer plank walls above ground, and holes were
cut in the floor to let the cold through. It was only a step,
of course, from the cutting of holes in the floor alongside of
the ice to permit the cold air to drop into the room below,
to a practical bunker arrangement and an efficient air circu-
lation, which was the forerunner of the present indispensible
overhead bunker. The sawdust insulated natural ice house
next came into being along the shores of northern rivers and
lakes, the first large ice house in the United States having
been built on the shores of the Hudson river in 1805 and ;

from then on the development of the use of natural ice as a

refrigerating medium was rapidly extended. Farmers, for
instance, put up ice in cheaply constructed ice houses, sur-
rounded the ice stores with sawdust as insulation, kept fresh
meats in sacks buried among the blocks of ice, used the ice
to cool milk, to keep butter, and otherwise to serve useful
purposes incident to farm life. Simultaneously, in the cities,
insulated coolers were being constructed in certain retail
establishments, and in the better homes portable ice chests
were installed, natural ice delivery service having been estab-
lished in the larger cities, which functioned as far into the
summer as the supply of natural ice lasted.
It may now appear to be a curious fact, but a fact it re-

mains nevertheless, that the breweries had equally as much

to do with the extension of the use of natural ice, and later
of manufactured ice, as had any other single agency. For,
first of all, the brewing of beer was a profitable business, and

the industry attracted capital. Some of the finest plants in

the world were breweries. They could aflford to harvest and
store ice in their cellars, to be among the very first to install
ice machines for the manufacture of ice, to re-equip their
plants for mechanical cooling, and to experiment with dif-

ferent kinds of insulation. As a means

widening the market
for beer, especially after the advent of manufactured ice,
portable coolers in large quantities were built by the breweries

and loaned out to inns, hotels, saloons and a variety of estab-

lishments, ice being delivered daily in generous quantities,
often at no extra cost whatever, with which to cool the boxes
and their contents. Perishable foods soon found their way
into those refrigerators, where it was kept cool with the beer,
at the expense of the brewery. The conveniences and bene-
fits accruing, however, from the consistent use of ice-cooled,

insulated boxes created a demand on the part of others, in

other lines of business, for a like refrigeration service for
the handling of perishable foodstuffs, and the breweries were
the first, in many instances, to provide the public with such
service and at a very nominal cost indeed.

150. — Early Methods of Insulating Cold Stores. — Hollow

walls, or air chambers or spaces, were the very first artificial
barriers used in cold stores to retard the influx of heat, some
of the first installations being made on ships, to permit of
the exporting and importing of perishables, particularly fresh
meats, from one country to another. Later it became the
practice, especially in cold storage structures, to lay up double
walls and fill the space between with a light-weight, loose
material. Powdered
charcoal, sawdust, diatomaceous earth
and similar materials were thus employed, and except for the
gradual loss of the insulation from settling and sifting out, the
loss of storage space due to the bulkiness of the insulation, the
fire hazard, and so forth, such insulated cold stores proved

satisfactory in service, using ice as the refrigerant and operat-

ing at temperatures sufficiently high to obviate the condensa-
tion of enough moisture within the insulation to seriously
interfere with its heat retarding qualities.
But with the real advent of mechanical refrigeration in ice
and cold storage plants, following the summer of 1890, and
the gradual use of temperatures lower than were ever ob-
tained with ice, or with salt and ice mixtures, serious diffi-
culties began to be experienced with insulated structures. If

the insulation was l:)()ards and air spaces, or double wall

frame construction with loose fill insulation, the wood fre-
quently became soaked with water, and rotted away, or the
loose fill insulation became water-logged and of no further
value as an insulator, meanwhile throwing a heavy extra
load on the refrigerating apparatus and equipment, and of
course increasing the cost of operation excessively. At such
points in the insulation where the wood remained perfectly
dry, there was great danger of dry-rot, consequent weakening
of supporting members, and danger to the safety of the
structure. It was not at all uncommon to have the entire
over-head bunker structure drop to the floor because of dry-
rot or wet-rot of the supporting timbers at the points where
the members pie'rced the thick walls of insulation to gain sup-
port in the outer walls of the building. If the construction
consisted of double walls of masonry, with inside surfaces
pitched, and the intervening space filled with a loose insulat-
ing material, the loose fill material settled and packed down
and frequently became thoroughly water-logged and of no
further value whatever as an insulator.
Every possible precaution was taken to wateruroof the
walls between which the loose fill insulation was placed, such
as coating them with expensi^'e pure resin pitch, imported
from afar, probably on the theory that water got into the
insulation by penetrating such walls. However, water con-
tinued to be condensed out of the air in the countless voids
between particles of the insulation, from the fact of the cold
storage rooms operating at temperatures low enough to throw
the* dew point within the insulation, fresh air carrying more
water was automatically drawn in, the insulation sucked up
the precipitated water by capillarity and soon became com-
pletely water-logged, as formerly.
Meanwhile, in Europe, cork, possessing no capillarity but
high in insulating value because of its sealed air cell struc-
ture, was being formed into slabs by gluing the cork particles
together with a hot mixture of certain clays and asphalt, and
these slabs were applied to the walls of cold storage rooms
as insulation, and the results were heralded as being very
satisfactory. The Armstrong Cork Company subsequently
acquired the United States patent rights for this "impreg-
nated" type of corkboard insulation, and constructed a factory
at Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, for its production. Large
quantities of this impregnated corkboard were purchased and
installed, especially by the breweries ; but it was later dis-


covered that such "composition" corkboard was inferior in

and insulating quality to pure corkboard
structural strength
manufactured under the patents of John T. Smith, and with
the purchase of the Nonpariel Cork Manufacturing Company
and the Smith patents, by the Armstrong Cork Company, com-
position corkboard virtually disappeared from the market. In
competition with pure corkboard, however, there was offered
very early a great variety of insulating boards or slabs, made
from fibrous materials of one sort or another and possessing
marked affinity for water; but experience in service with all
such substitutes for pure corkboard clearly and conclusively
demonstrated wherein they were unsuited for cold storage
temperatures, and they have virtually disappeared from the
market as cold storasre insulating materials.



15L Early Forms of Household Coolers. Probably the —
firsthousehold "cooler" was a crude box anchored in a nearby
stream, in which in turn several tall earthen jars or pieces
of crockery were placed, the ends of the box provided with
slatted openings to permit the fresh water to pass through,



and the top of the box covered with a strap-hinged lid. If

a spring of water was available, the box was of course an-

chored just below the overflow and probably in a slight ex-
cavation made to accommodate it. In either case, perishable
foods, such as milk, butter, eggs and meat, were placed within
the jars or crocks, to be cooled and preserved as best as
The objection to this simple type of household cooler was

that the mid-day sun often beat down upon the low, flat lid
of the box with telling effect on the perishable foodstuffs just
underneath, and at night the lid was sometimes disturbed
and the food stolen by prowling marauders of the field and
forest. So here, as elsewhere, necessity being the mother of
invention, the next step in the development of the present
household refrigerator was the construction of a rude shelter
over the box to protect the food from the elements and from
unwelcome guests. This shelter was made of logs, as a min-
iature log cabin, and was usually spoken of as the "milk
house," or the ''spring house."

'^mM a^}^^

Long before cellars were excavated under dwellings, some

provision had to be made for the storing of fruits and, more
particularly, vegetables in a uniformly cool atmosphere suffi-

ciently dry to preserve the stores as far into the next season
as possible. Natural caves were occasionally available, but
I more often caves were dug out of the side of a hill,
lined with timbers and equipped with shelves, bins and a
strong door. Again, where a hillside was not conveniently
near, a low, log room was constructed, similarly equipped,
and completely surrounded and covered with earth thrown up
in the form of a mound. The mound was then tamped and
covered with thick sod, which made a suitable storage con-
veniently nearby and which was commonly spoken of as the
"root house," the name borrowed from still earlier times when
similar provision was made for the storing of roots for medi-
cine. When cellars were first excavated under dwellings, they


were installed as a substitute for the outside provision cave or

root house, and the only entrance was through an outside cel-
lar door so as to avoid direct communication between the

jfjt--^^''-^_ ~'^_z



heated dwelling above and the cool cavern underneath. These

original cellars were provision storages only and as such were
little more than pits dug in the ground.

It has been seen how, in ancient times, trenches were dug

and filled with snow to cool kegs of wine. At a later time,
pits were dug, filled with ice and roofed over, which was
probably the earliest form of ice storage or ice house. About
the middle of the 16th century the rich in America harvested
and stored ice in private ice houses built of logs and padded
inside between the logs and the pile of ice with straw packed
tight, and later with sawdust. The blocks of ice were then
used in a heavy, wooden chest, about three feet wide by three
feet high and possibly ten or twelve feet long, resting on the
floor, usually in an out-building adjacent to the kitchen, in

which chest earthen containers were used in very much the



same way as they were the earlier crude box anchored

in the stream or spring. This heavy, water-tight, wooden
chest, filled with ice and with vessels for liquids and pro-
ii visions to be cooled and preserved, having as a drain for the
water of meltage merely a hole in the end of the chest about
half way up, and equipped with a heavy, hinged lid, was the
predecessor of the household ice-box and the crude forefather
of the modern household refrigerator.

152. —The Household Ice-box. — It has been seen that hol-

low walls, or air spaces, were the very first artificial barriers
used in cold stores to retard the influx of heat, which method
of insulating cold temperatures from the higher temperatures
of the surrounding atmosphere followed upon the use of thick ;

masonry walls underground and of walls of heavy timbers '

or planks in structures above ground. Following the same i


development, and true to tradition,* the ice chest in time

became an ice-box, smaller in length, made of oak, chestnut '

or other hard wood, with hollow walls lined inside with sheet [

zinc, standing upon raised feet formed from prolongations

of the side posts, a hole in the bottom for the water to drain '•


away, with perhaps a shallow pan underneath to catch the

drip. The very first of these ice-boxes had wood pieces laid
in the bottom to keep the ice and food from contacting with
the metal lining, but there was no provision for the separa-
tion of the food from the ice. The lid, usually of double layer
boards with no air space between, was at first hinged, and;
later, in some instances, built in two sections and made to
slide. As time passed, these convenient household ice-boxes
were provided with a vertical division across the box at the
*The box, whatever its shape or purpose or the materials of which it is fashioned,
is the direct descendent of the chest, one of the most ancient articles of domestic

center to separate the food from the ice, but it was at that
time in no sense a baffle for the promotion of air circulation,
the idea not then having been adapted to such purpose.
In due course, it became the practice in cold stores to con-
struct double walls and fill the intervening space with flaked
charcoal, silicate cotton, small pumice, sawdust, and similar
loose or granular materials; and the principle of the over-


head bunker was about the same time being fast developed
to a new avenues of use-
point of efficiency that opened up
;fulness for cold stores employing ice, or salt and ice mix-
itures, as the refrigerant. This influence was quickly reflected
in the large beer and meat coolers of retail establishments and

in turn in the household ice-box, flaked charcoal becoming the

preferred type of loose fill insulation between ice-box walls,
followed later by silicate cotton, or mineral wool. Then for
the first time the household ice-box was elevated, so to speak.
to a new position ; its length was somewhat decreased in favor

of a much greater height, and the division between the ice and
the food changed from a vertical one to a horizontal one. In
a word, the household ice-box became a household "refrig-
erator," of the kind now known as a lid tyi)e top-icer, b\ virtue i


of the location of the ice on an overhead support of such

design as to utilize the fact of the greater weight of cold than
of warm air to cause a natural circulation to be set up through-
out the refrigerator. Then came the top-icer with a side ice-

chamber door; and, later, the side-icer completed the inter-

esting evolution of the form our modern household refrigerator
finally came to take.
Except for the gradual loss of the insulation from settling
and sifting out, those early household refrigerators proved
much r^ore satisfactory in service, using ice as the refrigerant,
than did the cold storage rooms in plants cooled by mechan-

ical means and insulated in exactly the same manner. Of

course the rooms cooled by mechanical means could be, and
were, held at lower temperatures than were the household
refrigerators chilled wdth ice ; and this fact was responsible for
the different degrees of success experienced with the same


•type and kind of insulation under those different conditions

of service; for it will be recalled that with the gradual use
in cold stores of temperatures lower by mechanical means
than were possible with ice, serious difficulties began to be
experienced with insulated structures from condensation of
water within the insulation.

153. —The Era of Multiple Insulation in Household Re-

frigerators. — Pliny, writing the in century, said:
first "The
natives who inhabit the west of Europe have a liquid with
which they intoxicate themselves, made from corn and water.
..The people in Spain in particular brew this liquid so well
that it will keep good a long time. So exquisite is the cun-
ning of mankind in gratifying their vicious appetites that they
have thus invented a method to make water itself produce
intoxication." It has been seen how that same "exquisite
cunning" of which Pliny wrote also provided means of mak-
ing that ceria more palatable and soothing by cooling with
snow, and later with ice how the physicist working in the

laboratory formulated certain laws which apply to the con-

densation of gases; how the engineer, in his workshop, utilized
these fundamental principles to develop machines to make ice
on a hot summer's day and it only remained for the prac-

tical business man of the 20th centur}^ to so organize the ice

industry that ice no longer a luxury, to be obtained only by

the wealthy, but today within the reach of almost every-


one. Sixteen million tons of natural ice are harvested and

forty-two million tons are manufactured each year in the
United States alone. And of this total ice production of fifty-
eight million tons (1923), American households used the enor-
mous total of twenty-five million tons.
So from practically nothing at the beginning of the 19th
century, the ice industry of the United States has becon e

ninth in the list commercial activities, with a nioac-

of great
tary involvement of over one billion dollars, which mav be
accounted for by the increased cost of foods, a better knov, !-
edge of the value of very fresh foods in the diet, a more
thorough understanding of the danger of stale or decomposed
foods, and the means on the part of countless numbers of
people not only to purchase fresh foods the year 'round but
also to provide facilities in the home for the care of such
The many industries that use refrigeration in their routine
business have been benefited by careful scientific research
begun many years ago ; and only by correctly utilizing the
findings of engineers, chemists, physicists and bacteriologists
have they been able to reach their present high efficiency. But
similar studies applicable to the problems of the home were
never undertaken in similar concerted fashion by either the

ice manufacturers or the refrigerator manufacturers, and even

those principles worked out and established for the benefit and
guidance of the ice and refrigerating and allied industries,
and which are directly applicable to the household, often have
been overlooked, ignored or misapplied.
For instance, careful scientific research established the fact
that the flow of heat through a given insulating material was
retarded by an external or surface resistance as well as by
an internal resistance, but that its surface resistance virtually
disappeared if the surfaces of the material were no longer
in contact with the surrounding atmosphere, as elaborated in

the section of this book on "The Study of Heat." But this

scientific fact was either misunderstood, or its true significance
ignored, because many manufacturersof household refrig-
erators re-designed their product on the basis of multiple in-
sulation on the incorrect theory that each layer of material
in the walls of a refrigerator sets up or offers its own indi-
vidual surface resistance to the transfer of heat, even though
these layers are laid one against another or in positions of in-
timacy and their surfaces are not exposed to the surrounding
atmosphere. In other words, in theory, the surface resistances
of many layers of material were incorrectly combined to arrive

at a wholly fictitious high total resistance of a given wall to

the infiltration of heat. The claim of superiority based on
multiple walls of insulation was a familiar one, and for too

many years unsuspecting householders counted the layers in
comparing prices.
With the growth of the ice industry, the refrigerator in-
dustry expanded proportionately, and competition became
keen and difficult. Little real attention was paid to the actual
insulating qualities of a household refrigerator for, as some
: ;

["have said, "the ice man wanted to sell ice, the refrigerator
manufacturer wanted to sell refrigerators, and the householder
wanted something low in cost and high in hopes." It is prob-

ably more to the point, however, that the real need for bet-
ter insulation in household refrigerators had never been made

clear to the ice man, the refrigerator builder, or the house-

holder. In a word, the necessity did not exist, and the need
was not understood.


Nevertheless, the more progressive refrigerator manufac-
turers and the more progressive producers and distributors of
ice,often in cooperation with various United States Govern-
mental agencies, State Universities^ and a few private experi-
mental laboratories, kept up a constant if not intensive search
for more practical and accurate information on the applica-
tion of refrigeration principles and appliances in the home
New and better sanitary refrigerator linings were developed,
air circulation was ^•astly improved, shelves were rearranged
to accommodate various foods in the position in the refrig-
erator where they would keep best, better hardware was
adopted, doors were sealed with improved wick gasket, drain !

pipes were placed so as to permit of ready removal and clean-

ing, ice compartments were enlarged to an adequate size,
outside icing doors were provided for the discriminating, and
better exterior finishes were offered. Very little attention,
however, was paid to the insulation of what would other-
wise have been a perfect masterpiece of craftsmanship. A few
manufacturers, among them those using solid porcelain lin-
ings, adopted granulated cork as the insulating medium; but
as refrigerators were not then sold on the basis of compara
tive permanent efficiency of operation in service, the added
value of the ground cork insulation was not generally appre-
ciated even by those manufacturers who used it.

154. —The Advent Household Refrigerating Machine

of the
and Early Trials with Pure Corkboard in Household Refrig-
erators. —
It has been seen that the practice of cooling food and
dfink below the temperature of the atmosphere by the use
of snow and ice was followed for many centuries before natural
ice came to be stored in caves, in ice pits, and then in ice
houses, and that within the present generation means were
perfected for the manufacture of ice in commercial quantities
for refrigeration purposes. Now we observe that within
scarcely the past dozen years attention has been directed tO;

ways and means of producing refrigeration in the home by

mechanical means directly ; but it is only since the World War
that the household machine has been manufactured in quan-
tities and proven a success, the production during recent years
having been about as follows

Prior to 1923 20,000

Year 1923 25,000
Year 1924 50,000
Year 1925 100,000
Year 1926 500,000
Estimated 1927 750,000

At present the subject of household refrigeration is receiv-

ing the attention of many inventors and engineers, as well as


of several hundred manufacturers. New and improved me-

chanical devices and processes are being de\eloped almost
! constantly, several editions of a complete treatise on "the
and operation of both ice and
principles, types, construction,
mechanically cooled domestic refrigerators, and the use of

ice and refrigeration in the home." having already been pub-
I lished,* under the title of "Household Refrigeration," by H. B.
[. Hull, Refrigeration Engineer.
in introducing his subject, says that, "mechan-
Mr. Hull,
ical household refrigeration is having an important influence
on refrigerator cabinet construction it is necessary to have ;

better constructed and insulated refrigerators to operate satis-

factorily, with the lower food-compartment temperatures pro-
duced by the mechanical unit" and Mr. Hull drew extensively

on his experience as a refrigeration and research engineer,

and in turn upon the work and experience of many others in
allied industries, in setting forth his conclusions with respect

*.\ickerson & Collins Co., Publishers, 5707 West Lake Street, Chicago, Illinois.
to the insulation of mechanically cooled household refrig-
It was little suspected, perhaps, in the beg-innings of me-
chanical refrigeration for the home, that serious trouble would
be experienced with the operation of the household refrig-
erator itself; because there was then enough real and poten-
tial trouble with the mechanical unit, without contemplating
trouble from a coordinated product manufactured by others,
especially since household refrigerators had been successfully
produced, sold and used in the home for a great many years.
Yet serious trouble there was, and it took a lot of time and
much money to eliminate it.

dozen years or so ago (about 1915), there was need
for better insulation in household refrigerators, but the neces-
sity for it did not then exist; and it was not until a serious
attempt was made to cool such refrigerators by mechanical
means that the subject of enough permanently efficient in-
sulation was made a research and engineering consideration.
The cost of operating one of the early makes of mechancially
cooled domestic refrigerators, original investment ignored,
was frequently somewhat greater than the cost of cooling the
same refrigerator with ice. The much lower temperature that
could be maintained by the mechanical unit was consequently
featured "as its greatest advantage, and the plant was adjusted
and sold on that basis. Thereupon the refrigerator usually
began to leak, and frequently to smell, and then the motor
was observed to operate a greater number of hours per day,
until it was sometimes said to operate almost continuously,
and general dissatisfaction with the installation on the part
of the purchaser was, under such conditions, the inevitable
Examination of these "leakers" and "smellers" usually
revealed the fibrous insulation in the hollow walls of the re-

frigerator water-soaked and odor-saturated whereupon, after ;

a considerable lapse of time and following much investigation,

the insulation specifications were changed, and, borrowing a
page from the experience and practice of commercial cold
storage plants, pure corkboard was directed to be used. The
permanent insulating efficien.cy of corkboard in cold storage
structures was a known quantity, and its well-known freedom

from capillarity was expected to rid the correctly insulated

mechanical refrigerator of the water conditions so consistently
encountered theretofore. Unfortunately, however, the question
of the manner and method of installing the corkboard, with
respect to the refrigerator as a finished unit, was virtually
left tothe discretion of the superintendent of the plant pro-
ducing the refrigerators; and it was but natural for him to
cut the corkboards to fit easily into generous wall spaces, and

in other respects to do with the corkboard just about as had

always been done with other kinds of insulation in the many
years preceding the advent of the household refrigerating
The results were almost as unsatisfactory as they had
been with other kinds and forms of insulation. Leakers and
smellers continued to be the order of the day, and the insu-
lating efficiency was below that to be expected with cork-
board as the insulating material. Perhaps the refrigerato'-
did not leak half as much, or smell quite as badly, or run
nearly as long, as formerly, with other kinds of insulation ;

but it leaked, and it gave off odors, and it cost too much to
operate and these things, coupled with the usual run of

mechanical troubles incident to the development of a new

device, were enough to discourage much less courageous man-
ufacturers than those who blazed trails for the present-day
mechanical unit.
water is placed on a kitchen talkie,
If a glass pitcher of ice
it under usual conditions of humidity, such an
will "sweat,"
amount that the water of condensation will sometimes run
on to the table top, although usually it will evaporate away
almost as rapidly as it forms and just as water vapor in

suspension in the surrounding air of the kitchen would be
••'precipitated on the cool, outer surface of the glass pitcher, so
would water vapor have been precipitated or condensed at the
same rate on the outer, exposed surface of the interior lining
of a refrigerator cooled to the same degree by ice and located
in the same kitchen.
If salt is water and stirred, to
added to the pitcher of ice
reduce the temperature of the mixture, the sweating will
usually exceed the evaporation by such an amount as to


quickly form a puddle of water on the table top; and just as
water vapor in suspension in the surrounding air of the
kitchen would be precipitated on the cold, outer surface of
the pitcher containing the low temperature mixture, at a rate
too rapid to permit of its being evaporated away as fast as

it formed, so would water A'apor have been condensed at the

same rate on the outer, exposed surface of the interior lining
of a refrigerator chilled to the same degree by a mechanical
household refrigerating machine.


In either case, the only difference between the action of

the pitcher and that of the refrigerator would be in the rate
of evaporation of the condensed water; evaporation from the
surface of the pitcher would be more rapid than from the
exposed surface of the interior lining of the refrigerator,
because there would be greater freedom of air currents about
the pitcher than there would be about the confined interior
refrigerator lining.
The foregoing explains why the mechanically cooled house-
hold refrigerator frequently "leaked," and why the former
ice-cooled domestic refrigerator rarely ever gave evidence

of the same defect the rate of condensation of water vapor


in the case of the mechanical refrigerator was considerably

greater than the rate of evaporation, whereas the rate of con-
densation in the case of the ice-cooled refrigerator was usually

no greater and was frequently less than the rate of evapora-

tion. Then, too, in the case of an ice-cooled refrigerator,
moisture condensed out of air entrapped within the walls of
the refrigerator would usually be in intimate contact with
the insulation in such walls, and would be absorbed by it if
the insulation possessed capillarity in any degree whatever.
Water, as is well known, is very susceptible to tainting;
a glass of water standing on a dining-room table will pick up
odors at a rapid rate, and become unfit for human consump-
tion. Place a glass of water on a kitchen table during the
preparation of a meal, and two hours later the water will have
an odor. The water of meltage coming from an iced refrig-
erator has an odor; because as the air in the refrigerator cir-
culates over the melting ice, the water of meltage extracts
the food odors and carries them away through the refrigerator
drain. Condensed water on the back of an exposed interior
lining of a refrigerator will quickly become foul, by absorption
of odors from the air and thus we have the explanation for

the so-called "cork odor" in the structure of the early mechan-

ically cooled household refrigerator insulated with corkboards
so loosely installed as to leave the exterior surface of the
interior lining exposed. For unless some material with a cer-
tain heat insulating value is in intimate contact with the
entire outer surface of a refrigerator lining, such surface must
be thought of and dealt with as being exposed to the sur-
rounding atmosphere, at least in so far as the condensation
of moisture on its face is concerned.
1 Odors within the food compartment of a mechanical re-
frigerator are usually accounted for by the foods stored, or by

odors coming in through dry bell-trap or goose-neck of the
drain pipe from which all water has evaporated. An ice-
cooled refrigerator is constantly at work to keep its air purified,
by absorption of odors by the water of meltage and discharge
to drain but a mechanically-cooled refrigerator frequently has

little or no water of meltage, and other provision must be made

for the purification of its air. This has been variously accom-
plished by ventilation through dry drain pipe, where such
pipe terminates low enough to escape the odors from the
refrigerating machine, by ventilation through loosely fitted
doors, and bv still other means entirely. These items do not


come within the scope of the subject of the proper insulation
of a refrigerator, but they are touched upon here because
insulation was frequently and erroneously blamed for such
interior odors in the days of the early trials at insulating
household refrigerators with corkboard.
155. —The Modern Corkboard Insulated Household Re-
frigerator. — Early storages, ship's cold stores, cold storage
houses and breweries were insulated with air spaces and loose
fill materials in hollow walls with reasonable success, all
things considered, during the days when ice was employed
as the refrigerant. The advent of mechanical refrigeration
and lower temperatures in cold stores increased the condensa-
tion of moisture within the air spaces and the loose fill insu-
lating materials to such a degree, however, as to frequently
destroy the insulating capacity of the walls entirely. For it
will be recalled, from an elaboration of the subject in the
chapter on "Measurement of Heat, Change of State, and
Humidity," that the capacity of air to absorb and hold moist-
ure, or water vapor, in suspension, varies with its temperature
and, warm air being capable of holding more moisture than
cold air, when warm air is cooled, its moisture capacity is
lowered until a temperature is reached at which the air can
no longer hold all of its moisture in suspension, which point
is the point of saturation, or the dew point. By insulating
the exposed surfaces of cold stores with a sufficient thickness
of a material having its air content, upon which it must
depend for its heat retarding properties, divided into an in-
finitesimal number of microscopic or colloidal particles dis-
persed throughout the material in hermetically sealed cells,

so that such air loses normal properties as air, the precipita-


tion of water vapor within such insulation or within the build-

ing structure back of the insulation, due to exposure of chilled
surfaces to the atmosphere, was eliminated. Pure corkboard
was the insulating material that met these conditions, both in
theory and practice, when properly manufactured and when
properly applied in intimate contact with the surfaces to be
Borrowing another page from the experience and practice
of commercial cold storage plants, through the advice of a

trained insulation engineer* of recognized experience and

responsibility, pure corkboard was directed to be applied in
mechanically chilled household refrigerators in a manner that
would absolutely eliminate air pockets or air spaces of any
kind between the corkboard and the outside surface of the


interior refrigerator lining; for otherwise water vapor in that
air would be condensed, due to its contact with the cold
vacuum created by
exterior surface of the lining, the partial
such cooling and condensing would be balanced by the infil-
tration of additional air carrying water vapor in suspension,
which fresh supply of air would in turn be cooled and give up
*PUBLISHER'S NOTE— The author of this book is credited with formulating
the suggestions that led to a solution of the problems touched upon here.
water, and the c}cle continued so long as the refrigerator
was in serxice. A certain type of refrigerator, having an opal
glass panel lining, and usually produced by skilled cabinet-
makers, escaped almost completely the with me-
chanical household refrigeration that were experienced by
manufacturers of refrigerators having the one-piece enameled
steel linings. The wall construction of such refrigerators
consisted of exterior oak, paper, corkboard tightly compressed


into position in intimate contact at every point, paper, wood

sheathing, and a thin pad of builder's felt against which the
opal glass paneled interior lining was secured. One of the
first demands placed on the mechanical household refrigera-
tion industry, however, was for a very much reduced cost of
the assembled refrigerator units; and the cabinet type of cork-
board insulated refrigerator with opal glass paneled lining,
which was virtually a cabinetmaker's product and which did
not readily lend itself to quantity production, was soon aban-
doned in favor of the one-piece enameled-steel lining type of

The outside or back of an enameled steel lining does not

present a level surface, and from desire to have sanitary
corners within the food compartment the corners were round-

ed. Early types of enameled steel linings were L-shaped,

necessitating a separate galvanized iron section or lining to
accommodate the mechanical cooling unit and to be fitted into


the crook of the L as best as possible and insulated from it.

The corkboard insulation had to be built around the lining,

obviously, instead of the insulation being installed in the
refrigerator v^-alls and the lining fitted in place afterwards.
Therefore, the use of some waterproof, odorless, elastic, highly
cementations material, plastic at workable temperatures and
solid atordinary temperatures, a material reasonable in cost
and easily obtained, had to be found in which to lay up or set
the corkboards in position against the exterior of the refrig-


erator linings. After repeated trials with many materials, an
unfluxed petroleum asphalt of suitable characteristics and
mixed with a certain preparation of cork flour, as described in
the Articles on "Asphalt Cement and Asphalt Primer" and
"General Instructions and Eciuipment," came to be used with
success, and such method of application of corkboard in house-
hold refrigerators and ice cream cabinets came to be known as
the "hydrolene process"*.
The equipment for the proper preparation and handling of
hot Asphalt cement, in the refrigerator manufacturing plant, must
of course be a separate consideration with each manufacturing
organization, and for that reason no attempt will be made here to
give any of the details whatever. A word of caution would
probably not be out of place, however, with respect to the
danger from fire. This is probably the only serious manu-
facturing objection to the Asphalt cement process of install-
ing corkoard in household refrigerators, but the benefits have
been of so great an importance to the household refrigeration
industry as to put such objection, for the present at least, in
the class of "necessary manufacturing evils." The properties
of asphalt are at least briefly outlined elsewhere in this book,
and additional information should be available from reliable
sources. There is just one simple rule to follow with respect
to the asphalt to use; namely, start with the correct material
(not necessarily the most expensive), and if it is not damaged

by overheating applying the insulation, the

in the process of
finished refrigerator construction will contain the correct As-
phalt cement as a bonding and sealing material.
Thusit has been seen how corkboard came to be adapted

to, and adopted for, the insulation of household refrigerators

by the mechanical household refrigeration industry, through
the desirability of using a more efficient insulating material
to reduce costs of mechanical operation, and an insulating
material which when properly applied in a unit to be mechan-
ically cooled would obviate the condensation of moisture
within the insulation. Also, competition between the enor-
mous ice industry and the fast growing mechanical household
refrigeration industry had the usual effect of directing attention
to the comparative cost and efficiency of the two systems of pre-
serving foodstuffs in the home. Research on the part of the ice
industry is said to have made the important discovery that with
adequate and proper corkboard insulation, with improved air cir-

culation, with proper i)]acement of foods, and other considera-

*Registered by Delco-Light Company, subsidiary of General Motors Corporation,
Dayton, Ohio, manufacturers of Frigidaire Electric Refrigeration.




^r T"T





tions, an ice cooled refrigerator will give results in the correct

preservation of foods in the home that cannot be expected with
mechanically cooled refrigerators. too, some of that great Then,
fraternity manufacturers not identified with
of refrigerator
the mechanical household refrigeration industry, wished, for
the most part, to have their products adaptable to either sys-

tem of refrigeration, ice or mechanical, and therefore ad- —
justed their insulation specifications to meet the most exacting
Household refrigeration and the proper insulation of the
household refrigerator are today important correlated sub-
jects, and their importance promises to continue to increase
so long as food is consumed in the home. The National
Association of Ice Industries, 163 West Washington Street, Chi-
cago, Illinois, has equipped* to give the subject of refrigeration
in the home every attention and consideration. From one of its
many interesting and valuable publications and pamphlets, this is


A clever woman once said that it was a wise girl who knew good
"husband-material" when she saw it! And it is a wisewoman who
knows a good refrigerator when she meets one, for here beauty is
only skin deep with a vengeance and it's the inside, not the outside,
of an ice box that counts. A woman's intuition won't help her much
in looking it. Nor do white enamel and nickel finishings make the
refrigerator, any more than clothes make the man.
Rule one, in a case like this, is to go to a reliable, intelligent
dealer and buy a box that bears the name of an established builder
of refrigerators. When a man signs his output with his own name,
he is apt to be proud of it and to do a good job.
The main points to look out for in choosing a refrigerator to
live with are these:

I 1. Insulation: How are its walls built?

2. Circulation: Can the air flow freely?
3. Size: Not only of the whole box in relation to
the size of the family, but of the ice compart-
ment in relation to the box itself.
4. Drain pipes and shelves: Are they easy to adjust
and hard to rust?
5. Handles and corners Are they easy to turn and

easy to clean?
What and Why Is Insulation^ — To insulate anything is to cut it

off from its surroundings, make an island of it. And the walls and

* Household Refrigeration Bureau of the National Association of Ice Industries,

Dr. Mary E. Pennington, IDirector.
interlinings of agood refrigerator, the doors and top, should cut it
off from the warm outside air. It's not fair to expect 100 pounds of
ice to cool the whole outside world! So a poorly insulated refrig-
erator, however handsome to look upon, is largely an ice-melting plant
that wastes and does not maintain sufficiently low temperatures.
The have a hard-wood case about ^-inch thick (oak
ideal is to
is best) with the equivalent of at least two inches of corkboard be-

tween this and the inside lining of porcelain. The "reason why" for
this is that such an interlining not only keeps heat out, but it will
not absorb moisture, and is rigid so that it will not sag leaving air


Merely wood, paper and air will notkeep the heat out of the
refrigerator, such walls leave the ice badly handicapped in its war
with outside heat! Ask to see a cross-section of the refrigerator walls.
If the makers are proud of their box, they will be glad to "show"
On these protecting walls and well-insulated and tightly closing
doors depends largely the coolness of the food compartments. They
should average 20 to 26 degrees colder than outside the refrigerator
when the room thermometer reads 70 to 75° F. As the weather
grows grows less. Under the ice, the coldest
colder, this difference
place, thermometer should read not more than 45° F., and on
the top shelf of a side-icer or on the bottom of a top-icer, the tem-
perature should not be much more than 50° F. when the room is
70 to 75^ F.

Circulation Means "Air Move On." "Side-Icer or Top-Icer"? That
is a question, too.

It's the cold circulating air that cools the foods. To be sure
that you are getting good circulation, look to see that there is a
broad unobstructed drop from the ice chamber into the food com-
In a side-icer there should be a solid insulated partition between
the ice chamber and the food compartments. In this way the cold
air is "baffled" in any attempt to sneak out into the food compart-
ment. must go down and around, collecting heat and odors from

the food and traveling all the way back to the ice chamber to be
re-cooled and deodorized. Good circulation is necessary to dryness
and absence of odors, as well as to evenness of temperature.
Both and top-icers are good if well designed. The side-
icer is often more convenient
to ice; and the top-icer has the advan-
tage of a broader drop for the cold air and less difference between
the coldest and warmest place in the box, but the average tempera-
tures are about the same.

Be sure that the refrigerator is big enough
Sice, Too, Is Important.
for the family needs, not only in winter, but in the good old sum-
mer time when more perishable foods are used, when the refrigerator
must work harder to keep the temperatures down and when week-
end guests are abundant. Almost, then, you need elastic, rubber re-
frigerators! So buy the refrigerator for your greatest need, not your
smallest one, remembering it won't stretch.
Also, it is important that the ice chamber be the right size in
proportion to the remainder of the box. It should occupy about
one-third of the whole inner space and the smaller the box, the
larger the relative size of the ice chamber.

Generally speaking, a family of two can get along with a refrig-

erator taking fifty pounds of ice. For the average family of four,
100-pound capacity is required.

Drain Pipes and Shelves. "I've missed all the best advantages that
came my way," said the blonde spinster, "because I had to go home
and empty the pan under the refrigerator." Don't have a pan! Be
sure there is a drain pipe, well fitted and easily disconnected, with
'a good water seal at the floor so that it lends itself gracefully both

to cleaning and readjustment without danger of leakage. This small

point means much to the housekeeper's serenity, and keeps her temper
down, though not so important in lowering refrigerator temperature!
Again, the blonde spinster needed an automatic ice man. She
got him by having an outside door into the ice chamber. No longer
did she need to be at home when the ice man came!

Shelves should be of woven steel wires, well welded to steel

bars, so that they, too, are easy to clean, hard to rust, and will
neither slip nor sag.


Handles and Corners. Round corners are easier to clean than
square ones, but if you have more time than money, the more expen-
sive round construction may be foregone. It is worth the money,
however, to be sure that handles are heavy and close the doors easily
and tightly. No use to buy a refrigerator and let it stand open.
Always the more you invest, the more interest you draw. The
money invested in a really good, efficient refrigerator draws big in-
terest in appetizing, wholesome food, economically stored.


if you want
Refrigerators must be properly fed and taken care of
them do you credit. Long life and good service from a refrigerator
are dependent on points like these:

Set your refrigerator in as cool a place as possible.
It ishard on the refrigerator's efficiency to put it for your convenience
too near the stove, or in the sun for the ice man's pleasure. Give it
a fair location —
no ice box craves a place in the sun. Fill it full of
ice and allow it twenty-four hours to get the heat out of the box
before you start to cool foods.

Feed It Plenty of Ice. — It costs less in the end, and you get more
for your money, if you keep the ice chamber full. Never let it get
more than half empty. When there is only a small piece of ice, it

has more to overcome, melts more quickly and you pay more to get
back to the necessary low temperatures again.
Cleanliness. —Cold and Cleanliness are the two slogans of food
preservation. Keep dirt from getting into the box and you won't
need to work to get it out. An ounce of prevention is worth several
pounds of cure here. This means washing the ice, if necessary, be-
fore it goes into the refrigerator, wiping off milk bottles, washing
lettuce, etc.
Have the proper kind of containers to put the food in, to save ,

space, permit proper circulation and prevent spoilage and "spillage."

There are enamel and glass containers, with and without tops, and
attractive nests of bowls to be had at varying prices to suit all purses.
The many glass bottles with screw tops that foods come in these
days make perfect and economical containers for food storage.
With these precautions there will be no need to heat up the
refrigerator by giving it hot baths. Wfipe it out with cold water
and soda (one tablespoon to four quarts) once a week. Monday
morning, when food and ice are low, is a good time for this, or
Friday before loading with ice and food for the week-end.
Dry with a clean cloth. Work rapidly and use a double strength
washing soda solution of cold or tepid water to pour down the
drain to remove slime. There will be little need of extreme measures,
of long brushes or the use of hot water, if foods are carefully stored.


Clear the Way for the Cold Air. Note the places where the cold
air drops from the ice and where, when warmed, it goes back to the
ice, and do not shut them off by stacking food in these spots. Also,
do not shut off the air passages where the warmed air goes up and
into the ice chamber again. Air currents (good circulation) are just
as necessary to efficient refrigeration as is insulation. In other
words, leave air spaces between everything and everything else, so
that the cold air can be on its way. When the inside of the refrig-
erator begins to look like a sardine can, it is a reproach to you.
A False Economy. — Don't wrap the ice in a mistaken effort to
make it last. Ice must melt in order to cool. It takes up the heat
and sacrifices itself to serve you. Hoard it and like a miser's money
it can do you no good.
Fair Play. — Never put hot foods into the refrigerator. This is

taking an unfair advantage. Cool jellies, soups, custards, etc., to room

temperature before putting them in the ice box.
Go and out of the refrigerator quickly and close the door

behind you every time. Take a tray and remove several things at
once. Every time you carelessly open the door of a refrigerator into
a hot room, you cause an appreciable increase in ice meltage.

156. —Typical Details of Household Refrigerator Construc-

tion. —
would be impossible to illustrate in this book even a
many makes and types of refrigerators
fractional part of the
manufactured in the United States, and for that reason but a
very few of them, selected at random, are illustrated and
described* in this Article


Lini)ig. — One piece patented porcelain lining. All surfaces are
beautiful, snow white porcelain as smooth as glass no cracks — or
seams, with broadly rounded corners atand bottom, greatly
simplifying cleaning. The inside linings of doors are full porce-

lain, pan shaped, in keeping with the beautiful, snow-white interior,

Hardzmre. — Heavy
brass, nickel plated, hand buffed hardware
,^ used throughout, made oversize to insure extra wear. Self-acting type
lock takes immediate action and holds door air-tight.
Equipped for Ice or Mechanical Refrigeration. Ice or coil chamber —
is placed inside of the porcelain lining, instead of outside, to insure
free, unobstructed circulation of cold air around the compartment as
well as through it. Many models are equipped for ready installation
of electric refrigerating unit. Hanger
bolts, and capped openings in
the rear near top of ice chamber, are standard equipment on these
models; suitable either for ice or mechanical refrigeration. Other
*Descriptions are those of the manufacturer, and are to be accepted only for what
they may prove to be worth.
models, for ice only, have extra-sturdy ice racks, more than twice
as strong as necessary, made from heavily coated galvanized steel,
with galvanized iron baffles in ice compartment to direct air cir-

Shelves. Rhinelander shelves are woven in our factory, electrically
welded, and then heavily coated with tin giving a clean, bright and
lasting finish. Shelves designed to insure free circulation of air.
Casters. — Ball bearing lignum-vitae casters.


Insulation. — One and one-half inch pure sheet cork compressed in

position in intimate contact with waterproof, saturated-felt covered

lining surface, and sealed in with special waterproof compound.
Exterior. — Heavy Airtite solid hardwood construction. No thin,
set-in, sunken panels. Triple coated porcelain or natural hardwood

Manufactured by Rhinelander Refrigerator Company, Rhinelander,



Compartments. — Compartments to be as per manufacturer's stand-
ard for each size.
General Constructio)i.— The general construction shall be of cork
and wood; two inches of 100% pure cork-board. Both sides sheathed
to approximate thickness of four inches.

Exterior Finish. — Exterior finish tobe as per manufacturer's stand-

ard for model selected. (a) Exterior front, top and two ends shall


be covered with No. 20 gauge sheet steel finished in white lacquer.

;i Back and bottom covered with No. 24 gauge galvanized sheet iron.
i' (b) Exterior front, top and two ends shall be finished in quarter-
sawed oak, well filled and varnished. Back and bottom to be finished
with 13/16-inch matched yellow pine, well painted.
Interior Finish. —
The interior finish of food compartments shall
be lined with highest grade of one-piece porcelain fused on steel. Ice
or coil compartment shall be lined with No. 24 gauge sheet iron,
finished with white refrigerator enamel.
Doors. — Door fronts to be as per manufacturer's standard for
model selected, (a) Door fronts shall be covered with lacquer fin-

ished pressed steel to match exterior front finish of refrigerator, (b)

Door fronts shall be of five-ply veneered wood, flush panel type,
finished to match exterior front of refrigerator.

Shelves. — All refrigerators shall be equipped with bar steel shelv-

ing, electrically welded, heavily tinned and easily removable for
Hardware. — All hardware shall be of substantial pattern nickel
plated bronze. All fasteners shall be of self-closing bar or roller
Circulation System. — Ice or coil compartment shall be on left top
side of refrigerator, well bafifled to insure good circulation of cold
air, and to have suitable water-sealed drain pipe to outside of unit.

Base or Foundation. Refrigerators to have wood base approxi-
mately four inches high. Ball bearing casters to be supplied where
Special Equipment. — Special base for enclosure of automatic re-

frigerationmachine to be furnished on order and same to be finished

to conform with body of refrigerator. Hasps for locks to be fur-
nished on order, but locks will be furnished by others.
Detailed Specifications. —All refrigerators shall be constructed of
100% pure compressed cork-board insulation and thoroughly kiln-dried
lumber, especially selected and well adapted to the service required. The
cork-board insulation shall be inserted in a substantial and well braced
wood framing, all seams of the cork-board to be sealed with odorless, hot
asphalt cement, each side then covered with heavy, waterproof, odorless
insulating sheathing, forming sections in which the insulation has been
hermetically sealed, ready to receive finishing sheathing on both sides
of the sections. The thickness of cork-board insulation shall be as
The finishing sheathing on the exterior of all refrigerators shall be
approximately 13/16-inch thick and consist of suitable material to give
desired exterior finish.
All wood surfaces exposed to view, which are to be finished in
natural wood or stained to match other trim, shall be well sanded and
finished with one coat of filler, one coat of shellac and two coats of best
refrigerator varnish.
Refrigerators for All Purposes. — There is a McCray Refrigerator
for every purpose, the result of 37 years of experience.
Manufactured by McCray Refrigerator Co., Kendallville, Indiana.


General Description. The Gibson "All Porcelain" refrigerators are,
without doubt, the finest in the country. The beautiful exteriors and
interiors of dazzling white porcelain are immaculate, sanitary and dur-

able. The new Gibson cast aluminum door frame construction (patent
pending) is one of the greatest advances that has been made in refrig-
erator construction in years. It prevents warping or swelling of the

doors and insures many years of added life to the refrigerator.

Interior. — Three
models are equipped with galvanized iron lined ice
compartments and seamless porcelain provision compartments. All other



models have porcelain lined ice compartments. All doors are lined with
porcelain door plates.
Insulation. — The Gibson "All Porcelain" refrigerators are insulated
with 100 per cent, pure cork-board, sealed air-tight with hydrolene cement
and, in addition, have many layers of waterproof asphalt saturated char-
coal sheathing, insulating felt, and polar board. The insulation and wall
construction is unexcelled for economy of ice consumption or efficiency
when used in cmncc' '(^ii wi'.h electric refrigeration.

Hardzcare. — The locks and- hinges are heavy cast manganese bronze,
triple nickel-plated and highly polished. The doors are all equipped with
Wirf's air-tight cushion gaskets.
Shelves. —The new Gibson flat wire shelves (patent pending) are
used in all models. They are easier to clean and dishes slide on them
without tippi^jg.

Refrigeration.- Leading manufacturers of electric ice ma-
chines have approved the "Gibson" for use with their machines. Ice
machine bases arc carried in stock for Gibson "All Porcelain" refrig-
erators. The Gibson "All Porcelain" refrigerators are equipped with
hangar bolts and sleeve outlets, so they are suitable for present ice needs
and future electric refrigeration requirements.

All Metal Refrigerators. A line of Gibson "All Metal" refrigerators
have an outside case of heavy galvanized steel finished in white enamel,
with other attractive features. Gibson's "One-Piece" porcelain line of
white porcelain lined refrigerators has merited great favor.
iManufaclured by Gibson Refrigerator Co., Greenville, Michigan.


Circulation. —A major feature of efficiency in the Seeger refrigerator
—a remarkaljlc food, ice and power conserving device, whether ice or

electrical refrigeration is used — is the Seeger system of air circulation,

the original "Siphon System." It is installed only in Seeger refrigerators
and accomplishes the successful preservation of foods and the necessary
low temperature with a minimum consumption of ice or electricity.
The Seeger original siphon system, briefly, continuously keeps in cir-
culation, throughout the interior, a vigorous current of air that is dry
and clean, and keeps the refrigerator's every nook and corner pure and
sweet at all times.
The siphons form a partition between the ice or cooling unit cham-
ber and the food chambers. The —heavier the
cold air in ice or cooling
unitchamber than in the food compartments —continuously sinks to and
through the grate beneath the ice block or cooling unit, then to the
slanting deflector plate that is seen beneath the grate. Next the de-
food chamber. In the food cham-
flector plate projects the air into the
bers the air expands, and in so doing consumes any and all heat atoms
that are existent there, and picks up all odors, moisture and impurities.
Finally, the siphons draw the air back into the ice or cooling unit
chamber where all the odors and impurities that have been gathered
up are condensed and drained off with the water from the melting ice
or cooling unit. So long as any ice remains the circulation continues.
Insulation. — Seeger all-porcelain refrigerators are insulated with pure
sheet corkboard, 2 inches thick laid between four sheets of waterproof
Interior. —The new seamless, one-piece porcelain interior is made in

our own factories, of vitreous porcelain on Armco iron and is in one

entire piece, including food chambers, ice chamber and drip pan. The
corners are round and the surface is guaranteed non-chippable. A new


improvement is the providing of fastenings, as part of the interior lining,

for the hanging of electrical refrigeration units.

Exterior. — The exterior is of the same vitreous porcelain as the in-

terior and is finished with nickel-silver (German silver) trimmings. The
porcelain exterior surface, like that of the interior, is guaranteed non-



Hardware. — Each door, large or small, is fitted with locks and hinges
exactly suited for each refrigerator's requirements. All locks are of
solid and of roller type, fitted with non-breakable springs.
Where rubber covered compression gaskets are used, the hinges are of
spring brass and are fitted with steel bushings, washers and pins. Where
no gaskets are used, the hinges are solid brass.
Manufactured by Seeger Refrigerator Company, St. Paul, Minnesota.

Refrigerator Principles. Jewett Solid Porcelain refrigerators com-
bine all four basic essentials by which the true value of any refrigerator
may be judged: (1) Absolute sanitation, without which no refrigerator,
regardless of its other features, is safe as a storage place for food; (2)
an unseen essential which really determines the cost
Efficient insulation,
of operating the freezing unit and the number of years of service it will
render; (3) Perfect circulation, which produces dry, crisp air in the
refrigerator instead of a damp, mouldy atmosphere and (4) Durable ;

construction, without which a refrigerator soon wears out and is a

poor purchase no matter how cheap its initial price.

TJie Famous Solid Porcelain Interiors. — It is unfortunate that the

descriptions of refrigerator linings have never been standardized like

the nomenclature of bathroom equipment.

"Jewett" solid porcelain lin-
ings are moulded from selected clays with a highly glazed china finish
fused on the surface in our pottery. All other so-called "porcelain"
linings are made of thin sheet metal with a coating of enamel painted
or baked on them. There is just as vast a difference between them
and "Jewett" linings as between a solid porcelain bathtub and an enam-
eled iron one.
These solid porcelain linings are an inch and a quarter thick and
even without the super-insulation that surrounds them, these crocks alone
would store up the cold and maintain low temperatures more uniformly
than most complete refrigerators.
Insulation. —The shows the construction of the walls, floors
and ceilings of porcelain refrigerators.
"Jewett" solid The aggregate
thickness is S-Y% inches, which is almost double the thickness of tTie
wall construction used in any other refrigerator.
The exterior case is of solid ash, carefully doweled and glued next ;

come two courses heavy waterproof insulating paper, then a 1-inch sheet
of pure cork, then two more courses heavy waterproof insulating paper,
then a course of ^-inch tongued and grooved lumber, then \y^ inches
more of pure cork, then a course of waterproof insulating paper, then the
solid porcelain lining 1-^ inches thick.
Outside of the two courses of lumber necessary to give the proper
strength and rigidity, the insulation of the "Jewett" solid porcelain re-
frigerator consists entirely of pure cork, which is the most efficient form
of insulation known.
dry atmosphere in a refrigerator is essential for the
preservation of food. In a refrigerator with poor or no ciculation, all
things are damp, moist and moldy. Then there is an odor. Dryness
prevents all these things.
The cold air ducts and warm air flues in the "Jewett" solid porce-
lain refrigerators are designed to take advantage of the well-known
principle that cold air falls and warm air rises. On account of its
greater weight, the cold air descends from the ice compartment into the
food compartment below, and forces the warmer air in the upper part


of the opposite compartment over on to the freezing unit where the
heat, moisture andodors are absorbed by condensation. After being
cooled and purified, the air again descends and passes through the re-
frigerator back to the ice chamber, thus forming a vigorous and con-
tinuous rotation of the entire atmosphere in the refrigerator.
The design of the "Jewett" ice compartment radically different from

the type prevailing in ordinary refrigerators. Being suspended in the

metal rack, the freezing unit is constantly surrounded by air and the
cold air falls easily from all the sides as well as from the bottom.
Exterior Finish. —The outer case is made of thoroughly seasoned
brown ash carefully doweled and glued. Solid ash is particularly adapted
for refrigerator purposes because it is less affected by changes of tem-
perature and humidity than almost any other wood.
"Jewett" refrigerators are made in three standard finishes. Finish
A — exterior of natural color, carefully selected, straight grain, brown
ash with three coats of varnish. Finish B — exterior painted with five

coats of white enamel. Finish C —exterior of white opaque glass 7/16-

inch thick, secured with heavy, solid nickel-silver (not nickel plated)
trim, highly polished.
When special finishes are desired, we can furnish the cases with
three coats of flat white which can be enameled to match surrounding
woodwork. Or we can build the exterior of any wood desir.ed and
finish to sample or ship without stain for finish upon installation.

Hardware. "Jewett" refrigerators have always been famous for the
quality and durability of their hardware. The doors are secured by lever
fasteners that close automatically with the slamming of the door, pre-
venting the condensation (commonly called "sweating"), swollen jambs,
etc., which result when doors are not tightly closed.

The hardware on natural or grey finish "Jewetts" is solid brass, highly

polished; on white enamel or opaque glass finish it is solid nickel-silver
(not nickel plated), and is much heavier and more substantial than the
hinges and latches on any other make of refrigerator.
Doors. —No matter how well the rest of a refrigerator is built if
the doors are light and poorly insulated or do not fit tight it cannot be
a safe and efficient storage chest for your food. The doors on a
"Jewett" are heavy, substantial and well insulated. They are made of
solid ash with plain exterior faces; no veneer to peel off; no moldings
or panels to catch dust; no chance that they will warp or sag. They
have heavy %-inch overlaps on all sides instead of the usual 5^-inch
or J/^-inch overlap on ordinary refrigerators and this permits the use
of a heavy, live-rubber (not fabric) compression gasket which makes
the doors absolutely air tight.
Shelves are constructed of ^-inch rod spot welded to 5/16-inch cross-
bars heavily coated with pure block tin after fabrication. These shelves
rest on ribs moulded into the porcelain lining and are easily removable
for cleaning.
Manufactured by Jewett Refrigerator Co., Buffalo, New York.


Custom-built to endure.
Construction. Solid frame-work of ash
posts, with cross-members of equal strength and durability. Vertical
posts run the full height of the box reinforced at bottom with pressed
steel angles. Heavy uiano-type casters are set into lower end of these
posts. Interlocking joints, rigidly securing the cross members to


the verticalmembers. Glued and screwed into a rigid solid foundation
to hold the balance of the structure. Cores for doors milled from one
solid piece of ash, made so that they will fit closely and not warp.
Rabbits on the doors, fitting into ledges on the framework, effectually
diminishing leakage.
Insulation. —Two inches of solid sheet cork, fastened securely to
theframework. Fits close at all sides, forming an efifective and per-
manent barrier against the passage of heat, and protected with heavy

waterproof coating. Solid insulated doors, with extra insulation fill- j

ing out air space formed by vitreous porcelain lining. Insulation |

extends through front stiles and rails, thus eliminating, to a large


degree, one of the points where heat leakage is most evident in i

ordinary refrigerator construction. Insulated baffle board, directing


downward the flow of cold air, and affording complete circulation and i

even temperatures in all sections of the food compartment.

Interior. —
Extra heavy, one-piece vitreous porcelain crock fused i

on heavy rustless Armco iron, with corners rounded and curved lips '<

provided at front, making the inside sanitary and easy to clean. Extra '

heavy interwoven steel wire shelves, rust-proof.


Exterior. Flush hardwood exterior, with sections firmly joined \

together to form one solid piece. Top set flush, making a smooth '

finish. Rounded corners at top. Heavy and substantial hardware i

that is solidly fastened to the framework, operates easily and amply

supporting doors when open or closed. Springless latches that are ;

self-closing, without effort or slamming. 1

Manufactured by Reol Refrigerator Co., Baltimore, Maryland. !



Description. — Belding-Hall all porcelain refrigerators are constructed i

with porcelain exterior and one-piece seamless porcelain lined ice and |

provision chambers. Insulated especially for mechanical refrigeration. !



Materials. — The 18-gauge Armco Rust Resisting Ingot

best grade of
Iron is used throughout. The lumber used in the construction of the
walls of these cases, also in the doors, has been chosen with care to
avoid swelling from climatic changes.
Insulation. — The corner section illustration shows our 2-inch cork-
board insulation, and all joints and corners are filled with an odorless

pitch which prevents air leakage as it seals all the crevices where the
cork cannot fit absolutely tight. The door construction is identical with
the walls of the refrigerator.

Hardware.— AM locks, strikes and hinges, as well as all screws, are

heavy solid brass, nickel-plated, of the latest and most efficient design.
The trimming around the doors and corners of the refrigerator is heavy
aluminum, nickel-plated.
Metal Ice Rack. — One of the greatest improvements is our solid
metal ice rack for which we claim, and the trade concedes, many points
of excellence. Also, our new air trap.
Manufactured by Belding-Hall Electrice Corporation, Belding,


Refrigerating Unit. — The Inman Thermatic unit which operates on
nature's thermo-syphon principle is described in detail as follows : Tank





B fits inside of tank A as shown in the illustration. The ice is placed

in tank B and cold water is poured over the ice until it reaches the
level of the lower row of holes in Tank B. As the colder water seeks the

lower levels this immediately creates a circulation of water from top to

bottom of ice chamber. This circulation is maintained as long as there
is even a small piece of ice in the tank. Tank B has 54-inch corruga-
tions vv^hich increase the cooling area of the ice compartment from 2550
to 7072 square inches — or
nearly three times the area of a flat surface.
As the ice melts the over-flow is carried off through a row of holes near
the top of one side of tank A. Inasmuch as the warmer water rises to
the top and is carried off through these holes, the coldest water always
remains in the refrigerating unit. The over-flow is carried off through


a drain at the bottom of the ice chamber. The fact that it utilizes
water as a refrigerant in addition to the ice, results in: (1) Uniform low
temperature; (2) Practically 100% efficiency out of every piece of ice;

(3) Economical consumption of ice.

Circulation of Air. — The circulation of air within the refrigerator is

'always at the maximum because the refrigerant is always above the

insulated baffle plate which separates the ice and food compartments.
When ice alone is used as the refrigerant, the circulation of air dimin-
ishes as the ice melts away below the top of the bafile plate. The cir-
culation of air is a highly important factor in maintaining constant, low

Insulation. — In order that the thermatic unit may function at its

highest efficiency, the influence of outside temperatures and air currents

must be field to a minimum. For this reason 2-inch sheet cork, laid in
mastic asplialt is used in all walls and doors.
Top Iccr. —The Thermo Flo is a top icer due to the thermatic unit.
This feature eHminates the customary abuse, by the housekeeper, of
putting all kinds of foods in the ice compartment.

Reserve Compartment. — The reserve compartment above the food

chamber is entirely separate from the rest of the refrigerator. It is

designed to hold reserve ice, chipped ice, or for special cooling purposes.
Its drain connects with the main drain pipe.

Exterior Finish. — The outer cabinet of the Thermo Flo refrigerator

is built of selected ash, and reflects the skill of master cabinetmakers.
A variety of finishes including white and gray lacquer are furnished
as specified. Only high grade fittings and hardware are used. Self-
locking door handles are standard equipment.

Interior. —The interior is finished in white enamel of highest quality.

Three shelves in the food compartment are made of heavily tinned wire.

Humidity. —The fact that the Thermo Flo uses both ice and water
results in just the right amount of humidity for proper food preservation.

Size. —The Thermo Flo refrigerator is made intwo sizes, the 50-
Ib. re-icer and the 75-lb. re-icer, requiring 75 lbs. and 100 lbs. original
icing, respectively. The 50-lb. re-icer has outside dimensions of
33^x22^x52^ inches and a food compartment capacity of 6 cubic feet.

The 75-lb. re-icer has outside dimensions of 38^x22^x52j/2 inches and a

food compartment capacity of 8 cubic feet.

Manufactured. The Thermo Flo refrigerator is manufactured by
the same organization which introduced the JaSeL ice box and the Na-
tional ice chest — The J-S Refrigeration Division of the John Schroeder
Lumber Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


Exterior. — The Servel new steel cabinets are constructed of espe-
cially selected "Armco" steel carefully lead-coated as an absolute pro-
tection against rust. The steel shell is given two applications of oil
base primer coat, after which the ground coat is slowly and carefully
baked on under a low temperature, producing a finish which will neither
peel nor scale. Next, several coats of genuine white Duco are applied,
which are each allowed to air dry. The slow process of air drying,
while it creates an additional factory cost, produces a much better ap-
pearing and more lasting finish than can ever be expected under artificial
or forced drying.

Interior. — The porcelain liners are of the box type, and are so con-
structed, with double lock flanges, that bolt holes or screw holes are
entirely eliminated except those required for tank and shelf supports.

This produces an absolutely sanitary liner and eliminates all chance of

flaking of the porcelain finish, due to uneven strain such as results
from the use of screws or bolts.

Chilling Unit. — The chilling units are of tinned copper and have
front panels and ice cube tray-fronts of genuine porcelain.

Insulation. — The insulation is, of course, pure compressed corkboard

thoroughly impregnated with hydrolene, U/i inches thick on top and sides
on the S-5, 2 inches thick top and sides on the S-7 and S-10; with a
3-inch bottom thickness on all models.


All seams
in the corkboard are filled with hydrolene. Waterproof
paper then applied over the corkl)oard as added seal against air leaks.

The insulation is applied against the liner, and there is an air space of
from 34-inch to 3^-inch between the insulation and the exterior metal.
Manufactured by the Servcl Corporation, Evansville, Indiana.

Model. — No. C-5-P; 60^/4 inches high, 22 inches deep, 28 inches wide.
(One of 5 models for small homes and apartments.
Also two styles of
mode! No. 215, with machine overhead and covered with hood also four ;

Copeland-Seeger models.) Construction, rugged and accurately mortised.

Interior. —
White, vitreous porcelain, with rounded coves. Ice cube
drawers have bright metal finish. Ice cube cap.icity, 90 cubes, or 6
pounds at one freezing. Shelf space, 7.64 square feet shelves, woven ;

Cross section through wnll of box shoicing

insulation —
Solid corkboard, 3-ply wood
•panel and water-proofing felts



wire, retinned. Food storage capacity, 5 cubic feet. Defrosting receiver

eliminates drain pipe.

Insulation. — Two inches solid corkboard, walls, top, door and bottom,
hermetically sealed and moisture-proofed by special hydrolene treatment
and protected by all-metal sheathing, prevents odors and deterioration.
Exterior. — Exterior finish, white pyroxylin lacquer on steel. Trim,
bright metal molding. Hardware, extra-heavy automatic.
Refrigeration. — Efficient % horsepower motor ;
quiet operation, well-
designed valves, accurately fitted bearings, high grade materials, skilled
workmanship, exceptionally fine inspection, most efficient of its kind
Connects with electric light socket.
Manufactured by Copeland Products Co., Detroit, Michigan.


157. —
Notes on the Testing of Household Refrigerators. —
While there are no g-enerally accepted and approved methods
for the testing of either ice or machine cooled household re-

frigerators, and \irtuall}' all tests made thus far are subject
to considerable interpretation as to the results obtained. }et
nuich progress has been made and there is reason to expect
that some suitable and satisfactory standard method of testing
household refrigerators may soon be arrived at and be gener-
ally accepted by those most interested in the su1:)ject.

The Chicago Tribune originall)' published some data and

suggestions by Dr. A\\ A. Evans for a practical "Refrigerator

Score Card," for refrigerators using ice, which Forest O. Riek

later combined with data from various sources, including the

U. S. Bureau of Standards and the Good Housekeeping Insti-
tute, to produce a refrigerator score card substantially as
I follows
Xame of manufacturer
Name or other method of designaling refrigerator

Te'it Item

Temperature of food cham'ier 45% —%


2. Ice economy 20 ——
3. Humidity 8
4. Circulation 7 — —

Interior finish 12
6. Drainage 3 ——
7 Exterior finish 5 ——
Total lOOP'o %
1. Tciiipcralurc Test — Standard conditions for test demand rcfrig-
erator to be in a rooin free from drafts and at an even temperatnrc. Box
should not contain food. Door should not be oriened except when taking
readings. Refrigerator shoi.'d be thoroughh- chilled for 4S hours l)cfore
I making test. Have the ice chamber full. Place thermometer in the ccn-
"tcr of the food chamlier. ^lake twelve readings at intervals of one hour.
Take room temperature simultaneously. Score as follows:


Temperature, F Rate
40° 45
45 43
50 36
55 23
60 9
over 60

2. Ice Ecfliioiiiy. — Refrigerator should be thoniugblx chilled for 48

: :


hours before starting test. Weigh ice at the start of test proper. Weigh
ice left at termination of test proper. Obtain data:
(a) Temperature of food chamber (t).
(b) Temperature of room (T).
(c) Square feet of surface exposure (S), calculated on exterior di-
To determine Ice Economy, substitute in the following formula:
IX 144
R =
Sx (T— t)
where R is the rate of heat transmission, which may be defined as the
number of B.t.u. that pass through one square foot of surface daily when
the difference between the surface is 1° F. ; I is the number of pounds
of ice melted daily; 144 is the B.t.u. required to melt one pound of ice;
S is the surface exposure; T is the average atmospheric temperature;
and t is the average temperature of food chamber. Score as follows


Value for R Rate
1.13 20
1.63 18
2.0O 16
2.33 14
2.66 12
3.00 10
3.33 8
3.66 6
4.00 4
4.33 2
4.66 1


3. —
Humidity. In making humidity tests, a wet and dry bulb ther-
mometer should be used. Take twelve readings at intervals of one hour.
See U. S. Bureau of Standards' tables* for readings calculated upon dif-
ferences in temperatures of wet and dry bulb thermometers. Score as
Humidity Rate
55 to 65% 8.0
65 to 76 7.5
45 to 55 7.5
40 to 45 7.7
75 to 80 6.4
30 to 40 6.0
80 to 85 4.8
20 to 30 4.8
85 to 95 2.4
90 and over 0.0
20 and under 0.0
4. Circulation of Air. —^Credit a maximum of 5 for probability that
cold air will readily pass from the compartment
to and through the
food compartment and back again to the ice. If ice compartment is
ample, credit 2. If doors do not fit snugly, subtract 1. If any wall is
moist, subtract 3.

5. Interior Finish. —Ease of cleaning refers to cleaning of

food cham-
ber, all shelves therein, and the drain pipes. If ease of cleaning is ideal,
credit 5. If interior finish is hard and non-absorbent, credit 2. If color
is white, credit 5.

*See Appendix for tables mentioned.



6. Drainage. — See that the trap in the drain pipe works. If there is

proper trapping, credit 2. If there is proper tubing, credit 1.

7. Exterior Finish. — If exterior, including doors, has soHd surface,

easily cleaned, credit 1. If finish is durable and lasting, instead of easily
flaked or chipped, credit 2. If hardware is simply constructed, durable
and easily handled, credit 2.

John R. Williams, M.D., carried on considerable research

into refrigeration in the home to obtain data for a paper to
be presented before the Third International Congress of Re-
frigerating Industries. Dr. Williams obtained considerable
interesting information in reference to the construction and
performance of household refrigerators in actual use, the
room temperatures under which they operate, the box tem-
peratures at which food is stored, the relative amounts of ice
used, and so forth. He points out most emphatically that
the weakness of most "ice boxes" is in poor insulation, having
found that very few refrigerators in common use have an
efficiency above 25 per cent. He says

Indeed the low priced boxes used in the homes of working people are
probably less than 15 per cent, efficient. This means that of 100 pounds
of ice put into a refrigerator, at least 80 pounds were used in neutralizing
the heatwhich percolates through the walls. It is worthy of note that the

market is flooded with these shoddy ice boxes. No less than 75 different
makes were found among the 243 examined.

The U. S. Bureau of Standards, the New York Tribune

Institute, the University of Illinois, the Good Housekeeping
Institute, the National Electric Light Association, the Armour
Institute of Technology, the Geo. B. Bright Engineering Lab-
.oratory, and probably many others, have performed interesting
and valuable tests on ice and mechanically cooled refrigera-
tors. The methods of testing have varied so widely, how-
ever, that the results of one laboratory are not safely com-
parable with the results of another; and it is in the direction

of standardization of method of testing, so as to make the

results of all properly conducted tests readily and safely
available for comparison, that attention should be given.

Household refrigerators, as at present produced, may be 1

dhided into three main classes:


(a) Ice cooled.

(b) Ice or mechanically cooled. {

(c) Mechanically cooled. i

It is not, in general, satisfactory to design and build refriger-

ators for dual service; that is, a refrigerator correctly designed
for mechanical cooling may possibly be adjusted to ice, but
the average ice refrigerator, though satisfactory with ice,
usually is not satisfactory when mechanically cooled, for rea- j

sons having to do with temperature and insulation, as elabo- j

rated throughout this Chapter, and for still other reasons to be !

noted. Tlie ice cooled refrigerator, on the one hand, aims to :

fulfill one major function:


1. To maintain at a suitable and reasonably uniform temperature a !

compartment for the storing of ]ierishable foodstufifs. i

The mechanically cooled refrigerator, on the other hand, must ;

fulfill an additional major function: I

2. To supply at all times cul)e-ico lor table use. 1

These functions are sufiiciently unrelated, or require sufficient j

correlation, as to make the two types of refrigerators some- ;

what dissimilar in design. Consequentl}', for the present, all j

tests on household refrigeratt)rs should be made from the

standpoint of either ice cooling or mechanical cooling.
Considering first the ice cooled refrigerator, it is well
understood that a "suitable" temperature must of necessity
fall within a higher zone than would be possible with mechan-

ical refrigeration, which higher zone of temperatures has both

its advantages and its disadvantages. It imposes a narrow

limit of safet}' for temperature fluctuations from the zone of

satisfactory temperature operation; ])ut it provides a tem-
perature zone in which miscellaneous "moist foods" may be
stored in the same compartment with the minimum loss of weight
and natural flavor, and, because of the air purifying process
constantly carried on by the absorption of odors by the water
of ice meltage, it guarantees against the tainting of one food
from the odors of another.
The temperature of melting ice being Z2° F., the coldest
air dropping into the t'ood compartment will range from about


40° to 50° F., depending on the amount of ice in the ice

chamber, the rate of air circulation, the room temperature and
humidity, and the insuhition of the refrigerator. The rise in
temperature of the air in passing through the food compart-
ment may range front 10 to 20 degrees, circulation, room
temperature and being the determining factors.
United States Government tests* on a number of standard
refrigerators show that the comparative rate of air flow in
nine different refrigerators varied as much as 100 per cent
under identical operating conditions. wide range of tem- A
perature between the coldest and the warmest points in the
food compartment indicates sluggish air circulation, if ice
supply is adequate, not active air circulation. The \'ariation
in the food comj)artment temperature of an ice refrigerator
should not l)e more than about 10 degrees because since 40° ;

F. isabout the lowest temperature to be reasonably expected,

50° F. would then be the highest temperature, and 50° F. is
near the temperature limit at which many perishable food-
stuffs can be safely preserved.
The refrigerator using ice may be expected to have an
average temperature in the food compartment from 20, or 25.
to 35 degrees lower than the room temperature, but only the
better types of refrigerators will ap])r()ach the 35 degree tem-
perature difference with a good su])ply of ice in the ice com-
partment and the room temperature at about 90° F. The
average temperature of the food compartment of the better re-
frigerators under such conditions would then be about 55° F.,
and in the poorly constructed ones the average temperaHu'e
would be 65° F. or more.
The average temperature of the food compartment of an
ice cooled refrigerator ma}' be reduced in three ways

1. By breaking u]i the ice in the ice compartment so as to expose more

surface to the circulating air.
2. By increasing the air circulation.
3. By increasing the insulation in the walls of the refrigerator.

If the ice broken up to expose more surface to be melted


and thus cause more heat to l^e absorbed from the circulating

air of the refrigerator, a lower temperature will be produced

*U. S. Bureau of Standards Circular No. 55.



at the daily expense of labor and ice and some improvement
; I

may be effected by the manufacturer through a change in {

the interior design of the refrigerator that will locate the ice
compartment in a top-center position, and at no additional
expense; but by increasing the thickness of permanently effi-

low per-
cient insulation in the walls of the refrigerator, at a >

centage of increase in manufacturing cost, the food compart-

ment may be so effectively isolated from outside heat influ-
ences as to make the maintenance of correct temperatures by
the melting of ice a practical matter even on the hottest and
the most humid days of the year. Experience has safely fixed
this insulation at three inches of pure corkboard, when prop-
erly incorporated in the construction of the refrigerator.
From these few observations, it would appear to be of but
limited value to test poorly designed and badly constructed
refrigerators that are to be cooled with ice. Consequently,
the first point to cover in planning for a test of an ice refrig-
erator should be a careful investigation into the design and
construction of the unit; and if this research reveals a lack
of reasonable consideration for basic principles of design and
construction, as they are then generally known and under-
stood, there probably will be good reason to abandon the
intention to perform the test. Otherwise, the following test
conditions should be observed
(a) Refrigerators of identical shape and size must be selected for
comparative test purposes. It is suggested that standard sizes be deter-
mined upon for a top-icer apartment refrigerator, a side-icer small resi-
dence refrigerator and a center-icer large residence refrigerator, and that
all future tests be run on refrigerators as near those sizes as possible.

(b) A constant temperature room should be used, the temperature

held uniform to within one degree Fahr. by electric heater placed within
hollow walls of the test room and controlled by thermostat. A room tem-
perature of at least 85° F. is suggested for test purposes.
(c) Control of the humidity of the constant temperature room should
be effected by suitable means, tests having demonstrated that a consider-
able increase in the percentage of ice melting is effected by increasing the
percentage of relative humidity in a constant temperature room from a low
to a high point.

(d) The ice should be carefully regulated on the basis of weight, and
of one piece, of size or shape suitable for the ice compartment of the
class of unit tested.

(e) The ice should be only hard, "black" ice.


(f) The should be prepared outside the test room, and placed in
the refrigerator during a fixed period, at the same hour, every day (24-
hour icing), old ice to be removed and weighed simultaneously.
(g) The food compartment of the refrigerator should be empty, it
being known that over 90 per cent, of refrigerator losses are caused by
the heat leakage through the walls of the refrigerator, and less than 10
per cent, in cooling food and opening doors, under normal household

(h) Record of refrigerator temperatures should be made every hour,

by suitable means, such record to be taken at three designated points in
purposes and a basis most nearly conforming to the practices
of the ice industry as regards service to the household, should
be comparable, as to ice consumption, food compartment
temperatures and humidity. And if to such test results is

appended a record of the exact condition of the refrigerator

wall construction, as to moisture, observed immediately after
the conclusion of the 30-day test by cutting all the way
through the wall construction to the interior lining, the ability
of the refrigerator to maintain its efficiency will be more easily
Considering next the mechanically cooled refrigerator, the
operation of the apparatus is intended to be automatic but

conditions arise at times that make the simultaneous carrying

on of its two major functions, previously mentioned, almost
impossible. In designing the automatic control, a compromise
is therefiore effected in order to obtain the best all 'round per-
formance possible.
By pressure or thermostatic control, the temperature of
the cooling element is held at a more or less constant tem-
perature at all times, because of the necessity of producing
cube ice, instead of the machine being automatically controlled
directly by the temperature of the food compartment.
It is thus apparent that the commonly used method of
control is not capable, without readjustment, of maintaining
a constant temperature in the food space under wide varia-
tions in room temperatures, such as are occasioned by the
hour of the day or the season of the year. In general, there
may reasonably be expected a three degree change in refrig-
erator temperature for each ten degrees alteration of room
temperature, which will give some idea of the probable tem-
perature fluctuation in the food compartment of a fair quality
refrigerator under any given adjustment of automatic control.
If the unit operates in a heated room where the temperature

is subject to but slight variation day or night, winter or sum-

mer, its regulation is likely to be fairly good, without making

seasonal adjustments of the regulating device ; but under
conditions not approaching such an ideal, foods are likely to
be either frozen or insufficiently cooled.

These obserxations are based on a refri^^erator cabinet

of fair quality, as respects insulation; but as the permanent
insulating qualities of mechanically cooled household refrig-
erators are improved, so the difiticulties of food compartment
temperature control are reduced. The well insulated unit,
such as a cabinet containing three inches of pure corkboard set
tightly against the interior lining at all points, is not sensitive
to room temperature fluctuations to any appreciable degree,
and consequently may easily perform its two major functions
with that degree of accurac}- required by a discriminating
owner. At the same time, such a mechanical unit can be
operated at a cost that will be low enough to justifv the
extra investment.
In testing mechanical units, the same test conditions
should be observed as outlined for ice refrigerators, with but
a few changes. The kiloAvatt-hours power consumption is
measured instead of ice melted. A gi\en quantity by weight
of water at say 70° F. temperature is filled into standard cube
trays that have been cooled to the same temperature, and the
trays are placed in the refrigerator once e\'ery day for the
cubes to be frozen, the frozen cubes from the day before being
simultaneously removed. If it is desired to put a normal
"food load" on either the ice cooled or the mechanically cooled
refrigerators, same should amount to 8 B.t.u. per hour, per
cubic foot of cabinet contents, same being introduced electric-
ally by an immersion heater in a container of oil placed at a
given point in the food compartment.
On account of the lower temperatures in general desired
by owmers and maintained in mechanical units, especial
attention must be paid to the subject of condensed moisture
within the wall construction of the mechanically cooled cabinet
at the end of the 30-day test period.



158. — Growth of the Ice Cream Industry. — Ancient records

Egypt and Syria, sent Richard I,
reveal that Saladin, Sultan of
King of England, a frozen sherbet in the 12th century; that
Marco Polo, the great Italian navigator, brought recipes for
water and milk ices from Japan and China in the 13th century;
and that Catherine d'Medici when leaving Florence, Italy, for
France, in the 16th century, took with her certain chefs skilled
in the preparation of frozen creams and ices.
Frozen desserts were, however, regarded as luxuries, to
be indulged in only upon occasion, until comparatively recent
times. In the United States, ice cream became popular as a
table dessert among the colonists. The first public advertise-
ment of cream appeared in The Post Boy, a New York

paper, in 1786; but it was not until about 1851 that an attempt
was made to manufacture ice cream in wholesale quantities.
In that year John Fussell, a milk dealer in Baltimore, Mary-
land, became interested in ice cream in an effort to find a
profitable outlet for surplus sweet cream that he had on hand
from time to time. The manufacture of ice cream was under-
taken as a side line, and sold at wholesale, but the business
proved so profitable that Fussell disposed of his entire milk
business and devoted his whole attention to the new industry.
His remarkable success may be judged from the fact that he
later established ice cream factories in Washington, Boston
and New York City.
Perry Brazelton, of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, studied the whole-
sale ice cream business in Fussell's Washington plant; and
later established his own plant in St. Louis, Missouri, followed
by still others in Cincinnati, Ohio, and Chicago, Illinois, which


is indicative of the success that attended his efforts in the

new industry in the Middle West. From then on there was a
steady growth in this branch of the dairy industry, but rapid
expansion did not begin until the shortage of natural ice in
1890 gave the art of ice making and refrigeration the impetus
necessary to establish that industry on a successful commer-
cial basis. Then great improvements in machinery, and meth-
ods of ice cream manufacture, were rapidly introduced during



the next two decades, until by the end of 1912 there was a
reported total output of 154 million gallons of ice cream valued
at 160 million dollars.
The National Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers was
organized in 1906, to more effectively promote the interests of
ice cream manufacturers by assisting the industry to develop

along permanent, substantial lines, through standardization of

factory operations, pure food laws, and so forth. Trade asso-
ciations and trade papers did much to promote the welfare of
the industry, by teaching a common-sense code of ethics and
by acting as a clearing house for its numerous activities. Many
schools and colleges took up the teaching of the principles

and practices pertaining- to the manufacture of ice creams and
ices. Through the cooperation of these useful agencies, the
public was enabled to receive such ample protection against
impure and unsatisfactory ice cream products as to so solidly
establish the industry that by the end of 1926 the output was
325 million gallons valued at 300 million dollars (wholesale).

159. —
Ice and Salt Cabinets. — It has been noted that salt-

petre mixed with snow was used for cooling licpiids centuries
ago in India, but the 17th century saw probably the first seri-
ous attempt to utilize that method of refrigeration to produce
ice and frozen desserts. The low temperature produced by
mixing ice and salt is due of course to the fact that salt lowers
the melting point of ice to about 5° F. (-15° C.) and keeps it
there until all the ice is melted by heat rapidly absorbed from
surrounding objects, which explains wdiy a can of freshly made
ice cream placed in an insulated cabinet and surrounded with
cracked ice and salt will harden by giving up its heat to the
low temperature mixture at the expense of melting the ice, all
as elaborated in the section of this book on "The Study of
Heat." Since the ice is melted by heat extracted from the ice
cream, and from the walls of the cabinet, which gets its heat
from the surrounding atmosphere, it is necessary to set up in
those cabinet walls an efficient barrier against the infiltration
of heat from the warm air of the room.
The ice cream industry was founded upon the fact of .the
melting point of ice being lowered in the presence of salt.
A mixture of ice and common salt was the only refrigerant
used to congeal cream, and to keep the frozen mass in a satis-
factory state of preservation for palatable consumption, for
many years before and after the advent of mechanical refrig-
eration. Low temperature brine produced by a mixture of
cracked ice and salt, or low temperature brine produced by
adding salt to water and cooling the mixture by mechanical
means, differ, in so far as the manufacture, hardening and
storage of ice cream in the plant is concerned, only in that
the salt and ice mixture is more dif^cult to handle and its
temperature is not as easily controlled. In either case, about
equally good manufacturing results were possible, although
mechanical refrigeration in the plant eft'ected a very great

saving in cost of production by placing all manufacturing

operations under the complete and accurate control of rela-
few workmen.

Outside the plant, however, on delivery wagons and trucks,

on railway cars, in retail cabinets and soda fountains, the
salt and ice mixture was depended on exclusively, until the
last few years, for necessary refrigeration for the preserva-
tion of ice cream until consumed. Early cabinets were built
of heavy tongued and grooved planks of wood, with no insu-



lation other than the wood itself, just about as the early
household ice chestwas constructed; but cabinets with hollow
walls, filled usually with sawdust, came into early use and
remained a long time. They left much to be desired, how-
ever, because the low temperature necessary for the holding
of ice cream caused heavy condensation of moisture within
the air entrapped between the sawdust particles, and the
cabinet walls became ice laden and water-soaked. Granu-
lated cork was next tried as the loose fill insulating material,
with better success, but still with much to be desired both
from the standpoint of insulating efficiency and a dry condi-
tion of the walls of the cabinet.
In those days it was necessary, in summer, for the ice
cream manufacturer to service or ice his cabinets in retail
stores twice daily. In an effort to cut this expensive service
cream interests, of Pittsburgh,
to one daily icing, the Rieck ice
Pennsylvania, undertook experiments w^ith ice cream cabinets
insulated with sheets of pure corkboard, an insulation specifi-
cation for retail ice cream cabinets almost unheard of up to
that time (about 1912), and an extravagance thought to be
wholly unjustified. The experiments started with cabinets


containing one inch thick corkboard, which thickness was then
increased little by little until satisfactory results were obtained,
inconjunction with the use of a suitable ice and salt mixture.
The results of these experiments did much to establish pure
corkboard as the standard insulation for retail ice cream
cabinets, and it has so remained, the only improvement being
in the methods followed in putting the corkboard in place and
in an economical distribution throughout the cabinet of the
thickness of corkboard used. In general, the details of cab-
inet assembly,
with respect to insulation, should be predicated
on a thorough understanding of the basic principles pertain-

ing to the insulation of walls and structures to be subjected

to low temperatures, as previously elaborated in this text,
to the end that icecream cabinets may contain adequate insu-
lation installed so as to insure permanent cabinet efficiency.

160. — —
Mechanical Ice Cream Cabinets. The trend in the
development and applications of mechanical refrigerating- ma-
chinery was slowly but constantly from large many-ton plants
toward smaller units, much as in the development of electric
power the large-motor main-shaft drive gave way a little at
a time to individual drive by small motors. But the high
pressures at which ammonia compression refrigerating ma-
chines operate, placed restrictions on the smallness, the light-
ness, and the cost of production of the ammonia units of
fractional-ton capacity, past which it was not practical for
the manufacturer to go. And that minimum cost was too
high for general application to small refrigeration duty, such
as the cooling of household refrigerators and retail ice cream
cabinets, when in competition with ice, and ice and salt
The use of a refrigerant that could be effectively operated
at relatively low pressures, such as sulphur dioxide, proved
to be the solution of the problem, which development estab-
lished the small fractional-ton refrigerating machine as a
practical and economical refrigerating unit through much
lighter and simpler construction and greatly reduced cost.
However, in the practical application of such household re-
frigerating units, as they quickly came to be known, it was
determined that their successful operation, as well as their
low manufacturing cost, depended on a certain restriction of
the unit refrigerating capacity.
Thus the efforts to reduce the cost of production of the
fractional-ton ammonia compression machine to the point of
successful competition with ice and salt mixtures were, m
general, unsuccessful; while the efforts to economically raise
the unit refrigerating capacity of the sulphur dioxide type of
machine enough to handle the heavier duty cabinets were, in
general, unavailing. But virtually by the simple expedient
of increasing the thickness of the corkboard insulation in ice
cream cabinets to be mechanically cooled, and by so setting


the insulation in the walls of the cabinet as to guarantee the
permanent thermal efficiency of the cabinet, the small low
pressure carbon dioxide type of machine was adapted to retail
ice cream cabinet refrigeration loads, and took the field from
the fractional-ton high pressure ammonia machine.
These considerations are emphasized
briefly set forth here,
in their relation to insulation,merely to show the part cork-
board played in the preliminary research and engineering
development work incident to the beginnings of what is now

a large industry the mechanical ice cream cabinet industry,
which the Crouse-Tremaine interests, of Detroit, Michigan,
are given considerable credit for having pioneered.

161. —Typical Details of Ice Cream Cabinet Construction.

— would serve little purpose to illustrate in this book all

the different makes and types of ice cream cabinets ice and —
salt cabinets and mechanical cabinets —
manufactured in the
United States, and for that reason but a very few of them,
selected at random, are shown and described* in this Article


Frame. — Built
of 2 x 2 long leaf heart pine lumber, possessing great
tensile strength and durability, without excessive weight. This material
contains a large amount of turpentine and rosin that prevents decay.
The Bottoms. — Made of 1-inch gulf cypress are strong and securely
fastened to the frame, reinforced with skids made of long leaf heart pine.
The bottoms of the Brooks Drypak Cabinets are made to hold their weight.
They can never sag or be pushed out.
Pure Corkboard Insulation.— The insulation is extra heavy pure cork-
board, consisting of 6 inches in the bottom and 4 inches in the sides and
ends. Wedo not attempt to save cork by tapering the insulation in the
side walls, asit is just as necessary to keep the heat out at the top of the

side walls as it is at the bottom of the side walls. We therefore use 4

inches of pure corkboard in the sides and ends all of the way up to the
top of the cabinet.
Hermetically Sealed. — Besides the precaution taken to have all joints
lapped, or perfectly butted, the entire corkboard insulation is sealed by
flowing on a thick layer of hot asphaltum. This assures the filling and
closing up of all pores, joints and cracks, which prevents the leakage of
refrigeration or the penetration of heat.

•Descriptions are those of the manufacturer, and are to be accepted only for what
they may prove to be worth.

A^7 Substifutcs for Corkboard. —

There are no substitutes for cork-
board used any part of these cabinets. The insulation will remain in
l)lace and retain its efficiency during the entire life of the cabinet. Buy
plenty of insulation once and save icing expenses daily. There is no
better investment for ice cream manufacturers than plenty of pure cork-
board insulation in ice cream cabinets. It pays big dividends every day
the cabinets are in use.

Tlic Corners. — Nickel zinc angles protect the corners and add a
pleasing appearance to these cal)inets. They are fastened with brass nails
and will not rust or corrode.

The tops are made from heavy, straight grain gulf cypress
lumber, the corners are rigidly secured and the construction throughout



strong and substantial. These tops are arranged to make filling easy,
without undue loss of time or refrigeration.
The Lids. — The enough to remove empty cans and
lids are large
replace them with full cans of cream without removing the top of the
cabinet and exposing other compartments. The lids are also insulated
with pure corkboard. A "hand grip" is carved into the one-piece cover,
so that there are no metal handles to break off or rust, no knobs to
obstruct an even surface. The edges are designed to seal against loss of
refrigeration and yet make opening and closing easy.

The I'iiiish. — .Solid, laminated, three-ply, waterproof panels, selected

for graining and durability, arc used on all sides and ends. The finish is
rich old mahogany, four-coat work, giving a smooth, hard surface that
resists wear.

Sheet Metal //'or/.'.— The linings and cans are made from genuine
Armco Ingot iron. This well-known l)rand of copper-bearing metal,
heavily galvanized, is further assurance of the definite and dependable
values built into Brooks Drypak Cabinets.
Ice Compartments. — The
Brooks Drypak Cabinet ice compartments are
large enough ample capacity to care for exceptional conditions
to provide
during the summer months. These cabinets will keep cream in perfect
condition for forty-eight hours or more.
Drains. —One-piece, leak-proof and non-corrosive Smith and Mann
valves are used. They are of ample size to perfect quick drainage and
are threaded for three-quarter inch hose connection.

Mounted on Skids. For a sanitary base and to facilitate moving,
Brooks Drypak Cabinets are mounted on sturdy skids ; there arc no legs
to break oflF.

Workmanship. — The workmanship throughout the cabinets is first

class in every particular. The design is the result of long experience

with the problems ofice cream manufacturers, by the men who actually

manufacture Brooks Drypak Cabinets.

Manufactured by Brooks Cabinet Co., Norfolk, Virginia.



Insulation. —A cabinet can be no more than its insulation.
The high efificiency of Duplex-Zero cabinets is guaranteed by the perfect

design and the massive insulation of solid slabs of sheet cork, tapering
from 3 inches on sides and ends at the top to 5 inches at and on
bottom, heat treated with a special asphaltum base formed into a solid,
continuous, air-tight, moisture-proof and settle-proof wall around and
under the ice chamber. This construction insures maximum refrigerating
results — 48 to 72 hours on one icing.

Lining. — The metal lining is of 22-gauge copper bearing iron, heavily

galvanized, fitting snugly against the corkboard, giving maximum wear, yet
easily removed and replaced.

Finish. —Added insulation and durability are assured by the use of

California redwood on all Nelson cabinets.

Corners. — Duplex-Zero Dry-Pack cabinets are equipped with bright metal

corner irons.

Dram.^Drains quickly with Nelson patented brass drain.

Manufactured by C. Nelson Manufacturing Co., St. Louis, Missouri.




Description.—Tht accompanying figure shows the position of the
trays, theabundance of scientifically distributed corkboard insulation, and
the individual servicing covers for each side of cabinet. These covers

permit servicing without exposing ice cream a dccidely worthwhile sani-
tary feature.

Operaton. The "Tray-Pack" service method simply consists of the
removal of the trays by the service man from the Tray-Pack cabinet, the
dumping of the brine at the curb or other suitable place, the repacking of
and the replacement of the trays in the Tray-Pack
Ihe trays at the truck,
cabinet. That's all. No drip, no dirt, no muss in the dealer's store. Just
a few minutes' work, and all is set for two days or more of perfect

Sizes. — Made
in standard 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-hole "Tray-Pack" sizes.

Finish is walnut color. Also, obtainable with two separate compart-

ments, suitable for: (1) two temperatures for ice cream; (2) one com
partmcnt shut off during dull season; (3) one compartment for milk or
bottled goods.

Insulation. —
Only the best insulation obtainable is used in "Tray-
Pack" ice —
cream cabinets pure compressed corkboard, it being more imper-
vious 1o water than any other known insulating material. Asphaltum and
other products are applied hot on both sides of the corkboard as assem-
bled in the cabinet, so as to exclude all air from between the insulation
and the inner cabinet tank and from between all joints in the corkboard
sheets and thus exclude all condensed water from the insulation' and obvi-
ate destruction of the insulation by the expansion of freezing.
Manufactured by Grand Ra])ids Cabinet Co., Grand Rapids, Michigan.





General. — The figure shows a sectional photograph of one of ibe many
Nizer ice cream cabinets, which illustrates particularly the corkboard

Insulation. — There are 3 pure compressed corkboard on

inches of
the bottom, 2 inches on the sides and
inch on top. The insulation is

not composed of single thicknesses of corkboard, but, with the exception of

the top, of two thicknesses, separated by sheets of heavy waterproof paper.
There are also several sheets of this paper between the insulation and the
brine tank, as well as on the outside surface of the insulation. Such
places as cannot be efifectively sealed with corkboard (around the gas line
for example) are packed tightly with cork plastic insulation.

Assembly. — The method of assembly of the insulation in the cabinet,

consists in using sheets of cork made slightly oversize and pressed firmly
into position, thus making perfectly tight joints without the use of sealing
material. All joints in one layer of corkboard are staggered with respect
to the joints in the other layer, so as to further prevent the passage of
]\Ianufacture<! liy Kelvinator, Inc., Xizer Division, Detroit, Michigan.


Requirements. — In undertaking to supply the trade with an acceptable
electrically refrigerated ice cream cabinet, there were two problems which
presented themselves. The first had to do with creating a machine for
producing a low temperature within the cabinet of such a degree as would
keep the ice cream in the best possible condition, and the second having to
do with the maintenance of this temperature.
The Machine. — The Universal Cooler Corporation were readily able to
satisfy this first requirement, with a unit that was both simple, compact
and economical, and could produce the low temperature required.

The Cabinet. The second problem which attached to the maintenance
of this low temperature was one which depended entirely upon the con-
struction of the cabinet.

Low Power Cost. —

If the cabinet was properly built and correctly
msulated, meant that the mechanical cooling unit was only called upon

to operate for the shortest possible time, with a consequent low current
consumption, and, of course, a longer life for the machine.

The Insulation. — Therefore,

they undertook to devise a cabinet which
employed corkboard as the insulating material. The cork employed in
the ice cream cabinet adopted by the Universal Cooler Corporation is in
solid slabs, which lap at corners, top and bottom, and are treated with a
hot asphaltum base product known as "Hydrolene," so that the interior
of the box is a solid, continuous, air-tight, moisture-proof, and settle-
proof wall around and under the ice chamber.

Corkboard. The necessity for having the cork in continuous slabs
is for the purpose of eliminating cracks and voids which would permit

ordinary atmospheric humidity to creep in, become solidified when the

cabinet is and thus dissipate some of the effectiveness of the
in operation
box, and when is not in use this moisture would melt, run down
the cabinet
into the bottom of the box, become stagnant, and cause unpleasant odors.
Manufactured by the Universal Cooler Corporation, 18th and Howard
streets, Detroit, Michigan.




Insulation. — The Servel line of ice cream cabinets is considered the
best insulated cabinet on the market. For the single row, two layers of

is used on the bottom, two layers 2-inch thick sheet

3-inch thick sheet cork
cork on the ends and sides, and one layer 2-inch sheet cork on the top.
The double row cabinets, however, in order to stay within the 30 inches
width, have one layer 2-inch and one layer IJ/^-inch sheet cork on the
ends and sides.
Manufactured by Servel Corporation, Evansville, Indiana.


Description. —
The accompanying photograph shows the cover-
ing removed from the ice cream can section of an Absopure 4-hole,
in line, self-contained, air-cooled electric ice cream cabinet, display-



ing the sturdy framework of steel, the solidly placed pure com-
pressed corkboard insulation and the position of the refrigerating

Insulation. — The
insulation of this unit consists of two layers
3-inch thick pure compressed corkboard on the bottom of the cabi-
net, two layers 2-inch thick pure compressed corkboard on the ends
and sides of the cabinet, and one layer 2-inch thick pure compressed
corkboard in the cabinet top. This insulation is carefully pressed
into position, using a waterproof sealing material on all joints and
surfaces to obviate the possibility of the collection and freezing
of water within the cabinet construction, due to the condensation of
moisture from concealed air spaces or pockets, and the consequent
disintegration of the insulation, damage to the cabinet and serious
loss of efficiency in operation. Such spaces that cannot be effectively
sealed with corkboard sheets, are packed tight with a special water-
proof sealing material combined with a suitable proportion of pre-
pared cork particles.

Maintenance Cost. It is believed that the construction of this
cabinet is an effective guarantee of lowest power and maintenance

costs, when operated in conjunction with the Absopure refrigerating


Manufactured by the General Necessities Corporation, Detroit,


162. — Notes on HowCream Cabinets. There

to Test Ice —
are no generally accepted and approved methods for the test-
ing of either ice and salt cabinets or mechanical ice cream
cabinets, and most all tests made thus far are subject to more
or less inaccuracies and interpretation as to the meanings of
the results obtained. For instance, as mentioned for house-
hold refrigerators, it has been for years a well-understood
fact in the cold storage industry that the efficiency of a new
cold storage room is in itself of ver}' minor importance, if of
any real importance at all. What is important to the owners i

and operators of large cold storage plants, is what the effi-


ciency of that room will be one year or ten years after it has
been in operation for it is possible to construct hollow walls

of wood, fill the space with chimney soot and show under
accurate test an initial cold room insulating efficiency far
greater than could probably be shown with any commercial
insulating material procurable, }et the soot would retain its

remarkable efficiency for a very short time only. Glass wool,

fluxed limestone, wood flour, medicinal cotton, nail polish, and \

many other materials* in common use, are very efficient ther- i

mal insulators, but quickly lose their heat retarding properties

by settling and packing down and by saturation with con- |

densed water vapor, if used in connection with cold tempera- j

The first point to cover in planning for tests of any ice ;

*In a number of the "Berichte" (1899), Prof. Hempel describes a series of experi-
ments undertaken by him, in order to determine which substance was best suited
for isolating freezing mixtures in experimental wcirk in the laboratory. Starting
with a temperature of about -75° to -80° C. (-103° to -112° F.) produced by solid
carbon dioxide and ether, the rate of rise of temperature with time was measured,
and, as a result, eiderdown was found to be the lust irsiilator. woo', carefully dried
at 100° C. (212° F.) being nearly as good, and having the advantage of cheapness.
Thus wi"tfi eiderdown a rise of 12° C. occurred in eighty-eight minutes, with dry wool
a rise of 20° to 24° C. in the same time.
» 401

cream cabinet must tlierefore he a careful investigation and

research into the ability of the insulating material to retain
its initial insulating efficiency under the conditions of its appli-

cation in the walls of the cabinet and for an indefinite period

of time under known or anticipated conditions of service. If
such research rexeals that the insulation cannot be expected to
stand up under the conditions to be imposed, there probably
will be fewer reasons for going ahead with the plans to test
out the cabinet.
Ice cream cabinet service is much more severe than the
service that household refrigerators receive. Thus the proper
insulation to use and the correct specifications to be followed
in installing it, are ofmuch more importance in the ice cream
cabinet than they are in units that operate at considerably
higher temperatures. The experience of the dairy and ice
cream industries for the past several decades in the insulation
and operation of refrigerated milk rooms, cream rooms, ice
storage rooms, hardening rooms, antl cold rooms in general,
is of value as research into the fitness or lack of fitness of any

insulating material for ice cream cabinet construction and

temperatures. I'ure corkboard is the standard material for all
such rooms in countless plants all over the United States, the
reason for which was elaborated in the section of this text on
"The Insulation of Ice and Cold Storage Plants and Cold
Rooms in General," and which amounts to the fact that cork-
board is the onl)- suitable material employed for such purpose
that when intelligently installed will retain approximately 90
per cent of its initial insulating efficiency for ten years or

In testing various kinds and sizes of corkboard insulated
ice and salt cabinets, assuming that virtually the same or
equally satisfactory specifications were followed in installing
the corkboard in the cabinets, and assuming that the results
are be made available for general comparison with the

results of other tests made at different times and places, the
following conditions sh(ndd be obserxed :

(a) A
constant temperature room should be used, the temperature
held uniform to within one degree Fahr. hy electric heater placed within
|| hollow walls of the test room and controlled hy thermostat.
(b) Control of the humidity of the constant temperature room should
be effected by suitable means, tests having demonstrated that a consider-
able increase in the percentage of ice melting is effected by increasing the
percentage of relative humidity in a constant temperature room from a
low to a high point.
(c) The mixture of ice and salt should be carefully regulated on the
basis of weight.

(d) The salt should be of standard specifications.

(e) Theused should be only hard, "black" ice, and should be
crushed to uniform size. The finer the ice is crushed and the more salt
used, the lower, within limits, will be the resultant temperature.
(f) Ice and salt should be mixed thoroughly in suitable mixing box
located outside the test room, and packed in the ice cream cabinet during a
fixed period, at the same hour, every other day (48-hour icing), no ice

and salt to be put on top of cans and brine to be drained off cabinet before
each re-icing.
(g) The ice cream to be used for test purposes should be a product of
rigid specifications, because different mixtures and flavors require differ-
ent temperatures to keep them in satisfactory condition, and the volume
of ice cream in the cabinet should be a fixed quantity.
(h) Special long-bulb thermometers should be used in ice cream cabi-
nets, of such length as to obtain average temperature readings for the
total depth of the ice cream and for the empty can of each cabinet.
(i) Four days preliminary operation should be allowed to establish
a temperature equilibrium in the walls of the cabinet before the test proper
should be started, and the test should then continue for 30 more days.

Tests performed under standardized conditions thus sug-

gested, values for such standards to be fixed upon a practical
basis for test purposes and a basis most nearly conforming to
the practices of the ice cream industry, should be comparable,
cream tem-
as to ice consumption, cabinet air temperature, ice
perature,and condition of the ice cream throughout the test.
An electric ice cream cabinet may be tested in much the
same fashion, the electric power consumption by the cabinet
machine, instead of the ice consumption, being comparable
with results of other electric cabinet tests.


163. —
Automatic Operation of an Intricate Unit Made Pos-
sible with Corkboard Insulation. Soda fountain design has —
kept well abreast of all modern trends and developments in
automatic carbonation, mechanical refrigeration, scientific in-
sulation, pure food preservation, efficient operation, and rapid
dispensation of popular delectation. And as a result the
"fountain" is popular. Few of its patrons probably realize,
however, that the modern soda fountain is an intricate and
delicate assembly of beautiful store fixture, refrigeration plant,
cold storage, chemical plant, and food and drink dispenser.
Five different temperature zones must be automatically estab-
lished and accurately maintained and all in a space often less

than a dozen feet long and a quarter as high and wide! The
modern soda fountain deserves admiration its successful op- ;

eration is made possible by permanently efficient corkboard

insulation, scientifically adjusted to the service desired.
For one thing to produce refrigeration, and another
it is

thing to conserve it and apply it to good purpose. When a

quarter-score temperatures must be maintained and controlled
within such narrow confines as twenty cubic feet, the cold
storage problem takes on a new interest and importance in-
deed. Corkboard insulation, properly utilized, permits of the
most delicate and accurate operation of the most modern soda
fountain, just as it has been of so much use and assistance
wherever temperatures below that of the atmosphere are arti-
ficially produced, efficiently maintained and advantageously


164. — Extracts from Manufacturers' Specifications* for

•Descriptions are those of the manufacturer, and arc to be accepted only for
what they may prove to be worth.
Modern Mechanically Refrigerated Soda Fountain with Typi-
cal Details of —
Construction. Tlie foUuwini;' excerpts from a
manufacturer's complete soda fountain specification are pre-
sented to illustrate the scope of the work of designing and
l:)uilding" such equipment, in which corkboard insulation plays

such an important part by courtesy of The Bastian-Blessing


Company, Chicago, Illinois, and Grand Haven, Michigan :


Note the heavy construction throughout and the unexcelled cork insu-
lation. There are 4-inch walls all around, front, bottom, back and two
ends. These walls are provided with 3-inch pressed pure corkboard insu-
lation. To correctly understand this construction is to appreciate the
superiority of the material and workmanship, and the correctness of the
fundamental principles empkned in the construction of the Guaranty


1. Raised edge creamer capping and top in one piece, 16-gauge nickel silver.
2. 3-inch removable top insulated with 2-inch pressed pure corkboard.
3. Fabric base special non-conductor practically prevents all refrigeration loss.
4. K'o. IS' porcelain white enamel Armco iron front; can also be faced with 7/16
vitrolite or marble, when specified.
5. 1-inch waterproof cypress wall.
6. 3-inch pressed pure corkboard insulation.

7. 20-ounce hot rolled copper lining of brine compartment.

8. Brine solution.
9. 32-ounce hot rolled tinned copper ice cream tanks with galvanized copper steel
10. Strong adjustal)Ie legs, .screwed in brass flanges bolted through creamer
11. Special non-conductor frame practically eliminates all sweating.
12. Double acting nickel silver hinged lid insulated with 1-inch pressed pure
13. Removable gutter easily cleaned.
14. No. 18 porcelain white enamel Armco iron facing for syrup jar enclosure.
l.S. 1-inch waterproofed cypress wall.
16. 16-ounce cold rolled tinned copper lining in syrup unit.
17. Special non-conductor, breaking all metal to metal contact with the outside.
18. Nickel silver syrup unit capping.
19. Open gutter, to take off draft arm spillage, easily cleaned.
20. Waterproof airtight seal.
21. Solid 2x3 inches interlocking frame.
22. Metal conductor strips insure positive and constant refrigeration of syrup
23. Dead air space forming additional insulation.
24. Heavy copper bearing steel facing bottom, back and ends.

Complete Refrigeration With One Frigidaire Unit.

The application of mechanical refrigeration to soda fountains required
considerable study, many experiments and much caution. Mechanical re-
frigeration in itself was nothing new and had been in commercial use
for many years. However, its application to the soda fountain at once
brought out the difficulty of supplying the many temperatures needed for
the successful operation of these fountains with one refrigerating unit.

In designing the Guaranty fountain in its simple and practical way to

secure the five necessary temperatures, the engineers have scored a com-
plete triumph.

The many months spent in experimenting, simplifying and in other

ways adding to the all-around efficiency of this type of fountain, resulting
in the 100 per cent, mechanically refrigerated Guaranty, was well worth
while. The operation of thousands of these fountains in every-day use
has completely demonstrated not only Guaranty's ability to serve supremely
well and economically, but also to deliver many years of continuously
satisfactory service.

Maintaining Five Correct Temperatures Automatically.

The Guaranty soda fountain is constructed in a simple and practical

way to secure the five necessary soda fountain temperatures.
city water coolers and the Frigidaire boiler, located in
The soda and
the or cooling chamber, are immersed in a water bath as shown

more clearly in the sectional view. Fig. 199. The temperature is auto-
matically maintained at approximately 33° F. by a regulating control valve.
refrigerator is located second from the left in which
The dry storage
a temperature ranging from 40° to 45° F. is maintained. This compart-
ment is equipped with a sliding shelf, thus providing double-deck arrange-
ment for bottle goods. Refrigeration for this compartment is secured
through a semi-insulated partition from the cooling compartment.
On the extreme right is located the brick compartment, where a

temperature of 0° to 5° F. is maintained. The Frigidaire boiler producing

this temperature is automatically controlled by the compressor itself.

Separating the brick compartment from the bulk compartment at its

left is a correctly proportioned baffle partition which permits the exact

amount of refrigeration in order that the bulk cream may be kept at a

temperature of from ten to twelve degrees above zero.
The syrup unit its refrigeration through copper conductor
plates attached to thebottom of the syrup unit lining and extending down
into the brine of the bulk compartment. The refrigeration necessary to
produce a temperature of from twenty to thirty degrees under the room
temperature of from ten to twelve degrees above zero. The bulk
compartment and storage refrigerator are separated by a 2i/2-inch
corkboard partition.
Study well the illustrations in Fig. 193. Take note of the arrange-
ment and the method and system of operation of the refrigerating unit,
and remember that continuous operation and efificient functioning requires
the utmost in simplicity and practicability of construction, all so clearly
shown in Fig, 193.



Frame. Constructed of genuine Louisiana red cypress, a product of
the Southern swamps, inured to all kinds of weather, accustomed to moist-
ure and exposure and, above all, possessing a long life. Front and rear
paneled, tenoned, glued and nailed to a chestnut supporting frame, all
thoroughly impregnated with preservative paint, making it truly the "box

Insulation. — In addition to the 1-inch cypress walls the insulation con-

sists of 3-inch pressed pure corkboard, all joints cemented with a spe-

ciallyprepared cork cement, making a jointless wall. Insulating qualities

of corkboard are based on the natural quality of the cork plus the dead
air space so long in use as a barrier of heat. The cork is pressed into
a board under heat and the natural resin cements the cork together, impris-
oning millions of tiny dead air cells forming a veritable deadline against
the entrance of heat into the soda fountain.

Ice Cream Compartment Linings.— AW materials that enter into the

construction of the Guaranty are selected with a view to securing the
best for the use intended. Tests and experiments have fully and clearly
demonstrated that copper is the most practical and durable for soda foun-
tain linings. The Guaranty fountain is lined with 20-ounce hot rolled
copper, front, bottom and back in one piece. Ends are double seamed,
interlocked and soldered. The bottom is reinforced with 20-gauge Key-
stone copper-bearing steel to insure greater strength and resistance.

Tank and Sub-Covers. —

Water-tight tanks and sub-covers are required
to hold the cream cans. Tank bodies are made of 32-ounce hot rolled
tinned copper and have one vertical double seam soldered on the outside.
Tank bottom is also 32-ounce hot rolled tinned copper and is double
seamed and soldered to the bodies. A galvanized copper-bearing steel
sleeve extending 6 inches down into the tank is soldered to it. This sleeve
protects the copper and prevents dents, or perhaps punctures from care-
lessness in removing or inserting the ice cream cans. The complete tanks
are sweated to a sub-cover made
of 32-ounce hot rolled copper.
The sub-cover has proper number of oval openings carefully
machine stamped and also has an opening through which the coil can be
removed should it ever become necessary.
In the bottom of each tank there is placed a 20-gauge galvanized
copper-bearing steel plate as additional reinforcement to prevent the tank
bottom from being dented when the ice cream cans are dropped into place.

After the tank and sub-cover unit have been assembled as described,
it is placed into the creamer box and the sub-cover is sweated to the

lining. The Frigidaire boiler is then installed and the entire unit is filled
with water and tested for leaks.

Cooler and Dry Storage Refrigerator. — An integral part of the

creamer, separated from the cream compartment by 2^-inch cork
partition; lined with 16-ounce cold rolled copper tinned one side, front,
bottom and back in one piece, ends double seamed, interlocked and soldered.
This compartment is divided by a semi-insulated partition. One side con-
tains a water bath and refrigerating coil for cooling soda and city water
and the other side is a dry storage compartment which secures its refrig-
eration through the semi-insulated partition. An outlet with an overflow
pipe topped with a funnel is provided to drain the syrup unit and cooler
compartment when necessary.

Brick Compartment. This compartment is separated from the bulk
cream compartment by a metal baffle partition. This compartment con-
tains the boiler which is regulated to maintain a temperature of approxi-
mately zero. All Guaranty standard plans are shown with one rectangu-
lar brick compartment with a capacity of 50 one-quart bricks.

Bulk Compartment. — The correctly proportioned metal baffle which


separates ihe brick and bulk compartments retards refrigeration sufficiently

to produce a tcmiierature of from 8 to 12 degrees above zero in the bulk
Frigidairc Coils. — In order to suppl\ 100 per cent, mechanical refrig-
eration under ])ositivc automatic- control,two coils and one regulating
valve, in addition to the compressor suitable for the refrigeration of the
creamer, arc required in all cases.
The standard one coil for suppl\ing refrigera-
installation consists of
tion to and cold storage compartment, and one coil for the
the cooler
refrigeration of the ice cream compartments. They are installed at the
factory in a neat and workmanlike manner and the entire tank is tested
for leaks before it leaves the plant. All Guaranty interiors are equipped
at the factory with the standard installation of coils and shipped complete
with the regulating valve.

Facings. Front is faced with No. 18 Armco Iron with three coats of
white porcelain enamel fired at a temperature above 1700° F. All facings
are made to exact dimensions before coating, and there are never any
crazed edges so often found when sheared to size after being enameled.
Both ends, bottom and back arc covered with 20-gauge copper-bearing
galvanized steel, coated with aluminum bronze paint.
Bindings. — The bindings are 20-gauge nickel silver, neatly made up,
attached with brass nickel plated screws.
Adjustable Legs. — Creamer units are equipped with heavy metal legs
adjustable to allow for ordinary irregularities in the floor without resort-
ing to the use of wedges.
legs arc fitted with rounded caps which provide a smooth sliding
surface,and are turned in heavy solid brass flanges, securely fastened to
the creamer box with bf)lts, which i)ass through the entire thickness of the
creamer bottom.


Creamer Top.
Frame— L\ke the creamer box, the frame of the top is constructed of
genuine Louisiana Red Cypress, the "wood eternal," thoroughly impreg-
nated with a wood preservative.
In.uilafion. — Pure corkboard 2 inches thick is used for insulation. The
surface of the cork is effectively sealed against moisture by a heavy coat-
ing of hydrolene.

Capping.— One solid piece of 16-gauge Grade A 18% nickel silver

(weighing approximately two pounds to the square foot) forms the cover-
ing for the top. The front edge is raised and beveled to prevent water
from dripping on the floor. Machine cut oval openings provide access to
the ice cream cans and a rectangular opening to the cooler and cold stor-
age compartment. A raised rim in each oval opening prevents seepage
into tanks and ice cream cans.

Non-Conductor. Great care was exercised in the selection of
Guaranty Non-Conductor. After countless experiments had determined
that Bakelitc with a fabric base possessed the needed strength, ability
to withstand moisture and above all, had the required insulating property,
it was chosen for use with Guaranty 'soda fountains and the actual opera-

tion of these fountains in daily use has fully justified this selection.

Removable Gutter. —Leakage through the hinge of the twin packer lid

has not been overcome nor completely eliminated by anyone. In some

cases the covers have been built up to such a height that most of the
water can be carried off to the top of the creamer. The height of this
projection or of the complete cover itself, hinders ease in operating and
cleaning, besides which it is unsightly. The Guaranty solution of the
problem consists of a removable gutter attached to lugs directly under-
neath the hinge, as shown in Fig. 192. What little water has occasion to
seep through the lid is caught by this gutter and its removal and sub-
sequent cleaning is both simple and easy. At the same time, a beautiful
smooth and even creamer top is maintained.

Twin Packer Cover. An ingenious hinged cover divided in the center
provides access to both ice cream cans, making each can a dipping can.
This cover folds back completely either way so that both cans can be
emptied completely without removing the front can and bringing the rear
can forward as is necessary in so many other types.


Non-Conductor Lid. The operation of the twin packer cover is shown
above, and the accompanying illustration shows this lid in complete detail.
It is made with a frame of special insulating material, strong, durable and

non-absorbent. The lid top is 14-gauge nickel silver, fastened to the non-
conductor frame with nickel silver brackets electrically welded to the

underside of the top. It is insulated with one inch of pressed pure cork-
board, and a nickel silver bottom, binding the entire cover together, is
sprung into a groove in the non-conductor frame. The front and rear
half are each provided with rubber tipped knobs, doing away with the old
thumb thus eliminating the slight opening, and providing additional
precaution against refrigerationloss, at the same time making the operation
of these covers easy and noiseless. The illustration shows clearly that all
metal to metal contact is broken practically eliminating all refrigeration


Syrup Unit.
Frame. — The usual unbeatable Louisiana red cypress is used in the
construction of the syrup unit frame. The bottom is 5-ply, ^-inch Haske-
lite panel board, which gives the necessary strength to insure that quality
of endurance.

Non-Conductor. —Wherever it has been necessary Guaranty soda

fountains are equipped with special non-conductor to practically eliminate
all refrigeration loss. The syrup unit is so constructed, and special non-
conductor strips, completely breaking all metal-to-metal contact with the
outside, are provided in the con.slruction, as shown by the accompanying

Drain for Draft Arm —

All Guaranty interiors are constructed
with an open drain, leading from the drip pan to the creamer outlet. This
is attached to the rear syrup unit wall, a convenient and out of the way

location. No spillage resulting from mixing drinks at draft arms reaches

the syrup jar enclosure bottom, making it easy to keep dry and clean.

Lining. — 16-ounce pure cold rolled tinned copper forms the lining,
made of one piece with ends double seamed and soldered.
Capping. —The front rail and top capping are heavy Grade A 18%
nickel silver.
Adjusliiii) Plates. — The product of the best porcchin manufacturers
in the country is used, but it is impossible to guarantee absolute, precise

uniformity in jar sizes.

In order to insure a perfect fit, adjusting plates are provided at each

end of the syrup unit to take up any excess opening. These are stamped
of 18-gauge nickel silver.
Facing. — The ends are faced with No. 18 ])orcelain white enamel
Armco iron, the back with galvanized copper-bearing steel painted with
aluminum bronze.

I'K;. 198.— cork IXSULATKD DRAl-T ARM.

Filler Iiilcls.—hi the bottom of the syrup unit and directly to the rear
of the boiler, provision is made for filling the outfit with brine or for in-
serting a siphoning hose should it ever become necessary to remove the
brine. These consist of heavy brass ^-inch filler tubes just long enough
to extend through the sub-cover. The upper end is threaded on the inside
to fit a brass plug. Convenient and out of sight.

Clear Counter Service Cork Insulated Draft Arms.— The draft arms
used in all Guaranty interiors are as shown in the accompanying illustra-
tion. They are made of bronze, heavily silver plated, hand burnished,

and are supplied with block tin tubing for the passage of the carbonated
water through the draft arm to the head. Refrigeration loss is reduced to
a minimum by the cork insulation which is used. The soda and city water
after it leaves the coolers travels through the refrigerated syrup unit and
is connected directly to this cork insulated Guaranty draft arm. In the
design of these draft arms all sharp lines are eliminated, thus avoiding
the premature wearing of silver plating through the ordinary process of

The soda leader pipes running from the coolers to the draft arms are
equipped with individual shut-ofif valves for each draft, thereby making it

possible to replace a tumbler or washer when necessary without turning

off the entire service supply. These valves are located at a convenient
point in the syrup unit, and are readily accessible.

Cooling System.

Soda and city water in all Guaranty interiors are cooled by what was
formerly known as the Iceless system, or since the advent of mechanical
refrigeration as the 100% method. This consists of coolers submerged in

a fresh water bath, cooled by a boiler used in connection with the refrig-
eration unit which is used to refrigerate the ice cream.



The refrigerator section is divided into two compartments by a semi-

insulated partition ; one for cooling soda and city water, known as the
cooler compartment ; the other provides cold storage facilities for bottled
goods, etc., known as the cold storage compartment. In the 56-inch and
64-inch tall and squat and 77-inch and 82-inch squat creamers, the coolers
arc located at the rear of the cooler compartment with the Frigidaire boiler
exactly in front center. In all of the other creamers, the coolers are placed
on each side of the cooler compartment with the Frigidaire boiler between
them. The boiler and coolers are submerged in a water bath; jce forms
around the boiler cooling the water bath and in turn the soda and city
Therefrigeration is controlled by an automatic regulating valve located
at the end of the creamer, directly under the drainboard. A temperature
sufficiently low is maintained, but controlled to prevent freezing.

The balance of the refrigerator compartment furnishes dry cold



Storage for bottled goods, etc. It secures its refrigeration, through the
semi-insulated wall from the cooler compartment, and there is no difficulty

in maintaining the correct temperature for this compartment.

Coolers. — In the 56-inch and 64-inch creamer boxes is provided a 6-

cylinder upright soda cooler installed to the rear of the Frigidaire boiler.
In all other creamers is provided a S-cylinder soda cooler 19 inches long.
Either of these coolers has ample capacity to assure cold water. The
outside wall of these coolers is heavily tinned, seamless copper tubing; the
inside lining is of pure seamless block tin tubing with die cast tin ends.
All coolers are thoroughly tested under heavy pressure before they leave
the factory. There are absolutely no flexible connections to become twisted,
choked or broken. Carbonated water passes through the series of cylinders
and is finally drawn from the top cylinder. The Guaranty iceless coolers
reduce wear and tear to a minimum and are properly designed and con-
structed to insure cold soda water.

The water cooler used is the same style and capacity as that for the
soda, except that it is tinned inside instead of being lined with block tin

tubing. This large capacity water cooler insures plenty of cold water and
is a feature not found in many other makes of fountains.

Syrup System. The syrup unit is one of the most important features
of the soda fountain, the effectual operation of which adds materially to
the right kind of service, sanitation and cleanly appearance of the fountain
itself. It is just as necessary to supply adequate refrigeration for this unit

as it is in the balance of the fountain.

FIG. 201.— COOLER.

The Guaranty is provided by means of metal

fountains' refrigeration
contacts between the syrup unit lining and the lining of the bulk cream
compartment. Wide copper conductor strips are attached to the bottom of
the syrup unit lining, the other end of which is submerged in the cold
brine. This metal contact is a positive conductor, and heat is absorbed
from the syrup unit, just as certain as the fiow of electricity over copper
wire. A temperature of from 20 to 30 degrees less than the room tempera-
ture is maintained, and fruits and syrups never sour.

To conserve all of the refrigeration supplied, a special non-conductor

I breaks all metal to metal contact with the outside, as fully described and
1 illustrated previously.

^ This method of supplying refrigeration to the syrup has been success-

fully used by Guaranty for years, and the application of it when used with
[;: mechanical refrigeration isnot only highly approved by prominent refrig-
||i eration engineers but has proven an outstanding success in actual use.

Compressor Installation under Drainboard. Standard Guaranty plans
shown contemplate installation of the Fridigaire compressor in the base-
ment or other convenient place, removed from the soda fountain. Where
this is impossible and it is necessary to keep the refrigerating unit in the

same room with the soda fountain, installation can be made under the
drainboard, as shown in Fig. 202.
These compressor enclosures are made of paneled cypress, contain a
floor for the machme and are vented to allow free circulation of air, which
not only insures a dry enclosure, but permits the operation of the com-
pressor to its fullest efficiency. They are faced with porcelain white enamel
Armco iron to confirm to the rest of the fountain. Minimum plain drain-
board space required is 38 inches.


Backbar Bases.
Refrigerator Bases. —Where cold storage in addition to that provided
in the interior is desired, bases can be supplied either partially or wholly
refrigerated. Bases of this construction are metal lined and equipped with
hardwood racks. The bottom, back, top and both ends are insulated with
2-inch thick pressed pure corkboard, as are the doors which are of heavy
refrigerator construction with stainless vitrolite panels. Bases constructed
as above are 22 inches wide overall.
The installation of the Frigidaire cooling coils is a simple matter and
consists of placing one of the ordinary ice box coils in the base. Tiie unit
required depending on the number of cubic feet it is intended to refrig-

erate.The local Delco Light dealer can give the desired information and
recommend the coil to be used.

Three Door Refrigerator ijicltiding Biological Drawer Section. —

Fig. 203 illustrates astandard cabinet base with a section refrigerated by a
Frigidaire remote installation as shown. A standard drawer section for
storage of biologicals is included. This is a handy arrangement for use
in drug stores. The two end cabinets are not refrigerated, but these also
can be included if so desired.

Three Door Refrigerator Section. The base shown in Fig 204 is

designed to accommodate the installation of the necessary compressor in

the base. A compact arrangement where no basement space is available.

The doors of the compressor enclosure are metal with ventilating oi)enings,
finished inbaked white enamel. \'rntilator holes are also provided thru
the back and end.


A convenient auxiliary for those soda fountain owners who require

much space for storage of bottled goods.




Cubical contents of refrigerated sections in Ijackbar bases with size of

Frigidairc coil recommended :


Size Depth Height Length Cubic Feet Coil

3 Door 15'/2 inches 29 inches 63 inches 16.4 No. 10

4 Donr ISyi inches 29 inches 35 '/< inches 22.25 No. 12
5 Door LS ',4 inches 29 inches ICS inches 2S'.l No. 14
6 Door L^ J'S inches 29 inches 130'/. inches 34.0 No. 14

Backbar Bases With Recessed Ice Cream Cabinet.

When it is not practical to imt sufficient ice cream cabinets in

iterior. the use of this base will be found desirable. The standard size is
made to take six S-gallon ice cream packing cans (twin packer style con-
struction). The width overall of this base is 30 inches. It is regularly
built with cabinet base ends but may be built with full refrigerator ends
at an additional price if so specified.


The overall dimensions of the standard recessed ice cream cabinet are
29 inches high, 28^ inches deep from front to back and 46^ inches long.
A standard 30-gallon capacity recessed ice cream cabinet as illustrated,
occupies the same space as is required for three regular standard door

If squat cans are used the overall width of the base is 32 inches and
the overall dimensions of the cabinet are: Height, 29 inches; depth, 30^
inches; length, 49>^ inches.

The following specifications have been extracted, through

the courtesy of the manufacturer, from the literature of The
Liquid Carbonic Corporation, Chicago, Illinois:


Fig. 206 is a marble constructed cooler box, insulated throughout with
pure corkboard. The top capping is one piece 18-gauge nickel silver with
a beaded or rolled edge.
Two boilers and a control valve are supplied and a Y^ h.p. Frigidaire
compressor is required to operate.
The box has two openings for bulk ice cream storage. Each opening
is equipped with a double hinged black insulating cover and is capable of

holding two 5-gallon bulk ice cream cans. This gives a capacity of four
S-gallon cans of bulk ice cream or 20 gallons, all of which is maintained
at a uniform temperature from the top to the bottom of the cans.
The extreme left hand opening is a package storage compartment
which has a storage capacity of 10 gallons with an insulating cover the
same as those over the bulk ice cream compartments. It is maintained at
a special low temperature, around zero to insure proper storage for pack-
age ice cream.

NOTE— All references to positions in illustration and diagrams are made as if

standing in front of counter.

A dry cold storage compartment is located next to the attemperating

chamber. This compartment is extra large and roomy being 24x24 inches.
There is ample room for the storage of milk, grape juice and other bottled
goods. No ice is used in this compartment; it is maintained at a low
temperature by means of the ice formation in the attemperating chamber.
In the top of this compartment is a large size chipped ice pan, the drip
from which is carried into an outlet pipe, keeping the interior of the cold



storage compartment dry. If desired this pan may be used as a container

for whipped cream.
There are three octag6nal pattern stamped silver, silver-plated, cork
insulated, draft arms in the center of the box. The box is also equipped
with 14 "Mechanicold" double support, silver-plated pumps with black
insulating tops and 14 white vitreous syrup jars. In place of any of the
syrup pumps a white vitreous two compartment spoon holder can be sup-
If additional crushed fruit jars are required a short jar can be supplied
to take the place of the regular syrup jar. This jar is equipped with a
black insulating hinged cover in which is fitted a porcelain name plate.
These covers are similar to those used on the crushed fruit jars in the
cooler box.
A double capacity Coca-Cola jar can be furnished in place of two
regular jars. This double capacity jar can be equipped with either two
syrup pumps or one syrup pump and one crushed fruit cover permitting ;

the filling of the jar without the removal of the pump.

In the cooler box are three crushed fruit ladles. These are
bowls and
placed between the storage compartment and the attemperating chamber.
In place of two of these crushed fruits a double capacity jar may be sup-
plied at no additional cost which can be used as a whip cream container.
A milkpump may be substituted for all three jars if desired. An addi-
tional charge is made if the milk pump is wanted.
The cooler box may also be equipped with six crushed fruit bowls over
the attemperating chamber in place of the corrugated drain cover which is

regularly supplied. If the crushed fruits are desired, there will be an

additional charge. All of ihese crushed fruit jars are equipped with black
insulating hinged covers in which are fitted porcelain name plates. Ladles
are supjilied for each jar.

:w OF THE rM\ i;rs.\i. miv WICOLl), SHOWING

Iiisiilatioii. — It IS not possible to build a perfectly insulated box. The
best that can bedone is to take every possible jirecaution against permitting
unnecessarv losses through fauU\ insulation or construction.


Pure cork board is the best insulator known, other than a perfect
vacuum and it is not possible to obtain a vacuum in building a fountain.
Therefore, the next best thing is used, pure cork board as shown in
Fig. 208.
A minimumthickness of three inches of cork is used in front, ends,
bottom, and top, and there are five inches in the back. This 3-inch mini-
mum of pure cork board is supplemented with additional ground cork,
which fills every inch of space in the interior of the box around the brine

Insulated Draft Ann. —This

another exclusive Liquid feature that

helps to produce the wonderful results certified to by Prof. Gebhardt of

The Armour Institute.
Metal is a thermal conductor, that is, it conducts heat just as a wire
conducts electricity. An uninsulated metal draft arm will pick up heat
from room temperature and raise the temperature of the water drawn
from the coolers.
The Liquid draft is made of stamped nickel silver, silver plated, and is

filled with cork, insulating the block tin tube which carries the water from
head of the draft arm.
the coolers to the
Aside from its actual value in conserving refrigeration, the draft is

worth while by reason of its attractive appearance.

The old stereotyped design is gotten away from and the new type
outfitadds materially to the appearance of the fountain.
There is also provided a perfectly sanitary channel for the flow of
soda water from where it leaves the coolers up to the time it is dispensed
into a glass for service to a customer.
Block tin is the only sanitary metal impervious to the chemical action
of soda water or carbonic gas.





Breaking Metal Co>ifacfs.—\leta\ is a thermal conductor, that is, it

conducts heat or cold. Fig. 209 shows how all metal contacts between
the top cappings nad the linings are broken.
If this was not done the heat from the room temperature would be
communicated to the metal capping and carried into the box through con-
tact with the metal linings. This would result in putting an unnecessary
load on the refrigerating unit, soft ice cream, and loss through shrinkage.
Completely Insulated Syrup Enclosure.— The illustration shows some
very radical changes in the construction of the Syrup Enclosure, all made
to conserve refrigeration.
The syrup jars are completely enclosed and the enclosure is insulated
with slabs of pure cork board at front, ends, top and back.
The front of the enclosure is faced with Bakelite panels, mahogany
color, which add to the appearance and afford additional insulation.
The bottom lining in the enclosure is contacted with the walls of the
brine tank. Metal is a thermal conductor, i.e., heat units flow through it

as does an electric current. The contact between the walls of the brine
tanks, with their zero temperature, and the tinned copper lining of the
syrup enclosure, serves to carry the cold to this enclosure.

^ x^


Metal contacts between the enclosure linings and the capping around
the top of the enclosure are broken by strips of non-conducting material,
so that this capping will not conduct heat into the enclosure. See also,
in description of Bakelite pump plate, the additional precaution exercised
at this point.



Covers for Junior Box. As there is but a single opening on the
Junior type Mechanicold, the full opening cover is supplied with dou-
ble point hinges.

These lids are made of 16-gauge nickel silver (weighing 2^/4 pounds
to the square foot). The linings, also of nickel silver, are formed so as to
fit inside the turned down edges of the top. This is known as telescoping
and the joint is flooded with solder, making what amounts to one piece
Between the top and lining is insulation of pure cork board.

The double point hinge permits of the full opening of the lid.

The around the opening in the capping which received the

raised edge
lid, is die stamped and will not break down. It prevents moisture on the

cover getting into the ice cream can.


By Dr. M. E. Penningtux.
Chief, Food Research Bureau of Chemistry,
United States Departnient of Agriculture.

The people of the United States are as dependent upon refrig-

erator cars for their food supply as are the people of England up-
on her ships. The English refrigerated food ship is the result of
a systematic evolution; the American refrigerator car, like Topsy,
has "just growed." The United States has now well over one
hundred thousand refrigerator cars belonging to railroads. It costs
at least $1,500.00 to build a refrigerator car, and most of them are
in need of rebuilding after five years of service. With such an in-
vestment and cost of maintenance, and with the responsibility of
transporting fresh food to the people, we may well inquire into
the efficiency of the car for the work it is performing, and into the
expense involved.
The United States Department of Agriculture, through the Bur-
eaus of Plant Industry and Chemistry, has for some years been
studying the temperatures required to preserve perishable produce
in transit. The Department has obtained definite information on
fruits, vegetables, dressed poultry and eggs. It is now determining

the most efficient and economical means of transporting these per-

ishables. The problem is of great importance to the shippers, to
the railroads, and to the consumer as well.
The efficiency of the refrigerator car depends upon such factors
as the quantity and kind of insulation, the type and the capacity
of the ice bunkers, the size of the car, the temperature of the en-
tering load, the manner of stowing the packages, the circulation of
cold air from the ice bunkers, and the freedom of the insulating ma-
terial from moisture. The economy of operation depends on such
factors as the weight of the car in relation to the weight of the
load, the amount of ice required to cool the product in transit or
to maintain the initial temperatures of the precooled load, and the
length of life of the car. All these, and other questions are the

'Address before the Chicago Traffic Chib, October 5th, 1916. Reprint from the
Waybill. October, 1916. N'olume No. 7.

subject of investigation in the Department of Agriculture in con-
nection with the study of the preservation of the good condition
of perishables vi^hile in transit.
Apparatus and methods of investigation had to be developed
to obtain the necessary data. Gradually there has been evolved an
arrangement of electrical thermometers which can be installed not
only in appropriate locations in the car, but within the packages,
and even inside an orange, peach, chicken or fish. The wires from
these thermometers run out between the packings of the door,
and the terminals are permanently or temporarily attached to the
indicators installed in an accompanying caboose.

Fundamental Facts Established.

To complete this investigation will require years of detailed
study. Certain fundamental facts, however, have been established
and are outlined in this paper. For example, the distribution of
the cold air from the ice bunker throughout the car is vital to the
preservation of the lading. The circulation of the air is produced
and maintained by the difference in weight of warm and cold air.
The actual difTerence between the weight of a cubic foot of air at
65° F. (1.18 oz.) and 32° F. (1.27 oz.) is only 0.09 ozs. Experi-
ments with stationary precooling plants, cooled by ice or by ice
and salt, have shown that the best and most economical results
are obtained by hanging a basket of suitable ice capacity close to,
but actually free from the walls of the room, and closing off the
basket by an insulated bulkhead open about twelve inches, both at
the top and bottom, to permit entrance and exit of air. In this
way a large surface of ice is exposed to air contact and the air is
compelled to travel over the entire column of ice before it escapes.
The insulated bulkhead prevents the absorption of heat from the
commodity and from the car, varying in quantity according to the
distance from the ice. The bulkhead also facilitates a steady ascent
and progression of the warm air in the car toward the top of the
bunker. To further facilitate the distribution of cold air throughout
the space, floor racks four inches high have been installed.
Now let us see what practical results such a combination pro-
duces when applied to a refrigerator car which is, in other respects,
of the usual type. Chart I* shows the average temperature in
three cars of oranges in the same train in transit between Los An-
geles and New York, each car containing 462 boxes of fruit. Car
"A" had the box bunker and open or slatted bulkhead so commonly
seen in present day refrigerators. The lading was placed directly on
the floor. Car "B" had a basket bunker, insulated solid bulkhead,
and a rack four inches off floor. Car "C" was of the same con-
struction as car "B" but the ice was mixed with nine per cent salt

•The study of fruits and vegetables is being conducted by the Bureau of Plant
Industry, under the supervision of Mr. H. J. Ramsey. I am indebted to him for the
data on oranges and also such other facts concerning the transportation of fruits
and vegetables as are brought out in this paper.


the first day and five per cent of the added ice on the second. The
temperature of the load in the car "A" averaged 54.4° F. The tem-
in the car "B" averaged 49.5° F., while car "C," in
perature of the load
which had been added to the ice, not only cooled the oranges
more quickly but reduced the average temperature of the load to
45.5° F., a gain of 9°F. as compared with car "A." The amount of
ice placed in the bunkers in car "A," including that remaining in
them at destination, was approximately 23,200 pounds. In car "B"
the ice amounted to 18,675 pounds, a saving of more than two tons.
Car "C," which had been salted, had 22,750 pounds of ice, still a
little less than car "A."
The obtained with car "C" open up great possibilities
in the better distribution of such extremely perishable products as
strawberries, raspberries and cherries, widely produced under con-
ditions which generally preclude proper precooling before loading
into the car. The insulated bulkhead prevented the frosting of the


lading next to the bunker, and the floor rack provided a quick run-
way for the very cold air, which soon lost its temperature of 20° F.,
or even less, by the absorption of the heat of the lading and of the

Such results with the basket bunker, insulated bulkhead and floor
rack, combined, naturally raise the question of the relative value of
each of the three factors in producing and maintaining circulation,
and gaining the available refrigeration from the ice. Experimentation
shows that a rack on the floor of the car hastens the cooling of the
load, and affords very decided protection to the lower layer of goods
against both frost and heat. The floor rack, alone, however, is far
less efficient than the combination of the basket bunker and insulated
bulkhead with the floor rack. The addition of insulation to bulkhead
increases circulation and the lading is more rapidly and completely
cooled than when the bulkhead is either not insulated or is open.
For example. Chart II shows two cars of similar size and construc-
tion, one of which was provided with a floor rack and an insulated
bulkhead, the other as commonly used. Both were loaded with eggs.
The car with the insulated bulkhead and the floor rack reduced the
average temperature of the load 17° F. in sixty-four hours. The load
in the ordinary car showed a reduction of 7.5° F. during the same
period. The average temperature of the car with the insulated bulk-
head and the floor racks was 5.5° F. lower than the ordinary car.
That it is not advisable to cease improvements with the floor rack
and the insulated bulkhead is indicated by experiments which show
that quick cooling by ice and salt safely performed with basket in-
sulated bulkhead and floor rack is not possible without it. The
pocketed cold air at the box bunker, which is always observed with
bunkers of the box type, causes frosting of the goods against the
bulkhead even when that is insulated.
The failure of refrigerator cars to maintain even temperatures
throughout the load has been a serious menace to extremely perish-
able products. In order to produce temperatures at the top of the

load between the doors commonly the warmest place in the car
low enough to carry dressed poultry safely, it has been necessary to
freeze the birds at the bunker. While freezing in transit does not
injure the food value of dressed poultry, does lower its money

value at certain seasons or in some markets. Better air circulation

tends to equalize temperatures, as shown in Chart III. In the car
with the box bunkers and open bulkhead (car B), where the load
was placed on floor strips, the package at the bunker on the floor
froze solidly (23° F.) during a four-day haul, although the package
on the top of the four foot load was 35.4° F. A similar car (car A),
except that it had a basket bunker with insulated bulkliead and a
floor rack, maintained an average tcm])eraturc of 29.3° F. at the
bunker and 34.1° F. in the package on the top of the load between
the doors. In the one case, the average difference between the
warmest and the coldest points in the car was 12.3° F., in the other
4.8° F.
The reduction of the temperature on top layers can be increased
by better and more judiciously applied insulation, especially in the
roof of the car. Most of the cars in service have the same amount of
insulation throughout, regardless of the additional strain on the roof
during the heat of summer, and on the floor when frost protection'
is necessary.Experiments are now under way to determine just
how much it is advisable to have in
insulation roof and floors as
well as in the body of the car. At present the work indicates that
there is scarcely a refrigerator in the country which is sufficiently
well insulated to be an economical as well as a safe carrier of perish-
ables. A large proportion of the refrigerator cars now in service have
one inch of insulating material over the entire car. Some have two
inches throughout, and a few, comparatively, have had special care
bestowed on the insulation of the roof and the floor. The lack of
sufficient insulation, especially on the roof of the car, has been
responsible for the fact that the top layers of such fruits as peaches,
strawberries and cherries are so different in quality from the rest of
the carload that they must be sold as separate lots. The higher
temperature of the upper half of the car has led the shippers to urge
longer cars, that they might extend rather than heighten the stacks
of packages. As a result of this, and also in line with a general
increasing of capacity of all cars, the refrigerator has been lengthened
regardless of the fact that heat transmission increases directly as
the number of square feet of surface enclosing the car space. For
example, a car whose roof, walls and ends aggregate 1170 square
feet and which is 33 feet between linings, has the same amount of
temperature protection with two inches of insulation as a car with
2.5 inches of insulation whose surfaces aggregate 1407.5 square feet,
and whose length between lining is 40 feet 6 inches.
To determine the economical size of a refrigerator car in rela-
tion to the height of the lading, the consumption of ice, the total
weight of the car and its initial cost, isan economic problem of im-
portance. Studies to obtain such information are now in progress.
The most obvious results due to increased insulation are, first

better protection to the lading against both heat and cold, and
second, a saving in the use of ice. The modern trend in the han-
dling of perishables is to include precooling as a preparation for
shipment, and it is a highly desirable practice from all viewpoints.
When the goods enter the car at a temperature conducive to
preservation, it the business of the car to maintain that tempera-

ture. The goods need no further refrigeration, and the ice in the
bunkers is required only to overcome the heat leakage through the
walls. The difference in performance of a car with one inch of insu-
lation as compared with a similar car, except that the latter was pro-
vided with two inches, is shown in Charts IV and V. Both cars were
loaded with eggs and closed without patting any ice in the bunkers.


The weather at the loading point was cool enough to ensure a cool
car. —
The possible dangers against which the insulation was to
protect — lay
ahead. Chart IV, showing the performance of the car
with one inch of insulation, indicates very plainly that it could not
protect the eggs. Chart V, on the other hand, shows that two inches
of insulation, even with higher atmospheric temperatures, delivered
the eggs at destination at practically thesame temperature as they
entered the car, and the maximum variation was but four degrees.

The one inch car needed 10,000 pounds of ice the two inch car
needed none. Is it any wonder that wide-awake shippers are picking
out their refrigerator cars more and more carefully?
Experimentation indicates that marked economies can be effected


That precooling of the lading means fewer icings in transit is

a matter of common knowledge. That hard freezing of the goods,
whereby they not only do not require additional chilling in transit,
but actually furnish refrigeration to the car, is not so commonly
recognized. Chart VI shows the temperatures in transit of 20,000
pounds of poultry which went into the car at 0° F. The railroad
icing record shows that 4,700 pounds of ice was added during the
eight-day haul, and 470 pounds of salt. Other experiments, under
comparable conditions, show that nearly 5,000 pounds of ice is used
by cars carrying 20,000 pounds of poultry chilled to 30-32" F. during
a four-day haul, or approximately twice as much.
The temperature records show that the poultry grew gradually
warmer, fasteron the top and bottom of the load, where the heat
leakage from the roof and floor was most pronounced, and most
slowlv in the center of the load, where the packages protected one

another. The chart also shows

amount of salt added during
that the
transit is maintain the temperature produced on the
insufficient to
initial salting, when the
full ten per cent of the weight of the ice

was present. It must be remembered that the salt bores through the
ice and escapes as brine more rapidly than the bulk of the ice melts,
hence it is in constantly decreasing proportion. Icing and salting
rules take no account of the fact. It is quite obvious that different
rules must be formulated if efficiency is to be secured.
This problem, like all the other problems confronting the shipper
and the carrier who are engaged in getting perishables to market in
good condition, can be solved only on the basis of exact knowledge.
That knowledge the United States Department of Agriculture, in co-
operation with the shippers and the railroads, is now endeavoring to
acquire and to pass on to all whom it may benefit.


By Dr. M. E. Pennington.
Chief, Food Research Laboratory, United States Department of Agriculture,
Bureau of Chemistry, Philadelphia, Pa.

Mr. Herman (Terminal R. R. Ass'n, St. Louis): Mr.

J. Pfeifer
President, ladies and gentlemen: At our last meeting, Mr. Aishton,
President of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, made the remark
that on the advice of Dr. Pennington, his road appropriated the sum
of $200,000 for improvements in the matter of refrigerator cars in a
shorter time than an equal sum of money had ever been appropriated
by that railroad.
The question of food conservation is intimately connected with
itstransportation, and a great deal of our food being of a perishable
nature, which must be transported in refrigerator cars, makes the
consideration of this subject a very vital one at this time. The sub-
ject, therefore,about which Dr. Pennington is to speak, namely, the
ability of refrigerator cars to transport perishable products safely,
is one of vital interest, under present conditions.
Dr. Pennington is recognized throughout the country as an
authority on food conservation and preservation, and it now gives
me great pleasure to introduce to you Dr. M. E. Pennington, Chief
of the Food Research Laboratory of the United States Department
of Agriculture. (Applause.)

•Reprint from the Official Proceedings, St. Louis Railway Club, October 12th,
1917, Vol. 22, No. 6. Address delivered before the St. Louis Railway Club,
October 12th, 1917.
Mr. President, Members and Guests of the St. Louis Raihvay Club:
It is with a great deal of embarrassment that I undertake to
address you railroad men upon a subject dealing with facts with
which so many of you are already well acquainted.




>i imuLATION



The responsibility of appearing before you is great, dealing, as I

shall, with matters which are of daily occurrence in your own line
of business, and inasmuch as I here, talking to you in your own
bailiwick, the only excuse can plead is that we are at war,
that I
that we need food, and that food must be saved. Anything that we
can do to save the chicken, the tg%, the fish, no matter to how small
an extent, we must do, as a part of the work that we all have in
hand, to the end that we may win this war.


If I can do just a very little bit by placing before you some of

the results of the investigations of the Department of Agriculture in
the matter of saving foodstuffs, I will be more than glad, and I
know that you, as patriotic American citizens, will rejoice, also.

TrP€ i

the elimination of food waste and spoilage has become a world
question of vital interest.
The question of transportation has also become of overwhelming
importance. Our railroads are taxed to their utmost, and, as in the
food question, the future seems to hold problems even harder to
solve than those now at hand. Every rail, locomotive and car must
be utilized for maximum service. The refrigerator car, especially,

becomes an object of renewed because upon it depends


very largely our ability to render available the crops produced and
food animals raised. It must carry a full load, yet we must not, in
our zeal to transport perishables, permit any spoilage or damage in
transit that can possibly be avoided.
The investigation of the transportation of perishables which is
now under way in the United States Department of Agriculture has
shown that the refrigerator equipment on the various lines differs
widely in ability to protect against heat and cold. This variation
depends to a certain extent upon the size and character of the load
as well as upon the construction of the car. It is my purpose to

discuss with you some of the results of these investigations, com-

paring the performance of cars of varying types when loaded with
varying quantities of the commodity to be transported. First, how-
ever, let me very briefly outline the major dififerences in the con-
struction of the cars used in these experiments. In the general pur-

pose refrigerator car we find two types of bunker one known as the
"box bunker," illustrated in Fig. I, in whhich the ice rests directly

against the end and sides of the car and the other, known as the
"basket bunker" in which the ice is held in a wire container two
inches away from walls and bulkhead (see Fig. II). The box bunker
usually has an open bulkhead of wood or metal. Sometimes we find
a solid wooden partition open at top and bottom. The basket
bunker commonly has a solid, wooden bulkhead, open twelve inches
at the bottom and fourteen inches at the top, and in the new cars
this bulkhead is insulated with one inch of a recognized insulator.
The new cars, also, have a rack, on the floor, four inches in the clear,
made of 2x4 runners and 1x3 cross slats, lJ/2 inches apart. These
racks are fastened to the sides of the car with hinged bolts. They
are divided in the middle so that they can be turned up against the
walls when the car is cleaned. They are absolutely necessary for
the safe carrying of perishable loads. Most of the cars now on the
lines are without racks. Some have permanent strips on the floors
one or one and one-half inches in height. These strips are practically
valueless. The insulation varies from a few layers of paper to three
inches of some recognized insulator.
In some cars the layers of

insulation are broken by spaces in others the insulation is massed.
The cars in the experiments were from approximately twenty-nine
feet between bulkheads to approximately thirty-three feet.
The majority of the experiments used as illustrations are taken
from the investigations on the transportation of eggs, because that

TenPef>AT</n£ m.TtfANSIT ej(P£/ilMCfiT-5334(SuMMARY)


Floha.Ill. TO New Yodfr.HY '




field of work under my charge. Whenever the shipment of fruits


or vegetables used to emphasize a fundamental, the facts have


been furnished me by Mr. H. J. Ramsey, of the Bureau of Plant

Industry, under whose direction all such commodities are being in-
vestigated. Of course, all temperatures were taken by means of
electrical thermometers inserted when the cars were loaded, and
the mechanism was such that neither the doors nor the hatches were
opened to take records nor was the car modified in any way.
Now let me proceed to the work done by such classes of cars
as above indicated.
The car factors which determine the size of the load which can
be safely carried are insulation, bunkers and floor racks. Each exer-

in the roof, two inches in side walls and ends and two inches of
cork in the floor. Car C had one and one-half inches in the walls
and two inches in the roof and floor. Each was loaded with six
hundred cases of eggs consolidated from pickup cars, and each re-


ceived the same amount of ice accurately weighed into the bunkers.
About twelve thermometers were put into each car. For our pur-
poses the temperatures in the cases of eggs on the bottom and top
of the load are especially significant, and indicate very plainly the
amount of work which the car can do. For example, the temperature


of the eggs on the floor of car B, between the doors, was 66.5° F.
on arrival; car C, in the same location, was 45.5° F. and car A,
44.5° F. The packages between the doors on the top of the load
in this case five layers high —
showed for car B, 64°, for car C, 56.5°,
and for car A, 55.5° F.
The behavior of the packages on the floor of car B between the
doors is especially noteworthy. They were continuously higher in
temperature than the packages on the top of the load, a condition

T£:MPCRATuKt w Transit- Cantaloupes


insulation in cars A
and B is unusually heavy, in fact, more than
twice as much most of the refrigerator cars now in service,
as in
yet, because of the construction of the bunkers in car B and the
absence of a rack on the floor, there was practically no refrigeration
except near the bulkheads.
Manifestly, car B is not a satisfactory carrier for a heavy load
of eggs. Car A, on the other hand, has done its work well, and at
first sight car C, having less insulation, appears to be efficient for a


AvCRAOC Fm/iT TrnPtr/TATi/urs in Toe i.Arrf c/- Each Cap
It may be said that in the experiment cited, car B, having the
box bunker and open bulkhead, was unfairly treated in that the
temperature of the entering load was distinctly higher. The facts
illustrated in Chart IX tend to nullify the significance of such an
argument. In this experiment, the cars had two inches of insula-

c ITART Xll.

tion throughout, but car A was of the box bunker type, while car B
had a basket bunker and its adjuncts. Here the eggs entering car A
were cooled to between 50 and 60° F., while those in car B ranged
between 55 and 65° F. However, car A could not even maintain the
initial temperature. At destination the packages in the middle of the
car on the floor were nearly 5° warmer than when they entered the car and

those in the top layer were over 2° higher. Car B, on the contrary,
brought in the load from 6 to 14° lower than car A. These two cars
were loaded with 600 cases of eggs and, so long as the atmospheric
temperatures were above 80° F., refrigeration was of doubtful efifi-
ciency. The third and fourth days of the trip were unseasonably
cool and also rainy, which compensated for the lack of insulation in
the roof and permitted the load in the car B to drop below 55° F.
before the end of the fourth day.
The performance of a poorly built car, said to contain an inch
and a half of insulation throughout, as compared with a well built
car known to have one and a half inches of insulation, is well illus-
trated in Charts X and XI, where cantaloupes were hauled for
eleven days across a hot territory. The top layer in car A, loaded
six wide and four high at the bunkers, was in such bad condition on
arrival that claims were filed for damage in transit. Car B, on the
other hand, was in good condition, although the load was seven cases
wide and four cases high. In car A the combination of a lack of
cold air circulation and of insulation proved disastrous, even though
the load was light and open in character, and much easier to refrig-
erate than a load of eggs. In fact, we know that eggs can not be
safely loaded more than three layers high in summer weather in
cars having one inch of insulation. Cars having one and one-half
inches of insulation, if provided with a basket bunker and a floor
rack, can carry four layers. To load five high, we must have three
inches in the roof and two inches in the walls, ends and floors, and
good air circulation. Beyond five layers of egg cases we have not
succeeded in getting good refrigeration.
This is illustrated in Chart XII, showing top and bottom layer
temperatures in two cars stowed six layers high, making 700 cases
to the load. Car A is of the same type as was used in Chart VII, where
with 600 cases it did good work. With 700 cases there was practi-
cally no refrigeration except in the bottom layer. The companion
car, B, with the same insulation but having a box bunker, did not
even refrigerate the lower layers. The packages on the floor, middle
of the car, were often warmer than the top of the load, which was
only 12 inches from the ceiling. It varied more than 5° with the
daily rise and fall of the atmosphere and arrived at destination
showing an increase of 7.5°.
Encouragingly good results have been obtained in refrigerating
heavy loads of fruit in the basket bunker cars by adding salt to the
ice in the bunkers. On a long haul across a hot territory salt has
been added to the ice at the first three icing stations. By that time
(the third day) the load was cooled and very frequently no more ice
was needed, even though the haul continued for five to eight days.
The air issuing from the bunkers is far below 32° F., but the circula-
tion is so rapid that there is no pocketing at the bulkhead. The in-
sulated bulkhead also protects the load so that frosting does not
occur. Salting ice in a box bunker, open bulkhead, merely freezes the
load next to the bulkhead. The packages in the middle of the car
are not benefited because of a lack of air circulation.
We have used salt to assist in refrigerating heavy loads of eggs
and with some success, but we have not succeeded in refrigerating


700 cases in a car 33 feet between bulkheads. The records of car A,

in Chart XII, bring out this fact. Three per cent of salt was added
after the load had been placed in this car and salt was again put into
the bunkers at three icing stations. While the car was not able to
handle so heavy a load during the very hot weather prevailing, it
nevertheless did rather remarkable work and furnished valuable in-
formation on which to develop a more economical and efficient icing


system. Car A, which brought the sixth layer of eggs from 85°
down to 66.5° F., used 12,660 pounds of ice and 540 pounds of salt;
car B, which did not refrigerate either the top or bottom of the
middle part of the load, used 19,755 pounds of ice.
A great many experiments have been made with fruits and eggs,


all which confirm the foregoing; namely, that a suitable use of

salt saves ice on a long haul and greatly increases the efficiency of
the work done on both short and long hauls.
The experiment recorded in Chart XIII adds still further to our
knowledge of car construction and car performance when salt is used
with the ice. In this case we hadshort cars, so that by comparison
the two inches of insulation became nearly 2.5 inches, and the air
circulationwas more rapid because of lessened distance. Car B was
of the usual box type; car A had a box bunker with an insulated
bulkhead and a floor rack; car C was of the standard basket type.
Cars A and C received salt on the initial icing. They were neither
iced nor salted in transit on an 88-hour haul. Car B was iced once.
All contained from 400 to 500 cases of eggs. The three lower layers
were seven cases wide, spaced for air circulation, and the upper
layers were eight cases across. The average of all the thermometers
in the packages in various parts of car B showed that it was far
above cars A and C until the last day of the trip. An analysis of
temperatures in shows, further, that the floor of
different locations
carB paralleled the top layer of car C. Car C did much the best
work of the three. Car A, having the rack and the insulated bulk-
head, but not the basket bunker, did not succeed in maintaining a
sufficiently rapid air circulation to cool the top layer more than 5°.
The packages on the floor, on the contrary, were exaggeratedly
chilled because of the pocketing of the cold air. The conclusion
follows that even with an openly stowed load, the car must be pro-
vided with a basket bunker, an insulated bulkhead, a floor rack and
ample insulation, if our present loads are to be materially increased
with safety to the commodity.
Car C (Chart XIV) of the foregoing experiment, was again
used with a load of about 600 cases, stowed eight across. The ice
was salted at the start and 40 pounds was added on the second day.
Thermometers in the first, fourth, fifth and sixth layer packages give
an instructive picture of the rise in temperature with the height of
the load. Without salt, the fourth layer would be the stopping
point. The fifth layer cases around the walls of the car would
suffer if the weather were hot, if salt were not used. With the salt,
as this experiment shows, we can load five high with impunity, but
not six, because of damage to wall cases. A study of the chart shows
that the 40 pounds added at the first icing station was
of salt
enough to cause a temperature in all except the sixth layer
drop in
wall packages. Had another charge of 40 pounds been added the
next day, the rise shown in the lower layers would have been avoided
and the fourth and fifth layers would have continued to cool instead
of remaining practically stationary.
The convinced us that in the future ice and
investigation has
salt be used for more commodities than fresh meats, poultry
and fish. Indeed, it is the only way that we now see by which very
perishable small fruits can be transported in good condition through-
out the entire car. Of course, a definite routine for its application
must be worked out. The experiments for the summer just ending
much information. We hope that by
have yielded the end of another
summer we can bring you specific instructions for a number of

Such instructions must, however, be based on the type of car

used. Far too many cars now on our lines would be useless no
matter what treatment they received. For example, we still have


cars with one-half inch ofsome insulator posing as refrigerators, and

we have cars, the walls of which contain only paper and air

spaces. Considering the relation of foodstuffs to the winning of this

war, I cannot look upon the use of such cars to transport perish-
ables as anything short of a wasteful practice and should be dis-
Chart XV. One of the cars represented is of the paper
Look at


variety, the other well insulated. There is a variation of more than

15° between the two cars. The floor of the one is often six or more
degrees warmer than the ceiling of the other. The paper car follows
the atmospheric temperature and the refrigerant in the bunkers is
almost powerless. Yet again and again this summer, eggs, fruit.

vegetables and dressed poultry have been shipped in these cars and
sometimes they have been loaded ahnost to their cubical capacity!
relative value of the air space and paper as an insulator
may be further emphasized by comparing a car built with what is
termed, especially in the south, "a double-felt-lined" car. Such a
car is considered to be a greater protection than a box car but in
no wise is it a refrigerator. Indeed, it is not provided with ice
bunkers. Chart XVI shows how the temperatures on the ceiling of
such a car follow the atmosphere. Compare its performance with that
of the paper car on the same chart, and I think you will agree with
me that there is a decided similarity between the two.

Summing upthe results of such experiments as these we are led
to the following conclusions:

1. A combination of basket bunker,

insulated bulkhead and
floor rack, produces a circulation of air which is not obtained in a
car having a box bunker, open bulkhead and bare floor or permanent

2. Such a basket bunker

car, approximately 33 feet between
bulkheads, can refrigerate the top and bottom of the load in the
two middle quarters of the car, provided it is sufficiently well insu-
lated and not overloaded.
3. Cars which depend for insulation on paper and air spaces
should not be used for the transportation of such perishables as
fruit, delicate vegetables, poultry, eggs and fish.

4. Cars having one inch of insulation will not carry eggs suc-
cessfully during hot weather when loaded more than three layers
Cars having one and one-half inches of insulation in the side
walls and two inches in the roof and floor will not carry eggs suc-
cessfully during hot weather when loaded more than four layers
Cars having three inches of insulation in the roof, two in the
side walls and ends, and two inches of cork in the floor will carry
• eggs five cases high, but not six.

The box bunker car, regardless of quantity of insulation, does

not refrigerate the two middle quarters of the load when it is tightly
stowed. Even with an open load the performance is unsatisfactory.

5. the ice in a well insulated basket bunker

The use of salt with
car will permit an increase in the load of from 25 to 40 per cent.
6. While each commodity must be studied separately in order
to determine the maximum load, the principles of the relation be-
tween car efficiency and tonnage of eggs as indicated in this dis-
cussion can be applied to perishables in general.
We work as I have outlined to
are continuing, of course, such
you this evening; be a long study before all of the many
it will
questions which have come to your minds, and which have come to
our minds, can be answered. It is only by co-operation of the rail-
roads and the shippers that we can come anywhere near solving the
many questions that we will have to answer. You railroad men
have abundantly furnished the co-operation, and we of the Depart-
ment of Agriculture feel ourselves very greatly your debtors.
If we can be of any further service to you, please call upon us.
We want to be of service, of course, that is what the money is ap-
propriated for, and that is what we are all working for.


By Dr. M. E. Pennington.
Chief, Food Research Laboratory, United States Department of Agriculture,
Bureau of Chemistry, Philadelphia, Pa.

A short time ago the Railroad Administration issued a circular

the opening paragraph of which reads as follows: "In order to in-

sure the greatest possible degree of efficiency in refrigeration and

conservation of food stuffs, refrigerator cars having trucks of 60,000
pounds capacity or over, will,when receiving general repairs or
being rebuilt, be made to conform to the following United States
Standard refrigerator car requirements." Then follow specific details
and references to blue prints for the construction of the car in
general, its insulation, its ice boxes and the many details which go
to make up a refrigerator car. Throughout one finds that the rail-
roads are instructed to build in conformity with the "United States
standard refrigerator car."
Knowing the difficulties which attach to obtaining agreement
among car builders, the desire of the financiers of the railroads to
minimize the outlay for equipment and the great variety of perish-
ables to be transported, one may well ask how such an order has
come about, and upon what it is based.
Considering the fact that we have in this country more than one
hundred thousand refrigerator cars, and that ultimately all will
probably conform to the essentials just laid down by the Railroad
Administration, it may not be amiss to review the circumstances
which have led to the issuance of "Mechanical Department Circular
No. 7."
In the latter part of the '90's and early lOO's the difficulties in

Reprint from the American Society of Refrigerating Engineers Journal, July,

1919, Vol. 6, No. 1, presented at •the fourteenth annual meeting. New York, Dec,
2nd. 3nd and 4th, 1918.

the distribution of our perishables attracted an increasing amount of

attention because the length of the hauls increased as more distant
markets demanded supplies, and the losses from decay in transit
kept pace with the distance traveled. Some of the shippers applied
to the United States Department of Agriculture for assistance, among
them the Georgia peach growers. These growers were in trouble;
they could not successfully ship their product to northern markets
because of the losses from decay. So in 1903 Mr. G. Harold Powell
and his associates undertook to investigate the matter. They studied
the effect on ripening of cooling the fruit quickly after picking and
before loading in the car as well as the development of decay in
transit. Precooling, however, was not a reliable remedy because the
insulation of the refrigerator car of the south was, and is, insufficient
to retain the chill imparted to the fruit and the air circulation in the
cars was, and is, inadequate to transfer the refrigeration from the ice
bunkers to the center and top of the load. This is a handicap which
limits the distribution of the Georgia peach crop and from which the
industry has never been able to escape. So universal is the failure
of the cars to refrigerate the top layers and the middle of the car,
that receivers expect to market the load as at least two grades,
though the pack may have been uniform when shipped. To anticipate
the story somewhat, I may say here that when carloads of peaches
in adequate refrigerator cars came into the market during the sum-
mer of 1918, with top, bottom, middle and ends all in like condition,
the astonishment of the trade was interesting to contemplate. The
higher prices to the shippers, likewise, were gratifying in the ex-
treme, and the railroads had no claims to pay.
From Georgia peaches the investigators were called to California
oranges. The industry was severely handicapped because of decay
in transit. Again the inadequacies of the refrigerator cars were
apparent. The investigations of the temperature in cars in transcon-
tinental trips brought out the differences in the different parts of the
car and their relation to the excessive decay in the middle of the
load and its upper portion. With oranges which ripen slowly after
picking, careful handling in orchard and packing house to eliminate
decay could go much farther toward ensuring preservation than with
quick ripening peaches. It is interesting to observe, too, the im-
provements in insulation and general construction undergone by the
far western refrigerator cars, in response to the definite information
furnished and the demands of the great western fruit business. How-
ever, these improvements were practically all based on the require-
ments of citrus fruits, which are, as we now know, extremely easy
to refrigerate if they are well picked, graded and packed. The needs
of deciduous fruits, poultry, eggs, butter, fish and delicate vegetables
were still little known and uncared for.
In 1908 the Food Research Laboratory, which had been studying
the effect of long cold storage on poultry, extended the work to the
handling of the fresh goods in the packing houses and in transit.
Our object was to prevent deterioration, and to that end the best
packing house methods available were sought. However, we soon
found that standardized methods at the packing house did not give
standardized results at the market; in other words the refrigerator
cars were a variable factor. This was proven, not only by the
chemical and bacteriological analysis of the poultry, but by the tem-
perature records on the thermographs placed in various parts of the
load. Again we found the packages on the top of the load and those
in the middle of the car more or less injured by lack of refrigeration.
Indeed, it was not and is not uncommon to find chickens on the
floor at the bunker hard frozen, those quarterway of the car in a
good chilled condition, and between the doors green struck, and this
in spite of the fact that the condition of the packages was practcially
uniform when they were loaded.
After several years of such work, during which shipments had
been made from various poultry packing houses in the corn belt
both west and east of the Mississippi to eastern markets and a num-
ber of car lines had been used, a tabulation of the data showed,
among other things that deterioration in transit was increased when
the cars of certain lines were used.
Then began the study of the construction of these cars, using
the blue prints showing the plans on which the cars were built, and as a re-
sultant further confirmation of the close relation between the condition of
the goods on arrival and the quantity and placing of the insulation
and the type of ice bunker. In 1913 the results were published as
Bulletin No. 17 of the United States Department of Agriculture. The
conclusions presented in that bulletin outline fairly well the lines of
work since followed by the investigators and which have led to the
information on which the construction of the standard refrigerator
car is based. The concluding paragraph of the bulletin says, "It is
eminently necessary that such questions as the most efificient and
economic size of the refrigerated car, the exact amount of insulation
required to insure the maintenance of low temperatures, or, con-
versely, to protect the contents of the car against frost, the equaliza-
tion of temperatures in all parts of the car, .and many others, be
pressed for more exact and far reaching answers." The bulletin
points out the importance of roof and floor construction in relation
to insulation efficiency, especially the waterproofing of the floor. It
also calls attention to the efficiency of the wire basket bunker which
permits of abundant air access to the refrigerant.
Throughout the period between 1908 and 1913 the investigators
of the transportation of dressed poultry and eggs were in constant
touch with the men of the Bureau of Plant Industry who were per-
forming a like service for fruits and vegetables. Their field of
operations had rapidly widened and data was being assembled on
apples, pears, berries, cantaloupes, lettuce, celery and many other products.
It is needless to state that the defects found in the cars hauling plant
products were identical with those hauling animal products. It


was obvious, too, that no amount of work to teach better field,

orchard and packing house methods would have the desired result

namely, freedom from decay at the market until the construction
of the refrigerator cars was suited to the work which they were ex-
pected to perform. To determine in detail what that construction
must be, opened a new phase of the problem.
In the first place the thermograph was relegated to the garret.
It was no longer sufficiently exact for our purposes nor could its

information be made sufficiently specific. We substituted the resis-

tance thermometer, so constructed that it might be plunged into the
orange, chicken or fish, as well as hung in the air of the car or placed
firmly against the car body. These thermometers were sensitive to
a tenth of a degree Fahrenheit. They were attached to long wires
which were passed between the packing of the door and the jamb
without admitting air and were collected into cables with terminals
on top of the car, or which extended from car to car and so into a
caboose, or living car, where all the thermometers in the cars under
observation might be read by plugging into a switch board attached
to an indicator. In this manner the environment of all cars was
kept the same and, if the variables in each car were reduced to one,
a direct comparison of the temperatures observed furnished valuable
The number of cars under observation in the same train, loaded
with the same commodity, has varied from two to fourteen. The
hauls have been from one hundred to three thousand miles, during
which the cars were not opened. Readings of the thermometers were
made, on the average, once every four hours. The ice and salt
which went into the bunkers were weighed by the investigators and
in some experiments the water issuing was measured. When salt
was used with the ice, the specific gravity of the issuing brine was
taken at frequent intervals.
Gradually a uniform plan was developed for the placing of the
thermometers in the commodity and in the car, as key positions were
located. Ordinarily twelve thermometers are used in each car, dis-
tributed as follows:

( 1) On the floor, midway between the doors, middle of car.

( 2) On the ceiling midway between the doors, middle of car.
( 3) On the wall, quarter way of car, door height.
( 4) In air, bottom bulkhead opening, midway between walls.
( 5) In air, floor, midway between doors, middle of car.
( 6) In air, ceiling, midway between doors, middle of car.
( 7) In package, bottom layer, first stack, middle row.
( 8) In package, top layer, quarter way stack, wall row.
( 9) In package, bottom layer, middle stack, middle row.
(10) In package, top layer, middle stack, middle row.
(11) In package, quarter way stack, middle layer, middle row.
(12) In package, top layer, first stack, middle row,
As air circulation is one of the most important items to be
studied, it was necessary to adopt uniformity in the placing of the
air thermometers. Results which are comparable and practical have
been obtained by mounting each air thermometer on a block of cork
board, two inches thick and long enough to extend well beyond the
ends of the instrument. These blocks of cork were fastened to the
floor and ceiling beside the thermometers which were intended pri-
marily to register the dififerences in heat leakage and which were
fastened down tightly by two staples. The thermometers in the
commodity were imbedded between four and five inches whenever
possible. Every effort was made by the cooperating shippers to
furnish comparable lading, and the placing of the loads was super-
vised by the investigators.
It must not be inferred that the railroads were either indifferent

or antagonistic toward this research work. On the contrary, they

had almost without exception cordially assisted the investigators.
As the facilities for the acquisition of information became more
exact, and as closer correlation between car building and temperature
was shown, it was evident that cars must be built with insulation and

bunkers of varied construction, and, so far as possible, the cars to

be compared must be duplicates except for the one variable on which
information was desired. This need was explained to certain co-
operating roads, and they were also given just as much information
concerning the performance of their own refrigerator cars as we
possessed. A number of them were willing to build a few experi-
mental cars, and a few practically put their shops at our disposal.
What was quite as advantageous to the work, was the better under-
standing on the part of the railroads of the aims of the Department
and the methods employed. These were personally explained to the
Vice Presidents of Traffic and Operation of practically every large
system in the country and in many cases to the Presidents as well.
Members of the Interstate Commerce Commission were also infor-
mally kept in touch with the progress of the work. The fact that
the study of commodities in transit had shown that the same kind
of car was necessary to carry fruits, vegetables, dairy freight and
fish, and that the building of specialized cars for certain products

was unnecessary, was, of course, greeted with approbation by every-

one interested in the economics of railroading.
One of the favorable happenings in the doing of this transporta-
tion work was the fact that the men engaged upon
it were also in

close touch or actually engaged upon cold storage investigations and

were familiar with many phases of the precooling and storage prob-
lems. In the course of the fruit and vegetable precooling work, the
investigators had observed the increase in efficiency when a slatted
rack, a few inches above the floor, was used. The addition of such a
rack to a refrigerator car seemed eminently desirable. Accordingly,
we asked the railroads to add them to certain cars for trial purposes.

The studies already reported in Bulletin No. 17 had shown the de-
sirability of the basket bunker. To this we asked the roads to add
an insulated, solid, bulkhead, open top and bottom for air inlet and
outlet. We had found such a bulkhead to be an essential in maintain-
ing air circulation in small, ice cooled chill rooms designed especially
for dressed poultry and eggs with bunkers of either the overhead or
the upright type, and had worked out the details of the construction
in such rooms. We also asked for cars containing varying amounts
of insulation and we suggested that it be installed with and without
air spaces.
By the early spring of 1916 we had ready quite a number of
experimental cars built by four roads in as many shops. The details
of construction varied widely. This we considered advisable because
we first had to establish the fundamentals of construction, such as
the type of bunker and the action of floor racks, regardless of the
sfze or particular desirability of the car itself. In every case the
principle of one variable, only, was maintained, hence the cars were
built and used in series. For example, in order to test the bunker,
of the basket type with solid insulated bulkhead, such a car had for
comparison another, built at the same time and identical in every
respect except that it was provided with a box bunker and an open
bulkhead. To reduce the information to still simpler terms, a third
car had a box bunker with an insulated bulkhead, and a fourth car
had a basket bunker with an uninsulated bulkhead. When this series
was loaded with the same commodity and run in the same train to
the same destination, with resistance thermometer equipment as pre-
viously described, variations in temperature could be referred with a
fair degree of certainty to the one variation in construction.

Asimilar series was used to determine the relative value of the

floor rack and also the details of its construction, such as height,
width of slats and width of space between the slats. The insulation
series contained cars having one, two and three inches, respectively,
of hair felt, flaxlinum and linofelt. In order to determine the points
of heavy strain on the insulation roofs, floors and walls were given
unequal amounts.
Of course, these experimental cars were not all built at once,
and, as we were in close co-operation with the shop superintendents,
the facts, as gleaned, were at once incorporated into the building.
To go into the details of the many experiments, with various
products, in various parts of the country and under varied weather
conditions, will be a lengthy task even for a government bulletin.
What concerns broad facts and the deductions which
us here are the
have been drawn from them, especially those concerning air circula-
tion and the amount and distribution of insulation. Let us begin
with air circulation.
It did not take long to decide that the basket bunker, insulated
bulkhead and a rack four inches ofif the floor, with lengthwise string-
ers and cross slats about three inches wide and about two inches-
apart, are essentials for the distribution of the refrigerated air. The
wire basket hanging free in the end of the car permits the warm air
entering at the top to flow without obstruction over the entire surface
of the ice and, as it cools, to fall to the floor. At the floor it is not
pocketed, but finds a ready exit under the rack, and so along the car
floor and up through the load, gathering heat as it goes and carrying
it to the upper bulkhead opening where again the ice has a chance to

absorb it.

If we
place thermometers in the air of the car to determine its
temperature at the lower bunker opening, again at the middle be-
tween the doors, then %t the ceiling midway of the car, then at the
ceiling quarter way, and finally about ten inches in front of the
upper bunker opening, we find a steady rise in temperature, the
upper bunker opening thermometer being the highest. Generally,
we find from two to four degrees difference between the air in the
upper, middle part of the car and that at the upper bunker opening.
If the thermometers are similarly placed in a car equipped with a
box bunker with open bulkhead and without the floor rack
the graduations of temperature in the upper part of the car are just
reversed. Here the temperature at the upper bunker opening is
ordinarily from two to four degrees lower than at the iniddle of car.
This observation has been made again and again and is further con-
firmed by the performance of a box bunker combined with solid
bulkhead and a floor rack, with which there is good cooling in the
top of the load at the bunkers, but unsatisfactory results in the
upper, middle parts of the load. In other words, we have only a
partial air circulation. Even more striking are the results obtained
when salt is added to the ice in the basket bunker combined with the
insulated bulkhead, and floor rack, or the "standard type" bunker, as
it is now termed. So rapid is the removal of the very cold air from
the bottom of the bunker that fruit and eggs may be rapidly cooled
throughout the car without frosting the packages at the bulkhead.
Of course, the bulkhead, insulated with one or two inches of a
standard insulator, is an essential if the packages against it are to
be protected from the frigid air close to the ice and salt; but, that
this protection is not due entirely to the bulkhead, is proved by the
pocketing of the cold at the bottom of the bunker when the box
bunker with an insulated bulkhead is salted. Then the packages at
the bottom of the load, next to the bunker, are frosted. In other
words, there is no force to the air movement and it cannot be dis-
tributed with sufficient rapidity to prevent the intensive chilling of
itself. With the standard bunker and floor rack and a lading such as
cantaloupes or oranges, as much as 9 per cent of salt may be safely
used in the initial icing, and the same percentage, or a little less, may
be used on the two successive days, by which time the load is cooled
throughout. It is unnecessary to point out the great advantages
accruing to the transportation of such perishables as berries, peaches

and cherries bj' this ability to coolthem rapidly while rolling. It is

also of benefit to eggs, which because of the character of the com-
mercial package and the tight load are exceedingly slow to cool in
the ordinary car. Indeed, the top and middle of the load is but
little affected by the refrigerant.

The question of insulation has been more complex. We

not only a compound wall, but one which is continually in vibration
and which is moving constantly. To this constant movement of the
insulator must be added the difficulties of making it continuous be-
cause of the framing of the car and the habitual use of tie rods and
bolts which oflfer runaways for heat. The sills as usually placed in
the floor, the belt rails and the carlines were very real obstacles to
the efficient placing of the insulation. The thickness of the insulator
was by no means the only question to be answered; how it should
be attached to the framing was almost as important. It was also
necessary to determine the most vulnerable parts of the car and
guard them accordingly.
The thermometers which were fastened tightly against the lining
of the car very promptly and consistently indicated that roofs and
floors must be better protected than the walls and, in the case of the
floor and the lower part of the walls, it is imperative to waterproof.
Comparisons of cars having varying amounts of insulation, loaded
with representative commodities, showed that for the safety of the
load, as well as economy in loading and in refrigerant, it is neces-
sary to have the equivalent of two inches of pure cork board in the
sidewalls and ends, at least two and one-half inches in the roof, and
at least two inches in the floor, the insulation in the floor to be con-
tinuous from side to side and end to end. In other words, the insu-
lation on the floor must not be broken by sills and it must be at
least two inches of pure cork board.
It has not been possible, heretofore, to waterproof the floor.
Consequently there has been wet insulation and a serious loss of
efficiency. Therefore, the findings of the Department emphasize the
need of cork board in the floor.
Such essentials of a refrigerator car as an adequate amount of
insulation and air circulation, had been agreed upon by the investi-
gators prior to government control of the railroads, and certain lines
had incorporated some or all of the findings into their new cars and
rebuilds. When the Railroad Administration took up the matter of
the standardizing of equipment, it appointed a committee to draw
plans and specifications for a United States standard refrigerator car.
This committee first met on March 13, 1918, and appointed a sub-
committee of six members, who were ordered to prepare plans in
accordance with certain definite instructions given by the general
committee. W^ithin six weeks these plans and specifications had
been presented to and accepted by the Director General's Mechanical
Committee. So far as possible, the trucks, draft gear, framing and
other general construction features, are standardized with the United
States standard double wall box car. The essentials upon which rest
efficiencyin protecting perishables against heat and cold have fol-
lowed very closely the findings of the investigators of the Depart-
ment of Agriculture. The committee's plans include unbroken insu-
lation on both floor and roof. On the walls the insulation is con-
tinuous from door post to door post. It was not possible to devise

a scheme by which the insulation could be run over the belt rails,
but the exposed surface was reduced. All the insulation is applied
in a solid mass, unbroken by air spaces. It is supported by pressure

and not by direct nailing. The excess space afiforded by the framing
is left on the inner side, under the lining, to receive such nails as the
shipper cannot be prevented from driving into the walls and which
have played havoc with the insulation. Bolt heads and tie rod exits
are protected by insulation. The bunker is a woven wire basket hold-
ing approximately ten thousand pounds of ice, surrounded by a two
inch space and separated from the body of the car by a bulkhead
carrying at least one inch of insulator; and last, but far from least,
is a floor rack, four inches in the clear, built of 2x4 runners with 1x3

cross slats Ij^ inches apart. This rack is hinged to the side walls.
Each half may be turned up and the doorway section folds back to
facilitate cleaning the car. The length of the car over end sills
should be approximately 41 feet, and the loading space should be 33
feet; it must not be more than 33 feet 3 inches.
The foregoing is a very brief description of the essentials of the
car designed to protect perishables in transit which the Railroad
Administration has designated as "standard" and to which the lines
when rebuilding must conform. Such instructions to the railroads
should insure quick results in an increase of reliable refrigerator cars.
Of course, there should, and doubtless will be, a program covering
the building of new cars to replace at least ten thousand so-called
refrigerator cars now in the service which are camouflaged box cars
and a menace to every pound of foodstuff loaded in them.
On the basis of a standard car, the Department is now predicat-
ing a standard icing service which should save foods and money.
It is also working on standardized methods of stowing loads and
the standardization of packages. The ability to quickly cool certain
commodities in transit by the use of salt with the ice has given a I
new impetus to orchard, field and packing house handling, while the
reasonable assurance of proper care in transit of such products as
dressed poultry lends a stability to the industry which is much
needed. There has been much discontent on the part of shippers of
products requiring intensive refrigeration because they could not
obtain such cars as the large meat packers are using. The United
States standard refrigerator car will carry meat hung from rails
quite as successfully as the cars built especially for meat. In addi-
tion it will carry package loads on the floor under the meat better
than the meat cars. An important difference in the standard car as
compared with the meat car is the reserve of ice in the bunkers

which are often amply supplied when the tanks of the meat cars
need replenishing. Neither is there visible in practical results the
advantages supposed to accrue from the retention of the brine, pro-
vided coarse rock salt is placed on top of the ice and so forced to
bore its waj- through the whole mass before finding an exit. We
have wasted much salt, in the past, as well as ice and foodstuff for
lack of knowledge of car requirements.
For every standard car turned out of the shops there will follow
a saving of food, a saving of money and a saving of labor. To that
end the Department of Agriculture has worked long and patiently,
and to that same end the Railroad Administration has now issued
"Mechanical Department Circular No. 7" and has also indicated its
intention of reminding the railroads of the instructions.
Truly, facts, faith, and friends, by co-operation have brought
about a consummation long and earnestly desired.


The Atchison, Topek.jl and Santa Fe Railway System.

(No. C-52 — Insulation for cars — nonpareil cork board)

Adopted January 1, 1923.

1. Scope: These specifications cover an insulation material for

freight and passenger cars.

I. Manufacture.
2. This insulation material shall consist entirely of
pure ground compressed cork, properly baked and held togethe; by
the natural resinous matter of the cork, without the use of any
foreign binder, and shall be capable of providing adequate insulation.

II. Physical Properties and Tests.

3. Tests: (a) The thermal efficiency of the material shall be
determined by the "Hot Box" method with air to air flow. The sec-
tions to be tested shall truly represent the material as used and
disposed in the car.
(b) In following this method, a calorimeter as illustrated and
described in R.M.S. Drawing, Sheet 18, Proceedings of Master Car
Builders' Association, 1918, shall be used. It shall be carefully con-

structed and of the materials indicated and before used must be

standardized for its thermal loss factor. The heat must be supplied
by measured by standard-
direct electric current of constant voltage,
ized instruments. The
between the inside and outside tem-
peratures must be held as nearly 70° F. as possible. Readings of


temperature and current shall not be recorded until 48 hours after
heat is turned on and test begins, in order to insure thorough heat
saturation of calorimeter and test sections. The duration of actual
test shall be eight (8) hours, during which time temperature and
electric readings shall be made and recorded each hour or more fre-
quently if considered necessary. The average of all readings thus
recorded shall be taken as the final result.

4. Conductivity: Cork board one square foot in area and one

thickness of one inch (1 in.), shall not transmit heat to exceed 6.4
B.t.u. per degree Fahr. diflferencc in temperature per 24 hours.

5. Weight: The weight of one square foot of this cork board

shall be as follow's:

'/4 in. thick — 4 oz.

^ in. —
thick 6 oz.
yi in. —
thick 8 oz
?4 in. thick— 12 oz.
1 in. thick ISyi oz.
1^ in. thick —
— 1 lb. 5 oz.
2 in. thick 1 lb. 11 oz.
3 in. thick— 2 lb. 7J^ oz.

with a permissible variation allowed in weight of 10 per cent either

above or below the weights given above.

6. Compression Test: A sample of this cork board, two-inches

thick and one-foot square, when subjected a compressive load of
2,000 lbs. shall not show a decrease in thickness of more than 0.164

7. Expansion Test: Representative samples of the cork shall be

submerged in boiling w'ater at atmospheric pressure for three hours
without disintegrating. Immediately upon removal from the boiling
water, samples shall be measured for lineal expansion, which shall
not exceed two per cent in any direction. The pounds of water re-
tained in insulation, after being boiled three hours and then drained
twenty-four (24) hours, shall not exceed 12 per cent of light weight
of sample.

8. The material will be furnished to the dimensions

specified on order and will be cut perfectly square and true to di-

9. Permissible Variations: The thickness of the material shall

be determined by placing a sample between two flat smooth boards
or plates, at least 6 in. wide, the ends of which shall project about
Ys in. beyond the edge of the cork board. Upon hand pressure being
applied to the top board or plate, the measurement as taken be-
tween the inner faces of the two boards or plates between which the
sample is compressed, shall not be more than ^-2 in. per inch over
or under the thickness specified. It is desired, however, to secure
the material to the exact thickness specified.


III. Inspection and Rejection.

10. Inspection: The inspector representing the purchaser

shallhave free entry at all times while work on the contract of the
purchaser is being performed, to all parts of the manufacturer's works
which concern the manufacturer of the material ordered. The manu-
facturer shall afford the inspector free of charge, all reasonable facil-
itiesand necessary assistance to satisfy him that the material is be-
ing furnished in accordance with these specifications. Tests and
inspection at the place of manufacture shall be made prior to ship-

(b) The purchaser may make the tests to govern the acceptance
or rejection of the material in his own laboratory or elsewhere. Such
tests, however, shall be made at the expense of the purchaser.

(c) The manufacturer must notify the General Material In-

spector, Chicago, or his representative at the plant, at least three

days before the material is ready for inspection.

11. Rejection: (a) Material represented by samples, which fail

to conform to the requirements of these specifications, will be re-


(b) which, subsequent to test and inspection at the

factory or elsewhere and its acceptance, shows defects or imperfec-

tions will be rejected and shall be replaced by the manufacturer.

12. Samples tested in accordance with these speci-
fications,which represent rejected material, shall be held for four-
teen days from date of test report.

13. All specifications of previous date for this material are hert
by annulled.
(Signed) M. J. Collins,
General Purchasing Agent.
For all except ceiling and insulation, the surface of
the metal, in addition to the priming coats already applied, will be
given a thick coat of "under cork" or cork size (Formula No. 15).
The ground cork, which should be fairly large grained (large enough
to pass through a No. 8 sieve and be held on a No. 12), will then
be sifted and applied, and left until the paint is slightly set, when,
if required to efficiently cover the surface, a second coat of "under
cork" and ground cork will be applied in a similar manner to the
first coat in order to secure the adherence of the maximum amount

of cork. Over this will be applied two or more coats of white paint,
the first coat of which may be either applied by compressed-air spray
or by hand, the other coats to be applied by hand. The coating of
cork paint to be continuous and of substantial thickness. The above
method will be applied also to the outboard surface of metal plates
of ceiling and insulation, except that this plating will be laid flat to
receive the application of ground cork, and that the final average
thickness of cork paint is to be about ^-inch.
The inboard surface of all metal ceiling will be finished white
(not cork painted) glossed in officers' quarters. Cork painting should
be limited to the minimum absolutely required to prevent excessive
sweating, but where for instance, a part of the deck overhead would
require to be cork painted, the remainder of the deck, if of metal,
within the same compartment should be so painted in order to obtain
a uniform appearance. In a compartment generally finished in white,
glossed, where a portion of the surfaceis cork painted, the cork

paint will also be glossed.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Formula No. 15.— "Under cork," for one gallon, consists
of: (a) Whiting, 10 pounds; (b) Hard Oil, J^-gallon ;and (c) Japan Drier, y^-
gallon. One gallon of "under cork" will cover approximately 20 square yards, at
the weight of 2^
pounds per 100 square feet of surface. Ground cork, "Newport
Special," consists of natural cork bark ground to such size as to pass a screen
having 8 meshes per inch and be caught on a screen having 12 meshes per inch.


It is is now being made of the newly
said that considerable use
introduced French article to which the name of "subirine" has been
given. The substance consists of pulverized cork of different degrees
of fineness, known as impalpable, fine, medium and coarse, the pul-
verization being effected by very simple means, such as a horizontal
grindstone. Among these the medium powders have for some time
been employed in the French navy and by various navigation com-
panies for painting the sheet iron and partitions of the insides of

'Extracted from specifications of the United States Navy Department for
cork paint" to reduce sweating of metal surfaces.
tExtracted from Ice and Refrigeration, January, 1894.

vessels; the effect of such coatings is said to be to considerably

diminish the conductibility of the sheet iron, and the vibrations so
unpleasant, which are produced as soon as the sea becomes a little
rough. Another use for these cork powders is in the preparation of
a substance called "liegine," which consists of the powder mixed with
fine plaster in the proportion of about ten per cent. This liegine
composition is turned out in all shapes and sizes, and is stated to be
specially useful as a protection alike from heat or cold, or for
partitions, roofs, lofts, ceilings, and coatings of all descriptions; also
as packing for boilers, ice houses, conservatories, coverings for

wagons, steam pipes and similar uses in short, for the large number
of cases where it is desirable to maintain an equal temperature.


By S. Sampolo.

Cork one of the lightest and the worst conductors of heat and

sound substances. It is also somewhat elastic, and when moderately

compressed does not absorb water. These evident properties have
for a long time given a great extension to the use of cork for indus-
trial purposes, principally for the manufacture of stoppers for any

kind of vessels containing liquids which do not attack organic sub-

Everybody knows that cork is the bark of a particular oak grow-
ing, not in America, but on the coasts of northern Africa and south-
ern Europe. After being deprived of its hard, nonelastic and useless
elements, this cork bark is cut into square pieces and turned on a
special lathe, where the stopper shape is acquired. In this manufac-
ture the waste should, theoretically, be about 20 per centum; in fact,
how much the quantity of scraps thrown away by the

machine? an interesting industrial problem to try and make

It is

the best use of them in a judicious way.

So far, the only important application of this refuse material has
been made in the manufacture of linoleum, which can utilize but a
small percentage of the waste. Render possible the introduction of
cork refuse for building purposes, and at once all scraps and cuttings
will find an important application. If, at first, the idea may not

appear realizable on account of the little resistance of cork, we may

say that thousands and thousands of bricks and tile have already
been made in France with pulverized cork refuse, and have worked
satisfactorily. Labor and patience have not been spared, and

•Extracted from Ice and Refrigeration, June, 1895.


strengthening cements, which can be poured into any shape, size and
thickness, have been in use.
Two kinds of cements can be manufactured; the first containing
powder or small pieces of cork, plaster of Paris, dextrine and sesqui-
oxide of iron. The second, besides all those substances, also contains
an oxychloride such as the oxychloride of zinc, which makes that
composition perfectly waterproof. Like cork itself, these cements
are non-conductors of heat and sound; they carbonize without giving
any flame when exposed to a high temperature, do not decay, and
absorb very little or no water. Moreover, this product is better
than cork, because of its great resistance to compression. Experi-
ments have been made, and it is now demonstrated that the bricks
begin only to crack under a pressure of 190 pounds per square inch.
Therefore, if, with the cements, bricks and tiles are molded or con-
crete is poured ofif, we will obtain very valuable building materials,
the main applications of which we will examine here.
First. Every time heat or cold room, or a heated
is to be kept in a
or cool pipe or other recipient, cork refuse may be used with advan-
tage. The coefficient of conductibility of heat determined by Pictet
for cork is 0.143 in French measures, which will be used now for
convenience sake. To demonstrate how comparatively small is this
figure, and therefore how efficient would be the use of that material
for such a purpose, we will calculate the quantity of steam condensed
per hour in a steam pipe insulated with a 1-inch thick covering
(0.025 gramme).
For example, let us assumea pipe 0.10 in diameter, the live steam
being at a temperature of 125° C, and circulating at a speed of forty
meters per minute, the temperature of the room being supposed to
be 15° C. The quantity of steam passing through that pipe for one
meter of length is per hour:

1.25 X X 0.10 — =
1 40 X 60 = 23.40 kilos. I

If we neglect the radiation and convection, the quantity of heat

lost for that surface of pipe will be:

3.14X0.125 X X0.143(125°— 15°)

—— = 24 _

calories and
0.025 10

And as one kilo of steam gives out

by being condensed 600 calories,
in round numbers, the percentage of steam lost will evidently be:

24.6 1 1
about or - of 1 per cent.
600 X 23.40 600 6

These figures show all the benefit we can derive from using cork
refuse for boilers and pipe coverings, and also for building purposes.


Many a time, in a light construction, the loft is not habitable on

account of the difference of temperature which tenants would have
to support. Cork tile nailed on inclined joists and on ceiling boards
would make this loft as comfortable as any other story of the flats.
In hot countries, for instance in Algeria, where heat is considerable
during the summer, they use now cork tiles to coat the walls inside,
and Russians are also protected in the same way from cold. In a
word, there are numerous applications of this material as a protection
against heat and cold.
Second. As has been already mentioned, cork material does not
conduct sound. We will give you an example of this, as we had
occasion to observe it in Paris. It was in the Menier house Festival
hall. That house, six stories high, was occupied "by dififerent tenants,
and the use of the hall for meetings and private parties was quite
objectionable to them on account of the disturbing noise at night.
By replacing the plaster ceiling by cork concrete, all objections were
removed. This fact proves how much sound deadening is a cork'
concrete floor, and how useful it will prove to have such a material
where quietness is required, as in library reading rooms, telephone
closets, etc.

Third. A third important property of cork compositions is to

attenuate the vibrations to a great extent; for instance, when near
engine or dynamo rooms are located places where vibrations can be
troublesome, as in drawing rooms or offices, and especially in rooms
%here crystallization of certain salts
is carried on. In fact, crystal-
lization always disturbed and sometimes prevented by a constant

trepidation; and we quote a circumstance in which, having to produce

chrome crystals, the manufacturer had to leave the town and go to
a quiet country place to carry on his work. A cork floor would
have saved all that trouble.
In regard to elasticity of cork, I will mention here the follov.-ing
happy application of that material. To prevent dampness in a gun-
powder factory, all walls had been protected by a cork brick coat,
and all partitions had been made with cork tiles. One day they had
a terrible explosion, as dangerous as they are sure to be in such
cases. If the walls and partitions had been in stones or bricks, the
loss of life would have been serious. The cork product (after having
greatly slackened the vibrations) crumbled to powder, and only a
shower of small pieces of harmless cork dropped on workingmen,
and no one was injured.
Fourth. Lightness and waterproof quality have not to be spoken
of. In a country like the United States, where high buildings are
getting in favor, light partitions are a very desirable device. Every-
thing has been tried in that line, and a quantity of materials have
been worked on. Among all these, porous brick is as yet probably
the best. But cork tile is a great deal lighter. The specific gravity
of porous brick is represented by 0.70 when that of cork brick is
only 0.38; that is to say, that nearly half of the weight is saved. I

will merely mention here again the importance of waterproof material

in cellars, basement walls, bath rooms, etc.
Fifth. Is cork fireproof? That is the question of today. Insur-



ance companies will not take any risk for the highest stories on
account of the difificulty of extinguishing fire; and of course, fireproof
material is carefully looked for. Positively, there is no entirely
fireproof material. Brick partitions crack and flames can spread out
in every direction. What should be required from a partition is that
it shall not propagate fire. Cork cement answers the purpose, as it
carbonizes very slowly and gives out smoke but no fiame.


Cold Storage Rooms Pie refrigerator
Apple storage Residence refrigerator
Banana storage Vegetable box
Battery testing
Berry storage Display Counters and Cases
Butter storage Candy
Candy storage Cut flower
Cheese storage Delicatessen
Chocolate dipping Meat
Commissaries Milk, butter and eggs
Daily ice storage Cars
Dough, mixing and proving Passenger railway
Ducts, cooling Refrigerator
Ducts, ventilating Street railway
Egg storage Tank
Fever (clinical)
Fish freezer Cabinets
Fish storage Bottled goods
Flower storage Chocolate cooler
Fruit pre-cooling Ice cream dispensing
Fruit storage Ice cream storage
Fur storage Soda fountain
Garment storage
Ice cream hardening Tanks
Ice stations Brine storage
Ice storage Gasoline storage
Meat freezers Ice making
Meat pickling Ice water
Meat pre-cooling Milk cooling
Meat storage Milk storage
Paraffin Railway
Potato storage Steel tempering
Poultry pre-cooling Water cooling
Poultry storage
Public auditoriums Trucks
Sausage Fish
Serum storage Ice
Scientific Ice cream
Syrup storage Meat
Testing Milk
Tobacco humidor
Boxes and Refrigerators Bank vaults
Apartment house refrigerator Bee hives
Bottle box Incubators
Confectioners' refrigerator Industrial buildings
Dairy products refrigerator Humidifiers
Fish box Machine base
Florists' refrigerator Residence insulation
Meat box Roof insulation
Mortuary box Sound deadening
Oyster box Vibration absorption

employed permanent insulation for refrigerated lines

*Cork Pipe Covering is as
ind tanks and drinking water systems.



By F. E. AIatthews.
Member Engineering Division National Research Council; Official Representative of
the American Society of Refrigerating Engineers.

Heat transmission, than which there is no subject more basicallj

important to so many lines of engineering, has been made the subjecl
of a recently authorized project of the Engineering Division of the
National Research Council,' with two main sub-committees dealing
specifically with heat transfer —
viz., heat transmission through build-

ing and insulating materials, and heat transmission between fluids

and solids. The refrigerating industry, with its numerous refriger-
ating media, primary and secondary, the former occurring in both
the liquid and gaseous phases, is vitally interested in both of these
Just how inadequate and generally chaotic present information
bearing on heat transmission really is, is most frankly admitted by
those engineers most vitally interested and most familiar with such
data. There seem to be two generally admitted outstanding facts
regarding heat transmission data: that they are fundamentally im-
portant and shamefully inadequate. The responsibility of providing
himself with reliable data in order that he may turn out accurate
results (impossible without them), is the engineer's and his alone.
Rough rules have been employed for determining necessary areas of
the heat transmitting members of refrigerating systems, such as
evaporators and condensers of refrigerating media, based on certain
conditions, but not necessarily on the most advantageous conditions
realizable. Similar rules' have been employed for determining the
amount of insulation employed for the conservation of the refrigera-
tion produced at the expense of the fuel by the refrigerating machine.
Rare indeed are the instances in which due recognition is given to
the fact that the more it costs to develop refrigeration the more one
can afford to spend for its conservation.
Numerous sporadic efforts have been made to procure better heat
transmission data, but the results have fallen far short of the objec-
tive which the time and money expended should have insured, due
largely to poor physical equipment, unscientific procedure, and in-
complete description, which should be eliminated by the standardiza-
tion of method, procedure, and specification proposed for building
and insulating materials, heat transmission investigations, and made
•Extracted from Proceedings of the Fourth Internstional Congress of Refrigeration,
London, 1924, Volume 1.
' Means for carrying on research work in America under governmental supervision
was originally provided for in 1863, when the Charter of the National Academy
of Science was approved by President Lincoln. The National Research Council
was established in 1916 by the National Academy of Science for war purposes, and
perpetuated by executive order of President Wilson in 1918, for the "promotion
of scientific research and the dissemination and application of scientific knowledge."
It was organized with the cooperation of over seventy major scientific and technical
societies, in thirteen major divisions of which Engineering is one of the most im-

possible through the correlation of scattered eflforts by means of the
machinery of a national organization such as that of the National
Research Council.

Following are some of the air infiltration values obtained on erec-
tion materials from investigations and tests conducted in the labora-





tory of the Armstrong Cork & Insulation Co. Illustration of the

apparatus used in making the determinations is shown.




brick wall
between bricks
Yz-'m. cement plaster cracks
plastered brick wall two spray coats Armstrong's

ft./hr. 10

Cu. ft./sq.
ft./hr. 40
pressure pet, pressure


asphaltic paint
(3) J^-in. film erection asphalt. No cracks
(4) 178' Samples Armstrong's corkboard 2-in. thick 335
(5) 2:1 Portland cement plaster 4^-in. thick. No cracks .. 22
(6) Same. 10 pet. added lime . . 2
(7) 2:1 Portland cement plaster .5^-in. thick. No cracks....
(8) 2:1 Portland cement plaster i^-in. thick. Fine cracks.. .. 19
(9) 22 Samples sprayed on asphalt emulsion from skin coat
to Yi-'wi. thick, nine showed tight, other 13 varied
from 2.75 to 5.60 cu. ft./sq. ft./hr./40 lbs.
Values of (3) and from (5) to (9) inclusive taken by
applying the material to two inch corkboard.


Another series of tests were conducted on the relative infiltration

of corkboard in respect to thickness. Following is a typical average
of these tests:


Corkboard Cii. Ft.
1 inch 485
2 inch 343
3 inch 239
4 inch 186
5 inch 163
6 inch 1SO
7 inch 132
8 inch 124
9 inch 105
10 inch 98
1 inch 97
12 inch 95

The following specifications cover an oxidized asphalt obtained

from an asphaltic base crude oil, usually Mexican:


Minimum Maximum
Specific gravity at 60° F 1.045 1.065
Melting point (ball and ring) 180° F. 200° F.
Flash point (open cup) 460° F.
Penetration 32° F. 200 gram 60 seconds
: 6 25
77° F. 100 gram 5 seconds 15
115° F. 50 gram 5 seconds 45
Volatility, 50 grams 5 hrs. at 325° F 1%
Bitumen soluble in CSa 99.5%


Specifications. —This oil-burning cork dipping pan is used for melt-
con /*> uaet^ /or ae/rf- pvrpinri

pil3 P^A'^c an/•< uar^ for heo/iHf a3^ir/f,far.piM, mr*.

fair', cAf*'jiccr/3 «(c, ar/se Ant^/wf sand


ing and heating asphalt in connection with cork insulation work. A
standard size slab of cork can be easily dipped into the hot asphalt
and permits rapid application of the cork. Being smokeless, the
pan can be used indoors, right close to the job.

The pan is 42 inches long, 16 inches wide and 6 inches deep, inside
measurements. It is made of No. 14 gauge steel throughout properly
braced and reinforced with lJ4xl^xf5-inch angle iron all around and
equipped with four handles.
The burner is removable and can be used for many other heating
purposes, such as drying out wet spots in concrete or brick walls or
floors, melting ice and snow, etc. Shipping weight about 175 pounds.


By Charles H. Hertkr.
This paper is to record the latest methods used in safeguarding
cold storage insulation against the entrance of moisture.
which is now being employed almost exclusively, has been erected
and finished off with Portland cement motar and plaster for so
many years now (March, 1927) that this method continues to be
specified by those who have not been informed of improvements
made in the art.
Manufacturers of corkboard declare that their material is moisture
resistant of itself, that it can be boiled for hours and yet remain dry
inside. However, in actual use, where the material is exposed to
the influence of moisture for months and years, it does lose its insu-
lating value, and decays. This applies to all insulating materials,
because all depend upon minute air cells for their ability to retard
heat flow, and as condensed moisture (water) is denser than air, the
air is gradually being crowded out by the water.

Moisture Detrimental. In the wall of a cold storage room the
corkboard lining is exposed to moisture from both outside and inside.
A 12-inch brick wall may be rain tight, and yet it is not moisture
tight even if all joints between the brick are filled solid with mortar.
Both the brick and the mortar are porous and allow moisture to
penetrate by capillary attraction, as has often been verified by actual
tests. Under the influence of wind the exposed surface of a brick
wall will dry very soon, but this drying action does not reach the
water already drawn in, especially if the room is being refrigerated,
the temperature within the wall getting lower and lower toward the
At 90° F. a cubic foot of air can hold up to 14.79 grains of moist-
ure; at 60°, 5.745 grains, and at 30°, 1.935 grains. As the air and
moisture become cooled, the moisture will be precipitated.
At the room side of the insulation we have this condition: When the
door is opened, or if people are present, moisture at relatively high
temperature mixes with the air; and the goods in the room, such as
meat or other perishables, also lose moisture. Very soon the air is
fully saturated, and whatever moisture is not gathering as frost upon
the refrigerating pipes will be precipitated as condensation upon any
cold surface or wall. These phenomena were studied years ago and
the conclusion was reached that special efforts must be made to
prevent the entry of moisture into the insulation.
The detrimental effect of moisture on insulation has been investi-
gated to some extent. In the Insulation Committee Report of the
American Society of Refrigerating Engineers, 1924, p. 78, it is shown
*Paper presented before New York Chapter, No. 2, N. A. P. R. E., at its meeting
of March 4, 1927. Reprinted by permission from the April, 1927, "Ice and Refrig-
eration," Chicago.

that for each one per cent moisture absorbed the heat conduction
increases four to forty per cent, depending upon the material used.
In most branches of engineering progress is being made by de-
grees only.When, over thirty years ago, corkboard first came into
use, it was being protected against air and moisture by means of
waterproof insulating paper on both sides. Also the pure corkboard
used to be more dense; it weighed fully fourteen pounds per cubic
foot as against nine or eight pounds now. The lighter board is a
better insulator, but is, of course, not so strong and durable as the
dense board. Formerly the finish for floors, walls and ceilings used
to be one or two layers of %-in. tongued and grooved sheathing,
nailed with galvanized nails against furring strips imbedded between
the corkboards. This construction when varnished looked well, but
was rather expensive. It was not fire resistive, and at low tempera-
ture the boards dried out, shrank, and allowed moisture to enter the
cracks, which caused rotting to take place.
The next step was the erection of corkboard in hot asphalt. Walls
on the inside have to be pointed up with cement mortar so as to be
reasonably flat, to avoid hollow spaces behind the corkboard because
these would hold moisture and might freeze, forcing off the insula-
tion. The wall was mopped with hot asphalt, although with the
rapid chilling on the bare wall the resulting surface could not be
air-tight. The corkboard also was mopped over with hot asphalt
and thus cemented against the wall. The second layer of corkboard
was again dipped in hot asphalt, and wooden skewers used to pin
the various slabs together. The exposed face of insulation also
might have been mopped over with hot asphalt, but this was not
done because fire insurance companies prefer a Portland cement
plaster finish, at leastj4-in. thick, the ^-in. thick coat of asphalt
being incapable of withstanding abuse and contact with trucks and
packages, although wood fenders might be erected for this purpose.
Insulation asphalt necessarily has to be odorless so as to impart
no foreign odor to the products stored. It is difficult to employ hot
asphalt in ceiling work due to hot drippings. The heating of the
asphalt by maintaining fires in the building is a nuisance, and so the
insulation contractors soon avoided the use of asphalt and recom-
mended Portland cement mortar and plaster in nearly all cases.
Simple home-made boxes of wood were designed facilitating the rapid
coating of cork slabs with a uniform thickness of cement mortar.
Thus mortar exclusively was used next to the wall, between courses,
and cement plaster finish in two %-\n. coats, applied to the erected
The moisture in cement mortar occupies a certain amount of
space, one cubic foot for every 62.4 pounds of water. In due time
all thismoisture disappears and causes shrinkage cracks. When the
air is saturated, moisture re-enters
every pore in the plaster, and
the open cracks especially. In an eflfort to hide these cracks plas-
tered surfaces are usually marked off in 3-foot squares or scores, the

plaster naturally breaking these grooves. Evidently a plastered

first in
surface of this kind is but an imperfect moisture protection for in-

Keep Cork Out of Wet Forms. In concrete construction, which
method came into vogue at the same time, it was deemed good prac-
tice and economy to place the ceiling cork right into the form, and
to pour the wet mixture on top of it, this being the recommendation
of the insulation contractor. It was hoped that the corkboard would
bond perfectly and securely with the concrete, and as corkboard had
been declared immune against moisture, no one suspected that the
insulating effect would diminish under this method. However, the
writer knows of many cases where such corkboard continues to
drop ofif the ceiling, consequently this method must be condemned
as very unsatisfactory. The rule that insulation should always be
kept out of contact with moisture must ever be borne in mind.
In ceiling work it is frequently possible to apply the insulation
above the where there is no danger of its coming loose. The
work there cheaper and better than at the underside of ceiling,

especially if girders and beams have to be covered.

The cement mortar construction has now been in use for about
twenty years, but since about 1920 its shortcomings have been recog-
nized by many users. Cement mortar in the thin layers used with
insulation is porous and not only imparts the initial quantity of
moisture to the corkboard, but it cracks readily and thereby permits
moisture from the air to enter day after day. Now that a far better
bonding material which is strictly waterproof is available, the use of
cement mortar is to be avoided whenever possible.

Asphalt for Damp-proofing. The modern protection of all sorts of
insulating materialsis an asphalt emulsion, equivalent to a pulverized

pure asphalt mixed with a certain amount of cold water, prepared

in accordance with a process first developed in Germany and covered
by a number of United States patents. Under this method the
asphalt is broken up into minute particles averaging 0.001 to 0.005-in
in the presence of an inert mineral colloid such as asbestos fibres.
At the factory the asphalt flows into a high speed emulsifying ma-
chine whose propellers whip the stream of asphalt into the most
minute particles and at the same time combine it with the water and
the colloid. In this way the particles of asphalt are held in suspen-
sion until after the emulsion has been applied on the job, when the
water disappears by evaporation, leaving the mixture of asphalt and
asbestos fibres behind, in the form of a homogeneous coating. This
emulsion can be applied cold with a brush by hand or by means of a
spraying machine.
This emulsified asphalt is being marketed under various trade

names such as Korkseal; Krodeproof; Rex Flintkote emulsion and
mortar; Stonewall Plastic; Par-Lock Bond; Vorco Waterproofing
Cork Mastic, etc. There must be differences among these as in the
case of other goods of different manufacture, but so far as we can
see the main difference is in their water content and consistency. The
liquid emulsion flows like cream and can be applied like a paint to
metal, stone and wood surfaces with a cheap fibre brush or a spray,
while the thick emulsion, or asphalt mortar, simply contains less water.
It is plastic and can be troweled on, successfully taking the place of
cement or gypsum plaster and forming one continuous waterproof
sheet, requiring no scoring.

Securing Air Tightness. Tests have been made to ascertain the
degree of air tightness obtained with various cork coatings. When
exposed to forty pounds per square foot excess air pressure on one
side of an insulated wall, the rate of air leakage was in one case,
unprotected, 240 cubic feet of free air, 75 cubic feet when the first
coat had been applied, and 10 cubic feet after the second coat (pre-
sumably plaster) had been applied. When Korkphalt (asphalt) was
used in joints the leakage without finish was 222 cubic feet air; 0.036
cubic feet after a coat of Krodeproof asphalt emulsion had been ap-
plied, and no loss whatever after this had been covered with a coat of
Korkseal asphalt mortar. This type of asphalt finish is therefore
indispensable in dry ice cream hardening rooms and other places
where an excess air pressure is being created by forcing air with a
fan over the cooling coils in the bunker.

Modern —
Construction. This approved method of erecting cork-
board insulation will be best understood by describing the various
operations required when insulating masonry walls:
In the first place the surface to be insulated must be made as flat
as possible because no crevices or hollow spaces can be allowed
behind the smooth flat corkboard. Such cavities are apt to hold
water of condensation, freezing to ice, which requires more space
and thus breaks the bond between cork and surface. Concrete walls
may be smooth enough, but other constructions usually require true-
ing up with cement mortar or plaster.
Next apply over the flat wall that has been freed of all dirt and
dust at least one coat of asphalt emulsion for the purpose of filling
every pore and providing a base for the asphalted corkboard. Spray-
ing the emulsion on under an air pressure of fifty pounds or more
will drive in the asphalt more effectively and cheaper than can be
done by hand. Two coats will be better than one. Also the wall
need not be dry because the emulsion contains water, while hot
asphalt should not be laid direct against any cold wall because it
will chill and contract at oncet leaving pin holes, and it will not bone?
well with the wall. The emulsified asphalt also should be kept from
freezing during application, and it will flow much better if the air
tempterature is not below 45° F.
The first course of corkboard is to be erected in a dip coat of hot
asphalt, starting this course level and breaking all joints. The second

layer again erected in hot asphalt and preferably secured with


wood skewers, breaking joints in both directions.

One brand especially adapted for sticking up corkboard is known
as Korkphalt, its melting point being 180° F. This is relatively soft
at low temperature, rigid at high temperature, very adhesive at nor-
mal temperature, and serves to thoroughly air-proof and damp-proof
the insulation at the weatherside.

Asphaltic Plaster. Then comes the surface protection, which is
very important. Spray or trowel onto the cork surface one thorough
application of pure asphalt emulsion; one brand is called Korkseal,
say iV-in. thick, which will completely fill all small holes and cracks.
Allow to get dry, then finish with a layer of thick emulsified asphalt
mortar a full :^-in. thick, floated to an even surface and then trow-
Where it is intended to follow up with a white enamel finish, the
black asplialt surface can be allowed to toughen up and then be
troweled extra smooth by being sprinkled with clean water and again
After this has thoroughly dried, the entire surface can be given two
or three coats of white enamel. One odorless enamel is known as
Korkseal Enamel. If a less expensive coating is desired, Korkseal
Aluminum may be applied in one coat directly to the black surface,
but this is not equal in illuminating effect to the beautiful white
enamel. The cost of material for white enamel is about one cent per
square foot of coat. The aluminum paint costs about half as much
because one coat is used. These paints stand washing with hot water,
insuring a strictly sanitary cold storage room.
Most white paints or enamels will in time get yellowish, espe-
cially in dark rooms. Some enamels containing acetone or solvents
used in the manufacture of celluloid will keep their whiteness, but
they also keep their strong celluloid odor, which is very objectionable
in refrigerators. A white glossy paint is quite popular with some

Asphalt Paint. —
The thin creamy asphalt emulsion, such as Krode-
proof, comes in the proper consistency for painting or spraying, and
is recommended as a positive protective coating against weather,
water, acids, gases, brine and all corrosive substances. It may be used
on steel and other metals, on wood, concrete, cement or brick. It is
also used for dampproofing masonry, foundations and walls, and for
coating prepared and built-up roofings. If it is to be thinned at all,
add but a little clean water and always stir well.
For best results, surfaces should be clean and free from all loose
particles, oil or grease. Steel brush metal surfaces, whether dry or
damp, down to bright metal, but masonry surfaces should be wetted
with water before applying. Daub it on thick. Brushes (of white
vegetable fibre) to be cleaned with soap and water after using. Do
not apply at lower air temperatures than 45° F., and not during rain

because it will be washed off. It must be given time to set. With
sunshine it will dry in two to three hours. A man will soon learn i..
give 350 to 400 square feet surface per hour one coat. The quantity
of the various materials required per 100 square feet of surface may
be obtained from the manufacturers. The following data were ob-
tained from the Lewis Asphalt Engineering Corp.:

Karnak Korkphalt 70 lb. per layer of corkboard

Korkseal (or Krodeproof), first coat 4 gal.
Korkseal Mortar (finish coat) 5 gal.
Korkseal Enamel, white, per coat Ys gal.
Korkseal Aluminum, per coat % gal.

Strength. —Tests
have been made for the United Cork Companies,
New York, to determine the tenacity of adhesion of a 3-in. thick
slab of corkboard cemented to concrete. When a pull was exerted
of 1,360 pounds per square foot cork, the cork yielded, but not the
asphalt emulsion, which proves conclusively that the emulsified
asphalt furnishes a very reliable bond. In fact, the adhesive strength
of Par-Lock asphalt alone was found by the Investigating Commit-
tee of Architects and Engineers, New York, to exceed 125 pounds
per square inch, equivalent to 18,000 pounds per square foot. Its
ductility is rated at four to five centimeters at 77° F. The penetra-
tion of a needle bearing a 200 gram weight is twenty-five to thirty
millimeters per minute at 77° F. The re-melting point of these surfac-
ing asphalts is between 200° and 215° F. when tested by Bureau of
Standards ring and ball method. The re-melting point of the hot
asphalt used for dipping one face and two edges of corkboard should
be between 180° and 200° F. It should be heated to the consistency
of molasses, the slabs firmly pressed against the surface asphalt,
such as Krodeproof, until the asphalt in the joints chills.

Mastic Asphalt Facing. —The Korkseal or asphalt mastic fin-

ish, J/^-in. thick, above described, is an improvement over the

method of ironing on the asphalt plaster at the factory to
each slab of cork, because the subsequent patching up of the
many lineal feet of joint is a difficult and expensive task,
and the resultnot equal in air and water tightness to that of a

continuous troweled facing. Not to chip off readily, a tough grade

of asphalt is used which is hard on the saw when fitting slabs into
place. This asphalt becomes very brittle at low temperature. It has

to be a hard variety so as not to run during shipping in summer.

Some insulation manufacturers do not urge the use of the Korkseal
asphalt plaster where the cork is exposed to injury from the handling
of goods. There they recommend again the old Portland cement
plaster finish, at least J^-in. thick; but even here the advantage of
moisture proofing should not be sacrificed. One can erect suitable
fenders, rails and baseboards to prevent truck wheels from damaging

the wall, or one can provide a cement wainscoat 54-in- thick over the
asphalt dampproof emulsion.
Detailed instructions for waterproofing and dampproofing in build-
ing construction are contained in circulars issued by manufacturers.
Asphalt emulsion, like Korkseal, is also effective for sealing pipe
coverings and is greatly to be preferred to the black crude oil paint
or tar commonly employed for this purpose.


An interesting example of how material installed for one purpose
may render valuable service in a quite unexpected way occurred last
summer at the plant of the Island Petroleum Co., Neville Island,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
The company had recently completed three steel cold settling
tanks, 20 feet in diameter by 25 feet high, for bright stock. Being
operated part of the time at low temperature produced by brine
refrigeration, these tanks were insulated with three inches of Non-
pareil corkboard furnished and installed by the Armstrong Cork &
Insulation Co. At the time of this incident they were practically
filled with oil.
On August 25, 1921, during a violent electrical storm accompanied
by unusually heavy rain, lightning struck one of the crude oil tanks.
The resulting explosion released a large quantity of burning oil
which spread out over the partially flooded yard and practically sur-
rounded the nearest settling tank; hastily constructed dikes shut it
off from immediate contact with the others.
For nearly three hours the fire raged around this tank, and for
almost an hour, the flames were leaping directly against its sides,
while the officials and employees, striving to stop the spread of the
fire, momentarily expected the big tank to "let go" with consequent

disaster to the entire plant. Three times the hatch on the roof lifted
to allow the escape of accumulated gas, but the remarkable heat
retarding quality of the corkboard insulation kept the temperature
below the danger point, and the fire finally burned itself out with no
further loss of property or damage to the insulated tank beyond a
slight charring of the outer surface of the corkboard insulation.
The Island Petroleum Co. officials are unanimous in the opinion
that nothing but the protection afforded by the insulation prevented
the destruction of all three tanks and the heavy loss such an ex-
plosion would have entailed.
Though insulation may seldom be called upon to withstand so
severe a test, the record of this performance is convincing proof
of the nonconducting property and fire resistance of corkboard.

*Extracted from Ice and Refriyeratwn, June, 1922, Page 460.

In a paper prepared by the Armstrong Cork and Insulating Co., of
Pittsburgh, Pa., in April, 1918, an interesting detailed description is
given of various methods of manufacturing gasoline from both gas
well and oil well products, on the distillation, compression and ab-
sorption methods of gasoline separation from gas and oil.
By permission the following reproduction of that portion of the
paper referring particularly to the economical results secured through
cork insulation of gasoline storage tanks in three separate refining
plants, has been extracted:
Early in March, 1917, the United Fuel Gas Company, of Charles-
ton, West Virginia, requested quotations on insulation for a number
of gasoline storage tanks located at their various stations. Upon
calling on the above company at Charleston, West Virginia, it w^as
learned that they were losing by evaporation approximately 600 to
1,800 gallons of gasoline per day at each of their several plants in
operation. Before proceeding further the reason for this loss shall
be explained.
The temperature of the gasoline as it passes from the coolers and
condensers to the storage tanks is much lower than the temperature
of the air, due to the cooling methods employed. This product is
of low boiling point and readily evaporates even at the low tempera-
ture at which it leaves the condensers. As the temperature increases,
the evaporation becomes more pronounced and for this reason it is
desirable that the gasoline be kept at as low a temperature as pos-
sible. The tanks in which the material is stored are, as a rule, located
outside of buildings and exposed to the weather. If the tanks are
not insulated the gasoline contained therein soon acquires the same
temperature as the outside air and in the summer months when the
hot sun constantly beats down upon the tanks the temperature of
the gasoline becomes very high. The gasoline evaporating freely
increases the pressure in the tanks, which are equipped with safety
valves to permit of the vapors passing off whenever the pressure
exceeds that at which the valve is set.
In cool or cloudy weather the valve does not "blow off" as often
as in hot weather and the evaporation loss past the man-hole cover
is reduced. The evaporation loss in the summer months is naturally
considerably more than in the cooler months of the fall and winter.
At the Cobb Station of the United Fuel Gas Company the evapora-
tion loss early in the spring averaged close to 600 gallons of liquid
gasoline per day, and at the Sandyville Station of the same company
the loss ran as high as 1,500 gallons per day. The gasoline lost by
evaporation valued at 20c per gallon by the company producing

the material, it was obviously necessary for the United Fuel Gas
Company to take steps to reduce their evaporation loss which
amounted to approximately $300.00 per day at each plant.

Armstrong secured contracts for insulating the gasoline storage

tanks at three of the United Fuel Gas Company's six absorption
plants —Cobb Station, Sandyville Station and Leach Station. The
first two stations are owned and operated by the United Fuel. Gas

Company, while the Columbia Gas and Electric Company, of Cin-

cinnati, Ohio, own the Leach Station and lease it to the United Fuel
Gas Company for operation. These tanks were insulated throughout
with Armstrong's Corkboard, whereas the tanks at the other three
stations, contracted for by a competitor, were insulated with felt
on the cylindrical surfaces and Impregnated Corkboard on the tops
and ends. It might be in order to state that Armstrong's prices were
higher than the prices on felt and Impregnated Corkboard.
The specifications followed in erecting the Armstrong's Corkboard
Insulation were briefly as follows:
The cylindrical surface and ends
of all horizontal tanks were
insulated with two layers Armstrong's Corkboard. Both
of l>^-inch
layers were applied in hot asphalt and both securely wired in place
with copper-clad steel wire. The second layer was additionally
secured to the first layer with galvanized wire nails.
The vertical tanks were insulated in practically the same manner.
As they rested directly upon the ground, no bottom insulation was
used. The cylindrical surfaces received two layers of Ij^-inch Arm-
strong's Corkboard, applied as specified on the horizontal tanks,
while the tops were insulated with two layers of 2-inch Armstrong's
Corkboard, both applied in hot asphalt with the top surface flooded
with the same material.
As the tanks were located outside of buildings, the insulation was
protected against the weather by the application of one layer of
2-ply (the very best grade) roofing paper. Weatherproofing was
applied with all edges lapped and the seams securely sealed with
Nonpareil Waterproof Cement. Bands of copper-clad steel wire
were used to hold the paper in place.
The melting of asphalt at one of these gasoline plants is danger-
ous business if a fire of any kind is used and it is necessary, there-
fore, that the owners provide live steam for this operation. If live
steam is not obtainable. Nonpareil Waterproof Cement instead of hot
asphalt should be used in erecting the Armstrong's Corkboard.
To give some idea of the tank insulation requirements, the follow-
ing is submitted: At the Cobb Station two horizontal tanks each 8
feet in diameter x 32 feet long and one vertical tank 20 feet in diam-
eter X 20 feet high, were insulated, at a contract price of $2,270.00.
At the Leach Station two vertical tanks each 8 feet 6 inches in di-
ameter X 9 feet 11 inches high and one vertical tank 20 feet in di-
ameter X 20 feet high were insulated at a contract price of $1,447.50.
At the Sandyville Station the same number and size tanks as at the
Leach Station, were insulated at a price of $1,440.00. The total for
the three installations amounted to $5,157.50.
That this amount of money was well spent shall be seen upon
reading the following paragraphs:
The manager of the Cobb Station advises that the saving
effected directly through insulating the tanks averages close to 600
and runs as high as 900 gallons of gasoline per day. These figures
are true for the 1917 summer months, and as the capacity of this
plant is 5,500 gallons per day, over 10% is saved. At the Sandyville
Station losses reported as high as 1,500 gallons per day in the cooler
weather of early spring with the tanks uninsulated, were reduced to
18 gallons per day during the hot summer months after the insulation
was applied. The storage capacity at this plant runs about 40,000
gallons. It is understood that the temperature in the insulated tanks
does not vary more than two or three degrees F. during the operating
day of 24 hours.
From figures given above, estimating the loss at 20c per
gallon, can readily be seen that the insulation paid for itself at each

station in less than ten days. As the insulation will last for years,
it is a wonderful investment. The foregoing is conclusive proof that
all gasoline manufacturing stations using storage tanks should have

them properly insulated when erected.

A comparison between felt and Armstrong's Corkboard insulated
tanks can be secured from a letter written by Mr. R. N. Parks, of
the United Fuel Gas Company to Mr. C. C. Reed of the Hope
Natural Gas Company. This letter, which follows, is in answer to
an inquiry regarding the experience of the United Fuel Gas Company
with insulated tanks:

"I enclose blue print showing evaporation losses from 100-

barrel tanks standing side by side, one insulated and the
other non-insulated.
"Both were filled with 87.4 degrees Baume gasoline on
March 17th, and on April 7th the loss from the insulated tank
was 88 gallons while the non-insulated tank showed a loss
of 423 gallons.
"One of our stations has reported evaporation as high as
1500 gallons under cooler weather conditions than we are
having now, but showed on their last report evaporation
loss of only 18 gallons with over 40,000 gallons in stock.
"Three of our stations were insulated with cork entirely by
the Armstrong Cork & Insulation Co. of Pittsburgh. We
insulated two 100-barrel run tanks and one 40,000-gallon
stock tank at each station."

In explanation of the above letter, paragraphs one and two refer

to felt insulated tanks while paragraph three refers to Armstrong's
Corkboard insulated tanks. Felt insulated tanks show a saving of
423 minus 88 gallons, while the cork insulated tanks show a saving

of 1500 minus 18 gallons.not very It is difficult to choose the bet-

ter insulation with these figures at hand.

The on these tanks is exposed to the rain, sleet, snow

and kinds of weather; consequently, only insulation that is non-

absorptive of moisture should be used, even though an attempt is

made The Armstrong's Corkboard applied at the
to waterproof it.

stations mentioned above remains in excellent condition. The felt

at one of the stations already appears to be coming loose. This
work was installed about eleven months ago, May, 1917. Provided
care is exercised to keep the weatherproofing in good condition, the
Armstrong's Corkboard will long out-last the felt and although the
first cost is slightly greater, its superior insulating value alone makes
it by far the best money investment.


The proper construction of cold storage rooms for hotels is a
highly important matter. The rooms must not only be efficient from
an insulation standpoint when they are new, but they must retain
this efficiency over a period of many years. Then, too, the design
must be correct in order that the rooms give satisfactory and eco-
nomical service in the proper handling of perishable foods.
These items involve proper insulation, proper placing of cooling
coils and correct bunker construction. Positive circulation of air at
all times is necessary to maintain temperatures sufficiently low to

protect the stores, and to prevent condensation of moisture on walls

and ceilings which would soon result in damp, moldy conditions so
fatal to many items included on the hotel menu.

Aside from these considerations, however, practical experience has

taught that some interior finishes over cork insulation are satisfac-
tory for hotel conditions, and some are not. It must be borne in
mind that these cold storage rooms receive a great deal of abuse,
so to speak, and the interior finish that would be quite satisfactory
for a cold storage warehouse, for example, is entirely unsatisfactory
in hotels where rooms are small and doors are opened and closed
repeatedly throughout the entire day. The influx of warm air each
time doors are used carries with it a certain proportion of water held
in suspension. As it comes in contact with chilled surfaces this
water condenses. Unless this warm air is carried directly up over
cooling coils by an active air circulation in the room, it will condense
on walls and stores. While correct design of the interior arrange-
ment of hotel cold storage rooms is a reasonable safeguard against
damp, moldy conditions, yet some little moisture is always likely to


form on walls and and the interior finish must be such that it

will successfully such temporary conditions and permit of

sanitary and hygienic conditions at all times through proper cleansing.
To tile the entire interior of hotel cold storage rooms in white is
the most satisfactory way, but is expensive. An alternate specifica-
tion, considerably less expensive, if now in use with satisfactory
results. It consists of two coats of Portland cement plaster troweled
smooth and hard for the walls, ironed-on at the factory mastic finish^
corkboard for the ceilings, and hard concrete wearing floor over
floor insulation, with metal floor grids embedded flush in the 1-inch
cement top finish. The plaster is marked of? in suitable squares to
confine hair line check cracks to the score marks, and the joints in
the ironed-on mastic finish corkboard are sealed flush with a mastic
filler, by ironing with a hot tool. This ironing process causes the
filler to combine with the mastic material so that the finished surface
isa continuous sheet, sufficiently elastic at low temperatures to elimi-
nate the possibility of cracking and absolutely impervious to moisture.
The walls and ceiling can then be painted two coats of white prime
and one good coat of white elastic enamel. Two coats of orange
shellac.should be applied to the mastic surface before the prime is
applied, as otherwise the oils in the mastic material will cause the
white prime and enamel to stain.
In quite a few instances, ironed-on mastic finish corkboard has
been used on walls, as well as ceiling, with excellent results. It,

unquestionably, is superior to Portland cement plaster but does not

finish oflf as smoothly unless unusual care is taken in erection and
sealing of the mastic joints.
It is quite difficult to obtain concrete wearing floors hard enough
to successfully withstand hotel service. For that reason the use of
metal floor grids is essential, and a cold storage room floor so
constructed will outlast steel plates.
These items, naturally,make the cost of a strictly modern hotel
cold storage room somewhat more than the cost of ordinary equip-
ment, but the first cost is practically the last cost and is far cheaper
in the long run.

1 Since this article was written in 1918, plastic mastic finish, hand troweled to
corkboard surfaces at point of erection, has been developed to a satisfactory standard
by the use of a high grade emulsified asphalt mixed and handled according to proven
formula and tested method. The Author.

Anyone who is careful to observe the simple rules for doing con-
crete work such as that outlined herewith can make and place con-
crete satisfactorily, even though he may have had no previous

What Concrete Is.— Concrete is made by mixing portland cement,

sand, pebbles or broken stone and water in certain definite propor-
tions according to the kind of work for which the concrete is to be
used, and then permitting the mixture to harden under proper condi-
tions in forms or molds. As soon as concrete has been mixed, if
left undisturbed,
begins to harden and soon becomes like stone.

The hardening process, which

is a chemical change that takes place
in the cement when mixed with water, continues for a long time
after the concrete has acquired sufficient strength for the purpose
intended. This continual increase of strength is the quality by which
concrete differs from all other materials. Concrete grows ever
stronger, never weaker by age.

Theory of Mixing Concrete. Pebbles, sand and cement must be
mixed together in correct proportions in order to make a dense,
strong concrete.
For this reason, in mixing concrete, stone and sand are used in such
proportions that the amount of spaces or voids between them is as
small as possible, and all the surfaces of the sand and pebbles are
coated with a film of cement. The smaller the voids are, the
stronger and more dense will be the concrete. A dense concrete is
also watertight; if the voids are not completely filled, the concrete

will be porous and will not be impervious to water.

It is very important that no dirt or finely powdered sand be used,
as the use of such material interferes with the action of the cement
in hardening. The strength of the concrete depends upon the
adhesion of the cement mixture to the clean surfaces of sound, hard
particles of sand or stone.

Portland Cement. Portland cement is a uniform, reliable product.
Any of the standard brands produced by members of the Portland
Cement Association are tested and guaranteed and will produce
good concrete when properly combined in correct proportion with
the other materials necessary for a concrete mixture.
Portland cement is packed and shipped in standard cloth sacks or
in paper bags holding 94 pounds net weight. For convenience in
determining the necessary quantity of the several materials entering
into a concrete mixture, a sack of portland cement may be con-
sidered as one cubic foot.

"Courtesy of Portland Cement Association.

Practically all building material dealers handle portland cement.
Cloth sacks are charged to the cement purchaser. When empty they
should be returned to the cement dealer, who will buy them back if
they are fit for further use as cement containers. Cement sacks
which have been wet, torn or otherwise rendered unfit for use are not
Paper bags are not returnable.
Cement should always be kept in a dry place until used.


K P« P C P


ICuJt. 4CU.FT. 4.5 Cu.Ft.



FIG. 217.— CEMENT,

Aggregates. — Sand and pebbles or broken stone are usually spoken

of as "aggregate." Sand is called "fine aggregate" and pebbles or
crushed stone "coarse aggregate." Sand or other fine aggregate,
such as rock screenings, includes all particles from very fine (exclu-
sive of dust) up to those which will just pass through a screen having
meshes Y/^-mzh. square. Coarse aggregate includes all pebbles or
broken stone ranging from J4-'nch up to Ij/^ or 2 inches. The maxi-
mum size of coarse aggregate to be used is governed by the nature
of the work. In thin slabs or walls the largest pieces of aggregate
should never exceed one-third the thickness of the section of con-
crete being placed.
Sand should be clean and hard, free from fine dust, loam, clay and
vegetable matter. These "foreign" materials are objectionable be-

cause they prevent adhesion between the cement and sound, hard
particles of sand aggregate, thereby reducing the strength of the
concrete and increasing its porosity. Concrete made with dirty
sand or pebbles hardens very slowly at best and may never harden
enough to perm.it the concrete to be used for its intended purpose.

Sand. Sand should be well graded, that is, the particles should
not all be fine nor all coarse, but should vary from fine up to those
particles that will just pass a screen having meshes ^-inch square.
If the sand is thus well graded the finer particles help to occupy the
spaces (voids) between the larger particles, thus resulting in a
denser concrete and permitting the most economical use of cement
in filling the remainder of the voids or air spaces and binding the
sand particles together.

Coarse Aggregate. — Pebbles or crushed stone to be used in a con-

crete mixer should be tough, fairly hard and free from any of the
impurities that would be objectionable in sand. Stone containing a
considerable quantity of soft, flat or elongated particles should
not be used.

Bank-run Gravel. The natural mixture of sand and pebbles as
taken from a gravel bank is usually referred to as bank-run material.
This is not suitable for concrete unless first screened so that the
sand may be separated from the pebbles and the two materials
reproportioned in correct ratio. Most gravel banks contain either
more sand or more pebbles than desirable for concrete mixture.
Usually there is too much sand.

Water. — Water used to mix concrete should be clean, free from

oil, alkali and acid. In general, water that is fit to drink is good
for concrete.

Proportioning Concrete Mixtures. — In order to obtain a strong,

dense, durable concrete, the materials entering into it must be defi-
nitely proportioned. For
given purpose, a certain quantity of
Portland cement with a certain quantity of sand, pebbles or crushed
rock and water will make the best concrete. The several materials
entering into concrete must be so proportioned that the cement will
fill the voids or air spaces in the sand and when combined with the

correct quantity of water will coat every particle of sand, thus

making a volume of cement-sand mortar slightly in excess of the
volume required to fill the air spaces or voids in the volume of
broken stone or pebbles to be used. Some concrete work requires
denser concrete than other kinds, so it is good practice to vary the
mixture according to the job.
A 1:2:3 mixture means 1 sack (1 cubic foot) of cement, 2 cubic
feet of sand and 3 cubic feet of pebbles or crushed stone. The first
figure stands for the cement, the second for the sand and the third
for the pebbles or broken stone. A 1:2 mixture means 1 sack (1
cubic foot) of Portland cement and 2 cubic feet of sand A 1 :2 mix-

ture would be called a mortar, since it contains no pebbles or broken

stone (coarse aggregate).
The following table shows the usual proportions recommended
for several classes of construction:

Table of Recommended Mixtures and Maximum Aggregate Sizes. —

1:1:1J4 — Mixture for: Max. Size Agg.
Wearing course of two-course pavements 54 i"-
1:2:3 — Mixture for:
One-course walks, floors, pavements 1 H in.
Basement walls exposed to moisture 1^ in.
Sillsand lintels without mortar surface 54 '"
Tanks 1 in.
1:2:4 — Mixture for:
Foundations for light machinery 2 in.
Concrete work in general 1 J^ in.
1:2>^:4— Mixture for:
Building walls above ground 1^ in.
Walls of pits or basements 1 ^ in.
Base of two-course floors or pavements 1 in.
1:2 —
Mixture for:
Wearing course of two-course floors and pavements % in.




Don't Guess at Quantities. All materials should be accurately
measured. This can be done easily by using a measuring box made
:o hold exactly 1 cubic foot, 2 cubic feet or any other volume desired.
Such a box is in reality a bottomless frame. An illustration of a
measuring box is shown here. To measure the materials the box
is placed on the mixing platform and filled. When the required
•amount of material has been placed in it, the box is lifted of? and

the material remains on the platform. Cement need not be meas-

ured because, as already explained, one sack can be considered as
cubic foot in volume. A pail might also be used in proportioning
concrete. For example, a 1:2:3 batch of concrete would be meas-
ured by taking 1 pail of portland cement, 2 pails of sand and 3 pails
of pebbles or stone.



Mixing the Materials. Concrete may be mixed either by hand or
by machine. Machine mixing is to be preferred as in this way thor-
ough mixing is easier to obtain and all batches will be uniform.
However, first-class concrete can be mixed by hand. Whichever
way mixing is done, it should continue until every pebble or stone
is completely coated with a thoroughly mixed mortar of sand and


Mixing —
Platform. For hand mixing a watertight platform at
least 7 feet wide and 12 feet long should be provided. A platform of
this size is large enough to permit two men using shovels to work
upon it at one time. Such a platform should preferably be made of
boards at least IH inches thick, tongued and grooved so that the
jointswill be tight and the platform rigid. These planks may be
nailed to three or more 2 by 4's set on edge. Two sides and one
end of the platform should have a strip nailed along the edge and
projecting 2 inches above the mixing surface of the platform to
prevent materials from being washed or shoveled ofif while mixing.
Hand Mixing. —The usual procedure in mixing concrete b.v hand
is as follows:
The measured quantity of sand spread out evenly on the plat-

form. On this the required cement is dumped and evenly

amount of
distributed. The cement and sand are then turned over thoroughly
with square pointed shovels enough times to produce a mass of
uniform color, free from streaks of brown and gray. Such streaks
indicate that the sand and cement have not been thoroughly mixed.
The required quantity of pebbles or broken stone is then measured
and spread in a layer on top of the cement-sand mixture and all of
the material again mixed by turning with shovels until the pebbles
have been uniformly distributed throughout the mixed cement and
sand. At least three turnings are necessary. A depression or hollow
is then formed in the center of the pile and water added slowly
while the materials are turned with square pointed shovels, this
turning being continued until the cement, sand and pebbles have
been thoroughly and uniformly combined and the desired consistency
or wetness obtained throughout the mixture.
It is very important that no more water be used than necessary,
as too much will reduce the strength of the concrete. Too little
water will also reduce its strength and make it porous. For gen-
eral use, concrete, after thorough mixing, should be wet enough to
form a mass of pasty or jelly-like consistency, but never so wet as
to flow easily or be soupy.

Placing Concrete. — Concrete

should be placed into forms as soon
as possible after mixing and in no case more than 30 minutes after
mixing. It should be deposited in layers of uniform depth, usually
not exceeding 6 inches. When placed in the forms it should be
tamped and spaded so as to cause it to settle thoroughly everywhere
in the forms and produce a dense mass. By "spading" is meant the
working of a spade or chisel-edge board in the concrete and between
it and the side of the forms, moving the spading tool to and fro and

up and down. This working of the concrete next to the forms

forces the large pebbles or stone particles away from the form face
into the mass of the concrete and insures an even, dense surface
when forms are removed.

Finishing Concrete. The surface of a floor or walk should be fin-
ished by using a wood float. A metal trowel should be used spar-
ingly, if at all, because its use brings a film of cement to the surface,
which lacks the wearing quality of the cement and sand combined
and may cause the surface to develop "hair cracks" after the con-
crete hardens. A trowelled surface is smoother, but does not wear
so well as a floated surface and is likely to be slippery.

Protecting Newly Placed Concrete.— If concrete is left exposed

to sun and wind before has properly hardened, much of the water

necessary to hardening will evaporate and the concrete will simply

dry out. Moisture is necessary to the proper hardening of concrete
because, as already mentioned, the hardening process is a chemical
change which takes place in the cement when mixed with water.
Concrete floors, walks, pavements and similar large surfaces can be
protected by covering with moist earth, sand, or other moisture-re-
taining material as soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently to
permit doing so without marring the surface. This covering should
be kept moist in warm weather by frequent sprinkling during a
period of ten days or so. Walls or other sections which cannot con-



Wire he.


veniently be covered in the manner suggested can be protected by
hanging moist canvas or burlap over them and wetting down the
entire work often enough to keep it always moist for ten days after
placing. During cold weather protection is equally important, but
the concrete need not be kept moist as evaporation is not so rapid.

Concrete in Winter.— There is no difficulty in doing concrete work

in cold weather if a few simple precautions are taken. The booklet
"Making Concrete and Cement Products in Winter" describes the
rules to be followed. A copy may be obtained free by addressing
the Portland Cement Association, Chicago, 111.




How to Use Materials Table for Calculating Quantities.

Problem 1: —
What quantities of materials are required for a mono-
lithicconcrete foundation wall 34 feet square, outside measurements,
12 inches thick, 7 feet high, with a footing 12 inches thick and 18
inches wide, using a 1:2:4 mixture in both the wall and footing?

Solution: —
The wall contains 924 square feet of surface, 12 inches
thick, deducting for duplication at corners.
Referring to table under 1:2:4 mixture for 12 inch walls, 22.4 sacks
of cement are required for each 100 square feet of surface. Dividing
924 by 100 gives the number of times 100 square feet are contained
in the total wall surface and multiplying by 22.4 gives the total num-
ber of sacks of cement required. Similar calculations are made for
the fine aggregate and the coarse aggregate in both the wall and
the footing, noting that the width of the footing, 18 inches, is IJ/2
times the 12 inches thick.

924 X 22.4
= 207 sacks of cement.

924 X 44.7
= 413 cu. ft. fine aggregate.

924 X 89.4
= 826 cu. ft. coarse aggregate.

The footing contains 132 square feet of surface, 18 inches thick

(1^x12 inches), deducting for duplication at corners.

= 44.4 sacks cement.

= 88.5 cu. ft. fine aggregate.

= 177.0 cu. ft. coarse aggregate.

Furnish and erect pure corkboard and sundry materials necessary
to construct cold storage rooms, of arrangement, location and size
as outlined by drawings, dated and as per the following specifi-
. . .



Floor Insulation. It is understood that the base floor is depressed
7" below the general level of the floor of the building, which base is
reasonably smooth and level and in readiness to receive insulation.
Uponsuch reasonably smooth and level concrete base, the con-
tractor shall furnish and apply one layer 2" Pure Corkboard in hot
asphalt with the top surface flooded with the same compound, and
left in readiness to receive 5" concrete wearing floor to be put in
place by owners or others.

To the underside of concrete ceiling surface,
Ceiling Insulation.
in proper condition to receive insulation, the contractor shall furnish
and erect two layers 2" Pure Corkboard. The first layer shall be
erected in a Yz" bedding of Portland cement mortar and propped
in position until the cement sets, following which the second layer
shall be erected to the underside of the first in hot asphalt and ad-
ditionally secured with galvanized wire nails driven obliquely, three
to the square foot. The exposed surface of such insulation shall
then be finished as hereinafter specified.

Tile Wall Insulation. —To a tile wall surface running the length of
one Banana Room, in place for the contractor and in proper con-
dition to receive insulation, the contractor shall furnish and erect
two layers 2" Pure Corkboard. The first layer shall be erected in
a Yz" bedding of Portland cement mortar, following which the second
layer shall be erected to the first in hot asphalt and additionally
secured with wood skewers driven obliquely, two to the square foot.
The exposed surface of such insulation shall then be finished as here-
inafter specified.

Pilaster, Column and Caps Insulation. —To the concrete surfaces

columns and caps, wherever insulation is required as in-
of pilasters,
dicated by drawings, the contractor shall furnish and erect one layer
3" Pure Corkboard in a J/2" bedding of Portland cement mortar and
prop in position or otherwise secure in position until the cement
sets. The exposed surface of such insulation shall then be finished
as hereinafter specified.

*Insulation specifications for The Kroger Grocery & Baking Co., Charleston, W. Va.,

Outside Cork Wall Insulation.— To construct the self-sustaining

outside cork walls, the contractor shall furnish and erect two layers
2" Pure Corkboard, with the sheets in the first layer set edge on
edge in hot asphalt and toe-nailed to each other with galvanized
wire nails, following which the second layer shall be erected to the first
in hot asphalt and additionally secured with wood, skewers driven
obliquely, two to the square foot. The exposed surfaces of the in-
sulation shall then be finished as hereinafter specified.

Cork Partition Wall Insulation. —To construct the self-sustaining

cork partition walls, the contractor shall furnish and erect one layer
3" Pure Corkboard, with the sheets set edge on edge in hot asphalt
and toe-nailed to each other with galvanized wire nails. The exposed
surfaces of the insulation shall then be finished as hereinafter specified.

Cold Storage Doors. The contractor shall furnish and set, where
indicated by drawings, six standard cold storage doors, 4' 6" wide x
6' 6" high, three right hand swing and three left hand swing, no sill

type,and three standard bunker doors, 4' 6" wide x 2' 0" high, left
hand swing, high sill type.


Floor Insulation. It is understood that the base floor under Re-
frigerators in the basement, is depressed 7" below the general level
of the floor of the building, which base is reasonably smooth and
level and in readiness to receive insulation. It is understood that
the base floor under Egg Room, on second floor, is not depressed
below the general level of the floor but is reasonably smooth and
level and in readiness to receive insulation.

Upon such reasonably smooth and level concrete base floors, the
contractor shall furnish and apply two layers 2" Pure Corkboard in
hot asphalt with asphalt between the layers and the top surface
flooded with the same compound, and left in readiness to receive 4"
concrete wearing floor to be put in place by owners or others.

Ceiling Insulation. To the underside of concrete ceiling surfaces,
in proper condition to receive insulation, the contractor shall furnish
and erect two layers 2" Pure Corkboard. The first layer shall be
erected in a ^" bedding of Portland cement mortar and propped in
position until the cement sets, following which the second layer shall
be erected to the underside of the first in hot asphalt and additionally
secured with galvanized wire nails driven obliquely, three to the
square foot. The exposed surface of such insulation shall then be
finished as hereinafter specified.

Tile Wall Insulation.—To a tile wall surface running the short way
of the Egg Room, in place for contractor and in proper condition to
receive insulation, the contractor shall furnish and erect two layers
Pure Corkboard. The first layer shall be erected in a V2" bedding of
Portland cement mortar, following which the second layer shall be
erected to the first in hot asphalt and additionally secured with weed
skewers driven obliquely, two to the square foot. The exposed sur-
face of such insulation shall then be finished as hereinafter specified.

Building Wall Insulation. To the brick building wall extending
along one long side of the group of Refrigerators, and to the brick
building wall extending the length of the Egg Room, in place for
the contractor and in proper condition to receive insulation, the con-
tractor shall furnish and erect two layers 2" Pure Corkboard. The
first layer shall be erected in a Yz" bedding of Portland cement
mortar, following which the second layer shall be erected to the
first in hot asphalt and additionally secured with wood skewers driven

obliquely, two to the square foot. The exposed surface of such in-
sulation shall then be finished as hereinafter specified.
Pilaster, Column and Caps Insulation. — Same as specified for Re-
frigerated Banana Rooms.
Outside Cork Wall Insulation. — Same as specified for Refrigerated
Banana Rooms.
Cork Partition Wall Insulation. — Same as specified for Refrigerated
Banana Rooms.
Cold Storage Doors. — The contractor shall furnish and set, where
indicated by the drawings, four standard cold storage doors, 4' 6" wide
x 6' 6" high, right hand swing, no sill type.

Coil Bunkers. It is understood that the owners shall provide in
proper locations in concrete ceiling slabs in advance of the insula-
tion work being done, a suitable number and kind of expansion
anchors to receive Yz" hanger bolts as supports for coils and coil
After the insulation work has been completed, the contractor shall
provide, on the floor of each of thcoc rooms, an insulated coil
bunker with all necessary material for supporting it at the proper
distance below the ceiling, but it is understood that another con-
tractor shall raise the bunkers into place after adjusting coils in
position thereon.
The bottoms of the bunkers shall be insulated with one layer 2"
Pure Corkboard on ^" T&G lumber, while the bafifles of the
bunkers shall be double layer T&G lumber with insulating paper
between the layers. The floors of the bunkers shall be covered
with No. 24 gauge galvanized iron, flashed at all edges, with all
joints and nail heads soldered. Galvanized iron drain pipe shall be
provided to carry drip from low point of each bunker to the floor
of the room.
Where mentioned hereinbefore, except ceiling areas, the con-
tractor shall furnish and apply to the exposed insulation sur-
faces a Y2" Portland cement plaster finish, in two coats, each


approximately %" thick, mixed in the proportion of one part Port-

land cement to two parts clean sharp sand, the second coat brought
to a float finish and scored in suitable squares to reduce and confine
checking to such score marks.
Where mentioned hereinbefore for ceiling areas, the contractor
shall furnish and apply by hand with trowel to the exposed insula-
tion surfaces one uniform coat of Plastic Mastic Primer, mixed one
bag asbestos fibre to one drum approved asphalt emulsion. Over this
coat the contractor shall then furnish and apply a uniform coat of
Plastic Mastic Finish, mixed one bag asbestos fibre and three bags
hard silica grits to one drum approved asphalt emulsion, such finish
troweled to as smooth a surface as the material will permit and left
uiiscored. The contractor may furnish Pure Corkboard for the
second layer on the ceiling having an asphalt mastic finish approxi-
mately Ys" thick ironed on at the factory, in which case all mastic
joints in the finished work shall then be filled in with suitable Plas-
tic Mastic material and thoroughly sealed in approved manner.

Owners shallassume all risk of any damage to, or de-
struction or loss of, all goods furnished whether by fire or otherwise
after they, or any part of them, shall have been delivered on or
about owner's premises, though the erection or installation of the
same has not been begun or completed by the contractor. Owner
will have building in readiness and all surfaces left in proper con-
dition, so that the work once begun may be pushed to completion
without delays. Owner will supply satisfactory storage room under
cover and protection at point of erection for the materials called for,
allow the contractor the use of elevator and such additional facili-
ties as may be available for handling materials, and shall furnish
all scaflEolding, electric current, artificial light, heat and water re-

quired. It is understood that there is a side track at the building so

that materials shipped in carlots need not be drayed by the con-
tractor, but it is understood that the contractor shall handle all his
own materials at the building.


Pure Corkboard and Sundries

Railroad Official I
Western | Southern
Description Containers L OL-CL-MFN LCL-CL-MIN LCL-CL-MIN
| |

•'Granulated cork
compressed in sheets
without binder," or
"cork sheets com-
pressed without


Cork Pipe Covering, Cork Lags, Cork Discs and Sundries

Railroad ^ Western Soutliern

- _5'''''l-'''' __ '. _ |

Description j Containers |LCL-CL-MTXj L€L-CL-MIn'| LCL CL-MIN


"Cork pipe covering

with or without
binder" 2 4 20 2 4 20
Cork) lagging 'Cork pipe or tank
and discs covering without
Waterproof "Cement paste
cement ]at>el required)' metal cans, in
bbls. or boxes;
or bulk in kits
or palls
Brine and Ammonia
Operating Between 0° and 25° F.
Lines —
Cover all brine and ammonia
operating at from 0° to 25° F.,
after they have been tested, cleaned and approved, with Brine Thick-
ness cork pipe covering having a mineral rubber finish ironed on at
the factory.
Use sectional covering on all pipe lines up to and including 8-inch
nominal pipe size. On sizes use segmental covering,
all larger
beveled to the proper radius. Cement all joints with waterproof
cement, all end joints being broken by making one-half of the first
section 18 inches long and the other half the full length of 36 inches.
Place all longitudinal joints on top and bottom. Wire the covering
in place with copper clad steel wire, applying not less than six wires
per section or its equivalent of three feet. Draw wires up tight all
around the covering and not just at the point of twist.



Use cork fitting jackets on all screwed fittings up to and including

6-inch,and on all flanged fittings up to and including 6-inch. On
all larger use cork segments, beveled to the proper radius.
Cement all with waterproof cement and wire securely with
copper clad steel wire, applying not less than six wires per fitting.
Fill all spaces between the cork jackets and/or the cork segments
with brine putty, so applied as to leave no void spaces whatever
behind the insulation.
After the insulation is thus applied, fill all seams and broken edges
with seam filler so as to leave a smooth, workmanlike surface.
Paint the entire exposed surfaces of the insulation with one good
coat of asphaltic paint, or finish as otherwise specified.
Carry insulated lines on hangers fitted to the outside of the

covering, which shall be protected by a 6-inch wide sheet iron

shield shaped to fit the covering and extending halfway up the
sides of the covering.

Brine and Ammonia Lines Operating Below 0° F. — Note: Follow

same specifications as given for Brine Thickness cork pipe covering,
(a) Substitute Sl>ccia! Thick Brine for "Brine Thickness."
(b) Use sectional covering on all pipe lines up to and including
6-inch nominal pipe size, and segmental covering on larger sizes.

(c) Use cork fitting jackets on all screwed fittings up to and

including 5-inch, and on all flanged fittings up to and including 4-inch.
On all larger sizes use cork segments.
Ice Water and Cold Lines Operating Above 25° F. Note: Follow —
same specifications as given for Brine Thickness cork pipe covering,
(a) Substitute Ice Water for "Brine."
(b) Use sectional covering on all pipe lines up to and including
10-inch nominal pipe size, and segmental covering on larger sizes.
(c) Use cork fitting jackets on all screwed fittings up to and
including 6-inch, and on all flanged fittings up to and including
4-inch. On all larger sizes use cork segments.

Cylindrical Tanks Operating at Various Temperatures. —

Below 5° F. use one layer 6-in. cork lags.
5° to 20° F. use one layer 5-in. cork lags.
20° to 32° F. use one layer 4-in. cork lags.
Z2° to 55° F. use one layer 3-in. cork lags.
55° F. and up use one layer 2-in. cork lags.

Cover the cylindrical tank operating at from ....° to ....° F.,

after it has been tested, cleaned and approved, with .... inch thick
cork lags and discs weighing approximately 1.25 lbs. per board foot
and having a mineral rubber finish ironed on at the factory on both
the inner and outer surfaces.
Insulate the cylindrical surface of the tank with one layer of cork
lags beveled to the proper radius. Insulate any and all flanges of the
tank with one layer of cork lags projecting beyond the heads of the
tank the equal of the thickness of the discs and applied so as to
have a bearing of at least one foot on the lags of the body of the
tank. (If either head of the tank has no flange, extend the body
lags beyond the end of the tank the equal of the thickness of the

Apply body and flange lags with waterproof cement on all joints,
and secure in place with 1-inch bands (or l]^-inch bands) of not
lighter than No. 26 gauge brass drawn up tight by means of bolts
and clips riveted to the ends of the bands. Space these bands not
more than one foot apart for body lags and use not less than three
for lags on each flange.

Apply discs directly against the heads of the tanks, and hold in
place by means of flange or body lags as the case may be. Fill all
spaces between the tank heads and the discs with regranulated cork
well packed.
Build boxes of tongued and grooved boards around the supports
on which the tank rests, so as to leave from four to six inches of
space on all sides, and fill these spaces with regranulated cork well
packed. (To obviate the necessity of boxing in the tank supports and
to give a better insulation job, it is preferable, where weight per-
mits, carry a horizontal tank on saddles outside the body lags,
so that the insulation will be continuous between the tank and the


FIG. 222.— CORK

After the insulation is thus applied, fill all scams and broken
edges with seam filler so as to leave a smooth, workmanlike surface.
Paint the entire exposed surfaces with one good coat of asphaltic
paint, or finish as otherwise specified.



The service that cold pipe insulation encounters is the most severe
service that insulation of any kind or character is called upon to
withstand. Therefore, it is important:

1. That only the very best cold pipe insulation should be selected
for use.
2. That it should be intelligently chosen as to the proper thick-
ness for the service encountered.
3. That it should be very carefully erected in conformity with
proven specifications and methods of application.
4. That it should have attention at least once each year.

Basic Fitness. Experience of many years has taught that the most
satisfactory results have been obtained by the use of an insulation
that does not possess capillarity (the inherent property of certain
materials that causes them to absorb water, as a blotter sucks up
ink), and this experience
in service with coverings for brine, am-
monia and ice water has limited the materials that are entirely
suitable for cold pipe insulation to those composed of cork, having
no foreign binder used in the manufacturing process.
The "cork of commerce" is the outer bark of the cork oak tree
native of Spain. The air cell structure of cork and its freedom from
capillarity, in combination, are the two properties provided by Nature
to make this remarkable material, when put through the proper
manufacturing processes, the best cold pipe insulation known.

Description. Cork pipe covering is made of pure granulated cork,
compressed, molded and baked in sectional form to fit the different
sizes of pipe and fittings. It is coated inside and out with a mineral
rubber finish. Properly applied, it is a thoroughly satisfactory
insulation, which is impervious to moisture and which will last
longer than the pipe if given reasonable care in service.

Advantages. Cork pipe covering possesses maximum insulating
efificiency,due to the clean cork waste used in its manufacture and
to the manufacturing processes employed; is remarkably durable in
service, is clean and neat in appearance and is easy to apply. Under
average conditions, on brine and ammonia lines, it will pay for itself
in one year.

Three Thicknesses. — Cork pipe covering is manufactured in three

thicknesses, to meet different service conditions, as follows:
1. Brine Thickness, from two to three inches thick, is designed for
brine and ammonia gas lines, and generally where the refrigerant
ranges from 0° to 25° F.
2. Heavy Brine Thickness, or Special Thick Brine, from three to
four inches thick, is for brine lines where the temperature runs below
0° F.
3. Ice Water Thickness, approximately one and one-half inches
thick, is intended for use on refrigerated drinking water lines, liquid
ammonia lines and generally where temperatures of 25° F. and
higher are carried.
It is important, if satisfactory results are to be obtained, that the
correct thickness of cork pipe covering be used in every instance.

Must Be Properly Applied. But it is also essential that cork pipe
covering be properly applied if satisfactory results are to be obtained
over a long period of years, and the following points must be kept
firmly in mind when erecting the material.

d lUJ

Sj)acing of Lines. — All pipe lines and fittings should be erected

and spaced so as to permit of the free application of cork pipe cover-
ing without the necessity for the cutting away of the insulation in
any way. Dimensions required for the proper spacing of pipe lines
and fittings to receive cork pipe covering are as follows:
Space Space
Required Required
Between Between Pipes
Thickness of Covering Parallel and Adjacent
Pipes Surfaces
Brine Thickness
Screwed Fittings up to and including 6 inch 8 6
Screwed Fittings larger than 6 inch 14 8
Flanged Fittings 14 8
Special Thick Bri)ie
Screwed Fittings up to and including 3 inch 10 8
Screwed Fittings larger than 3 inch 18 12
Flanged Fittings 18 12
Ice Water Thickness
Screwed Fittings up to and including 6 inch 6 4
Screwed Fittings larger than 6 inch 10 5
Flanged Fittings 10 5

Preparation of Lines. Cork pipe covering must never be erected
have been tested, made tight, cleaned of foreign matter,
until all lines
freed of frost and made perfectly dry.

Pipe Hajigers and Shields. All pipe hangers must be placed on
the outside of the cork pipe covering, and the insulation should be
protected from each hanger by a sheet iron shield shaped to fit the
curvature of the covering and extending at least four inches on each
side of the hanger and up the sides to the center of the pipe.

Branch Lines, By-pass Lines, Rods, Etc. All unused or infre- —

quently used branch or bj'-pass lines leading oflE from lines being
covered must be insulated to a distance of not less than three feet
from the main insulated pipe line. Where this section of insulation
ends it must be carefully sealed off with seam filler. No uninsulated
pipe, rod or metal of anj- kind must be allowed to remain near
enough to an insulated pipe line so that such metal enters or cuts
into the cork pipe covering at any point.

Insulation Sundries. —
In order that cork pipe covering and cork
fitting jackets may
be properly applied, the following sundry ma-
terials are supplied by the manufacturer without extra cost:

1. Waterproof Cement for the cementing of all lateral and end

2. Brine Putty for the filling of any and all spaces between the
covering and the pipe or the fittings.
3. Copper Clad Steel Wire for the holding of the covering in
place. (Ordinary copper wire or galvanized wire is unsatisfactory
in service.)
Seam Filler for the finishing up of seams and broken edges.

Asphaltic Paint for the painting of the outside surfaces of the


insulation so as to give it a neat and finished appearance and to

enhance its value.

Thequantity of these insulation sundries shipped is intended to be

sufficient if used as directed.

Waterproof Cement. —
Waterproof cement sets quickly when ex-
posed to the Consequently, it must not be applied to any surface

until the joint is ready to be made, as otherwise a film forms that

prevents a proper bond. Coat only as much of a surface as is to
be placed immediately in contact with another surface. Use cement
on but one of two adjoining surfaces— the last to be applied. Do not
coat both surfaces zcith tuaterproof cement. Stir the cement thoroughly
before applying it, and keep cover of the container on tight when not
in use.

Screwed Fitting Jackets. —Apply cork fitting jackets to all screwed

fittings before the sectional covering is installed on the pipes incident
thereto. This is necessary because the cork jackets extend beyond the
beads of the screwed fittings. By installing the sectional covering
last, end joints can be made with the cork jackets by slightly
wedging Eliminate all voids between
the sectional covering in place.
the fitting and the cork jacket by filling with brine putty. Use water-
proof cement on all joints of the cork jackets, and then wire securely
in place using not less than four wires to each jacket.

Sectional Covering. —Waterproof cement must be used on all

lateral and end joints of sectional covering. All joints must be

brought tightly together before a film has had a chance to form on
the cement. All end joints must be broken by making one-half of
the first section 18 inches long and the other half the full length
of 36 inches. Place all lateral or longitudinal joints on the top and
The slightest opening througli either the lateral or end joints of the
covering will allow moisture to condense and frost to form to damage
or destroy the insulation. Thus exceptional care must he taken to use
waterproof cement properly, and the cork pipe covering must be secured
in place with copper clad steel wire, using not less than six wires for
each section of These wires must be drawn up tight all

around the covering not just at the point of twist tight enough so —
that the wire is embedded in the mineral rubber finish around the whole
circumference. Never use any kind of wire except copper clad steel
wire, as other kinds are not satisfactory.

Flanged Fitting Jackets. —

Cork fitting jackets for flanged fittings
rest on the outside of the sectional covering. For this reason, it is
necessary to apply the sectional covering first on pipe lines having
flanged fittings incident thereto. Butt the sectional covering against the
flanges of the fittings, wedging it slightly between them, following
instructions just given.
Then by first applying one-half of the
insulate the flanged fittings
cork jacket temporary manner and carefully filling the space
in a
between the fitting and the half jacket with brine putty packed tight.
Remove this half jacket and repeat the process with the other half
jacket on the other side of the fitting. Now put both in place to
test the workmanship as to the elimination of all voids between the
insulation and the fitting. When satisfactory, use waterproof cement
on all joints and wire in place securely with not less than six wires
to each jacket.

Mitered Bends. — Pipe

bends should be insulated by mitering sec-
tional covering tobend.
fit Insulate the straight pipe on both
sides of the bend up to the points where the bend starts. Determine
the radius of the bend and the angle of the mitre, and cut pieces
sufficiently straight pipe contact between the
short to give practically
pipe and the mitered covering. Cut the center piece for a good tight
fit. After all mitered pieces are ready, put them in place with water-
proof cement on all joints, using two wires to each mitered section,
working from each end of the bend toward the middle. The last or
key section should be applied while the cement is still soft on all
other mitered joints, to insure perfection of the finished work.

Seams and Chipped Edges. Smooth up all seams and chipped
edges along the lateral and end joints of the covering and the fitting
jackets with seam filler, so applied as to leave a smooth surface.

Painting. After the seam filler has been applied, give the exposed
surfaces of the completed insulation work one good coat of asphaltic
paint. This is the only finish that is required on inside lines; but
outside lines, or lines passing through cold rooms, tunnels, pipe
shafts, etc., must be further protected by weather-proofing.

Weather-proofing. Wrap with one layer of 2-ply roofing paper,
with a 3-inch lap on side and ends. Point the exposed end of the
side lap down. Apply asphaltic paint on all laps to cement them in
place, and additionally secure lateral laps with copper staples. Paint
the finished work with one good coat of asphaltic paint.

White Finish Over Mineral Rubber. If white finish, or color other
than black, is desired for cork pipe covering, it may be obtained by
painting the mineral rubber finish with two good coats of orange
shellac followed by any selected paint or enamel. Some enamels,
specially prepared, are suitable without the use of orange shellac.

Segmental Covering. Piping and fittings larger than the sizes for
which sectional covering and sectional fitting jackets are furnished
are insulated with segmental covering. Instructions for proper ap-
plication are supplied by the manufacturer with every such shipment,
and should be followed carefully.
Lags and Discs. — Brinetanks, accumulators, etc., are in-
sulated with cork lags and discs. Separate sheets sent by the manu-
facturer with every shipment of lags give complete and detailed
instructions for proper application. See that they are received, and
follow such instructions carefully.

Care and Maintenance. The seroicc that cold pipe insulation en-
counters is the most severe service that insulation of any kind is called

upon to zinthstand. Therefore, it is important that it should have care

and attention if it is to be kept in good condition. Properly applied and
properly cared for, cork pipe covering vuill last longer than the pipe.
Inspect the installation at regular intervals for:
1. Loose or broken wires.
2. Joints opening up.
3. Cracks in mineral rubber finish and seam filler coming loose.
If a or broken wire is found, replace it without delay. If
any open joints are found, the section of covering or the fitting
jacket should be removed the very next time the refrigeration is oflf,
dried out and replaced, or new insulation installed.
Close up any cracks that may have developed in the mineral rubber
finishwith seam filler. At least once each year give the entire
exposed surface of the cold pipe insulation one good coat of asphaltic
Such attention is inexpensive and will add materially to the long
lifeand the high efficiency of cold pipe insulation.
Speaking of Values. — Years ago an authority on economics pointed
out that values were of two different kinds: Value in exchange, and
value in use. Gold, for example, was xnentioned as possessing a rela-
tively high exchange value, due to its scarcity and the demand for it
for ornamentation; but as having practically no real value in use,
as it was in no sense necessary to mankind. Water, on the other
hand, was referred to as having no exchange value, as it was never
sold; but as possessing an extraordinary high value in use because
it was an absolute necessity to mankind.

While these examples can still be used today for the purpose of
illustrating thedifference between these two classes of values, yet
the real value of gold and the exchange value of water have both
increased immeasurably since about the ISth century. Gold is today
considered necessary as the basis of our monetary exchange; and
good water has a very definite monetary value to those who are in
position to dispense it.

A Good —
Drink of Water. Especially is this true of good drink-
ing water. But good water and good drinking water may be two
wholly different things; especially in the industries and in most pub-
lic buildings. While water may be pure, it is not necessarily fit for
human consumption. It must be available at the proper temperature.
If it is too warm it does not satisfy and workers complain or seek
employment elsewhere. If it is too cold the health of the consumer
is very vitally impaired. Medical science has conclusively demon-
strated that at 45° to 50° F. pure drinking water is best; in fact, ex-
tremely essential to the health and well-being of all classes of
Thus, pure drinking water of the proper temperature has a high
exchange value today, considering that the efficiency or productive-
ness of workers depends so very much upon the condition of their
minds and bodies. And if such wholesome drinking water is easily
available in adequate quantity, procurable without risk of contamina-
tion, and does not cost too much to provide, it can easily be a source
of large monetary profit to the individual or concern supplying it.
While this profit is an indirect one, yet it is a real profit notwith-
standing in that it constitutes a saving over old methods of sup-
plying workers with drinking water.

Consider the Facts. In too many factories, mills and public build-
ings, the worker, in order to obtain his daily requirement of drink-
ing water, must be away from his employment for a considerable
period of time each day. He must usually walk an appreciable
•Advertisement, copyright, 1923, Armstrong Cork & Insulation Company, Pitts-
burgh, Penna. Reprinted by permission.

distance to a faucet or tank; perhaps he must wait his turn there,

and while he waits, he gossips a bit, usually to no good purpose.
If the supply is city reservoir
water, he runs off a certain quan-
tity in the belief that he can get it cool; if it is tank water, it is
either too warm to be satisfying or, if iced, too cold to be healthful.

It is a well-established fact that the usual methods of drinking

water supply are wasteful to a high degree— wasteful of time and
water, conducive to ill health, and frequently responsible for a
good share of the peevishness and unrest so manifest among work-
ers in the warmer months of the year.



TheSolution. —
Progressive and well-informed managements are
in complete agreement with doctors on the important part that
drinking water plays in maintaining health, morale and efficiency
under modern working conditions. And thus the refrigerated drink-
ing water distribution system has come into extensive use. It

has been found not only completely practical and satisfactory from
the hygienic and the production standpoints, but actually cheaper to
operate than the cruder methods previously used.
This modern system very simple both in principle and operation.

It equipment, an insulated water tank lo-

consists of refrigerating
cated at the correct point, and properly insulated distributing lines
connected to sanitary drinking fountains conveniently and correctly
placed throughout the plant or building. It is readily adaptable to
any industrial requirements, and is elastic enough to be expanded or
contracted as future needs may require. With it a constant supply
of properly cooled water is instantly available, without waste or effort,
with no slop or muss, and at no risk of contamination from dirt or
communicable disease. Its operation vastly simplifies a problem
that has become more and more troublesome with the passing of
time,and which in many mill?, factories and public buildings is to-
day crying for solution.

The Cost and the Return. Most of these modern installations
show a marked reduction in operating cost as compared with the
superseded method. One plant, for example, kept a careful record
of the supplying drinking water by the bucket-and-dipper
cost of
method and, refrigerated water through a modern distribu-
later, for
tion system and fountains. The results showed a saving of over 60%
in the cost of distribution in favor of the improved system. But the
actual saving in money was not all. There were also the less-tang-
ible but none-the-less real factors of safety, health and improved

Design Is Individual. Of course, a refrigerated drinking water
system is not a standard piece of equipment. It must be designed
for each individual plant or building, and its cost depends upon local
conditions. The number of employees and the nature of their
work determines the amount of water required. The size of the
refrigerating machine, velocity of flow, pipe sizes, proper insulation
of lines and equipment are technical matters that are not fully cov-
ered by ordinary engineering books.
Realizing the need for making such information available to archi-
tects,engineers and plant executives, this Company's Engineering
Department has made a thorough study of the subject over a long
period of time, the results of which have been compiled in a 48-page
book, "Drinking Water Systems." This book will be gladly sent on
request and without charge to all who are seriously interested in
learning more about the benefits and economies of this method of
handling the drinking water supply.

Engineering Assisistance. The drinking water problem being a
specificone for each individual plant or building requires a careful
survey of conditions and an estimate of the complete cost. For the
purpose of preliminary investigation as well as for practical engi-
neering assistance, the experience and resources of the Armstrong
Cork & Insulation Co., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, arc at the service
of architects, engineers and executives, without charge or obligation.


Cost of Litigation. It should be and usually is the policy of every
servant corporation to avoid litigation so far as possible. Lawsuits
arc very costly, not only in attorneys' fees, the taking of evidence,
the court proceedings, the loss of time of salaried employees and
officials, but also in the loss of "good-will," which alone amounts to
more than the gain through litigation, if the cost incident to litigation
is ignored.
it is very rarely necessary to resort to litigation, or to make

concessions or render credits to avoid litigation, if the original con-

tract is properly drawn and having been so drawn is executed or
carried out in a spirit of fairness and a business-like manner, it is
highly important that the sales engineer, who must draft such con-
tracts, understands the enormous cost of litigation and the funda-
mentals of contract law to guide him in avoiding resort to the courts.
The law of contracts is as simple and as readily understood as any
department of the law. Nevertheless, the average engineer is usually
unable to avoid complications and weaknesses in the preparation of
specifications and other documents pertaining to contracts. The im-
portance of understanding and knowing the contents of the following
paragraphs of this chapter can not, therefore, be exaggerated, and
the sales engineer can do well to make them the basis of much
thought and study.

Kinds of Contracts. A contract is a promise to do or refrain
from doing some act or series of acts that law will enforce. There
are, in general, two kinds of contracts:

(1) Sealed contracts, or specialties.

(2) Parol contracts.

A sealed contract, or specialty, is a contract made under seal; while

a parol contract is a simple oral or written agreement not made

under seal.

A sealed contract may be described in greater detail as a written

agreement signed by the parties with a seal appended to the signa-
tures. Formerly a seal consisted of "an impression on wax, or
paper, or some other tenacious substance capable of being impressed."

Now, however, an impression of a seal on the paper itself is con-

strued as a proper seal, and in many states by statute a scroll en-

closing the word seal made opposite the name of the signer is quite

sufficient.Engineering contracts are now very rarely executed under

seal; although the bond which holds the sureties for the
performance of the work by the contractor must be under seal, be-
* Chapters on "Fundamental Contract Law" and "Engineering Contracts,'
printed by permission from Sales Engineering, by P. Edwin Thomas.
cause the agreement of the bondsmen to become responsible is not
often supported by a valuable consideration.
While any contract may be executed under seal, and thus become
a sealed contract, under the common law the following must be exe-
cuted under seal to become binding:

(1) Gratuitous promises.

(2) Contracts with corporations.
(3) Conveyances of real estate.
(4) Bonds.

We are interested here only with contracts with corporations. The

common law rule that contracts with corporations must be executed
under seal no longer obtains in the United States of America. In this
country a contract entered into with the proper officers of a corpo-
ration is valid without being sealed, the same as though made with
an individual, unless the charter of the corporation specifically re-
quires all contracts to be made under seal.

All contracts, either oral or written, not executed under seal are
called simple or parol contracts. An oral contract has all the force
of a written contract; but an oral contract is subject to difficulties
in the way of establishing or proving its terms, from which a prop-
erly written contract is practically, if not entirely, free. A large part
of the litigation arising from the non-fulfillment of contracts is

caused by a failure to reduce the terms of the contract to writing;

and the rest of the litigation, in connection with written contracts, is
caused by weaknesses of various kinds in such written documents.
A written contract has another advantage over an oral contract.
An can be modified by subsequent oral agreements;
oral contract
while a written contract is presumed in law to embody all the under-

standings and agreements made at the time of or prior to the sign-

ing of the contract. No oral evidence, therefore, can be admitted as
to agreements or understandings made at the time of or previous to
a written agreement that would modify its terms or conditions, except
for the purpose of establishing proof of fraud, duress, deception, mis-
take in the drafting of the contract, or to explain any latent ambig-
uity, unusual phraseology or technical words.

Essentials of a Legal Contract. — The law will not enforce an agree-

ment or contract unless:

(1) The parties are competent to make the agreement.

(2) The subject matter is lawful.
(3) The
parties have mutually agreed to the conditions set forth,
or they were of the same mind and intention concerning the subject
(4) There is, excepting sealed contracts, a valuable consideration.

The four essentials of a legal contract are, therefore:

(1) Competency.
(2) Legality.
(3) Agreement.
(4) Consideration.

Competency A sane person who has attained his majority is con-
sidered competent to make any legal agreement or contract. The
disabilities of married women in the matter of contracts are too nu-
merous to touch upon here. Without intent to cast aspersion on mar-
ried women, we shall also omit reference to those disabilities per-
taining to aliens, convicts, infants, insane persons, and drunkards.
The Federal or any state government may become a party to a
contract, andmay sue on their contracts and enforce them; but the
reciprocal of this not true.
is Neither the United States nor any
state of the union
can be sued without its consent. However, all
public corporate governments subservient to that of the state can
be sued on their contracts.
A corporation has no powers for entering into or performing con-
tracts beyond those given it by the state in its charter, because
officers of corporations are not in such case held to be personally
liable. Its capacity for transacting business, however, is not limited
by the specific privileges granted in its charter, but by implication is
necessarily extended to include such other powers as may be required
for the complete consummation of its specific purposes.
A contract by an agent or representative is not valid unless the
principal is himself competent to enter into a contract. Nevertheless,
a contract by an agent is valid if the principal is competent even
though the agent be incompetent to enter into a contract as princi-
pal. The legality of the acts of an agent or representative is sim-
ilar to the legality of the acts of a corporation. As a corporation
receives its authority from the state for the conduct of a particular

kind of business, so an agent receives his authority from his prin-

cipal. Should the agent exceed his express and implied authority,
the principal is privileged to repudiate his acts; and the other party
to the contract has no recourse except against the agent himself. In
order that an agent may relieve himself from all responsibility in

the signing of a contract, the documents must reveal, either in its

body or in the signature, who the principal is; as a mere signing of

a contract person as agent will not relieve the one so signing

by a
from personal responsibility unless the document does reveal the
principal. The eminently satisfactory way is to have the document
specifically state that it is not to be construed as a contract until
approved by some officer of the corporation, unless the corporation
elects to delegate unusual authority to the agent and the other
party to the agreement is willing to trust the agent not to exceed
his express and implied authority.
Legality — In general, no contract is legal, and can not be enforced
in the courts, that involves an agreement to perform an act that is:

(1) Forbidden by statutory law.

,2) Contrary to the rules of common law.
(3) Opposed to public policy.

It not be necessary for us to elaborate upon the first and

second, but in connection with the third there is a class of agree-
ments frequently entered into by the principals to all engineering
contracts that are often construed in the courts as against the public
policy. An agreement that provides that matters which may arise
between the parties shall be referred to an arbitrator or arbitrators
— —
such as the engineer or architect is not binding, and either party
may have recourse to the courts notwithstanding it'.

Agreement —
In order that a contract shall be binding on both par-
ties to an agreement, it must have been understood and accepted by
both in the very same sense. However clear the agreement may ap-
pear to be on its face, if evidence can be introduced to show that it
was not mutually understood in the same sense, it can not in general
be enforced. The inference must not be drawn, however, that all
claims of having misunderstood the plain and express provisions of
a written contract will relieve the party making such claim from
liability under it. That is to say, the mental agreement is evidenced
by the language used in expressing such agreement and the law will
presume that such words were understood, provided only that their
meaning is plain and evident to the court.
A person or corporation making an offer, bid or proposal whether
orally, by messenger, by mail, by telegraph, or by public advertise-
ment, must allow a reasonable time for its acceptance, provided no
time limit is stated in the proposal or provided meanwhile it is not
withdrawn. Any proposal may be withdrawn at any time before it
is accepted, unless a consideration has been paid for the privilege

of acceptance for a definite time. It is presumptuous to say what

the law will consider a reasonable time. Such time period might de-
pend upon the nature of the transaction and the construction of the
particular court. For that reason a majority of corporation letter-
heads, used in quoting prices, contain this printed clause: "All quo-
tations subject to immediate acceptance or withdrawal without no-

Whenever a proposal made by one party is accepted by another

with any kind of qualification or change of the conditions or word-
ing of the original proposal, such an acceptance is simply the making
of a counter proposal to the first party; and does not constitute an
agreement until such first party has in turn assented fully to the en-

^ Since this was originally written, some states have passed commercial arbitration

laws fostered by the American Arbitration Association, which legalize arbitration by

prior agreement, under certain conditions.

tire —
proposal as amended which makes of it a new proposal to the

second party and it is again accepted by the second party: then
only does it become binding. The assent which finally makes of
the proposal a binding contract is the full, absolute and uncondi-
tional acceptance of its terms as presented.

The party making an offer has the right to stipulate in it the time,
place, form and other conditions of acceptance, in which case such
offer can.be accepted only in the manner prescribed. This privilege
on the part of the bidder does not permit him to impose the con-
dition, however, that a failure to receive an acceptance within a cer-
tain time will be construed as an acceptance. In other words, he
may not impose the condition of refusal.
As a general rule, fraud vitiates all contracts.
Consideration —All engineering, or parol, contracts must in every
instance be supported by a valuable consideration; as otherwise they
are not enforceable. However, in the case of a money consideration,
itis not necessary that the amount named shall be adequate to sup-

port the promise. A contract under seal, as previously stated, does

not require a consideration to enforce it.

Subsequent Changes and Agreements. In general it can be said
that any oral or written agreement may be altered at pleasure after
such agreement has been entered into, if done by mutual consent.
Any such change makes a new contract out of the original, and be-
cause of this fact a surety or a third party to the agreement not
consenting to the change is automatically released from all obliga-
tion. In all cases where sureties or bondsmen guarantee faithful
performance, they must always be consulted and their consent ob-
tained to any material change in the original contract. As "material
change" is likely to be a subject for dispute and as changes are in-
variably made in engineering contracts without thought of consult-
ing the bondsmen, said bondsmen are as a rule thereby released from
all obligations, and the bond becomes of no effect, unless the follow-

ing type of clause is added: "And the said surety does hereby stip-
ulate and agree that no change, extension, alteration or addition to
the terms of the contract or specifications shall in anywise affect
obligation on this bond".
Even though a written contract has a clause stipulating that no
change shall be made in it except in writing, thus forbidding oral
alterations ofany kind, such a provision is void and the contract
may be by oral agreement notwithstanding. This is because
in law oral and written contracts are of the same class, both being
parol contracts, and consequently are of equal force and effect. No
one may forfeit his legal rights even by agreement. Where contracts
are illegal except when they are in writing, as under the Statute of
Frauds, then such written contracts can not be modified except by
agreement in writing.
In general, unless every change entered into or agreed upon after
the contract has been consummated is supported by some kind. of
legal consideration, the contract can not be enforced.

Discharge of Contracts. Any contract entered into under any of
the methods mentioned may be discharged and the parties to the
contract freed from all obligations involved, in any one of the fol-
lowing ways:

(1) By performance.
(2) By impossibility of performance.
(3) By agreement.
(4) By operation of Law.
(5) By breach.
The usual method of discharging a contract is, of course, by each
party fully performing the duties prescribed for him in the agree-
ment. In such case the performance by each party must be strictly
in accordance with all of the terms of the contract. However, in en-
gineering work it is seldom that the fulfillment is in all details strictly
in accordance with the plans and specifications; but while in law the
contract requires a strict and full compliance, yet in equity a sub-
stantialcompliance is accepted in place of a full and complete per-
Some contracts are based on the specifications of an engineer or
architectthat contain the unfair provision that the work must be
done to the complete satisfaction of some party named. The court in
every such case will construe this meaning reasonable satisfaction.
A common example of the operation of a condition precedent,
with reference to a third party, is where a contractor binds himself
to receive payments only on the certificate of the engineer or archi-
tect. Without such certificate he must prove that the engineer or
architect has acted fraudulently in withholding the certificate, or has
acted under gross mistake and in bad faith, or has negligently refused
to honestly examine the work. It is always extremely difficult to
establish such proof; and, consequently, it is very bad policy to
operate under such a condition.

Specific Provisions. — An
engineering contract consists of a number
of specific provisions, each one ofwhich defines some one element
of the contract. These provisions are usually grouped under the fol-
lowing headings, and in the order indicated:

(1) Scope and purpose, including plans, if any.

(2) Specifications relating to and describing the work in detail.
(3) Business relation of the parlies to the contract.
Thus the first essential of a good engineering contract is to make
clear the scope and purpose of the "work to be done"; then describe

the work in detail; and follow these specific clauses quite naturally
with the general clauses setting forth the business relation of the
parties to the contract, such as price, terms of payment, delivery, time
of completion, guarantee, and other provisions which shall be touched
upon later.

Scope and Purpose. —

Too much care can not be exercised in setting
forth as briefly, yet as clearly as possible, the extent and intent of
the work to be performed under the terms of the contract. It has
been pointed out that the first principle of the successful manage-
ment of any project is a thorough analysis of the job. That is to
say, it is necessary to know what
expected to be accomplished

before it is possible to work out an

and proper plan for
doing it. The general clauses referred to may then be thought
of as the rules by which the work shall be done.
The general principles of technical writing can well be followed
in fixing the scopeand purpose of the contract, as the chance for
uncertainty or misunderstanding at this point would be fatal to the
sales engineer. This is true not only from a legal and an engineer-
ing standpoint, but even more especially from a sales standpoint.
These introductory statements must be worded so as to infer the
quality of our mind, the measure of our ability, the responsibility and
integrity of our employer, in order to win instant respect and open
the door for a quick consummation of a profitable business transac-
tion; for if a prospective customer is entirely satisfied with the out-
line of the scope and purpose of the contract, and the drawings, he
will frequently pass over the body of the contract proposal, or the
specifications, with but a hasty survey, and, if the price, terms and
other general conditions are satisfactory, will accept the proposal
with full confidence that he is quite safe in doing so. Needless to"
say, such confidence must never be violated, for the confidence of a
purchaser is the one BIG asset of the sales engineer. The value of
being able to execute a high class drawing, nicely lettered, as pre-
viously mentioned, is here emphasized in its true relation to sales
engineering work.

Specifications. —
We have shown that the work to be done should
be described as a whole, and then in detail. That portion of an en-
gineering contract that relates to and describes the work in detail
is called the specifications.
The writing of specifications calls for the most careful application
of the principles of technical writing, and every portion and detail of
the work should be described in clear and simple language that can
be understood by all. The descriptions should have reference to
the ultimate end to be accomplished rather than to the means and
methods to be employed, unless some particular method is prefer-
able to all others. The clauses in the specifications should be made,
so far as possible, mutually exclusive; that is to say, no part of
the work should be specifically described in more than one place,
as repetition weakens specifications and makes for ambiguity.
Before an attempt is made to prepare a specification, it is neces-
sary to brief the work carefully and establish the proper major-
headings, main-headings and sub-headings. This is necessary not
only from the standpoint of English composition, technical writ-
ing and legality, but also from a sales standpoint. The suggestion
has been made that if the first or "scope-and-purpose" section of
the contract proposal be properly presented and the drawings well
executed, it will materially assist the sales engineer to secure a
quick acceptance of the contract proposal, other things being equal.
While, in general, this is many buyers scrutinize the com-
true, yet
plete document most and if weaknesses are found in
the specifications, even though the remainder of the contract pro-
posal be well drafted, it destroy confidence in the abil-
tends to
ity of the sales engineer to have the proposed work carried out in
a satisfactory manner, and thus operates very much against him.
Furthermore, specifications, correct in every detail, are essential to
the construction corps, if difficulties are to be avoided while prose-
cuting the work. The importance of this correlation is usually
either not well understood or carelessly disregarded by the sales
The most common errors committed by sales engineers when
writing are failure to brief the work properly and
neglect to make the clauses mutually exclusive. Major-headings,
main-headings and sub-headings are frequently jumbled so as to
make the complete specification subject to many interpretations, even
though the choice of words and their order of arrangement, the
sequence of clauses composing sentences, and the arrangement of
sentences in each paragraph, are above criticism.

General Clauses. The general clauses in an engineering contract,
which set forth the business relation of the parties to the contract,
may relate to any or all of the following:
(1) The valuable consideration.
(2) Terms of payment.
(3) Time of commencement, rate of progress and time of com-
(4) Provision for monthly and final estimates.
(5) Kind of workmen to be employed.
(6) Appliances to be used.
(7) Liquidated damages.
(8) Workmen's compensation insurance.
(9) Public liability insurance.
(10) Owners' liability insurance.
(11) Contractors' contingent liability insurance.
(12) Special contingent damage insurance.

(13) Landlords' and tenants' liability insurance.

(14) Fire and loss insurance.
(15) Surety bond.
(16) Protection against claims for use of patents.
(17) Provision for heat, light, water, drainage, elevator, telephone,
drayage, storage, street traffic.
(18) Inspection of materials and v^rork.
(19) Claims for damage due to unforseen difficulties, strikes, ac-
cidents, acts of the government, delays, suspension of the work, etc.
(20) Subsequent agreements.
(21) Assignment, release, cancellation and abandonment of con-
(22) Protection of finished work.
(23) Discharge of unpaid claims of workmen and material men.
(24) Cleaning up after completion.
(25) Settlements of disputes and provisions for arbitration.
(26) Extra work and credits.
(27) Guarantee.

While this list is not intended to be complete, it will serve as a

general guide, and other items may be added as desired or required.

Modified Forms. —Often an engineering contract is based on de-

tailed plans and specifications of an architect or engineer. In such
case the preparation of a contract proposal by the sales engineer is
indeed hazardous, unless he makes a most careful study and correct
interpretation of the complete plans and specifications so as to in-
sure against errors of omission in estimating and to satisfy himself
that no conditions or requirements are at variance with his employer's
prescribed business policy. Once satisfied that all terms and con-
ditions can be complied with, the contract proposal by the sales
engineer should be very brief, simply setting forth the scope and pur-
pose of the work to be done by specific reference to numbered and
dated plans and specifications of the architect or engineer handling
the commission, the commission number, the specific branch of the
work involved, and close by stipulating the price or valuable con-
If certain terms or conditions can not be complied with, and it is
the desire, nevertheless, to bid for the work, the objectionable terms
and conditions should be carefully listed as exceptions; thus:

The materials to be furnished and the work to be done

under this proposal shall be in accordance with plans and
specifications of Mr. Albert Q. Simmons, Architect and En-
gineer, Chicago, Illinois, his commission S7056, drawings
$9852, sheets 1-5 inclusive, dated March 17, 1927, specifica-
tions S8540, pages 1-10 inclusive pertaining to General Con-
ditions and pages 45-87 inclusive pertaining to Mechanical
Equipment, with the following exceptions:
(1) Page $8, paragraph 3. A 1-year guarantee shall be
extended instead of the 5-year guarantee specified.
(2) Page J9, paragraph 4. Bidder does not bind him-
self to receive payments only upon the certificate of the
architect and engineer.
(3) Drawing $9852, sheet 3. Size of unit "B" is at va-
riance with the specifications, page S48, paragraph 5; speci-
fications are understood to take precedence.
Price: Nine Thousand ($9,000.00) Dollars.
Bidders are frequently provided with printed forms, especially for
large projects and municipal, state and government work, that leave
only the price to be inserted.
Many times an architect or engineer will prepa-re general plans
and specifications, limit the bidders to a select class of reliable con-
tractors and corporations with reputations to lose if inferior work
is done, and allow them to fix the details within the limits of the

general plans and specifications. In such case, the sales engineer

should merely use the general plans and specifications as a guide
in the preparation of his own drawings and his own complete con-
tract proposal.
The sales engineer shouldalways strive to make his contract pro-
posal exclusive in avoiding unnecessary entanglements, but

this is not always possible or desirable when dealing with a reliable

architect or engineer.
rage Artificial cork products 21, 22, 25
A good drink of water 510 Asphalt, a colloidal substance 235
Ability of refrigerator cars to carry Asphalt cement. 224. 228, 229, 230, 231, 282
perishable products 435 cement in refrigerator construction
Absolute humidity 91, 92 349, 352
temperature 77, 105, 234 Asphalt, emulsified 232, 237
Absopure electric ice cream cabinet.. 399 Asphalt for damp-proofing 477
Absorbing powers of surfaces 104 freight classifications, etc 500
Acorns of the cork oak 8 heating kettle 474
Ad valorem duty 36 kettles 282
Adsorption 234. 235,236 paint as damp-proofing 479
Advantage of cabinet type of house- pans 282
hold refrigerator 350 per sq. of corkboard
ft. 282
Advent of household refrigerating plastic finish, emulsified. 221, 232, 239 .

machine 342 primer ..... 210, 224, 232, 238

Aeroil Burner Co 473 Asphalt, specifications for standard
Affinity of ammonia gas for water... 91 oxidized 473
Age attained by the cork oak 13 Asphalt with insulation, use of 476
Aggregates in concrete 488 Asphalt, uses for 224, 227
Air cells in cork bark 172 Asphaltic paint freight —
cells per cu. in. in cork bark... 9, 169 tions, etc 501
cells, sealed 169 plaster finish on corkboard 479
circulation in cold rooms Asphalts,natural 230
190, 191, 197, 485 petroleum 231
circulation in household refrigera- Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Rail-
tors 353, 354, 381 way System 461
circulation in refrigerator cars, Atmospheric pressure 324
effect of poor 445
circulation in refrigerator cars,
importance of 426, 456 B
circulation in refrigerator cars of
South inadequate 453 Backing, how to apply 280
Air, conditioned 202 how to mix 280
Air duct system 198 Bacon, Lord Francis 319
infiltration 472, 478 Baker insulation in old buildings.... 187
infiltration, resistance to 210 Baking cork under pressure 28
infiltration values on corkboard of Baking of cork bark, effect of... 171, 174
different thicknesses 473 T5anana room 205
infiltration values on erection ma- I'.ancroft 232
terials 472 Bark of the cork oak, the outer .... 8
pockets 195 Barometric pressure 76
pockets eliminated in refrigerator Basket bunker type of refrigerator
insulation 349 car 438
spaces Ill Bastian-Blessing Co., The 404
spaces, dangers from 206 Beginning of the cork industry 2
spaces in construction 213, 216 Belding-Hall refrigerator constiuctio.i 370
Air. saturated 93 Bibliography 166
Air thermometer 74 Binders in insulation 172
cell construction of cork 113 Bitumens and their origin ... 225
gun for Asphalt primer 283 Black ice, formation of 321
proofing of surfaces 209 I>lossoms of the cork oak
Alexander the Great 317 ioiimg 8/
Aluminum paint in cold rooms... 223, 479 and baling of cork bark. 13, 14
American Arbitration Association... 516 and melting points of mixtu-es. 90 . .

ConcreteInstitute 228 point 85, 86, 324

Society for Testing Materials 228 point, the effect of pressure on.... 89
Society of Refrigerating Engineers points of various liquids 86
122, 471, 475 Bottle caps 20, 22, 41
Ammonia as a refrigerant, first use corks 16
of 325 Bottles, glass 2, 16, 34
compression refrigerating machine, Box bunker type of refrigerator car. 438
the first 326 Boyle, David 326
compression refrigerating machines 391 Brazelton, Perry 386
salts in emulsions 236 Breweries advance use of ice 328
Ancient uses of cork 25 Brewery cellars, types of 327
Apparatus for fire test 174 Bright Engineering Laboratory, Geo.
Applications of pure cork insulation. 167 B 379
Applying roof insulation 296,298 Brine and ammonia lines, insulation
Architects' and Engineers' Investi- specifications for 502
gating Committee 480 Brine putty — freight classifications,
Architects' relation to insulation etc
projects 185 British thermal unit ^ 83
Armour Institute of Technology.... 379 Page
Armstrong Cork Co 27, 32 Broken insulation in refrigerator
Armstrong Cork & Insulation Co. cars 438
wall insulation 215
472, 481, 482, 512

Brooks ice cream cabinet 392, 393 Page
Brownian movement 235 Compression strength of corkboard.. 173
Building construction troubles 190 Concrete 487
wall insulation specifications 498 finishing 492, 493
Bunkers 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196 how to calculate quantities of ma-
development of 328 terial required 495
Buoyancy of cork 1 in winter 493
ingredients of 488
measuring box 490
c mixing of
mixing platform
Cabinetmaker's insulation details.... 350 mixtures, proportioning of 489
Caesar, Agustus 171 mixtures, table of 490
California Orange Growers 453 wearing floors 314
Caloric 71 what it is 487
paradox 87 Condensation.. .86, 91, 189, 220, 345, 348
83 in insulation 339
Capacity to absorb radiant energy... 104 transfer of heat by 102
Capillarity 1, 24,
Conduction 95, 105, 106, 168, 320
in cylindrical layers 97
25, 167, 171, 173, 208, 220, 345, 347
Capital of the cork industry 7 .
of fluids 101
Care and maintenance of cork pipe through parallel layers 97
covering 509 with changing temperature 98
Care of refrigerators 358 Conductivity, methods to determine.. 115
Carpenter, M. R 197 of liquids and gases 98
Carre, E. C 325 Consolidated cork, discovery of
Cartons for corkboard 173 Smith's 28
Causes of insulation trouble in house- Construction of refrigerators ...359- 376
hold refrigerators 345, 346
Continuous curtain wall insulation... 214
Caves for vegetable storage 333 Contract law, fundamental 513
Ceiling, concrete.. 247, 248, 249, 250, 251
Contraction and expansion of sub-
Ceiling insulation insulation
stances 77
as floor
above 215 Contracts, changes in 517
insulation as roof insulation above 477
discharge of 518
engineering 518
insulation specifications 496, 497
essentials of legal 514
Ceilings, insulation of 214, 216
self-supporting 252 kinds of 513
wood 253, 254
Celsius, Anders 74 95, 98, 101, 105, 168, 169, 320
Centigrade thermometer scale currents, application of 100
Change of state 87
Cooler arrangement in modern soda
of state with rise of temperature..
fountain 413, 414
Changing demands for cork 41 Coolest point in refrigerator cars.... 442
Charcoal as insulation 329, 337 Copeland electric refrigerator con-
Charles, Jacques Alexandre Cesar... 77 struction 376
Chicago & Northwestern Railroad... 435 —
Copper clad steel wire freight clas-
Chocolate dipping room 198 sifications, etc 501
Circulation, air 190, 195 Cork a national necessity 35
Classes of household refrigerators... 380 as a building material 465, 466
Cleaning of surfaces for insulation. 207 . as condensation preventative 467
Coagulation 234 as fire retardant 468
Coefficient of expansion 79 as roof insulation 467
of heat transfer 95, 105, 106 as sound isolation 467
Coil bunker specifications 498 bark 167, 170, 171, 174
Cold-air-box method of testing
Cold by evaporation
bark — air cells
"back" and "belly"
in 172
rooms after a fire 176 bark, volume and elasticity of 14
rooms, classes of 187 buoys 2
rooms, types and design 187 clearing house of the world 17
storage 40, 41 compositions as insulation 329
storage cellars 326, 327 dipping pan 473
storage door specifications ....497, 498 disks 20
storage doors 218, 219, 283 dust 282
storage —
doors freight classifica- factories 6
tions, etc SCO flour 282, 351
storage temperatures 167 for vibration absorption 467
storages, first artificial 326 forests 2, 3
Colloidal materials 232 industry, beginnings of the 2
realm 232, 234, 236 industry, capital of 7
suspension 233, 234 industry, extent of 33
Columbia Gas & Electric Co 483 inherently nonabsorbent of mois-
Columns, insulation of 212 ture 170
Combustion 84 insoles for shoes 21
heat of 84 insulated ice cream shipping con-
Comparison of types of thermometers 73 tainer 390
Composition cork products. .. .21, 22, 25 insulated soda fountain draft arm. 412
of natural asphalts 230 insulated soda fountain cover ring. 422
of petroleum asphalts 231 insulated soda fountain packer
Compressed corkboard 172 cover 410
Page Page
insulation 22, 25, 28, 31, 42 in household refrigerators, method
insulation an essential item 41 of installation important 345
isolation 24 in ice cream cabinet construction.. 39]
jackets for flanged fittings 508 in ice cream cabinets, early use of 390
jackets for screwed fittings 507 in refrigerator cars, how to apply. 459
lags and disks 32, 509 in refrigerator cars, thickness of. 459
lags and discs —
freight classifica- in refrigerators, thickness to use.

. 382
tions, etc 501 installations
machinery isolation 468 185, 189, 190, 197, 198, 203,
miters for pipe bends 508 205, 210, 213, 221, 226, 233, 308, 312
oak 2, 3, 7, 8, 13 insulated ice cream cabinet 386
oak, outer bark of 169 insulated soda fountain cover and
oak trees growing in Calif 5 lid 421
odor in refrigerators, so-called.... 347 insulated soda fountain creamer. . . 407
of commerce 10, 13 insulated soda fountain creamer
paint to reduce sweating of metal. top 409
surfaces 464 insulated soda fountain syrup en-
pipe covering. 23, 24, 28, 29, 31, 32, 466 closure 422
pipe covering, advantage of 505 insulated soda fountain syrup unit 411
pipe covering, basic fitness of 505 insulation and the modern "soda
pipe covering, description of 505 fountain 403
pipe covering -freight— classifica- insulation for refrigerator cars 461
tions, etc 501 insulation for refrigerator rars, in-
pipe covering, lags and discs spection and rejection 463
erected in place 504 insulation for refrigerator cars,
pipe covering on branch and by- manufacture of 461
pass lines 507 . insulation for refrigerator cars,
pipe covering on lines of refrig- physical properties and tests 461
erated drinking water system... 511 insulation in Knight soda fountain 423
pipe covering seams and chipped insulation in Mechanicold soda
edges 508 fountain 420
pipe covering, sectional 507 insulation saved a refinery 481
pipe covering, segmental 509 insulation, sizes of . 23
pipe covering specifications 502 insulation, some uses of 469
pipe covering sundries 507 is standard cold room insulation.. 301
pipe covering, three thicknesses of. 505 loss in efficiency of 184
pipe covering, uses of 469 now standard insulation for ice
punchings 20, 21 cream cabinets 390
refuse 35 permanently efficient 177
some of the many uses for.... 17, 25 protective coating for 239
stoppers 2 3, 16, 19, 20, 33, 41, 171 pure compressed baked 330
stripping 10 reasonable in cost 176
the story of 1 sanitary and odorless 172
under powerful microscope 113 scoring of 279
wall insulation specifications. .497, 498 . specifications for erection 240- 278
waste 13, 16, 22 the standard cold storage insulation 475
Corkboard, a fire retardant 174, 176 thickness to use 183
a good nonconductor l')S undiT powerful microscope 169
approved by underwriters 175 useful expectancy for 184
floor insulation in refrigerator Corks, hand cut 16
cars 441 Corkwood 2, 3, 10, 21, 34, 35, 40
for export, loading 6
as merchandise 176
2S2 illthe forest 13
asphalt per sq. ft
storage yards 14, 18, 39
compact and strong 172, 173
compression strength of 173 Cost of corkboard installed on gaso-
line storage tanks 483
convenient in form 174
279- 315 of insulation, comparison 182
directions for erection
of litigation 513
easily obtained 176
174 of refrigerators 350
easy to install
Cox holdover tank cooling system. 192, 193
Critical temperatures 86, 88
280, 281, 284, 285, 286, 290,
303, 305, 305 Crouse-Tremaine Interests 392
296, 298, 300, 301,
erection, directions for 279- 315 Crown bottle caps 20, 22, 41
476 Cubical expansion 79
erection, outline of practice in....
278 Cullen, Dr. William 324
erection, specifications for.... 240-
Cylindrical tanks, insulation speci-
finish specifications 498
fications for 503
tire test on 1 74
for export, loading 34
freight classifications, etc 5U0
handles like lumber 173 D
impregnated 329, 483
in cartons 173 Danby, Arthur 225
in cold storage structures 344 Davy, Sir Humphry 71
in concrete forms, danger from... 477 Dead air 113, 168, 171
in household refrigerators, benefits Dehydration of emulsions 235, 237
of 352 d' Medici, Catherine 386
in household refrigerators, early Densities and specific volumes of
use of 342 water 81
Page E
Depreciation in efficiency of cork- Page
board • lg-+ Earliest form of ice storage 335
Depressed temperature reading ..... ^^ Early forms of cork insulation 25
Design of cold rooms for hotels nn- forms of insulation in ice cream
portant • •

"t^^ cabinets -.
Deterioration of poultry in transit in type of refrigerating machine 325
refrigerator cars '•54 Earth, average temperature of 211
Economic thickness of insulation. 179, 181
Determination of the expansion of
°^ value of insulating materials 178
substances .• • •

Economical size of refrigerator cars. 430

of the heat conductivity of various
materials .• •
'^^ Economy of operation of refrigerator
corkboard in- cars 425
Development of the
sulated household refrigerator . . 332 Effect of insulation of refrigerator
324 car bulkhead 427, 445
of the ice machine
of insulation on temperature in
of the modern cold storage room 3.^8
348 household refrigerators .

Dew point •. 91,

of mechanical refrigeration on in-
Diameter of the cork oak 7
sulated structures 329
Diatomaceous earth as insulation 329
of pressure on boiling point 89
with early insulated 88
of pressure on melting point
structures of proper distribution of insulation
Directions for corkboard erection: in refrigerator cars 430
Application of emulsified asphalt of the World War on the cork in-
finish ,
• 313 dustry 39
Application of ironed-on mastic Efficiency of corkboard in service. . . 401
finish %\i ; • : • •
of ice cream cabinets 400
Application of metal over insulation 315 of insulation due to moisture pene-
Application of Portland cement tration, loss in 476
plaster 311 379
of refrigerators, low
Double layer on tank bottoms 307 425
of the refrigerator car
First layer in ceiling forms 291
Efficient insulation, guide in select-
First layer in cork partitions 3U1 114
layer over floors or roofs . 297 203
First . .

Egg storage
First layer to concrete ceilings ... Eggs in transit, temperature varia-
First layer to masonry walls. .283, 285 tions 428, 429
First layer to wood ceilings 292 Egyptians 318

First layer to wood walls 287 Eighty-five percent magnesia cover-

General instructions and equipment 279
Insulation of tank sides.. 308, 309, 310 Elastic" enamel in cold rooms. .. .479, 486
Laying of concrete floors over in-
Electrical connections for insulation
sulation ;•,• ^^"^
testing 121
Laying of wood floors over insula- Emission of heat 1^5
tion 315 Emulsification • 234
layer of cork partitions. 303, 304
Second Emulsified asphalt 2i2, All
layer over floors or roofs.. 298
Second freight classifications, etc. 500
Secondlayer to ceilings 293, 294 Emulsified asphalt plastic finish....
layer to walls 288, 289 .221, 232, 239
Self-supporting ceilings 295 Emulsions, ammonia salts in 236
Single layer partitions 299 dehydration of 235, 237
Directions for the proper application destruction of 235, 237
of cork pipe covering 505-509
Enamel, elastic — freight classifica-
Discharge of contracts tions, etc
Discoloration of natural cork 21 Enameling of plastered surfaces.... 222
of paint by asphalt 223 Enameled steel refrigerator linings.. 330
Endothermic reaction 84
Discovery of Smith's consolidated
cork 28 Energy, dissipation of •. . ^^2

20 Engineering contracts 518-522

Disks, cork
72 general clauses of 520
Dissipation of energy 521
modified forms of
Distillation and condensation 91
scope and purpose of
Distribution of insulation in refrig- specific provisions of 518
erator cars in terms of corkboard 459 519
specifications of •.

Door losses, refrigeration 217

Equipment for corkboard erection... 279
Door sills, kinds of 218
Erecting corkboard
Doors and windows 216, 217, 218, 219 280, 281. 284, 285, 286, 290,
Drinking water, problem of supply of 510 291, 296, 298, 300, 301, 303, 305, 306
water problem, solution of 511 Erection of corkboard, directions for
water, proper temperature of 510 279-315
water systems, comparison of 512 of corkboard, specifications for
water systems, cost of 512 240-278
water systems, design of 512 Error due to ignoring surface effects 108
water systems, insulation of 512 Essential requirements of a cold stor-
water, value of 510 age insulation 167
Drip pans, insulated 195 Essentials of a legal contract 514
Dry rot of lumber 213 Establishments using small cold
192 rooms 187
Ducts in bunkers, size of
Duryee, Harvey H 31 Ether 102
Duties on cork, export 35 Evans, Dr. W. A 377

Evaporation 90, 3-45
cooling by 318 ^ ,., . „ ,.,
Galilei, Galileo /4
of liquid ammonia
transfer of heat by
iron — freight clas-
Evelyn, John 501
25 wire nails 282
Evolution of
the household refrig-
337, 338
wire nails — freight classifications,
^ etc 500
Example of purchaser's insulation
Gases and liquids, conductivity of... 98
specifications 496
expansion 77
Exothermic reaction 84 Gasoline, loss of by evaporation 482
Expansion and contraction of sub- storage tank insulation, economy of 482
stances 77, 78, 79, 81)
storage tank insulation, specifica-
joints in plaster 222 tions for 483
of the refrigerator industry 341
savings with diflferent insulations,
Expenditure for insulation, profitable 178
Experience of many years with cork comparisons of 484, 485
torches 282
.bark 170
Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis 77
with insulation, iield of 185
Experiments with insulation General clauses of an engineering
328 contract
with refrigerator cars in transit,
summary of General conditions of corkboard
specifications 499
Export duties on cork 35
Extent of the cork industry Georgia Peach Growers 453
External conductivity Gibson refrigerator construction .362, 363
Glass bottle 34
bottle, introduction of 2, 16
wool as insulation 400
Glycerine 21
Factories, cork Good Housekeeping Institute. . .377, 379
Fahrenheit, Gabriel Daniel Gorrie,Dr. John 325
Fahrenheit thermometer scale Grand Rapids Cabinet Co. ice cream
Faraday, Michael cabinet 395
Felt insulation Granulated cork 22, 41
Fibrous insulating materials —
cork freight classifications, etc.... SOD
insulation 330, Gravel in concrete 489
Field of insulation experience Gravimetric method 80
Finish; floors 275, 276, Grids, metal floor 222, 223
Finish on corkboard, asphalt plaster. Grit in cork bark 14
over corkboard on ceilings Growth of ice making and refrigera-
over insulation tion 326
207, 211, 220. 221, 222, 232, of the ice cream industry 386
Finish; walls and ceiling. .272, 273,
of the ice industry 340
Finishing concrete Griindhofer, E. F 166
Fire resistance of corkboard Griinzweig & Hartmann 2b
retardant, cork as Guaranty soda fountain construction 404
retardant, corkboard a Guide for efficient insulation 114
test on corkboard
First artificial cold storages
First law of thermodynamics H
First methods of keeping food cool. .

Fixed points on a thermometer Hacking of surfaces for insulation.. 207

Flocculating agents in emulsions.... Hair felt 31
Floor grids 222, 223, Hand cut corks 16
insulation, need for Handling corkwood in the forest .... 13
insulation specifications 496, Hand mixing concrete 492
racks in refrigerator cars, impor- Hard-back 14, 20
tance of 426, Harrison, James 325
Floors, concrete 260, 261, Harvesting natural ice 319, 321
wood 256, 257, 258, Heat, absorption of 84
Flow of heat 1, Heat and sound, the retarding of. ... 22
Fluids, conduction of Heat conductivity of materials, de-
Flux oil termination of 115
Force of expansion and contraction. effects of 73
Forced air circulation in cold rooms emission of IO5
Foreign binders in insulation flow of 105
Formula for economic thickness of generation of 72, 84
insulation loss through insulation 113
Freezer rooms, proper location of... lost in solution 90
Freezing mixtures 90, measurement, methods of 82
of emulsions of combustion of materials 84
tank insulation 1 84, of fusion 85
Freight classifications, etc. — cork pipe of fusion of substances 86
covering and sundries of vaporization 87,
classifications, etc. — corkboard and of vaporization of substances 87
sundries quantity of
Functions of household refrigerator. retarding quality of corkboard re-
Fundamental contract law 513- markable -181
Fusion, heat of temperature and theimal ex,',ian-

Fussell, John sion 71

test of asphalt shortage of 1890 324
the study of storage, earliest form of 335
; : '
V '
, , 1
111 storage house... 184, 185, 221, 226, 233
transfer 95, 101
transfer by conduction. .. .95, 112, 114 storage house equipment, natural.. 323
transfer by convection 100, storage houses, typical natural.... 322
Ice, sublimation of 87
transfer by radiation
transfer through a wall the storing of 87
transmission data important and Ice water and cold lines, insulation
inadequate • • 471 specifications for 503
transmission investigations, stand- Ice-box, household 336
ardization necessary 4/1 Ice-box method of testing.. 115
units ^~ Importance of insulation in ice cream
Height of the cork oak / cabinets 388
Herter, Charles H 122, 166, 475 of sorting corkwood 18
Holmes 232 Imports of cork to United States. .43-70
Home of the cork industry 6 Impregnated corkboard insulation...
484 26, 329, 483
Hope Natural Gas Co
Hot-air-box method of testing 116 Improvements in refrigerator con-
Hot-plate method of testing 118, 121 struction 342
Industrial roofs, insulation qf 43
Household coolers, early forms of... 332
ice-box 336, 337 Infiltration of air, resistance to 210
ice chest '•56 Influence of household refrigerating
refrigeration 343 machine on refrigerator construc-
refrigerators 40, 338 tion 343
How to calculate quantities of ma- Injury to inner bark, result of 12
49.S Insoles for shoes, cork 21
terial for concrete
to load eggs in refrigerator cars... 445 Installations of corkboard
to select a good refrigerator 355 185, 189, 190, 197, 198, 203,
Hubbard, Prevost 237 205, 210, 213, 221, 226, 233, 308, 312
Hull, H. B 343 Instructions for the proper applica-
Humidification 195 tion of cork pipe covering, 505
Humidity 189, 196, 197.204 Insulated truck bodies 387
tables, relative, percent 470 Insulating cold stores, early methods
Hydrolene process 352 of 329
Hygrometric condition of air in cold —
paper freight classifications, etc.. 500
rooms 195 Insulation committee report, A. S.
R. E 122
construction, suggested methods... 478
cork 22, 42
design, importance of 185
design, principles of 188
Ice and salt ice cream cabinets 388 economic thickness of 179
and salt mixtures 345, 388 economic value of 1 78

and salt mixtures, effect of 90 effect on refrigeration 186

as a refrigerant in the home 340 engineering . 185, 349
as refrigerant, early uses of 326 experiments with 328
cellars 326 finish over
chest, early form of 335 207, 211, 220, 221, 222, 232, 239
chest, household 336 important in refrigerators 356
consumption in refrigerator cars.. impregnated corkboard 329
427, 432, 434, 443 in ice cream cabinets, importance
consumption refrigerator cars,
in of 401
effect of precooling on.. 434 in mechanical household refrigera-
Ice cream cabinet construction, de tors, importance of 385
tails of 390 -399 in old buildings 187
cream cabinets, corkboard stand- in refrigerator cars, effect of poor 445
ard for 390 . of bunkers 193
cream cabinets, early forms of in- of cold rooms in hotels 485
sulation in 389 of cold storage doors 217
cream cabinets, early types of un- of cold stores 167
insulated 389 of drip pans 195
cream cabinets, early use of cork- of floors, columns, ceilings and
board in 390 beams 211
cream cabinets, effect of corkboard of gasoline storage tanks 483
insulation on suitable refrigerat- of gasoline storage tanks, savings
ing machines 391 due to 484
cream cabinets, efficiency of 400 of household refrigerator made a
cream cabinets, electrical 396-399 research and engineering con-
cream cabinets, ice and salt .. .392-395 sideration 344
cream cabinets, inijiortance of in- of household refrigerators 317
sulation in 388, 401 of ice cream cabinets 317
cream cabinets, insulation of 317 of mechanical household refrigera-
cream cabinets, testing of 400 tors 344
cream hardening room 190 of refrigerator car roof, effect of.. 430
cream plants 41 of refrigerator cars 425, 438
industry, growth of 340 of refrigerator cars a complex con-
Ice machine, development of 324 sideration 459
making, growth of 326 of refrigerator cars controls per-
plants 41 formance 448

of refrigerator cars of South in-

Page M Page
adequate 453 McCray refrigerator construction... 3i)l
of refrigerator cars of West im- Machine base completely isolated.... 24
proved 453 Mass 83
of refrigerator cars, specifications Massed insulation in refrigerator cars 438
for 460, 461 Mastic asphalt facing over corkboard
of roofs 25, 26, 40, 43 insulation 480
of soda fountains 317 finish, ironed-on 226
210, 221,
practice, changes in 206 finish, plastic 213, 233
projects. Architects' relation to... 185 Materials required for one cu. yd. of
specifications 242-278 concrete 494
specifications, example of pur- required for 100 sq. ft. of concrete 494
chaser's 496 Meat cooler 197, 198,213
trouble in household refrigerators, Metal floor grids 223
causes of 345, 346 Methods of heat measurement 82
Interior finish of cold storage rooms of heat transfer 95
in hotels 485 to determine conductivity 115
finishes for cold rooms 220 Metric system 74
Internal conductivity 99. 106 Mean specific heat 84
International Congress of Refrigerat- Measurement of heat, change of
ing Industries 379 humidity
state, 82
International Exposition of 1888 7 Mechanical household refrigerator,
Ironed-on mastic finish operation of 384
210, 221, 226, 486 ice cream cabinets 391
Island Petroleum Co 481 refrigeration 90
Isolation cork 24 Mechanicold soda fountain construc-
tion 418, 419
Medicinal cotton as insulation 400
Melting and boiling points of mix-
J tures 90
Famison standard track door Melting point 85
219 point of ice 388
fewett refrigerator construction. 366, 367
point, the effect of pressure on... 88
Joints in insulation 207 points of solids 85
Joule, James Prescott 71
Method of applying cork pipe cover-
ing 502
of installing corkboard in house-
hold refrigerators important.... 345
Milk storage room 210
Kansas City Testing Laboratory.... Mill constructed buildings, insulation
230 215
Kettles for heating asphalt of
Mineral wool as insulation 337
282, 473, 474
Kettles —
freight classifications, etc... 500
carloads — classifica-
Kinds of cold rooms 187 501
tions, etc 500,
Kinds of contracts 513 491
Kinetic theory of heat
Mixing materials for concrete
Kirk, Dr. A 325
Modern cold storage room, develop-
ment of 328
Knight Co., Tlie Stanley 423 forms of an engineering
Knight soda fountain construction... 423 521
Kroger Grocery & Baking Co 496 475
Moisture detrimental to insulation..
Moisture in cold rooms 191
in insulation 189, . 208
in insulation, protection against.. 475
Molecular disturbance 96
theory of heat 71
Law, fundamental contract 513 280
Law of Charles 76 Mortarboard for coating corkboard..
324 Multiple insulation in refrigerators,
Leslie, Sir John 341
era of 339, 340,
Lewis Asphalt Engineering Corpora-
tion 480

Liegine cork composition 465
Linde, Carl.. 326
Linear expansion 79
Liquefaction 85 Nail polish as insulation 400
Liriuid ammonia, evaporation of 91 Nails, galvanized wire 282
Liquid Carbonic Corporation, The... 418 National Association of Ice Cream
Liquids and gases, conductivity of. 98 . . Manufacturers 387
Liquids, surface tention of 233, 234 National Association of Ice Indus-
Litigation, cost of 513 tries 355
Loading corkboard for export 34 National Board of Underwriters 175
corkwood for export 6 National Electric Li^ht As.sociation. 379
Loads in refrigerator cars, require- National Research Council of the
ments for increased 448 U. S 471
Loss in of corkboard
efficiency 184 Natural air circulation m cold rooms 191
Loss of gasoline by evaporation 482 asphalts 230
Losses of perishables in refrigerator cork 25
cars 453 ice, development of the use of 320
J.unil;er in cold rooms, treatment of. 224 ice, early uses of 319
Page Page
ice,formation of 319, 320 Pilaster, column and caps insulation
ice,harvesting of 319, 321 specifications 496, 497
ice houses, sawdust insulated 327 Pipe covering, cork... 24, 28, 29, 31,
ice shortage of 1890 387 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509
ice, storing of 319, 321 hanger for cork pipe covering. 506
. . .

Navy test 171 Placing concrete 492

Nebuchadnezzar 225 Planning cold storage rooms 186
Neglect of insulation \n household Plaster, expansion joints in 222
refrigerators 342 Portland cement 220
Nelson ice cream cabinet 394 scoring of 222
Nero 317 PJastic cork —
freight classifications,
New York Tribune Institute 379 etc 501
Nichalls, P 179 Plate method of testing 120
Nonabsorbent, corkboard 170 Pliny, the elder 1, 25, 339
Nonpareil Cork Manufacturing Co.. 32 Pointing up of surfaces for insula-
Normal humidity 204 tion 207
Polo. Marco 386
Portland cement 487
Portland Cement Association. .. .487, 493
Portland cement plaster 220
Odors in refrigerators 347 Poultry in transit, effect of freezing 428
Oil-box method of testing 115 Powell. G. Harold 453
Opaque ice, formation of 321 Precision Thermometer & Instrument
Orange shellac 223, 486 Co. 470
Oranges in transit, average load tem- Precooling of fruit, effect on ripen-
peratures 427 ing 453
Origin of cork 1 of perishables 430
Original recommendations for cork- Preparation for insulation, cost of. 207 . .

board thickness 183 of lines to receive cork pipe cover-

Outer bark of the cork oak ing 506
167, 169, 171, 172, 174 of surfaces for insulation 206
Output of ice cream in 1912 387 Preservation of foodstuffs 317
of ice cream in 1926 388 Pressure, atmospheric 324
Oxidation of Asphalt cement 231 barometric 76
on boiling point, effect of 89
on melting point, effect of 88
Principles of insulation design 188
Production of household refrigerat-
Paint, aluminum 223 ing machines 343
dscoloration of 223 Proper thickness of corkboard to use 184
Painting cork pipe covering 509 Properties of Asphalt cement 228
Pans for heating asphalt 282 Protecting newly placed concrete... 492
Papers: Protection against fire, corkboard in-
Cork as a building material 465 sulation as 98
Economy of gasoline storage tank of insulation against moisture.... 475
insulation 482 Psychrometer 92
Heat transmission: A National Psychrometric tables 93


Research Council project 471 Pulverized cork Subirine 464

Interior finish of cold storage Pure conditioned air 202
rooms in hotels 485 Pure cork insulation, the first,... 28, 32
Protection of insulation against corkboard 31
moisture 475 corkboard insulation, sizes of 23
Refrigeration in transit 425
Results of tests to determine heat
conductivity of various insulat-
ing materials 122
Sales engineering 513 Quality and thickness of cork bark
Temperature, humidity, air circula- 14, 26
tionand ventilation 197 Quercus suber 7
The ability of refrigerator cars to
carry perishable products 435
The development of the standard R
refrigerator car 452
Paraffin 21 Radiant energy 102, 104
Parks, N. R 484 heat 102
Partitions, solid cork 266, 267,268 Radiating powers of surfaces? 104
stone, concrete or brick 263 Radiation 95, 105,168
wood 264, 265 heat loss by 223
Pennington, Dr. M. E 425, 435, 452 law, Stefan-Bretzmann 104
Pennsylvania State College 166 transfer of heat by 11)2
Performance comparison of refriger- Railroad claims on refrigerator car
ator cars with different thick- loads 453
nesses of insulation 430 Ramsey, II. J 439
Perishables in transit, apparatus and Range of profitable expenditure for
methods for study of 426 insulation 178
Perkins, Jacob 325 Rate of heat transfer by conduction 95
Permanent insulating efficiencv 1/0 of heat transfer by convection.... 101
Petroleum '.
225 of heat transfer by radiation 103
asphalts 226, 231, 351 of temperature rise 97

Page Page
Ratio of heat losses in cold stores. 168 . early portable 328
Raw cork 25 effect of insulation on temperature 382
Reaumur, Rene Antoine Ferchault de 74 era of multiple insulation in
Reaumer thermometer scale 73 339, 340, 341
Recovery of the cork industry 40 household 40, 338
Reed, C. C 484 importance of insulation in me-
Refining of natural asphalt 225 chanical 385
Reflecting powers of surfaces 104 insulation of household 317
Refrigerants, critical temperatures of 88 low efficiency of 379
Refrigerated food ships, English... 425 neglect of insulation of 342
insulated ice cream truck 387 specifications of manufacturers for
Refrigerating machine, advent of 359-376
household 342 testing of ice-cooled 382,383
machine, early type of 325 testing of mechanical 385
machine, first ammonia compres- Refuse, cork 35
sion 326 Regelation 89
machine in soda fountains 416 Relative humidity 91
machine, production of household. 343 humidity tables, percent 470
machines, ammonia compression.. 391 humidities in cities 93
machines, sulphur dioxide 391 value of air space and paper as
Refrigeration cost in relation to in- refrigerator car insulation 451
sulation ' 181 Removing the outer cork bark 10, 11
early uses of 317 Reol refrigerator construction 369
for soda fountains, mechanical... 405 Report of A. S. R. E. insulation com-
growth of 326 mittee 122
household 343 Requirements of an insulation for
in the ice cream plant 388 cold stores 167
in transit 425 Research by the ice industry 352
losses through doors 217 Residence insulation 40
mechanical 90, 324 Resin in cork bark 171
principles and appliances in the Resistance to air passage in materials 209
home 342 to heat flow 97
use of 167 Results of conductivity tests 122-166
Refrigerator, advantage of cabinet of increased insulation of refriger-
type 350 ator cars 430
Refrigerator car construction, com- Rhinelander refrigerator construction
parison of 436, 437 359, 360
car construction, details of. .436,
. . 437 Richard I 386
car construction, difference in.... 438 Rieck Interests 390
car construction standard for all Riek, Forest 377
perishables 456 Riffian wars 40
car equipment differs widely 436 Roof slabs, insulation for industrial
car experiments relating to air cir- 41, 42
culation 457 Roofs, concrete or wood 255
car experiments relating to amount cork as a covering for 25
and distribution of insulation... 457 the insulation of 26, 40, 43
car load factors are insulation, Root house 334
bunkers and floor racks 440 Rumford, Count 71
car performance, comparison of. . . 450
cars 425
cars a variable factor 454 s
cars, construction of experimental
456, 457 Saladin 386
cars for meat in transit 460 Sales Engineering 513-522
cars in use in U. S., number of. . 452 Salt and ice mixtures in refrigerator
Refrigerator construction: cars 458, 461
Belding-Hall 370 and ice mixtures in refrigerator
Copeland electric 376 cars, effect of.... 445, 446, 447, 448
Gibson 362, 363 and ice mixtures in refrigerator
Tewett 366, 367 cars, proportions for 436
McCray 351 Sampolo, S 465
Reol 369 Sand in concrete 489
Rhinelander 359, 360 Sandals, cork 25
Schroeder 371, 372, 373 Santono 319
Seeger 364, 365 Saturated air 93
Servel electric 398 vapor 88
Refrigerator construction, details of Sausage cooler 189
household 359 Savings due to insulation on gasoline
Refrigerator design and construction 342 storage tanks 484
Refrigerator, development of cork- Sawdust as insulation. 321, 329, 337, 389
board insulated household 332 insulated natural ice bouses 327
evolution of the household. .. .337, 338 Schroeder refrigerator construction. .

first type of household 338 371. 372, 373

functions of household 380 Scope and purpose of an engineer-
how to select a good 355 ing contract 519
Refrigerator industry, expansion of. . 341 Scoring of corkboard 279
Refrigerator score card ...377, 378, 379 of plaster 222
Refrigerators, classes of household.. 380 of plaster finish over corkboard.. 476
demand for reduced cost of 350 Screw closures 41


Page Page
Sealed air cells 169 Double layer against wood ceilings 253
Sealing of joints in factory mastic Double layer against wood walls.. 246
finish 486 Double layer between partition
Seam filler — freight classifications, etc SOI
Double layer over concrete
Seasoning of cork bark floor
Secondary bark 12, 40 261, 262
Seeger refrigerator construction. 364, 365 Double layer over roof 254
Servel electric ice cream cabinet.... 398 Double layer over wood floor. .257,258
Servel electric construc-
refrigerator Double layer, self-supporting 252
tion 374. 375 Double layer solid cork partition
Service fronts for refrigerators 217 266, 267
Setting corkboard in refrigerator _ Emulsified asphalt finish over in-
walls ;
3j1 sulation 274
Shavings as msulation J^i Galvanized iron over insulation... 277
Sheet cork insulation 24 Insulation of beam ends 277
Shellac, orange 223 Insulation of freezing tanks
Shields for cork pipe covering 506 268, 269, 271
Silicate cotton as insulation......... 337 Insulation of masonry partition
Sills, kinds of door 218 walls ; 262
Simonides 317 Ironed-on mastic finish over insula-
Sirocco 1- tion 273
Skewers, wood 2^- Outline of scope and purpose 240

wooden freight classifications, etc. aOO
Plaster finish over insulation
Portland cement mortar
SHng psychrometer
Small pumice as insulation 337 Rat-proofing of insulation 278
Small rooms, insulation of ISo Single layer against concrete ceil-
Smith, John T 27 330 ing 247
Smith's consolidated cork 28, 31 Single layer against masonry walls 242
Soda fountain backbar base specifica- Single layer against wood ceilings 252
tions .•• -416, 417 Single layer against wood walls... 245
fountain backbar base with ice Single layer between partition studs 263
cream cabinet 41 Single layer in ceiling forms 249
fountain cabinet, section details. 404 . . Single layer over concrete floor. 259 . .

fountain cooler .-.••• "*^^ Single layer over roof 253

fountain cooling system specifica- Single layer over wood floor. 256
tions ;
41 Single layer solid cork partition... 265
fountain creamer specifications.... 407 Tile or brick finish over insulation 273
fountain creamer top specifications 409 Wood floor over insulation 276
fountain refrigerator bases, details Specifications for corkboard on gaso-
of . 417 • line storage tanks 483
fountain syrup unit specifications 411 for refrigerator car insulation. 460, 461
fountain, the refrigerated 403 for standard oxidized asphalt 473
fountain washboard specifications.. 412 of an engineering contract 519
fountains, insulation of 317 of manufacturers for refrigerators
fountains, specifications of manu- 359-376
facturers for 403-424 of manufacturers for soda foun-
Soil suitable for the cork oak 8 tains 403-424
Solid cork construction, advantage of Spheroidal state 87
213, 214 Spring house 333
Soot as insulation 400 Standard cold storage insulation,
Sorting of cork bark 14, 15, 18 corkboard the 475
of corkwood, importance of 18 icing service for standard refriger-
Source of supply of cork ator cars 460
3, 4. 33, 39, 41 insulation for cold temperatures.. 167
Spacing of lines to receive cork pipe refrigerator car construction, basis
covering 506 for 454
Spading of concrete 493 refrigerator car design, essentials
Spanish black for oil paints 22 of 460
Specific duty. 36 refrigerator car, development of. . 452
gravity 233 size of corkboard sheets.. 23, 174, 281
heat 83, 84 type of bunker for refrigerator cars 458
heats of materials. 84 Standardization necessary for heat
provisions of an engineering con- transmission investigations 471
tract _. 518 . Steady state 98
cork pipe covering. 502-.t04
Specifications, Steaming of corkwood, eff'ect of 19
example of purchaser's insulation Stefan-Baltzmann radiation law.. 104. 105
496-499 Stone & Duryee 28, 31
for Asphalt cement 228, 229 Stone, Junius H 29
for cold storage doors 219 Stoppers, cork.. 2, 16, 19, 20, 33, 41, 171
Specifications for corkboard erection: Storing of ice 87
Asphalt cement 278 of natural ice 322
Asphalt primer 278 Story of cork 1

Concrete floor over insulation.... 275 Straight corks 17

Double laver against concrete ceil- Straw, use of in ice houses 321
ing .. .'.
247, 248 Strength of corkboard in compression 173
Double layer against concrete ceil- Stripping of cork bark 10, 35, 40
ing, first in forms 250, 251 Structural suggestions 178
Double layer against masonry walls Study of heat 71
243, 244 Sublimation 87
1 '


Page Page
Subsequent changes and agreements Tancrelus 319
in a contract 517 Tanks, freezing 269. 270,271
Substitutes for cork j^3
Tannic acid, removal of ._. 14
Sulphur dioxide refrigerating machine 391 Taper corks .17, 20
Superficial expansion 79 Tariff subdivisions of cork into
Superheating and undercooling of groups 36
liquids 87 Temperature
Surface effects 1 06 71, 72, 77, 86, 88, 105, 196, 201
effects, effect of neglecting. .. 108, 112 absolute zero 234
resistance to heat flow 341 conversion table 75
resistance to heat transfer 101 humidity, air circulation and ven-
tension of liquids 233, 234 tilation 197
Surfaces, air-proofing of 209 in transit experiments, eggs in re-
Surfaces to receive insulation 206 frigerator cars
Suspension of colloids 233, 234 439, 440, 441, 444, 446, 447, 449, 450
Sweating of bunkers, prevention of 193 of cantaloupes in refrigerator cars
pitcher of ice water points the way 346 442,443
Swing of cold storage doors 218 of the earth, average.. 211
of walls in direct sunlight 104
zones in soda fountain creamer
compartment 406
T Temperatures, cold storage 167
Tables: in household refrigerators, ways
Air infiltration values for cork- to reduce 381
board of different thicknesses... 473 in refrigerator cars, comparison of 426
Air infiltration values on erection maintained automatically in modern
materials 472 soda fountain 405
Boiling points of various liquids. 86 . used in baking cork bark 171
Coefficient of radiation and convec- Tendency toward thicker insulation. 182 .

tion 106 Test conditions on refrigerator cars

Composition of natural asphalts... 230 in transit 455
Composition of petroleum asphalts 231 Testing methods, cold-air-box 118
Critical temperatures of various re- methods, hot-air-box 117
frigerants 88 methods, hot-plate 119
Densities and specific volumes of methods, ice-box 116
water 81 methods, oil-box 117
Freight classifications, class rates, of Asphalt cement, A. S. T. M 230
etc 500, 501 of asphalt emulsions 237
Heat of combustion of various ma- of household refrigerators, notes on 377
terials 84 of ice-cooled household refrigera-
Heat of fusion of various sub- tors 382
stances 86 of ice cream cabinets 400. 401, 402
Heat of vaporization of various of mechanical household refriger-
substances 87 ators 385
Imports of cork entered U. S. for of oxidation of Asphalt cement... 231
consumption, from 1903 to 1924 58 room, constant temper.iture 383
Imports of cork to U. S. from 1892 Tests by various authorities on many
to 1924 43 materials 122-166
Internal thermal conductivity of of strength of insulating mate-
various materials 99 rials in place 480
Materials required for one cu. yd. on household refrigerators. 381. 382. 383
of concrete 494 on refrigerators by authorities.... 379
Materials required for 100 sq. ft Terminal Railroad Association 435
of concrete 494 Theoretical and actual heat losses
Melting points of various solids... 85 compared 113
Original recommendations for cork- Thermal capacity of a substance 83
board thickness 183 conductivity 96, 98
Proper thickness of corkboard. . . . 184 conductivity of air spaces Ill
Relative humidities in various conductivity of various materials
cities 93 ....._ 130-165
Relative humidity, percent 470 equilibrium 72
Specific heats of various materials 84 expansion 7
Specifications for standard oxidized insulation 22, 42
asphalt 473 unit, British 83
Tariff subdivisions of coik into Thermodynamics, first law of 82
groups 36 Thermometers 73, 74
Temperature conversion table 75 Thickness and quality of cork bark 14
Thermal conductivity of air spaces 1 1 of corkboard to use 178. 179. 184
Thermal conductivity of materials of corkboard to use in household
composed mainly of animal mat- refrigerators 382
ter 163 Thomas. P. Edwin 513
Thermal conductivity of materials Tile finish for cold rooms in hotels. 486
composed mainly of mineral mat- wall insulation specifications. .496, 497
ter 143 T-iron ceilings, utility of 216
Thermal conductivity of materials Tools for making and placing concrete 491
composed mainly of vegetable Topical index 523
matter 130 Transfer of heat
U. S. Geological Survey statistics ..96, 98. 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 111
for 1919 227 of heat across air spaces Ill
Page Page
of heat by evaporation and con- University of Illinois 106, 379
densation 101, 102 Use ofrefrigeration 167
Transplanting of the cork oak 4 Useful expectancy for corkboard... 184
Transportation of eggs in refriger- Uses of cork, early 1
ator cars 438 of corkwood 16, 17
of fruits and vegetables in refrig- of refrigeration, early 317
erator cars 439 of snow and ice, early 317
Tudor, Frederick 319 of virgin cork 11
Twining, A. C 325 LTtility of solid cork construction... 214
Tyndall, John 89 Utilization of cork waste 16
Types and design of bunkers 191
and design of cold rooms 187
of sills for cold storage doors 219
Typical cork forest in Spain 8

Vacuum 74, 189, 209

u Vallance
Vapor, saturated
Undercooling and superheating of Vaporization 86, 91
liquids 87 Vapors n
Underwriters approve corkboard. . . . 175 Vegetable storage, caves for 333
Undeveloped area of cork forests. ... Ventilation 195, 197
Uninsulated ice cream cabinets, early Vibration and noise, reduction of... 24
type of 389 Victor service front for corkand-
United Cork Companies 480 cement refrigerators 217
United Fuel Gas Co 482 Virgin cork 10, 11, 12, 21, 40
U. S. Bureau of Chemistry .425, 435, 452 Vogt insulation details for freezing
U. S. Bureau of Plant Industry... tank and ice storage 184
425, 439, 454
Voids in insulation, effect of
U. S. Bureau of Standards 188, 208, 220
Ill, 118, 228, 377, 379, 381
Volume and elasticity of cork bark.. 14
U. S. Department of Agriculture...
425. 435, 438, 452
U. S. Department
Bulletin No. 17
of Agriculture
U. S. Department of Meat Inspec- concrete or brick
\\'alls; stone,
tion 172
242, 243, 244, 245
U. S. Food Research Laboratory. . .
wood, 245, 246
425. 435. 452, 453 Water in concrete 489
U. S. Geological Survey statistics for
Water penetration of insulation 220
: 22^ Waterpropf cement for cork pipe
U. S. Government 221 covering .••••: 507
S., Imports of cork to
S. Interstate Commerce Commis-
43-70 —
cement freight classifications, etc. 501
Waterproofing cork pipe covering... 509
456 Weatherproofing of corkboard exposed
U. S. Letters Patents for bituminous
to the elements 483
emulsions 236
U. S. Navy department Weakness of ice-boxes is in insula-
....31, 171, 464 lation 379
U. S. Office of Public Roads and Williams,Dr. John R 379
Rural Engineering 237
U. S. Railroad
Wise women know good refrigerators 356
Administration .452, . 459 Wood, A. J 166
U. S. Railroad Administration Me-
chanical Dept. Circular No. 7. 452
Wood skewers 282
U. S. Standard refrigerator car. 452,
Work 82
459 Work, units of 83
U. S. tariff act of 1909 38
U. S. tariff act of 1913 36, il
U. S. tariff act of 1922
Units of heat
Universal Cooler Corporation electric
ice cream cabinet 397 Yield of corkwood, annual.
No~M in its
37th year of

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