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Calorific Value

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ABSTRACT.............................................................................................................. 3
INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................... 3
OBJECTIVE.............................................................................................................. 4
LITERATURE REVIEW.............................................................................................. 5
APPARATUS............................................................................................................ 6
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE.................................................................................. 7
DATA ANALYSIS...................................................................................................... 8
DISCUSSION......................................................................................................... 15
CONCLUSION....................................................................................................... 17
REFERENCES........................................................................................................ 17

The objectives of his experiment are to determine the calorific value (CV) for any
selected gaseous fuel, to construct and understand an accurate equipment for calorific value
measurement, to provide the simple and accurate method of calorimeter for gaseous fuel and to
perform safety assessment analysis at the equipment. This experiment are done by using Boys
Calorimeter which was designed as simple but accurate equipment for ascertaining the calorific
values of a large range of gaseous fuels. We obtained the calorific value from this experiment is
100243.87 Btu/m3 which have 9.97% error, so we can conclude that this value is quite close to
the actual calorific value which is 111345Btu/m3. However, there are some errors occur in this
experiment which contributed inaccurate experimental result such as parallax error, heat losses to
the surrounding and there are water splash when collecting water. With this value, we can
identify type and method that can be use to optimize energy and produce complete combustion to
minimize heat losses to surrounding. Burner type and flame velocity can be determined to
decrease the heat loss and complete combustion can be optimized.

When the hydrocarbon fuel is being combusted under specified condition, there are amount
of heat released that is known as calorific value. The calorific value (CV) or heating value (HV)
of the hydrocarbon fuel is depends on the composition of the gas. There are two types of calorific
value of hydrocarbon fuel. It can be classified as
1. Gross or Higher CV (HHV or HCV) can be classified when the combustion product,
water is in liquid form where there are water vapor in flue gasses.
2. Net or Lower CV (LHV or LCV) can be classified when the combustion product, water
is in vapor form where during its phase changing to vapor, there are difference between
HCV and the latent heat.

In calorific value, the measurement unit of energy per unit of the fuel involve are:
Btu/lb, J/kg, kcal/kg

The conversion unit involve are:

1. 1 Btu/lb = 0.5556 kcal/kg = 2326.1 J/kg
2. 1 J/kg = 2.39 x 10-4 kcal/kg = 0.00043 Btu/lb
3. 1 kcal/kg = 4187 J/kg = 1.80 Btu/lb
The instrument use for measuring the heat during the combustion process is calorimeter. This
instrument can be use depends to the specified conditions. In this experiment, the calorimeter
involved is Boys Calorimeter. Boys calorimeter is use for measuring calorific value of large
range of gaseous fuel. When the calorific value is obtained, it is important in order to get
temperature profile and heating value for certain gaseous fuel. Other than that, the calorimeter
that can be use is Junkers calorimeter.

At the end of this experiment, the student should be able:
1. To determine the calorific value (CV) for any selected gaseous fuel.
2. To construct and understand an accurate equipment for calorific value measurement.
3. To provide the simple and accurate method of calorimeter for gaseous fuel.


Quantity of heat released during the complete combustion of one cubic meter of gas
under normal temperature and pressure conditions (1.01325 bar or 101 325 Pascal at 0C)
when the water formed during combustion remains as steam and the combustion products are
evacuated under normalised test conditions. The calorific value is the measurement of the
amount of heat or energy produced, and is measured either as gross calorific value or net
calorific value. The difference being the latent heat of condensation of the water vapor produced
during the combustion process is fully condensed. This is due to the Technical Data for Propane,
Butane and LPG Mixtures by Alternate Energy Systems Inc.
This calorific value is very important due to the knowledge of the CV of natural gas is an
essential part of the day to day activities of National Grid as this information is used to determine

the amount of energy transported by National Grid. CV information is provided daily to gas
shippers and suppliers, which is then used to bill gas consumers. This data is also used by
National Grid to determine transportation charges for gas shippers and suppliers According to
Karen Treanton from IEA, Energy Statistics Division in Special Issue Paper 8, Energy Statics
Working Group Meeting, net calorific value can be determine as quantity of heat liberated by the
complete combustion of a unit of fuel when the water produced is assumed to remain as a vapor
and the heat is not recovered. For coal and oil, the difference between net calorific value and
gross calorific value is approximately 5%. For most natural gas and manufactured gases, the
difference is approximately 9-10%.
1. Boys calorimeter
- Boys gas calorimeter is used to determine the calorific value of gaseous fuel. It
consists of a burner, a chimney and radiator couls. A regulator is used in the gas
supply line to damp down any pressure fluctuations which would affect the result.
The cooling water is supplied to the cooling coil from a tank located at the top of the
container. The steam formed due to the combustion of hyrdogen in the fuel condenses
around the cooling coul.
2. Hyde Gas Meter
- Hyde type gas meter with a capacity of 2.0 litres/rev consisting of a specially
designed measuring drum housed in a gas-tight casing and sealed with water. The
whole set is manufactured to a very high standard and is supplied with all necessary
accessories including thermometers with reading lenses, measuring vessels and a
general purpose set of four burners for town and coke oven gas, natural and methane
gas, butane, propane, acetylene, ethylene and propylene.
3. Digital Weighing scale
- to measure water collected from the calorimeter
4. Thermometer and barometric meter
- to measure the ambient temperature and pressure, respectively
5. Fuel
- liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), Butane and Propane

1) The temperature on the gas inlet thermometer on the flow meter, local barometric
pressure and local ambient temperature were read and recorded before commencing the
2) Gas supply was connected to the Boys Calorimeter through control valve and Hyde
Meter. This gas supply should be not at pressure greater than the meter can be with stand.
3) The control valve was slowly turned on and the burners were lighted up simultaneously.
4) The calorimeter main body was slowly lower into the calorimeter casing with the water
outlet over the sink.
5) Water was turned on to the overhead funnel so that there is flow established in the spill
tube from the overhead funnel and also be present through the calorimeter.
6) The gas flow rate was set so the time taken for one revolution of the Hyde Meter to
approximately between the range of;
Tmin = 3 x CV / 100

Tmax = (3 x CV / 100) + 5

7) The gas was allowed to burn and water was allowed to run through the calorimeter for at
least 45 minutes to allow the operating conditions to settle down.
8) Water was collected at the beginning of experiment starting point was 100 on Hyde
9) The inlet temperature was recorded for every one revolution of Hyde Meter until the end
of the experiment.
10) The outlet temperature was recorded for every revolution of Hyde Meter until the end
of the experiment.
11) Water was stop collected at the end of the third revolution of Hyde Meter.
12) Data was written in the given table.

Experiment : LPG gas
T inlet of water

: 26.9C

T indicator 1 (coil)

: 27.6C

T indicator 2 (ambient)

: 28.6C

T for effluent gas

: 29.0C

Baromatic pressure

: 760mmHg

Meter Revolutions

Inlet,T1 C

Outlet, T2 C

Volume of gas passed

: 2.51 3=7.53 m

Volume of water passed

: 6.335 L

Room temperature

: 27.0C

Volume of condensate collected

: 0.0 L

Average inlet temperature (C)


= 28.77

Average outlet temperature(C)

Average temperature difference(C)

= 51.20
= 22.43

Experiment : Propane Gas

Temperature inlet of water

: 26.8C

Temperature indicator 1 (coil)

: 27.6C

Temperature indicator 2 (ambient)

: 28.6C

Temperature for effluent gas

: 29.0 C

Baromatic pressure : 760mmHg

Meter Revolutions

Inlet, T1 C

Outlet, T2 C








Volume of gas passed

: 7.5 L

Volume of water passed

: 6.44 L

Room temperature

: 27.0C

Volume of condensate collected

: 10.3mL

Average Inlet Temperature (C)


= 28.6
49.4+50.1+ 49.7

Average Outlet Temperature (C)

Average Temperature Difference (C)

= 49.7
= 49.7-28.6
= 21.1

Experiment : Butane Gas

Temperature inlet of water

: 26.9C

Temperature indicator 1 (coil)

: 27.6C

Temperature indicator 2 (ambient)

: 28.6C

Temperature for effluent gas

: 29.0C

Baromatic pressure

: 760mmHg

Meter Revolutions

Inlet, T1 C

Outlet, T2 C








Volume of gas passed

: 2.5L X 3

Volume of water passed

: 8.06L

Room temperature

: 27.0C

Volume of condensate collected


Average Inlet Temperature (C)

Average Outlet Temperature(C)

Average Temperature Difference(C)

29.4 +29.4+29.4

= 29.400
48.1+48.4+ 48.6

= 48.367
= 48.367-29.400
= 18.967

Finding Gas Volume Factor
Changes in volume with barometer pressure calculated with this equation:

1 0.00367T



760 P0


760 P0

GVF 1 0.00367T

Where :

= gas volume at 0 oC and 760mm hg

= gas volume at temperature and ambient temperature

= ambient temperature

= ambient pressure (mmHg)


= vapor pressure at temperature (mmHg)

= vapor pressure at 0.01 oC (4.58 mmHg)

Experiment : LPG GAS


= 28.6oC

= 4.58 mmHg

= 760 mmHg

From Saturated Steam Graph,


= vapor pressure at 28.6 0C ( 29.357 mmHg)

760 P0

GVF 1 0.00367T

760 4.58

760 29.357

= (1+0.00367 28.6)

= 1.1424
CV LPG =(Tair)( mwater )(GVF )(CF)
mwater = 10.08 kg
CF = 0.419

= (28.6C) (6.335kg )(1.1424 )(0.419) = 86.725 MJ/m3

Experiment : Propane Gas


= 28.6 oC

= 4.58 mmHg

= 760 mmHg

From Saturated Steam Graph,


= vapor pressure at 28.60C (29.36mmHg)

760 P0

GVF 1 0.00367T

= (1+0.00367


760 4.58

760 29.36

= 1.1424
CV LPG = (Tair) ( mwater ) (GVF ) (CF)

mwater =6.427 kg
CF = 0.419

= (28.6C) (6.427kg ) (1.1424) (0.419 )

= 87.99 MJ/m3

Experiment : Butane Gas


= 28.6 oC

= 4.58 mmHg

= 760 mmHg

From Saturated Steam Graph,


= vapor pressure at 28.6 0C (29.276 mmHg)

760 P0

GVF 1 0.00367T

= (1+0.00367 28.6)

760 4.58

760 29.276

= 1.142
CV LPG = (Tair) ( mwater ) (GVF ) (CF)
mwater = 8.044kg
CF = 0.419

= (28.6C) (8.044kg ) (1.142) (0.419)

= 110.082 MJ/m3


The first gaseous fuel is LPG, from data collected the CV from calculation is 86.725
MJ/m3. It also not similar with the standard CV of butane which is 152.83 MJ/m3. By carrying
out an experiment to determine the calorific value of a fuel we able to determine how much heat
energy is released when a fuel is burned. We know that all fuels are different: we burn coal
compared to gas we get a different amount of heat. Through experiment we can determine which
fuel best suits the demands we place on it. For example, burning coal will give us more heat as
compared to burning paper. This is a practical dealing with heat energy. So we had many
assumptions when doing this practical. We assumed that the gas is an ideal gas, because we used
combined gas low at the very first beginning. Next we had an issue on the heat loss due to smoke
produced by the calorimeter. When considering heat energy loss from the smoke produced is a
major loss. This made a considerable error in our calculations. Heat loss through the conductance
from the calorimeter is another issue that we faced. So for the calculation we assumed the heat
loss due to these errors were null. The temperature measured near inlet and outlet flow of water
had an error due to contact of copper spiral with the thermometers, it is not a big issue in our
calculations. But when we consider the flow rate major error could be occurred. It is because
flow of water is not firm and constant. To minimize this issue we used pressure head. It was a
good solution for the error. But there may be a considerable error occurred. Errors done by the
observing students and errors in the measuring equipments cannot be corrected. When we done
this practical this was the main issue we had to face. The manometer reading was very small and
in two different trials when changing the flow rate of gas, the difference was so small.
Observation error occurred in that measurement. The pressure measured is relatively small with
the absolute value. So we did not see a considerable change in our calculations. Another issue is
that the readings taken from the thermometers. Thermometers are calibrated one by one degrees
of Celsius (minimum value of readings were 10C). So we had to face an error of accuracy. This
made a vast difference in our calculation because inlet and outlet temperatures play a major role
in the equation. We can see that from the equation of calculating the calorific value. The calorific
value should be a constant for a certain gas we consider. But from the experiment values we got
and by the calculations, the calorific value is different in the 3 trials we have done. It is because
of the above mentioned errors and issues.


The third gaseous fuel is butane, from data collected the CV from calculation is 110.082 MJ/m3.
It also not similar with the standard CV of butane which is 126.00 MJ/m3.
The Calorific Value is so important because knowledge of the CV of natural gas is an essential
part of the day to day activities of the systems as this information is used to determine the
amount of energy transported. CV information is provided daily to gas shippers and suppliers,
which is then used to bill gas consumers. This data is also used to determine transportation
charges for gas shippers and suppliers. The CV is a characteristic for each fuel and is measured
in units of energy per unit of the fuel, usually mass or volume (MJ/kg or Kcal/m 3 or MJ/m3). In
industry, the selection of fuel that we want to use is very important because it will prevent the
wasting of fuel, more economical and it can maximize the production or quality of certain
product. When the value of CV known, the fuel that we used and the quantity heat released of
each combustion process can be identified due to the complete combustion occurred. So it will
help us to determine which type of fuel that we want to use by referring the value of CV of each
The result calculated is not accurate because of some factors effluent and errors. The first
factor is, loss of heat to surroundings occur during the experiment. Second, the volume of water
collected is not accurate because the water are sprinkling when water come out from the caloric
meter. The last one is there are a few errors occurred during the experiment. In this experiment,
there are several another assumptions is made. First, the loss of heat to surroundings is small and
can be negligible. Next, loss of mass of water through sprinkling is not happened when come out
from caloric meter. And the last assumption is the temperature reading is correct and it is
recorded at constant of period time.



From this experiment, we can determine the calorific value of Liquefied Petroleum
Gas(LPG) which contained 70% of butane and 30% of propane in laboratory. We also study the
technique how to determine the value of gaseous fuels in industry using Boys Gas Calorimeter.
From this experiment, we find that calorific value for LPG is close with the theoretical value for
LPG. With this value, we can identify type and method that can be used to optimize energy and
produce complete combustion to minimize heat losses to surrounding. Burner type and flame
velocity can be determined to decrease the heat loss and complete combustion can be optimized.
1. Richard M.Felder and Ronald W.Rousseau,Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes,
Wiley & Sons, Inc. Third Edition 2000.
2. Daniels, Williams, Bender, Alberty, Cornwell, and Harriman, Experimental Physical
Chemistry, 7th edition, McGraw-Hill, 1970, Chapter 2.
4. ILPAC Advanced Practical Chemistry, 2nd edition, Revised by Lainchbury, A, Stephens, J and
Thompson, A; John Murray, 1997, ISBN 0719575079 Experiment 2.4 Determining enthalpies of


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