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Critical Appraisal Piping

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The paper presents a comprehensive review of published literature on soil piping phenomena. Key concepts discussed include the historical development of earth dam design, filter criteria, and modes of piping failure.

The paper defines three main modes of piping phenomena: (1) heave, (2) internal erosion, and (3) backwards erosion, although it notes that other modes are possible.

The paper discusses that standardized laboratory procedures are available to assess piping potential in cohesive materials, but no such methods exist for non-cohesive soils. However, it states that methods are available for evaluation of self-filtration potential.

Bull Eng Geol Environ (2007) 66:381402

DOI 10.1007/s10064-007-0095-0


Critical appraisal of piping phenomena in earth dams

Kevin S. Richards Krishna R. Reddy

Received: 15 January 2007 / Accepted: 18 May 2007 / Published online: 7 July 2007
 Springer-Verlag 2007

Abstract This paper presents a comprehensive review of

published literature on soil piping phenomena. The first
tools to design earth dams to resist piping were developed
during 19101935. Filter criteria for dispersive soils was
refined in the 1970s. Piping phenomena are generally
defined as: (1) heave, (2) internal erosion, (3) backwards
erosion, although other modes are possible. Recent work on
piping highlights the limitations of the occurrence of piping
and the role that design and construction may play in a
large percentage of piping failures. Standardized laboratory
procedures are available to assess piping potential in
cohesive materials, but no such methods exist for noncohesive soils. However, methods are available for evaluation of self-filtration potential. Recent advances in computer technology have facilitated the evaluation of seepage
and deformation in embankments but computational
methods for evaluation of piping potential are currently
Keywords Earth dams  Piping  Internal erosion 
Heave  Suffosion
Resume Larticle presente une analyse generale de
resultats publies sur les phenome`nes de suffosion des sols.
Les premiers outils visant a` dimensionner les barrages en
terre contre la suffosion ont ete developpes durant la
periode 19101935. Les crite`res de filtres destines a` eviter
K. S. Richards (&)  K. R. Reddy
Department of Civil and Materials Engineering,
University of Illinois, 842 West Taylor Street,
Chicago, IL 60607, USA
e-mail: kricha3@uic.edu
K. R. Reddy
e-mail: kreddy@uic.edu

ces phenome`nes ont ete ameliores dans les annees 1970.

Les phenome`nes de suffosion sont generalement associes a`
(1) du gonflement, (2) de lerosion interne, (3) de lerosion
regressive, mais dautres processus sont possibles. Des
travaux recents sur la suffosion mettent en lumie`re les
techniques permettant de limiter les risques dapparition de
ce phenome`ne. Ils montrent aussi le role des principes de
conception et des techniques de construction sur beaucoup
de situations de rupture initiees par des phenome`nes de
suffosion. Des essais de laboratoire standardises existent
pour evaluer la susceptibilite a` la suffosion de sols coherents, ce qui nest pas le cas pour des sols non coherents.
Cependant, des methodes sont disponibles pour evaluer la
capacite dauto-filtration dun materiau donne. Des avancees recentes dans le domaine de la simulation numerique
ont facilite levaluation des e`coulements et des deformations dans les structures de barrage en terre, mais il faut
noter que ces methodes numeriques restent impuissantes
pour mettre en evidence les conditions dapparition de la
Mots cles Barrages en terre  Suffosion  Erosion interne 

Based on the history of earth dam failures in the nineteenth
and twentieth centuries, it is likely that piping failures in
dams have occurred since the earliest dams were constructed around 2900 BC. Early methods of construction did
not consider the effects of seepage or proper zonation of
materials to provide adequate filters in earth dams. As
experience grew with the successful construction of dams
on a variety of foundation materials, empirically successful



K. S. Richards, K. R. Reddy

dam designs emerged by the first millennium AD as evidenced by the 2,000 year service life of the Proserpina
Dam constructed by the Romans (Jansen 1983, p. 16).
Shortly after Henry Darcy (1856) recognized the relationship between head, length of flow path and fluid velocities
in granular media, methods were developed to evaluate
piping potential from the length of flow path under dams
(Bligh 1910, 1911a, b, 1913; Lane 1934). With the advent
of modern soil mechanics, Terzaghi (1922, 1925) developed a method for the evaluation of heave. Methods were
also developed to aid in the design of defensive piping
measures in the form of filters (Terzaghi 1922, 1939, 1943;
Terzaghi and Peck 1948; Bertram 1940; Sherman 1953;
Sherard and Dunnigan 1989), and evaluation of hydraulic
gradients for design (Forcheimer 1886; Casagrande 1937;
Cedergren 1977). This paper provides a critical review of
piping literature and methods currently available for the
evaluation of piping- related problems in existing dams.
Due to the large body of work that has been completed on
piping research, and the fact that the work is the product of
international and multi-discipline study, there are a number
of definitions in the literature regarding piping phenomena.
It has been common for practicing engineers to lump all
these definitions under the generic term piping. This
practice makes it difficult to determine the root cause of
piping failures when researching case histories. For clarity,
definitions are necessary before proceeding with this review.

Terzaghi (1939), Lane (1934), and Sherard et al.

(1963, p. 115) present a model of piping in which
particles are progressively dislodged from the soil
matrix through tractive forces produced by intergranular seeping water. The mobilizing tractive forces
are balanced by the shear resistance of grains, weight
of the soil particles and filtration. The erosive forces
are greatest where flow concentrates at an exit point
and once soil particles are removed by erosion the
magnitude of the erosive forces increases due to the
increased concentration of flow. This view of piping
is the classic backwards-erosion style of piping.
Backwards erosion is generally produced where a
roof of competent soil or some other structure allows
the formation of a bridged opening. The tractive force
causing this type of erosion is directly proportional to
the velocity of intergranular flow. Lutz (1934) presented a model where the physico-chemical properties
of soils are the primary factor in soil erosion. In the
case of backwards erosion piping, resistance to
the removal of grains of soil is dependent on the
hydraulic gradient through the soil (which is required


to overcome this resistance) as well as the state of

stresses around the opening being formed by the
erosion of material.
(b) Internal erosion (as used here) is similar to backwards erosion piping in that tractive forces remove
soil particles. However, internal erosion is due to flow
along pre-existing openings such as cracks in cohesive material or voids along a soil-structure contact.
By this definition, internal erosion is not due to the
dynamics of intergranular flow and the hydraulics of
the problem are quite different than for backwards
erosion (Lane 1934). Rather than being initiated by
Darcian flow at an exit point, internal erosion is initiated by erosive forces of water along a pre-existing
planar opening. Hence, it may be expected that
internal erosion would initiate in accordance with the
cubic law of flow for planar openings (Franco and
Bagtzoglou 2002; Louis 1969; Worman and Olafsdottir 1992). Internal erosion is expressed as a tractive
load along the length of the opening. This contrasts to
the case of backwards erosion, where the erosion is
occurring at the exit point. Due to the nature of
hydraulic conductivity at a soil-structure boundary,
fluid velocities may be more erosive for a given
hydraulic gradient due to higher velocity flows. Also,
as the hydraulic conductivity tends to be slightly
greater at a soil structure contact, this is often the first
place that increasing hydraulic gradients may express
themselves through erosion.
(c) Tunneling or jugging are common features observed in dispersive soils caused by rainfall erosion
and is discussed by a number of Australian and New
Zealand workers (Jones 1981). Tunneling occurs
within the vadose zone and is due to chemical dispersion of clay soils from rainwater passing through
open cracks or natural conduits. By definition, tunneling does not occur in the phreatic zone. In extreme
cases, tunneling or jugging in dispersive soils can lead
to dam failures similar to the tunneling activities of
animals or penetration by tree roots.
(d) East European researchers coined the term suffosion (Jones 1981; Burenkova 1993; Pavlov 1898;
Kral 1975; Galarowski 1976) to describe the gradual
migration of fine materials through a coarse matrix
leading to failure (McCook 2004; Kovaks 1981; Kral
1975; Galarowski 1976; amongst others). This process can result in a loose framework of granular
material with relatively high seepage flows that leads
to collapse of the soil skeleton (McCook 2004). In
non-cohesive materials, suffosion leads to zones of
high permeability (and water transmission), potential
outbreaks of increased seepage, increased erosive
forces and potential collapse of the skeletal soil

Critical appraisal of piping phenomena in earth dams


structure. Suffosion can be a much slower process

than is commonly observed where piping occurs
along a concentrated leak. Hence, suffosion may be
related to long-term seepage problems that exhibit
increasing seepage quantities over a period of years.
Gradual loss of finer matrix materials in a soil supported by a coarser grained skeleton is termed suffusion, which may lead to a more general collapse
and loss of soil structure, termed suffosion (Kezdi
1979; McCook 2004).
The phenomenon of heave was discussed by Karl
Terzaghi (1922, 1943), who developed an equation
for assessing heave in sheet pile cofferdams. As
reported by Terzaghi, heave occurs when a semipermeable barrier overlies a pervious zone under
relatively high fluid pressures. One significant aspect
of heave is if the fluid pressures in the pervious zone
increase, such as during a flood, a point may be
reached where the uplift at the base of the semi-permeable barrier exceeds the vertical effective stress of
the overlying barrier. This form of failure occurs at a
hydraulic boundary where the migration of water
through the barrier is at a slower rate than the rate of
increase in pressure due to some transient event. This
mode of failure is somewhat different from piping by
backwards erosion or internal erosion. Failure by either of these methods requires seepage velocity sufficient to remove individual soil particles and is not as
dependent on the stability of the soil mass.

From the above definitions, it can be seen that quite

different mechanisms are at work for the various modes of
piping and that engineering analysis specific to each is
required to assess these different modes of piping.

Statistics of piping failures

Although Sherard et al. (1963, p. 124) indicate that most
serious problems from piping are the result of progressive
backward erosion of concentrated leaks, the historic record
of dam failures due to piping indicates there may be other
factors involved. Review of the statistics of dam failures
has shown that a very large percentage of piping cases are
due to internal erosion, inadequate filter design or improper
maintenance. If conduits were properly designed or avoided altogether, the number of piping failures would drop
significantly. Piping data taken from Jones (1981) and Lane
(1934) is summarized in Table 1, with the addition of more
recent data taken from the National Performance of
Dams Program (http://www.npdp.stanford.edu/index.html).
Based on this accumulation of 267 dam piping failures, the
piping cases have been divided into four broad categories;



Foundation related piping failures.

Conduit and internal erosion piping failures.
Possible backwards erosion and suffosion piping
(IV) Piping failures induced by biological activity.
As can be seen from the examples of Category III
piping failures shown in Table 1, nearly one-third (31.1%)
of all piping failures could be associated with the classic
backwards erosion model of piping or suffosion. However, it is quite possible that if more specifics were known
about these failures the percentage could be significantly
lower. Unfortunately, when dams fail by piping the evidence is often washed away with the dam. Hence, the
statistics are very rough and some engineering judgement
is necessary to classify piping failures. The majority of
piping failures may be attributed to a variety of other
causes, such as piping along conduits, other structures and
internal erosion (49.8%) into or along foundations or
abutments (15%), or piping due to biological activity
(4.1%). It is interesting to note that the dams that failed
by biological activity are commonly less than 9 m in
height and that failure by piping into the foundation tends
to occur in large dams.
von Thuns 1985 report indicates that up to 26% of
piping failures could be attributed to poor filter design
(Bonala and Reddi 1998). Foster et al. (2000a, p. 1005)
summarized the failure statistics of dams taken from
ICOLD and other studies and found 46% of all dam failures can be attributed to some form of piping. A breakdown
on specific modes of piping revealed that 30.5% of all dam
failures were due to piping through the embankment,
14.8% were due to piping through the foundation and 1.6%
were from piping into the foundation. They reported 35%
of piping failures through the embankment occurred more
than 5 years after first filling and 59% occurred during the
first 5 years (Foster et al. 2000a, p. 1017). Of the incidents
of dam failure due to piping through the embankment, they
found 46% were due to piping at or near a conduit or other
Cedergren (1977, p. 8) classified seepage failures into
two categories; (1) failures caused by migration of particles to free exits or into coarse openings, (2) failures
caused by uncontrolled saturation and seepage forces. Any
opening, such as large pores in gravels or cobbles, open
joints in rock, cracks caused by earthquakes, biological
activity, or deteriorated/broken conduits may result in
migration of particles. Other common causes of piping are
due to poor construction of the embankment, poor compaction adjacent to outlet pipes or other structures, poor
treatment of the foundation, from settlement cracks in the
embankment, or conduits (Sherard et al. 1963, p. 124,
126; von Thun 1985).



K. S. Richards, K. R. Reddy

Table 1 Piping failure case histories (after Jones 1981, with recent data added from the NPDP generated list of piping dam failures)
Dam and location



Height m (ft)



I. Foundation related piping failures


Allen, LA


Piping at foundation

Ashley Dam, MA


Piping within foundation

Ashti, India


17.7 (58)

Rolled Earth

Foundation seepage

Avalon, NM



17.7 (58)

Earth and Rock

Piping into rock

Bad Axe Structure No. 12, WI


22.2 (73)

Piping into abutment foundation joints

(stress relief cracks) dam failed when
pool reached new high

Baldwin Hills Reservoir Dam, CA


48.8 (160)

Rolled Earth

Piping into foundation from fault


Black rock, NM


3.0 (9.9)

Piping under lava rock in abutment

Blandon, MN


6.4 (21)

Timber Crib

Piping of foundation

Brooklyn, NY



Foundation seepage


Cedar Lake, OK


13.7 (45)

Piping in abutment, fissures in foundation


Clear Creek No. 2, AZ


3.6 (12)

Piping due to natural springs in abutment

rock, failed during construction


Coon Rapids, MN


Foundation Piping under dam


D.T. Anderson, CO


Piping at foundation


Dalton, NY


8.8 (29)

Earth and
concrete core

Foundation piping


Dansville Reservoir Dam, NY


16.5 (54)

Foundation pipingundermining


Green Lick Run, PA


Piping through and along abutment


Jennings Creek No. 3, TN


Foundation piping (possible karst?)


LaFruta, TX



18.6 (61)

Rolled Earth

Foundation piping


Fairview, MA


9.1 (30)

Rolled Earth

Foundation piping undermining


Lake Lanier Dam, SC

Lake Toxaway, NC



16.8 (55)
18.9 (62)

Rolled Earth

Abutment undermining
Piping into rock fissures


Lake Seneca Dam, OH


9.8 (32)

Piping in foundation through cutoff


Lebanon, PA


12.2 (40)

Rolled Earth

Piping along foundation


Long Tom, ID


15.2 (50)

Earth and Puddle


Piping to outlet tunnel in rock abutment


Narragninep, CO



24.1 (79)

Rolled Earth

Abutment leakage


Martin Plant, FL


Piping in foundation soils


Mellville, UT



11.0 (36)

Rolled Earth

Piping through foundation


Newton Gulch, CO


12.8 (42)

Piping through foundation


Pleasant Valley, UT


19.2 (63)

Earth and Rock

Piping through settlement cracks


Port Angeles, OR


Piping of foundation


Quail Creek, UT


63.7 (209)

Piping through foundation and up an

observation pipe, failure occurred
within 24 h of first notice


Schoefield, UT



18.9 (62)

Earth and Rock

Piping into rock/transverse crack


Stockton Creek, CA



24.4 (80)

Rolled Earth

Piping along abutment


Swift No. 2, WA


25.3 (83)

Piping into rock foundation


Teton Dam, ID



93.0 (305)

Rolled Earth

Piping through abutment


Troy, ID


13.1 (43)

Piping blowout of right abutment


Vaughn Creek, NC


Piping into foundation abutment


Wishkah Reservoir No. 2 Dam, WA


14.3 (47)

Piping, sinkhole in abutment and hole

under timber crib dam



Critical appraisal of piping phenomena in earth dams


Table 1 continued
Dam and location


Failed Height m (ft) Type


39 Wesley Raley


Piping through foundation

40 Zuni, NM



21.3 (70)

Earth and Rock

Piping through abutment

II. Conduit and internal erosion piping failures (includes piping induced by conduit failure, and structure contact piping)

Ansonia Canal, CT

5.5 (18)+

Line of creep failure

Apishapa, CO



35.0 (115)

Rolled Earth

Piping through settlement cracks

Alto Pass Reservoir Dam, IL


13.7 (45)

Piping along CMP conduit on first filling

Anita Dam, MT


Piping along outlet pipe upon first filling

Annapolis Mall Swim Pond, MD


9.1 (30)

Piping of fill along CMP during heavy


Ansonia, CT


Rolled Earth

Piping along outlet

Arrowhead Lake, PA


5.5 (18)

Piping under spillway, occurred during

repair to apron

Arrowhead Lake (Stone) Dam, NC


7.0 (23)

Piping under spillway slab

Baker Pond, VT


5.5 (18)

Piping at pipe spillway

10 Beaver Brook, CT


Piping along outlet

11 Beaver Lake Dam, IL


3.0 (10)

Piping along spillway pipe

12 Beech Lake Dam, NC


6.7 (22)

Piping, ruptured pressurized conduit

13 Beldon Pond Lake Dam, OH


Piping into corroded conduit

14 Bent Tree Dam, TN


Piping above conduit

15 Bergeron Dam, NH


11.0 (36)

Piping immediately beneath spillway slab

16 Big Bay Lake, MS


17.4 (57)

Piping through French drains (failed

within 24 h of observed seepage)

17 Black Rock Estates Pond, MD


Piping along conduit after heavy rainfall,

shortly after construction

18 Blairtown, WY


Rolled Earth

Piping along outlet

19 Blanch Park, CO


Piping at outlet

20 Bradford, England


27.4 (90)

Rolled Earth

Piping along outlet

21 Brindley Dam, MI


Piping failure near outlet structure

22 Carninal Club Pond Dam, NC


3.7 (12)

Piping, voids around conduit

23 Castlewood, CO


21.3 (70)

Blowout of pipe under dam

24 Cedar Hills Lake Dam, NC


6.7 (22)

Piping around conduit

25 Centennial Narrows Dam, AZ

1950s 1997

26 Clarke Apple Orchard Lake Dam No. 1, GA


Piping near center of dam along

transverse crack
Piping around outlet pipe

27 Conshohaken Hill, PA


Rolled Earth

Piping through broken lining

28 Coon Rapids, MN

14.6 (48)+

Line of creep failure

29 Corpus Christi, TX

11.3 (37)+

Line of creep failure

30 Cranberry Creek, WI


Piping at CMP outlet during high flows

31 Crane Creek, ID



19.2 (63)

Earth and Puddle Piping into outlet


32 CSC Orchards, Frost Protection Pond


33 Dale Dyke, England


29.0 (95)

Earth and Puddle Piping along outlet


Piping along outlet conduit

34 Davis Reservoir, CA


11.9 (39)

Rolled Earth

Piping along outlet

35 Deoha, India

3.7 (12)+

Line of creep failure

36 Dry Creek, MT



14.0 (46)

Rolled Earth

Piping along outlet (dam failed three


37 Dolgarrog, N. Wales

9.1 (30)+

Line of creep failure



K. S. Richards, K. R. Reddy

Table 1 continued
Dam and location

Built Failed Height m (ft) Type


38 Durance, France

6.7 (22)+

Line of creep failure

39 East Liverpool, OH


Break over pipe through dam

40 East Peoria Dredge Disposal Facility, IL


Piping at contact with sheet pile weir

41 Eagle Lake Dam, NY


Piping into spillway barrel

42 East Purington Lake, IL


Piping along spillway pipe

43 Eight Trout Club, VT


Piping at interface between spillway and


44 Emery, CA
45 Empire, CO

1906 1909

16.2 (53)
9.1 (30)

Rolled Earth

Piping-corrosion of outlet pipe

Piping along outlet

46 E.R. JahnaIndependent North Sand Mine


Piping at internal culvert


47 Fairfield Swamp Pond, VT


4.6 (15)

Piping under core wall and pipe spillway

48 Faulkner Lake, MS


9.1 (30)

Piping under spillway slab

49 Fergus Falls, MN

7.0 (23)+

Line of creep failure

50 Flederborn, Germany

7.0 (23)+

Line of creep failure

51 Flood Detention Dam, KS


Piping along sewer line

52 Forsythe, UT

1920 1921

19.8 (65)

Rolled Earth

Piping under/along structure

53 Forsyth Rerservoir, GA


6.1 (20)

Piping, undermined spillway during high


54 Frenchman Creek, CO


7.3 (24)

Piping along spillway foundation, also

caused sinkhole to appear in abutment

55 Galbreath Sediment Dam, WA


Piping, probably along conduit

56 Gunnison, CO


6.1 (20)

Rolled Earth

Piping along outlet

57 Halls Lake, VT


Piping through spillway section

58 Harmon Park, OH

1.8 (6)+

Line of creep failure

59 Hatchtown, UT

1908 1914

19.8 (65)

Rolled Earth

Piping along outlet

60 Hazel Lake, WI


2.1 (7)

Piping at aluminum outlet pipe

61 Hein Coulee Structure


Piping between conduit and abutment


62 Hematite, KY


4.0 (13)

Piping along contact between

embankment and concrete sluice

63 Henry, CO


Piping adjacent to outlet conduit

64 Hester Lake Dam, MO


Piping beneath spillway

65 Holmdel Park Dam, NJ


Piping at spillway culvert

66 Humboldt Lake, TN


Piping around/along spillway on first


67 Ireland No. 5, CO


6.1 (20)

Piping, erosion under spillway

68 Juniper Creek, OR


Piping around outlet

69 Khanki, India

3.7 (12)+

Line of creep failure

70 Kitcha Bye, India

2.4 (8)+

Line of creep failure

71 Knodle (Hurdsfield) Dam, ND


Piping under spillway weir and at

abutments, after years of erosion

72 Lake Flamingo Dam


8.2 (27)

Piping under conduit

73 Lake Francis (old dam), CA

1899 1899

15.2 (50)

Rolled Earth

Piping along outlet

74 Lake Francis, CA

1899 1935

23.5 (77)

Rolled Earth

Piping under spillway

75 Lake Latonka, PA


10.4 (34)

Piping under concrete spillway

76 Lake Lynn Dam, NC

77 Lake Runnemede, VT


2.1 (7)
4.6 (15)

Piping along spillway

Piping under spillway


Critical appraisal of piping phenomena in earth dams


Table 1 continued
Dam and location

Built Failed Height m (ft) Type



Laramie, CO


Piping along outlet


Lawn Lake, CO


7.3 (24)

Piping around outlet works (or through



Lancaster, PA


9.1 (30)

Rolled Earth

Piping along outlet


Lower Latham, CO


8.2 (27)

Piping between fill and spillway


Lynde Brook, MA


8.2 (27)

Rolled Earth

Piping along outlet


MacDonalton, PA


Piping under spillway


Maquoketa, IA
Mendham Reservoir Dam, NJ

1924 1927


6.1 (20)

Rolled Earth

Piping along structure

Piping under and adjacent to spillway


Millsboro Pond, DE


3.7 (12)

Piping around culverts during high flows


Nadrai Escape Fall, India

6.1 (20)+

Line of creep failure


Nagels Mill Pond, MD


4.9 (16)

Piping along concrete box spillway


Narora, India


4.0 (13)+

Line of creep failure


New Bedford, MA

1866 1868

7.6 (25)

Rolled Earth

Piping along conduit


Owl Creek Site 13, OK


8.5 (28)

Piping along conduit


Partridge Lake, WI


Piping along outlet pipe


Pioneer Monument State Park, UT


Piping along outlet


Pittsfield, MA

10 (33)+

Line of creep failure


Pittsfield Dredge Disposal Pond Dam, IL


10.7 (35)

Piping along conduit, failure occurred

within 2 h of observed seepage


Plattsburg, NY

10.4 (34)+

Line of creep failure


Port Angeles, WA

24.1 (79)+

Line of creep failure


Portland, ME

1889 1893

13.7 (45)

Rolled Earth

Piping along conduit


Pruett, Calif.


Piping around outlet

100 Puentes, Spain


Line of creep failure

101 Reservoir No. 1, UT


Piping around outlet gate structure on first


102 Ridgewood Avenue Dam (Lake Apopka



Piping along pipe

103 Rolling Green Community Lake, MD


Piping, collapse of CMP

104 Roundy, UT


3.0 (10)

Piping along CMP failed 8 years after

reconstruction from previous incident

105 Roxboro Municipal Lake Dam, NC


10.0 (33)

Piping under paved spillway, problem

was noted months before failure

106 Royal Oaks, MS


7.6 (25)

Piping at spillway structure

107 Saddle Lake Dam, NY


7.0 (23)

Piping into CMP joints

108 Sand Creek, CO


7.3 (24)

Piping side of outlet

109 Sarnia Dam, ND


6.1 (20)

Piping around conduit

110 Scofield, UT


23.8 (78)

Piping through settlement cracks near


111 Shale Creek, MT


4.6 (15)

Piping, corroded CMP

112 Sky Lake No. 1, TN

113 Spencer Estates Detention Basin, NJ


Piping at spillway
Piping along culvert

114 Spring Lake, RI

1887 1889

5.5 (18)

Earth and Rock

Piping along outlet

115 Spruce Lake, VT

Piping at pipe spillway

116 Staffordville, CT
117 Stewart, VT


7.3 (24)


6.1 (20)

Earth and Rock

Piping along outlet


Piping at pipe spillway



K. S. Richards, K. R. Reddy

Table 1 continued
Dam and location



Height m (ft)




Stoney River, WV

11.9 (39)+

Line of creep failure


Simpson Dam, ND


5.0 (16.5)

Piping at low level outlet pipe after heavy



Swanson, VT



Toreson, CA


16.8 (55)

Piping at interface between spillway and

Pipingoutlet pipe corrosion


Tupelo Bayou Site 1, AR


14.6 (48)

Piping at spillway conduit (from

differential settlement) failed during


Tupper Lake, NY


Piping along outlet


Turlock Irrigation, CA


Unnamed Dam, SC


Upper Red Rock Creek Site 20, OK


Vertrees, CO


8.2 (27)

Piping, outlet damaged


Walter Bouldin Dam, AL



51.8 (170)

Earth and Rock

Piping into downstream shell adjacent to

intake structure??


Weisse, Czech.


12.8 (42)

Rolled Earth

Piping along outlet


Wilmington, DE



3.7 (12)

Rolled Earth

Piping along outlet


Woodward, NH

9.1 (30)+

Line of creep failure


Worcester, MA



12.5 (41)

Rolled Earth

Piping into conduit


Wyoming Development Co. No. 1, WY


14.9 (49)

Piping above outlet works


5.5 (18)

Rolled Earth


17.1 (56)

Rolled Earth

Leakage around outlet


Piping along spillway pipe on first filling


9.4 (31)

Piping, internal erosion through

embankment (dispersive soils??)

III. Possible backwards erosion and suffosion piping failures (uncertain/unknown cause piping failures are also lumped into this category)

Bischel, WI


3.7 (12)


Boyd Reservoir, NV


9.8 (32)

Bridgefield Lake Dam, MS


7.6 (25)

Piping through embankment after rain and

Piping induced sloughing/slope failure

Browder, TN


8.2 (27)

Piping leak

Camp Ritchie, MD



Caney Coon Creek Site 2, OK


Two pipe tunnels appeared

simultaneously at downstream toe
(dispersive soils ??)

Cold Springs, CO


15.2 (50)

Rolled Earth

Embankment seepage

Corpus Christi Dam, TX


18.6 (61)

Piping through cutoff


Costilia, NM
Crump Reservoir, OR



38.1 (125)
4.6 (15)

Rolled Earth

Embankment seepage


Crystal Lake, CT


15.2 (50)

Piping after long history of leakage (100

+ years)


Del Rio Creek, TN


Piping during heavy rainfall


Desabia Forebay, CA



16.2 (53)

Rolled Earth

Piping through embankment


Dexter Creek, CA




Dresser No. 4 Dam, MO


32.0 (105)



Earth Resources Co. Nacimento, NM




East Head Pond Dam, MA


4.6 (15)



Eblen No. 2, ID


4.3 (14)

Piping failed suddenly


Echo Lake, CT


5.5 (18)

Piping in repaired section


Edwards, TN


5.8 (19)



Eureka Holding, MT
Fertile Mill Dam, IA


12.2 (40)
3.4 (11)

Piping through dike after heavy rainfall

Piping or seepage induced slope failure


Critical appraisal of piping phenomena in earth dams


Table 1 continued
Dam and location



Height m (ft)




Haas Pond Dam, CT


4.0 (13)



Hebron, NM



17.1 (56)

Rolled Earth

Piping through embankment


Holland Dam Site A, TX


4.0 (13)


Horse Creek, CO



17.1 (56)

Rolled Earth

Failed either by undermining near center

of dam or by piping through
desiccation cracks


IMC-AGRICO Hopewell Mine, FL




Jackson Creek Watershed, SC




Julesburg Jumbo, CO



21.3 (70)

Rolled Earth



Lake Avalon, NM



14.6 (48)

Rolled Earth



Lake Francis (old dam), CA



15.2 (50)

Rolled Earth



Lake Gary Dam, MS


12.2 (40)



Lake Nora Dam, GA


18.3 (60.2)



Lake Paran, VT


7.6 (25)



Lake Venita Dam, MO


9.1 (30)

Piping, water flowed from toe prior to



Lambert, TN


16.5 (54)

Piping-small leak increased leading to



Little Washita River Site 13, OK


10.7 (35)

Piping through gypsiferous soils, failed

10 years after construction


Little Wewoka Creek Site 17, OK


7.3 (24)

Piping (dispersive soils??) Small leak at 8

AM developed into tunnel by night


Littlefield, NV
Longwalds Pond, MA


9.1 (30)

Earth and
Concrete core

Piping/Seepage induced slide



Lyman, AZ



19.8 (65)

Rolled Earth

Piping through core (?)


Magic, ID



39.6 (130)

Rolled Earth

Piping through embankment


Mahonoy City, PA


Rolled Earth



Mann Creek Dam, OR




Marshall Lake, CO



21.3 (70)



Masterson, OR



18.3 (60)

Rolled Earth

Piping dry fill


Mill River, MA



13.1 (43)

Earth and
Concrete core



Mohawk, OH


5.5 (18)

Rolled Earth



Montreal, QC, Canada


5.5 (18)

Earth and Rock



Mud Point, MA



4.6 (15)

Earth and Rock



Name Unknown, VT




Nebraska City, NE



5.2 (17)

Earth and Rock



Noonan, VT




Norton Brook, VT


11.0 (36)



Otter, TN


6.1 (20)

Piping during flood


Penn Forest, PA


46.0 (151)

Piping-sinkhole developed on upstream



Pine Ridge Dam, PA

Pinkston, MO


21.3 (70)

Piping static liquefaction


Riddel Pond, VT




Rinse, VT


2.4 (8)



Rocky Ford, UT



21.3 (70)

Rolled Earth



Roxborough, PA



Rolled Earth




K. S. Richards, K. R. Reddy

Table 1 continued
Dam and location



Height m (ft)




Saint John, ID


11.9 (39)

Piping, sinkholes on upstream

slopesecond case of piping failure at
this dam


Sauk River Melrose, MN


8.2 (27)

Piping sloughing, slope failure during

high water


Scottdale, PA


18.3 (60)


Seymour Reservoir Dam, IA


7.3 (24)



Sheltan, CT


6.1 (20)

Earth and Rock



Snow Bird Lake Dam, NY


5.5 (18)



Southern Clay Co. Dam No. 2, TN


Piping (sloughing on upstream and

downstream slopes)


Sunrise Lake Dam, PA


Heave and piping


Swansen, Wales



24.4 (80)

Earth and Rock



Timber Creek Watershed Dam 1, KS

Toliver, ID


9.4 (31)

Piping thorough embankment

Piping, sudden failure


Towanda, PA


Piping/seepage induced sloughing


Upper Moore Pond, VT



5.8 (19)



Upper Red Rock Creek Site 48, OK


7.0 (23)

Piping erosion tunnel (dispersive soils??)

Breached within 24 h of first leak


Vance Lake, MS


7.3 (24)



Vernon Marsh-Ref. Flowage, WI


2.1 (7)

Piping, sunny day failure


Wallace Lake Dam, NC


4.3 (14)



Washington County Lake Dam, IL


7.9 (26)

Piping on first filling


West Julesburg, CO




Wister, OK


83 Worcester, CO
IV. Piping failures induced by biologic activity


16.8 (55)

Rolled Earth


27.4 (90)

Rolled Earth



20.7 (68)

Rolled Earth

Concentrated seepage

Big Sand Creek Str Y032032, MS


7.6 (25)

Piping, pipe formed 5 to 6 feet above

normal pool, possible animal activity

Dennery Lake, MS


6.7 (22)

Piping, biological growth

Eleva Roller Mill, WI


4.3 (14)

Piping, tree roots

Johny Stewart Pond, MS


Piping along rotted tree roots

Johnston City Lake Dam, IL


4.3 (14)

Piping in poorly maintained embankment

Lower Stichcomb, GA


4.2 (13.8)

Piping (muskrat hole into foundation)

Mallard Lake, TN


6.4 (21)

Piping from animal activity, or possible


Prospect Reservoir Dam, CO


Piping via animal burrows, in area with


Smith River Lumber Co. Pond, OR


8.2 (27)


Udall, AZ


7.3 (24)

Piping halfway up side of dam, may be

due to trees, burrows (failed within
hours of first observed seepage)
Piping aided by tree roots


Upper Lebanon Reservoir No. 1, AZ


Piping through embankment (tree roots)

Early work
One of the earliest references to the piping process was
made by Von Richthofen in 1886 as it applied to landforms


in loess (Jones 1981). The term piping was used by Bligh in

1910 to describe the removal of soil along the foundation
of masonry dams; the mechanical process of this form of
piping was being researched in laboratory studies some-

Critical appraisal of piping phenomena in earth dams


time around 1895 in India (Bligh 1910; Clibborn 1902).

Col. Clibborn predicted the collapse of the Narora Dam on
the Ganges River, India in 1898, which is apparently the
first incident where piping became an engineering concern
(Jones 1981, p. 27). Subsequently, Bligh (1910; 1911a, b,
1913), who developed most of his theories while working
in India, first recognized a possible connection between the
length of flow path and the tractive forces available to
move soil particles. His theory is termed the line-of-creep
theory. It is an empirically derived method to evaluate the
piping potential along the contact between structures and
soils. Blighs theory contrasts with the short-path theory,
which assumes a molecule of water would travel the
shortest distance between a headwater entrance and exit
point, which had been employed prior to the line-of-creep
theory. The short-path theory is a straight line simplification of a flow-tube, which could be more accurately estimated by construction of a flow net.
Flow nets were initially developed by Phillip Forchheimer around 1900 and later formalized by Arthur Casagrande in 1937. This method was an improvement to the
short-path method that came after Bligh developed his line
of creep theory (1910) and has been used extensively in
modern times to predict exit velocities. An important aspect of the line of creep theory is that the preferential flow
path is not Darcian, but that it utilizes Darcys law that
discharge (hence seepage velocity) is directly proportional
to the hydraulic head and inversely proportional to the
length of flow path. In Blighs theory, the flow path is
described as the sum of the vertical and horizontal distances measured along the structure/soil contact. There was
much discussion in the early 1900s about whether seepage
traveled along the structure contacts or via intergranular
flow (Lane 1934). Blighs (1910) line of creep method
became the accepted tool for evaluation of masonry or
concrete structures founded on soils. Blighs equation is
shown below:
L cH and c L=H

L = required safe flow length (or actual flow length)
c = percolation factor
H = hydrostatic head across the structure.
The above equation illustrates that flow gradients have a
direct influence on the piping potential of a structure. Bligh
measured L as the sum of the vertical and horizontal
distances along the base of the structure. He developed
guidelines for assessing a safe percolation coefficient from
his equation by empirical correlation with a number of
dams that had failed and classified foundation soils into
five classes (Bligh 1910) as shown in Table 2.

Lane (1934) also used the term piping to describe the

removal of soil along the foundation of masonry dams but
drew a clearer distinction between flow along structural
contacts and diffuse flow through granular media (Lane
1934, p. 937). Terzaghi defined piping as the progressive
backward erosion of particles from an exit point of concentrated leakage, along with another mechanism termed
heave (Terzaghi 1922, 1939, 1943). Work by Lane (1934)
bolstered Blighs earlier work with more extensive case
histories and some adjustments were made to take into
account the anisotropic conditions that govern fluid flow in
stratified materials. This improvement was sparked by a
realization while working on the Prairie du Sac Dam in
Wisconsin, USA (Lane 1934, p. 949), although Lane
credits Griffith (1913) with first developing the concept.
Lanes equation, known as the weighted-creep-method, is
shown below:
Ln cH and c Ln=H

Ln = minimum safe flow length
= safe weighted creep ratio
H = hydrostatic head across the structure.
Lanes empirical correlation is very similar to Blighs,
although as the flow paths are handled differently in the
two methods, the guidelines for assessing piping potential
are not comparable. Lanes method assumes anisotropic
flow and provides an arbitrary reduction of 1/3 to the length
of horizontal flow paths. Using this equation, Lane
developed guidelines based on a study of over 200 dams.
His well-documented empirical correlation quickly replaced Blighs line-of-creep method for the evaluation of
structures founded on soil. Lane recommended the safe
weighted creep ratio values shown in Table 3.
These safe weighted creep ratios do not take into account the possible presence of dispersive soils in the case
histories used to develop the safe weighted creep ratio. The
equation of Bligh, later improved by Lane, provides an
empirically derived basis for estimating piping potential.
Based on these equations, increased piping potential is
directly proportional to hydraulic head and inversely proportional to the length of seepage path. It is generally applied at soil structure boundaries and is still in common use
today. However, from a theoretical view, flow along soil
structure boundaries does not adhere to Darcian flow rules
and may be more accurately modeled by the cubic law rule
that governs flow along planar openings (Franco and
Bagtzoglou 2002; Louis 1969; Worman and Olafsdottir
1992). Hence, the size of the opening would play a critical
role (Franco et al. 2002, p. 3). There is currently no method
in practice that accounts for this apparent discrepancy in



K. S. Richards, K. R. Reddy

Table 2 Blighs line of creep recommended values for piping



Required c

Fine silt and sand


Fine micaceous sand


Coarse sand


Gravel and sand

Boulders, gravel and sand

46 (increased to
69 in 1913)

the theoretical basis behind Lanes weighted creep method,

and no one has attempted to assess if Lanes safe weighted
creep ratios adequately account for dispersive/non-dispersive soils.
Lane recognized that two distinct forms of piping failure
may exist; failure due to line-of-creep flow, or piping due
to the shortest path (intergranular) flow. He believed that
both the weighted creep and short path failure modes
should be evaluated to ensure safety in the design of dams
(Lane, 1934 pg. 938). However, in current practice, it is not
uncommon for engineers to neglect assessing one or the
other of these two failure modes (US Bureau of Reclamation 1987; USACE 1993; FERC 2005). Lane also
indicated that there may be a single method that could
determine the path of least resistance between line-of-creep
versus shortest path methods (Lane 1934, p. 935). But the
state-of-the-art that existed in Lanes time had not developed to an extent to resolve this problem, and it has not yet
been solved today.
Terzaghi (1939, 1943), Terzaghi and Peck (1948), and
Bertram (1940) provided the equations for filter criteria.
Terzaghis equations do not predict whether self-filtration
will occur in a homogeneous mass of soil. This develop-

Table 3 Lanes weighted creep recommended values for piping


Required c

Very fine sand or silt


Fine sand


Medium sand
Coarse sand


Fine gravel


Medium gravel


Coarse gravel and cobbles


Boulders with some cobbles and gravel


Soft clay


Medium clay


Hard clay


Very hard clay



ment came much later (Kenney and Lau 1985; A
1993). However, the contributions of Terzaghi were
invaluable in the design of defensive measures to protect
against piping failures. Many subsequent workers (Bertram
1940; Sherman 1953; Sherard et al. 1984a; Sherard and
Dunnigan 1989) performed additional studies to refine and
confirm Terzaghis original filter criteria. The evolution of
filter design criteria is shown in Table 4 (after Sherman
Another early advancement was the theory of heave,
first proposed by Terzaghi (1922, 1939, 1943). Jones
(1981, p. 28) reports that while Terzaghi and Peck noted
that most piping failures appeared to be due to subsurface
erosion (Terzaghi and Peck 1948, p. 506), it was the simple
heave theory that was most commonly discussed by engineers (Casagrande 1937; Legget 1939; Bertram 1940,
1967; Glossop 1945; US Bureau of Reclamation 1947;
Harr 1962; Sherard et al. 1963; Lambe and Whitman 1969;
and others). In fact, other than those derived from the line
of creep theory, most modern equations for factors of
safety against piping are some form of the original heave
Terzaghi (1922, 1943, p. 257) originally presented his
method for calculating piping potential in the case of boils
in a cofferdam cell. The problem is specifically for upward
vertical flow of groundwater into the floor of an excavated
and dewatered cofferdam. Terzaghi (1922) performed
model tests of this problem and found that the sand floor
remains stable up to a critical value of hydraulic head
outside the cofferdam. Once this head is exceeded ...the
discharge increases more rapidly than the head, indicating
an increase of the average permeability of the sand. He
termed this phenomenon piping, which is commonly
observed as boils. Terzaghis (1922) description of the
heave phenomenon bears some similarity to the critical
state theory of soil in that a critical maximum void ratio
appears to be obtained at the state of failure. Increasing
hydraulic loads beyond this point do not appear to affect
the hydraulic conductivity and by extrapolation the void
Terzaghi (1943) determined a factor of safety against
such piping, which is simply the effective weight of a
prism of soil in the area of expected heave, divided by the
excess hydrostatic pressure beneath it. The critical factor of
safety was found by trial and error using a number of potential depths for the prism. The factor of safety is expressed as;
Gs W 0 =Ue

Gs = Factor of Safety against piping
W = Effective weight of the most critical sand prism

Critical appraisal of piping phenomena in earth dams


Table 4 Summary of the development of Filter Design Criteria (after Sherman, 1953), where D15 is diameter of particles at 15% passing (for
filter material), and d85 is diameter of particles at 85% passing (for base soil), d15 is diameter of particles at 15% passing (for base soil), and Cu is
the coefficient of uniformity of base soil (d60/d10)

Base material

Terzaghi (1922)

Uncertain if criteria was based

on experiments or
conservative reasoning

Bertram (1940)

Uniform quartz and Ottawa


Uniform quartz and Ottawa


D15/d85 < 6 D15/d15 < 9

Newton and Hurley


Well-graded gravelly sand

Natural bank gravels. Finer sizes

successively screened out.
Fairly uniform filters

D15/d50 < 15 D15/d15 < 15

Station (1941),

Random material types.

Fine to coarse sand

Random types including natural

pit-run gravels

D15/d85 < 5D15/d15 > 4,

< 20 D15/d50 < 25

Office Chief of

All types

Concrete sand and coarse aggregate

generally recommended

D15/d85 < 5 D15/d15 > 5

US Bureau of
Station (1942)

Artificially blended materials

of various ranges including
uniform material
All types

Artificially blended uniform filters

D50/d50 > 5, < 10

Artificially blended well-graded filters

D50/d50 > 12, < 58 D15/d15 > 12, < 40

Certain general types recommended

Filter design curve Cu

of base vs D15/d15

Sherman (1953)

Vicksburg loess and screened


Mixtures of natural sands (Corp of

Engineers standard gradation for
concrete sand) and gravels (Corp of
Engineers standard gradation for
concrete gravel)

D15/d85 5 D15/d15 20 D50/d50 25


Filter material

D15/d85 < 4 < D15/d15

Gradation of filters should be more or

less parallel to base. Filter should
be well graded.

= Uplift pressure at the base of the prism (determined

from a flow net).

Terzaghi and Peck (1948, p. 229) identified two processes that can cause failure by piping;


Criteria developed

Scour or subsurface erosion that starts at an exit point

near the downstream toe and proceeds upstream along
the base of the structure or within the foundation.
Sudden rise of a large body of soil adjoining the
downstream toe of the structure.

They termed the first failure mode as failure by subsurface erosion, and the second failure mode failure by
heave. Terzaghi et al. (1996) indicated that the first type of
piping defies a theoretical approach. They state ...in reality, most piping failures occur at hydraulic heads hc much
smaller than the head hc computed on the basis of theory...
and they report the ratio hc/ hc decreases rapidly with
decreasing grain size (Terzaghi et al. 1996, p. 475). They
state that piping failures can occur from a few to many years
after first filling. This is confirmed by a review of cases of
piping failures, which in some cases occur decades after

But for very uniform base materials:

(Cu < 1.5) D15/d85 6
And for widely graded base materials:
(Cu > 4) D15/d15 40 gap graded or
widely graded materials are not
recommended for filters

first filling (Crystal Lake Dam: 100 years, Upper Moore

Pond Dam: 73 years, NPDP database). Terzaghi et al.,
(1996, p. 478) also state theory and experience lead to the
following conclusions. Most of the piping failures on record
have been caused by subsurface erosion involving the
progressive removal of materials through springs; this
condition invalidates the theory of piping by heave. The
factor of safety with respect to piping by subsurface erosion
cannot be evaluated by any practicable means.
Terzaghi et al. (1996, p. 475) indicate that most piping
failures are caused by a process that reduces the factor of
safety gradually and inconspicuously until the point of
failure is reached. They also state, and it is a common
misperception, that this process cannot occur in a homogeneous body of cohesionless sand. Cohesionless embankments commonly experience sinkholes due to piping or
failure by piping along conduits. It is also possible for pipes
to develop in otherwise cohesionless embankments when
minor inhomogeneites in embankment construction allow
for zones of cohesion or cementation. Heterogeneities in
foundations may also support the formation of pipes.
Hence, potential piping in cohesionless embankments



should not be completely ignored and must be evaluated as

with any other potential failure mode. The type of piping to
which Terzaghi et al. were referring cannot be evaluated
adequately with current engineering tools.

Dispersive soils
Jones (1981, p. 96) credits Aitchison (1960) and Aitchison
et al. (1963) as among the first to suggest that piping
processes involved dispersion of clays. Ritchie (1963)
developed a method for determination of the dispersivity of
soils, called the Dispersion Index method. Ritchie (1963)
defined 33 percent of the soil fraction less than 0.004 mm
dispersing after 10 min of shaking in water as indicative of
potential failure by tunneling for earth dams in Australia. A
symposium was held by Australias Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) in
1964 to discuss the failure of a number of small earth dams.
Researchers began to study this problem in subsequent
years (Arulanandan et al. 1975; Alizadeh 1974; Kandiah
1974). The initial discovery of how dispersive soils were
affecting Australian dams was followed eight years later by
a similar round of dam failures in the US (Sherard 1971;
Sherard et al. 1972). Research into the US dam failures led
to the subsequent proceedings at the 79th ASTM annual
meeting in Chicago, IL, and the issue of ASTM Special
Technical Publication No. 623 (Stapledon and Casinader
1977; Sargunan 1977; Villegas 1977; Rosewell 1977;
Ryker 1977; Heinzen and Arulanandan 1977; Sherard et al.
1977; and others), which dealt specifically with the problems of dispersive soils and brought together the knowledge base of Australian and US workers.
A number of tests were developed for dispersive soils;
amongst these are the SCS Laboratory Dispersion Test
(Decker and Dunnigan 1977; Sherard et al. 1972), the
Triple Hydrometer Test (Coumoulos 1977), Pinhole Test
(Sherard 1976; ASTM D4647-93), Modified Pinhole Test
(Heinzen and Arulanandan 1977, p. 206, 216), Emerson
Crumb Test (Emerson 1967), Free Swell Test (Ladd 1960),
Floyds Sticky Point Test (Crouch 1977), Rotating Cylinder Test (Riley and Arulanandan 1972; Sargunan 1977),
Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) Test (Sherard et al. 1972),
ESP Test (Sherard et al. 1972; Jones 1981, p. 55), SCS
Field Test (Decker and Dunnigan 1977, p. 102), Modified
Hydrometer Test (Forsythe 1977, p. 153), Dielectric
Dispersion Test (Arulanandan et al. 1973; Heinzen and
Arulanandan 1977, p. 210; Appendix), and Flume Test
(Kandiah 1974; Heinzen 1976).
Heinzen and Arulanandan (1977, p. 204) consider
Sherards pinhole test a qualitative test, whereas the
rotating cylinder test (Riley and Arulanandan 1972) and
flume tests are quantitative. According to Heinzen and


K. S. Richards, K. R. Reddy

Arulanandan (1977, pp. 205206) qualitative methods for

the evaluation of dispersivity are;



SCS dispersion test (Decker found that critical values

of dispersion ratio depend to some extent on soil
Emersons crumb test (considerable difference may
exist between the results from the crumb test versus
the SCS dispersion test).
Pinhole test (where dispersive soils fail under a
50 mm head, intermediate soils erode slowly under
50 or 150 mm head, and non-dispersive soils produce
no erosion under 380 or 1,020 mm head. Shear stress
can be estimated assuming laminar flow and the
diameter of the hole.)

Heinzen and Arulanandan performed pinhole tests with

a turbidity meter and found a continuous turbidity value of
30 Jackson turbidity units (JTU) indicative of colloidal
suspension that could be used to calculate the critical shear
stress. Use of a turbidity meter with the standard pinhole
test provides a more accurate determination of piping initiation.
Forsythe (1977, p. 153) found the pinhole test to be the
most reliable method for the identification of dispersive
soils. The percent sodium of total soluble salts was also a
good indicator for Forsythe, but he reported some of his
sample areas did not show as good a correlation as the
pinhole test. In 281 samples collected from around the
world, approximately 85% of those with dispersive characteristics tested 3040% dispersion as determined by the
SCS dispersion test (Decker and Dunnigan 1977, p. 104).
Similar accuracy was obtained when comparing the pore
water sodium versus total salt content. Decker and Dunnigan (1977) conclude that their data confirmed that the SCS
dispersion test is reliable for predicting dispersiveness of
soils, provided they are maintained at the natural moisture
content (p. 107). However, a number of other workers have
reported problems with the SCS Laboratory Dispersion
Test. From a review of the literature, it becomes apparent
that there is no single diagnostic test for dispersive soils. It
is recommended practice (Marshall and Workman 1977) to
perform a number of tests and use considerable engineering
judgment when dealing with dispersive soils. A significant
problem in identification of dispersive soils is the common
inhomogeneity of dispersive characteristics. Very frequent
sampling and testing are recommended and there are a
number of field scale tests that should be utilized during
None of the experimental methods in use (dispersion
test, crumb test, pinhole test, rotating cylinder test, flume
test) measure the internal resistance due to seepage forces
(Bonala 1997, p. 16). This, combined with other heterogeneities in soil chemistry and fabric, probably account for

Critical appraisal of piping phenomena in earth dams

the discrepancies commonly noted when dispersive soil

surveys are performed. Table 5 lists some of the accepted
criteria for dispersive soil tests (Jones 1981; Middlebrooks
Sherard et al. (1972) reviewed a number of Australian
studies and concluded that the quantity of dissolved sodium
cations in the pore water relative to other cations was one
of the key parameters governing piping susceptibility. They
summarized the empirical data from case histories of
failures that showed good correlation to the concentration
of sodium in the saturation extract versus the total soluble
salts in the saturation extract (Na(100)/(Ca + Mg + Na +
K). Based on this relationship, they divided the case histories into zones. Examples of similar plots from Cole
Tatanasen and Maiklad (1977) are reproduced in Figs. 1
and 2.
Sargunan (1977, p. 396) plotted extrapolated SAR and
total cation concentration corresponding to so = 0 to
determine threshold limits between flocculated and deflocculated states based on the fluid chemistry. As one
would expect, it was found that the boundary varies
depending on whether the sample was illite or kaolinite,
hence the boundaries are unique to the clay mineralogy of
the sample. Sargunan (1977, p. 397) concluded that
chemical control of piping failure can be achieved by
modification of either the total cation concentration of the
percolating water, or the SAR, or both. Figure 3 shows the
general relationship of SAR and total cation concentration
resulting in piping.

Advances in filter design/internal stability

Batereau (1993) provides a recent update of latest filter
criteria. The discovery of the potential problems with dispersive clays ultimately led to a re-evaluation of filter
designs for protection of clays (Honjo and Veneziano 1989;
Sherard et al. 1977, p. 473, 1977, 1984b; Sherard and
berg 1993; Arulanandan and Perry 1983;
Dunnigan 1989; A
amongst others). Bonala and Reddi (1998, p. 49) discuss
the limitations of modern filter criteria for filtering clay
soils. In particular, the phenomenon of clogging is not
adequately addressed in filter criteria and the long term
performance of such filters could become an issue over
time. In Bonalas (1997, p. 128) discussion of the role of
critical shear stress in particle transport, he states ...progressive accumulation of the particles in filters may lead to
buildup of excessive pore pressures leading to instability of
geotechnical structures such as retaining walls and dams.
This is especially true in cases where filters have been
designed for dispersive soils. In such cases, migrating fines
may form filter cakes on the surfaces of the filter, which
significantly decrease the hydraulic conductivity of the

Table 5 Published criteria for susceptibility of soils to piping
(modified from Jones 1981)
(1969, 1970a, b)
Crouch (1976)

Ritchie dispersal index < 3 = susceptible, DI

< 3 and volume expansion > 10% = highly
susceptible (later changed to > 20%)
Dispersal Index < 3 (Ritchie 1963)
Permeability < 1 cm/h (Fletcher et al. 1954;
Brown 1962; Heede 1971)
ESP > 0.1 (lowest noted by N.O. Jones 1968)
or more commonly 12 (after Fletcher and
Carroll 1948; Heede 1971)

Decker and
Dunnigan (1977)

Percent dispersion by volk test:

> 25% for inorganic low plasticity silt (ML)
and Sandclay (SC) soils
> 35% for inorganic clayey soils of low to
medium plasticity (CL)
> 40% for inorganic clays of high plasticity

Ingles (1968)

Permeability 102 cm/s for silt or silt-size

Permeability 105 cm/s for dispersive clay
ESP > 12% indicating dispersive clay soils, but
dispersivity depends on exchange cations,
salt concentrations of water, and clay

Stocking (1976)

ESP > 15% indicating dispersive clay soils

filter (Sherard et al. 1977). Bourdeaux and Imaizumi

(1977, pp. 16, 17) performed a series of sand filter tests on
compacted sand filters and dispersive clays. They found
that compacted filters designed with conventional filter
criteria would control leaks through dispersive clay.
Hydraulic gradients between 0.5 and 4.0 had little influence
on the rate of sealing. They concluded that silt sized particles from the dispersive clays helped to form a skin on the
upstream surface of filters and decreased water flow.
Sherard and Dunnigan (1989) performed a series of tests
for filters for use downstream of impervious soils such as
the cores of dams. Their investigation confirmed that the
filter criteria currently in use can prevent erosion of
impervious core material, for each of the four groups of
soils they investigated. Their recommendations for filter
boundaries are shown in Table 6. D15b is the boundary
filter size, which is the size that prevents erosion in the base
soil. If the D15 of the filter was greater than this, erosion of
the base soil took place in their experiments. If the D15 of
the filter was less than or equal to this size, no erosion took
place. Their study did not consider the long-term effect of
The conclusion one may draw from these studies is that
filters designed for fine grained base soils may not facilitate
drainage. This is probably not a significant problem, as clay
base soils should transmit little water. However, if lowered



K. S. Richards, K. R. Reddy

Fig. 1 Chemical zones and

plots of data from Cole et al.

Fig. 2 Examples from other

dams (from Cole et al. 1977)

phreatic levels are necessary for stability reasons, standard

filters may not suffice for fine grained base soils. The issue
of clogging in these types of filters has not yet been adequately addressed.
Moffat and Fannin (2006, p. 273) cite Kezdi (1979) and
Kenney and Lau (1985) who quantify the potential for
internal instability based on grain size distribution, and
Skempton and Brogan (1994) who verify the applicability of
the geometric factors elucidated by the earlier workers.
Skempton and Brogan (1994, p. 449) refer to the methods of
Kezdi (1979) for assessing the internal stability of soils. The
general concept is that a soil is divided into its fine and coarse
fractions and treated as a filter and base soil. Terzaghis


(1939) filter criteria must be satisfied for the soil to be

internally stable. Permeation tests by Skempton and Brogan
(1994) and Adel et al. (1988) indicated that failure of internally unstable soils can occur at hydraulic gradients much
lower than predicted by theory. Skempton and Brogan (1994)
theorized that the piping was triggered at lower hydraulic
gradients due to a lower effective stress acting on the finer
fraction. As Moffat and Fannin (2006) elucidated ...hydromechanical influences governing the onset of instability are
not well understood. The stability of non-cohesive materials
and influence of stress is not well developed.
Skempton and Brogan (1994, p. 452) reviewed vertical
flow tests conducted by Kenney and Lau (1985) and note

Critical appraisal of piping phenomena in earth dams

Fig. 3 Soils with low total salt concentrations require less sodium
percentage to become dispersive (Sargunan 1977)

that there was a question remaining regarding the critical

gradient at which fines began to move (the paper by
Kenney and Lau did not provide enough information to
determine the critical hydraulic gradients). As reported by
Skempton and Brogan (1994), follow-up tests were conducted by Adel et al. (1988) using an apparatus with horizontal flow. The Adel et al. tests reportedly resulted in
critical hydraulic gradients required to initiate piping from
0.16 to 0.7, depending on the degree of internal stability
(Skempton and Brogan 1994, p. 452). Skempton and
Brogan noted that there are no comparable data for the case
of upward flow and subsequently carried out the upward
flow tests. They reported that the vertical tests resulted in
hydraulic gradients that were higher than the horizontal
flow tests of Adel et al. but that the differences were small.
A comparison of the two sets of data are reproduced in
Table 7 (Skempton and Brogan 1994, p. 452).
Some interesting differences in the data not discussed in
Skempton and Brogan (1994) are the apparent discrepancies between the ic for the stable material, and the fact that
the Adel et al. (1988) results for the unstable material show
an ic approximately half that of Skempton and Brogan
(1994). Terzaghis (1922) laboratory work on heave was
Table 6 Filter boundaries for four soil groups (modified from
Sherard and Dunnigan 1989)
Soil Group

Fine content by no.

200 sieve (%)

Filter boundary (D15b)

determined by test


D15b/d85 = 712
(average value 9)


D15b = 0.71.5 mm


D15b/d85 = 710


Intermediate between
groups 2 and 3, depending
on fines content


performed with vertical flow, which yielded the critical

gradient of 1.0. More work is required to assess the
importance of the orientation of the test apparatus in these
types of permeation tests. Skempton and Brogans (1994)
and Adel et al. (1988) results apparently indicate that the
critical hydraulic gradient in stable materials can vary from
0.7 to 1.0, depending on the direction of fluid flow. However, for unstable materials the critical hydraulic gradient
could be roughly 1/3 (vertical flow case) to 1/6 (horizontal
flow case) of the normally anticipated threshold of 1.0,
based on the theory of Terzaghi (1922).
Skempton and Brogan (1994, p. 457) proposed that there
is a reduction factor, depending on the amount of stresses
carried by an unstable fraction of soil, that reduces the
critical hydraulic gradient necessary to commence piping;
ic ac0 =cw

ic = critical hydraulic gradient
= reduction factor
= effective unit weight of soil
cw = unit weight of water.
The above equation would be applicable for internally
unstable, gap graded materials prone to suffusion of matrix
soil through a coarser grained, load-bearing skeleton. An
important conclusion from this work is that the distribution
of internal stresses may influence piping potential.
berg (1993)
Kezdi (1979), Kenney and Lau (1985) and A
provide means to test soils for internal stability. A rule
suggested by Skempton and Brogan (1994, p. 452) is that
of Kovacs (1981), which states that materials having a
uniformity coefficient of less than 10 are self filtering and
materials with a uniformity coefficient of more than 20 are
probably unstable. Soils that are gap graded may be prone
to suffusion. Skempton and Brogan (1994, p. 452) termed
this phenomenon- segregation piping. If enough of the
matrix grains are lost, collapse of the soil skeleton, sinkholes, or piping may ensue (McCook 2004; Kovacs 1981).
Due to the lack of electro-chemical forces, segregation
piping (suffusion) may be a more common phenomenon in
noncohesive materials.

Recent work
Recent workers have re-emphasized Lanes (1934) distinction between piping and internal erosion, to help differentiate between the phenomena of flow through granular
media versus flow through cracks or structural contacts
(McCook 2004). Other recent work into piping phenomena
has focused on the development of predictive mathematical



K. S. Richards, K. R. Reddy

Table 7 Horizontal and vertical flow tests (Skempton and Brogan

1994). H/F is ratio of coarse to fine components



Horizontal flow
(Adel et al. 1988)

Upward vertical flow

(Skempton and Brogan 1994)











Not tested

Not tested

Not tested

Not tested

Not tested

Not tested





Not tested

Not tested



models for particle transport and filter clogging (Reddi

et al. 2000; Bonala 1997; Reddi and Kakuturu 2006a, b;
Kakuturu 2003; Locke et al. 2001). This work stems from
environmental applications in facilitated transport remediation techniques. Other continuing work is field research
into dispersive soils and how this impacts natural soils.
This is potentially a growing area as more development
takes place in areas of unstable dispersive soils.
Jones (1981) provided an extensive review of literature
related to piping. Although his primary interest was in soil
piping from the soil geomorphology and hydrological
viewpoints, his review covers many aspects of engineering
related piping. Jones presents an argument that piping in
natural soil has a significant role in geomorphological
development in terms of drainage channel and valley network development, and plays a significant role in hydrological processes. His view is supported by the work of a
number of recent workers (Valentin et al. 2005; Carey and
Woo 2000; Derbyshire 2001; Holden and Burt 2002;
Huddart and Bennett 2000; amongst many others). Jones
(1981) model for natural soil piping is shown in Fig. 4.
The formation of pipes, tunnels and jugs has been well
documented in areas with dispersive soils. Jones (1981, p.
9) differentiates tunneling phenomena from classical piping phenomena on the basis that tunneling starts with water
entering surface cracks with velocities measured in cm/s
and rarely in m/sec whereas piping occurs deep within a
dam without necessarily following cracks and in flows of
mm/s. He states that tunneling is only really effective in
dispersive soils (Sherard, Dunnigan and Decker 1976).
Tunnelling begins upstream, with saturation settlement in
poorly compacted soil creating a combined crack and discontinuity in permeability near the phreatic line as opposed
to piping which begins by hydrodynamic pressure lifting
particles at the downstream exit of seepage (Jones 1981,
p. 10). Hence, on the basis of this definition it appears
tunneling is a vadose zone process.
Other recent work includes the collection of empirical
data concerning dam failures by Foster et al. (2000b) and


assessing the specific failure modes related to piping. This

work, along with the statistical data of Foster et al. (2000a)
is shedding some light on the causes of piping and causing
engineers to reassess the failure mechanisms and genetic
characteristics of piping (McCook 2004). For example,
Foster et al. (2002) found that the hydraulic gradient is not
nearly as important as other factors that lead to piping
failures such as potential seepage paths along conduits and
structures, or some other defect. This is a return to the
earlier observations of Terzaghi (1929) that minor details
in the foundation or a structure can trigger dam failures.
These recent observations also support the earliest views of
piping developed in India by Col. Clibborn and juxtapose
the concept of backwards erosion piping later fostered by
Terzaghi. The backwards erosion model is not as significant a cause of dam failures as the minor details that
contribute to piping failures by internal erosion. Review of
the database contained in Table 1 confirms this to be the
Recent work has also been conducted with respect to
estimating the time of development of piping (Fell et al.
2003; Annandale et al. 2004). Numerical and laboratory
investigations are currently being developed to come up
with methods to better predict the timing of pipe development.
There is little work that has been completed with respect
to constitutive models of piping. Tomlinson and Vaid
(2000) performed experiments to determine the effects of
confining pressure and seepage forces on piping and found
confining pressures influence the critical hydraulic gradient
to some extent. A mechanistic approach was taken by
Kakuturu (2003), Reddi and Kakuturu (2006a, b) that
predicts progressive erosion versus self healing in dams or
other structures with soil filters, and is based on the rate of
particle release, concentration of suspended particles and
probability of entrapment using a capillary tube model of
porous media. These models are applicable to evaluation of
filter performance and in cases where the performance of
environmental liners is to be evaluated. Yamamuro and
Lade (1997a, b) developed a modified Single Hardening
Model for static liquefaction of silty sands under low
confining stresses that may have some application to piping
research. However, to the writers knowledge, no one to
date has attempted to develop a constitutive model of
piping that could be used in a continuum model to predict
the piping behavior of dams.

Piping has been described in the literature as occurring
within the vadose zone. The mechanism described for
piping in the vadose zone precludes piping from forming in

Critical appraisal of piping phenomena in earth dams




Fig. 4 Tunneling/piping phenomena common in the vadose zone of

dispersive soils (Jones 1981)

the phreatic zone. Piping has also been described in the

literature as strictly a phreatic condition due to adverse
hydraulic gradients. However, recent literature has indicated that piping is common in areas where the hydraulic
gradients are not that great. Engineering guidance on piping has taught engineers that hydraulic gradients less than
1.0 are generally safe; yet, there are some instances of
piping where it has occurred at gradients as little as 0.17.
Obviously, the term piping is describing a number of different phenomena, some which are only remotely related.
More work is needed to differentiate these various causes
of piping. Engineers need to have a common language and
understanding of piping when discussing and researching
piping phenomena and understand the various modes of
piping and how to assess piping potential for each mode.
A worldwide clearinghouse of dam failure data, similar
to the University of Stanfords National Performance of
Dams Program should be developed. It is imperative that
enough details regarding dam failures be recorded in one
database, to allow thorough assessments of dam failure
modes. We recommend that reports of dam failures should

Date of first construction.

Date of failure.
Foundation characteristics.

Dam characteristics (including if dispersive soils are

Exact location of first piping (or other failure) and its
association with project structures (e.g. piping along
conduit, piping under/along a structure, or piping into
the foundation, etc.).
Timing of the event if it can be reconstructed.
Identify if the incident was caused by structural failure of a project feature. For example, if piping is
associated with a conduit, if possible, the report
should indicate if it is the result of conduit failure.

Unlike the detailed US National Transportation Safety

Board (NTSB) investigations into aircraft failures, reports
of dam failures are often not as rigorous. However, such
thorough studies would greatly improve the overall safety
of dams by increasing our understanding of the causes of
dam failures.
Piping phenomena have been studied by a large number
of researchers and the list of publications on this topic is
voluminous. However, more research is still needed to fill
in the gaps in our understanding of piping. Many existing
structures were constructed without filters or with inadequate filters. Current methods for evaluation of piping
potential are based on theories that were developed almost
100 years ago, which have proven to be inadequate when
one considers the range of mechanisms that fall under the
heading piping.

Most of the previous work has focused on piping of
cohesive materials, in particular dispersive clays, piping in
natural soils, or filter criteria. Some preliminary work has
been conducted on the statistics of piping failures, which
hopefully will improve as dam failure reporting requirements develop further. Excluding the advances in filter
engineering, there have been few significant advances with
respect to piping in non cohesive soils since Lanes
weighted creep method was published in 1934. Other than
berg (1993), very little
Moffat and Fannin (2006) and A
recent work has been done with respect to piping in
cohesionless soils. Although some headway is being made
with the recent focus on related failures, dams are still
failing by piping and more work remains to be done in this
field. Even in spite of the number of advances in our
understanding of piping phenomena, there are still a large
number of incidents that occur due to concentrated leakage
or formation of sinkholes in embankment dams. This reflects a need for increased attention to the prevention of
these potential failure modes.



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