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Construction and Building Materials: Valeria Corinaldesi, Giacomo Moriconi, Tarun R. Naik

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Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 113–117

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Construction and Building Materials

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Characterization of marble powder for its use in mortar and concrete

Valeria Corinaldesi a,*, Giacomo Moriconi a, Tarun R. Naik b
Department of Materials and Environment Engineering and Physics, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Via Brecce Bianche, 60131 Ancona, Italy
UWM Center for By-Products Utilization, Department of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, College of Engineering Applied Science, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee,
Milwaukee, WI 53211, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A powder obtained as a by-product of marble sawing and shaping was characterized from a chemical and
Received 15 January 2009 physical point of view in order to use it as mineral addition for mortars and concretes, especially for self-
Received in revised form 26 June 2009 compacting concrete. This marble powder showed a very high Blaine fineness value of about 1500 m2/kg,
Accepted 5 August 2009
with 90% of particles finer than 50 lm and 50% under 7 lm. For rheological studies, several cement pastes
Available online 11 September 2009
were prepared using marble powder, with and without the addition of an acrylic-based superplasticizer.
Water to cementitious materials ratio was also varied. In order to evaluate the effects of the marble pow-
der on mechanical behaviour, many different mortar mixtures were tested, all prepared with sand to
Mineral addition
cement ratio of 3:1 at about the same workability. Mixtures were evaluated based upon cement or sand
Mortar substitution by the marble powder. Results obtained show that 10% substitution of sand by the marble
Paste powder provided maximum compressive strength at about the same workability.
Rheology Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Self-compacting concrete

1. Introduction 2. Research significance

The marble has been commonly used as a building material In this study very fine marble powder was used. It was obtained
since ancient times. Disposal of the marble powder material of as a by-product of marble sawing and shaping. It was characterized
the marble industry, consisting of very fine powder, is one of the from a physical and chemical point of view for evaluating the pos-
environmental problems worldwide today. sibility of using it in mortar and concrete production. The test re-
In this work, a marble powder, obtained as a by-product of mar- sults indicate that due to high fineness of the marble powder, it
ble sawing and shaping, was characterized from a physical and was very effective in assuring very good cohesiveness of mortar
chemical point of view for evaluating the possibility of using it in and concrete. This research should lead to proper use of such mate-
mortar and concrete production. rials for sustainable use of otherwise discarded materials.
Mineral additions in general influence the performance of fresh
concrete and mortar. Therefore, a rheological study was carried out 3. Materials
on various cement pastes prepared with marble powder in combi-
nation with cement, and eventually, also, with a superplasticizing 3.1. Portland cement

admixture. In particular, the goal was to investigate the influence

A commercial portland-limestone blended cement type CEM II/A-L 42.5R,
of marble powder on rheological properties of cement pastes for according to the European Standards EN-197/1, was used. The Blaine fineness of ce-
predicting the effect of its addition on self-compacting concrete ment was 410 m2/kg and its relative density (specific gravity) was 3.05.
mixtures [1–6].
Some recent studies carried out by Topçu et al. [7] and Alyamaç 3.2. Aggregate
and Ince [8] showed that four different marble dusts produced in
Natural sand (5 mm) maximum size, with 0.9% passing the 75 lm (No. 200
Turkey (characterized by a Blaine fineness in the range 390–510
ASTM) sieve was used. Its relative density (at SSD condition) was 2.62, and its
m2/kg) could be successfully and economically utilized as filler in SSD condition water absorption of 3.0%.
self-compacting concrete.
3.3. Chemical admixture

In some cases, a water-reducing admixture was added to the mixtures. It was

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 071 2204428; fax: +39 071 2204719. constituted of a carboxylic acrylic ester polymer in the form of 30% aqueous
E-mail address: v.corinaldesi@univpm.it (V. Corinaldesi). solution.

0950-0618/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
114 V. Corinaldesi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 113–117


d50 particle diameter for which the cumulative volume is sy yield stress (Pa, or psi)
50% (lm, or in.) g plastic viscosity (Pa s, or psi s)
d90 particle diameter for which the cumulative volume is D shear rate (s1)
90% (lm, or in.)
s shear stress (Pa, or psi)

3.4. Mineral addition

A marble powder was used, which was obtained as a by-product of marble saw-
ing and shaping. Its relative density was 2.55 and the value of Blaine fineness was
1500 m2/kg. It can be observed that the marble powder had a high specific surface
area; this could mean that its addition should confer more cohesiveness to mortars
and concretes [4,5].
For better physical characterization of the marble powder, its grain size distri-
bution was performed using laser diffraction. From the graph shown in Fig. 1, it can
be observed that 50% particles had a diameter lower than 7 lm (d50 = 7 lm) and
90% of particles had a diameter lower than 50 lm (d90 = 50 lm).
The marble powder is produced as ‘‘slurry”, a mud made of powder and water.
Therefore, for its use in concrete it is important to know how much water is con-
tained in the slurry, by drying it and registering the weight loss related to water
evaporation. A known weight of slurry was put in an oven to dry at a temperature
of 110 ± 5 °C. At fixed intervals (1 h, 4 h, 24 h, 48 h, and 72 h) the weight loss was
registered with the aim to reach a constant weight. The results obtained are re-
ported in Fig. 2. It is evident from the graph that the sample loses water quickly
and reaches the constant weight after about 24 h.
In order to characterize the marble powder from a chemical point of view, ther- Fig. 2. Weight loss of the marble powder slurry verses time.
mal analysis and X-ray diffraction were carried out. Thermal analysis carried out
show that the examined material contains about 66% of calcium carbonate, CaCO3.
As a matter of fact, as it can be observed in Fig. 3, a sharp weight loss (corresponding
to the flex of the DTA curve) occurs from about 730 °C–900 °C while strong heat
absorption was detected. This was due to the decomposition reaction of calcite,
which is endothermic. X-ray diffraction analysis, Fig. 4, shows the presence of
quartz, which could be estimated at about 3%, and ankerite (ferroan dolomite) at
about 2%. The remaining part of the marble powder consist of amorphous silica
or silicates, coming from natural stones other than marble, whose low crystallinity
(making them mostly undetectable by X-ray diffraction) may be due to mechanical
processing (sawing and shaping).

4. Rheological behavior of cement pastes

The study of the rheological behaviour of cement pastes is an

essential step for the evaluation of fresh concrete behaviour and
for the optimization of self-compacting concretes [9]. For this pur-
pose, eight cement pastes were prepared by varying the water to
cement ratio (0.4–0.5), the amount of marble powder addition
(10% and 20% by weight of cement), the basis for adding marble
powder (as either cement or sand replacement), and by eventually
adding a superplasticizing admixture (at a dosage of 0.5% by Fig. 3. Results of the thermogravimetric (TG) and differential thermal analysis
(DTA) of the marble powder.
weight of very fine materials, i.e., cement plus marble powder).
The proportions of these paste mixtures are shown in Table 1.

Fig. 1. Grain size distribution of the marble powder by laser diffraction. Fig. 4. X-ray diffraction of the marble powder.
V. Corinaldesi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 113–117 115

Table 1
Paste mixture proportions.

Cement paste W/ Cement Water Marble Admixture

C (g) (g) powder (MP) (ADM) (g)
CEM (0.5) 0.5 100 50 – –
CEM + MP10 (0.5) 0.5 90 50 10 –
CEM + MP20 (0.5) 0.5 80 50 20 –
CEM + ADM (0.5) 0.5 100 50 – 0.5
CEM + ADM (0.4) 0.4 100 40 – 0.5
CEM + ADM + MP20 0.5 80 50 20 0.5
CEM + ADM + MP20 0.4 80 40 20 0.5
CEM + ADM + MP10 0.4 90 40 10 0.5
Fig. 6. Indication of rheological parameters identified from a real curve.

The rheological behaviour of these cement pastes was deter-

mined at 15 min after ingredients mixing, and then every 20 min
up to 1 h.
The apparatus was a rotating rheometer based on coaxial rotary
cylinders with a slowly increasing shear rate (D), ranging from 1 to
100 s1. Bui et al. [9] found that the rate of 1–100 s1 was the most
suitable for rheological model of cement pastes, while higher rota-
tion rates were considered too fast and rates limited to 50 s1 did
not produce consistent results. The time required for the up-curve
carried out was three minutes, then the maximum shear rate of
100 s1 was maintained for one minute and, finally, additional
three minutes were required for completing the down-curve.
The walls of the concentric cylinders (the gap between cylinder
walls was 3 mm) were not smooth but roughened in order to re-
duce (if not completely eliminate) the ‘‘slip” phenomenon; i.e.,
the development of a water-rich layer close to the inner surface
of the rotating cylinder, which produces a lubricating effect, mak-
ing flow easier, and not representative of the bulk material [10].
The rheological behaviour was described by means of the Bing-
ham flow model (Fig. 5):

s ¼ sy þ g  D ð1Þ

where s is the shear stress (Pa), sy is the yield stress (Pa), g is the Fig. 7. Yield Stress values vs. time.
plastic viscosity (Pa s), and D is the shear rate (s1).
The slope of the down-curve (decreasing shear rate) was used to
calculate the plastic viscosity, while the intercept at zero shear rate ment of 0.5 but in absence of superplasticizer. On the other hand,
was used to calculate the yield stress (see Fig. 6). when the water to cement ratio was 0.5 and the superplasticizing
In Fig. 7, the mean value of the measured yield stress values on admixture was added, even at the low dosage (0.5% by weight of
three samples are plotted as a function of time. It is evident that cement), the yield stress was very low, less than zero, thus imply-
the pastes prepared with marble powder, superplasticizing admix- ing low cohesiveness of the related mortars and concretes, partic-
ture, and water/cement of 0.4 showed the highest values of the ularly for self-compacting concretes.
yield stress, more than 40 Pa. Quite high values also were obtained In Fig. 8 the mean value of the measured plastic viscosity values
for the cement pastes prepared with marble powder and water/ce- on three samples are plotted as a function of time. Also in this case,
the same hierarchy of yield stress values was maintained among
the various cement pastes.
For maximum segregation resistance, the yield stress of the
paste should be high [1–3,9] and the difference in density between
the aggregate and the paste should be low. If the density of the
aggregate particle is greater than the density of the cement paste,
segregation will occur to some extent. However, if the plastic vis-
cosity of the matrix were high enough the velocity of the falling
aggregate particle would be so slow that segregation would be
avoided [9]. On the basis of the results reported in Figs. 7 and 8,
it can be seen that in the presence of a superplasticizing admixture
(e.g., for preparing self-compacting concrete), the addition of mar-
ble powder is very effective in improving segregation resistance
provided that water/cement is lower than 0.5. Otherwise, a viscos-
Fig. 5. Typical shear stress (s) verses shear rate (D) of Newtonian or Bingham fluid ity-modifying agent should be added to the mixture for adjusting
(A); thixotropy measured by the hysteresis area (B). its rheological behaviour [11–13].
116 V. Corinaldesi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 113–117

Table 2
Mortar mixture proportions.

Mixture REF 10% 10% REF 10% 10%

W/C 0.61 0.68 0.59 0.48 0.49 0.53
Water (kg/m3) 275 276 266 220 200 240
Cement (kg/m3) 450 405 450 450 405 450
Sand (kg/m3) 1350 1350 1215 1350 1350 1215
Marble powder (kg/m3) 0 45 135 0 45 135
Chemical admixture 0 0 0 2.25 2.02 2.25

cement and other traditional mineral additions (i.e., limestone

powder, fly ash), characterized by Blaine fineness in the range
200–600 m2/kg, but not very high like silica fume (15,000–
20,000 m2/kg), which is well-known for its strong thixotropic

Fig. 8. Plastic viscosity values vs. time.

5. Mortar mixtures proportions

The mortar mixtures proportions are reported in Table 2. All

Thixotropy is the property of certain gels, such as cement paste, mortars were prepared with the same ratio of sand to cement (ra-
which are rigid when left standing but increase their fluidity when tio of 3:1). For practical reasons, marble powder was added to the
put into movement. Fig. 9 shows the mean value of the measured mixture as slurry. The water content of which was taken into ac-
thixotropy values on three samples, plotted as a function of time, count for calculating the actual total water amount to be added
where thixotropy was calculated as the area included between to the mixture. The suggestions reported in [15] concerning mix-
the up-curve and the down-curve (Fig. 5). This measure can give ture proportions of mortars which are adequate for self-compact-
an estimate of the energy necessary to move mortars and/or con- ing concrete are taken into consideration.
cretes and even an estimate of the lateral formwork pressure that Consistency of fresh mortars was evaluated through the use of a
concrete, especially self-compacting concrete, will exert after plac- shaking table by measuring the mortar flow. The test was carried
ing, the lower the formwork pressure the higher the thixotropy va- out according to the procedure reported in the Italian Norm UNI
lue [14]. In this case, particularly with increasing time, the 7044-72. In this study the flow measure was the same for each
difference among the various cement pastes is slight and the value mortar and its value was equal to 13. On the other hand, the water
of the energy loss is generally quite low. As a consequence, an content and, consequently, the water to cement ratio are different
excellent ability to flow through narrow sections can be predicted for the various mortars, keeping constant the fresh mortar fluidity.
for SCCs containing marble powder. The reason for this excellent Marble powder was used as a 10% replacement of either cement
rheological behaviour conferred to concrete mixtures by marble or sand, with or without an acrylic based superplasticizing admix-
powder (high cohesiveness when already placed and low energy ture, which was added at a dosage of 0.5% by weight of cement.
loss when put into movement) can be ascribed to the particular
grain size distribution of the powder (and to the corresponding 6. Preparation and curing of specimens
fineness). In fact, the fineness of the marble powder is higher than
Prismatic specimens, 40  40  160 mm in size, were manufac-
tured for mechanical tests (126 at all, three for each curing time
and mortar mixture). These specimens were cast in stainless steel
moulds and wet cured at 20 °C until the time of test.

7. Compression tests: results and discussion

Mechanical behaviour of mortars prepared without chemical

admixture was studied by compression tests at curing times of 3,
7, 28, and 56 days. Results obtained are reported in Fig. 10. It can
be noticed that 10% replacement of either cement or sand with
marble powder caused about 10–20% compressive strength de-
crease in late age. However, marble powder used as the replace-
ment of sand performed better (10% decrease) than the case for
the marble powder used as the replacement of cement (20%
decrease). As a matter of fact, marble powder showed a filler effect
(particularly important at early ages) and did not play any
noticeable role in the hydration process. A mixture made of water,
marble powder, and hydrated lime (Ca(OH)2), and cured in sealed
air-free environment, was not able to harden after 28 days of
Compression tests of mortars prepared with superplasticizing
Fig. 9. Thixotropy values vs. time. admixture were carried out at curing times of 3, 7, and 28 days.
V. Corinaldesi et al. / Construction and Building Materials 24 (2010) 113–117 117

8. Conclusions

Due to its quite high fineness, marble powder proved to be very

effective in assuring very good cohesiveness of mortar and con-
crete, even in the presence of a superplasticizing admixture, pro-
vided that water to cement ratio was adequately low. On the
basis of the low thixotropy values obtained, it seems that the use
of marble powder would not be accompanied by an evident ten-
dency to energy loss during concrete placing, as it is usual for other
ultra-fine mineral additions (such as silica fume) that are able to
confer high cohesiveness to the concrete mixture.
In terms of mechanical performance, 10% substitution of sand
by the marble powder in the presence of a superplasticizing
admixture provided maximum compressive strength at the same
workability level, comparable to that of the reference mixture after
28 days of curing. Moreover, an even more positive effect of marble
powder is evident at early ages, due to its filler ability.
Fig. 10. Compressive strengths vs. curing time for cement mortars without


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