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Whittle Introductory Gold Tutorial

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Copyright 2012 Gemcom Software International Inc. (Gemcom).

This software and documentation is proprietary to Gemcom and, except where expressly provided
otherwise, does not form part of any contract. Changes may be made in products or services at
any time without notice.
Gemcom publishes this documentation for the sole use of Gemcom licensees. Without written
permission you may not sell, reproduce, store in a retrieval system, or transmit any part of the
documentation. For such permission, or to obtain extra copies please contact your local Gemcom
office or visit www.gemcomsoftware.com.
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, we assume no
responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damage resulting from the
use of the information contained herein.
Gemcom Software International Inc. Gemcom, the Gemcom logo, combinations thereof, and
Whittle, Surpac, GEMS, Minex, Gemcom InSite and PCBC are trademarks of Gemcom Software
International Inc. or its wholly-owned subsidiaries.
Gemcom Whittle 4.5

Table of Contents
Introduction - Gold tutorial
Import the block model


Validate the imported model


Set pit slopes for the optimisation


Enter the mining costs


Method 1. Using range function alone


Method 2. Using line of best fit within a range function


Entering the equations into the Mining tab


Enter the processing paths


Enter the price


Run the optimisation


Check MCAFs on the Output tab


Enter the costs and limits


Perform sensitivity analysis


Determine the final pit


Create practical pushbacks




Introduction - Gold tutorial

Introduction - Gold tutorial

This tutorial introduces various parts of software through a worked example. For more information
on any part of this tutorial:

see the relevant information in the Whittle help

view demonstration datasets and read notes in the description tab on each node
contact your local Gemcom office for information about modules or training options

In this tutorial, you will work with a validated block model from a general mine planning package
(GMP) such as Surpac, GEMS, or another GMP. This block model is in the format .mod and also has a
corresponding .par file.

You can find these data files in <your projects folder>\tutorialsGold. For a default Whittle 4.5
installation, the folder is C:\Users\Public\Gemcom\Whittle\45\projects\tutorialsGold.

the block model training.mod

the parameters file training.par
the block model validation report training_rpt.txt

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Introductory Gold tutorial

Import the block model

Import the block model

1. Open Whittle from the desktop icon or choose Start > All Programs > Gemcom Software
> Whittle <ver>\Whittle <ver>.
2. From the Project Selection form, choose Create a new project, and click OK.
The Project Wizard opens. The wizard guides you through the process of importing a
block model into Whittle.

3. In the Project Name field, type a name for the project, such as Gold_Tutorial.
All the other fields on this page of the Project Wizard are filled in automatically.
Note: If you would like to save the project in a different folder, rename the project
directory. The working directory is automatically updated.

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Import the block model

4. Click Next.
5. Select Whittle block model.
Next, you will specify the location of the .mod and .par files.
You could browse to any location on your network for the .mod and .par files. For this
tutorial, the .mod and .par files are in <your projects folder>\tutorialsGold.
6. Beside Model File to import, click the folder button, and browse to your .mod file.
By default, these files are installed in the \projects directory of your Whittle installation.
The Project Wizard assumes that the corresponding .par file is in the same directory, and
has the same name as the .mod file.
7. If you have to change the location of the par file, beside Parameters File to import, click
the folder button and select your .par file.

8. Click Next.
9. Continue clicking Next without entering any values until you come to the Processes page
(not the Process Description page).
10. Click the Add button, to add a process.
11. Edit the row, renaming it to MILL.
Note: Renaming the row to MILL is important for a later stage of this tutorial.

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Import the block model

You will add more information later, after you have validated the model. You could finish
here and create the project, but in this tutorial you will continue clicking through the
pages of the Project Wizard to identify the features of the wizard and their functions.
12. Click Next to display more pages of the wizard until the Next button becomes unavailable.

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Import the block model

The next few pages of the Project Wizard show summary information for the grade
element and allow editing of element names. You do not have to enter any information in
these pages.
13. Click Finish.
The block model is loaded, and the Define Element Type Codes page is displayed.

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Import the block model

14. Click Next to display the Define Model Dimensions page.

This page allows you to edit block model information including dimensions, framework
extents, origin, and azimuth. You do not need to enter any information in this page.

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Import the block model

15. Click Finish.

You have now imported the model into Whittle. Whittle displays several analysis nodes to guide you
through the mine-planning process.

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Validate the imported model

Validate the imported model

First, rename the block model node so you can identify the block model. In this tutorial, type the
model dimensions as the name.
1. In the Description field on the Description tab of the Block Model node, type 10 x 20 x
There are already notes filled out specifying the location of the original .mod and .par
files. You can add more notes here if necessary.
2. Click Accept to save the changes.
Because you changed the Description field, the name of the node in the Navigation Tree
also changes.

3. Click the Dimensions tab to check the block size and model origin.
4. Click the Report tab of the Block Model node to compare the all the totals in Whittle
against the validation report from the GMP.
An example of a validation report from Surpac is provided in the same folder as the
training.mod file. Its file name is training_rpt.txt. You can compare the total tonnes of
rock of each rock type (fresh, transitional, and oxide), and the total number of gold
grams, that is 'Total Element' for each rock type.
Tip: Tonnes of rock = tonnes of waste + tonnes of ore.

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Validate the imported model

5. Further down the report, examine the 'Summary by bench by rocktype' section to see
how the tonnes are distributed on each bench.
6. Next use the 3D Viewer as a visual check.
a. Click the Block Model node in the Navigation Tree.
b. Select Start Three-D Viewer from the icon on the toolbar.

c. On the Select data to display form, click OK.

Tip: By clicking the Block Model node in the project tree, you bring the
block model into the 3D Viewer. Later you will visualise different things by
clicking different nodes in the project tree.
d. In the 3D Viewer, select the Show Topography box, and the Show XZ Plane
e. Click and drag the mouse to rotate the view.
f. Zoom the view by holding down the wheel button of the mouse and moving
the mouse forward or backward.

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Validate the imported model

g. Click Invert (in the lower left of the window) to give the 3D Viewer a white
Note: Many screen captures in this document have an inverted view so
that you save ink if you print.
Your view appears similar to the following. You will explore the 3D Viewer
later. For now, it is enough to check the model visually.

You have now validated your model by comparing tonnes and by doing a visual check.
Note: Whittle uses I, J, and K axes. The IJK value of each block is the relative position of
that block from the origin of the model framework. For example, a block with an IJK value
of 88, 38, 17 is 88 blocks from the origin in the X direction (the I axis), 38 blocks in the Y
direction (J axis), and 17 blocks in the Z direction (K axis). The real world equivalent of the
IJK position depends on the coordinates of the origin of the block model and the user
block size.
7. Close the 3D Viewer.
One final thing to do on the Block Model node is to set the units of the project to grams,
because that is the unit of measure of the gold element.
8. On the Formats tab, in the Element data table, in the Units cell, choose gram.

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Validate the imported model

9. To save your changes, click Accept.

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Set pit slopes for the optimisation

Set pit slopes for the optimisation

1. Click the New Slope Set node in the project tree.
2. In the data pane, on the Description tab, type the description Slope Case 1 - 60 degrees
below level 16.
3. On the Slope Type tab, select Rectangular slope regions to define the slopes.
Tip: Rock types are commonly used to specify slope angles. Alternatively, you can
create an attribute in the block model and fill it with integers that specify different zones
based on any data.

In the Profiles tab, you will create two new slope profiles in addition to the default slope
4. Use the Add Profile button to create two new profiles with the following slope angles:
l Profile 1 - Slope 45 degrees.
l Profile 2 - Slope 60 degrees.

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Set pit slopes for the optimisation

Next you will split the model into two slope regions, and assign each of the two profiles
to a different slope region.
5. Use the Add button in the Slope Regions section, to add a second slope region.
6. Split up the regions using the Z value of the model. Change the values so that the following regions are defined, and then use the drop-down box in the Slope Profile column
to assign the slope profile.

Min X

Max X

Min Y

Max Y

Min Z

Max Z

Slope Profile





Profile 1 (45.0)




Profile 2 (60.0)

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Set pit slopes for the optimisation

7. Click Accept to save your work.

Now you have entered all of the relevant information, the next step is to generate the
slope file to use in the optimisation. To generate the slope file, you need to 'run' the
analysis. You will use the Run To icon.
8. If it is not highlighted, click the Slope node, and then click Run To to run the analysis from
the top of the Navigation Tree down to the selected slopes node.

The running icon is displayed beside the node that Whittle is processing, and a progress
bar is displayed in the lower left.

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Set pit slopes for the optimisation

9. Click the Report tab of the Slopes node to check the slope errors briefly.
Tip: Slopes are created between blocks in the block model and therefore cannot
exactly define the entered slope angle. However, the difference is usually small.
You have defined two different regions for applying the slopes, so two profiles are listed
for those regions in the Messages tab.

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Set pit slopes for the optimisation

These slope errors are acceptable.

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Enter the mining costs

Method 1. Using range function alone

Enter the mining costs


Rename the New Pit Shells node Base Case.

Before entering the cost information, you must build up the mining-cost model. In this tutorial, you
have the following information:

base mining cost $1.50/tonne

mining cost increases 5c for each 10-metre bench below 230RL

There are a number of ways to represent this data. In this tutorial, you will use the range function to
enter an equation that describes the mining cost adjustment factor (MCAF).
The range function is a standard function, with the format R(IZ,MCAF,level,MCAF,level), which
describes the mining cost adjustment factor (MCAF) between two levels.
Two methods you will explore in this tutorial are as follows.

Method 1. Using range function alone

In Excel, build up a table showing the RL crest, RL toe, IZ (block index in Z direction of model), Mining
Cost and MCAF (MCAF = Mining Cost/Mining Cost for mining at reference block).
Your table will look like the following example, but continue to the bottom of the model.
RL crest RL toe IZ

Mining Cost MCAF










































































What you want to represent can be described as the following:

At the bottom of the model, use an MCAF of 1.93, then at level 2 use 1.9, then at level 3 use 1.87 and
continue on until at level 27 use 1.07. Then at level 28 use 1.03, then at level 29 and above use a
value of 1 (up to the top of the model).
As an equation, you can build the range function using the format:
R(IZ,MCAF,level,MCAF,level, MCAF,level ,level, MCAF,level MCAF,level), for example:
It is easy to build up this formula in Excel using the concatenate function.
For more examples using the Range function, see the Expression Button help topic in the Whittle

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Enter the mining costs

Method 2. Using line of best fit within a range function

Method 2. Using line of best fit within a range function


In Excel, create the table shown in method 1.

Create a line of best fit with the linear part of the table, below 230RL.
Highlight IZ and MCAF columns (below 230RL), and insert a scattergram.
Right click on the plotted line, choose show line equation on graph.

In other words, the line is MCAF = -0.0333 *IZ + 1.9667, and the scattergram appears as follows.

You can then use the range function and nest the line of best fit within the range function.
What you want to represent can be described as the following:
Up to the 230RL (level 29) use the equation MCAF = -0.0333 *IZ + 1.9667, for level 29 and thereafter
use a value of 1 (up to the top of the model).
As an equation, you can express this concept as:R(IZ,-0.0333*IZ+1.9667,29,1)

Entering the equations into the Mining tab

1. On the Mining tab, enter 1.5 for the Reference Mining Cost.
2. Under Block mining cost adjustment factors, select Calculate, and then click the function button on the right side.

The Expression Builder opens.

You can use the Expression Builder to build expressions using a range of standard
functions, variables, and special functions.
3. Type or copy the preferred expression, for example R(IZ,0.0333*IZ+1.97,29,1), into the Expression Builder, and then click the Check
Expression button.
4. If there are no errors, click Ok in the Expression Builder to complete the Mining tab.

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Enter the mining costs

Entering the equations into the Mining tab

Your formula is now shown in the Block mining cost adjustment factors section of the
Mining tab.


5. If the Rock-Type Mining CAFs are not set to 1, set each of them to 1.

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Enter the mining costs

Entering the equations into the Mining tab

In the Rock Type Details table, leave Mining Recovery Fraction and Mining Dilution
Fraction blank. Whittle will then use the global recovery and dilution fractions (which are
each set to 1.0).
6. Click Accept to accept the changes on the Mining tab.
When you click Accept, the Data Synchronization form is shown.

7. Click Yes.
When you click Yes, you confirm that you would like to copy the mining information
down the project tree to the economic analysis node. Because you will want to analyse
the pit shells using the same criteria as was used to create them, always answer yes to
this question in this tutorial.

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Enter the processing paths

Entering the equations into the Mining tab

Enter the processing paths

On the Processing tab, you will specify the processing cost and mining recovery factor for the MILL
process, for each of the three rock types. The following image shows the information to enter.

The processing paths use the rock types in the model file. The paths are assigned to the process MILL
that you specified in the import wizard.
1. Click the Processing tab.
2. For each row:
a. Click Add.
b. Select the Rock Type.
c. Type MILL in the Method box.
d. Enter the Processing Cost.
e. Edit the Recovery cell.
Tip: You can use the Up and Down buttons to the right of the screen to
order the processing paths in a logical order.

3. Click Accept on the Processing tab to save the project.

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Enter the price

Entering the equations into the Mining tab

Enter the price

1. On the Selling tab, enter the Price at which you expect to sell the gold, in this case
$800/oz or $25.72/gram.
Note: At the time this example was created, the gold price was approximately
$25/gram and, at this price, the power of Whittle to optimise the pit design is clearly
demonstrated. The current gold price is likely to be higher, which changes the result.
Regardless of gold price, the principles of how to use Whittle remain the same, but it
becomes effective to model mine designs for lower grade deposits.
You can enter the price in either ounces or grams. However, make sure that:
a. The units are correct for the entered price and
b. You have set the element units as grams on the Formats tab of the Block
Model node.

This selling price does not include royalties. If royalties are payable, reduce the selling
price or add a selling cost.
Note: Selling prices are scaled by the revenue factor. Selling costs are not.

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Run the optimisation

Entering the equations into the Mining tab

Run the optimisation

1. Click Default on the Optimization tab.
You will produce approximately 50 nested pit shells at varying prices depending on the
revenue factors specified here. The revenue factors scale the entered selling price to
produce different pits that are optimal for different prices.

2. Click Accept.
3. Run the optimisation using the Run To command from the toolbar icons.

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Check MCAFs on the Output tab

Entering the equations into the Mining tab

Check MCAFs on the Output tab

Before analysing the results, you will check the MCAFs were applied correctly, and then examine the
output pit shells visually.

Click the Base Case node, and start the 3D Viewer

To validate the MCAFs visually, do the following:


Snap to View XZ.

Show Data MCAF.
Show XZ Plane.
Click the Info tab.
Click Show to float the information window, position it in the upper right of the viewer.

As you hover over the blocks in the 3D Viewer, the information is shown in the
information form.
6. Check the MCAFs have been applied correctly.
7. Examine the pit shells visually by selecting the Show Pit check box and scrolling up and
down using the spinner directly to the right of the pit number or using the up and down
keys on your keyboard.
You can also view the gold grades in an XY plane while viewing the pit shells.

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Check MCAFs on the Output tab

Entering the equations into the Mining tab

8. Change the options as shown and use the left mouse button to rotate the view.
Tip: Left click to orbit, right-click to pan, hold down the middle button of the mouse,
and move the mouse forward or backward to zoom.

Note: The edge of the pit is at the edge of the model, which is acceptable in this
tutorial. In reality, you would either extend the model in the GMP or use the reblocking
functionality in Whittle to do the extension. For more information, see the Whittle help
on Advanced Reblocking or contact your local Gemcom office for training options.
9. Click the red X in the upper right to close the viewer.
10. In the Pit shells node select the Output tab, and view the range of pits created.
The next step is to determine the final pit and create some pushbacks for the deposit. Before going
to that stage, you will quickly examine the sensitivities of the deposit.

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Enter the costs and limits

Entering the equations into the Mining tab

Enter the costs and limits

The next step is to enter financial information, such as costs and limits, into the New Operational
Scenario node.
1. Select the New Operational Scenario node.
Notice that the Mining, Processing , and Selling tabs are identical to those tabs on the
Pit Shells node.
2. On the Time Costs tab, enter the following:
l Capital cost for project $50 million.
l Discount rate 8%.

3. On the Limits tab, enter the mining limit as 10,000,000 (tpa), the milling limit as 1,000,000
(tpa) and change the 'element limit' units to the project units of grams.
You must change the units even though you are not using the element limit in this
4. Set the throughput factors to 1 (the zeros are caused from the .par file which has been
exported from a GMP package).
Throughput factor affects the relative speed of processing. A throughput factor higher
than 1, for example 1.2, indicates that the mill processes the rock faster because it is
easier to crush. A throughput factor lower than 1 indicates that it takes longer for the mill
to process it.

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Enter the costs and limits

Entering the equations into the Mining tab

5. Accept the changes on the Operational Scenario node.

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Perform sensitivity analysis

Entering the equations into the Mining tab

Perform sensitivity analysis

Note: You must have the Advanced Analysis module to complete sensitivity analysis. If you do not
have this module, you cannot perform automatic sensitivity analysis.
You will examine the sensitivities of the deposit, using the revenue factor 1 pit shell Pit number 41
to get a broad understanding of sensitivities. Later, you can examine sensitivities of specific
schedules after you have created them.
1. Under the Operational Scenario node, right-click, and choose Add > Spider Graph.
2. On the Definition tab, in the Values to vary section, click the Add button to open the
Data Selector.

You use the Data Selector to select the variables you want to see in your graph in this
case your spider graph. The easiest way to select a variable is to use the Search box.
3. Type "Mining cap" in the Search box, click Search, and then click Add to selection list.

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Perform sensitivity analysis

Entering the equations into the Mining tab

4. Click OK.
You have just specified that the spider graph will plot Mining capacity.

5. Add the other variables shown in the following list.

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Perform sensitivity analysis

Entering the equations into the Mining tab

6. In the Values to display in output section, click Add/Edit and, select the Discounted
open pit value for Specified Case variable.

7. Click Accept.
8. Run the Spider Graph node, and examine the graph.

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Perform sensitivity analysis

Entering the equations into the Mining tab

You can see that for this project, the RF 1 pit is most sensitive to the following:
1. Price of gold.
2. Mining recovery.
3. Metallurgical recovery for FRESH material.

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Determine the final pit

Entering the equations into the Mining tab

Determine the final pit

The steps to follow to determine the final pit and the set of NPV practical pushbacks are:
1. Run pit by pit graph to determine likely pushbacks.
2. Run pit by pit graph again to determine final pit.
3. Run NPV Practical Pushbacks to determine mineable pushbacks.
1. Go to the Pit by Pit Graph node under the New Operational Scenario node.
2. Run the Pit by Pit Graph node.
You do not have to change anything. This graph runs an NPV analysis for each pit shell
using benchmark schedules worst case and best case.
Tip: Best and worst case are benchmark schedules and are not designed to be used as
realistic mine schedules. Best case schedule is onion skin type scheduling where each
successive pit shell is mined out before moving to the next. Worst case scheduling means
that mining begins at the top bench of each pit shell and progresses down. These two
benchmark schedules give an upper and lower bound to the NPV for each pit shell. For
more information on best, worst, and specified case schedules, see the Analysis Schedule
Tab topic in the help.
3. Analyse the output of the pit by pit graph.

The x axis shows the pit shell number. The graph shows 51 possible pit shells, where pit 1
is the smallest.
You can see the upper and lower NPV expectations, and the different pit shells at which
they occur. From this graph, you will choose a number of likely pushbacks so that you

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Determine the final pit

Entering the equations into the Mining tab

can plot a specified schedule and base a final pit decision on some more realistic
To get a more accurate NPV, you will choose a set of pushbacks to work with. The first
pushback will come from the first section of the graph (pits 1-5), the second pushback will
come from the next section (pits 6 29), and then a pushback will come from the next
tonnage jump (pits 30-35).
For this tutorial, you will use the middle of each section, 3, 18, 32, and then use these
pushbacks to determine a likely final pit.
4. Right-click the Pit by Pit Graph node, and choose Copy Node, and then right-click, and
choose Paste.
You could also use CTRL-C, and CTRL-V or the toolbar icons.
5. On the Schedule tab, enter a fixed lead of 7 as an approximation to the final mining schedule.
6. Click the Add button on the right side of the Specified Case Pushback Definitions, and
enter the three pushbacks, using commas or spaces to separate the numbers.

7. Click Accept to accept the changes.

8. Run the Pit by Pit Graph.
9. Examine the pit by pit graph, paying attention to the green line, which represents the
'specified case' schedule you have defined, pushbacks 3, 18, 32 with a fixed lead of 7
benches between pushbacks.
Note: When you use the fixed lead option, you specify a number of benches that are
mined in the initial pushback before the first bench of the following pushback is mined.
From this graph, you can see that pit shells 35 41 each deliver a similar NPV with the
three pushbacks.
The middle shell, pit shell 38, is a good choice for the final pit.
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Determine the final pit

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Entering the equations into the Mining tab

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Create practical pushbacks

Entering the equations into the Mining tab

Create practical pushbacks

Note: You need to have the NPV Practical Pushbacks module to perform this step. If you do not
have this module, continue using pit shells 3,18,32 and 38.
You now want to ensure that you have a practical, but high value, set of pushbacks selected for the
final pit, pit #38. You will use the NPV Practical Pushbacks module to generate pit shells that satisfy
constraints of mining width, but also target maximum NPV.
1. Rename the New Schedule Graph node to NPV Practical Pushbacks.
2. Enter the following information on the Schedule and Mining Width tabs of the NPV Practical Pushbacks node:
Final pit 38, Scheduling Algorithm Fixed Lead 7, Pushback Definition Auto, Number
Pushbacks = 4 (3 pushbacks + final pit).
Mining Width = 40 m, Override default template to allow 4 x 2 block template with a
tolerance of 1.

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Create practical pushbacks

Entering the equations into the Mining tab

3. Now, run the NVP Practical Pushbacks node using the Run To icon and examine the
Note: It might take several minutes for the system to finish processing the pushbacks.
The Output tab shows the schedule output information for each period. The Graph tab
shows the same information graphically as follows:

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Create practical pushbacks

Entering the equations into the Mining tab

The x axis shows the period in which the waste and ore are mined. In this project one
period is one year.
The Summary tab displays the key indicators for the schedule including expected NPV,
and internal rate of return (IRR).

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Create practical pushbacks

Entering the equations into the Mining tab

Now, you can use the 3D Viewer to examine the shape of the pushbacks.
4. Click the NPV Practical Pushbacks node, and then click the 3D Viewer icon.

5. Click Revised pit shells to visualise the pit shells.

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Create practical pushbacks

Entering the equations into the Mining tab

Pushbacks 2 and 3 are small. You might combine them at design time, leaving three practical

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Entering the equations into the Mining tab

You have now completed the Introductory Gold tutorial. This tutorial is not designed to replace an
introductory training course given by a qualified Gemcom consultant, but it is provided to
demonstrate some of the basic features of Whittle. There are many more advanced analysis,
scheduling and specialised modules available to develop a robust mine plan for your operation, and
specialised techniques that help you work efficiently and effectively.
For more information, contact your local Gemcom office to discuss product modules or training

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