Precipitation Gravimetry
Precipitation Gravimetry
Precipitation Gravimetry
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ChemWiki: The Dynamic Chemistry E-textbook > Analytical Chemistry > Analytical Chemistry 2.0 > 8: Gravimetric Methods > 8B: Precipitation
In precipitation gravimetry an insoluble compound forms when we add a precipitating reagent, or precipitant, to a solution containing our analyte. In
most methods the precipitate is the product of a simple metathesis reaction between the analyte and the precipitant; however, any reaction generating
a precipitate can potentially serve as a gravimetric method.
Most precipitation gravimetric methods were developed in the nineteenth century, or earlier, often for the analysis of ores. Figure 1.1 in Chapter 1,
for example, illustrates a precipitation gravimetric method for the analysis of nickel in ores.
Solubility Considerations
To provide accurate results, a precipitates solubility must be minimal. The accuracy of a total analysis technique typically is better than 0.1%,
which means that the precipitate must account for at least 99.9% of the analyte. Extending this requirement to 99.99% ensures that the precipitates
solubility does not limit the accuracy of a gravimetric analysis.
A total analysis technique is one in which the analytical signalmass in this caseis proportional to the absolute amount of analyte in the sample.
See Chapter 3 for a discussion of the difference between total analysis techniques and concentration techniques.
We can minimize solubility losses by carefully controlling the conditions under which the precipitate forms. This, in turn, requires that we account
for every equilibrium reaction affecting the precipitates solubility. For example, we can determine Ag+ gravimetrically by adding NaCl as a
precipitant, forming a precipitate of AgCl.
If this is the only reaction we consider, then we predict that the precipitates solubility, SAgCl, is given by the following equation.
Equation 8.2 suggests that we can minimize solubility losses by adding a large excess of Cl. In fact, as shown in Figure 8.1, adding a large excess of
Cl increases the precipitates solubility.
Figure 8.1 Solubility of AgCl as a function of pCl. The dashed red line shows our prediction for SAgCl if we incorrectly assume that only reaction 8.1
and equation 8.2 affect silver chlorides solubility. The solid blue curve is calculated using equation 8.7, which accounts for reaction 8.1 and
reactions 8.38.5. Because the solubility of AgCl spans several orders of magnitude, SAgCl is displayed on the y-axis in logarithmic form.
To understand why the solubility of AgCl is more complicated than the relationship suggested by equation 8.2, we must recognize that Ag+ also
forms a series of soluble silver-chloro metalligand complexes.
The actual solubility of AgCl is the sum of the equilibrium concentrations for all soluble forms of Ag+, as shown by the following equation.
By substituting into equation 8.6 the equilibrium constant expressions for reaction 8.1 and reactions 8.38.5, we can define the solubility of AgCl as
Problem 1 in the end-of-chapter problems asks you to show that equation 8.7 is correct by completing the derivation.
Equation 8.7 explains the solubility curve for AgCl shown in Figure 8.1. As we add NaCl to a solution of Ag+, the solubility of AgCl initially
decreases because of reaction 8.1. Under these conditions, the final three terms in equation 8.7 are small and equation 8.1 is sufficient to describe
AgCls solubility. At higher concentrations of Cl, reaction 8.4 and reaction 8.5 increase the solubility of AgCl. Clearly the equilibrium concentration
of chloride is important if we want to determine the concentration of silver by precipitating AgCl. In particular, we must avoid a large excess of
The predominate silver-chloro complexes for different values of pCl are shown by the ladder diagram along the x-axis in Figure 8.1 Note that the
increase in solubility begins when the higher-order soluble complexes, AgCl2 and AgCl32, become the predominate species.
Another important parameter that may affect a precipitates solubility is pH. For example, a hydroxide precipitates such as Fe(OH)3 is more soluble
at lower pH levels where the concentration of OH is small. Because fluoride is a weak base, the solubility of calcium fluoride, SCaF2, also is pHdependent. We can derive an equation for SCaF2 by considering the following equilibrium reactions
Be sure that equation 8.10 makes sense to you. Reaction 8.8 tells us that the dissolution of CaF2 produces one mole of Ca2+ for every two moles of
F, which explains the term of 1/2 in equation 8.10. Because F is a weak base, we need to account for both of its chemical forms in solution, which
explains why we include HF.
Substituting the equilibrium constant expressions for reaction 8.8 and reaction 8.9 into equation 8.10 defines the solubility of CaF2 in terms of the
equilibrium concentration of H3O+.
Problem 4 in the end-of-chapter problems asks you to show that equation 8.11 is correct by completing the derivation.
Figure 8.2 shows how pH affects the solubility of CaF2. Depending on the solutions pH, the predominate form of fluoride is either HF or F. When
the pH is greater than 4.17, the predominate species is F and the solubility of CaF2 is independent of pH because only reaction 8.8 occurs to an
appreciable extent. At more acidic pH levels, the solubility of CaF2 increases because of the contribution of reaction 8.9.
Figure 8.2 Solubility of CaF2 as a function of pH. The solid blue curve is a plot of equation 8.11. The predominate form of fluoride in solution is
shown by the ladder diagram along the x-axis, with the black rectangle showing the region where both HF and F are important species. Note that the
solubility of CaF2 is independent of pH for pH levels greater than 4.17, and that its solubility increases dramatically at lower pH levels where HF is
the predominate species. Because the solubility of CaF2 spans several orders of magnitude, its solubility is shown in logarithmic form.
When solubility is a concern, it may be possible to decrease solubility by using a non-aqueous solvent. A precipitates solubility is generally greater
in an aqueous solution because of waters ability to stabilize ions through solvation. The poorer solvating ability of non-aqueous solvents, even those
which are polar, leads to a smaller solubility product. For example, the Ksp of PbSO4 is 2 108 in H2O and 2.6 1012 in a 50:50 mixture of H2O
and ethanol.
Avoiding Impurities
In addition to having a low solubility, the precipitate must be free from impurities. Because precipitation usually occurs in a solution that is rich in
dissolved solids, the initial precipitate is often impure. We must remove these impurities before determining the precipitates mass.
The greatest source of impurities is the result of chemical and physical interactions occurring at the precipitates surface. A precipitate is generally
crystallineeven if only on a microscopic scalewith a well-defined lattice of cations and anions. Those cations and anions at the precipitates
surface carry, respectively, a positive or a negative charge because they have incomplete coordination spheres. In a precipitate of AgCl, for example,
each silver ion in the precipitates interior is bound to six chloride ions. A silver ion at the surface, however, is bound to no more than five chloride
ions and carries a partial positive charge (Figure 8.3). The presence of these partial charges makes the precipitates surface an active site for the
chemical and physical interactions that produce impurities.
Figure 8.3 Ball-and-stick diagram showing the lattice structure of AgCl. Each silver ion in the lattices interior binds with six chloride ions, and each
chloride ion in the interior binds with six silver ions. Those ions on the lattices surface or edges bind to fewer than six ions and carry a partial
charge. A silver ion on the surface, for example, carries a partial positive charge. These charges make the surface of a precipitate an active site for
chemical and physical interactions.
One common impurity is an inclusion. A potential interfering ion whose size and charge is similar to a lattice ion, may substitute into the lattice
structure, provided that the interferent precipitates with the same crystal structure (Figure 8.4a). The probability of forming an inclusion is greatest
when the concentration of the interfering ion is substantially greater than the lattice ions concentration. An inclusion does not decrease the amount of
analyte that precipitates, provided that the precipitant is present in sufficient excess. Thus, the precipitates mass is always larger than expected.
Figure 8.4 Three examples of impurities that may form during precipitation. The cubic frame represents the precipitate and the blue marks are
impurities: (a) inclusions, (b) occlusions, and (c) surface adsorbates. Inclusions are randomly distributed throughout the precipitate. Occlusions are
localized within the interior of the precipitate and surface adsorbates are localized on the precipitates exterior. For ease of viewing, in (c) adsorption
is shown on only one surface.
An inclusion is difficult to remove since it is chemically part of the precipitates lattice. The only way to remove an inclusion is through
reprecipitation. After isolating the precipitate from its supernatant solution, we dissolve it by heating in a small portion of a suitable solvent. We
then allow the solution to cool, reforming the precipitate. Because the interferents concentration is less than that in the original solution, the amount
of included material is smaller. We can repeat the process of reprecipitation until the inclusions mass is insignificant. The loss of analyte during
reprecipitation, however, can be a significant source of error.
Suppose that 10% of an interferent forms an inclusion during each precipitation. When we initially form the precipitate, 10% of the original
interferent is present as an inclusion. After the first reprecipitation, 10% of the included interferent remains, which is 1% of the original interferent.
A second reprecipitation decreases the interferent to 0.1% of the original amount.
Occlusions form when interfering ions become trapped within the growing precipitate. Unlike inclusions, which are randomly dispersed within the
precipitate, an occlusion is localized, either along flaws within the precipitates lattice structure or within aggregates of individual precipitate
particles (Figure 8.4b). An occlusion usually increases a precipitates mass; however, the mass is smaller if the occlusion includes the analyte in a
lower molecular weight form than that of the precipitate.
We can minimize occlusions by maintaining the precipitate in equilibrium with its supernatant solution for an extended time. This process is called a
digestion. During digestion, the dynamic nature of the solubilityprecipitation equilibrium, in which the precipitate dissolves and reforms, ensures
that the occlusion is reexposed to the supernatant solution. Because the rates of dissolution and reprecipitation are slow, there is less opportunity for
forming new occlusions.
After precipitation is complete the surface continues to attract ions from solution (Figure 8.4c). These surface adsorbates comprise a third type of
impurity. We can minimize surface adsorption by decreasing the precipitates available surface area. One benefit of digesting a precipitate is that it
increases the average particle size. Because the probability of a particle completely dissolving is inversely proportional to its size, during digestion
larger particles increase in size at the expense of smaller particles. One consequence of forming a smaller number of larger particles is an overall
decrease in the precipitates surface area. We also can remove surface adsorbates by washing the precipitate, although the potential loss of analyte
can not be ignored.
Inclusions, occlusions, and surface adsorbates are examples of coprecipitatesotherwise soluble species that form within the precipitate containing
the analyte. Another type of impurity is an interferent that forms an independent precipitate under the conditions of the analysis. For example, the
precipitation of nickel dimethylglyoxime requires a slightly basic pH. Under these conditions, any Fe3+ in the sample precipitates as Fe(OH)3. In
addition, because most precipitants are rarely selective toward a single analyte, there is always a risk that the precipitant will react with both the
analyte and an interferent.
In addition to forming a precipitate with Ni2+, dimethylglyoxime also forms precipitates with Pd2+ and Pt2+. These cations are potential interferents
in an analysis for nickel.
We can minimize the formation of additional precipitates by carefully controlling solution conditions. If an interferent forms a precipitate that is less
soluble than the analytes precipitate, we can precipitate the interferent and remove it by filtration, leaving the analyte behind in solution.
Alternatively, we can mask the analyte or the interferent to prevent its precipitation.
Both of the above-mentioned approaches are illustrated in Fresenius analytical method for determining Ni in ores containing Pb2+, Cu2+, and Fe3+
(see Figure 1.1 in Chapter 1). Dissolving the ore in the presence of H2SO4 selectively precipitates Pb2+ as PbSO4. Treating the supernatant with H2S
precipitates the Cu2+ as CuS. After removing the CuS by filtration, adding ammonia precipitates Fe3+ as Fe(OH)3. Nickel, which forms a soluble
amine complex, remains in solution.
where Q is the solutes actual concentration and S is the solutes concentration at equilibrium.4 The numerator of equation 8.12, Q S, is a measure
of the solutes supersaturation. A solution with a large, positive value of RSS has a high rate of nucleation, producing a precipitate with many small
particles. When the RSS is small, precipitation is more likely to occur by particle growth than by nucleation.
A supersaturated solution is one that contains more dissolved solute than that predicted by equilibrium chemistry. The solution is inherently
unstable and precipitates solute to reach its equilibrium position. How quickly this process occurs depends, in part, on the value of RSS.
Examining equation 8.12 shows that we can minimize RSS by decreasing the solutes concentration, Q, or by increasing the precipitates solubility, S.
A precipitates solubility usually increases at higher temperatures, and adjusting pH may affect a precipitates solubility if it contains an acidic or a
basic ion. Temperature and pH, therefore, are useful ways to increase the value of S. Conducting the precipitation in a dilute solution of analyte, or
adding the precipitant slowly and with vigorous stirring are ways to decrease the value of Q.
There are practical limitations to minimizing RSS. Some precipitates, such as Fe(OH)3 and PbS, are so insoluble that S is very small and a large RSS
is unavoidable. Such solutes inevitably form small particles. In addition, conditions favoring a small RSS may lead to a relatively stable
supersaturated solution that requires a long time to fully precipitate. For example, almost a month is required to form a visible precipitate of BaSO4
under conditions in which the initial RSS is 5.5
A visible precipitate takes longer to form when RSS is small both because there is a slow rate of nucleation and because there is a steady decrease in
RSS as the precipitate forms. One solution to the latter problem is to generate the precipitant in situ as the product of a slow chemical reaction. This
maintains the RSS at an effectively constant level. Because the precipitate forms under conditions of low RSS, initial nucleation produces a small
number of particles. As additional precipitant forms, particle growth supersedes nucleation, resulting in larger precipitate particles. This process is
called homogeneous precipitation.6
Two general methods are used for homogeneous precipitation. If the precipitates solubility is pH-dependent, then we can mix the analyte and the
precipitant under conditions where precipitation does not occur, and then increase or decrease the pH by chemically generating OH or H3O+. For
example, the hydrolysis of urea is a source of OH.
Because the hydrolysis of urea is temperature-dependentit is negligible at room temperaturewe can use temperature to control the rate of
hydrolysis and the rate of precipitate formation. Precipitates of CaC2O4, for example, have been produced by this method. After dissolving the
sample containing Ca2+, the solution is made acidic with HCl before adding a solution of 5% w/v (NH4)2C2O4. Because the solution is acidic, a
precipitate of CaC2O4 does not form. The solution is heated to approximately 50oC and urea is added. After several minutes, a precipitate of CaC2O4
begins to form, with precipitation reaching completion in about 30 min.
In the second method of homogeneous precipitation, the precipitant is generated by a chemical reaction. For example, Pb2+ is precipitated
homogeneously as PbCrO4 by using bromate, BrO3, to oxidize Cr3+ to CrO42.
Figure 8.5 shows the result of preparing PbCrO4 by the direct addition of KCrO4 (Beaker A) and by homogenous precipitation (Beaker B). Both
beakers contain the same amount of PbCrO4. Because the direct addition of KCrO4 leads to rapid precipitation and the formation of smaller particles,
the precipitate remains less settled than the precipitate prepared homogeneously. Note, as well, the difference in the color of the two precipitates.
Figure 8.5 Two precipitates of PbCrO4. In Beaker A, combining 0.1 M Pb(NO3)2 and 0.1 M K2CrO4 forms the precipitate under conditions of high
RSS. The precipitate forms rapidly and consists of very small particles. In Beaker B, heating a solution of 0.1 M Pb(NO3)2, 0.1 M Cr(NO3)3, and 0.1
M KBrO3 slowly oxidizes Cr3+ to CrO42, precipitating PbCrO4 under conditions of low RSS. The precipitate forms slowly and consists of much
larger particles.
The effect of particle size on color is well-known to geologists, who use a streak test to help identify minerals. The color of a bulk mineral and its
color when powdered are often different. Rubbing a mineral across an unglazed porcelain plate leaves behind a small streak of the powdered
mineral. Bulk samples of hematite, Fe2O3, are black in color, but its streak is a familiar rust-red. Crocite, the mineral PbCrO4, is red-orange in
color; its streak is orange-yellow.
A homogeneous precipitation produces large particles of precipitate that are relatively free from impurities. These advantages, however, are offset by
requiring more time to produce the precipitate and a tendency for the precipitate to deposit as a thin film on the containers walls. The latter problem
is particularly severe for hydroxide precipitates generated using urea.
An additional method for increasing particle size deserves mention. When a precipitates particles are electrically neutral they tend to coagulate into
larger particles that are easier to filter. Surface adsorption of excess lattice ions, however, provides the precipitates particles with a net positive or a
net negative surface charge. Electrostatic repulsion between the particles prevents them from coagulating into larger particles.
Lets use the precipitation of AgCl from a solution of AgNO3 using NaCl as a precipitant to illustrate this effect. Early in the precipitation, when
NaCl is the limiting reagent, excess Ag+ ions chemically adsorb to the AgCl particles, forming a positively charged primary adsorption layer (Figure
8.6a). The solution in contact with this layer contains more inert anions, NO3 in this case, than inert cations, Na+, giving a secondary adsorption
layer with a negative charge that balances the primary adsorption layers positive charge. The solution outside the secondary adsorption layer remains
electrically neutral. Coagulation cannot occur if the secondary adsorption layer is too thick because the individual particles of AgCl are unable to
approach each other closely enough.
Figure 8.6 Two methods for coagulating a precipitate of AgCl. (a) Coagulation does not happen due to the electrostatic repulsion between the two
positively charged particles. (b) Decreasing the charge within the primary adsorption layer, by adding additional NaCl, decreases the electrostatic
repulsion, allowing the particles to coagulate. (c) Adding additional inert ions decreases the thickness of the secondary adsorption layer. Because the
particles can approach each other more closely, they are able to coagulate.
We can induce coagulation in three ways: by decreasing the number of chemically adsorbed Ag+ ions, by increasing the concentration of inert ions,
or by heating the solution. As we add additional NaCl, precipitating more of the excess Ag+, the number of chemically adsorbed silver ions decreases
and coagulation occurs (Figure 8.6b). Adding too much NaCl, however, creates a primary adsorption layer of excess Cl with a loss of coagulation.
The coagulation and decoagulation of AgCl as we add NaCl to a solution of AgNO3 can serve as an endpoint for a titration. See Chapter 9 for
additional details.
A second way to induce coagulation is to add an inert electrolyte, which increases the concentration of ions in the secondary adsorption layer. With
more ions available, the thickness of the secondary absorption layer decreases. Particles of precipitate may now approach each other more closely,
allowing the precipitate to coagulate. The amount of electrolyte needed to cause spontaneous coagulation is called the critical coagulation
Heating the solution and precipitate provides a third way to induce coagulation. As the temperature increases, the number of ions in the primary
adsorption layer decreases, lowering the precipitates surface charge. In addition, heating increases the particles kinetic energy, allowing them to
overcome the electrostatic repulsion that prevents coagulation at lower temperatures.
Gravity filtering is accomplished by folding the filter paper into a cone and placing it in a long-stem funnel (Figure 8.7). A seal between the filter
cone and the funnel is formed by dampening the paper with water or supernatant, and pressing the paper to the wall of the funnel. When properly
prepared, the funnels stem fills with the supernatant, increasing the rate of filtration.
Figure 8.7 Preparing a filter paper cone. The filter paper circle in (a) is folded in half (b), and folded in half again (c). The folded filter paper is
parted (d) and a small corner is torn off (e). The filter paper is opened up into a cone and placed in the funnel (f ).
The precipitate is transferred to the filter in several steps. The first step is to decant the majority of the supernatant through the filter paper without
transferring the precipitate (Figure 8.8). This prevents the filter paper from clogging at the beginning of the filtration process. The precipitate is
rinsed while it remains in its beaker, with the rinsings decanted through the filter paper. Finally, the precipitate is transferred onto the filter paper
using a stream of rinse solution. Any precipitate clinging to the walls of the beaker is transferred using a rubber policeman (a flexible rubber spatula
attached to the end of a glass stirring rod).
Figure 8.8 Proper procedure for transferring the supernatant to the filter paper cone.
An alternative method for filtering a precipitate is a filtering crucible. The most common is a fritted-glass crucible containing a porous glass disk
filter. Fritted-glass crucibles are classified by their porosity: coarse (retaining particles larger than 4060 m), medium (retaining particles greater
than 1015 m), and fine (retaining particles greater than 45.5 m). Another type of filtering crucible is the Gooch crucible, which is a porcelain
crucible with a perforated bottom. A glass fiber mat is placed in the crucible to retain the precipitate. For both types of crucibles, the precipitate is
transferred in the same manner described earlier for filter paper. Instead of using gravity, the supernatant is drawn through the crucible with the
assistance of suction from a vacuum aspirator or pump (Figure 8.9).
Figure 8.9 Procedure for filtering a precipitate through a filtering crucible. The trap prevents water from an aspirator from back-washing into the
suction flask.
Inorganic Analysis
Table 8.1 provides a summary of some precipitation gravimetric methods for inorganic cations and anions. Several methods for the homogeneous
generation of precipitants are shown in Table 8.2. The majority of inorganic precipitants show poor selectivity for the analyte. Many organic
precipitants, however, are selective for one or two inorganic ions. Table 8.3 lists several common organic precipitants.
Precipitation gravimetry continues to be listed as a standard method for the determination of SO42 in water and wastewater analysis.8 Precipitation
is carried out using BaCl2 in an acidic solution (adjusted with HCl to a pH of 4.55.0) to prevent the possible precipitation of BaCO3 or Ba3(PO4)2,
and near the solutions boiling point. The precipitate is digested at 8090oC for at least two hours. Ashless filter paper pulp is added to the precipitate
to aid in filtration. After filtering, the precipitate is ignited to constant weight at 800oC. Alternatively, the precipitate is filtered through a fine
porosity fritted glass crucible (without adding filter paper pulp), and dried to constant weight at 105oC. This procedure is subject to a variety of
errors, including occlusions of Ba(NO3)2, BaCl2, and alkali sulfates.
Table 8.1 Selected Precipitation Gravimetric Methods for Inorganic Cations and Anions (Arranged by
Precipitate Formed
Precipitate Weighed
CaCO3 or CaO
H 2S
H 2S
H 2S
FeSO4/ AgNO3
SO2/ CuSO4
Table 8.2 Reactions for the Homogeneous Preparation of Selected Inorganic Precipitants
2NH4+(aq) + CO2(g) + 2OH(aq)
(NH2)2CO(aq) + 3H2O(l)
NH2HSO3(aq) + 2H2O(l)
CH3CSNH2(aq) + H2O(l)
HOCH2CH2OH(aq) + IO4(aq)
(CH3O)3PO(aq) + 3H2O(l)
(C2H5)2C2O4(aq) + 2H2O(l)
Cl3CCOOH(aq) + 2OH(aq)
Table 8.3 Selected Precipitation Gravimetric Methods for Inorganic Ions Using an Organic Precipitant
Co or CoSO4
Organic Analysis
Several organic functional groups or heteroatoms can be determined using precipitation gravimetric methods. Table 8.4 provides a summary of
several representative examples. Note that the procedure for the determination of alkoxy functional groups is an indirect analysis.
Table 8.4 Selected Precipitation Gravimetric Methods for the Analysis of Organic Functional Groups and
X = Cl, Br, I
X = Cl, Br, I
Precipitant Precipitate
Alkoxy groups
OR or
Reaction with HI to produce RI
R = CH3 or
Quantitative Calculations
The stoichiometry of a precipitation reaction provides a mathematical relationship between the analyte and the precipitate. Because a precipitation
gravimetric method may involve several chemical reactions before the precipitation reaction, knowing the stoichiometry of the precipitation reaction
may not be sufficient. Even if you do not have a complete set of balanced chemical reactions, you can deduce the mathematical relationship between
the analyte and the precipitate using a conservation of mass. The following example demonstrates the application of this approach to the direct
analysis of a single analyte.
Example 8.1
To determine the amount of magnetite, Fe3O4, in an impure ore, a 1.5419-g sample is dissolved in concentrated HCl, giving a mixture of Fe2+ and
Fe3+. After adding HNO3 to oxidize Fe2+ to Fe3+ and diluting with water, Fe3+ is precipitated as Fe(OH)3 by adding NH3. Filtering, rinsing, and
igniting the precipitate provides 0.8525 g of pure Fe2O3. Calculate the %w/w Fe3O4 in the sample.
A conservation of mass requires that all the iron from the ore is found in the Fe2O3. We know there are 2 moles of Fe per mole of Fe2O3 (FW =
159.69 g/mol) and 3 moles of Fe per mole of Fe3O4 (FW = 231.54 g/mol); thus
With two equations and four unknowns, we need two additional equations to solve the problem. A conservation of mass requires that all the
aluminum in Al(C9H6NO)3 is found in Al2O3; thus
Substituting the equations for g MgO and g Al2O3 into the equation for the combined weights of MgO and Al2O3 leaves us with two equations and
two unknowns.
Multiplying the first equation by 0.11096 and subtracting the second equation gives
Now we can finish the problem using the approach from Example 8.1. A conservation of mass requires that all the aluminum and magnesium in the
sample of Dow metal is found in the precipitates of Al(C9H6NO)3 and the Mg(C9H6NO)2. For aluminum, we find that
Although you can write the balanced reactions for any analysis, applying conservation principles can save you a significant amount of time!
Now we are ready to solve the problem. First, we use a conservation of mass for mercury to convert the precipitates mass to the moles of HgCl2.
As you become comfortable with using conservation principles, you will see opportunities for further simplifying problems. For example, a
conservation of electrons requires that the electrons released by Na3PO3 end up in the product, Hg2Cl2, yielding the following stoichiometric
conversion factor:
This conversion factor provides a direct link between the mass of Hg2Cl2 and the mass of Na3PO3.
Finally, we calculate the %w/w Na3PO3 in the sample.
For a macro sample containing a major analyte, a relative error of 0.10.2% is routinely achieved. The principle limitations are solubility losses,
impurities in the precipitate, and the loss of precipitate during handling. When it is difficult to obtain a precipitate that is free from impurities, it may
be possible to determine an empirical relationship between the precipitates mass and the mass of the analyte by an appropriate calibration.
Problem 8.27 provides an example of how to determine an analytes concentration by establishing an empirical relationship between the analyte
and the precipitate.
The relative precision of precipitation gravimetry depends on the samples size and the precipitates mass. For a smaller amount of sample or
precipitate, a relative precision of 12 ppt is routinely obtained. When working with larger amounts of sample or precipitate, the relative precision
can be extended to several ppm. Few quantitative techniques can achieve this level of precision.
For any precipitation gravimetric method we can write the following general equation relating the signal (grams of precipitate) to the absolute
amount of analyte in the sample
Equation 8.13 assumes that we have used a suitable blank to correct the signal for any contributions of the reagent to the precipitates mass.
where k, the methods sensitivity, is determined by the stoichiometry between the precipitate and the analyte. Consider, for example, the
determination of Fe as Fe2O3. Using a conservation of mass for iron, the precipitates mass is
As we can see from equation 8.14, there are two ways to improve a methods sensitivity. The most obvious way to improve sensitivity is to increase
the ratio of the precipitates molar mass to that of the analyte. In other words, it helps to form a precipitate with the largest possible formula weight.
A less obvious way to improve a methods sensitivity is indicated by the term of 1/2 in equation 8.14, which accounts for the stoichiometry between
the analyte and precipitate. We can also improve sensitivity by forming a precipitate that contains fewer units of the analyte.
Due to the chemical nature of the precipitation process, precipitants are usually not selective for a single analyte. For example, silver is not a selective
precipitant for chloride because it also forms precipitates with bromide and iodide. Interferents are often a serious problem and must be considered if
accurate results are to be obtained.
8C Volatilization Gravimetry
David Harvey (DePauw University)
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