Waste Glass in Cement Mortar
Waste Glass in Cement Mortar
Waste Glass in Cement Mortar
Volume 3, No 4, 2013
Copyright by the authors - Licensee IPA- Under Creative Commons license 3.0
Research article
Utilization of waste glass for construction shall not only solve waste problems, but also
provide a new resource for construction purposes. The use of waste glass as a substitute for
fine aggregates in mortar mix is one option that can alleviate waste glass disposal problem
and has been studied widely in recent years. Despite of the recent studies, there are still many
unknowns with the use of waste glass. Study is needed to determine the contribution of waste
glass to the performance of hardened mortar. There are great concerns on the strength and
durability of the mortar being produce with replacement material when used as construction
materials in the construction industries. If it is proven that the mortar is durable and strong,
this will lead to the use of waste glass to replace part of the fine aggregate in mortar. Finally,
this study also aims to determine the most suitable mix proportion that can produce mortar of
desirable strength without compromising engineering performance and quality.
2. Materials
2. 1. Aggregate
In this study two type of sand is used (1) Standard sand - Standard sand conforming from IS
650:1991 used for control mortar block.(2) Natural Sand - Fine aggregate resulting from the
natural disintegration of rock and which has been deposited by streams or glacial agencies.
The Wainganga sand was used as natural river sand.
2.2. Water
Water used for making masonry mortars shall be clean and free from injurious quantities of
deleterious materials. Potable water is considered satisfactory for use in masonry mortar. For
further requirements regarding limits of deleterious materials permitted reference may be
made to IS 456-1978.
2.3. Cement
Ordinary Portland cement 53 grade (ultratech cement) complying with IS 269, 1976 was used.
The cement was kept in an airtight container and stored in the humidity controlled room to
prevent cement from being exposed to moisture. The grade 53 is known for its rich quality
and is highly durable. Hence it is used for constructing bigger structures like building
foundations, bridges, tall buildings, and structures designed to withstand heavy pressure.
With a good distribution network this cement is available most abundantly in Gujarat. The
chemical and physical properties of this material were shown in Table 1.1.
Table 1: Properties of cement
Sr. No.
Chemical Ingredients
Iron Oxide
Magnesium Oxide
Sulphur Trioxide
Alkalies such as soda & potash
Loss on ignition
Range %
Common Proportion
The broken windows glass is used as waste which is supplied from windows glass market.
The Fine Glass Aggregates and Coarse Glass aggregates are produced by using pulverizer
and separated by sieving in two different particle sizes as follows:
Fine glass aggregate of size: - 600m 1.18mm
Corse glass aggregate of size: - 1.18mm 4.75mm
In this study two different colour waste glasses are used in two different sizes as follows:
1. White fine glass aggregate (WFG): - 600m 1.18mm
International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering
Volume 3 Issue 3 2013
A total of fourteen series of mixtures of one proportion were prepared in the laboratory trials
according to the requirements of IS 2250:1981. The fourteen mixtures in series includes a
control mixture using only natural sand and standard sand with zero percent GA. The details
of one mixed is given in Table 2.3. The cement and water proportions in the mixes were
taken as constant to determine the effect of various FG and CG combinations. The
replacements of FA with FG and CG were at levels from 10 to 30% by weight. For instance,
the 20% replacement of FG means that the 20% of corresponding fine aggregate weight was
replaced by FG in the FG-20 samples (see Table 1.4). In the mixing process of samples,
waste glass, Fine aggregates and cement contents were placed in a mortar mixer and mixed
for 1 min as dry. Then, water was poured into mortar mixer for another 3 min. Afterward, the
fresh mixes were fed into the steel moulds with internal dimensions of 70.6x70.6x70.6 mm.
The temperature of the water and that of the test room at the time when the mixing operation
is being performed was 27 2 C. The materials for each batch of moulds mixed separately
using the quantities of dry materials, conforming to the proportions and the quantity of water
was determined in accordance with the procedure of IS 2250:1981. The steel moulds were
filled over with material to about half height and the layer compacted by tamping it with the
tamping rod in a uniform manner over the mortar surface in such a way to produce full
compaction of the mortar with neither segregation nor excessive laitance. The moulds were
then be completely filled and the upper layer of the mortar compacted in a similar manner,
after which the mould were kept on the vibrating table for 5 mins. Then the surface of the
mortar struck off plane and levelled the top of the mould, using a trowel. The specimen shall
then be marked for later identifications, removed from the moulds and stored in clean water
until the time of tests. The temperature of the storage water was 27 2C. The specimen
were tested according to the IS 2250:1981 at an interval 1, 3, 7 and 28 days.
Table 2: The details of one mortar mix proportion
International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering
Volume 3 Issue 3 2013
International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering
Volume 3 Issue 3 2013
The compressive strength of mortar specimen with and without WG, after being cured for 28
days, was shown in graph. Compressive strength was observed to decrease, as the proportion
of WG in mortar produced increased. The decrease in the compressive strength of the mortar
blocks in the FG replacement levels of 10%, 20% and 30% were 15%, 12% and 40% as
compared with the control sample, respectively. Similarly the decrease in the compressive
strength of the mortar blocks in the CG replacement levels of 10%, 20% and 30% are 20%,
15% and 45% as compared with the control sample, respectively.
In mortar with cement as binder there is a decrease in compressive strength with glass residue
addition. The high brittleness of WG leading to cracks was determined to lead to incomplete
adhesion between the WG and cement paste interphase. Due to the poor geometry of WG, a
homogenous distribution of aggregates could not be achieved. Accordingly, an increase in the
amount of WG used in mortar decreased compressive strength. Graph shows the compressive
strength that incorporation of glass residue reduced mechanical strength in cement mortar.
Commonly, Pozzolana reacts with available CH producing CSH similar to that produced in
cement hydration reactions. But in this case, CH is not much available, possibly forcing glass
residue to act as an aggregate. Therefore, a lower percentage of pozzolana will probably
increase mechanical strength.
International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering
Volume 3 Issue 3 2013
5. Conclusion
The feasibility of mortar blocks with the Fine Glass and Coarse Glass was shown technically
in the present study. Based on the experimental investigation, the following conclusions are
1. Compressive strength of OPC mortar for 1, 3, 7and 28 days for standard sand was
observed to be greater than that of local sand (Wainganga sand) for control mix.
2. The use of waste glass aggregate usually reduces the water demand.
3. With the addition of waste glass aggregate, density of mortar increases.
4. With the addition of waste glass aggregate, compressive strength of mortar decreases.
5. Crushed waste glass aggregate have irregular shapes than local sand.
6. The reduction of mortar strength can be attributed to the high-water cement ratio and
absence of rough surface of waste glass aggregate, which is essential for bonding and
structuring of fresh mortar.
7. Mortar containing colour glass aggregate as fine aggregate achieve more strengths to
that of white glass aggregate.
8. Water absorbed is less by cubes containing waste glass aggregate as compared to
control mix cubes
6. References
1. Zainab Z. Ismail, Enas A. AL-Hashmi,(2009), Recycling of waste glass as a partial
replacement for fine aggregate in concrete Waste management, 29(2), pp 655-659.
2. Mohamad J. Terro, (2006), Properties of concrete made with recycled crushed glass at
elevated temperatures, Building and environment, 41(5), pp 633-639.
3. Seung Bum Park, Bong Chun Lee, Jeong Hwan Kim, (2004), Studies on mechanical
properties of concrete containing waste glass aggregate, Cement and concrete
research, 34(12), pp 2181-2189.
International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering
Volume 3 Issue 3 2013
International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering
Volume 3 Issue 3 2013