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The Allies Trade Space For Time

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The Allies Trade Space for Time

WW II brings more complexity than WW I had to spread its resources world wide rather than
just focusing on itself
The Shock of War
The War unifies US, making it easier for immigrants to assimilate into society
no witch-hunting of minority groups except for
Roughly 100,000 Japanese-Americans forced into concentration camps, authroized by
Executive Order No. 9066 gov worried that they would act as saboteurs for japan in even of
invasion q. 24
Korematsu v. U.S supreme court declares entourmanet camps constitutional
1943- FDR declares that New Deal reform era is over after congress conservatives cancel many
of its programs
Building the War Machine q. 25
War Production Board- an institution that oversaw U.S. War production and aided American
factories in prouing large amounts of weaponries; also halted the manufacture of nonessential
After U.S. supply of rubber is broken Govt imposes gaosline rations
1942- a sharp inflation occurs due to lack of consumer goods; Office of Price Administration
brings prices back down
War Labor Board kept wage increases from going out of hand q. 25 as a result some labor
unions encouraged their members to go on strike such as mining industry q. 26
1943- Smith-Connally Anti-Strike Act authroizes govt to operate industires that were on strike
Henry J. Kaiser- helped with the naval aspect of development
Manpower and Womanpower
Farms and factories short of personnel
Mexican agricultural workers -- braceros-- brought to america to harvest western farms
216000 women enslited in WW II
Most woment kept traditional household roles
Wartime MIgrations
War caused displacement
Blacks left for the north, causing racial tensions as a result FDR creates Fair
Employment Practices Commission to make sure his order against discrimination was
being upheld
FDR gave south uneven share of defense contracts to aid its economy
1944- Mechanical Cotton Picker made the need for manual labor decrease encouraging blacks
to move north.
Native Americans served in armed forces used as code talkers to transmit messages in their
native language
A. Phillip Randolph; demanded equal opportunity in wartime jobs
Holding the Home Front
America not quite as affected by war as the rest of the world, war helped American economy
Fed govt became more involved in individual lives
National debt rose from 49 bil to 259 bil due to bororwed money q. 29
The Rising Sun in the Pacific

As well as PEarl Harbor, Japan attacks other far east strongholds

o General MacArthur holds out against Japanese forces for 5 months but
eventually surrendered
o His army forced in war camps
Corregidor holds out until 1942, giving japan total control of philippines
Japans High Tide at Midway
May 1942- battle fought in Coral Sea where U.S stops japanese advancement. All fighting done
by carrier-based aircraft q. 30
June 1942- naval battle fought by Midway
If japan took it they could directly launch attacks against Pearl Harbor
Chester Nimitz directed a small carrier force under Rayomn Spruance against a
Japanese felet
Japan retreats
Midway was an important point in the pacific war for halting Japanese q. 31
American Leapfrogging Toward Tokyo
Americans fight for control fo Guadalcanal Island from august to feb 1942-1943 want to
protect shipping lanes through southwest Pacific
Huge japanese casuality rates, japan evacuates q. 32
American tactic was to take nearby islands and then attack the surroundings ones. All lead by
Admiral Mimitz q. 33
Major islands of Marianas were gained by US and made it easier for U.S. bombs to carry out
attacks on Japanese Home Islands q. 34
The Allied Halting of Hitler
Battle of the Atlantic fought between German U-Boats and Allied shipping
Air patrols and radar help the allies win
Battle of El Alamein
British General Bernard Montgomery defeats Germans (Lead by Marshal Erwin Rommel)
1942- soviets repel hitlers attack on Stalingrad q. 35
A Second Front from North Africa to Rome
Americans fear soviets will make seperate peace Ally with france FDR plans a diversionary
Brits wanted to attack Hitler through mediterranean, a less heavily militarized area. America
eventually agrees
November 1942- Dwight D. Eisenhower leads assault on North Africa May 1943 GermanItaly army surrendered in Tunisia
Casablanca; FDR meets with Winston Churchill to increase military action in pacific and fight for
an unconditional surrender from the enemy q. 37 q. 38
August 1942- Sicily Captured
September 1943- Italy surrenders and Mussolini is overthrown
June 1944- Rome taken
May 1945- thousands are taken as POW or surrendered from axis powers
The battles in italy diverted the invasion of Normandy, giving soviets time to take territory q. 39

D-Day June 6, 1944

Joseph Stalin FDR and Churchill meet in Teheran to arrange a second front an important
development was agreement on broad plans for attacks on germany from east and west
Eisenhower given command of the armies
Normandy is chosen as the point of invasion
Allies break through German beach defenses and General George S. Patton led
armored divisions in France
Paris liberated August 1944
Aachen falls to allies in october 1944
FDR: The Fourth-Termite of 1944 q. 41
In the election of 1944 Repubs choose Thomas E. Dewey for presidency and John W. Bricker fo
Democrats nominate FDR and Harry S. Truman for VP
Roosevelt Defeats Dewey
FDR winds a huge victory and is reelected
Due to sucess n war
His foreign policy experienec also huge plus
The Last Days of Hitler
December 1944 hitler throws the rest of his forces in the abattle at the Ardennes Foret in order
to take the Belgian port of Antwerp
Battle of the BUlge, Allies are driven back
The 10 day erman push is successfuly stopped by an Airborne Division lead by Brigadier
General A. C. McAuliffe
April 1945- Ally troops discover the concentration camps
April 1945- Soviets captre Berlin
April 30 1945- Hitler commits suicide
April 12 1945- FDR dies suddenly from brain hemmorage, Truman takes over
May 7 1845 VE day as German govt surrenders
Japan Dies Hard
Firebombings in tokyo kill over 8300
General MacArthur returns to philippines heavily stacked Japan loses a series of 3 battles
thus marking the end of Japans Sea power q. 42
Macarthur captures Manila in March 1945
Iwo Jima is needed as an airport for damaged American bombers and is subsequently captured
Americans capture Okinawa
kamikaze- japanese suicide bombers that inflicted heavy damage on U.S.
The Atomic Bombs
Japan refuses to surrender unconditionally mid 1945
Potsdam conference- truman meets with stalin and british dude to issue a fatal ultimatum to
japan that ended in either their surrender or their destruction
Atomic bomb developed by the manhattan project originally itnended for germany q. 43.
Albert Einstein aids in the development
August 6 1945- bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Death toll at 180,000
August 8 1945- Stalin invades japanese defenses of manchuria and korea

August 9 1945- Nagasaki dropped, 80,000 dead

U.S continued working on more atomic bombs
August 10 1945 Tokyo surrendered under the condition that emporor Hirohito be allowed to
keep powers, and the allies accept.
September 2 1945- official end to war, VJ day
The Allies Triumphant
Americans lost 1 mil, soviet lost 25 mil
Huge fraction of war countires destroyed but America basically spotless
America was already well prepared because it had more prep time

45. Explain how in the 1930s the American people were overwhelmingly anti-Nazi and
anti-Hitler, but they were desperately determined to stay out [of war]. America had had
such an awful experience with foreign policy that although they were sympathetic for others they
had their own problems they wanted to deal with first
47. At what point do you think American entry into the war in Europe became inevitable?
Explain. I think Pearl Harbor really was the turning point because it was the first itme that the
axis powers had threatened us directly. While we should have helped much earlier it didnt
become a pressing matter until then
48. Do you think the argument that one should not change horses in the middle of a
stream is sufficient to justify Franklin Roosevelts breaking the two-term tradition in
1940? Do you think anyone should be allowed to serve more than two terms in the
presidency? Why or why not? I think this was a good bet in the context but would not work as
a hard fast rule. As always there are situations when corruption is part of the risker.it makes
sense an di would be behindit.
49. Present arguments for and against using the A-bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in
1945. Had it been your decision, what would you have done? Why? This is the worst
question in the world its like i know that us or them but it seems so awful I really have no clue.
50. What are the arguments for and against the Japanese-American relocation camps
used in World War II? Do you agree with the text authors that these camps were
eunnecessary and unfair? Why or why not?
I think the camps were unnecessary. It just goes along the classic American ideal that everyone
is out to get us blah blah blah
51. In terms of defending Americas national interests, which do you think was the most
critical front in World War II, the European theater or the Pacific? Why?

I think the European theater was most critical because thats wehre most of the allied powers
were. While there were many valuable trade rutes in the pacific the heart of the issue was
always at the home land in europee
52. Why, with major wars in Europe and the Pacific, did American troops see their first
active combat in World War II in North Africa? What were the strategic objectives of that
campaign? THey wanted to cut off much of the axis powers access to the spullies they were
seeping from North America. It was also unexpected and well planned.

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