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Approaches To Cultural Diversity: Manual

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Approaches to Cultural Diversity


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materials for the term that you are studying the module.
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study of this module, please ensure that you have the correct version code
by checking on the Order Course Materials page of the Current
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your online class space.

Australian College of Applied Psychology
Developed and produced by the Australian College of Applied Psychology
Level 5, 11 York Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted
in any form or by means electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise
without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Copyrighted materials reproduced herein are used under the provision of the
Copyright Amendment Act (1989)
Readings indicated in this work have been copied under section VB of the Copyright
Amendment Act 1989, for private study only by students.


Approaches to Cultural Diversity

Introduction to the Module

Module overview
This module is a core unit and presents an in-depth study of the field of cultural diversity
management. Students explore the context of global and local diversity and its impact on
industry, the workplace, management, and society. How to effectively work within and
manage situations characterised by diverse cultural, ethnic and linguistic backgrounds is
studied and explored. Students are taught a range of skills for the effective and ethical
management of diversity and to participate effectively in organisations characterised by
cultural and ethnic diversity. The module analyses the potential benefits to organisations
and society through the effective management of cultural diversity.

Module objectives
By the conclusion of this module, you should be able to:

define and discuss key terminology related to cultural diversity

identify and describe legislative, socio-cultural and other environmental issues

associated with managing organisations characterised by ethnic and cultural

describe the characteristics, qualities, and opportunities offered by organisations

employing ethnically and culturally diverse people

describe the contribution of people with ethnic and culturally diverse backgrounds
in a range of contexts

identify strategies and actions to assess and manage potential organisational

problems associated with ethnic and cultural diversity

develop and apply strategies for managing intercultural communication

develop and apply strategies to manage customer service in culturally diverse


There is no set textbook for this module.

Studying for this module

The content of this module has been designed to maximise the learning and the
integration of the subject matter. Some of the module material may be specific to the
Australian context. Students are encouraged to access additional information relevant to
their local area that will assist in applying the learning. This may include specific
legislation, professional associations and locally published journals. It is important that
your learning is broad-based. Accessing local resources that build on what is contained
in this module will greatly assist your learning.
Module Overview

Approaches to Cultural Diversity

In studying this module, you will need a notebook for completing the activities and selfassessment in each section. Within your notebook, you may like to set aside space for:

completing a glossary of new terminology introduced in this module

personal notes on module content and readings

In general, students are expected to:

read each section of the module carefully and make notes on anything which is
new, vague, tentative or in conflict with your knowledge or experience

complete each activity fully and honestly before moving on

complete readings of the textbook, making notes of important insights or facts

There may be periodic suggestions or issues on which you are asked to deliberate and
reflect. Sometimes these are dilemmas or difficult issues associated with the study topic.
These have no obvious right or wrong answers.

Appropriate activities are set throughout the module to give opportunities for further
learning. They are designed to help you think through and practise the specific skills and
general concepts presented in this module. They do not need to be sent to the module
educator for marking. However, valuable learning opportunities may be missed by not
completing the activities.

The manual directs you to readings that are found in the Readings Pack. These readings
are selected from journals and books that provide additional information or a different
perspective on topics covered in each section. They are from a range of authorities and
expand the content of this module.

There are self-assessment questions at the end of each section to test your understanding
of the sections content. Try to recall the answers to these questions unaided. Write
down what you remember, before going back to review the relevant material in the
section. Some of the questions will require more than simple recall. Some will require
bringing together separate issues or different pieces of information. Real learning is not
just remembering what was read. It involves making this knowledge your own by:

reflecting on it

questioning it

relating it to personal experiences

restating it in your own words

Module Overview

Approaches to Cultural Diversity

The assignments for this module are carefully set so they develop from and support the
key concepts and skills of the module.

Reference list
The reference list for this module is located at the end pages of the manual.

Module Overview

Approaches to Cultural Diversity

Section 1:

Definitions and Historical Perspectives of Cultural Diversity

Section 2:

Socio-Cultural Theories

Section 3:

Cultural Identity: Formation and Change

Section 4:

Valuing Commonalities and Diversity

Section 5:

Inclusion and Exclusion from a Cultural Perspective

Section 6:

Cross-Cultural Communication and Language

Section 7:

Issues and Opportunities for the Individual

Section 8:

Issues and Opportunities for the Workplace

Section 9:

Working with Indigenous Australians

Section 10: Working with Diversity in Counselling Settings

Section 11: Services and Resources for Working with Diversity

Section 12: Case Studies

Module Overview

Approaches to Cultural Diversity

Assignment Requirements
Ensure you keep a copy of all material submitted. This includes audiovisual recordings.

Assignment Type

Word Count

Week Due

Case Study



Academic Essay




Module Overview

Approaches to Cultural Diversity

Assignment 1
Assignment Type


Word Count

Week Due



Case Study

Interview two different people from two different cultural backgrounds and write a case
study exploring the similarities and differences in how culture has impacted on their
Please ensure that you seek informed consent from your practise partner/interviewee by
using a Client/Interviewee Consent Form, which can be found in A-Z forms at the
Current Students part of the ACAP website. This form must be handed in to your
educator along with your assignment. All clients/interviewees must be 18 years or
older. We highly recommend that you do not role play with your own child (no matter
what their age) as we have found that there are usually boundary issues which tend to
make the role play unsuccessful.
Your case study should include:

background information on each interviewee

a description of each interviewees perspective on culture

a description of how culture impacts on the life experience and belief system of
each interviewee

a description of how culture impacts on each interviewees interactions with others

a summary of each interviewees suggestions for lessening the impact of cultural

divides that may occur

a discussion of the similarities and differences between the cultural experiences of

the interviewees

reference to relevant literature, linking your ideas to theory discussed in the module

Module Overview

Approaches to Cultural Diversity


Very good



Not Satisfactory

Marking Criteria Case Study


Background information on each interviewee provided


Each interviewees perspective on culture described


Impact of culture on the life experience and belief system

of each interviewee described


Impact of culture on each interviewees interaction with

others described


Interviewees suggestions for lessening the impact of

cultural divides that may occur described


Similarities and differences between the cultural

experiences of the interviewees discussed


Evidence of familiarity with relevant literature and theory


Appropriate introduction provided that clearly articulates

the topic


Main ideas clearly and logically presented

10. Appropriate conclusion provided that summarises the key

11. Relevant literature used properly



/ 85



Written Expression
12. Third person writing style used
13. Fluent writing style used with correct spelling, grammar and
14. Presentation guidelines followed as specified in the Academic Skills
15. Word count within 10% of requirement
16. In-text referencing guidelines followed as specified in the Academic
Skills Guide, and if not covered in the ASG then by the APA
convention (6th edition)
17. List of references provided as outlined in the Academic Skills Guide,
and if not covered by the ASG then by the APA convention (6th

Module Overview

/ 15

Approaches to Cultural Diversity

Total Mark:


Weighted Scale:

/ 50


Module Overview

Approaches to Cultural Diversity

Assignment 2
Assignment Type
Academic Essay


Word Count

Week Due




Choose one of the topics below and write an essay discussing the issue.
1. Indigenous culture in Australia has been systematically broken down since white
2. Cultural diversity is a concept that cannot be delivered upon.
3. Our worldviews affect how we behave, experience our world, and interact with our
social networks.
4. The policies related to refugees in Australia are in themselves discriminatory.
5. Managing a wide range of cultural diversity in the workplace is challenging but not
6. Globalisation will result in culture becoming homogenous.
Your essay should include:

clear articulation of the essay topic

clear articulation of the perspective taken in the essay

discussion of the essay topic including arguments in support of the perspective taken

inclusion of key terminology relating to cultural diversity

an explanation of ethnic and cultural demographics

reference to relevant literature, linking your ideas to theory discussed in the module

Module Overview

Approaches to Cultural Diversity


Very good



Not Satisfactory

Marking Criteria Academic Essay


Essay topic clearly articulated


Perspective taken in the essay clearly articulated


Essay topic discussed, including arguments in support of

the perspective taken


Key terminology relating to cultural diversity used



Ethnic and cultural demographics explained


Evidence of familiarity with relevant literature and theory


Appropriate introduction provided that clearly articulates

the topic


Main ideas clearly and logically presented


Appropriate conclusion provided that summarises the key


10. Relevant literature used properly



/ 85



Written Expression
11. Third person writing style used
12. Fluent writing style used with correct spelling, grammar and
13. Presentation guidelines followed as specified in the Academic Skills
14. Word count within 10% of requirement
15. In-text referencing guidelines followed as specified in the Academic
Skills Guide, and if not covered in the ASG then by the APA
convention (6th edition)
16. List of references provided as outlined in the Academic Skills Guide,
and if not covered by the ASG then by the APA convention (6th

/ 15

Total Mark:


Weighted Scale:

/ 50



Module Overview

Approaches to Cultural Diversity


Module Overview


Approaches to Cultural Diversity

Assignment support and information

Important and valuable information about completing your assignments can be found in
the following places:

Academic skills guide found in the Student Resources section of my.acap

Study skills guide found in the Student Resources section of my.acap

the Learning Support section of the Current Students part of the ACAP website

All assignments are to be submitted online through my.acap. You can find more
information on the assignment process on the Assessment Information section of the
Current Students part of the ACAP website.


Module Overview

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