Applied Value Investing (Cooper, Luft) FA2015
Applied Value Investing (Cooper, Luft) FA2015
Applied Value Investing (Cooper, Luft) FA2015
Fall 2015
**Below information is subject to change**
Professor Office Location: Off-Campus, First Eagle, 1345 Avenue of the Americas
Office Phone:
Professor Office Location: Off-Campus, Eagle Capital Partners, 655 Third Avenue
Office Phone:
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**There are no good textbooks for this course. I assume because you are in an advanced security analysis class / AVI
program at Columbia you have read at least parts of the following books:
Greenwald et al, Graham and Dodds Security Analysis, Sixth Addition OR
Cottle, Murray, and Block, Graham and Dodds Security Analysis, Fifth Addition
Greenwald and Kahn, Competition Demystified, A Radically Simplified Approach to Business Strategy
Security Analysis is a must read for anyone interested in value investing.
In my whole life, I have known no wise people (over a broad subject matter area) who didnt read all the time
none, zero. Charlie Munger.
We agree with that statement 100%. We dont know anyone who reads too much. Given everyone's strong interest
in value investing, the required list is not as long as it first appears as nearly all you have read a few of these and
most are not that lengthy. Also, some will be required for other classes you are taking this fall. We appreciate and
recognize that everyone comes in with a different level of knowledge. Ensuring that everyone has read at least
these books before class begins will enable us to conduct the class at a deeper level so you will all learn more than
would be possible without this same base of knowledge. The fall semester is quite demanding in terms of time
required. This will put you all a step ahead of your peers outside of this section and competitors from other
schools. Ultimately it should be enjoyable and time well spent. Reading these will help give you more insight into
how we think.
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You will find direct links in your study of micro and macro economics, accounting, strategy, corporate finance, and all
other investing courses to this class.
Case Study
Grades will reflect knowledge and application of the course material and communication skills. This course is intended to
be interactive and class participation will be crucial to the success of this class.
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Class Participation:
Preparation, Discussion, Organization
Must attend be on time and attend EVERY class. There are no excused absences.
No internet connectivity allowed during class first offense will result in removal from class
Guest Speakers:
This course will involve several buy-side guest lectures; class participation will be crucial to the success of the course.
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