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Defending Against Spoofed Ddos Attacks With Path Fingerprint

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Computers & Security (2005) 24, 571e586


Defending against spoofed DDoS attacks

with path fingerprint*
Fu-Yuan Lee *, Shiuhpyng Shieh
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering,
National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu 30010, Taiwan
Received 8 September 2004; revised 13 March 2005; accepted 28 March 2005

Network security;
Intrusion detection;
IP spoofing

Abstract In this paper, we propose a new scheme, called ANTID, for detecting and
filtering DDoS attacks which use spoofed packets to circumvent the conventional
intrusion detection schemes. The proposed anti-DDoS scheme intends to complement, rather than replace conventional schemes. By embedding in each IP packet
a unique path fingerprint that represents the route an IP packet has traversed,
ANTID is able to distinguish IP packets that traverse different Internet paths. In
ANTID, a server maintains for each of its communicating clients the mapping from
the clients IP address to the corresponding path fingerprint. The construction and
renewal of these mappings is performed in an on-demand fashion that helps to
reduce the cost of maintenance. With presence of the mapping table, the onset of
a spoofed DDoS attack can be detected by observing a surge of spoofed packets.
Consequently, spoofed attack packets are filtered so as to sustain the quality of
protected Internet services. ANTID is lightweight, robust, and incrementally
deployable. Our experiment results showed that the proposed scheme can detect
99.95% spoofed IP packets and can discard them with little collateral damage to
legitimate clients. It also showed that the higher the aggregated attack rate is, the
sooner the attack can be detected.
2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks pose
a major threat to the availability of Internet

This work is supported in part by III and NSC of Taiwan.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: leefy@csie.nctu.edu.tw (F.-Y. Lee).
URL: http://www.csie.nctu.edu.tw/wleefy.

services. A DDoS attacker can greatly reduce the

quality of a target Internet service or even can
completely break the network connectivity of
a server by persistently overloading critical network or system resources of the target, such as
network bandwidth, router processing capability,
or CPU/memory at the target machine. Generally,
to achieve resource overloading, a DDoS attacker
will first compromise a large number of hosts and

0167-4048/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

subsequently instructs these compromised hosts to
attack the service by exhausting a target resource.
Due to the lack of built-in security mechanisms in
the current Internet infrastructure, conducting
a DDoS attack is easy. An attacker can easily get
access to a large number of insecure computers
with exploit/attack programs, such as Trinoo, TFN
and TFN2k (CERT Coordination Center, 1999a,b,c,
2000; Dittrich, 1999a,b). On the other hand,
defending against DDoS attacks is extremely difficult because there is usually no explicit attack
pattern to distinguish legitimate packets from
malicious ones. Moreover, to hide the sources of
attack traffic and circumvent DDoS defense mechanisms relying on inspecting IP header fields, DDoS
attack programs generally fill IP header fields,
especially the 32-bit source IP address, with
randomized values. This IP spoofing technique
has made the detection and filtering of DDoS
traffic extremely difficult, and it has become
a common feature of the many DDoS attack tools.
To design an effective and feasible DDoS countermeasure, there are several requirements a DDoS
defense mechanism should meet. These requirements are listed as follows.
 Discrimination: The ability of discriminating
legitimate packets from attacking packets is
considered the first fundamental requirement
of a DDoS defense mechanism. In fact, this is
a very challenging problem. Specifically, since
most of current DDoS attack tools generate
spoofed IP packets, the ability to identify
spoofed IP packets becomes a key in defending
against DDoS attacks in which spoofed IP
packets dominate a significant share of attack
 Lightweight: The defense of DDoS mechanism
should not impose substantial load on both the
Internet routing infrastructure and the victim.
It is clear that heavy load imposed on Internet
core routers will seriously affect the throughput of these routers. For instance, complex
packet filtering operations should not be involved on the path of packet forwarding on
core routers. Moreover, the load on victims
should also be lightweight. Otherwise, the
defense mechanism itself will become vulnerable to DDoS attacks.
 Loose cooperations: The defending scheme
should avoid the assumption that tight cooperation is required among ISPs. This is
because cooperation normally requires complex coordinations among ISPs and therefore
incurs substantial overhead. This will make
deployment of the DDoS defense mechanism

F.-Y. Lee, S. Shieh

difficult in large networks, such as the Internet.
 Incremental deployment: A defense mechanism should be incrementally deployed if it
requires enhancements on network entities,
such as routers. It is unrealistic to assume that
all the enhancements can be achieved at the
same time. The incremental deployment property allows the defense to gradually gain its
effectiveness with respect to the degree of
 Accuracy: An effective DDoS countermeasure
should be accurate, in terms of low false
positive ratio and low false negative ratio.
Low false positive ratio refers to that the
defense should not lead to significant collateral
damage to legitimate traffic, and low false
negative ratio means that only a negligible
portion of attack traffic is undetected. More
importantly, accuracy must be maintained all
the time even when the DDoS defense mechanism is under attacks launched by attackers
who possess reasonable and sufficient resources, such as a complete topological map of the
Internet and the IP addresses of the Internet
routers. Attackers would try all the possibilities
to circumvent the defense such that (1) attack
traffic can circumvent detection and filtering
mechanism, or (2) the defense mechanism will
be deceived into misjudging legitimate packets
as malicious ones. Thus, it is important for
a DDoS defense mechanism to resist sophisticated attacks and keep its accuracy under all
To defend against DDoS attacks, many countermeasures have been proposed in the literature in
recent years. (These DDoS defense mechanisms
are reviewed in Section Related work.) Most of
these schemes (Belenky and Ansari, 2003; Bellovin
et al., 2003; Dean et al., 2002; Keromytis et al.,
2002; Keromytis et al., 2004; Kung et al., 2002;
Kung et al., 2003; Li et al., 2001; Ioannidis and
Bellovin, 2002; Mahajan et al., 2002; Mirkovic
et al., 2002; Sanchez et al., 2001; Savage et al.,
2000; Savage et al., 2001; Snoeren et al., 2001;
Snoeren et al., 2002; Song and Perrig, 2001) are
somewhat weak against DDoS attacks in large
networks, such as the Internet. Some of them
require supports from all edge routers and complex cooperation among different ISP networks,
while others do not provide real time response to
an attack. Non-trivial packet filtering operations
are usually involved in the process of packet
forwarding. Thus, the throughput of routers, which
participate in the defense of DDoS attacks, will be

Defending against spoofed DDoS attacks

significantly reduced. Other schemes (Jin et al.,
2003; Peng et al., 2002; Peng et al., 2003; Sung,
2002; Sung, 2003; Yaar et al., 2003) suffer from
their inherent design weaknesses. For instance,
they are vulnerable to sophisticated DDoS attacks,
unable to distinguish DDoS attacks from flash
crowd events, or are not effective under spoofed
DDoS attacks.
To effectively detect and filter spoofed DDoS
attacks, we propose a new anti-DDoS scheme,
called ANTID. ANTID focuses on the identification
of spoofed IP packets and the filtering of attack
packets when a DDoS attack occurs. By weeding
out spoofed IP packets constituting a dominant
share of DDoS attack traffic, DDoS attackers are
forced to use real source IP addresses in attack
packets. This allows packet filtering mechanisms
to discard packets according to their source IP
addresses. Moreover, sophisticated resource management schemes can be used in conjunction with
the proposed scheme to sustain the quality of
protected Internet services.
Our scheme is inspired by hop-count filtering
scheme (Jin et al., 2003) and path identification
scheme (Yaar et al., 2003). In the proposed
scheme, each Internet router participating in the
defense of DDoS attacks deterministically marks
each incoming IP packet such that every IP packet
can arrive at its destination along with a unique
path fingerprint representing the route it has
traversed. (In the context of this paper, routers
that participate in DDoS defense mechanisms are
referred to as participating routers.) As we shall
see shortly in Section Related work, though there
are other approaches attempting to create
a unique path identifier for each Internet path,
they are somewhat weak in defending against
sophisticated DDoS attacks. Our approach proposed a new method to create such a unique
identifier and can resist those sophisticated
Since a spoofed IP packet is unlikely to have
a path fingerprint identical to that of the source IP
address being spoofed, a destination host can
identify a majority of spoofed IP packets and then
discard these packets when it is under spoofed
DDoS attacks. From this point of view, establishing
the mapping table, which contains the mappings
from communicating peers IP addresses to their
corresponding path fingerprints, is essential for the
effectiveness of our approach. Theoretically, it
seems that the mapping table should contain the
mappings of all live IP addresses so that an Internet
server under attacks can judge IP packets sent
from every possible IP addresses on the Internet.
However, from a practice perspective, it is usually

unnecessary to do so since the set of IP addresses
which frequently visits a normal site usually takes
a relatively small portion of all live IP addresses
(Jung et al., 2002; Peng et al., 2003). At the same
time, building such a mapping table containing
only frequently contacted clients will greatly reduce the storage requirement and lookup time of
an Internet server. Thus, in addition to the proposed scheme for identifying/filtering spoofed IP
packets with path fingerprints, we give an efficient
method that enables an Internet server to construct and update the database in an on-demand
fashion. In this way, a mapping of an IP address is
created or updated only when the Internet server
receives an IP packet from the IP address or when
there are changes on the Internet path between
the server and the IP address.
There are two execution modes in the proposed scheme, namely monitor mode and filter
mode. By default, the proposed scheme stays in
the monitor mode. In this mode, the proposed
scheme collects and updates the path fingerprints of clients who want to connect to the
protected Internet server. No spoofed packet is
discarded in this mode. However, once the rate
of spoofed packets received exceeds a predefined threshold, the proposed scheme switches
to the filter mode. In the filter mode, spoofed
packets and IP packets sent from infrequently
contacted clients (that is, clients whose IP
addresses and correspondent path fingerprints
are not yet recorded) are discarded to guarantee
service quality to frequent clients.
ANTID has the advantages of strong incremental
deployment property, lightweight processing load
for marking, decoding and filtering, and strong
incentive of deployment. It does not require
cooperations between ISP networks, and the filtering of spoofed DDoS packets is performed on
a per packet basis. ANTID also possesses other
useful characteristics that are not present in other
schemes (Jin et al., 2003; Yaar et al., 2003). First,
it can maintain high accuracy (i.e. low false
negative ratio and low false positive ratio) even
when under a sophisticated DDoS attack (Details
will be presented in Section New attacking technique.). Second, it can differentiate Internet paths
in which the last 8 or 16 routers are identical.
Third, the proposed scheme works well even when
attackers are near the victim (in terms of number
of hops) and conventional schemes cannot work
well. According to the experiment results, ANTID
can identify 99.95% spoofed packets. Experiment
results also indicate that the higher an aggregated
attack rate is, the sooner the attack can be

Note that ANTID is designed to defend against
DDoS attacks which mainly consisted of spoofed
packets. Other types of DDoS attacks, such as
Distributed Reflector DoS (DRDoS) is out of the
scope of this paper. In a DRDoS attack, the attack
packets sent to the victim server are generally not
spoofed and can be handled by conventional
schemes. In this case, DRDoS victim will not
directly benefit from ANTID. However, since the
packets for triggering a DRDoS attack (the packets
delivered to the reflectors) are generally spoofed,
our approach can detect the spoofed packets, and
make it very difficult for attackers to collect
a sufficiently large number of reflectors. In other
words, with a wide deployment of our scheme, the
DRDoS attack can also be hampered.
The paper is organized as follows. Section
Related work reviews the conventional DDoS defense mechanisms. Section New attacking technique presents a new attack that can circumvent
conventional DDoS defense schemes. Section Proposed scheme presents the details of the proposed
path fingerprint scheme. Section Robustness
against circumvention analyzes the robustness of
our approach against attacks. Section Evaluation
presents experimental results and this paper concludes with the last section.

Related work
Many DDoS defense mechanisms have been presented in the literature recently. These schemes
can be roughly categorized into four classes:
attacker-end based, network-based, victim-end
based, and hybrid. The attacker-end based approaches (Li et al., 2001; Mirkovic et al., 2002)
attempt to identify DDoS attack traffic or spoofed
IP packets at attack sources. Once DDoS attack
traffic or spoofed packets are detected, proactive
filtering mechanisms are activated to stop attack
traffic from entering the Internet. Although these
approaches can effectively reduce network congestions caused by attack traffic, their effectiveness of defending against DDoS attacks heavily
depends on the wide deployment on the Internet.
Moreover, the lack of incentive for installing defense mechanisms at sources and the shortage of
incremental deployment property will weaken the
feasibility of these approaches in large networks,
such as the Internet.
The network-based approaches count on Internet routers to defend against DDoS attacks in
a cooperative manner. Schemes in this category
perform either the traceback of the attack traffic
or complex filtering operations on routers. IP

F.-Y. Lee, S. Shieh

traceback schemes (Belenky and Ansari, 2003;
Bellovin et al., 2003; Dean et al., 2002; Sanchez
et al., 2001; Savage et al., 2000; Savage et al.,
2001; Snoeren et al., 2001; Snoeren et al., 2002;
Song and Perrig, 2001) focus on identifying the
origins of spoofed DDoS attacks, rather than
stopping these attacks. Thus, it does not provide
immediate help to victims when an attack occurs.
On the other hand, the on-line filtering mechanisms (Ferguson et al., 2000; Keromytis et al.,
2002; Keromytis et al., 2004; Kung et al., 2002;
Kung et al., 2003; Li et al., 2001; Ioannidis and
Bellovin, 2002; Mahajan et al., 2002) can immediately alleviate the syndrome of DDoS attacks.
However, all these schemes require significant
enhancements to the current routing infrastructure, non-trivial filtering operations involved in the
packet forwarding process and complex cooperation among different ISP networks. These requirements may increase the difficulty in deploying
these schemes, and thus, they may not be put
into practice in the near future.
The victim-end approaches (Jin et al., 2003;
Peng et al., 2002; Peng et al., 2003) try to enhance
the resilience of Internet servers against DDoS
attacks. The advantages of the victim-end approaches are that they do not require support
from the Internet routing infrastructure and that
they strongly motivate the victim to deploy these
schemes owing to the direct benefit to the victim
itself. These schemes exploit essential characteristics of spoofed DDoS attacks in designing their
DDoS countermeasures. That is, the source IP
addresses of spoofed DDoS attack packets are
usually spoofed randomly. In some schemes (Jin
et al., 2003), spoofed DDoS packets are identified
according to the hop-count information, which
refers to the number of routers traversed in an
Internet path. The effectiveness of hop-count
filtering is based on the assumption that most
spoofed IP packets do not have hop-count values
identical to those of IP addresses being spoofed. By
inferring the hop-count information from the TTL
field, spoofed IP packets can be easily identified
and then be discarded when the victim is under
attack. However, this assumption is somewhat
weak. By observing network traffic or using traceroute technique, a DDoS attacker can obtain the
hop-count value between the victim and a spoofed
IP address. Thus, hop-count filtering is likely to be
compromised by sophisticated DDoS attacks that
can adjust the initial TTL value according to the
collected hop-count information.
Based on the 32-bit source IP address, an IP
filtering technique for defending against DDoS
attacks is proposed (Peng et al., 2002;

Defending against spoofed DDoS attacks

Peng et al., 2003). In this approach, the number of
new IP addresses connecting to the protected
server is monitored, and IP addresses of frequently
contacted clients are learned from past communications. A surge in the number of new IP addresses is
considered as a signal of the onset of a spoofed
DDoS attack. Then, packets with source IP addresses not found in the IP address database will
be discarded during the attack. This approach
suffers from several drawbacks. First, it cannot
distinguish flash crowd events from real spoofed
DDoS attacks. Second, before launching a real
DDoS attack, an attacker can slowly pollute the
IP address database of the victim by sending the
victim a set of malicious packets with an IP address
to be spoofed. Then, the attacker can use those IP
addresses used before to attack the target. Although it is indicated (Peng et al., 2003) that such
an attack can be prevented by increasing the
period over which IP addresses must appear to be
considered frequent, this approach, on the other
hand, will exclude some legitimate clients from
the IP address database. Subsequently, the number of legitimate clients allowed to access the
service is reduced. In other words, the effectiveness of defending against spoofed DDoS attacks is
not significant since some frequent clients may be
prohibited from accessing the protected service.
Schemes in the fourth category can be considered a hybrid of network-based and victim-based
approaches. These schemes require support from
the Internet routing infrastructure and from the
victim or victim network. In these schemes,
routers mark each incoming IP packet in a deterministic or probabilistic manner. Then, in victims or victim networks, attack packets are
identified and discarded on a per packet basis
according to marks left by Internet routers (Sung,
2002; Sung, 2003; Yaar et al., 2003). An IP traceback method is employed to construct the attack
graph, and subsequently IP packets marked with
one of network edges in the attack graph are
discarded (Sung, 2002; Sung, 2003). This scheme
suffers from the large number of packets required
to construct the attack graph. And, it may misclassify legitimate packets as attack packets if
legitimate packets ever traversed the network
edge in the attack graph.
In another scheme (Yaar et al., 2003), each
participating router marks some bits (one or two
bits) in the Identification field of an IP packet
according to the routers IP address and the TTL
value in the IP header. In this way, an IP packet will
arrive at its destination along with a unique identifier representing the path it has traversed. Since
the marking is deterministic, packets traversing

the same path will share an identical path identifier. With this scheme, the path identifier of
a single identified attack packet will provide the
victim the ability to filter subsequent attack
packets with the same path identifier. However,
the motivation of using this approach is unclear.
Since the victim is capable of detecting a single
attack packet, the reason for not using the same
detecting facility to detect subsequent attack
packets is not mentioned. Moreover, consider that
packets traversed the same last 8 routers before
they enter the Autonomous System (AS) at which
the victim resides, the victim will not be able to
distinguish these packets since their path identifiers are identical (in the case of each router marks
two bits in the Identification field). As a result, IP
packets of legitimate clients that traverse the
same last 8 routers with attack packets will be
discarded. Furthermore, consider a special case
where the number of participating routers between an attack and the victim is smaller then 8.
The attack can partially pollute the attack mark
list, which represents the marks of attack packets.
It is because, in this case, some bits in the
Identification field are under the control of the
attacker and remain unmarked throughout the path.
This may result in mis-classifying a large portion
of legitimate packets as attack ones. Finally, this
scheme cannot handle DDoS attacks originated
from the AS in which the victim resides, since
the marking operation is suppressed on routers in
the AS.

New attacking technique

In this section, we propose a new attacking
technique that can be used to circumvent hopcount-filtering approach. Specifically, we will illustrate using IP SOURCEROUTE option and ICMP
echo-request/echo-reply messages to explore the
list of intermediate routers between two remote
systems. In this way, an attacker will obtain the
hop-count information that is sufficient to dodge
hop-count filtering.
We will first give a scenario for obtaining the
hop-count information between two remote hosts.
Later on in this section, a concrete example will be
demonstrated to show the feasibility of this scenario. Fig. 1 depicts a simple spoofed attack
scenario that an attacker A attempts to send
spoofed IP packets to a victim V, with source IP
address S. To dodge the hop-count filtering mechanism installed at V, the attacker A must acquire
the number of intermediate routers between S and
V. To achieve this objective, A must first obtain the


F.-Y. Lee, S. Shieh





Figure 1 A two-step scenario for remotely exploring

the number of hops between two end hosts.

IP address of the default gateway of S, i.e. the IP

address of R2. (Here, it is assumed that an Internet
host has the same default gateway for both inbound and outbound traffic. In other words, the
ingress and egress routers of an Internet host are
identical.) As shown in step (1) of the figure, A can
easily obtain the IP address of R2 by using traceroute to obtain the list of routers between A and S.
Next, as shown in step (2), to acquire the number
of hops between S and V, A can issue another
traceroute command to explore the list of routers
between itself and V. By setting the IP SOURCEROUTE option on, traceroute packets are forced to
traverse R2, and A can successfully obtain the
number of intermediate routers and their IP
addresses between S and V.

> traceroute -n -q 1

traceroute to
(, 64 hops max, 44 byte
1 0.327 ms
2 0.200 ms
3 0.228 ms
4 0.238 ms
5 1.581 ms
6 1.537 ms
7 1.712 ms
8 1.780 ms
9 1.669 ms
10 1.681 ms


To illustrate the feasibility of the scenario

presented above, an example of exploring the list
of routers between two remote sites is demonstrated. The following example is conducted by
using the traceroute program in FreeBSD 5.0. In
the following example, A stands for 140.113.
209.21 and S stands for Then,
V is First, the attacker in explores the default gateway
of by issuing the command traceroute Fig. 2(a) shows the result of
this command, and according to this figure, the IP
address of the default gateway of S is 140.
112.1.13. Afterwards, the attacker issues another
traceroute command: traceroute -g 140.112.
1.13, and the correspondent result is shown in Fig. 2(b). By comparing the two
traceroute results, the attacker can easily find
that the number of hops between the two host is 9.
Consequently, the attack can successfully dodge
the hop-count filtering mechanism by setting an
appropriate initial TTL value in the IP packet
The aforementioned example shows that hopcount filtering is vulnerable to sophisticated DDoS
attacks that can explore the hop-count information between the victim and spoofed IP addresses.
Thus, developing a new technique for defending
against sophisticated spoofed DDoS attacks is

> traceroute -n -q 1 -g
traceroute to
(, 64 hops max, 52
byte packets
1 13.651 ms
2 4.727 ms
3 3.450 ms
4 2.490 ms
5 2.144 ms
6 2.553 ms
7 2.243 ms
8 2.385 ms
9 3.078 ms
10 2.490 ms
11 2.889 ms
12 3.179 ms
13 3.046 ms
14 2.898 ms
15 2.854 ms
16 3.786 ms
17 3.105 ms
18 3.453 ms


Figure 2 (a) An example of determining the default gateway of an IP address being spoofed, and (b) an example of
enumerating the list of routers between a spoofed source and the victim.

Defending against spoofed DDoS attacks

Proposed scheme
In this section, we propose a new spoofed packet
filtering anti-DDoS scheme, called ANTID. In this
scheme, each IP packet is embedded with a unique
path fingerprint representing the route an IP
packet has traversed, and IP packets with incorrect path fingerprints is considered spoofed. The
proposed scheme eliminates some weaknesses of
conventional schemes, and is designed specifically
for defending against spoofed DDoS attacks. It
intends to complement, rather than replace existing schemes.
The basic of ANTID is the validation of an IP
packet via its source IP address and the path
fingerprint embedded in it. In this section, the
computation of a path fingerprint is first described,
and then the inspection algorithm for identifying
spoofed IP packets is presented. Next, an efficient
approach for constructing a table that contains the
mappings of IP addresses and their path fingerprints is proposed. Finally, the details of detecting
a spoofed DDoS attack are shown, and subsequent
packet filtering operations are examined.

Path fingerprinting and spoofed

packet inspection
To generate a path fingerprint representing the
route an IP packet traversed, it is assumed that
each participating router assigns each of its network interface a n-bit random number, and these
random numbers are kept securely. These numbers
should not be disclosed. In ANTID, a path fingerprint of an IP packet is composed of two fields, a
d-bit distance field and a n-bit path identification
(PID) field, where the former represents the
number of intermediate routers traversed, and
the latter denotes an identifier derived from the
random numbers associated with the traversed
network interfaces in the route. The path fingerprint of an IP packet is stored in the IP packet
header, and thus it is delivered to the destination
host along with the packet. Moreover, we also
assume that a pf-flag bit in the IP packet header is
available for indicating the start of path fingerprinting. Later in this section, we will discuss the
allocation of (1 C d C n) bits in the IP packet
header fields.
The path fingerprinting procedure is presented
as follows. Whenever a participating router receives an IP packet, it first examines the pf-flag
field. If it is unset, i.e. 0, the receiving router is
then aware that it is the first participating router
the packet encountered in the path. In this case,

the receiving router sets the pf-flag bit to 1, sets
the distance field to 1 and sets the path identification field to the random number associated with
the incoming interface of the packet. On the other
hand, if the flag bit is already on, i.e. 1, the
receiving router increments the distance field by
one, and updates the path identification field with
H(PID, Ni), where PID represents the current value
of path identification field in the packet, Ni
denotes the random number of the incoming
interface, and H is a one-way hash function with
weak collision resistance. (Note that H is not
a secret and each participating router can choose
its hash function.) Algorithm 1 shows the pseudocode for computing path fingerprint on a participating router, and Fig. 3 illustrates an example of
the path fingerprinting scenario.
In the example depicted in Fig. 3, a packet
traverses from the source S to the destination D
across routers R1eR4. The first router in the path,
R1, sets both pf-flag and distance filed to 1 and
sets the initial PID value to the random number of
the incoming interface, i.e. N1. Afterwards, each
router increases the distance field and updates the
PID field according to the previous PID value and
the random number of the current incoming interface. In this figure, H denotes a hash function.
To allocate space from the IP packet header for
storing a path fingerprint, the 16-bit Identification
field in the IP header is chosen to be overloaded.
Issues related to the overloading of this field has
been studied and reported (Savage et al., 2000). In
this paper, the 16-bit Identification field is divided
into two sub-fields. The first sub-field is 5-bit long
and is used to store the value of distance. It is
believed that 5 bits are sufficient (Carter and
Crovella, 1997; Theilmann and Rothermel, 2000)
since most of Internet paths are shorter than 31

Algorithm 1 Computation of path fingerprints on

a participating router
1: Let p denote an incoming IP packet.
2: Let p.pf-flag, p. distance and p.pid denote the
pf-flag, distance and path identification fields in
packet p, respectively.
3: Let Ni denote the random number associated with
the incoming interface of p.
4: if p.pf-flag Z 0 then
5: p.pf-flag ) 1
6: p.distance ) 1
7: p.pid ) Ni
8: else
9: p.distance ) p.distance C 1;
10: p.pid ) H(p.pid,Ni);
11: end if


F.-Y. Lee, S. Shieh


sta g
di -fla








1 4 PID4

1 4 PID4


1 1 PID1

Figure 3

1 2 PID2

1 3 PID3

An example of the proposed path fingerprinting scheme.

hops. To deal with Internet paths with more than

31 hops, a simple solution is to use more bits.
However, this will reduce remaining bits for storing
path identification, and consequently increase the
collision rates. To avoid increasing hash collisions,
in our scheme, we choose to stop increment the
distance field when its value reaches 31. Though in
this case, Internet paths that have more than 31
routers supporting our scheme will have the same
distance values; the path identification field can
still help distinguish them if their path identifications are different. The remaining 11 bits of the
Identification field are used to store path identification. Finally, we propose to use the un-used bit
of the FLAG field in IP header to store the value of
the pf-flag bit.
In this way, filtering of spoofed IP packets will
be quite straightforward if the table that contains
the mappings of IP addresses and their path
fingerprints is present. In the following context of
this paper, the table is referred to as S2PF
(abbreviation of Source to Path Fingerprint) table.
Here, we first assume that the S2PF table is
available, and its construction will be discussed
Algorithm 2 shows the pseudo-code for identifying spoofed IP packets. In this algorithm, the
source IP address and path fingerprint of an IP
packet are extracted from the IP packet header
first. Next, by using the extracted source IP
address, the correspondent path fingerprint can
be retrieved from the S2PF table. If the path
fingerprint of the given IP address cannot be found

Algorithm 2


Spoofed packet inspection

1: Let src denote the source IP address and pf

denote the path fingerprint of a given IP packet.
2: Retrieve the path fingerprint, pfs2pf indexed by
src in the S2PF table.
3: if No entry indexed by src found then
4: Return UNKNOWN
5: else if pfs2pf s pf then
6: Return SPOOFED
7: else
9: end if

in the S2PF table, the algorithm returns UNKNOWN. Otherwise, the algorithm compares the
two path fingerprints. (One from the IP packet and
the other from the S2PF table.) If they are
identical, the algorithm returns LEGITIMATE, or
else, it returns SPOOFED.
Notice that the inspecting algorithm only determines whether a given IP packet is spoofed or
not. Weeding out spoofed packet is not performed
by ANTID alone. This is because the inspecting
algorithm may mis-classify legitimate packets as
spoofed ones when an out-of-date S2PF table is in
use. (A S2PF table will become out-of-date when
there are topological changes in the Internet, or
a participating router re-assigns random numbers
to its network interfaces.) To avoid errors caused
by an obsolete S2PF table, spoofed packets will
only be discarded after a DDoS attack signal is
caught by ANTID.

The construction and update of the

S2PF table
As mentioned previously, there are two execution
modes in the proposed scheme, namely monitor
mode and filter mode. In the monitor mode, the
S2PF table is constructed, and its entries will be
updated if there are changes in the topology of
Internet or in the Internet paths due to dynamic
routing. Notice that, ANTID does not attempt to
build a S2PF table containing all live IP addresses.
Instead, the S2PF table should only have entries
for IP addresses that ever connected to the
destination in the past communications. It is
believed that S2PF constructed in this way is
sufficient enough because, according to the report
(Jung et al., 2002), the source IP addresses of
a given site in normal conditions only take a small
set of values. Thus, in ANTID, a new S2PF table
entry will be added if the destination host receives
IP packets from a new IP address. This allows
controlling the size of the S2PF table at a manageable level, and, at the same time, reducing the
time for searching.
There are different ways to learn the mapping of
an IP address and its path fingerprints from communications. One naive approach is to learn the

Defending against spoofed DDoS attacks

mappings simply from received IP packets. Whenever an IP packet with a new source IP address
arrives, a new entry is inserted into the S2PF table.
Similarly, the arrival of an IP packet that carries
a new path fingerprint different from the one
already stored in the S2PF table would result in
an update on the correspondent S2PF entry. In this
way, constructing a S2PF table is quite straightforward, however, it is clear that this naive approach
will not work for identifying spoofed packets since
no validation process is involved. A more complicated method is to learn the mappings from
established TCP connections. Since it is very
difficult to spoof source IP addresses in TCP connections, the validity of mappings learned in this
way is ensured. However, this method is not
appropriate for Internet servers that do not run
TCP-based services. Herein, we suggest a simple
and generic method to obtain the mappings in an
efficient and robust manner. That is, the path
fingerprint of a specific source IP address is explicitly explored by the use of ICMP echo-request
messages. Before an entry of a new source IP
address can be inserted into the S2PF table or an
update can be made, the destination host sends an
ICMP echo-request message to the source IP address. Then, the path fingerprint in the returned
ICMP echo-reply message is treated as the most upto-date path fingerprint of that source IP address. It
is worthy to note here that traceroute packets
might be blocked for security reasons. Thus, an
alternative way is to use the ICMP port unreachable
message and the TCP RST message. Specifically, the
destination host can send a UDP packet to that
specific source IP address and the source port
number and destination port number can be set
arbitrarily. In this case, it is very likely that no
process is serving on that destination port, and thus
an ICMP port unreachable message will be sent
back to the server. In that ICMP packet, the victim
server can learn the path fingerprint between itself
and the specific host. Similarly, sending a TCP
packet with randomly created destination port
number can be used to accomplish the same
objective. The corresponding TCP RST packet will
carry the path fingerprint. No matter which approach is taken, the S2PF table, constructed in this
way, will contain only correct mappings of legitimate clients.
There are two main reasons for invoking exploration of the path fingerprint of a specific IP
address. The first refers to the arrival of an IP
packet with a new IP address. The second directs
to the necessity of updating a S2PF table entry.
Consider the first case when the packet from a new
client arrives. In this case, the spoofed packet

detection algorithm presented in Algorithm 2
returns UNKNOWN, and an exploration process will
be invoked at probability q, where 0 % q ! 1. In
this way, we can avoid overloading the Internet
and can avoid building a S2PF table containing
a large portion of infrequently contacted clients.
As to the second case, although the majority of
Internet paths are expected to be stable and
remain unchanged for a long period of time (Jin
et al., 2003; Paxson, 1997), occasionally it is still
necessary to update the S2PF table when the
routing changes. This update function is important
to maintain an up-to-date S2PF table. In the
proposed scheme, upon receipt of an IP packet
that traversed a new Internet path (assuming that
the S2PF table has an entry for the IP address of
this packet), the spoofed detection algorithm will
classify this packet as spoofed. Then, in this case,
an exploration process will be invoked at probability r, where 0 % r ! 1. Both q and r are used to
prevent our scheme from excessively exploring
path fingerprints by ICMP echo-request/echo-reply
messages, and at the same time, we preserve the
ability to insert and update entries in the S2PF
Since a S2PF table cannot accommodate the
mappings of all possible IP addresses (there can be
at most 232 entries), replacing an old S2PF table
entry with a new one is also an important issue
that needs to be addressed. Whenever a replacement is needed, we currently recommend that
several cache replacement techniques, such as
Least Frequently Used (LFU), Least Recently Used
(LRU) and Most Frequently Used (MFU), can be
used. However, in this paper, we do not make
definitive claim that which replacement technique
is the best for the S2PF table entry replacement,
and determining the best replacement policy
warrants further research.
Finally, in ANTID, the number of spoofed packets received is used as a criterion to determine the
onset of a spoofed DDoS attack. Thus, in the
monitor mode, whenever an exploration process
is invoked owing to receipt of a new IP address, the
returned path fingerprint is compared with the
path fingerprint stored in the IP packet. If they are
not identical, a counter spoofing-cnt, which records the number of spoofed packet received in
one unit of time, will be increased by one.
Similarly, whenever the inspecting algorithm returns SPOOFED, the spoofing-cnt is also incremented by one unless the exploration process
returns an path fingerprint identical to the one in
the IP packet. Algorithm 3 shows the pseudo-code
for the construction and update of the S2PF table
in the monitor mode.

Algorithm 3
S2PF table

F.-Y. Lee, S. Shieh

The construction and update of the

1: Let p denote the incoming packet.

2: Let p.src and p.pf denote the source IP address
and the path fingerprint stored in the packet
header of p.
3: Status ) Spooflnspection(p).
4: if Status Z UNKNOWN then
5: Let x be a random number from [0,1).
6: if x ! q then
Invoke the path fingerprint exploration process.
Insert a new table entry of p.src into S2PF table.
Let p.pfnew denote the newly acquired path
fingerprint of p.src
if p.pfnew s p.pf then
Classify packet p as spoofed
spoofing-cnt ) spoofing-cnt C 1
end if
14: end if
15: else if Status Z SPOOFED then
16: Let x be a random number from [0, 1)
17: if x ! r then
Invoke the path fingerprint exploration
Update the entry of p.src with newly acquired
path fingerprint.
Let p.pfnew denote the newly acquired path
fingerprint of p.src
if p.pfnew s p.pf then
spoofing-cnt ) spoofing-cnt C 1
end if
24: else
spoofing-cnt ) spoofing-cnt C 1
26: end if
27: end if

State transitions and spoofed packet

As mentioned, the number of spoofed packets
received is used as a criterion for transition
between the monitor mode and the filter mode.
In the proposed scheme, the time is divided into
a set of uniform time intervals. At the beginning of
each time interval, the spoofing-cnt, which records the number of spoofed packet in the previous time interval, is examined. If the value of
this counter exceeds a threshold T1, ANTID
switches to the filter mode. In the filter mode,
spoofed packets and packets with source IP addresses absent in the S2PF table are discarded.
The proposed scheme switches from the filter
mode to monitor mode when IP spoofing ceases.
This is achieved by examining the spoofing-cnt. If
the value of this counter is smaller than another
threshold T2, ANTID switches back to the monitor
mode. In this paper, we provide only a general

guideline commonly used in threshold schemes for

setting the two thresholds. The basic principle is to
let T1 O T2. It is clear that this can prevent ANTID
from alternating between the two execution
modes. Another important concern is that T1
should be set appropriately such that the victim
server will not falsely switch into the filter mode.
Switching to the filter mode too easily may lead to
another form of DoS attack because, in the filter
mode, the victim server only serves previously
validated clients.
As to the problem of setting the specific values
of these parameters, such as q, r, T1 and T2, we
recommend that they should be configurable by
administrators of the Internet servers. These
parameters are highly application-dependent, that
is, it is largely relied on administrators to determine their own best trade-off between the
performance and security of the protected sites.
Herein, we only briefly enumerate some factors
related to the setting of these parameters. First, q
is related to definition of a frequent visitor, q
can be set to 1/10 if a user is considered a frequent
user when the user visits the protected site for
more than 10 times. Second, r highly depends on
the dynamics of Internet topology. Though Internet paths were found to be persistent for days, the
Internet topology is assumed to change dynamically. Further investigation on the dynamics of the
Internet is needed to provide hints for setting r
appropriately. As for T1 and T2, their values highly
depend on the number of spoofed packets the
protected site can tolerate in each time interval.
For instance, consider an Internet server whose
average packet arrival rate is about 5000 packets
per second. Then, T1 can be set as 2500 (about the
1/2 of the average number of packets), and T2 can
be set as 500 (about the 1/10 of the average
number of packets). Such settings would be useful
in detecting large scale of spoofed DDoS attacks
that attempt to flood the protected site with
spoofed packets.
Algorithm 4 shows the pseudo-code of state
transition, and Algorithm 5 presents the pseudocode of spoofed packet filtering in the filter mode.

Robustness against circumvention

In this section, we present possible approaches
that a DDoS attacker may take to circumvent the
proposed DDoS defense mechanism and show that
our scheme is robust against these attacks. The
key for an attacker to circumvent spoofed packet
detection is the ability to generate attack packets
in accordance to the constraint that they can

Defending against spoofed DDoS attacks

Algorithm 4
filter modes

The transition between monitor and

1: In the begin of each time interval

2: if current execution mode Z monitor then
3: if spoofing-cnt > T1 then
switch to filter mode
5: end if
6: else
7: if spoofing-cnt ! T2 then
switch to monitor mode
9: end if
10: end if
11 : spoofing-cnt ) 0

finally arrive at the victim along with path fingerprints consistent with the spoofed IP addresses.
In the following, we examine two types of
approaches to achieve this objective.
 Simple attack: The simplest approach is to set
random initial values in both the path fingerprint field and the source IP address field.
Notice that an attacker cannot seed the
fingerprint field of attack packets in such
a way that the fingerprint of the attack packets
will arrive at the victim server along with
a correct path fingerprint. This is because the
value in the path fingerprint field will be
changed securely. Without knowing all the
random numbers associated with the traversed
links, the attacker has no knowledge of the
correct seed. In other words, since the random
numbers associated with network links are kept
securely, it is very difficult for an attacker to
control path fingerprint received by the victim.
Thus, the best an attacker can do is to set
random seed in the fingerprint field and the
source IP field. However, this approach is
infeasible since it is very unlikely that the
randomly spoofed source IP address will exist in
the S2PF table at the destination host or that
these attack packets can arrive at the destination along with a correct path fingerprint.
The probability for a match is 1/2(d C n) (in our

Algorithm 5

Spoofed packet filtering

Let p denote an incoming IP packet.

Status Z SpoofedInspection(p)
if Status Z SPOOFED or UNKNOWN then
Drop the packet p
spoofing-cnt ) spoofing-cnt C 1
end if

scheme, (d C n) Z 16). Next, consider a more
sophisticated case where an attacker can
carefully select a spoofed IP address and can
set an appropriate value in the distance field
(setting an appropriate initial value in the
distance field can be achieved by using the
technique presented in Section New attacking
technique). In this case, only very few attack
packets can pass the spoofed packet detection.
It is because that the best an attacker can do is
to fill the path identification field with a random value and only then the fraction 1/2n (in
our scheme, n Z 11) of attack packets can
arrive at the destination along with a correct
path identification value. In short, such a simple attack is not useful to dodge the proposed
 Detour attack: As we have shown in Section
New attacking technique, an attacker can
determine the default gateway of a spoofed
IP address. Thus it is reasonable to assume
that an attacker can force attack packets to
traverse the default gateway of the spoofed IP
address by using IP SOURCEROUTE option. In
this way, the postfix of the attack path will be
identical to the path from the spoofed source
to the victim. This type of attack is referred
to as detour attack. The success of a detour
attack relies on the following mandatory
conditions: there must not exist any participating router in the path from the attacker to
the spoofed IP address (including the default
gateway of the spoofed source). If this
condition holds, an attacker can successfully
conduct a spoofed DDoS attack by using the
detour technique presented here. In this case,
the victim cannot identify spoofed attack
packets since the path fingerprints of these
packets are correct. Although this type of
attack allows an attacker to dodge path
fingerprint filtering, finding an appropriate
spoofed source is very difficult if the participating routers are widely distributed over the
entire Internet. Moreover, the victim can
easily stop attack packets of a detour attack
by filtering IP packets with IP SOURCEROUTE
option set.
According to the above analysis, we can find
that both the simple attack and the detour attack
are ineffective. Furthermore, from a probability
point of view, in the simple attack, attack packets
can bypass the spoofed packet detection at probability of 1/211 (later on we will confirm this by
experiments). In summary, the proposed scheme is
robust against circumvention.


F.-Y. Lee, S. Shieh

In this section, we evaluate the accuracy of the
proposed scheme in the identification and filter of
spoofed packets under DDoS attacks. We simulate
the aggregate of DDoS attack traffic at different
attack rates and then present the performance
metrics that we measure.

Internet data sets

To simulate the Internet topology, the Internet
map (Cheswick et al., 2000) is used as our Internet
topological data. The Internet map contains Internet paths (each represented as a list of routers),
from a specific host to most of nets on the
Internet. In our experiments, the host which
originates these traceroute-style path probes is
viewed as the victim of a DDoS attack, and
attackers and legitimate clients are randomly
selected from those hosts at the end of each
traceroute path.
Fig. 4(a) depicts the distribution of number of
intermediate routers on each completed Internet
paths. There are in total 24,772 Internet paths.
(We exclude incomplete traceroute probes from
our experiments.) As the figure shows, only a few
Internet paths consist of more than 32 intermediate routers, and the most popular path length is
16. Fig. 4(b) shows the distribution of the path
identifications of these Internet paths. Theoretically, since the numbers associated with network
interfaces are randomly assigned, the path identifications of Internet paths should also be random,
and Fig. 4(b) confirms this theoretical inference.

Experimental design and performance

In the experiments, 500 end hosts are randomly
selected from the Internet map to act as frequently

Figure 4

contacted clients of an Internet server. Then,

a S2PF table which contains the source to path
fingerprint mappings of the 500 clients is constructed. Moreover, we set q to 1/10, r to 1/100
and T1 to 2500. Notice that, in our experiments,
we do not attempt to find a best suite of values of
these configurable parameters for a specific network environment. (As indicated in Section Proposed scheme, the setting of these parameters
heavily depends on both specific characteristics of
deployed networks and the trade-off between
security and performance. Thus, we do not focus
on this issue in this paper.) Instead, other behaviors, such as the growth rate of the S2PF table and
the false negative ratio at the monitor mode and
the filter mode, are explored under various attack
First, we measure the false negative ratio of the
proposed scheme before and after it switches from
monitor mode to filter mode. Herein, the false
negative ratio refers to the ratio of undetected
spoofed packets. In this experiment, we simulate
the aggregate of attack traffic that have 5000
attack packets in each attack round. (Note that
the growth of the number of attackers can only
increase the aggregation of attack traffic, but
cannot increase the probability of passing the
proposed filtering mechanism. Thus, we use the
aggregation of attack traffic to test the proposed
scheme.) A round of attack, in fact, stands for
a period of time. In this paper, we do not impose
restrictions on setting the length of an attack
round. Instead, we are interested in the number
of rounds and the rate required to detect the
presence of a DDoS attack. Source IP addresses of
these attack packets are randomly selected from
the Internet map with a constraint that these
addresses are disjoint with legitimate clients.
Moreover, by the same technique presented in
Section New attacking technique, we let these
attack packets carry appropriate distance values

The distribution of: (a) number of intermediate routers, and (b) the value of path identifications.

Defending against spoofed DDoS attacks

such that they can arrive at the victim along with
consistent distance values with the spoofed IP
addresses. As shown in Fig. 5, the false negative
rate shows a tendency to decrease as the number
of rounds increases, and finally at round 3156, the
proposed scheme switches to filter mode. Thus,
after round 3156, the false negative ratio steeply
drops to around 1/2048. The decrease of false
negative ratio at the monitor mode is caused by
the growth of the size of the S2PF table. Since the
victim will add a new S2PF table entry at probability 1/100, about (1/100) ! (number of spoofed
IP addresses not in the S2PF table) new entries will
be added to the S2PF table after each attack
round. At round 3156, there are in total 11,937
entries (about the half of number of Internet paths
in Internet map) in the S2PF table.
As to false negatives, in our approach, legitimate packets will not be classified as spoofed ones
in the monitor mode. They will be classified as
UNKNOWN packets, or their path fingerprints will
be inserted into the S2PF table after the fingerprint exploration process. While in the filter mode,
our scheme indeed will discard some legitimate
packets originated from infrequent clients whose
path fingerprints are not in the S2PF table. These
packets are still classified as UNKNOWN rather
than SPOOFED. Possible cases of mis-classifying
legitimate packets as spoofed ones are mostly
caused by changes in the Internet topology when
our scheme is in the filtering mode. In filtering
mode, our scheme stops updating path fingerprints
for SPOOFED packets. Such false positives highly
depend on the dynamics of the Internet, and
therefore are not discussed in the context of this
According to the statistics on the measured
DDoS attacks, attack rates range from 500 to
600,000 attack packets per second (Darmohray

Figure 5 The false negative ratio under the attack

rate of 5000 packets per round.

and Oliver, 2000; Moore et al., 2001). In the
following, we will present experiments on how
many packets are needed for our scheme to detect
the presence of a DDoS attack, and please notice
that the sensitivity presented here highly depends
on the settings of configuration variables. Fig. 6
shows the number of rounds required to detect the
presence of a spoofed DDoS attack under three
attack rates: 50,000, 100,000 and 150,000 attack
packets per round. This figure shows that the
number of rounds needed to detect a spoofed
DDoS attack decreases as the attack rate increases. Next, we conduct the same experiments
at lower attack rates. In these experiments, we
send 5000, 10,000, 15,000, ., 50,000 attack
packets to the victim at each round. We observed
the growth of the S2PF table and the number of
rounds needed to detected attacks. The experimental result is shown in Table 1. According to the
table, we can find that the higher the attack rate
is, the fewer rounds and the fewer entries in the
S2PF table are required to detect the presence of
an attack.
In summary, the experimental results show
that a higher attack rate will result in a smaller
number of rounds required to detect an ongoing
spoofed DDoS attack. After the attack is detected, only a very small fraction (around 1/
2048) of attack packets can pass the spoofed
packet detection mechanism. This shows that our
approach can effectively detect the presence of
an attack and subsequently can weed out these
attack packets.

Conclusions and future work

In this paper, we presented an anti-DDoS scheme,
ANTID, for defending against spoofed DDoS traffic.
ANTID intends to complement, rather than replace
existing schemes. For instance, the proposed
scheme helps to discard spoofed packets before
ingress filters are installed on all edge routers.
Furthermore, by weeding out a majority of
spoofed attack packets, our approach allows some
resource management systems, that share resource fair amount many participants, to work
In our approach, each IP packet is embedded
with a unique path fingerprint that represents the
Internet path it has traversed. By learning path
fingerprints from past traffic, the victim can
efficiently establish the S2PF table which contains
the mappings of source IP addresses and corresponding path fingerprints of frequently contacted
clients. A spoofed packet can be easily identified


Figure 6

F.-Y. Lee, S. Shieh

The false negative ratio under the attack rates of 50,000, 100,000 and 150,000 attack packets per round.

by consulting the S2PF table since it is very

unlikely that a spoofed packet can have a path
fingerprint identical to that of the spoofed IP
address. Thus, by identifying and filtering spoofed
packets, a spoofed DDoS attack can be identified
and prevented. This makes the proposed scheme
an effective and efficient approach for defending
against spoofed DDoS attacks.
ANTID runs in two execution modes, the monitor
mode and the filter mode. We simulate DDoS
attacks with variable attack rates to evaluate the
performance of our approach. Experimental results showed that ANTID can provide protection
against spoofed DDoS attack. Only around 1/2048
attack packets can pass the spoofed packet detection and filter mechanism when our scheme
stays in filter mode. The experimental results also
show that the time required to detect an attack
depends on the attack rate of aggregated attack

Table 1

traffic. The higher the attack rate is, the short the
time for detecting will be. Finally, our approach
possesses several important properties, such as
strong incremental deployment and lightweight for
marking, decoding and filtering. No cooperation
among ISP networks is needed. More importantly,
it is robust against sophisticated DDoS attacks, and
it is resistant to the deception by nearby attackers. These properties make the proposed scheme
a general and robust approach that is feasible to
be deployed in the Internet. There are several
issues that require further investigations. For instance, a systematic way for configuring parameters, q, r, T1 and T2, for a specific network
environment is required. And, an efficient approach for maintaining the S2PF table is needed.
Finally, the best strategy for deploying participating routers in the Internet needs to be designed
and investigated.

At different attack rates, the number of rounds and the number of table entries required to detect the

Attack rate
Table size
Number of rounds











Defending against spoofed DDoS attacks

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Shiuhpyng Shieh is a Professor and former Chairman of
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering of
National Chiao Tung University. He is also the president of Chinese
Cryptology and Information Security Association (CCISA), which is
the largest and a highly respectable academic organization on
information security research in Taiwan. He has worked as advisor
to many institutes, such as National Security Bureau, GSN-CERT/
CC, National Information and Communication Security Task
Force. Before joining NCTU, Dr. Shieh participated in the design
and implementation of the B2 Secure XENIX at IBM, Federal Sector
Division, Gaithersburg, Maryland. He also designed and developed NetSphinx, a network security product, for Formosoft
Inc., which is awarded 1999 network product of the year, Taiwan.
Dr. Shieh received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and
computer engineering from the University of Maryland, College
Park. He is a senior member of IEEE, and an editor of ACM
Transactions on Information and System Security, Journal of

F.-Y. Lee, S. Shieh

Computer Security, and Journal of Information Science and
Engineering. He was in the organizing committees of numerous
conferences, such as ACM conference on Computer and
Communications Security, IACR Asiacrypt. Dr. Shieh published
over a hundred academic articles, including papers, patents,
and books. Recently he received the Outstanding Research
Award from National Chiao Tung University for his academic
achievement in research, and the Outstanding Achievement
Award from State Department of Taiwan. His research interests
include internetworking, distributed operating systems, and
network security.
Fu-Yuan Lee received the BS degree in computer science from
National Chiao Tung University in 1998. He is currently a Ph.D.
student in the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at National Chiao Tung University. His research
interests are in the areas of computer networks and network

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