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Jurnal Onko Ria
Jurnal Onko Ria
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his- tory of women with cervical cancer and review normal cervical
smears 5 years preceding the diagnosis.
STUDY DESIGN: Cytological and histological results of 401 women
treated for invasive cervical cancer between 1991 and 2008 at the
Rad- boud University Nijmegen Medical Center were studied. Ninetyeight normal smears were reviewed.
third fell outside the target age of the NCSP. Seventeen percent never
responded to the invitation(s). Twenty-one percent had 1 or more normal smears within 5 years preceding the diagnosis. After review, only
39% of those smears were reviewed as a normal smear.
CONCLUSION: Half of the women with cervical cancer were never
for the national screening program for cervical cancer (NCSP). One-
Cite this article as: de Bie RP, Vergers-Spooren HC, Massuger LFAG, et al. Patients with cervical cancer: why did screening not prevent these cases? Am J Obstet
Gynecol 2011;205:64.e1-7.
national screening program for cervical cancer (NCSP) was introduced in The Netherlands in 1988.
Women between the ages of 35 and 53
years were invited for a cervical smear
every 3 years. The NCSP was
reorganized in 1996 to improve the
effectiveness and efficiency of the
screening. Therefore, the age range of
the target population was extended to
30-60 years, and the screening interval
increased from 3 to 5 years. From 1990
to 2006, the incidence
reserved. doi:
Data collection
interpretation, and consistent clinical
follow-up.5 However, a small number of
rapidly developing cancers (interval cancers) cannot be ruled out.
The Papanicolaou smear has been a remarkably effective tool in cancer prevention. However, cytological smears have
been associated with a significant rate of
sampling and/or interpretation errors,
resulting in a sensitivity of approximately 60-70%.6-8 False-negative results
may have a great impact because cervical
abnormalities might be missed and
therefore left untreated. Smears within
normal limits (WNL) preceding cervical
cancer and confirmed by cytological re-
database has national coverage from
1991 onward, enclosing all surgical
specimens and cervical smears ever
taken from each patient, both by the
general practitioner
and medical
specialists. Twenty patients who were
initially diagnosed in a foreign
country or had incomplete data were excluded, leaving 401 patients opting for
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All normal cervical smears within 5
years before the diagnosis of cervical
can- cer were requested from pathology
labora- tories around the country. All
smears were made anonymous before
sending them to 2 expert
cytotechnologists (CTs) (M.R.J.S.v.d.P. and J.E.M.V.) for re- view. Both
CTs scrutinized the smears for
abnormal cells with full knowledge of
the study, using a review protocol, noting the CISOE-A classification, the
quantity and nature of the cells, and the
extent of certainty about their judgment.12 The aim was not to repeat a
nor- mal screening setting but to
scrutinize the smears for abnormal cells
to distin- guish interpretation errors
from sam- pling errors/progressive
forms of cancer. After an extensive
search for abnormal cells, all cervical
smears were provided with a new
diagnosis, according to the
2001 Bethesda System.11 In case the
judgments of the 2 CTs were
discordant, they reassessed the smear
together and came to concordance.
Statistical analysis
The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 16.0; SPSS,
Chicago, IL) was used to perform the
analyses. Pa- tient characteristics and
tumor charac- teristics were compared
using nonpara- metrical tests ( 2 and
Mann-Whitney). We considered P
05 as statistically significant.
The study was exempt from institutional review board approval because
data were gathered retrospectively and
subsequently made anonymous.
Of the 401 eligible women, 269 (67%)
had been invited at least once for participation in the national screening program (target cohorts). A number of 87
women (22%) exceeded the age limit to
be invited for the NCSP (older than target cohorts), and 45 (11%) were
younger than the starting age of the
NCSP when diagnosed with cervical
cancer (younger than target cohorts)
(Figure 1).
The youngest group showed 36%
compared with
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nocarcinomas. They accounted for
26.7% of the total carcinomas in the
youngest group, compared with 19.7% in
the target cohort and 11.5% in the oldest
group. In the oldest group, 54% had
advanced stage (IIB or greater) disease,
compared with
18% in the youngest and 11% in the
target group (P
.001). Women of the
target co- hort who were regularly
screened had in
13.1% stage 1A disease vs 7.4% for
those who were irregularly screened. This
differ- ence was not statistically
significant (P
.123). Patient and tumor characteristics
are shown in Table 1.
Of the 269 women of the target cohorts, 107 (40%) were screened according to the guidelines of NCSP
(cytologi- cal smear every 5 years from
the age of 30 years to 60 years). Of the
remaining in- vited patients, 68 (25%)
were never screened (nonresponders)
and 94 (35%) were irregularly screened
(Figure 1). Of the 107 regularly
screened women, 36 were diagnosed
with cervical cancer when they
responded to their first invi- tation for
cervical screening.
Of the 201 women who ever participated in the NCSP, 85 (42%) had at
1 normal cervical smear within the 5
years before the diagnosis of cervical
cancer and therefore within the screening interval. Because some women had
more than 1 normal smear within the
in- terval, these 85 women had a total
of 136 normal smears preceding the
diagnosis. Of these smears, 105 (77%)
were re- trieved from 17 different
pathology laboratories. The other 31
smears were not retrieved because 1
pathology lab- oratory denied
collaboration because the smears
were older than the re- stricted
storage period of 10 years and
therefore destroyed, or they were not
traceable. Seven AutoCyte PREP smears
(BD Diagnostics/Tripath, Inc, Burlington, VT) were excluded because the selected CTs lacked experience with this
method and the selection of a third CT
would not contribute to the equality of
the study. Of the remaining 98 smears,
87 (89%) were conventional smears
Cervical cancer
45 (11%)
Younger than target cohort
87 (22%)
Older than target cohort
269 (67%)
Target cohort
68 (25%)
Never screened
94 (35%)
107 (40%)
85/269 (32%)
24% unsatisfactory
39% WNL
19% HSIL
Flow diagram of total 401 women with invasive cervical cancer at the RUNMC in the period 19912008, including reviews of the normal smears within 5 years before the diagnosis.
ASCUS, atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance; HSIL, high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion; LSIL, low-grade
squamous intraepithelial lesion; RUNMC, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center; WNL, within normal limits.
de Bie. Failures of cervical cancer prevention. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2011.
29 (2135)
37 (3060)
P value
43 (3060) 72 (5484)
Total (%)
I vs III
I vs II
42 (2184)
Histological type
29 (64.4)
74 (69.2)
134 (82.7)
73 (83.9)
310 (77.3)
16 (35.6)
33 (30.8)
28 (17.3)
14 (16.1)
91 (22.7)
12 (26.7)
28 (26.2)
25 (15.4)
10 (11.5)
75 (18.8)
Adenosquamous carcinoma
3 (6.7)
3 (2.8)
3 (1.9)
1 (1.1)
10 (2.5)
1 (2.2)
2 (1.8)
3 (3.4)
6 (1.4)
FIGO stage
Stage IA
1 (2.2)
14 (13.1)
12 (7.4)
1 (1.1)
28 (7.0)
36 (80.0)
88 (82.2)
125 (77.2)
46 (52.9)
295 (73.5)
8 (17.8)
5 (4.7)
25 (15.4)
40 (46.0)
78 (19.5)
45 (11.2)
107 (26.7)
162 (40.4)
87 (21.7)
401 (100.0)
FIGO, Fdration Internationale de Gyncologie et dObsttrique; RUNMC, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center.
Younger than the age limit to be invited for the screening program; b Target age of the screening program, currently 30-60 years; c Older than the age limit to be invited for the screening program;
Stage IIA or less vs stage IIB or greater.
Conventional, n (%)
Total, n (%)
Unsatisfactory smear
21 (24)
23 (24)
WNL smear
7 (64)
31 (36)
38 (39)
2 (18)
16 (18)
18 (18)
19 (22)
19 (19)
87 (100)
98 (100)
11 (100)
ASC-US, atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance; HSIL, high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion; LSIL,
low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion; WNL, within normal limits.
de Bie. Failures of cervical cancer prevention. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2011.
smears, n
D (badly fixated)
A plus B
A plus C
B plus C
A plus B plus C
Diagram of the total 401 women with cervical cancer, subdivided into categories of explanations why
screening did not prevent these cases.
de Bie. Failures of cervical cancer prevention. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2011.
nonsquamous mainly adenocarcinomas, are detectable
cervical cancers in this study, which as well by hrHPV testing.
Additionally, cervicovaginal self-samples appear to be as reliable as physiciantaken samples.38,39 Screening by selfsamples performed in the privacy of
womens own homes might provide a
better attendance than screening by
samples taken by a physician or other
health care providers.40,41 A self-sampling method for hrHPV performed by
the woman herself might be a possible
way for current nonresponders to lower
the threshold to attend and increase the
coverage of screening.40,42
Although hrHPV testing has a higher
sensitivity than cytological screening to
detect cervical abnormalities, it has a
lower specificity. It is important to
search for a balance between harms and
benefits. Triage strategies for women
who are hrHPV positive, for example, by
repeat hrHPV testing, subsequent cytology, or the use of biomarkers, increases
specificity and prevents overtreatment.
However, concerning this study, we
have to consider that the NCSP started in
1988 and women diagnosed just after the
beginning of the national program could
not have optimally benefited from
screening. After all, the sensitivity of the
screening program is higher due to a repetition of a moderate sensitive test. Fur-
8. Fahey MT, Irwig L, Macaskill P. Metaanal- ysis of Pap test accuracy. Am J
41. Gok
Heideman DA,
Kemenade FJ, et al. HPV testing on self
collected cervico- vaginal lavage specimens
as screening method for women who do not
attend cervical screen- ing: cohort study. BMJ
42. Nobbenhuis MA, Helmerhorst TJ, van
den Brule AJ, et al. Primary screening for
cervicovaginal lavage is an alternative
screening tool for unscreened women. J
Clin Pathol 2002;55:435-9.