Design of Grassed Waterway
Design of Grassed Waterway
Design of Grassed Waterway
no. 1225
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The work described in this publication was carried out by researchers
and engineers from the College of Agriculture, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), and the Soil Conservation Service, United
States Department of Agriculture. We are grateful to Roger R. Yoerger,
Head, UIUC Department of Agricultural Engineering, for initiating the
project and to Carroll J. W. Drablos, Professor of Soil and Water Exten-
sion, for his valuable advice.
Personnel of the Soil Conservation Service in state and local offices in
were most helpful,
Illinois especially Jeff Healy, Agricultural Engineer at
the Champaign office.
We wish to thank William O. Ree, retired Hydraulic Engineer, Agricul-
tural Research Service, and former Director, Outdoor Hydraulic Labora-
tory at Stillwater, Oklahoma, for his advice.
John B. Stall, Visiting Associate Professor (1981), Department of Agricultural
Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Introduction 1
Applicability 1
Requirements 2
Assistance 2
Sequence of Construction 2
Hydrologic Design 3
Rainfall 3
Hydrologic Soil Group 3
Curve Number 3
Watershed Slope 3
Peak Flow 6
Construction , 12
Methods 12
Establishment of Grass 13
Importance 13
Seedbed 13
Seed Mixture 13
Time of Year 15
Temporary Cover 15
Design Example 16
Problem 16
Step-by-Step Solution 16
Maintenance 18
Repair 18
Double Channeling from Improper Plowing 18
Double Channeling from Waterway Sedimentation 19
Mowing 19
Herbicides 19
Related Ideas 20
Livestock Waste Disposal 20
Sediment Filters 20
Design Using Tractive Force 20
References 21
Most farm plans for soil and grassed waterways will be con-
water conservation must, to be ef- structed in the next decade.
fective, include grassed waterways This circular has been written to
as part of their design. The wide, provide up-to-date, easy-to-use in-
shallow, sod-lined channels of formation on the design, construc-
these waterways safely dispose of tion,and maintenance of grassed
surface water from heavy rains and waterways. The publication is in-
prevent the formation of gullies. tended for use by land improve-
Wherever surface runoff water ment contractors, conservation
from more than a few acres col- technicians, and engineers. The
lects, a gully often forms. A grassed procedures given cover the range
waterway is needed to prevent the of conditions found in Illinois. The
resulting erosion. major publication that has been
Grassed waterways can make used for three decades to design
farming more convenient. If de- grassed waterways is the Handbook
signed and constructed properly, of channel design for soil and water
they can be crossed easily with conservation (SCS-TP-61), published
farm equipment. Possible damage and revised by the Soil Conserva-
to equipment taken across a gully tion Service in 1954. Current text-
can thus be avoided. books, such as that by Schwab et
Land used for waterways is not al. (1981), provide design proce-
wasted. The success of the total dures based on the same informa-
soil and water conservation pro- tion. The Soil Conservation Ser-
gram on the farm depends on the vice's Engineering field manual
proper removal of surface runoff (1969) describes procedures that
water through these waterways. are also based on this source. The
The area needed for waterways present publication uses the same
should therefore be used for its in- procedures as those in the refer-
tended purpose. The production ences cited, but the steps have
of forage or the use of the land as been greatly simplified. In carrying
a wildlife habitat should be sec- out operations on a day-to-day ba-
ondary to the continued, proper sis in each Illinois county, techni-
currently carrying water and if the wise the waterway will be damaged
channel is not eroding. Such a and may require excessive mainte-
draw might contain a meandering, nance and reconstruction.
If terraces are to be built to con-
noneroding channel vegetated
trol upland erosion, then the
with brush and trees that, in addi-
tion to holding the soil in place, grassed waterway may be used as
provide a valuable habitat for quails, an outlet for the water collected
rabbits, pheasants, meadowlarks,
by the terrace system. In this case
cardinals, and other desirable
the grassed waterway should be
built first so that when the terraces
are built, the outlet will already be
To allow construction of a
grassed waterway, an area must
have enough soil to establish and
maintain a stand of grass. A stable
outlet is also essential. If a stable
natural outlet is not available, then
a structure is necessary. In addition,
tiledrainage may be required be-
neath the waterway.
The county Extension adviser can
give advice on the general applica-
bility of the practice to a particular
The waterway should be sized to
carry the runoff resulting from the
maximum 24-hour rainfall expected
in a 10-year return period. This
rainfallcan be read from the map
in 1. It varies from 4 inches
in northeast Illinois to 5 inches at
the southern tip of Illinois.
Curve Number
The runoff from a soil also de-
pends on the land use, and runoff
'4.6 curve numbers (RCN) provide an
index of this runoff. Table 2 gives
curve numbers of the hydrologic
soil groups A, B, C, and D with
various land uses.
Watershed Slope
The watershed should be judged
as being flat, moderate, or steep in
slope by reference to the following
Farmsteads 59 74 82 86
Roads 74 84 90 92
Note: The curve numbers n bold type are less than the values given in Figures 2, 3,
and 4. Use CN 60 for these conditions.
1,000 1,000
<Si c urv e ni rip »ry 90 Ci irue lumbi T
LU 85
R tii if ill, inc! les
1,1 infall, in< :hes
"- 100 75
u 70
U 65
y'y' ^r
*\ 60
"t^r ^^
10 _^^v V 10 Iv *
t ^
p/ V^5 j^^
4^ fy--
F ai ifall, ir iche F <i ifall, inche »
100 100 j&
jS S .^
AjV^j' * *
Sk 4 10
4 4
1,000r 1,000
\u ifall, in< hes^ I til infall, in< :hes
60 100 .
X4y Ss
/ y^ .
/ A^j s*s&
1' 3^
1ft -
/ 4/
10 f
5- 5
10 100 200 5 10 100 200
for outlets from terraces, diver- drainage area that may lie across velocity in feet per second (fps) is
at which time retardance B is ap- 0.05
propriate for use. For each flow 0.04 E
channel as calculated by the Man- VR, PRODUCT OF VELOCITY AND HYDRAULIC RADIUS
ning equation using retardance B.
The channel must be, and is, able
Figure Roughness factor, n, for the Manning equation as related to velocity, V, hy-
to carry the flow when the lower and retardance. (Reprinted from U.S. Soil Conservation Service, Hand-
draulic radius, R,
velocity, V 2 occurs. (See Table 6.)
, book of channel design for soil and water conservation, SCS-TP-61, 1966.)
40 12 3.6 1.4 16 2.5 1.5 15 2.2 1.8 17 1.9 1.8 20 1.7 23 1.6 1.7 18
45 13 3.5 1.4 18 2.4 1.5 17 2.2 1.9 19 1.9 1.8 22 1.7 26 1.6 1.7 20
50 15 3.4 1.5 20 2.4 1.5 18 2.2 1.9 21 1.9 1.9 25 1.7 29 1.6 1.7 22
55 16 3.4 1.5 22 2.4 1.6 20 2.2 1.9 23 1.9 1.9 27 1.7 32 1.6 1.7 24
60 18 3.4 1.5 24 2.4 1.6 22 2.2 1.9 25 1.9 1.9 29 1.7 34 1.5 1.7 26
65 19 3.3 1.6 26 2.4 1.6 24 2.1 1.9 28 1.9 1.9 32 1.7 37 1.5 1.7 28
70 20 3.3 1.6 28 2.4 1.6 25 2.1 1.9 30 1.9 1.9 34 1.7 40 1.5 1.7 31
75 22 3.3 1.6 30 2.4 1.6 27 2.1 1.9 32 1.9 1.9 37 1.7 43 1.5 1.7 33
80 23 3.3 1.6 32 2.4 1.6 29 2.1 1.9 34 1.9 1.9 39 1.7 46 1.5 1.7 35
90 26 3.3 1.6 36 2.4 1.6 33 2.1 1.9 38 1.9 1.9 44 1.7 51 1.5 1.7 39
100 29 3.2 1.6 40 2.3 1.6 36 2.1 1.9 42 1.9 1.9 49 1.7 57 1.5 1.7 43
110 31 3.2 1.6 44 2.3 1.6 40 2.1 1.9 46 1.9 1.9 53 1.7 62 1.5 1.7 48
120 35 3.2 1.6 48 2.3 1.6 43 2.1 2.0 50 1.9 1.9 58 1.7 68 1.5 1.7 52
130 37 3.2 1.6 52 2.3 1.6 47 2.1 2.0 54 1.9 1.9 63 1.7 73 1.5 1.7 56
140 40 3.2 1.7 55 2.3 1.6 50 2.1 2.0 59 1.9 1.9 68 1.7 79 1.5 1.7 60
150 43 3.2 1.7 59 2.3 1.6 54 2.1 2.0 63 1.9 1.9 72 1.7 85 1.5 1.7 65
160 45 3.2 1.7 63 2.3 1.6 57 2.1 2.0 67 1.9 1.9 77 1.7 90 1.5 1.7 69 1.i
170 48 3.2 1.7 67 2.3 1.6 61 2.1 2.0 71 1.9 1.9 82 1.7 96 1.5 1.7 73 1..
180 51 3.2 1.7 71 2.3 1.6 65 2.1 2.0 75 1.9 1.9 87 1.7 101 1.5 1.7 77 1.!
190 54 3.2 1.7 75 2.3 1.6 68 2.1 2.0 79 1.9 1.9 91 1.7 107 1.5 1.7 82 1.
200 59 3.2 1.7 79 2.3 1.6 72 2.1 2.0 83 1.9 1.9 96 1.7 112 1.5 1.7 86 1.
220 62 3.2 1.7 87 2.3 1.6 79 2.1 2.0 91 1.9 1.9 106 1.7 123 1.5 1.7 94 1.
240 68 3.2 1.7 94 2.3 1.6 86 2.1 2.0 99 1.9 1.9 115 1.7 134 1.5 1.7 103 1.
260 73 3.2 1.7 102 2.3 1.6 93 2.1 2.0 108 1.9 1.9 124 1.7 145 1.5 1.7 111 1.
280 79 3.2 1.7 110 2.3 1.6 100 2.1 2.0 114 1.9 1.9 134 1.7 156 1.5 1.7 120 1.(
300 84 3.2 1.7 118 2.3 1.6 109 2.1 2.0 124 1.9 1.9 143 1.7 167 1.5 1.7 128 I.I
Entries in the table outside the shaded section will have side slopes at the edge that are greater than 1, vertical, and 6, horizontal. See
Table 3. These slopes are not readily crossable with farm machinery. If crossability is desired, a different T and d should be calculated on the
basis of the equations provided.
1 1.8 8 1.6 1.8 10 1.2 1.7 9 1 2 2.1 11 1.0 2.0 12 1.0 2.0 14 0.8 1.9 16 0.8 1.9
1 2.0 10 1.5 1.9 14 1.2 1.8 12 1 2 2.1 14 1.0 2.0 16 1.0 2.0 18 0.8 1.9 21 0.8 1.9
1 2.0 13 1.5 2.0 17 1.2 1.8 15 1 2 2.1 18 1.0 2.1 19 1.0 2.0 23 0.8 2.0 26 0.8 1.9
1 2.1 15 1.5 2.0 20 1.2 1.8 18 1 1 2.1 21 1.0 2.1 24 1.0 2.0 27 0.8 2.0 31 0.8 1.9
1 2.1 18 1.5 2.0 24 1.2 1.8 21 1 1 2.1 24 1.0 2.1 27 1.0 2.0 32 0.8 2.0 36 0.8 1.9
U 2.1 20 1.5 2.0 27 1.2 1.8 24 1 1 2.2 28 1.0 2.1 31 1.0 2.0 36 0.8 2.0 41 0.8 1.9
1. 2.1 23 1.5 2.0 30 1.2 1.8 27 1 1 2.2 31 1.0 2.1 35 1.0 2.0 41 0.8 2.0 45 0.8 1.9
I, 2.2 25 1.5 2.0 34 1.2 1.8 30 1 1 2.2 35 1.0 2.1 38 1.0 2.0 45 0.8 2.0 51 0.8 1.9
1. 2.2 28 1.5 2.0 37 1.2 1.8 33 1 1 2.2 38 1.0 2.1 42 1.0 2.0 49 0.8 2.0 56 0.8 1.9
1. 2.2 30 1.5 2.0 40 1.2 1.9 36 1 1 2.2 41 1.0 2.1 46 1.0 2.0 54 0.8 2.0 61 0.8 1.9
1.| 2.2 33 1.5 2.0 43 1.2 1.9 39 1 1 2.2 45 1.0 2.1 50 1.0 2.0 58 0.8 2.0 66 0.8 1.9
I.I 2.2 35 1.5 2.1 47 1.2 1.9 42 1 1 2.2 48 1.0 2.1 53 1.0 2.1 62 0.8 2.0 71 0.8 1.9
1.1 2.2 37 1.5 2.1 50 1.2 1.9 45 1 1 2.2 51 1.0 2.1 57 1.0 2.1 67 0.8 2.0 76 0.8 1.9
lj 2.2 40 1_5 2.1 53 1.2 1.9 48 1 1 2.2 55 1.0 2.1 61 1.0 2.1 71 0.8 2.0 81 0.8 1.9
1( 2.2 45 1.5 2.1 60 1.2 1.9 54 1. 1 2.2 62 1.0 2.1 68 1.0 2.1 80 0.8 2.0 91 0.8 2.0
It 2.2 50 1.5 2.1 66 1.2 1.9 60 1. 1 2.2 68 1.0 2.1 76 1.0 2.1 88 0.8 2.0 100 0.8 2.0
1. 2.2 55 1.5 2.1 73 1.2 1.9 65 1. 1 2.2 75 1.0 2.1 83 1.0 2.1 97 0.8 2.0 110 0.8 2.0
I 2.2 59 1.5 2.1 79 1.2 1.9 71 1. 1 2.2 81 1.0 2.2 90 1.0 2.1 105 0.8 2.0 120 0.8 2.0
1.6 2.2 64 1.5 2.1 86 1.2 1.9 77 1. 1 2.2 88 1.0 2.2 98 1.0 2.1 114 0.8 2.0 129 0.8 2.0
li 2.2 69 1.5 2.1 92 1.2 1.9 83 1. 1 2.2 95 1.0 2.2 105 1.0 2.1 122 0.8 2.0 139 0.8 2.0
1,1 2.2 74 1.5 2.1 99 1.2 1.9 89 1. 1 2.2 101 1.0 2.2 112 1.0 2.1 131 0.8 2.0 148 0.8 2.0
1 2.2 79 1.5 2.1 105 1.2 1.9 94 1. 1 2.2 108 1.0 2.2 119 1.0 2.1 139 0.9 2.0 158 0.8 2.0
E 2.2 84 1.5 2.1 111 1.2 1.9 100 1. 1 2.2 114 1.0 2.2 126 1.0 2.1 147 0.9 2.0 167 0.8 2.0
IS; 2.2 88 1.5 2.1 118 1.2 1.9 106 1. 1 2.2 121 1.0 2.2 134 1.0 2.1 156 0.9 2.0 177 0.8 2.0
li 2.2 93 1.5 2.1 124 1.2 1.9 111 1. 1 2.2 127 1.0 2.2 141 1.0 2.1 164 0.9 2.0 186 0.8 2.0
1 2.2 98 1.5 2.1 130 1.2 1.9 117 1. 1 2.2 134 1.0 2.2 148 1.0 2.1 172 0.9 2.0 195 0.8 2.0
li 2.2 108 1.5 2.1 143 1.2 1.9 129 1. 1 2.2 147 1.0 2.2 162 1.0 2.1 189 0.9 2.0 214 0.8 2.0
li 2.2 117 1.5 2.1 156 1.2 1.9 140 1. 1 2.2 160 1.0 2.2 177 1.0 2.1 206 0.9 2.1 233 0.8 2.0
1.6 2.2 127 1.5 2.1 169 1.2 1.9 152 1. 1 2.2 173 1.0 2.2 191 1.0 2.1 222 0.9 2.1 252 0.8 2.0
.6 2.2 136 1.5 2.1 181 1.2 1.9 163 1. 1 2.2 186 1.0 2.2 205 1.0 2.1 239 0.9 2.1 270 0.8 2.0
.6 2.2 146 1.5 2.1 194 1.2 1.9 174 1. 1 2.2 198 1.0 2.2 219 1.0 2.1 255 0.9 2.1 289 0.8 2.0
Remove all brush and rocks
larger than 6 inches in diameter
and bury them elsewhere, not be-
neath the waterway.
Drive centerline stakes to mark
the intended waterway. Using off-
set stakes will help maintain
planned grades and aid in checking
construction. If the subsoil in this
region will not support the growth
of grass, remove the topsoil from
the waterway and stockpile it
nearby, out of the way.
Figure 7. Minimum spacing for a tile drain beneath a grassed waterway. Shape the waterway to the de-
sign grade and parabolic cross sec-
tion. Fill the gullies gradually. Pack
the fill to prevent settling in the
future. Be conscious of safety
when operating the equipment. Do
Table 6 . Grass Seeding Mixtures Suitable Throughout Illinois
not drive too near the edge of a
Wet, steep gully. Spread the stockpiled
Number Grasses
pounds part
all or
* In
form grade or an incorrect cross-
addition to controlling erosion in the waterway, these three mixtures will also provide
cover for some species of desirable w ildlife. sectional shape, it is likely to be
unstable and to erode rapidly.
eroded. This erosion will change nois and make desirable vegetative
the shape of the waterway, de- covers in waterways.
stroying its efficiency and often re- fescue is a moderately win-
quiring that the waterway be re- ter-hardy grass that makes a good
built. vegetative cover. It is a bunch
grass,but the leaves "shingle
Seedbed down" when water flows over
seedings of grass require a
All them, thus protecting the soil. It
plenty of available plant food. Be- parts of the state but is particularly
gin by testing the soil and applying suited to southern Illinois. In fact it
build up the soil and establish the area. Tall fescue grows best on fer-
used for seeding, take care to seed lished, it gives good protection to
way should be mulched with straw tracts pheasants for nesting and
Phosphorus, P 120 (P 2 O s)
Potassium, K 120 (K 2 0)
The mulch may be anchored by
using mulch netting or by disking
with a dull disk that is set straight.
Kentucky bluegrass grows best in the fall; so the choice may de-
on fertile soils in central and pend on the most practical time
northern Illinois, where it has been for preparing the waterway.
used extensively in waterways. It is Plant suitability zones for Illinois
not as deep rooted as the other are shown in Figure 8. Table 8 con-
grasses already mentioned and tains the recommended planting
therefore is not as desirable. Pres- dates for grasses in each zone.
ent practices omit bluegrass from
the seeding mixture. On fertile Temporary Cover
soils it will naturally invade stands If the waterway is completed in
mentioned above are listed in cover grow until the proper seed-
Table seeding is done in the
6. If ing date for the permanent grass
spring, a nurse crop
add one — mixture. Then disk up the tempo-
bushel of oats per acre to the — rary cover, prepare a good seedbed
grass seed mixture given in Table 6. as described, and establish the per-
If the seeding is done in the fall, manent seeding.
add 20 pounds per acre of wheat
or rye. These small-grain crops
provide a quick vegetative growth
movement and
that retards soil
Table 8. Planting Dates for Grass in
does not compete excessively with Illinois
the waterway's mixture seedlings,
provided the small-grain seeding Plant
suitability Planting dates
rates are held within the suggested
Before June 1
August 1 to September 1
Time of Year
Waterways should be seeded in Before May 15
Location: McLean County area of 145 acres and a rainfall of The waterway then be cross-
Watershed: dominated by Catlin 4.4 inches (interpolate between the able with farm machinery. (See
Silt Loam —
a dark-colored, curves shown for 4 inches and 5 Table 3.)
well-drained soil
inches), the peak flow is read as 7. According to Table 6, grass
110 cfs. This solution is indicated mixture number 1 is appropriate
Drainage: 145 acres, moderately
sloping, largely farmed on the by the broken line in Figure 3. for well-drained Catlin soil and will
contour, using conservation til- 5. Table 4 indicates that the consist of (1) smooth bromegrass,
lage maximum allowable velocity for 10 pounds per acre, and (2) tall fes-
normal grass conditions 4.0 fps. cue, 20 pounds per acre.
Slope of the waterway reach: 2.0 is
1. Table 1 indicates that Catlin of 110 cfs, the waterway width, T, 9. These planting dates for Plant
soil is in Hydrologic Group B. is 55 feet, and waterway depth, d,
Suitability Zone II are given in Ta-
To find the runoff curve
2. is 1.5 feet. Vi is 3.5 fps, which is
ble 8: (1) before May 15 or (2) from
number (RCN), use Table 2. For below the maximum allowable ve- August 1 to September 10.
cultivated farmland using many locity of 4.0 fps. V2 is 2.1 fps, Construction work can then be
conservation practices, RCN is 71. which is greater than the 1.5 fps contracted and carried out when
Use RCN of 70, the nearest value minimum velocity needed to pre- appropriate. After construction is
in the peak flow graphs. vent sediment deposition. (See complete, the fertilizer (see Table
According to the map in Fig-
3. Table 4.) 7) can be applied, the seedbed
ure 1, the 24-hour rainfall with a The dimensions of the waterway prepared, and seeding carried out
10-year recurrence interval for (T, 55 feet, and d, 1.5 feet) appear according to the selected planting
McLean County is 4.4 inches. in the shaded section of Table 5. dates.
per second or
Table 6.)
n = roughness coefficient T2 = T 1 (d 2 /d 1 )°-
= T Vd 2 /d
1 1
• To a draw or waterway left
R = hydraulic radius in feet
bare of vegetation and not Special Problem
S = slope of channel bed in feet
farmed, perhaps because the
per foot Design a grassed waterway for
soil will not support grass.
The hydraulic radius, R, can be cal- the following agricultural setting:
• To a sandy soil that is highly
culated approximately as: Conditions: (a) Calculated peak
erodible. The allowable veloci-
flow of 140 cfs for
ties given in Table 4 may be R = A/T (2)
design Q.
too high for this soil. where
A = area of cross section in (b) Slope of 1.0 per-
• To a waterway design with di-
square feet cent for the
mensions that appear outside
T = top width of channel in feet reach of the
the shaded section in Table 5.
The hydraulic radius, R, can be cal- waterway.
Such a waterway would have
culated more accurately by: Solution: According to Table 5,
side slopes that cannot be
the width, T, is 59 feet,
crossed with farm machinery. If
R = A/wp (3) and the depth, d, is 1.9
this noncrossability is not ac- where feet.
ceptable, then a waterway of wp = wetted perimeter of the
different dimensions can be channel bed in feet, this This design is based on retardance
designed by using the equa- being the width of channel D and B.V„ maximum velocity, is
bed actually wetted by the 3.0 fps, and V minimum velocity,
• To values of flow,
The flow can be calculated by:
Q, or slope,
S, beyond the range given in Q = AV (5)
Table 5. where
However, the hydraulic equations Q = flow in cubic feet per sec-
used to compile Table 5 can be ond
used to calculate the dimensions of A = cross-sectional area in square
a waterway even if the assumptions feet
are different. (See the next sec- V = flow velocity in feet per sec-
tion.) ond
Sediment deposit
""^-Original channel
Figure 9. A grassed waterway can be destroyed when sediment is deposited at the edges
or in the waterway. Erosive channels are formed, which prevent runoff water from reach-
ing the waterway.
come impossible to maintain and yet found a nesting site. They can
may need reshaping and revegeta- thus nest undisturbed before the
tion. Very often when sedimenta- next mowing (in August). Fall re-
tion occurs, reshaping the channel growth may later provide desirable
will require removal of the sedi-
roosting cover for birds such as
ment. Quite frequently the sedi- pheasants.
ment can be used in local depres- Mowing is best accomplished
the grass in the filter are depos- through it. out many times before the best an-
ited. These settled solids must be Barfield and Hayes (1980) have swer can be found. For this reason,
removed from the basin periodi- described the modeling of a sedi- a computer program is necessary
cally. When the filter is in opera- ment filter. Their research involves and is included in Temple's de-
tion, the grass needs to be mowed the hydraulics of water flow, the scription.
regularly. hydraulics of the grasses, and the The tractive force methodology
Research studies show that the physical laws of sediment transport. for designing grassed waterways is
most effective configuration was a A prototype has been constructed an improvement over methods us-
sheet flow (overland flow) situation at an agricultural experiment sta- ing maximum allowable velocity.
where inflowing water was distrib- tion research plot, demonstrating The theory an improved
uted onto the filter as a shallow sediment runoff and its filtration understanding of the complicated
film. In such a situation, the filter by a grass filter. A description of interaction of hydraulic forces in-
strip must be smooth so as to this prototype has been published volved in channel flow. It offers an
maintain the overland flow, and it by Hayes, Barfield, and Barnhisel opportunity for continued im-
must slope gently to keep flow ve- (1979). provement in the design of grassed
locities low. Channelized configura- Because of the research de- waterways. It does not, however,
tions have also been successfully scribed above, a grass filter to col- invalidate the methods described
used, but more experience is lect sediment can now be de- in this publication, which still rep-
needed with these before they will signed, provided enough resent current design practice.
be considered acceptable. information is available on the na-
Design criteria are being devel- ture of the eroded sediment, the
oped so that these filters might be soil properties, the grass proper-
constructed in Illinois. At present, ties, and the interrelated hydraulic
state pollution control agencies, functions. Specific design criteria
conservation agencies, and the for sediment filter strips in Illinois
University of Illinois are collaborat- are under development.
ing on the design standards. Spe-
cific criteria are approved and
available on request.
Urbana, Illinois December, 1983
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension Work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
WILLIAM R. OSCHWALD, Director, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
The Illinois Cooperative Extension Service provides equal opportunities in programs and employment.
7M— 12-83— 56970— ZMH
Q.630.7IL6C C005
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