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3905 - Engl - 2012 - 11 KTA

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Corrected version 2014/05/12

Safety Standards
of the
Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (KTA)

KTA 3905 (2012-11)

Load Attaching Points on Loads in Nuclear Power Plants
(Lastanschlagpunkte an Lasten in Kernkraftwerken)

Previous versions of this Safety Standard

were issued 1994-06 and 1999-06

If there is any doubt regarding the information contained in this translation, the German wording shall apply.

KTA-Geschaeftsstelle c/o Bundesamt fuer Strahlenschutz (BfS)
Willy-Brandt-Strasse 5 38226 Salzgitter Germany Telephone
+49 (0) 30 18333-1621 Telefax +49 (0) 30 18333-1625



Load Attaching Points on Loads in Nuclear Power Plants

KTA 3905

Fundamentals .............................................................. 6

Scope .................................................................. 6

Definitions ........................................................... 6

General provisions .............................................. 6


Special provisions ............................................... 6

Classification....................................................... 6
Load attaching points with additional
requirements ....................................................... 6
Load attaching points with increased
requirements ....................................................... 6
Load attaching points on core components ........ 7


Analytical and structural design .......................... 7

General ............................................................... 7
Structural steel components ............................... 8
Lifting lugs, bolts, tie rods and similar
components ........................................................ 9
Bolted connections ........................................... 10
Application of loads into structural concrete
components ....................................................... 11
Ropes and chains ............................................. 12
Core components ............................................. 12
Analytical proof using the finite element
method .............................................................. 13


Materials ........................................................... 14
Manufacture ...................................................... 14
Selection of Materials ....................................... 14
Testing of materials .......................................... 14
Materials identification marking ........................ 14


Design approval ................................................ 15

Required documents ......................................... 15
Procedure ......................................................... 16
Certification of design approval ........................ 16


Final inspection ................................................. 16

General ............................................................. 16


Load attaching points in acc. with Section 4.2 or 4.3 .................................................... 17

Load attaching points in acc. with Section 4.4 .............................................................. 17
Acceptance test ................................................ 17
Load attaching points in acc. with Section 4.2 or 4.3 .................................................... 17
Load attaching points in acc. with Section 4.4 .............................................................. 17

10 In-service inspections ......................................... 6

10.1 Load attaching points in acc. with Section 4.2 or 4.3 ...................................................... 6
10.2 Load attaching points in acc. with Section 4.4 ................................................................ 6
11 Operation and maintenance ................................ 6
11.1 Load attaching points in acc. with Section 4.2 or 4.3 ...................................................... 6
11.2 Load attaching points in acc. with Section 4.4 ................................................................ 7

Documentation .................................................... 7
General ............................................................... 7
Compilation of documents .................................. 7
Procedure of documentation ............................... 7

Annex A: Materials test sheets (WPB)...................... 11

Annex B: Non-destructive testing (NDT) ................... 28
Annex C: Graphical representation of the
delimitation between load attaching
point and load for several examples ......... 38
Annex D: Examples for the classification of load
attaching points ......................................... 41
Annex E: Regulations and literature referred to in
this Safety Standard .................................. 43
Annex F: Changes with respect to the edition
1999-06 and explanations (informative) .... 47

PLEASE NOTE: Only the original German version of this safety standard represents the joint resolution of the
50-member Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (Kerntechnischer Ausschuss, KTA). The German version was
made public in the Bundesanzeiger (BAnz) of January, 23th, 2013. Copies may be ordered through the Wolters
Kluwer Deutschland GmbH, Postfach 2352, 56513 Neuwied, Germany (Telefax +49 (0) 2631 801-2223, E-Mail: info@wolterskluwer.de).
All questions regarding this English translation should please be directed to:
KTA-Geschaeftsstelle c/o BfS, Willy-Brandt-Str. 5, 38226 Salzgitter, Germany

Comments by the editor:

Taking into account the meaning and usage of auxiliary verbs in the German language, in this translation the following agreements are effective:

indicates a mandatory requirement,

shall basically

is used in the case of mandatory requirements to which specific exceptions (and only
those!) are permitted. It is a requirement of the KTA that these exceptions - other than
those in the case of shall normally - are specified in the text of the Safety Standard,

shall normally

indicates a requirement to which exceptions are allowed. However, the exceptions used,
shall be substantiated during the licensing procedure,


indicates a recommendation or an example of good practice,


indicates an acceptable or permissible method within the scope of this Safety Standard.

KTA 3905 Page 6

(1) The Safety Standards of the Nuclear Safety Standards
Commission (KTA) have the task of specifying those safety
related requirements which shall be met with regard to precautions to be taken in accordance with the state of science
and technology against damage arising from the construction
and operation of the facility (Sec. 7 para 2 subpara 3 Atomic
Energy Act -AtG -) in order to attain the protection goals specified in the Atomic Energy Act and the Radiological Protection
Ordinance (StrlSchV) and which are further detailed in the
Safety Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and in the Incident
(2) The requirements to be derived from the above are
specified in this Safety Standard for load attaching points.
Regarding the danger potential the general provisions and
a) additional requirements or
b) increased requirements
for load attaching points as well as
c) special requirements for load attaching points on core
shall be taken into account.
(3) This Safety Standard deals with the design and analysis,
materials, tests and inspections, operation and maintenance
including documentation of load attaching points functioning
as connecting element between load suspending device and
(4) Special requirements specific to a component are not
dealt with here, but shall be taken into account where required.
(5) General requirements regarding quality assurance are
specified in Safety Standard KTA 1401. Quality assurance
requirements exceeding those of KTA 1401 are laid down in
this Safety Standard for each individual case.


c) welded on or
d) anchored in the concrete in the case of structural concrete
The delimitation between load attaching point and load is described in Annex C with reference to examples.

(2) Authorized inspectors

Authorized inspectors for the tests and inspections for the
purpose of this Safety Standard are the following on the basis
of nuclear, building or traffic legislation:
a) authorized inspectors consulted by the licensing or supervisory authority in accordance with Sec. 20 of the Atomic
Energy Act,
b) authorized inspectors from the institution competent under
the building code of the respective State or the inspecting
engineers put in charge by this institution,
c) authorized inspectors from the institution competent under
the traffic legislation or the authorized inspector consulted
by this agency.

General provisions

Load attaching points shall at least comply with the generally

accepted engineering standards.

Special provisions


The classification of the load attaching points with respect to

the additional or increased requirements shall be specified
within the framework of the nuclear licensing and supervisory
procedure. Examples for the classification and for the procedural steps of classification are given in Annex D.
Load attaching points with additional requirements


(3) Load attaching points on core component encapsulations are to be considered load attaching points on core components.

If, in the course of transportation of nuclear fuel, other radioactive substances, radioactive plant components or other
loads, a failure of the load attaching point is expected to lead
a) to the immediate danger of a release of radioactivity with a
subsequent radioactive exposure of persons in the plant
subjected to an effective dose by inner exposure exceeding 1 mSv or to an external exposure exceeding 5 mSv
b) to a loss of reactor coolant which cannot be isolated, or to
a detrimental effect on, and going beyond the redundancy
of, the safety equipment which is necessary to shut down
the reactor at any time, to maintain the reactor in the shutdown condition or to remove residual heat, and no dangers as per Section 4.3 need be expected,

(4) This Safety Standard does not apply to:

a) load attaching points on reactor pressure vessel internals

then the additional requirements specified in this Safety

Standard that exceed the requirements under Section 3 shall
apply to these load attaching points.

(1) This Safety Standard shall apply to load attaching points

on loads which are handled in nuclear power plants during
specified normal operation and must comply with the special
provisions of Section 4.
(2) This Safety Standard shall furthermore apply to load
attaching points of the following core components:
a) fuel elements, control elements and in-core instrumentation lances for pressurized water reactors,
b) fuel elements, control rods and fuel assembly channels for
boiling water reactors

Load attaching points on reactor pressure vessel internals are
covered by KTA 3204.

b) load attaching points on containers for the storage, handling and internal transport of radioactive substances,
which meet the requirements of KTA 3604.

Load attaching points with increased requirements


If, in the course of transportation of nuclear fuel, other radioactive substances, radioactive components or other loads, a
failure of the lifting equipment is expected to lead
a) to a criticality accident


(1) Load attaching point (LAP)

The load attaching point is the connecting element between
load suspending device and load and is either
a) an integral part of the load or
b) bolted on or

b) to the danger of a release of radioactivity where the maximum allowable discharge into the atmosphere may be exceeded as laid down in the license or the radioactive exposure of individual persons of the population in the nuclear power plant environment may exceed the limit values
of the Radiological Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV)

KTA 3905 Page 7

then more stringent requirements specified in this Safety

Standard that exceed the requirements under Section 3 shall
apply to these load attaching points.
Load attaching points on core components


Load attaching points on core components according to

clause 1 (2) shall, in addition to the general provisions of Section 3, meet the requirements of the pertinent Sections of this
Safety Standard.

Analytical and structural design



Load assumptions

(1) In the case of statically indeterminate systems where the

calculated load distribution over all load attaching points is not
ensured by the load suspending device, the maximum possible load, however, at least one half of the total load, shall be
proved for each load attaching point.
(2) Where additional forces, e.g. as a result of breaking
loose, static friction or tilting, cannot be precluded by design
measures, these forces shall be taken into account.
(3) Ambient conditions such as pressure, temperature, fluid
and radiation exposure shall be considered in the design.
(4) Component-specific requirements for the analytical and
structural design, calculation, materials, tests and inspections,
operation and maintenance shall be considered.
(5) For load attaching points used as support and attachment on the transportation means during transportation outside the nuclear power plant, the loadings resulting from
transports inside and outside the nuclear power plant shall be
considered in the analysis for cyclic operation.
(6) For load attaching points no verification of adequate
protection against external impacts is required.

Stress analysis

(1) The following analytical proofs shall be performed:

a) a general stress analysis,
b) additionally, an analysis for cyclic operation
ba) for structural steel components to DIN 15018-1 as of a
number of stress cycles N exceeding 2 104
bb) for other components of load attaching points at more
than 6,000 stress cycles.
Other components of load attaching points refer, inter alia,
to components where a stress evaluation on the basis of
nominal stresses is not purposeful.

The number of stress cycles shall be determined in accordance with clause 5.1.3.
(2) Analytical proofs may be performed by calculation or
experimentally or as a combination of calculation and experiments. To this end, the calculation methods described in Annex
B of KTA 3201.2 may be applied (e.g. Finite Element Method)
or other methods to be specified. When applying the Finite
Element Method the requirements of Section 5.8 shall be met.
(3) The stress evaluation shall principally be based on nominal stresses. Where a stress evaluation on the basis of nominal
stresses is not purposeful (e.g. in the case of volume-type components with complex cross-sections and notches), the stress
evaluation shall be made to specific requirements for each individual case.
For bolted load attachment points of transport vessels for radioactive substances to be used within and outside nuclear power

plants the requirements for the analytical proofs as well as the

evaluation criteria for the general stress analysis are defined e.g.
in the Guideline BAM-GGR 012.

(4) In the case of connections made with bolts to be reassembled upon disassembly, the following applies in addition to (1):
a) Where an analysis for cyclic operation is to be carried out
as per (1), the stress cycles resulting from disassembly
and re-assembly operations shall be taken into account in
the analysis.
b) Where no analysis for cyclic operation is required as per
subcl. (1) and a maximum of 10 disassembly and reassembly operations is carried out, an analysis for cyclic
operation may be waived.
c) Where more than 10 disassembly and re-assembly operations are carried out, an analysis for cyclic operation shall
be carried out independently of the requirements of subcl.
(1). In this case, both the stress cycles from operational
loadings and from disassembly and re-assembly operations shall be taken into account.

Determination of the load collective

(1) As regards the analysis for cyclic operation, the component stresses shall be calculated in due consideration of the
load assumptions to cl. 5.1.1 and be classified as to their
magnitudes. With the related number of stress cycles the load
collective shall be determined.
(2) In doing so, the number of stress cycles shall be calculated in accordance with the following equation
N = U ZSch ka




ZSch = 10
ZSch = 20

for converter drives and cable drives with

creep speed
for other drives


number of stress cycles as a result of a switching


number of (dynamic) stress cycles

number of operational load cycles; an operational

load cycle is the process between taking up and
setting down of the load


number of switching operations per operational

load cycle (switching on to accelerate corresponds
to one switching operation; switching over to braking, likewise).

(3) The cyclic history for the strength analysis shall be converted by the elementary Miners Rule (linear damage accumulation at continuous stress number diagram in a double
logarithmic representation in accordance with Sections
B and B of KTA 3902) to a damage-equivalent
single-step load collective. The stress amplitude belonging to
N shall be determined under consideration of the load coefficient (live load factor) specified in the following Sections for
the individual components. Where the stresses within an operational load cycle are unknown, the maximum stress amplitude after connection of the load shall be assumed as remaining constant over the entire operational load cycle.
(4) If the actual stresses within a load cycle are known from
experimental investigations or from appropriate estimation of
the cyclic stressing history with suitable analytical models
(e.g. taking account of the vibration energy consumed by the
work loss being impressed on the system by the coupling
impact), the analysis for cyclic operation may be performed on
this basis.

KTA 3905 Page 8


Structural design
Load attaching points in acc. with Section 4.2 or 4.3

(1) DIN 15018-1 and DIN 15018-2 shall apply to structural

steel components and weld seams.
(2) The requirements in accordance with VDI 2230 Sheet 1
apply to the construction of bolted connections.
(3) Only those load attaching points are permissible which
are either an integral part of the load, are bolted on or welded
on and, in the case of concrete parts, are anchored in the

of the live load factor this dynamic load factor shall be multiplied by a safety factor of 1.12.

General stress analysis

The general stress analysis shall be carried out in accordance

with DIN 15018-1 for the main forces load case, H. For
structural steel components made of the austenitic steels
1.4541, 1.4306 and 1.4571 to DIN EN 10088-2 or DIN EN
10088-3 the allowable stresses shall be taken from KTA 3902,
Annex D.
Analysis for cyclic operation

(4) The load attaching point shall be designed such that it

can only be positively attached to the lifting equipment. Safeguards shall be provided to prevent any inadvertent release of
the load suspending device from the load attaching point.

(5) Load attaching points shall be constructed or marked

such that they cannot be used in an inadmissible manner and
the ergonomic requirements of KTA 3902, Section 4.7, as to
the connection to the load suspending device are satisfied.

(2) The allowable stresses for the analysis of cyclic operation shall be in accordance with KTA 3902 Annex D, Section
D1, when using austenitic steels 1.4541, 1.4306 and 1.4571
to DIN EN 10088-2 or DIN EN 10088-3.

(6) In the case of welded-on load attaching points the design shall ensure that either
a) the stress level in the weld does not exceed 80 % of the
allowable stress (weld quality not to be proved)
b) the non-destructive examination of the full volume of the
attachment weld is possible.

(3) Where the operating conditions are exactly known, e.g.

the actually occurring loadings and stress cycles, the analysis
for cyclic loading for a single-step or multi-step load collective
on the basis of a stress-number diagram may be performed to
KTA 3902 Annex C for the steels S235 and S355, or on the
basis of a stress-number diagram be performed to KTA 3902
Section D 2 for the austenitic steels 1.4541, 1.4306 and 1.4571.
The following safety factor as regards maximum stress shall
be observed:

(7) Load-carrying welds shell satisfy level B of DIN EN ISO

(8) When employing rope slings in accordance with DIN EN
13414-1 and DIN EN 13414-2 and chain slings in accordance
with DIN EN 818-4 with load carrying attachments and load
attachment rigging, only 50 % of the load capacity specified in
these standards shall be used. This shall be taken into account in the structural design of load attaching points.
(9) The surfaces of load attaching points shall be such that
they can be easily decontaminated.

Load attaching points in acc. with Section 4.4

(1) The load attaching point shall be designed such that it

can only be positively attached to the lifting equipment. Safeguards shall be provided to prevent any inadvertent release of
the load suspending device from the load attaching point.
(2) For welded joints the provisions of the drawings and
related specifications apply.
(3) The requirements in accordance with VDI 2230 Sheet 1
apply to the construction of bolted connections.

(1) In accordance with DIN 15018-1, the loading level group

B 3 shall be used in the analysis of the cyclic operation of
structural steel components.

= D / 1.12.
Increased requirements


Live load factor

The dead weight of the load shall be multiplied by

a) a live load factor of = 1.45 in case of redundant load

attaching points
b) an increased live load factor of = 1.8 in case of nonredundant load attaching points
for determination of the load assumptions.
The value = 1.8 is obtained from the live load factor = 1.45
multiplied with a safety factor 1.25 in the case of non-redundant
load attaching points ( = 1.45 1.25 1.80).

(2) Where the maximum hoist speed is known, the live load
factor resulting from lifting class H4 to DIN 15018-1 may be
used instead of the live load factor as per sub-clause (1)
above. In the case of non-redundant load attaching points
1.25 times the live load factor shall be used in the calculation.

(2) Where the maximum hoist speed is known, the live load
factor resulting from lifting class H3 to DIN 15018-1 may be
used instead of the live load factor as per sub-clause (1)

(3) Where a live load factor less than that of sub-clauses (1)
or (2) is to be used, the maximum dynamic load factor occurring at the load attaching point during one operational load
cycle shall be determined by means of calculation or experimentally in each individual case. As regards the determination
of the live load factor this dynamic load factor shall be multiplied
a) in case of redundant load attaching points by a safety factor of 1.25
b) in case of non-redundant load attaching points by a safety
factor of 1.25 and an additional safety factor of 1.25.

(3) Where a live load factor less than that of sub-clauses (1)
or (2) is to be used, the maximum dynamic load factor occurring at the load attaching point during one operational load
cycle shall be determined by means of calculation or experimentally in each individual case. As regards the determination

(4) The loads resulting from shifting of the load due to a

failure of a component of the lifting equipment in accordance
with Sec. B 2.1.2 KTA 3902 shall be taken into account if
more unfavourable stresses result than those determined with
the live load factors specified above. It is permissible to use


Structural steel components

Additional requirements
Live load factor

(1) The dead weight of the load shall be multiplied by a live

load factor of = 1.35 for determination of the load assumptions.

KTA 3905 Page 9

s t

1.1 times the stresses of the main and additional forces load
case, HZ, in accordance with DIN 15018-1 for this load case.

yield point for torsional stress

< ReH / 3 or Rp0.2 / 3

General stress analysis

The general stress analysis shall be carried out in accordance

with DIN 15018-1 for the main forces load case, H. For
structural steel components made of the austenitic steels
1.4541, 1.4306 and 1.4571 to DIN EN 10088-2 or DIN EN
10088-3 the allowable stresses shall be taken from KTA 3902
Annex D, Section D1.

Analysis for cyclic operation

(2) The weld seams shall be dimensioned in accordance

with DIN 15018-1 for the main forces load case, H.

Analysis for cyclic operation

(1) In the case of N < ND the safety for the creep rupture
shall be proved as follows:

= D 2.0


(1) The loading level group B 4 to DIN 15018-1 shall be

used in the analysis for cyclic operation of structural steel

(2) The allowable stresses for the analysis of cyclic operation shall be in accordance with KTA 3902 Annex D Section
D2 when using austenitic steels 1.4541, 1.4306 and 1.4571 to
DIN EN 10088-2 or DIN EN 10088-3.

1 .0

+ 2 .0


(3) The requirements of sub-clause (3) shall be met

in which case the following safety factor against the maximum
stress shall be obtained:
= D / 1.25.

Lifting lugs, bolts, tie rods and similar components


Live load factor

(1) The dead weight of the load shall be multiplied by a live

load factor of = 1.35 for determination of the load assumptions.
(2) Where the maximum hoist speed is known, the live load
factor resulting from lifting class H3 to DIN 15018-1 may be
used instead of the live load factor as per sub-clause (1)
(3) Where a live load factor less than that of sub-clauses (1)
or (2) is to be used, the maximum dynamic load factor occurring at the load attaching point during one operational load
cycle shall be determined by way of calculation or experimentally in each individual case. As regards the determination of
the live load factor this dynamic load factor shall be multiplied
by a safety factor of 1.12.

General stress analysis

(1) The following safety factors shall be proved for the components
ReH or Rp0.2
1 .5


ReH or Rp0.2
v =
1 .5
v =

2 + 3 2




normal stress from the maximum load


stress intensity

ReH or Rp0.2

yield point or proof stress

shear stress


(2) The safety for the endurance strength range N ND

shall be proved as follows:

= D 2.0

= D 2.0


1 .0

+ 2 .0


Additional requirements




D = f (n, Kn) endurance strength for normal stresses

endurance strength of the material test

specimen for normal stresses at a 50 %
survival probability
product of endurance strength reduction
factor, roughness factor and shape factor
for normal stresses


5 106 stress cycles


number of actual stress cycles


tensile strength

creep rupture stress for normal stresses

D = f t , K t

endurance strength for torsional stresses

endurance strength of the material test

specimen for torsional stresses at a 50 %
survival probability

creep rupture stress for shear stresses

K t

product of endurance strength reduction

factor, roughness factor and shape factor
for torsional stresses

(3) The stress-number diagrams shall be determined using

the requirements for shafts, axles and similar component
parts laid down in clause B of KTA 3902.
(4) Material characteristics, endurance strength reduction
factor, roughness factor, stress concentration factor and
shape factor shall be taken from the relevant literature, e.g. [1]
to [7] (see Annex E).
(5) If materials not dealt with in the literature in Annex E are
used, the above-mentioned characteristic values shall be verified and guaranteed in each individual case.
(6) The requirements of DIN 15018-1 loading level group
B 6 shall apply for dimensioning the weld seams.

KTA 3905 Page 10


Increased requirements

Live load factor

The dead weight of the load shall be multiplied by

a) a live load factor of = 1.45 in case of redundant load

attaching points
b) an increased live load factor of = 1.8 in case of nonredundant load attaching points.
for determination of the load assumptions.
The value = 1.8 is obtained from the live load factor = 1.45
multiplied with a safety factor 1.25 in the case of non-redundant
load attaching points ( = 1.45 1.25 1.80).

(2) Where the maximum hoist speed is known, the live load
factor resulting from lifting class H4 to DIN 15018-1 may be
used instead of the live load factor as per sub-clause (1)
above. In the case of non-redundant load attaching points
1.25 times the live load factor shall be used in the calculation.
(3) Where a live load factor less than that of sub-clauses (1)
or (2) is to be used, the maximum dynamic load factor occurring at the load attaching point during one operational load
cycle shall be determined by way of calculation or experimentally in each individual case. As regards the determination of
the live load factor this dynamic load factor shall be multiplied
a) in case of redundant load attaching points by a safety factor of 1.25
b) in case of non-redundant load attaching points by a safety
factor of 1.25 and an additional safety factor of 1.25.
(4) The loads resulting from shifting of the load due to a
failure of a component of the lifting equipment in accordance
with Sec. B 2.1.2 KTA 3902 shall be taken into account if
more unfavourable stresses result than those determined with
live load factors specified above. A general stress analysis
shall be performed for this load case, where a safety factor
equal to or greater than 1.25 against the yield point shall be
taken into account. In the case of weld seams it is permissible
to use 1.1 times the stresses of the main and additional forces load case, HZ, in accordance with DIN 15018-1.

General stress analysis

(1) The safety factors in accordance with Section

shall be proved for the components.
(2) Weld seams shall be dimensioned in accordance with
DIN 15018-1 for the main forces load case, H.





(3) The stress-number diagrams shall be determined using

the requirements for shafts, axles and similar component
parts laid down in clause B of KTA 3902.
(4) Material characteristics, endurance strength reduction
factor, roughness factor, stress concentration factor and
shape factor shall be taken from relevant literature, e.g. [1] to
[7] (see Annex E).
(5) If materials not dealt with in the literature in Annex E are
used, the above-mentioned characteristic values shall be verified and guaranteed in each individual case.
(6) The requirements of DIN 15018-1 loading level group
B 6 shall apply for dimensioning the weld seams.


Bolted connections


Additional requirements
Live load factor

(1) The dead weight of the load shall be multiplied by a live

load factor of = 1.35 for determination of the load assumptions.
(2) Where the maximum hoist speed is known, the live load
factor resulting from lifting class H3 to DIN 15018-1 may be
used instead of the live load factor as per sub-clause (1) above.
(3) Where a live load factor less than that of sub-clauses (1)
or (2) is to be used, the maximum dynamic load factor occurring at the load attaching point during one operational load
cycle shall be determined by way of calculation or experimentally in each individual case. As regards the determination of
the live load factor this dynamic load factor shall be multiplied
by a safety factor of 1.12.

General stress analysis

(1) VDI 2230 Sheet 1 shall be used for dimensioning bolted

connections. The following requirements shall be met:
a) the degree of utilization of the yield stress limit when tightening shall be limited to 0.7,
b) the degree of utilization of the yield stress limit as a result
of operational additional bolt forces shall be limited to 0.1.
(2) If bolted connections to DIN EN ISO 898-1 and DIN EN
ISO 898-2 or DIN EN ISO 3506-1 and DIN EN ISO 3506-2
subject to additional tensional loading are used, then the determined bolt load shall be increased by a factor of 1.12.

Analysis for cyclic operation

(1) In the case of N < ND the safety for the creep rupture
shall be proved as follows:

= D 2.5

1 .0

+ 2 .5


1 .0

+ 2 .5



(2) The safety for the endurance strength range N ND

shall be proved as follows:

= D 2.5

= D 2.5


Analysis for cyclic operation

(1) The analysis for cyclic operation shall be performed in

accordance with VDI 2230 Sheet 1. A safety factor of at least
2.0 shall be observed with regard to the endurance strength of
the thread.
(2) In case of a multi-step load collective (e.g. due to assembly and disassembly activities), the loading history covered by the stress analysis to (1) shall be modelled as damage-equivalent single-step stress collective. The damageequivalent stress pertinent to the number of stress cycles ND
shall be determined as follows in the analysis of finally
quenched and tempered bolts:

Ni i

= 1 i


KTA 3905 Page 11

where the following is to be used:

ND = 2


(1) VDI 2230 Sheet 1 together with the conditions specified

in shall apply to the dimensioning of bolted connections.


actual stress amplitude of 1st step of load collective

step (maximum stress)

actual stress amplitude of the respective step of

load collective


actual number of stress cycles of the respective

step of load collective
The following shall be verified:





stress amplitude of endurance limit of finally

quenched and tempered bolts to VDI 2230 Sheet 1

Where in the analysis of final-rolled bolts, the stress amplitude of
the endurance limit is determined in a suitable manner in due
consideration of its dependence on the mean stress, the damaging-equivalent stress may be determined analogously by using
ASG (stress amplitude of endurance limit of final-rolled bolts in accordance with VDI 2230 Sheet 1) in lieu of ASV and c=6.

(2) If bolted connections in accordance with DIN EN ISO

898-1 and DIN EN ISO 898-2 or DIN EN ISO 3506-1 and DIN
EN ISO 3506-2 subject to additional tensional loading are
used, then the required number of bolts shall be doubled or
the determined bolt load shall be increased by a factor of 1.5.
These requirements are not imposed, if bolts in accordance
with Materials Test Sheet WPB 14 to Annex A are used.

Increased requirements

Live load factor

The dead weight of the load shall be multiplied by

a) a live load factor of = 1.45 in case of redundant load

attaching points
b) an increased live load factor of = 1.8 in case of nonredundant load attaching points
for determination of the load assumptions.
The value = 1.8 is obtained from the live load factor = 1.45
multiplied with a safety factor 1.25 in the case of non-redundant
load attaching points ( = 1.45 1.25 1.80).

(2) Where the maximum hoist speed is known, the live load
factor resulting from lifting class H4 to DIN 15018-1 may be
used instead of the live load factor as per sub-clause (1)
above. In the case of non-redundant load attaching points
1.25 times the live load factor shall be used in the calculation.
(3) Where a live load factor less than that of sub-clauses (1)
or (2) is to be used, the maximum dynamic load factor occurring at the load attaching point during one operational load
cycle shall be determined by way of calculation or experimentally in each individual case. As regards the determination of
the live load factor this dynamic load factor shall be multiplied
a) in case of redundant load attaching points by a safety factor of 1.25
b) in case of non-redundant load attaching points by a safety
factor of 1.25 and an additional safety factor of 1.25.
(4) The loads resulting from shifting of the load due to a
failure of a component of the lifting equipment in accordance
with Sec. B 2.1.2 KTA 3902 shall be taken into account if
more unfavourable stresses result than those determined with
live load factors specified above. The degree of utilization of
the yield stress limit due to additional bolt loads shall be limited to 0.3 for this load case.

Analysis for cyclic operation

(1) The analysis for cyclic operation shall be performed in

accordance with VDI 2230 Sheet 1. A safety factor of at least
2.5 shall be verified with regard to failure due to fatigue of the
(2) In the case of a multi-step load collective the analysis to
(1) shall be performed in accordance with clause The
following shall be verified:



General stress analysis


Application of loads into structural concrete components

Additional requirements
Live load factor

(1) The dead weight of the load shall be multiplied by a live

load factor of = 1.35.
(2) Where the maximum hoist speed is known, the live load
factor resulting from lifting class H3 to DIN 15018-1 may be
used instead of the live load factor as per sub-clause (1)
(3) Where a live load factor less than that of sub-clauses (1)
or (2) is to be used, the maximum dynamic load factor occurring at the load attaching point during one operational load
cycle shall be determined by way of calculation or experimentally in each individual case. As regards the determination of
the live load factor this dynamic load factor shall be multiplied
by a safety factor of 1.12.

Application of load

(1) The proof of load application into a structural concrete

component shall be performed in accordance with the requirements specified in DIN EN 1992-1-1 in connection with
DIN EN 1992-1-1/NA. The loads shall be assumed to be
characteristic impacts and shall be proved by permanent and
temporary evaluation of loadings.
(2) DIN EN 1991-1-1 in connection with DIN EN 1991-1-1/NA
and DIN EN 1990 in connection with DIN EN 1990/NA shall
apply to the determination of load assumptions. In addition to
the requirements of these standards, the live load factor as
per clause shall be considered.
(3) Construction products or types of construction for which
proof of load application is not rendered on the basis of technical building regulations, may be used upon approval by the
authorizes inspector to 20 Atomic Energy Act if their suitability has been proved as follows:
a) by means of an approval under building regulation or
b) by means of a European technical approval or
c) by other suitable proofs (approval on a case-by-casebasis).

KTA 3905 Page 12

(4) The additional load on the structural concrete component resulting from the load test specified in no. 3 d) of Table 9-1 shall individually be taken into account corresponding
to the application of the load. In this case, the combination of
loads applied shall be assigned to load category A2 to DIN

a) allowable primary membrane stress intensity

Pm,zul = 0.66 Rp0.2T


b) allowable primary membrane plus bending stress intensity

Pm+b,zul = 1.0 Rp0.2T


Rp0.2T elevated temperature proof stress


Increased requirements

Live load factor

The dead weight of the load shall be multiplied by

a) a live load factor of = 1.45 in case of redundant load

attaching points
b) an increased live load factor of = 1.8 in case of nonredundant load attaching points.
The value = 1.8 is obtained from the live load factor = 1.45
multiplied with a safety factor 1.25 in the case of non-redundant
load attaching points ( = 1.45 1.25 1.80).

(2) Where the maximum hoist speed is known, the live load
factor resulting from lifting class H4 to DIN 15018-1 may be
used instead of the live load factor as per sub-clause (1)
above. In the case of non-redundant load attaching points
1.25 times the live load factor shall be used in the calculation.
(3) Where a live load factor less than that of sub-clauses (1)
or (2) is to be used, the maximum dynamic load factor occurring at the load attaching point during one operational load
cycle shall be determined by way of calculation or experimentally in each individual case. As regards the determination of
the live load factor this dynamic load factor shall be multiplied
a) in case of redundant load attaching points by a safety factor of 1.25
b) in case of non-redundant load attaching points by a safety
factor of 1.25 and an additional safety factor of 1.25.
(4) The loads resulting from shifting of the load due to a
failure of a component of the lifting equipment in accordance
with Sec. B 2.1.2 KTA 3902 shall be taken into account if
more unfavourable stresses result than those determined with
the live load factors specified above.

Application of load

The requirements of clause shall be met in which case

the live load factor as per clause shall be considered.

Primary stresses are stresses necessary to satisfy the laws of
equalibrium of external forces and moments.
Membrane stresses are defined as the average stress value of
the individual stress component over the cross-section under
Bending stresses are defined as variable linear stresses proportional to their distance from the neutral axis.

(2) The stress intensities shall be derived from the individual

stress components in accordance with the theory of
(3) The allowable primary stress intensities for welds are
derived from the allowable primary stress intensity of the base
material multiplied by the weld factors v and v2 for the type of
loading and weld quality. The weld factors v shall be taken
from Table 5-1.
For the weld factors v2 to consider the weld quality the following values shall be used:
for proved weld quality
v2 = 1.0
v2 = 0.5
Type of weld

Butt weld

Fillet weld

Ropes and chains

Ropes and chains are not permitted as load attaching points.


Core components



For the determination of the load assumptions the dead

weight of the load shall be multiplied by a load intensification
factor f = 2.0. The load intensification factor comprises the
live load factor and additional forces from frictional contacts.
As regards the proof for the specific load case load shifting see
clause 5.7.5.


General stress analysis

(1) For the load attaching points of core components only

primary stresses are considered. The following stress intensities shall be complied with:

Type of loading
Any loading

Weld factor v

Table 5-1: Weld factors v to consider the respective type of

(4) VDI 2230 Sheet 1 shall be used for dimensioning bolted
connections. The following requirements shall be met:
a) the degree of utilization of the yield stress limit when tightening shall be limited to 0.7,
b) the degree of utilization of the yield stress limit as a result
of operational additional bolt forces shall be limited to 0.1.


without proof of weld quality

Experimental analysis

(1) For load attaching points of core components the limits

of primary membrane plus bending stress intensity need not
be complied with if, by testing on a series-produced component or prototype component, it can be proved that
a) Lmax LG


b) Lmax 0.44 LU


Lmax = f dead weight (design load)


= 2.0 (load intensification factor)

service load (deformations are limited such that detaching or attaching of the load suspending device
is still possible)
rupture load or maximum test load

(2) For all experimental analyses the differences between

the conditions on the test component and the most unfavourable combination of the components used (e.g. dimensional

KTA 3905 Page 13

tolerances, specified minimum design strength values) shall

be taken into account. The load applied during the test shall
reflect the true conditions on the component. The consideration of these requirements shall ensure that the loads determined during the test reflect the conservative load carrying
capacity of the true structure at specified loads.


Analysis for cyclic operation

For load attaching points on core components the number of

stress cycles N is less than 2 104. Therefore, no analysis for
cyclic operation need be made.

As regards the procedure to be followed for components where a
stress evaluation based on nominal stresses is not purposeful, refer to sub-clause 5.1.2 (3).

(4) Deviating from the stipulations in clause 5.8.2 a suitable

stress limitation procedure shall be fixed, e.g. in accordance
with VDI 2230, Sheet 1, Guideline BAM-GGR 012.
(5) The requirements of Section 5.7 apply to the stress limitation for load attaching points on core components.



Analytical proof for the special load case load shifting

(1) The loadings arising from shifting of load due to failure of

an equipment lifting component as per KTA 3902, clause B
2.1.2, shall be considered if they lead to more unfavourable
loadings than those determined with the load intensification
factor to clause 5.7.1.
(2) For this load case it shall be proved that the hold function of the load attaching point is maintained.
Where the dead weight of the load is multiplied with a load
intensification factor f = 4.0 for use in this analytical proof,
this will be considered a load assumption to cover this special
load case. Alternatively, the proof may be based on a smaller
load intensification factor as far as this factor has been proved
for the lifting equipment to be operated.
(3) The proof as per (2) is considered to have been rendered if the criteria to a) or b) have been satisfied and the
deformations are limited in accordance with the requirement
under c).
a) A general stress analysis as per 5.7.2 shall be performed
in which case the following allowable stress intensities
shall be adhered to:
aa) allowable primary membrane stress intensity
Pm,zul = 0.7 RmT


ab) allowable primary membrane plus primary bending

stress intensity
Pm+b,zul = 1.0 RmT


with RmT : Tensile stress at handling temperature

b) An experimental analysis to clause 5.7.3 shall be performed to prove that
Lmax 0.8 LU


Lmax : f dead weight (design load)

: load intensification factor due to load shifting


: rupture load or maximum load applied in the test

c) the deformations shall be limited such that the hold function of the load attaching point is maintained.


Analytical proof using the finite element method


(1) Besides the analytical proofs described in Sections 5.2

to 5.4 and 5.7 it is also permitted to perform strength analyses
on the basis of the finite element method (FEM).
(2) When using the finite element method, the requirements
of KTA 3201.2, Annex B3 shall be met.
(3) The requirements of Section 5.8.2 apply to the stress
analysis using the finite element method in connection with
the evaluation based on nominal stresses.

Stress analysis
General stress analysis

(1) Stresses shall be classified in dependence of the cause

of stress and its effect on the mechanical behaviour of the
structure as per KTA 3201.2, Sec. 7.7.2 into stress categories, i.e. primary stresses, secondary stresses and peak
stresses and be limited in different ways with regard to their
(2) Remote from discontinuities only primary stresses shall
be considered.
(3) Primary stresses (P) are stresses which satisfy the laws
of equilibrium of external forces and moments (loads). Here,
membrane stresses (Pm) are defined as the average value of
the respective stress component over the section governing
the load-bearing behaviour, in the case of plane load-bearing
structures the average value of the respective stress component distributed across the thickness. Primary bending
stresses (Pb) are defined as stresses that can be altered linearly across the considered section and proportionally to the
distance from the neutral axis, in the case of plane load bearing structures as the portion of the stresses distributed across
the thickness that can be altered linearly.
(4) The stress intensity shall be derived from the linearized
individual stress.
(5) The location of linearization outside the area of influence
of geometric discontinuities shall be selected such that
a) only primary stress portions are covered,
b) the maximum sum of primary stress portions is covered.
(6) The requirements of (5) a) und (5) b) are deemed to
have generally been met if linearization is effected at a distance R s to the geometric discontinuity in which case R
and s are defined as follows:
a) shells (e.g. skirts, pipes)
R : mean smallest radius of shell
s : smallest wall thickness
b) bars and sections
R, s : radius of bar or half the smallest dimension of
c) other shapes
R : half the smallest dimension of flange, T-section, plate
or round section, half the smallest leg width of angle
section, radius of bore.
s : smallest wall thickness
Linearisation may also be effected at other distances, but a
suitable analytical proof as regards compliance with the requirements of (5) a) and (5) b) shall be performed.
(7) The stress intensity derived from the linearized stress
portions shall not exceed the following values for the load
cases H, HZ and HS:
a) remote from discontinuity:
as per DIN 15018-1
b) at the discontinuity:
v 0.8 Rp0.2
ba) for load case H

KTA 3905 Page 14

bb) for load case HZ

v 0.9 Rp0.2

bc) for load case HS

v Rp0.2

with Rp0.2 : yield strength

(8) The stress limitation for v at the discontinuity need not
be satisfied if it can be proved by means of a limit analysis
that the allowable lower limit loads as per KTA 3201.2, Section 7.7.4 are not exceeded in which case, for the purpose of
calculating the lower bound collapse load, the following yield
stress values shall be taken
a) in load case H: F = 1.2 Rp0.2
b) in load case HZ: F = 1.32 Rp0.2
c) in load case HS: F = 1.44 Rp0.2
and the specified load shall not exceed 67 % of the lower
bound collapse load in accordance with KTA 3201.2, Section

(2) In the case of bolted connections a suitable combination

of materials shall be used. For the coating of ferritic bolts and
nuts the following applies:
a) The requirements of DIN 18800-7 (items 518 and 519)
shall be met.
b) Besides hot dip galvanized coatings other metallic corrosion-protection coatings may be used if
ba) the compatibility with the steel is ensured and
bb) hydrogen-induced embrittlement is precluded and
bc) proof of adequate tightening characteristics is provided.
c) Electrogalvanized bolts of property classes 8.8 and 10.9
shall not be used.
(3) The filler metals and consumables shall have been approved to VdTV instruction sheet 1153.


Materials in accordance with Annex A

(9) For the evaluation as per (7) the stress intensity to be

taken shall be the maximum of
a) the stress intensity to the von Mises theory and
b) the largest principal stress.

(1) Materials tests are represented in the form of materials

test sheets in Annex A for the usually employed materials;
the materials shall be within the dimensional range as specified in the quality standards.

(10) For the allowable stresses of welds DIN 15018-1 shall


(2) The requirements of sub-clause 6.2.1 (2) shall also apply

to bolts listed under material test sheet WPB 14.

(3) Acceptance inspection certificates 3.2 shall be confirmed

or be established by the respective authorized inspector as
per clause 2 (2) or by the technical inspecting agency tasked
by him.

Analysis for cyclic operation

(1) The analysis for cyclic operation when using specific

strength analyses differs from the procedures under Sections
5.1 to 5.3 only with respect to the determination of the nominal stress. Here, the stress intensity determined by means of
a general stress analysis shall be evaluated on the basis of
the linearized individual stress components.
(3) The analysis for cyclic operation shall be performed in
accordance with Sections 5.1 to 5.3 using the safety factors
specified there.
(4) The fatigue strength reduction factor may also be determined on the basis of a FEM analysis alternatively to the requirements of Section 5.3. In this case, the fatigue strength
reduction factor is calculated to be conservative and is formed
by the quotient of maximum stress intensity (non-linerarized)
and the stress intensity derived from primary membrane and
bending stresses as per subclause (1).



(4) Instead of acceptance inspection certificate 3.1 to DIN

EN 10204 (2005-01) acceptance inspection certificate 3.1.B to
DIN EN 10204 (1995-08) will be recognized.
(5) Instead of acceptance inspection certificate 3.2 to DIN
EN 10204 (2005-01) acceptance inspection certificate 3.1.C
to DIN EN 10204 (1995-08) will be recognized.


Other materials

(1) Other materials and dimensional limits than those specified in the materials test sheets under Annex A are only permitted if corresponding materials test sheets have been compiled and have been subjected to design approval.
(2) Where materials are used for which no allowable stresses are specified in the generally valid engineering standards,
the allowable stresses for the general stress analysis and
analysis for cyclic operation shall be derived by theoretical
analysis or from realistic experiments.


The materials used for load attaching points to Sections 4.2 to

4.4 shall be manufactured to meet the basic requirements
specified in Section 3 of KTA 1401.
The qualification of the materials manufacturer is deemed to have
been proved e.g. if
a) the manufacturer is accepted to VdTV instruction sheet
b) the product is a regulated construction product or a nonregulated construction product which bears the specimen
mark of conformity ( mark of conformity).


Selection of Materials

(1) The selection of materials shall be based, in addition to

the strength characteristics (yield point, tensile strength) governing the dimensioning, also on the toughness characteristics (resistance to brittle fracture) and, if necessary, on the
suitability for welding, the loading capacity in thickness direction and where required the corrosion resistance.


Testing of materials

(1) The tests specified in the materials test sheets under

Annex A shall be conducted and certified in accordance with
their classification.


The test results shall meet the specified requirements.

Materials identification marking

(1) The materials identification marking of the product forms

shall be maintained during processing.
(2) The transfer of markings on product forms for further
processing shall, in the case of a classification in accordance
with Section 4.2, be checked by the manufacturers employee
authorized to transfer identification marks and, in the case of
a classification in accordance with Section 4.3, by the authorized inspector.
(3) Where during further processing of product forms no
material identification mark can be applied for operational or
fabrication-dependent reasons, production-accompanying
measures shall be taken to ensure that unambiguous identification and traceability is possible.

KTA 3905 Page 15

Design approval


Required documents

(1) The documents specified below shall be submitted in

clear and checkable form for design approval by the authorized inspector.
In the case of components to be tested under building legislation,
the design approval in accordance with this Safety Standard is
conducted as a static test.
In the case of components subject to approval under traffic legislation, the design approval in accordance with this Safety Standard is carried out within the framework of type testing under traffic

(2) A cover sheet shall list the individual design approval

documents in addition to the exact designations of the parts,
sub-units or components to be subjected to design approval.
It shall also contain a table on the state of the latest revisions
and a list of all KTA Safety Standards and specifications applicable to design, manufacture and testing as well as any
testing, inspection and work instructions.


Load attaching points in acc. with Section 4.2 or 4.3

Design data sheet

The design data sheet shall contain the following data:

a) classification of the load attaching point,
b) dead weight of the load and specifications regarding the
centre of gravity, point of load application and direction of
forces as well as temperatures, fluids and radiological exposure which may impair the material characteristics,
c) loads resulting from shifting of the load due to a failure of
a component of the lifting equipment in accordance with
Sec. B 2.1.2 KTA 3902 in the case of increased requirements.
d) in case of joints with pre-tensioned bolts which, after disassembly, have to be re-assembled again:
Indication of the number of disassembly and re-assembly
operations and on intended tests and examinations prior
to re-using them (e.g. visual examination, check of loadbearing bolts and related nut threads by ring and plug

General arrangement drawings, detailed drawings

and parts lists with material data

The general arrangement drawings, detailed drawings and

parts lists with material data shall contain the following data:
a) location and arrangement of the load attaching points,
b) description of the delimitation between load attaching
point and load,
c) dimensions for strength calculation,
d) correlation of the individual parts to the materials test
e) type of fasteners, specifications in the case of bolted joints
pre-tensioned as specified.

Strength calculations

The strength calculations shall contain the following data:

a) stress, strength and safety analyses for all components in
the lines of force up to and including the connection of the
load attaching point to the load,
b) Indication of model structure and quotation of program
description, insofar as the calculations are made using data processing systems,
c) stress-strain measurement program if this is planned to
supplement the calculations.

Materials test sheets

For materials not listed in Annex A materials test sheets with

the following data shall be established:
a) identification number of the materials test sheet,
b) product form,
c) material designation,
d) test requirements for the material with indication of the
extent of testing and the certification in accordance with
DIN EN 10 204,
e) identification marking of the material.

Welding procedure sheet

The welding procedure sheet shall contain the following data:

a) type of weld seams and their assignment,
b) base metals, weld filler metals and consumables,
c) welding procedure and welders certification,
d) heat treatment,
e) welders qualification,
f) evaluation group,
g) welding data.
As regards design approval documents required for production
tests see Section 8.1.

Test instructions for non-destructive examinations

(1) Test instructions shall be established for non-destructive

examinations, where required in Section 8 or Annex B.
(2) These instructions may be established for identical test
objects in standardized form.
(3) The test instructions shall contain detailed information on:
a) assignment to the individual test objects,
b) time of testing as far as it influences the extent and performance of the test in accordance with the test and inspection sequence plan,
c) test requirements, test methods and test facilities/equipment to be used, type of sensitivity adjustment for ultrasonic testing,
d) if required, additional explanations regarding the performance of the test (e.g. drawing to scale),
e) reference system and counting direction for a description
of indications assigned to a test object,
f) information for recording and evaluating of indications,
g) intended substitute measures to be taken if the applicability of the requirements of Annex B is restricted.

Test and inspection sequence plan for final inspection

(1) The test and inspection sequence plan shall contain the
following data:
a) requirements and extent of the tests and inspections in
accordance with Section 8,
b) test and inspection sequence as well as type of tests and
inspections and certificates,
c) person performing the test or inspection (manufacturer,
authorized inspector).
(2) As regards the sequence of performance of tests and
inspections, the test and inspection sequence plan shall be
subdivided into test and inspections to be performed prior to,
during and upon finalization of production.
(3) Where required due to the complexity of tests and inspections, the test and inspections listed under Table 8-1

KTA 3905 Page 16

shall be subdivided into individual test and inspection steps in

the test and inspection sequence plan.

Test and inspection sequence plan for the acceptance test

The test and inspection sequence plan shall contain the following data:
a) requirements and extent of the tests and inspections in
accordance with Section 9,
b) test and inspection sequence.

Test and inspection sequence plan for in-service


The test and inspection sequence plan shall contain the following data:
a) requirements and extent of the tests and inspections in
accordance with Section 10,
b) intervals between tests and inspections.


Load attaching points in acc. with Section 4.4

Drawings, parts lists and specifications

The general arrangement drawings, detailed drawings, parts

lists and specifications shall contain the following data:
a) dimensions for strength calculation of load attaching
b) material data to make assignment of individual parts to the
materials test sheets possible,
c) type of fasteners, specifications in the case of bolted joints
pre-tensioned as specified.

Strength calculations

ify the applied welding procedure qualification requirements.

These requirements comprise the establishment of welding
procedure sheets, the performance of welding procedure
qualification and, where required, the welders qualification in
the case of manual welding.
As regards design approval documents required for production
tests see Section 8.1.

Test and inspection documents

The tests and inspections to be performed by the manufacturer shall be fixed.



(1) The documents submitted in accordance with Section 7.1.1 or 7.1.2 shall be checked for:
a) completeness,
b) correspondence of the data with the specified values and
c) compliance with the licensing provisions and requests of
the supervisory authority.
(2) The documents submitted in accordance with Sections and shall, additionally, be checked for:
a) accessibility of the load attaching points for maintenance
and repair work and for in-service inspections,
b) correspondence of the data regarding materials in the
parts lists and in the associated materials test sheets.
(3) The documents submitted in accordance with Sections and shall, additionally, be checked for:
a) correctness and completeness of the load assumptions,
b) correctness and completeness of the calculations,
c) observance of the allowable stresses and safety factors.

The strength calculations shall contain the following data:

a) location and arrangement of the load attaching points,
b) description of the delimitation between load attaching
point and load,
c) dead weight of the load and indication of the point of load
application and direction of forces as well as temperatures, fluids and radiological exposure which may impair
the material characteristics,
d) stress, strength and safety analyses for the load attaching
e) Indication of model structure and quotation of program
description, insofar as the calculations are made using data processing systems,
f) description of the test program and test results in the case
of experimental analysis.

(4) The materials test sheets compiled in accordance with

Sections and shall be checked for correctness
with regard to the extent of testing and type of certification.

Materials test sheets

For materials not listed in Annex A materials test sheets with

the following data shall be established:
a) identification number of the materials test sheet,
b) product form,
c) material designation,
d) test requirements for the material with indication of the
extent of testing and the certification in accordance with
DIN EN 10204,
e) identification marking of the material.

Welding procedure documentation

Where a welding procedure is applied during fabrication of the

load attaching point, a document shall be established to spec-

(5) The welding procedure sheet submitted in accordance

with Sections and shall be checked with regard
to the suitability of the intended welding procedure as well as
to the correctness and completeness of the data.


Certification of design approval

(1) The authorized inspector shall establish a certificate on

the performance of the design approval and the results obtained.
(2) In the event of a positive result, the design approval is
regarded as concluded upon submission of this certificate.


Final inspection

(1) Prior to the beginning of production, the observance of

the following requirements regarding manufacture shall be
a) confirmation of the manufacturers ability to meet the
quality assurance requirements to KTA 1401,
b) attestation of qualification to DIN 18800-7, Class E, with
extension to the requirements of DIN 15018-2 (the attestation of qualification shall be provided on the basis of welding procedure qualifications to DIN EN ISO 15614-1),
c) welders approval test certificates,
d) certification of supervisory personnel and NDT personnel,
e) suitability of production, measuring and test facilities,
f) validity of marking-transfer certificate,

KTA 3905 Page 17

g) calibration of welding equipment and heat treatment facilities,

h) suitability of the devices for measuring the tightening parameters of bolted joints.
(2) Where materials and welding procedures are used
which are not part of the welder's qualification in accordance
with clause (1) b), welding procedure qualifications to DIN EN
ISO 15614-1 shall be submitted. If no principal rules for the
performance of welding procedure qualifications are available
for welded joints between certain materials, production tests
shall be performed to design-approved documents within the
scope of final inspection.
(3) Deviations from the design-approved documents are
only permitted by agreement with the authorized inspector.


Load attaching points in acc. with Section 4.2 or 4.3


a) drawings, parts lists and specifications,

b) test and inspection documents in accordance with,
c) materials documentation in accordance with materials test
d) welding procedure qualifications to,


Extent of tests and inspections

The type and extent of the tests and inspections to be performed by the manufacturer shall be taken from the related
specification. The extent of tests and inspections by the authorized inspector are specified in Table 8-1.


Certification of final inspection

(1) The type of certificate of the tests and inspections to be

performed by the manufacturer shall be laid down in the specification.

Within the final inspection the correspondence of the design

approval documents with the construction of the load attaching point shall be checked.

(2) The authorized inspector shall establish a certificate on

the performance of the final inspection and the results obtained.


(3) In the event of a positive result, the final inspection is

regarded as concluded upon submission of this certificate.


The following documents shall be available:

a) test and inspection sequence plan for the final inspection
in accordance with,
b) detailed drawings and parts lists with data on materials,
c) materials documentation,
d) certificate concerning the transfer of markings on product
forms in accordance with Section 6.4,
e) welding procedure sheets in accordance with,
f) certificates on the suitability for welding in accordance with
g) test instructions.


Extent of tests and inspections

The extent of the tests prior to the beginning of production is

specified in Section 8.1, the extent of final inspection on the
components shall be taken from Table 8-1. The nondestructive tests shall be conducted in accordance with Annex B. The manufacturer shall perform 100 % of the tests.
The tests and inspections to be performed by the authorized
inspector are specified for the individual test and inspection
steps in Table 8-1.


Certification of final inspection

Load attaching points in acc. with Section 4.2 or 4.3


Before the load attaching point is put into service an acceptance test shall be conducted by the authorized inspector
to prove that the load attaching point in its ready-for-operation
condition meets the requirements with regard to load-carrying
capacity and functional capability.


Acceptance test


The following documents shall be available for the acceptance

a) test and inspection sequence plan for the acceptance test
in accordance with,
b) documentation of the tests and inspections in accordance
with Sections 7 and 8 with the associated test certificates.


Extent of tests and inspections

(1) The extent of the tests and inspections is shown in Table 9-1.

(1) The authorized inspector shall establish a certificate on

the performance of the final inspection and the results obtained.

(2) Tests already conducted and documented within the

framework of the final inspection may be dispensed with in the
acceptance test.

(2) In the event of a positive result, the final inspection is

regarded as concluded upon submission of this certificate.



Load attaching points in acc. with Section 4.4


Within the final inspection the correspondence of the design

approval documents with the construction of the load attaching point shall be checked.



The following documents shall be available:

Certification of acceptance test

(1) The authorized inspector shall establish a certificate on

the performance of the acceptance test and the results obtained.
(2) In the event of a positive result, the acceptance test is
regarded as concluded upon submission of this certificate.


Load attaching points in acc. with Section 4.4

For load attaching points on core components an acceptance

test is not required.

KTA 3905 Page 6


In-service inspections


Load attaching points in acc. with Section 4.2 or 4.3



(1) Unless otherwise specified, the in-service inspections

shall be conducted by the licensee in test intervals as specified in 10.1.3. The inspection dates shall be agreed upon in
good time between the licensee and the authorized inspector.
(2) If the in-service inspections lead to the detection of defects on load attaching points, a new inspection to an extent
related to the size of the repaired defects is required after
repair. The period for repair of the defects shall be agreed
upon with the authorized inspector.



In addition to the test and inspection sequence plan for inservice inspections the following documents shall be available:
a) test instructions to KTA 1202,
b) certificate of the last in-service inspection; the acceptance
test certificate shall be submitted for the first in-service inspection,
c) records on all maintenance and repair work carried out,
d) records on the number of transports carried out since the
last in-service inspection in the case of load attaching
points on loads transported inside and outside the nuclear
power plant.
A transport means the entire cycle consisting of to-and-fro conveyance to or from the site of the nuclear power plant.

e) in case of joints with pre-tensioned bolts:

records on disassembly and re-assembly and on the inspections performed prior to re-using such bolts.


Inspection intervals

(1) The inspection intervals are specified under Table 10-1.

If other inspection intervals are specified for the component
assigned to the load attaching point in KTA Safety Standards
(e.g. KTA 3201.4), intervals deviating from Table 10-1 may be
specified in the test and inspection sequence plan.
The necessity of co-ordinating the inspection intervals laid
down for the components is derived from operational boundary
conditions, e.g. accessibility, radiation protection.
As the test and inspection plan is subject to design approval,
the presence of the authorized inspector in the tests and inspections is ensured.

(2) If load attaching points on loads are not used for an interval longer than that between two in-service inspections
specified in Table 10-1, it is permitted to conduct the next inservice inspection, at the latest, prior to the next use of these
load attaching points.

d) Deviations from the specified conditions shall be documented as noticeable condition and be evaluated.
e) Crack-like discontinuities are not permitted. Where discontinuities cannot be clearly identified they shall be subjected to a surface examination to Annex B.
(3) Non-destructive tests shall be conducted in accordance
with Annex B.
(4) If non-destructive tests are not possible because of local
conditions (accessibility), regulations shall be specified by
agreement with the authorized inspector in each individual
(5) The in-service inspections shall be performed in the
presence of the authorized inspector.


Certification of in-service inspections

(1) The authorized inspector shall establish a certificate on

the in-service inspections carried out.
(2) In the event of a positive result, the in-service inspection
is regarded as concluded upon submission of this certificate.


Load attaching points in acc. with Section 4.4

For load attaching points on core components no in-service

inspections are required.


Operation and maintenance

Load attaching points in acc. with Section 4.2 or 4.3

(1) The operating instructions shall be observed when using

the load attaching points.
(2) The licensee shall take care to ensure that the tests
specified in the test manual (in accordance with KTA 1202)
are conducted properly and in time.
(3) The load attaching points shall be checked for obvious
defects before each use. If defects impairing safety are detected, the load attaching points shall not be used before the
defect has been repaired.
(4) Maintenance work shall be carried out such that safety is
not impaired. Load attaching points not properly repaired shall
not be used.
(5) Records containing at least the following data shall be
kept on all maintenance work carried out:
a) unambiguous designation of the load attaching point,
b) type of maintenance work,
c) designation of the associated documents.
(6) The records of maintenance work shall be included in
the documentation and submitted to the authorized inspector
during the in-service inspections in accordance with Section 10.

(1) The extent of the tests and inspections is specified under

Table 10-1.

(7) The records on disassembly and re-assembly work done

on joints with pre-tensioned bolts and on the tests and inspections performed prior to re-using such bolts, shall be added to
the documentation and be submitted to the authorized inspector during the in-service inspections to Section 10.

(2) The following requirements apply to visual examinations

for condition monitoring:
a) Visual examinations shall preferably be performed as direct examinations to DIN EN 13018.
b) The examinations shall be performed as local visual examinations.
c) The test personnel shall meet the requirements of DIN EN
13018 and shall have been qualified and certified to DIN
EN 473.

(8) The design approval in accordance with Section 7 may

be omitted for those parts to be newly installed which are
manufactured exclusively in accordance with the design approval documents of the initial construction. The materials test
shall be conducted in accordance with Section 6, the final
inspection in accordance with Section 8 and the acceptance
test in accordance with Section 9.
In the case of replacement of bolts in the lines of force of the
load attaching point (LAP) by new ones, a new load test in


Performance of tests and inspections

KTA 3905 Page 7

accordance with Table 9-1 may be omitted, provided, less

than 50 % of the bolts at the LAP are replaced.


Load attaching points in acc. with Section 4.4

(1) The operating instructions shall be observed when using

the load attaching points.
(2) Repair shall be carried out in accordance with a qualified
procedure and be documented accordingly.


(1) The documents shall be compiled in accordance with the

requirements of KTA 1404.
(2) The compiled documents shall include the design approval documents as well as all proofs, records and certifications which confirm the actual condition and the tests and
inspections carried out.



The documentation shall ensure that all monitored manufacturing processes and tests, in-service inspections and
maintenance tasks in accordance with Sections 6 to 11 can
be traced back.

Compilation of documents

Procedure of documentation

(1) Documentation of manufacturing documents shall accompany the manufacturing process. The manufacturer shall
ensure that the documentation, including that of subcontractors, is complete.
(2) The licensee is responsible for the continued documentation of maintenance and in-service inspections, unless provided otherwise in individual cases.

KTA 3905 Page 8

Inspection by authorized inspector

to Section 4.2

to Section 4.3

Core components
to Section 4.4

a) Receiving inspection of identification marks and stampings,

if any, on the product forms

b) Material identification marks of components for compliance

with parts list to Section 6.4

c) For tensile-loaded components (in thickness direction) an ultrasonic test for detecting laminations in weld-junction areas

25 %

25 %

d) Check for compliance of the location, arrangement, dimensions and assembly with design approval documents

e) Check of threads on load-bearing bolts and nuts with additional tensile load using thread ring gauge and thread plug
gauge to DIN ISO 965-2

f) Observation of welding data

25 %

25 %

g) Visual examination of welds

25 %

25 %

25 %

25 %

25 % 2)

100 % 2)

i) Examination of repair welds in acc. with a design-approved

repair welding procedure specification or a qualified welding

j) Examination of surfaces within the area of machined surfaces in finished condition

25 %

100 %

k) Examination of the bolting torque of pre-tensioned bolted

joints in accordance with DIN 18800-7 unless specified
otherwise in the design approval documents

10 %

10 %

Test / Inspection

h) Non-destructive testing of load-bearing welds 1):

- Examination of surfaces
- Ultrasonic test or radiography:
For butt welds between ferritic steels with wall thicknesses
equal to or smaller than 15 mm radiography shall preferably be used, if the wall thickness is equal to or greater than
8 mm alternatively ultrasonic testing; for wall thicknesses
greater than 15 mm and equal to or smaller than 40 mm
ultrasonic testing shall preferably be used, alternatively radiography. For wall thicknesses exceeding 40 mm ultrasonic testing shall be used.
For all wall thicknesses of austenitic butt welds radiography
shall be used.
For attachment welds the test procedure shall be laid down
in a test instruction. In the case of austenitic attachment
welds radiographic examinations shall be preferred.

l) Where ultrasonic testing is to be carried out as in-service

inspection in lieu of an examination of surfaces, an ultrasonic test as basic inspection shall additionally be carried out on
lifting lugs, bolts, tie-rods and similar components in their
finished condition. The type and extent of this basic inspection shall be fixed in an inspection instruction.

Inspection by authorized inspector, i.e. partial inspection to enable the inspector to confirm that the objectives of the respective inspection stage have been attained.

No inspection by the inspector.

% Percentage share of inspection by the authorized inspector.
1) Where the stress level in the weld does not exceed 30 % of the allowable stress, no examination is required.

Where the weld quality has to be verified.

Table 8-1: Extent of final inspection

KTA 3905 Page 9


Test object
Bolted-on LAP

Tests and inspections


a) Identification marking
b) Visual inspections
c) Correct assembly
d) Loading test

1.25 times the load to be absorbed by the LAP.

If the load is applied statically, a 1.5 times higher test load shall be applied

e) Functional test with the load carrying attachment or load attachment rigging
f) Examination of bolting torque after the load

DIN 18800-7 unless specified otherwise in the

design approval documents

g) In the case of load attaching points in ac- in accordance with Annex B

cordance with Section 4.3:
examination of surfaces (alternatively ultrasonic examination 1) on all surfaces in the
lines of force (e.g. weld seams, lifting lugs,
bolts, tie-rods and similar components) after
the load test

Welded-on LAP
a) Identification marking
and LAP as integral
b) Visual inspection
part of the load
c) Correct location and arrangement
d) Loading test

1.25 times the load to be absorbed by the LAP.

If the load is applied statically, a 1.5 times higher test load shall be applied

e) Functional test with the load carrying attachment or load attachment rigging
f) In the case of load attaching points in ac- in accordance with Annex B
cordance with Section 4.3:
examination of surfaces (alternatively ultrasonic examination 1) on all surfaces in the
lines of force (e.g. weld seams, lifting lugs,
bolts, tie-rods and similar components) after
the load test

LAP anchored in
the concrete structural part

a) Identification marking
b) Visual inspection
c) Correct location and arrangement
d) Loading test 2)

1.25 times the load to be absorbed by the LAP.

If the load is applied statically, a 1.5 times higher test load shall be applied

e) Functional test with the load carrying attachment or load attachment rigging
f) Check on the concrete surface in the load
application areas for inadmissible crack
g) In the case of load attaching points in ac- in accordance with Annex B
cordance with Section 4.3:
examination of surfaces (alternatively ultrasonic examination 1) on all surfaces in the
lines of force which remain accessible after
concreting (e.g. weld seams, lifting lugs,
bolts, tie-rods and similar components) after
the load test

See Table 8-1 l)

Taking clause (4) into account

Table 9-1: Extent of acceptance testing

KTA 3905 Page 10

Intervals between inspections


Test object

Tests and inspections

LAP of loads used only LAP of loads used inside and

inside the nuclear power
outside the nuclear power
plant and also subject to
traffic legislation
Section 4.2 Section 4.3


Section 4.2

Section 4.3

a) Condition, deformations, wear, corrosion

b) Smooth engagement of movable parts
c) Bolting torque of bolted joints in accordance
with DIN 18800-7 unless specified otherwise
in the design approval documents

15 transports, 15 transports,
at the latest
at the latest
after 3 years after 3 years

1 year

1 year

e) Check of threads on load-bearing bolts and

nuts with additional tensile load using thread
ring gauge and thread plug gauge to
DIN ISO 965-2 (random)

15 transports,
at the latest
after 3 years

f) Examination of surfaces (alternatively ultrasonic examination 1)) on all surfaces in the

lines of force (e.g. weld seams, lifting lugs,
bolts, tie-rods and similar components)

3 years 2)

15 transports,
at the latest
after 3 years

g) Condition, deformations (e.g. by means of

check as per serial no. 1 e), wear, corrosion
after dismantling the LAP

3 years 3)

60 transports,
at the latest
after 6 years

60 transports,
at the latest
after 6 years

1 year

1 year

3 years 2)

1 year

1 year

3 years 2)

d) Check for adherence to the allowable number of disassembly and re-assembly operations on pre-tensioned bolts as laid down in
the design approval documents

h) Load test in the assembled condition

(see Table 9-1 No. 1d)
i) Examination of surfaces (alternatively ultrasonic examination 1)) on all surfaces in the
lines of force (e.g. weld seams, lifting lugs,
bolts, tie-rods and similar components) after
the load test

a) Condition, deformations, wear, corrosion
b) Smooth engagement of movable parts
as integral
part of the
c) Examination of surfaces (alternatively ultraload
sonic examination 1)) on all surfaces in the
lines of force (e.g. weld seams, lifting lugs,
bolts, tie-rods and similar components)
LAP ana) Condition, deformations, wear, corrosion
chored in the
b) Inadmissible crack formation on the concrete
surface in the load application area
structural part
c) Smooth engagement of movable parts
d) Examination of surfaces (alternatively ultrasonic examination 1)) on all surfaces in the
lines of force which remain accessible after
concreting (e.g. weld seams, lifting lugs,
bolts, tie-rods and similar components)

15 transports, 15 transports,
at the latest
at the latest
after 3 years after 3 years

15 transports,
at the latest
after 3 years

15 transports, 15 transports,
at the latest
at the latest
after 3 years after 3 years

15 transports,
at the latest
after 3 years

1) See Table 8-1 l)

2) 6 years where it is proved in each individual case that for these components utilization reserves

theoretical period of utilization
> 1.5
S consumed portion of theoretica l period of utilization
are available for the intended service life. See BGV D8 Accident Prevention Regulations - Performance instruction Annex A for the determination of D and S. When determining D and S the same load shall always be used as reference load.
This does not apply to components made of austenitic materials where the risk of stress corrosion cracking may occur.
3) 6 years for bolted joints that will not be disassembled for operational reasons.

Table 10-1: Extent and test intervals of in-service inspections

KTA 3905 Page 11

Annex A
Materials test sheets (WPB)


Load attaching points

Hot rolled plates and sheets, strips, wide flats and steel sections of structural carbon steel to
DIN EN 10025-2

Hot rolled bars made of structural carbon steels to DIN EN 10025-2

Forged bars and open-die forgings made of general structural steels to DIN EN 10250-2

Welded tubes made of carbon steels to DIN EN 10217-1

Seamless tubes made of carbon steels to DIN EN 10216-1

Seamless or welded hot finished hollow sections of structural carbon steels to DIN EN 10210-1

Bars and forgings made of quenched and tempered steels to DIN EN 10083-2, DIN EN 10083-3 or
SEW 550

Plates, sheets and strips made of austenitic steels to DIN EN 10088-2 and of ferritic-austenitic
steels to DIN EN 10028-7

Bars and forgings made of austenitic steels to DIN EN 10088-3 or DIN EN 10250-4 and of ferriticaustenitic steels to DIN EN 10222-5 or DIN EN 10272


Seamless tubes made of austenitic steels to DIN EN 10216-5

Material instruction sheet WPB 11 was deleted.


Bolts and nuts M 39 to DIN EN ISO 898-1, DIN EN ISO 898-2 and DIN EN ISO 3269


Bolts and nuts made of austenitic steels to DIN EN ISO 3506-1, DIN EN ISO 3506-2 and


Bolts and studs, thread rolled, head bolts with forged-on head, and subsequently heat-treated


Welded tubes made of austenitic steels to DIN EN 10217-7


Bars and forgings made of stainless martensitic steels to DIN EN 10088-3 or DIN EN 10250-4


Plates, sheets and strips made of zirconium alloys


Forged bars and open-die forgings made of weldable fine grain structural steel to DIN EN 10222-4

KTA 3905 Page 12

Materials test sheet 1:

Hot rolled plates and sheets, strips, wide flats and steel sections of structural carbon steel to
DIN EN 10025-2



Load attaching points

Product form:

Hot rolled plates and sheets, strips, wide flats and steel sections


S235J0 (1.0114), S235J2 (1.0117), S235JR (1.0038), S355J2 (1.0577), S355K2 (1.0596)


DIN EN 10025-1, DIN EN 10025-2 1), DIN EN 10164

Tests and inspections



additional requirements to
Section 4.2

increased requirements to
Section 4.3

Ladle analysis



Attestation of heat treatment condition or of asdelivered condition











Chemical composition:


Tensile test at room temperature:


One specimen per melt and test unit


Three tensile specimens in thickness direction for

product thicknesses > 20 mm and tensile
loading in thickness direction:
Test unit to DIN EN 10164 3)
Quality grade Z 25 to DIN EN 10164


Notched bar impact test at test temperature to DIN

EN 10025-2:
One set of impact test specimen per tensile test specimen as per no. 3.1 as far as the nominal dimension
is 6 mm


Certificate to DIN EN 10204 (2005-01) 2)


Visual inspection and dimensional check:

Each component

See Table 8-1 c) regarding ultrasonic testing of components under tensile loading in thickness direction.
Products with thicknesses 6 mm shall at least meet the requirements of quality class S1 to DIN EN 10160 for the plane
surface and E1 for the edge zone.

Material identification:
Manufacturer's mark, steel grade, melt number, specimen number or identification number (the plate, sheet or strip number
may also be used as specimen number), inspector's mark, Z 25 (if demonstrated)
1) Repair welding is not permitted.
2) See clause 6.2.2 as to the use of acceptance inspection certificates to DIN EN 10204 (1995-08).
3) Where the materials S235J0 and S235JR are loaded in thickness direction, the test shall be performed on each rolled panel in acc.

with test no. 3.2.

KTA 3905 Page 13

Materials test sheet 2:

Hot rolled bars made of structural carbon steels to DIN EN 10025-2



Load attaching points

Product form:

Hot-rolled bars


S235J0 (1.0114), S235J2 (1.0117), S235JR (1.0038), S355J2 (1.0577), S355K2 (1.0596)


DIN EN 10025-1, DIN EN 10025-2 1)

Tests and inspections



additional requirements to
Section 4.2

increased requirements to
Section 4.3

Ladle analysis



Attestation of heat treatment condition or of asdelivered condition











Chemical composition:

Tensile test at room temperature:

One specimen per melt and test unit


Notched bar impact test at test temperature to DIN

EN 10025-2 and nominal dimensions to DIN EN
One set of impact test specimens per tensile test


Visual inspection and dimensional check:

Each component


Certificate to DIN EN 10204 (2005-01) 2)


Ultrasonic testing:
For bar steel with product thicknesses 30 mm each
component subject to 100 % in acc. with Annex B

Material identification:
Manufacturer's mark, steel grade, melt number, specimen number or identification number, inspector's mark
1) Repair welding is not permitted.
2) See clause 6.2.2 as to the use of acceptance inspection certificates to DIN EN 10204 (1995-08).

KTA 3905 Page 14

Materials test sheet 3:

Forged bars and open-die forgings made of general structural steels to DIN EN 10250-2



Load attaching points

Product form:

Forged bars and open-die forgings


S235JRG2 (1.0038), S235J2G3 (1.00116), S355J2G3 (1.0570)


DIN EN 10250-1, DIN EN 10250-2 1)

Tests and inspections

Certificate to DIN EN 10204 (2005-01) 2)

additional requirements to
Section 4.2

increased requirements to
Section 4.3

Ladle analysis




Attestation of heat treatment condition




Tensile test at room temperature:










Chemical composition:

One specimen per melt and test unit


Notched bar impact test at test temperature to

DIN EN 10250-2:
One set of impact test specimens per tensile test
specimen, as far as the nominal dimension is 15 mm


Visual inspection and dimensional check:

Each component


Ultrasonic testing:
For bar steel with product thicknesses 30 mm and
forgings with a weight in final heat treatment condition
300 kg, each component subject to 100 % in acc.
with Annex B

Material identification:
Manufacturer's mark, steel grade, melt number, specimen number or identification number, inspector's mark
1) Repair welding is not permitted.
2) See clause 6.2.2 as to the use of acceptance inspection certificates to DIN EN 10204 (1995-08).

KTA 3905 Page 15

Materials test sheet 4:

Welded tubes made of carbon steels to DIN EN 10217-1



Load attaching points

Product form:

Welded tubes


P235TR1 (1.0254), P235TR2 (1.0255), P265TR1 (1.0258), P265TR2 (1.0259)


DIN EN 10217-1 1)
Tests and inspections



Certificate to DIN EN10204 (2005-01) 2)

for additional requirements to Section 4.2

Chemical composition:
Ladle analysis


Attestation of heat treatment condition or of asdelivered condition


Tensile test at room temperature (base material):

Lot size and extent of testing in acc. with
DIN EN 10217-1 no. 10.1, Table 12 and Table 13




Tensile test at room temperature transverse to the weld

(at an outside diameter DA > 508 mm):
Lot size and extent of testing in acc. with
DIN EN 10217-1 no 10.1, Table 12 and Table 13


Notched bar impact test at test temperature of 0 C

(base material) in the case of materials no. 1.0255
and 1.0259:
One set of impact test specimen per tensile test specimen


Flattening test or drift-expanding test:

Lot size and extent of testing in acc. with
DIN EN 10217-1 no 10.1, Table 12 and Table 13



Tightness test:
Each tube in acc. with DIN EN 10217-1 Sec. 11.8



Non-destructive testing of welds:

In acc. with DIN EN 10217-1 Section 11.11



Weld bend test on submerged-arc welded tubes:

Lot size and extent of testing in acc. with
DIN EN 10217-1 no 10.1, Table 12 and Table 13




Visual inspection and dimensional check:

Each tube


Material identification:
Manufacturer's mark, steel grade, melt number, specimen number or identification number, inspector's mark, type of tube in
acc. with DIN EN 10217-1 Table 1
1) Repair welding in the base material is not permitted.
2) See clause 6.2.2 as to the use of acceptance inspection certificates to DIN EN 10204 (1995-08).

KTA 3905 Page 16

Materials test sheet 5:

Seamless tubes made of carbon steels to DIN EN 10216-1



Load attaching points

Product form:

Seamless tubes


P235TR1 (1.0254), P235TR2 (1.0255), P265TR1 (1.0258), P265TR2 (1.0259)


DIN EN 10216-1 1)
Tests and inspections





Certificate to DIN EN (2005-01) 2)

for additional requirements to Section 4.2

Chemical composition:
Ladle analysis


Attestation of heat treatment condition or of asdelivered condition


Tensile test at room temperature:

Lot size and extent of testing in acc. with
DIN EN 10216-1 no 10.1, Table 9 and Table 10


Notched bar impact test at test temperature of 0 C in

the case of materials no. 1.0255 and 1.0259:
One set of impact test specimen per tensile test specimen


Tightness test:
Each tube in acc. with DIN EN 10216-1 Sec. 11.4


Visual inspection and dimensional check:

Each tube


Material identification:
Manufacturer's mark, steel grade, melt number, specimen number or identification number, inspector's mark
1) Repair welding is not permitted.
2) See clause 6.2.2 as to the use of acceptance inspection certificates to DIN EN 10204 (1995-08).

KTA 3905 Page 17

Materials test sheet 6:

Seamless or welded hot finished hollow sections of structural carbon steels to DIN EN 10210-1



Load attaching points

Product form:

Hot formed hollow sections (seamless or welded)


S275J0H (1.0149), S275J2H (1.0138), S355J0H (1.0547), S355J2H (1.0576)


DIN EN 10210-1 1)
Tests and inspections



additional requirements to
Section 4.2

increased requirements to
Section 4.3

Ladle analysis



Attestation of heat treatment condition or of asdelivered condition











Chemical composition:

Tensile test at room temperature:

One specimen per melt, test unit and nominal dimension each


Notched bar impact test at test temperature to

DIN EN 10210-1:
One set of impact test specimens per tensile test
specimen, as far as the nominal dimension is 6 mm


Visual inspection and dimensional check:

Each component


Certificate to DIN EN 10204 (2005-01) 2)


Non-destructive testing of weld:

Each component over its full length in acc. with
DIN EN 10210-1 Section 9.4

Material identification:
Manufacturer's mark, steel grade, melt number, specimen number or identification number, inspector's mark
1) Repair welding in the base material is not permitted.
2) See clause 6.2.2 as to the use of acceptance inspection certificates to DIN EN 10204 (1995-08).

KTA 3905 Page 18

Materials test sheet 7:

Bars and forgings made of quenched and tempered steels to DIN EN 10083-2, DIN EN 10083-3
or SEW 550



Load attaching points

Product form:

Bars and forgings


Quenched and tempered steels to DIN EN 10083-2, DIN EN 10083-3 or SEW 550


DIN EN 10083-1, DIN EN 10083-2 1), DIN EN 10083-3 1) or SEW 550

Tests and inspections

The performance of the following tests and inspections

shall be verified for the quenched and tempered condition

Certificate to DIN EN 10204 (2005-01) 2)

additional requirements to
Section 4.2

increased requirements to
Section 4.3

Ladle analysis




Attestation of heat treatment condition




Hardness test for verification of uniform heat treatment:














Chemical composition:

On one end of each component three measuring

points each

Tensile test at room temperature:

One specimen per melt, dimensional range and heat
treatment batch each


Notched bar impact test at room temperature:

One set of impact test specimens per tensile test
specimen, as far as the nominal dimension is
15 mm


Visual inspection and dimensional check:

Each component


Materials identification check for alloyed steels:

Each component, e.g. by spectroscopy


Ultrasonic testing:
For bar steel with product thicknesses 30 mm and
forgings with a weight in final heat treatment condition
300 kg each component subject to 100 % in acc.
with Annex B

Material identification:
Manufacturer's mark, steel grade, melt number, specimen number or identification number, inspector's mark
1) Repair welding is not permitted.
2) See clause 6.2.2 as to the use of acceptance inspection certificates to DIN EN 10204 (1995-08).

KTA 3905 Page 19

Materials test sheet 8:

Plates, sheets and strips made of austenitic steels to DIN EN 10088-2 and of ferriticaustenitic steels to DIN EN 10028-7



Load attaching points

Product form:

Plates, sheets and strips


Austenitic steels to DIN EN 10088-2, X2CrNiMoN22-5-3 (1.4462) to DIN EN 10028-7


DIN EN 10088-2 1), DIN EN 10028-7 1)

Tests and inspections

Certificate to DIN EN 10204 (2005-01) 2)

requirements to
Section 4.2

requirements to
Section 4.3

core components
to Section 4.4

Ladle analysis





Attestation of heat treatment condition





Check for intergranular corrosion resistance 3):

















Chemical composition:

One specimen per melt and heat treatment batch


Tensile test at room temperature:

One specimen to DIN EN 10088-2 Table 21, in the
case of X2CrNiMoN22-5-3 (1.4462) lot size and extent of testing on acc. with DIN EN 10028-7 Table 16


Notched bar impact test at room temperature:

One set of impact test specimen per tensile test specimen 4)


Visual inspection and dimensional check:

Each component; surface condition in acc. with manufacturer's specification


Material identification check:

Each component, e.g. by spectroscopy

See Table 8-1 ser. no. c) regarding ultrasonic testing of components under tensile loading in thickness direction.
Products with thicknesses 6 mm shall at least meet the requirements of quality class S1 to DIN EN 10160 for the plane
surface and E1 for the edge zone.

Material identification:
Manufacturer's mark, steel grade, melt number, specimen number or identification number (the plate, sheet or strip number
may also be used as specimen number), inspector's mark
1) Repair welding is not permitted.
2) See clause 5.1.5 as to the use of acceptance inspection certificates to DIN EN 10204 (1995-08).
3) According to DIN EN ISO 3651-2 procedure A sensitisation T1 or T2 (in the case of material 1.4462 only sensitisation T2) and only if

components are welded and are in contact with water.

4) Only for steel X2CrNiMoN22-5-3 (1.4462) as far as thickness of plate/sheet s 10 mm.

KTA 3905 Page 20

Materials test sheet 9:

Bars and forgings made of austenitic steels to DIN EN 10088-3 or DIN EN 10250-4 and of
ferritic-austenitic steels to DIN EN 10222-5 or DIN EN 10272



Load attaching points

Product form:

Bars and forgings


Austenitic steels to DIN EN 10088-3 or DIN EN 10250-4 as well as X2CrNiMoN22-5-3 (1.4462) to

DIN EN 10222-5 or DIN EN 10272


DIN EN 10088-3 1), DIN EN 10250-4 1), DIN EN 10222-5 1) or DIN EN 10272 1)
Tests and inspections

Certificate to DIN EN 10204 (2005-01) 2)

requirements to
Section 4.2

requirements to
Section 4.3

core components
to Section 4.4

Ladle analysis





Attestation of heat treatment condition





Check for intergranular corrosion resistance 3):
















Chemical composition:

One specimen per melt and heat treatment batch


Tensile test at room temperature:

One specimen to DIN EN 10088-3 Table 26 or DIN
EN 10250-1 Section 11 or DIN EN 10222-1 Section
12 or DIN EN 10272 Table 13


Visual inspection and dimensional check:

Each component; surface condition in acc. with manufacturer's specification


Material identification check:

Each component, e.g. by spectroscopy


Ultrasonic testing:
For bar steel with product thicknesses 30 mm and
forgings with a weight in final heat treatment condition
300 kg, each component subject to 100 % in acc.
with Annex B

Material identification:
Manufacturer's mark, steel grade, melt number, specimen number or identification number, inspector's mark
1) Repair welding is not permitted.
2) See clause 6.2.2 as to the use of acceptance inspection certificates to DIN EN 10204 (1995-08).
3) According to DIN EN ISO 3651-2 procedure A sensitisation T1 or T2 (in the case of material 1.4462 only sensitisation T2) and only if

components are welded and are in contact with water.

KTA 3905 Page 21

Materials test sheet 10: Seamless tubes made of austenitic steels to DIN EN 10216-5


WPB 10

Load attaching points

Product form:

Seamless tubes


Austenitic stainless steels to DIN EN 10216-5


DIN EN 10216-5 (test category 2) 1)

Tests and inspections

Certificate to DIN EN 10204 (2005-01) 2)

additional requirements to
Section 4.2

increased requirements to
Section 4.3

Ladle analysis




Attestation of heat treatment condition




Check for intergranular corrosion resistance 3):











Type and extent of testing in acc. with

DIN EN 10216-5 Table 15



Tightness test:
Each tube in acc. with DIN EN 10216-5 Table 15




Chemical composition:

One specimen per melt and heat treatment batch


Tensile test at room temperature:

Lot size and extent of testing in acc. with
DIN EN 10216-5 Table 15


Technological test procedures:

Type and extent of testing in acc. with
DIN EN 10216-5 Table 15 and Table 16


Visual inspection and dimensional check:

Each tube, surface condition in acc. with manufacturer's specification


Material identification check:

Each tube, e.g. by spectroscopy



Non-destructive testing:

Material identification:
Manufacturer's mark, steel grade, melt number, specimen number or identification number, inspector's mark
1) Repair welding is not permitted.
2) See clause 6.2.2 as to the use of acceptance inspection certificates to DIN EN 10204 (1995-08).
3) According to DIN EN ISO 3651-2 procedure A sensitisation T1 or T2 and only if components are welded and are in contact with water.

Material instruction sheet WPB 11 was deleted.

KTA 3905 Page 22

Materials test sheet 12: Bolts and nuts M 39 to DIN EN ISO 898-1, DIN EN ISO 898-2 and DIN EN ISO 3269


WPB 12

Load attaching points

Product form:

Bolts and nuts M 39


Property classes
Bolts 4.6, 5.6, 6.8, 8.8 and 10.9
Nuts 5, 8 and 10


Bolts: DIN EN ISO 898-1, DIN EN ISO 3269, DIN EN 26157-3

(Testing of mechanical properties in accordance with DIN EN ISO 898-1, test series MP1 plus
additional re-tempering test in connection with DIN EN 26157-3. Where test series MP1 is not
practicable, test series MP2 plus re-tempering test may be performed.)
Nuts: DIN EN ISO 898-2, DIN EN ISO 3269, DIN EN ISO 6157-2
Tests and inspections

Proof (by continuous recording in the manufacturer's

works) that the requirements regarding mechanical properties, surface condition and dimensional accuracy have
been met

Certificate to DIN EN 10204 (2005-01) 1)

additional requirements to
Section 4.2

increased requirements to
Section 4.3

2.2 2) or 3.1 3)

2.2 2) or 3.1 3)

Material identification:
Bolts in acc. with DIN EN ISO 898-1
Nuts in acc. with DIN EN ISO 898-2
1) See clause 6.2.2 as to the use of acceptance inspection certificates to DIN EN 10204 (1995-08).
2) In lieu of the certificate 2.2 stamping will suffice if the manufacturer is recognized in acc. with VdTV instruction sheet 1253/4.
3) For bolts of property classes 8.8 and 10.9 as well as for nuts of property classes 8 and 10 a certificate 3.1 is required.

Materials test sheet 13: Bolts and nuts made of austenitic steels to DIN EN ISO 3506-1, DIN EN ISO 3506-2 and

WPB 13

Load attaching points

Product form:

Bolts and nuts M 10 and M 39


Property classes 50, 70 and 80

Steel group: A2, A3, A4 and A5


DIN EN ISO 3506-1, DIN EN ISO 3506-2, DIN EN ISO 3269, DIN EN 26157-3, DIN EN ISO 6157-2
Tests and inspections

Proof (by continuous recording in the manufacturer's

works) that the requirements regarding mechanical properties, surface condition and dimensional accuracy have
been met

Certificate to DIN EN 10204 (2005-01) 2)

requirements to
Section 4.2

requirements to
Section 4.3

core components
to Section 4.4

2.2 2)

2.2 2)

2.2 2)

Material identification:
In acc. with DIN EN ISO 3506-1, DIN EN ISO 3506-2
1) See clause 6.2.2 as to the use of acceptance inspection certificates to DIN EN 10204 (1995-08).
2) In lieu of the certificate 2.2 stamping will suffice if the manufacturer is recognized in acc. with VdTV instruction sheet 1253/4.

KTA 3905 Page 23

Materials test sheet 14: Bolts and studs, thread rolled, head bolts with forged-on head, and subsequently heat-treated

WPB 14

Load attaching points

Product form:

Bolts and studs, thread rolled, head bolts with forged-on head, heat-treated


DIN EN 10083-2 and DIN EN 10083-3, DIN EN 10269, 1.4313 +QT780 to DIN EN 10088-3, SEW 400


DIN EN 10083-1, DIN EN 10083-2, DIN EN 10083-3, DIN EN 10269, DIN EN ISO 3269, DIN EN 26157-1,
DIN EN ISO 898-1, DIN EN 10088-3, SEW 400 and supplementary sheet to this materials test sheet
Certificate to DIN EN 10204 (2005-01) 1)
additional requirements to
increased requirements to
Section 4.3
Section 4.2

Tests and inspections


Tests on basic material (bar)

1.1 Chemical composition:

Ladle analysis



1.2 Materials identification check for alloyed steels:

Each bar



1.3 Ultrasonic testing:

For bars with thicknesses 30 mm each component
in acc. with Annex B



2.1 Heat treatment condition including confirmation of




2.2 Hardness test for verification of uniform heat treatment on 10 % of all bolts and studs



2.3 Tensile test at room temperature:

Number of test specimen sets to DIN EN ISO 3269
and supplementary sheet to this materials test sheet 2)



2.4 Notched bar impact test at room temperature:

In the case of bolts and studs M16 one set of impact
test specimen per tensile test specimen



2.5 Examination of surfaces:

Procedure and evaluation based on DIN EN 26157-1



2.6 Visual inspection and dimensional check:

In acc. with DIN EN ISO 3269 (number of random
samples: 20) 2)






Tests on finished parts based on DIN EN ISO 898-1:


2.7 Test of edge decarburization and carburization

Based on DIN EN ISO 898-1
Number of specimens to DIN EN ISO 3269 and supplementary sheet to this materials test sheet 2)
Material identification:
Manufacturer's mark, steel grade, melt number, inspector's mark

1) See clause 6.2.2 as to the use of acceptance inspection certificates to DIN EN 10204 (1995-08).
2) All specimens shall meet the requirements (acceptance number Ac = 0).
3) Not required for material 1.4313 +QT780.

Supplementary sheet to materials test sheet WPB 14: Sampling plan for destructive testing of mechanical properties
Number of pieces
> 200
> 400
> 800
> 1200
> 1600
> 3000
> 3500

up to
up to
up to
up to
up to
up to


Number of specimen sets for mechanical testing


If it is proved that the bolts and studs delivered are of the same melt and heat treatment testing of 4 specimen sets irrespective of the
number of pieces will suffice.

KTA 3905 Page 24

Materials test sheet 15: Welded tubes made of austenitic steels to DIN EN 10217-7


WPB 15

Load attaching points

Product form:

Welded tubes


Austenitic stainless steels to DIN EN 10217-7


DIN EN 10217-7 (test category 2) 1)

Tests and inspections

Certificate to DIN EN 10204 (2005-01) 2)

additional requirements to
Section 4.2

increased requirements to
Section 4.3

Ladle analysis




Attestation of heat treatment condition




Check for intergranular corrosion resistance 3):











Type and extent of testing acc. to

DIN EN 10217-7 Section 11.11 and Table 13



Tightness test:
Each tube in acc. with DIN EN 10217-7 Sec. 11.8




Chemical composition:

One specimen per melt and heat treatment batch


Tensile test at room temperature:

Lot size and extent of testing in acc. with
DIN EN 10217-7 Section 10.1 and Table 13


Technological tests:
Type and extent of testing acc. to
DIN EN 10217-7 Tables 13 and 14


Visual inspection and dimensional check:

Each tube; surface condition in acc. with manufacturer's specification


Material identification check:

Each tube, e.g. by spectroscopy



Non-destructive testing:

Material identification:
Manufacturer's mark, steel grade, melt number, specimen number or identification number, inspector's mark
1) Repair welding in the base material is not permitted.
2) See clause 6.2.2 as to the use of acceptance inspection certificates to DIN EN 10204 (1995-08).
3) According to DIN EN ISO 3651-2 procedure A sensitisation T1 or T2 and only if components are welded and are in contact with water.

KTA 3905 Page 25

Materials test sheet 16: Bars and forgings made of stainless martensitic steels to DIN EN 10088-3 or DIN EN 10250-4


WPB 16

Load attaching points

Product form:

Bars and forgings


X17CrNi16-2 - QT800 (1.4057), X39CrMo17-1 - QT750 (1.4122), X3CrNiMo13-4 - QT780 (1.4313),

X5CrNiCuNb16-4 - P800 (1.4542), X5CrNiCuNb16-4 - P930 (1.4542)


DIN EN 10088-3 1) or DIN EN 10250-4 1)

Tests and inspections



additional requirements to
Section 4.2

increased requirements to
Section 4.3

Ladle analysis



Attestation of heat treatment condition

(for 1.4313 indication of strength grade)















Chemical composition:

Tensile test at room temperature:

Test lot and extent of testing to DIN EN 10088-3
Table 26 or DIN EN 10250-1 Section 11


Notched bar impact test at room temperature:

Test lot and extent of testing as for tensile test (only
for nominal dimension 15 mm)


Hardness test for verification of uniform heat treatment:

On one end of each component three measuring
points each


Visual inspection and dimensional check:

Each component, surface quality and dimensions in
acc. with manufacturer's specification


Material identification check:

Each component, e.g. by spectroscopy


Certificate to DIN EN 10204 (2005-01) 2)


Ultrasonic testing:
For bar steel with product thicknesses 30 mm and
forgings with a weight in final heat treatment condition
300 kg, each component subject to 100 % in acc.
with Annex B

Material identification:
Manufacturer's mark, steel grade, melt number, specimen number or identification number, inspector's mark
1) Repair welding is not permitted.
2) See clause 6.2.2 as to the use of acceptance inspection certificates to DIN EN 10204 (1995-08).

KTA 3905 Page 26

Materials test sheet 17: Plates, sheets and strips made of zirconium alloys


WPB 17

Load attaching points

Product form:

Plates, sheets and strips with thicknesses s 4.7 mm


Zirconium alloys Grade R60802 or Grade R60804


ASTM B352 / B352M-11

Tests and inspections

Certificate to DIN EN 10204 (2005-01) 1)

core components to Section 4.4


Chemical composition 2):

1.1 On the ingot (ladle analysis)

One specimen of head, middle and tail of each ingot


1.2 On the plate, sheet or strip (product analysis)

One specimen per lot
(considered to be a material identification check)

Tensile test at room temperature:

One specimen in longitudinal and transverse direction
each per lot in acc. with DIN EN ISO 6892-1 or
ASTM 8 / E8M-11



Corrosion resistance
Two specimens per lot to ASTM G2 / G2M-11




Visual inspection and dimensional check:

Each component, surface quality and dimensions in
acc. with manufacturer's specification


Material identification:
Identification marking, melt number or ingot number or lot number, specimen number or plate, sheet, strip number respectively
1) See clause 6.2.2 as to the use of acceptance inspection certificates to DIN EN 10204 (1995-08).
2) The oxygen content is limited to 0.09 % up to 0.16 %.

KTA 3905 Page 27

Materials test sheet 18: Forged bars and open-die forgings made of weldable fine grain structural steel to DIN EN 10222-4


WPB 18

Load attaching points

Product form:

Forged bars and open-die forgings


P355QH1 (1.0571), P420QH (1.8936)


DIN EN 10222-1 1) und DIN EN 10222-4 1)

Tests and inspections

Certificate to DIN EN 10204 (2005-01) 2)

additional requirements to
Section 4.2

increased requirements to
Section 4.3

Ladle analysis




Heat treatment condition




Tensile test at room temperature:












Chemical composition:

Test lot and extent of testing to DIN EN 10222-1 Section 12


Notched bar impact test at test temperature to

DIN EN 10222-4 Table 3:
Test lot and extent of testing as for tensile test (only
for nominal dimension 15 mm)


Visual inspection and dimensional check:

Each component, surface quality and dimensions in
acc. with manufacturer's specification


Material identification check:

Each component, e.g. by spectroscopy


Ultrasonic testing:
For bar steel with product thicknesses 30 mm and
forgings with a weight in final heat treatment condition
300 kg, each component subject to 100 % in acc.
with Annex B

Material identification:
Manufacturer's mark, steel grade, melt number, specimen number, inspector's mark
1) Repair welding is not permitted.
2) See clause 6.2.2 as to the use of acceptance inspection certificates to DIN EN 10204 (1995-08).

KTA 3905 Page 28

Annex B
Non-destructive testing (NDT)



Scope.................................................................................................................................................... 29


General specifications .......................................................................................................................... 29

B 2.1 Personnel.............................................................................................................................................. 29
B 2.2 Equipment and test fluids ..................................................................................................................... 29
B 2.3 Requirements for surfaces.................................................................................................................... 29
B 2.4 Point in time of NDT during production test .......................................................................................... 29

NDT procedural requirements .............................................................................................................. 29

B 3.1 Visual examination ................................................................................................................................ 29

B 3.2 Examination of surfaces by magnetic particle and liquid penetrant methods ....................................... 29
B 3.3 Radiography ......................................................................................................................................... 30
B 3.4 Ultrasonic testing .................................................................................................................................. 30

Performance and evaluation of tests on ferritic product forms ............................................................ 31

B 4.1 Bars ...................................................................................................................................................... 31

B 4.2 Bolts and trunnions ............................................................................................................................... 32

Performance and evaluation of tests on product forms made of austenitic steels

(rolled or forged components)............................................................................................................... 32

B 5.1 Examination of surfaces ....................................................................................................................... 32

B 5.2 Ultrasonic testing .................................................................................................................................. 32

Performance and evaluation of tests on ferritic welds .......................................................................... 33

B 6.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 33

B 6.2 Ultrasonic testing of weld junction areas for plates under tensile loading in thickness
direction ................................................................................................................................................ 33
B 6.3 Visual examination of welds ................................................................................................................. 33
B 6.4 Examination of weld surfaces ............................................................................................................... 33
B 6.5 Radiography of welds ........................................................................................................................... 33
B 6.6 Ultrasonic testing of welds .................................................................................................................... 33

Performance and evaluation of tests on welds between austenitic steels ............................................ 33

B 7.1 General ................................................................................................................................................. 34

B 7.2 Ultrasonic testing of weld junction areas for plates under tensile loading in thickness
direction ................................................................................................................................................ 34
B 7.3 Visual examination of welds ................................................................................................................. 34
B 7.4 Examination of weld surfaces ............................................................................................................... 34
B 7.5 Radiography on welds .......................................................................................................................... 34

KTA 3905 Page 29

B 1 Scope
(1) This Annex applies to the performance of nondestructive tests and contains procedural requirements and
evaluation criteria for non-destructive testing.
(2) Deviations from this Annex may be possible in justified
individual cases.
The procedure, extent and point in time of NDT are laid down in
material test sheets as well as in in-process test and inspection
sequence plans.

(4) Coatings with a thickness up to and including 50 m are

permitted when performing non-destructive examinations,
except for the liquid penetrant surface examination method.
(5) Upon completion of the examination the components
shall be properly cleaned to remove test liquid residuals.

B 2.4 Point in time of NDT during production test

The product forms shall be tested in the as-delivered condition and welds in the final-heat treatment condition, where
possible, and prior to any coating.

B 2 General specifications
B 2.1 Personnel
(1) Test supervisors shall have the technical knowledge
required to perform their tasks and know the possibilities of
application as well as limits of test procedures. The test supervisory personnel
a) in case of production tests, shall have basic knowledge of
the fabrication processes used and of the characteristic
appearance of fabrication imperfections; they shall normally be independent from the fabrication department and
the authorized inspector shall be notified of their names;
b) in case of in-service inspections, shall be familiar with the
characteristic features of operationally caused defects.
The test supervisory personnel is responsible for the application of the test procedure and for the details of the implementation of the test in accordance with the relevant specifications. They are responsible for the employment of qualified
and certified NDT operators. This applies also to the employment of personnel not belonging to the works. The test supervisory personnel shall sign the test report.
(2) The test supervisory personnel shall have been qualified
and certified for the examination procedures in the relevant
product or industrial sectors at least with level 2 to
DIN EN 473. For radiographic and ultrasonic testing level 3
qualification and certification is required.
(3) The NDT operators shall have been qualified and certified to DIN EN 473 for the applicable examination procedure
in the relevant product or industrial sectors. For radiographic
and ultrasonic testing at least level 2 qualification and certification is required.

B 2.2 Equipment and test fluids

The measuring and testing equipment to be used shall be
monitored. The type and intervals of monitoring shall be fixed
by the equipment manufacturer with a view to the accuracy of
the equipment. The testing of such measuring and testing
equipment shall be certified.

B 3 NDT procedural requirements

B 3.1 Visual examination
Visual examinations shall be performed to DIN EN ISO 17637.

B 3.2 Examination of surfaces by magnetic particle and liquid

penetrant methods
B 3.2.1 Viewing conditions
(1) The viewing conditions of DIN EN ISO 3059 shall be
observed. In addition, the requirements of para. (2) to (6) shall
be met:
(2) Where fluorescent detection media are used, the intensity of irradiation of the ultraviolet light on the examination surface shall not be less than 10 W/m2. In the case of higher
intensity of irradiation a proportionally higher illuminance is
admitted on the examination surface in which case the intensity of irradiation shall not exceed 50 W/m2.
(3) The eyes of the operator shall have at least 5 minutes to
adapt to the light conditions. Photo-chromatic spectacles shall
not be used during the examination with ultraviolet radiation.
(4) For the purpose of better detectability of defects sufficient contrast shall be provided in magnetic particle examination by the use of suitable media (e.g. fluorescent detection
media or application of a thin colour coat only slightly covering
the underground). Ultraviolet radiation may additionally be
used to improve the contrast in liquid penetrant examination
using fluorescent penetrants.
(5) During the examination the angle of viewing shall not
deviate by more than 30 degrees from the surface normal.
During viewing the distance to the examination surface shall
normally be approximately 300 mm.
(6) For the inspection auxiliary means (e.g. magnifying
glasses, contrast-improving spectacles, mirrors) are permitted.

B 3.2.2 Magnetic particle testing

B 2.3 Requirements for surfaces

B Methods and performance of examination

(1) The surfaces shall be free from scale, weld spatters or

any other contaminants. Any grooves or notches affecting the
test result shall be eliminated.

Magnetic particle examinations shall be performed to DIN EN

ISO 9934-1 to meet the following requirements.

(2) The arithmetical mean deviation of the assessed profile

(average roughness) Ra to DIN EN ISO 4287 shall not exceed
a) 10 m for examination of surfaces by magnetic particle
and liquid penetrant methods,
b) 20 m for ultrasonic testing on the scanning and opposite
surface if it is used as reflection surface.

B Methods

(3) In the case of waviness of the scanning surfaces for

ultrasonic testing the waviness shall be so little as to provide
sufficient probe shoe contact. This is generally the case if the
distance between probe shoe surface and scanning surface
does not exceed 0.5 mm at any point.

(1) Where magnetisation is achieved in partial areas by the

current flow technique or yoke magnetisation, AC magnetisation shall normally be used.
(2) The DC magnetisation method shall only be used upon
agreement by the authorized inspector.
(3) The residual magnetic field strength shall not exceed
800 A/m unless a lower value is required. Where the specified
value is exceeded, the part shall be demagnetised and the
value of the residual magnetic field strength be recorded.

KTA 3905 Page 30

B Contact areas in case of current flow technique

(1) Where the examination is performed by current flow
technique, consumable electrodes (e.g. lead fin alloys) shall
be used, if possible. It shall be ensured that in the contact
areas overheating of the material to be examined is avoided.
(2) Where overheating has occurred the overheated areas
shall be marked, ground over after the examination and be
examined for surface cracks, preferably by a magnetic particle
method using yoke magnetisation.

B Direction of magnetisation

Each location on the surface shall be examined from two directions of magnetisation offset by approximately 90 degrees.

B Magnetic field strength

a) The magnetic flux in the component surface is decisive for
quality of examination. The required minimum flux density is 1 T.
b) Due to technical measuring difficulties to determine the magnetic flux in the component, the tangential field strength is
usually used as auxiliary variable.
c) The tangential field strength is the tangential component of the
magnetic field strength at the test object surface. In low-carbon
steels the require flux density of 1T is obtained with a field
strength of 2 kA/m

(1) In the case of AC magnetisation the tangential field

strength on the surface shall be at least 2 103 A/m and shall
not exceed 6.5 103 A/m.
(2) It shall be checked by measurements that these values
are adhered to or test conditions shall be determined under
which these values may be obtained.

(2) Solvents or water or both in combination may be used as

penetrant remover.
(3) Only wet developers suspended in an aqueous solvent
shall be used. Dry developers may only be applied on the
scanning surface by electrostatic charging.
(4) For the test system at least the following sensitivity class
to DIN EN ISO 3452-2 shall be adhered to:
a) sensitivity class 3 for fluorescent penetrants,
b) sensitivity class 3 for liquid penetrants.
(5) The suitability of the test system (penetrant, solvent remover and developer) shall be demonstrated by means of a
sample examination as to DIN EN ISO 3452-2. Verification
shall be submitted to the authorized inspector.
(6) Liquid penetrants in test equipment and partly used
open tanks (except for aerosol cans) shall be monitored by
the user with flux indicator 2 to DIN EN ISO 3452-3. In this
test the penetration and development times shall not exceed
the times specified for the evaluation. The examination sensitivity obtained shall be recorded.

B Performance
(1) Liquid penetrant testing shall be performed in accordance with DIN EN 571-1 and the following requirements.

The penetration time shall be at least half an hour.

(3) As soon as possible after drying of the developer, the

first inspection should take place. A further inspection shall be
performed at the earliest half an hour after the first inspection.
(4) Further points in time of inspection are required if cracklike indications are detected by the second inspection which
were not discernible after the first inspection.
Further points in time of inspection may be necessary if during the
second inspection essential changes or additional indications are

B Magnetisation times

The following guide values apply with respect to the application of the magnetic particles and magnetisation:
a) Magnetisation and application:
at least 3 seconds
b) Subsequent magnetisation:
at least 5 seconds.

(5) The evaluation shall be made in due consideration of all

inspection results.

B Inspection medium

B 3.3 Radiography

(1) According to DIN EN ISO 9943-2 sample-examined media shall be used. Verification of such sample examination
shall be submitted to the authorized inspector.

(1) The radiography of welds shall be performed to DIN EN

1435 class B.

(2) Magnetic particles with a grain size in the range di exceeding 1.5 m and du less than 30 m shall be used. Depending on application, black, fluorescent or coloured powders may be used.

B 3.4 Ultrasonic testing

(3) Prior to bathing the surface care shall be taken to ensure

that the magnetic powder is distributed uniformly in the vehicle fluid and is kept in suspension. Prior to and during the
examination the powder suspension shall be spot-checked by
suitable pre-magnetised test units (e. g. by reference block 1
to DIN EN ISO 9934-2).

The test frequency, transducer dimension and scanning positions are laid down in Sections B 4 to B 6. These specifications are considered guide values from which deviations are
possible in justified cases.

B Test instruments

The test instruments shall meet the requirements of DIN EN
ISO 9934-3.

B 3.2.3 Liquid penetrant testing

B Test system
(1) Liquid penetrants shall preferably be used. Fluorescent
penetrants or fluorescent dye penetrants may be used.


The image quality indicators to DIN EN 462-1 shall be used.

B 3.4.1 Requirements for test frequencies, transducer (crystal) dimension and sound entry positions

B 3.4.2 Performance
B Test instructions
For the ultrasonic testing of
a) parts for which test instructions are required in Section B4,
b) parts with geometries the examination of which is not covered by Sections B 4 and B 5,
c) attachment welds
the details shall be laid down in test instructions.

KTA 3905 Page 31

B Setting of sensitivity (examination levels)

The sensitivity shall be set on the test object, on calibration
block no. 1 to DIN EN 12223 or on calibration block No. 2 to
DIN EN ISO 7963 or on equivalent reference blocks of the
same geometry by using suitable reference reflectors. Reference reflectors may be back walls, grooves and boreholes.
The reference block dimensions should not differ by more
than 10 % from the test piece dimensions.

B Adaptation of the probe to curved surfaces

0.5 mm

0.5 mm

The probe shall be centred in the probe index area. The distance between the probe base and the test surface should not
exceed 0.5 mm at any point. If required, the probe base of
angle probes shall be adapted accordingly (see Figure B-1).

Convex coupling

Figure B-1:

0.5 mm

0.5 mm

Probe base not adapted

or adapted concavely

Concave coupling
Probe base must be
adapted convexly

Adaptation of probe base to curved surfaces

be repaired or the products further usability shall be determined by agreement with the authorized inspector.

B 4.1.2 Ultrasonic testing

B Performance
Section B 3.4 applies to the performance of ultrasonic testing.

B Scanning positions and conditions and evaluation

for round bars
(1) The scanning positions for round bars are shown in Figure B-2.
(2) Straight beam scanning shall be effected in positions 1,
2 and 3. For round bars with a diameter d equal to or smaller
than 60 mm position 3 will suffice.

The scanning conditions shall be taken from Table B-1.

(4) Where, during straight beam or angle-bream scanning

recordable indications of reflectors are detected in the area of
lateral wall influence, they shall be verified by means of
straight-beam scanning with calibration on a flat bottom hole
(diameter 4 mm) with comparable sound path as the indication or by means of purposive angle-beam scanning. The performance of angle-beam scanning shall be laid down in a test
Where the area of lateral wall influence is omitted due to the
cutting into sections of the test object, this condition shall be
given priority and be examined anew by straight-beam scanning without lateral wall influence.
The results of all examinations shall be covered by the evaluation.

The evaluation shall be made in accordance with Table B-2.

B 4 Performance and evaluation of tests on ferritic

product forms
B 4.1 Bars
B 4.1.1 Examination of surfaces
B Performance
(1) The entire surface shall be tested in its finished condition. Magnetic particle testing shall preferably be used.
(2) Magnetic particle testing shall be performed in accordance with B 3.2.2. The evaluation shall be made during remagnetization.
(3) Liquid penetrant testing shall be performed in accordance with B 3.2.3.

Figure B-2:

B Evaluation of magnetic particle test and liquid penetrant test

B Scanning positions and conditions, evaluation for

rectangular or polygonal bars

(1) Indications which suggest the presence of crack-like defects are not permitted. Indications with a maximum extension
equal to or smaller than 1.5 mm detected by magnetic particle
testing and indications equal to or smaller than 3 mm detected by liquid penetrant testing shall not be included in the
evaluation. Indications proved to be non-metallic inclusions as
well as rounded indications up to an extension of 6 mm are


(2) The frequency of permissible indications shall be locally

limited to a number of 5 per square decimetre referred to the
entire surface area, but not exceeding 10 per square metre.
(3) In case of greater extension or frequency or in case of
systematically occurring discontinuities these locations shall

Scanning positions for round bars

The scanning positions are shown in Figure B-3.

(2) Straight beam scanning shall be effected in positions 1,

2 and 3, in the latter case, on three paths offset by 120 degrees (hexagonal bar) or on two paths offset by 90 degrees
(rectangular bar). For rectangular or polygonal bars with d
equal to or smaller than 60 mm position 3 will suffice.

The scanning conditions shall be taken from Table B-3.

(4) Where, during straight beam or angle-bream scanning

recordable indications of reflectors are detected in the area of
lateral wall influence, they shall be verified by means of
straight-beam scanning with calibration on a flat bottom hole
(diameter 4 mm) with comparable sound path as the indica-

KTA 3905 Page 32

tion or by means of purposive angle-beam scanning, the latter

being subject to agreement by the authorized inspector.
Where the area of lateral wall influence is omitted due to the
cutting into sections of the test object, this condition shall be
given priority and be examined anew by straight-beam scanning without lateral wall influence.
The results of all examinations shall be covered by the evaluation.

B Evaluation
The evaluation shall be made in accordance with Table B-2.


The evaluation shall be made in accordance with Table B-4.

Figure B-4:

Scanning positions for rough-turned stepped

bolts and trunnions (examples)

B 5 Performance and evaluation of tests on product

forms made of austenitic steels (rolled or forged
B 5.1 Examination of surfaces
(1) The entire surface shall be tested in its finished condition.
(2) The tests shall be performed in accordance with B 3.2.1
and B 3.2.3.

Figure B-3: Scanning positions for rectangular or polygonal bars

B 4.2 Bolts and trunnions
B 4.2.1 Examination of surfaces
Examination of surfaces shall be performed and evaluated in
accordance with B 4.1.1.

(3) The evaluation shall be made in accordance with


B 5.2 Ultrasonic testing

B 5.2.1 Extent and point in time of testing
The test shall be performed in a state of simple geometry
(with plane-parallel or cylindrical surfaces, pre-machined
where required) in which case the full volume shall be tested.

B 4.2.2 Ultrasonic testing

B Extent and point in time of testing

B 5.2.2 Determination of testability

The test shall be performed in a state of simple geometry

(with plane-parallel or cylindrical surfaces, pre-machined
where required) in which case the full volume shall be tested.
Edges with weld preparation, if any, shall be indicated for testing. When examining the weld edge areas the conditions of
testing prior to welding shall be considered.

(1) For the purpose of determining the test object testability

the back wall echoes shall be determined in a grid by straightbeam scanning in wall thickness direction. In areas of nonparallel or non-concentric walls reference echoes shall be
used for this test (e.g. bores available, edges or through

B Scanning conditions

(2) For the area with the largest determinable sound attenuation it shall be proved that the required recording levels can
be observed.

(1) The parts shall be tested such that each volumetric area
is tested from at least two scanning positions offset by approximately 90 degrees. If this cannot be done by straight
beam scanning, angle-beam scanning from two opposite directions shall be performed for each straight-beam scanning
(2) For rough-turned cylindrical non-stepped shafts and axles the scanning positions of B shall apply.
(3) Figure B-4 shows examples of rough-turned stepped
axles and shafts.
(4) Where the scanning conditions of subparas 2 and 3
cannot be applied (e.g. due to specific geometric conditions),
test instructions shall be established.

B 5.2.3 Scanning conditions

The specifications of Section B 4 shall apply to the scanning
conditions. The test frequencies shall normally range from
2 MHz to 4 MHz.

B 5.2.4 Performance and Evaluation

The performance and evaluation shall be made in accordance
with the specifications of Section B 4. If these criteria cannot
be complied with, separate specifications shall be laid down
with the authorized inspector.

KTA 3905 Page 33

B 6 Performance and evaluation of tests on ferritic welds

B 6.6 Ultrasonic testing of welds

B 6.1 General

B 6.6.1 Butt welds

The examination area shall include the weld metal and the
adjacent base metal on both sides over a width of
a) 10 mm on each side for wall thicknesses equal to or
smaller than 30 mm,
c) 20 mm on each side for wall thicknesses exceeding 30 mm.

(1) All butt welds shall be scanned from both sides for presence of longitudinal and of transverse defects. The scanning
positions are shown in Table B-5. The sensitivity adjustment
shall preferably be performed in accordance with the DGS
method. When the reference block method or the DAC method is used, the reference reflectors to Figure B-5 shall be
used for sensitivity adjustment.

Side view of the reference block

s 10

10 < s 15


B 6.3 Visual examination of welds

Wall thickness
or nominal wall
thickness of the
test object, mm

Ultrasonic testing of the weld junction areas shall be effected

in accordance with DIN EN 10160. The examined weld junction areas shall meet the requirements of quality class E4 of
DIN EN 10160, Table 5. The test shall be performed with the
recording level of circular disk reflector 3.

B 6.2 Ultrasonic testing of weld junction areas for plates under tensile loading in thickness direction

B 6.3.1 Performance


The visual examination shall be performed to DIN EN ISO


B 6.3.2 Evaluation

b = sj 10

5 b b 5

(1) Surface crack detection shall be performed in accordance with B 3.2.2 or B 3.2.3.
20 < s 40


sj 10


(1) Radiography shall be performed and evaluated in accordance with B 3.3.

(2) For the evaluation acceptance level 1 to DIN EN 12517-1

sj 10


s > 80

(3) In the case of larger dimensions or frequency or systematically occurring discontinuities these locations shall be repaired or decision shall be made by agreement with the authorized inspector on the acceptability of the component.

B 6.5 Radiography of welds

5 bbb 5

40 < s 80

5 bbbb 5

(2) The frequency of permissible indications may locally be

up to 3 per 100 mm weld length.

b b

B 6.4.2 Evaluation
(1) Indications which suggest the presence of crack-like defects are not permitted. Indications with a maximum extension
equal to or smaller than 1.5 mm detected by magnetic particle
testing and indications equal to or smaller than 3 mm detected by liquid penetrant testing shall not be included in the
evaluation. Indications proved to be non-metallic inclusions as
well as rounded indications up to an extension of 6 mm are


15 < s 20

B 6.4.1 Performance

(2) As far as practicable, magnetic particle testing shall be

performed. The evaluation shall be made during re-magnetization.


B 6.4 Examination of weld surfaces


Welds subject to dynamic loadings shall satisfy the requirements of quality level B and welds primarily subject to static
loadings shall satisfy the requirements of quality level C of
DIN EN ISO 5817.


sj 10

The length of the reference reflectors shall be at least the beam

width referred to a 20 dB echo amplitude decrease regarding
the maximum sound path to the reference reflector.

Figure B-5:

Reference blocks for sensitivity level adjustment when using the DAC method- or the reference block method

KTA 3905 Page 34

(2) The scanning conditions shall be taken from Table B-6.

For the examination of transverse defects, the beam angle shall
normally be selected such that the incident angle on defects
which are perpendicular to the surface is as small as possible.
(3) In the case of differing nominal wall thicknesses the greater nominal wall thickness shall govern the determination of the
number of beam angles and the smaller nominal wall thickness shall govern the determination of the recording level.
(4) The evaluation of longitudinal defects shall be made in
accordance with Tables B-7 and B-8.
(5) The recording level for the examination for transverse
defects shall be taken from Table B-7. Indications reaching or
exceeding the recording level are permitted only if they occur
individually or as spots and if they are not accompanied by
frequent indications up to 12 dB below the recording level.
(6) In the case of unacceptable indications it may be demonstrated by further examinations (e.g. by radiography, by telltale holes) that the use of the part or component is permitted.
(7) Where recordable echoes are classified as geometryrelated indications, control measurements to detect the cause
of indication shall be performed.

B 7 Performance and evaluation of tests on welds between austenitic steels

B 7.1 General
The examination area shall include the weld metal and the
adjacent base metal on both sides over a width of
a) 10 mm on each side for wall thicknesses equal to or
smaller than 30 mm,
c) 20 mm on each side for wall thicknesses exceeding 30 mm.

B 7.2 Ultrasonic testing of weld junction areas for plates under tensile loading in thickness direction
Ultrasonic testing of the weld junction areas shall be effected
in accordance with DIN EN 10307. The examined weld junction areas shall meet the requirements of quality class E4 of
DIN EN 10307, Table 5. The test shall be performed with the
recording level of circular disk reflector 3.

B 7.3 Visual examination of welds

B 7.3.1 Performance
The visual examination shall be performed to DIN EN ISO 17637.

(8) Where, by measurement of the projection distances on

the test piece, it shall be proved that the echoes recorded on
both sides of the weld are caused by the two faces of an unmachined weld root and not by weld defects, the exact projection distance shall be determined on reference reflectors. If
the locations of the reflections are found to be distinctly separate from each other, the indications are considered to be geometry-related. Where a distance of less than 3 mm is found,
the reflections shall not be treated as separate reflections.

Welds subject to dynamic loadings shall satisfy the requirements of quality level B and welds primarily subject to static
loadings shall satisfy the requirements of quality level C of
DIN EN ISO 5817.

(9) Indications due to geometric discontinuities shall be entered in the test reports with indication of location, position
and size.

The examination of surfaces shall be performed and evaluated in accordance with Section B 6.2 using liquid penetrant
testing to Section B 3.2.3.

B 6.6.2 Attachment welds

B 7.5 Radiography on welds

(1) The ultrasonic testing of attachment welds shall be performed to DIN EN ISO 17640 test class B.

(1) Radiography shall be performed and evaluated in accordance with B 3.3.

(2) For the evaluation acceptance level 2 to DIN EN ISO

11666 applies.

(2) For the evaluation the requirements of acceptance level 1

to DIN EN 12517-1 apply.

B 7.3.2 Evaluation

B 7.4 Examination of weld surfaces

Diameter d, in mm

Scanning positions

Nominal angle of refraction,


Frequency, MHz

30 < d 60

1 to 3

4 and 5


1 and 2

2 to 4

4 and 5


2 to 4

60 < d 120

d > 120

Table B-1: Scanning conditions for round bars

KTA 3905 Page 35

Scanning positions

1 and 2

60 < d 120 : 4
d > 120 : 6

d 60 : 3
60 < d 120 : 4
d > 120 : 6

Permissible excess of the echo amplitude

over the recording level, dB




Permissible half-amplitude length 1), mm


d, maximum 50


d 60 : 3
d > 60 : 5

Recording level (diameter of equivalent

flat bottom hole deq in mm)

Allowable frequency of indication per


4 and 5
3 2)

1) When evaluating the half-amplitude length of reflectors, the probe displacement at a signal amplitude drop of 6 dB to the maximum echo

height shall be determined.

2) In the case of contoured probes the distance amplitude correction method (DAC) shall apply; the recording level then is: the echo height of

the transverse bore with 3 mm diameter plus a sensitivity allowance of 6 dB.

Table B-2: Evaluation of ultrasonic test on round bars

Lateral dimension d
in mm

Scanning positions

Nominal angle of refraction,


Frequency, MHz

30 < d 60

1 and 2

2 to 4

4 and 5


2 to 4

d > 60

Table B-3: Scanning conditions for rectangular or polygonal bars

Scanning positions

1 and 2

4 and 5

60 < d 120: 4
d > 120: 6

d 60: 3
60 < d 120: 4
d > 120: 6

Permissible excess of echo amplitude

over the recording level, dB




Permissible half-amplitude length 1), mm


d, maximal 50


d 60 : 3
d > 60 : 5

Recording level (diameter of equivalent

flat bottom hole deq in mm)

Allowable frequency of indication per


1) When evaluating the half-amplitude length of reflectors, the probe displacement at a signal amplitude drop of 6 dB to the maximum echo

height shall be determined.

Table B-4: Evaluation of ultrasonic test on rectangular or polygonal bars

KTA 3905 Page 36

Accessibility for

Required surface condition of the weld

Pos. 1

From both sides of the weld

and from one surface at one
skip distance

From both sides of the weld

and from both surfaces at
skip distance

From one side of the weld

and from both surfaces at
one skip distance

From one side of the weld

and from one surface at
1 skip distances.
If s > 40 mm, second beam
angle at one skip distance.

Scanning positions

Pos. QF

Pos. 2


Test for longitudinal

Positions 1 and 2 at p 1)
Test for transverse
Position QF at p in the two
opposite directions on the
weld 2).
Test for longitudinal
Positions 1 up to 4 at p/2
Test for transverse
Position QF at p or QF
and QF at p/2, each in
the two opposite directions on the weld 2)

Outside and inside

machined flat

Test for longitudinal

Positions 1 and 2 at p
Test for transverse
Position QF at p or QF
and QF at p/2, each in
the two opposite directions on the weld

Outside and inside

machined flat

Test for longitudinal

Position 1 at 3/2 p
If s 20 mm position 1 using 60 degrees permitted.
If s > 40 mm position 1
with second angle at p
Test for transverse
Position QF at p in the two
opposite directions on the

p : skip distance
1) In the case of wall thicknesses > 40 mm, this shall only apply to the smaller beam angle, the evaluation up to P/2 shall be sufficient for

the large beam angle.

2) Where the examination for transverse defects is not possible on the weld, the examination may be performed at the base material sur-

face adjacent to the weld (in an acute angle as possible to the weld).

Table B-5: Scanning positions for butt welds

Nominal wall thickness

s in mm
Beam angle, general
Beam angle in direction of
curvature or in the case of
wall thickness transitions

s 20

20 < s 40

s > 40

70 degrees

60 degrees

45 degrees and 60 degrees

45 degrees up to 60 degrees

45 degrees up to 60 degrees

35 degrees up to 45 degrees
60 degrees up to 70 degrees

2 to 4

2 to 4

Frequency, MHz

Table B-6: Scanning conditions for butt welds

KTA 3905 Page 37

Reference reflector
Evaluation method
Recording level

Arc of calibration block no. 1 or no. 2 or cylindrical bore with a diameter of 3 mm or groove
with a depth of 1 mm
DGS or reference block or DAC method
8 s 15: 50 % echo amplitude of cylindrical bore or groove or circular disk reflector CDR 1.5
15 s 40: 50 % echo amplitude of cylindrical bore or circular disk reflector CDR 2
s > 40:
50 % echo amplitude of cylindrical bore or circular disk reflector CDR 3

Permissible excess over the

recording level
Permissible length of recordable indications

< 6 dB 1)

Permissible distances between recordable indications

For every two indications the distance of which is smaller than twice the length of the larger
indication, the indication distance shall be covered by the evaluation. In this connection, particularly the orientation of the indications in relation to each other and in the weld, their reflection behaviour from different scanning directions and the wall thickness shall be taken into
consideration. The following generally applies:
a) Indications of the same depth (dz < 2.5 mm) and the same width (dy < 5 mm) located in the
direction of welding shall have a distance from each other of at least the length of the
longer indication (dx L2). Otherwise, the indications are considered to be continuous.
Where more than two indications follow each other closely, they shall be compared to
each other in pairs and shall fulfil the above criteria.
b) Indications of the same width (dy < 5 mm) located in thickness direction shall have a distance dz at least exceeding half the length of the longer indication, but not less than 10 mm.

in accordance with Table B-8

c) Indication of the same depth (dz < 2.5 mm) located side by side shall have a distance dy of
at least 10 mm in the direction of width.






1) Per metre of weld an indication with a length 10 mm may exceed the recording level by up to 12 dB. When calculating the cumulative

length this indication shall be considered with 10 mm.

Table B-7: Evaluation of ultrasonic tests on butt welds

Nominal wall thickMaximum allowable length 1) of individual reflectors

ness s 1) in mm

Allowable cumulated length (sum of individual reflectors lengths) per reference length 2)

15 < s 40

25 mm, but s

1.5 s

40 < s 60

30 mm

1.5 s

60 < s 120

40 mm


s >120

50 mm


1) When evaluating the length of reflectors, the probe displacement at a signal amplitude drop of 6 dB to the maximum echo height shall be

determined (half-amplitude length).

2) The reference length is 6 x s.

Table B-8: Acceptance levels for the length of recordable indications detected by ultrasonic testing for longitudinal defects

KTA 3905 Seite 38

Annex C
Design of load attaching points and representation of the delimitation between load attaching point and
load for several examples
Load attaching point

Fig. C-1: Trunnion (as integral part of load)

Fig. C-2: Trunnion (bolted on)

Fig. C-3: Trunnion (welded on)

Fig. C-4: Lifting lug (bolted on)

KTA 3905 Page 39

Load attaching point

Fig. C-5: Eyelet (welded on)

Fig. C-6: Tie bar anchored in concrete

Fig. C-7: Lifting lug (under building regulation approved,

welded-on an anchor plate anchored in concrete)

Fig. C-8: Reinforcement bolt bushing anchored in concrete

KTA 3905 Page 40

Load attaching point

Fig. C-9: Fuel assembly head for PWR

Fig. C-10: Control rod spider for PWR

Fig. C-11: Fuel assembly head for BWR

Fig. C-12: Control rod head for BWR

KTA 3905 Page 41

Annex D
Examples for the classification of load attaching points



Additional requirements in
accordance with
Section 4.2

Increased requirements in
accordance with
Section 4.3

Reactor pressure vessel cover

Stud tensioner for reactor pressure vessel cover


Sluice gate for separate cask pool, sluice gate between reactor well and set-down area as well as
sluice gate between fuel element storage pool and
set-down area

Horizontal slab over reactor well and set-down area

Spent fuel shipping cask

Table D-1:



Examples for a PWR plant


Additional requirements in
accordance with
Section 4.2

Increased requirements in
accordance with
Section 4.3

Reactor pressure vessel cover

Stud tensioner for reactor pressure vessel cover


Shielding slab in reactor well

Sluice gate between fuel element storage pool and

set-down pool

Shipping cask for irradiated fuel elements

Container for radioactive waste, provided, it is handled in the storage pool area (e.g. mosaic and SABcontainer)

Table D-2:

Examples for a BWR plant


Component mass
> 200 kg

Handling in/over
open RPV
(RPV fuel assemblyloaded)



Have additional measures been taken by

which, in case of load attaching point failure,
damage to fuel assembly or other damage that
may lead to a criticality accident, can be safely




Section 4.3
"Increased requirements"

Component mass
> 80 kg

Handling within the plant building

Handling in/over
fuel pool

Handling in vicinity
of fuel assembly
storage pool





Restricted lifting
equipment travel
way or lifting height
(< 1,2 m)


In case of load attaching point failure,

max. allowable release to atmosphere
less than permitted by nuclear licence
and radiation exposure to individual
persons below limit values of Radiation
Protection Ordinance


Section 4.2
"Additional requirements"




Radiological exposure
per person due to load
attaching point failure

Handling in other
areas within plant

- external < 5 mSv

- internal < 1 mSv
Is release of radioactive
substances to be assumed due to
failure of load attaching point?




Can impairment of safetyrelevant components and a nonisolatable LOCA leak be

excluded ?


Section 3
"General provisions"


Handling on plant area

(outside plant buildings,
but within NPP
boundary fence)

1) The numerical values are based on experience and are guide values only. Attaching points shall be classified in due consideration of the actual conditions (inter alia location of use, component geometry) with-

in the nuclear licensing and supervisory procedure.

2) Attaching points shall be classified in due consideration of the actual conditions (inter alia location of use, frequency and duration of transport operations) within the nuclear licensing and supervisory proce-


Figure D-1:

Examples for procedural steps of classifying load attaching points

KTA 3905 Page 43

Annex E
Regulations and literature referred to in this Safety Standard
(The references exclusively refer to the version given in this annex. Quotations of regulations referred to therein
refer to the version available when the individual reference below was established or issued.)
Atomic Energy Act (AtG)

Act on the Peaceful Utilization of Atomic Energy and the Protection against its Hazards (Atomic
Energy Act) of December 23, 1959 (BGbl. I, p. 814) as Amended and Promulgated on July 15,
1985 (BGBl. I, p. 1565), last Amendment by article 5 para. 1 of the Law dated 24th February
2012 (BGbl. I, p. 212)


Ordinance on the Protection against Damage and Injuries Caused by Ionizing Radiation (Radiation Protection Ordinance) dated 20th July 2001 (BGBl. I 2001, No. 38, p. 1714), last
Amendment by article 5 para. 7 of the Law dated 24th February 2012 (BGbl. I, p. 212)

Safety Criteria

(1977-10) Safety criteria for nuclear power plants of 21 October 1977 (BAnz. No. 206 of November 3, 1977)

Design Basis
(1983-10) Guidelines for the assessment of the design of nuclear power plants with pressurized water
Accident Guidelines
reactors against design basis accidents as defined in Sec. 28, para. 3 StrlSchV (Design Basis
Accident Guidelines) of October 18, 1983 (Addendum to BAnz. No. 245 of December 31, 1983)
KTA 1202

(2009-11) Requirements for the testing manual

KTA 1401

(1996-06) General Requirements Regarding Quality Assurance

KTA 1404

(2001-06) Documentation during the Construction and Operation of Nuclear Power Plants

KTA 3201.2

(1996-06) Components of the Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary of Light Water Reactors;
Part 2: Design and analysis

KTA 3201.4

(2010-11) Components of the reactor coolant pressure boundary of light water reactors;
Part 4: In-service inspections and operational monitoring

KTA 3204

(2008-11) Reactor Pressure Vessel Internals

KTA 3604

(2005-11) Storaging, handling and on-site transportation of radioactive substances (other than fuel elements) in nuclear power plants

KTA 3902

(2012-11) Design of lifting equipment in nuclear power plants

DIN EN 462-1

(1994-03) Non-destructive testing; image quality of radiographs; Part 1: image quality indicators (wire
type); determination of image quality values; German version EN 462-1:1994

DIN EN 473

(2008-09) General principles for qualification and certification of NDT personnel; German version of EN

DIN EN 571-1

(1997-03) Non-destructive testing - Penetrant testing - Part 1: General principles; German version EN

DIN EN 818-4

(2008-12) Short link chain for lifting purposes Safety - Part 4: Chain slings - Grade 8; German ver-sion
EN 818-4:1996+A1:2008

DIN EN ISO 898-1

(2009-08) Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel - Part 1: Bolts, screws
and studs with specified property classes - Coarse thread and fine pitch thread
(ISO 898-1:2009); German version EN ISO 898-1:2009

DIN EN ISO 898-2

(2012-08) Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel - Part 2: Nuts with
specified property classes - Coarse thread and fine pitch thread (ISO 898-2:2012); German
version EN ISO 898-2:2012

DIN ISO 965-2

(1999-11) ISO general purpose metric screw threads - Tolerances - Part 2: Limits of sizes for general
purpose external and internal screw threads; medium quality (ISO 965-2:1998)

DIN EN 1435

(2002-09) Non-destructive examination of welds. Radiographic examination of welded joints; German

version of EN 1435:1997

DIN EN 1559-2

(2000-04) Founding - Technical conditions of delivery - Part 2: Additional requirements for steel cast-ings;
German version EN 1559-2:2000

DIN EN 1990

(2010-12) Eurocode: Basis of structural design; German version EN 1990:2002 + A1:2005 +


DIN EN 1990/NA

(2010-12) National Annex - Nationally determined parameters - Eurocode: Basis of structural design

DIN EN 1991-1-1

(2010-12) Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-1: General actions - Densities, self-weight, imposed
loads for buildings; German version EN 1991-1-1:2002 + AC:2009

DIN EN 1991-1-1/NA (2010-12) National Annex - Nationally determined parameters - Eurocode 1: Actions on structures Part 1-1: General actions - Densities, self-weight, imposed loads for buildings

KTA 3905 Page 44

DIN EN 1992-1-1

(2011-01) Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings;
German version EN 1992-1-1:2004 + AC:2010

DIN EN 1992-1-1/NA (2011-01) National Annex - Nationally determined parameters - Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures - Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings

(2002-01) Non-destructive testing - Penetrant testing and magnetic particle testing - Viewing conditions
(ISO 3059:2001); German version EN ISO 3059:2001


(2000-11) Fasteners - Acceptance inspection (ISO 3269:2000); German version EN ISO 3269:2000

DIN EN ISO 3452-2 (2006-11) Non-destructive testing - Penetrant testing - Part 2: Testing of penetrant materials (ISO 34522:2006); German version EN ISO 3452-2:2006
DIN EN ISO 3452-3 (1999-02) Non-destructive testing - Penetrant testing - Part 3: Reference test blocks (ISO 3452-3:1998);
German version EN ISO 3452-3:1998
DIN EN ISO 3506-1 (2010-04) Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners - Part 1: Bolts, screws and
studs (ISO 3506-1:2009); German version EN ISO 3506-1:2009
DIN EN ISO 3506-2 (2010-04) Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners - Part 2: Nuts (ISO 35062:2009); German version EN ISO 3506-2:2009
DIN EN ISO 3651-2 (1998-08) Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of stainless steels - Part 2: Ferritic, austenitic and ferritic-austenitic (duplex) stainless steels - Corrosion test in media contain-ing sulphuric acid (ISO 3651-2:1998); German version EN ISO 3651-2:1998

(2010-07) Geometrical product specification (GPS). Surface texture: Profile method. Terms, definitions
and surface texture parameters. (ISO 4287:1997); German version of EN ISO 4287:1998


(2006-10) Welding - Fusion-welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys (beam welding excluded) - Quality levels for imperfections (ISO 5817:2003 + Cor. 1:2006); German version EN ISO
5817:2007 (Corrigendum 2007-10)

DIN EN ISO 6157-2 (2004-10) Fasteners - Surface discontinuities - Part 2: Nuts (ISO 6157-2:1995); German version EN ISO
DIN EN ISO 6892-1 (2009-12) Metallic materials - Tensile testing - Part 1: Method of test at room temperature (ISO 68921:2009); German version EN ISO 6892-1:2009

(2010-12) Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic testing - Specification for calibration block No. 2 (ISO
7963:2006); German version EN ISO 7963:2010

DIN EN ISO 9934-1 (2002-03) Non-destructive testing - Magnetic particle testing - Part 1: General principles (ISO 99341:2001); German version EN ISO 9934-1:2001
DIN EN ISO 9934-2 (2003-03) Non-destructive testing - Magnetic particle testing - Part 2: Detection media (ISO 9934-2:2002);
German version EN ISO 9934-2:2002
DIN EN ISO 9934-3 (2002-10) Non-destructive testing - Magnetic particle testing - Part 3: Equipment (ISO 9934-3:2002);
German version EN ISO 9934-3:2002
DIN EN 10025-1

(2005-02) Hot rolled products of structural steels - Part 1: General technical delivery conditions; Ger-man
version EN 10025-1:2004

DIN EN 10025-2

(2005-04) Hot rolled products of structural steels - Part 2: Technical delivery conditions for non-alloy structural steels; German version EN 10025-2:2004

DIN EN 10028-7

(2008-02) Flat products made of steels for pressure purposes - Part 7: Stainless steels; German version
EN 10028-7:2007

DIN EN 10083-1

(2006-10) Steels for quenching and tempering - Part 1: General technical delivery conditions; German
version EN 10083-1:2006

DIN EN 10083-2

(2006-10) Steels for quenching and tempering - Part 2: Technical delivery conditions for non alloy steels;
German version EN 10083-2:2006

DIN EN 10083-3

(2007-01) Steels for quenching and tempering - Part 3: Technical delivery conditions for alloy steels;
German version EN 10083-3:2006 (Corrigendum 2009-01)

DIN EN 10088-2

(2005-09) Stainless steels - Part 2: Technical delivery conditions for sheet/plate and strip of corrosion
resisting steels for general purposes; German version EN 10088-2:2005

DIN EN 10088-3

(2005-09) Stainless steels - Part 3: Technical delivery conditions for semi-finished products, bars, rods,
wire, sections and bright products of corrosion resisting steels for general purposes; German
version EN 10088-3:2005

DIN EN 10160

(1999-09) Ultrasonic testing of steel flat product of thickness equal to or greater than 6 mm (reflection
method); German version EN 10160:1999

DIN EN 10164

(2005-03) Steel products with improved deformation properties perpendicular to the surface of the product
- Technical delivery conditions; German version EN 10164:2004

KTA 3905 Page 45

DIN EN 10204

(1995-08) Metallic products - Types of inspection documents (includes Amendment A1:1995); German
version EN 10204:1991 + A1:1995

DIN EN 10204

(2005-01) Metallic products - Types of inspection documents; German version EN 10204:2004

DIN EN 10210-1

(2006-07) Hot finished structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain steels - Part 1: Technical delivery conditions; German version EN 10210-1:2006

DIN EN 10213

(2008-01) Steel castings for pressure purposes; German version EN 10213:2007 (Corrigendum 2008-11)

DIN EN 10216-1

(2004-07) Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part 1: Non-alloy
steel tubes with specified room temperature properties; German version EN 10216-1:2002 +

DIN EN 10216-5

(2004-11) Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part 5: Stainless
steel tubes; German version EN 10216-5:2004

DIN EN 10217-1

(2005-04) Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part 1: Non-alloy
steel tubes with specified room temperature properties; German version EN 10217-1:2002 +

DIN EN 10217-7

(2005-05) Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part 7: Stainless
steel tubes; German version EN 10217-7:2005

DIN EN 10222-1

(2002-07) Steel forgings for pressure purposes - Part 1: General requirements for open die forgings (includes Amendment A1:2002); German version EN 10222-1:1998 + A1:2002

DIN EN 10222-4

(2001-12) Steel forgings for pressure purposes - Part 4: Weldable fine grain steels with high proof
strength (includes Amendment A1:2001); German version EN 10222-4:1998 + A1:2001

DIN EN 10222-5

(2000-02) Steel forgings for pressure purposes - Part 5: Martensitic, austenitic and austenitic-ferritic stainless steels; German version EN 10222-5:1999

DIN EN 10250-1

(1999-12) Open die steel forgings for general engineering purposes - Part 1: General requirements; German version EN 10250-1:1999

DIN EN 10250-2

(1999-12) Open die steel forgings for general engineering purposes - Part 2: Non-alloy quality and special
steels; German version EN 10250-2:1999

DIN EN 10250-4

(2000-02) Open die steel forgings for general engineering purposes - Part 4: Stainless steels; German
version EN 10250-4:1999 / Correction 2008-12

DIN EN 10269

(2006-07) Steels and nickel alloys for fasteners with specified elevated and/or low temperature properties;
German version EN 10269:1999 + A1:2006 (Corrections 2006-10, 2007-02 and 2009-05)

DIN EN 10272

(2008-01) Stainless steel bars for pressure purposes; German version EN 10272:2007

DIN EN 10307

(2002-03) Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic testing of austenitic and austenitic-ferritic stainless steels
flat products of thickness equal to or greater than 6 mm (reflection method); German version
EN 10307:2001

DIN EN ISO 11666 (2011-04) Non-destructive testing of welds - Ultrasonic testing - Acceptance levels (ISO 11666:2010);
German version EN ISO 11666:2010
DIN EN 12223

(2000-01) Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic examination - Specification for calibration block No. 1;
German version EN 12223:1999

DIN EN 12517-1

(2006-06) Non-destructive testing of welds - Part 1: Evaluation of welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium
and their alloys by radiography - Acceptance levels; German version EN 12517-1:2006

DIN EN 13018

(2001-07) Non-destructive testing - Visual testing - General principles; German version EN 13018:2001

DIN EN 13414-2

(2009-02) Steel wire rope slings - Safety - Part 2: Specification for information for use and maintenance to
be provided by the manufacturer; German version EN 13414-2:2003+A2:2008

DIN EN 13414-3

(2009-02) Steel wire rope slings - Safety - Part 3: Grommets and cable-laid slings; German version EN

DIN 15018-1

(1984-11) Cranes; Steel structures; Verification and analyses

DIN 15018-2

(1984-11) Cranes; Steel structures; Principles of design and construction

DIN EN ISO 15614-1 (2012-06) Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials - Welding procedure
test - Part 1: Arc and gas welding of steels and arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys
(ISO 15614-1:2004 + Amd. 1:2008 + Amd. 2:2012); German version EN ISO 15614-1:2004 +
A1:2008 + A2:2012
DIN EN ISO 17640 (2011-04) Non-destructive testing of welds - Ultrasonic testing - Techniques, testing levels, and assessment (ISO 17640:2010); German version EN ISO 17640:2010
DIN 18800-7

(2008-11) Steel structures - Part 7: Execution and constructor's qualification

DIN 25449

(2008-02) Reinforced and pre-stressed concrete components in nuclear facilities - Safety concept, actions, design and construction

KTA 3905 Page 46

DIN EN 26157-1

(1991-12) Fasteners; surface discontinuities; bolts, screws and studs subject to general requirements
(ISO 6157-1:1988); German version EN 26157-1:1991

DIN EN 26157-3

(1991-12) Fasteners; surface discontinuities; bolts, screws and studs subject to special requirements
(ISO 6157-3:1988); German version EN 26157-3:1991

SEW 400

(1997-02) Stainless rolling and forging steels

SEW 550

(1976-08) Steels for larger forgings, quality regulations

VDI 2230 Blatt 1

(2003-02) Systematic calculation of high duty bolted joints - Joints with one cylindrical bolt

VdTV MB 1153

(2009-01) Guidelines for the testing, monitoring and certification of welding filler materials

VdTV MB 1253/1

Materials; List of material manufacturers recognized by the German technical inspection agency (TV)
(the latest edition of this VdTV instruction sheet shall be used)

VdTV MB 1253/4

List of bolts, screws, studs, and nuts manufacturers (or processing firms) recognized by the
German technical inspection agency (TV)
(the latest edition of this VdTV instruction sheet shall be used)



Standard Specification for Zirconium and Zirconium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate for Nuclear

ASTM E8/E8M-11


Standard Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials

ASTM G2/G2M-06


Standard Test Method for Corrosion Testing of Products of Zirconium, Hafnium, and Their Alloys in Water at 680 F [360 C] or in Steam at 750 F [400 C]


(2012-11) Guidelines for the design of cover systems and load attaching systems of transport containers
for radioactive substances


Niemann, G. et al.
Maschinenelemente Band 1: Konstruktion und Berechnung von Verbindungen, Lagern, Wellen; Springer Verlag
Berlin/Gttingen/Heidelberg 2005, 4. Auflage
(Machine Elements. Vol. 1: Design and analysis of connections, bearings, shafts; Springer Verlag, Berlin/Gttingen/Heidelberg 2005, 4th edition)


Hhnchen, R.
Dauerfestigkeit fr Stahl- und Gueisen, Carl Hanser Verlag, Mnchen 1963
(Endurance Strength for Steel and Cast Iron, Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich 1963)


Decker, K.-H.
Maschinenelemente, Carl Hanser Verlag, Mnchen 1982
(Machine Elements, Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich 1982)


Leitfaden fr eine Betriebsfestigkeitsberechnung; Empfehlung zur Lebensdauerabschtzung von Maschinenbauteilen, 4. Auflage, 1999, Herausgegeben vom Verein zur Frderung der Forschung und und der Anwendung von
Betriebsfestigkeitskenntnissen in der Eisenhttenindustrie (VBFEh) im Stahlinstitut VDEh
(Guidelines for service life strength calculation; recommendations for service life evaluation of machine parts.
4th edition 1999; published by the Association for promoting research and for the application of knowledge of
service life strength in the iron and steel industry


DIN-Fachbericht Berechnungsgrundstze fr Hebezeuge, 1. Auflage 1982, DIN-Fachbericht 1982, Herausgegeben vom Normenausschuss Maschinenbau, Fachbereich Frdertechnik im DIN
(DIN technical report Calculation Principles for Lifting Equipment, 1st edition 1982, published by the DIN standardisation committee engineering, technical section conveyor technology)


Bork, C.-P., Hackbarth, A., Wohler, H.

Schwingfestigkeitsuntersuchungen an geschweiten Proben aus austenitischen Sthlen im Hinblick auf
Lastanschlagpunkte in Kernkraftwerken, Bundesanstalt fr Materialforschung und -prfung, Berlin, Januar 1993
(auch verffentlicht als Bandnummer BMU-1993-385 in der Schriftenreihe Reaktorsicherheit und Strahlenschutz des Bundesministeriums fr Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit)
(Endurance Strength Tests on Welded Test Specimens made of Austenitic Steels with Regard to Load Attaching
Points in Nuclear Power Plants, Federal Institute for Material Research and Testing, Berlin, January 1993)
(also published as Vol. BMU-1993-385 of the series : Reactor safety and Radiation Protection by the Federal
Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety)


Bork, C.-P., Ernsberger M.

Schwingfestigkeitsuntersuchungen an geschweiten Proben aus austenitischen Sthlen in Kernkraftwerken zur
Festlegung von Kennwerten im Regelwerk, Bundesanstalt fr Materialforschung und -prfung, Berlin, Mrz 2003
(Endurance strength tests an welded specimens from austenitic steels in nuclear power plants for the purpose of
determining strength values in technical rules and standards, Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Berlin, March 2003)

KTA 3905 Page 47

Annex F (informative)
Changes with respect to the edition 1999-06 and explanations

(1) The requirements of KTA 3905 are still based on the

standard series DIN 15018, as the European standards intended to form the design basis will have to be established
and introduced as an integral standard series with the status
of harmonized standards.
(2) Sub-section 1 of the Section Fundamentals was
adapted to the formulation uniformly used in all KTA Safety
Standards, sub-section 2 was revised editorially and subsection 5 was put more precisely with respect to the requirements for quality assurance.
(3) The criteria of Sections 4.2 and 4.3 regarding the necessity of additional and increased requirements were put more
precisely in the text of this standard and by inclusion of a
classification system in Annex D.
(4) The requirements for analytical and structural design
(Section 5) were changed as follows:
a) In clause 5.1.2, and in connection with the changes in
clause 5.1.3, a differentiation as to the number of stress
cycles was made at which an analysis for cyclic operation
is to be performed. For other components of load attaching points the values available for steel components to
DIN 15018-1 on which experience made with the stress
evaluation based on nominal stresses and with the materials to Table 8 and section 6.4 of DIN 15018-1 is based,
cannot be used to form the basis of analysis. Therefore,
the number of operational load cycles which require
analysis for cyclic operation, were left unchanged in due
consideration of the new value of ka determined in
clause 5.1.3. In this connection it was made clear that
the number of stress cycles has to be determined in accordance with clause 5.1.3. It was additionally pointed out
that the stresses are to be evaluated to meet specific requirements if a stress evaluation on the basis of nominal
stresses is not purposeful, and the requirements for bolted
joints were added which after disassembly have to be reassembled.
b) The value Ka = 3 to be used as per 5.1.3 was determined
on the basis of available operating experience made and
values measured with a view to the analysis based on a
single-step damage-equivalent stress collective. Here it
was taken into account that due to comparative calculations and measured values lower dynamic loadings occur
per load cycle than assumed up to now with Ka = 10 .
c) It was pointed out that, when the maximum hoist speed is
known, the live load factor resulting from the respective
lifting class to DIN 15018-1 may be used instead of the
live load factor as per clause 5.1.3.
d) For structural steel components made of the austenitic
steels 1.4541, 1.4306 and 1.4571 to DIN EN 10088-2 or
DIN EN 10088-3 requirements for the general stress analysis and analysis for cyclic operation were included. The
allowable stresses prescribed here were derived from experimental analyses performed by the Federal Institute for
Materials Research and Testing (BAM) on behalf of the
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation
and Nuclear Safety.
e) A new requirement was included to permit that the analytical proof of cyclic operation and endurance limit may be
performed basing on Annex C of KTA 3902 (derived from
DIN 15018-1, Tables 14 and 17) and on Annex D of KTA
3902 (based on experiments performed by Bundesanstalt
fr Materialforschung und -prfung/BAM) if the operating
conditions are exactly known.

f) New text was included to require that the ergonomic requirements of KTA 3902, Section 4.7, are to be met in
conjunction with the load suspending device.
g) The requirements as to the design of welded-on load attaching points were put more precisely.
h) The requirements regarding load application into structural
concrete components in Section 5.5 were updated in due
consideration of the valid standards.
i) Section 5.7 was supplemented to cover requirements regarding the proof of the specific load case load shifting.
These requirements meet the specified allowable stresses
laid down by KTA 3204 for loading level D and ensure the
hold function of the load attaching point by limiting plastic
j) In the new Section 5.8 rules for analytical proofs using the
finite element method (FEM) were taken over.
(5) Section 6 Materials was
a) supplemented to include requirements for the manufacture
of materials and for welding consumables,
b) adapted to the current state of standards,
c) supplemented to include rules for the application of DIN
EN 10204, edition 2005-01, which make the use of test
certificates possible to both the new edition, (2005-01 3.2/3.1) and the former edition (1995-08 - 3.1.C/3.1.B),
d) supplemented to cover requirements for the use of bolted
joints and metallic corrosion-protection coatings which correspond to the specifications of DIN 18800-1 (2008-11)
and DIN 18800-7 (2008-11).
Clause 6.2.1, Section 8.1, Table 8-1, item k), Table 9-1, item 1),
Table 10-1, item 1c) further refer to the standard DIN 18800-7
withdrawn in 2012-02, since the new European standards
introduced under the building regulations have not yet been
transposed by the manufacturers and a period of co-existence
will prevail by 1st July 2014 as regards the national standards
(among others DIN 18800-7) and the standard series EN 1090.
(6) In Section 7 Design approval the following changes
were made:
a) Requirements regarding the cover sheet were included.
b) Requirements for joints with pre-tensioned bolts were included which have to be re-assembled upon disassembly
to meet design requirements.
c) Requirements for test instructions were included which are
required for final, acceptance and periodic inspections.
(7) In Section 8 Final inspection the following changes
were made:
a) Analogous to the stipulations in other KTA Safety Standards
requirements regarding manufacture were taken over.
b) The welders and welding procedure qualifications laid
down in Section were taken over in Section 8.1
and revise to meet current requirements.
c) The stipulations in Table 8-1 for ultrasonic and radiographic
testing of butt welds were adapted to the requirements of
Tables B-5 and B-6 with respect to wall thickness limitations.
In addition, the formulation found at several locations For
all wall thicknesses of austenitic butt welds radiography
shall be used unless a clear test result can be obtained by
ultrasonic testing was replaced by the formulation For all
wall thicknesses of austenitic butt welds radiography shall
be used, since volumetric ultrasonic examinations of austenitic welds do not represent the state-of-the-art.

KTA 3905 Page 48

(8) Section 10 Periodic inspections was changed as follows:

a) The specification of test intervals for load attaching points
not used for a long period of time was transferred from
clause 10.1.1 to clause 10.1.3.
b) The first two sub-clauses of clause 10.1.3 were deleted
since all requirements are laid down in Table 10-1 and
reference to this table will suffice. In addition, the text was
put more precisely.
c) Clause 10.1.4 was renamed to Performance of tests and
inspections and supplemented to include visual examinations for condition monitoring.
d) The requirements in Table 10-1 were changed as follows:
da) The column headlines were put more precisely. As a
consequence, footnote 1 could be deleted.
db) As regards the requirements in ser. no. 1a), 1g), 2a)
and 3a) the term cracks was deleted since here no
selected visual examination to Annex B is meant. In
connection with the supplements made in Section
10.1.4 it is considered sufficient to mention condition
monitoring in this table.
dc) Under item 1d) requirements for bolted joints were
added which upon disassembly have to be reassembled.
dd) The examination as per item 1e) was limited to load
attaching points (LAP) used within nuclear power
plants, which are also subject to traffic regulations.
For these load attaching points the examination is further considered necessary due to the specific loadings. In the case of load attaching points on loads only
used within nuclear power plants this examination was
replaced by a more informative examination of condition upon dismantling of the LAP as per item 1g)
which was supplemented to read that the examination
for deformations is to be performed e.g. by means of a
check as per item 1e).
de) In connection with the new footnote 2 the inspection
intervals for items 1f), 2c) and 3d) may be extended
from 3 to 6 years under certain circumstances. Extension of the inspection interval is only possible if it is
proved by calculation that for the respective components utilization reserves of more than 50 % are available for the intended service life. With this requirement the test and inspection requirements for load attaching points are brought into correspondence with
the in-service inspections for load suspending devices.
(9) The material test sheets in Annex A were completely
revised to adapt to the current state of standards. In many
material test sheets the requirements for non-destructive testing were put more precisely. In addition, the material test
sheets (WPB) were extended to cover several materials not
contained up to now, but frequently used. WPB 11 for austenitic cast steel was deleted as no applications are known. The
numbering of the subsequent WPBs was maintained for reasons of traceability. In WPB 12 the bolts of property class 6.8
and nuts of property class 6 were deleted since their use in
structural steel construction is no more permitted by DIN EN
(10) Annex B Non-destructive testing was completely revised in due consideration of the current state of standards to
ensure uniform rules for the performance and evaluation of
the tests and inspections. Here care was taken to ensure that
uniform terms are used. In its essentials, the following changes were made:
a) In Sections B 2, B 3.1 and B 3.2 the requirements were
adapted by uniform formulations as regards other KTA
Safety Standards (e.g. KTA 3211.1, KTA 3211.3) to the
current state of nuclear rules.

b) In Sections B 3.1, B 6.3 and B 7.3 new requirements for

visual examinations were added.
c) In Section B the formulation as regards the necessity of test instructions was revised due to changes made
in other Sections of Annex B.
d) Up to now no stipulations regarding the occurrence of systematic defects had been laid down. In Section B,
sub-clause 3 a respective requirement was included.
e) The requirements in Sections B 5.2.2 (new), B 5.2.3 and
B 5.2.4 as well as in the related Tables were changed and
supplemented such that ultrasonic testing on austenitic
product forms is also covered. For austenitic product
forms not only straight-beam scanning, but also anglebeam scanning is required to correspond to the state-ofthe-art.
f) The ultrasonic testing of butt welds within manufacturing
was supplemented to cover an examination for transverse
defects (Section B 6.6.1) thus improving the reliability of
the test results. In sub-clauses 6 and 9 of Section B 6.6.1
the requirements were put more precisely on the basis of
the stipulations laid down in KTA 3201.3 (2007-11). In
sub-clause 8 it was laid down that during ultrasonic testing
two adjacent indications are to be considered one indication if their distance is less than 3 mm (formerly: less than
2 mm). This regulation corresponds to the state-of-the-art.
The former sub-clause 10 of this Section (in the wording of
1999-06) was deleted since this requirement is no more
necessary due to the changes made in sub-clause 6.
g) At several locations in Annex B the figures were put more
precisely and supplemented and the test conditions put
more precisely in due consideration of the current standards and quality levels.
(11) In Annex C its was pointed out that not only the delimitation between load attaching point and load, but also examples
for the design of load attaching points are concerned. The
representation in Figures C-4 to C-8 was put more precisely.
(12) Annex D was supplemented to include a classification
scheme representing classification principles that have
proved to be effective in practice when applying KTA 3905.
The criteria for this classification scheme are justified as follows:
a) The evaluation of radiological exposure is based on the
limit values as per 46 and 47 of the Radiation Protection Ordinance (StrlSchV). Limit values of the Radiation
Protection Ordinance may also be exceeded without or in
case of slight release of activity (e.g. if a shielding is damaged and therefore direct radiation is increased). Whether
the activity release is sufficiently less than the limit values
can only be determined in each individual case for the respective number of occurrences of activity release. Where
activity is released on prescribed paths (release paths) it
can be assumed that the activity release values are sufficiently less than the limit values if the permitted limit values are observed.
The classification criteria contained in the classification
scheme were determined on the basis of the danger potential arising from failure of a load attaching point used in
nuclear power plants. In this respect, the limit values for
admissible radiation exposure in case of load attaching
point failure laid down in this standard more precisely than
those in the edition 1999-06 and the examples included in
Annex D for classifying load attaching points were formulated on the basis of experience with licencing and supervising procedures in nuclear power plants. Within the procedure of revising KTA 3905 it was not discussed whether
and under which conditions the criteria laid down in KTA
3905 regarding the design as per Section 4.2 or per Section 4.3 can be transferred to nuclear facilities outside the
scope of KTA 3905, e.g. to fuel element intermediate stor-

KTA 3905 Page 49

age plants and to the respective danger potential in these

facilities in case of load attaching point failure.
The requirements for the design of lifting equipment in fuel element intermediate storage plants are laid down in the Guidelines for dry intermediate storage of radiated fuel elements and
heat-generating radioactive waste in casks. These guidelines
prescribe, inter alia, that design to increased requirements can
be waived if it is proved that in the case of fuel handling accidents, e.g. upon fall of a cask, the accident planning reference
levels of 49 or 50 in conjunction with 117, section 16 of the
Radiation Protection Ordinance are adhered to and the structure is designed to withstand consequential damage.

b) When classification is made with respect to the maximum

allowable activity releases to the environment, it shall be
based on both the permitted short-term values (releases
per day) and the long-term values (per year, during 180
successive days, etc.) laid down in the license by the licensing and supervising authorities.
c) The value shown for the radiological exposure of personnel was laid down in conformance with the yearly limit val-

ue of category B laid down in the Radiation Protection Ordinance for radiation-exposed persons as it cannot be excluded that radiation-exposed persons of category B are
present in the vicinity of lifting equipment.
d) The value of 200 kg for component masses was chosen in
conformance with criteria E 2.4.1 of the Ordinance on the
Nuclear Safety Officer and the Reporting of Incidents and
other Events (ATSMV) and in Annex 1 (edition 2004-12) to
the notification of the Federal Ministry for the Environment
(BMU) dated 13th May 1993 (RS I 5-14009) Reporting of
events liable to report in plants used for the fission of nuclear materials which contains explanations to the term
heavy load used under criteria E 2.4.1.
In Table D-2 the example mobile auxiliary platform was deleted as these load attaching points cannot be uniformly classified due to varying boundary conditions.
(13) The former Annexes E and F were replaced by references
to the respective stipulations in KTA 3902 thus ensuring that
the same procedure is applied over the total load path.

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