Difference Between NGO and PVT Co
Difference Between NGO and PVT Co
Difference Between NGO and PVT Co
Private Company
Areas of Comparison Section 8 Company
Number of Board Meetings Section As per section 173(1) of A company other than a Section 8
173(1) & (5) Companies Act ,2013 the company must hold minimum of 4
minimum number of Board board meeting in a year & the
meeting for a section 8 company interval between each meeting
is 2 in a year subject to not less must not more than 120 days.
than 90 days interval between
each meeting. The company has
to hold the meetings bi-annually.
Areas of Comparison Section 8 Company Private Company/Public company
No of directorships (sec 165) Section 165 which refers to the limit As per section 165 no person can be
of maximum number of directorship appointed as a director in more than 20
which is not applicable for a companies in case of a public
Section 8 company. company
Consent to act as a Section 152 which refers to the Every person shall furnish to the
director-Section 152(5) consent of the director is not company his consent to act as a
applicable on section 8 company. director. The consent must be furnished
on or before his appointment as a
director. The consent letter needs to be
filed with ROC within 30 days of
Areas of Comparison Section 8 Company Private Company/Public company
Tax exemption If a section 8 company utilizes 85% No such benefit is applicable for a
of the grants received on the company other than a section 8
same year then the surplus earned company.
gets tax exemption.
Company Secretary -Section 2(24) A section 8 company can appoint It’s compulsory for a company
any person as a company other than a section 8 company to
secretary. It's not mandatory for appoint a company secretary who
that person to be a member of must be a member of ICSI.
Minimum Paid up share capital The minimum paid up share The amount of minimum paid up
capital is not applicable. share capital must be satisfied as
per section 2(68) & 2(71).