What Is Porphyry's Isagoge
What Is Porphyry's Isagoge
What Is Porphyry's Isagoge
The way Jonathan Barnes (henceforth B.) suggests to read Porphyrys
Isagoge rests upon two main assumptions. The first assumption is that the
Isagoge was never designed as an introduction to Aristotles Categories 1 :
Porphyry himself indicates for what study the Introduction provides
preparatory material : not for a study of the Categories, but for a study of the
theory of predication, and the construction of definitions, and, in general,
matters connected with division and with proof (1.3-6). That is to say,
Porphyry presents his essay as a preparation for the study of logic 2 . B.s
second assumption is that the Isagoge apart from a few isolated exceptions
conveys no specifically Peripatetic (or Platonic, or Stoic) philosophical
ideas : if the work is Peripatetic, it is so only in the blandest of manners.
There is little in it that a Stoic could not accept and nothing that a Platonist
should not accept. It is written in the philosophical lingua franca of the
period 3 . According to B., therefore, Porphyrys short treatise is an elementary,
philosophically neutral introduction to the study of logic ; as such, the work
should not be seen as reflective of Porphyrys distinctive philosophical views :
Porphyrys philosophical notions need not be rehearsed here. Fortunately
so ; for, despite his vast learning and his unusual critical acuity, Porphyry had
a weakness for fudge 4 .
Did Porphyry truly regard elementary logic as an autonomous and neutral
subject that could (and should) be dealt with regardless of what ones deeper
philosophical views might be ? The plausibility of B.s overall interpretation
largely depends on the answer to such a question. The answer I wish here to
provide is a negative one, for Porphyry, I believe, does not conceive of elementary
logic as an autonomous and ontologically empty discipline. To my mind, B.s
influential reading of Porphyrys Isagoge its admirable scholarship and
philosophical acumen notwithstanding remains unconvincing.
At the very beginning of his treatise, Porphyry presents his celebrated
methodological caveat : Porphyry suggests that his exposition will be a brief
and introductory one, avoiding deeper enquiries and aiming suitably at the
more simple (tw' n me; n baqutev r wn aj p ecov m eno~ zhthmav t wn, tw' n d aJ p loustev r wn
summev t rw~ stocazov m eno~, Isag., 1, 8-9) :
For example, about genera and species whether they subsist, whether they
actually depend on bare thoughts alone, whether if they actually subsist they
are bodies or incorporeal and whether they are separable or are in perceptible
items and subsist about them these matters I shall decline to discuss, such
a subject being very deep and demanding another and a larger investigation.
Here I shall attempt to show you how the old masters and especially the
Peripatetics among them treated, from a logical point of view (logikwv t eron),
genera and species and the items before us 5 .
Two chief problems may be singled out here : (a) what is the meaning of
Porphyrys set of questions on genera and species ? (b) What is the meaning of
Porphyrys claim that he will not explore such deep matters, but confine himself
to a presentation of the theories of the old masters from a logical point of view ?
2. F ROM
Let us begin from (b). The general consensus is that Porphyrys logikwv t eron
means in a logical way, from a logical point of view. Such a reading can
B., p. XII.
P ORPH ., Isag., 1, 9-16 : auj t iv k a peri; tw' n genw' n te kai; eij d w' n to; me; n ei[ t e uJ f ev s thken ei[ t e kai; ej n
mov n ai~ yilai' ~ ej p inoiv a i~ kei' t ai ei[ t e kai; uJ f esthkov t a swv m atav ej s tin h] aj s wv m ata kai; pov t eron cwrista; h]
ej n toi' ~ aij s qhtoi' ~ kai; peri; tau' t a uJ f estw' t a, paraithv s omai lev g ein baqutav t h~ ou[ s h~ th' ~ toiauv t h~
pragmateiv a ~ kai; a[ l lh~ meiv z ono~ deomev n h~ ej x etav s ew~ : to ; d o{ p w~ peri; auj t w' n kai; tw' n prokeimev n wn
logikwv t eron oiJ palaioi; diev l abon kai; touv t wn mav l ista oiJ ej k tou' peripav t ou, nu' n soi peirav s omai
deiknuv n ai. The English translation of passages from Porphyrys Isagoge is that of B.
at all 13 . However, because the issue at hand is to divide how each thing is
predicated and in how many ways, for this reason <Aristotle> provides their
peculiar characteristics (ij d iwv m ata) as the predication occurs (kaqov s on hJ
kathgoriv a giv n etai), and because he is hunting for the peculiar characteristics of
the categories from a logical point of view (logikwv t eron), i.e. from speech (oi| o n
aj p o; tou' lev g esqai). After all, the study of signifying words cannot be otherwise
than insofar as they are spoken (h] kaqov s on lev g ontai) 14 .
respect to the commentators, Burneyats conclusion is perhaps too peremptory. Simplicius, for
instance (In Cat., 104, 6 ff. quoted above) shows that logikwv t eron was connected to lev g esqai. It
may well be argued that logikwv t eron at In Cat., 104 expresses the first of the three meanings of
the term at In Phys. 440, 19 ff. (i.e. that of dialectical and this would also speak in favour of
Boethius rendering of logikwv t eron at Isag., 1, 15). The issue, nevertheless, deserves further
scrutiny. Simplicius remarks at In Cat., 104, 6 ff. do not point to any distinction between a
linguistic and a non linguistic sense of logikwv t eron ; rather, logikwv t eron is in itself connected
with the idea of being spoken (aj p o; tou' lev g esqai). I only wish to point out here (1) that the
opposition between a logical and a scientific inquiry was current among the ancient Aristotelian
commentators ; (2) that such a distinction does not point to any neutrality of logic, but only to
the preparatory character of logical inquiries.
P ORPH ., In Cat., 58, 21-29 : E. Alla; pw' ~ , eij peri; fwnw' n shmantikw' n ej s tin hJ pragmateiv a , ej n
toi' ~ eJ x h' peri; tw' n pragmav t wn oJ pa' ~ auj t w' / gegev n htai lov g o~ A. Oti aiJ fwnai; aj g gev l w/ ej o ikui' a i ta;
prav g mata aj g gev l lousin, aj p o; de; tw' n pragmav t wn, w| n aj g gev l lousi, ta; ~ diafora; ~ lambav n ousin: aj f w| n
toiv n un to; th' ~ creiv a ~ aj n agkai' o n e[ c ousin, tau' t a aj n agkai' o n qewrei' t ai, i{ n a kata; ta; ~ genika; ~ diafora; ~
w| n aj g gev l lousi kai; auj t ai; to; diav f oron lav b wsi to; kata; gev n o~. ej m piv p tousa toiv n un gev g onen hJ peri; tw' n
kata; gev n o~ diaforw' n zhv t hsi~ tw' n o[ n twn, prohgoumev n h dev ej s tin hJ peri; tw' n fwnw' n tw' n shmantikw' n , wJ ~
ei[ r htai. Trans. S. K. Strange, Porphyry. On Aristotle Categories, Translated by S. K. S TRANGE ,
Duckworth, London 1992.
P ORPH ., In Cat., 58, 12-14 : eij ~ dev k a toiv n un genika; ~ diafora; ~ perilhfqev n twn tw' n o[ n twn dev k a
kai; aiJ dhlou' s ai tau' t a fwnai; gegov n asi kata; gev n h kai; auj t ai; perilhfqei' s ai. Trans. Strange.
B. aims to distinguish Porphyrys account of predication from his semantics :
although the Porphyrean account of predication was conceived and presented in terms of a
certain set of semantic ideas, and although these ideas whether or not they are Aristotelian
are indeed laughably inept, nonetheless the account of predication is in fact independent of
the ideas. After all, the account amounts [] to no more than this : predicates are a sort of
significant expression. To that you may attach whatever theory of signification pleases you
or no theory at all (B ARNES , Truth [completa], Clarendon Press, Oxford 2007, pp. 116-117). I
disagree with this approach (and with the presentation of Porphyrys semantics in ibid. : The
thought or concept (scil. of animal) fortunately resembles animals or an animal. And so the word
animal signifies, derivatively, animals ).
What does it mean when you say that universals are said (scil. of a subject)
and accidents are (scil. in a subject) ? The matter is deep and too large for your
capacities ; for someone with the capacities of a beginner cannot know that
accidents, like substances, are, whereas universals are not in existence but are
merely said and are in thought. So let these things be left aside 23 .
P ORPH ., In Cat., 127, 7-9 : kai; ga; r dh; meta; to; mev g eqo~, o{ ej s ti posov n , kai; meta; to; mei' z on, o{ ej s ti
tw' n prov ~ ti, ej k fuv e tai ta; pav q h oi| o n qermov n , yucrov n , xhrov n , uJ g rov n , a{ ej s ti poiav . Trans. Strange.
S IMPL ., In Cat., 158, 27-33 = P ORPH . Fr. 67 Smith, trans. B. F LEET , Simplicius. On Aristotle
Categories 7-8, Duckworth, London 2002.
Ms. Laurentianus Plut. 72, 15 (13th century), f. 22. Cf. S. E BBESEN , Boethius as an
Aristotelian Scholar, in J. W IESNER ed., Aristoteles Werk und Wirkung, vol. 2, De Gruyter,
Berlin-New York 1987, pp. 286-311, p. 310 : The most likely origin of the scholium is a
commentary on the Categories, and it looks very much as if Simplicius and the scholiast are
actually reporting each one part of a passage from Ad Gedalium in which Porphyry related and
discusses Alexanders use of Empedocles to support Aristotles order of treating the categories .
G. G IRGENTI , Porfirio. Isagoge, Testo greco a fronte, Versione latina di Boezio, Rusconi,
Milano 1995, p. 28.
Cf. B., p. 273.
Cf. R. C HIARADONNA , Concetti generali, astrazioni e forme in Porfirio, in C. E RISMANN d., De
la logique lontologie. tudes sur la philosophie de Porphyre et son influence durant lAntiquit
tardive et le haut Moyen ge, Vrin, Paris, forthcoming ; R. C HIARADONNA, Porphyrys Views on the
Immanent Incorporeals, in G. K ARAMANOLIS , A. S HEPPARD eds., Studies on Porphyry, BICS Suppl.
98, Institute of Classical Studies, London 2007, pp. 35-49.
P ORPH ., In Cat., 90, 19-20, trans. Strange.
This difficult passage has been the focus of much scholarly interest.
According to Sten Ebbesen, it represents an un-Platonic, conceptualist and
logical account of the genesis of general concepts ( there cannot be a clash
between Aristotelian logic and Platonic metaphysics as long as the logician
works within the confines of his art ) 36 . B.s reading of this passage is based
on the familiar story according to which it is by perceiving individual cats
that we come to form the concept of a cat : Porphyry suggests that it is these
individual cats who are prior to the species : primacy lies not with Cornelius,
not yet with the set of all cats, but with a privileged litter the litter
responsible for the formation of the concept of cat in general 37 . As I have
argued elsewhere, neither interpretation is truly persuasive. At In Cat., 75, 2631 Porphyry points out that he will not dwell on the profound thesis
according to which, while accidents exist in the same way as substances,
universals merely are in thought. I will leave Porphyrys statement about
accidents aside for the moment. It is plainly evident that the profound thesis
about universals hinted to at In Cat., 75, 26-31 coincides with the doctrine
expounded in more detail at In Cat., 90, 20-91, according to which universal
genera and species have a notional status (mev c ri ej p inoiv a ~ lev g etai, In Cat., 75,
28 ; ej p enohv q h, In Cat., 90, 33 ; ej n ohv s amen, In Cat., 90, 34 ; dianoiv a / , In Cat., 91, 3).
All this is extremely significant : for at In Cat. 75 Porphyry presents his
thesis on the conceptual genesis of universal concepts as neither a familiar
story (pace B.) nor a logical theory opposed to metaphysical speculations
about separate forms (pace Ebbesen). Rather, Porphyry argues that a complete treatment of post rem conceptual universals exceeds the boundaries of any
introductory and logical discussion on words signifying things. As I see it,
the reason for this must be sought in what Porphyry asserts elsewhere (i.e. in
P ORPH ., In Cat., 90, 30-91, 5 : dei' de; ouj k ej f eJ n o; ~ poiei' s qai to; n lov g on, aj l l eu\ eij d ev n ai, o{ t i ouj k
e[ s tin a[ t omo~ ouj s iv a oJ ei| ~ tw' n kata; mev r o~ aj l l oiJ kaq e{ k aston a[ n qrwpoi pav n te~, ej x w| n kai; oJ koinh' /
kathgorouv m eno~ a[ n qrwpo~ ej p enohv q h, kai; ta; kaqe{ k aston zw' / a , di a} to; koinh' / kathgorouv m enon ej n ohv s amen
zw' / o n. a} dh; kai; ai[ t ia toi' ~ koinh' / kathgoroumev n oi~ ej s ti; tou' ei\ n ai: para; ga; r ta; kaq e{ k aston ou[ t e bou' n
ou[ t e a[ n qrwpon ou[ t e i{ p pon ou[ t e o{ l w~ e[ s ti noh' s ai zw' / o n. eij de; aj p o; th' ~ tw' n kaq e{ k aston aij s qhv s ew~ ej p i;
to; koinh' / th' / dianoiv a / aj f iknouv m eqa, o{ p er ouj k ev t i tov d e ti noou' m en aj l la; toiov n de, eij ta; kaq e{ k aston
aj n aireqh' / zw' / a , ouj k ev t i ouj d e; to; koinh' / kathgorouv m enon kat auj t w' n e[ s tai. Trans. Strange.
Cf. E BBESEN , Porphyrys Legacy cit., p. 146.
B., p. 275.
was elaborated on the basis of the Stoic theory 43 . While I fully agree with B.s
first assertion that Porphyry is not simply quoting a Stoic doctrine , I
believe that there are very good reasons to suppose that Porphyry did take into
account the Stoic theory of individuals. I will further attempt to elucidate this
point by following a line of reasoning similar to the one I previously adopted.
Porphyrys elementary writings provide a partial and simplified version of
theories which Porphyry expounds elsewhere (i.e. in his non-introductory
works) in detail. Both in the Isagoge and in the short In Cat. Porphyry regards
individuals as combinations (a[ q roisma, Isag., 7, 22 ; sundromhv , In Cat., 129, 10)
of proper features or qualities. In neither instance does Porphyry ever mention
the Stoics ; besides, as B. correctly notes, Porphyrys doctrine significantly
differs from Stoic ij d iv w ~ poiov n . Porphyry, however, certainly took account of the
Stoic notion of quality in his lost commentary on Aristotles Categories :
Simplicius records Porphyrys response to an aporia put forward by Lucius :
In response to this problem Porphyry said, Subject is twofold, not only
according to the Stoics, but also according to the earlier philosophers. For the
qualityless matter, which Aristotle called body in potentiality, is the first
meaning of subject, and secondly, what subsists commonly or peculiarly
qualified (o} koinw' ~ poio; n h] ij d iv w ~ uJ f iv s tatai) 44 .
Porphyry, then, fitted Aristotelian and Stoic notions about matter, qualities
and subjects within a single doctrinal framework. Not only did he adopt
current terms of Stoic origin, terms that by Porphyrys day were bereft of
distinctive philosophical connotations ; but, at least in some cases, he also
consciously made use of Stoic theories in his exegesis of Aristotles Categories
(cf. S IMPL ., In Cat., 2, 8). The passage quoted above suggests that Porphyry
integrated Aristotles theory of substance and the Stoic theory of matter and
quality the individual substance of Aristotles Categories being conceived,
then, as what subsists [] peculiarly qualified . While this passage does not
focus on individual predicates, it may safely be inferred that Porphyrys
theory of individuals as combinations of properties originated in this doctrinal
context 45 . Again, the Isagoge and the short In Cat. provide an elementary
version of Porphyrys theory of individually qualified substance ; a more
complete version of the theory was probably contained in the lost commentary
Ad Gedalium, which clarified Porphyrys allusion to Stoicism.
B., p. 316.
S IMPL ., In Cat., 48, 11-15 = Fr. 55 Smith. Trans. by F. A. J. de Haas, in S ORABJI , The
Philosophy of the Commentators, 200-600 AD. A Sourcebook, III cit., p. 115.
Cf. R. C HIARADONNA , La teoria dellindividuo in Porfirio e lij d iv w ~ poiov n stoico, Elenchos ,
21, 2000, pp. 303-331.
authors of all kinds. While this is undoubtedly true, it does not rule out that
ej p iv n oia and cognate (quotidian) expressions may be used by Porphyry in a
distinctive philosophical sense. Porphyry employs ej p inoei' n and e[ n noia in
order to designate the mental abstraction of an immanent incorporeal entity
(In Ptol. Harm., 14, 3 Dring ; Sent. 42, p. 53, 2-3 Lamberz). Evidently, this
does not imply that Porphyry always bestows the two terms with this specific
philosophical meaning 49 . However, ej p iv n oia vel similia might possess a non
quotidian meaning of this kind in philosophically similar contexts, such as
P ORPH ., In Cat. 75, 26-31 and 90, 30-91, 5. Indeed, I believe that this is the
case : for in the above passages Porphyry is not alluding to quotidian or
commonplace ideas. Rather, Porphyry is here seeking to provide an elementary
account of a philosophically distinctive argument : that universal genera and
species are immanent natures thought of as universal when the soul extracts
them from matter. Accordingly, the expression bare thoughts alone at
Isag., 1, 10-11 is not a mere pleonasm : as I see it, the addition of mov n ai~ and
yilai' ~ serves to distinguish what depends on thought alone (e.g. the chimera,
or Stoic universals) from mental concepts with an objective correlatum, such
as the e[ n noia of in Ptol Harm., 14, 3 Dring or the result of the act of ej p inoei' n
at Sent. 42, p. 53, 2-3 Lamberz. At Isag., 1, 10-11 Porphyry, then, is here
raising the question of whether genera and species subsist (whatever the form
of their subsistence may be) or are mere mental fictions (like Stoic
universals) 50 . I do not venture to say that ej p iv n oia and yilh; ej p iv n oia acquire a
technical meaning in the passage in question 51 ; yet the elementary and
simplified character of Porphyrys allusion notwithstanding I would
definitely resist the conclusion that their use is necessarily neutral,
commonplace, familiar and quotidian.
Instead of piling up example on example, I would like to address a further
crucial problem : B. (like Ebbesen before him) accords a paramount importance
to the absence of any explicit allusion to Platonic ante rem forms in the
Isagoge. Porphyry was a Platonist ; as such, he might be expected to identify
To take an extreme example : one is a quotidian term, but this does not prevent it from
acquiring a distinctive philosophical meaning in Plotinus Enneads, where it designates the first
principle. Obviously, this does not entail that Plotinus exclusively employs the term one in the
above sense.
Cf. S TOB ., I, 136, 21-137, 6 (SVF I 65) ; D IOG . L ART ., VII 60-61. See A. A. L ONG , D. N. S EDLEY ,
The Hellenistic Philosophers, University Press, Cambridge 1987, pp. 179-183 (= L.-S. 30 A-I). Cf.
A. B RONOWSKI , The Stoic View on Universlas, Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica
medievale , 18, 2007, pp. 71-87.
Accordingly, I agree with B.s criticism of my old (and now outdated) article Essence et
prdication chez Porphyre et Plotin, Revue des Sciences philosophiques et thologiques , 82,
1998, pp. 577-606 : cf. B., p. 40 n. 74.
genera and species with transcendent ideas. Yet the Isagoge does not mention
ideas, and Porphyrys short In Cat. expressly states that intelligible substances
fall outside the scope of inquiry of Categories (which focuses on words
signifying things and not on things as such) 52 . This apparently leads to
conclude that Porphyrys elementary logical works are metaphysically neutral :
that they belong to Porphyry L and have no connection with Porphyry P.
B. forcefully (and in my view successfully) argues against reading ante rem
forms into some passages from the Isagoge. So for instance, B. suggests that
despite the explicit mention of Plato at Isag., 6, 14, the common man alluded
to at Isag., 6, 21-22 is not directly to be identified with the transcendent idea
of man. No clear allusion to the intelligible metaphysical status of the
common man is here to be found ; and the term metousiva at Isag., 6, 21 does
not in itself convey the Platonic notion of participation between different
degrees of reality 53 . As noted above, the same holds true for the passage on the
priority of genera and species vs individuals at Isag., 17, 8-10. Does this mean
that the Isagoge is a neutral, ontologically empty treatise bereft of any
connection with Porphyrys Platonism ? In my view, the answer to the question
is definitely no. At Isag., 6, 13-23 Porphyry presents a synthetic sketch of
Platos division ; just before these lines (Isag., 5, 23-6, 5) he explains that each
single genus mirrors the structure of a genealogy in which the summum genus
plays the role of origin (ab uno relation). As I argued elsewhere, such theories
are not philosophically neutral : rather, they play a crucial role in Middle and
Neo-Platonic accounts of the hierarchy of beings 54 . This does not imply that
one should detect a direct allusion to the Platonic scala entis in the above
mentioned lines from the Isagoge : for Porphyry never mentions ideas in this
passage, and nothing suggests that the common man here is identical to the
transcendent idea of man (on the contrary, much evidence would lead to the
opposite conclusion). The least one can say, however, is that Platonism
cannot easily be suppressed from a Porphyrian passage that explicitly mentions
Plato. What I suggest is that Porphyrys remarks on genealogical genera and
The problem (a) raised above can now be addressed : what is the sense of
Porphyrys set of questions at Isag., 1, 9-12 ? Porphyry puts forward his list in
order to make clear what kind of questions he is not going to answer. As B.
puts it, He mentions one of the banished problems 58 . Instead of addressing
such issues, Porphyry aims to show how the old masters (and the Peripatetics
in particular) engaged with genera and species logically, as well as with
other issues discussed in the treatise. Specialists have at times made too
much of Porphyrys list in the attempt to detect various technicalities in his
set of questions. B. forcefully rejects such conclusions, and convincingly
refutes the idea that Porphyrys list represents a series of answers to a specific
question (the problem of universals). Rather, B. suggests that Porphyrys list
is a rough map of an area which Porphyry will not explore 59 . While B.s
pars destruens is compelling, his pars construens proves unpersuasive. However
rough it may be, Porphyrys map is neither random nor devoid of any
connection (pace B., p. 49 : some may wonder if Porphyry raised a problem
or rather a dust ).
Despite B.s doubts, internal connections can be traced in Porphyrys
catalogue of questions. Certainly, Porphyry does not render all connections
between his three sets of questions pedantically explicit. In the Isagoge one
finds no interrogation of the kind : Do genera and species subsist or depend
on things ? If they subsist, are they bodies or incorporeal ? If they are
B., p. 38.
B., p. 39.
incorporeal, are they separable or found in perceptible items ? 60 . Yet, pace B.,
it is clear that this must be the connection between Porphyrys set of questions :
the link between the first and second set, in particular, is signalled by
uJ f esthkov t a at Isag., 1, 11 ; as for the third pair, the fact that Porphyry might
here be alluding to incorporeal entities, while never expressly stated, clearly
emerges from the context. By contrast, B. remarks that some ancient authors
regarded features and qualities as bodies 61 . Porphyry, however, is not dealing
with qualities, but with genera and species. Indeed, the Stoics conceived of
qualities as bodies, but this has little to do with Porphyrys quest ; as for Stoic
universals, what best describes their status in Porphyrys list of questions is
the formula bare thoughts alone at Isag., 1, 10-11. Moreover, it seems
highly implausible for Porphyrys catalogue to include some kind of enigmatic
bodily genera and species which should either be separable or exist in
perceptible items and around them . The syntax of these lines further suggests
that Porphyrys third pair of questions is subordinate to aj s wv m ata in the second
pair. The syntactical structure of this passage is as follows : (I) the first pair of
questions draws an opposition between subsisting items and bare thoughts
alone ; (II) the second pair is subordinate to; uJ f ev s thken, i.e. the first and more
remote item of the first pair : this would not be clear, had Porphyry not added
uJ f esthkov t a at 1, 11 ; (III) the third pair is subordinate to aj s wv m ata, i.e. to the
second and closer item of the second pair : as this subordination plainly
emerges from the context itself, Porphyry had no need to render it explicit as
in the case of the second pair. B.s doubts, therefore, are unwarranted.
Porphyrys list of questions can be seen to provide a catalogue of 4 modes
of being : bare thoughts alone, bodies, separable incorporeals and immanent
incorporeals. For the sake of simplicity, Porphyry avoids discussing which of
these four modes of being reflects the status of genera and species.
What is the overall purpose of Porphyrys list of questions ? The answer to
this problem, in my view, is straightforward : the list provides a preliminary
(but by no means obscure or allusive) map of Porphyrys ontology, which
includes transcendent incorporeals, immanent incorporeals (along with their
abstractions, e[ n noiai or ej p iv n oiai), and bodies (cf. Sent. 1, 2, 3, 19 and 42) 62 .
B., p. 44 correctly remarks that the two clauses ej n toi' ~ aij s qhtoi' ~ kai; peri; tau' t a at Isag. 1,
12 are two expressions for the same thing .
Cf. B., p. 45.
R. Goulet in L. B RISSON ET ALII d., Porphyre. Sentences, tudes dintroduction, texte grec
et traduction franaise, commentaire, II, Vrin, Paris 2005, p. 504 (ad Sent. 19, p. 10, 6 Lamberz)
notes the connection between Porphyrys set of questions at Isag., 1 and the classification of
incorporeal entities at Sent. 19. For an overall account of Porphyrys ontology and metaphysics,
cf. M.-O. G OULET -C AZ , L. B RISSON , Le systme philosophique de Porphyre dans les Sentences, in
B RISSON , Porphyre. Sentences cit., I, pp. 31-138.
Fictional thoughts (yilai; ej p iv n oiai), I believe, are added to this catalogue for
the sake of completeness (before asking what kind of subsisting items genera
and species might be, it is necessary to envisage the possibility that they
might not exist at all). Perhaps, fictional thoughts also feature in the list
because a renowned philosophical school (that of the Stoics) maintained that
(universal) genera and species were mere mental creations. Assuredly, no
problem of universals lies at the basis of Porphyrys catalogue (although the
later tradition read Porphyrys list as a set of answers to such a problem) 63 .
Porphyrys list, however, certainly possesses a distinctive philosophical
meaning and is not mere dust. Porphyry is here beginning an elementary
treatise on a well-defined set of notions (genus, species, difference, property,
accident). In order to make it clear that his discussion will be of an elementary
and introductory sort, Porphyry explains, by way of example, that in naming
genera and species his treatise will refrain from elucidating the nature of such
objects. Porphyry also provides a list of possible solutions to the question of
what genera and species might be ; his list, therefore, is not a random one : it
rather constitutes a short catalogue of modes of being which includes (in a
preliminary and simplified, but by no means philosophically neutral way)
Porphyrys map of reality 64 .
But why should Porphyry choose to focus on these five items ? This
question leads to the title of the present paper : what is Porphyrys Isagoge ?
Why did Porphyry write this short treatise ? And just what does the Isagoge
prepare for ? It is worth quoting the opening lines of Porphyrys treatise :
It being necessary, Chrisaorius, even for a schooling in Aristotles predications,
to know what is a genus and what a difference and what a species and what a
property and what an accident and also for the presentation of definitions,
and generally for matters concerning division and proof, the study of which is
useful, I shall attempt, in making you a concise introduction, to rehearse,
briefly and in the manner of an introduction, what the older masters say 65 .
The text is not entirely clear : its syntax leaves some room for ambiguity. In
quoting the text, I chose to follow B.s translation66 . Th;n tw'n para; Aristotevlei
kathgoriw'n didaskalivan at Isag., 1, 1-2 may either refer to Aristotles treatise
Categories or to Aristotles theory of categories. From a certain point of view, this
makes little difference : for a schooling in Aristotles predications would no
doubt take the form of a reading of Aristotles Predications 67 . From a different
point of view, however, the issue of whether Porphyry is here alluding to
Aristotles treatise or not is significant : were Porphyry alluding to Aristotles
Categories at the very beginning of the Isagoge, this would lend support to the
hypothesis that Porphyrys treatise is an introduction to Aristotles Categories.
While no degree of certainty is possible in this regard, it seems to me that B. is
right in suppressing the capital letter. Porphyry, after all, is here presenting a set
of topics for the study of which his investigation on species, genera, difference,
property and accident represents a necessary (or necessary and useful)
background : Aristotles doctrine of categories, therefore, is listed as the first item
of a set which also includes (the doctrines of) definition, division and proof.
Since Antiquity, however, commentators have regarded the Isagoge as an
introduction to Aristotles Categories. As noted above, B. correctly argues
against such an interpretation 68 on the grounds that Porphyry portrays his
own work as being propaedeutic to the study of logic : Students of philosophy
in late antiquity generally started with logic ; and students of Platonic
philosophy started with Aristotelian logic and so with Aristotles Organon.
[] Porphyrys essay, written as an introduction to the study of logic, was
thereby and introduction to philosophy and hence thereby an introduction
to the Categories. But it is not an Introduction the the Categories 69 .
While B.s reading proves generally correct 70 , it remains unconvincing in
certain (significant) respects. B.s claim that students of Platonic philosophy
Cf. the excellent discussion at B., p. 25. The syntactical problems of these lines, however,
are irrelevant for the purposes of the present discussion.
B., p. 26.
Despite B.s authoritative refutation, the traditional interpretation of the Isagoge still
finds its champions : cf. S. B OBZIEN , Ancient Logic, in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,
Summer 2007 Edition, E. N. Z ALTA ed., URL = <http ://plato.stanford.edu/archives/sum2007/
entries/logic-ancient/> : Two of the commentators deserve special mention in their own right :
Porphyry, for writing the Isagoge or Introduction (i.e. to Aristotles Categories), in which he
discusses the five notions of genus, species, differentia, property and accident as basic notions
one needs to know to understand the Categories .
B., p. XV.
On the Isagoge as an elementary introduction to logic (and, indirectly, to the whole of
philosophy), cf. [E LIAS ], In Isag., XXVI, 1-3 ; XXXVII, 12 Westerink (cf. B., p. XVI). Among
mondern scholars, cf. C. E VANGELIOU , Aristotles Doctrine of Predicables and Porphyrys Isagoge,
Journal of the History of Philosophy , 23, 1985, pp. 15-34.
started with Aristotles logic, and so with Aristotles Organon might be true,
but only of Platonist students after Porphyry. While later Neoplatonic schools
adopted a well-codified school curriculum which included Aristotles
treatises 71 , the study of Aristotles Organon was definitely not part of a
standard Platonic curriculum before the time of Porphyry 72 . What we know
of the Middle-Platonic reception of Aristotle in no way suggests that students
of Platonic schools started with Aristotles Organon. Significantly, Porphyry
appears to be the first Platonic commentator on Aristotles logical treatises
(and on Aristotles treatises tout court) 73 . Indeed, students of Peripatetic
philosophy generally started with Aristotles Organon ; but again, this was
neither a neutral nor a generally accepted practice before Porphyrys time.
Little is known about the study of logic in Middle Platonism ; some
evidence can be found in Alcinous Didaskalikos. The work contains an
important section on dialectic and its various parts ; significantly, Alcinous
lists are similar to Porphyrys list in the Isagoge. In one passage, Alcinous
mentions division, definition, induction and syllogism (Did., 3, 153, 30-32) ;
in another, division, definition, analysis, induction and syllogism (Did., 5,
156, 31-33) 74 . Alcinous, however, does not regard Aristotles Organon as a
guide for the study of logic. Alcinous treatment of logic is elementary and
probably based on handbooks ; most significantly, Alcinous does not mention
Aristotle. The Didaskalikos rather attributes the discovery of logical methods
Cf. I. H ADOT , Simplicius. Commentaire sur les Catgories, fasc. I, par I. H ADOT , P. H ADOT , P.
H OFFMANN , C. L UNA , Leiden, Brill 1990, pp. 21-47, 63-93 and, more recently, C. DA NCONA , Il
neoplatonismo alessandrino : alcune linee della ricerca contemporanea, Adamantius , 11, 2005,
pp. 9-38. For the ongoing debate cf. the papers collected in C. DA NCONA ed., The Libraries of the
Neoplatonists, Brill, Leiden 2007.
Cf. DA NCONA , Neoplatonismo alessandrino cit., p. 23 : Sia la presenza di Aristotele nel
curriculum tardo-neoplatonico [] sia la crescente elaborazione dei modi di accesso ai testi
filosofici e scientifici autorevoli [] appaiono allo storico come caratteri distintivi del pensiero
post-plotiniano .
Cf. G. K ARAMANOLIS , Porphyry : The First Platonist Commentator on Aristotle, in P. A DAMSON ,
H. B ALTUSSEN , M. W. F. S TONE eds., Philosophy, Science and Exegesis in Greek, Arabic and Latin
Commentaries, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Supplement 83.1., London 2004, vol.
1, pp. 97-120.
Further parallels in J. W HITTAKER , Alcinoos. Enseignement des doctrines de Platon,
Introduction, texte tabli et comment par J. Whittaker, traduit par P. Louis, Les Belles Lettres,
Paris 1990, p. 80 n. 31 ; J. D ILLON , Alcinous. The Handbook of Platonism, Translated with an
Introduction and Commentary, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1993, pp. 58-59 ; 72-73. According to
E LIAS , In Isag., 36, 32-34, the Isagoge is useful for introducing student to (a) every branch of
philosophy, (b) dialectical methods, and (c) the theories on categories developed by Aristotle
and other philosophers. Concerning this passage see E VANGELIOU , Aristotles Doctrine of Predicables
and Porphyrys Isagoge cit., p. 29.
to Plato : an apparently widespread belief that was also shared by Galen (who
was not, at any rate stricto sensu, a Platonist) 75 . Accordingly, Alcinous claims
that Plato has outlined the ten categories in the Parmenides and elsewhere
(Did., 6, 159, 43). Alcinous, therefore, knows about the doctrine of categories,
but does not attribute it to Aristotle.
The reception of Aristotle in imperial Platonism before Porphyry is a
complex matter 76 . On the whole, it might be argued that Aristotelian or
Peripatetic doctrines were either (mostly tacitly) incorporated in Platonism
or vehemently rejected. Knowledge of Aristotles treatises appears to have
been limited 77 . The situation radically changed with Plotinus and Porphyry.
Plotinus has a solid knowledge of Aristotle and the Peripatetic tradition : in
his treatises, he constantly alludes to Peripatetic doctrines and makes an
extensive use of Aristotles works. Plotinus attitude, however, was critical : as
I argued elsewhere, Plotinus aimed to prove that Aristotles theories are
wrought with problems and inner contradictions which can only be solved via
the adoption of Platonic philosophical tenets (i.e. by turning to intelligible
forms and their distinctive causality) 78 . Significantly, one of the most
important targets of Plotinus polemics is the theory of categories (Enn., VI
1-3 [42-44]). At the opening of the Isagoge, therefore, Porphyry pace Barnes
was not following a standard practice of the Platonic school ; rather, he was
laying the foundations of what became a Platonic school practice after him.
Porphyry, it may be inferred, was also tacitly reacting against his masters
anti-Aristotelian polemics. The difference between Porphyrys attitude towards
Aristotle and that of the previous Platonic tradition was already outlined by
Karl Praechter in his magisterial review of the Commentaria in Aristotelem
Graeca. It is worth quoting Praechters words :
From the fact that Plato on occasion made use of this or that form of
argument, it was taken as proof that he had also established this form
theoretically ; and in this manner they [scil. the Middle-Platonist authors, such
Cf. A LC ., Did., 6, 158, 17-18 and 39-40, 159, 43, etc. ; G ALEN , PHP, 9.9 = V.796-7 K. ;
Inst.Log. 15, 10 = 38, 1 ff. and 18, 2 = 45, 14ff. Kalbfleisch. Galens attitude, however, is far more
complex (Galen also composed extensive commentaries on Aristotles logical works). For an
overview of Galens contributions to logic, cf. J. B ARNES , Galen on Logic and Therapy, in F.
K UDLIEN , R. J. D URLING eds., Galens Method of Healing, Brill, Leiden 1991, pp. 50-102.
See G. K ARAMANOLIS , Plato and Aristotle in Agreement ? Platonists on Aristotle from
Antiochus to Porphyry, Clarendon Presso, Oxford 2006.
Here I disagree with K ARAMANOLIS , Plato and Aristotle in Agreement ? cit.
Cf. C HIARADONNA, Sostanza movimento analogia cit. ; I D ., Plotino e la corrente antiaristotelica
del platonismo imperiale : analogie e differenze, in M. B ONAZZI , V. C ELLUPRICA eds., Leredit
platonica : Studi sul platonismo da Arcesilao a Proclo, Bibliopolis, Napoli 2005, pp. 235-274.
as the author of the Didaskalikos] succeeded, beginning with these few points,
in claiming essentially all of Aristotles logic as Platos. It is with this that
Porphyry broke. Now Aristotelian logic as such, and not covered in Platonic
colours, formed the basis for the study of philosophy in the schools of the
Neoplatonists as well, and thus the exegesis of Aristotle also came to hold an
extremely important place in the Platonic school, which it never lost 79 .
knowledge and nature ; the same also holds true, among other, for Alexander of
Aphrodisias logic, which is part of his overall essentialist account of reality92 .
Logical methods, however, may also entail something less than the study
of valid argument forms. For all of their differences, Galen and Alexander of
Aphrodisias share the view that logic is useful. Both claim that the study of
logic is not to be pursued as such : rather, they argue, logic should only be
studied insofar as it is useful to construct proofs which, in turn, are useful for
science (or theoretical philosophy). In accordance with this utilitarian view,
perfectly valid arguments might be said to exist, the study of which is not part
of logic because they are not useful for knowledge 93 . Logic, therefore, is not
presented by these authors as an autonomous branch of human thought.
Evidently, the epistemological, physical or ontological background of any
logical method of enquiry is not always accorded the same prominence.
Complex works such as Galens lost treatise On demonstration or Porphyrys
lost Ad Gedalium certainly included large (and in our view extra-logical)
sections on physics and epistemology. Porphyrys Isagoge is designed to
provide a more elementary treatment of notions propaedeutic to the study of
logic. It is then by no means surprising that Porphyry does not engage in any
in-depth discussion on the ontological background of such notions. This,
however, as I have argued, by no means implies that a similar background is
missing : Porphyry is rather leaving it aside for the sake of simplicity.
Porphyrys non-elementary works show that his logical theories rest on a
well-defined ontological foundation, which mostly (though not exclusively) 94
pertains to Porphyrys Aristotelising analysis of the physical world and of its
immanent incorporeal principles.
B., p. XIX.