Study of Compressive Strengths of Laterite-Cement Mixes As A Building Material
Study of Compressive Strengths of Laterite-Cement Mixes As A Building Material
Study of Compressive Strengths of Laterite-Cement Mixes As A Building Material
Variation of compressive strengths with cement contents for laterite-cement mix
as an economical building material was investigated. The aim of this study was to
determine the minimum quantity of cement required to achieve adequate strength for
buildings in a mix of laterite-cement and to know the upper limit at which cement can be
added to laterite to produce high quality mix with maximum strength. Thirteen different
mixes of laterite-cement at varying percentage of cement content were produced,
molded in cubes of 100mm size and cured for 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. The variation was
from 0 to 24% of the weight of laterite at a constant interval of 2%. Twenty cubes were
molded for each mix, totaling 260 cubes produced manually. Five cubes from each mix
were crushed at particular curing period and the average compressive strength of the
five cubes was calculated. Curing was done inside the laboratory under atmospheric
condition with all the doors and windows opened for proper circulation of air. It was
found that the compressive strength of laterite-cement mix cubes increased with
increase in cement content up to 20% but decreased at cement contents above 20%.
Also it was found that the minimum quantity of cement required to achieve adequate
strength was 10% of the weight of laterite.
Keywords: Curing, Building, Cubes, sandcrete blocks.
together cement and sand in certain proportion
with water produces these sandcrete blocks
(NIS 87: 2004). Now cement price has been on
the steady increase at an alarming rate. Also
the price of river sharp sand used in the
production is ever increasing due to shortage of
it and cost of water used for mixing is high due
to demand for production and curing. As a
result of this ever-increasing cost of these
constituent production materials, coupled with
the increasing high demand, the price of
increased. Greater percentage of the countrys
population finds it difficult or almost
impossible to afford the cost.
The aim of this study is to determine the
minimum and maximum quantity of cement in
terms of the percentage of the quantity of
laterite at which adequate compressive strength
can be achieved for both non-load bearing and
load bearing walls. It is known that addition of
cement to laterite improves the quality in terms
Traditionally, soils with some percentage
of silt and clay have been used for building
non-load bearing walls. Such buildings still
exist in villages and some ancient cities today.
They exhibit a lot of cracks within a short time
due to lack of binding materials such as cement
and some times due to considerable amount of
shrinkage. Also the use of the mud blocks is
generally limited to bungalows.
In Nigeria today, an appreciable
percentage of the entire population cannot
afford to build their own houses, especially the
modern types due to high cost of building
important building materials widely used today
for walls of our domestic, industrial or
commercial buildings. The cost of sandcrete
blocks continues to increase due to high cost of
cement and demand for this material. Mixing
Technical Report
Mix Proportioning
The term proportioning in this content
refers to the estimation of different quantities
of laterite and cement as well as water required
for the mix. The following calculations were
carried out for the proportioning:
Water/cement ratio adopted was 0.5;
Size of laterite-cement cube for the test was
100mm x 100mm x 100mm;
Volume of laterite-cement cube=0.1x0.1x0.1=
For cement content of 10% of dry weight
of laterite, the mix ratio was 1: 10,
Laterite, L = 10C .
Also from the water/cement ratio of 0.5,
Water, W = 0.5C.
Using Absolute Volume Method,
W/1000 + C/1000Gc + S/1000Gl =1m3, (3)
where L is weight of laterite, C is weight of
cement, Gl is the specific gravity of laterite and
Gc is the specific gravity of cement.
Determined Gl was 2.64 and Gc was 3.15.
By substitution of Eqs. (1) and (2) into
Eq. (3):
0.5C/1000+C/1000 x 3.15+10C/1000 x 2.64 = 1,
C = 217.16kg;
From Eq. (1), L = 10 x 217.16 = 2171.6kg;
From Eq. (2), W = 0.5 x 217.16 = 108.58kg;
Volume of one laterite-cement cube = 0.001m3;
For 20 cubes, volume = 20 x 0.001= 0.02m3;
1m3 of the mix contained 217.16kg of cement;
0.02m3 = 0.02 x 217.16 = 4.343kg of cement;
Add for waste, 1% = 0.01 x 217.16 = 2.172kg;
Total weight of cement required = 6.515kg;
Weight of water =0.5C = 0.5 x 6.515 = 3.258kg;
Weight of laterite, L =10C=10x6.515=65.15kg.
Quantities of the materials used to mold
20 laterite-cement cubes of 100mm x 100mm x
100mm were:
Cement = 6.52kg;
Laterite = 65.15kg;
Water = 3.26kg.
The above calculations were repeated for
each of the thirteen mixes.
Determination of dry density/moisture
content relationship was carried out on each of
the thirteen mixes in accordance with BS 1377
(1975) The compaction test was done as
rapidly as possible after mixing the cement and
water and before the hydration of cement has
Technical Report
Brownish red
Technical Report
The overall conclusions emerging from
this study are that:
The compressive strengths of lateritecement mix increased with increase in
percentage of cement content up to 20% but
decreased at cement contents above 20%.
Laterite-cement mix recorded adequate
compressive strength for both load bearing and
non-load bearing walls at 10% cement content.
The Nigerian Industrial Standard NIS: 87: 2004
recommends a minimum of 2.5N/mm2 and
1.8N/mm2 for load bearing and non-load
bearing blocks respectively. The maximum
strength of laterite-cement mix was achieved at
moisture content slightly greater than or equal
to the optimum moisture content for the
particular mix. The optimum moisture contents
for the laterite-cement mixes at various cement
contents were found to be in the range from
11.44 to 14.83% while the maximum dry
density was found to be in the range from
2,020 to 2,155kg/m3.
Since adequate strengths for buildings
were achieved with less cement content, it was
concluded that this laterite-cement mix is an
economical building material since the cost of
blocks depends largely on the cement content.
BS 1377. 1975. Methods of test for soils for
civil engineering purposes. British Standard
Institution, London, England, UK.
BS 3148. 1980. Standard for quality of mixing
water. British Standard Institution, London,
England, UK.
Gidigasu, M.D. 1971. The importance of soil
genesis in the engineering classification of
Ghana soils. Eng. Geol. 5(2): 117-61.
Madu, R.M. 1975. Contributions to the Paper
Laterite soils in road construction by
J.W.S. De Craft Johnson, Proc. 6th Regional
Conference for Africa on Soil Mechanics
and Foundation Engineering, Durban, South
Africa, 8-12 September 1975, vol. II, p. 88.
Madu, R.M. 1977. An investigation into the
geotechnical and engineering properties of
Technical Report
Technical Report