Clause - 49 Listing Agreement
Clause - 49 Listing Agreement
Clause - 49 Listing Agreement
Clause 49 of Listing Agreement
Based on the recommendations of the Committee and also with a view to promote
and raise the standards of Corporate Governance, SEBI revised claused 49 of the
Listing agreement vide its circular dated August 26, 2003, the implementation of
which was deferred later. The Securities and Exchange Board of India on October
29, 2004 again revised the Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement.
However, noticing that a large number of companies were still not in the state of
preparedness to be fully compliant with the requirements of revised clause 49 of
the listing agreement, SEBI allowed more time to the corporates to conform to
clause 49 of the listing agreement and extended the date for ensuring compliance
with the revised clause 49 of the listing agreement to December 31, 2005.
(ii) the legal firm(s) and consulting firm(s) that have a material association with the
(e) is not a material supplier, service provider or customer or a lessor or lessee of
the company, which may affect independence of the director; and (f) is not a
substantial shareholder of the company i.e., owning two per cent or more of the
block of voting shares.
Nominee directors appointed by an institution which has invested in or lent to the
company shall be deemed to be independent directors.
(B). Non Executive Directors - Compensation and Disclosures
All fees/compensation, if any paid to non-executive directors, including independent
directors, shall be fixed by the Board of Directors and shall require previous
approval of shareholders in general meeting.
specify the limits for the maximum number of stock options that can be granted to
non-executive directors, including independent directors, in any financial year and
in aggregate.
(C). Other Provisions as to Board and Committees
(i) The board shall meet at least four times a year, with a maximum time gap of
four months between any two meetings.
(ii) A director shall not be a member in more than 10 committees or act as
Chairman of more than five committees across all companies in which he is a
director. Furthermore it should be a mandatory annual requirement for every
director to inform the company about the committee positions he occupies in other
companies and notify changes as and when they take place.
1. For the purpose of considering the limit of the committees on which a director
can serve, all public limited companies, whether listed or not, shall be included and
all other companies including private limited companies, foreign companies and
companies under section 25 of the Companies Act shall be excluded.
personnel of the company who are members of its core management team
excluding Board of Directors. Normally, this would comprise all members of
management one level below the executive directors, including all functional heads.
II. Audit Committee
A qualified and independent audit committee shall be set up, giving the terms of
reference subject to the following:
(i) The audit committee shall have minimum three directors as members. Twothirds of the members of audit committee shall be independent directors.
(ii) All members of audit committee shall be financially literate and at least one
member shall have accounting or related financial management expertise.
Explanation 1:- The term "financially literate" means the abiIity to read and
understand basic financial statements, ie., balance sheet, profit and loss account,
and statement of cash flows.
prospectus/notice and place it before the audit committee. Such disclosure shall be
made only till such time that the full money raised through the issue has been fully
spent. This statement shall be certified by the statutory auditors of the company.
The audit committee shall make appropriate recommendations to the Board to take
up steps in this matter.
(E). Remuneration of Directors
(i) All pecuniary relationship or transactions of the non-executive directors vis-a-vis
the company shall be disclosed in the Annual Report.
(ii) Further the following disclosures on the remuneration of directors shall be made
in the section on the corporate governance of the Annual Report:
(a) All elements of remuneration package of individual directors summarized under
major groups, such as salary, benefits, bonuses, stock options, pension etc.
(b) Details of fixed component and performance linked incentives, along with the
performance criteria.
(c) Service contracts, notice period, severance fees.
(d) Stock option details, if any - and whether issued at a discount as well as the
period over which accrued and over which exercisable.
(iii) The company shall publish its criteria of making payments to non-executive
directors in its annual report. Alternatively, this may be put up on the company's
website and reference drawn thereto in the annual report.
(iv) The company shall disclose the number of shares and convertible instruments
held by non-executive directors in the annual report.
(v) Non-executive directors shall be required to disclose their shareholding (both
own or held by/for other persons on a beneficial basis) in the listed company in
which they are proposed to be appointed as directors, prior to their appointment.
These details should be disclosed in the notice to the general meeting called for
appointment of such director.
(F). Management
(i) As part of the directors' report or as an addition thereto, a Management
Discussion and Analysis report should form part of the Annual Report to the
shareholders. This Management Discussion & Analysis should include discussion on
the following matters within the limits set by the company's competitive position:
(i) Industry structure and developments.
(ii) Opportunities and threats.
(iii) Segment-wise or product-wise performance.
(iv) Outlook.
(v) Risks and concerns.
(vi) Internal control systems and their adequacy.
(vii) Discussion on financial performance with respect to operational performance.
Relations front,
(ii) Senior management shall make disclosures to the board relating to all material
financial and commercial transactions, where they have personal interest, that may
have a potential conflict with the interest of the company at large (for e.g. dealing
in company shares, commercial dealings with bodies, which have shareholding of
management and their relatives etc.)
Explanation : for this purpose, the term "senior management" shall mean
personnel of the company who are members of its core management team
excluding the Board of Directors. This would also include all members of
management one level below the executive directors including all functional heads.
(G). Shareholders
(i) In case of the appointment of a new director or re-appointment of a director the
shareholders must be provided with the following information:
(a) A brief resume of the director;
(b) Nature of his expertise in specific functional areas;
(c) Names of companies in which the person also holds the directorship and the
membership of Committees of the Board; and
(d) Shareholding of non-executive directors as stated in Clause 49(1V)(E)(v) above.
(ii) Quarterly results and presentations made by the company to analysts shall be
put on company's web-site, or shall be sent in such a form so as to enable the stock
exchange on which the company is listed to put it on its own web-site.
(iii) A board committee under the chairmanship of a non-executive director shall be
formed to specifically look into the redressal of shareholder and investors
complaints like transfer of shares, non-receipt of balance sheet, non-receipt of
declared dividends etc. This Committee shall be designated as 'Shareholders/
Investors Grievance Committee'.
(iv) To expedite the process of share transfers, the Board of the company shall
delegate the power of share transfer to an officer or a committee or to the registrar
and share transfer agents. The delegated authority shall attend to share transfer
formalities at least once in a fortnight.
V. CEO / CFO Certification
The CEO, i.e., the Managing Director or Manager appointed in terms of the
Companies Act, 1956 and the CFO i.e., the wholetime Finance Director or any other
person heading the finance function discharging that function shall certify to the
Board that:
(a) They have reviewed financial statements and the cash flow statement for the
year and that to the best of their knowledge and belief:
(i) these statements do not contain any materially untrue statement or omit any
material fact or contain statements that might be misleading;
(ii) these statements together present a true and fair view of the company's affairs
and are in compliance with existing accounting standards, applicable laws and
(b) There are, to the best of their knowledge and belief, no transactions entered
into by the company during the year which are fraudulent, illegal or violative of the
company's code of conduct.
(c) They accept responsibility for establishing and maintaining internal controls for
financial reporting and that they have evaluated the effectiveness of internal control
systems of the company pertaining to financial reporting and they have disclosed to
the auditors and the Audit Committee, deficiencies in the design or operation of
internal controls, if any, of which they are aware and the steps they have taken or
propose to take to rectify these deficiencies.
(d) They have indicated to the auditors and the Audit committee:
(i) significant changes in internal control over financial reporting during the year;
(ii) significant changes in accounting policies during the year and that the same
have been disclosed in the notes to the financial statements; and
(iii) instances of significant fraud of which they have become aware and the
involvement therein, if any, of the management or an employee having a significant
role in the company's internal control system over
financial reporting.
VI. Report on Corporate Governance
(i) There shall be a separate section on Corporate Governance in the Annual
Reports of company, with a detailed compliance report on Corporate Governance.
Noncompliance of any mandatory requirement of this clause with reasons thereof
and the extent to which the nonmandatory requirements have been adopted should
be specifically highlighted. The suggested list of items to be included in this report
is given in Annexure-IC and list of non-mandatory requirements is given in
(ii) The companies shall submit a quarterly compliance report to the stock
exchanges within 15 days from the close of quarter as per the format given in
Annexure lB. The report shall be signed either by the Compliance Officer or the
Chief Executive Officer of the company.
VII. Compliance
(1) The company shall obtain a certificate from either the auditors or
practising company secretaries regarding compliance of conditions of corporate
governance as stipulated in this clause and annex the certificate with the directors'
report, which is sent annually to all the shareholders of the company. The same
certificate shall also be sent to the Stock Exchanges along with the annual report
filed by the company.
(2) The non-mandatory requirements given in Annexure-ID may be implemented as
per the discretion of the company. However, the disclosures of the compliance with
mandatory requirements and adoption (and compliance)/non-adoption of the nonmandatory requirements shall be made in the section on corporate governance of
the Annual Report.
Annexure IA
Information to be placed before Board of Directors
1. Annual operating plans and budgets and any updates.
2. Capital budgets and any updates.
3. Quarterly results for the company and its operating divisions or business
4. Minutes of meetings of audit committee and other committees of the board.
5. The information on recruitment and remuneration of senior officers just below
the board level, including appointment or removal of Chief Financial Officer and the
Company Secretary.
6. Show cause, demand, prosecution notices and penalty notices which are
materially important.
7. Fatal or serious accidents, dangerous occurrences, any material effluent or
pollution problems.
8. Any material default in financial obligations to and by the company, or
substantial non-payment for goods sold by the company.
9. Any issue, which involves possible public or product liability claims of substantial
nature, including any judgement or order which, may have passed strictures on thc
conduct of the company or taken an adverse view regarding another enterprise that
can have negative implications on the company.
10. Details of any joint venture or collaboration agreement.
11. Transactions that involve substantial payment towards goodwill, brand equity,
or intellectual property.
12. Significant labour problems and their proposed solutions. Any significant
development in Human Resources/Industrial Relations front like singing of wage
agreement, implementation of Voluntary Retirement Scheme etc.
Status - Yes
/ No
I. Board of Directors
49 (IA)
of Compliance
49 (IB)
49 (IC)
and Committees
(d) Code of Conduct
49 (ID)
49 II
49 (IIA)
(B) Meeting of Audit Committee
49 (IIB)
by 49(IIE)
Audit Committee
III. Subsidiary Companies
IV. Disclosures
49(IV A)
(B) Board Disclosures
49 (IV B)
49 (IV C)
49 (IV D)
(E) Management
49 (IV E)
(F) Shareholders
49 (IV F)
49 (V)
49 (VI)
VII. Compliance
49 (VII)
(1) The details under each head shall be provided to incorporate all the information
required as per the provisions of the Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement.
(2) In the column No.3, compliance or non-compliance may be indicated by Yes/
No/N.A. For example, if the Board has been composed in accordance with the
Clause 49-I of the Listing Agreement, "Yes" may be indicated. Similarly, in case "
the company has no related party transactions, the words "N.A." may be indicated
against 49 (IV A).
(3) In the remarks column, reasons for non-compliance may be indicated for
example, in case of requirement related to circulation of information to the
(iii) Whistle Blower policy and affirmation that no personnel has been denied access
to the audit committee.
(iv) Details of compliance with mandatory requirements and adoption of the nonmandatory requirements of this clause.
8. Means of communication
(i) Quarterly results
(ii) Newspapers wherein results normally published
(iii) Any website, where displayed
(iv) Whether it also displays official news releases; and
(v) The presentations made to institutional investors or to the analysts.
9. General Shareholder information
(i) AGM: Date, time and venue
(ii) Financial year
(iii) Date of Book closure
(iv) Dividend Payment Date
(v) Listing on Stock Exchanges
(vi) Stock Code
(vii) Market Price Data: High, Low during each month in last
financial year
(viii) Performance in comparison to broad-based indices such
as BSE Sensex, CRISIL index etc.
(ix) Registrar and Transfer Agents
(iv) The Chairman of the remuneration committee could be present at the Annual
General Meeting, to answer the shareholder queries. However, it would be up to the
Chairman to decide who should answer the queries.
(3) Shareholder Rights
A half-yearly declaration of financial performance including summary of the
significant events in last six-months, may be sent to each household of
(4) Audit qualifications
Company may move towards a regime of unqualified financial statements.
(5) Training of Board Members
A company may train its Board members in the business model of the company as
well as the risk profile of the business parameters of the company, their
responsibilities as directors, and the best ways to discharge them.
(6) Mechanism for evaluating non-executive Board Members
The performance evaluation of non-executive directors could be done by a peer
group comprising the entire Board of Directors, excluding the director being
evaluated; and Peer Group evaluation could be mechanism to determine whether to
extend/ continue the terms of appointment of non-executive directors.