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Research Article Effects of Waste Glass Powder As Pozzolanic Material in Saw Dust Cement Brick

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Scholars Journal of Engineering and Technology (SJET) ISSN 2321-435X (Online)

Sch. J. Eng. Tech., 2014; 2(4A):517-522 ISSN 2347-9523 (Print)
©Scholars Academic and Scientific Publisher
(An International Publisher for Academic and Scientific Resources)

Research Article
Effects of Waste Glass Powder as Pozzolanic Material in Saw Dust Cement Brick
Omoniyi, T.E.1* Akinyemi B.A 2, Fowowe A.O3
1, 3
Department of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Landmark University Omuaran, Kwara State, Nigeria

*Corresponding author
Omoniyi, T.E

Abstract: This work examines the possibility of using Waste Glass Powder (WGP) as a partial replacement of cement in
saw dust composite brick to assess its pozzolanic activity and its effect on the properties of the composite. WGP was
used to partially replace cement at 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30% in the production of test samples of
100x100x100mm at binder sand mixing ratio of 1:6. After casting the cubes, they were tested for compressive strength,
water absorption, capillary water absorption and volume porosity. The results indicated that WGP can be used as cement
replacement material up to 30% at particle size less than 100μm to prevent alkali silica reaction and this can be utilized in
the manufacture of non-load bearing sandcrete block without any unfavourable effect. The study further revealed that
waste glass, if ground finer than 100μm shows a pozzolanic behaviour because it reacts with lime at early stage of
hydration forming extra CSH gel thereby forming denser cement matrix. The early consumption of alkalis by glass
particles mitigate alkali-silica reaction by increasing durability of composite brick which is manifested in the result of
volume porosity, water absorption, capillary absorption as well as in the results of sample densities.
Keywords: Waste Glass Powder (WGP), Cement, Saw dust, Compressive Strength.

INTRODUCTION problems related to their stockpiling or land filling.

The rapid urbanisation is creating a shortfall of Several recycling channels already exist for glass
conventional building construction materials due to recovery [3]. A lot of researches have been conducted
limited availability of natural resources. On the other on the use of glass powder as pozollans for construction
hand energy consumed for the production of purposes, Ahmad and Aimin [4] investigated the
conventional building construction materials pollutes performance of GLP in concrete under field conditions,
air, water and land. In order to meet the ever increasing a field trial was conducted using a 40 MPa concrete
demand for the energy efficient building construction mixture, incorporating various proportions of GLP (0%,
materials there is a need to adopt cost effective, 20%, and 30%) as cement replacement, the result
environmentally appropriate technologies and upgrade showed a satisfactory performance of the glass powder
traditional techniques with available local materials. in concrete. Ankur and Randheer [5] compared its
Million of tonnes of controlled waste from household, performance with other pozzolanic materials like silica
commercial and industrial are disposed of in landfill fume and fly ash, they observed that waste glass when
sites in the most developing and developed countries ground finer than 100µm shows a pozzolanic behaviour
causing a rise in landfill costs and environmental and forms a denser cement matrix after mixing
problems . Recycling of construction waste helps saving homogenously. On the other hand, another material is
the landfill space and save waste disposal costs. The sawdust which also constitute an environmental
energy required to reuse the recyclable material is less challenge when disposed in landfills has found use in
than that of virgin materials [1]. The waste glass the construction industry. Sawdust can be defined as
constitutes a problem for solid waste disposal in several loose particles or wood chippings obtained as by-
municipalities. The current practice is still to landfill products from sawing of timber into standard useable
most of the non-recyclable glass. Since glass is a sizes [6]. Obam [7] developed a composite ceiling
nonbiodegradable material, these landfills do not board by converting saw-dust, waste paper and starch
constitute an environmental solution [2]. Glass is a into its production. Ettu et al. [8] investigated the
common product that can be found in different forms: compressive strength of blended cement sandcrete
bottles, jars, windows and windshields, bulbs, cathode containing rice husk ash with (RHA) and sawdust ash
ray tubes, etc. These products have a limited lifetime (SDA), their observation showed that that very high
and must be recycled in order to avoid environmental sandcrete strength values could be obtained with OPC-

Omoniyi TE et al., Sch. J. Eng. Tech., 2014; 2(4A):517-522

RHA-SDA ternary blended cement with richer mixes, formation, particles were soaked in water for 24 hours
high quality control, and longer days of hydration. to reduce the amount of water-soluble sugars and
Usman et al. [9] experimented with sawdust and palm tannins and were finally air-dried to approximately 5%
kernel shell as possible substitutes for fine and coarse moisture content. The sand used was clean, sharp river
aggregate in concrete and stated that water absorption sand free from clay and silt gotten from river behind
capacity in both sawdust and palm kernel shells would Nnamdi Azikwe Male Hostel, University of Ibadan.
need to be modified in order to improve its compressive The waste glasses (11kg) were collected from dump
strength and durability. Hence the need to investigate sites at Independence Hall, University of Ibadan which
the effect of Waste Glass Powder on the property of comprised of broken louvre panes (Plate 2). After
Cement- Waste Glass Powder bonded Composites and cleaning, they were first hammer milled at Mechanical
the feasibility of producing Cement bonded Sawdust Department of Faculty of Technology, University of
Hollow Blocks for non load bearing wall. Ibadan to reduce their sizes (10.5kg) for ease of
grinding (Plate 3), and were finally grounded to powder
MATERIALS AND METHODS of particle size less than 100microns with 9.5kg of glass
Fresh Ordinary Portland Cement of 43% grade powder recovered at Bodija Market, Ibadan. Water is an
conforming to IS: 269 1976 was used in this research essential ingredient of concrete as it help in the
work and it was purchased from Bodija market, Ibadan, chemical reaction between all other composite
Oyo state. Sawdust was collected at University of compositions (hydration of cement). The water used
Ibadan saw mill (Plate 1). The sawdust particles were was potable, fresh, colourless, odourless and tasteless
between 2.5-3.5 mm in diameter. Prior to brick water that is free from organic matter of any type.

Plate 1: Sawdust Plate 2: Broken Glasses Plate 3: Glass Powder

Sawdust-Cement Composite particles were 100mmX100mmX100mm was used in casting cubes

mixed with cement by mass for seven different mixing with 15 replicate for each mix proportion. Batching of
ratios and six replicate for each. The mixtures were the composite composition was by mass. Cement and
placed in a forming mould of 50 mm x 50 mm x 50 mm the river sand were mixed to homogenous mix. Water
and pressed to provide the required compaction. The was then added gradually and mixed with shovel to give
specimens were cured under shade at room temperature a homogenous workable paste at Water-Cement ratio of
for 28 days after removal from the mould for complete 0.5.The moulds were (the moulds lubricated and
setting of the cement before testing (Plate 4). A nominal allowed to dry before used for ease of removal of
mix of concrete proportion 1:6 was adopted for the cubes) now filled, rammed and vibrated to remove air
production of the samples for Sand Cement Composite spaces in the form work. The cast were demoulded after
with Partial replacement of Cement with Waste Glass 24 hours and cured in water. For the subsequent sets of
Powder (WGP) (Plate 5) and a total number of six cubes that had various ratio of WGP and Cement, the
partial replacements of cement were used to produce above procedure follows except that river sand and
test samples with cement composition at 100% serving cement were first mixed and the WGP was then added
as control sample. A standard mould of and the whole composition were mixed to homogeneity.

Plate 4: Test samples Plate 5: WGP-Sawdust brick

Omoniyi TE et al., Sch. J. Eng. Tech., 2014; 2(4A):517-522

Testing of Samples Variation of Compressive Strength with increasing

Compressive Strength of Sand Cement/WGP Replacement of Cement with WGP
Pozzollan Composite brick was done after crushing at From Fig. 1, it could be seen that the Compressive
7, 14, 21, and 28th day at Civil Engineering Department Strength reduced with respect to increasing percentage
Laboratory, Faculty of Technology, University of of Waste Glass Powder in each of the test samples with
Ibadan with their Compressive Strength Testing sample G having a minimum value of 2.3N/mm2. But
Machine. Density of the bricks was calculated from with this, the minimum value of 2.3N/mm2 for 30%
mass and volume of the bricks which is mass per unit replacement level is found suitable for building
volume in kg/m3. The capillary absorption coefficient construction having attained a 28-day compressive
(k) was calculated using the formula: strength which is more than 2.0N/mm2 required by the
𝑄 Nigeria National Building Code (2006) for non-load
𝑛= ∗ 𝑡 bearing walls.
where Q= amount of water absorbed, A = cross
sectional area in contact with water , t = time (seconds). Variation of Compressive Strength with Curing Day
Fig. 2 shows that samples of composites
having 100%cement composition(sample A) has
The Volume Porosity was determined by direct attained almost the peak of their compressive strength at
measurement of the weight gained on saturation with the end of the 14th day of curing, while samples
water of initially dry samples after evacuation to B,C,D,E,F and G with partial replacement of cement
remove air from the pore network. The water absorption with WGP have gradually increased with an increasing
was then converted to volume porosity by using the number of curing days. This may be due to the silicious
following relationship: an aluminious nature of the WGP compound in a finely
𝑊𝐴 ∗ 𝐷 divided form reacting with Calcium hydroxide to form
100 ∗ 𝑤 highly stable, cementitious substances of complex
where n=volume fraction porosity, D=dry sample composition involving Calcium, Silica and Water. The
density(kg/m3), WA=water absorption(%). pozzolanic reaction is slow and thus, the production of
heat of hydration and development of Strength is also
low which explains the gradual increase in strength.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This continued strength development clearly indicates
Compressive Strength the beneficial pozzolanic relation of WGP in

Fig. 1: Effect of WGP on Compressive Strength

Omoniyi TE et al., Sch. J. Eng. Tech., 2014; 2(4A):517-522

Fig. 2: Effect of Curing Day on the Compressive of Cement/WGP Composite

Capillary Water Absorption increases the durability of cement paste by making the
The capillary absorption reduces due to cement paste dense and impervious. Therefore, k value
addition of WGP because they act like fillers and the is lowest for sample G because of its 70%/30% cement
pozzolanic reactions form extra gel which makes to WGP replacement. Sample A has highest k value
cement matrix denser (Fig. 3). The reaction involves the probably due to bond failure because of alkali-silica
consumption of Ca(OH)3 and thus there is no reaction as a result of its 100% cement composition.
production of Ca(OH)3 The reduction of Ca(OH)3

Fig. 3: Coefficient of capillary water absorption for Cement/WGP Composite

Fig. 4: Water Absorption Test of Cement/ WGP Composite

Omoniyi TE et al., Sch. J. Eng. Tech., 2014; 2(4A):517-522

Water Absorption
Sample A without WGP has the highest values Effect of WGP on Density
of water absorption with little or no diffrerence in the There is a significant relationship between
2hours and the later 2hours.Although,samples density and the degree of Cement replacement with
B,C,D,E,F and G have low water absorption (Fig. 4) , Waste Glass Powder and a noticeable difference in the
there are significant differences in their initial and final average density of sample A (which serve as control
water absorption. Water absorption of composite is an sample i.e 100%Cement/0%WGP) when compared with
important factor in classifying its durability. Generally, all other samples with certain percentage of WGP (Fig.
composites of low water absorption will afford better 5). This could be attributed to the dense texture
protection to reinforcement within it. However the developed as a result of better particle parking during
values obtained from this study suggest the curing.
performance seems to depend on the form and fineness
of the waste-glass powder used.

Fig. 5: Relationship between Density and the Quantity of WGP in the Composite

Fig. 6: Effect of WGP replacement of Cement on Porosity

Volume Porosity increasing strength and modulus and not apparently

The porosity of Cement/WGP composite causing any difficulties.
samples decreased with increasing Cement replacement
with Waste Glass Powder (Figure 6). Sample G has a CONCLUSION
minimum porosity of approximately 13% which is low On addition of WGP the initial strength was
volume porosity as established by Keralli [10] who low but at 28th day it met required design strength.
stated that materials with volume porosity above 30% Hence, 30% of waste glass powder of size less than
are considered to be of high porosity. The low porosity 100μm could be included as cement replacement in
was explained by Al Khadimi et al. [11] who showed mortal mix of binder sand ratio of 1:6 in the production
that re-alkalization actually improved the properties of of non-load bearing sandcrete hollow blocks without
composite, reducing porosity and permeability, any unfavourable effect.
Omoniyi TE et al., Sch. J. Eng. Tech., 2014; 2(4A):517-522

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