2016.10.23 - Atlas
2016.10.23 - Atlas
2016.10.23 - Atlas
Things to remember:
Over-sample Hispanics
Use Spanish language interviewing. (Monolingual
Spanish-speaking voters are among the lowest turnout
Democratic targets.)
Over-sample the Native American population.
o The ratio of voters-to phone numbers is higher in areas with high Native American
Consider modeling independents to discern how many of them are strong Republican, strong
Democrat, or swing. Statewide Democrats since 2002 have carried the independent vote, but the
margins have been too narrow. It will be critical to move independents 12 to 15 points to bring the
Democrats closer to 65% and 66%.
In 2008, there must be a concerted effort to target moderate Republican women early and often,
particularly those in Maricopa and Pima counties. Historically, campaigns communicated heavily with
moderate Republican women in rural Arizona. Polling should be conducted to determine whether or
not this should be expanded to portions of Pinal and Yavapai counties.
VBM poll. In 2006, the coordinated campaign (using Grove Insight) conducted a poll of potential
VBM targets to determine the right messaging for the various groups within the VBM universe. This
was very effective in developing the best message for this targeted universe, which turned out to be
convenience. A similar poll should be done to determine what the best message in 2008 will be.
May-July 2008
Targeted tracking polls statewide and in key races, such as CD1, CD5, and CD8.
Phoenix and Tucson focus group messaging research among key swing groups.
Mid-September-October 2008
General election benchmark, 800 sample, with potential over samples in key districts/regions.
Focus group research in key races among swing voter groups.
Benchmark polling in targeted races, with ethnic over samples as needed.
Targeting tracking polls in key races, with ethnic over samples as needed.
In the past, certain messages and issues helped candidates gain credibility with voters, but voters dont
necessarily cast their votes because of water, rural economic development, and land use.
Issues that voters will be listening hard for: immigration, health care, and improving education.
Messaging by organizations around these issues will need to be further developed with more current
polling and timely data specific to candidates.
Things to remember:
A specific Hispanic, bilingual, microtargeting project may also be appropriate to focus resources and
refine the mix of Spanish-language versus bilingual communications and persuasion versus GOTV
targeting among this critical voting bloc.
Hispanic focus groups and research should take place in May or June (but after microtargeting so that
information can be utilized in the polling). Hispanic focus groups should occur in Adams County,
Pueblo, and the San Luis valley. Polling, following the focus groups, should occur statewide with a
sample of 600 to 800 voters.
Suburban focus groups should occur in areas with the largest drop-off from Salazar to Kerry in 2004
to develop an understanding of voters feelings toward Democrats.
Microtargeting to score Democrats who might defect.
Microtargeting to score Republicans who are likely to cross over. The vote goals require about 14% of
the Republican vote to win. The microtargeting project needs to determine three target audiences:
statewide persuasion targets, statewide GOTV targets, and statewide ticket-splitter targets.
Microtargeting to develop targets among unaffiliated voters who are key swing voter targets and
almost all should be considered persuadable.
A specific Hispanic, bilingual, microtargeting project may also be appropriate to focus resources and
refine the mix of Spanish-language versus bilingual communications and persuasion versus GOTV
targeting among this critical voting bloc.
Both Ritter and Salazar expressed explicit distrust of Washington (without solely blaming
Republicans in Washington). According to current internal polling, distrust of Congress and a
negative view of the direction of the country continue today. A federal candidate can explicitly voice
distrust of Washington (look no further than Ken Salazar in 2004 and George W. Bush in 2000).
In 2008, we would assume that campaigns would focus on candidate specific persuasion and
candidate-specific pushes around early voting and GOTV to audiences that require that specific
candidate message push. Independent groups have a tremendous opportunity to educate their
constituencies on key issues and motivate participation in a decisive election. We would recommend
that the independent efforts focus on early issue education, early base motivation, VBM recruitment,
early vote turnout and Latino education and turnout.
Things to remember:
Things to remember:
Conduct qualitative and quantitative research beginning in March or April 2008 soon after both
parties have presumptively settled on their nominees.
Conduct microtargeting analysis of: No Party voters (for the persuasion program); Republican
women; Probably same-day registration targets
Expand topics in tracking polls beyond candidate attributes and issues batteries to include:
o An absentee voting question, specifically about whether the respondent has voted and, if so,
for whom. This would be very helpful in analyzing voting trends earlier on and may even
identify problematic areas for the Democratic candidates, particularly given the emphasis both
parties place on absentee voting. Additionally, this additional polling question could illustrate
trends amongst key demographics like No Party, senior, and women voters.
o Oversample of No Party registrants and soft supporters of Democratic and Republican
Things to remember:
Conduct a state-specific poll. In 2004, it was only after a state-specific poll had revealed the potency of
the Canadian trash issue that the national campaign began using the message.
Democrats should investigate slippage among upper-income voters to determine whether it is an ongoing
trend, what is causing it, and how best to address it. If polling indicates continuing weakness, Democrats
may need to shore up support among voters with higher incomes.
Critical swing voters. The Democratic base areas of the state (cities of Detroit, Flint, and Saginaw and
Washtenaw County, where Ann Arbor is located) are still strong areas for the party, but the declining
population in each of those areas makes moving swing voters even more critical.
There is an urgent need for expanded persuasion programs in geographic areas (like Oakland County) and
among demographic groups (like unmarried women) that are swinging the Democrats way.
Add two new questions to in-state polls: a question about whether anyone in the household was once a
union member, and a crosstab for voters who plan to vote absentee.
According to some pollsters, Michigan voters, more than those in other states, for the most part hold
their governor more responsible than the president for the state of the economy. Consider poll questions
to discern how voters feel about Gov. Jennifer Granholm (D).
Future microtargeting efforts should evaluate what information is most useful to model a voter. Those
involved in the project had the sense that using the more permanent aspects of a voters life to model
for example, marital status, family status, church membership, gun ownership, etc. seemed to be more
effective than issue/values modeling, specifically in Michigan, where the economy and jobs are far and
away the most salient issues to voters (creating one big cluster). Certain issues are more fleeting and timesensitive (for example, voters are likely to care about education more in the fall when their kids are going
back to school, but less so later in the year), making it hard to create clusters around this. However, the
candidate scoring information proved effective for those particular candidates (less so for the rest of the
ticket), and turnout scores improved the efficiency of voter contact. The other challenge with modeling is
that voters at the extremes were easier to categorize, while those in the middle (the swing voters) had
characteristics that could have put them in several different groups, making message decisions more
One of the challenges for 2008 modeling will be to provide something that can be used up and down the
ticket, not just at the top (unlike the 2004 DNC modeling, which was Kerry-specific and not applicable to
other races).
While there are less infrequent voters to motivate in a presidential election, a September 2007
statewide poll done by Celinda Lake, did indicate that a health care message could be a very effective
message and turnout device, particularly among independent and swing voters.
Cultural conservatism. Michigan has a streak of cultural conservatism on issues like guns, immigration,
abortion, gay marriage, and affirmative action. In particular, labor union members and retirees are
targets for Republican efforts to utilize wedge issues. They cant trump a good economic message, but
a race fought on social issues will likely result in Democrats losing more of our base than Republicans
Environment. Generations of Michigan families have grown up with this. It is part of their heritage,
and they will fight like crazy to protect it from oil drilling, water diversion, invasive species, or
pollution. Beyond just appreciating the lakes and outdoors, Michigan residents are active in all manner
of outdoor pursuits.
The northern border. Their border between Detroit and Windsor, Ontario, is the largest, most active
northern border crossing in the nation. An additional crossing at Port Huron (one hour north of
Detroit) is significant as well. These border crossings bring with them a host of homeland security
issues, but also issues of commerce, Canadian trash. Any candidate running in Michigan needs to get
up to speed on the issue of Ontario trash (specifically Toronto, as the largest offender) being dumped
in Michigan. It has been used very effectively by both state and congressional Democrats against
Republicans. It was an issue in the 2004 and 2006 elections and is certain to be an issue in 2008.
Tax sensitivity. Michigan is a very tax-sensitive state. This has become an increasingly difficult issue in
2007 given that recent votes by the legislature and governor to raise taxes to help balance the budget
will only make it more so. These recent votes may lead to recalls of some of these elected officials,
which will extend the issues salience. The tax issue and the economy feed into why 70% of state
voters feel the state is going in the wrong direction, and both Democrats and Republicans are to
blame. Any Democrat running risks charges of being a tax-and-spend liberal. It is very important that
the label not stick. Republicans in-state are already aggressively using this message against in-state
Immigration. Massive manufacturing job losses to countries like Mexico (and China) only amplify
well-reported national concerns that more open immigration policies could put our way of life at risk.
Immigration was the key wedge issue for Republicans in 2006 and still looks to be one in 2008
(according to some polls done this year).
Female candidates. Given the difficult economic times, Michigan voters want their leaders to be tough
(or at least perceived as tough) and this applies in particular to female leaders.
Understand Michigans economy.
It is not just the automotive industry. Michigan is the center of American manufacturing, and ALL
manufacturers are facing similar challenges from expanding globalization.
Democrats often feel compelled to blame the auto companies for perceived failures to adapt that
have led to this current situation. Organizations should resist the urge to do this, even in passing. Despite the
current difficulties facing the industry, voters are still very proud of their automotive heritage and will
rebel against candidates that are seen as disparaging that heritage.
Despite poll numbers showing Michigan residents approve of increases in Corporate Average Fuel
Economy (CAFE) standards, do not assume that support gives candidates a pass on the issue. Auto
companies, unions, and most of the statewide media are still united in their opposition to CAFE
increases. Presidential candidates may have a record of supporting increases but they should tread
lightly and take some time to develop talking points on the issue before campaigning in Michigan.
Its not just Detroit. There are major manufacturing facilities in every area of the state (except the far
north and the UP). Flint, Lansing, Grand Rapids, Muskegon, Jackson, Saginaw, and many other cities
are essentially manufacturing-based economies. Western Michigan (centered in Grand Rapids) is one
of the world leaders in furniture manufacturing.
Dont try to explain globalization to the voters. They understand it and have lived with it for years.
They know it is cheaper to produce overseas (or in the American South), but feel there is a compelling
interest to preserving domestic manufacturing in spite of the bottom line. They think manufacturing is
important. They think other countries fight for their industries (with tariffs, government health care,
state-run research and development, and even support for billion-dollar counterfeiting markets), while
America turns a blind eye.
Management and labor work very closely together on the major issues affecting manufacturing.
Things to remember:
Since there is no party registration, continued modeling is an essential component to maintaining and
improving the Minnesota voter files and to targeting efforts. On the America Votes file, EMILYs List
invested in a substantial modeling project which became a very helpful targeting tool. In 2008, the
modeling needs to become further refined and more precise to better sort the large pools of unidentified
voters on both voter files. The Minnesota America Votes Table is developing a plan for modeling on the
voter file in 2008, and we recommend that it be funded.
Consider focus groups or an oversampling of the following blocs of infrequent progressive voters: youth
(18-29) vote (96,000 infrequent progressive voters), urban apartment dwellers (45,000), urban African
Americans (24,000), Somali, Native American, and Urban Hmong (5,000).
In March, a 2008 round of micro-targeting to create candidate scores will need to be done for both the
America Votes and DFL voter files. A subscription model for this work should be explored. These new
rounds of micro-targeting should build on the substantial data in both voter files and good scoring work
in 2006 to achieve a higher level of precision to better target within the unknown/no information
segments of the voter files.
To aid messaging, targeting, and candidate scoring efforts for all organizations, two rounds of thorough
polling should be conducted, first when the nominee is known and then again after the Republican
National Convention. For candidate scoring and messaging focused on the U.S. Senate race, a thorough
poll should be conducted just after the Sept. 9 primary, if it is contested. A targeting scheme that divides
the state into 11 regions and helps explain the nuances of the electorate should be uniformly utilized for
targeting: Urban: Duluth, St. Paul, and Minneapolis; Ramsey County Suburban; Hennepin County
Suburban (the states largest county without Minneapolis included); Inner Suburbs; Inner Exurbs; Outer
Exurbs; Rural Northeast; Rural South; Rural West.
For the organizational sector, ABM operates as a message contact point and collective message research
and dissemination operation for the Minnesota America Votes Table as well as the Minnesota Voter
Engagement Table (the 501(c)(3) Table). Lisa Grove is the pollster for ABM. It is recommended that
ABMs research plan be fully funded at $100,000, and national organizations planning to poll in
Minnesota share in or sync up with ABMs polling and research program.
An early research project for ABM is to gain a better understanding of voters within the large pool of
voters currently in the unknown and persuadable pool. Focus groups will be held with voters who have
Hatch for Governor scores between 4 and 7.5 in the suburbs and exurbs to understand the sets of issues
at play with this group and better understand how economic security, taxes, and spending are working
with this segment of the electorate.
Identify, persuade, and turn out new progressive voters primarily in suburbs.
Conduct voter research to determine who are swing, persuadable voters in 2008 through polling and
other research instruments.
Conduct modeling in June 2008 to better predict who are the likely swing and base pick-up voters.
Conduct research to identify non-candidate messengers and messages for swing voters.
Real-time field testing should be conducted along the way across a random, valid sample of the targeted
swing universe to gauge effectiveness and determine what, if any, additional work is needed.
Polling has shown the state to be consistently pro-choice, but more ambivalent when probed about lateterm abortion and parental notification. Research has found that voters, even pro-choice, have a negative
reaction to the issue being discussed at all in a campaign context.
Minnesota is a fiscally conservative state that frowns on deficit spending. People believe in public
investment but are tax sensitive as well. The Minnesota Taxpayers League is an influential anti-tax
organization that has pushed to keep Republicans in line around no new taxes.
There is a schism between environmentalists and outdoor advocates and some industries that want to use
motorized transport and allow more access to federal lands. Minnesota is one the largest manufacturers of
snowmobiles in the country. The NRA has a presence and attacks Democratic candidates on gun issues in
the rural, exurban, and northeastern parts of the state. Conservation groups (e.g., Ducks Unlimited,
Pheasants Forever) set themselves apart from environmental groups, and more and more are opening up
to Democrats.
Minnesotans associate immigration with terrorism more than in other places because Zacarias Moussaoui,
one of the 9/11 plotters, took flight lessons in Minnesota and was arrested here. The issue was expected
to play out negatively for Democrats in the 2006 elections, but it did not seem to have much effect.
The economic frustrations of middle-class voters played a large role in Amy Klobuchars win in 2006.
Issues that resonated with MN voters the most in the 2006 governors race: making college more
affordable, health care affordable & accessible, paying for better roads and transportation, creating goodpaying jobs, improving public schools, lowering taxes (esp. property taxes).
While Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R) claims that hes kept his no new taxes pledge, the fact is most
Minnesotans dont believe they pay any less (or even the same) in taxes. The services Minnesotans rely on
education, health care, transportation infrastructure, etc. have declined in quality. This challenge
could emerge as an opportunity if handled correctly
An independent, private poll of 500 likely voters conducted for progressive groups in Minnesota by Lisa
Grove in June (after the legislative session) in key legislative districts most of them in the suburbs and
southeastern Minnesota found:
Expanding health care coverage to 78,000 additional Minnesotans, requiring increased auto fuel
efficiency standards, and increasing education funding are all very popular. These three proposals garner
support from around two-thirds (66%) of the electorate.
Increasing taxes on the wealthiest Minnesotans is supported with or without the reduced property taxes.
These voters dont seem to find any problem with either idea. Even a majority of Republican voters
support both concepts.
Other popular proposals include requiring auto insurance companies to reimburse policyholders for the
full cost of damage suffered in an accident, and increasing education funding by 3% and using most of the
money for special education costs. Note that the education dollars were not attached to a specific funding
It should be noted that support for increasing education funding appears to be somewhat conditional.
While voters are extremely supportive of this concept in and of itself, attaching this money to increased
funding for special education faces greater scrutiny. In this case, support drops by 10 percentage points to
just over six in 10 voters. While this is by no means a poor showing for this proposal, Democrats should
keep this decline in support in mind especially given that strong support for this education plan
declines from one-half of the electorate to just one-third if voters learn about the earmark for special
education. Support for education funding when it is dedicated to special education is most likely to
decline among college graduates, downscale voters, women, Democrats, greater Minnesota residents and
voters under 50.
Swing district voters support efforts to reduce dependence on foreign oil. More than six in 10 believe we
need to act now to reduce this dependence, while just over half hold this opinion strongly. Only
around one-quarter endorse the view that we must go more slowly to avoid harming the economy. This
concept is supported across the board, even by a majority of Republicans. Every major region that
encompasses this swing territory can be counted as supportive of an aggressive renewable energy policy
though it is interesting to note that union members are less likely to support this proposal than nonunion members by a margin of 15%.
Support for an aggressive renewable energy policy is mirrored in voters aversion to a gas tax. These
voters are clamoring for relief from high costs at the pump and are not supportive of raising those costs
even further. A majority oppose raising the gas tax by 5 cents to pay for both roads and transit.
Pollsters working in MN include: Diane Feldman; Lisa Grove; Donna Victoria; Greenberg/Quinlan; Celinda
Things to remember:
The campaign may wish to conduct larger sample polls, region-specific polls, or selected oversamples
to gather data at a micro-level to make informed media decisions.
Micro-targeting is necessary due to lack of party reg.
Consider individual polls for specific media markets, or at least oversamples for important regions.
Conduct early focus groups in the smaller markets. Given that Democrats must improve in the rural
and exurban portions of the state, consider focus groups in those areas to better understand the
preconceived notions that these voters bring to candidates running as Democrats.
Consider a research project to identify a means to cross-pressure values voters. It is important to
deliver media that connects with voters values.
We recommend early analysis to determine whether it makes sense to buy cable in some of the smaller
markets, either as a substitute for or an enhancement of broadcast television.
Consider polling questions on how voters feel about measures and issues that may be on the ballot:
stem cells, affirmative action, immigration, English only, health care, TABOR, anti-courts measure,
eminent domain, prohibition in judges raising taxes.
Prominent Democratic pollsters who have done significant and recent work in Missouri include: Garin Hart
Yang, Greenberg Quinlan, The Feldman Group, and Lake Research.
Things to remember:
New Hampshire
Things to remember:
State-specific polling should be used to develop state-specific messaging. In 2008, we anticipate that
the national party will be pushing Iraq/Bush 24/7, and although it will remain a powerful message, it
cannot be to the exclusion of a positive local message.
Third party organizations should carry the anti-war message and other messages that might be seen as
negative (or comparative), while allowing candidates to emphasize their positive message. For
example, MoveOn.org has already run ads on Sununus support of the war and they have been
effective. Early polling is necessary, in order to fine tune the message.
Immigration was the key wedge issue for Republicans in 2006 and still looks to be one in 2008
(according to some polls done this year). The immigration issue may cut with Democrats in the swing
areas of Manchester and Nashua and to a lesser extent in Rochester.
A potential challenge, especially with three of the five major candidates in New Hampshire likely to be
women, is whether they will be perceived by voters as tough enough to deal with issues like the war in
Iraq, homeland security and the war on terrorism.
New Hampshire voters care about all the same things that voters nationally care about: the war in
Iraq, national security, health care, education, the environment, etc.
As message development is undertaken, particular attention should be given to:
Tax sensitivity. New Hampshire is a very tax sensitive state, and the recent increase in highway tolls
and the vote in this years municipal election in Dover to impose a tax cap will only make it more so.
There is a movement in many communities to also impose tax caps that will keep the issue salient
even longer. Democrats will be at risk for falling under charges of being tax-and-spend liberals. It is
very important that the label not stick.
Cultural conservatism. NH still has a streak of cultural conservatism on issues like guns,
immigration, abortion, gay marriage, and affirmative action. Swing areas like Manchester, Nashua, and
Rochester are targets for Republican efforts to utilize wedge issues in todays elections. A good
economic message helps, but a race fought on social issues will likely be more damaging to our base
than to theirs.
Environment. NH is a beautiful state that is very environmentally sensitive and friendly. Concern for
the environment is deeply ingrained and cuts across party lines. Often leading Republicans have
excellent records on the environment and will sometimes break with the national Republican Party.
This issue may be most effective for the top of the ticket.
Economy. The economy will continue to be an important issue, particularly with the subprime loan
crisis and the extremely high cost of gasoline and home heating oil (which have recently reached
record highs of over three dollars per gallon).
Crime and education. In the recent municipal elections, the three issues that predominated debate
were taxes, crime, and education.
Unique local concerns worth noting:
Manchester. Immigration and crime.
Nashua. Immigration, the railroad and transportation, environmental concern, and opposition to
building a water bottling plant in the area.
Portsmouth Area. Keeping the Navy shipyard open. Part of Governor Lynchs popularity is based
on his role in successfully reversing the decision by the federal government to close the shipyard, early
in his first term.
Seacoast Area. Protection of ground water and recent tax cap referendum that passed in Dover.
Coos County. Loss of 300 jobs with recent closing of the Wausau Paper Mill in Groveton.
New Mexico
Things to remember:
everyone recognizes how the state has historically lagged when it comes to creating high-wage jobs.
Therefore, a message to a base universe on jobs or education need not be different than the message
to the persuasion universe, because these issues generally move both universes. An exception to the
one message for both persuasion and base universes can be found in certain northern and southern
Hispanic communities. In the north, successful base media and messages have focused on preserving
heritage, culture and the land and water resources of the rural Hispanics who can trace their heritage
back hundreds of years. Popular grassroots stations include KDCE in Rio Arriba County, KNMX and
KFUN in San Miguel County, and KSWV in Santa Fe. In the south, successful base messages focus
on opportunity and the ability of Democrats to speak to the issues being faced by working New
Mexicans. This is typically broadcast in more Mexican Spanish while ads in the north should be
written in more New Mexican Spanish, with some English peppered in.
Radio is an important mode of communications in the rural parts of the state. Rural radio buys should
begin in July and run throughout the campaign, with metro radio starting in August, mainly because of
increased cost.
Television buys often begin in late July or early August. The Republicans have often gone on the air
earlier than Democratic candidates, allowing them to define statewide Democrats before those
Democrats could go up on TV. Campaigns and organizations should not be afraid to go on TV early
(it is a relatively inexpensive state) and then make later decisions on buys based on up-to-date polling
With slightly more than 50% of voters expected to cast their votes early, either by mail or by voting
early at designated locations, it will be critical to launch persuasion and GOTV efforts well in advance
of October 7, which is the first day to vote by mail.
Focus groups are important in NM, given the importance of authenticity to NM voters. Focus groups
should be done early in the campaign and again later to test ads. Given the large percentage of the
population living in the Albuquerque metro area, most of the focus groups conducted in New Mexico
occur in Albuquerque. The facility there can also attract people from the surrounding areas. Las
Cruces and Santa Fe are the other two areas where pollsters often do focus groups. Outside of those
three areas, the towns are small and spread out, making it harder to conduct focus groups. Of course,
Anglo and Hispanic focus groups should be done separately with appropriate moderators.
Democratic candidates need to persuade conservative Democrats to remain loyal to the party. This
might require a persuasion program targeting these Democrats with a specific regional message.
Albuquerque Democrats, Santa Fe Democrats, and rural Democrats all respond to unique messages.
Democratic candidates in 2008 should look to increase the Democratic vote from women. Consider
doing a research project to determine how best to do that.
Consider doing a Hispanic only baseline survey in early 2008 to accurately capture the mood of the
community and draw out the differences between Northern Hispanics in CD3 and Southern
Hispanics in CD2. Bush greatly improved in his share of the Hispanic vote, winning 44% as opposed
to 32% in 2000. A Democratic priority should again be to win close to 70% of the Hispanic vote in
2008. After the baseline survey, re-assess after the June primary. Poll every two to three weeks. Then,
poll weekly for the last five weeks.
Bush scored strong gains in voters under the age of 60, while older voters remained strongly
Democratic in 2004. This is an important trend to watch in the future as it runs somewhat counter to
national trends. Consider a research project to determine how Democrats can improve their support
from young voters in NM, as it may be more difficult to maintain an 11% lead among older voters.
A micro-targeting survey should be considered given the difference between Democratic registration
and Democratic voting. The survey should probably take place early in the summer after the
primaries, as we would want to generate candidate scores for both presidential and Senate candidates.
The survey should take place relatively soon after the primary, as field campaigns will want to use the
data in their summer base vote and persuasion programs.
From an issue standpoint, a handful of these stand out for poll testing:
Iraq, security, veterans. As elsewhere in the country, we can expect Iraq to play a large role in the
2008 elections. It is currently the top issue for voters here and like elsewhere, they are frustrated with
Bushs failed policy there. But NM is also a state where veterans issues and military bases are
important. In 2006, some of Richardsons most powerful ads focused on his efforts to save Cannon
AFB and to provide additional life insurance to military families from New Mexico.
Education and jobs. When it comes to state politics, education has long been the top issue for
voters in New Mexico. They understand that public schools in the state are sub par and view
education as key to success. The power of education, especially when tied to jobs, is strong enough
that it can play a role in federal elections as well.
Health care. As we are seeing elsewhere, voter concerns about health care no longer divide simply
between access and affordability but are fundamentally about security. The question is no longer do
you have health insurance, but do you fear that you might not have it if you lose your job or that it
will become prohibitively expensive?
Energy. Although NM is an oil and gas state, it is also quickly becoming a leader in alternative
energy, such as wind and solar power. For a state with a history of self-esteem problems, the notion
of leading the country in alternative energy is appealing and should be part of any Democrats
Crime and drugs. Albuquerque suffers from crime problems and many parts of the state suffer
from drunk driving and meth problems, issues that often pop up in surveys in state races.
Immigration. New Mexico Republicans have increasingly focused on illegal immigration in an
effort to energize their base, particularly in the states small-town and rural areas. Having a Hispanic
culture in New Mexico produces an electorate with nuanced views on the issue of immigration. The
Albuquerque Journals series on the issue in 2005, based on a Brian Sanderhof poll, provides context.
Water. New Mexicos dearth of water is a political issue that has been around for some time and,
remains powerful. Water is a resource issue but also a cultural issue in parts of the state. In 2002,
Richardson ran an effective ad where he stood by an acequia (the communal irrigation system that
exists in parts of the state) as he talked about his water policy plans.
New Mexicans cherish the states quality of life, most pronounced in its outdoor beauty and easy pace.
But this warm embrace of the state is coupled with voters recognition of the social woes afflicting
New Mexico. Voters do not want their political candidates to rub their noses in NMs problems by
repeating the painful statistics
In other western states, Latino is an acceptable and agreed-upon term. In NM, the Hispanic
community prefers Hispanic over Latino, because many can trace their roots back hundreds of years.
In NM, a poor state with a history of never quite getting over the hump in terms of developing a
modern economy, this is not, I wish we had better jobs. This is, I wish we had jobs, period.
Therefore, consistently winning messages in NM have always centered on economic issues.
Accurately portraying New Mexicans in the media. New Mexicans tend to be very sensitive about how
they are portrayed. They are not all cowboys wearing John Deere hats, Native Americans wearing
feathers, or Hispanics driving low-riders. In-state experts stressed that New Mexicans should be
portrayed the way they really are: as ordinary Americans, just like everyone else in the country.
No saguaro cactuses. They are not native to NM. In the 2006 cycle, the Albuquerque Journal thought
it was so important that they ran a front page story on the DCCCs independent expenditure
committees use of a Saguaro in a commercial.
Pollsters who have worked in NM: Al Quinlan and Mike Bocian; Lake Research Partners; Guy Molyneaux (at
Garin-Hart-Yang); Brian Sanderoff (Research and Polling, Inc.)
Things to remember:
for a regional analysis at the end of each week. With that model, we had a twice-weekly look at major
markets and demographics and any changes in attitudes in them, and a weekly look at smaller regions,
markets, and rural areas (polling inadvertently discovered a Democratic response bias in longer polls
as well).
Budget for all three media phases: spring to convention, post-convention to Labor Day, and Labor
Day to Election Day.
Create an Ohio free and paid media table in addition to a 501(c)(4)/527 field table.
The right time to buy is an open question. The last week of the campaign has huge media clutter,
with up to a dozen spots in a row being wedged together before newscasts. The exit polls in 2004
show that 78% of Ohioans made their decision more than 30 days before Election Day. It is possible
that early uncluttered media could have affected some voters earlier. While Kerry narrowly won those
who decided in the last three days, the question is whether some of this late money could have been
more effective if used earlier.
We need to anticipate that the GOP will go up early, and so we need to create and test early
messaging on likely GOP candidates.
Match the Republican buys, but consider moving our buys back from Election Day to avoid clutter
and to complete our messaging to viewers who are using early vote.
Look at national cable and satellite TV, especially to reach specific persuadable voters or clusters
across a series of state. A national cable buy is cheaper than a series of local cable buys across a series
of states.
Consider layering traditional media with new media and word-of-mouth organizing techniques to
reach voters in high-growth exurban communities that are difficult to reach through traditional voter
contact techniques.
The six major markets are Cleveland (covers 34.3% of state), Columbus (18.7%), Cincinnati (15%),
Dayton (10.9%), Toledo (8.9%), and Youngstown (5.2%). Although Columbus has surpassed
Cleveland as Ohios largest city, the Cleveland metropolitan area is still the largest and the Cleveland
media market is still almost twice the size of the Columbus market.
Do not ignore smaller markets! There are two small Ohio markets: Lima (1.3%) and Zanesville
(0.4%). There are four markets that spill into Ohio from neighboring states but represent 5% of
Ohios VAP: Charleston/Huntington, West Virginia (2.5%); Wheeling, West Virginia (1.6%);
Parkersburg, West Virginia (0.5%), and Fort Wayne, Indiana (0.4%).
Developments in neighboring states (an opponents event or ad buy) will have repercussions in
While the small and spill markets represent about 7% of the 2004 presidential turnout, they
accounted for an outsized portion of 2004 Kerry loss margin (41%).
Make adequate TV buys in the WV media markets that spill into OH.
To reach the southeast Ohio region: Reallocate media resources to include out-of-state markets that
bleed into Ohio, including broadcast and cable television and radio. Maintain a steady media stream;
reinforce field/voter contact with radio, mail, and targeted cable where appropriate.
To reach exurban voters: Maintain steady media stream; reinforce field/voter contact with radio, mail,
and targeted cable where appropriate; local issues/values oriented; exurban/commuter radio;
impartial, issues/values-based, or negative messaging.
To reach rural voters: Make adequate rural radio buys.
To reach big city and urban centers, consider making targeted cable buys where appropriate, especially
in cable systems that are more persuadable by NCEC analysis.
Recognize the growth of cable and reallocate paid media resources accordingly. Historically, thirdparty
groups and the coordinated campaign have relied on broadcast. This must change to reflect trend
realities. The decision to do this should be made early since prime cable spots will go quickly. This
should also be put on the table early in the effort for groups messaging in Ohio. The cost of buying
national may be less expensive than cobbling together spot buys to cover a state or region, especially
in states with top 20 markets.
Ten weeks of broadcast and ten weeks of targeted cable, radio, mail, and field to four key clusters of
voters may be more effective than twelve weeks of broadcast TV to all voters, especially early in the
Dont overlook the fact that many of the small cities around the state like Steubenville, Lima,
Chillicothe, and Mansfield also have smaller but dense African American populations. The bulk
of the African American population resides in major cities including Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati,
Youngstown, Akron/Canton, Dayton, and Toledo. African Americans make up 11.5% of OHs VAP.
Dont take the African American vote for granted. This constituency can trend more conservative in
OH, especially on social issues, than in other states. There are some potentially persuadable targets
within the community. The 2004 exit polls indicated a drop-off in this base community. Make
adequate buys on African American radio and not just in the closing weeks of the campaign.
Begin with a large sample poll once the nominees are known (perhaps a sample of 2000, but
potentially replaceable by even larger sample microtargeting polls). Then add some region-specific
polling in addition to regular looks at the larger regions. While the regions and media markets of the
state are not the same, the exigencies of media buying require polling by market as well.
Some media-market-specific polling would be useful for planning buys and for tailoring messages.
With more resources, samples of 800 twice a week would have been preferable, but combining polls
allowed adequate periodic analysis.
Consider doing focus groups to understand response to candidates and media and to fine-tune
language and messages. In 2006, statewide campaigns conducted focus groups once a month
beginning in June.
Test paid media messages early, but also change the way in which message testing is done. Move
toward creating a series of spots that move a single reinforcing negative or positive message arc (as
opposed to previous testing, which produced individual spots that tested well but did not reinforce or
relate to each other).
Women make up slightly more than half of Ohios population and have been a widely sought-after
voting bloc in past statewide elections. There are differences between married and unmarried women.
Consider a research project on how best to reach these voters.
More than 1.3 million voters are seniors and, at 13.3% of Ohios VAP, these represent a slightly
higher percentage of the electorate than the national average of 12.4%. According to a CNN exit poll,
Bushs performance among seniors (aged 65+) improved 12% in 2004. In 2006, seniors voted
overwhelmingly for Brown and Strickland at 65% and 67%, respectively, according to a CNN exit
poll. More research is needed to explore the dramatic decrease in senior support in 2004 and see if
they have returned to Democrats.
Microtargeting and modeling has been conducted in OH. Survey research in 2007 showed that the
candidate scores did not succeed as well in identifying persuadable voters. It would be useful to model
voters who report voting for Strickland or Brown in 2006, and for Bush in 2004, to gain a better
understanding of what issues might move them to support Democrats in 2008 possibly how some
of the Ohio-specific issues on fiscal responsibility and corruption can be applied to the 2008 contest.
One of the most disappointing findings of the 2004 exit poll was that Ohio voters residents of the
one state that had suffered more job losses than any other state in the preceding 10 years preferred
George W. Bush to John Kerry when asked who had the best plans for the economy. Message
development on the economy is job number one for future campaigns. The ability to speak in a
compelling way to the hopes and aspirations of Ohios middle-class families will determine who wins
races in Ohio up and down the ticket. Therefore, we recommend that progressives use more Ohiospecific messaging in 2008. This includes developing a negative message about Republicans to be
presented in communications that are emotionally compelling and reinforcing.
OHs top three issues: Jobs/economy, Education, the War in Iraq. Also on the docket is Governor
Stricklands energy proposal.
Understand the states unique economic challenges, including job losses and the deterioration of the
education system; cultivate an identity of being for the middle class and ordinary people, ideas key to
Governor Strickland and Senator Browns success.
Avoid the culture wars.
Ohio is a highly regionalized state; Democrats will need to communicate effectively on local issues in
a way that resonates with local culture.
When in Ohio, include Ohio-specific content in national messaging.
For 2008, the principal opportunity is to brand Democrats with Stricklands personal popularity, style,
and fiscal responsibility. Strickland uses the language of investing in the things that matter and
cutting funds for things that do not. The principal challenge for 2008 will be to imbue candidates up
and down the ticket with the same identity of being for the middle class and ordinary people as are
Strickland and Brown, and to address the states still dismal economic realities.
Things to remember:
York). Out of the media markets that they both won, Casey bested Rendell in four (Pittsburgh,
Johnstown/Altoona, Erie, and Youngstown).
Big-button voting (straight party line) is key in Philadelphia. Extensive advertising and promotion of
this voting feature should be a prominent aspect of GOTV in Philadelphia.
Rendell is not as well received in the Pittsburgh area as he is elsewhere. Casey strongly outpolled
Rendell in the Pittsburgh area.
Pennsylvania is experiencing significant economic hard times, which should be the basis for 2008
messaging. Historically, weve won when weve made it partisan, so these issues should be related to
Republican failures at the national level. People are looking for economic opportunity, not just
Need to address Pennsylvania-specific concerns so that the campaign doesnt feel overly nationalized
or, worse, Washington-centric.
Brain drain: there are lots of colleges and universities in the state, but many graduates leave the state
after receiving their degrees.
Education is a major issue in Philadelphia.
Pittsburgh is a struggling blue-collar area and has vastly different issues than the eastern part of PA.
The explosion of crystal meth use is a big concern, especially in the economically depressed rural
areas of the state.
Overdevelopment and congestion are concerns in the Philadelphia suburbs and are related to
environmental concerns and gas price sensitivity.
The gun issue splits voters. Urban and close-in suburbs are strongly pro-gun control. The rest of the
state is against gun control. Consider NRA messaging.
Review and experiment with veteran/active duty messaging.
There is a deep depression in the western part of Pennsylvania.
Public opinion suggests that issues of government accountability, waste, fraud and inefficiencies must
be addressed before making spending-based policy propositions.
Non-urban Pittsburgh area population is about 5% older than the U.S. average and getting older still.
This places a strain on health care, transportation, and other programs related to aging.
While the war is a big concern today and drives soft Republican votes to us, we dont know how this
will play in the fall of 2008.
Philadelphia has the highest rate of poverty in the U.S. (25%). This makes for a difficult tax base,
which leads to further budget cuts and problems.
Stress education and moral development as ways to create opportunity.
Environmental and energy conservation concerns are high-visibility concerns.
There are problems with bureaucratic red tape and a lack of ingenuity from government.
Recent Rendell polling showed a concern that America is falling behind as an innovation and
economic leader.
Rendells 2006 winning message and issue highlights:
Lid on government spending people are tax dollarspending sensitive.
Established a perception of:
Fiscal accountability.
Emphasis on improvement and building trust in government.
Cutting out nonessential bureaucrats.
Energy progress.
Hybrid cars, energy for the future.
Making Pennsylvania more competitive and prepared for the future.
Things to remember:
Virginia is a state where extensive microtargeting has been conducted. Microtargeting is crucial since there is no party reg.
The state requires absolute targeting and
message precision to win. For example, the
2005 Kaine gubernatorial campaign used 14
major surveys in all. Very importantly, spend
the resources necessary to conduct a fullscale polling program to pinpoint
message/issue positioning and inoculation
strategies, coupled with localizing all
broadcast and print paid advertising and
candidate appearances.
Start early. There must be a distinct, very early/first out-of-the-box, ongoing, and well crafted political
marketing and communications program targeted to all party and constituency group insiders and
potential sources of new, active support (e.g., the growing Hispanic and Asian communities in the D.C.
inner region in particular and trending Democratic communities in the emerging suburbs especially in
the D.C. outer region).
Identify a single pollster to meet the needs of the 2008 Virginia campaign and execute a polling
program beginning in March that seeks to define positioning in the context of the Virginia
Democrat versus National Democrat schism.
In-depth research will require two spring polls combined with focus group research.
A check-in survey during the summer and then every ten days beginning in September and weekly in
October are optimal.
A rolling tracking survey during the last ten days is also recommended.
Nuanced positioning on hot-button social issues is critical. This is especially true with respect to guns
and Second Amendment rights, illegal immigration, the death penalty, crime, and gay rights.
Issues that have been clearly resonant with voters in recent elections, or where a large constituency in
the state has a focused interest in national security and defense, fiscal responsibility, education,
overdevelopment/traffic congestion/transportation improvements/quality of life, and jobs and
economic development.
Centrism, moderation, and bipartisan appeals work in Virginia and should be built into
messaging/issues presentations as feasible.
Identification with Virginia cultural symbols and appropriate values are strongly recommended.
On the Virginia Democrat brand: All successful state top-ballot Democrats since 2001 have been
centrists and run campaigns that are attuned to the states large socially conservative voting bloc and
emphasize aspects of Virginia culture. Positioning as a Virginia Democrat (as opposed to ingrained
voter perceptions of a liberal National Democrat) was essential to the 2001 Warner, 2005 Kaine, and
2006 Webb victories.
Victory in Virginia necessitates exceedingly careful navigation to avoid being portrayed as culturally
hostile to rural, working class, and socially conservative white voters primarily in the Richmond and
Norfolk region suburbs/exurbs and Roanoke and Tri-Cities regions. Closing the Virginia Democrat
versus the historical National Democrat gap as much as possible is key to success and will require
message advertising innovation.
It is strongly recommended that messaging/issues be as localized as possible. Broadcast and print paid
advertising that highlight a specific Virginia Agenda is a potentially unique way of approaching this.
Use statewide and major Democratic officeholders to sell the message.
Increasingly large Democratic margins in Northern Virginia are making the state much more
competitive. The division of the Washington, D.C. market into D.C. inner and D.C. outer has
been a common practice in recent statewide campaigns. Oversample these voters
West Virginia
Things to remember:
Kerry performed 13% lower than Gore among low-income voters ($15,000 - $30,000 annual income).
Those middle/upper-middle-income and lower-income voters made up 20% and 23% of the 2004
electorate, respectively. Given their past support for Democrats, these two income groups could very
well be among the persuadables in 2008 and should be considered targets. Consider a research project
or questions designed to determine whether these voters are persuadables, and then, how to target
Regional differences in jobs and coal in West Virginia should be explored by micro-targeting
programs, oversamples in regions and focus groups. (See the Issues/Messaging section for more.)
Conduct an ID project early. In addition to being helpful from a voter contact planning perspective,
the confidence level assigned to the micro-targeting score goes up as the number of IDs that are put
on the file increases.
Hire a pollster for the overall effort early and let them be part of, or direct, the design of the ID
project/microtargeting effort. Retest the IDs/model before summer/fall persuasion efforts and retest
again prior to GOTV.
Focus groups will be essential in the D.C. market where we have very little data on the new voters and
where we may be able to pick up a few points if we run a smart targeted campaign. In reviewing
Manchin focus groups from the region, it is clear these voters feel a disconnect with the state in
general. It will make sense to build a D.C. market-specific message campaign that takes this into
Focus groups in the southern region of the state. We have to be able to effectively find issues that
take away the sting of the Republican attacks on guns and social issues and redirect the discussion
back to a series of economic arguments that favor Democrats. Focus groups may give us insight on
effective counters to the issue of guns and social concerns.
Both of Bushs wins in the Mountain State were rooted in voter concerns about Democratic positions
on social issues, perhaps most significantly guns. Exit polling from the 2004 election showed that 71%
of West Virginia voters either owned a gun or lived in a household with a gun owner. Of this group,
59% voted for Bush, and 40% voted for Kerry. Individuals from households without guns voted 54%
for Kerry and 46% for Bush.
A West Virginia values voter is pro-gun, anti-choice, anti-gay marriage, and opposed to liberal
immigration policies. This voter is very sensitive to economic messages.
Democrats need to work hard to win back middle-aged and older voters by stressing commitment
to protecting Social Security, for instance while at the same time pushing to build on the 2004
momentum among younger voters. According to the Catalist voter file, there are 323,934 registered
voters in West Virginia over the age of 60 (28% of the electorate).
Health care affordability is a top issue. Since the state has the second oldest population next to
Florida, health care accessibility is a major concern for West Virginians covered by Medicaid. Because
of our aging population, hospitals and health care delivery are also an economic development issue,
with a substantial number of jobs coming from this industry.
Retirement and pension issues are important in this state. Weirton Steel employees recently learned
that they may not have the pensions they thought they had since a federal bankruptcy court allowed
the company to drop its commitment to the pension plan.
Jobs. The regions around Fremont as well as the three Eastern Panhandle counties in the D.C. market
have actually created quite a number of well-paying jobs. The dominant issues there are likely to prove
to be different than the statewide preoccupation of jobs and expanding economic opportunity. Jobs is
the strongest issue in all other parts of the state.
The coal issue is likely to be more sensitive in the south, but mountain-top removal as a subset of the
issue is likely not as big an issue in the northern coal fields as it is in the south. Mountain-top
removal is best referred to as strip-mining when in West Virginia. It is the dominant method of
mining in the south, unlike deep mining which is prevalent in the northern coal fields.
Clean Coal Technology and Coal Gassification are viewed as ways to extend coals importance in
a national energy scheme. In addition, energy derived from coal is viewed as helping to limit our
reliance on foreign oil. The Wheeling Intelligencer recently ran an editorial that suggested that whoever
wins the Democratic nomination would be wise to consider Manchin for Secretary of Energy, since
he understands the importance of coal to national energy policy.
The coal miner is an idealized figure even for those whose families have never had a member
underground. This is especially true after the Sago mine disaster in 2006, when 13 miners were
trapped underground for nearly two days (only one survived).
West Virginians have seen too many of their children graduate from school and leave the Mountain
State because of a lack of economic opportunity. They favor candidates who understand this diaspora
and who will fight for policies that will end it.
West Virginians are distrustful of outsiders.
Brownfields, sites whose expansion, redevelopment, or reuse may be complicated by the presence of
hazardous pollution or contaminants, are important in the Northern Panhandle, where economic
development is hindered because of a lack of developable land.
Education. Many West Virginians view education as a key to a better life and better jobs for the next
generation. Teacher pay is a key issue. In annual surveys, West Virginia ranks near the bottom for
teacher pay. Teachers marched on the capitol building during the last legislative session urging a
substantial pay raise. While they didnt get what they wanted, they succeeded in convincing the
legislature to improve on the governors proposal. The teacher pay crunch is felt most acutely in the
Eastern Panhandle, where schools are suffering as teachers take jobs in adjoining border states like
Maryland and Virginia, lured by bigger pay checks.
The state just allowed table games for the first time through the passage of a local referendum. The
only place that said no to the expansion of gambling was the Eastern Panhandle, where residents
feared more runaway growth.
Things to remember:
Duluth-Superior and Marquette spill markets. Duluth-Superior spills into CD7, and covers the
northern part of the state with a major bleed into MN. It is a strongly Democratic area. Marquette
spills into CD8 and reaches only Florence county. See pages 28-29 of the WI roadmap for more
CD8 is going to be the key battleground in this battleground state. Freshman Rep. Steve Kagen (D) is
running for re-election. If 2008 is anything like 2006, the Green Bay media market for television
advertising will be extremely competitive and expensive, with the potential of being bought out early.
WI has many culturally conservative Democrats.
Democrats must be able to win swing voters in GOP counties. Consider a microtargeting project for
Waukesha County. Additional counties that should be targeted for swing voters are Ozaukee,
Outagamie, Kenosha, and Brown.
Consider a voter modeling program to identify persuasion targets in CD8, as there are not many base
wards to target.
Democratic candidates are posting large %age gains among the college-educated, while losing
significant raw numbers among those without a college degree. Consider research on how we can
reverse the trend.
Democrats have lost huge pieces of the upper-income levels, a group whose numbers have swelled.
Consider research on how we can reverse the trend.
The middle class is the most sharply split group of voters in Wisconsin and presents great potential
because of its share of the population. Consider research on how we can win more of these voters.
Among male voters, Kerry outpaced both Clinton and Gore, while reversing some of those
candidates successes with women. Consider research on this.
WI has a virulently anti-tax climate. The Republican Party has been very effective at creating a nearhysterical atmosphere around taxation and has successfully defined many state-level Democrats on
this issue alone, creating an environment where voters see a choice between a Republican who wants
them to pay less in taxes and a Democrat who wants them to pay more with no other issues being
discussed at any level of resonance. This is particularly true in the Milwaukee media market, where the
targeted voter on this message is often a high-school-educated, blue-collar, white homeowner a
demographic key to winning statewide in Wisconsin. The tax issue requires aggressive pushback, and
can be combated as the campaigns of Senator Feingold and Governor Doyle show. The most
effective campaigns have co-opted the tax issue and pledged in some way not to raise taxes.
While Democrats will of course rely on polling to set and assess their message delivery in Wisconsin,
they should not at all assume that Wisconsin is an environment where progressive messaging can
succeed. The Wisconsin electorate overwhelmingly passed a 2006 ballot measure to ban gay marriage
and civil unions, despite a well-organized and well-funded campaign to defeat it. That campaign
targeted Wisconsin largely on the false pretense that progressive values could win the day.
School voucher program in Milwaukee. Many community leaders and African American ministers and
pastors strongly support continuing this program. This issue has given Republicans an opening to
address African American congregations in the past two elections. There are a lot of politics
surrounding the issues of voucher schools; many of the schools generate tremendous revenue for the
corresponding churches, and local pastors view their ability to provide a safe and quality learning
environment as paramount over other concerns. Other leaders, moved by more political and
economical concerns, have built large business ventures from the voucher school structure and are
willing to give Republican leaders a platform to speak on this issue. Although it has not yet cost
Democrats votes, it is extremely important for Democrats to handle their politics and message on this
issue very carefully. It may and likely will cause them a few headaches, and it will require a little
handholding and an examination of the magnitude of the problem facing parents who want their
children to get a good education in the city of Milwaukee.
WI is susceptible to NRA-style attack messaging.