(1928) Cork Insulation
(1928) Cork Insulation
(1928) Cork Insulation
lag ItlJtston
This book may be kept weeks.
Ntckekson & Collins Co.
the Memory of
In submitting this first complete treatise on the sources,
harvesting, manufacture, distribution and uses of cork and
cork insulation products, the author believes that he has
succeeded in adding to scientific literature a work for which
there is at this period a real necessity and a genuine demand.
The which tlie matter herein pub-
collection of data on
lished based has necessitated many years of careful re-
Cork Stripping 10
23. Is Source of Supply Adequate
?-24. Cork Stopper
Industry— 25. Cork a National Necessity—26. Effects
U. Tarifif Act of 1913—27.
S. Effect of the World War—
Recovery of the Industry— 29. Changing Demands—
Tables of U. S. Imports (1892-1924).
Transfer of Heat
64. Heat Transference- 65. Conduction—66.
Total Heat Tran,^
67 Radiation-68. Flow of Heat-69.
ei— 70. Air Spaces-71. Heat Transfer by Conduction Only-
11. Heat Loss Through
Part III. — The Insulation of Ice and Cold Storage Plants and
Cold Rooms in General.
Heat 82. Inherently Nona]>sorbent of Moisture 83. Sanitary —
and Odorless 84. Compact and Structural!}- Strong 85. Con- —
venient in Form and Fas\ to Install 86. A Fire Retardant
S7. Easily Ohiaincd and Reasonable in Cost 88. Permanent —
Insulating Effijienc\'.
— —
Wood 110. Floors: Concrete 111. Partitions: Stone, Con-
crete or Brick— 112. Partitions: Wood— 113. Partitions: Solid
Cork— 114. Tanks: Freezing— 115. Finish: Walls and Ceil-
ing— Finish: Floors — 117. Miscellaneous Specifications.
Appendix 425
Refrigeration in Transit — The Ability of Refrigerator Cars
to Carry Perishable Prockicts Tlie —
Utvelopment of the
Standard Refrigerator Car Specifications for Refrigerator
— —
Car Insulation Cork Paint Pulverized Cork Subirine— —
Cork as a Building Material Some Uses of Corkboard In-
sulation — —
Relative Humidity Table Heat Transmission A :
National Research Council Project Air Infiltration Cork —
Dipping Pan Protection of Insulation Against Moisture
How Insulation Saved a Refinery Economy of Gasoline
Storage Tank Insulation Interior Finish of Cold Storage
— —
Rooms in Hotels Concrete Example of Purchaser's Insula-
— Freight Classifications, Class Rates, Etc.
tion Specifications
Pure Corkboard and Sundries — Freight Classifications, Class
Rates, Etc. — Cork Pipe Covering, Cork Lags, Cork Discs and
Sundries —^Cork Pipe Covering Specifications — Instructions
for Proper Application of Cork Pipe Covering — A Good
Drink of Water — Fundamental Contract Law— Engineering
vfany attem])ts lia\c l_)een made to transplant tliis interest-
ing tree, Imt the result of e\ery sueh effort has been futile.
Just before t'n.e Ci\il war, in 1859', the United States Govern-
ment provided funds to brin;;- I'ortuijLse cork acorns to se\'-
cral of the Southern States for planting; but after a dozen
years c^r so it was concluded, in spite of the neglect of the
seedlings occasioned by the War of tlie Rebellion, that the
experiment was not a commercial success. Some of these
cork oak trees are still standing in Mississippi and Georgia,
but the outer bark never matured satisfactorilw^ "^^
*In 1872 another eft'ort was made to grow the cork oak in
southern California. Init the outcome pro\ed no better there
than it did at an earlier date in the luist.*Four of these trees
are now standing in the Methodist churchyard at Fourth and
Arizona Streets. Santa Monica. California, and a half dozen
more have recently been located by H. H. Wetzel in Santa
Monica canyon; ])ut while the trees themselves have flour-
ished, the quality of their salient ])roduct is inferior and of no
commercial value. ^
many, France, Great Britain and the United States, the last
four named ordinarily absorbing perhaps eighty-five per cent
of the total product of the producing countries, to be worked
into hundreds of different cork articles of trade. ^
\JBecause most people think of Spain as an easy-going
country of medieval ways, with no great wealth or material
Its branches usuall}- are full-spread and are co\ ered with small
evergreen leaves ha\ing" a veUety feel and a glossy appear-
ance. Its roots spread considerably and attain much
strength, often being xisible abo\e ground.
During- April and Ala} the }ellowish blossoms appear,
which are followed by the acorns that ripen and at once fall to
the ground during the last four months of the year. These
acorns are bitter to the taste, but gi\e a ])eculiarly piquant
flavor to SiJanish mountain hams when ted to swine. The
cork oak offers but little shade, which permits the soil to be-
come very dry and of producing value unless the
young trees are growii they are about
close together until
twenty-hve xcars olds/ Jf the soil is [xjor, the outer bark is
thin but of fine texture; if the soil is rich, the bark is thick,
spongy and inclined to be coarse. These characteristics are
carefully studied from an agricultural standpoint, in the
\-arious cork growing districts, and are dealt with as reason
of the cork oak consists of thin-walled cells
The outer bark
with air, is destitute of intercellular spaces, and is im-
6. —
Removing the Outer Bark. The cork of commerce, or
corkwood, is the outer bark of the cork tree, which belongs to
the oak family and which has been described. This outer
bark can readily be removed during the summer months, gen-
erally during July and August, without harm to the tree,
although considerable skill is required if injury to the inner
or sap-carrying bark is to be avoided. French strippers some-
times use crescent-shaped saws, but Spanish strippers in-
variably use a long-handled hatchet, the handle tapered at
the butt in the shape of a wedge.
When cork oak trees attain a diameter of about five inches,
or measure forty centimeters in circumference according to
the Spanish practice, which fixes the age of the tree at about
twenty years, the virgin outer bark is removed. It is cus-
tomary to cut the l)ark clear through around the base of the
tree and again around the trunk just below the main branches,
the two incisions then being connected by probably two ver-
tical cuts. By using the long handle of the hatchet as a wedge
and lever, the tree's outer bark is easily pried off. The lower
portions of the limbs are stripped in like manner, frequently
yielding a liner grade of corkwood than that of the trunk.
The thickness of this virgin outer bark varies from about one-
half to two and one-half inches, while the yield per tree also
varies from a half hundred to several hundred pounds, de-
pending on both its size and age when the virgin stripping is
7. —Virgin —
Cork. This virgin cork bark, called "borniza"
in Spain, is rough, coarse and dense in texture. It is there-
fore of limited commercial value, except as used by florists
and uncovered for the remainder of the life of the tree. Also,
stripping never done during a "sirocco," a hot southernly
is —
wind blowing from the African coast to Italy, Sicily and
Spain, which would dry the inner bark too rapidly and ex-
clude all further formation of outer bark.
the cork oak tree is known a> tlie cork of commerce, wliile
the term "cork waste" is employed to describe the residue
from the cutting of natural cork articles, and also the forest
waste or refuse remaining after the selection of the commer-
cial bark.
9.— —
Boiling and Baling. As the outer bark of the cork oak
is remoNcd, under the regulations and j)recautions that are
prescribed by the different cork growing countries, it is piled
for a few days to dry out, after which it is weighed, removed
to the boiling station and there stacked for a few weeks of
seasoning preliminary to being boiled. The outer surface of
cork bark is rough and woody and contains considerable grit,
due to its long exposure to the elements. After boiling, this
"hard-back," as it is called, is readily scraped ofT; but since the
weight is thereby reduced about twenty per cent, and cork-
wood is sold by weight, it is the tendency to want to slight
this operation. The same boiling process removes the tannic
acid, increases the volume and the elasticity of the bark,
renders it soft and pliable and flattens- it out for baling after
pPHRT^^P^ ',"
bind securely.
of disks, washers, floats, ]:)UO}S. life rings, balls, mats, handle
grips, gaskets, bobl^ers, life preservers, as well as shoe insoles,
polishing disks, cork paper, tropical helmets, rafts, bungs,
French lieels for shoes, bedding, sound isolation, heat and cold
insulation, tioor tiles, roof tiles, sweat IkukIs, lining for hats,
the basis for and dress trimmings, pulley and
ladies' hat
clutch inserts, Spanish black fori)aint. cigarette tips, wadding
fullest extent its qualities must be studied and the best used
first, so that the beginning of the corkwood industry is pecu-
liar in this fact, that it takes the best part and leaves but
scrap, which must be studied carefully to realize the value lost
in the first process; therefore, in the manufacture of one
yards and sheds of cork plants, covering much area and in-
volving considerable capital, for a shortage in raw material
would not only throw men out of work and put the plant into
disuse but would cause the loss of much business through in-
ability to supply the trade with first-grade cork materials, the
other grades always being compelled to await a favorable
For whatever purposeit is to be used, all corkwood upon
size that will pass a >^-inch mesh, screened and mixed with
an unusually tenacious glue, dried by steam, hydraulically
pressed into sheets, dried again, and then punched out into
"composition" disks for Crown caps, gaskets, insoles and a
variety of products, frequently termed "artificial" cork
16. — —
Cork Insulation. Probably the most important use
to which cork waste is now being put, and which rivals the
cork stopper industry, is in the manufacture of cork insulation
for the retarding of heat and sound.
Steam pipes are insulated to prevent heat from escaping;
cold rooms and cold pipes are insulated to prevent heat from
entering. Cork is employed as a thermal insulation to prevent
the entrance of heat, or to preserve cold temperatures and ;
from capillarity. This property, the force that causes a blotter
to suck up ink, is entirely lacking in cork, as evidenced by
its long and successful use as stoppers in vessels containing
Machines are insulated perhaps more properly spoken of
today as isolated— to permanently reduce the transmission of
vibration and sound to an irreducable minimum. Cork iso-
hm r^
- ". *- .
-"- '. "^ :^ ",
!-.- r
•See appendi.x for "Pulverized Cork — Subirine" and "Cork as a Building Material."
18. —
Impregnated Corkboard. About the year 1890 the
German firm of Griinzweig & Hartmann acquired patents in
Germany and in the United States for a type of insulation
known as "Impregnated Corkboard", and soon became the
leaders in their own country in the manufacture of these
"impregnated" cork slabs for insulating purposes, particularly
for cold storage work. The United States patent rights for
this new type were subsequently acquired by
of insulation
the Armstrong Cork Company of Pittsburgh, about the year
1900, following which a plant for its manufacture was estab-
lished at Beaver Falls, Pa., such location being selected
principally because the necessary clay for the preparation of
the foreign binder to stick the granules of cork together was
available there in generous quantity and at a point not far
distant from Pittsburgh.
The business grew rapidly, especially among the brewers,
for the insulation of their cellars ; but it was soon discovered
that this impregnated corkboard was inferior in insulating
quality, and brand of
in structural strength in service, to a
"pure" corkboard being made under the patents of one John
T. Smith, an American, and subsequently the manufacture
and use of the impregnated, or "composition," corkboard gave
way entirely to the pure corkboard insulation.
20. —
Cork Covering for Steam Pipes. In 1893 Messrs.
Stone and Duryee purchased the Smith patent rights for the
United States, France and England and began the manufac-
ture, at No. 184-6 North Eighth street, Brooklyn, New York,
of asbestos-lined cork covering for steam pipes, the sugges-
tion probably having come to Junius H. Stone, who had
previously been engaged in the steam pipe covering business,
from the original Smith cork cylinder, which, incidentally,
Smith had failed to utilize to any good purpose whatever.
But not long thereafter the patent rights on "85 per cent
Magnesia" steam pipe covering expired, and the resultant
competition so reduced prices as to seriously interfere with
the further sale of the cork product.
21. — —
Cork Covering for Cold Pipes. Then the Engineering
department of the United States Navy became interested in
molded cork covering for cold pipes, to replace hair felt and
such other fibrous materials as possessed a marked affinity for
moisture, and it was subsequently tried out as insulation for
brine lines on one of the large battleships then building.
The adaptability and suitability of this very early form
of pure cork covering for cold lines was quickly apparent
to the Navy's engineers, and the material rapidly found favor
in other Governmental departments. Thus the real field of
usefulness for Smith's Consolidated Cork as an insulating
material for cold surfaces was discovered and soon there-
24. — —
Cork Stopper Industry. The cork stopper industry,
which was for many years the most important branch of the
cork industry, had its permanent origin in the town of
Llacostera, Province of Gerona, Spain, late in the year 1750,*
and was incident to the real beginnings of the use of the
glass bottle, although corkwood was used centuries before
as stoppers for casks and other kinds of liquid-containing
vessels. The cork trade was later disrupted by the many
wars that followed one another in rapid succession, which
drove the industry to the mountains to struggle for years until
some semblance of peace was restored. The principal dan-
gers having passed, the cork stopper industry slowly but
surely grew until it virtually became a necessity in the life
of Spain.
the demands, the cork bark was stripped from the trees more
frequently than was usual or desirable, and as a consequence
the grade deteriorated until the situation became alarming.
25. — —
Cork a National Necessity. The Spanish Government
then passed the necessary laws to ])rotect its cork forests as
merit and an effort was made to put the new laws in force
in 1912, but all these efforts were without much success. In
Portugal, one of the restrictive laws that were passed made
it impossible to export from the country pieces of corkwood
larger than about 4x8 inches. That law, while almost never
enforced, still remains to harry the inexperienced buyer who
has failed to provide in advance for its temporary nonexist-
ence, so to speak.
Act of 1922
Paragraph 1020. Linoleum, including corticine and cork carpet,
35 per centum ad valorem; floor oilcloth, 20 per centum ad valorem;
mats or rugs made of linoleum or floor oilcloth shall be subject to the
same rates of duty as herein provided for linoleum or floor oilcloth.
Paragraph 1412. Cork bark, cut into squares, cubes, or quarters,
8 cents per pound; stoppers over three-fourths of an inch in diameter,
measured at the larger end, and discs, wafers, and washers over
three-sixteenths of one inch in thickness, made from
natural cork
bark, 20 cents per pound; made from or composition cork,
10 cents per pound; stoppers, three-fourths of one inch or less in
diaineter, measured at the larger end, and discs, wafers, and washers,
three-sixteenths of one inch or less in thickness, made from natural
cork bark, 25 cents per pound; made from artificial or composition
cork, 121/2 cents per pound; cork, artificial, commonly known as com-
Act of 1913
Paragraph 276. — Linoleum, plain, stamped, painted, or printed, in-
cluding and cork carpet, figured or plain, also linoleum
known as granite and oak plank, 30 per centum ad valorem; inlaid
linoleum, 35 per centum ad valorem; oilcloth for floors, plain, stamped,
painted, or printed, 20 per centum ad valorem; mats or rugs made
of oilcloth, linoleum, corticine, or cork carpet shall be subject to the
same rate of duty as herein provided for oilcloth, linoleum, corticine,
or cork carpet.
Paragraph 340. Cork bark, cut into squares, cubes, or quarters,
4 cents per pound; manufactured cork stoppers, over three-fourths
of an inch in diameter, measured at the larger end, and manufactured
cork discs, wafers, or washers, over three-sixteenths of an inch in
thickness, 12 cents per pound; manufactured cork stoppers, three-
fourths of an inch or less in diameter, measured at the larger end,
and manufactured cork discs, wafers, or washers, three-sixteenths of
an inch or less in thickness, 15 cents per pound; cork, artificial, or
cork substitutes manufactured form cork waste, or granulated cork,
and not otherwise provided for in this section, 3 cents per pound;
cork insulation, wholly or in chief value of granulated cork, in slabs,
boards, planks, or molded forms, ^ cent per pound; cork paper, 35
per centum ad valorem; manufactures wholly or in chief value of
cork or of cork bark, or of artificial cork or cork substitutes, granu-
lated or ground cork, not specially provided for in this section, 30
per centum ad valorem.
Paragraph 464. Cork wood, or cork bark, unmanufactured, and
cork waste, shavings, and cork refuse of all kinds (Free).
Act of 1909
Paragraph 347. — Linoleum, and all other fabrics or cov-
erings for floors, made or similar product, plain, stamped,
in part of oil
painted or printed only, not specially provided for herein, if nine
feet or under in width, 8 cents per square yard and 15 per centum
ad valorem; over nine feet in width, 12 cents per square yard and
IS per centum ad valorem; and any of the foregoing of whatever
width, the composition of which forms designs or patterns, whether
inlaid or otherwise, by whatever name known, and cork carpets, 20
cents per square yard and 20 per centum ad valorem; mats for floors
made of oilcloth, linoleum, or corticene, shall be subject to the same
rate of duty herein provided for oilcloth, linoleum, or corticene;
oilcloth for floors, if nine feet or less in width, 6 cents per square
yard and 15 per centum ad valorem; over nine feet in width, 10 cents
per square yard and 15 per centum ad valorem; ....
Paragraph 429. Cork bark cut into squares, cubes, or quarters, 8
cents per pound; manufactured corks over three-fourths of an inch
in diameter, measured at larger end, 15 cents per pound; three-fourths
of an inch and less in diameter, measured at larger end, 25 cents per
pound; cork, artificial, or cork substitutes, manufactured from cork
waste or granulated cork, and not otherwise provided for in this
section, 6 cents per pound; manufactures, wholly or in chief value
of cork, or of cork bark, or of artificial cork or cork substitutes, gran-
ulated or ground cork, not specially provided for in this section, 30
per centum ad valorem.
27. — —
Effect of the World War. While there was an ap-
parent shortage of corkwood for a brief time just prior to the
beginning of the World War, yet the demand for corkwood
by France, Germany. Austria and other belligerent countries
quickly dropped off to almost nothing, which left the United
States as virtually the only country requiring any appreciable
exports of corkwood or cork waste. The situation in the cork
producing countries became rapidly worse as the war con-
tinued until the time soon came when it did not pay, in many
cases, to bring in the cork harvest.
tors; but they met the situation with such remarkable fore-
sight attended by such complete success that the King of
Spain is said to have personally thanked the men who so ably
and generously gave of their time and money.
Thus the by
basic essential requirements for cork insulation
the industries of the world must be somewhat comparable to
shfting sands constantly — moving about but added to but
slowly. On the other hand, there is a growing demand for
cork insulation for use wherever moisture is encountered, such
as for the insulation of industrial roofs, which field is enorm-
ous in scope, and if the demand for corkboard for roofs con-
tinues at the pace it has already set for itself, then no one
dare predict the ultimate requirements for cork insulation,
andvin turn, for cork waste and corkwood.
Of course, if the ultimate cost were low enough, cork,
because it combines within so many unusual and useful
Fiscal Year
FISCAL YEAR OF 1906— JUNE 30, 1905, TO JUNE 30. 1906
FISCAL YEAR OF 1910— JUNE 30, 1909, TO JUNE 30. 1910
FISCAL YEAR OF 1918— JUNE 30, 1317, TO JUNE 30, 1918
< i
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Part II— The Study of Heat
crease by its becoming cooler, heat, in a word, being con-
sidered as kinetic energy of molecular motion.
The molecular theory of heat goes one step farther and holds
that heat is energy of molecular motion,
in part the kinetic
as just elaborated, and
remaining part the potential energy
of molecular arrangement. The molecular theory ef heat per-
mits a readier grasp of the facts concerning heat than seems
otherwise possible, and for that reason is today generally
34. —Effects —
The heating of a substance, by the
of Heat.
by contact with a hot body, or by any
dissipation of energy,
other means, may produce these effects:
(a) Rise in temperature.
(b) Meltage or vaporization.
(c) Contraction or expansion.
(d) Dissociation, if a chemical compound.
(e) Exhibition of electrical phenomena.
35. — —
Thermometers. The most convenient instrument to
measure temperature, rise and fall, is a mercury thermometer,
the tube and mercury cool, the contracting mercury moves
clown the glass stem, leaving a vacuum at the top of the
Since the temperature of melting ice and that of steam,
under a constant pressure, have been found by very careful
experiment to be invariable, their respective temperatures at
a pressure of 76 centimeters (29 922 inches) of mercury have
been selected as the fixed points on a thermometer. The in-
strument is placed in an ice bath and the freezing point is marked
on the tube; it is then enveloped in steam and the boiling point
is similarly recorded, proper corrections being made to com-
pensate for any pressure different from 76 cm.
The number of spaces, or degrees, into which the distance
between the fixed points is divided has been subject to much
discretion, but the three scales most used are the Fahrenheit, the
Centigrade and the Reaumur. Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit (1686-
1736), a German physicist, introduced the Fahrenheit scale
about 1714, and it is today in common use in all English-
speaking countries in spite of the unreasonableness of desig-
nating the freezing point as 32°, the boiling point as 212°
and dividing the scale between into 180 equal parts. Rene
Antoine Ferchault de Reaumur (1638-1757), a French physic-
ist, devised the Reaumur scale in 1731, which is today in
cooled, the air contracted, and atmospheric pressure caused
the liquid to rise in the tube. Fixed points were then estab-
lished on the scale, and any rise in temperature caused the
colored liquid to drop and any drop in temperature caused
the liquid to rise. The instrument was remarkable for its
lish that "the volume of a given mass of any gas under con-
stant pressure increases by a constant fraction of its volume
at zero for each rise of temperature of 1°C." The ratio of
standard steam temperature (the minimum temperature of
pure steam at 16 cm. pressure) to ice temperature (the tem-
perature of pure melting ice at 76 cm. pressure) has been
found by the air thermometer to be 1.367, or
Steam temp. S
=— = 1 .367
Ice temp. I
V t+213 T
vi U+213 T,
40. —
Coefficient of Expansion. —
It has been noted that,
with very few exceptions, substances expand in every direc-
tion when heated. Expansion in length is quite naturally
termed linear expansion, expansion in area is known as super-
ficial expansion and expansion in volume is called cubical expan-
sion. If a substance is heated from 0° C. to 1° C, the fraction i
of its length that the body expands is its cofficient of linear expan-
sion, the fraction of its area that the body expands is its coeffi-
lient of superficial expansion and the fraction of its volume that
the body expands is its' coefficient of cubical expansion.
l^li 1,-1,
ts— t, t
I2— li U—U
lia= , or a= , or h^hCl+at);
t li t
V2 — Vi Va — Vi
k= = , or V2=Vi (1+kt).
Vi (t:— ti) Vi t
vaporize, and when vaporization begins it occurs violently
and is attended by an immediate fall of temperature to the
normal boiling point. If pure water is cooled, its temperature
usually falls a number of degrees below its normal freezing
point before freezing actually begins, but a large amount of
ice is then suddenly formed and the temperature quickly rises
to the normal freezing point. These phenomena are common
to most liquids, but the converse is not true that is, water ;
59. —
Boiling and Melting Points of Mixtures. When pure —
water has a foreign substance dissolved in it, such as finely
divided ammonium nitrate, for example, a thermometer will
show a sensible fall of temperature, known as heat lost in solu-
tion, while its freezing point is lowered and its boiling point
is Similarly, ice in a strong solution of
raised. common salt
(NaCl) has a very low melting point, about 5° F. ( — 15" C), and
remains at that temperature until all the ice is melted by heat
absorbed from surrounding objects thus a vessel of water, or
61. — —
Condensation and Distillation. All the heat that dis-
appears during the vaporization of a liquid is generated again
when the vapor is condensed back to its original liquid form,
which principle is employed to advantage in steam heating.
Some gases will assume a liquid form through their affinity
for a liquid, as exemplified by the affinity of ammonia gas for
-water, the gas being rapidly absorbed by the water with a
marked rise of temperature.
Pure water, from foreign substances such as vegetable
and mineral matter, is obtained by distillation, which involves
both vaporization and condensation. Alcohol may be sep-
arated from fermented liquors, for example, through distilla-
tion, because if two or more liquids are mixed together the
more volatile will be vaporized by heat first and can be
condensed and collected by itself.
62. —The Dew Point. —The dew point of the atmosphere
at given pressure is the temperature at which the water vapor
of that atmosphere becomes saturated and begins to condense.
For examplef, air at 64° F. temperature, 30 inches barometric
pressure and containing 6.24 grains of moisture per cubic foot,
when cooled to 62° F. will have reached its dew point, while
air at the same temperature and pressure but containing 5.19
grains of moisture per cubic foot must be cooled to 57° F.
before its dew point is reached.
the dew point and the amount of water vapor in the air
(absolute humidity) from psychrometric tables published by
the United States Department of Agriculture, Weather Bureau
Bulletin No. 235*.
Air that is saturated has a dew point and dry bulb and
wet bulb temperatures that are identical and if such air is ;
City 8 a. m. 8 p. m.
Albany, N. Y. 78 72
Asheville, N. C. 85 71
Atlanta, Ga. 79 65
Atlantic City, N. J. 80 79
Augusta, Ga. 82 66
Baltimore, Md. n 66
Boston, Mass. 70
Hartford. Conn. 74 68
Jacksonville, Fla. 83 n
Key West, Fla. 78 77
Macon, Ga. 83
New Haven, Conn. 75 72
New York, N. Y. 75 62
Norfolk, Va. 80 75
Philadelphia, Pa. 74 66
Portland, Me. 75 7i
Providence, R. I. 74 71
Savannah, Ga. 81 75
Washington, D. C. 76 68
Wilmington, N. C. 81 77
Birmingham, Ala. 79 65
Galveston, Texas 84 78
Mobile, Ala. 84 74
Montgomery, Ala. 82 64
New Orleans, La. 83 72
Pensacola, Fla. 80 75
San Antonio, Texas 81 53
Tampa, Fla 84 76
Buffalo, N. Y. n 73
Chattanooga, Tenn. 80 63
Chicago, 111. 78 71
Cincinnati, Ohio
64. — Heat Transference. — Heat
is transmitted from a region
; ;
and the temperature difference, — may be expressed in symbols,
H=K A (ti— t.)
the total heat transfer coefficient in B.t.u. per hour per degree
temperature difference F., A
is the area of the heat trans-
perature of the other end of the lead bar will risd first to the
point of igniting a match, even though iron is a better con-
ductor of heat, which is accounted for by the fact that iron
has approximately four times the specific heat of leavH and
thus requires about four times as much heat to produce .<-he
same change of temperature. This leads to the consideratio^n
of conduction with changing temperature. So long as the tem,-
perature of parts of the conducting or insulating material is
changing, such as when a heating or cooling process is begiri-
ning and a steady state has not been reached, the amounts .of
heat entering and leaving the material are not the same. The
thermal capacity, or specific heat, of the material determines
the time required to reach a steady state.
The thermometric conductivity of a material is th^ change
in temperature that is produced in a unit vclurne of \|:he mate-
rial by the heat condueted through a unit area in a unit of
time with a unit temperature gradient. This value, which is
entirely different from thermal conductivity, is of importance
where protection against the effects of fire is the consideration.
The internal thermal conductivities of various materials,
as determined under laboratory test conditions, from experi-
ments by the United States Bureau of Standards and others,
are shown in the accompanying table. ( Additional'i tables
Air Cell. K inch.
MATERIALS {C)—Co7itmiied.
H^=R A h (T)*
the velocity of the air across the surface of such wall must
affect the coefficient, or rate, of heat transfer by convection
and radiation.
The values for the coefficient of convection and radiation
for various materials undeY still air conditions are given in the
accompanying table, and are based upon experiments made at
the Engineering Experiment Station of the University of
> ±,
It will be seen that the heat passes by convection and radia-
tion from the surface of a warm body degrees F. to the
at to
surface, conducted through the wall and then given off by the
inside surface of the wall by means of convection and radia-
tion to the surface of the cold body at t degrees F.
inside air, t. From this analysis, the value of the unit total
heat transfer coefficient, K, may be expressed as follows:
1 X 1
K, C K^
From til is formula, it will be noted that the unit total heat
transfer coefficient, K, in B.t.u. per hour, per degree tempera-
ture difference F., for a given wall, depends on the combined
convection and radiation coefficient for the inside and outside
surfaces,K^ and K,, respectively, the thickness of the waW,
X, and the internal conductivity of the material, C. The
values of the conductivity, C, for various materials and the
values of the coefficients of the combined inside convection
and radiation, K^, are given in the accompanying tables.
The values of K2, in general, may be taken as three times K^.
In the case of a solid wall made up of layers of different
materials, in intimate contact, having different conductivities,
Ci, Co, C3, etc., of various thicknesses, X^, Xo, X3, etc., re-
spectively, the foregoing formula becomes :
K= 1=0.05588
1 f 18 4 ill
1.10 L 5 .308 6.25 J 4.2
K= =0.04906
H=K A iU—U)
= 1774.5 B.t.ii. per hour.
18 4 1
5 .308 6.25
= 1791 B.t.u. per hour.
A (t.-t=)
Xi X2 X3
Ci C: C3
1\. rzj .„
/ / / ^ o^/
Gua^<(R."J Heirr^jCo'l
All the values given are derived from tests. In every instance
the authority for the result given is indicated in column 10 of the
In the past many
materials were tested in such a way that the
resistance at the surfaces, that is the temperature drop caused by the
Explanation of Tables.
For simplicity andto prevent error in using these tables, they
have been given identical arrangement. Each table has 10 columns,
I Column 1 contains name and particulars of material in question.
Columns 2 and 3 give the density in two ways, by specific gravity
or ratio of weight of material to the weight of an equal volume of
water. In other words, the specific gravity of water is established at
1, and weight is figured at 62.35 lb. per cu. ft., while in column
One of the first things to be done
in trying to place insulation
engineering on a scientific basis is to emphasize the importance of
density. Frequently it is not advantageous for a manufacturer to
discuss density; first, because it is difficult for him to keep within
a narrow limit, nature's products not always being uniform; second,
because moisture absorption from the atmosphere may change it
In the past many investigators were not aware that the mean
absolute temperature has any influence upon the heat conduction of
a material. When, in 1908, Nusselt extended his tests over a wide
range of temperature, this fact became evident. For example, by
increasing the temperature of an infusorial earth block from 32° to
842° F. he found the conductivity to increase from 0.51 to 1.02 B.t.u.
or to just double the initial value. The effect of absolute tempera-
ture is noticeable in all materials, but the rate of change differs and
In the metric system the same unit, either the meter or the
centimeter, is used for both area and thickness.
present survey of the field of heat conductors (there are
"poor conductors of heat" but no "non-conductors of heat") furnishes
the desired numerical proof for the existence of a number of pecul
arities in insulators.
In these tables an attemptis made to list the various materials
others. All so-called insulators are more effective per degree differ-
ence at low than at high temperatures, that property being due to
radiation in the minute air cells, and due to included moisture, but in
metals there is no uniform behavior in this respect, the conductivity
increasing in one metal and decreasing in another
wise their results may not fit in with correctly made tests and will
be of no service to discriminating engineers.
To avoid drying out the sample unduly, the cold side of the plate
is cooled by refrigerated brine, at the British National Physical
Laboratory (Table I, Vegetable Matter), and in some European
laboratories by liquid air or other cold fluid.
Materials used in refrigeration, and in the construction of build-
ings, should have their normal rated heat conductivity referred to 68°
F. (20° C.) arithmetical mean test temperature.
While in the tables columns 4 and 5 are supposed to give the true
mean test temperature, or else the range used, this rule could not be
adhered to in cases where the original investigator neglected to spe-
cifically state that the temperature given (if any) actually represents
the mean test temperature. It is possible that some (as Norton)
meant it to be the temperature of the hot Others, like Taylor
and Griffiths, gave both face temperatures,a method which has much
in its favor. In general, the data given contain all that is available.
The results of older determinations were not obtained from the origi-
nal sources stated, but were taken simply from standard reference
books, such as the Smithsonian Physical Tables or Landolt-Boern-
stein's Chemical-Physical Tables, 1912.
Moisture Content.
As already pointed moisture has not received
out, the subject of
its full share of attention in the past. From a few isolated tests and
observations in practice, and knowing that water conducts heat at
about 14 times the rate at which heat flows across dry air cells, there
remains no doubt as to the harmful influence of moisture. Quantita-
tive measurements, however, are as yet incomplete.
In Table 1 (Vegetable Matter), Biquard gives for French im-
pregnated corkboard weighing dry 17.17 lb. per cu. ft., c 0.4195 =
B.t.u per hr. After the weight was increased by water absorption to
19.34 lb., c became 0.613 B.t.u. Here 12.7% increase in weight caused
the conductivity to increase by 49.7%, equivalent to 4% for each 1%
gain in weight.
In Table I, near the end, Nusselt gives for Austrian "cement
wood," dry, 44.6 lb. per cu.ft., c =
0.968 B.t.u. After moisture had
increased the weight to 51.4lb., c was 1.21 B.t.u. Here 15.2% increase
in weight caused the conductivity to increase by 25%, equivalent to
only 1.65% loss of heat for each 1% gain in weight.
In Table II (Mineral Matter), Randolph gives for diatomaceous
earth and asbestos at 20.6 per cu. ft. a value of c
lb. 0.57777 B.t.u =
for a plain air-dry sample, against c =
0.499 when first dried for three
days at 572° F. The ratio is 1.158 to 1. Actually such a sample will
soon go back to air-dry condition, if not worse, and then the won-
derfully high insulating effect will not longer obtain.
A similar experiment is Nusselt's who, as shown in Table II,
decreased, by roasting, the weight of fine river sand from 102.4 to
94.8 lbs. (excess 8%) thereby lowering c from 7.825 down to 2.26
B.t.u. The ratio of c is as 346% to 100% or 43% heat loss for each
1% moisture.
Under the item masonry. Table II, tests are given of a porous
brick, showing the following results:
— -
t. S >- S O L.
C w (2
iNNt-^— l;
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Section XI of *'Heat Transmission of Insulating Ma-
published by the American Society of Refrigerating
Engineers, New York City, is a Bibliography of "References
to articles and publications treating of heat insulation and
heat transfer," compiled by Chas. H. Herter, with the cooper-
ation of A. J. Wood and E. F, Grundhofer of the Pennsylvania
State College. The source and year of publication, name of
author and title are given in practically all listings.
80. — Essential Requirements. —The widening knowledge of
the use of refrigeration created a very definite demand for
a suitable insulation for cold which
storage temperatures,
resulted in the introduction in 1893 of pure, compressed, baked
corkboard, the superior qualities of which were apparent
almost from the beginning; and its application became so
general during the first quarter century of its use as to prac-
tically displace all competing materials, and strictly on its
that is, a very light material containing myriads of micro-
scopic air cells, each one sealed unto itself.
82. — Inherently
Nonabsorbent of Moisture. —
A satisfac-
tory insulation, however, for any purpose, must retain its
insulating efficiency indefinitely. That is, it must not pack
purpose. It may
be handled, sawed, and applied as readily
as lumber, or put up in Portland cement or hot asphalt cement
with the same ease as any common building material. Its
characteristics are such that there need be little, if any, waste
from sawing and fitting-, because the fractional sheets may be
neatly and tightly assembled to give as efificient an installation
as could be had with the full size standard sheets.
88. —
Permanent Insulating Efficiency.—Thus it will be
noted that the requirements of a satisfactory insulation for
cold storage temperatures cover a wide range indeed, and
may be summed up briefly in the statement that such insula-
tion must be of such permanent thermal resistivity, obtainable
in such form, structurally suitable in such degree, readily
available in such quantity and at such price, as to make tliat
: :
0.327P lUO
A(T:,— t) F + R' + (T.n-t)
= 1.74>/. -^ xc
+ 8.3S
in which
X = economic thickness of insulation in inches, that is, the tbick-
I r= 6 per cent.
Y= 15 years.
R 3 per cent.
F 1 year.
\ eo -lo
Each case that arises must be considered on its own merits. Gen-
erally speaking, however, may
be said that under average condi-
freezing the moderately cooled air does not drop to the floor
of the room as swiftly as if it were chilled to a lower tem-
perature. That is, in rooms operating above freezing, the air
circulation is naturally sluggish, although the process of heat
interchange, by means of the positive circulation of the air,
is essential. Room design must therefore promote air circu-
lation as much as possible, to keep it positive and active,
especially in rooms used for products containing
moist- much
ure, such as butter, poultr}- and meats, particularly if such
products are put in warm for quick chilling; because such
moisture must be taken up by the circulating air and carried
quickly to the coils and there deposited as frost. Otherwise,
with poor circulation, moisture will condense on the finish of
the insulated surfaces, on the goods stored, or remain in the
air of the room to make it damp and mouldy.
94. —
Types of Bunkers and Details of Construction. The —
one positi\e way to guarantee a definite circulation of air
throughout a cold storage room is to construct a separate
cooling room, or coil bunker room, install air conveying ducts
from the coil room to and into the cold storage room, and by
means of blower equipment circulate or pass the air of the
cold storage room through the system and over the cooliiig
coils at a predetermined rate. This method of positive circu-
lation, or cold air distribution, is frequently employed in fur
rooms, candy dipping rooms, freezing rooms, or wherever the
demand justifies the initial expense for such extra equipment
and the cost of its subsequent operation.
By far the most effective natural means of insuring active
circulation is the overhead bunker. Air, cooled over such
bunker by contact with the cooling coils or ice, falls over the
low side of the bunker and to the floor, due to the fact that
cold air is heavier than the warmer air it displaces and as this ;
cold air absorbs the heat of the goods stored as well as the
heat that leaks into the room through the insulation, doors,
etc., such air rises over the high side of the bunker, circulates
through the coils or over the ice, gives up its excess of heat
to the refrigerant, and begins the cycle over again. Thus the
circulation follows its natural course, and as the bunker ex-
tends the length of the room, the air circulation reaches every
corner of the room and maintains a fairly uniform temperature
in practically all parts.
Single overhead bunkers are the most common type, but
should not be used for rooms over 16 feet in width. For
rooms wider than 16 feet, double bunkers should be installed.
The bunker construction serves to guide the circulating air,
and this function is greatly assisted by proper bunker design.
First, the warm air up-take and the cold air down-flow must
O O O O O O O C- O O O C; OO
During the past ten years, or thereabout, the subject of air con-
ditions in cold storage has been receiving considerable attention from
those who are in a position to recognize the shortcomings of the aver-
age cold storage plant as a means of holding and preserving edible
products, during the time of storage.
many practical experiments were, and still are, being made, to deter-
mine to just what extent relative humidity can be carried before it
becomes objectionable and dangerous in other respects; this led to
many differences of opinion, as each example of practical results was
modified by specific conditions pertaining particularly to the individual
room; these conditions were not fully understood or taken into con-
sideration in the conclusions; therefore, a certain relative humidity,
which proved correct or beneficial in one room, or house, proved
incorrect in another; then, too, the method and manner employed for
We shall first consider temperature. It is self-evident that if a
product is to be held at a certain specified temperature, it is the tem-
perature of the product and not necessarily the temperature of the
room which is important.
This being the case, how are we to insure the temperature of
the product? In answer to this, it is necessary to consider the trans-
fer of heat. Heat must be taken from the goods and delivered into
the refrigerant, which is circulating through the refrigerating coils,
and this heat can only be transferred in two ways by conduction, or —
by convection.
Heat transfer by conduction through air is a slow process, and
altogether out of consideration for practical results; therefore, trans-
fer by convection is the only practical method, and this involves a
definite air movement, and the rapidity with which the heat is trans-
ferred is in direct proportion to the rapidity of the air movement
through the goods, to and over the refrigerating coils and back to the
There are two methods of circulating air, one way being to take
advantage of what is called natural circulation, that is, air movement
in a vertical direction, due to the difference temperature, or specific
gravity, which method is slow, uncertain, and with little power to
overcome obstacles, to reach out into pockets and crevices, or to
move through piled goods in any direction.
The other method is by means of mechanically moved or forced
air circulation, which is and active in entering into all
crevices, pockets, etc., and which moves through goods in any direc-
tion, thereby taking up the heat from the interior of packages, as well
as from the outside, and is therefore efficient in securing quick transfer
of heat.
From the foregoing noted that the only practical method
it will be
of insuring the proper temperature of goods in storage appears to
be to subject them to a forced air circulation, due consideration to be
given to proper piling, ventilated crates, etc., and with means of con-
trolling the intensity of the air movement.
Air and air movement are considered in the foregoing only as a
medium for holding, and a method of conveying the heat units from
the goods to the refrigerating coils; later we shall utilize this same air
and air movement for another purpose.
diatcly in contact with the goods, assuming, of course, that the method
of packing and storing the goods is in keeping with the idea of
thorough and efificient air circulation.
It will have been noted that use of the term ventilation has not
and, in the case of forced air circulation, increasingly so, due to the
ability to distribute dangerous organisms, spores of disease germs,
quickly and effectively, unless some provision is made for keeping it
pure; this is where use is made of ventilation.
Starting out with the storage space clean and free from mould or
objectionable odors, and with the goods in a clean and altogether
suitable condition, the preservation is dependent more upon preventive
measures than upon corrective ones, and it is a very simple matter to
offset or rectify the slight contamination of the circulated air, due to
eliminations from the goods, by some system of ventilation, that is, by
introducing pure, fresh air, in sufficient quantities, while discharging
an equal amount of stale air, thereby keeping the percentage of im-
purities down to a low point. Naturally the amount of fresh air
introduced will depend entirely upon the amount required to rectify
the foul condition of the old air.
Therefore, what may be normal humidity for one class of goods
may be normal-plus or normal-minus for another.
To determine what is normal in each instance is the work of the
scientist, or it may be determined by practical experience, extending
over a period of years, but in this case it may only apply to a par-
ticular room or warehouse, as the amount of moisture which may be
maintained in the air of any room is absolutely dependent on the
efficiency of the air circulating system and its ability to penetrate to
all parts of the goods, thereby maintaining the proper temperature
vary the moisture content. The most severe conditions are: First,
the goods in storage; and, second, the refrigerating coils; the first in
adding to the moisture content and the second in reducing the moist-
ure content, and, where ventilation is utilized to purify the air, another
condition is encountered, which may either increase or decrease the
It has been proved by scientific research, as well as by practical
experience, that a certain amount of moisture in the air is not only
beneficial, but is absolutely necessary to the preservation of goods;
also, that under certain conditions, especially with forced air circula-
tion, it is absolutely necessary to maintain a high moisture content
in the air.
Assuming, therefore, that we carry a relatively high humidity,
which will prevent the air from taking up moisture from the goods,
we have eliminated, to a large extent, interference from that source;
we have then left the drying effect of the refrigerating coils and,
with forced air circulation, this is sufficient, practically all of the time
to a very low point. The fact is that the use of special door
Equipment, consisting of door and frame and hardware assem-
bled complete, and built by reliable manufacturers, for cold
stores, is now so universal in the United States as to be
standard, the time-honored, ill-fitting, home-made cold storage
: door having been completely discarded in favor of the modern
cold storage door that is well braced and heavily constructed
of seasoned lumber to withstand years of hard special service,
corkboard-insulated for highest permanent thermal efficiency,
and delicately fitted to heavy frame on special and reliable
hardware for quick and easy opening and air-tight closing.
Cold storage windows, except for retail display purposes, were
also discarded, following the advent of modern electric light-
ing equipment. Where windows must be used, they should
be specially manufactured, with multiple panes and sealed
air spaces and equipped with modern improved hardware.
With the use of modern cold storage door equipment, the
entrance of heat permitted by the opening of doors cannot be
further reduced except through the employment of such de-
99. —
Interior Finishes for Cold Storage Rooms. It has —
been noted that when water is precipitated on the plastered
surface of an insulated cold storage room, by the condensa-
tion of moisture from the air upon a cool surface, a part of
such water is absorbed by the plaster by capillarity, which
slowly disintegrates the plaster while placing a portion of
such moisture on the surface of the insulation directly behind
the plaster. Cork, unlike other materials, will not take up
this water by capillarity, but such water may by gravity find
its way into the corkboards through possible small interstices
or voids between the particles of cork bark that comprise tlie
sheet of insulation.
has also been noted that the modern
It corkboard product
of maximum worth must be compact and freefrom voids to
the greatest possible extent, although the nature of the raw
material, and the manufacturing process that must be fol-
lowed, do not permit of the elimination of all voids, especially
surface voids. Water in contact with corkboard on the walls
of buildings can be expected to penetrate the insulation to
some extent at least, such penetration having been known in
extreme cases to reach a depth of as much as an inch or so.
Thus it should be evident that the finish over the cOi'--
board insulation on cold storage room walls should have more
than passing attention, but the subject has long been neg-
lected and not until comparatively recently has it had serious
Portland cement plaster troweled smooth and hard for the
finish coat over the last layer of insulation is much better
than plaster floated because the troweled plaster is less porous
ever, it was received on trial for over ten years until experi-
ence with it in service demonstrated that it was equally as
good paving purposes as the natural or lake asphalts. By
about 1911, the asphalt produced from domestic petroleum
exceeded the Trinidad and Bermudez asphalt importations;
and since then the production of petroleum asphalt has con-
tinued to grow rapidly, stimulated by large available quanti-
ties ofMexican petroleum highly asphaltic in character.
Statistics of the United States Geological Survey for 1919*
show the following
Asphalt from domestic petroleum 614,692 tons 41.4%
Asphalt from Mexican petroleum 674,876 tons 45.5%
Domestic native asphalt (bituminous rock) 53,589 tons 3.6%
Other domestic native bituminous substances 34,692 tons 2.3%
Asphalt imported from Trinidad and Tobago 51,062 tons 3.5%
Asphalt imported from Venezuela 47,309 tons 3.2%
Other imported asphalts including bituminous rock 7,277 tons 0.5%
TOTAL ASPHALT 1,483,497 tons 100.0%
.\sphalt exported from U. S.t 40,208 tons 2.7%
Approximate consumption of asphalt in U. S 1,443,289 tons 97.3%
purposes, of which the paving industry leads and the roofing
industry is second, consuming together some 85 or 90 per
cent of the entire asphalt output. The remainder of the out-
iput is used for waterproofing, flooring, insulating, and some
I'ksphalt finds its w^ay into the manufacture of rubber goods,
paints, varnishes, bituminous putty, emulsions, sealing com-
pounds, floor coverings, etc.
Penetration. —The
Asphalt cement shall be of such consistency as
to show a penetration of more than 15 when tested at 32° F. (0° C.)
and less than 70 when tested at 115° F. (46.1° C). (0.2 millimeter
shall be added for each 1.0 per cent, of ash, to give the true pene-
Volatilisation. — The
loss by volatilization on heating of the As-
phalt cement exceed 1 per cent., the penetration after heating
shall not
shall be not less than 80 per cent, of the original penetration, and the
ductility after heating shall have been reduced not more than 20 per
Ductility. — When pulled vertically by a motor at a uniform rate
of 5 cm. per minute in a bath of water, a cylinder of Asphalt cement
1 cm. in diameter at a temperature of 77° F. (25° C.) shall be elon-
gated not less than 15 cm. before breaking, and at a temperature of
40° F. (4.5° C.) shall be elongated not less than 3 cm. before breaking.
Fixed Carbon is to some extent a measure of the chemical con-
i;titution of an Asphalt cement, and largely used to determine the
asphalt used in preparing the primer shall be homogeneous i
and free from water, and shall conform to the following requirements:
(a) Melting point (R & B) 140 to 225° F. (60° to 107.2° C.) I
*To test for Water and Sediment, use A.S.T.M. Method D9S-23T.
tA millimicron, 1 /jl/i. is one niillicnth of a millimeter, 100 fi/t just barely being
visilale with the aid ot the best microscope, and the largest molecules approach a
diameter of l nf/i,,
use are colloidal, that is, may be dispersed in or surrounded by
some other substance.
A small quantity of oil may, for example, be dispersed in
'Water, by vigorous shaking or stirring; but to maintain the
dispersion, or keep the emulsion, is the problem. Aside from
tl the unequal specific gravities of the two substances, the fact
of the unequal surface tensions of water and oil assists in
causing the microscopic drops of form together, separat-
oil to
ing from the water, the surface tension of any given liquid
(6) Single layer, in Asphalt cement.
(7) Double layer, both in Asphalt cement.
107.— Ceilings.— Wo o d
(15) Single layer, in Asphalt cement.
(16) Double layer, both in Asphalt cement.
109.— Floors.—Wood
(19) Single layer, in Asphalt cement, concrete finish.
(20) Single layer, in Asphalt cement, wood finish.
(21) Double layer, both in Asphalt cement, concrete
(22) Double layer, both in Asphalt cement, wood finish.
broken and all joints butted tight and sealed in the same com-
pound. To the surface of the insulation shall then be applied
a finish as selected.
a second layer of . . .-inch pure corkboard shall be erected in !
with respect to all joints in the first course and all joints \
one layer of ...-inch pure corkboard shall be erected in hot
Asphalt cement, additionally secured with galvanized wire
nails, with all vertical joints broken and all joints butted tight
and sealed in the same compound. To the surface of the insu-
lation shall then be applied a finish as selected.
C E. I l_l NG
CE:^ [E.NT
WOOD form;
into which corkboard long galvanized wire nails shall be driven
obliquely. Into these forms and over this insulation the con-
crete contractor shall pour the concrete. To the under surface
of the insulation, after the concrete contractor has removed
the forms, shall then be applied a finish as selected.
I, 'V^ i^^m
^ <
" ^,'A
respect to all joints in the first course and all joints butted
tight. To the surface of the insulation shall then be applied
a finish as selected.
2"-Z«^" TE.£ IRON
put in place, with all joints butted tight. To the top surface
of the insulation shall then be applied a 1-inch thick Portland
cement finish, mixed in the proportion of one part Portland
cement to two parts clean, sharp sand.
To the under side of the first course, a second layer of
. . .-inch pure corkboard shall be erected in a ^-inch bedding
of Portland cement mortar, additionally secured to the first
with galvanized wire nails, all joints in the second course
broken with respect to all joints in the first course and all
1 07 . Ceilings. —Wood.
(15) Single layer, in Asphalt cement.
To the reasonably smooth and clean ceiling surface to be
insulated (consisting of J^-inch T. & G. sheathing to joists),
one layer of . . .-inch pure corkboard shall be erected in hot
*About 10 feet is the maximum width that may be spanned safely by T-irons car-
rying double layer of corkboard, and following this specification. It is not perrnis-
sable to double the span and center-support the T-irons by rods fastened to ceiling
of buildino; above because water will be condensed on the cool surfaces of these rods
and will follow through into ceilini? insulation below, tending to destroy it or other-
wise make it unfit for service within a year.
insulated, one layer of .-inch pure corkboard shall be laid
. .
^ 1 ;
iy a
and all joints butted tight,
to all joints in the first course
and the top surface then flooded with the same compound
V ^i-
Z>2. 5l_EE.PC.R5
board shall be laid down in hot Asphalt cement, with all joints
in the second course broken with respect to all joints in the
first course and all joints butted tight, and the top surface
the size of the cold storage door frame; and after the parti-
tion has been constructed, the permanent studs and lintel
shall be covered on both sides with ...-inch pure corkboard
secured with gahanized wire nails. To the surface of the
shall then be erected in hot Asphalt cement, additionally se-
cured to the first course with wood skewers, with all joints
in the second course broken with respect to all joints in the
first course and all joints butted tight and sealed in the same
be laid down
Asphalt cement, with all transverse joints
in hot
broken and all joints butted tight. To the first course, a
second layer of .-inch pure corkboard shall be laid down
. .
g' T.S.
hot Asphalt cement, with all joints in the second course broken
~^" EACH.
115. —
Walls and ceilings (continued).
(37) Glazed tile or brick, in Portland cement.
To the exposed surface of the corkboard insulation, a Port-
land cement plaster finish approximately ^-inch in thickness,
*Each manufacturer presumably follows its own formula for the particular brand
of ironed-on mastic finish offered, and its probable worth in service must be judged
mixed one part Portland cement to two parts clean, sharp
sand, shall be applied in one coat, floated to a reasonably true
II I .
i'i' i.i. M
MA^T/C riniSH
TRor/etrD to
(40) Wood.
The finished wood floor shall be of thoroughly dry and
\^^ 1/
or cover of gauge galvanized iron. The metal shall extend
. . ,
over all edges of the bunker at least two inches and be se-
curely anchored, and all joints and nail heads in the finished
work shall then be carefully soldered.
age insulation." i
*The Portland Cement Association, 33 West Grand Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, with
branches in many cities, gladly furnish complete data relating to the proper mixing of
Portland cement for any purpose. Also see Appendix of this text.
sand* for each thousand square feet of surface. Do not mix
too much mortar at a time, make it fairly stifif, and do not
add any lime.
Portland cement mortar, or "backing," should be uniformly
one-half inch in thickness over the whole surface of the cork-
boards and none should be allowed on the sides and ends.
This cement backing is never applied directly to the area to
119. —
First Layer Corkboard, Against Masonry Walls, in
Portland Cement Mortar. See that the walls present a rea-
• sonably smooth and level surface, remove all dirt, plaster,
loose mortar, whitewash, paint, or other foreign material, and
if the walls are very smooth concrete, roughen them by hack-
125 square feet for brick or concrete for the second coat. If
See that the floor at the base of the wall is free from ob-
struction,and is level because the first row of corkboards
cork dust and mix, dip one flat side, one end and one edge of
each corkboard in the molten material, put the boards in
proper position against the wall, slightly press into place and
hold for a few moments until the Asphalt cement begins to
Give the Asphalt cement ample time to cool and set, say 12
hours, before erecting another layer of corkboard against the
first, or before applying a finish over the insulation.
See that the floor at the base of the wall is free from ob-
struction, and is level because the first row of corkboards
top of the first row, thus breaking vertical joints in the sec-
ond layer, and all joints in the second layer with respect to
all joints in the first layer. As each corkboard is set, butt it
*If necessary, cut off any protruding corners or edges of corkboard with a suitable
position against the ceiling, press firmly into place and prop I
so that the joints in the rows to follow may fit close and tight. I
nails, which will easily pull out of the corkboard when the
see that all joints are butted close and made tight, so that
the opposite end and the opposite side of the ceiling area is
reached, cut pieces of corkboard neatly to fit the outline of
the forms. !
into the corkboard and leave the heads protruding about V/2 ]
127. —
Second Layer Corkboard, to First Layer on Ceiling,
in —
Portland Cement Mortar. See that the first layer of cork-
board on the ceiling is solidly attached, and presents a reason-
ably smooth and level surface,*and then remove all dust, dirt,
or other foreign material, before making preparations to erect
a second layer of corkboard in Portland cement mortar.
Sawsufficient corkboards lengthwise down the center so
as to have enough half-width pieces to make one row along
one side of the ceiling. Cut a piece 6 inches wide and 27 inches
long with which to start setting the half-width pieces in proper
position to the ceiling area, in a straight line, against the
edge of the wall.
Prepare suitable Portland cement mortar in reasonable
quantity, coat one side of each piece of corkboard with a
half-inch of Portland cement mortar, put each in proper
position against the ceiling, press firmly into place and addi-
tionally secure with galvanized wire nails or wood skewers,
as specified, driven obliquely, three per square foot. Keep
the pieces of corkboard in perfect alignment, so that the joints
in the rows may fit close and seal tight.
to follow
Then with a full-width and 9-inch long piece of cork-
board and set the second row of full-size corkboards adjacent
to the first row, thus breaking all joints in the second layer,
*If necessary, cut off any protruding corners or edges of corkboard with a suitable
and all joints in the second layer with respect to all joints
in the first layer. As each corkboard is laid up, butt it tightly
at all points of contact against the adjacent boards, and addi-
tionally secure to the first layer with galvanized wire nails or
wood skewers, as specified, driven obliquely, three per
square foot. Join the second layer of ceiling insulation tightly
with the opposite wall, cutting pieces of corkboard neatly to
and never using Portland cement mortar to fill
fit in openings
between corkboards or pieces of corkboard.
Give the cement backing ample time to set, at least 48
hours, before applying a finish over the insulation.
128. —
Second Layer Corkboard, to First Layer on Ceiling,
in —
Asphalt Cement. See that the first layer of corkboard on
the ceiling is sc^idly attached, and presents a reasonably
smooth and level surface*, and then remove all dust, dirt, or
other foreign material, before making preparations to erect a
second layer of corkboard in Asphalt cement.
Saw sufficient corkboards lengthwise down the center so
as to have enough half-width pieces to make one row along
one side of the ceiling. Cut a piece 6 inches wide and 27
inches long with which to start setting the half-width pieces
in proper position to the ceiling area, in a straight line, and
against the edge of the wall.
Prepare suitable Asphalt cement in reasonable quantity,
distribute it to heated pans, add the proper proportion of
cork dust and mix; dip one flat side, one end and one edge
of the special corkboard pieces in the molten material, lay up
the first row to the surface of the first layer of insulation,
slightly press into place and additionally secure with galvan-
ized wire nails or wood skewers, as specified, driven ob-
liquely, three per square foot. Keep the pieces of corkboard
in perfect alignment, so that the joints in the rows to follow
may fit close and seal tight.
Then with a full-width and 9-inch long piece of cork-
board and set the second row of full-size corkboards adjacent
to the first row, thus breaking all joints in the second layer,
and all joints in the second layer with respect to all joints
*If necessary, cnt off any protrudiug corners or edges of corkboard with a suit«ble
in the first layer. As each corkboard is laid up, butt and seal
it tightly at all points of contact against the adjacent boards,
and additionally secure to the first layer with galvanized wire
Give the Asphalt cement ample time to cool and set, say
12 hours, before applying a finish over the insulation.
three per square foot. Join the second layer of ceiling insula-
tion tightly with the opposite wall, cutting pieces of corkboard
neatly to fit and never using Portland cement mortar to fill
in openings between corkboards or pieces of corkboard.
*I{ wood floor is desired over single layer of insulation, instead of concrete, then
sleepers must be embedded in the single layer of corkboard, as outlmed in Article 144.
board uncoated and in readiness for the roofing contractor
to lay the roof, or in readiness for the insulation contractor
to lay down the second layer of corkboard.
If necessary, cut off any protruding corners gr edges of corkboard with a -suitable
*If wood floor is desired over double layer of insulation, instead of concrete, then
sleepers must be embedded in the second layer of corkboard, as outlined in Article 144.
area (one face only), distribute it to heated pans, add the
proper proportion of cork dust and mix, dip both ends and
one edge of the 2-inch thick corkboards in the molten mate-
rial, erect the first row on the floor between the permanent
studs, on a level line, so that the corkboards in the entire par-
tition wall are kept in perfect alignment, and all vertical joints
Give the Asphalt cement ample time to cool and set, say
12 hours, before applying a finish over the insulation.
133. — First
Layer Corkboard, Self-supporting Partition,
Joints Sealed in Asphalt Cement. —
Erect temporary studding
on 18-inch centers on a line with one side of the proposed
partition. The studs must he erected in a vertical position
and in perfect alignment. Erect permanent studs, with a
lintel between them, in the line of the partition, where cold
of the cold storage door frame. Use studs and lintels of the i
erected, and anchor the permanent studs securely to the floor '
and ceiling in such manner that they may take up and with- i
stand any shock from the operation of the cold storage door.
Prepare suitable Asphalt cement in reasonable quantity, '
first row against the temporary studs, end to end on the floor, I
wall are kept in perfect alignment and all vertical and trans- ;
verse joints in the upper rows are made to fit close and are -
Cut a corkboard half-length and with it start setting the i
As each corkboard is set, butt and seal it tightly against the ',
cement has had ample time to cool and set on all corkboard
joints, apply the finish to the free side of the corkboard par-
tition, as specified. After such finish has had ample time to
set, take down the temporary studs and apply the finish to
*If necessary, cut oflE any protruding corners or edges of corkboard with a suitable
second layer are kept in perfect alignment and all vertical and
transverse joints in the upper rows are made to fit close and
are sealed tight.
Prepare suitable Asphalt cement in reasonable quantity,
distributeit to heated pans, add the proper proportion of cork
Give the asphalt cement ample time to cool and set, say
12 hours, before applying a finish over the insulation.
joints in the second layer will be broken and made tight, and
all joints in the second layer will be broken with respect to
all joints in the first layer. When completed, flood the top
surface with the molten material to an even thickness of
approximately ^-inch, and leave in readiness for the tank
to be set.
137. —
Regranulated Cork Fill, Freezing Tank Sides and
Ends, With Retaining Walls.— See that the tank has been
properly set, having its bottom edges the proper distance in
from the edges of the insulation underneath. Erect 2-inch x
12-inch studs on suitable centers (from 24 to 36 inches) at
right angles against the sides and ends of the tank*, anchoring
carefully by cutting slots through tank bottom insulation,
*If the tank is to be set in a corner, so that masonry walls of the building act as
two retaining walls, such walls must be damp-proofed before the tank is set and the
loose fill insulation is placed.
138. —
Single Layer Corkboard and Regranulated Cork Fill,
Freezing Tank Sides and Ends. See that the tank has been
properly set, having its bottom edges the proper distance in
from the edges of the insulation underneath. Erect 4-inch x
4-inch studs on 18-inch centers at right angles against the
sides and ends of the tank*, anchoring carefully by cutting
slots through tank bottom insulation, chiseling slight depres-
sions in the concrete base, dropping the studs into these slots
and depressions and wedging their tops under and securing
them with suitable metal clips to the flange at the top of the
Prepare suitable Asphalt cement in reasonable quantity,
on the basis of one-quarter pound per square foot of cork-
board area (one face only), distribute it to heated pans, add
the proper proportion of cork dust and mix, dip both ends
and one edge of the corkboards in the molten material, erect
the first row against the studs, end to end, on a level line, so
that the corkboards are kept in perfect alignment, and all
• verticaland transverse joints in the upper rows are made to
fit close and are sealed tight. Break all joints between the
different rows, by starting alternate rows with half-length
boards, and as the rows are erected edge on edge, securely
fasten the corkboards to the studs by nailing with galvanized
wire nails, two per square foot. Carry the insulation to the
*If the tank is to be set in a corner, so that masonry walls of the building act
as two retaining walls for regranulated cork fill on one side and one end of the tank,
such walls must be damp-proofed before the tank is set and the loose fill insulation is
ruooR LINE -y
2 LAvVEC:5 5"
139. —
Double Layer Corkboard, Freezing Tank Sides and
Ends. See that the tank has been properly set, having its bot-
tom edges the proper distance in from the edges of the insula-
tion underneath. Erect studs (2-inch by a dimension equival-
ent to the thickness of thefirst layer of corkboard specified to
*If the tank is to be set in a corner, so that masonry walls of the building act
as two retaining walls for regranulated cork fill on one side and one end of the tank,
such walls must be damp-proofed before the tank is set and the loose fill insulation is
tops under and securing them with suitable metal clips to the
flange at the top of the tank.
Prepare suitable Asphalt cement in reasonable quantity, on
the basis of one pound per square foot of corkboard area (one
face only), distribute it to heated pans,, add the proper pro-
portion of cork dust and mix, dip one flat side, both ends and
one edge of the corkboards in the molten material, erect the
first row between the studs and against the tank, on a level
line, so that the corkboards are kept in perfect alignment, and
allvertical joints between corkboards and studs, and all trans-
verse joints between corkboards in the upper rows to follow,
are made to fit close and are sealed tight. Drive galvanized
wire nails through the corners of each corkboard and into the
adjacent studs. Carry the insulation to the line of the flange
at the top of the tank, cutting pieces of corkboard neatly to fit.
*If necessary, cut off any protruding corners or edges of corkboard with a suitable
corkboards are butted tight, score the surface of the cork-
board (if preferred) by roughening slightly with a pronged
tool, such as a few wire nails driven through a piece of wood,
so as possibly to increase the bond for the cement plaster, and
then remove all dust, dirt, or other foreign material, or arrange
to have these several items taken care of by those responsible
for such preliminary work, before making preparations to apply
a Portland cement plaster finish to the exposed surface of
corkboard insulation.
Prepare suitable Portland cement mortar in reasonable
141. —
Factory Ironed-on Mastic Finish. See that the ex- —
posed surface of the factory ironed-on mastic finish is reason-
ably level, and that all joints between the coated corkboards
are butted tight.
Prepare suitable mastic filler for the V jomts of the coated
corkboards, by following the directions furnished by the
manufacturer, which directions frequently, but not always,
consist in heating the mastic filler until plastic by immersing
in hot water and working up a small quantity at a time in the
tCracks fre(|uently develoii in plaster at the lop corners of door franies. which
can usuallv be prevented bv setting and stapling pieces of galvanized wire square-
mesh screen (No. 18 gauge,' 3 mesh) to the corkboard over such comers and at an
angle of 45 degrees before the plaster is applied. , , ,. r
*It is essential that the material furnished bv the manufacturer for the sealing of
the joints be prepared and used as directed by the manufacturer.
§If necessary, cut off any protruding corners or edges of corkboard with a suitable
mixed product*, should be applied exactly as received, without
adding sand or any other material whatever. If, by reason of
evaporation, the product is too heavy to work easily under a
trowel, add as little as possible of clean water, working it well
through the mass.
Apply the first coat of emulsified asphalt plastic approxi-
mately 3/32-inch in thickness, keeping the trowel wet, and
working the material well into the surface voids of the cork-
board. Then apply the second coat to the first, after the first
coat has set up, approximately 1/32-inch in thickness, and
trowel as smooth as the material will permit. After the sec-
ond coat has taken its initial set, sprinkle with water and
trowel again, to obtain a smooth, hard surface.
Do not score the surface of the emulsified asphalt plastic
finish, unless specified.
E" COU-K, bOA.t2,D —
rLOOC auNroccLD
S\a:- NA.1UIMO i)TRJP.'
145. — Galvanized
Metal Over Corkboard. Embed wood —
sleepers, 2 incheswide and of suitable thickness, in the single
or the second layer of corkboard, as the case may be, on the
floorsand baffles of bunkers, on such centers as to permit
lapping the galvanized metal joints 1 inch, over such sleepers,
and anchoring thereto by securely nailing.
Apply the metal of specified gauge and suitable width,
extending it over all edges of the bunker at least 2 inches
and lapping all joints 1 inch over sleepers, and then anchor
at all points by securely nailing.
Carefully and permanently solder all joints and nail heads
in the finished work, and leave the surface of the metal per-
fectly smooth and even.
Part IV —The Insulation of Household Refriger-
ators, Ice Cream Cabinets and Soda Fountains.
the slow influx of heat from above through the cooled dense
air, or from below through the badly conducting straw, and
the water freezes. The desert traveller carries water in a
porous canvas water bag so as to have, through slow evapo-
ration, a supply of drinking water sufficiently palatable to
dampen his parched lips and cool his throat.
Heat and cold are Nature's two hands whereby she chiefly
worketh, and heat we have in readiness in respect of the fire,
but for cold we must stay till it cometh or seek it in deep
caves or high mountains, and when all is done we cannot
obtain it in any great degree, for furnaces of fire are far
hotter than a summer's sun, but vaults and hills are not much
colder than a winter's frost.
147. —The
Formation, Harvesting and Storing of Natural
Ice. — The ice is a very common phenomenon of
formation of
Nature, but the exact process followed in converting water
into natural ice is not generally understood by those who make
use of the resultant product.
That water freezes at 32° F. at a pressure of one atmos-
phere is generally understood. When the air above a body
of water is chilled to a temperature below that of the water,
heat is transferred from the water to the air, the top layer of
water is chilled, it becomes denser than the water underneath,
drops to the bottom, and is replaced by other water rising to
be similarly chilled. But this chilling process continues only
until the entire body of the water is cooled to 39.1° F., which
is the point of the greatest density of water, the temperature
at which water is heaviest, but a temperature not yet low
enough to cause the water to freeze. Further cooling of the
water on the pond, lake or stream will no longer cause the
top layer of water to drop, by convection, and the chilling
efifect is thereafter concentrated on the surface of the water
instead of being applied generally to the entire body of the
water. When the temperature of the top layer of water
reaches 32° F., ice forms, and increases in thickness as the
water in contact underneath is chilled, by conduction, to the
freezing point.
In 1810, Sir John Leslie combined with the air pump a
149. — Early
Methods of Utilizing Ice as a Refrigerant. —
Just as snow was used in ancient times to cool the cup that
cheered, so harvested natural ice was probably first employed
in later times to cool wines and preserve beer. Deep cellars
were dug, walled with heavy masonry, and divided longitud-
inally by arched stone ceilings into top cellars and sub-
cellars. The goods to be preserved were placed in the lower
or sub-cellars and the ice was filled into the top cellars just
above, an ingenious and effective arrangement that permitted
the storing of sufficient quantities of natural ice, as harvested,
to carry the sub-cellars through the warm summer months at
temperatures cool enough for many purposes. Such cellars
were probably the first man-made cold storage houses or
that the mid-day sun often beat down upon the low, flat lid
of the box with telling effect on the perishable foodstuffs just
underneath, and at night the lid was sometimes disturbed
and the food stolen by prowling marauders of the field and
forest. So here, as elsewhere, necessity being the mother of
invention, the next step in the development of the present
household refrigerator was the construction of a rude shelter
over the box to protect the food from the elements and from
unwelcome guests. This shelter was made of logs, as a min-
iature log cabin, and was usually spoken of as the "milk
house," or the ''spring house."
'^mM a^}^^
ciently dry to preserve the stores as far into the next season
as possible. Natural caves were occasionally available, but
I more often caves were dug out of the side of a hill,
lined with timbers and equipped with shelves, bins and a
strong door. Again, where a hillside was not conveniently
near, a low, log room was constructed, similarly equipped,
and completely surrounded and covered with earth thrown up
in the form of a mound. The mound was then tamped and
covered with thick sod, which made a suitable storage con-
veniently nearby and which was commonly spoken of as the
"root house," the name borrowed from still earlier times when
similar provision was made for the storing of roots for medi-
cine. When cellars were first excavated under dwellings, they
jfjt--^^''-^_ ~'^_z
or other hard wood, with hollow walls lined inside with sheet [
center to separate the food from the ice, but it was at that
time in no sense a baffle for the promotion of air circulation,
the idea not then having been adapted to such purpose.
In due course, it became the practice in cold stores to con-
struct double walls and fill the intervening space with flaked
charcoal, silicate cotton, small pumice, sawdust, and similar
loose or granular materials; and the principle of the over-
head bunker was about the same time being fast developed
to a new avenues of use-
point of efficiency that opened up
;fulness for cold stores employing ice, or salt and ice mix-
itures, as the refrigerant. This influence was quickly reflected
in the large beer and meat coolers of retail establishments and
of a much greater height, and the division between the ice and
the food changed from a vertical one to a horizontal one. In
a word, the household ice-box became a household "refrig-
erator," of the kind now known as a lid tyi)e top-icer, b\ virtue i
at a wholly fictitious high total resistance of a given wall to
the infiltration of heat. The claim of superiority based on
multiple walls of insulation was a familiar one, and for too
many years unsuspecting householders counted the layers in
comparing prices.
With the growth of the ice industry, the refrigerator in-
dustry expanded proportionately, and competition became
keen and difficult. Little real attention was paid to the actual
insulating qualities of a household refrigerator for, as some
: ;
["have said, "the ice man wanted to sell ice, the refrigerator
manufacturer wanted to sell refrigerators, and the householder
wanted something low in cost and high in hopes." It is prob-
ably more to the point, however, that the real need for bet-
ter insulation in household refrigerators had never been made
ice and refrigeration in the home." having already been pub-
I lished,* under the title of "Household Refrigeration," by H. B.
[. Hull, Refrigeration Engineer.
in introducing his subject, says that, "mechan-
Mr. Hull,
ical household refrigeration is having an important influence
on refrigerator cabinet construction it is necessary to have ;
*.\ickerson & Collins Co., Publishers, 5707 West Lake Street, Chicago, Illinois.
to the insulation of mechanically cooled household refrig-
It was little suspected, perhaps, in the beg-innings of me-
chanical refrigeration for the home, that serious trouble would
be experienced with the operation of the household refrig-
erator itself; because there was then enough real and poten-
tial trouble with the mechanical unit, without contemplating
trouble from a coordinated product manufactured by others,
especially since household refrigerators had been successfully
produced, sold and used in the home for a great many years.
Yet serious trouble there was, and it took a lot of time and
much money to eliminate it.
dozen years or so ago (about 1915), there was need
for better insulation in household refrigerators, but the neces-
sity for it did not then exist; and it was not until a serious
attempt was made to cool such refrigerators by mechanical
means that the subject of enough permanently efficient in-
sulation was made a research and engineering consideration.
The cost of operating one of the early makes of mechancially
cooled domestic refrigerators, original investment ignored,
was frequently somewhat greater than the cost of cooling the
same refrigerator with ice. The much lower temperature that
could be maintained by the mechanical unit was consequently
featured "as its greatest advantage, and the plant was adjusted
and sold on that basis. Thereupon the refrigerator usually
began to leak, and frequently to smell, and then the motor
was observed to operate a greater number of hours per day,
until it was sometimes said to operate almost continuously,
and general dissatisfaction with the installation on the part
of the purchaser was, under such conditions, the inevitable
Examination of these "leakers" and "smellers" usually
revealed the fibrous insulation in the hollow walls of the re-
but it leaked, and it gave off odors, and it cost too much to
operate and these things, coupled with the usual run of
suspension in the surrounding air of the kitchen would be
••'precipitated on the cool, outer surface of the glass pitcher, so
would water vapor have been precipitated or condensed at the
same rate on the outer, exposed surface of the interior lining
of a refrigerator cooled to the same degree by ice and located
in the same kitchen.
If salt is water and stirred, to
added to the pitcher of ice
reduce the temperature of the mixture, the sweating will
usually exceed the evaporation by such an amount as to
odors coming in through dry bell-trap or goose-neck of the
drain pipe from which all water has evaporated. An ice-
cooled refrigerator is constantly at work to keep its air purified,
by absorption of odors by the water of meltage and discharge
to drain but a mechanically-cooled refrigerator frequently has
for the purification of its air. This has been variously accom-
plished by ventilation through dry drain pipe, where such
pipe terminates low enough to escape the odors from the
refrigerating machine, by ventilation through loosely fitted
doors, and bv still other means entirely. These items do not
^r T"T
easy to clean?
What and Why Is Insulation^ — To insulate anything is to cut it
off from its surroundings, make an island of it. And the walls and
tween this and the inside lining of porcelain. The "reason why" for
this is that such an interlining not only keeps heat out, but it will
not absorb moisture, and is rigid so that it will not sag leaving air
Merely wood, paper and air will notkeep the heat out of the
refrigerator, such walls leave the ice badly handicapped in its war
with outside heat! Ask to see a cross-section of the refrigerator walls.
If the makers are proud of their box, they will be glad to "show"
On these protecting walls and well-insulated and tightly closing
doors depends largely the coolness of the food compartments. They
should average 20 to 26 degrees colder than outside the refrigerator
when the room thermometer reads 70 to 75° F. As the weather
grows grows less. Under the ice, the coldest
colder, this difference
place, thermometer should read not more than 45° F., and on
the top shelf of a side-icer or on the bottom of a top-icer, the tem-
perature should not be much more than 50° F. when the room is
70 to 75^ F.
Circulation Means "Air Move On." "Side-Icer or Top-Icer"? That
is a question, too.
It's the cold circulating air that cools the foods. To be sure
that you are getting good circulation, look to see that there is a
broad unobstructed drop from the ice chamber into the food com-
In a side-icer there should be a solid insulated partition between
the ice chamber and the food compartments. In this way the cold
air is "baffled" in any attempt to sneak out into the food compart-
ment. must go down and around, collecting heat and odors from
the food and traveling all the way back to the ice chamber to be
re-cooled and deodorized. Good circulation is necessary to dryness
and absence of odors, as well as to evenness of temperature.
Both and top-icers are good if well designed. The side-
icer is often more convenient
to ice; and the top-icer has the advan-
tage of a broader drop for the cold air and less difference between
the coldest and warmest place in the box, but the average tempera-
tures are about the same.
Be sure that the refrigerator is big enough
Sice, Too, Is Important.
for the family needs, not only in winter, but in the good old sum-
mer time when more perishable foods are used, when the refrigerator
must work harder to keep the temperatures down and when week-
end guests are abundant. Almost, then, you need elastic, rubber re-
frigerators! So buy the refrigerator for your greatest need, not your
smallest one, remembering it won't stretch.
Also, it is important that the ice chamber be the right size in
proportion to the remainder of the box. It should occupy about
one-third of the whole inner space and the smaller the box, the
larger the relative size of the ice chamber.
Drain Pipes and Shelves. "I've missed all the best advantages that
came my way," said the blonde spinster, "because I had to go home
and empty the pan under the refrigerator." Don't have a pan! Be
sure there is a drain pipe, well fitted and easily disconnected, with
'a good water seal at the floor so that it lends itself gracefully both
Set your refrigerator in as cool a place as possible.
It ishard on the refrigerator's efficiency to put it for your convenience
too near the stove, or in the sun for the ice man's pleasure. Give it
a fair location —
no ice box craves a place in the sun. Fill it full of
ice and allow it twenty-four hours to get the heat out of the box
before you start to cool foods.
Feed It Plenty of Ice. — It costs less in the end, and you get more
for your money, if you keep the ice chamber full. Never let it get
more than half empty. When there is only a small piece of ice, it
has more to overcome, melts more quickly and you pay more to get
back to the necessary low temperatures again.
Cleanliness. —Cold and Cleanliness are the two slogans of food
preservation. Keep dirt from getting into the box and you won't
need to work to get it out. An ounce of prevention is worth several
pounds of cure here. This means washing the ice, if necessary, be-
fore it goes into the refrigerator, wiping off milk bottles, washing
lettuce, etc.
Have the proper kind of containers to put the food in, to save ,
Clear the Way for the Cold Air. Note the places where the cold
air drops from the ice and where, when warmed, it goes back to the
ice, and do not shut them off by stacking food in these spots. Also,
do not shut off the air passages where the warmed air goes up and
into the ice chamber again. Air currents (good circulation) are just
as necessary to efficient refrigeration as is insulation. In other
words, leave air spaces between everything and everything else, so
that the cold air can be on its way. When the inside of the refrig-
erator begins to look like a sardine can, it is a reproach to you.
A False Economy. — Don't wrap the ice in a mistaken effort to
make it last. Ice must melt in order to cool. It takes up the heat
and sacrifices itself to serve you. Hoard it and like a miser's money
it can do you no good.
Fair Play. — Never put hot foods into the refrigerator. This is
behind you every time. Take a tray and remove several things at
once. Every time you carelessly open the door of a refrigerator into
a hot room, you cause an appreciable increase in ice meltage.
Hardzmre. — Heavy
brass, nickel plated, hand buffed hardware
,^ used throughout, made oversize to insure extra wear. Self-acting type
lock takes immediate action and holds door air-tight.
Equipped for Ice or Mechanical Refrigeration. Ice or coil chamber —
is placed inside of the porcelain lining, instead of outside, to insure
free, unobstructed circulation of cold air around the compartment as
well as through it. Many models are equipped for ready installation
of electric refrigerating unit. Hanger
bolts, and capped openings in
the rear near top of ice chamber, are standard equipment on these
models; suitable either for ice or mechanical refrigeration. Other
*Descriptions are those of the manufacturer, and are to be accepted only for what
they may prove to be worth.
models, for ice only, have extra-sturdy ice racks, more than twice
as strong as necessary, made from heavily coated galvanized steel,
with galvanized iron baffles in ice compartment to direct air cir-
Shelves. Rhinelander shelves are woven in our factory, electrically
welded, and then heavily coated with tin giving a clean, bright and
lasting finish. Shelves designed to insure free circulation of air.
Casters. — Ball bearing lignum-vitae casters.
able. The new Gibson cast aluminum door frame construction (patent
pending) is one of the greatest advances that has been made in refrig-
erator construction in years. It prevents warping or swelling of the
Interior. — Three
models are equipped with galvanized iron lined ice
compartments and seamless porcelain provision compartments. All other
models have porcelain lined ice compartments. All doors are lined with
porcelain door plates.
Insulation. — The Gibson "All Porcelain" refrigerators are insulated
with 100 per cent, pure cork-board, sealed air-tight with hydrolene cement
and, in addition, have many layers of waterproof asphalt saturated char-
coal sheathing, insulating felt, and polar board. The insulation and wall
construction is unexcelled for economy of ice consumption or efficiency
when used in cmncc' '(^ii wi'.h electric refrigeration.
Hardzcare. — The locks and- hinges are heavy cast manganese bronze,
triple nickel-plated and highly polished. The doors are all equipped with
Wirf's air-tight cushion gaskets.
Shelves. —The new Gibson flat wire shelves (patent pending) are
used in all models. They are easier to clean and dishes slide on them
without tippi^jg.
Refrigeration.- Leading manufacturers of electric ice ma-
chines have approved the "Gibson" for use with their machines. Ice
machine bases arc carried in stock for Gibson "All Porcelain" refrig-
erators. The Gibson "All Porcelain" refrigerators are equipped with
hangar bolts and sleeve outlets, so they are suitable for present ice needs
and future electric refrigeration requirements.
All Metal Refrigerators. A line of Gibson "All Metal" refrigerators
have an outside case of heavy galvanized steel finished in white enamel,
with other attractive features. Gibson's "One-Piece" porcelain line of
white porcelain lined refrigerators has merited great favor.
iManufaclured by Gibson Refrigerator Co., Greenville, Michigan.
Hardware. — Each door, large or small, is fitted with locks and hinges
exactly suited for each refrigerator's requirements. All locks are of
solid and of roller type, fitted with non-breakable springs.
Where rubber covered compression gaskets are used, the hinges are of
spring brass and are fitted with steel bushings, washers and pins. Where
no gaskets are used, the hinges are solid brass.
Manufactured by Seeger Refrigerator Company, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Refrigerator Principles. Jewett Solid Porcelain refrigerators com-
bine all four basic essentials by which the true value of any refrigerator
may be judged: (1) Absolute sanitation, without which no refrigerator,
regardless of its other features, is safe as a storage place for food; (2)
an unseen essential which really determines the cost
Efficient insulation,
of operating the freezing unit and the number of years of service it will
render; (3) Perfect circulation, which produces dry, crisp air in the
refrigerator instead of a damp, mouldy atmosphere and (4) Durable ;
come two courses heavy waterproof insulating paper, then a 1-inch sheet
of pure cork, then two more courses heavy waterproof insulating paper,
then a course of ^-inch tongued and grooved lumber, then \y^ inches
more of pure cork, then a course of waterproof insulating paper, then the
solid porcelain lining 1-^ inches thick.
Outside of the two courses of lumber necessary to give the proper
strength and rigidity, the insulation of the "Jewett" solid porcelain re-
frigerator consists entirely of pure cork, which is the most efficient form
of insulation known.
dry atmosphere in a refrigerator is essential for the
preservation of food. In a refrigerator with poor or no ciculation, all
things are damp, moist and moldy. Then there is an odor. Dryness
prevents all these things.
The cold air ducts and warm air flues in the "Jewett" solid porce-
lain refrigerators are designed to take advantage of the well-known
principle that cold air falls and warm air rises. On account of its
greater weight, the cold air descends from the ice compartment into the
food compartment below, and forces the warmer air in the upper part
downward the flow of cold air, and affording complete circulation and i
on heavy rustless Armco iron, with corners rounded and curved lips '<
provided at front, making the inside sanitary and easy to clean. Extra '
together to form one solid piece. Top set flush, making a smooth '
with porcelain exterior and one-piece seamless porcelain lined ice and |
pitch which prevents air leakage as it seals all the crevices where the
cork cannot fit absolutely tight. The door construction is identical with
the walls of the refrigerator.
a drain at the bottom of the ice chamber. The fact that it utilizes
water as a refrigerant in addition to the ice, results in: (1) Uniform low
temperature; (2) Practically 100% efficiency out of every piece of ice;
designed to hold reserve ice, chipped ice, or for special cooling purposes.
Its drain connects with the main drain pipe.
Humidity. —The fact that the Thermo Flo uses both ice and water
results in just the right amount of humidity for proper food preservation.
Size. —The Thermo Flo refrigerator is made intwo sizes, the 50-
Ib. re-icer and the 75-lb. re-icer, requiring 75 lbs. and 100 lbs. original
icing, respectively. The 50-lb. re-icer has outside dimensions of
33^x22^x52^ inches and a food compartment capacity of 6 cubic feet.
Manufactured. The Thermo Flo refrigerator is manufactured by
the same organization which introduced the JaSeL ice box and the Na-
tional ice chest — The J-S Refrigeration Division of the John Schroeder
Lumber Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Interior. — The porcelain liners are of the box type, and are so con-
structed, with double lock flanges, that bolt holes or screw holes are
entirely eliminated except those required for tank and shelf supports.
Chilling Unit. — The chilling units are of tinned copper and have
front panels and ice cube tray-fronts of genuine porcelain.
All seams
in the corkboard are filled with hydrolene. Waterproof
paper then applied over the corkl)oard as added seal against air leaks.
The insulation is applied against the liner, and there is an air space of
from 34-inch to 3^-inch between the insulation and the exterior metal.
Manufactured by the Servcl Corporation, Evansville, Indiana.
Model. — No. C-5-P; 60^/4 inches high, 22 inches deep, 28 inches wide.
(One of 5 models for small homes and apartments.
Also two styles of
mode! No. 215, with machine overhead and covered with hood also four ;
Interior. —
White, vitreous porcelain, with rounded coves. Ice cube
drawers have bright metal finish. Ice cube cap.icity, 90 cubes, or 6
pounds at one freezing. Shelf space, 7.64 square feet shelves, woven ;
Insulation. — Two inches solid corkboard, walls, top, door and bottom,
hermetically sealed and moisture-proofed by special hydrolene treatment
and protected by all-metal sheathing, prevents odors and deterioration.
Exterior. — Exterior finish, white pyroxylin lacquer on steel. Trim,
bright metal molding. Hardware, extra-heavy automatic.
Refrigeration. — Efficient % horsepower motor ;
quiet operation, well-
designed valves, accurately fitted bearings, high grade materials, skilled
workmanship, exceptionally fine inspection, most efficient of its kind
Connects with electric light socket.
Manufactured by Copeland Products Co., Detroit, Michigan.
157. —
Notes on the Testing of Household Refrigerators. —
While there are no g-enerally accepted and approved methods
for the testing of either ice or machine cooled household re-
frigerators, and \irtuall}' all tests made thus far are subject
to considerable interpretation as to the results obtained. }et
nuich progress has been made and there is reason to expect
that some suitable and satisfactory standard method of testing
household refrigerators may soon be arrived at and be gener-
ally accepted by those most interested in the su1:)ject.
Te'it Item
2. Ice economy 20 ——
3. Humidity 8
4. Circulation 7 — —
Interior finish 12
6. Drainage 3 ——
7 Exterior finish 5 ——
Total lOOP'o %
1. Tciiipcralurc Test — Standard conditions for test demand rcfrig-
erator to be in a rooin free from drafts and at an even temperatnrc. Box
should not contain food. Door should not be oriened except when taking
readings. Refrigerator shoi.'d be thoroughh- chilled for 4S hours l)cfore
I making test. Have the ice chamber full. Place thermometer in the ccn-
"tcr of the food chamlier. ^lake twelve readings at intervals of one hour.
Take room temperature simultaneously. Score as follows:
3. —
Humidity. In making humidity tests, a wet and dry bulb ther-
mometer should be used. Take twelve readings at intervals of one hour.
See U. S. Bureau of Standards' tables* for readings calculated upon dif-
ferences in temperatures of wet and dry bulb thermometers. Score as
Humidity Rate
55 to 65% 8.0
65 to 76 7.5
45 to 55 7.5
40 to 45 7.7
75 to 80 6.4
30 to 40 6.0
80 to 85 4.8
20 to 30 4.8
85 to 95 2.4
90 and over 0.0
20 and under 0.0
4. Circulation of Air. —^Credit a maximum of 5 for probability that
cold air will readily pass from the compartment
to and through the
food compartment and back again to the ice. If ice compartment is
ample, credit 2. If doors do not fit snugly, subtract 1. If any wall is
moist, subtract 3.
6. Drainage. — See that the trap in the drain pipe works. If there is
Indeed the low priced boxes used in the homes of working people are
probably less than 15 per cent, efficient. This means that of 100 pounds
of ice put into a refrigerator, at least 80 pounds were used in neutralizing
the heatwhich percolates through the walls. It is worthy of note that the
market is flooded with these shoddy ice boxes. No less than 75 different
makes were found among the 243 examined.
and thus cause more heat to l^e absorbed from the circulating
the interior design of the refrigerator that will locate the ice
compartment in a top-center position, and at no additional
expense; but by increasing the thickness of permanently effi-
low per-
cient insulation in the walls of the refrigerator, at a >
(d) The ice should be carefully regulated on the basis of weight, and
of one piece, of size or shape suitable for the ice compartment of the
class of unit tested.
(f) The should be prepared outside the test room, and placed in
the refrigerator during a fixed period, at the same hour, every day (24-
hour icing), old ice to be removed and weighed simultaneously.
(g) The food compartment of the refrigerator should be empty, it
being known that over 90 per cent, of refrigerator losses are caused by
the heat leakage through the walls of the refrigerator, and less than 10
per cent, in cooling food and opening doors, under normal household
paper, in 1786; but it was not until about 1851 that an attempt
was made to manufacture ice cream in wholesale quantities.
In that year John Fussell, a milk dealer in Baltimore, Mary-
land, became interested in ice cream in an effort to find a
profitable outlet for surplus sweet cream that he had on hand
from time to time. The manufacture of ice cream was under-
taken as a side line, and sold at wholesale, but the business
proved so profitable that Fussell disposed of his entire milk
business and devoted his whole attention to the new industry.
His remarkable success may be judged from the fact that he
later established ice cream factories in Washington, Boston
and New York City.
Perry Brazelton, of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, studied the whole-
sale ice cream business in Fussell's Washington plant; and
later established his own plant in St. Louis, Missouri, followed
by still others in Cincinnati, Ohio, and Chicago, Illinois, which
the next two decades, until by the end of 1912 there was a
reported total output of 154 million gallons of ice cream valued
at 160 million dollars.
The National Association of Ice Cream Manufacturers was
organized in 1906, to more effectively promote the interests of
ice cream manufacturers by assisting the industry to develop
and practices pertaining- to the manufacture of ice creams and
ices. Through the cooperation of these useful agencies, the
public was enabled to receive such ample protection against
impure and unsatisfactory ice cream products as to so solidly
establish the industry that by the end of 1926 the output was
325 million gallons valued at 300 million dollars (wholesale).
159. —
Ice and Salt Cabinets. — It has been noted that salt-
petre mixed with snow was used for cooling licpiids centuries
ago in India, but the 17th century saw probably the first seri-
ous attempt to utilize that method of refrigeration to produce
ice and frozen desserts. The low temperature produced by
mixing ice and salt is due of course to the fact that salt lowers
the melting point of ice to about 5° F. (-15° C.) and keeps it
there until all the ice is melted by heat rapidly absorbed from
surrounding objects, which explains wdiy a can of freshly made
ice cream placed in an insulated cabinet and surrounded with
cracked ice and salt will harden by giving up its heat to the
low temperature mixture at the expense of melting the ice, all
as elaborated in the section of this book on "The Study of
Heat." Since the ice is melted by heat extracted from the ice
cream, and from the walls of the cabinet, which gets its heat
from the surrounding atmosphere, it is necessary to set up in
those cabinet walls an efficient barrier against the infiltration
of heat from the warm air of the room.
The ice cream industry was founded upon the fact of .the
melting point of ice being lowered in the presence of salt.
A mixture of ice and common salt was the only refrigerant
used to congeal cream, and to keep the frozen mass in a satis-
factory state of preservation for palatable consumption, for
many years before and after the advent of mechanical refrig-
eration. Low temperature brine produced by a mixture of
cracked ice and salt, or low temperature brine produced by
adding salt to water and cooling the mixture by mechanical
means, differ, in so far as the manufacture, hardening and
storage of ice cream in the plant is concerned, only in that
the salt and ice mixture is more dif^cult to handle and its
temperature is not as easily controlled. In either case, about
equally good manufacturing results were possible, although
mechanical refrigeration in the plant eft'ected a very great
lation other than the wood itself, just about as the early
household ice chestwas constructed; but cabinets with hollow
walls, filled usually with sawdust, came into early use and
remained a long time. They left much to be desired, how-
ever, because the low temperature necessary for the holding
of ice cream caused heavy condensation of moisture within
the air entrapped between the sawdust particles, and the
cabinet walls became ice laden and water-soaked. Granu-
lated cork was next tried as the loose fill insulating material,
with better success, but still with much to be desired both
from the standpoint of insulating efficiency and a dry condi-
tion of the walls of the cabinet.
In those days it was necessary, in summer, for the ice
cream manufacturer to service or ice his cabinets in retail
stores twice daily. In an effort to cut this expensive service
cream interests, of Pittsburgh,
to one daily icing, the Rieck ice
Pennsylvania, undertook experiments w^ith ice cream cabinets
insulated with sheets of pure corkboard, an insulation specifi-
cation for retail ice cream cabinets almost unheard of up to
that time (about 1912), and an extravagance thought to be
wholly unjustified. The experiments started with cabinets
160. — —
Mechanical Ice Cream Cabinets. The trend in the
development and applications of mechanical refrigerating- ma-
chinery was slowly but constantly from large many-ton plants
toward smaller units, much as in the development of electric
power the large-motor main-shaft drive gave way a little at
a time to individual drive by small motors. But the high
pressures at which ammonia compression refrigerating ma-
chines operate, placed restrictions on the smallness, the light-
ness, and the cost of production of the ammonia units of
fractional-ton capacity, past which it was not practical for
the manufacturer to go. And that minimum cost was too
high for general application to small refrigeration duty, such
as the cooling of household refrigerators and retail ice cream
cabinets, when in competition with ice, and ice and salt
The use of a refrigerant that could be effectively operated
at relatively low pressures, such as sulphur dioxide, proved
to be the solution of the problem, which development estab-
lished the small fractional-ton refrigerating machine as a
practical and economical refrigerating unit through much
lighter and simpler construction and greatly reduced cost.
However, in the practical application of such household re-
frigerating units, as they quickly came to be known, it was
determined that their successful operation, as well as their
low manufacturing cost, depended on a certain restriction of
the unit refrigerating capacity.
Thus the efforts to reduce the cost of production of the
fractional-ton ammonia compression machine to the point of
successful competition with ice and salt mixtures were, m
general, unsuccessful; while the efforts to economically raise
the unit refrigerating capacity of the sulphur dioxide type of
machine enough to handle the heavier duty cabinets were, in
general, unavailing. But virtually by the simple expedient
of increasing the thickness of the corkboard insulation in ice
cream cabinets to be mechanically cooled, and by so setting
the different makes and types of ice cream cabinets ice and —
salt cabinets and mechanical cabinets —
manufactured in the
United States, and for that reason but a very few of them,
selected at random, are shown and described* in this Article
•Descriptions are those of the manufacturer, and are to be accepted only for what
they may prove to be worth.
Tlic Corners. — Nickel zinc angles protect the corners and add a
pleasing appearance to these cal)inets. They are fastened with brass nails
and will not rust or corrode.
The tops are made from heavy, straight grain gulf cypress
lumber, the corners are rigidly secured and the construction throughout
strong and substantial. These tops are arranged to make filling easy,
without undue loss of time or refrigeration.
The Lids. — The enough to remove empty cans and
lids are large
replace them with full cans of cream without removing the top of the
cabinet and exposing other compartments. The lids are also insulated
with pure corkboard. A "hand grip" is carved into the one-piece cover,
so that there are no metal handles to break off or rust, no knobs to
obstruct an even surface. The edges are designed to seal against loss of
refrigeration and yet make opening and closing easy.
Sheet Metal //'or/.'.— The linings and cans are made from genuine
Armco Ingot iron. This well-known l)rand of copper-bearing metal,
heavily galvanized, is further assurance of the definite and dependable
values built into Brooks Drypak Cabinets.
Ice Compartments. — The
Brooks Drypak Cabinet ice compartments are
large enough ample capacity to care for exceptional conditions
to provide
during the summer months. These cabinets will keep cream in perfect
condition for forty-eight hours or more.
Drains. —One-piece, leak-proof and non-corrosive Smith and Mann
valves are used. They are of ample size to perfect quick drainage and
are threaded for three-quarter inch hose connection.
Mounted on Skids. For a sanitary base and to facilitate moving,
Brooks Drypak Cabinets are mounted on sturdy skids ; there arc no legs
to break oflF.
design and the massive insulation of solid slabs of sheet cork, tapering
from 3 inches on sides and ends at the top to 5 inches at and on
bottom, heat treated with a special asphaltum base formed into a solid,
continuous, air-tight, moisture-proof and settle-proof wall around and
under the ice chamber. This construction insures maximum refrigerating
results — 48 to 72 hours on one icing.
Operaton. The "Tray-Pack" service method simply consists of the
removal of the trays by the service man from the Tray-Pack cabinet, the
dumping of the brine at the curb or other suitable place, the repacking of
and the replacement of the trays in the Tray-Pack
Ihe trays at the truck,
cabinet. That's all. No drip, no dirt, no muss in the dealer's store. Just
a few minutes' work, and all is set for two days or more of perfect
Sizes. — Made
in standard 2-, 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-hole "Tray-Pack" sizes.
Insulation. —
Only the best insulation obtainable is used in "Tray-
Pack" ice —
cream cabinets pure compressed corkboard, it being more imper-
vious 1o water than any other known insulating material. Asphaltum and
other products are applied hot on both sides of the corkboard as assem-
bled in the cabinet, so as to exclude all air from between the insulation
and the inner cabinet tank and from between all joints in the corkboard
sheets and thus exclude all condensed water from the insulation' and obvi-
ate destruction of the insulation by the expansion of freezing.
Manufactured by Grand Ra])ids Cabinet Co., Grand Rapids, Michigan.
to operate for the shortest possible time, with a consequent low current
consumption, and, of course, a longer life for the machine.
ing the sturdy framework of steel, the solidly placed pure com-
pressed corkboard insulation and the position of the refrigerating
Insulation. — The
insulation of this unit consists of two layers
3-inch thick pure compressed corkboard on the bottom of the cabi-
net, two layers 2-inch thick pure compressed corkboard on the ends
and sides of the cabinet, and one layer 2-inch thick pure compressed
corkboard in the cabinet top. This insulation is carefully pressed
into position, using a waterproof sealing material on all joints and
surfaces to obviate the possibility of the collection and freezing
of water within the cabinet construction, due to the condensation of
moisture from concealed air spaces or pockets, and the consequent
disintegration of the insulation, damage to the cabinet and serious
loss of efficiency in operation. Such spaces that cannot be effectively
sealed with corkboard sheets, are packed tight with a special water-
proof sealing material combined with a suitable proportion of pre-
pared cork particles.
Maintenance Cost. It is believed that the construction of this
cabinet is an effective guarantee of lowest power and maintenance
ciency of that room will be one year or ten years after it has
been in operation for it is possible to construct hollow walls
of wood, fill the space with chimney soot and show under
accurate test an initial cold room insulating efficiency far
greater than could probably be shown with any commercial
insulating material procurable, }et the soot would retain its
The first point to cover in planning for tests of any ice ;
*In a number of the "Berichte" (1899), Prof. Hempel describes a series of experi-
ments undertaken by him, in order to determine which substance was best suited
for isolating freezing mixtures in experimental wcirk in the laboratory. Starting
with a temperature of about -75° to -80° C. (-103° to -112° F.) produced by solid
carbon dioxide and ether, the rate of rise of temperature with time was measured,
and, as a result, eiderdown was found to be the lust irsiilator. woo', carefully dried
at 100° C. (212° F.) being nearly as good, and having the advantage of cheapness.
Thus wi"tfi eiderdown a rise of 12° C. occurred in eighty-eight minutes, with dry wool
a rise of 20° to 24° C. in the same time.
» 401
In testing various kinds and sizes of corkboard insulated
ice and salt cabinets, assuming that virtually the same or
equally satisfactory specifications were followed in installing
the corkboard in the cabinets, and assuming that the results
are be made available for general comparison with the
results of other tests made at different times and places, the
following conditions sh(ndd be obserxed :
(a) A
constant temperature room should be used, the temperature
held uniform to within one degree Fahr. hy electric heater placed within
|| hollow walls of the test room and controlled hy thermostat.
(b) Control of the humidity of the constant temperature room should
be effected by suitable means, tests having demonstrated that a consider-
able increase in the percentage of ice melting is effected by increasing the
percentage of relative humidity in a constant temperature room from a
low to a high point.
(c) The mixture of ice and salt should be carefully regulated on the
basis of weight.
and salt to be put on top of cans and brine to be drained off cabinet before
each re-icing.
(g) The ice cream to be used for test purposes should be a product of
rigid specifications, because different mixtures and flavors require differ-
ent temperatures to keep them in satisfactory condition, and the volume
of ice cream in the cabinet should be a fixed quantity.
(h) Special long-bulb thermometers should be used in ice cream cabi-
nets, of such length as to obtain average temperature readings for the
total depth of the ice cream and for the empty can of each cabinet.
(i) Four days preliminary operation should be allowed to establish
a temperature equilibrium in the walls of the cabinet before the test proper
should be started, and the test should then continue for 30 more days.
than a dozen feet long and a quarter as high and wide! The
modern soda fountain deserves admiration its successful op- ;
•Descriptions are those of the manufacturer, and arc to be accepted only for
what they may prove to be worth.
Modern Mechanically Refrigerated Soda Fountain with Typi-
cal Details of —
Construction. Tlie foUuwini;' excerpts from a
manufacturer's complete soda fountain specification are pre-
sented to illustrate the scope of the work of designing and
l:)uilding" such equipment, in which corkboard insulation plays
1. Raised edge creamer capping and top in one piece, 16-gauge nickel silver.
2. 3-inch removable top insulated with 2-inch pressed pure corkboard.
3. Fabric base special non-conductor practically prevents all refrigeration loss.
4. K'o. IS' porcelain white enamel Armco iron front; can also be faced with 7/16
vitrolite or marble, when specified.
5. 1-inch waterproof cypress wall.
6. 3-inch pressed pure corkboard insulation.
more clearly in the sectional view. Fig. 199. The temperature is auto-
matically maintained at approximately 33° F. by a regulating control valve.
refrigerator is located second from the left in which
The dry storage
a temperature ranging from 40° to 45° F. is maintained. This compart-
ment is equipped with a sliding shelf, thus providing double-deck arrange-
ment for bottle goods. Refrigeration for this compartment is secured
through a semi-insulated partition from the cooling compartment.
On the extreme right is located the brick compartment, where a
Frame. Constructed of genuine Louisiana red cypress, a product of
the Southern swamps, inured to all kinds of weather, accustomed to moist-
ure and exposure and, above all, possessing a long life. Front and rear
paneled, tenoned, glued and nailed to a chestnut supporting frame, all
thoroughly impregnated with preservative paint, making it truly the "box
After the tank and sub-cover unit have been assembled as described,
it is placed into the creamer box and the sub-cover is sweated to the
lining. The Frigidaire boiler is then installed and the entire unit is filled
with water and tested for leaks.
Non-Conductor. Great care was exercised in the selection of
Guaranty Non-Conductor. After countless experiments had determined
that Bakelitc with a fabric base possessed the needed strength, ability
to withstand moisture and above all, had the required insulating property,
it was chosen for use with Guaranty 'soda fountains and the actual opera-
tion of these fountains in daily use has fully justified this selection.
Removable Gutter. —Leakage through the hinge of the twin packer lid
Non-Conductor Lid. The operation of the twin packer cover is shown
above, and the accompanying illustration shows this lid in complete detail.
It is made with a frame of special insulating material, strong, durable and
non-absorbent. The lid top is 14-gauge nickel silver, fastened to the non-
conductor frame with nickel silver brackets electrically welded to the
underside of the top. It is insulated with one inch of pressed pure cork-
board, and a nickel silver bottom, binding the entire cover together, is
sprung into a groove in the non-conductor frame. The front and rear
half are each provided with rubber tipped knobs, doing away with the old
thumb thus eliminating the slight opening, and providing additional
precaution against refrigerationloss, at the same time making the operation
of these covers easy and noiseless. The illustration shows clearly that all
metal to metal contact is broken practically eliminating all refrigeration
Syrup Unit.
Frame. — The usual unbeatable Louisiana red cypress is used in the
construction of the syrup unit frame. The bottom is 5-ply, ^-inch Haske-
lite panel board, which gives the necessary strength to insure that quality
of endurance.
Lining. — 16-ounce pure cold rolled tinned copper forms the lining,
made of one piece with ends double seamed and soldered.
Capping. —The front rail and top capping are heavy Grade A 18%
nickel silver.
Adjusliiii) Plates. — The product of the best porcchin manufacturers
in the country is used, but it is impossible to guarantee absolute, precise
Filler Iiilcls.—hi the bottom of the syrup unit and directly to the rear
of the boiler, provision is made for filling the outfit with brine or for in-
serting a siphoning hose should it ever become necessary to remove the
brine. These consist of heavy brass ^-inch filler tubes just long enough
to extend through the sub-cover. The upper end is threaded on the inside
to fit a brass plug. Convenient and out of sight.
Clear Counter Service Cork Insulated Draft Arms.— The draft arms
used in all Guaranty interiors are as shown in the accompanying illustra-
tion. They are made of bronze, heavily silver plated, hand burnished,
and are supplied with block tin tubing for the passage of the carbonated
water through the draft arm to the head. Refrigeration loss is reduced to
a minimum by the cork insulation which is used. The soda and city water
after it leaves the coolers travels through the refrigerated syrup unit and
is connected directly to this cork insulated Guaranty draft arm. In the
design of these draft arms all sharp lines are eliminated, thus avoiding
the premature wearing of silver plating through the ordinary process of
The soda leader pipes running from the coolers to the draft arms are
equipped with individual shut-ofif valves for each draft, thereby making it
Cooling System.
Soda and city water in all Guaranty interiors are cooled by what was
formerly known as the Iceless system, or since the advent of mechanical
refrigeration as the 100% method. This consists of coolers submerged in
a fresh water bath, cooled by a boiler used in connection with the refrig-
eration unit which is used to refrigerate the ice cream.
insulated partition ; one for cooling soda and city water, known as the
cooler compartment ; the other provides cold storage facilities for bottled
goods, etc., known as the cold storage compartment. In the 56-inch and
64-inch tall and squat and 77-inch and 82-inch squat creamers, the coolers
arc located at the rear of the cooler compartment with the Frigidaire boiler
exactly in front center. In all of the other creamers, the coolers are placed
on each side of the cooler compartment with the Frigidaire boiler between
them. The boiler and coolers are submerged in a water bath; jce forms
around the boiler cooling the water bath and in turn the soda and city
Therefrigeration is controlled by an automatic regulating valve located
at the end of the creamer, directly under the drainboard. A temperature
sufficiently low is maintained, but controlled to prevent freezing.
Storage for bottled goods, etc. It secures its refrigeration, through the
semi-insulated wall from the cooler compartment, and there is no difficulty
The water cooler used is the same style and capacity as that for the
soda, except that it is tinned inside instead of being lined with block tin
tubing. This large capacity water cooler insures plenty of cold water and
is a feature not found in many other makes of fountains.
Syrup System. The syrup unit is one of the most important features
of the soda fountain, the effectual operation of which adds materially to
the right kind of service, sanitation and cleanly appearance of the fountain
itself. It is just as necessary to supply adequate refrigeration for this unit
same room with the soda fountain, installation can be made under the
drainboard, as shown in Fig. 202.
These compressor enclosures are made of paneled cypress, contain a
floor for the machme and are vented to allow free circulation of air, which
not only insures a dry enclosure, but permits the operation of the com-
pressor to its fullest efficiency. They are faced with porcelain white enamel
Armco iron to confirm to the rest of the fountain. Minimum plain drain-
board space required is 38 inches.
Backbar Bases.
Refrigerator Bases. —Where cold storage in addition to that provided
in the interior is desired, bases can be supplied either partially or wholly
refrigerated. Bases of this construction are metal lined and equipped with
hardwood racks. The bottom, back, top and both ends are insulated with
2-inch thick pressed pure corkboard, as are the doors which are of heavy
refrigerator construction with stainless vitrolite panels. Bases constructed
as above are 22 inches wide overall.
The installation of the Frigidaire cooling coils is a simple matter and
consists of placing one of the ordinary ice box coils in the base. Tiie unit
required depending on the number of cubic feet it is intended to refrig-
erate.The local Delco Light dealer can give the desired information and
recommend the coil to be used.
Three Door Refrigerator Section. The base shown in Fig 204 is
The doors of the compressor enclosure are metal with ventilating oi)enings,
finished inbaked white enamel. \'rntilator holes are also provided thru
the back and end.
iterior. the use of this base will be found desirable. The standard size is
made to take six S-gallon ice cream packing cans (twin packer style con-
struction). The width overall of this base is 30 inches. It is regularly
built with cabinet base ends but may be built with full refrigerator ends
at an additional price if so specified.
The overall dimensions of the standard recessed ice cream cabinet are
29 inches high, 28^ inches deep from front to back and 46^ inches long.
A standard 30-gallon capacity recessed ice cream cabinet as illustrated,
occupies the same space as is required for three regular standard door
If squat cans are used the overall width of the base is 32 inches and
the overall dimensions of the cabinet are: Height, 29 inches; depth, 30^
inches; length, 49>^ inches.
holding two 5-gallon bulk ice cream cans. This gives a capacity of four
S-gallon cans of bulk ice cream or 20 gallons, all of which is maintained
at a uniform temperature from the top to the bottom of the cans.
The extreme left hand opening is a package storage compartment
which has a storage capacity of 10 gallons with an insulating cover the
same as those over the bulk ice cream compartments. It is maintained at
a special low temperature, around zero to insure proper storage for pack-
age ice cream.
Pure cork board is the best insulator known, other than a perfect
vacuum and it is not possible to obtain a vacuum in building a fountain.
Therefore, the next best thing is used, pure cork board as shown in
Fig. 208.
A minimumthickness of three inches of cork is used in front, ends,
bottom, and top, and there are five inches in the back. This 3-inch mini-
mum of pure cork board is supplemented with additional ground cork,
which fills every inch of space in the interior of the box around the brine
filled with cork, insulating the block tin tube which carries the water from
head of the draft arm.
the coolers to the
Aside from its actual value in conserving refrigeration, the draft is
as does an electric current. The contact between the walls of the brine
tanks, with their zero temperature, and the tinned copper lining of the
syrup enclosure, serves to carry the cold to this enclosure.
^ x^
Metal contacts between the enclosure linings and the capping around
the top of the enclosure are broken by strips of non-conducting material,
so that this capping will not conduct heat into the enclosure. See also,
in description of Bakelite pump plate, the additional precaution exercised
at this point.
These lids are made of 16-gauge nickel silver (weighing 2^/4 pounds
to the square foot). The linings, also of nickel silver, are formed so as to
fit inside the turned down edges of the top. This is known as telescoping
and the joint is flooded with solder, making what amounts to one piece
Between the top and lining is insulation of pure cork board.
The double point hinge permits of the full opening of the lid.
By Dr. M. E. Penningtux.
Chief, Food Research Bureau of Chemistry,
United States Departnient of Agriculture.
'Address before the Chicago Traffic Chib, October 5th, 1916. Reprint from the
Waybill. October, 1916. N'olume No. 7.
subject of investigation in the Department of Agriculture in con-
nection with the study of the preservation of the good condition
of perishables vi^hile in transit.
Apparatus and methods of investigation had to be developed
to obtain the necessary data. Gradually there has been evolved an
arrangement of electrical thermometers which can be installed not
only in appropriate locations in the car, but within the packages,
and even inside an orange, peach, chicken or fish. The wires from
these thermometers run out between the packings of the door,
and the terminals are permanently or temporarily attached to the
indicators installed in an accompanying caboose.
•The study of fruits and vegetables is being conducted by the Bureau of Plant
Industry, under the supervision of Mr. H. J. Ramsey. I am indebted to him for the
data on oranges and also such other facts concerning the transportation of fruits
and vegetables as are brought out in this paper.
the first day and five per cent of the added ice on the second. The
temperature of the load in the car "A" averaged 54.4° F. The tem-
in the car "B" averaged 49.5° F., while car "C," in
perature of the load
which had been added to the ice, not only cooled the oranges
more quickly but reduced the average temperature of the load to
45.5° F., a gain of 9°F. as compared with car "A." The amount of
ice placed in the bunkers in car "A," including that remaining in
them at destination, was approximately 23,200 pounds. In car "B"
the ice amounted to 18,675 pounds, a saving of more than two tons.
Car "C," which had been salted, had 22,750 pounds of ice, still a
little less than car "A."
The obtained with car "C" open up great possibilities
in the better distribution of such extremely perishable products as
strawberries, raspberries and cherries, widely produced under con-
ditions which generally preclude proper precooling before loading
into the car. The insulated bulkhead prevented the frosting of the
Such results with the basket bunker, insulated bulkhead and floor
rack, combined, naturally raise the question of the relative value of
each of the three factors in producing and maintaining circulation,
and gaining the available refrigeration from the ice. Experimentation
shows that a rack on the floor of the car hastens the cooling of the
load, and affords very decided protection to the lower layer of goods
against both frost and heat. The floor rack, alone, however, is far
less efficient than the combination of the basket bunker and insulated
bulkhead with the floor rack. The addition of insulation to bulkhead
increases circulation and the lading is more rapidly and completely
cooled than when the bulkhead is either not insulated or is open.
For example. Chart II shows two cars of similar size and construc-
tion, one of which was provided with a floor rack and an insulated
bulkhead, the other as commonly used. Both were loaded with eggs.
The car with the insulated bulkhead and the floor rack reduced the
average temperature of the load 17° F. in sixty-four hours. The load
in the ordinary car showed a reduction of 7.5° F. during the same
period. The average temperature of the car with the insulated bulk-
head and the floor racks was 5.5° F. lower than the ordinary car.
That it is not advisable to cease improvements with the floor rack
and the insulated bulkhead is indicated by experiments which show
that quick cooling by ice and salt safely performed with basket in-
sulated bulkhead and floor rack is not possible without it. The
pocketed cold air at the box bunker, which is always observed with
bunkers of the box type, causes frosting of the goods against the
bulkhead even when that is insulated.
The failure of refrigerator cars to maintain even temperatures
throughout the load has been a serious menace to extremely perish-
able products. In order to produce temperatures at the top of the
load between the doors commonly the warmest place in the car
low enough to carry dressed poultry safely, it has been necessary to
freeze the birds at the bunker. While freezing in transit does not
injure the food value of dressed poultry, does lower its money
better protection to the lading against both heat and cold, and
second, a saving in the use of ice. The modern trend in the han-
dling of perishables is to include precooling as a preparation for
shipment, and it is a highly desirable practice from all viewpoints.
When the goods enter the car at a temperature conducive to
preservation, it the business of the car to maintain that tempera-
ture. The goods need no further refrigeration, and the ice in the
bunkers is required only to overcome the heat leakage through the
walls. The difference in performance of a car with one inch of insu-
lation as compared with a similar car, except that the latter was pro-
vided with two inches, is shown in Charts IV and V. Both cars were
loaded with eggs and closed without patting any ice in the bunkers.
The weather at the loading point was cool enough to ensure a cool
car. —
The possible dangers against which the insulation was to
protect — lay
ahead. Chart IV, showing the performance of the car
with one inch of insulation, indicates very plainly that it could not
protect the eggs. Chart V, on the other hand, shows that two inches
of insulation, even with higher atmospheric temperatures, delivered
the eggs at destination at practically thesame temperature as they
entered the car, and the maximum variation was but four degrees.
The one inch car needed 10,000 pounds of ice the two inch car
needed none. Is it any wonder that wide-awake shippers are picking
out their refrigerator cars more and more carefully?
Experimentation indicates that marked economies can be effected
was present. It must be remembered that the salt bores through the
ice and escapes as brine more rapidly than the bulk of the ice melts,
hence it is in constantly decreasing proportion. Icing and salting
rules take no account of the fact. It is quite obvious that different
rules must be formulated if efficiency is to be secured.
This problem, like all the other problems confronting the shipper
and the carrier who are engaged in getting perishables to market in
good condition, can be solved only on the basis of exact knowledge.
That knowledge the United States Department of Agriculture, in co-
operation with the shippers and the railroads, is now endeavoring to
acquire and to pass on to all whom it may benefit.
•Reprint from the Official Proceedings, St. Louis Railway Club, October 12th,
1917, Vol. 22, No. 6. Address delivered before the St. Louis Railway Club,
October 12th, 1917.
Mr. President, Members and Guests of the St. Louis Raihvay Club:
It is with a great deal of embarrassment that I undertake to
address you railroad men upon a subject dealing with facts with
which so many of you are already well acquainted.
>i imuLATION
TrP€ i
the elimination of food waste and spoilage has become a world
question of vital interest.
The question of transportation has also become of overwhelming
importance. Our railroads are taxed to their utmost, and, as in the
food question, the future seems to hold problems even harder to
solve than those now at hand. Every rail, locomotive and car must
be utilized for maximum service. The refrigerator car, especially,
very largely our ability to render available the crops produced and
food animals raised. It must carry a full load, yet we must not, in
our zeal to transport perishables, permit any spoilage or damage in
transit that can possibly be avoided.
The investigation of the transportation of perishables which is
now under way in the United States Department of Agriculture has
shown that the refrigerator equipment on the various lines differs
widely in ability to protect against heat and cold. This variation
depends to a certain extent upon the size and character of the load
as well as upon the construction of the car. It is my purpose to
in the roof, two inches in side walls and ends and two inches of
cork in the floor. Car C had one and one-half inches in the walls
and two inches in the roof and floor. Each was loaded with six
hundred cases of eggs consolidated from pickup cars, and each re-
ceived the same amount of ice accurately weighed into the bunkers.
About twelve thermometers were put into each car. For our pur-
poses the temperatures in the cases of eggs on the bottom and top
of the load are especially significant, and indicate very plainly the
amount of work which the car can do. For example, the temperature
insulation in cars A
and B is unusually heavy, in fact, more than
twice as much most of the refrigerator cars now in service,
as in
yet, because of the construction of the bunkers in car B and the
absence of a rack on the floor, there was practically no refrigeration
except near the bulkheads.
Manifestly, car B is not a satisfactory carrier for a heavy load
of eggs. Car A, on the other hand, has done its work well, and at
first sight car C, having less insulation, appears to be efficient for a
c ITART Xll.
tion throughout, but car A was of the box bunker type, while car B
had a basket bunker and its adjuncts. Here the eggs entering car A
were cooled to between 50 and 60° F., while those in car B ranged
between 55 and 65° F. However, car A could not even maintain the
initial temperature. At destination the packages in the middle of the
car on the floor were nearly 5° warmer than when they entered the car and
those in the top layer were over 2° higher. Car B, on the contrary,
brought in the load from 6 to 14° lower than car A. These two cars
were loaded with 600 cases of eggs and, so long as the atmospheric
temperatures were above 80° F., refrigeration was of doubtful efifi-
ciency. The third and fourth days of the trip were unseasonably
cool and also rainy, which compensated for the lack of insulation in
the roof and permitted the load in the car B to drop below 55° F.
before the end of the fourth day.
The performance of a poorly built car, said to contain an inch
and a half of insulation throughout, as compared with a well built
car known to have one and a half inches of insulation, is well illus-
trated in Charts X and XI, where cantaloupes were hauled for
eleven days across a hot territory. The top layer in car A, loaded
six wide and four high at the bunkers, was in such bad condition on
arrival that claims were filed for damage in transit. Car B, on the
other hand, was in good condition, although the load was seven cases
wide and four cases high. In car A the combination of a lack of
cold air circulation and of insulation proved disastrous, even though
the load was light and open in character, and much easier to refrig-
erate than a load of eggs. In fact, we know that eggs can not be
safely loaded more than three layers high in summer weather in
cars having one inch of insulation. Cars having one and one-half
inches of insulation, if provided with a basket bunker and a floor
rack, can carry four layers. To load five high, we must have three
inches in the roof and two inches in the walls, ends and floors, and
good air circulation. Beyond five layers of egg cases we have not
succeeded in getting good refrigeration.
This is illustrated in Chart XII, showing top and bottom layer
temperatures in two cars stowed six layers high, making 700 cases
to the load. Car A is of the same type as was used in Chart VII, where
with 600 cases it did good work. With 700 cases there was practi-
cally no refrigeration except in the bottom layer. The companion
car, B, with the same insulation but having a box bunker, did not
even refrigerate the lower layers. The packages on the floor, middle
of the car, were often warmer than the top of the load, which was
only 12 inches from the ceiling. It varied more than 5° with the
daily rise and fall of the atmosphere and arrived at destination
showing an increase of 7.5°.
Encouragingly good results have been obtained in refrigerating
heavy loads of fruit in the basket bunker cars by adding salt to the
ice in the bunkers. On a long haul across a hot territory salt has
been added to the ice at the first three icing stations. By that time
(the third day) the load was cooled and very frequently no more ice
was needed, even though the haul continued for five to eight days.
The air issuing from the bunkers is far below 32° F., but the circula-
tion is so rapid that there is no pocketing at the bulkhead. The in-
sulated bulkhead also protects the load so that frosting does not
occur. Salting ice in a box bunker, open bulkhead, merely freezes the
load next to the bulkhead. The packages in the middle of the car
are not benefited because of a lack of air circulation.
We have used salt to assist in refrigerating heavy loads of eggs
and with some success, but we have not succeeded in refrigerating
system. Car A, which brought the sixth layer of eggs from 85°
down to 66.5° F., used 12,660 pounds of ice and 540 pounds of salt;
car B, which did not refrigerate either the top or bottom of the
middle part of the load, used 19,755 pounds of ice.
A great many experiments have been made with fruits and eggs,
vegetables and dressed poultry have been shipped in these cars and
sometimes they have been loaded ahnost to their cubical capacity!
relative value of the air space and paper as an insulator
may be further emphasized by comparing a car built with what is
termed, especially in the south, "a double-felt-lined" car. Such a
car is considered to be a greater protection than a box car but in
no wise is it a refrigerator. Indeed, it is not provided with ice
bunkers. Chart XVI shows how the temperatures on the ceiling of
such a car follow the atmosphere. Compare its performance with that
of the paper car on the same chart, and I think you will agree with
me that there is a decided similarity between the two.
Summing upthe results of such experiments as these we are led
to the following conclusions:
4. Cars having one inch of insulation will not carry eggs suc-
cessfully during hot weather when loaded more than three layers
Cars having one and one-half inches of insulation in the side
walls and two inches in the roof and floor will not carry eggs suc-
cessfully during hot weather when loaded more than four layers
Cars having three inches of insulation in the roof, two in the
side walls and ends, and two inches of cork in the floor will carry
• eggs five cases high, but not six.
The studies already reported in Bulletin No. 17 had shown the de-
sirability of the basket bunker. To this we asked the roads to add
an insulated, solid, bulkhead, open top and bottom for air inlet and
outlet. We had found such a bulkhead to be an essential in maintain-
ing air circulation in small, ice cooled chill rooms designed especially
for dressed poultry and eggs with bunkers of either the overhead or
the upright type, and had worked out the details of the construction
in such rooms. We also asked for cars containing varying amounts
of insulation and we suggested that it be installed with and without
air spaces.
By the early spring of 1916 we had ready quite a number of
experimental cars built by four roads in as many shops. The details
of construction varied widely. This we considered advisable because
we first had to establish the fundamentals of construction, such as
the type of bunker and the action of floor racks, regardless of the
sfze or particular desirability of the car itself. In every case the
principle of one variable, only, was maintained, hence the cars were
built and used in series. For example, in order to test the bunker,
of the basket type with solid insulated bulkhead, such a car had for
comparison another, built at the same time and identical in every
respect except that it was provided with a box bunker and an open
bulkhead. To reduce the information to still simpler terms, a third
car had a box bunker with an insulated bulkhead, and a fourth car
had a basket bunker with an uninsulated bulkhead. When this series
was loaded with the same commodity and run in the same train to
the same destination, with resistance thermometer equipment as pre-
viously described, variations in temperature could be referred with a
fair degree of certainty to the one variation in construction.
absorb it.
If we
place thermometers in the air of the car to determine its
temperature at the lower bunker opening, again at the middle be-
tween the doors, then %t the ceiling midway of the car, then at the
ceiling quarter way, and finally about ten inches in front of the
upper bunker opening, we find a steady rise in temperature, the
upper bunker opening thermometer being the highest. Generally,
we find from two to four degrees difference between the air in the
upper, middle part of the car and that at the upper bunker opening.
If the thermometers are similarly placed in a car equipped with a
box bunker with open bulkhead and without the floor rack
the graduations of temperature in the upper part of the car are just
reversed. Here the temperature at the upper bunker opening is
ordinarily from two to four degrees lower than at the iniddle of car.
This observation has been made again and again and is further con-
firmed by the performance of a box bunker combined with solid
bulkhead and a floor rack, with which there is good cooling in the
top of the load at the bunkers, but unsatisfactory results in the
upper, middle parts of the load. In other words, we have only a
partial air circulation. Even more striking are the results obtained
when salt is added to the ice in the basket bunker combined with the
insulated bulkhead, and floor rack, or the "standard type" bunker, as
it is now termed. So rapid is the removal of the very cold air from
the bottom of the bunker that fruit and eggs may be rapidly cooled
throughout the car without frosting the packages at the bulkhead.
Of course, the bulkhead, insulated with one or two inches of a
standard insulator, is an essential if the packages against it are to
be protected from the frigid air close to the ice and salt; but, that
this protection is not due entirely to the bulkhead, is proved by the
pocketing of the cold at the bottom of the bunker when the box
bunker with an insulated bulkhead is salted. Then the packages at
the bottom of the load, next to the bunker, are frosted. In other
words, there is no force to the air movement and it cannot be dis-
tributed with sufficient rapidity to prevent the intensive chilling of
itself. With the standard bunker and floor rack and a lading such as
cantaloupes or oranges, as much as 9 per cent of salt may be safely
used in the initial icing, and the same percentage, or a little less, may
be used on the two successive days, by which time the load is cooled
throughout. It is unnecessary to point out the great advantages
accruing to the transportation of such perishables as berries, peaches
a scheme by which the insulation could be run over the belt rails,
but the exposed surface was reduced. All the insulation is applied
in a solid mass, unbroken by air spaces. It is supported by pressure
and not by direct nailing. The excess space afiforded by the framing
is left on the inner side, under the lining, to receive such nails as the
shipper cannot be prevented from driving into the walls and which
have played havoc with the insulation. Bolt heads and tie rod exits
are protected by insulation. The bunker is a woven wire basket hold-
ing approximately ten thousand pounds of ice, surrounded by a two
inch space and separated from the body of the car by a bulkhead
carrying at least one inch of insulator; and last, but far from least,
is a floor rack, four inches in the clear, built of 2x4 runners with 1x3
cross slats Ij^ inches apart. This rack is hinged to the side walls.
Each half may be turned up and the doorway section folds back to
facilitate cleaning the car. The length of the car over end sills
should be approximately 41 feet, and the loading space should be 33
feet; it must not be more than 33 feet 3 inches.
The foregoing is a very brief description of the essentials of the
car designed to protect perishables in transit which the Railroad
Administration has designated as "standard" and to which the lines
when rebuilding must conform. Such instructions to the railroads
should insure quick results in an increase of reliable refrigerator cars.
Of course, there should, and doubtless will be, a program covering
the building of new cars to replace at least ten thousand so-called
refrigerator cars now in the service which are camouflaged box cars
and a menace to every pound of foodstuff loaded in them.
On the basis of a standard car, the Department is now predicat-
ing a standard icing service which should save foods and money.
It is also working on standardized methods of stowing loads and
the standardization of packages. The ability to quickly cool certain
commodities in transit by the use of salt with the ice has given a I
new impetus to orchard, field and packing house handling, while the
reasonable assurance of proper care in transit of such products as
dressed poultry lends a stability to the industry which is much
needed. There has been much discontent on the part of shippers of
products requiring intensive refrigeration because they could not
obtain such cars as the large meat packers are using. The United
States standard refrigerator car will carry meat hung from rails
quite as successfully as the cars built especially for meat. In addi-
tion it will carry package loads on the floor under the meat better
than the meat cars. An important difference in the standard car as
compared with the meat car is the reserve of ice in the bunkers
which are often amply supplied when the tanks of the meat cars
need replenishing. Neither is there visible in practical results the
advantages supposed to accrue from the retention of the brine, pro-
vided coarse rock salt is placed on top of the ice and so forced to
bore its waj- through the whole mass before finding an exit. We
have wasted much salt, in the past, as well as ice and foodstuff for
lack of knowledge of car requirements.
For every standard car turned out of the shops there will follow
a saving of food, a saving of money and a saving of labor. To that
end the Department of Agriculture has worked long and patiently,
and to that same end the Railroad Administration has now issued
"Mechanical Department Circular No. 7" and has also indicated its
intention of reminding the railroads of the instructions.
Truly, facts, faith, and friends, by co-operation have brought
about a consummation long and earnestly desired.
I. Manufacture.
2. This insulation material shall consist entirely of
pure ground compressed cork, properly baked and held togethe; by
the natural resinous matter of the cork, without the use of any
foreign binder, and shall be capable of providing adequate insulation.
8. The material will be furnished to the dimensions
specified on order and will be cut perfectly square and true to di-
(b) The purchaser may make the tests to govern the acceptance
or rejection of the material in his own laboratory or elsewhere. Such
tests, however, shall be made at the expense of the purchaser.
12. Samples tested in accordance with these speci-
fications,which represent rejected material, shall be held for four-
teen days from date of test report.
13. All specifications of previous date for this material are hert
by annulled.
(Signed) M. J. Collins,
General Purchasing Agent.
For all except ceiling and insulation, the surface of
the metal, in addition to the priming coats already applied, will be
given a thick coat of "under cork" or cork size (Formula No. 15).
The ground cork, which should be fairly large grained (large enough
to pass through a No. 8 sieve and be held on a No. 12), will then
be sifted and applied, and left until the paint is slightly set, when,
if required to efficiently cover the surface, a second coat of "under
cork" and ground cork will be applied in a similar manner to the
first coat in order to secure the adherence of the maximum amount
of cork. Over this will be applied two or more coats of white paint,
the first coat of which may be either applied by compressed-air spray
or by hand, the other coats to be applied by hand. The coating of
cork paint to be continuous and of substantial thickness. The above
method will be applied also to the outboard surface of metal plates
of ceiling and insulation, except that this plating will be laid flat to
receive the application of ground cork, and that the final average
thickness of cork paint is to be about ^-inch.
The inboard surface of all metal ceiling will be finished white
(not cork painted) glossed in officers' quarters. Cork painting should
be limited to the minimum absolutely required to prevent excessive
sweating, but where for instance, a part of the deck overhead would
require to be cork painted, the remainder of the deck, if of metal,
within the same compartment should be so painted in order to obtain
a uniform appearance. In a compartment generally finished in white,
glossed, where a portion of the surfaceis cork painted, the cork
'Extracted from specifications of the United States Navy Department for
cork paint" to reduce sweating of metal surfaces.
tExtracted from Ice and Refrigeration, January, 1894.
Cork one of the lightest and the worst conductors of heat and
1.25 X X 0.10 — =
1 40 X 60 = 23.40 kilos. I
calories and
0.025 10
24.6 1 1
about or - of 1 per cent.
600 X 23.40 600 6
These figures show all the benefit we can derive from using cork
refuse for boilers and pipe coverings, and also for building purposes.
ance companies will not take any risk for the highest stories on
account of the difificulty of extinguishing fire; and of course, fireproof
material is carefully looked for. Positively, there is no entirely
fireproof material. Brick partitions crack and flames can spread out
in every direction. What should be required from a partition is that
it shall not propagate fire. Cork cement answers the purpose, as it
carbonizes very slowly and gives out smoke but no fiame.
possible through the correlation of scattered eflforts by means of the
machinery of a national organization such as that of the National
Research Council.
Following are some of the air infiltration values obtained on erec-
tion materials from investigations and tests conducted in the labora-
brick wall
between bricks
Yz-'m. cement plaster cracks
plastered brick wall two spray coats Armstrong's
ft./hr. 10
Cu. ft./sq.
ft./hr. 40
pressure pet, pressure
asphaltic paint
(3) J^-in. film erection asphalt. No cracks
(4) 178' Samples Armstrong's corkboard 2-in. thick 335
(5) 2:1 Portland cement plaster 4^-in. thick. No cracks .. 22
(6) Same. 10 pet. added lime . . 2
(7) 2:1 Portland cement plaster .5^-in. thick. No cracks....
(8) 2:1 Portland cement plaster i^-in. thick. Fine cracks.. .. 19
(9) 22 Samples sprayed on asphalt emulsion from skin coat
to Yi-'wi. thick, nine showed tight, other 13 varied
from 2.75 to 5.60 cu. ft./sq. ft./hr./40 lbs.
Values of (3) and from (5) to (9) inclusive taken by
applying the material to two inch corkboard.
The pan is 42 inches long, 16 inches wide and 6 inches deep, inside
measurements. It is made of No. 14 gauge steel throughout properly
braced and reinforced with lJ4xl^xf5-inch angle iron all around and
equipped with four handles.
The burner is removable and can be used for many other heating
purposes, such as drying out wet spots in concrete or brick walls or
floors, melting ice and snow, etc. Shipping weight about 175 pounds.
Moisture Detrimental. In the wall of a cold storage room the
corkboard lining is exposed to moisture from both outside and inside.
A 12-inch brick wall may be rain tight, and yet it is not moisture
tight even if all joints between the brick are filled solid with mortar.
Both the brick and the mortar are porous and allow moisture to
penetrate by capillary attraction, as has often been verified by actual
tests. Under the influence of wind the exposed surface of a brick
wall will dry very soon, but this drying action does not reach the
water already drawn in, especially if the room is being refrigerated,
the temperature within the wall getting lower and lower toward the
At 90° F. a cubic foot of air can hold up to 14.79 grains of moist-
ure; at 60°, 5.745 grains, and at 30°, 1.935 grains. As the air and
moisture become cooled, the moisture will be precipitated.
At the room side of the insulation we have this condition: When the
door is opened, or if people are present, moisture at relatively high
temperature mixes with the air; and the goods in the room, such as
meat or other perishables, also lose moisture. Very soon the air is
fully saturated, and whatever moisture is not gathering as frost upon
the refrigerating pipes will be precipitated as condensation upon any
cold surface or wall. These phenomena were studied years ago and
the conclusion was reached that special efforts must be made to
prevent the entry of moisture into the insulation.
The detrimental effect of moisture on insulation has been investi-
gated to some extent. In the Insulation Committee Report of the
American Society of Refrigerating Engineers, 1924, p. 78, it is shown
*Paper presented before New York Chapter, No. 2, N. A. P. R. E., at its meeting
of March 4, 1927. Reprinted by permission from the April, 1927, "Ice and Refrig-
eration," Chicago.
that for each one per cent moisture absorbed the heat conduction
increases four to forty per cent, depending upon the material used.
In most branches of engineering progress is being made by de-
grees only.When, over thirty years ago, corkboard first came into
use, it was being protected against air and moisture by means of
waterproof insulating paper on both sides. Also the pure corkboard
used to be more dense; it weighed fully fourteen pounds per cubic
foot as against nine or eight pounds now. The lighter board is a
better insulator, but is, of course, not so strong and durable as the
dense board. Formerly the finish for floors, walls and ceilings used
to be one or two layers of %-in. tongued and grooved sheathing,
nailed with galvanized nails against furring strips imbedded between
the corkboards. This construction when varnished looked well, but
was rather expensive. It was not fire resistive, and at low tempera-
ture the boards dried out, shrank, and allowed moisture to enter the
cracks, which caused rotting to take place.
The next step was the erection of corkboard in hot asphalt. Walls
on the inside have to be pointed up with cement mortar so as to be
reasonably flat, to avoid hollow spaces behind the corkboard because
these would hold moisture and might freeze, forcing off the insula-
tion. The wall was mopped with hot asphalt, although with the
rapid chilling on the bare wall the resulting surface could not be
air-tight. The corkboard also was mopped over with hot asphalt
and thus cemented against the wall. The second layer of corkboard
was again dipped in hot asphalt, and wooden skewers used to pin
the various slabs together. The exposed face of insulation also
might have been mopped over with hot asphalt, but this was not
done because fire insurance companies prefer a Portland cement
plaster finish, at leastj4-in. thick, the ^-in. thick coat of asphalt
being incapable of withstanding abuse and contact with trucks and
packages, although wood fenders might be erected for this purpose.
Insulation asphalt necessarily has to be odorless so as to impart
no foreign odor to the products stored. It is difficult to employ hot
asphalt in ceiling work due to hot drippings. The heating of the
asphalt by maintaining fires in the building is a nuisance, and so the
insulation contractors soon avoided the use of asphalt and recom-
mended Portland cement mortar and plaster in nearly all cases.
Simple home-made boxes of wood were designed facilitating the rapid
coating of cork slabs with a uniform thickness of cement mortar.
Thus mortar exclusively was used next to the wall, between courses,
and cement plaster finish in two %-\n. coats, applied to the erected
The moisture in cement mortar occupies a certain amount of
space, one cubic foot for every 62.4 pounds of water. In due time
all thismoisture disappears and causes shrinkage cracks. When the
air is saturated, moisture re-enters
every pore in the plaster, and
the open cracks especially. In an eflfort to hide these cracks plas-
tered surfaces are usually marked off in 3-foot squares or scores, the
Keep Cork Out of Wet Forms. In concrete construction, which
method came into vogue at the same time, it was deemed good prac-
tice and economy to place the ceiling cork right into the form, and
to pour the wet mixture on top of it, this being the recommendation
of the insulation contractor. It was hoped that the corkboard would
bond perfectly and securely with the concrete, and as corkboard had
been declared immune against moisture, no one suspected that the
insulating effect would diminish under this method. However, the
writer knows of many cases where such corkboard continues to
drop ofif the ceiling, consequently this method must be condemned
as very unsatisfactory. The rule that insulation should always be
kept out of contact with moisture must ever be borne in mind.
In ceiling work it is frequently possible to apply the insulation
above the where there is no danger of its coming loose. The
work there cheaper and better than at the underside of ceiling,
Securing Air Tightness. Tests have been made to ascertain the
degree of air tightness obtained with various cork coatings. When
exposed to forty pounds per square foot excess air pressure on one
side of an insulated wall, the rate of air leakage was in one case,
unprotected, 240 cubic feet of free air, 75 cubic feet when the first
coat had been applied, and 10 cubic feet after the second coat (pre-
sumably plaster) had been applied. When Korkphalt (asphalt) was
used in joints the leakage without finish was 222 cubic feet air; 0.036
cubic feet after a coat of Krodeproof asphalt emulsion had been ap-
plied, and no loss whatever after this had been covered with a coat of
Korkseal asphalt mortar. This type of asphalt finish is therefore
indispensable in dry ice cream hardening rooms and other places
where an excess air pressure is being created by forcing air with a
fan over the cooling coils in the bunker.
Modern —
Construction. This approved method of erecting cork-
board insulation will be best understood by describing the various
operations required when insulating masonry walls:
In the first place the surface to be insulated must be made as flat
as possible because no crevices or hollow spaces can be allowed
behind the smooth flat corkboard. Such cavities are apt to hold
water of condensation, freezing to ice, which requires more space
and thus breaks the bond between cork and surface. Concrete walls
may be smooth enough, but other constructions usually require true-
ing up with cement mortar or plaster.
Next apply over the flat wall that has been freed of all dirt and
dust at least one coat of asphalt emulsion for the purpose of filling
every pore and providing a base for the asphalted corkboard. Spray-
ing the emulsion on under an air pressure of fifty pounds or more
will drive in the asphalt more effectively and cheaper than can be
done by hand. Two coats will be better than one. Also the wall
need not be dry because the emulsion contains water, while hot
asphalt should not be laid direct against any cold wall because it
will chill and contract at oncet leaving pin holes, and it will not bone?
well with the wall. The emulsified asphalt also should be kept from
freezing during application, and it will flow much better if the air
tempterature is not below 45° F.
The first course of corkboard is to be erected in a dip coat of hot
asphalt, starting this course level and breaking all joints. The second
Asphaltic Plaster. Then comes the surface protection, which is
very important. Spray or trowel onto the cork surface one thorough
application of pure asphalt emulsion; one brand is called Korkseal,
say iV-in. thick, which will completely fill all small holes and cracks.
Allow to get dry, then finish with a layer of thick emulsified asphalt
mortar a full :^-in. thick, floated to an even surface and then trow-
Where it is intended to follow up with a white enamel finish, the
black asplialt surface can be allowed to toughen up and then be
troweled extra smooth by being sprinkled with clean water and again
After this has thoroughly dried, the entire surface can be given two
or three coats of white enamel. One odorless enamel is known as
Korkseal Enamel. If a less expensive coating is desired, Korkseal
Aluminum may be applied in one coat directly to the black surface,
but this is not equal in illuminating effect to the beautiful white
enamel. The cost of material for white enamel is about one cent per
square foot of coat. The aluminum paint costs about half as much
because one coat is used. These paints stand washing with hot water,
insuring a strictly sanitary cold storage room.
Most white paints or enamels will in time get yellowish, espe-
cially in dark rooms. Some enamels containing acetone or solvents
used in the manufacture of celluloid will keep their whiteness, but
they also keep their strong celluloid odor, which is very objectionable
in refrigerators. A white glossy paint is quite popular with some
Asphalt Paint. —
The thin creamy asphalt emulsion, such as Krode-
proof, comes in the proper consistency for painting or spraying, and
is recommended as a positive protective coating against weather,
water, acids, gases, brine and all corrosive substances. It may be used
on steel and other metals, on wood, concrete, cement or brick. It is
also used for dampproofing masonry, foundations and walls, and for
coating prepared and built-up roofings. If it is to be thinned at all,
add but a little clean water and always stir well.
For best results, surfaces should be clean and free from all loose
particles, oil or grease. Steel brush metal surfaces, whether dry or
damp, down to bright metal, but masonry surfaces should be wetted
with water before applying. Daub it on thick. Brushes (of white
vegetable fibre) to be cleaned with soap and water after using. Do
not apply at lower air temperatures than 45° F., and not during rain
because it will be washed off. It must be given time to set. With
sunshine it will dry in two to three hours. A man will soon learn i..
give 350 to 400 square feet surface per hour one coat. The quantity
of the various materials required per 100 square feet of surface may
be obtained from the manufacturers. The following data were ob-
tained from the Lewis Asphalt Engineering Corp.:
Strength. —Tests
have been made for the United Cork Companies,
New York, to determine the tenacity of adhesion of a 3-in. thick
slab of corkboard cemented to concrete. When a pull was exerted
of 1,360 pounds per square foot cork, the cork yielded, but not the
asphalt emulsion, which proves conclusively that the emulsified
asphalt furnishes a very reliable bond. In fact, the adhesive strength
of Par-Lock asphalt alone was found by the Investigating Commit-
tee of Architects and Engineers, New York, to exceed 125 pounds
per square inch, equivalent to 18,000 pounds per square foot. Its
ductility is rated at four to five centimeters at 77° F. The penetra-
tion of a needle bearing a 200 gram weight is twenty-five to thirty
millimeters per minute at 77° F. The re-melting point of these surfac-
ing asphalts is between 200° and 215° F. when tested by Bureau of
Standards ring and ball method. The re-melting point of the hot
asphalt used for dipping one face and two edges of corkboard should
be between 180° and 200° F. It should be heated to the consistency
of molasses, the slabs firmly pressed against the surface asphalt,
such as Krodeproof, until the asphalt in the joints chills.
the wall, or one can provide a cement wainscoat 54-in- thick over the
asphalt dampproof emulsion.
Detailed instructions for waterproofing and dampproofing in build-
ing construction are contained in circulars issued by manufacturers.
Asphalt emulsion, like Korkseal, is also effective for sealing pipe
coverings and is greatly to be preferred to the black crude oil paint
or tar commonly employed for this purpose.
disaster to the entire plant. Three times the hatch on the roof lifted
to allow the escape of accumulated gas, but the remarkable heat
retarding quality of the corkboard insulation kept the temperature
below the danger point, and the fire finally burned itself out with no
further loss of property or damage to the insulated tank beyond a
slight charring of the outer surface of the corkboard insulation.
The Island Petroleum Co. officials are unanimous in the opinion
that nothing but the protection afforded by the insulation prevented
the destruction of all three tanks and the heavy loss such an ex-
plosion would have entailed.
Though insulation may seldom be called upon to withstand so
severe a test, the record of this performance is convincing proof
of the nonconducting property and fire resistance of corkboard.
the material, it was obviously necessary for the United Fuel Gas
Company to take steps to reduce their evaporation loss which
amounted to approximately $300.00 per day at each plant.
station in less than ten days. As the insulation will last for years,
it is a wonderful investment. The foregoing is conclusive proof that
all gasoline manufacturing stations using storage tanks should have
1 Since this article was written in 1918, plastic mastic finish, hand troweled to
corkboard surfaces at point of erection, has been developed to a satisfactory standard
by the use of a high grade emulsified asphalt mixed and handled according to proven
formula and tested method. The Author.
Anyone who is careful to observe the simple rules for doing con-
crete work such as that outlined herewith can make and place con-
crete satisfactorily, even though he may have had no previous
Theory of Mixing Concrete. Pebbles, sand and cement must be
mixed together in correct proportions in order to make a dense,
strong concrete.
For this reason, in mixing concrete, stone and sand are used in such
proportions that the amount of spaces or voids between them is as
small as possible, and all the surfaces of the sand and pebbles are
coated with a film of cement. The smaller the voids are, the
stronger and more dense will be the concrete. A dense concrete is
also watertight; if the voids are not completely filled, the concrete
Portland Cement. Portland cement is a uniform, reliable product.
Any of the standard brands produced by members of the Portland
Cement Association are tested and guaranteed and will produce
good concrete when properly combined in correct proportion with
the other materials necessary for a concrete mixture.
Portland cement is packed and shipped in standard cloth sacks or
in paper bags holding 94 pounds net weight. For convenience in
determining the necessary quantity of the several materials entering
into a concrete mixture, a sack of portland cement may be con-
sidered as one cubic foot.
K P« P C P
cause they prevent adhesion between the cement and sound, hard
particles of sand aggregate, thereby reducing the strength of the
concrete and increasing its porosity. Concrete made with dirty
sand or pebbles hardens very slowly at best and may never harden
enough to perm.it the concrete to be used for its intended purpose.
Sand. Sand should be well graded, that is, the particles should
not all be fine nor all coarse, but should vary from fine up to those
particles that will just pass a screen having meshes ^-inch square.
If the sand is thus well graded the finer particles help to occupy the
spaces (voids) between the larger particles, thus resulting in a
denser concrete and permitting the most economical use of cement
in filling the remainder of the voids or air spaces and binding the
sand particles together.
Bank-run Gravel. The natural mixture of sand and pebbles as
taken from a gravel bank is usually referred to as bank-run material.
This is not suitable for concrete unless first screened so that the
sand may be separated from the pebbles and the two materials
reproportioned in correct ratio. Most gravel banks contain either
more sand or more pebbles than desirable for concrete mixture.
Usually there is too much sand.
Don't Guess at Quantities. All materials should be accurately
measured. This can be done easily by using a measuring box made
:o hold exactly 1 cubic foot, 2 cubic feet or any other volume desired.
Such a box is in reality a bottomless frame. An illustration of a
measuring box is shown here. To measure the materials the box
is placed on the mixing platform and filled. When the required
•amount of material has been placed in it, the box is lifted of? and
Mixing —
Platform. For hand mixing a watertight platform at
least 7 feet wide and 12 feet long should be provided. A platform of
this size is large enough to permit two men using shovels to work
upon it at one time. Such a platform should preferably be made of
boards at least IH inches thick, tongued and grooved so that the
jointswill be tight and the platform rigid. These planks may be
nailed to three or more 2 by 4's set on edge. Two sides and one
end of the platform should have a strip nailed along the edge and
projecting 2 inches above the mixing surface of the platform to
prevent materials from being washed or shoveled ofif while mixing.
Hand Mixing. —The usual procedure in mixing concrete b.v hand
is as follows:
The measured quantity of sand spread out evenly on the plat-
Wire he.
Problem 1: —
What quantities of materials are required for a mono-
lithicconcrete foundation wall 34 feet square, outside measurements,
12 inches thick, 7 feet high, with a footing 12 inches thick and 18
inches wide, using a 1:2:4 mixture in both the wall and footing?
Solution: —
The wall contains 924 square feet of surface, 12 inches
thick, deducting for duplication at corners.
Referring to table under 1:2:4 mixture for 12 inch walls, 22.4 sacks
of cement are required for each 100 square feet of surface. Dividing
924 by 100 gives the number of times 100 square feet are contained
in the total wall surface and multiplying by 22.4 gives the total num-
ber of sacks of cement required. Similar calculations are made for
the fine aggregate and the coarse aggregate in both the wall and
the footing, noting that the width of the footing, 18 inches, is IJ/2
times the 12 inches thick.
924 X 22.4
= 207 sacks of cement.
924 X 44.7
= 413 cu. ft. fine aggregate.
924 X 89.4
= 826 cu. ft. coarse aggregate.
= 44.4 sacks cement.
To the underside of concrete ceiling surface,
Ceiling Insulation.
in proper condition to receive insulation, the contractor shall furnish
and erect two layers 2" Pure Corkboard. The first layer shall be
erected in a Yz" bedding of Portland cement mortar and propped
in position until the cement sets, following which the second layer
shall be erected to the underside of the first in hot asphalt and ad-
ditionally secured with galvanized wire nails driven obliquely, three
to the square foot. The exposed surface of such insulation shall
then be finished as hereinafter specified.
Tile Wall Insulation. —To a tile wall surface running the length of
one Banana Room, in place for the contractor and in proper con-
dition to receive insulation, the contractor shall furnish and erect
two layers 2" Pure Corkboard. The first layer shall be erected in
a Yz" bedding of Portland cement mortar, following which the second
layer shall be erected to the first in hot asphalt and additionally
secured with wood skewers driven obliquely, two to the square foot.
The exposed surface of such insulation shall then be finished as here-
inafter specified.
*Insulation specifications for The Kroger Grocery & Baking Co., Charleston, W. Va.,
Cold Storage Doors. The contractor shall furnish and set, where
indicated by drawings, six standard cold storage doors, 4' 6" wide x
6' 6" high, three right hand swing and three left hand swing, no sill
type,and three standard bunker doors, 4' 6" wide x 2' 0" high, left
hand swing, high sill type.
Upon such reasonably smooth and level concrete base floors, the
contractor shall furnish and apply two layers 2" Pure Corkboard in
hot asphalt with asphalt between the layers and the top surface
flooded with the same compound, and left in readiness to receive 4"
concrete wearing floor to be put in place by owners or others.
Ceiling Insulation. To the underside of concrete ceiling surfaces,
in proper condition to receive insulation, the contractor shall furnish
and erect two layers 2" Pure Corkboard. The first layer shall be
erected in a ^" bedding of Portland cement mortar and propped in
position until the cement sets, following which the second layer shall
be erected to the underside of the first in hot asphalt and additionally
secured with galvanized wire nails driven obliquely, three to the
square foot. The exposed surface of such insulation shall then be
finished as hereinafter specified.
Tile Wall Insulation.—To a tile wall surface running the short way
of the Egg Room, in place for contractor and in proper condition to
receive insulation, the contractor shall furnish and erect two layers
Pure Corkboard. The first layer shall be erected in a V2" bedding of
Portland cement mortar, following which the second layer shall be
erected to the first in hot asphalt and additionally secured with weed
skewers driven obliquely, two to the square foot. The exposed sur-
face of such insulation shall then be finished as hereinafter specified.
Building Wall Insulation. To the brick building wall extending
along one long side of the group of Refrigerators, and to the brick
building wall extending the length of the Egg Room, in place for
the contractor and in proper condition to receive insulation, the con-
tractor shall furnish and erect two layers 2" Pure Corkboard. The
first layer shall be erected in a Yz" bedding of Portland cement
mortar, following which the second layer shall be erected to the
first in hot asphalt and additionally secured with wood skewers driven
obliquely, two to the square foot. The exposed surface of such in-
sulation shall then be finished as hereinafter specified.
Pilaster, Column and Caps Insulation. — Same as specified for Re-
frigerated Banana Rooms.
Outside Cork Wall Insulation. — Same as specified for Refrigerated
Banana Rooms.
Cork Partition Wall Insulation. — Same as specified for Refrigerated
Banana Rooms.
Cold Storage Doors. — The contractor shall furnish and set, where
indicated by the drawings, four standard cold storage doors, 4' 6" wide
x 6' 6" high, right hand swing, no sill type.
Coil Bunkers. It is understood that the owners shall provide in
proper locations in concrete ceiling slabs in advance of the insula-
tion work being done, a suitable number and kind of expansion
anchors to receive Yz" hanger bolts as supports for coils and coil
After the insulation work has been completed, the contractor shall
provide, on the floor of each of thcoc rooms, an insulated coil
bunker with all necessary material for supporting it at the proper
distance below the ceiling, but it is understood that another con-
tractor shall raise the bunkers into place after adjusting coils in
position thereon.
The bottoms of the bunkers shall be insulated with one layer 2"
Pure Corkboard on ^" T&G lumber, while the bafifles of the
bunkers shall be double layer T&G lumber with insulating paper
between the layers. The floors of the bunkers shall be covered
with No. 24 gauge galvanized iron, flashed at all edges, with all
joints and nail heads soldered. Galvanized iron drain pipe shall be
provided to carry drip from low point of each bunker to the floor
of the room.
Where mentioned hereinbefore, except ceiling areas, the con-
tractor shall furnish and apply to the exposed insulation sur-
faces a Y2" Portland cement plaster finish, in two coats, each
Owners shallassume all risk of any damage to, or de-
struction or loss of, all goods furnished whether by fire or otherwise
after they, or any part of them, shall have been delivered on or
about owner's premises, though the erection or installation of the
same has not been begun or completed by the contractor. Owner
will have building in readiness and all surfaces left in proper con-
dition, so that the work once begun may be pushed to completion
without delays. Owner will supply satisfactory storage room under
cover and protection at point of erection for the materials called for,
allow the contractor the use of elevator and such additional facili-
ties as may be available for handling materials, and shall furnish
all scaflEolding, electric current, artificial light, heat and water re-
Railroad Official I
Western | Southern
Description Containers L OL-CL-MFN LCL-CL-MIN LCL-CL-MIN
| |
•'Granulated cork
compressed in sheets
without binder," or
"cork sheets com-
pressed without
Apply body and flange lags with waterproof cement on all joints,
and secure in place with 1-inch bands (or l]^-inch bands) of not
lighter than No. 26 gauge brass drawn up tight by means of bolts
and clips riveted to the ends of the bands. Space these bands not
more than one foot apart for body lags and use not less than three
for lags on each flange.
Apply discs directly against the heads of the tanks, and hold in
place by means of flange or body lags as the case may be. Fill all
spaces between the tank heads and the discs with regranulated cork
well packed.
Build boxes of tongued and grooved boards around the supports
on which the tank rests, so as to leave from four to six inches of
space on all sides, and fill these spaces with regranulated cork well
packed. (To obviate the necessity of boxing in the tank supports and
to give a better insulation job, it is preferable, where weight per-
mits, carry a horizontal tank on saddles outside the body lags,
so that the insulation will be continuous between the tank and the
After the insulation is thus applied, fill all scams and broken
edges with seam filler so as to leave a smooth, workmanlike surface.
Paint the entire exposed surfaces with one good coat of asphaltic
paint, or finish as otherwise specified.
1. That only the very best cold pipe insulation should be selected
for use.
2. That it should be intelligently chosen as to the proper thick-
ness for the service encountered.
3. That it should be very carefully erected in conformity with
proven specifications and methods of application.
4. That it should have attention at least once each year.
Basic Fitness. Experience of many years has taught that the most
satisfactory results have been obtained by the use of an insulation
that does not possess capillarity (the inherent property of certain
materials that causes them to absorb water, as a blotter sucks up
ink), and this experience
in service with coverings for brine, am-
monia and ice water has limited the materials that are entirely
suitable for cold pipe insulation to those composed of cork, having
no foreign binder used in the manufacturing process.
The "cork of commerce" is the outer bark of the cork oak tree
native of Spain. The air cell structure of cork and its freedom from
capillarity, in combination, are the two properties provided by Nature
to make this remarkable material, when put through the proper
manufacturing processes, the best cold pipe insulation known.
Description. Cork pipe covering is made of pure granulated cork,
compressed, molded and baked in sectional form to fit the different
sizes of pipe and fittings. It is coated inside and out with a mineral
rubber finish. Properly applied, it is a thoroughly satisfactory
insulation, which is impervious to moisture and which will last
longer than the pipe if given reasonable care in service.
Advantages. Cork pipe covering possesses maximum insulating
efificiency,due to the clean cork waste used in its manufacture and
to the manufacturing processes employed; is remarkably durable in
service, is clean and neat in appearance and is easy to apply. Under
average conditions, on brine and ammonia lines, it will pay for itself
in one year.
Must Be Properly Applied. But it is also essential that cork pipe
covering be properly applied if satisfactory results are to be obtained
over a long period of years, and the following points must be kept
firmly in mind when erecting the material.
d lUJ
Preparation of Lines. Cork pipe covering must never be erected
have been tested, made tight, cleaned of foreign matter,
until all lines
freed of frost and made perfectly dry.
Pipe Hajigers and Shields. All pipe hangers must be placed on
the outside of the cork pipe covering, and the insulation should be
protected from each hanger by a sheet iron shield shaped to fit the
curvature of the covering and extending at least four inches on each
side of the hanger and up the sides to the center of the pipe.
Insulation Sundries. —
In order that cork pipe covering and cork
fitting jackets may
be properly applied, the following sundry ma-
terials are supplied by the manufacturer without extra cost:
Waterproof Cement. —
Waterproof cement sets quickly when ex-
posed to the Consequently, it must not be applied to any surface
Seams and Chipped Edges. Smooth up all seams and chipped
edges along the lateral and end joints of the covering and the fitting
jackets with seam filler, so applied as to leave a smooth surface.
Painting. After the seam filler has been applied, give the exposed
surfaces of the completed insulation work one good coat of asphaltic
paint. This is the only finish that is required on inside lines; but
outside lines, or lines passing through cold rooms, tunnels, pipe
shafts, etc., must be further protected by weather-proofing.
Weather-proofing. Wrap with one layer of 2-ply roofing paper,
with a 3-inch lap on side and ends. Point the exposed end of the
side lap down. Apply asphaltic paint on all laps to cement them in
place, and additionally secure lateral laps with copper staples. Paint
the finished work with one good coat of asphaltic paint.
White Finish Over Mineral Rubber. If white finish, or color other
than black, is desired for cork pipe covering, it may be obtained by
painting the mineral rubber finish with two good coats of orange
shellac followed by any selected paint or enamel. Some enamels,
specially prepared, are suitable without the use of orange shellac.
Segmental Covering. Piping and fittings larger than the sizes for
which sectional covering and sectional fitting jackets are furnished
are insulated with segmental covering. Instructions for proper ap-
plication are supplied by the manufacturer with every such shipment,
and should be followed carefully.
Lags and Discs. — Brinetanks, accumulators, etc., are in-
sulated with cork lags and discs. Separate sheets sent by the manu-
facturer with every shipment of lags give complete and detailed
instructions for proper application. See that they are received, and
follow such instructions carefully.
Care and Maintenance. The seroicc that cold pipe insulation en-
counters is the most severe service that insulation of any kind is called
While these examples can still be used today for the purpose of
illustrating thedifference between these two classes of values, yet
the real value of gold and the exchange value of water have both
increased immeasurably since about the ISth century. Gold is today
considered necessary as the basis of our monetary exchange; and
good water has a very definite monetary value to those who are in
position to dispense it.
A Good —
Drink of Water. Especially is this true of good drink-
ing water. But good water and good drinking water may be two
wholly different things; especially in the industries and in most pub-
lic buildings. While water may be pure, it is not necessarily fit for
human consumption. It must be available at the proper temperature.
If it is too warm it does not satisfy and workers complain or seek
employment elsewhere. If it is too cold the health of the consumer
is very vitally impaired. Medical science has conclusively demon-
strated that at 45° to 50° F. pure drinking water is best; in fact, ex-
tremely essential to the health and well-being of all classes of
Thus, pure drinking water of the proper temperature has a high
exchange value today, considering that the efficiency or productive-
ness of workers depends so very much upon the condition of their
minds and bodies. And if such wholesome drinking water is easily
available in adequate quantity, procurable without risk of contamina-
tion, and does not cost too much to provide, it can easily be a source
of large monetary profit to the individual or concern supplying it.
While this profit is an indirect one, yet it is a real profit notwith-
standing in that it constitutes a saving over old methods of sup-
plying workers with drinking water.
Consider the Facts. In too many factories, mills and public build-
ings, the worker, in order to obtain his daily requirement of drink-
ing water, must be away from his employment for a considerable
period of time each day. He must usually walk an appreciable
•Advertisement, copyright, 1923, Armstrong Cork & Insulation Company, Pitts-
burgh, Penna. Reprinted by permission.
TheSolution. —
Progressive and well-informed managements are
in complete agreement with doctors on the important part that
drinking water plays in maintaining health, morale and efficiency
under modern working conditions. And thus the refrigerated drink-
ing water distribution system has come into extensive use. It
has been found not only completely practical and satisfactory from
the hygienic and the production standpoints, but actually cheaper to
operate than the cruder methods previously used.
This modern system very simple both in principle and operation.
Design Is Individual. Of course, a refrigerated drinking water
system is not a standard piece of equipment. It must be designed
for each individual plant or building, and its cost depends upon local
conditions. The number of employees and the nature of their
work determines the amount of water required. The size of the
refrigerating machine, velocity of flow, pipe sizes, proper insulation
of lines and equipment are technical matters that are not fully cov-
ered by ordinary engineering books.
Realizing the need for making such information available to archi-
tects,engineers and plant executives, this Company's Engineering
Department has made a thorough study of the subject over a long
period of time, the results of which have been compiled in a 48-page
book, "Drinking Water Systems." This book will be gladly sent on
request and without charge to all who are seriously interested in
learning more about the benefits and economies of this method of
handling the drinking water supply.
Engineering Assisistance. The drinking water problem being a
specificone for each individual plant or building requires a careful
survey of conditions and an estimate of the complete cost. For the
purpose of preliminary investigation as well as for practical engi-
neering assistance, the experience and resources of the Armstrong
Cork & Insulation Co., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, arc at the service
of architects, engineers and executives, without charge or obligation.
Kinds of Contracts. A contract is a promise to do or refrain
from doing some act or series of acts that law will enforce. There
are, in general, two kinds of contracts:
closing the word seal made opposite the name of the signer is quite
All contracts, either oral or written, not executed under seal are
called simple or parol contracts. An oral contract has all the force
of a written contract; but an oral contract is subject to difficulties
in the way of establishing or proving its terms, from which a prop-
erly written contract is practically, if not entirely, free. A large part
of the litigation arising from the non-fulfillment of contracts is
(1) Competency.
(2) Legality.
(3) Agreement.
(4) Consideration.
Competency A sane person who has attained his majority is con-
sidered competent to make any legal agreement or contract. The
disabilities of married women in the matter of contracts are too nu-
merous to touch upon here. Without intent to cast aspersion on mar-
ried women, we shall also omit reference to those disabilities per-
taining to aliens, convicts, infants, insane persons, and drunkards.
The Federal or any state government may become a party to a
contract, andmay sue on their contracts and enforce them; but the
reciprocal of this not true.
is Neither the United States nor any
state of the union
can be sued without its consent. However, all
public corporate governments subservient to that of the state can
be sued on their contracts.
A corporation has no powers for entering into or performing con-
tracts beyond those given it by the state in its charter, because
officers of corporations are not in such case held to be personally
liable. Its capacity for transacting business, however, is not limited
by the specific privileges granted in its charter, but by implication is
necessarily extended to include such other powers as may be required
for the complete consummation of its specific purposes.
A contract by an agent or representative is not valid unless the
principal is himself competent to enter into a contract. Nevertheless,
a contract by an agent is valid if the principal is competent even
though the agent be incompetent to enter into a contract as princi-
pal. The legality of the acts of an agent or representative is sim-
ilar to the legality of the acts of a corporation. As a corporation
receives its authority from the state for the conduct of a particular
Agreement —
In order that a contract shall be binding on both par-
ties to an agreement, it must have been understood and accepted by
both in the very same sense. However clear the agreement may ap-
pear to be on its face, if evidence can be introduced to show that it
was not mutually understood in the same sense, it can not in general
be enforced. The inference must not be drawn, however, that all
claims of having misunderstood the plain and express provisions of
a written contract will relieve the party making such claim from
liability under it. That is to say, the mental agreement is evidenced
by the language used in expressing such agreement and the law will
presume that such words were understood, provided only that their
meaning is plain and evident to the court.
A person or corporation making an offer, bid or proposal whether
orally, by messenger, by mail, by telegraph, or by public advertise-
ment, must allow a reasonable time for its acceptance, provided no
time limit is stated in the proposal or provided meanwhile it is not
withdrawn. Any proposal may be withdrawn at any time before it
is accepted, unless a consideration has been paid for the privilege
the law will consider a reasonable time. Such time period might de-
pend upon the nature of the transaction and the construction of the
particular court. For that reason a majority of corporation letter-
heads, used in quoting prices, contain this printed clause: "All quo-
tations subject to immediate acceptance or withdrawal without no-
^ Since this was originally written, some states have passed commercial arbitration
tire —
proposal as amended which makes of it a new proposal to the
second party and it is again accepted by the second party: then
only does it become binding. The assent which finally makes of
the proposal a binding contract is the full, absolute and uncondi-
tional acceptance of its terms as presented.
The party making an offer has the right to stipulate in it the time,
place, form and other conditions of acceptance, in which case such
offer can.be accepted only in the manner prescribed. This privilege
on the part of the bidder does not permit him to impose the con-
dition, however, that a failure to receive an acceptance within a cer-
tain time will be construed as an acceptance. In other words, he
may not impose the condition of refusal.
As a general rule, fraud vitiates all contracts.
Consideration —All engineering, or parol, contracts must in every
instance be supported by a valuable consideration; as otherwise they
are not enforceable. However, in the case of a money consideration,
itis not necessary that the amount named shall be adequate to sup-
Subsequent Changes and Agreements. In general it can be said
that any oral or written agreement may be altered at pleasure after
such agreement has been entered into, if done by mutual consent.
Any such change makes a new contract out of the original, and be-
cause of this fact a surety or a third party to the agreement not
consenting to the change is automatically released from all obliga-
tion. In all cases where sureties or bondsmen guarantee faithful
performance, they must always be consulted and their consent ob-
tained to any material change in the original contract. As "material
change" is likely to be a subject for dispute and as changes are in-
variably made in engineering contracts without thought of consult-
ing the bondsmen, said bondsmen are as a rule thereby released from
all obligations, and the bond becomes of no effect, unless the follow-
ing type of clause is added: "And the said surety does hereby stip-
ulate and agree that no change, extension, alteration or addition to
the terms of the contract or specifications shall in anywise affect
obligation on this bond".
Even though a written contract has a clause stipulating that no
change shall be made in it except in writing, thus forbidding oral
alterations ofany kind, such a provision is void and the contract
may be by oral agreement notwithstanding. This is because
in law oral and written contracts are of the same class, both being
parol contracts, and consequently are of equal force and effect. No
one may forfeit his legal rights even by agreement. Where contracts
are illegal except when they are in writing, as under the Statute of
Frauds, then such written contracts can not be modified except by
agreement in writing.
In general, unless every change entered into or agreed upon after
the contract has been consummated is supported by some kind. of
legal consideration, the contract can not be enforced.
Discharge of Contracts. Any contract entered into under any of
the methods mentioned may be discharged and the parties to the
contract freed from all obligations involved, in any one of the fol-
lowing ways:
(1) By performance.
(2) By impossibility of performance.
(3) By agreement.
(4) By operation of Law.
(5) By breach.
The usual method of discharging a contract is, of course, by each
party fully performing the duties prescribed for him in the agree-
ment. In such case the performance by each party must be strictly
in accordance with all of the terms of the contract. However, in en-
gineering work it is seldom that the fulfillment is in all details strictly
in accordance with the plans and specifications; but while in law the
contract requires a strict and full compliance, yet in equity a sub-
stantialcompliance is accepted in place of a full and complete per-
Some contracts are based on the specifications of an engineer or
architectthat contain the unfair provision that the work must be
done to the complete satisfaction of some party named. The court in
every such case will construe this meaning reasonable satisfaction.
A common example of the operation of a condition precedent,
with reference to a third party, is where a contractor binds himself
to receive payments only on the certificate of the engineer or archi-
tect. Without such certificate he must prove that the engineer or
architect has acted fraudulently in withholding the certificate, or has
acted under gross mistake and in bad faith, or has negligently refused
to honestly examine the work. It is always extremely difficult to
establish such proof; and, consequently, it is very bad policy to
operate under such a condition.
Specific Provisions. — An
engineering contract consists of a number
of specific provisions, each one ofwhich defines some one element
of the contract. These provisions are usually grouped under the fol-
lowing headings, and in the order indicated:
the work in detail; and follow these specific clauses quite naturally
with the general clauses setting forth the business relation of the
parties to the contract, such as price, terms of payment, delivery, time
of completion, guarantee, and other provisions which shall be touched
upon later.
Specifications. —
We have shown that the work to be done should
be described as a whole, and then in detail. That portion of an en-
gineering contract that relates to and describes the work in detail
is called the specifications.
The writing of specifications calls for the most careful application
of the principles of technical writing, and every portion and detail of
the work should be described in clear and simple language that can
be understood by all. The descriptions should have reference to
the ultimate end to be accomplished rather than to the means and
methods to be employed, unless some particular method is prefer-
able to all others. The clauses in the specifications should be made,
so far as possible, mutually exclusive; that is to say, no part of
the work should be specifically described in more than one place,
as repetition weakens specifications and makes for ambiguity.
Before an attempt is made to prepare a specification, it is neces-
sary to brief the work carefully and establish the proper major-
headings, main-headings and sub-headings. This is necessary not
only from the standpoint of English composition, technical writ-
ing and legality, but also from a sales standpoint. The suggestion
has been made that if the first or "scope-and-purpose" section of
the contract proposal be properly presented and the drawings well
executed, it will materially assist the sales engineer to secure a
quick acceptance of the contract proposal, other things being equal.
While, in general, this is many buyers scrutinize the com-
true, yet
plete document most and if weaknesses are found in
the specifications, even though the remainder of the contract pro-
posal be well drafted, it destroy confidence in the abil-
tends to
ity of the sales engineer to have the proposed work carried out in
a satisfactory manner, and thus operates very much against him.
Furthermore, specifications, correct in every detail, are essential to
the construction corps, if difficulties are to be avoided while prose-
cuting the work. The importance of this correlation is usually
either not well understood or carelessly disregarded by the sales
The most common errors committed by sales engineers when
writing are failure to brief the work properly and
neglect to make the clauses mutually exclusive. Major-headings,
main-headings and sub-headings are frequently jumbled so as to
make the complete specification subject to many interpretations, even
though the choice of words and their order of arrangement, the
sequence of clauses composing sentences, and the arrangement of
sentences in each paragraph, are above criticism.
General Clauses. The general clauses in an engineering contract,
which set forth the business relation of the parties to the contract,
may relate to any or all of the following:
(1) The valuable consideration.
(2) Terms of payment.
(3) Time of commencement, rate of progress and time of com-
(4) Provision for monthly and final estimates.
(5) Kind of workmen to be employed.
(6) Appliances to be used.
(7) Liquidated damages.
(8) Workmen's compensation insurance.
(9) Public liability insurance.
(10) Owners' liability insurance.
(11) Contractors' contingent liability insurance.
(12) Special contingent damage insurance.
Brooks ice cream cabinet 392, 393 Page
Brownian movement 235 Compression strength of corkboard.. 173
Building construction troubles 190 Concrete 487
wall insulation specifications 498 finishing 492, 493
Bunkers 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196 how to calculate quantities of ma-
development of 328 terial required 495
Buoyancy of cork 1 in winter 493
ingredients of 488
measuring box 490
c mixing of
mixing platform
Cabinetmaker's insulation details.... 350 mixtures, proportioning of 489
Caesar, Agustus 171 mixtures, table of 490
California Orange Growers 453 wearing floors 314
Caloric 71 what it is 487
paradox 87 Condensation.. .86, 91, 189, 220, 345, 348
83 in insulation 339
Capacity to absorb radiant energy... 104 transfer of heat by 102
Capillarity 1, 24,
Conduction 95, 105, 106, 168, 320
in cylindrical layers 97
25, 167, 171, 173, 208, 220, 345, 347
Capital of the cork industry 7 .
of fluids 101
Care and maintenance of cork pipe through parallel layers 97
covering 509 with changing temperature 98
Care of refrigerators 358 Conductivity, methods to determine.. 115
Carpenter, M. R 197 of liquids and gases 98
Carre, E. C 325 Consolidated cork, discovery of
Cartons for corkboard 173 Smith's 28
Causes of insulation trouble in house- Construction of refrigerators ...359- 376
hold refrigerators 345, 346
Continuous curtain wall insulation... 214
Caves for vegetable storage 333 Contract law, fundamental 513
Ceiling, concrete.. 247, 248, 249, 250, 251
Contraction and expansion of sub-
Ceiling insulation insulation
stances 77
as floor
above 215 Contracts, changes in 517
insulation as roof insulation above 477
discharge of 518
engineering 518
insulation specifications 496, 497
essentials of legal 514
Ceilings, insulation of 214, 216
self-supporting 252 kinds of 513
wood 253, 254
Celsius, Anders 74 95, 98, 101, 105, 168, 169, 320
Centigrade thermometer scale currents, application of 100
Change of state 87
Cooler arrangement in modern soda
of state with rise of temperature..
fountain 413, 414
Changing demands for cork 41 Coolest point in refrigerator cars.... 442
Charcoal as insulation 329, 337 Copeland electric refrigerator con-
Charles, Jacques Alexandre Cesar... 77 struction 376
Chicago & Northwestern Railroad... 435 —
Copper clad steel wire freight clas-
Chocolate dipping room 198 sifications, etc 501
Circulation, air 190, 195 Cork a national necessity 35
Classes of household refrigerators... 380 as a building material 465, 466
Cleaning of surfaces for insulation. 207 . as condensation preventative 467
Coagulation 234 as fire retardant 468
Coefficient of expansion 79 as roof insulation 467
of heat transfer 95, 105, 106 as sound isolation 467
Coil bunker specifications 498 bark 167, 170, 171, 174
Cold-air-box method of testing
Cold by evaporation
bark — air cells
"back" and "belly"
in 172
rooms after a fire 176 bark, volume and elasticity of 14
rooms, classes of 187 buoys 2
rooms, types and design 187 clearing house of the world 17
storage 40, 41 compositions as insulation 329
storage cellars 326, 327 dipping pan 473
storage door specifications ....497, 498 disks 20
storage doors 218, 219, 283 dust 282
storage —
doors freight classifica- factories 6
tions, etc SCO flour 282, 351
storage temperatures 167 for vibration absorption 467
storages, first artificial 326 forests 2, 3
Colloidal materials 232 industry, beginnings of the 2
realm 232, 234, 236 industry, capital of 7
suspension 233, 234 industry, extent of 33
Columbia Gas & Electric Co 483 inherently nonabsorbent of mois-
Columns, insulation of 212 ture 170
Combustion 84 insoles for shoes 21
heat of 84 insulated ice cream shipping con-
Comparison of types of thermometers 73 tainer 390
Composition cork products. .. .21, 22, 25 insulated soda fountain draft arm. 412
of natural asphalts 230 insulated soda fountain cover ring. 422
of petroleum asphalts 231 insulated soda fountain packer
Compressed corkboard 172 cover 410
Page Page
insulation 22, 25, 28, 31, 42 in household refrigerators, method
insulation an essential item 41 of installation important 345
isolation 24 in ice cream cabinet construction.. 39]
jackets for flanged fittings 508 in ice cream cabinets, early use of 390
jackets for screwed fittings 507 in refrigerator cars, how to apply. 459
lags and disks 32, 509 in refrigerator cars, thickness of. 459
lags and discs —
freight classifica- in refrigerators, thickness to use.
. 382
tions, etc 501 installations
machinery isolation 468 185, 189, 190, 197, 198, 203,
miters for pipe bends 508 205, 210, 213, 221, 226, 233, 308, 312
oak 2, 3, 7, 8, 13 insulated ice cream cabinet 386
oak, outer bark of 169 insulated soda fountain cover and
oak trees growing in Calif 5 lid 421
odor in refrigerators, so-called.... 347 insulated soda fountain creamer. . . 407
of commerce 10, 13 insulated soda fountain creamer
paint to reduce sweating of metal. top 409
surfaces 464 insulated soda fountain syrup en-
pipe covering. 23, 24, 28, 29, 31, 32, 466 closure 422
pipe covering, advantage of 505 insulated soda fountain syrup unit 411
pipe covering, basic fitness of 505 insulation and the modern "soda
pipe covering, description of 505 fountain 403
pipe covering -freight— classifica- insulation for refrigerator cars 461
tions, etc 501 insulation for refrigerator rars, in-
pipe covering, lags and discs spection and rejection 463
erected in place 504 insulation for refrigerator cars,
pipe covering on branch and by- manufacture of 461
pass lines 507 . insulation for refrigerator cars,
pipe covering on lines of refrig- physical properties and tests 461
erated drinking water system... 511 insulation in Knight soda fountain 423
pipe covering seams and chipped insulation in Mechanicold soda
edges 508 fountain 420
pipe covering, sectional 507 insulation saved a refinery 481
pipe covering, segmental 509 insulation, sizes of . 23
pipe covering specifications 502 insulation, some uses of 469
pipe covering sundries 507 is standard cold room insulation.. 301
pipe covering, three thicknesses of. 505 loss in efficiency of 184
pipe covering, uses of 469 now standard insulation for ice
punchings 20, 21 cream cabinets 390
refuse 35 permanently efficient 177
some of the many uses for.... 17, 25 protective coating for 239
stoppers 2 3, 16, 19, 20, 33, 41, 171 pure compressed baked 330
stripping 10 reasonable in cost 176
the story of 1 sanitary and odorless 172
under powerful microscope 113 scoring of 279
wall insulation specifications. .497, 498 . specifications for erection 240- 278
waste 13, 16, 22 the standard cold storage insulation 475
Corkboard, a fire retardant 174, 176 thickness to use 183
a good nonconductor l')S undiT powerful microscope 169
approved by underwriters 175 useful expectancy for 184
floor insulation in refrigerator Corks, hand cut 16
cars 441 Corkwood 2, 3, 10, 21, 34, 35, 40
for export, loading 6
as merchandise 176
2S2 illthe forest 13
asphalt per sq. ft
storage yards 14, 18, 39
compact and strong 172, 173
compression strength of 173 Cost of corkboard installed on gaso-
line storage tanks 483
convenient in form 174
279- 315 of insulation, comparison 182
directions for erection
of litigation 513
easily obtained 176
174 of refrigerators 350
easy to install
Cox holdover tank cooling system. 192, 193
Critical temperatures 86, 88
280, 281, 284, 285, 286, 290,
303, 305, 305 Crouse-Tremaine Interests 392
296, 298, 300, 301,
erection, directions for 279- 315 Crown bottle caps 20, 22, 41
476 Cubical expansion 79
erection, outline of practice in....
278 Cullen, Dr. William 324
erection, specifications for.... 240-
Cylindrical tanks, insulation speci-
finish specifications 498
fications for 503
tire test on 1 74
for export, loading 34
freight classifications, etc 5U0
handles like lumber 173 D
impregnated 329, 483
in cartons 173 Danby, Arthur 225
in cold storage structures 344 Davy, Sir Humphry 71
in concrete forms, danger from... 477 Dead air 113, 168, 171
in household refrigerators, benefits Dehydration of emulsions 235, 237
of 352 d' Medici, Catherine 386
in household refrigerators, early Densities and specific volumes of
use of 342 water 81
Page E
Depreciation in efficiency of cork- Page
board • lg-+ Earliest form of ice storage 335
Depressed temperature reading ..... ^^ Early forms of cork insulation 25
Design of cold rooms for hotels nn- forms of insulation in ice cream
portant • •
"t^^ cabinets -.
Deterioration of poultry in transit in type of refrigerating machine 325
refrigerator cars '•54 Earth, average temperature of 211
Economic thickness of insulation. 179, 181
Determination of the expansion of
°^ value of insulating materials 178
substances .• • •
Egg storage
First layer to concrete ceilings ... Eggs in transit, temperature varia-
First layer to masonry walls. .283, 285 tions 428, 429
First layer to wood ceilings 292 Egyptians 318
Evaporation 90, 3-45
cooling by 318 ^ ,., . „ ,.,
Galilei, Galileo /4
of liquid ammonia
transfer of heat by
iron — freight clas-
Evelyn, John 501
25 wire nails 282
Evolution of
the household refrig-
337, 338
wire nails — freight classifications,
^ etc 500
Example of purchaser's insulation
Gases and liquids, conductivity of... 98
specifications 496
expansion 77
Exothermic reaction 84 Gasoline, loss of by evaporation 482
Expansion and contraction of sub- storage tank insulation, economy of 482
stances 77, 78, 79, 81)
storage tank insulation, specifica-
joints in plaster 222 tions for 483
of the refrigerator industry 341
savings with diflferent insulations,
Expenditure for insulation, profitable 178
Experience of many years with cork comparisons of 484, 485
torches 282
.bark 170
Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis 77
with insulation, iield of 185
Experiments with insulation General clauses of an engineering
328 contract
with refrigerator cars in transit,
summary of General conditions of corkboard
specifications 499
Export duties on cork 35
Extent of the cork industry Georgia Peach Growers 453
External conductivity Gibson refrigerator construction .362, 363
Glass bottle 34
bottle, introduction of 2, 16
wool as insulation 400
Glycerine 21
Factories, cork Good Housekeeping Institute. . .377, 379
Fahrenheit, Gabriel Daniel Gorrie,Dr. John 325
Fahrenheit thermometer scale Grand Rapids Cabinet Co. ice cream
Faraday, Michael cabinet 395
Felt insulation Granulated cork 22, 41
Fibrous insulating materials —
cork freight classifications, etc.... SOD
insulation 330, Gravel in concrete 489
Field of insulation experience Gravimetric method 80
Finish; floors 275, 276, Grids, metal floor 222, 223
Finish on corkboard, asphalt plaster. Grit in cork bark 14
over corkboard on ceilings Growth of ice making and refrigera-
over insulation tion 326
207, 211, 220. 221, 222, 232, of the ice cream industry 386
Finish; walls and ceiling. .272, 273,
of the ice industry 340
Finishing concrete Griindhofer, E. F 166
Fire resistance of corkboard Griinzweig & Hartmann 2b
retardant, cork as Guaranty soda fountain construction 404
retardant, corkboard a Guide for efficient insulation 114
test on corkboard
First artificial cold storages
First law of thermodynamics H
First methods of keeping food cool. .
Page Page
Ratio of heat losses in cold stores. 168 . early portable 328
Raw cork 25 effect of insulation on temperature 382
Reaumur, Rene Antoine Ferchault de 74 era of multiple insulation in
Reaumer thermometer scale 73 339, 340, 341
Recovery of the cork industry 40 household 40, 338
Reed, C. C 484 importance of insulation in me-
Refining of natural asphalt 225 chanical 385
Reflecting powers of surfaces 104 insulation of household 317
Refrigerants, critical temperatures of 88 low efficiency of 379
Refrigerated food ships, English... 425 neglect of insulation of 342
insulated ice cream truck 387 specifications of manufacturers for
Refrigerating machine, advent of 359-376
household 342 testing of ice-cooled 382,383
machine, early type of 325 testing of mechanical 385
machine, first ammonia compres- Refuse, cork 35
sion 326 Regelation 89
machine in soda fountains 416 Relative humidity 91
machine, production of household. 343 humidity tables, percent 470
machines, ammonia compression.. 391 humidities in cities 93
machines, sulphur dioxide 391 value of air space and paper as
Refrigeration cost in relation to in- refrigerator car insulation 451
sulation ' 181 Removing the outer cork bark 10, 11
early uses of 317 Reol refrigerator construction 369
for soda fountains, mechanical... 405 Report of A. S. R. E. insulation com-
growth of 326 mittee 122
household 343 Requirements of an insulation for
in the ice cream plant 388 cold stores 167
in transit 425 Research by the ice industry 352
losses through doors 217 Residence insulation 40
mechanical 90, 324 Resin in cork bark 171
principles and appliances in the Resistance to air passage in materials 209
home 342 to heat flow 97
use of 167 Results of conductivity tests 122-166
Refrigerator, advantage of cabinet of increased insulation of refriger-
type 350 ator cars 430
Refrigerator car construction, com- Rhinelander refrigerator construction
parison of 436, 437 359, 360
car construction, details of. .436,
. . 437 Richard I 386
car construction, difference in.... 438 Rieck Interests 390
car construction standard for all Riek, Forest 377
perishables 456 Riffian wars 40
car equipment differs widely 436 Roof slabs, insulation for industrial
car experiments relating to air cir- 41, 42
culation 457 Roofs, concrete or wood 255
car experiments relating to amount cork as a covering for 25
and distribution of insulation... 457 the insulation of 26, 40, 43
car load factors are insulation, Root house 334
bunkers and floor racks 440 Rumford, Count 71
car performance, comparison of. . . 450
cars 425
cars a variable factor 454 s
cars, construction of experimental
456, 457 Saladin 386
cars for meat in transit 460 Sales Engineering 513-522
cars in use in U. S., number of. . 452 Salt and ice mixtures in refrigerator
Refrigerator construction: cars 458, 461
Belding-Hall 370 and ice mixtures in refrigerator
Copeland electric 376 cars, effect of.... 445, 446, 447, 448
Gibson 362, 363 and ice mixtures in refrigerator
Tewett 366, 367 cars, proportions for 436
McCray 351 Sampolo, S 465
Reol 369 Sand in concrete 489
Rhinelander 359, 360 Sandals, cork 25
Schroeder 371, 372, 373 Santono 319
Seeger 364, 365 Saturated air 93
Servel electric 398 vapor 88
Refrigerator construction, details of Sausage cooler 189
household 359 Savings due to insulation on gasoline
Refrigerator design and construction 342 storage tanks 484
Refrigerator, development of cork- Sawdust as insulation. 321, 329, 337, 389
board insulated household 332 insulated natural ice bouses 327
evolution of the household. .. .337, 338 Schroeder refrigerator construction. .
Page Page
Subsequent changes and agreements Tancrelus 319
in a contract 517 Tanks, freezing 269. 270,271
Substitutes for cork j^3
Tannic acid, removal of ._. 14
Sulphur dioxide refrigerating machine 391 Taper corks .17, 20
Superficial expansion 79 Tariff subdivisions of cork into
Superheating and undercooling of groups 36
liquids 87 Temperature
Surface effects 1 06 71, 72, 77, 86, 88, 105, 196, 201
effects, effect of neglecting. .. 108, 112 absolute zero 234
resistance to heat flow 341 conversion table 75
resistance to heat transfer 101 humidity, air circulation and ven-
tension of liquids 233, 234 tilation 197
Surfaces, air-proofing of 209 in transit experiments, eggs in re-
Surfaces to receive insulation 206 frigerator cars
Suspension of colloids 233, 234 439, 440, 441, 444, 446, 447, 449, 450
Sweating of bunkers, prevention of 193 of cantaloupes in refrigerator cars
pitcher of ice water points the way 346 442,443
Swing of cold storage doors 218 of the earth, average.. 211
of walls in direct sunlight 104
zones in soda fountain creamer
compartment 406
T Temperatures, cold storage 167
Tables: in household refrigerators, ways
Air infiltration values for cork- to reduce 381
board of different thicknesses... 473 in refrigerator cars, comparison of 426
Air infiltration values on erection maintained automatically in modern
materials 472 soda fountain 405
Boiling points of various liquids. 86 . used in baking cork bark 171
Coefficient of radiation and convec- Tendency toward thicker insulation. 182 .
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